characteristics of successful catchment management organisations, mackay feb07

1 6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 1 Catchment Management Catchment Management Organisations Organisations Ingredients for success Ingredients for success Mackay Whitsunday NRM Group Inc Andrew Campbell Triple Helix Consulting 6 February 2007 6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 2 Outline Outline Background - work that informs my perspectives Background - work that informs my perspectives Reflections on the regional model Reflections on the regional model Characteristics of leading Catchment Characteristics of leading Catchment Management Management Organisations Organisations ( CMOs CMOs) Some Key Result Areas for leading Some Key Result Areas for leading CMOs CMOs Review of MWNRM documents against these Review of MWNRM documents against these KRAs KRAs Next Steps Next Steps

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Presented to the Board of the Mackay Whitsunday Regional NRM Group, Mackay February 2007.


Page 1: Characteristics Of Successful Catchment Management Organisations, Mackay Feb07


6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 1

Catchment Management Catchment Management OrganisationsOrganisations Ingredients for successIngredients for success

Mackay Whitsunday NRM Group Inc

Andrew CampbellTriple Helix

6 February 2007

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 2

OutlineOutline•• Background - work that informs my perspectivesBackground - work that informs my perspectives

•• Reflections on the regional modelReflections on the regional model

•• Characteristics of leading CatchmentCharacteristics of leading Catchment

Management Management Organisations Organisations ((CMOsCMOs))

•• Some Key Result Areas for leading Some Key Result Areas for leading CMOsCMOs

•• Review of MWNRM documents against theseReview of MWNRM documents against these


•• Next StepsNext Steps

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6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 3

My perspectivesMy perspectives

•• Farming background western VictoriaFarming background western Victoria•• Forestry & rural sociology trainingForestry & rural sociology training•• Farm planning extension Vic govtFarm planning extension Vic govt•• Manager, Potter Farmland PlanManager, Potter Farmland Plan•• National Landcare FacilitatorNational Landcare Facilitator•• Development of NHT & NAP in Aust GovernmentDevelopment of NHT & NAP in Aust Government•• 7 years as CEO of Land & Water Australia7 years as CEO of Land & Water Australia

–– Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company DirectorsFellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors–– Worked with many Catchment Management OrganisationsWorked with many Catchment Management Organisations–– Looking in particular (but not only) at knowledge needsLooking in particular (but not only) at knowledge needs–– Analysing Analysing what works and whywhat works and why

•• Now out on my own againNow out on my own again……

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Lagging policiesLagging policies- Governments still have lots to do- Governments still have lots to do

•• getting signals right, and cost-sharinggetting signals right, and cost-sharing•• juicier carrots and smarter sticksjuicier carrots and smarter sticks•• clarifying property rights & responsibilitiesclarifying property rights & responsibilities•• sorting out water allocation & land clearingsorting out water allocation & land clearing•• C21 legislation - ecologically literateC21 legislation - ecologically literate•• vertical integration of governments (fixingvertical integration of governments (fixing

extension)extension)•• informing and regulating marketsinforming and regulating markets•• renovating infrastructure renovating infrastructure –– climate/water/energy climate/water/energy•• new institutions at catchment/regional scalenew institutions at catchment/regional scale

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The regional model:The regional model:an integrated approachan integrated approach

•• The regional model is a world-leading effort to implementThe regional model is a world-leading effort to implementsustainable NRM at a landscape scale: itsustainable NRM at a landscape scale: it’’ss also a grand also a grandexperimentexperiment–– Devolve decision making & resource allocation to appropriate scaleDevolve decision making & resource allocation to appropriate scale

–– Tap into and build on deep local knowledge and connection to placeTap into and build on deep local knowledge and connection to place

–– Work across issues and industries in an integrated wayWork across issues and industries in an integrated way

•• integration means making wholeintegration means making whole–– across scales, issues, land tenures and land usesacross scales, issues, land tenures and land uses–– in the usersin the users’’ context context

