chapter twenty-one - 'confluence part 3

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter Twenty-One - 'Confluence Part 3'


    Heroes Apocalypse

    Volume One: Confluence

    Chapter Twenty-One:Confluence, Part 3: Our Gordian Fate

    *All Characters of this series are original designs and creations by Jay Choi.

    Characters, themes, symbols and elements that seem similar to the NBCs Heroes,

    belong to their respective writers and creators (Tim Kring and co.)*

    (Chapter starts off with Ryan and Snack ensuing their battle. Their clashes have grown powerful to the

    point where those around have succumb to the pain of their results. Ryan would fire large masses and

    shrapnel of material that would act like a shotgun fire, in which case, damages not only Snack but

    those behind him. Snack's red energy weapons have extended and fired at not only Ryan, but those

    around him. Lynne watches the two of them battling)

    Lynne: Their battle is becoming way too dangerous . .

    Crimson Reaper: Focus!

    (Lynne pays attention and dodges Phearson's attack as Crimson Reaper warns her. Phearson sweeps

    at Lynne with a misty shadow whip. Crimson Reaper jumps in and sweeps at Phearson with her

    scythe. Phearson disperses into clouds and reforms elsewhere. Nec fires a fireball at Phearson.

    Phearson jumps out of the way and spews black fire from his mouth. Nec disperses it with an air

    bullet. He then turns invisible)

    Phearson:(Laughing) You think I can't see you!? I can smell your fears!

    Cronus: Here's the catch: we aren't scared.

    (Phearson turns around to see Cronus and a bunch of clones. One clone jumps into Phearson'sshadow to keep him locked. The other clones grab Phearson's limbs. Nec then reappears by the

    original Cronus. Cronus supercharges Nec with red sparks. Nec prepares to attack Phearson, but all

    of the sudden, a huge tremor is felt. Everyone turns to the battle between Ryan and Snack)

    (Ryan, with both palms on the ground, struggles and shouts)

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    Snack: What are you doing!?

    (Ryan continues to shout. It looks as if Ryan is pulling the ground up. The ground shakes and cracks.

    Then all of the sudden, the ground beneath and around Ryan rises. More of the land follows up with

    Ryan. The mass of material forms into the shape of a large tanking creature. Snack looks up in shock

    at Ryan's creation. Ryan pants from his result. He then stands tall atop the earth monstrosity. Theearth behemoth moves its arm in a fashion to smash Snack. Snack realizes this and runs to dodge the

    arm. The impact of the arm blows several people and things away. Snack clings on by stabbing the

    ground with a red blade. He then rushes the arm and slashes at the arm. Snack's red blade cracks and

    bursts into pieces upon contact with the arm. Snack is shocked and Ryan comes out of the arm)

    Ryan: You're going to need a lot more to break this.

    (Snack jumps back and puts his arms out to his left and right. His whole body is covered in red energy)

    Snack: Whatever you can do, I can do better.

    (Snack's red outline extends and forms a red sphere of aura around him. The aura then shoots out

    multiple red lines and streams and intertwine and unite. Ryan sinks back into the arm of his behemoth

    and rises back to the top. Snack ascends to the sky as the red energy around him forms a large aura

    beast. Everyone looks to see the huge titans in the middle of the battlefield)

    (Ryan and Snack both look at each other. They then roar at each other as they make their massive

    creations clash with one another)

    (Steen chuckles as he views the clash of Ryan and Snack. Everyone else by him watches as well)

    Blake: Kids, Andy.

    Andy: Huh?

    Blake: Those two are kids and they are becoming like us . . the best of friends crushed under the

    lightest of things . .

    Andy: I'm sorry, Blake, Sonia-

    Sonia: No time for that, Andy!

    Andy: . . you're right.

    (Andy gets up with the help of Blake. Everyone else gets up as well)

    Malus: Well, it's nice to know you're back.

    Andy: I never said I was . . not in the Army that is.

    Malus: Say no more!

    Raphael: Steven.

    Steve: Yes, uncle?

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    Raphael: Go dispose of the ingrates that block Phearson. Get him here immediately.

    (Steve nods and teleports towards Phearson)

    Blake: I'll go after the bastard. Andy, Vito, it's all up to you two now. End this.

    (Vito and Andy nod to Blake)

    Blake: . . alright, hey, kid! Let's go!Will: Yes, Mr. Vondran!

    (Blake and Will run off. Malus follows. Steen runs off)

    Raphael: And where are you off to?

    Steen: To check on my experiment!

    Raphael: Can't be helped, I guess.

    Skye: Wait, Steen!

    Vito: Skye, go hide Evan! We cant afford to waste any more time!

    (Skye nods grudgingly and takes Evan. She leads him back into the colony)

    (Raphael smirks)

    Raphael: Your efforts are futile!

    (Raphael fires a plasma bolt at Skye but Vito sends a lightning arc at it causing a small explosion.

    Skye and Evan proceed into the colony)

    Raphael: Fine. Lets end this quickly.

    (Sonia puts on her headphones and looks at Andy)

    Sonia: You don't have them don't you?

    Andy: Go ask Blake.

    (Sonia smiles and hands him new headphones. Andy smiles in return and puts them on)

    Raphael: What about the people, Andy? The people you've cared about so much that you've switched


    Andy: Those people are right here.

    Raphael: Selfish, ungrateful, and traitorous to your own kind!

    Andy: Aren't you? I understand the colony people's true fright and worries: You. You terrorized them

    into this, didn't you!?

