characterization of electron beam physical vapor-deposited ......characterization of electron beam...

Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor- Deposited Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Diffuse Optical Reflectance Andi M. Limarga* and David R. Clarke Materials Department, College of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-5050 The use of diffuse optical spectral reflectance as a nondestructive tool to characterize the microstructure of electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) has been investigated and the contributions of inter- columnar gaps and intracolumnar pores distinguished. It is shown that the reflectance is controlled by the refractive index mismatch and that the optical scattering coefficient depends on the thickness of the TBC due to the porosity distribution through the thickness of the coating. The sensitivity of the reflectance to the porosity suggests that optical reflectance can be used to characterize the microstructure of EB-PVD TBC for both quality control and nondestructive evaluation purposes. Introduction Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are used to pro- vide thermal protection to metallic components in a turbine engine from the harsh high-temperature envi- ronment. Typically, a TBC consists of a 7 wt% yttria- stabilized zirconia (7YSZ) layer deposited by either air plasma spray (APS) or electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) on bond-coated superalloys. Dur- ing deposition process, a thin layer of thermally grown oxide (TGO) consisting of alumina scale develops at the interface between the TBC and the bond coat and it thickens during high-temperature service. Different mi- crostructures are produced by the two processes: APS has a splat-like structure with interfaces parallel to the metal/coating interface while an EB-PVD TBC has a columnar structure growing perpendicular to the inter- face. Primarily for this reason, APS TBCs have lower thermal conductivity than EB-PVD TBCs. However, the columnar structure, with distinct intercolumnar gaps, enhances the mechanical compatibility of the coat- ing with the underlying metallic substrate upon cycling to high temperature. 1 In addition to the low intrinsic thermal conductiv- ity of YSZ, the thermal protection efficiency of TBC relies on the volume fraction and shape of the porosity in the coating. 2–4 The importance of the porosity can be appreciated when the thermal conductivities of APS and EB-PVD coatings of 7YSZ, which are typically reported to be 0.8–1.1 and 1.5–1.9 W/(m K), 5 respectively, are compared with the thermal conductivity of a dense 7YSZ, which is 2.5–3.0 W/(m K) at room tempera- ture. 6,7 Typically, the reduction of thermal conductivity Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 6 [3] 400–409 (2009) DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7402.2008.02349.x Ceramic Product Development and Commercialization *[email protected] r 2009 The American Ceramic Society

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Page 1: Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor-Deposited ......Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor-Deposited Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Diffuse Optical Reflectance

Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor-Deposited Thermal Barrier Coatings Using DiffuseOptical Reflectance

Andi M. Limarga* and David R. Clarke

Materials Department, College of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, California93106-5050

The use of diffuse optical spectral reflectance as a nondestructive tool to characterize the microstructure of electron beamphysical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) has been investigated and the contributions of inter-columnar gaps and intracolumnar pores distinguished. It is shown that the reflectance is controlled by the refractive indexmismatch and that the optical scattering coefficient depends on the thickness of the TBC due to the porosity distributionthrough the thickness of the coating. The sensitivity of the reflectance to the porosity suggests that optical reflectance can beused to characterize the microstructure of EB-PVD TBC for both quality control and nondestructive evaluation purposes.


Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are used to pro-vide thermal protection to metallic components in aturbine engine from the harsh high-temperature envi-ronment. Typically, a TBC consists of a 7 wt% yttria-stabilized zirconia (7YSZ) layer deposited by either airplasma spray (APS) or electron beam physical vapordeposition (EB-PVD) on bond-coated superalloys. Dur-ing deposition process, a thin layer of thermally grownoxide (TGO) consisting of alumina scale develops at theinterface between the TBC and the bond coat and itthickens during high-temperature service. Different mi-crostructures are produced by the two processes: APShas a splat-like structure with interfaces parallel to the

metal/coating interface while an EB-PVD TBC has acolumnar structure growing perpendicular to the inter-face. Primarily for this reason, APS TBCs have lowerthermal conductivity than EB-PVD TBCs. However,the columnar structure, with distinct intercolumnargaps, enhances the mechanical compatibility of the coat-ing with the underlying metallic substrate upon cyclingto high temperature.1

