chapter 6 class version b

Chapter 6: Research Validity Continued 10/2/2012

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Chapter 6: Research Validity


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Road Map

• Turn in Reflection Assignment #1• Announcement about lab• Quick Review• Finish Chapter 6

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About Lab

• Go to class• Turn in assignments• Starting group project this week—you can’t

contribute fully if you aren’t there!• Remember: can be dropped after 4 absences• If you fail lab, you fail the course• Pay close attention to detail

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Quick Review

• Statistical Conclusion validity• Construct Validity– Threats: participant reactivity

experimenter effects (will discuss next)

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Construct Validity

Criterion-Related Validity

Predictive Concurrent


Content-Related Internal Structure

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Threats to Construct Validity

• Factors that impact how well our operationalizations actually represent constructs

• Pg 171, Table 6.2 – long list of threats

• We will focus on two major ones:– Participant reactivity to the experimental situation– Experimenter effects

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Participant Reactivity to the Experimental Situation

• Participants’ motives and perceptions

• Demand characteristics

• Positive self-presentation

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Instruction set #1

We want to see how well you are able to learn the following sets of letters. Letters will appear in groups of 3 to 7, and each letter will appear on the screen for 1 second. Following the presentation of the letters, …

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Instruction Set #2

In the following task, you will be presented with groups of letters ranging from 3 to 7 letters. Each letter will appear on the screen for one second. Your task is to…

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Experimenter effects

• Researcher actions and characteristics that influence the responses made by the research participant

• Expectancies– Clever Hans

• Attributes– Biosocial– Psychosocial– Situational factors

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Clever Hans

I Math

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Internal Validity

• The extent to which we can accurately infer that the independent and dependent variables are causally related

Observed Effect (DV)

Independent Variable

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Causally Related

Independent Variable

Observed Effect (DV)

Cause must precede effect

Cause and effect are related (covary)

No other explanation is plausibleNo other explanation is plausible

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Special Considerations

• Extraneous variables

• Confounding extraneous variables

• Control

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Threats to Internal Validity• History • Maturation • Instrumentation • Testing • Regression Artifact • Attrition • Selection • Additive and Interactive Effects

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• Any event occurring after the study begins that could produce the observed outcome

• Differential history: only one group experiences history event

• Note what history is NOT

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• Changes in biological and psychological conditions that occur with the passage of time – Factors within the individual

• Example: Head Start program and achievement over a school year

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• Changes in the assessment/measurement of the dependent variable

• Example: multiple observers and interviewers

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• Changes in a person’s score on the second administration of a test are a result of previously having taken the test

• Example: pre-test and post-test on memory task

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Regression Artifact

• a.k.a. regression toward the mean

• The tendency for extreme scores to become less extreme on a second assessment

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• Participant drop-out– Don’t show up for appointment– Decide to discontinue study

• Differential attrition is especially problematic

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• The choice of participants for the various treatment groups based on different criteria – NOT random assignment

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Additive & Interactive Effects

• The combined effect of several threats to internal validity

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External Validity

• The extent to which the results of the experiment can be generalized across variations in:– people– Settings– Treatments– Outcomes– Time

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What Limits External Validity?

• Lack of random selection/sampling

• Chance factors

• IV-DV relationship varies across levels of another variable

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5 main categories of external validity

• Population Validity• Ecological Validity• Treatment Variation Validity• Outcome Validity• Time Validity

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Population Validity

• The extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to the larger population.

• Target population: the population to which we want to generalize the results

• Accessible population: the population of research participants available to the investigator

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Ecological Validity• The extent to which the results of a study can be

generalized across settings or environmental conditions

• Which research setting receives the most criticism here?– laboratory

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Temporal Validity• The extent to which the results of an experiment can be

generalized across time

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Treatment Variation Validity

• The generalizability of results across variation of the treatment

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Outcome Validity

• The generalizability of results across different but related dependent variables.

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Balancing Internal and External Validity

• Inverse relationship

• The conditions that increase internal validity (control) decrease external validity