•• that requires comprehensive knowledgethat requires comprehensive knowledge•• and excellent relationshipsand excellent relationships

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ReflectionsReflectionson the regional modelon the regional model

•• A world-leading experimentA world-leading experiment•• A natural evolution in approachA natural evolution in approach•• Patchy successPatchy success•• The importance of continuity andThe importance of continuity and

persistencepersistence•• Lots of scope for learning across regionsLots of scope for learning across regions

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Supportive institutional frameworksSupportive institutional frameworks

•• ‘‘Joined upJoined up’’ Government, vertically and horizontally Government, vertically and horizontally–– Regions doing only what is best done at that scaleRegions doing only what is best done at that scale

•• Durable, predictable, multi-year revenue sourcesDurable, predictable, multi-year revenue sources

–– Raising their own revenue?Raising their own revenue?

•• Responsive, tractable research and extension servicesResponsive, tractable research and extension services

•• A well-honed tool-kit of policies, models, carrots & sticksA well-honed tool-kit of policies, models, carrots & sticks

•• Robust business models and generic support services for theRobust business models and generic support services for theemerging business/profession of regional NRMemerging business/profession of regional NRM

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 8

Improving the Regional ModelImproving the Regional Model•• Be clear about the conditions where a regional approach is validBe clear about the conditions where a regional approach is valid•• Consolidate regional institutionsConsolidate regional institutions

–– provide assistance with meeting minimal governance standardsprovide assistance with meeting minimal governance standards–– streamline reporting and accountability requirements (audit etc)streamline reporting and accountability requirements (audit etc)–– sort out durable staffing arrangements (without duplicating bureaucracy)sort out durable staffing arrangements (without duplicating bureaucracy)–– build solid and consistent information and knowledge management systemsbuild solid and consistent information and knowledge management systems–– we donwe don’’t want 57 different rail gaugest want 57 different rail gauges……

•• Clarify relationships, roles and responsibilities with all tiers of GovtClarify relationships, roles and responsibilities with all tiers of Govt

•• Ensure regional bodies have or have access to Ensure regional bodies have or have access to ‘‘plugged inplugged in’’ people people

•• Nourish landcareNourish landcare……. don. don’’t undermine it! Be clear about where volunteerst undermine it! Be clear about where

•• Promote partnerships with industry (e.g. Grain & Graze, SGSL, DairyPromote partnerships with industry (e.g. Grain & Graze, SGSL, DairyCatch)Catch)

•• Give them rating powers for defined (catchment) purposesGive them rating powers for defined (catchment) purposes

•• PATIENCE (wePATIENCE (we’’re on a long journey, letre on a long journey, let’’s get the vehicles rights get the vehicles right……))

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The Regional Model and on-ground changeThe Regional Model and on-ground change

•• Remember that on-ground change happensRemember that on-ground change happensmostly on-farmmostly on-farm

•• The basic rules of adoption have not changedThe basic rules of adoption have not changed–– complexity, observability, complexity, observability, trialabilitytrialability, relative, relative

advantage, coherenceadvantage, coherence (with self-image etc)(with self-image etc) stillstilldetermine adoptabilitydetermine adoptability

–– look to change behaviour first - attitudes followlook to change behaviour first - attitudes follow

•• But extension frameworks have changedBut extension frameworks have changed

•• The leap from the individual to the catchment The leap from the individual to the catchment ––and back and back –– remains the biggest challenge remains the biggest challenge

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On-ground change for individualsOn-ground change for individuals

three pillarsthree pillars–– people need to want to change, to know what to do,people need to want to change, to know what to do,and have the means to do itand have the means to do it

•• commitmentcommitment–– influenced by sense of place and of community (local &influenced by sense of place and of community (local &


•• know-howknow-how–– options need to be viable and adoptableoptions need to be viable and adoptable

•• capacitycapacity–– can be helped at the margins with incentivescan be helped at the margins with incentives

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Adoption reality checkAdoption reality check

