chapter iii - · 2008. 5. 5. · female...

1 CHAPTER III AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS Different features of agricultural establishments revealed by the results of the 5 th Economic Census have been discussed in this chapter. For the purpose of economic census, an agricultural establishment is defined as one engaged in livestock production, agricultural services, hunting, trapping & game propagation, forestry and logging, fishing (corresponding to Groups 012, 013, 014, 015, 020 and 050 of NIC-2004). Establishments engaged in activities pertaining to crop production and plantations (Group 011 of NIC-2004) are excluded from the coverage of Economic Census. The distribution of agricultural establishments and employment therein by type of establishments with rural and urban break up are given in Table 3.1.

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    Different features of agricultural establishments revealed by the results of the 5th Economic Census have been discussed in this chapter. For the purpose of economic census, an agricultural establishment is defined as one engaged in livestock production, agricultural services, hunting, trapping & game propagation, forestry and logging, fishing (corresponding to Groups 012, 013, 014, 015, 020 and 050 of NIC-2004). Establishments engaged in activities pertaining to crop production and plantations (Group 011 of NIC-2004) are excluded from the coverage of Economic Census.

    The distribution of agricultural establishments and employment therein by type of establishments with rural and urban break up are given in Table 3.1.

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    Table 3.1: Distribution of Agricultural Establishments and Employment

    therein - All-India (Figures in absolute number)

    Rural Urban Sl.

    No. Item Number % Number % Combined Number

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) I Own Account Establishments a) Number 4,848,014 94.46 284,205 5.54 5,132,219 b) Employment 7,424,310 414,585 7,838,895

    i) Total (1.53)



    2,821,275 146,652 2,967,927

    ii) Female ((38.00))



    II Establishments with hired workers a) Number 860,985 90.84 86,779 9.16 947,764 b) Employment 2,750,888 323,818 3,074,706

    i) Total (3.20)



    1,947,632 238,210 2,185,842

    ii) Hired (70.80)



    957,033 66,725 1,023,758

    iii) Female ((34.79))



    III All Establishments a) Number 5,708,999 93.90 370,984 6.10 6,079,983 b) Employment 10,175,198 738,403 10,913,601

    i) Total (1.78)



    1,947,632 238,210 2,185,842

    ii) Hired ((19.14))



    3,778,308 213,377 3,991,685

    ii) Female ((37.13))



    Note: (i) Figures in single brackets indicate average number of persons per establishments (ii) Figures in double brackets indicate percentage of female/hired worker to total employment. (iii) Percentage total may not tally due to rounding off

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    3.2 ESTABLISHMENTS According to fifth economic census there were 6.08 million agricultural establishments in the country accounting to 14.54% of total establishments. It was seen that out of 6.08 million agricultural establishments, 5.13 million establishments, constituting 84.41% of total agricultural establishments, were own account establishments. The rest were establishments with hired workers. About 93.90% (5.71 million) of the agricultural establishments were located in rural areas out of which 84.92% of them were own account establishments and rest were establishments with hired worker. In urban areas too own account establishments shared the major chunk (76.61%) of the agricultural establishments. 3.3 EMPLOYMENT Agricultural establishments engaged 10.91 million persons, which constituted 10.82% of the total employment. Of these, 7.84 million (71.83%) were employed in own account establishments and the remaining 3.07 million (28.17%) in establishments with hired worker. About 20.03% of the persons working in agricultural establishments were hired labour. About 93% of the total agricultural employment numbering 10.18 million worked in rural areas. Out of these 72.96% persons worked in own account establishments and rest in establishments with hired worker. About 19.14% of the persons working in rural agricultural establishments were hired labour. In urban areas proportion of employment in own account establishments and in establishments with hired worker were not significantly different as was observed in rural areas. 56.15% of the total urban agricultural employments were in OAE and the rest 43.85% in establishments with hired worker. About 32.26% of the persons working in urban agricultural establishments were hired labour. Female employment (3.99 million) constituted 36.58% of total employment in agricultural establishments. Out of total female employment, maximum proportion of female employment was found in own account establishments (74.35%) than in establishments (25.65%) with hired worker. As high as 94.65% of the female workers in agricultural establishments numbering 3.78 million were found working in rural areas. Percentage share of female employment in own account establishments and establishments with hired worker located in rural areas were 74.67% and 25.33% respectively. In urban areas proportion of female workers in agricultural establishments was 28.90%. Percentage share of female employment in own account establishments and establishments with hired worker located in urban areas were 68.73% and 31.27% respectively.

