charlie leadbeater beyond 2010

Charles Leadbeater, Participle, Beyond 2010, Birmingham Public Service Innovation Four strategies and Four Diagrams

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Post on 20-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Charles Leadbeater,Participle,Beyond 2010, BirminghamPublic Service Innovation Four strategies and Four Diagrams

2. Fewer resources 3. Rising expectations 4. Intractable ingrained problems 5. Emerging challenges 6. New public services models essential 7. Diagram One: The Innovation Grid 8. Sustaining Disruptive 9. Outside Inside 10. Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside 11. Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside 12. Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside 13. Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside 14. We need a mix of all four to work together 15. But we need to move to the right and down the grid 16. Sometimes they conflict: improve can be the enemy of transform 17. Criminal Justice Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside Better prisons Learning prisons Singapore rehabilitation Relational restorative justice 18. End of Life Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside Better hospitals Palliative Care Maggies Centres Hospices Hospice@ Home Home basedcare 19. Education Sustaining Disruptive Outside Inside Better teachers and schools New kinds of schools Engagefamilies Learningbeyondschools &teachers 20. Diagram Two: How we talk and engage 21. Low Volume High Volume 22. High Engage Low Engage 23. High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 24. Traditional politics Mass marketingIndustrial media High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 25. French wine High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 26. Detached elites High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 27. Australian wine High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 28. Populist elites High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 29. Celebrity PersonalityCharisma High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume 30. High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume Social media MumsNet 31. High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume Everyday life 32. High Engage Low Engage Low Volume High Volume Silence Chanting Buzz Lecture 33. Changing communications changes the way we innovate 34. Diagram Three: Mass Innovation 35. Many contributors Few contributors 36. Few Benefit Many benefit 37. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors 38. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Bespoke Niche 39. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Mass Scale 40. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Traditional policymaking 41. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Corporate open innovation 42. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Community Open Source 43. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Mass micro-credit 44. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Bespoke Niche Mass Scale Corporate openinnovation Community Open Source 45. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Personalised Scaling social technologies Social innovation movements 46. Few Benefit Many benefit Many contributors Few contributors Scale Spread 47. All of that has an impact on how social change comes about 48. Diagram Four: The Logic of Social Change 49. Big Impact Small Impact 50. Low investment High investment 51. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact 52. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Social innovation means creating new ways to live 53. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Government IT programmes 54. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Physical regeneration 55. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Traditional public services:families in crisis 56. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Infrastructureplatforms for mass engagement 57. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact BilbaoGuggenheim 58. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Word of mouth Viral change 59. Low investment High investment Big Impact Small Impact Piggyback Connect small packets 60. The lessons for transformational social innovation: 61. Transformational social innovation is:highly engaged but often low volume 62. Transformational social innovation is:increasingly many to many 63. Transformational social innovation:seeks big impacts from small investments 64. Transformational social innovation:mixture of the very old and new