chapter 7. polarization phenomena & membrane fouling (part...

Chang-Han Yun / Ph.D. National Chungbuk University November 18, 2015 (Wed) Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling (Part II)

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  • Chang-Han Yun / Ph.D.

    National Chungbuk University

    November 18, 2015 (Wed)

    Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling

    (Part II)

  • 2 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University


    Contents Contents

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    7.11 Temperature Polarization

    7.10 Concentration Polarization in Electrodialysis

    7.9 Concentration Polarization in Diffusive Membrane Separations

    7.14 Compaction

  • 3 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.9 Concentration Polarization in Diffusive Membrane Separations

    Processes characterized by a solution-diffusion mechanism

    Assumptions for existence of resistance()

    (dependent on the hydrodynamics, resistance of the membrane for specific permeating solute)

    1. Resistance only in membrane (boundary layer resistances = negligible)

    2. Resistance in boundary layer and membrane or Resistance only in boundary layer

    Concentration profiles for diffusive membrane processes:

    (a) without boundary layer resistances, and (b) with boundary layer resistances.

    where Csmi,1 = feed concentration of component i at feed side membrane surface

    Csmi,2 = permeate concentration of component i at permeate side membrane surface

  • 4 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.9 Concentration Polarization in Diffusive Membrane Separations

    Distribution coefficient (K) = (7-45)

    Flux expression

    At steady state, flux of i = same in each phase

    Flux of i in feed-side boundary layer, Ji = k1 (csm

    i,1 - csi,1) (7-46)

    Flux of i in permeate-side boundary layer, Ji = k2 (csm

    i,2 - csi,2) (7-47)

    Flux through membrane, (7-48)

    Eq(7-45) → Eq(7-48) : (7-49)

    Overall mass transfer coefficient (kov)

    Eq(7-46) + Eq(7-47) + Eq(7-49) ⇨ Ji = kov (csi,1 - c

    si,2) (7-50)

    Overall mass transfer coefficient (kov) : (7-51)

  • 5 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Concentration Polarization in Electrodialysis

    Difference of Electrodialysis(ED) with pressure-driven membrane processes

    Driving forces & Separation principle

    Polarization phenomena = severely affect the separation efficiency

    Example for illustration for phenomenon of concentration polarization


    • Cation-exchange membrane between cathode ↔ anode

    • Solution : NaCl in water

    Concentration on the left-hand side of membrane↓

    Concentration on the right-hand side of membrane↑

    Flow of Na+ : left to right(to cathode) through membrane

    Membrane resistance = negligible

    Generate diffusive flow

    Concentration polarization in electrodialysis

    in the presence of a cation-selective membrane.

  • 6 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Concentration Polarization in Electrodialysis

    Flux expression

    Flux of Na+ through membrane by electrical potential difference : (7-52)

    Transport of Na+ in boundary layer by electrical potential difference : (7-53)

    Diffusive flow in the boundary layer : (7-54)

    where Jm = electrically driven fluxes in membrane

    Jbl = electrically driven fluxes in boundary layer

    JDbl = diffusive flux in the boundary layer

    tm = transport numbers of the cation in membrane

    tbl = transport numbers of the cation in boundary layer

    z = valence of the cation

    ℱ = Faraday constant

    i = electrical current

    dc/dx = concentration gradient in boundary layer

  • 7 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Concentration Polarization in Electrodialysis

    At steady state, flux of Na+ through membrane = electrical & diffusive flux in boundary layer


    Assuming constant diffusion coefficient (linear concentration profile) and integration

    BC 1 : c = cm at x = 0

    BC 2 : c = cb at x = δ

    • Reduced cation concentration : (7-56)

    • Increased cation concentration : (7-57)

    Ohmic resistance is located mainly in boundary layer if the concentration becomes too low.

    Occur ion depletion ⇨ resistance ↑ ⇨ dissipate electrical energy as heat (electrolysis of water)

    From Eq(7-56) ⇨ current density (i) in boundary layer : (7-58)

    Electrical potential difference↑ ⇨ i ↑& J of Na+ ↑ ⇨ Na+ concentration↓ [see Eq(7-58]

    Na+ concentration at membrane surface (cm) → 0

    ⇨ obtain a limiting current density( ilim) : (7-59)

  • 8 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Concentration Polarization in Electrodialysis

    To minimize the effect of polarization

    Minimize thickness of boundary layer ⇨ hydrodynamics and cell design = very important

    Use feed spacers and special module designs

    For same valence in the boundary layer(equal thickness of boundary layer, same cell construction)

    Mobility of anions > cation

    ⇨ ilim at cation-exchange membrane < at an anion-exchange membrane

  • 9 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.11 Temperature Polarization

    Temperature polarization for non-isothermal process like membrane distillation

    Temperature polarization : temperature difference between liquid in bulk ↔ membrane


    Feed : high saline water with high temperature ⇨ high vapor pressure

    Strip : low saline water with low temperature

    Membrane : hydrophobic and pore filled with air

    Heat flux


    Conduction through membrane wall & pore

    Diffusion of water vapor

    Heat transfer resistance


    Boundary layer

    Temperature polarization

    in membrane distillation.

