charmonium spectroscopybettoni/particelle/charmonio.pdf · 2008. 11. 25. · diego bettoni...

Charmonium Spectroscopy Diego Bettoni Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Ferrara International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course on Hadron Physics Varenna, June 29 and July 1, 2004

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Page 1: Charmonium Spectroscopybettoni/particelle/charmonio.pdf · 2008. 11. 25. · Diego Bettoni Charmonium 8 The J/ψand ψ′as c⎯c states The J/ψand the ψ′are formed directly in

Charmonium Spectroscopy

Diego BettoniIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Ferrara

International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”Course on Hadron Physics

Varenna, June 29 and July 1, 2004

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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 2


• The discovery of charm• The c⎯c potential• Charmonium decays

– Electromagnetic decays– Radiative decays– Strong decays

• Experimental methods for the study of charmonium– e+e- collisions– p⎯p annihilations

• The Charmonium spectrum– Charmonium states below D⎯D threshold– Charmonium states above D⎯D threshold

• Future Opportunities

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The Discovery of Charm

The charmonium system was discovered in November 1974, when two experimental groups at Brookhaven and SLAC announced almostsimultaneously the discovery of a new, narrow resonance, later to becalled J/ψ.

The new resonance had a mass of roughly 3100 MeV/c2 and anextremely narrow width. Present values from PDG 2004 edition:

M(J/ψ)=(3096.916 ± 0.011) MeV/c2

Γ(J/ψ) =(91.0±3.2) keVThis was followed very shortly by the discovery, by the SLAC group, ofanother narrow state, called ψ′.

M(ψ′)=(3686.093 ± 0.034) MeV/c2

Γ(ψ′) =(277±22) keV

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The Brookhaven Signal


++→+ −+321

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The SLAC Signals

hadronsee →→−+ ψ

−+−+ →→ μμψee

−+−+ →→ eeee ψ

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Measurement of the J/ψ Total Width - I

The cross section for the process a+b→R→c+d is given by the Breit-Wigner formula:

where k, s1 and s2 are the CMS momentum and spins of a and b; J, MR and Γ are the resonance spin and mass and total width, E is theCMS energy, Γab and Γcd are the partial widths for R→ab and R→cd.If G(E) is the beam distribution function, the measured cross section is:


12)( 22

221 Γ+−





MEkssJE πσ

∫∞ ′−′′= 0 )()()( EdEEGEE BWσσ

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The area under the resonance is given by:

where σpeak is the value of the Breit-Wigner cross section at E=MR. The area under the resonance is thus independent of the form of G(E):if G(E) is unknown, then the value of the resonance width Γ can beobtained from the measured area (indirect determination of Γ). This ishow the J/ψ and ψ′ total widths were determined at SLAC.On the other hand, if G(E) is known, than Γ can be determined directlyfrom the analysis of the shape of the measured excitation function (i.e. the measured cross section as a function of the CMS energy).

Measurement of the J/ψ Total Width - II

∫∞ Γ== 0 2

)( peakdEEA σπσ

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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 8

The J/ψ and ψ′ as c⎯c states

The J/ψ and the ψ′ are formed directly in e+e- annihilation, therefore they have the quantum numbers of the photon: JPC=1--.

Their extremely narrow width makes it impossible to understand these new states in terms of the light u,d,s quarks.They are interpreted as bound states of a new quark (c) and itsantiquark (⎯c), whose existence had been predicted in 1970 to accountfor the non existence of Strangeness Changing Neutral Currents.









J/ ψ

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The J/ψ Width and the OZI rule

Decay rates described by diagrams with unconnected quark lines aresuppressed.






3 g
















OZI suppressedOZI allowedforbidden by energy conservation

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Why is Charmonium Interesting ?

Charmonium is a powerful tool for the understanding of the stronginteraction. The high mass of the c quark (mc ~ 1.5 GeV/c2) makes itplausible to attempt a description of the dynamical properties of the(c⎯c) system in terms of non-relativistic potential models, in which thefunctional form of the potential is chosen to reproduce the known asymptotic properties of the strong interaction. The free parameters inthese models are determined from a comparison with experimental data.