    Raphael: That was their own choice to be scared-

    (Raphael is suddenly punched in the face by Andy. Raphael falls back)

    Andy: I'm sick of your crap!

    (Raphael's eyes then glow and he blasts Andy away with a telekinetic wave. Andy recuperates quickly.

    Raphael then opens his palm at Andy. Andy then retaliates by sending a sonic blast with his palm. His

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    attack cancels out Raphael's. Vito flies in and kicks Raphael, who is sent rolling. Raphael gets back

    up, but its quickly restrained by Sonia's earth abilities)

    Raphael: Give up! All of you! It is the boys fate for me to take his power! It is my fate to become he

    who is beyond god!

    (Raphael breaks out of the rock restraints and blows everyone away with a telekinetic wave)

    (The scene changes back to Nec, Cronus, Crimson Reaper, and Lynne battling Phearson. Phearson

    laughs as he marvels at the battle between Ryan and Snack)

    Lynne: Is that . . ?

    Cronus: Hmph. Theyre more of a monster than I am!

    Phearson: Yes, fight with rage!

    (The scene also shows back at the giant earth wall that Jaelyn and Oneshot see everyone fighting.

    Amadeuss face is still wrapped in the shadows of Phearson)

    Oneshot: Fear is spreading throughout the field. Phearson is getting stronger by the second. The clash

    of those boys is scaring everyone.

    (Jaelyn looks down at the battle worried. The giant titans that Ryan and Snack have created continue

    to bash one another. Ryans Terra Titan and Snacks Aura Titan collide with devastating force as Ryan

    and Snack command them to push each other with full strength. During that struggle, Ryan and Snack

    get close and engage each other in hand to hand combat. Ryan swings his leg at Snack who ducks and

    returns a jab with his red blade. Ryan grabs it and pulls Snack towards him. He then punches Snack

    right in the face. Snack falls back into the command sphere of the Aura Titan. At the same time, the

    Aura Titan loses focus and Ryans Terra Titan is able to push the Aura Titan away. Aura Titan falls to

    the ground. The impact of the fall causes a destructive wave that blows several people away)

    (Necs arms turn into metal and Nec stabs the ground to not get blown away. Cronus creates a small

    chain of clones to hold him back. Crimson Reaper grabs Lynne and forms some sort of gravity orb

    around them. Phearson stands firm and laughs)

    (Raphael, Vito, Andy and Sonia all attempt to stand firm as they feel the tremble of the fall. Inside the

    colony, Skye and Evan fall to the ground as they feel the earth shake. Several buildings fall and break

    and the screams of women and children are heard)

    Evan: Why is this happening!?

    Skye: I dont know, but we have to keep going!

    Evan: No, we have to help the people first!

    Skye: Evan, wait!

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    (Evan runs off ahead of Skye. Skye chases after him. Meanwhile, Steve teleports across the battlefield,

    only to be halted by the waves of debris and people being blown away by the fall of the Aura Titan.

    Blake and Will catches up and grabs Steve)

    Blake: Gotcha!

    (Blake punches Steve straight across the face. Steve then gets up and sends a wave of ice at him.Blake stops the attack with a wave of radiation. Steve then continues to teleport towards Phearson)

    Blake: Wait, you bastard!

    (Phearson turns around back to the others)

    Phearson: Now that was fun! Where were we?

    Nec: The part where we kick your ass.

    Phearson:(Laughs) Do you smell that? All the fear of the bystanders! Wondering what is happening!

    What are those two giant monsters that the two boys conjured up!?

    (Phearson takes in a big whiff)

    Phearson: Newly brewed fear works a lot better than the stored up brand!

    (Phearson spreads his shadows in a large radius around him. Nec spreads fire around himself and

    Cronus to avoid being touched by the shadows. Crimson Reaper and Lynne are protected by another

    barrier made by the Reaper. Phearson ascends into the sky as his shadows consume all other life that

    it touches. Phearson increases in size and mass and begins to take on a more monstrous form)

    Phearson:(Voice now distorted) Welcome tomy REALITY!

    Cronus: Hes becoming quite annoying.

    Nec: Lets finish him already!

    (Lynne holds out her Refract Bile sword and slices several shadow tentacles. The tentacles are

    absorbed into Lynnes sword. She swings it at Pherason, sending the shadows back at him. The

    shadows hit Phearson. He looks down and notices Lynne)

    Pheason: Pesky girl!

    (Phearson drools out more shadows that take shape of mannequins. The mannequins descend to the

    ground and get up slowly. They begin to attack Lynne. Lynne slashes at one, which disperses into

    nothing. Cronus supercharges Nec. Phearson looks down at the two of them. Nec then charges up a

    fireball, brings it up, and sends it at Phearson. The fireball turns into a large blast of fire. Phearson is

    hit and begins to burn up. Phearson shouts in pain as the shadow tendrils consume the flames from


    Cronus: Hes taking damage?

    Phearson: What is happening!?

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    (Steen runs around the battlefield and stops to observe Phearson. Malus then catches up to Steen)

    Steen: Malus, was it? How is Phearson getting hurt? Nothing should be able to hurt him!

    Malus: From the beginning of the battle, I used my abilities to set the probability of Phearson being

    able to feel pain. But I didnt think it worked.

    Steen: Then how is it working?Malus: Reality benders are linked by mind, soul and spirit. If one of us is troubled, the others should

    be able to feel it.

    Steen: But that doesnt necessarily explain how Phearson is being hurt.

    Malus: And I feel fine, I dont get whats . . . oh, I see.

    Steen: What?

    Malus: Hmph. Its nothing . . we just have a potential benefactor on our side . .

