chapter objectives describe how climate and geography affected india, and how the aryans changed...


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Page 1: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism
Page 2: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Chapter Objectives

• Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India.

• Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism.

• Discuss the effects of the Mauryan and Gupta empires on India.

Early India

Page 3: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Get Ready to Read (cont.)

Focusing on the Main Ideas

• Climate and geography influenced the rise of India’s first civilization.

• The Aryans created a caste system that separated Indians into groups.

• The Aryans conquered India and introduced new ideas and technology.

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 4: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Land of India

• India is a subcontinent because it is separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world.

• India has two fertile river valleys created by the Ganges River and the Indus River.

(pages 195–197)

• The Indian subcontinent contains five nations: India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 5: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Land of India (cont.)

• A monsoon is a strong wind that blows one direction in winter and the opposite direction in summer.

• The first urban civilization in India arose near the Indus River after the river flooded and left fertile soil behind.

• Monsoons bring rain in summer.

• This civilization started about 3000 B.C. and lasted until about 1500 B.C.

(pages 195–197)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 6: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Land of India (cont.)

• Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were large, well-planned cities in ancient India.

• The houses were made from baked mud bricks.

• The cities had wells, drains for wastewater, garbage chutes, and organized governments.

• Most people were farmers.

• They grew wheat, barley, peas, and cotton.

(pages 195–197)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 7: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Land of India (cont.)

• The Harappans traded their goods with people from other lands.

• City dwellers were artisans, who made jewelry, pottery, tools, and cloth.

(pages 195–197)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 8: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Aryans

• The Aryans were hunters who also raised and herded cattle.

(pages 198–199)

• The Aryans were also nomads and expert warriors.

• They had metal-tipped spears and wooden chariots.

• The Aryans left their home territory in Central Asia and began moving into the Indus River valley around 1500 B.C.

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 9: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Aryans Invade (cont.)

• The Aryans became farmers but continued to raise cattle.

• The cattle were so important, the Aryans eventually declared them sacred.

(pages 198–199)

India’s Early Civilizations

• The Aryans invented an iron plow and built canals to improve farming.

Page 10: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Aryans Invade (cont.)

• The Aryans developed a written language called Sanskrit.

• Aryan tribes were led by a raja, or prince.

(pages 198–199)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 11: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Society in Ancient India

• A caste is a social group that someone is born into and cannot change. The Indian word for caste is jati.

(pages 199–201)

• The many jati are divided into four levels.

• The top two levels included priests and warriors.

• The next level was common people, such as merchants and farmers.

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 12: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Society in Ancient India (cont.)

• The fourth level included laborers and servants.

• Untouchables were not part of any caste.

• These people did dirty work considered polluting, and they led difficult lives.

(pages 199–201)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 13: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Society in Ancient India (cont.)

• In most cases, only men could inherit property.

• Only men were allowed to go to school or become priests.

• Parents arranged marriages, and divorce was not allowed.

• Men’s lives were considered more important than women’s lives.

(pages 199–201)

India’s Early Civilizations

Page 14: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism

Get Ready to Read

Section OverviewThe religion of Hinduism is based on the beliefs of the Aryans. Buddhism, a new religion, was popular with many people in India and other areas of Asia.

Page 15: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Get Ready to Read (cont.)

Focusing on the Main Ideas

Hinduism and Buddhism

• A new religion, Buddhism, appealed to many people in India and other parts of Asia.

• Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.

Page 16: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism


• Hinduism’s roots are in the Aryan religion, which changed after borrowing ideas from people encountered in India.

• The Brahman is the universal spirit made up of thousands of deities.

• Hinduism, the world’s third largest religion, is one of the oldest religions.

(pages 203–204)

Hinduism and Buddhism

Page 17: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism (cont.)

• Reincarnation is the idea of passing through many lives to reach the Brahman.

• Dharma is the divine law of Hindus.

• The Upanishads are ancient sacred texts that describe the search for Brahman.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 203–204)

Page 18: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism (cont.)

• The consequences of how a person lives is called karma.