Non-relativistic potential models + Relativistic corrections + PQCD

β2 ≈ 0.2 αs ≈ 0.3

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The Non-Relativistic Potential

The functional form of the potential is chosen to reproduce the knownasymptotic properties of the strong interaction.

• At small distances asymptotic freedom, the potential is coulomb-like:

• At large distances confinement:

rrrV s


)(34)( 0

α−⎯⎯→⎯ →

krrV r ⎯⎯ →⎯ ∞→)(

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The Non-Relativistic Potential II








nf = number of flavoursΛ ~ 0.2 GeV QCD scale parameterk string constant (~ 1 GeV/fm)

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The Spin-Dependent Potential



⎜⎝⎛ −





cLS 3




( ) )(3

2 22

21 rVm


SS ∇⋅


( )( )[ ]⎟⎠






2 112







spin-orbit(fine structure)

spin-spin(hyperfine structure)


VS and VV are the scalar and vector components of the non-relativistic potential

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The Spin-Dependent Potential II

• The Coulomb-like part of V(r) corresponds to one-gluon exchange and contributes only to the vector part of the potential VV. The scalar part is due to the linear confining potential. This could in principle contribute to both VS and VV, but the fit to the χcJ masses suggests that the VV contribution is small.

• The charmonium mass spectrum can be computed also within the framework of Lattice QCD (LQCD), which is essentially QCD applied to a discreet 4-dimensional space with given spacing a.

• Non Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) provides another framework for the calculation of the heavy quarkonium spectrum. In NRQCD the various dynamical scales m, mv, mv2 in the production and decay processes are well separated.

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Charmonium Decay

• One of the key features of charmonium states below D⎯D threshold is the narrow width. These states decay violating the OZI rule.

• States above threshold can generally decay to open charm, except if forbidden by some conservation rule: in this case these states are also narrow.

• Electromagnetic decays are calculable with high accuracy in QED, but it is the strong interaction which describes the c⎯c bound state. – e+e- decay of vector states.– γγ decay of J-even states.– γγγ decay – radiative transitions

• Strong decays must be calculated in QCD. Due to the high value of αs, QCD cannot always be treated as a perturbative theory.

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Electromagnetic Decays - I

Charmonium decay to lepton pairs or to a pairof light quarks (u,d,s). Only possible for vectorstates (JPC=1--), e.g. the J/ψ or the ψ′. Van Royen – Weisskopf formula (at LO in αs):

( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −

Ψ=→Γ −+




16/ 2

222 s

cc m


where |Ψ(0)| is the module of the c⎯c wave fucntion at the origin.

Three-photon decay. Only possible for C-odd states. This decay is notobserved experimentally for any c⎯c state because of the small branchingratio. NLO in α and LO in αs.

( ) ( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −


πααπγγγ s

cc m

eS 6.121)0(





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Electromagnetic Decays - II

Two-photon decay. Forbidden for J=1 states byYang’s theorem. Partial widths can be calculatedusing QED in analogy to positronium decay to γγ.(R′(0) is the derivative of the non relativistic P-wave function at the origin)

( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −


παπαγγη s

ccc m

e 4.31)0(

12 2


( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ +


πααγγχ s

ccc m

Re 2.01

)0(27 4



( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −








ccc m


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Radiative Transitions

• Electric dipole (E1) transitions obey the selection rules ΔL=±1, ΔS=0. The transitions widths are given by:

where k is the photon momentum, i and f denote initial and final staterespectively and Eif is the transition dipole matrix element.

• Magnetic dipole (M1) transitions obey ΔL=0, ΔS=±1.




)( ifci

f EkeJJ

PS αγ ⋅++



94)( ifc EkeSP αγ =+→Γ






)(/134)( if

cc I



++=+→Γ αγ

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Hadronic Decays - I

Annihilation of the c⎯c pair in theappropriate number of hard gluonsor q⎯q pairs (gg, ggg, g(q⎯q ) etc.)

Can be treated perturbatively.Charmonium decay to light hadrons.