    (Scene switches back to Evan and Skye opening doors to a rather large bomb shelter. They look inside

    and see the cowering Empath women, children, and other people who are unwilling to partake in the


    Skye: Its okay! Dont be scared!

    Evan: Everything is going to be alright!

    (A loud explosion is heard and the people cry and scream)

    Skye: Everyone calm down, please!

    Evan:Calm down!

    (Everyone becomes silent. Evan steps down into the center and faces all the people)

    Evan: We cant be scared. You all have to understand, if we are scared, they win! And besides, there

    is nothing to be scared of! I was scared at first, but then I realized that I have very good friends out

    there, fighting to keep us all safe! I know Raphael is scaring you all with whats going on and many

    people have lost their lives, but trust me, fear is the enemys weapon! Stand up, take fight, not flight!

    Things will only be scary if we think it is!

    Man: How can you be so brave? Youre just a kid!

    Evan: I know that I may not survive that I may die, but knowing that my friends are there to protect

    me gives me the courage to not fear. And now, its my turn to protect them: Ive realized my Gordian


    (One by one they begin to cheer for Evan)

    Evan: Listen up and follow me! This is what were going to do!

    (Scene moves over to Raphael holding off Vito, Andy and Sonia fairly well; Sonia sends boulders at

    Raphael who punches them back at Andy and Sonia. Sonia breaks the rock, while Andy flips over it

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    and sends a barrage of concussive blasts at Raphael. Many zip past him as they blast into the ground,

    but some are even deflected by Raphaels fists. Andy brings back his fist and lunges it at Raphael, who

    returns with another fist but to Andys face. Andy flies back and Sonia attempts to catch him, but he

    falls flat on top of her. Vito flies at Raphael and tackles him. Raphael pulls his fists up together and

    slams Vitos back. Vito drops Raphael off the edge of the Empath Island onto the shore. Vito fallsdown with him. Raphael quickly recovers from the fall, while Vito simply hits the ground)

    Raphael: Persistent, Ill give you that, boy. But you shall ultimately fail in your efforts! All of you!

    Vito: We will stop you!

    Raphael: You can try, but the results will be the same regardless! What is keeping Steven so long?

    He should have been able to dispose those gnats by now! We cant keep Mr. Phearson waiting any


    Vito: Thats the others. You cant stop them, together we are strong! We all come together because we

    know that youre wrong!

    Raphael: And what exactly am I wrong about?

    Vito: That the people fear us! That the world fears Empaths!

    Raphael: Then what do they fear!?

    Vito: People like Phearson, people likeyou!

    Raphael: Boy, you are far too young to understand anything!

    (Raphael twirls his arms back and fires green lightning at Vito, who blocks it with a telekinetic wave.

    The blast pushes Vito back and partially singes him. The force pushes Vito back and forces him to

    kneel on one knee)

    Raphael: How can you have so much hope when youre on your knees!? Give up!

    (Camera moves over to Ryan and Snack and their ensuing battle among their Titans. Snacks Aura

    Titan unleashes several red spikes that extend and pierce Ryans Terra Titan. Ryan stumbles back as

    his Titan is stuck in place and has several parts fall off by Snacks attack. Snack smiles evilly. Ryan

    kneels and puts both palms on the Terra Titan. He then gets up and runs straight atop one of the red

    spikes from the Aura Titan. As Ryan rushes at Snack, the Terra Titan breaks apart and follows Ryan

    along the various red spikes. Snack attempts to knock Ryan off the red spike line by cutting it off, but

    Ryan jumps up and lands atop the Aura Titan. Ryan and Snack brawl as the Aura Titan is slowly being

    covered by the Terra Titan parts. The earth and material beneath also rise and spiral around the Aura

    Titan. Ryan then slams Snack straight down, who slips right into the Aura Titan. Ryan grabs a chunk

    of the earth that covers the Aura and drags it over the rest of the Titan. Ryan utilized Terra Titan to

    consume and trap Snack inside the Aura Titan)

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    (Ryan exhales, sits down, and shouts in anger. After that, Ryan calms down)

    Ryan: Its done.

    (All of the sudden, a small quake is felt. Ryan gets up and turns around; Snack breaks out of the earth

    covering in a column of red energy)

    Snack: Its far from over!Ryan: Snack, just give up! This is going nowhere!

    Snack: And call it a tie?! That would be useless! You know how it is: One shall stand, one shall fall!

    Ryan: I guess there really isnt room for the two of us in the world. Fine. Lets end this!

    (Ryan and Snack charge at each other; scene moves along to Crimson Reaper, Lynne, Nec and Cronus

    battling Phearson. Phearson slowly decreases in size as they all continue damaging him)

    Phearson: Why is everything hurting!? Im supposed to be invincible!

    Steve: Allow me to assist, Mr. Phearson.

    (Steve teleports in. Blake and Will follow in attempting to catch Steve)

    Blake: Boss! Hes with the Empaths!

    Crimson Reaper: Got it.

    (Crimson Reaper teleports to Steve with her scythe ready. Steve teleports to the center of Cronus, Nec,

    Lynne, Crimson Reaper, Blake and Will. Steve then shoots out some sort of flare from his finger tips to

    the sky. Meanwhile, Raphael continues to push away Vito with his green lightning blast. Raphael sees

    the flare and ceases his attack. Vito falls breathing heavily. Raphaels hand glows and he snaps his

    fingers. Steve suddenly glows and sprouts out energy chains that link to each Nec, Cronus, Lynne,

    Crimson Reaper, Blake and Will. The chains bring them all closer and Steve turns into a mass of

    energy. The mass morphs into a cage around them all, during which, Lynne drops her sword outside

    the cage. Crimson Reapers scythe disappears. Steve phases out of the cage and approaches


    Steve: Mr. Phearson, my uncle awaits you. He will present you Evan.

