chapter 9 fin

CHAPTER 9 Gems and Rudraksha “A gemstone is naturally occurring crystalline form of a mineral, which is recognized and valued for its beauty, rarity, and durability. There are more than 30 popular gem varieties with some substitutes having deviations in colour,source or size making total ratnas and upratnas in numbers to over 100.The basic process of formation of ratnas is due to fire(agni as direct and heat form)from inside the earth and ofcourse time: “Agnimile Purohitam Yajnasya Devam Ritvijam Horaram Ratna Dhatamam” The word Ratna Dhatamam has occurred in the first sloka of the first mandalas of the Rigveda. It says that Agni (Fire) is the origin or the bearer of ratna. Even the modern science affirms the fact that ratnas (gems) are formed by the effect of heat and high pressure. Being buried in the ground for millions of years, gems contain gravitational force and energy of the Earth. Gems, which we find mostly in certain parts of the Earth, belong to the same planets that have mostly affected that tract of land. The Earth conceives ratnas with the help of different planets. That is why the Earth is known as garbha or the conceiver of gems. The whole process of evolution is a constant interplay of the eternal pair of opposites - - Sun and Moon, fire and water. The vedic concept of Hiranyagarbha, the golden embryo on the eternal water, clearly indicates the formation of the phenomenal world by the two -- fire and water -- representing male and female principles. Fire somehow seems to be the beginning of the world of names and forms. It flowed in the form of lava, carrying with it all the minerals and the elemental force of nature, which later developed into organic matter through the process of condensation. The condensation and crystallization of minerals produced colorful rocky crystals known as gems. All gems, with the exception of coral and pearls, are the purest and finest consolidation of minerals that were formed due to extreme heat and pressure inside the plates of the molten earth. All gems are, therefore, the source of energy in crystalline form. They are highly sensitive and radioactive. They absorb and transmit energy as frequencies because they are composed of minerals that emit electrical charges in increased pressure, that radiate in low heat, and that glow in the presence of ultraviolet light in darkness after the light source is removed. Gems are composed of the following minerals: Aluminum, beryllium, calcium, copper, fluorine, hydrogen, iron, manganese, oxygen, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, silicon, tin, zirconium, zinc and others. Three of these are common in all gems: aluminum, oxygen and silicon. These three are from the bulk of the outermost surface of Earth. Oxygen and silicon are found on almost 75% of Earth‟s surface. Aluminum makes up over 8% of the Earth‟s crust.

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Gems and Rudraksha

“A gemstone is naturally occurring crystalline form of a mineral, which is recognized

and valued for its beauty, rarity, and durability. There are more than 30 popular gem

varieties with some substitutes having deviations in colour,source or size making total

ratnas and upratnas in numbers to over 100.The basic process of formation of ratnas is

due to fire(agni as direct and heat form)from inside the earth and ofcourse time:

“Agnimile Purohitam Yajnasya Devam

Ritvijam Horaram Ratna Dhatamam”

The word Ratna Dhatamam has occurred in the first sloka of the first mandalas of the

Rigveda. It says that Agni (Fire) is the origin or the bearer of ratna. Even the modern

science affirms the fact that ratnas (gems) are formed by the effect of heat and high

pressure. Being buried in the ground for millions of years, gems contain gravitational

force and energy of the Earth. Gems, which we find mostly in certain parts of the

Earth, belong to the same planets that have mostly affected that tract of land. The

Earth conceives ratnas with the help of different planets. That is why the Earth is

known as garbha or the conceiver of gems.

The whole process of evolution is a constant interplay of the eternal pair of opposites -

- Sun and Moon, fire and water. The vedic concept of Hiranyagarbha, the golden

embryo on the eternal water, clearly indicates the formation of the phenomenal world

by the two -- fire and water -- representing male and female principles.

Fire somehow seems to be the beginning of the world of names and forms. It flowed in

the form of lava, carrying with it all the minerals and the elemental force of nature,

which later developed into organic matter through the process of condensation. The

condensation and crystallization of minerals produced colorful rocky crystals known

as gems.

All gems, with the exception of coral and pearls, are the purest and finest

consolidation of minerals that were formed due to extreme heat and pressure inside the

plates of the molten earth. All gems are, therefore, the source of energy in crystalline

form. They are highly sensitive and radioactive. They absorb and transmit energy as

frequencies because they are composed of minerals that emit electrical charges in

increased pressure, that radiate in low heat, and that glow in the presence of ultraviolet

light in darkness after the light source is removed.

Gems are composed of the following minerals: Aluminum, beryllium, calcium,

copper, fluorine, hydrogen, iron, manganese, oxygen, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur,

sodium, silicon, tin, zirconium, zinc and others. Three of these are common in all

gems: aluminum, oxygen and silicon. These three are from the bulk of the outermost

surface of Earth. Oxygen and silicon are found on almost 75% of Earth‟s surface.

Aluminum makes up over 8% of the Earth‟s crust.

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Significance of gems

Our Earth abounds in various plants, animals, influential metals and stones, which are

precious gifts to mankind. Man has been charmed and attracted toward gems since the

times immemorial and will continue to be so now and in future. Gems and rudraksha

not only cure different diseases by their divine power but when studded with

ornaments, they beautify the body. They possess ever-lasting characteristics. They are

not affected by natural calamity due to seasonal differences.

These gems are available in rivers, mountains, mines and oceans. For example, blue

and yellow sapphires are obtained from mines of the Himalayas; diamond, emerald

and hessonite (gomed) are obtained from mines; cat‟s eye and ruby from rivers and

coral and pearls found in sea and ocean. Similarly, all kinds of secondary gems are

found in rivers, mines and mountains.

The number of gems is much more, but according to the learned mineralogists, there

are mainly 84 kinds of gems. Out of these, only seven gems, i.e., ruby, pearl, coral,

emerald, yellow sapphire, diamond and blue sapphire (Fig. 43) are regarded as

precious gems. Others are semi-precious, but some of them have more value, power

and luster than the precious stones.

Some of the popular semi-precious stones are hessonite, cat‟s eye, topaz, peridot,

amethyst, moon stone, garnet, opal, turquoises, tourmalian, quartz, tiger‟s eye, onyx,

lapis lazuli, amber, jade, gold stone, mahe marium ( pilesstone), elacite (kidney stone)

neeli, smoky topaz, aquamarine, agate, kasauti, black star, serphentile, wholedili,

rainbow, white coral, lord stone, etc.

The five fundamental elements of the cosmos are also in our human body. If balanced

in proportion, they keep the body healthy. The same elements are found in the gems,

which are as follows:

There are fire elements in ruby and coral, water elements in pearl and diamond, earth

elements in emerald, sky elements in yellow sapphire and air elements in blue


These mysterious and coloured gems have great influencing and charming effects on

human life. On the basis of purity and hardness, they have been performing great

deeds by lessening the malefic effects of planets over the human life and they bring

harmony in the good and bad effects of planets.

Each and every gem is extremely radioactive and has the capacity to attract the special

cosmic rays toward it. Planetary tremors influence our sensitive nerves or veins. Our

classics (mythology) tell us that the position of planets in the solar and lunar systems

at the time of one‟s birth influences him or her throughout the life. Sometimes, the

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weak influence of planets and stars create imbalances in life. It has been found that

wearing gems after proper consideration of one‟s horoscope can rid one of mental

imbalance, physical suffering and financial obstacles. In this way, gems serve us or

arm us or act as our body guard.

In human body, Sun represents the soul, Moon mind, Mars perseverance, Mercury

voice, Jupiter wisdom (learning), Venus love and Saturn sobriety and thoughtfulness.

These planets influence human life and a person‟s body continuously. In addition to

these planets, there are two shadow planets -- Rahu and Ketu -- whose effects are also

experienced in life.

In Tantrasara, a famous tantrik scripture, the human body is stated to be an island of

nine gems. These nine gems correspond with the nine body constituents (dhatus),

which are: flesh, represented by yellow sapphire; hair by blue sapphire; skin by cat‟s-

eye: blood by coral; bones by pearls; marrow by emerald; fat by hessonite; semen by

diamond; and vitality (life force) by ruby.

Gems worked with both kinds of energy -- physio-chemical, i.e., electrochemical; and

pranic, i.e., the vital life force – whether they are used as jewellery or taken orally as

pastes or oxides as bhasmas.