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    At all India level an average employment of 1.80 persons was observed in agricultural establishments. This average was 1.78 persons in rural areas and 1.99 persons in urban areas. For own account establishments this average was 1.53 persons and for establishments with hired worker it was 3.24 persons. 3.4 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS

    The location-wise distribution of agricultural establishments by type of establishments together with certain selected characteristics of the establishments is given in Table 3.2.

    Table 3.2: Distribution of Agricultural Establishments by location, type and selected characteristics (Figures in absolute number)

    Rural Urban Combined

    Selected special




    hired worker


    Total OAE


    hired worker


    Total OAE


    hired worker



    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) All Establishments

    4,848,014 860,985 5,708,999 284,205 86,779 370,984 5,132,219 947,764 6,079,983

    637,259 145,593 782,852 18,826 5,836 24,662 656,085 151,429 807,514i) Non-perennial (13.14) (16.91) (13.71) (6.62) (6.73) (6.65) (12.78) (15.98) (13.28)

    1,009,529 240,055 1,249,584 64,314 20,716 85,030 1,073,843 260,771 1,334,614ii) Without premises (20.82) (27.88) (21.89) (22.63) (23.87) (22.92) (20.92) (27.51) (21.95)

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    4,498,049 714,803 5,212,852 258,864 67,244 326,108 4,756,913 782,047 5,538,960iii) Without power/fuel (92.78) (83.02) (91.31) (91.08) (77.49) (87.90) (92.69) (82.51) (91.10)Social Group of Ownership

    508,065 74,085 582,150 25,453 5,469 30,922 533,518 79,554 613,072a) SC (10.48) (8.60) (10.20) (8.96) (6.30) (8.34) (10.40) (8.39) (10.08)

    316,569 52,166 368,735 12,920 2,450 15,370 329,489 54,616 384,105b) ST (6.53) (6.06) (6.46) (4.55) (2.82) (4.14) (6.42) (5.76) (6.32)

    2,269,546 350,871 2,620,417 151,864 39,128 190,992 2,421,410 389,999 2,811,409c) OBC (46.81) (40.75) (45.90) (53.43) (45.09) (51.48) (47.18) (41.15) (46.24)

    Note: (i) Figures in brackets are percentage to all establishments in their respective category (ii) Figures may not tally with total due to rounding off (iii) OAE: Own Account Establishments Estt.: Establishments SC: Scheduled Cast ST: Scheduled Tribe OBC: Other Backward Classes

    3.4.2 Non-perennial Establishments About 0.81million establishments, accounting 13.28% of the agricultural establishments, were non-perennial. 96.95% of these establishments were located in rural areas and 3.05% in urban areas. The proportion of OAE and establishments with hired worker were 81.25% and 18.75% respectively. However, the percentage of non-perennial OAE to total OAE (12.78%) is more or less similar to that of establishments with hired worker (15.98%), i.e. percentage of non-perennial establishments with hired workers to total establishments with hired worker. 3.4.3 Premises Status It has been observed that 21.95% of the agricultural establishments numbering 1.33 million operated without any fixed premise. Out of this 93.63 % were located in the rural areas and the rest in urban areas. 3.4.4 Power/fuel used 91.10% of the agricultural establishments operated without any power/fuel. This proportion was more or less same in rural and urban areas. However, it was higher for own account establishments (92.69%) than for establishments with hired workers (82.51%). Similar pattern was observed both in rural and urban areas. 3.4.5 Ownership by Social Group It has been observed that persons belonging to Scheduled Castes owned 10.08 % (0.61 million) of the agricultural establishments. The percentage share of establishments owned by Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes were 6.32 %( 0.38 million) and 46.24% (2.81 million) respectively. Maximum of these establishments (more than 93% in each category) were found in the rural areas.