Hadronic de-excitation of charmonium (emission of soft gluons). The low momentumcarried by the gluons makes thisprocess non perturbative.e.g. ψ′→J/ψππ.

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Hadronic Decays – II

( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ +


παπαη s

csc m

gg 8.41)0(




( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ +


πααχ s

csc m

Rgg 5.91

)0(6 4



( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −


πααχ s

csc m

Rgg 2.21





( ) ( ) ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −


πααπψ s

cs m

gggJ 7.31)0(

98140/ 2


For these states theratio of the γγ widthto the hadronic widthcan be used to estimate αs.

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Experimental Methods for the Study of Charmonium

• e+e- collisions (SLAC: Mark I, II, III, TPC, Crystal Ball; DESY: DASP and PLUTO; LEP; CESR: CLEO, CLEO-c; BEPC BES III; B-factories: BaBar and Belle).– direct formation– two-photon production– initial state radiation– B meson decay– double charmonium

• p⎯p annihilations (CERN R704, FNAL E760 E835, GSI PANDA)• hadroproduction (CDF, D0, LHC)• electroproduction (HERA)

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Direct Formation e+e-→c⎯c

In e+e- annihilations direct formation is possibleonly for states with the quantum numbers of thephoton JPC=1--: J/ψ, ψ′ and ψ(3770).

All other states can be produced inthe radiative decays of the vectorstates. For example:

XSee +→′→+ −+ γψ )2(

The precision in the measurement of massesand widths is limited by the detector resolution.

Crystal Ball inclusive photon spectrum

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Two-photon Production e+e-→e+e-+(c⎯c)

J-even charmonium states can be produced in e+e- annihilations at higherenergies through γγ collisions. The (c⎯c)state is usually identified by its hadronicdecays. The cross section for this processscales linearly with the γγ partial width ofthe (c⎯c) state.

( )( ) ( ) ( )( )∫ →=→ −+−+ ccLdcceeee i γγσασ γγ5

( )( )( )

( )22


,128 qqFMMs




+=→ γγπγγσ

Limitations: knowledge of hadronic branching ratios andform factors used to extract the γγ partial width.

L = Luminosity functionα= e.g. 4-momenta of out

going leptons.J,M,Γ = spin, mass ,total

width of c⎯c state.s = cm energy of γγ systemΓγγ two-photon partial widthq1,q2 photon 4-momentaF = Form Factor describingevolution of cross section.

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Initial State Radiation (ISR)

•Like in direct formation, only JPC=1– states can be formed in ISR.•This process allows a large mass range to be explored.•Useful for the measurement of R = σ(e+e-→hadrons)/σ(e+e-→μ+μ-).•Can be used to search for new vector states.

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B-Meson Decay

J/ψ,ψ′,ψ(3770), ηc,η′c,χc0,χc1,D(*),⎯D(*),X(3872)


Charmonium states can be produced at the B-factories in the decaysof the B-meson (color suppressed).The large data samples available make this a promising approach.States of any quantum numbers can be produced.η′c and X(3872) discoveries illustrate the capabilities of the B-factoriesfor charmonium studies.

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Double Charmonium

Discovered by Belle in e+e- → J/ψ + XThe measured cross section for this process is about one order ofmagnitude larger than predicted by NRQCD.

( ) ( ) ( )pbBJee c 009.0033.04/ 007.0006.0 ±=≥×+→ +

−−+ ηψσ

Enhances discovery potential of B-factories: states which so far areunobserved might be discovered in the recoil spectra of J/ψ and ηc.

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⎯pp Annihilation

In ⎯pp collisions the coherent annihilation of the 3 quarks inthe p with the 3 antiquarks in the⎯p makes it possible to form directly states with all quantumnumbers.

The measurement of masses andwidths is very accurate because itdepends only on the beam parameters,not on the experimental detectorresolution, which determines only thesensitivity to a given final state.

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Experimental Method

( ) 4/412




RoutinBW ME





The cross section for the process:⎯pp →⎯cc → final state

is given by the Breit-Wigner formula:

The production rate ν is a convolution of theBW cross section and the beam energy distribution function f(E,ΔE):

{ }∫ +Δ= bBW EEEdEfL σσεν )(),(0

The resonance mass MR, total width ΓR and product of branching ratiosinto the initial and final state BinBout can be extracted by measuring theformation rate for that resonance as a function of the cm energy E.

