chapter3 basic concepts in radio communications circuit design

Dr. Cuong Huynh Telecommunications DepartmentHCMUT 1 Huynh Phu Minh Cuong [email protected] Department of Telecommunications Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology Chapter 3 Basic Concepts in RF Communication Circuit Design ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS

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Page 1: Chapter3 Basic Concepts in Radio Communications Circuit Design

Dr. Cuong HuynhTelecommunications DepartmentHCMUT 1

Huynh Phu Minh Cuong

[email protected]

Department of Telecommunications

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology

Chapter 3 Basic Concepts in RF Communication Circuit Design


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Chapter 3 Basic Concepts in RF Communication Circuit Design

Reference: [1] Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice Hall, 2 edition, 2011

[2] David Pozaz, Microwave and Rf Design of Wireless Systems,

Wiley, 2000.

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1. General Considerations

Units in RF Design

• This relationship between Power and Voltage only holds when the input and output impedance are equal

An amplifier senses a sinusoidal signal and delivers a power of 0 dBm to a load

resistance of 50 Ω. Determine the peak-to-peak voltage swing across the load.


where RL= 50 Ω thus,

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1. General Considerations

Example of Units in RF


Output voltage of the amplifier is of interest in this example

A GSM receiver senses a narrowband (modulated) signal having a level of -100

dBm. If the front-end amplifier provides a voltage gain of 15 dB, calculate the

peak-to-peak voltage swing at the output of the amplifier.

Since the amplifier output voltage swing is of interest, we first convert the received signal

level to voltage. From the previous example, we note that -100 dBm is 100 dB below 632

mVpp. Also, 100 dB for voltage quantities is equivalent to 105. Thus, -100 dBm is equivalent

to 6.32 μVpp. This input level is amplified by 15 dB (≈ 5.62), resulting in an output swing of

35.5 μVpp.

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1. General Considerations

Maximum power transfer between building blocks

Impedance Matching



Dynamic Range

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Maximum power transfer:

2. Maximum Power Transfer

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Taking the derivative of pL and setting it equal to zero, we find that

This implies

which yields

The power delivered when RL = RTh is

In general, if RL and RTh are the impedances, then the load impedance RL

will be the complex conjugate of the source impedance RTh.

2. Maximum Power Transfer

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• Impedance matching is a major problem in RF/microwave circuit design for communication.

• Impedance matching is the process of transforming a load impedance, ZL , in the optimal working impedance of the signal source Z.

• Impedance matching circuits can be implemented using L, C, transformer or transmission line.

3. Impedance Matching

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– In a specific case, this optimal impedance may be the complex conjugate of the source impedance (Zs), assuring a maximum power transfer, as is usual in small-signal amplifiers.

– As an almost general rule, the reactive component of the source impedance must be compensated by a convenient reactance seen at the input of the matching network, so the signal source operates into a purely resistive load.

– Mismatching in RF power amplifiers may cause reduced efficiency and/or output power, increased stresses of the active devices, distortion of the output signal and so on.

3. Impedance Matching

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– If the RF circuit operates at a fixed frequency or over a narrow

frequency band in comparison with the carrier frequency, the above

requirements must be met at only one frequency, and narrowband

matching networks should be used. Obviously, the matching

circuit must contain L and C in order to specify the matching

frequency ω0.

– If the circuit operates over a wide frequency band, the matching

requirements (or at least some of them) must be met over the entire

frequency range. This requires the use of broadband matching


– At low frequencies (HF, VHF and UHF), the narrowband

impedance matching is usually achieved with lumped element

circuits (will be studied in this course). At higher frequencies,

distributed element networks are most often required.

3. Impedance Matching

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Essential revision : Practical components are lossy

3. Impedance Matching

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(Q: Quality factor)

3. Impedance Matching

Essential revision : Practical components are lossy

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• Series to parallel conversion and vice versa:

Assuming that Xs and Xp in the figure are similar

elements (i.e., both are either capacitances or

inductances), the relations between the elements of the

two circuits are given by:

3. Impedance Matching

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Series to parallel conversion and vice versa:

Note that taking into account that the quality factor:


3. Impedance Matching

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• Two-reactance matching networks (L matching network):

(for R < RL) (for R > RL)

3. Impedance Matching

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The L matching networks in the previous slide have several


a. The design problem has no solution for some

combinations of matched impedances.

b. The values obtained may be impractical; the values of the capacitors and inductors may be too large or too small.

c. There is no design flexibility. Designers may wish to optimize their designs for other parameters of practical

interest, such as harmonic attenuation, power losses, or


The three-reactance matching networks are most widely used because they are simple and provide flexibility.

Although each network has limitations, one of the circuits

usually meets the design requirements with practical

component values.

3. Impedance Matching

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• Three-reactance matching networks: Pi matching network

This circuit can be used only if:

The pi matching network is widely used in vacuum-tube transmitters to match

large resistance values. For small resistance values, the inductance

of L becomes unpractically small, while the capacitance of both C1 and C2

becomes very large. This circuit is generally not useful in solid-state RF Power

Amplifiers where the matched resistances are often small.

Recommended values of Q usually range from 1 to 10.

3. Impedance Matching

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• Three-reactance matching networks: T matching network

The T matching network in the below figure is applicable to most solid-state RF Power Amplifiers.

Its design equations are:

3. Impedance Matching

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• Three-reactance matching networks: Two-inductance T matching network

Another T matching network with two inductances and is also applicable to many solid-state RF Power Amplifiers.

The design equations are:

3. Impedance Matching

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• Three-reactance matching networks: Three-reactance L matching network

This network is also very useful in solid-state RF Power Amplifiers because it yields practical components for low values of matched resistances.

The design equations are:

3. Impedance Matching

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Impedance or admittance of an RLC circuits is a

complicated function of frequency, and normally has the real

(resistive) and imaginary (reactance) parts.

In some circuits, the imaginary (reactance) part vanishes at

one or more frequencies.

Resonant circuit - resonant frequencies.

In communication systems, resonant circuits are extensively

used to select the wanted signal and reject the unwanted signal.

They may be used in every single circuit in the receiver and

transmitter (LNA, Mixer, VCO, PA . . .)

There are two main resonant circuits: Parallel and series

resonant circuits . Main specs ???

4. Resonant Circuits

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Parallel resonant circuit:

When this circuit is excited by a current source, and the output is terminated with an

open circuit, the transfer function is

The output voltage, Vout, drops from the resonant value by 2 (or 3 dB)

4. Resonant Circuits



Resonant frequency

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The two 3 dB frequencies of the resonant circuit:

The 3 dB bandwidth of the resonant circuit is the difference between the two 3 dB


The resonant frequency is:

and the value of Q given by:


where G = 1/R

4. Resonant Circuits

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(Ideal) parallel-tuned circuit: An ideal parallel-tuned circuit is a paralleled LC circuit that provides zero conductance (that is, infinite impedance) at the tuning frequency, f0, and infinite conductance (zero impedance) for any other frequency. When connected in parallel to a load resistor, R, the ideal parallel-tuned circuit only allows a sinusoidal current (with frequency f0) to flow through the load. Therefore, the voltage across the RLC parallel group is sinusoidal, while the total current (that is, the sum of the current through load and the current through the LC circuit) may have any waveform.

A good approximation for the ideal parallel-tuned circuit is a circuit with a very high loaded Q (the higher the Q, the closer the approximation). Note that a high-Q parallel-tuned circuit uses small inductors and large capacitors, which may be a serious limitation in practical applications.

4. Resonant Circuits

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4. Resonant Circuits

Series Resonant Circuit A series RLC resonant circuit is shown below. The input

impedance is

Resonant frequency 1



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4. Resonant Circuits

Q =

Quality Factor


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(Ideal) series-tuned circuit:

An ideal series-tuned circuit is a series LC circuit that provides zero impedance at the tuning frequency, f0 , and infinite impedance for any other frequency. When connected in series to a load resistor, R, the ideal

series tuned circuit only allows a sinusoidal current with frequency f0 to flow through the load. Therefore, the current through the series RLC group is sinusoidal, while the voltage across the RLC group may have any waveform.

A good approximation for the ideal series-tuned circuit is a circuit with a

very high loaded Q (the higher the Q, the closer the approximation). Note that a high-Q series-tuned circuit must use large inductors and small capacitors, which may be a serious limitation in practical applications.

4. Resonant Circuits

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Higher temperature

The average current remains equal to VB/R but the instantaneous current

displays random values

T must be long enough to accommodate several cycles of the lowest frequency.

5. Noise

Noise: Noise as a Random Process

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Noise in Communications Electronic Circuits

5. Noise

Two main sources of Noise: External Internal

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Thermal noise is the most basic type of noise, being caused by thermal vibration

of bound charges. It is also known as Johnson or Nyquist noise.

Shot noise is due to random fluctuations of charge carriers in an electron tube or

solid-state device.

Flicker noise occurs in solid-state components and vacuum tubes. Flicker noise

power varies inversely with frequency, and so is often called 1/ f –noise.

Plasma noise is caused by random motion of charges in an ionized gas, such as a

plasma, the ionosphere, or sparking electrical contacts.

Quantum noise results from the quantized nature of charge carriers and photons;

it is often insignificant relative to other noise sources.

Noise in Communications Electronic Circuits

5. Noise

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Noise in Communications Electronic Circuits

5. Noise

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Noise generated from a resistor

5. Noise



K: Boltzmann's constant

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Noise in Bipolar Transistors

In low-noise circuits, the base resistance thermal noise and the collector

current shot noise become dominant. For this reason, wide transistors biased

at high current levels are employed.

Bipolar transistors contain physical resistances in their base, emitter, and collector regions,

all of which generate thermal noise. Moreover, they also suffer from “shot noise” associated

with the transport of carriers across the base-emitter junction.

5. Noise

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Noise Figure

5. Noise

No=NinG + Na =KTBG + Na

Na is the added noise power generated from internal components


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is the noise factor in linear (not in dB) of the n-th stage,

G is the power gain in linear (not in dB), too.



5. Noise

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5. Noise


ino in a

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Required Receiver Sensitivity – A Qualitative View

• To find Receiver NF – Transmit Power – FCC

regulated – Path loss – Receiver sensitivity – govern

by standards and applications – Required SNR – depends on

BER requirement and modulation scheme

– Noise floor – thermal noise or circuit noise limited depending on the modulation schemes

What is the required receiver NF to achieve

a certain level of sensitivity?

Transmit Power

Input Noise Floor (No/G) Required SNRo

Noise Figure

Path Loss

Receiver Sensitivity

Input Noise (Ni)

5. Noise

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Required Receiver Sensitivity – A Qualitative View

• To find Receiver NF – Transmit Power – FCC

regulated – Path loss – Receiver sensitivity – govern

by standards and applications – Required SNR – depends on

BER requirement and modulation scheme

– Noise floor – thermal noise or circuit noise limited depending on the modulation schemes

What is the required receiver NF to achieve

a certain level of sensitivity?

Transmit Power

Input Noise Floor (No/G) Required SNRo

Noise Figure

Path Loss

Receiver Sensitivity

Input Noise (Ni)

5. Noise

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In this idealized case, the circuit displays only second-order nonlinearity



The input/output characteristic of a memoryless nonlinear system can be

approximated with a polynomial

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Example of Polynomial Approximation For square-law MOS transistors operating in saturation, the characteristic above

can be expressed as

If the differential input is small, approximate the characteristic by a polynomial.

6. Nonlinear Distortion

Taylor series: f(x)=

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Harmonic generation (multiples of a fundamental signal)

Gain Compression (gain reduction in an amplifier)

Inter-modulation Distortion (products of a two-tone input


Cross-modulation (modulation transfer from one signal to


AM-PM conversion (amplitude variation causes phase shift)

Spectral regrowth (intermodulation with many closely spaced


vi vo

6. Nonlinear Distortion

Effects of Nonlinearity

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Effects of Nonlinearity: Harmonic Distortion

Even-order harmonics result from αj with even j

nth harmonic grows in proportion to An

DC Fundamental Second




6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Gain Compression: 1-dB Compression Point

Output falls below its ideal value by 1 dB at the 1-dB compression point

Peak value instead of peak-to-peak value

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Effects of Nonlinearity: Cross Modulation

Desired signal at output suffers from amplitude modulation

Suppose that the interferer is an amplitude-modulated signal


6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Nonlinear Distortion – Desensitization and Blocking

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Effects of Nonlinearity: Intermodulation assume


Intermodulation products:

Fundamental components:

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Intermodulation Product Falling on Desired Channel



A received small desired signal along with two large interferers

Intermodulation product falls onto the desired channel, corrupts signal.

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Example of Intermodulation

Suppose four Bluetooth users operate in a room as shown in figure below. User 4

is in the receive mode and attempts to sense a weak signal transmitted by User 1

at 2.410 GHz. At the same time, Users 2 and 3 transmit at 2.420 GHz and 2.430 GHz,

respectively. Explain what happens.

Since the frequencies transmitted by Users 1, 2, and 3 happen to be equally spaced, the

intermodulation in the LNA of RX4 corrupts the desired signal at 2.410 GHz.

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Intermodulation: Third Intercept Point

IP3 is not a directly measureable quantity, but a point obtained by


6. Nonlinear Distortion

is the point where the output power at 1 equals to

output power at (21 - 2 )

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Third Intercept Point: A reasonable estimate

For a given input level (well below P1dB), the IIP3 can be calculated by halving

the difference between the output fundamental and IM levels and adding the

result to the input level, where all values are expressed as logarithmic


6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Nonlinear Distortion – Inter-modulation Distortion (IMD)

Input IP is the point where

the output power at 1 equals

to output power at (21 - 2 )

3rd order intercept point : IP3

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Nonlinear Distortion – Inter-modulation Distortion (IMD)

Determine IP3 by Spectrum Measurement

6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Example of Third Intercept Point


A low-noise amplifier senses a -80-dBm signal at 2.410 GHz and two -20-dBm

interferers at 2.420 GHz and 2.430 GHz. What IIP3 is required if the IM products

must remain 20 dB below the signal? For simplicity, assume 50-Ω interfaces at the

input and output.

At the LNA output:


6. Nonlinear Distortion

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Nonlinear Distortion – SFDR)

7. Dynamic Range

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Nonlinear Distortion – SFDR)

7. Dynamic Range