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    3.5 TYPE OF OWNERSHIP The distribution of agricultural establishments by their type of ownership (i.e. Private non-profit institutions (NPI), Private others, Private unincorporated proprietary & Private unincorporated partnership and Government) and by location together with employment therein is given in Table 3.3. It has been observed that bulk (96.84%) of agricultural establishments were owned by ‘Private unincorporated proprietary & Private unincorporated partnership’, 1.71% establishments were owned by 'Private NPI', 1.00% by ‘Private others’ and the share of government in agricultural establishments was only 0.45%. Similar pattern was observed in both rural and urban areas.

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    Table 3.3: Distribution of Agricultural Establishments and Employment therein by

    type of ownership (Figures in absolute number)

    Nature of Ownership Number of Establishments Number of Workers

    (1) (2) (3) Rural

    All Establishments 5,708,999 10,175,198 24,833 73,824 i) Govt. & PSU (0.43) (0.73)

    97,267 184,827 ii) Private NPI (1.70) (1.82)

    5,529,315 9,776,023 iii) Pvt.Uninc. Prop & Pvt.Uninc.Part. (96.85) (96.08)

    57,584 140,524 iv) Private others (1.01) (1.38)

    Urban All Establishments 370,984 738,403

    2,364 19,509 i) Govt. & PSU (0.64) (2.64) 6,985 15,160 ii) Private NPI (1.88) (2.05)

    358,468 691,169 iii) Pvt.Uninc. Prop & Pvt.Uninc.Part. (96.63) (93.60)

    3,167 12,565 iv) Private others (0.85) (1.70)

    Combined All Establishments 6,079,983 10,913,601

    27,197 93,333 i) Govt. & PSU (0.45) (0.86)

    104,252 199,987 ii) Private NPI (1.71) (1.83)

    5,887,783 10,467,192 iii) Pvt.Uninc. Prop & Pvt.Uninc.Part. (96.84) (95.91)

    60,751 153,089 iv) Private others (1.00) (1.40)

    Note: Figures in brackets are percentage to all establishments/employment.

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    Agricultural establishments owned by ‘Private unincorporated proprietary & Private unincorporated partnership’ employed 10.47million persons, which constituted 95.91% of total employment in agricultural establishments. The share of employment in establishments owned by ‘Private NPIs’, ‘Private others’ & government sectors were 1.83%, 1.40% and 0.86% respectively. Almost similar trend was observed in both rural and urban areas.

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    3.6 ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE -CLASS OF TOTAL EMPLOYMENT Tables 3.4 and 3.5 present the distribution of agricultural own account establishments and agricultural establishments with hired workers, respectively together with employment therein by size-class of total employment.

    Table 3.4 Distribution of Own-account Agricultural Establishments & Employment therein by size-class of total employment

    (Figures in absolute number) Size class of total employment Item

    1-5 6-9 10 & above All Classes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    Rural 4,824,258 21,335 2,421 4,848,014i) Own Account

    Establishments (99.51) (0.44) (0.05) (100.00)7,240,595 142,934 40,781 7,424,310ii) Persons

    usually working (97.53) (1.93) (0.55) (100.00)Urban

    282,638 1,459 108 284,205i) Own Account Establishments (99.45) (0.51) (0.04) (100.00)

    402,640 9,881 2,064 414,585ii) Persons usually working (97.12) (2.38) (0.50) (100.00)

    Combined 5,106,896 22,794 2,529 5,132,219i) Own Account

    Establishments (99.51) (0.44) (0.05) (100.00)7,643,235 152,815 42,845 7,838,895ii) Persons

    usually working (97.50) (1.95) (0.55) (100.00) Note: Figures in brackets are percentage to all classes respectively

    It would be seen from table 3.4 that in the case of agricultural own account establishments the establishments in employment size class of 1-5 persons accounted for 99.51% of the establishments, followed by 0.44% in the next size class of 6-9 persons. Remaining 0.05% of the establishments were in the size class of 10 & above.