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Beam Energy and Width Measurement

In ⎯pp annihilation the precision in the measurement of mass and widthis determined by the precision in the measurement of the beam energy and beam energy width, respectively.

2)1(2 γ+= pcm mE21




mE Lf ⋅=β

( )


12 ⎟⎠⎞








cm δδγ



pp δ

ηδ 1


The beam revolution frequency f canbe measured to 1 part in 107 from thebeam current Schottky noise. In orderto measure the orbit length L to the required precision (better than 1 mm)it is necessary to calibrate using the known mass of a resonance, e.g. theψ′ for which ΔM = 34 keV.

η is a machine parameter which can be

measured to ~ 10 %

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The Charmonium Spectrum

Spectroscopic Notation


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The J/ψ(13S1) and the ψ′(23S1)

•The masses of the triplet S states have been measured very precisely in e+e-

collision (using resonant depolarization)and in ⎯pp annihilation at Fermilab (E760)Accuracy of 11 keV/c2 for the J/ψ and of34 keV/c2 for the ψ′.

•The widths of these states were determined by the early e+e- experimentsby measuring the areas under the resonance curves.Direct measurement by E760 at Fermilab, which found larger values.


J/ψ 68±10 93.4 ± 2.1

ψ′ 243 ± 43 337 ± 13

Triplet S statestotal widths (keV)

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The ηc(11S0)

• It is the ground state of charmonium, with quantum numbers JPC=0-+.• Knowledge of its parameters is crucial. Potential models rely heavily

on the mass difference M(J/ψ)-M(ηc) to fit the charmonium spectrum.• The ηc cannot be formed directly in e+e- annihilations:

– Can be formed directly in ⎯pp annihilations.– Can be produced in M1 radiative decays from the J/ψ and ψ′ (small BR).– Can be produced in photon-photon fusion.– Can be produced in B-meson decay.

• Many measurements of mass and ηc width (6 new measurements in the last 2 years). However errors are still relatively large and internal consistency of measurements is rather poor.

• Large value of ηc width difficult to explain in simple quark models.• Decay to two photons provides estimate of αs.

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The ηc(11S0) Mass

M(ηc) = 2980.4 ± 1.2 MeV/c2

Experiment Mass (MeV/c2)CLEO 2981.8 ± 1.3 ± 1.5BaBar 2982.5 ± 1.1 ± 0.9E835 2984.1 ± 2.1 ± 1.0BES 2977.5 ± 1.0 ± 1.2Belle 2979.6 ± 2.3 ± 1.6BES 2976.3 ± 2.3 ± 1.2Mark III 2969 ± 4 ± 4Crystal Ball 2984± 2.3 ± 4

PDG 2006

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The ηc(11S0) Total Width

Γ(ηc) = 25.5 ± 3.4 MeV

PDG 2006

Experiment Width (MeV)CLEO 24.8 ± 3.4 ± 3.5BaBar 34.3 ± 2.3 ± 0.9E835 20.4+7.7

-6-7 ± 2.0BES 17.0 ± 3.7 ± 7.4Belle 29 ± 8 ± 6BES 11.0 ± 8.1 ± 4.1E760 23.9+12.6


R704 7.0+7.5-7.0

Mark III 10.1+33.0-8.2

Crystal Ball 11.5 ± 4.5

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In PQCD the γ γ BR can be usedto calculate αs:

( )( ) ggc



=→ γγγγ















Using αs=0.32 (PDG) and themeasured values for the widths:

4104.2 −×≈ΓΓ


γγ ( ) 4


101.13.4 −×±=ΓΓ



Experiment Mass (MeV/c2)Belle 5.5 ± 1.2 ± 1.8CLEO 7.4 ± 0.4 ± 2.3Delphi 13.9 ± 2.0 ± 3.0E835 3.8 +1.1