In addition to the low intrinsic thermal conductiv-ity of YSZ, the thermal protection efficiency of TBCrelies on the volume fraction and shape of the porosityin the coating.2–4 The importance of the porosity can beappreciated when the thermal conductivities of APS andEB-PVD coatings of 7YSZ, which are typically reportedto be 0.8–1.1 and 1.5–1.9 W/(m K),5 respectively, arecompared with the thermal conductivity of a dense7YSZ, which is 2.5–3.0 W/(m K) at room tempera-ture.6,7 Typically, the reduction of thermal conductivity

Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 6 [3] 400–409 (2009)DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7402.2008.02349.x

Ceramic Product Development and Commercialization

*[email protected]

r 2009 The American Ceramic Society

Page 2: Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor-Deposited ......Characterization of Electron Beam Physical Vapor-Deposited Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Diffuse Optical Reflectance

afforded by the presence of porosity is attributed to thedecrease of net-section area through which heat can betransported by phonons.8

During service at high temperatures, the micro-structure of the coatings can change as a result of coars-ening and sintering, and possibly densification (Fig. 1).These processes can also lead to an increase in the ther-mal conductivity of the coatings and consequently anincrease in the temperature of the coated metal compo-nent that the coating is designed to insulate. In addition,staining and coloring of the coating can occur as a resultof contamination from the combustion gases, which canalso affect the temperature distribution within the coat-ing. For these reasons, it would be desirable to have anondestructive method of monitoring microstructuralchanges in the coating as well as any changes in the op-tical absorption at wavelengths associated with contam-ination. Diffuse optical reflectance as a function ofwavelength has the potential of being able to quantifythese changes and to serve as a noncontact, nondestruc-tive evaluation tool. Optical reflectance measurementsare promising because they can be applied to real com-ponents as well as flat test coatings. While studies onoptical properties of materials typically involve both re-flectance and transmittance, the latter was ruled out be-cause the TBCs are applied on metallic components,which block optical transmission. The objective of thisexploratory study was to evaluate the feasibility of usingdiffuse optical reflectance as a nondestructive tool forcharacterizing EB-PVD TBCs. This has involved anevaluation of dominant microstructural features that

influence optical reflectance and the application of theoptical reflectance technique to follow microstructuralevolution during thermal cycling.

Optical Scattering in EB-PVD TBCs

The extensive light scattering by an EB-PVD TBCin visible spectral region results in the white appearanceof the coating in ambient lighting, compared with thetransparency of a zirconia single crystal. Essentially, purestabilized zirconia crystals are transparent in the wave-length range of about 0.35–5 mm and polycrystals aretranslucent over the same range.9,10 The optical scatter-ing in an EB-PVD TBC has been discussed previously11

but the basic mechanisms are outlined here for illustra-tive purposes. When light is incident on the columnarstructure of EB-PVD TBC, scattering results from: (i)reflection from the surface; (ii) reflection from the in-terface between the pores and the medium; (iii) refrac-tion in the pores; and (iv) diffraction (Fig. 2). Therefracted light may be partially absorbed and refractedout of the pore. These processes are repeated as the lightintercepts another pore/interface. Essentially, opticalscattering within the coating consists of multiple reflec-tions and refractions as light propagates in the coating.In the limit of multiple scattering events, the light es-sentially diffuses through the coating until reflected backout of the coating. Light scattering in a medium is typ-ically characterized by the scattering coefficient. Thisparameter is inversely related to an effective scattering

Fig. 1. Surface morphology of thermal barrier coating (TBC) columns in (a) their as-deposited condition and (b) after 200 h at 11501C. Theinitial feathery structure evolves to a smoother surface and some large pores were observed inside the column. Optical Reflectance of EB-PVD TBCs 401

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length: the mean distance traveled by a photon betweenscattering collisions.12 It is akin to the mean free pathfor other diffusive processes, such as thermal conduc-tivity and electrical conductivity.