•• Old adoptability rules still apply (Pannell et al 2006)Old adoptability rules still apply (Pannell et al 2006)•• Economic & regulatory signals remain weakEconomic & regulatory signals remain weak•• On-farm change is more likely where innovations:On-farm change is more likely where innovations:

–– Offer relative advantage over existing systems/approachesOffer relative advantage over existing systems/approaches

–– Are not too complexAre not too complex

–– Can be Can be trialledtrialled, tested and evaluated (preferably on a modest, tested and evaluated (preferably on a modest


–– ““FitFit”” with the farmer with the farmer’’s outlook, capacity and farming systems outlook, capacity and farming system

–– Offer good returns within a reasonable timeframeOffer good returns within a reasonable timeframe

•• But relative advantage can be defined in interestingBut relative advantage can be defined in interestingwaysways……..

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 12

A farmer perspectiveA farmer perspective

Tom & Cynthia Dunbabin, “Bangor”Dunalley, Tasmania, Winners of the 15th McKell Medal

Too many policies remainprescriptive

Farmers have a strong sense ofplace, built on generations ofland management.

Partnerships with landholders,based on trust, and respectfulof their sense of place are anessential precursor to moresuccessful approaches.

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6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 13

The Dunbabin Sense of PlaceThe Dunbabin Sense of PlaceModelModel

• Landholders’ strong sense ofplace drives environmentalactions through responsibilitytowards, and passion for theplace (farm, beach, mine etc).

• Shared knowledge (science,cultural history etc), andbroader understanding ofplace, greatly helps indeveloping and implementingpositive actions.

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 14

The Dunbabin Sense of Place ModelThe Dunbabin Sense of Place Model(2)(2)

• When legislation, or other forcedchange impacts on the SoP of thelandholder, responsibility becomesaccountability and passionbecomes social stigma - driving anegative reaction rather than apositive action.

• Measures such as stewardshippayments have to be tailored in away that strengthens the passionand responsibility that drive thepositive actions.Figure 2

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The Dunbabin Sense of Place ModelThe Dunbabin Sense of Place Model(3)(3)

• well designed programs addto the effectiveness of theoriginal model – not overturnit...

• There is no need to changethe strong Sense of Placefarmers or other resourceusers have. It is far better toenhance that by addingadditional values, valuesshared by the widercommunity.

Figure 3

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 16

Regional bodies and on-groundRegional bodies and on-groundchangechange

•• Work out how your regional strategy and targets meshWork out how your regional strategy and targets meshwith the various dashboards of the managers of naturalwith the various dashboards of the managers of naturalresources in your regionresources in your region

•• Use your connection to the district Use your connection to the district –– the place the place –– to toconnect with landholdersconnect with landholders’’ sense of passion and sense of passion andresponsibilityresponsibility

•• Think about the Triple Helix - landscapes, lifestyles andThink about the Triple Helix - landscapes, lifestyles andlivelihoodslivelihoods–– How will the implementation of your strategy affect peopleHow will the implementation of your strategy affect people’’ss

landscapes, lifestyles and livelihoods?landscapes, lifestyles and livelihoods?–– And how do different groups And how do different groups perceiveperceive that your strategy would that your strategy would

affect them?affect them?

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6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 17

MWNRM Group Inc OpportunitiesMWNRM Group Inc Opportunities

•• understand the community and its diverse strandsunderstand the community and its diverse strands•• develop a niche that complements other playersdevelop a niche that complements other players•• Ensure all players understand where you fitEnsure all players understand where you fit•• pick some low hanging fruit - tangible practicalpick some low hanging fruit - tangible practical

actionsactions•• work across the Triple Helix:work across the Triple Helix:

–– landscapeslandscapes,,–– lifestyleslifestyles and and–– livelihoodslivelihoods

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 18

What makes a leadingWhat makes a leading CatchmentCatchmentManagement Organisation (CMO)?Management Organisation (CMO)?