    Phearson: Huh, how generous!

    (Phearson suddenly coughs and pukes out a gunk of shadow. The dark mass morphs into a person who

    is shivering. The person is curled up and shaking as he stares blankly at the people in the cage)

    Shivering Man: So . . . cold . . so . . dark

    Phearson: Oops!

    (Phearson chuckles as he sends a dark tendril to grab the Shivering Man. The man attempts to crawl

    away, but the tendril grabs him and pulls him back towards Phearson)

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    Shivering Man: No! I dont want to go back! Please, save me!

    (Phearsons shadow consumes him. Phearson shrinks back into normal size)

    Phearson: Thanks for locking up the dogs for me!

    Steve: Yes, you may thank my uncle for giving me the power. Please, come quickly.

    (Phearson and Steve walk away; Blake attempts to break the cage, but to no avail)Crimson Reaper: This cage is negating our abilities.

    Cronus: I already figured that much.

    Nec: So what now?

    Blake: We sit here and hope that someone comes and saves us, or Vito and Andy defeat Raphael.

    (Scene moves over to Steen and Malus observing the battlefield; most of the battle has come to an end.

    Either too many casualties or a lack of will to fight is the cause of why many of the Empaths and

    Sovereigns have stopped fighting. The Kuders continue to attack the great earth wall that Sonia

    conjured up as some of the remaining Sovereigns who are willing to fight hold back the assault)

    Malus: This is inhuman.

    Steen: Well, the Kuders are clones of a human, so technically-

    Malus: Not that. All of this; nothing makes sense. The world lives in peace and quiet while beneath

    all the coverings of society, this dark activity goes on.

    Steen: Ever since abilities were revealed in the world, countries all around agreed to not take over one

    another with their owngod. As a result, we exterminated most of the Empaths. Exterminated enough

    to make the world believe one of their own to be a fairy tale.

    Malus: And now look where that got us. A full scale invasion of them with a super weapon in the form

    of a child! This war is changing everyone.

    Steen: Especially those two.

    (Steen points and Malus looks at what he is pointing at: Ryan and Snack fighting atop the giant earth

    mass that Ryan formed earlier)

    Steen: The two of them were quite a pair. But now they seem determined to end one another. Kids are

    so confused these days; they believe there has to be a sole solution to things. They never consider a

    possible other.

    Malus: Im not sticking around to see the rest of this.

    Steen: What does that mean?

    Malus: No more war. No more seeing kids fight. No more Army of Seven.

    Steen: And where will you go? Arent you going to help them stop Pheason and Raphael?

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    Malus: Werent you going to help Raphael in return for some ingredient?

    Steen: I found a new project to focus on.

    (Steen studies Ryan carefully)

    Malus: Youre sick, you know that?

    Steen: It was nice meeting you, Malus.Malus: I know the war will end well. I put all my faith into our victory.

    Steen: Didnt see you as being such an optimist.

    Malus: Im not. Im just a joker who knows how to play his cards right. Now, if youll excuse me,

    Im going to go test my luck once again with the lottery.

    (Malus walks away from the battlefield. Steen turns away and chuckles. Jaelyn is seen flying across

    the battlefield, lifting Oneshot and Amadeus as well)

    Jaelyn: They couldnt stop Phearson. We have to stop him!

    (She spots Vito struggling against Raphael. She descends down and wonders what to do)

    Oneshot: Go. I will handle Phearson.

    Jaelyn: But-

    Oneshot: You wouldnt be able to fight properly if something were to happen to him anyway.

    Jaelyn: . . . thanks.

    (Jaelyn runs off. Oneshot stands firm with Amadeus, whos face is no longer wrapped in shadows)

    Oneshot: Phearson must have lost grip on his powers when he was damaged earlier.

    Amadeus: Indeed. Judgment shall fall upon him for defying against God.

    (Scene changes to Vito who falls to the ground with his shirt and skin burnt from Raphaels green

    lighting attack. Raphael walks up and holds up his arm which is covered in gaseous energy)

    Raphael: This will finish you off, you little wretch!

    (Raphael attempts to go for the finishing blow, but is unable. His arm is stuck in place. Raphael turns

    and sees Jaelyn with her hand stretched out at Raphael. All of the sudden, the ground beneath Raphael

    rises, lifting him up at high speed. Andy is seen jumping down from the edge of the Empath Island with

    his palm high in the air. Andy descends at accelerating speed and slams the palm into Raphaels chest.

    Raphael shouts in pain and Andy follows up with launching a sonic blast from the same palm thats on

    Raphael. Raphael flies back down, breaking through the rising earth, and straight into the ground.

    Andy and Sonia land on the ground. Jaelyn stands there baffled)

    Andy: Nice work stopping Raphael.

    Jaelyn: I didnt really do anything-

    Sonia: But you did! Any second later and Vito would be dead!

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    (Jaelyn looks at Vito and runs over to him and turns him over)

    Vito: . . Jaelyn?

    Jaelyn: Hey. I know I promised you that I wouldnt fight, but I-

    Vito: Im just glad youre here.

    Jaelyn: Why arent you regenerating?(Raphael stands up and laughs as he brushes off the dust and rocks from him)

    Raphael: Because I took back what was rightfully mine! You stupid rat! Getting in my way, you

    really thought you could take me on? I gave birth to you and Andys powers! Without me, the two of

    you would be powerless!