Experimental Details


Standard furnace cycle test coupons were provided byHowmet Corporation (Whitehall, MI) in the form of 140-mm-thick EB-PVD 7YSZ coatings deposited on platinum-modified nickel-aluminide-coated single crystal superalloys(25.4 mm diameter, 3 mm thick). Several companion cou-pons but without a TBC were used to determine the op-tical properties of the bond coat after oxidation fordifferent times to produce TGO of different thickness.

The effect of TBC thickness on optical scatteringwas evaluated by performing successive reflectance mea-surements upon removal of a certain thickness of TBCby polishing with 800-grit SiC paper. Cross-sectionalcuts were made near the edges on the opposite sides ofthe specimen to allow TBC thickness measurement us-ing an optical microscope. The thickness variation fromone to the opposite edge of the specimen was o10 mm.

In order to evaluate the effect of refractive index mis-match at the intercolumnar gaps, the reflectance of aTBC coupon after infiltration under vacuum with epoxywas measured and then the reflectance was recorded asthe infiltrated coating was successively polished away.

Thermal Cycling Experiment

To evaluate the evolution of optical reflectance withthermal cycling, coupons were cycled (up to 200 cycles)from room temperature to 11501C in ambient atmo-sphere. Each cycle consisted of 1-h exposure at 11501Cand 10-min cooling to room temperature. The heatingand cooling rates were approximately 2001C/min. Thespecimen was periodically removed from the thermalcycle rig for optical reflectance measurement. The mi-crostructures of the coating in its as-deposited conditionand after 200 cycles were evaluated using scanning elec-tron microscopy.

Diffuse Reflectance Measurement

Diffuse reflectance measurements were performedat room temperature using a UV-VIS-NIR spectropho-tometer (UV3600, Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) equippedwith an integrating sphere (60 mm internal diameter,coated with BaSO4). Halogen and deuterium lampswere used as the light source to provide directional ra-diation to the specimen (normal to the surface) and thehemispherical reflected light from 250 nm up to2500 nm was collected by two types of detectors: a pho-tomultiplier tube for the UV/VIS and a PbS detector forthe NIR range. As the measured reflectance was relativeto the reflectance of BaSO4, the magnitude of spectralreflectance was also calibrated using NIST-calibrateddiffuse reflectance standards (Spectralon, LabSphere,North Sutton, NH).


Synopsis of Spectral Diffuse Optical Reflectance ofEB-PVD TBC

Figure 3 shows the spectral reflectance from avariety of 7YSZ samples, each having their own char-acteristic microstructures. The reflectance of an APSTBC was similar to that of a dense polycrystalline 7YSZ,namely a high reflectance over almost the entire wave-length range from 400 to 2500 nm and decreasing



Incident light






Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the multiple paths that incidentlight experiences in propagating through a porous electron beamphysical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coating(TBC). Light can be reflected from the surface of the TBC (path 1),multiply reflected from the TBC/air interface (path 2), refractedinto the TBC column, and then scattered by the interface in thegaps (path 3) or by internal pores (path 4). Adapted from Li andClarke.11

402 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Limarga and Clarke Vol. 6, No. 3, 2009

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rapidly due to the absorption edge of 7YSZ at about400 nm. While the EB-PVD TBC had a similar highreflectance in the visible (around 500 nm) to those ofAPS and dense polycrystalline zirconia, the shape of itsspectral reflectance was noticeably different. In particu-lar, the reflectance of the EB-PVD coating at high wave-length (l41500 nm) was very low compared with thoseof APS and dense YSZ. These observations indicatedthat the optical scattering and its wavelength depen-dence are strongly influenced by the microstructure ofthe coating.