Wearing these gems influences the dhatus and the psychophysical wellbeing in human

life. The puranas present beautiful stories about the origin of gems that convey the

utility of the gems. The Karma Purana states that gems were created from the seven

different kinds of rays of light emanating from the seven major planets of our solar

system. These rays were transmitted in the seven colors of the rainbow -- violet,

indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These seven rays of light are responsible

for all the existences in the cosmos, including the human body. Colours are the

frequencies of light in different bands and, therefore, they emit energy in different

forms, which directly influences human body and consciousness. There are hot and

cold colours and colours that are neutral (neither hot nor cold). Hot colours increase

heat, which result in arrogance and anger; cold colours bring calmness in life system.

The neutral colours produce pleasant feelings and joy.

The chemical nature of gems brings them in close contact with man. There are crystals

of clear and purified chemicals that are also found in the human body. Their contact

with the electromagnetic fields of the body becomes easy when they are embedded in

pure electrolytes like copper, silver and gold, used in rings worn between two joints of

our fingers. Joints are naturally the most sensitive parts of the body, where the

network of nerve fibers and the lymphatic fluid together serve as the assimilators of

energy emitted by the gems. With their slight and constant contact with the skin, they

bring changes in the body chemistry by their interaction with the body‟s energy field,

which is permeated by an electromagnetic field.

Ancient scriptures from across the world have appraised gems as powerful agents of

energy that influence human fate and destiny, induce good energy and expel the

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negative energy that causes sickness, suffering and psychosis. Gems bring peace,

prosperity and happiness. Favorable gems bring about name, fame and power and

make life comfortable and prosperous.

Gems act as storehouses of divine energy and are used for carving objects of worship,

like idols, rosaries, talismans (yantras), amulets, pendulums and so forth. They were

also used for mandalas and pots used for offering the holy water or keeping the

offerings for consecration. Lingams and yantras in pyramid shape are made of sphatik

(quartz). We believe the yantras carved on stone and rosaries made of precious stone

or rudraksha give siddhi (power of achieving the desired goal) quicker than a rosary

made of other beads.

Some facts and statements worth knowing about:


1. Sun is a gaseous planet. It is the hottest of all planets. Mercury is the

nearest to it. Mars is the nearest to Earth.

2. Mercury is the smallest of the solar family and Jupiter is the biggest and

the brightest one is Venus.

3. Jupiter has the maximum sub-planets in the solar system. Its number is 16.

Moon is the only sub-planet of Earth.

4. The solar eclipse falls on the „Amavasya‟ when Moon comes in between

Sun and Earth. And the lunar eclipse falls on the full Moon day, when Sun

comes in between Earth and Moon.

5. The moving of Earth on its axis is called rotation. The rotation of Earth

causes day and night. Earth rotates on its axis once in 23 hours 56 minutes

and 5 seconds.

6. The days and nights are equal on 21 March and 23 September.

7. The longest day is 21 June and the smallest day is 22 December.

8. The function of the solar system is performed by nine planets -- Sun,

Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu and Ketu. The

western astrologers have discovered three new planets -- Uranus, Pluto and

Neptune. The planets also represent the three sexes -- male, female and

common (impotent). Sun, Mars and Jupiter are male planets. Moon and

Venus are female planets. Saturn is the female common sex (impotent)

planet. Mercury is the male common sex planet.

9. Earth revolves round Sun. Its orbit is equally divided into 12 parts, which

are recognised by the special form of star-groups called signs of the zodiac

-- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,

Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

10. There is equal division of Moon‟s orbit, which is called constellation. They

are situated in the space respectively from the west to the east. These

constellations influence every creature, plants and herbs. These are

Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigshira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya,

Ashelesh, Magha, Poorva and Uttara Phalguni, Hast, Chritra, Swati,

Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyashtha, Mool, Poorva and Uttarashada, Sharavana,

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Dhanishtaa, Shatbhisha, Poorva and Uttra Bhadripad and Rewati. Once

every Poornima (the full Moon day), Moon stays on every constellation.

11. There is an auspicious constellation during the period starting from 11.48

a.m. to 12.10 p.m.(IST). This auspicious period is called Abhijit

constellation. If a man starts any work in this auspicious period, he gets

success and prosperity certainly.

12. Pushya is the emperor of all the 27 constellations. If Pushya falls on

Thursday or Sunday, it is the Amrit Yoga (Nectar) period of time. It is very

auspicious and beneficial to buy and wear a gem at this time.

13. We join our body with the natural electricity by wearing metals like gold,

silver and copper. Gems receive rays of energy from planets and leave their

effects on health and brain of man by entering into the body with the

metallic effect. Rudraksha wearing probably saves us from any excessive

positive or negative energy and keeps the mind and body in balance.

14. The Hindi names of gems are: Ruby - Manik, Pearl - Moti, Coral -

Moonga, Emerald - Panna, Yellow Sapphire - Pukhraj, Blue Sapphire -

Neelam, Hesspnite - Gomed, Cat‟s Eye - Lahsunia.

15. The Hindi names of the zodiac signs are: Aries - Mesh, Taurus - Vrishabha,

Gemini - Mithun, Cancer - Karka, Leo - Sinh, Virgo - Kanya, Libra - Tula,

Scorpio - Vrishchika, Sagittarius - Dhanu, Capricorn - Maker, Aquarius -

Kumbha, Pisces – Meena, Dragon‟s Head - Rahu and Dragon‟s Tail - Ketu.

16. Rudraksha is a natural gem and is self-power-packed and its level of

working is far superior to any of the gems. In combination with gems, it

enhances the effects of gems multifold.

Multiple powers of gems

Gems are being used by men form time immemorial. They are mostly used to gain

wealth, longevity of life, power and popularity and to avert diseases and disasters.

Kings and ambitious people were advised by their astrologers to use the best gems in

order to protect themselves from all calamities and to achieve all round success.

1. Ruby (for Sun) It gives name, fame, vigour, virtue, warmth and the

capacity to command. It can raise the individual above the status in which

he was born. Historically, it has been symbolic of love and passion.

2. Pearl (for Moon) pearl strengthens mental faculties, calms emotions and

increases peace of mind. It is a common custom for brides to wear pearl

nose ring and necklace for the wedding ceremony. This is believed to

ensure a happy conjugal life and protection from widowhood. It also

provides vitality and wisdom.

3. Red Coral (for Mars) One who wears red coral becomes courageous. It

also helps in curing blood diseases.

4. Emerald (for Mercury) It improves memory, communication and intuition

and sharpens the intellect and the ability to learn. Its wearer gets sufficient


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5. Yellow Sapphire It is most widely used to enhance one‟s financial status.

The wearer gets plenty of wealth, good health, name, honor and fame. It is

also said that if there are obstructions in finding a suitable match for a girl,

she gets married early by wearing this gem.

6. Diamond One who wears a diamond has a luxurious life. It enhances his or

her name, fame and artistic quality. It also improves sexual power.

7. Blue Sapphire (for Saturn) It counteracts envy from others and keeps

away evil. It eliminates long term misfortunes. Sometimes, this stone reacts

adversely, so it should be tested for a week before final use. It is said that

this stone has the magical power to raise its wearer to a higher status on all

sides. It can give health, wealth, longevity of life and happiness. It also

restores lost wealth and property.

8. Gomed or Hessonite (for Rahu) Rahu is said to be responsible for all sorts

of delays in the fulfillment of ambitions. So, one who wears gomed can

hope for a speedy success in lesser time than expected. It improves

relations with people and protects one from sudden misfortunes. It is said

to be the best gem to avert stomach ailments, disaster, insanity and evil


9. Cat’s Eye (for Ketu) This gem protects its wearer from hidden enemies,

mysterious dangers and diseases. It also protects from drowning,

intoxication and government punishment. It brings fortunes to gamblers

(horse racing, casino etc).

Sun and its gem stone ruby

There are nine planets in the solar system. Sun is the ruler of all the planets that rotate

around it. Sun represents the fire and creates the day. It is one of the stars of the

planetary system. Sun is considered as the soul and the king of all planets. The

gemstone ruby, representing Sun, has reddish purple colour, its nature is bile-

dominated and it is the lord of the direction east.

Ruby is a mineral (stone). In terms of chemistry, it is a mixture of aluminum, oxygen,

iron and chromium. Ruby mines are found in China, Burma, South India, Sri Lanka

and Afghanistan.