L3 6.9 ± 1.7 ± 2.1E760 6.7 2.4

-1.7 ± 2.3ARGUS 11.3 ± 4.2CLEO 5.92.1

-1.8 ± 1.9TPC 6.4 5.0


BaBar 5.2 ± 1.2CLEO2 7.6 ± 0.8 ± 2.3

( ) +

−=Γ cηγγ

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Expected properties of the ηc(21S0)

• The mass difference Δ′ between the η′c and the ψ′ can be related to the mass difference Δ between the ηc and the J/ψ :

• Various theoretical predictions of the η′c mass have been reported:– M(η′c) = 3.57 GeV/c2 [Bhaduri, Cohler, Nogami, Nuovo Cimento A,

65(1981)376].– M(η′c) = 3.62 GeV/c2 [Godfrey and Isgur, Phys. Rev. D 32(1985)189].– M(η′c) = 3.67 GeV/c2 [Resag and Münz, Nucl. Phys. A 590(1995)735].

• Total width ranging from a few MeV to a few tens of MeV:– Γ (η′c) ≈ 5 ÷ 25 MeV

• Decay channels similar to ηc.





s 67)/(
















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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 37

The ηc(21S0)Crystal Ball Candidate

The first η´c candidate wasobserved by the Crystal Ball experiment:

By measuring the recoil γthey found:

Xee +→′→+ −+ γψ

2c c/MeV)53594()(M ±=′η

.)L.C%95(MeV8)( c ≤′Γ η

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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 38

The ηc(21S0)E760/E835 search

Both E760 and E835 searched for the η′c in theenergy region:

using the process:

but no evidence of a signalwas found.

Crystal Ball

γγη +→′→+ cpp


MeV)36603570(Ecm ÷=

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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 39

ηc(21S0) search inγγ collisions at LEP

The η′c has been looked for by theLEP experiments via the process:

L3 sets a limit of 2 KeV (95 %C.L.)for the partial width Γ(η′c→γγ).DELPHI data (shown on the right)yield:









2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8

mass (GeV/c2)



of E


s / 5

0 M


ceeee ηγγ )(+→ −+−+



c ≤→Γ→′Γ


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The ηc(21S0) discovery by BELLE

The Belle collaboration has recentlypresented a 6σ signal for B→KKSKπwhich they interpret as evidence forη′c production and decay via the process:


in disagreement with the Crystal Ballresult.





−+→′′→ πηη KK;KB Scc




55)(/863654)( 2



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γγ → ηc(21S0)


BaBar: Γ(η′c) = 17.0 ± 8.3 ± 2.5 MeVCLEO: Γ(η′c) = 6.3 ± 12.4 ± 4.0 MeV

PDG 2006: Γ(η′c) = 14 ± 7 MeV

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The ηc(21S0) Mass

M(ηc′) = 3638 ± 4 MeV/c2

Experiment Mass (MeV/c2)BaBar 3645.0 ± 5.5 +4.9


CLEO 3642.9 ± 3.1 ± 1.5BaBar 3630.8 ± 3.4 ± 1.0Belle 3654 ± 6 ± 8BaBar 3639 ± 7Belle 3630 ± 8Belle 3622 ± 12Crystal Ball 3594 ± 5

PDG 2006

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Diego Bettoni Charmonium 43Estia Eichten – BaBar workshop on heavy quark and exotic spectroscopy

Effect of Coupled Channel on the Mass Spectrum

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The χcJ(13PJ) States


•First observed by the early e+e- experiments, whichmeasured radiative decay widths, directly for χ1 andχ2, indirectly for χ0. Radiative decay important forrelativistic corrections and coupled channel effects.•Precision measurements of masses and widthsin ⎯pp experiments (R704, E760, E835).

•χ1 width measured only by E760, most precisemeasurement of χ0 width by E835.