• This law states that Hindus must perform the duties of their caste.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 203–204)

Page 19: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism


• Buddhism is a religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the man who became known as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One.”

(pages 205–208)

• Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who left his family and wealth to travel.

• In his travels, he saw much suffering and questioned the need for suffering.

Hinduism and Buddhism

Page 20: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism (cont.)

• Legend tells he meditated under a tree for 49 days, and then he understood.

• For the rest of his life, Siddhartha traveled to tell people about his discovery.

• Nirvana, a state of wisdom, occurs when a person gives up all desires.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 205–208)

Page 21: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism (cont.)

• The core of Buddha’s teaching is called the Four Noble Truths.

• The Eightfold Path describes the steps to eliminate suffering.

• Buddhism divided into Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.

• Theravada Buddhists believe the Buddha was a great teacher, not a god.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 205–208)

Page 22: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism (cont.)

• Mahayana Buddhists believe the Buddha was a god who came to save people.

• Tibet is a country in central Asia where Mahayana Buddhism mixed with traditional Tibetan religion and Hinduism to create a special kind of Mahayana Buddhism.

• In Tibet, religious leaders, called lamas, headed the government.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 205–208)

Page 23: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism (cont.)

• The Dalai Lama was the government leader, and the Panchen Lama was the religious leader.

• A theocracy is a form of government in which religious leaders head the government.

Hinduism and Buddhism

(pages 205–208)

Page 24: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

India’s First Empires

Get Ready to Read

Section OverviewThe Mauryan and Gupta dynasties built empires in India, and they contributed greatly to literature, mathematics, and science.

Page 25: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Get Ready to Read (cont.)

Focusing on the Main Ideas

India’s First Empires

• The Mauryan dynasty built India’s first great empire.

• The Gupta empire reunited much of northern India and became wealthy through trade.

• The Mauryan and Gupta empires made important contributions in literature, mathematics, and science.

Page 26: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Mauryan Dynasty

• Chandragupta Maurya, an Indian prince, founded India’s first empire after Alexander the Great left India.

• This empire was called the Mauryan dynasty.

• A dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family.

(pages 210–211)

• Chandragupta controlled his dynasty by retaining a strong army and using spies.

India’s First Empires

Page 27: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Mauryan Dynasty (cont.)

• Many historians consider Asoka the Mauryan dynasty’s greatest king.

• After he was a strong military leader, Asoka turned away from violence.

• He made a vow to live a peaceful life and follow Buddhism.

• Asoka did many great things for his people.

India’s First Empires

(pages 210–211)

Page 28: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Mauryan Dynasty (cont.)

• For example, he built hospitals and new roads and sent teachers throughout India to teach Buddhism.

• The empire grew weak after Asoka’s death.

• The kings made poor decisions, and the Mauryan Empire fell.

India’s First Empires

(pages 210–211)

Page 29: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Gupta Empire

• After Chandragupta died, his son, Samudragupta, took over and expanded the empire.

• After 500 years of fighting, another Chandragupta took power and founded the Gupta dynasty.

(page 213)

• The Guptas ruled for about 200 years.

• They grew wealthy from trade with China and kingdoms in southeast Asia and the Mediterranean.

India’s First Empires

Page 30: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Gupta Empire (cont.)

• Visiting pilgrims helped make cities wealthy just as tourists make cities wealthy today.

• Pilgrims were people who often used the trade routes to travel to a religious shrine or site.

(page 213)

• The Guptas were Hindus, and they gave their full support to Hinduism.

• The golden age of art and learning in India was during the Gupta empire.

India’s First Empires

Page 31: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Indian Literature and Science

• The Vedas were recorded in Sanskrit after the Aryan people came to India.

• The Vedas of India are an ancient collection of sacred verses, hymns, and prayers.

(pages 214–216)

• The Mahabharata and Ramayana are two sacred texts that are still famous in India today.

• Both tell about warriors and their brave deeds.

India’s First Empires

Page 32: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Indian Literature and Science (cont.)

• His poem The Cloud Messenger is one of the most popular Sanskrit poems.

• Kalidasa was a writer who lived during the Gupta dynasty.