Ruby must be worn by those whose zodiac sign is Leo or the Sun‟s positions in the

horoscope is weak. The wearing of ruby removes poverty, imparts prosperity, name

and fame in political sphere and a son is born to the wearer. It is beneficial to those

who are aspiring to high offices.

Ruby is worn by engineers, mineralogists, goldsmiths (jewelers), actors, dramatists,

artists, government officials, politicians, diplomats, merchants and all those aspiring to

fame, those engaged in stock trading and dealers of cloth, cotton paper and flowers.

Creative people, who want fame and good health, must wear Ruby.

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A man, in whose horoscope the sun is in debilitation, is likely to suffer from diseases

of the backbone, heart, brain, eyes and lungs, indigestion, low and high blood

pressure, dyspepsia, piles, diabetes, jaundice and cholera. Wearing ruby can cure these

disorders. The wearer can also save himself from diseases like dysentery, hiccups,

diarrhea and consumption also.

How to wear

Its weight should be at least 3 ratti (360 mg). The more the weight, the greater is the

effect. Ruby is to be studded in copper or gold. Before wearing, it should be kept in

water obtained from the river Ganga or spring water, which is mixed with unboiled

milk on a Saturday night. After washing it with water on Sunday before 10 a.m., it

should be worn on the ring finger chanting the mantras “Om Hreem Hansah Suryaye

Namah Om” and saying the prayer ”O God! Sun we have put on your gem for your

grace, kindly save us fully‟. The wearer should then donate red cloth, wheat, jaggery,

copper and money according to his or her capacity to a brahmin. Fasting on Sunday

also soothes the malefic sun.

Ruby keeps on affecting the wearer for four years from the day on which it is worn.

Persons whose names start with ma, mee, mi, mu, mo, ta, tee, tay, tu should regard Leo

as their sign of the zodiac. Persons born on dates 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month and

persons born during the period from 17 August to 16 September or in the month of

January or July should wear ruby.

Rudraksha recommended for these persons are of one, three and 12 mukhis.

Moon and its gem stone Pearl

Moon is the presiding deity of the element water and rules over the tides of the sea.

The sphere of Moon is the reservoir of rainwater and thus Moon is the ruler of plants

and the vegetable kingdom.

Moon represents mother or female principle, the energy that creates and preserves.

Moon is one of the main sub-planets taking light from Sun. It revolves round Earth

scattering its shining light. It also revolves around Sun. The full moon and the dark

fortnight (Amavasya) happen when there is difference of six rashis between Sun and


The colour of Moon is white. Its nature is mucus-dominated, tender-hearted, wise and

learned. It rules the peace of mind, comfort, general well being and also the fortune of

a person. The gem stone related to Moon is Pearl. Pearl is a kind of stone. It is a

compound of calcium and oxygen. In terms of its chemical combination it is regarded

as a kind of calcium carbonate.

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Pearl belongs to Moon and the zodiac sign Cancer. It is available in various colors.

The rain drops, falling into the mouth of pearl oysters during the Swati Nakshatra

solidifies them into pearls. But, the increasing demand and attraction toward pearls

have inspired the scientists to provide us with a large number of cultured pearls. Now-

a-days with modern technology, substances similar to rain drops during the Swati

Nakashtra are infused into the sea shells which in layer after layer of nacre, cover

them with coral substance. These are called cultured pearls. The same shell prepares

both real and cultured pearls. Therefore, there is no difference in their importance. Its

availability in a large number has secured it popularity in the society.

According to astrology, Moon influences human mind to a great extent. Pearl should

be worn by those persons who get agitated very fast, lose their cool and come to


Pearl pacifies passions and mental inconsistencies and strengthens the heart. It

provides royal kindness, blessings from parents, family pleasure and wealth and

increases administrative qualities and power of imagination. It removes abdominal

diseases, increases intelligence and learning capacity.

In medical science, its various uses are listed. It benefits those who suffer from

diseases pertaining to eyes, throat, heart, urine, hydrocele, cough, and scarcity of

calcium, diseases pertaining to female sex, indigestion, tiredness, general disease and

physical weakness. In men, it brings luster and brightness on the face. If a mother buys

a pearl for her child, it will bring in lots of benefit to the child.

How to wear

It‟s weight should be at least 2 ratti (240 mg). Its value increases with increase in

weight. Pearls should be studded in silver rings or pendants and worn on Monday

evenings, when the Moon is rising, after washing with water and unboiled milk and

chanting “Om Som Somaye Namah Om” or “Om Chandraya Namah” preferably in a

temple of Lord Shiva. It should be worn on the smallest finger of the right hand. After

that rice, sugar, wheat, cloth and money should be donated to a brahmin.

Pearl‟s influences last for two years, one month and 27 days from the day it is worn.

People whose name starts with he, hu, hay, ho, da, dee, du, day and do should regard

their sign of zodiac as Cancer and they should wear pearl.

According to western astrology, persons whose date of birth falls on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of

a month should wear pearl. Persons born during the period from 16 July to 17 August

should wear pearl. People whose lucky number is two and seven can also wear pearl.

Rudraksha recommended for these people are two mukhi on Gaurishankar.

Mars and its gem stone coral

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Mars is the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also

personified as the god of war. It is regarded as a malefic planet in astrology and gives

its natives the ability to put their own desires above those of others. Its color is red and

the ruler of the direction is south. On account of its nearness to Earth, it is called

“Angarak” and the son of Earth. It is the symbol of blood and perseverance in human

life. The gemstone related to Mars is coral and its zodiac signs are the Aries and the


Since ancient times, coral has been given recognition by all astrologers. It is not a

mineral. It is kind of organic substance. It is prepared by a non-vertebrate sea

organism called Isis Nobiles. Coral is found in the shape of vine branch at about 600-

700 feet deep in the sea. Scientists regard it as a component of calcium carbonate.

Corals are found in many colors like red, scarlet, saffron, pink to vermilion red and

white. Its temperament is hot. It creates many virtues like courage, perseverance,

capability to face and solve difficult circumstances and problems and enables a person

to take risks. On account of being the master gem of Aries and Scorpio, it removes

obstacles in the way of fortunes and increases their influences. Men who are either

pigeon-hearted or defeated by their enemies should wear coral. It is also an ideal gem

for a happy marital life.

It should be worn by soldiers, policemen, electricians, surgeons, players and the

workers of ordinance factories. It is useful for enhancing self-confidence,

administrative capability and the power of utilising the rights in social and political


It is beneficial in deals involving buying and selling of land and properties.

Coral prevents abortion, fever, piles, impotency, typhus, smallpox, etc. Children can

be saved from diseases like rickets and stomach ache by wearing coral mala or beads

around their necks.

The use of coral oxide with honey makes one strong and used with betel leaf, coral

paste cures cough and the heart disease.

How to wear

Coral‟s weight should be at least 2.5 ratti (300 mg) for a ring. Coral weighing 5, 7, 9,

11, 13 rattis bring in more fortune. It should be embedded with gold or copper. The

coral ring should be worn on the ring finger. The best time to wear the ring is one hour

after sunrise or up to 11.00 a.m. reciting Om Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Om. The

wearer should donate lentils, jaggery and money after tying in a red cloth to a brahmin

or a priest. Jaggery should also be fed to a red ox, if that is possible. Before wearing

the ring for the first time, immerse it in raw cow‟s milk and wash it in the Ganga


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Coral gems keep on influencing its wearer for three years and three days from the time

it is worn.

It should be worn by the native of the Aries sign of the zodiac, persons whose names

start with chu, che, cho, la, li, lu, le, lo, a and Scorpio persons whose name begin with

tao, na, nee, nu, nay, no, ya, yee, you and persons whose date of birth falls on 9, 18,

27, or born during the period starting on 14 April to 15 May and from 17 November to

15 December. People whose lucky number is nine can also wear it.

Rudraksha recommended for those persons are three mukhi or 12 mukhi.

Mercury and its gem stone emerald

The planet Mercury is regarded as the prince among the assembly of nine planets.

Mercury is the son of Moon by his wife Rohini. In human body, mercury represents

wisdom and voice. Mercury is the ruler of two signs of the zodiac, Gemini and Virgo.

The gemstone related to Mercury is emerald. It is a mineral, a compound of silicate of

aluminum, beryllium and oxygen. Its colors are light, deep green. This gemstone is

rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald.