•• UnderstandingUnderstanding

•• RelationshipsRelationships

•• PositioningPositioning

•• GovernanceGovernance

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Characteristics of top Characteristics of top CMOs CMOs (1)(1)UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING

•• Comprehensive knowledge of their clientsComprehensive knowledge of their clients–– demography and demographic trendsdemography and demographic trends–– who lives in the catchment, what are their drivers?who lives in the catchment, what are their drivers?–– values, perceptions, hopes, fears, know-howvalues, perceptions, hopes, fears, know-how

•• Tapped into the best available knowledgeTapped into the best available knowledgerelevant to their strategyrelevant to their strategy–– sustainable land used optionssustainable land used options–– best practice measures and factors affecting adoptionbest practice measures and factors affecting adoption–– a useful toolkit of incentives, planning, regulationa useful toolkit of incentives, planning, regulation

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Characteristics of top Characteristics of top CMOs CMOs (2)(2)RELATIONSHIPSRELATIONSHIPS

•• Understood and valued by key client groupsUnderstood and valued by key client groups–– grassroots community volunteersgrassroots community volunteers–– landholders and consumers of resources (e.g. tourists)landholders and consumers of resources (e.g. tourists)–– resource-using industriesresource-using industries–– all tiers of governmentall tiers of government–– other relevant non-government organisations (NGOs)other relevant non-government organisations (NGOs)

•• Seen as adding value by these groupsSeen as adding value by these groups

•• Able to influence Able to influence behaviourbehaviour within these groups within these groupsconsistent with implementing the NRM Planconsistent with implementing the NRM Plan

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Ag. serviceproviders








Other govt.SRW DPI

West Vic.Dairy








Landcare /env’t


Information & Knowledge FlowsInformation & Knowledge FlowsSouth-West Victorian dairy farmersSouth-West Victorian dairy farmers

•• Note no direct connect betweenNote no direct connect betweenCMA and dairy farmersCMA and dairy farmers

•• Nor from DSE or EPA to dairyNor from DSE or EPA to dairyfarmersfarmers

•• Dairy Australia connect isDairy Australia connect isstrongerstronger

•• Milk factory, DPI and consultantMilk factory, DPI and consultantconnect is strongestconnect is strongest

•• CCMA needs to work moreCCMA needs to work morethrough Milk factory, DPI and agthrough Milk factory, DPI and agservice providers to get to dairyservice providers to get to dairyfarmersfarmers

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 22

voluntary local landcarevoluntary local landcare•• Voluntary community participation remains valuableVoluntary community participation remains valuable

–– worth a fortune in marketing termsworth a fortune in marketing terms–– a crucial role in changing social normsa crucial role in changing social norms–– efficient (but not the only) platform for engaging peopleefficient (but not the only) platform for engaging people–– good for involving non-farmers alongside farmersgood for involving non-farmers alongside farmers

•• If landcare erodes, the regional model will wobbleIf landcare erodes, the regional model will wobble

•• Voluntary groups and Catchment Management Voluntary groups and Catchment Management Organisations Organisations should be ashould be anatural partnershipnatural partnership

–– We need local action We need local action andand regional strategies regional strategies–– CMOs CMOs can minimise bureaucracy for local groups while channeling resourcescan minimise bureaucracy for local groups while channeling resources–– CMOs CMOs can build local groups into their regional implementation planscan build local groups into their regional implementation plans–– But must pay attention to recognition and reward efforts or local input will witherBut must pay attention to recognition and reward efforts or local input will wither

•• Some regions (e.g. West Gippsland CMA) are doing this very wellSome regions (e.g. West Gippsland CMA) are doing this very well–– LetLet’’s learn from their successess learn from their successes

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Resource-using industriesResource-using industries

•• Industry Industry bodies/corporates bodies/corporates are just as important asare just as important ascommunity landcare groups & landholderscommunity landcare groups & landholders

•• Mining, tourism and the development sector have bigMining, tourism and the development sector have bigenvironmental footprints in the MWNRM regionenvironmental footprints in the MWNRM region