• Aryabhata was a mathematician who lived during the Gupta dynasty.

• He was one of the first scientists to use algebra.

India’s First Empires

(pages 214–216)

Page 33: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Indian Literature and Science (cont.)

• They also invented algorithms and the idea of zero.

• Mathematicians in the Gupta empire developed the symbols for the numbers 1 to 9 that we use today.

• Indians also developed ideas in astronomy and medicine.

India’s First Empires

(pages 214–216)

Page 34: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Section 1: India’s First CivilizationsFocusing on the Main Ideas

Early India

• Climate and geography influenced the rise of India’s first civilization.

• The Aryans conquered India and introduced new ideas and technology.

• The Aryans created a caste system that separated Indians into groups.

Page 35: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

• Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.

• A new religion, Buddhism, appealed to many people in India and other parts of Asia.

Early India

Section 2: Hinduism and BuddhismFocusing on the Main Ideas

Page 36: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

• The Mauryan dynasty built India’s first great empire.

• The Gupta empire reunited much of northern India and became wealthy through trade.

• The Mauryan and Gupta empires made important contributions in literature, mathematics, and science.

Early India

Section 3: India’s First EmpiresFocusing on the Main Ideas

Page 37: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

__ 1. Each Aryan tribe was led by a ____.

__ 2. In a ____, government is led by religious leaders.

__ 3. A ____ is a line of rulers who belong to the same family.

__ 4. A ____ travels to religious places.

Review Vocabulary

A. stupaB. guruC. casteD. rajaE. pilgrimF. theocracyG. monsoonH. dynasty


Define Match the vocabulary word that completes each sentence.




Early India

Page 38: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

__ 5. A ____ is a strong wind that blows one direction in winter and the opposite direction in summer.

__ 6. A ____, is a teacher.__ 7. A ____ is a social group

that someone is born into and cannot change.

__ 8. ____ are Buddhist shrines that have the shape of a dome or mound.

Review Vocabulary

A. stupaB. guruC. casteD. rajaE. pilgrimF. theocracyG. monsoonH. dynasty


Define Match the vocabulary word that completes each sentence.




Early India

Page 39: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Section 1 India’s First Civilizations

What influenced the rise of India’s first civilizations?

Geography and climate influenced the first civilizations.

Early India

Review Main Ideas

Page 40: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

What was the purpose of the caste system?

No one is sure, but possibly to help Aryans stay in control.

Early India

Section 1 India’s First Civilizations

Review Main Ideas

Page 41: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Section 2 Hinduism and Buddhism

From what did Hinduism form?

Hinduism formed from the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.

Early India

Review Main Ideas

Page 42: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Which religion appealed to people in India and other parts of Asia?


Early India

Section 2 Hinduism and Buddhism

Review Main Ideas

Page 43: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Section 3 India’s First Empires

Which dynasty built India’s first great empire?

the Mauryan dynasty

Early India

Review Main Ideas

Page 44: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Why was the Gupta empire important?

It reunited much of India and became wealthy through trade.

Early India

Section 3 India’s First Empires

Review Main Ideas

Page 45: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Explain How did the monsoons affect the development of India’s first civilizations?

The summer monsoon made the Indus River flood, fertilizing the soil and leading to good farming. Surplus food led to specialization and civilization.

Early India

Page 46: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Predict What do you think might have happened if Asoka had approved of the slaughter on the battlefield during his wars of conquest?

Answers might include that wars might have continued during the Mauryan empire; the empire might have been larger; Buddhism may not have spread so quickly.

Early India

Page 47: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Click the map to view an interactive version.

Page 48: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Click the map to view an interactive version.

Page 49: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism
Page 50: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism
Page 51: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism
Page 52: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Morality in the Eightfold Path

Page 53: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

563–483 B.C.The Buddha

Sculpture of the Buddha sitting on a cobra. The Buddha

Page 54: Chapter Objectives Describe how climate and geography affected India, and how the Aryans changed India. Summarize the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism

Emperor Asoka

Carving from top of pillar created under Asoka. Asoka