Emerald is found mostly in India, Russia, Brazil and Columbia. It is a delicate

gemstone and fragile. It is found in the mines of coal. Black spots and filaments are

often seen in it due to high presence of carbon. It is recognized by its black spot. In

genuine emerald, cracks are often found, but it does not affect its value.

By wearing it, a man can pacify mental disturbances. It should be worn especially by

diplomats, scientists, astrologers, teachers, architects, medical personalities, doctors,

businessman, property dealers, publishers, accountants, engineers, writers, post

officers, insurance officers and intellectuals. It increases reasoning power, presence of

mind and spiritual power.

The goddess of learning, Saraswati, sharpens the intellect of students, singers, dancers,

and musicians by her grace on those who wear emerald. It increases eyesight, food

grains, property and offspring and destroys effects of black magic, bad effects by evil

spirits and nightmares.

There are many notions about emerald. If it is tied around the waist of a pregnant

woman about to deliver her child, it makes the delivery very easy. It is considered

auspicious when a lover presents it to his partner. If someone intends to harm a person

wearing emerald, he gets exposed. It makes the wearer full of love, sympathy and


A weak Mercury in men‟s horoscope causes many diseases like asthma, rheumatism,

cough, stammering, spondylitis, etc., and therefore, in this condition, wearing of

emerald is most useful.

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How to wear

The weight of emerald should be at least 2.5 ratti (300mg) for a ring or a pendant. Its

power increases with its weight.

Emerald should be embedded in an alloy of five metals (panch dhatu) or silver. The

ring should be washed with unboiled milk before 11 a.m. After touching this ring to

the feet of the desired god and chanting om bum Budhaye namah om, it should be

worn on the smallest finger and donate money to a brahmin and feed green vegetables

with leaves to a cow.

Emerald is effective for three years from the time it is worn. Persons of Gemini sign of

the zodiac, whose name start with ka, ki, ku, gha, anga, cha, ke ko, kay and of Virgo

sign of the zodiac, having their names starting with to, pa, pee, pu, ana, the pay, po

should wear emerald ring.

According to the western opinion, persons born on dates 5, 14 and 23 of any month or

during the period between 15 June and 15 July and between 17 September and 16

October should wear emerald. Persons whose lucky number is five can also wear it.

Please note that if emerald is not available, any of its substitutes like margaz, peridot,

tourmaline (green) or onyx can be worn.

Rudraksha recommended for these persons is four mukhi.

Jupiter and its gem stone yellow sapphire

Jupiter is the largest and heaviest of the planets in the solar system and the teacher

(guru) of gods. Jupiter is given the ministership among the assembly of nine planets.

Jupiter is a sattvik and benefiting planet, signifying luck and fortune. The color of

Jupiter is yellow. Thursday is his day and northeast is his direction. The gemstone

related to Jupiter is the yellow sapphire, which is most beneficial to the natives of

Sagittarius and Pisces signs of the zodiac.

Yellow Sapphire is a mineral. It has been found that it contains aluminium, hydrogen

and fluorine. It is found in the Himalayas, Sri Lanka and Russia. It is weighty, smooth

and transparent and found in many colors -- white, light and deep yellow and light


The yellow sapphire is regarded as the best of gems as it is related to Brihaspati

(Jupiter), who is the teacher of gods. Brihaspati represents wisdom and religion in

human life. Therefore, it is such a gem which is worthy to be worn by all. The wearer

gets the knowledge of law, ethics, wit, wisdom, pleasure of getting children, worldly

happiness, para-physical bliss, physical power, cleverness, long life, good health, food

grains, prosperity, glory and mental peace. It is most beneficial to authors, writers, barristers,

traders and businessmen.

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Girls in the family who have reached the age of marriage should wear yellow sapphire because

it removes obstacles in marriages. A spouse (husband or wife) should wear it for a happier

conjugal life. It helps to pacify the anger of its wearer by providing sharp sightedness. It

strengthens the bondage of friendship. It shows its influence by removing the danger of

accidental death.

A ring of yellow sapphire brings good luck, peace and prosperity. It bestows vigor, vitality,

wisdom, longevity, name and fame. The wearer also progresses in the spiritual field and

becomes free from all the evil effects of ghosts. It is also accepted that it is beneficial to the

patients suffering from fever, cough, rheumatism, bad breath and kidney disease.

How to wear

Yellow sapphire for making ring should weigh at least 3 ratti (360 mg). Its effect increases

with its weight. It should be embedded in gold or Panch Dhatu. It should be worn on

Thursday morning at dawn after worshipping a banana tree and chanting. Om gum guruve

namah in the first finger. After this, the wearer should donate grams, pulses, yellow flowers,

cloth and money to a brahmin. In order to make the position of Jupiter favorable and to draw

the best benefit of yellow sapphire, the wearer should feed a horse with gram pulse on


Yellow sapphire keeps on influencing the wearer for four years, three month and 18 days.

It should be worn by the natives of the Sagittarius sign of the zodiac whose names begin with

yae, yo, bha, bhi, bhu, dha, pha, adha, bhay, the Pisces sign whose names begin with dee, du,

gha, jha, gyan, day, do cha, chee, persons who are born on dates, 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month

or in the period from 15 March to 13 April and from 16 December to 14 January and those

whose lucky number is three and in whose case Jupiter is in debilitation or afflicted.

Please note that if one cannot afford yellow sapphire, semi precious gem topaz or citrine can

be used. At the time of buying yellow sapphire, the buyer should look for its purity, cracks or

breach (bubbles). Yellow sapphire is a transparent gem. There are filament-like signs on

yellow sapphire like veins in human body. These are called signature of the nature by which it

is recognized as genuine sapphire. Therefore, if filaments are present the yellow sapphire is

100% genuine. It can be a fake if there are no filaments.

Venus and its gem stone diamond

Venus is regarded as the brightest planet only after Sun and Moon in the sky. Venus or Shukra

is the teacher of demons. He is also allotted the office of a minister in the nine planets of the

solar system. It is said that Lord Shiva imparted the knowledge of making the dead alive

(mrityusanjivini vidya) to Shukra. Venus is also important because of its association with the

science of mantras and medicine, tantra, the casting of spells, hypnotism, mesmerism and

alchemy. It is also called the god of fine arts, love, beauty and attraction. It provides pure

maternal love in human life.

The gemstone of Venus is diamond and its zodiac signs Taurus and Libra.

Diamond, the king of gems, abounds in chemical properties and it is the most precious

mineral. It is famous for its surprising luster, hardness and beauty. Chemically, it is solid

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carbon. It is found in mines and plains. Its colors are white as well as other colors. It looks like

the source of the divine dazzling light of the stars in the sky.

According to astrology, if Venus is in a weak position in one‟s horoscope and the man has the

Taurus or Libra sign of the zodiac, he can improve his destiny by wearing a diamond. Wearing

diamond rids one of inferiority complex, brightness is seen on his face and many other

qualities are created automatically. The person of the opposite sex gets attracted to the wearer

of diamond.

Diamond is beneficial to poets, painters, artists, actors and sellers of perfumes and ornaments

and their makers too. It is advantageous to confectioners, hoteliers, gold sellers, doctors and

sellers of sugar and rice.

The wearers of diamond can be saved from ominous things and evil spirits, witches, ghosts

and black magic. Even the effect of poison decreases. It increases the stamina and makes the

marital life happy and permanent. It also improves health and checks untimely death.

According to Shukracharya, a woman who wants a son in her first delivery should not wear

diamond, especially in her fingers, since the beginning of her pregnancy.

It is advantageous in diseases like epilepsy impotency, rheumatism, hydrocele, shortage of

semen and other sexual diseases.

How to wear

Diamond‟s weight should be one ratti (121mg) and the ring should be made in 18 carat or

60% gold. It can also be embedded in silver or panch dhatu. It should be washed in unboiled

milk or the Ganga water. After this, the person should meditate before the deity of his choice

on Friday and chant the mantra Om shum shukraye namah om. The wearer should donate

white cloth, ring, ground sugar and money to a brahmin. Elephant, white cow or white horse

should be fed with fruits.

Diamond will have its effect for seven years on human body from the time it is worn.

Persons whose name start with ee, ai, u, o, wa, wi, wu, and born under the Taurus sign of the

zodiac, persons whose name begin with ra, ree, ru, ray, ro, ta, tee, tu, te under the Libra sign

of the zodiac should wear diamond. It should also be worn by those who are born on 6, 15 or

24 of any month or during the period from 15 May to 15 June and from 17 October to 16

November. Persons whose lucky number is six or whose Venus is in debilitation can also wear


Please note that if diamond is not available or seem to be costly, semi-precious stones sphatik

(quartz) or white sapphire can be worn. These gems also have the same effects.