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    Employment provided by the establishments in different size classes also followed a similar pattern. About 7.64 million persons in the agricultural establishments constituting 97.50% of the total agricultural employment was absorbed by the establishments in the size class of 1-5 persons, 1.95% in the size class of 6-9 persons and 0.55% in the higher classes of 10 & more workers. Almost the same trend was observed in both rural and urban areas under these size classes. In case of establishments with hired workers it has been observed that those employing 1-5 persons constituted the bulk (92.80%) of the total agricultural establishments with hired workers numbering 8.79 lakhs. About 5.29% of the agricultural establishments with hired workers were in employment size class of 6-9 persons. Only around 18 thousand agricultural establishments with hired workers have been found employing 10 or more workers, which constitute 1.92%. As regards the employment position in establishments with hired workers, it has been observed that largest share (64.68%) of the total employment was that of smaller establishments employing less than six persons. Establishments with 6-9 persons absorbed 11.45% of employment numbering 3.52 lakhs. The larger establishments with 10 or more workers provided employment to nearly 23.88% of the total workforce. Rural and urban areas followed almost similar trend. In rural areas smaller agricultural establishments employing less than six workers, formed 93.18% of the total rural agricultural establishments and contributed 65.29% to total rural employment. In urban areas 89.03% of the agricultural establishments were found in the employment size-class of less than six persons with corresponding share of 59.49% in urban employment.

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    Table 3.5 Distribution of Agricultural Establishments with hired workers & Employment therein by size class of total employment (Figures in absolute number)

    Size class of total employment

    Item 1 2 3 4 5 1-5 6-9 10--14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-99 100-199


    500 or more

    All Classes

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Rural

    178,764 379,040 149,078 65,223 30,193 802,298 42,864 8,608 1,117 903 284 2,520 1,776 592 23 860,9

    85 i)Establishments with hired worker (20.76) (44.02) (17.31) (7.58) (3.51) (93.18) (4.98) (1.00) (0.13) (0.10) (0.03) (0.29) (0.21) (0.07) (..)


    178,764 758,080 447,234 260,892 150,96

    5 1,795,93

    5 300,781 100,56

    0 18,246 19,480 7,444 132,17

    2 188,33

    0 171,696 16,24

    4 2,750,

    888 ii)Employment (6.50) (27.56) (16.26) (9.48) (5.49) (65.29) (10.93) (3.66) (0.66) (0.71) (0.27) (4.80) (6.85) (6.24) (0.59)



    12,341 33,401 17,610 8,860 5,044 77,256 7,263 1,018 323 223 100 382 169 41 4 86,77

    9 i)Establishments with hired worker (14.22) (38.49) (20.29) (10.21) (5.81) (89.03) (8.37) (1.17) (0.37) (0.26) (0.12) (0.44) (0.19) (0.05) (..)


    12,341 66,802 52,830 35,440 25,220 192,633 51,134 12,008 5,320 4,763 2,610 18,477 19,533 11,836 5,504 323,8

    18 ii)Employment (3.81) (20.63) (16.31) (10.94) (7.79) (59.49) (15.79) (3.71) (1.64) (1.47) (0.81) (5.71) (6.03) (3.66) (1.70)



    191,105 412,441 166,688 74,083 35,237 879,554 50,127 9,626 1,440 1,126 384 2,902 1,945 633 27 947,7

    64 i)Establishments with hired worker (20.16) (43.52) (17.59) (7.82) (3.72) (92.80) (5.29) (1.02) (0.15) (0.12) (0.04) (0.31) (0.21) (0.07) (..)