    (Jaelyn heals Vito and he gets up)

    Vito: Youre the stupid one for giving me the powers and controlling Andys!

    Raphael: Shut up, you insignificant-

    (Vito teleports in close to Raphael. Raphael couldnt react fast enough to Vitos super strength punch,

    which sends Raphael straight into the wall of the edge of the island. Sonia creates an earth mass that

    Andy breaks. Andy then sends each of the broken bits of the earth mass at Raphael with his sonic

    blasts. Raphael is pelted with the large earth pieces)

    Vito: Jaelyn, do you know if the others stopped Phearson?

    Jaelyn:(Shakes her head) I found others to help.

    Vito: Sounds good, as long as we have a shred of hope we can win this!

    (Raphael emerges from the dust cloud created by their attack and charges at them. Scene moves over

    to Amadeus and Oneshot standing firm as Phearson and Steve walk down towards the Empath Island)

    Phearson: Huh? Whats this?

    Steve: More pests. Please go on, I will take care of them.

    (Steves hands are covered in flames as he runs at Amadeus and Oneshot. Oneshot points and fires an

    air bullet at Steve. It hits Steve in the shoulder. Amadeus removes his mask and unleashes a wave of

    light at Steve, incinerating him. He then puts his mask back on)

    Pheason: What is the meaning of this?

    Oneshot: I cannot allow you to engulf everyone in fear, Phearson. You are no god.

    Phearson: Oh, but contraire! Once I consume the boys powers, I will be beyond what you all

    perceive as god!

    Amadeus: That is enough out of you!

    (Amadeus removes his mask and a rush of light is fired at Phearson. Phearson sends a wave of

    shadows to intercept, but it disintegrates before the light. Phearson is hit by the blast and suffers

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    massive damage. Phearson has holes all over his body, but Phearson patches it all up with darkness)

    Phearson: W-what is this!?

    Oneshot: We are not scared. There is nothing to feed off of.

    Phearson: The peasant rises over the king . . what a foolish falsity!

    Evan: Its not foolish.(Everyone hears Evans echoing voice and they all look up to the edge of the Empath Island. They see

    Evan standing alone. Phearson smiles)

    Phearson:(Laughing) So, youve accepted the Gordian fate yourfate! Come to me, kid, and accept

    your destiny!

    Evan: Theres nothing to accept from you, brother.

    Phearson:(Chuckling) Brother . . there arent a lot of us out there. Just like the Empaths! Or so the

    world thought! Say, brother! Do you think there are other brothers out there others like us? Hiding

    in some colony, waiting to rise against the world!?

    Evan: As long as there arent others like you, then I can die happily.

    Phearson: Well that can be arranged once I absorb your powers! Nothing can be like me then! I shall

    surpass everything that lives as the ultimate being!

    (Phearson cackles as darkness and shadows spread around from him and bring him towards Evan.

    Amadeus and Oneshot attack Phearson, but they are shoved aside from Phearsons shadows. Vito,

    Andy, Sonia, and Jaelyn see Phearson making his move)

    Andy: What is Evan doing!?

    Vito: We have to stop Phearson!

    (Raphael grabs Vito and smashes him into the ground)

    Jaelyn: Vito!

    (Raphael picks up Jaelyn telekinetically and flings her at Sonia. Raphael then unleashes a gravity

    wave that forces everyone to their knees and then straight flat on the ground. Vito tries to get up but to

    no success)

    Raphael: Yes, Phearson! Hurry and take his power!

    (Phearson ascends to the edge of the island where Evan is. Everyone else sees this; Ryan and Snack

    are too busy fighting one another to take notice)

    Phearson: So here we are; face to face! Lets make this quick-

    Evan: How was it? Discovering you could do things beyond anyone else in the world.

    Phearson: A moment I will relish for my entire life! I remember it all so vividly! All those ants feared

    me! I didn't have to be scared anymore because I was scarier than them!

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    Evan: So you can be afraid?

    Phearson: Foolish boy, not anymore! It is the world that should be afraid!

    Evan: The world is afraid of the empaths.

    Phearson: No, not the empaths, us! We have the power to change the world as we please!

    Evan: Then why do you need me?Phearson: Think of it, with our powers combined, we could ascend God and form the world as we

    want! How does that sound?

    Evan: It sounds great!

    Phearson: Glad to hear that! Now let's get started-

    Evan: Before that, answer me this; did you know that ourbrotherwas working against you?

    Phearson: Malus? A failed attempt. When one distorts the world, the other world carvers take note!

    Evan: You're right. I realized what he was doing. Now did you know that I was helping him?

    Phearson: . . I had a feeling there was something else at work. I didn't know you had it in you, kid. I

    thought you would be too weak or scared.

    Evan: Not me.

    Phearson: Well, I didn't need your fear. All those helpless people in the battlefield and in their

    shelters; I saw their fears rising!

    Evan: Really? So you need others to be scared for you to be strong?

    Phearson: Exactly! But it's pretty easy to get people to be scared!

    Evan: Can you try getting me scared now?

    (Skye walks from behind Evan and stands next to him)

    Skye: And me?

    (Slowly one by one, the Empath citizens that Evan and Skye found earlier all walk together to Evan)

    Evan: Can you get all of us scared when there's nothing to be scared about?

    (Phearson cackles loudly)

    Phearson: You fool, you're only feeding my power!

    (Phearson takes in a big whiff and starts taking a darker shape and grows bigger)

    Phearson: Near infinite power! You can only fall on your knees and shout in fear!