The planet Venus is considered cruel or most angry. It is therefore advisable to consult an

astrologer before wearing diamond. Otherwise, it may cause harm than any advantages.

Rudraksha recommended for these people are of five mukhi.

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Saturn and its gemstone blue sapphire

Saturn is given the post of an attendant in the solar system. According to Linga Puran, Saturn

is born from the exuberant light mass of Lord Rudra and according to Markendaya Purana,

Saturn was born to Chhaya, wife of Sun. Its speed is very slow and that is why it is called

„Shaneshchar‟, meaning a slow mover. In Indian astrology, Saturn is considered to be the

most malefic but its leaves an effect of happiness in the end. After throwing a man into

misfortunes and calamities, Saturn ultimately saves him. He is regarded as the strongest of all

planets. It rules the owners of the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. It rules the direction

of west. Blue sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn.

Blue sapphire is a compound of aluminum and oxygen. Due to slight mixture with cobalt, it

becomes blue. It is the gem of kurundan family. It is found in Kashmir and from this source

one gets the best quality but now it is not available because the government has banned the

mining of blue sapphire. Blue sapphire is also found in Sri Lanka and this is considered as the

best, with its deep light colours and transparency. Blue sapphire of deep color and

transparency is found in Thailand and Australia too.

Blue sapphire shows its effects sooner than any other gem. It is very useful and effective to the

wearer, destroys his diseases, faults, sorrows, poverty and increases his food grains,

prosperity, strength, glory, life span and offspring. It also restores the property, which the

wearer might have lost prior to the wearing. If it is proved unfavorable, it may make all the

efforts, activities fruitless and may destroy every thing of the wearer.

Blue sapphire is most useful especially to transporters, property dealers, contractors, mill

owners, dealers in machines, laborers, hawkers, policemen, workers of local self-government

and financers.

It is said that it can give peace to the heart of the man if it is worn near the heart. According to

a Buddhist monk, evil thoughts are destroyed and mind and behavior remain pacified by

wearing blue sapphire. Morality remains firm in ladies who wear blue sapphire. Men, whose

zodiacal signs are Capricorn and Aquarius, can wear blue sapphire without any hesitation. It

can never harm them. It should be taken off, if its color has changed or it is cracked because

this is a warning to the wearer that he should change his gem.

It should be bought in the evening. Its weight should be at least 3 ratti (360mg). Increase in

weight increases its effect

How to wear

Blue sapphire should be embedded in silver or panch dhatu. Its rings should be kept in a

copper bowl full of water on Friday. It should be worn in the middle finger after pouring the

water of the bowl at the roots of a Peepal tree, two hours before the sunset reciting om sham

shanaishcharaye namah om. One should pray to Saturn for bestowing the best result and

providing help in overcoming difficulties. One should donate black urad, salt, mustard oil,

soap, tea leaves and money according to one‟s capacity at the Peepal tree and pray for

wellbeing. Male buffalo should be fed with green leaves and cotton seeds and Shivalinga

should be bathed with milk.

It continues influencing the man for five years after it is worn.

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Persons whose names start with bho, ja, jee, khee, khu, khey, gaa, gee and belonging to ,

Capricorn and Aquarius and those whose names start with gu, gay, go, saa, see, su, say, so,

daa, should wear blue sapphire. People born on 8, 17, 26 of any month and born during the

period from 15 January to 14 March as well as those whose lucky number is eight can also

wear the gem.

In case if one cannot buy it, its sub-gems are amethyst, blue stone, Bangkok blue sapphire,

sangnili etc. These sub-gems also provide advantages. They never harm the wearer.

Rudraksha recommended for these people are seven mukhi and 14 mukhi (along with 8 mukhi)

Rahu and its gem stone hessonite (gomed)

Like other planets of the solar system, Rahu and Ketu are not the mass of light. Some scholars

consider them as moon falls (chandrapat), some of them call them shadows of Earth, others

describe Rahu as shadow of the North Pole and Ketu as that of South Pole. In spite of all the

above facts, Rahu and of Ketu show their far-fetched influence over man and all other beings.

Therefore, their presence can never be ignored.

Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, its zodiacal sign is Virgo, which is in fact assigned

to Mercury. Zircon or hessonite (gomed) is releted to Rahu. It is found in Bihar and Orrisa in

India and in Sri Lanka. Its colour is like the colour of cow‟s urine. It has also the shade of

honey tinged with blackish colour

If Rahu is powerful in one‟s horoscope, it causes or bears many diseases, like mental strain,

disturbance in one‟s business, struggles in life, continuous shortage of money, disturbed

marriage, quarrel between husband and wife, possibility of divorce and nightmares. Wearing

hessonite can help one to get rid of these ill effects. It is also useful to those who want to get

success in law practice, court affairs, government service, political spheres, gambling or any

unsocial, illegal activities. Enemies cannot stand long before the wearer of gomed.

How to wear

It should weigh at least 3 ratti (480mg) and should be washed by the Ganga water and

unboiled milk after embedding it in silver or panch dhatu. It should be worn on the middle

finger chanting om on Saturday after sunset. The wearer should donate sesame seeds, mustard

oil, blue cloth, blanket and money as much as possible to a brahmin or priest and horse should

be fed with grass and milk offered to a snake. Gomed goes on affecting the wearer for three

years from the day it is worn. It is also good for persons born between 15 February and 14

March and persons having lucky number four

Rudraksha recommended for these people is eight mukhi.

Ketu and its stone cat’s eye

According to Shri Bhagwat Puran, the nectar pitcher was one of the things that came out of

the sea after it was churned. When the gods and demons clashed to get the nectar, Lord Vishnu

took the incarnation of a most attractive and charming woman, called Mohini, and started

distributing the nectar to both Devas and Asuras. Rahu, a learned demon and son of

Viparchitti and Shimica, realized that Mohini was none other than Vishnu and that He was

giving the nectar to the Devas and wine to the Asuras. He, then, sat among Devas and as soon

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as he drank the nectar, Moon and Sun saw that it was the demon who was sitting among them

and identified him as Rahu. They informed Vishnu that Rahu has now become immortal after

drinking the nectar. He was then cut into two parts. The head became Rahu and his remaining

body became Ketu. Rahu and Ketu were thrown in opposite directions by Vishnu. Both these

planets are situated at a distance of 180 degrees apart from one another. Since then, there is

constant enmity between Rahu, Ketu, Moon and Sun. Therefore, both of them capture Moon

and Sun and the events are the lunar and the solar eclipses respectively.

Ketu’s sign of the zodiac is Pisces. But in reality it is the sign of Jupiter. Its gem is cat‟s eye. It

is found in many colours. It has white lines over it and looks similar to the eye of a cat. It is

found in South India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, China and many other countries.

People who become victims of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu stand to gain by wearing cat‟s eye. It

should be worn when there are obstacles in business, fear of accidents and despair in life. It

brings in strength, brightness, bravery, pleasure, bliss, prosperity and offspring. It not only

saves a man from his enemy but brings victory over the enemy. It is also said that it destroys

sorrow, poverty, diseases and calamities and saves the wearers from evil spirits, hidden

enemies and royal punishment. Lost money is found again and stays long by wearing it.

How to wear

Its weight should be at least 3 ratti (360 mg). Its effect increases with its increasing weight. It

should be embedded in silver or panch dhatu and should be worn on the middle finger

chanting om kaim ketave namah on Wednesday or Saturday evening. Sand-coloured cloth and

iron-based item should be donated and bread should be fed to a goat with one‟s own hands.

Its goes on affecting the wearer for three years from the day it is worn.

Rudraksha recommended for these persons is nine mukhi.

Some facts and statements worth knowing about:

1. Some gems bear few threads and signs on them. They are inborn and called „nature‟s


2. The index finger of one‟s hand represents Jupiter, the middle finger Saturn, Rahu and

Ketu, the ring finger Sun and Mars and the small finger Mercury and Moon

respectively. The thumb represents Venus and if Venus proves to be beneficial to a

man the diamond ring can be worn on the ring finger.

3. It is not necessary that the gem touches one‟s body to have the influence, but it must

be made a point that the lower part of the ring should be kept open so that Sun‟s rays

enter the body and show their effect.

