chapter ten

Chapter Ten The Resurrection

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Chapter Ten. The Resurrection. Chapter Ten. I The Resurrection. II The Ascension. III Pentecost. IV Titles of Jesus. 216. I The Resurrection. 0.) Introduction. One of the earliest continuous traditions of the early Church was that of. “the empty tomb.”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Chapter Ten

The Resurrection

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Chapter TenI The Resurrection

II The Ascension

III Pentecost

IV Titles of Jesus

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I The Resurrection 216

0.) IntroductionOne of the earliest continuous traditions of the early Church

was that of “the empty tomb.”

- Found in all the gospels.

Found in the very earliest preaching of the apostles – within a few years of Jesus’ death!

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- The simple fact of the empty tomb doesn’t ‘prove’ that Jesus rose from the dead,

but provided a physical focus for the first

Christians’ belief in the resurrection,

and became a place of devotion and


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I The Resurrection216

1. (a) What do Christians believe happened at Easter?

- Jesus “rose from the dead”

- immortal, never to die again

- glorious, transformed

Did NOT “come back to life.”

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I The Resurrection219

1. (b) Why is the resurrection so difficult to talk about or comprehend?

i Only people of faith would have seen the risen Jesus

(“the Christ of Faith”)

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2191. (b) Why is the resurrection so difficult to talk about or comprehend?

ii No one could “prove” the existence of the risen Jesus

- He’s now beyond the T.S.B.

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I The Resurrection221-222

1. (c) What is the meaning of Easter?

i It demonstrates the truth of His claim to be divine

+ Shows the truth of his other claims, too

(as found on p.222)

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I The Resurrection221-222

1. (c) What is the meaning of Easter?

ii Jesus freed humanity from sin and death

i.e. he “conquered death” and brought us with him!

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I The Resurrection221-222

1. (c) What is the meaning of Easter?

iii It gives us a new way of living right now.

By living out Jesus’ dream of the KINGDOM

each day

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I The Resurrection221-222

1. (d) What was the risen Jesus like?

i The same as before:

a. still had nail wounds in hands and feet

‘The same but different’

b. could speakspeak and eateat (fish and honey comb)

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I The Resurrection221-222

1. (d) What was the risen Jesus like?

ii He was completely different:

a. Could walk through closed doorsclosed doors

b. His best friend did not not recognize himrecognize him

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I The Resurrection 225-226

1. e. Name three ways that we ourselves encounter the risen Jesus

2. In the community of believers -- loving relationships

3. Remembering and living out his dream - the Kingdom

1. In the Eucharist

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Chapter TenI The Resurrection

II The Ascension

III Pentecost

IV Titles of Jesus

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(See illustration on p. 228)

After his resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven

and was seated at the right hand of the Father

2. (a)What do Christians believe happened at the ASCENSION?

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2. (a)What do Christians believe happened at the ASCENSION?

Jesus completes the cycle, returns to the Father

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i Jesus moved beyond our experience

2. (b)Why is it so hard for humans to talk about the Ascension?

ii beyond the dimensions of space and time

iii beyond the limits of language

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i Jesus passed totally into the presence of God

2. (c)What is the meaning of the ascension?

ii passing beyond the limits of space and time

iii Jesus is now free to be everywhere, with everyone, for all time

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i It might seem that Jesus “went away” from us by “going up to heaven.”

2. (d)In what way does the ascension mean just the opposite of what one might think?

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229-2302. (d)In what way does the ascension mean just the

opposite of what one might think?

ii It’s just the opposite!opposite!

Christ is now with God;

And God is everywhere;

So Jesus is present everywhere

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229-2302. (d)In what way does the ascension mean just the

opposite of what one might think?

iii He’s actually more present now

than he was when he was walking around Galilee,

when he could only be present in one place at a time.

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Chapter TenI The Resurrection

II The Ascension

III Pentecost

IV Titles of Jesus

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2173. (a) Tell the story of PENTECOST using details provided by St. Luke

1. On the Jewish feast of Pentecost

2. Disciples were gathered together in one place

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2173. (a) Tell the story of PENTECOST using details provided by St. Luke

3. Sound of a violent wind filled the house

4. Tongues of fire rested on them

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2173. (a) Tell the story of PENTECOST using details provided by St. Luke

5. All were filled with the Holy Spirit

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2173. (a) Tell the story of PENTECOST using details provided by St. Luke

6. They began to speak in other tongues

- everyone understood them in his own language.

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231-2323. (b) What is the MEANING of the


i. The “Birthday of the Church”

because at Pentecost the disciples began a whole new way of living with one another.

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3. (b) What is the MEANING of PENTECOST event?

ii. The message of Pentecost:

“When disheartened and frightened people encounter the Spirit of the risen Jesus, they aretransformed by the experience.”

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3. (b) What is the MEANING of PENTECOST event?

iii. A shattered, frightened band of disciples

was transformed into a courageous community of faith:

“and they began to preach.”

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Chapter TenI The Resurrection

II The Ascension

III Pentecost

IV Titles of Jesus

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A. “The Christ”

IV Three Titles of Jesus

Not a name but a title: “Jesus THE Christ”

Greek “anointed’ Hebrew “messiah”

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B. “Son of God”

IV Three Titles of Jesus

– not an unusual name for holy people on OT,

including kings

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233B. “Son of God”

When used of Jesus, “Son of God”

came to indicate his divinity

in the Sacred Trinity of Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit

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C. “Lord”

IV Three Titles of Jesus

1. A title for God in OT and in NT

2. Soon after resurrection, believers referred to Jesus as “The Lord’ or

“Our Lord.”

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C. “Lord”

IV Three Titles of Jesus

3. By calling Jesus “Lord,” believers were proclaiming that Jesus was divine

4. Seemed to contradict Jewish belief that “The Lord, Our God, is One.”

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233C. “Lord”

““Jesus ChristJesus Christ

is is LordLord!”!”


Early Christian acclamation:Early Christian acclamation:

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2. Jesus was buried in a tomb.c. Jesus’ corpse was placed in a tomb

newly carved out of rock

d. A wheel-shaped stone was rolled in place to seal the entrance

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2. Jesus was buried in a tomb.

e. Soldiers were posted to keep his followers from stealing the body.

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I The Resurrection 217

A. Introduction

B. What Happened?

C. Evidence for accepting the resurrection

1. A consistent belief by the early Church


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217C. Evidence for accepting the resurrection

2. The empty tomb


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217C. Evidence for accepting the resurrection

3. Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances
