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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter4 Nassim Taleb 23okt11


    A Simple Rule, Perhaps Too Simple 59

    10/19/11 Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

    Chapter 4. Thales Secret, or The Intelligence of


    I landed early (once) A simple heuristic to get an inheritance

    Where we discuss the idea of doing instead place of walking the

    Great Walk Where the philosophers' stone was staring at us

    ideas matter less than fragility

    Now, the central chapter. A bit technical, but central. Or perhaps not sotechnical after all, but still very central.


    A story, present in the rabbinical literature ( Midrash Tehillim), probably

    originating in Near Eastern lore, says the following. A king, angry at his son,

    swore that he would crush him with a large stone. After he calmed down he

    realized he was in trouble as a king who breaks his oath is unfit to rule. His

    sage advisor came up with a solution. Have the stone cut into very small

    pebbles, and have the mischievous son pelted with them.

    This is a potent illustration of how fragility stems from nonlinear

    effects. Let us leave side the idea of circumventing rules and other lessons

    one might derive from it, and focus on the very simple point, in fact, that

    defines fragility:

    For the fragile shocks bring higher harm as their intensity increases (up to the

    point of breaking).

    Ive used the intuition to show why large corporations hurt more (when

    they fall) than small ones and why speed is not a good thing whether in

    traffic or in business. Your car is fragile. If you drive it into the wall at fifty

    miles per hour, it would cause more damage than if you drove it into the

    same wall ten times at five mph. The harm at fifty miles per hour is more

    than ten times the harm at five mph.

    Other examples. Drinking seven bottles of wine in one sitting, then

    water for the remaining six days is more harmful than drinking one bottle of

    wine a day for seven days (spread out in two glasses per meal). Every

    additional glass of wine harms you more than the preceding one, hence your

    system is fragile to alcoholic consumption.

    Jumping from a height of thirty feet (ten meters) brings more than ten

    times the harm of jumping from a height of three feet (one meter) actually

    thirty feet seems to be the cutoff point for death from freefall. Or letting a

    porcelain cup drop on the floor from a height of one foot (about thirty

    centimeters) is worse than twelve times the damage from a drop from a

    height of one inch (2 and a half centimeters).

    Figure 7- The King and His Son. The harm from the size of the stone as a

    function of the size of the stone (up to a point). Every additional weight of

    the stone harms more than the previous one. You see nonlinearity (the harmcurves inwards, with a steeper and steeper vertical slope).

    Let me explain the central argument why is fragility necessarily in the

    nonlinear and not in the linear? Just as with the stone hurting more than the

    pebbles, if, for a human, jumping one millimeter (an impact of small force)

    caused an exact linear fraction of the damage of, say, jumping to the ground

    from thirty feet, then the person would be already dead from cumulative

    harm. Actually a simple computation shows that he would have expired

    within hours from touching objects or pacing in his living room. The fragility

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    that comes from linearity is immediately visible, so we rule it out because the

    object would be already broken and the person already dead. This leaves us

    with the following: what is fragile is something that is both unbroken and

    subjected to nonlinear effects and extreme, rare events since hits of large

    size (or high speed) are rarer than ones of small size (and slow speed).

    Let me rephrase it again in connection with Black Swans and extreme

    events. There are a lot more ordinary events than extreme events, say, in

    ordinary life, a million more hits of (to take an arbitrary measure), say, one

    hundredth of a pound per square inch than hits of a hundred pounds per

    square inch, or, in the financial markets, there are at least ten thousand time

    more events of .1% than events of 10%. So we are necessarily immune to the

    cumulative effect of small deviations, or shocks of very small magnitude,

    which implies that these affect us disproportionally less (that is, nonlinearly

    less) than larger ones. There are close to eight thousand micro-earthquakes

    daily on planet earth, that is, those below 2 on the Richter scale about

    three million a year. That is These are totally harmless, and, with three

    million per year, you would need them to be so. But shocks of 6 and higher

    make the newspapers.

    Let me try again and re-express my previous rule.

    For the fragile, the cumulative effect of small shocks is smaller than

    the single effect of a large shock.

    This leaves me with the definition that the fragile is hurt a lot more by

    extreme events. Finito and there is no other definition.

    One more illustration. Consider that objects handled by humans, say a

    coffee cup or a cell phone gets cumulative impacts equivalent to, say, tons

    per square inch over the years, but break at the slightest fall.

    Now let us flip the argument and consider the antifragile. Antifragility

    too is grounded in nonlinearties, nonlinear responses.

    For the antifragile, shocks bring more benefits (equivalently, less harm) as

    their intensity increases up to a point.

    A simple case what is known heuristically by weightlifters. Lifting one

    hundred pounds once brings more benefits than lifting fifty pounds twice,

    and certainly a lot more than lifting one pound a hundred times. (Benefits

    here mean strengthening of the body, muscle growth and beach-friendly

    looks). The second fifty pounds play a larger role, hence the nonlinear (that

    is, we will see, convexity) effect. Every additional pound brings more

    benefits, until one gets close to the limit, what weightlifters call failure.

    We will have more illustrations of these two simple points; they are

    quite central as they allow us to immediately compare objects and classify

    them in the Triad of Chapter 1.

    For now, note the reach of this simple curve: if affects about anything

    in sight, even medical error or size of government anything that touches

    uncertainty. And, of course, innovation.

    When to Smile and When to Frown

    Linearity comes into two kinds. Concave (curves inward) or its opposite

    convex (curves outwards).

    Figures 5 and 6 show the following simplifications of nonlinearity: the

    convex and the concave.

    Figure 8 The different types of nonlinearities. The convex (left) and the

    concave (right). The convex curves outward, the concave inward.

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    Figure 9 A better way to understand convexity and concavity. What

    curves inwards looks like a smile and what curves outwards makes a sad

    face. The convex (left) is antifragile, the concave (right) is fragile (has

    negative convexity effects).

    I use the term convexity effect for both, in order to simplify the

    vocabulary, saying positive convexity effects and negative convexity effects

    Traffic in Heathrow

    Another example of the convexity effect. Traffic is highly nonlinear. When I

    take the day flight from New York to London, and I leave my residence

    around 5 AM (yes, I know), it takes me around 26 minutes to reach the

    British Air terminal at JFK airport. At that time, New York is empty. When I

    leave my place at 6 AM for the later flight, there is almost no difference in

    travel time although traffic is a bit denser. You can add more and more cars

    on the highway, with no or minimal impact concerning time spent in traffic.

    Then, mystery, you increase the number of cars by 10% and the travel

    time jumps up by 50% (I am using approximate numbers). Look at theconvexity effect at work: the average number of cars does not matter at all

    for traffic speed. If you have 90,000 cars for one hour, then 110,000 cars for

    another hour, traffic would be much, much slower than if you had 100,000

    cars for two hours. But the hitch: travel time is a negative, so I count it as a

    cost, like an expense, and a rise is a bad thing.

    So travel cost is fragile to the volatility of the number of cars on the

    highway; it does not depend so much on their average number. Every

    additional car increases travel time more than the previous one.

    This is a hint to a central problem of the world today, that of the

    misunderstanding of nonlinear response by those involved in creating

    efficiencies and optimization of systems. For instance, European airports

    and railroads are stretched, seeming overly efficient. They operate at close to

    maximal capacity, with minimal redundancies and idle capacity, hence

    acceptable costs; but a small additional congestion, say 5% more planes in

    the sky owing to a tiny backlog can set chaos in airports and cause scenes of

    unhappy travelers camping on floors, with for sole solace some bearded

    fellow playing French folk songs on his guitar.

    We will see applications of the point across economic domains: central

    banks can print money; they print and print with no effect (and claim the

    safety of such measure) then, "unexpectedly", the printing causes a jump in

    inflation. Chapter x uses the simple idea to show how many economic results

    are completely cancelled by convexity effects. The tools (and culture) of

    policy makers are based on the overly linear, ignoring these hidden effects.

    I have rapidly put a (very hypothetical) graph of the response in Figure

    6. Note for now the curved shape of the graph. It curves inward.

    Figure 10- The graph (vertical) shows how the authors travel time (and

    travel costs) to JFK depend, beyond a certain point, nonlinearly on the

    number of cars. We show travel costs as curving inward concave, not a

    good thing.

    The Scaling Property

    I will keep pounding the reader with illustrations and explanations from

    several angles. Another intuitive way to look at convexity effects is in

    considering the scaling property. If you double the exposure, do you more

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    than double the harm? If so, then this is a situation of fragility. Otherwise,

    you are antifragile.

    Why is the Concave Hurt by Black Swan Events?

    Now the idea that has inhabited me all my life I never realized it couldshow that clearly when put in graphical form.

    Figure x illustrates the effect of harm and the unexpected. The more

    concave an exposure, the more harm from the unexpected, and

    disproportionately so.

    Figure 11- Two exposures, one linear, one nonlinear (with negative

    convexity). An unexpected event affects the nonlinear disproportionately

    more. The larger the event, the larger the difference.

    How to Exit a Movie Theatre

    Another example. Imagine how people exit a movie theatre. Someone shouts

    fire, and you have a dozen persons squashed to death. So we have a

    fragility of the theater to size, stemming from the fact that every additional

    person exiting brings more and more trauma (a negative convexity effect). A

    thousand people exiting (or trying to exit) in one minute is not the same as

    the same number exiting in half an hour. Someone unfamiliar with the

    business who naivelyoptimizes the size of the place (as Heathrow airport, for

    example) might miss the idea that smooth functioning at regular times is

    different from the rough functioning at times of stress.

    This is the problem of the squeeze (largely ignored): when people

    have no choice but to do something, and do it right away, regardless of the

    cost. They are squeezed. It so happens that modern economic optimized life

    causes us to build larger and larger theaters, but with the exact same door.

    They do not make this mistake too often while building cinemas and movie

    theaters, but we tend to do that in other domains, with, for instance, natural

    resources, or as I have just mentioned, central bank policies that ignorenonlinear responses*.

    A Balanced Meal

    Another example of missing the hidden dimension, that is, variability. We

    are currently told by the Soviet-Harvard U.S. health authorities to eat set

    quantities of nutrients (total calories, protein, vitamins, etc.) every day, in

    some recommended amounts (say the optimal amounts of each, the

    equivalent to the optimal condition of seventy degrees in the story of the

    grandmother). Aside from the lack of empirical rigor in the way these

    recommendations are currently derived (as we will see in Chapter x), there is

    another sloppiness in the edict: an insistence in the discourse on the

    regularity. Those recommending the nutritional policies fail to understand

    that steadily getting your calories and nutrients throughout the day, with

    balanced composition and metronomic regularity does not necessarily

    carry the same effect as having them unevenly or randomly distributed, say

    by having a lot of proteins one day, fasting completely another, feasting the

    third, etc.

    For a long time, nobody even bothered to try to figure out whether

    variability in distribution mattered just as much as long term composition. I

    will go deeper into the issue in medical discussion in Part III but it turnedout that the effect of variability in food sources and the nonlinearity in the

    physiological response is central to biological systems. Consuming no

    * The other problem is that of the misunderstanding of the nonlinearity of natural

    resources, or anything particularly scarce and vital. Economists have the so-called law

    of scarcity, by which things increase in value according to their demand but they

    ignore the consequences of nonlinearities. My former thesis director Hlyette Geman

    and I are currently proposing a law of convexity that makes commodities,

    particularly vital ones, even more dear than previously thought.

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    When The Average is Irrelevant 63

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    protein at all on Monday, and catching up on Wednesday seemingly causes a

    different better physiological response, possibly because the deprivation,

    as a stressor, activates some pathways that facilitate the subsequent

    absorption of the nutrients (or something similar). And, until a few recent

    (and disconnected) empirical studies, this convexity effect has been totally

    missed by science though not by religions, ancestral heuristics, and

    traditions. And if scientists get some convexity effects (doctors understandhere and there nonlinearities in dose-response), the notion of convexity

    effects itself, though, appears completely missed from the language and

    methods, particularly biology, economics and other complex systems where

    it belongs the most. No wonder there is no word for antifragility in


    Why Planes Don't Arrive Early

    Travelers (typically) do not like uncertainty. This is a straight application of

    convexity effects: fragility dislikes variability and volatility.

    To see how these convexity effects play a role with any estimation and

    model error, consider the following. I've taken the very same Paris-New York

    flight most of my life. The flight takes about 8 hours, the equivalent of a

    French novel plus a brief polite chat with a neighbor and a meal with

    Bordeaux wine. I recall many instances in which I arrived early, about twenty

    minutes, no more. But there have been instances in which I got there more

    than 2 and 3 hours late, and, in at least one instance, it has taken me more

    than two days to reach my destination.

    Because travel time cannot be really negative, uncertainty tends to

    cause delays, making arrival time increase, almost never decrease. Or it

    makes arrival time just decrease by minutes, and increase by hours, anobvious asymmetry. Anything unexpected, any shock, any volatility is likely

    to extend the total flying time. As we will see it is very similar (though in

    opposite effect) to a financial option: you cannot lose more than the

    premium you spend for it and , because of that, any volatility benefits it.

    This also explains the irreversibility of time, in a way, if you consider

    the passage of time as an increase in disorder.


    We just saw with the number of cars on the highway that in the presence of

    nonlinearities, the variability (or volatility) matters as much as, and

    sometimes even a lot more than, the average. This is crucial, as there is a

    mathematical property called Jensens inequality that shows that in

    systems with positive convexity, the average underestimates the long term benefits, and in those with negative convexity (that is, concave) ones, it

    overestimates it. Let us start with the case of a grandmothers thermal


    How to Lose a Grandmother

    You are just being informed that your grandmother will spend the next two

    hours at the very desirable temperature of seventy degrees Fahrenheit

    (about twenty one degrees Celsius). Excellent you should think, since seventy

    degrees is the optimal temperature for grandmothers. Since you went to

    Business School, you are a big picture type of person and are satisfied with

    the summary information.

    But there is a second piece of data. Your grandmother, it turns out, will

    spend the first hour at zero degrees Fahrenheit (around minus eighteen

    Celsius), and the second hour at one hundred and forty degrees (around 60

    C), for an average of the very desirable Mediterranean-style seventy degrees

    (21 C). So it looks like you will most certainly end up with no grandmother,

    a funeral and, possibly, an inheritance.

    Clearly, temperature changes become more and more harmful as they

    deviate from seventy degrees.As you see, the second piece of information,

    the variability, turned out to be more important than the first. The notion ofaverage here is of no significance when one is fragile to variations the

    dispersion in possible thermal outcomes here matters much more than the

    average. Your grandmother is fragile to variations of temperature, to the

    volatility of the weather. Let us call that second piece of information the

    second order effect, or, more precisely the convexity effect.

    Here, consider that, as much as a good simplification the notion of

    average can be, it can also be a Procrustean bed. The information that the

    average temperature is seventy degrees Fahrenheit does not simplify the

    situation for your grandmother. It is an information squeezed into a

    Procrustean bed and these are necessarily committed by scientific

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    When The Average is Irrelevant 64

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    modelers since a model is, by its very nature, a simplification. You just don't

    want the simplification to distort the situation to the point of being harmful.

    Do not cross a river if it is four feet deep. We will see why numerical

    summaries bring sucker problems.

    Figure 4 shows the fragility of the health of the grandmother to

    variations. If I plot health in the vertical axis, and temperature on the

    horizontal one, I see a shape that curves inward a concave shape, or

    negative convexity effect.

    If the grandmothers response was linear (no curve, a straight line),

    then the harm of temperature below seventy degrees would be offset with

    benefits of temperature above it.

    Figure 12Fragility: Health as a function of temperature curves inward. A

    combination of 0 and 140 degrees (F) is worse for your grandmother's health

    than just 70 degrees. In fact almostany combination averaging 70 degrees

    is worse than just 70 degrees*. The graph shows concavity or negative

    convexity effects curves inward.

    Take this for now as we rapidly move to the more general attributes; in

    the case of the grandmothers health response to temperature:

    a) there is nonlinearity (the response is not a straight line, not linear),

    * I am simplifying a bit. There may be a few degrees variations around 70 for

    which the grandmother might be better off than just 70, but I skip this nuance here. In

    fact younger humans are antifragile to thermal variations, up to a point, benefiting

    from some variability, then lose such antifragility with age (or disuse, as I suspect that

    thermal comfort ages people and makes them fragile).

    b) it curves inward, too much so.

    c) the more nonlinear the response, the less relevant the average, and

    the more relevant the stability around such average.

    The Average is For Nerds

    And, what is crucial, the absence of relevance of the average in many

    domains has an epistemological dimension, linked to the idea that has

    haunted me since childhood that the simplification of nerds tends to fragilize

    or misses something in its reductionwhich is another way to show why

    fragilistas are more likely to be nerds.

    The key, as we saw in Chapter x is the table of equivalence is that what

    benefits from disorder benefits from the unknown.

    And, a hint of what is to come in the discussion on rationalism,

    remarkably, as I said earlier, those we deem intelligent, as they tend to

    succeed in classes (particularly mathematics) and do well on SAT-style

    exams, then make it to, say, MIT, in other words, the nerds, are even more vulnerable to this mental distortion, and cause horrendous harm. Why?

    Since the very definition of intelligence we use is grounded in their ability to

    focus, hence contract and simplify, deal with, say, the average instead of a

    richer set, and become blind to these small nuances. And the core of things

    of life can reside in these nuances.

    I said that reduction, compression of information in cases distorts. But

    then opinion will also be irrelevant. Just like saying seventy degrees is

    meaningless in the case of the grandmother, many other similar statements

    such as True/False or on balance can be equally flawed. But there is

    more: the convex will outperform, but we discuss a bit later with Thaless


    Walk, Dont Run

    Another illustration, this time a situation that benefits from variation

    positive convexity effects. Take two brothers, Castor and Polydeuces, who

    need to travel a mile. Castor walks the mile at a leisurely pace and arrives at

    destination in twenty minutes. Polydeuces spends fourteen minutes playing

    with his handheld device getting updates on the gossip, then runs the same

    mile in six minutes, to arrive at the same time as Castor.

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    Antifragility and Positive Convexity Effects 65

    10/19/11 Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

    So both persons have covered the exact same distance, in exactly the

    same time same average. Castor who walked all the way presumably will

    not get the same health benefits and gains in strength as Polydeuces who

    sprinted. Health benefits are convexto speed (up to a point, of course).

    The very idea of exercise is to gain from antifragility to workout

    stressors as we saw, lifting weight, exerting exercise are just exploitations

    of convexity effects.


    I am here equating and mapping everything we call fragility and antifragility

    into beneficial and harmful convexity effects. It makes matters simple to

    explain and tie together scientifically and provides a universal tool to detect

    fragilities, a simple test, and one that will prove useful throughout the book.

    The idea of nonlinear effects had been occupying my mind since the days

    when I was a student, and I chose to build a professional career around it,

    but I did not realize that there could be a systematic way to see clearlythrough the connections, sort of a general theory until I (accidentally) coined

    the term antifragility. When the universality of the application of idea

    became obvious for instance it is completely behind Black Swan events

    (sensitivity to large deviations comes from harmful convexity effects) I

    wrote it down on paper in very technical language and submitted it to a

    technical journal in June 2011. My idea is not just that convexity effects are

    fragility (and antifragility), but that we could identify them with very simple

    method that measure convexity, which makes life much, much simpler. It

    means that there is a very simple mathematical property behind things,

    behind the reason things survive and flourish.

    So we have with convexity effects the hidden expression of antifragilityand a way to show how things have managed to survive and flourish

    against that inexorable debunker of fragility, time, time that smartest of all.

    And a formal, precise, and mathematical way to express the difference

    between items in the triad, the central classification we made in Table 1.

    The thought of applying the exact same test as the grandmothers

    temperature to everything that matters came to me one day as I was looking

    at a porcelain cup. It dawned on me the idea I expressed at the beginning

    of the chapterthat the cup was breakable because, craving a certain form of

    stability, it does not like disparity of outcomes or, in other words, as we

    said, higher intensity brings more harm (up to a point). To repeat the logic,

    and present another view of negative convexity effects as not liking variation

    (for a given average), if I drop the cup from a height of five inches once and

    one tenth of an inch ninety nine times, if will break. But the average is about

    one tenth of an inch. So the cup does not depend on the average height of the

    drop, but on the variation around such average. I realized that everything

    fragile has to have such property, the convexity effect, and that was it.

    This intuition came to me as a trader as I specialized in anythingnonlinear. I may be a little ahead here, as options are coming later, so what

    is to note is that I saw that a move of twenty percent in the markets was a

    hundred times better for me than a move of four percent. That was the entire

    foundation of my work.

    We said that if the porcelain cup was linearly harmed, it would be

    affected every time you put your finger on it. But there is a difference

    between the mechanical and the organic. A cup may be harmed by long term

    use, owing to what is called material fatigue, and never strengthens

    organically from use, but humans and other biological entities not only do

    not suffer material fatigue but , actually, as we saw in Chapter 1, age faster

    when they are not used.*

    The Effect on the Unseen

    Let me stop and summarize the point of this (very central) l chapter. Behind

    fragility and antifragility there is nonlinearity (convexity or concavity). The

    method of ferreting out hidden convexity effects can be generalized; it is not

    much more complicated than that but obvious points tend to disappear from

    learned minds.

    A more important discussion in this chapter is the extension to the

    problems of knowledge: since the convexity effect is unseen, not visible, it

    carries epistemological considerations. Those who do not see it or take it into

    account will have a sucker problem. And boy, quite a sucker problem.

    Further, convexity is a replacement for intelligence.

    * The type of accumulated harm called material fatigue causing sudden

    (discontinuous) break is different from progressive disintegration as they play a

    different role in overall breakage.

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    Thales of Miletus 66

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    Let us now forget about the grandmother, traffic, etc. for a few pages,

    and go to the source of this convexity effect: both the notion of optionality

    and the very beginning of the idea of philosophy.

    The Secret Language of Convexity

    This second order effect, the source of both fragility and antifragility, is the

    secret of life, behind evolution, almost everything though hidden in the

    background. It is a dimension that few manage to see consciously, let alone

    notice; as we saw in Chapter 1, this is similar to cultural without biological

    colorblindness, causing us to be less aware of it culturally than practically.

    Imagine the following Procrustean bed situation: living in a world in

    three dimensions (our world, in 3-D), but seeing things in only two

    dimensions (2-D). The missing dimension (variability) will be a problem,

    but (I assume) not too big a deal if you are an ant and live in a perfectly flat

    surface with no consequential indentations. If you happen to be a bird,

    however, three dimensions would matter a lot more for you. In the case of

    the grandmother, the missing dimension is linked to the variability around

    the average. The first dimension is the desired average temperature (you are

    interested in seventy degrees); the second one is the effect of the variability

    of the temperature on her health.

    Where is this second order effect ignored? The rest of the book will

    present longer discussions; let me say for now that it is ignored almost

    everywhere where it matters: medicine, business, economics, government

    policies, risk studies, Harvard-Soviet inspired policies, computation of

    governmental deficits, projection of cash flows by firms, etc. Anything

    modern and man-made will be affected. The convexity effect is sometimes

    identified and studied locally for a special situation, but never systematicallyor globally. Scholars who get it in one domain over a problem miss it in


    And remarkably, this effect seems to provide a secret language of

    antifragility, the language of nature, as nature is master at these convexity



    An anecdote appears in Aristotle'sPolitics concerning the pre-Socratic

    philosopher and mathematician Thales of Miletusxxx. This story, barely

    covering half a page, is at the center of both this entire idea of antifragility

    and its denigration. And the remarkable aspect of this story is that Aristotle,

    arguably the most influential thinker of all times, got the central point of hisown anecdote exactly backwards. So did his followers, particularly after the

    enlightenment and the scientific revolution. I am not saying that to denigrate

    Aristotle, but to assert the main idea of this book: intelligence makes you

    discount antifragility and ignore convexity effects.

    Thales was a Greek-speaking Ionian of Phoenician stock philosopher

    from the coastal town of Miletus in Asia Minor, and like some philosophers,

    enjoyed what he was doing. Miletus was a trading post and had the

    mercantile spirit usually attributed to Phoenician settlements. But Thales, as

    a philosopher, was characteristically poor. So he got tired of his buddies with

    more transactional lives telling him that "those who can, do, and others

    philosophize". He set to prove that he could both do and philosophize, andthat he chose to philosophize out of love and respect for the occupation, not

    because he had no other option. So he performed the following prowess: he

    put a down payment on the seasonal use of every olive press in the vicinity of

    Miletus and Chios which he got at low rent. The harvest turned out to be

    extremely bountiful and there was demand for olive presses, so he let the

    owners of olive presses on his own terms, realizing large sums of money.

    What he collected was large, perhaps not enough to become massively

    wealthy, but enough to make the point that he could talk the talk and was

    truly above, not below, wealth. This in my vernacular I've called "f*** you

    money" a monetary sum large enough to get most of the advantages of

    wealth (the most important one being independence and the ability to

    occupy your mind with matters that interest you) but not its side effects of

    filth, conversations with the name-dropping class, chronic stresses

    associated with a large estate and the multiplicity of servants, and hidden

    punishment from material benefits. Worse, imagine the greatest punishment

    for a philosopher: having to attend a black-tie charity event and being forced

    to listen to polite exposition of the details of the marble-rich house

    renovation beyond a certain level of wealth and independence, people tend

    to be less and less personable and their conversation less and less


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    Strong and Weak Antifragility 67

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    The story has many morals, all of which permeate this book. But the

    central one is related to the following account by Aristotlexxxi: "But from his

    knowledge of astronomy he had observed while it was still winter that

    there was going to be a large crop of olives..."So for Aristotle, clearly, the

    stated reason was Thales' superior knowledge. Knowledge.

    If we look at it with the eyes of antifragility, the story is altogether

    different. It is, rather, the skilled expression and exploitation of ignorance,not knowledge. Thales put himself in a position to take advantage of his lack

    of knowledge and the secret property of convexity effects. The key to the

    message of this book is that he did not need to understand too much the

    messages from the stars.

    Simply, he had, an option, the right but not the obligation, which he

    bought cheap: there was no need to be right on average so long as you pay

    a low price that allows you to have greater upside than downside. His payoff

    was so large that it could have afforded him to be wrong very, very often and

    still make a bundle in the long run. Explained in another way: he had a

    positive exposure to Black Swans, convex and antifragile to variations

    recall graph 3 on page x.

    This is the center of my ideas about knowledge, as we shall see in

    chapter x as Fat Tony rules and my association of antifragility in exposure

    and the problems of knowledge. We just don't need to know what's going on

    when we buy cheaply when we have positive convexity effects. But this

    property goes beyond buying cheaply: we do not need to understand things

    when we have some edge. And, I repeat, the edge is in the larger payoff when

    you are right

    How is there convexity when one has limited downside? Look at Figure

    x. The vertical axis has the profits, the horizontal axis the rent. I use in this

    example, for currency of Asia Minor, the stater, a variant of the PhoenicianThekel, sometimes spelled Shekel, which means weight in Semitic

    languages. Figure x [7] the asymmetry as in this situation, the payoff is larger

    one way (if you are right, you earn big time) than another (if you are

    wrong, you lose small).

    Figure 13- Thales' antifragility- He pays little to get a huge potential. We can

    see positive convexity effects in his payoff as his payoff curves outward

    (think smile as in Figure x), particularly on the left side of the graph. Note

    that trial-and-error tends to have the same payoff of limited downside.

    All the reader needs to note from the picture is the asymmetry I

    mentioned earlier. It is convex, owing to its shape that curves outward. The

    opposite to the health of the grandmother in Figure x. And the exact same

    shape (though in reverse) as what we saw in the graph of traffic to JFK in

    Figure x.


    Economics is a number... the sky is the limit. When we work with an

    unbounded variable...

    Figure 14- Strong Antifragility (Extremistan)

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    Options 68

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    Figure 15 Weak Antifragility (Mediocristan), with bounded maximum

    Other Morals

    There are other morals related to the theme of this book, antifragility, and

    the ethical considerations developed in Chapter x. Financial independence

    makes you robust; it allows you to make the right choices without

    modernitys middle class disease of fitting ethics to profession. And a thinker

    who does not have a patron does not have the fragilities, the fear of offending

    the hand that feeds him. Further, it allows freedom from the universitysystem and avoids the prostitution of academia (academia is to knowledge

    what prostitute is to love).

    But there is the notion of internal motivations: plenty of people are

    poor against their initial wish and only become robust by spinning a story

    that makes them lose their fragility to income and develop the illusion of

    being poor by choice, as if they had the option. But they dont really have the

    option they constructed it. The essayist Michel de Montaigne sees the

    Thales episode as a story of avoidance of sour grapes: you need to know

    whether you do not like the pursuit of money and wealth because you

    genuinely do not like it, or because you are rationalizing your inability to be

    successful at it with the argument that the grapes you cannot reach are sour.Are you fooling yourself? So the episode enlightened Thales about his own

    choices in life how genuine his pursuit of philosophy was. He had other

    options. And, it is worth repeating, options, any options, by allowing you

    more upside than downside, have positive convexity effects, hence harbor


    *I suppose that the main benefit of being rich (over being just independent) is to

    be able to despise rich people (a good concentration of whom you find in glitzy ski

    resorts) without any "sour grapes" (i.e., when someone convinces himself that he is not

    A second moral is that there are two varieties of people: those who

    write books or those who write checks for other people to write books,

    create, innovate, or pursue knowledge and claim some credit for having

    facilitated it. Rich people can enhance their obituary or buy some form of

    minor immortality by having a building, a hallway or, perhaps, a small

    staircase named after them. They can also buy some derivative social

    prominence in ceremonies for patrons of the arts. The recipients would lookat them with a mixture of scorn or resentment, sometimes with a modicum

    of gratitude (the snobbish conductor von Karajan called the Carnegie Hall

    philanthropists the fur coat set buying their way into creativity). Thales,

    however, by funding his own philosophy, became his own Maecenas, perhaps

    the highest rank one can attain: that of being both independent and

    intellectually productive. He now had even more options.


    We can formulate this rule about asymmetry: If you make more when you

    are right than you are hurt when you are equally wrong then you have

    positive convexity effects and you will benefit, in the long run, from

    volatility (and the reverse). This asymmetry equates to my rule of

    accelerated benefits.

    An option (as opposed to an obligation) has an asymmetry: because you

    have the upside (you have the option of taking the good and neglecting the

    bad), with little downside (no obligations). You will be antifragile when you

    have it unless, of course, you pay too much for it. The next few examples will

    attempt to makes matters clearer. The next few vignettes will present the

    notion of options situations similar to those of Thales.

    Saturday Evening In London

    A first example of what an option is. It is Saturday afternoon in London. I am

    coping with a major source of stress: where to go tonight. I am fond of the

    brand of the unexpected one finds in parties (going to parties, we will see, is

    an option, perhaps the best advice for someone who wants to benefit from

    uncertainty with low downside). My fear of eating alone in a restaurant while

    interested wealth in order to feel good for being wealthy). It is even sweeter when they

    don't know that you are richer than they are.

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    The Thalesian and The Aristotelian 69

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    re-reading the same chapter of Seneca's Letters that I have been carrying for

    a decade to read whenever I am eating alone; my fear was alleviated by a

    telephone call. Someone, not a close friend, upon hearing that I was in town,

    invited me to a dinner gathering in Kensington, but somehow did not ask

    me to commit, with the "drop by if you want". Going to the party is better

    than eating alone with Seneca's Letters, but these are not very interesting

    people (many are involved in the City and people employed in financialinstitutions are rarely interesting and even more rarely likeable) and I know

    I can do better, but I am not certain to be able to do so. So I can call around:

    if I can do better than the Kensington party, with, say, a dinner that groups

    any of my friends J.G, B.A, and W.G., or similarly charming and erudite

    people with, I would go there. Otherwise I would take a black taxi to

    Kensington. I have an option, not an obligation. It came at no cost since I did

    not even solicit it. So I have a small, nay nonexistent downside, a big upside.

    Your Rent

    Second example: consider living arrangements. Assume I am the official

    tenant of a rent-controlled apartment in New York City. I have the option of

    staying in it as long as I wish, and no obligation to do so. Should I decide to

    move to Ulan Bator, Mongolia, and start a new life there, I can simply notify

    the landlord a certain number of days in advance, and thank you good bye.

    Otherwise, the landlord is obligated to let me live there somewhat

    permanently, at a predictable rent. Should rents in town increase

    enormously, and real estate experience a bubble-like explosion, I am largely

    protected. On the other hand, should rents collapse, I can easily switch

    apartments and reduce my monthly payments --or even buy a new

    apartment and get a mortgage with lower monthly payments.

    So consider the asymmetry. I benefit from lower rents, but am not hurt

    from higher ones. How? Because here again, I have an option, not an

    obligation. In a way uncertainty increases the worth of such privilege. Should

    I have a high uncertainty about future outcomes, with possible huge

    decreases in real estate value, or huge possible increases in them, my option

    would become more valuable. The more uncertainty, the more valuable the


    Books, Again

    Let us assume that there is for your reputation the equivalent to an Amazon

    review (ranking between one and five stars, one star meaning horrible and

    five stars meaning, literally, stellar), freely posted in the public domain by

    people you may or may not know. You are fragile in reputation if you

    prefer to have 100 pct four stars rather than 80% five stars and 20% one-

    star. Just like the grandmother, you do not want dispersion as you feel severe

    harm from the one-star comments. On the other hand you are robust, or

    antifragile when you do not care about the bad reviews and, like an option,

    focus on the good ones hence love dispersion.

    Let me repeat: you care more about the average than about the

    volatility (or dispersion) around the average. Fragile is when you dont like

    dispersion, antifragile when you prefer it.

    Further, when it comes to real books or ideas, the convexity effects is

    much more accentuated. As I wrote in the last chapter, an author or artist or

    even a philosopher is much better off when a very small segment of the

    readers people like his work, mildly, on average, rather than have a verysmall number of fanatics and a large majority of indifferent or haters. This

    should be clear now in light of optionality this we call a remote option.

    Because, as in Thales option, all that matters is the upside, and the most

    fanatic fans and supporters is what counts. The more uncertainty, the more

    upside. Those who do not buy your book or your work do not have a negative

    contribution beyond not buying your book. Further, it helps when the

    supporters are both enthusiastic and influential. Wittgenstein, for instance,

    was largely considered as a lunatic (he almost had no publications to his

    name), but had very few main fans creating a cult, and some, like Bertrand

    Russell and J.M. Keynes, were massively influential.


    The Thalesian focuses on the payoff, the consequence of the actions (hence

    includes convexity effects). The Aristotelian focuses on being right and

    wrongraw logic. They intersect less often than you think.

    For Fat Tony, the distinction maps into sucker-nonsucker. Things are

    always simpler with Fat Tony.

    In real life, exposure is more important than knowledge; decision-

    effects supersede logic. Textbook knowledge misses a dimension, the

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    The Thalesian and The Aristotelian 70

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    hidden convexity effect just like the notion of average. The need to focus on

    the payoff from your actions rather than the structure of the world (or

    understanding the True and the False) has been largely missed in

    intellectual history. Horribly missed. The payoff, what happens to you

    (benefits or harm from it), is always the most important thing, not the

    event itself. In other words, let me repeat it, that we need to be smarter in

    doing than knowing, better in acting, than understanding wiser, less errorprone, and, of course, better for long term survival of our species. But the

    giant of rationalism, the Medieval philosopher Averroes (Ibn Rushd)

    considered Aristotle the supreme expression of human intellect precisely

    because the latter represented rationalism, the pure reliance on reasoning,

    that thing we call reasoning, in comprehending things. And visibly this is

    the very reason Aristotle missed the point, because he overestimated the

    reach of human reasoning. Thales' success was automatically imparted to

    knowledge about the stars, or about the future coming from the stars, not

    from the nature of the bet.xxxii

    So Aristotle overvalued knowledge and discounted the action, or

    decision, taken off that knowledge.

    My point is that True and False (hence what we call belief) play a

    poor, secondary, role in human decisions; it is the payoff from the True and

    the False that dominates and it is almost always asymmetric, with one

    consequence much bigger than the other, i.e. harboring positive and negative

    convexity effects. Let me explain. We check people for weapons before they

    board the plane. Do we believe that they are terrorists, True or False? False,

    as they are not likely to be terrorists (a small probability). But we check them

    nevertheless because we are interested in the payoff, and the consequence, or

    payoff of the True (that they turn out to be terrorists) is too large and the

    costs of checking are too low. Do you think the nuclear reactor is likely to

    explode in the next year? False. Yet you want to behave as if it were True and

    spend millions on additional safety. A third example: Do you think that this

    random medicine will harm you? False. Do you ingest these pills? No, no,


    * Philosophers are split into two categories, those who believe in absolute truth

    and falsehoods, usually analytical tradition, and those who believe in the relativity of

    truth and falsehood, found in many traditions including the school called the

    pragmatists (as well as those called continental and postmodern philosophers). My

    message is entirely within the analytical tradition (if not even more extreme); it is not

    If you sat with a pencil and jotted down all the decisions youve taken in

    the past week, or, if you can, over your lifetime, you will realize that almost

    all of them have asymmetric payoff, with one side carrying a larger

    consequence than the other. There is a positive or negative convexity effect

    somewhere since what has big downside, small upside is concave and the


    So we go by the True- False distinction only in situations of symmetry,say flipping a coin, where the gains of one outcome are equal to the loss of

    the other, and these seem to only exist in logical textbooks. Now I am not

    getting into post-modern denial of True or False, to the contrary; I am just

    saying that it is insufficient a representation, like using a two dimensional

    drawing for something in three dimensions.

    That payoffs are more important than events is intuitively grasped in

    some applications. But all of the examples above (terrorist, nuclear plant,

    medication), representing a small probability of a very large adverse

    outcome, are easy to understand as we humans are well wired for risk

    aversion (when I talk about Black Swans most people tend to immediately

    imagine negative things). These examples correspond to situations of

    fragility, the ones I showed in column one of Table 1 and in Figure 2. And we

    still have enough instinct (unless we studied economics) to understand that

    mitigating fragility is more important than knowledge. Now, the Thales

    story represents the exact mirror image of these unlikely favorable outcomes,

    of a small probability of a large and unbounded favorable outcome (to

    Thales). It is antifragility, and this has not penetrated our philosophical


    Confidence levels. Let me rephrase the idea of the irrelevance of

    True/False in decision-making in the real world, particularly when

    probabilities are involved. Scientists have something called confidence

    level; a result obtained with a 95% confidence level means that there is no

    more than 5% probability of the result being wrong. The idea of course is

    inapplicable for the same reason of size of effects, and extreme events. If I

    tell you that some result is true with 95% confidence level, you would be

    that True and False are irrelevant, but rather that the distinction is insufficient for


    Thales bet is not at all similar to a lottery ticket (which is a human artificial

    contraption), mostly because the outcome is both unknown and unbounded, i.e., we do

    not know the upper limit.

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    Bachelier, Jensen and Friends 71

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    quite satisfied. But what if I told you that the plane was safe with 95%

    confidence level? Even 99% confidence level would not do, as a 1%

    probability of a crash would be quite a bit alarming (today commercial

    planes operate with less than 1 in 100,000 probabilities of crashing and the

    ratio is improving). So the probability (hence True/False) does not work in

    the real world; it is the payoff that matters.

    How to be Stupid

    Accordingly, you don't have a need for much of what is commonly called

    intelligence, knowledge, insights, skills, and these complicated things that

    take place in the brain cells. For you don't have to be right that often. All you

    need is wisdom to not do foolish things to hurt yourself (some acts of

    omission) and know if an outcome if fine (after its occurrence), not before.

    Otherwise, if convexity effects work against you, sorry, but you are doomed,

    no matter how intelligent you are and how many PhDs from Harvard are on

    your stafffor there may be a small thing that will escape you and hurt you

    very badly. The hair holding the sword of Damocles will eventually break, in

    time, with certainty.

    I learned about convexity effects in class at the Wharton School, in the

    lecture on financial options that determined my career, and immediately

    realized that the professor did not understand it himself he understood it

    in spots, but not everywhere. It hides where we don't want it to hide. I will

    repeat that options benefit from variability and convexity effects.


    The discovery of convexity effects (though not the connection to fragility)was made by several men, one of whom got a bit of mishandling by history*.

    On March 29, 1900, a student at the Sorbonne who worked as a

    stockbroker in order to support himself, Louis Bachelier, defended a doctoral

    thesis in mathematics. The idea was about how to value financial options,

    these asymmetric contracts that give the right but not the obligation to buy a

    stock at a specified price (also called contingent claims). Now finance being

    * A technical point. The following researchers discovered first order convexity

    effects; fragility and antifragility are second (and higher) order convexity effects. See

    Appendix X.

    an uninteresting (and largely despicable) subject, there is no need to focus

    on the subject and figure out what a financial option is beyond that it is a

    right not an obligation (as with the dinner in London), that one can buy for

    small and that can carry an occasional (and rare) payoff, large upside and no

    or small downside (for the owner). In short, the option has convexity effects.

    Bacheliers doctoral thesis was poorly received by the head of the

    committee, no less a person than the great mathematician and scientific big-picture thinker Henri Poincar. So Bachelier received the grade

    euphemistically called "honorable", not the "trs honorable" that was

    necessary to get a real academic position. His work was said to lack in rigor

    but there was also this unattractiveness of the financial topic for the

    committee: finance was never seen in France as particularly respectable

    intellectually. Bachelier never managed to have a decent academic career as

    he was plagued with the stigma, along with an additional black ball when, in

    his fifties, he was about to get his first real position of professor. Many

    people later rediscovered his results in the pricing of derivatives, and

    something I find scandalous, two men, Robert Merton and Myron

    Scholesxxxiii, received the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences (called

    the "Nobel" in economics) as the Swedish academy, rather poor in

    knowledge of the history of ideas, had the illusion that they discovered his

    equation. Furthermore, Robert C. Merton, while trying to pass for option

    guru had spent his career developing models in finance that increase risks

    precisely that they missed convexity effects.

    In addition, in that very same doctoral thesis, Louis Bachelier observed

    properties of randomness that were rediscovered (and publicized) by

    Einstein five years later. More depressingly the man who disparaged him,

    quite unfairly, Henri Poincar, has been my intellectual hero most of my

    conscious life and that of most people who like the notions complexity.

    Another giant who missed the point of antifragility there will be many


    Note that Bachelier was an option trader (who disliked his career)

    and this book, which has almost nothing to do with finance, will be driven by

    similar intuitions by yours truly, a former option trader (who disliked his

    career). Now that I got the sad story of Bachelier off my chest, let's forget

    about economics for a few chapters.

    Further, my experience shows that the only interesting options are the hidden

    ones, those that are not recognized as financial options.

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    Why Some Errors Go One Direction 72

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    Bachelier was using a result he took for granted, but that was

    formalized (in much simpler form) five years later, completely

    independently. The more formal presentation of that result took place as

    follows, five years later. On 17 January 1905, one Johann Ludwig Jensen, an

    obscure mathematician, by day Danish employee of a telephone company,

    exposed in a presentation some derivation showing the convexity effect on

    the long term average, showing in the grandmothers story that the averagehealth of the grandmother across temperatures is worse, unequal to her

    health for a single average temperature.xxxivJensen, in fact, was generalizing

    an earlier, almost a century old result by the French mathematician

    Augustin-Louis Cauchy. Neither he nor the audience realized how

    fundamental this result was for about everything no more than the

    audience in the thesis committee of Monsieur Bachelier, knew the import of

    that poor man's work. The paper by the Dane was published the following

    year in French in the Swedish mathematical journalActa Mathematica with

    the eloquent title On convex funtions and their inequality for average

    values ("sur les fonctions convexes et les ingalits entre les valeurs

    moyennes") and went unnoticed for a long time, a very long time, as, 105 years later I hardly found anyone who took its consequences to their

    conclusion. I built on his result to extend it from the effect of convexity on

    the average to dispersion, hence fragility and antifragility.

    The plot is even thicker. It was recently discovered that a French

    intellectual and stockbroker Jules Regnault in Calcul des chances et

    philosophie de la bourse , published in 1863, also discovered a milder form

    of these effects but unlike Bachelier he used his knowledge to make f***

    you money over a few years and become catalogued a rentier.


    We saw that errors and uncertainty tend to make planes land later, not

    earlier. Same with traffic, disturbances tend to increase travel time from

    Kensington to Picadilly circus, never shorten it.

    The errors are one-sided: thats a negative convexity effect (the

    opposite of, say, a Thales bet or an option-style position in which errors tend

    to be positive). So this typically causing both underestimation of randomness

    and underestimation of harm owing to the fact that one is more exposed to

    harm than benefits; as we call it he is short an option.

    Example of such situations: Predictions of projects, wars, deficits...

    {discussion on the graphs}

    Projects and prediction

    Just as when you add uncertainty to a flight, the planes tend to land later,

    not earlier, projects tend to cost more (and take longer). This applies to

    many, in fact, almost all projects. In The Black Swan I showed that the

    underestimation of the random structure of the world (Mediocristan as

    opposed to Extemistan) caused such problems these unexpected Black

    Swan events tend to hit by lengthening, not shortening project time. Black

    Swan blindness was the source.

    The puzzle was of course that many large-scale projects one and a half

    centuries ago were completed on time; many of the tall buildings and

    monuments we see today were completed within, and often ahead of

    schedule. These include not just the Empire State Building (still standing in

    New York), but such items such as the Crystal Palace erected during the

    Great Exhibition of 1851, the hallmark of Victorian reign, based on the

    inventive ideas of a gardener. The Palace, which housed the exhibition, went

    from its organization to the grand opening in just nine months. The building

    took the form of a massive glass house, 1848 feet long by 454 feet wide and

    was constructed from cast iron-frame components and glass made almost

    exclusively in Birmingham and Smethwick.

    The obvious is usually missed here: the Crystal Palace project did not

    use computers, and the parts were built not far away from the source, with a

    small number of entities as part of the food chain. Further, there were,

    thankfully, no business schools at the time to teach something called project

    management and increase overconfidence. And there were no consultingfirms and the agency problem was weak. In other words, it was a much more

    linear economy less complex than today.

    I had been telling anyone who would listen to me that Black Swan

    effects had to be increasing, necessarily as a result of complexity,

    interdependence between parts, globalization, and the beastly thing called

    efficiency that make people now sail too close to the wind. Add to that

    consultants and business schools. One problem somewhere can halt the

    entire project so the projects tend to get as weak as their weakest link in

    the chain (an acute negative convexity effect). The world is getting less and

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    Why is The Large Fragile? 73

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    less predictable, and we rely more and more on technologies that have errors

    and interactions that are harder to estimate, let alone predict.

    And the information economy is the culprit. My colleague Bent

    Flyvbjerg showed that the problem of cost overruns and delays is much more

    acute in the presence of Information Technologies (IT), as computer projects

    cause a large share of these costs overruns and it is better to focus on these

    principally (Black Swan Risks are often solved with small rules, notcomplicated ones)xxxv. But even outside of these IT-heavy projects, we tend to

    have very severe delays. And, of course there is the fallacy of prediction:

    these are underestimated, and chronically so.

    But the logic is simple: negative convexity effects are the cause. There is

    an asymmetry in the way errors hit you. Decision scientists and business

    psychologists have theorized something called the planning fallacy, in

    which they try to explain the fact that projects take longer rarely shorter with

    recourse to psychological factors, which play a role but less than Black Swan

    effects. Decision scientists ground it in human errors, not in exposure to

    Extremistan, with in this case exposure to negative Black Swans rather than

    positive Black Swans. But no psychologist realized that, at the core, it is not

    the psychological problem, but part of the nonlinear structure of the project.

    Just as time cannot be negative, a three month project cannot be completed

    in zero or negative time. So errors add to the right end, not the left end of it.

    If uncertainty were linear we would observe some projects completed early

    (just as we would arrive sometimes early, sometimes late). But this is not the


    Wars, Deficits, and Bonds

    The second war was estimated to last only a few month; by the time it wasover it got France and Britain heavily in debt, at least ten times what they

    thought their financial costs would be, aside from all the destruction. The

    same of course for the second war caused the U.K. to become heavily

    indebted, mostly to the United States.

    In the United States the prime example remains the Iraq war, expected

    by George W. Bush and his friends to cost thirty to sixty billions, and so far

    can be at more than two trillion. Complexity, once again.

    But wars are only illustrative of the way governments underestimate

    convexity effects and why they should not be trusted with finances.

    Governments do not need wars to run deficits: the underestimation is

    chronic for the very same reason ninety-eight percent of modern projects

    have overruns.


    We can apply the idea of convexity effects here in fat the exact same graph

    as the one about travel time on the idea of size. When one is large, one

    becomes vulnerable to these errors going in one direction.

    To see how size becomes a handicap, consider the reasons one should

    not own an elephant as a pet, regardless of what emotional attachment you

    may have with an animal of such size. Say you can afford an elephant as part

    of your household budget and have one delivered to your backyard. Should

    there be a water shortage, you would have to pay a higher and higher price

    for each additional gallon of water. Thats fragility, right there, a negative

    convexity effect coming from getting too big. The unexpected cost, in

    percentage of the total, would be monstrous. Owning, say, a cat or a dog

    would not bring about such high unexpected additional costs over the

    regular at times of squeeze adjusting of for the size of each animal.

    In spite of what is studied in Business School, size hurts you at times of

    stress; it is not good for fragility.

    Some economists have been wondering why mergers of corporations do

    not appear to play out. The combined unit is now much larger, hence more

    powerful and more efficient. But numbers show no gain, at best that was

    already true in 1978, as people then voiced the hubris hypothesis finding it

    irrational for companies to engage in mergers given the poor record of the

    idea. And recent data, more than three decades later, confirm the behavior.

    There appear to be something with size that is harmful to corporations.

    Well, like the elephant as pet, squeezes are much, much moreexpensive (relative to size) for large corporations. The gains from size are

    visible but the risks are hidden, and some concealed risks seems to bring

    frailties into the companies hence the system.

    Let us look at a case study. On January 21, 2008, the Parisian bank

    Socit Generale rushed to sell in the market close to seventy billion dollars

    of stocks, a very large amount for any single fire sale. Markets were not

    very active (called thin) as it was Martin Luther King day in the United

    States and markets worldwide dropped precipitously, close to ten percent,

    costing the company close to six billion dollars in losses from their fire sale.

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    10/19/11 Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

    For they had, over the weekend, uncovered a fraud. Jerome Kerviel, a rogue

    back office employee, was playing with humongous sums in the market and

    hiding these exposure from the main computer system. They were squeezed

    and had no choice but to sell, immediately sell these stocks they didnt know

    they owned.

    Now to see the effect of fragility from size, look at Figure x showing

    losses as a function of quantity sold. A fire sale of 70 billion leads to a loss of6 billion. But a fire sale of 5 or 10 billion has no loss at all, as markets would

    absorb the quantities without panic. So this tells us that if, instead of having

    one very large bank, with Monsieur Kerviel as a rogue trader, we had ten

    smaller banks, each with a proportional Monsieur Mini-Kerviel, and each

    had his rogue trading independently and at random times, the total losses for

    the ten banks would be nothing.

    Figure 16

    We will use the argument again when discussing corporate size during

    my apology of artisanal economies.



    Figure 17- Hormesis for an organism: we can see a stage of benefits as the

    dose increase (initially convex) slowing down into a phase of harm as we

    increase the dose (initially concave), then things flattening out at the level of

    maximum harm (beyond a certain point, the organism is dead so there is

    such a thing as a bounded and known worst case scenario in biology) Note

    that (medical papers and textbooks make the mistake of having concave

    curve at the early stages, which would be mathematically impossible).

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    A Second Graphical Interlude 75

    10/19/11 Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

    Figure 18- Wrong graph showing initial convexity


    Let us look at the point graphically, but in a different manner, this time

    looking at probabilities.

    The Horizontal line presents outcomes, the vertical one their

    probability (i.e., their frequency). This is a different representation thistime, probabilistic of the outcomes. Before that we saw functions and

    variable, with nonlinear responses between one and the other. And before

    that we saw what is called the time series: what happens over a certain

    period, with the passage of time

    Absence of convexity effects are shown to the first graph, Figure x the

    symmetric case, as the potential gain is somewhat equal to potential harm.

    Figure 19- Case 1, the Symmetric. Injecting uncertainty in the system makes

    us move from one bell-shape the first, with narrow possible spate of

    outcomesto the second, a lower peak but more spread out. So it causes an

    * The intelligent reader innocent of social science and economics can most

    certainly skip these graphs as there is nothing for him to unlearn.

    Technical note: when a payoff has negative skewness, increases in dispersion (or

    variance, volatility) lead to a degradation of the expectation, making it more negative.

    Hence underestimation of uncertainty implies underestimation of the expected

    variable. I show in the appendix (as well as in Taleb, 2011) how a concave payoff from

    a symmetric random variable is itself a payoff with negative skewness and the

    consequences for fragility, underestimation of the mean, and increases in risk.

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    A Second Graphical Interlude 76

    10/19/11 Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

    increase of both positive and negative surprises, both positive and negative

    Black Swans*.

    Negative convexity effects lead to Figure x; there is a possibility of a

    severe unfavorable outcome (left), much more than a hugely favorable one,

    as the left side is thicker than the right one.

    Figure 20- Case 2, Negative Convexity Effects, Limited gains, larger losses.

    Fragile, prone to negative asymmetries, negative convexity effects (for

    example, projects). Increasing uncertainty in the system causes an

    augmentation of mostly (sometimes only) negative outcomes, just negative

    Black Swans.

    * Technical Comment: Note that I am not using in these example the classical bell-

    shaped Gaussian, rather, distributions with power-law fat tails.

    Figure 21- Case 3, Positive Convexity Effects, with Limited losses, unlimited

    benefits. Antifragile, prone to positive asymmetries, positive convexity

    effects. Increasing randomness and uncertainty in the system raise the

    probability of very favorable outcomes, and accordingly expands the

    expected payoff. Note that it is the EXACT opposite of figure x {previous},

    which means that discovery is, mathematically, exactly like an anti-airplane


    Let us apply this analysis to how planners make the mistakes we discussed

    earlier, and why deficits tend to do worse than planned:

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    A Second Graphical Interlude 77

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    Figure 22- The Gap between predictions and reality: probability distribution

    of outcomes from costs of projects in the minds of planners (above) and in

    reality (below). In the top graph they assume that the costs will be both low

    and quite certain. The lower graph show outcomes to be both worse and

    more spread out, particularly with higher possibility of unfavorable

    outcomes. These undesirable events are on the left and we can see a left tail

    forming). This misunderstanding of the effect of uncertainty applies togovernment deficits, plans that have IT component, travel time (to a lesser

    degree) and many more.

    The greater dispersion shows underestimation of uncertainty. The

    worse average outcome shows underestimation of the expected outcome.

    Innovation, on the other hand, have exact opposite properties of the

    graph in Figure x: errors tend to cause more benefits than harm. When you

    inject more uncertainty in the system, it improves.

    Next: Discovery as an Anti-deficit

    This chapter got deeper into the plumbing behind antifragility, evolution,

    and survivorship. We used the grandmother story to present convexity

    effects sort of, the grammar of antifragility and the story of Thales to

    present this notion of convexity, optionality, something that tends to

    benefit from variation and lessens our dependence on knowledge; how

    convexity can supersede understanding and how Aristotle and about most

    of traditional Greek and Levantine philosophy missed the point. The

    opposite situation is that of the grandmother suffering from thermal


    Next, let us discuss discovery and how it is grounded in antifragility,

    hardly anything else. Just think of an airplane ride, or the costs and duration

    of a project, as represented in Figure x: almost every bit of uncertainty tends

    to increase your flying time, your project costs, and worsen your situation.

    With discovery (and antifragile situations) the reverse holds as about every

    bit of uncertainty improves your situation. Let us see how.