    191,105 824,882 500,064 296,332 176,18

    5 1,988,56

    8 351,915 112,56

    8 23,566 24,243 10,054 150,64

    9 207,86

    3 183,532 21,74

    8 3,074,

    706 ii)Employment (6.22) (26.83) (16.26) (9.64) (5.73) (64.68) (11.45) (3.66) (0.77) (0.79) (0.33) (4.90) (6.76) (5.97) (0.71)


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    Note: (i) Figures in brackets are percentage to all classes respectively (ii) Percentage and number may not tally with all classes due to rounding off

    3.7 INTER-STATE COMPARISON State/UT-wise distribution of agricultural establishments by their type and location has been given in Table 3.6. It has revealed that Tamil Nadu had the maximum number of agricultural establishments (1.09 million) constituting 17.99% of all agricultural establishments in the country. It was followed by Andhra Pradesh (16.15%) and Kerala (14.48%). The same pattern was followed in case of number of agricultural own account establishments, with maximum share in Tamil Nadu (19.19%), followed by Andhra Pradesh (16.03%) and then Kerala (15.84%). However in case of establishments with hired workers, the maximum number was found in the state of Andhra Pradesh constituting 16.82% of total agricultural establishments with hired workers.

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    Considering the sector wise break up of agricultural establishments, in rural areas maximum number of agricultural establishments was located in Tamil Nadu (1.04 million) whereas Kerala had the highest number of agricultural establishments (0.09 million) in urban areas.

    Table 3.6 : State/UT -wise distribution of Agricultural Establishments by type of establishments (Figures in absolute number)

    Rural Urban Combined

    Sl. No. States/UTs OAE

    Estt. with hired


    Total OAE


    hired worke


    Total OAE Estt.with hired workers


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

    1 Jammu & Kashmir 1,448 704 2,152 214 219 433 1,662 923 2,585

    2 Himachal Pradesh 10,740 1,019 11,759 199 56 255 10,939 1,075 12,014 3 Punjab 37,659 17,288 54,947 3,046 3,452 6,498 40,705 20,740 61,445 4 Chandigarh 514 247 761 575 83 658 1,089 330 1,419 5 Uttarkhand 27,080 2,921 30,001 1,505 374 1,879 28,585 3,295 31,880 6 Haryana 57,731 10,681 68,412 3,579 2,874 6,453 61,310 13,555 74,865

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    7 Delhi 346 231 577 841 1,872 2,713 1,187 2,103 3,290 8 Rajasthan 188,640 42,243 230,883 11,126 3,752 14,878 199,766 45,995 245,761 9 Uttar Pradesh 199,808 31,722 231,530 19,005 6,615 25,620 218,813 38,337 257,150

    10 Bihar 21,926 7,831 29,757 3,228 1,988 5,216 25,154 9,819 34,973 11 Sikkim 2,060 175 2,235 8 10 18 2,068 185 2,253

    12 Arunachal Pradesh 146 196 342 20 34 54 166 230 396

    13 Nagaland 510 483 993 138 146 284 648 629 1,277 14 Manipur 4,987 764 5,751 2,350 192 2,542 7,337 956 8,293 15 Mizoram 4,156 243 4,399 5,968 415 6,383 10,124 658 10,782 16 Tripura 8,834 880 9,714 640 116 756 9,474 996 10,470 17 Meghalaya 1,975 964 2,939 220 213 433 2,195 1,177 3,372 18 Assam 32,890 6,907 39,797 1,725 944 2,669 34,615 7,851 42,466 19 West Bengal 160,957 51,608 212,565 10,099 5,481 15,580 171,056 57,089 228,145 20 Jharkhand 4,627 3,576 8,203 2,457 2,529 4,986 7,084 6,105 13,189 21 Orissa 150,592 31,481 182,073 6,898 3,325 10,223 157,490 34,806 192,296 22 Chattisgarh 65,588 18,444 84,032 1,993 1,613 3,606 67,581 20,057 87,638