    (Phearson continues to grow as the darkness spreads. Some of the Empaths begin to step back)

    Evan: Everything is going to be alright! Trust me!

    (The Empath citizens all turn to one another with question. Some children step up and stand tall.

    Others are encouraged and they all begin to stand firm together)

    Phearson: What a useless act!

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    (Phearson takes in another whiff but all of the sudden coughs)

    Phearson: W-what is this!?

    (Phearson coughs more as he begins to shrink back to normal)

    Phearson: What have you done to me, you ants!?

    Evan: We're no longer afraid. Nobody is! You don't have a power source now, Phearson!Phearson: You poisoned me! With your ability!?

    Evan: Why can't you see? It's courage! You've dwelled so much in fear that one act of bravery irks


    (Phearson kneels to the ground and looks up at Evan before coughing up blood)

    Evan: Are youscared? You don't have to be. Welcome to my reality.

    Phearson: Don't look at me don't look down at me you insect!

    (Phearson holds up his arm and turns it into a shadowy claw. Phearson swings at Evan but it merely

    bursts into nothing before hitting Evan. Phearson turns, runs, and leaps off the edge of the island and

    descends to the battlefield. Phearson flees in fear and trips. Phearson looks up as someone seems to

    arrive to him. Oneshot is looking over Phearson and points his finger at Phearson's face)

    (Meanwhile, Ryan and Snack continue their battle. Ryan blocks Snack's punches and returns with one

    sturdy punch to Snack's face. Snack seems to fall off the mass of earth. Ryan looks over the edge and

    sees that Snack is sliding down the earth mass by dragging down it with a red energy claw. Ryan

    slightly copies the earth mass and is connected to it by hand. He then moves himself down following

    Snack. Snack slides down at increasing speed with Ryan tailing close. As he slides down, Snack slams

    on the earth mass with his free hand. At the spot where he smacks, a red spike structure emerges from

    within the earth mass, since it covered up the Aura Titan. Ryan dodges the structures as he chases

    Snack. Ryan stomps on the earth edge as he slides several times. Snack dodges two earth ledges that

    pop up due to Ryan's attack. Snack is then hit by a third ledge. Ryan comes down at great momentum

    and elbows Snack. Snack breaks through the ledge and flies down. He then regains his focus. Snack

    focuses and the Aura Titan breaks from the earth mass. Ryan is shocked as he loses his grip on the

    earth mass. The Aura Titan roars and then explodes into a massive shower of red energy. The raining

    red energy explode on contact as they collide with the bits of the earth mass. Ryan dodges a couple of

    red rain, but is hit by one and descends at greater speed. Ryan and Snack both collide into the ground

    at great impact)

    (Ryan gets up with pain as does Snack. Ryan sees a granite type rock, touches it, and controls it to

    wrap around his arm in the form of a blade. Snack stands unsteadily and stumbles a bit. Ryan rushes

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    at Snack and punches him with his other hand. Snack falls back and attempts to cover himself in red

    energy, but Ryan quickly lunges and slashes Snack's neck. Snack falls back and coughs a little bit of

    blood as blood drips constantly from his neck)

    (Camera switches to Phearson and Oneshot, who is pointing at Phearson and readying his ability)Phearson:(Chuckling) A scared traitorous disciple? How amusing.

    Oneshot: No, no more fear. I end the nightmares now. I don't need you to give me purpose anymore.

    (Oneshot pulls his hand and triggers his ability. Phearson is shot clear in the head. As he is shot,

    Phearson bursts into a cloud of shadows and quickly disperses. One of the clouds make their way to

    Snack as he bleeds from the neck)

    (The shadow cloud goes enters Snack and heals him. Ryan takes note and is shocked. Snack's last

    drop of blood falls to the ground from his scar. The blood drop lands in Snack's shadow and turns it

    red. Ryan sees Snack and his red shadow. Snack coughs while clinging onto his neck and runs)

    Ryan: No, Snack, wait!

    (Snack continues to run as Ryan attempts to chase after him. Steen grabs Ryan's shoulder. Ryan turns

    to him)

    Steen: Let him go. You'll see him again.

    (Ryan hesitates and then gives in)

    (Raphael sees what had happened to Phearson and rises in anger. Raphael ascends towards Evan)

    Andy: Not so fast!

    (Andy releases a sonic wave that breaks everyone out of Raphael's gravity ability. Andy then super

    jumps and grabs Raphael. Raphael flies Andy into the wall of the island edge and Andy releases his

    grip on Raphael. Sonia catches Andy by moving some earth parts)

    Vito: Jaelyn, let's go!

    (Jaelyn nods. The two of them fly up high after Raphael. Raphael lands where Evan, Skye and the

    other Empaths are)

    Raphael: Oh, Evan, I'm glad to see that you're safe!

    Evan: Don't give me that, Raphael! You're full of it, you know that?

    Raphael: You won't be saying that after I absorb your powers!

    (Raphael rushes at Evan. Evan stands still and Raphael seems to bounce off an invisible barrier. Evan

    turns to Skye and the citizens)

    Evan: Skye, take care of them, I'm going to deal with Raphael alone.

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    Skye: Wait, Evan-

    (Skye and all the Empath citizens disappear. They have been transported to the battlefield by Crimson

    Reaper, Lynne, Blake, Will, Nec and Cronus who are all still locked in the energy cage)

    Nec: Skye! What are you doing here?

    Skye: Evan is dealing with Raphael himself!Nec: What!?

    Lynne: We need to get out of here and stop them!

