charles i trial & execution by rosstopher

The Trial Of Charles I Learning Objectives To put the King on trial and use evidence to support your argument. To find out why some people wanted Charles I executed Part 1

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The Trial Of Charles I

Learning Objectives• To put the King on trial and use evidence to support your argument. • To find out why some people wanted Charles I executed

Part 1

The story so far....Charles and Parliament have been at war for

4 years, from 1642-1646.

Charles surrendered in 1646, after a crushing defeat at Naseby and was kept under arrest

by Parliament.

Charles escaped to try and continue the fight in 1647, but was captured again in 1649.

Detective Work

• Use the evidence in front of you to build up your argument. To do this you need to work together and…

• Discuss whether you think the evidence agrees with your argument.

• Discuss how important you think the evidence is to your argument.

KEY WORDS:Authority = Power over peopleRepublic = Country without a King

Detective Work1) You need to decide who is presenting which bit

of evidence.2) Put the points you are going to use in the boxes

on your evidence sheet, you will need to be able to present this evidence to the jury to persuade them your argument is the right argument. Write what your evidence shows.

3) You need to nominate someone from your side of the room to give an opening and closing statement.

4) You then need to write a short opening and closing statement.

KEY WORDS:Authority = Power over peopleRepublic = Country without a King

Example Opening Statement:Your honour, this evil and manipulativeman is the shame of our fair country. Aswe will see, he has tried to rob us all ofour money with illegal taxes, destroy thepurity of our churches and rule accordingto his selfish needs and wants. We chargethat Charles is guilty of treason againstthe country and should be executed!


KEY WORDS:Authority = Power over peopleRepublic = Country without a King

To Kill A King

•Act out the trial of Charles I

•Explain why Charles I was executed

Part 2

The Trial

“I demand to know by what power I am called here. By what lawful authority?”

“Charles I is here called to answer for his crimes against the country. What say you in

response your highness?”

How does the Jury find the defendant?

Guilty Not Guilty

To Kill a King (2002)

Diary entry of Philip Henry describing the execution of Charles I

I stood amongst the crowd where the scaffold was erected, and saw what was done. I saw the blow given, I can truly say with a sad heart. At that instant, I remember well, there was such a groan by thousands then present, as I never heard before and desire I may never hear again.

What does this source tell you about the execution of Charles I?


Write a paragraph in your booksexplaining the trial as you have witnessedit and why Charles was executed.Think!:Was it right?Did everyone support it?What is your view?Can you guess what happens next?

How do YOU find the defendant?

Guilty Not Guilty