4. If a husband wears a gem on his left hand, his wife will get the benefit. And when the

wife wears it on her right hand, the husband will derive benefit.

5. If a planet is found beneficial, its respective gem should be worn on the right hand. If

we have to lessen the effect of any planet, its ring should be on the left hand.

6. A girl should wear the gem on right hand before her marriage and on her left hand

after the marriage.

7. Nobody should show his ring to any other person after taking if off.

8. It is not necessary that the gem for a planet should be worn only in rings. They may be

worn around the neck and even necklaces and malas using the gems can also be worn.

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9. It should be remembered that the radiation from a gem is not regular. It always

radiates with pause. It may radiate for half an hour, an hour or a couple of hours or

indefinitely and may abruptly stop for any indefinite period. Hence, according to the

quantum theory, a gem should always be on the body, because no one knows when its

radiation commences and stops.

Semiprecious gems

The use of precious and semiprecious stones has been popular in eastern and western countries

and in the Middle East. Plato believed in the correspondence of gems with the planets of our

solar systems. Throughout the world, gems have been used not only as ornaments but as

agents of energy and storehouse of occult power.

Coral, pearl, rock crystal, onyx, amethyst, jade and agate have been more popular in the west

than in the east. Amber and rock crystals are mentioned in the Holy Bible. In Germany, amber

beads in the form of necklace are given to children to help them in teething; many people use

amber to save themselves from rheumatism. The Turks used amber for the mouthpiece of their

smoking pipes to prevent infection. In India sadhus wear amber beads or necklace to save

them from disorders of the stomach, intestines, and liver.

In Rome, the use of coral is older than the use of pearls. Romans used coral not only as

jewellary rings, necklace etc., but also as amulets and charms against fire, lighting, whirlwind,

sorcery, poison and shipwreck. Coral was also used to help children in teething.

Amethyst was the favourite stone of the Greeks. They used it for good dreams, valour, chastity

and safety from thieves.

There are 84 kinds of gems. Out of these, there are only nine gems, which have been described

before and the remaining are semi-precious gems. Many of them are used in making idols,

crockery and decorative items. Some of them are not available now. The semi-precious gems,

which are now in fashion, have more luster, value and influence than the real ones. Some of

the semi-precious gems are:

1. Amber: In Hindi, it is called kaharua. It is not a gemstone but a fossil resin. It is mostly

found in red and yellow colours. Of all gems, it is the most ancient, light and soft. It is found

in the coasts of England, China, Thailand, the seas of Baltic and Sicily in the shape of gum or

oily substance. When worn around the neck, it pacifies the mind. It is believed that wearing

amber will help one to have a balanced outlook. This may be true because amber possesses a

magnetic property, which works on the electromagnetic field of the body and enables the

wearer to achieve more self-control and better physical health. Evil spirits or black magic does

not affect the wearer. He does not fall prey to any diseases of throat. Its crystals are beneficial

in infectious diseases. One or two beads of amber must be worn round the neck of the

children. Rudraksha to be used along with amber is 10 mukhi and six mukhi.

2. Agate: It is an opaque gem. It is beautiful after being chiseled. It is found in many colors.

Depictions of trees, cloud, grass and plants are sometimes found in the stone. It contains

divine power. It is a fortunate gem for the farmers and other manual workers. For removing

bad planetary effect, one should wear an agate mala of the color pertaining to the planet to

which one is assigned. The mala should be used as beads while chanting mantras concerning

the planet. Rudraksha to be used along with agate is 5 mukhi.

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3. Amethyst: In Hindi it is called jamunia or kataila. Its color is popular. Its importance

depends upon its thickness and color. With increasing thickness, its value and effects too go

up. Due to excess of iron in it, its wearer gains spiritual power. It suppresses evil passions. It

also makes a man abstain from wine. The wearer can never lose moral status and it makes him

or her hate evil deeds giving mental peace and consolation. Therefore, it is more in demand

nowadays than in the past. In the western countries, ladies wear it to make their husbands love

them permanently. It is also worn to pacify the arrogance of Saturn. People generally wear it

instead of the blue sapphire. Rudraksha to be used with amethyst is seven mukhi and eight


4. Aquamarine: It is known as beruj in Hindi. It belongs to the family of emerald having the

colour of the sky. It is also transparent. It has all the qualities that an emerald has and many

people wear it instead of emerald. It is more useful for those who go on a voyage. It can be

safely used by all. It is especially calming if used as a necklace, armlet, amulet or pendent. In

females, it increases feminine virtues.

5. Carnelian: It is found in colours of red, brown and orange. If a person feels feverish in the

evening, its mala is beneficial because it absorbs excessive body heat and cools the person. Its

garland gives forbearance, perseverance and self-confidence and it also removes the evil effect

on the wearer. Rudraksha to be used is six mukhi and 13 mukhi.

6. Citrine: It is a transparent yellow stone. It is used in place of yellow sapphire. According to

great scholars, it increases one‟s fortune. Egyptians and Romans believed that it should be

used when a man is suffering from weak eyesight or any other kind of eye diseases. Its wearer

gets more and more financial and physical power, long life, honour, friendship, success,

beauty and wisdom. Its also gives pleasure and blessing from the elders. It is a symbol of

friendship. The wearer does not get nightmares and can enjoy sound sleep. Rudraksha to be

used along with citrine are one mukhi, 12 mukhi and 10 mukhi.

7. Garnet: Nowadays garnet is very popular and fashionable. Its look is crimson, smooth and

beautiful. It belongs to Sun, so it is worn in place of ruby. By wearing it in a ring, pendant or

necklace, the man‟s fortune advances, health becomes stronger and the wearer gets honour and

success. He will avoid immoral and illegal activities. It is also very beneficial for rheumatism,

stops bleeding, cures diseases caused by formation of stones in the body, promotes vigour and

vitality and acts as a sexual stimulant. Rudraksha to be worn is nine mukhi and 12 mukhi.

8. Goldstone: In Urdu, it is called sang-e-sitara, in Tamil lajavart and in Bengali taramandle.

Its color is reddish-brown with shining golden spots. It is very delicate. Many beautiful things

like mala, figures, Shivaling etc. can be made after cutting and chiseling the stone. Rudraksha

to be worn is one mukhi and 12 mukhi.

9. Green jade: In Urdu it is called margay. It is a substitute for emerald. Jade is mainly found

in green color. If children present this gem to their parents, their span of life increases.

According to Chinese scholars, it increases wit and has a cooling effect on the eyes. It helps

people in any debates. Greeks and Romans say that its wearer can never suffer from mental

illnesses and diseases of the eyes. It is believed by all that this gem saves the wearer from

diseases pertaining to heart, abdomen and kidney. Rudraksha to be worn is four mukhi and 11


10. Lodestone: It is a natural magnet stone, known as champak in Hindi. It is opaque, crimson

coloured or black and without luster. Due to its magnetic power, it is very useful in blood-

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related diseases like paralysis, rheumatism, arthritis, etc. People can also use it to avoid the

evil effects of Saturn. Rudraksha to be used is five mukhi, three mukhi, six mukhi and seven


11. Lapis lazuli: It is blue black in colour with golden spots like that of a peacock‟s throat. It

can be worn in place of blue sapphire to save oneself from the effects of Saturn, Rahu and

Ketu and contain problems at home or at job places. It should be worn by people above 50

years of age. It saves the wearer from diseases like urinary problems, tuberculosis, jaundice,

diabetes and tiredness. It should be worn in a silver ring or as a pendant. Rudraksha to be used

is seven mukhi, eight mukhi and 12 mukhi.

12. Malachite: This gem is also known as kidney stone. Its color is grayish green and has the

shape of a kidney. This gem has the characteristics of good quality copper. It is beneficial in

the prevention of rheumatism, abdominal and kidney diseases. It should be worn in a ring or in

the neck. For relief from stones, pastes made out of it using rose water should be applied

locally or the paste should be consumed. If there is stone in the kidney and doctors have

advised surgery, then before undergoing the procedure a ring made of malachite should be

worn or it should be tied around the waist. The surgery can be avoided as the stone itself will

pass through urine. This fact is well-tested.