    Cronus: No need to. Look.

    (Everyone looks towards the edge of the Empath Island where Evan and Raphael are. Vito and Jaelyn

    float to where they are. Camera moves on to their current location)

    Evan: Vito, I can handle this.

    Raphael: You persistent rat, you don't know when to stop, do you?

    Vito: Evan, what are you doing?

    Evan: I thought long and hard about this: how do we stop the world from hating us? If people really

    don't accept Empaths for our multiple abilities, then how can we live peacefully? Then the answer

    came to me as I talked with Malus and Phearson. They both said we have the power to change the


    Jaelyn: . . I get it.

    Vito: Wait, what is he trying to do?

    (A bright light from the sky breaks through the dark clouds and shines over Evan as he begins to

    elevate to the sky. Everyone sees Evan floating in the air. Evan glows and releases a light wave that

    spreads across the whole battlefield and towards the horizon. The light simmers down and it begins to

    rain. Evan slowly descends back to the ground)

    Raphael: What did you do!?

    Evan: I made us normal.

    Vito: You . . made us normal?

    Evan: No more Empaths. Now all the people can live in normal society without fear of being treated


    Jaelyn: It was the only way to help everyone. It seems like we found my answer, Vito!

    (Jaelyn smiles as she sheds a tear. Vito smiles back and embraces her. Raphael punches the ground in


    Raphael: W-what is this nonsense!? You left me with one ability? Are you mocking me!?

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    (Raphael shows that he is able to form some kind of energy pike)

    Evan: I let the people with the strong desire to keep a power keep the first power that they ever copied.

    I didn't want to strip them completely of their powers if they didn't want to get rid of them. I don't want

    to be like you, Raphael.

    Raphael: I was supposed to have your power . .Evan: You can't have everything.

    Raphael: Well, if I can't have your power, then no one can!

    (Raphael forms an energy lance and throws it at Evan)

    Vito: Evan!

    (The camera shows Evan's face. Evan looks down and sees that he is stabbed by the energy lance.

    Raphael laughs maniacally as Evan falls to the ground. Vito's face shows utter shock)

    Jaelyn: Vito?

    (Vito shows no response. Jaelyn leaves him and runs to Evan and attempts to heal him. The energy

    lance slips into Evan's body, glows, and disappears)

    Raphael:(Laughing) It's useless! The lance also serves as a poison that spreads through his

    bloodstream! Your healing ability won't be able to heal him fast enough, it's like trying to stop cancer!

    (Jaelyn continues to heal Evan intensely, begging him to live. Vito stands frozen, completely appalled.

    Raphael keeps on laughing. Andy and Sonia arrive via Sonia's earth manipulation. Andy and Sonia

    see Jaelyn healing Evan and run to him. Everyone's voices echo in Vito's mind. They beg and yell at

    Evan to live on, but Evan shows unresponsive. Vito turns his head and sees them. Vito's eyes are blank

    and then they turn into anger. Vito starts walking towards the still laughing Raphael)

    Jaelyn: Vito?

    Andy: Vito, what are you doing?

    (Vito walks up slowly to Raphael and readies his fist. With all his might, Vito moves forward and

    punches Raphael straight in the face. Vito growls as he plants the fist in Raphael's face. Vito keeps

    pushing his fist in as it digs deeper into Raphael's face. Vito then roars as he extends his arm

    completely, sending Raphael flying. Raphael skids across the ground and readies another energy

    lance. He throws it at Vito, who simply moves his head to dodge it as it slightly singes his hair)

    Vito: All he ever did was help. He was a confused, scared kid. He ended up being more of a man than

    you ever will be. Evan Weiss helped the world on his account; what have you done, Raphael Rosario!?

    Raphael: His power . . my power-

    Vito: Abilities, powers, Empaths . . those no longer concern me!

    (Vito punches Raphael across the face and knocks him out. Vito turns and walks back to everyone who

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    is huddled around Evan. Andy and Sonia move out of the way)

    Evan:(Painfully whispers) . . . Vito . .

    Vito: Evan, I'm sorry I couldn't stop Raphael, but don't worry, we'll get you to a hospital and-

    Evan: No . . it's okay . .

    Vito: What do you mean it's okay? You're bleeding and dieing . .Evan: I don't remember if I made this happen; if I let Raphael kill me or made him, but all I remember

    thinking was that I wanted this to happen . . I was going to erase myself anyway . .

    Vito: Erase?

    Evan: Even if I made the world without Empaths . . my existence would cause the world more trouble

    than anyone . . Phearson is dead and Malus is long gone . . I'm still a kid . . so malleable, so

    manipulated . . I planned on erasing myself from the world so that the world won't have a war over my

    powers . . a war that could break the world in half . .

    Vito: It doesn't have to be that way, Evan-

    Evan: By mind the reality benders are connected . . Phearson's mind showed me not only fear, but how

    to work against it . . and Malus's showed me thousands of what-ifs and probabilities . . the chances of a

    peaceful world with me in it would be zero. The more I change the world, the more people become

    aware. I wouldn't be able to hide myself . . unless I erase myself.

    Vito: Thank you for everything Evan . .

    Evan: I'm so sorry, Vito . . you too, Andy . . you two were the coolest Empaths . . . I didn't mean to take

    away your powers too .

    Andy: Don't worry about it. It's back to what it was in the beginning.

    Vito: I don't have anything, but I like it this way. I've always had. It's like a relief.

    Evan:(Smiles) Good for you. Now, this is good bye . .