  • 10 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Temperature Polarization

    At steady state, heat flux(φ) through the boundary layers = flux though membrane

    Heat balance over the membrane from feed to permeate


    where α1 = heat transfer coefficients on warm side of the membrane

    α2 = heat transfer coefficients on cold side of the membrane

    φ ΔHv and φ ΔHc = heat fluxes caused by convective transport through the pores

    ℓ = membrane thickness

    λm = overall heat conductivity of the membrane

    φ ΔHv = -φ ΔHc

    Tb,1 – Tm,1 = Tm,2 - Tb,2 = ΔTbl (ΔT in boundary layer)

    Tm,1 - Tm,2 = ΔTm (ΔT across membrane)

    Tb,1 - Tb,2 = ΔTb (ΔT between bulk feed ↔ bulk permeate)

    α1 = α2 = α

  • 11 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.10 Temperature Polarization

    From Eq(60) → (7-61)

    Where λm = overall heat conductivity = sum of two parallel resistances = ε∙λg + (1 - ε)∙λp (7-62)

    λp = heat conductivity through the solid (polymer)

    λg = heat conductivity through the pores filled with gas and vapor

    ε = surface porosity Shape of pores = cylindrical

    In general, λp > 10 to 100 × λg

    Convective heat flow through the membrane pores, φ∙ΔHc = ρ∙ΔHv∙J (7-63)

    Combination of Eq(7-63) and Eq(7-61) → (7-64)


    Heat transfer coefficient(α)↑ & membrane thickness(ℓ)↑⇨ temperature polarization↓

    temperature polarization↑ ΔTm↑ ⇨ Volume flux↑ (J↑)

    Heat conductivity for polymer (λp)↑

  • 12 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.11 Temperature Polarization


    Dense homogeneous membrane ⇨ no pores

    No phase transitions occur at the liquid/membrane interfaces

    Heat transferred by only conduction through the solid membrane matrix

    Temperature polarization in thermo-osmosis membrane

    similar to Eq(7-61), except no enthalpy of vaporization and condensation


    λm in thermo-osmosis[Eq(7-65)] > λm in membrane distillation[Eq(7-64)]

    ⇨ stronger effect on temperature polarization

    Convective term(ΔHv) = depends on volume flux

    ⇨ effect of temperature polarization : membrane distillation > thertmo-osmosis

    (on the basis of same ΔT and same polymer)

  • 13 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    Concentration polarization and fouling

    Types of foulant

    Organic precipitates (macromolecules, biological substances, etc.)

    Inorganic precipitates (metal hydroxides, calcium salts, etc.)


    Flux as a function of time.

  • 14 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    Phenomenon of fouling

    Very complex and difficult to describe theoretically

    Dependent on physical and chemical parameters

    • concentration, temperature, pH, ionic strength

    • specific interactions (H bonding, dipole-dipole interactions)

    For process design, need reliable values of flux decline

    Flux description by a resistances-in-series model

    Resistance = membrane (Rm) + cake layer (Rc)


    Rc = ℓc rc (7-67)

    Rc = cake layer resistance

    rc = specific resistance of the cake

    Schematic of the cake filtration model.

    ℓc = cake thickness

  • 15 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    Specific resistance of the cake (rc)

    assumed to be constant over cake layer

    expressed by the Kozeny-Carman relationship


    where ms = diameter of the solute particle

    ε = porosity of the cake layer

    Thickness ℓc of the cake, (7-69)

    where ms = mass of the cake(difficult to estimate)

    Ps = density of the solute

    A = membrane area

    Effective thickness of the cake layer

    Several micrometers ⇨ many mono-layers (≈ 100 ∼ 1000) of macromolecules

    Dependent on the type of solutes and especially on operating conditions and time

  • 16 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    Estimation of cake layer resistance (Rc) from mass balance

    In case of a complete solute rejection (R = 100%)



    (7-72) ⇨ 1/J ∝ V

    Reciprocal flux as a function of the permeate volume.

    where Jw = pure-water flux

    V = permeate volume

    cb = bulk concentrations

    ΔP = applied pressure

  • 17 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    If membrane resistance = negligible

    By integration of Eq(7-71) from t=0 to t=t ⇨ (7-73)

    • Typical relationship for unstirred dead-end filtration

    • Permeate volume (V) ∝ t-0.5

    Rewriting Eq(7-73) in terms of the flux (J), (7-74)

    ※ There are many sophisticated theories.

    Fouling = very complex ⇨ Fouling can not analyzed by a single equation based on a certain theory.

    A simple empirical equation

    J = Jo∙tn , n < 0 (7-75)

    where J = actual flux

    Jo = initial flux

    n = f(cross-flow velocity)

    Flux versus time according to Eq(7-74).