    23 Madhya Pradesh 61,561 11,232 72,793 8,760 2,901 11,661 70,321 14,133 84,454 24 Gujarat 540,009 137,290 677,299 24,933 8,719 33,652 564,942 146,009 710,951 25 Daman & Diu 152 235 387 26 175 201 178 410 588

    26 D. & N. Haveli 46 55 101 19 12 31 65 67 132

    27 Maharashtra 486,500 93,494 579,994 17,526 6,501 24,027 504,026 99,995 604,021

    28 Andhra Pradesh 798,626 151,071 949,697 23,951 8,338 32,289 822,577 159,409 981,986 29 Karnataka 298,453 78,926 377,379 9,785 3,438 13,223 308,238 82,364 390,602 30 Goa 1,606 640 2,246 286 125 411 1,892 765 2,657 31 Lakshadweep 115 218 333 24 93 117 139 311 450 32 Kerala 732,760 58,080 790,840 80,070 9,224 89,294 812,830 67,304 880,134 33 Tamil Nadu 942,183 98,348 1,040,531 42,487 10,575 53,062 984,670 108,923 1,093,593 34 Puducherry 2,770 728 3,498 476 363 839 3,246 1,091 4,337

    35 A & N. Islands 19 60 79 28 12 40 47 72 119

    All-India 4,848,014 860,985 5,708,999 284,205 86,779 370,984 5,132,219 947,764 6,079,983 Note: (i)Totals may not tally with All India due to rounding off. (ii)OAE: Own account Establishments Estt: Establishments

    State-wise distribution of the persons working in the agricultural establishments given in Table No.3.7 reveal that Andhra Pradesh gave employment to maximum number of persons (1.99 million) constituting 18.21% of the total agricultural employments, followed by Tamil Nadu (1.59 million) and Gujarat (1.39 million). Percentage shares of employment in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat was 14.57% and 12.75% respectively.

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    In rural areas, four states, viz Gujarat (12.90%), Andhra Pradesh (18.71%), Kerela (11.15%) and Tamil Nadu (14.81%) each provided for more than 11% of the total employment in rural agricultural establishments with Andhra Pradesh having the maximum employment of 1.90 million. In the urban areas also each of these four states shared more than 10% of total employment in the urban agricultural establishments. Kerala however had the maximum share of 17.03%. As regard to hired workers in the agricultural establishments, the concentration was observed mostly in the States of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh provided the maximum of 28.64% of the total agricultural hired workers.

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    Table 3.7 : State/UT -wise distribution of Persons engaged in Agricultural Establishments by type of establishments (Figures in absolute number)

    Rural Urban Combined

    Establishments with hired workers

    Establishments with hired workers

    Establishments with hired workers Sl. No. States/UTs OAE

    Total Hired

    Total OAE

    Total Hired

    Total OAE

    Total Hired


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 1 Jammu & Kashmir 2,169 3,067 2,819 5,236 241 1,370 1,216 1,611 2,410 4,437 4,035 6,847 2 Himachal Pradesh 14,780 2,898 2,341 17,678 314 1,124 1,104 1,438 15,094 4,022 3,445 19,116