    (Evan holds Vito's hand and their hands glow)

    Evan: Sorry, Vito. The world still may need the help of my powers. I hope you don't mind if I pass the


    Vito: I was actually looking forward to living life normally . . but I won't let you down!

    Evan: Like in the game, you were always my favorite hero. Good bye, Vito. Good bye, everyone.

    (Evan lets go of Vito's hand. Evan's hand falls to the ground and bursts into small lights. Evan's whole

    body begins to break apart into small lights that float to the sky. Evan smiles and closes his eyes to rest

    as he completely disintegrates into nothing. Everyone looks up to the sky as rain falls)

    3 Weeks Later . . .

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    Cronus: (Voice-Over Narration) At the star crossing's birth, we were all nothing. Alone and lost,

    yearning for purpose in the world; or rather, yearning for greater significance. Then it hit us, a

    strange event that altered the course of our boring lives. Whether be it a terrible tragedy . .

    (At . . terrible tragedy . ., it shows a scene from the past chapter, where young Wesley accidentally

    strikes young Tobi Seller with red lightning. It then transits to show present Cronus, Jaelyn, Wesley,and Amadeus)

    or some strange cosmic phenomenon bringing freedom . .

    (At this point, it shows early scenes of Vito, Lynne, Ryan and Snack. It then shows scenes of present

    Vito, Lynne, Ryan and Snack using their powers)

    the abnormal entering the stream of our normality brought us all together to do something


    (Scene shows the scene when Evan rises and rids the world of Empathy Mimicry)

    The stars continue to cross back and forth, but after this recent crossing, the stars dwindle back into

    their own paths. An old star gives out all its light and ends its path so that the others may continue


    (Scene shows Evan dieing and disintegrating into nothing)

    One star strays away as it falls and descends only to burst as its life also comes to an end.

    (Raphael is seen being taken away by local authority as Crimson Reaper watches)

    Some attempt to move back into tranquil lives; be that added with some divine touch.

    (Vito covers Jaelyn's eyes as they walk in a seemingly deserted area. Vito opens Jaelyn's eyes and

    there in front of both of them is a beautiful home. Jaelyn is shocked and turns to Vito who kneels and

    holds out a ring. NOTE: Yes, Vito did use his newest ability: REALITY BENDING. Way to abuse it~)

    A couple of stars stick together in hopes to open up a new world of goals.

    (Lynne and Lloyd talk and walk before being interrupted by Crimson Reaper who invites them both

    into a room. They walk in the room and they see new faces they do not recognize)

    Lynne: New recruits?

    Crimson Reaper: Start their training. We have much to prepare for.

    Lynne: Alright, Army of Seven in training! Let's go!

    There are even lone stars out there that search for means to sew up a broken thread.

    (Ryan walks around a sketchy looking neighborhood. He walks in an alleyway where a couple of scary

    looking men stand around a fire. They attempt to mug him, but Ryan beats them all up; the others run

    away while Ryan holds onto one)

    Ryan: Where is he?!

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    Mugger: I-I-I don't know who you're talking about!

    Ryan: Where is Jonathan Snack!?

    Mugger: W-w-wh-who?

    Ryan: The man with the red shadow!

    Other stars cross over their old paths in order to start over.(Andy places his headphones down on a table in front of Crimson Reaper and leaves. Few minutes

    later, Blake and Sonia run in the room. They look at one another in confusion and Crimson Reaper

    leaves without response)

    And finally, there are stars whose paths never cross over; their paths are crossed over by the others.

    This star simply walks in a straight line as the others begin to intertwine with it. Will this star meet

    up with the others once again?

    (Cronus is seen walking in shady alleyways. It is seen that there are several dead people with their

    faces missing. A crow lands on his shoulder and Cronus smiles evily)

    Most definitely; but this isn't the only star that is a line runner. There are other stars that follow the

    same path, with others simply jumping into their ways. But what happens when two of those stars

    manage to intertwine? Something bold is about to give rise; it is a dark new path the other stars will

    eventually cross. Those two dark comets are out there, blitzing through the night sky with danger


    (The scene switches to Amadeus sitting on a bench on a pier. Amadeus breathes in and out calmly as

    waves crash and seagulls cry. Someone walks to Amadeus and takes a seat on the bench)

    Amadeus: And how are you?

    (Camera shows that it is Steen)

    Steen: I'm good, everything is cool. And you?

    Amadeus: Things have been well. To what do I owe this visit?

    Steen: I simply wanted to see where you were now. You had great ambitions and a great interest in


    Amadeus: The components to my plan were ineffective. Though I can't but wonder if the plan itself

    was ineffective . .

    Steen: Your light show was indeed eye-catching and flashy . .

    Amadeus: I thought God was blessing me . . but Vito was the one gaining the bliss.

    Steen: Tell me, what was this plan of yours?

    Amadeus:Cataclysm would have enable me, the rightful vessel to God, to be in His foot. With all that

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    power, I would bring judgment to the wicked in the world!

    Steen: And you needed certain people for this too work?

    Amadeus: Yes, but I have yet to find the correct chosen.

    Steen: Interesting. I too require a component to my plans, and that person is you, Amadeus. Join me,

    and I will find you the people you need!Amadeus: How can you be so sure as to finding them?

    Steen: I have an army of clones stationed around the world. With that much outreach, we can find

    your people in no time!

    Amadeus: Why do you need me?

    Steen: I believe you and I are destined to show the world a power far beyond anyone's beliefs! Join

    me, and power and glory will fall upon us without a doubt!

    Amadeus: . . what do you have in mind?

    (Steen smiles evily)



    To Be Continued . . .