chapter 5 states of consciousness. consciousness our awareness of ourselves and our environment

Chapter 5 States of Consciousness

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Page 1: Chapter 5 States of Consciousness.  Consciousness  our awareness of ourselves and our environment

Chapter 5

States of Consciousness

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States of Consciousness

Consciousnessour awareness of ourselves and our


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States of Consciousness

Consciousnessour awareness of ourselves and

our environmentSelective Attention

the narrowing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus

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Meanings of Consciousness

Consciousness as Sensory AwarenessConsciousness of the senses around you


Consciousness as Direct Inner Awareness Thinking about feelings, and abstract concepts


Consciousness as Sense of SelfAwareness of ourselves and our surroundings


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Consciousness & Sleep

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Circadian rhythm

the biological clock cyclical bodily rhythms

Examples: wakefulness, body temperature, etc.

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Brain Waves and Sleep Stages

Alpha Wavesslow brain waves of a relaxed,

awake stateDelta Waves

large, slow waves of deep sleep

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Brain Waves and Sleep Stages

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Typical Nightly Sleep Stages

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Hours of sleep


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Sleep DeprivationEffects of Sleep Loss

fatigueimpaired concentrationimmune suppressionirritabilityslowed performance

accidentsplanesautos and trucks

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Sleep Deprivation






Spring time change(hour sleep loss)





Fall time change(hour sleep gained)

Less sleep,more accidents

More sleep,fewer accidents

Monday before time change Monday after time change

Accident frequency

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Sleep Deprivation

Are You Sleep Deprived?1. Need an alarm clock in order to wake up at the appropriate time.2. It’s a struggle for me to get out of bed in the morning.3. Weekday mornings I hit the snooze bar several times to get more sleep.4. I feel tired, irritable, and stressed out during the week.5. I have trouble concentrating and remembering.6. I feel slow with critical thinking, problem solving, and being creative.7. I often fall asleep watching TV.8. I often fall asleep in boring meetings or lectures or in warm rooms.9. I often fall asleep after heavy meals or after a low dose of alcohol. 10. I often fall asleep while relaxing after dinner.11. I often fall asleep within five minutes of getting into bed.12. I often feel drowsy while driving.13. I often sleep extra hours on weekend mornings.14. I often need a nap to get through the day.15. I have dark circles around my eyes.

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Sleep Disorders

Insomniarecurring problems in falling or

staying asleepNarcolepsy

uncontrollable sleep attacks

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Sleep Disorders

Sleep Apneatemporary cessation of breathing during

sleep and then reawakeningNight Terrors

appearance of being terrifiedusually in Stage 4, within 2-3 hours of

falling asleep

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Sleep and Dreams

sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind

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Sleep and Dreams

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep

vivid dreams commonly occur

also known as paradoxical sleep

muscles relaxed; brain active!

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Rapid Eye Movements

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Hours of sleep


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Typical Nightly Sleep Stages

Hours of sleep

Minutesof Stage 4 and REM

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Decreasing Stage 4

Increasing REM

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REM Rebound

When deprived of REM sleep, we make it up!

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Why We Dream: Two Hypotheses

1. Wish Fulfillment2. Activation Synthesis

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Why We Dream: Two Hypotheses

The Interpretation of Dreams (Sigmund Freud, 1900)

Hypothesis 1: dreams are “wish fulfillment” allows discharge of unacceptable feelings!

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Manifest Contentremembered story line of a dream

Latent Contentunderlying, censored meaning of

a dream

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Dreams Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis

Two partsrandom nerve cell firingscortical interpretation of random firings

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A social interaction in which one person (the hypnotist) suggests to another (the subject) that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will occur.

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Can anyone experience hypnosis?

Can hypnosis enhance the recall of forgotten events?

Does personality have anything to do with hypnosis?

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Can hypnosis force people to act against their will?

Can hypnosis be therapeutic?Can hypnosis alleviate pain?

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Unhypnotized persons can

also do this

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Posthypnotic Amnesiasupposed inability to recall

what one experienced during hypnosis

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Posthypnotic Suggestion suggestion to be carried out after the

subject is no longer hypnotizedused by some clinicians to control

undesired symptoms and behaviorscan be effective for headaches, asthma,


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HypnosisDivided Consciousness or Social


Social Influencetheory:

the subject is so caughtup in the hypnotized role that she ignores

the odor

Attention is divertedfrom an aversive odor.



hypnosis has caused asplit in awareness

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Drugs and Consciousness

Psychological Dependencea psychological need for a drugfor example, to relieve negative emotions

Physical Dependence a physiological need for a drug marked by (1) withdrawal symptoms (2) tolerance

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Drug Tolerance

Withdrawalphysical discomfort

that follows discontinued use of an addictive drug

Tolerancediminishing effect

with regular use of the same dose of a drug

After repeatedexposure, moredrug is needed to produce same effect

Drug dose

Drug effect

Response tofirst exposure

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Drugs and Consciousness

Psychoactive Drug: a chemical substance that alters perceptions and alters mood

1. Depressants 2. Stimulants 3. Hallucinogens

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Psychoactive Drugs

Depressantsdrugs that reduce neural activity and

slow body functions alcohol, barbiturates, opiates

Stimulantsdrugs that excite neural activity

and speed up body functionscaffeine, nicotine, amphetamines

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Psychoactive Drugs


drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images (e.g., marijuana, LSD)

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Psychoactive Drugs: Depressants

Barbituratesdrugs that depress the

activity of the central nervous system

reduce anxiety but impair memory and judgement

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Psychoactive Drugs: Depressants

Opiatesopium and its derivatives

(morphine and heroin)depress neural activity,

temporarily lessening pain and anxiety

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Psychoactive Drugs: Stimulants

Amphetaminesdrugs that stimulate neural

activity, causing accelerated body functions

increase energy and positive mood

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Psychoactive Drugs: Stimulants

The physiological effects of nicotine

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Psychoactive DrugsDrug Type Pleasurable Effects Adverse Effects

Alcohol Depressant Initial high followed by Depression, memory loss, organ relaxation and disinhibition damage, impaired reactions

Heroin Depressant Rush of euphoria, relief from Depressed physiology, pain agonizing withdrawal

Caffeine Stimulant Increased alertness and Anxiety, restlessness, and wakefulness insomnia in high doses;

uncomfortable withdrawal

Metham- Stimulant Euphoria, alertness, energy Irritability, insomnia, phetamine hypertension, seizures

Cocaine Stimulant Rush of euphoria, confidence, Cardiovascular stress, energy suspiciousness, depressive crash

Nicotine Stimulant Arousal and relaxation, sense Heart disease, cancer (from tars) of well-being

Marijuana Mild Enhanced sensation, pain relief Lowered sex hormones, disrupted hallucinogen distortion of time, relaxation memory, lung damage from smoke

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Trends in Drug Use

1975 ‘77 ‘79 ‘81 ‘83 ‘85 ‘87 ‘89 ‘91 ‘93 ‘95 ‘97 ‘99Year










High schoolseniors

reportingdrug use




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Perceived Marijuana Risk and Actual Use

‘75 ‘77 ‘79 ‘81 ‘83 ‘85 ‘87 ‘89 ‘91 ‘93 ‘95 ‘97 ‘99Year














Perceived “great risk ofharm” in marijuana use

Used marijuana

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