Determination of Scattering Coefficient in EB-PVDTBCs

An accurate determination of scattering and ab-sorption coefficients of a material or coating normallyrequires both reflectance and transmittance measure-ment of specimens with different thicknesses.10,13,14

This is feasible for an APS coating because a coatingcan be sprayed onto a sacrificial substrate but proves tobe difficult to implement in an EB-PVD coating for tworeasons. First, a thin freestanding EB-PVD coating isextremely fragile making it difficult to handle. Second,the microstructure of an EB-PVD coating depends onthe position within the coating and the size of the TBCcolumns grows during deposition.15 This is thought tobe responsible for the thickness dependence of thermalconductivity in an EB-PVD TBC coatings reported byseveral groups.16

In order to estimate the scattering coefficient of thecoatings, we adopted a procedure originally proposed byScallan to analyze the spectral reflectance of paper.13 Inthis approach, the coating is considered as a stack of thinlayers placed upon a background and the reflectancecalculated as the number of layers in the stack is in-creased. Scallan’s method is, in effect, a discrete descrip-tion that reduces to the better-known Kubelka–Munkcontinuum equations. The reflectance R of a coating ofthickness h can be calculated from the integral of thescattering of the individual layers as follows13:




1� 2ð1þ k=sÞR þ R2¼Z h


s: dh ð1Þ

where Rbg is the reflectance of the back ground, k is theabsorption coefficient, and s is the scattering coefficient.In this equation, as well as in the Kubelka–Munk equa-tion, the refractive indices of the coating materials andthe pores do not enter in a simple manner because thecoating is, in essence, considered a composite medium.It is worth noting that the reflectance also depends onthe shape, size, and distribution of the pores. The re-flectance at different wavelengths can then be used todetermine the wavelength dependence of the scatteringand absorption coefficients. For zirconia, over the wave-length range of 400–2500 nm, the absorption coeffi-cient is several orders magnitude lower than thescattering coefficient and so can be neglected.10,14 Inorder to proceed with the analysis without having tointroduce unnecessary assumption and adding unwar-ranted complexity, it was further assumed that the valueof the scattering coefficient is not dependent on thecoating thickness but only on the wavelength. Thus thescattering coefficient of the coating can be written as

s ¼ 1


R � Rbg

ð1� RÞð1� RbgÞð2Þ

where R is the measured reflectance of the thermal bar-rier-coated specimen. Rbg was independently measuredon a grit-blasted bond coat on a superalloy couponwithout TBC that was also oxidized at 11501C to forma thin thermally grown alumina scale (the spectral re-flectance of bond-coated coupon without TBC afteroxidation at 11501C was also shown in Fig. 3). It isemphasized that it is assumed that the scattering coeffi-cient is uniform through the thickness of the TBC.Thus, this value refers to the average scattering coeffi-cient of the coating.







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

EB-PVD TBCon superalloys

APS TBC onsuperalloys

Dense 7YSZ(polycrystalline)

EB-PVD TBCon sapphire

oxidizedbond coat







Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 3. Spectral diffuse reflectance of 7YSZ with variousmicrostructures. The discontinuity at l5 720 nm is anexperimental artifact due to the switching of the monochromatorgrating. Optical Reflectance of EB-PVD TBCs 403

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Effect of TBC Thickness on Optical Scattering

The reflectance of EB-PVD TBC with progressivereduction in the coating thickness by fine polishing isshown in Fig. 4. Over almost the entire wavelengthrange (500–2500 nm) the reflectance decreased with de-creasing thickness. However, the analysis using Eq. (2)indicated that the scattering coefficient increases withdecreasing thickness, particularly in the ultraviolet andvisible regions (Fig. 5). The scattering coefficient athigher wavelength was essentially unchanged. It was ob-served that the area around the reflectance peak (atabout 500 nm) became sharper with polishing.