•• Understand their drivers & triggersUnderstand their drivers & triggers–– Do your homework on their goals & strategiesDo your homework on their goals & strategies–– Work out where NRM sits for them and what might push theirWork out where NRM sits for them and what might push their

buttonsbuttons–– Look for overlapping interests & concerns & build alliancesLook for overlapping interests & concerns & build alliances–– Offer them solutions, not problemsOffer them solutions, not problems

6.2.07 Triple Helix Consulting 24

Characteristics of top Characteristics of top CMOs CMOs (3)(3)POSITIONINGPOSITIONING

•• Closely linked with relationshipsClosely linked with relationships•• CMO roles very well defined and clearly articulatedCMO roles very well defined and clearly articulated

–– Including how they relate to those of each tier of Govt (especiallyIncluding how they relate to those of each tier of Govt (especiallylocal govt planning, zoning, rating, approvals etc)local govt planning, zoning, rating, approvals etc)

•• CMO seen as adding value to the efforts of volunteersCMO seen as adding value to the efforts of volunteers–– e.g. helping them to access resources with minimal bureaucracye.g. helping them to access resources with minimal bureaucracy–– providing a clear strategic framework for their effortsproviding a clear strategic framework for their efforts–– valuing their contributionvaluing their contribution

•• Grounded in connections to placeGrounded in connections to place

•• Supported by clear and durable institutional frameworksSupported by clear and durable institutional frameworks

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Characteristics of top Characteristics of top CMOs CMOs (4)(4)GOVERNANCEGOVERNANCE

•• Successful organisations are well runSuccessful organisations are well run–– they make a differencethey make a difference–– good balance between performance and conformancegood balance between performance and conformance

•• Significant public funding demands good governanceSignificant public funding demands good governance–– being well run, and being well run, and being seen to bebeing seen to be well run well run

–– strategy, people, finance, risk, compliance, auditstrategy, people, finance, risk, compliance, audit

–– GovernanceGovernance•• Clarity and respect for distinct roles of Board/CEO/managementClarity and respect for distinct roles of Board/CEO/management•• Codes of conduct and sound mechanisms for conflicts of interestCodes of conduct and sound mechanisms for conflicts of interest•• Clear reporting and audit frameworksClear reporting and audit frameworks

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Key points on governanceKey points on governance

•• Irrespective of legal basis, organisations inIrrespective of legal basis, organisations inreceipt of millions of dollars in public (or private)receipt of millions of dollars in public (or private)funding should have:funding should have:–– Clear, defensible strategic directionClear, defensible strategic direction

–– Sound governance frameworkSound governance framework

–– Professional business management & robust systemsProfessional business management & robust systems

–– Excellent people employed appropriatelyExcellent people employed appropriately

–– Clear boundaries between governance andClear boundaries between governance andmanagementmanagement

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A governanceA governanceframeworkframework

•• hierarchy from Board policies tohierarchy from Board policies toChief Executive Instructions toChief Executive Instructions toresource documents, templates,resource documents, templates,guidelines etcguidelines etc

•• clarifies Boardclarifies Board’’s territorys territory

•• shows status of the variousshows status of the variousdocumentsdocuments

•• available in hard copy or onavailable in hard copy or onintranet for all staff & directorsintranet for all staff & directors

•• very useful induction toolvery useful induction tool

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Governance frameworkGovernance framework

TravelInternetEEO & diversityReportingReporting


Style guide, look &feel

OH&SStandards & regs

IntranetTerms & conditions

IT StrategyProject ManagementInformation System



Accommodation &lease

Records ManagementWorkplace behaviourFinancial recordsLegislative requiremts

Disaster recoveryPrivacy, FOITraining & devtBudgetingFraud control

SecurityIP/CopyrightRecruitmentExpenditureRisk management

ProcurementK&A StrategyHR StrategyLegal complianceBoard charter


CommunicationCommunication& Knowledge& KnowledgeManagementManagement


FinanceFinanceCorporateCorporategovernance,governance,compliance &compliance &accountabilityaccountability