  • 18 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.12 Membrane Fouling

    Measurement of fouling index

    Silting index (SI)

    Plugging index (PI)

    Fouling index (FI) or silt density index (SDI)

    Modified fouling index or the membrane filtration index (MFI)

    Membrane Filtration Index (MFI)

    Based on cake filtration (blocking filtration)

    Concept of cake filtration

    • Flux through 2 resistances in series : Rc + Rm

    • Integration od Eq(7-71) over a time t


    • Plot of t/N vs. V ⇨ straight line

    ⇨ Slope of this line = MFI (7-77)


    Fouling Tests in RO

    Schematic drawing

    of MFI apparatus.

    MFI experimental results

  • 19 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    Fouling potential↑ ⇨ MFI↑()

    Advantage of use of MFI values

    By comparing various solutions, different fouling behavior can be observed.

    A maximum allowable MFI value can be given for a specific plant.

    Flux decline can be predicted to some extent.

    Drawback of use of MFI values

    MFI values = qualitative

    MFI experiment = Dead-end experiments (RO in practice : cross-flow mode)

    Assumed that cake resistance ≠ f(pressure) : not true

    MFI method = based on cake filtration only

    (other factors contribute to fouling too)

    MFI values as a function of the concentration

    of the fouling solute in the bulk solution


    Fouling Tests in RO 7.12 Membrane Fouling

  • 20 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    Pretreatment of the feed solution

    Heat treatment, pH adjustment, addition of complexing agents (EDTA etc.), chlorination,

    adsorption onto active carbon, chemical clarification, pretreatment with MF/UF

    ※ pH adjustment = very important with proteins

    Minimize fouling at pH value corresponding to the isoelectric point of the protein

    ( i.e. at the point at which the protein is electrically neutral)

    Membrane properties

    A change of membrane properties can reduce fouling.

    Narrow pore size distribution can reduce fouling (this effect should not be overestimated).

    Use hydrophilic rather than hydrophobic membranes

    Generally proteins adsorb more strongly at hydrophobic surfaces

    and are less readily removed than at hydrophilic surfaces.

    Use negatively charged membrane for feed containing negatively charged colloids

    Pre-adsorption of the membrane by a component which can be easily removed


    Fouling Tests in RO

  • 21 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    Module and process conditions

    Mass transfer coefficient↑ ⇨ concentration polarization↓

    • Applying high flow velocities in cross flow filtration

    • Adapting low(er) flux membranes

    • Use of various kinds of turbulence promoters

    Use fluidized bed systems and rotary module systems for small scale application


    1. hydraulic cleaning

    2. mechanical cleaning

    3. chemical cleaning

    4. electric cleaning

    The principle of back-flushing.

  • 22 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    1. Hydraulic cleaning

    Methods include back-flushing (only applicable to MF and open UF membranes)

    Back-flushing procedure

    ① After a given period of time, release feed pressure

    ② Change flow direction of the permeate from the permeate side to the feed side

    (to remove fouling layer within membrane or at membrane surface)

    ※ Back-Shock method

    Reduce time interval of back-flushing to seconds

    • No time cake to build up layer

    • ⇨ resistance remains low

    • ⇨ maintain the flux at quite high.

    Schematic of flux versus time behavior

    In a given MF process with and without back-flushing

  • 23 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    2. Mechanical cleaning

    only applicable in tubular systems using oversized sponge balls

    3. Chemical cleaning

    Most important method for reducing fouling

    Use chemicals separately or in combination to remove foulant by oxidation and/or desorbing

    Concentration of chemicals and cleaning time = very important according to membrane

    Some important (classes of) chemicals are:

    • acids (strong such as H3PO4 , or weak such as citric acid)

    • alkali (NaOH)

    • detergents (alkaline, non-ionic)

    • enzymes (proteases, amylases, glucanases)

    • complexing agents (EDTA, polyacrylates, sodium hexametaphosphate)

    • disinfectants (H2O2 and NaOCI)

    Steam and gas (ethylene oxide) sterilization

  • 24 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.13 Methods to Reduce Fouling

    4. Electric cleaning

    Very special method for cleaning

    Applying an electric field across a membrane

    ⇨ migrate charged particles or molecules to the electric field

    Apply to remove particles or molecules from interphase without interrupting process

    Apply electric field at certain time intervals

    A drawback

    • Use electric conducting membranes

    • Use a special module arrangement with electrodes

  • 25 Chapter 7. Polarization Phenomena & Membrane Fouling Chungbuk University

    7.14 Compaction


    Mechanical deformation of a polymeric membrane matrix

    Occurs in pressure-driven membrane operations mostly(especially occur in RO)

    • However, in NF and UF compaction may occur as well and

    • Extent depends on the pressure employed and membrane morphology.

    • Possible in sub-layer of gas separation membrane by applying high pressure

    Desifing porous structure ⇨ flux↓

    Deformation = irreversible in general ⇨ no recovering flux after relaxing pressure