Effect of Intercolumnar Gaps on Optical Scattering

Figure 6 shows the reflectance of an EB-PVD TBCthat had been infiltrated by epoxy, followed by polishingaway portions of the coating thickness. After removingthe excess of epoxy from the top surface, it was observedthat the reflectance of the specimen was reduced by ap-proximately 10–15%. Further polishing of the infil-trated sample showed the same trend with theuninfiltrated TBC, namely a decrease in reflectancewith decreasing TBC thickness. Similarly, the scatter-ing coefficient of the TBC upon epoxy infiltration wasreduced while the polishing step increased the scatteringcoefficient (Fig. 7).

Effect of Thermal Cycling on Optical Scattering

The evolution of the spectral reflectance with ther-mal cycling is shown in Fig. 8. The as-received TBCcoupon showed a relatively lower reflectance than thoseafter thermal cycling. One-hour heat treatment at11501C immediately increased the reflectance and al-tered the shape of the spectral reflectance, which thencontinued to evolve with thermal cycling. A maximum







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000






Wavelength (nm)



Fig. 4. Effect of thermal barrier coating (TBC) thickness onspectral diffuse reflectance. The reflectance of oxidized bond-coatedsuperalloys without any TBC that was used as the reflectance of thebackground in determining the scattering coefficient was alsoshown. z indicates the remaining TBC thickness after polishingaway the top of the coating.



105 10


1000200 400 600 8001000 3000



g co





Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 5. Scattering coefficient of electron beam physical vapordeposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coating (TBC) as a functionof the coating thickness calculated from reflectance measurement(shown in Fig. 4). The scattering length was defined as (1/scatteringcoefficient).







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000






Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 6. Spectral reflectance of a 140-mm-thick electron beamphysical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coating(TBC) infiltrated with epoxy followed by polishing off the top of thecoating. z indicates the remaining TBC thickness after polishingaway the top of the coating.

404 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Limarga and Clarke Vol. 6, No. 3, 2009

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reflectance was observed at around 500 nm. Below thiswavelength, the reflectance did not change significantlywith thermal cycling. By contrast, the reflectance above500 nm increased monotonically with thermal cycling(Fig. 9a). The peak position shifted to a longer wave-length but its magnitude also decreased with thermalcycling (Fig. 9b). Similar trends were also observed inthe value of the scattering coefficient calculated from thereflectance measurement (Fig. 10).


The objective of this work was to explore thefeasibility of using diffuse optical reflectance for thecharacterization of TBCs deposited by electron beamevaporation. As mentioned earlier, the diffuse reflec-tance is dominated by multiple reflections as light prop-agates in the coating. Light is scattered by a number ofdistinct microstructural features, for example surfaceroughness, porosity inside the TBC column, featherystructure on the wall of the column, and intercolumnargaps. In addition to the geometrical effects, the opticalscattering is controlled by the refractive index mismatchbetween zirconia and the medium inside the porosity,for instance air.




105 101



104200 400 600 8001000 3000



g co





Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 7. Scattering coefficient of epoxy-infiltrated electron beamphysical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coating(TBC) calculated from reflectance measurement (Fig. 6).







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

n = 1

n = 200






Wavelength (nm)

as received

Number of 1-hcycles, n

Fig. 8. Effect of thermal cycling on spectral diffuse reflectance ofelectron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barriercoating (TBC). The number of 1-h cycles, n is successively 1, 5, 10,20, 50, 100, 150, and 200.