13. Moon stone: In Sanskrit, it is called godanti. It is opaque, having the color of milk. Its

name itself denotes its relation with Moon. Since Moon relates with the mind, it is useful

when the mind is inconsistent. Ladies and young children should wear it to strengthen their

mind. It increases the eyesight of the wearer and gives marital happiness to the wearer. It also

makes one‟s thoughts pure. Rudraksha to be worn is two mukhi and Gauri shaker.

14. Opal: Among all the gems, it is the most beautiful and mysterious. It is as smooth as

honey and the luster of various colors is seen in it. Its value increases with its coloured luster.

It increases devotion to god and therefore it is most beneficial to yogis, saints and priests. It

imparts renunciation and can also be worn in place of a diamond. Rudraksha to be used is five


Please note that Shastras prescribe that it should not be worn by householders.

15. Peridot: In ancient times, it was very popular but nowadays, it can be found with only

great difficulty. It is smooth and shining. Its colour is like honey. It is mostly found in

Myanmar, Norway, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, the U.S.A. It fulfils the wishes of the family

and yearning for a son and brings in money and health. It is also helpful in removing evil

effects, effects of black magic and spirits and can cure epilepsy and fear of snake bites.

Rudraksha to be worn is four mukhi and 16 mukhi.

16. Serpentine: In Hindi, it is called shear mohair. It is light green in color. In ancient times,

it was used to prepare utensils in which food was prepared and eaten. If the food is poisonous,

the pots used to change color to yellow. Greeks still use this in their traditional medicines. Its

wearer can never fall prey to diseases of the abdomen. Rudraksha to be worn is four mukhi

and 11 mukhi.

17. Tourmaline: It consists of many substances. It simultaneously represents Mercury, Venus

and Sun. It contains all the qualities of their gems -- emerald, diamond and ruby. It can be

worn without any fear, as it never harms the wearer. It facilitates blood flow so that it can

control the mind and improve the person‟s mental abilities. It also imparts the quality of

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articulation. Children who are weak in studies or dull must wear it. Green and yellow

tourmaline is beneficial for increasing knowledge and progress in trade, while white

tourmaline is useful for actors, writers and those wanting name and fame.

Rudraksha to be used is one mukhi, four mukhi, six mukhi or 17 mukhi.

18. Turquoise: Its color is sky blue or greenish blue. It contains phosphorus, aluminum,

copper and some water. It shines after being polished. It is very delicate and can be easily

spoiled with a little fire or water. Astrologically, it is related to Ketu and hence beneficial in

case a man is affected by Ketu. Its wearer can never be poisoned. It is a must for those who go

on adventurous journeys. Like a true friend, it saves the wearer from all kinds of problems and

gives pleasure. In Russia, it is presented as a marriage ring. Its colour changes according to the

changes in seasons. Since medieval times, it is believed that it destroys hatred and increases

love. When a diseases is about to attack the wearer, its color variation warns us.

19. Onyx: It is found in many colors. It is a smooth stone. It is a substitute for emerald. It is

beneficial in neck cramps as well as backache. It also helps in living a smooth and happy

married life. It brings in purity of thoughts to the wearer. Rudraksha to be used is four mukhi

and 17 mukhi.

Quartz – rock crystal

It is known as sphatik or billor in Persian. It is one of the most common minerals in the

Earth‟s crust. It is found in the shape of pencils, big and small pieces. Its color is white, like

snow. It is transparent with luster, grace and smoothness. Its nature is cold. It is used for

making idols, yantras and many other items.

According to astrology, it is related to Venus. It is a substitute for diamond having the same

qualities except that the price is substantially low. It can, therefore, be worn without


Nowadays, rock crystal has become very important because of its piezoelectric property.

When crystal quartz is cut in an exact angle to its axis and subjected to mechanical pressure, it

generates minute electrical charges at the end of the axes and the crystal expands and

contracts, which sets it into constant mechanical vibration. This constant rate of vibration

makes it useful for radio and television transmission, telephone and cable equipment, radar,

depth sounding apparatus, antisubmarine devices, clocks, resonators, range making lances,

prisms, and optical instruments.

Quartz gems are popular among gem therapists because they produce electrochemical balance

in the body chemistry of the wearer, remove anxiety and make one clam and concentrating.

Using a rosary made from rock crystal aids concentration, cools the body and clams the mind.

It is beneficial for gaining knowledge of the past, present and future, when used for

concentration. Wearing a crystal mala ensures a sound and undisturbed sleep.

In Hindu religion, there is great importance for crystal. It is believed that Lord Shiva and

Goddess Parvati (Shakti) live in this stone. Therefore, their statues are often built cutting and

chiseling the crystal. There is no need to animate such statues and it is duly worthy to be

worshipped. And that is why Shiva lingam or idols made of other stones are prohibited to be

kept in the temple or at home. Without animation, the idols made of other stones are not used

for religious rituals and prayers. Therefore, crystal has the honour to be worshipped. And that

is why Shiva lingam, idols and Shree Yantra, etc. are made of it. Crystal garlands (mala) are

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used in counting mantras while worshipping Mahalakshmi, Durga, Saraswati and other

goddess. Tripursundari yantra (Shree Yantra) carved in sphatik is considered to be the best of

all. Prosperity and salvation are two different aims in human life and people meditating and

worshipping using crystal Shree Yantra can have these aims accomplished without any other


Crystal beads are used for concentration (Tratak) and other devotional activities. The man

who meditates by concentrating his mind on a crystal bead gets to know the entire future

naturally. Therefore, it is a valuable and divine asset. All mukhi rudrakshas can be worn along

with crystal.

Astrological utility of gems

All things of this universe are continuously in a tremulous state. They influence one another

either more or less. Heavenly bodies in the solar system have special effect over creatures and

other objects on Earth. This is a proven and recognized fact and is verified by many

researches. Gems attract the rays of the heavenly bodies and divert these rays to the wearer

and benefit him. For example, ruby attracts the rays of Sun: pearl of Moon; emerald that of

Mercury; yellow sapphire that of Jupiter; diamond that of Venus and blue sapphire of Saturn.

Therefore, in order to remove, diminish or overcome evil effects of the planets and to increase

the power of the weak or inimical planets in one‟s horoscope, gems are being worn since very

ancient times.

Nowadays, there is a strong interest in wearing lucky stones. The difference in the lucky

stones of the western world and India is that Indians use lucky stones that correspond to their

rashi (Moon sign of the zodiac) and as stated earlier, westerners use them according to their

Sun sign.

In the present context, descriptions given below are in terms of western astrology. In one, it is

the month of birth and in the other it is the date of birth. Natives can choose their precious

stones from the following chart, according to their birth month, if they do not know their exact

date of birth

Month of Birth Birth stone

January Garnet

July Ruby

February Amethyst

August Peridot

March Aquamarine

September Sapphire / Amethyst

April Diamond

October Opal / Tourmaline

May Emerald

November Citrine / Topaz

June Moon stone

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December Turquoise / Lapis Lazuli

People who do not have horoscopes, but know the date of birth, can use the following chart:

Date of Birth Zodiac Birth Stone Day

21 March to Aries Ruby Sunday

19 April

20 April to Taurus Diamond Thursday

20 May / Emerald

21 May to Gemini Emerald Monday

21 June / Pearl

21 June to Cancer Ruby Thursday

22 July Emerald

23 July to Leo Ruby Sunday

22 August

23 August to Virgo Tourmaline Wednesday

22 September / Carnelian

23 September to Libra Citrine Thursday

23 October / Tourmaline

24 October to Scorpio Citrine Thursday

21 November / opal

22 November to Sagittarius Garnet Friday

22 December / Turquoise

23 December to Capricorn Blue Sapphire Friday

19 January /Garnet

20 January to Aquarius Amethyst Saturday

19 February / Jade

19 February to Pisces Aquamarine Tuesday

20 March. / Amethyst

Gems according to lucky numbers

Numerology is concerned with numbers. There is a series of nine numbers. After nine, the

series repeats itself in the same order. In prescribing the gems, numerologists have not

restricted themselves to numbers only but have tried to convert numerology into Astor

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numerology. Each of the nine numbers stand for one of the planets, for instance, the number

one stands for Sun. Though numerology has its origins in the West, it is quite popular in India.

According to the famous scholar and numerologist, Mr. P.N. Sherma, people can wear lucky

stones according their lucky numbers of their birth dates. These gems are for the betterment of

their fortunes.

