charity. development co-operation

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Post on 18-May-2015




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  • 1. Charity. Development Co-operation Birgit Rae2010

2. Etymology

  • Charity - through the Old French "charit", derived from the Latin

3. The act of giving money, goods 4. Almsgiving 5. The poor, widows, orphans, sick and disabled 6. Forms of charity (directly, indirectly) 7. Institutions charities, orphanages, food banks, religious orders, hospitals, organizations that visit the homebound ( koju jma sunnitud ) and imprisoned etc 8. One of the five pillars of the Islam 9.

  • charitable giving increased as income decreased
  • Thepoorestfifth gave away4.3%of their income, while thewealthiestfifth gave away2.1% . This was an average of$453on an average income of$10,531 , compared to$3,326on an income of$158,388 .

10. Charity fraud

  • Deception ( pettus ).
  • People represent themselves as charities and ask prospective ( loodetav ) donors for contributions.

11. Not only fictitious ( vale- ) charities but also false business acts. Examples 12. Prevention

  • a liston the BBBs website. Participants have metthe Standards for Charity Accountability
  • Encourage fair solicitation ( annetuse palumine ) practices, to promote ethical conduct (kitumine) by charitable organizations and to advance support of philanthropy .

13. At the moment..

  • Warren Buffett 83% ( $31 billion )

14. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 15. The largest single charitable donation ( $ 10 million ) 16. Top celebrity givers

  • Oprah Winfrey ( $50.2 million )

17. Herb Alpert ( $13 million ) 18. Barbra Streisand ( $11 million ) Oil spill in the gulf of Mexico ;Chile ; Haiti 19. In Estonia

  • Good Deed Foundation

20. Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid

  • elimination of world poverty andthe Millennium Development Goals

21. save human livesfocusingon the most vulnerable population groups 22. Development Co-operation

  • To contribute to reducing global poverty and human development in developing countries

23. to support peace and stability, the granting of human rights, the development of democracy as well as the promoting of good governance practices in developing countries 24. to support economic development and the liberalisation of international trade system and 25. to support environmentally sustainable development. 26.

  • Moral aspect

27. Political aspect 28. Economic aspect 29. Cultural aspect 30. Since1998 31. 0,1%ofGross National Income (GNI) annually 32. Objectivesand priorities are outlined in the"Principles of Estonian Development Co-operation"approved by the Riigikogu 33. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-ordinates programmes 34. The Strategy of Estonian Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid 2006-2010- approved in 2006 35. Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Afghanistan 36. Humanitarian Aid

  • Providing relief to war refugees and emergency assistance after natural disasters

37. The Ministry of Foreign Affairsis responsible

  • At the national level - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Estonian Red Cross.

Lebanon, Sudan, Iraq, Kosovo, Chechnya and Afghanistan - in helping to meet basic needs 38. Support to earthquake victims in Iran, Turkey, India and Pakistan 39. Softenthe consequences of the floods in Poland and Czech Republic and famine in Georgia 40.

  • Humanitarian aid to the victims of the Haiti earthquake (January 2010)2 500 000 (EEK)

41. Estonian Disaster Relief Team IHP Support Mission in Haiti (January 2010)297 309 (EEK) 42. Estonian Disaster Relief Team IHP Base Camp Mission in Haiti (January - February 2010)1 072 936 (EEK) 43. Estonian public opinion regarding development co-operation

  • Period:March 2008

44. Target group of those surveyed and sample size:

  • Population : 1,001 Estonian inhabitants aged 15-74

45. Opinion leaders : 150 politicians, senior civil servants, journalists and representatives of the third sector 46.

  • The populations interest in global issues has grown


  • *The termfair tradeis unknown for most of the population


  • Awareness of Estonias development cooperation has not increased


  • Both the population and the majority of opinion leaders think that Estonia should render assistance to less developed countries


  • The amount allocated from the state budget should stay at the same level or be increased
  • From the Estonian state budget,180 million kroonsor130 kroons per inhabitantis allocated each year for development and humanitarian assistance. Should Estonia

51. Sources


52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston ChurchillThank you!