0 50 100 150 200 250






Number of 1-h cycles







Ravg, (250–2500nm)






ax (





0 50 100 150 200 250Number of 1-h cycles


Fig. 9. Distinct features in the evolution of spectral reflectancewith thermal cycling: (a) increase of reflectance at variouswavelengths and (b) shift of the peak in spectral reflectance withthermal cycling. Optical Reflectance of EB-PVD TBCs 405

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Figure 3 suggested that despite the translucency ofpolycrystalline YSZ in the visible–near-infrared regionsof the spectrum, the reflectance of an EB-PVD TBC isdominated by the TBC itself and not by the underlyingsubstrate. This can be seen by the similar spectralreflectance, both in terms of shape and magnitude, ofEB-PVD TBC deposited on sapphire and bond-coatedsuperalloys. To verify this observation, the reflectance ofa freestanding EB-PVD TBC (obtained from a TBCcoupon that had spalled after being thermally cycled tofailure) was investigated. To further investigate theeffect of the underlying substrate, the freestandingTBC was placed on a black background having reflec-tance o4% over the entire range of measured wave-length. Despite the slight difference in magnitude, itwas clear from Fig. 11 that all EB-PVD TBCs havesimilar shape of the spectral reflectance irrespective ofthe substrates on which they are covering. The smalldifference in reflectance magnitude of the freestandingcoating was attributed to the illuminated area beingsmaller than the beam size (5� 6 mm2), hence, resultingin a lower reflectance.

Having established that the reflectance of a TBCcoupon is dominated by the reflectance of the coatingrather than by that of the underlying substrate or byinterfacial gap between the coating and the substrate,contributions from the pores in the TBC columns andintercolumnar gaps to optical scattering were examined.Both these microstructural features are responsible forthe multiple reflections due to refractive index mismatchbetween zirconia and air.

Effect of Porosity Distribution in EB-PVD TBCs onOptical Scattering

Analysis of the reflectance and scattering coeffi-cients indicates that the wavelength-dependent scatter-ing coefficient of TBC depends on TBC thickness(Fig. 5). Specifically, the scattering coefficient increasedwith decreasing thickness at lo600 nm. Furthermore,it was also observed that the peak of the scattering co-efficient shifted to a shorter wavelength with a highermagnitude. This observation is consistent with the col-umn size distribution through the thickness of the coat-ing. Near the bond coat/TBC interface, the TBCcolumns are much smaller than those near the TBCtop surface.6,15,17 As depicted in Fig. 2, random spher-ical pores (approximately 20 nm in diameter) have alsobeen observed inside individual TBC columns.4,15 Fur-thermore, the feathery structure of the TBC columns,associated with successive depositions as the couponsrotate in front of the EB source, is also dependent on theposition within the coating. This feathery structure ex-tends to about 1/3–1/2 the column radius, followed byoblate and prolate spheroidal pores parallel to the feath-ery structure.4 Observation using small-angle X-ray scat-tering revealed that the density of this type of porosity islarger at the TBC/TGO interface.18 As the number of







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000






Wavelength (nm)

EB-PVD TBC onsuperalloys, n = 1 EB-PVD TBC

on sapphire, n = 1

EB-PVD TBCfree-standing onblack surface, n = 350

EB-PVD TBC onsuperalloys, n = 200

Fig. 11. Spectral reflectance of electron beam physical vapordeposition (EB-PVD) 7YSZ deposited on superalloys and sapphire.The freestanding EB-PVD thermal barrier coating (TBC) was inthe form of fragmented segments of EB-PVD TBC on superalloysthat has undergone major spallation after 350 cycles (n in thelegend refers to the number of cycles at 11501C). The discontinuityat l5 720 nm is an experimental artifact due to switching ofmonochromator grating.




105 101



104200 400 600 8001000 3000



g co





Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 10. Evolution of scattering coefficient of electron beamphysical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) thermal barrier coating(TBC) with thermal cycling. The number of 1-h cycles, n issuccessively 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200.

406 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Limarga and Clarke Vol. 6, No. 3, 2009

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light scattering centers, intracolumnar pores and gapsalike, increases closer to the interface with the alloy, thescattering coefficient can also be expected to increase.