Number Master Stone

1. Sun Ruby

2. Moon Pearl

3. Jupiter Citrine

4. Sun/ Dragon‟s head Ruby / Gomed

5. Mercury Jade

6. Venus Diamond

7. Moon/ Dragon‟s tail Pearl / Cat‟s Eye

8. Saturn Blue Sapphire

9. Mars Carnelian

How to find the lucky number :-

Date of Birth + Birth Month + Birth Year

15 (1+5) = 6 + 10 (1+0) = 1 + 1961 (1+9+6+1) = 17

6+1+17 = 24 (2+4) = 6

Thus, a person born on 15 October 1961 has the number six as his lucky number. Thus, you

can find your lucky number.

There are three ways to wear the gems. The system suggested above will be most suitable for

those who follow the solar system (Sun sign). Those who follow the lunar system (Moon sign)

can adopt any of the two following ways. The first way is to choose the gem according to the

first letter of the name, which is generally pronounced and related to the native‟s sign of the

zodiac (rashi) as per the lunar system. The second way is to choose the precious stone

according to one‟s horoscope. The gems should be worn to pacify the evil effect of the weak

or inimical planets and improve the good effects of the strong planets.

First Letter of Name Zodiac Gemstone

Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li Aries Coral

Lu, Le, Lo, A

Ee, Ai, U, O, Wa, Wi, Taurus Diamond

Wu, Wee, Wo

Ka, Ki, Ku, Gha, Anga, Gemini Emerald

Cha, Kay, Ko, Ha

He, Hu, Hay, Ho, Da Cancer Pearl

Dee, Du, Day, Do

Ma, mi, Mee, Mu, Mo Leo Ruby

Ta, Tee, Tu, Tay

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To, Pa, pee, Pu, Sha Virgo Emerald

Ana, Tha, Pay, Po

Ra, Ree, Ru, Ray, Ro Libra Diamond

Ta, Tee, Tu, Te

Tao, Na, Nee, Nu, Nay Scorpio Coral

No, Ya, Yee, You

Yee, Yo, Bha, Bhu, Dha Sagittarius Yellow

Pha, Udha, Bhay Sapphire

Bho, Ja, Jee, Khee, Khu Capricorn Blue

Khay, Kho, Gaa, Gee Sapphire

Gu, Gay, Go, Saa, See, Aquarius Blue

Su, Say, So, Daa Sapphire

Dee, Du, Gha, Jha, Gyan Pisces Yellow

Day, Do, Cha, Chee Sapphire

Rahu Zircon (Gomed)

Ketu Cat‟s Eye

To calm Saturn and Ketu, one may wear Lapis Lazuli, along with nine mukhi rudraksha.

Important: For the best result, the gems should be bought on the day assigned to the planet to

which they are related, i.e., ruby on Sunday, pearl on Monday, coral on Thursday, emerald on

Wednesday, yellow sapphire on Thursday, diamond on Friday and blue sapphire, hessonite

and cat‟s eye on Saturday. They should be given to the jeweler on the same day. The ring or

locket that is to be made should be made on that day; if not, at least the gem should be set on

the same day as mentioned above. One should get the ring from the jeweler on the day related

to the gem and its planet. The ring should be washed in milk and Ganga water and then worn

on the same day.

Some astrologers advise their clients to wear the rings of different gems on different fingers.

As a general rule, the ring finger is the best for wearing rings, but as each finger is related to a

planet, so the ring should be worn on the related finger. This belief is quite popular and some

times we see people wearing rings on many fingers. There is also a distinction between the

right and left hands -- right hand is solar and left hand lunar.

Fingers and related stones

Right hand: First or index finger (tarjani) yellow sapphire; second or middle finger (mahatma)

blue sapphire, gomed, cat‟s eye; Third or ring finger (anamika) for Sun ruby and for Mars

coral and diamond; and fourth or small finger (kanishka) for Mercury emerald and for Moon

pearl. It is very beneficial if you can wear a diamond on your right hand‟s thumb. It can also

be worn in the ring finger of the right hand.

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There are many other ways in which gems can be used in rings, lockets, chains or necklaces,

nose pins, earring, amulets, pendulums and other objects.The gem should be open on its back

side so that Sun‟s rays may pass through the stone to the body easily.

The use of navratnas (nine gems)

A clear rule in wearing a ring is that the ring should be of a single precious stone or a set of

nine precious stones (because the positions of nine planets go on continuously changing). The

planets‟ internal and innermost positions rapidly undergo changes. In such a condition, there is

a rule to wear a ring, which is nine embedded precious stones related to nine planets should be

worn to increases the power of planets and remove their evil effects.

The ring of nine precious stones can be worn by a man with any sign of the zodiac. The

wearer of a nine-gem ring will be bestowed with money, name and fame, glory, honour, sons,

family and mental happiness. Calamitous situations are neutralized and the wearer gets rid of

diseases and his life span increases. Nothing is said about the weight of the nine gems in a

ring. If small gems are embedded in a ring, their effect is not felt soon. Big-sized precious

stones that may be embedded in a pendant or a wrist chain or a bangle will show their effect

soon. Therefore, any person can wear a ring of nine gems because they never harm the wearer.

For pacifying the nine planets, malas of nine semi-precious gem are also available. They are

cheaper than malas of nine precious stones but are effective too. This has proved to be

beneficial in improving health and mental peace. One can wear navgraha malas without fear

of any side effect.

Gems therapy (healing with gemstones)

The healing power of gems is not purely a superstition. If it were, oral administration of gems

as oxides and powder would not be so widely and effectively practiced. India‟s Ayurvedic

system of medicine as well as the Greek traditional system, known as the Unani system in

India, use gems. Practitioners of these systems have studied gems and their distinctive effects

on the human organs, because gems are minerals in pure crystalline form and our body is

composed of the same materials.

Human body has seven primary colours of the solar spectrum -- violet, indigo, blue, green,

yellow, orange and red. Other hues and shades are derived by mixing one or two primary

colours. When there is deficiency or absence of any one of theses primary colours in our body,

we are attacked by diseases. For example, if red rays are absent, diseases like anemia, fever,

inflammation, physical debility, weakness, loss of vitality etc. will affect our body. These

diseases can be cured by injecting red rays into our body by wearing gems of red planets. The

red planets are Sun and Mars. Their favorite gems are ruby and coral. When these gems come

in contact with our body, they inject red rays into our body whereby deficiency is restored and

we then become free from such diseases.

The following table can be broadly followed in understanding diseases and gems and

rudraksha to be used:

Diseases Gems recommended Rudraksha

1. Acidity Emerald, yellow sapphire, gomed 3, 12 mukhi

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2. Accidents Red coral, white coral to avert 2, 3, 11 mukhi

3. Anaemia Red coral, yellow sapphire 3, 5, 12 mukhi

4. Arthritis Red coral, yellow sapphire 7 mukhi,

5. Asthma Blue sapphire 6, 7 8 mukhi

6. Bladder problems Red coral, yellow sapphire 3, 6, 12 mukhi

7. Bronchitis Red coral 3, 6, 11 mukhi

8. Cancer Light blue sapphire, red coral 3, 6, 7, 12 mukhi

9. Common cold Red coral 3, 5 mukhi

10. Constipation Red coral 3, 5 mukhi

11. Diabetes Red coral, yellow sapphire 3, 5, 12 mukhi

12. Digestive disorders Emerald, yellow sapphire 3, 5 mukhi

13. Ear trouble Red coral, emerald 3, 6 mukhi

14. Eczema White coral, yellow sapphire 2, 3, 5, 6 mukhi

15. Epilepsy Emerald, moon stone 2, 4, 6 mukhi

16. Gall s tones Red coral, emerald 7, 4 mukhi

17. Goitre White coral, moon stone 2 mukhi, Gauri Shankar

18. Gonorrhea Red coral, moon stone 2, 3 mukhi

19. Gout (rheumatism) Red coral, yellow sapphire 2, 3, 5 mukhi

20. Heart ailments Emerald, yellow sapphire, moon stone 3, 5 , 11,12, 1 mukhi

21. Hernia Red coral, yellow sapphire 6, 12 mukhi

22. Blood pressure Emerald, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire 3, 5 mukhi

23. Hysteria Red coral, moon stone 2, 3, 5, 6 mukhi

24. Impotency diamond, yellow sapphire, red coral 3, 5, 6, 13 mukhi

The recommendation of rudraksha is based on astrological correlations of these beads and not

necessarily the beads‟ curative powers as described in Chapter 5.