    3 Punjab 63,691 53,645 30,413 117,336 4,401 12,091 8,378 16,492 68,092 65,736 38,791 133,828

    4 Chandigarh 990 775 396 1,765 813 311 178 1,124 1,803 1,086 574 2,889

    5 Uttarkhand 41,094 8,771 5,307 49,865 2,410 2,185 1,794 4,595 43,504 10,956 7,101 54,460

    6 Haryana 106,837 34,114 21,436 140,951 5,794 10,288 7,174 16,082 112,631 44,402 28,610 157,033

    7 Delhi 800 839 555 1,639 1,751 8,872 6,607 10,623 2,551 9,711 7,162 12,262

    8 Rajasthan 323,568 86,458 69,415 410,026 19,748 11,541 8,851 31,289 343,316 97,999 78,266 441,315

    9 Uttar Pradesh 376,664 91,771 56,851 468,435 32,992 20,002 13,010 52,994 409,656 111,773 69,861 521,429

    10 Bihar 33,699 19,540 13,282 53,239 4,450 5,332 3,518 9,782 38,149 24,872 16,800 63,021

    11 Sikkim 3,255 590 463 3,845 9 115 108 124 3,264 705 571 3,969

    12 Arunachal Pradesh 264 1,422 1,301 1,686 42 379 360 421 306 1,801 1,661 2,107

    13 Nagaland 953 2,005 1,297 2,958 335 594 332 929 1,288 2,599 1,629 3,887

    14 Manipur 8,064 2,120 1,323 10,184 3,543 782 500 4,325 11,607 2,902 1,823 14,509

    15 Mizoram 4,797 534 315 5,331 7,082 1,068 744 8,150 11,879 1,602 1,059 13,481

    16 Tripura 13,559 2,881 2,288 16,440 1,111 471 267 1,582 14,670 3,352 2,555 18,022

    17 Meghalaya 3,460 2,737 1,737 6,197 356 869 612 1,225 3,816 3,606 2,349 7,422

    18 Assam 57,119 22,898 13,552 80,017 2,846 3,285 1,979 6,131 59,965 26,183 15,531 86,148

    19 West Bengal 256,250 188,303 143,431 444,553 15,944 22,164 16,433 38,108 272,194 210,467 159,864 482,661

    20 Jharkhand 7,567 7,489 6,423 15,056 4,415 7,355 5,841 11,770 11,982 14,844 12,264 26,826

    21 Orissa 236,438 73,764 54,616 310,202 10,556 14,691 11,439 25,247 246,994 88,455 66,055 335,449

    22 Chattisgarh 159,064 52,031 41,478 211,095 3,662 4,897 3,664 8,559 162,726 56,928 45,142 219,654

    23 Madhya Pradesh 119,900 28,260 19,626 148,160 15,665 9,950 6,381 25,615 135,565 38,210 26,007 173,775

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    24 Gujarat 942,729 369,406 228,524 1,312,135 49,702 29,292 19,136 78,994 992,431 398,698 247,660 1,391,129

    25 Daman & Diu 214 1,542 1,250 1,756 49 1,014 791 1,063 263 2,556 2,041 2,819

    26 D. & N. Haveli 68 144 124 212 19 93 91 112 87 237 215 324

    27 Maharashtra 726,333 272,517 174,892 998,850 25,437 26,708 19,242 52,145 751,770 299,225 194,134 1,050,995

    28 Andhra Pradesh 1,201,857 701,820 586,546 1,903,677 36,776 47,429 39,471 84,205 1,238,633 749,249 626,017 1,987,882

    29 Karnataka 487,290 295,755 180,451 783,045 14,211 16,235 12,822 30,446 501,501 311,990 193,273 813,491

    30 Goa 2,481 2,474 1,750 4,955 423 570 421 993 2,904 3,044 2,171 5,948

    31 Lakshadweep 177 1,088 872 1,265 43 513 464 556 220 1,601 1,336 1,821

    32 Kerala 963,759 171,010 118,265 1,134,769 95,684 30,080 21,407 125,764 1,059,443 201,090 139,672 1,260,533

    33 Tamil Nadu 1,261,415 245,489 162,292 1,506,904 52,999 30,356 22,708 83,355 1,314,414 275,845 185,000 1,590,259

    34 Puducherry 2,978 2,229 1,527 5,207 650 1,772 1,149 2,422 3,628 4,001 2,676 7,629

    35 A & N. Islands 27 502 474 529 112 20 18 132 139 522 492 661

    All-India 7,424,310 2,750,888 1,947,632 10,175,198 414,585 323,818 238,210 738,403 7,838,895 3,074,706 2,185,842 10,913,601 OAE: Own Account Establishments

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