The calculated scattering coefficient in an EB-PVDTBC was found to be significantly smaller than that inan APS TBC. As an example, the scattering coefficientat l5 1 mm found in this study was 6.4� 103 m�1

while the reported scattering coefficient in an APS TBCis about 105 m.15 Based on Siegel’s analysis,19 this com-parison suggests that radiative heat transfer through anEB-PVD TBC is much greater than through APSTBCs.

Effect of Refractive Index Mismatch at theIntercolumnar Gaps on Optical Scattering

The second major contributor to the optical scat-tering in an EB-PVD TBC is the refractive index mis-match between air and zirconia at the intercolumnargaps. For the sake of illustration, we have referred to theangle-integrated average of the Fresnel equation to cal-culate the hemispherical reflectance of a two-phase ma-terial (rd

ext), each with different optical properties14,20:

rextd ¼1

2þ ð3nþ 1Þðn� 1Þ

6ðnþ 1Þ2þ n2ðn2 � 1Þ2

ðn2 þ 1Þ3ln

n� 1

nþ 2

� �

� 2n3ðn2 þ 2n� 1Þðn2 þ 1Þðn4 � 1Þ þ

8n4ðn4 þ 1Þðn2 þ 1Þðn4 � 1Þ2



where n is the ratio of refractive indices between thematrix material and the material in the pore.

Furthermore, the internal reflectivity (rd) can becalculated as follows14:

rdðnÞ ¼ 1� 1� rextd


The refractive index of tetragonal zirconia near in-frared was found to be 2.0221 while by definition, therefractive index of air at 1 atm is 1.0. Based on Eqs. (3)and (4), the hemispherical and internal reflectivities ofzirconia coating with its pores filled by air are 38% and85%, respectively. However, if the air inside the pore isreplaced by epoxy with a refractive index of 1.66,22 thehemispherical and internal reflectivities are significantlyreduced to 0.8% and 38%, respectively. This compar-ison suggests that reducing the refractive index mis-match will reduce the total reflection of the coating.

The above analysis agrees well with the observationon reduced reflectance of EB-PVD TBC infiltrated withepoxy (Fig. 6). During vacuum impregnation, the epoxyfilled the intercolumnar gap and, hence, reduced therefractive index mismatch across the gaps. The epoxy,however, cannot infiltrate isolated pores inside the TBCcolumns. Thus, the reduced reflectance is only due tothe reduced scattering at the TBC columns’ featherystructure and intercolumnar gaps. In almost the entirewavelength range, the scattering coefficient was reducedby approximately 50% upon epoxy infiltration (Fig. 7).Similar to the case without epoxy infiltration, the scat-tering coefficient continued to increase as the coatingthickness is reduced by polishing as a result of scatteringof the isolated pores inside the columns. Thus, the con-tributions of the intracolumnar pores and the intercol-umnar gaps to the optical scattering in an EB-PVDTBC could be distinguished.

Analogy Between Epoxy and CMAS Infiltration onTBCs

The analysis on the effect of epoxy infiltration onoptical scattering is pertinent to the effect of CMASpenetration on the infrared transmission through TBCsbecause refractive index of the epoxy (n 5 1.66) isalmost the same as that of calcium–magnesium–alumino–silicate (CMAS, n 5 1.62).11 During service,TBC is prone to attack by CMAS due to sand ingestioninto the turbine.23 A complex thermo-mechanical–chem-ical interaction between CMAS and TBC leads to thefailure of TBCs.24,25 It was also recently shown thatCMAS penetration increases the infrared radiative heattransfer through the TBC so that the temperature distri-bution through the coating shifts to higher temperatures.11

The current study suggested that the optical scattering canbe reduced by replacing the air in the intercolumnar gapswith materials such as CMAS, which reduces the refractiveindex mismatch. Once the scattering coefficient of TBC isreduced by CMAS infiltration, the temperature inside thecoatings will shift to a higher temperature due to the in-crease of radiative heat transfer contribution.

Evolution of Optical Scattering with ThermalCycling

The as-received TBC coupon exhibited a low re-flectance and, hence, high absorption at short wave-lengths, which could be recovered upon high- Optical Reflectance of EB-PVD TBCs 407

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temperature exposure as short as 1 h at 11501C in am-bient atmosphere. The short wavelength absorption isattributed to the presence of a high defect concentrationafter coating deposition.26–28 It has been pointed outthat delamination at the TBC/bond coat interface canalso result in an increase of reflectance particularly in themid-infrared.29,30 However, the contribution of localdelamination to the increase of reflectance in the visi-ble–near infrared during thermal cycle of an EB-PVDTBC at 11501C in this work was ruled out as the re-flectance is dominated by the microstructural featureswithin the coating, as shown in Fig. 11. Essentially, thechange of spectral reflectance consisted of an increase ofreflectance at longer wavelength and a reflectance de-crease at shorter wavelength. This was manifested bywhat appeared to be peak shift in the spectral reflec-tance, where the position of the peak shifted to a longerwavelength while the magnitude of the peak decreasedwith thermal cycling (Fig. 9b). As the maximum scat-tering occurs when the size of pores is equal to thewavelength divided by the refractive index of the mate-rial in the pores,31 the peak shift was attributed to thechange of porosity distribution in the TBC during ther-mal cycling: reduction of smaller pores and increase oflarger pores. This is consistent with the observation ofporosity coarsening in the TBC during high-tempera-ture aging32 and with the microstructural observation oflarge pores in the TBC columns after 200 1-h cycles at11501C (Fig. 1).

In addition to the evolution of pore size, the shapeof porosity also undergoes a significant change withthermal exposure. It has been shown that the initialfeathery structure of the TBC columns quickly evolvesto a smoother surface.33 Recent observation also sug-gested that the prolate spheroidal pores aligned to thefeathery structure undergo spherodization, leading toisolated spherical pores.34 It is worth mentioning thatthe change of porosity distribution upon thermal cy-cling at 11501C, however, is found not to change thedensity of the TBC.35

Concluding Remarks

We have explored the effect of TBC microstructureon diffuse optical scattering in the coating and shownthat the reflectance of EB-PVD TBC is primarily con-trolled by the refractive index mismatch between zir-conia and air at the intracolumnar pores and at the

intercolumnar gaps. It was also observed that the scat-tering coefficient in an EB-PVD TBC is dependent onthe TBC thickness with a larger scattering coefficientnear the bottom of the TBC due to the smaller columnsize and fine scale spheroidal pores aligned to the feath-ery structure.

Reducing the optical mismatch at the intercolum-nar gap by infiltrating the coating with an epoxy re-sulted in a lower scattering and, hence, a lower opticalreflectance. As CMAS has a similar refractive index tothat of the epoxy, it is likely that TBC attack by CMASpenetration will also reduce the optical scattering andhence detectable by diffuse optical scattering. The re-duced optical scattering will also have the effect of in-creasing radiative heat transport through the coatingleading to a higher temperature of the underlying su-peralloy. Thermal cycling at 11501C was shown to alterthe spectral reflectance of TBC. Optical scattering isenhanced at larger wavelength and is reduced at lowerwavelength. This phenomenon was observed as a peakshift in the spectral reflectance upon thermal cycling,which was attributed to the change of porosity distri-bution in the TBC during thermal cycling.

As the thermal protection efficiency and the strain-tolerant capability of a TBC are typically controlled by itsporosity (both intracolumnar pores and intercolumnargaps), the sensitivity of optical reflectance to the porosityopens a new approach for the nondestructive evaluation ofTBC. It also has the significant advantage of being readilyapplied to real components with curved surfaces.


The authors thank Dr. Ken Murphy, Howmet Re-search Corporation, for TBC specimens investigated inthis study.


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