Mass (MeV/c2) Width (MeV)

χ0 3414.76 ± 0.35 10.4 ± 0.7

χ1 3510.66 ± 0.07 0.89 ± 0.05

χ2 3556.20 ± 0.09 2.06 ± 0.12




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Two-Photon Decay of χc0 and χc2

χc0 χc2

Γγγ(χc0) = 2.6 ± 0.5 keV Γγγ(χc2) = 0.49 ± 0.05 keV

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χcJ → ⎯pp

The ⎯pp decay of the χcJ states has been measured both in e+e- collisionsand in ⎯pp annihilation. Historically the two methods gave results which werebarely compatible with each other. The situation has changed drastically afterthe global fit to all ψ′ and χcJ data carried out by the PDG, as a result of whichmany branching ratios have changed.

The χc0→⎯pp BR is almost 4 times as large as that of the χc1 and χc2!!!

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The hc(11P1)

Precise measurements of the parameters of the hc give extremely important information on the spin-dependent component of the q⎯q confinement potential.The splitting between triplet and singlet is given by the spin-spin interaction(hyperfine structure).

If the vector potential is 1/r (one gluon exchange) than the expectation value ofthe spin-spin interaction for P states (whose wave function vanishes at theorigin) should be zero. In this case the hc should be degenerate in mass withthe center-of-gravity of the χcJ states. A comparison of the hc mass with themasses of the triplet P states measures the deviation of the vector part of theq⎯q interaction from pure one-gluon exchange.

Total width and partial width to ηc+γ will provide an estimate of the partial widthto gluons.

( ) )(3

2 22

21 rVm


SS ∇⋅


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• Quantum numbers JPC=1+-.• The mass is predicted to be within a few MeV of the center of gravity of the

χc(3P0,1,2) states

• The width is expected to be small Γ(hc) ≤ 1 MeV.• The dominant decay mode is expected to be ηc+γ, which should account

for ≈ 50 % of the total width.• It can also decay to J/ψ:

J/ψ + π0 violates isospinJ/ψ + π+π- suppressed by phase space

and angular momentum barrier

Expected properties of the hc(1P1)

9)(M5)(M3)(MM 210

cogχχχ ++


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A signal in the hc region was seen by E760 in the process:

Due to the limited statistics E760 was only able to determine the massof this structure and to put an upperlimit on the width:

The hc(1P1) E760 observation

0c /Jhpp πψ +→→

)%90(1.1)(/ 2





( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 707 106.05.2/104.08.1 −− ×±<<×± ψπJBppB

( )( ) ( )..%9018.0




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The hc(1P1) E835 search

• E835 took the following data in 2 running periods:– 90 pb-1 in the χcJ c.o.g. region.– data taken outside this energy region for background studies,

providing 120 pb-1 for the ηcγ mode and 80 pb-1 for the J/ψπ0

mode.• Very careful beam energy studies. All single χc1 and χc2

stacks taken in E835 have been preliminarly analyzed, to find σ(Ecm)run/run better then 100 keV in both data taking periods.

• Not just a cross check: new measurements of the χcJparameters.

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E835 Results for hc → J/ψπ0

no evidence for hc → J/ψπ0.

( ) ( ) 70 106.0/ −×≤ψπJBppB


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E835 Results for hc → ηcγ




1)(/ 2



( ) ( ) eVBpp c 5.40.12 ±≤γηΓ

2/ cMeVhM c ±±=

cfr E760 value:

Observe excess of events in ηcγ mode.Background hypothesis rejected withP = 0.001.


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hc Observation at CLEOe+e- →ψ′→π0hc hc →ηcγ ηc→hadrons

2/ cMeVhM c ±±=

Inclusive analysisexclusive analysis

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Other hc(1P1) Searches

• The E705 experiment at Fermilab observed an enhancement in the J/ψπ0 mass spectrum at 3527 MeV/c2 in π±-Li interactions at 300 GeV/c incident momentum. The magnitude of this effect is 42±17 events above background, corresponding to a 2.5σ significance. Due to its vicinity to Mcog E705 interpreted this signal as due to the production of the hc and its decay to J/ψπ0.

• The BaBar collaboration has recently reported on a search for the hcin the B decay process B → K+hc → J/ψ+π++π-. The absence of a signal allowed the collaboration to set the following upper limit on the product of branching ratios (at 90 % C.L.):

( ) 6104.3)/( −−+− ×<++→×+→ ππψJhBKhBB cc

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Charmonium States abovethe D⎯D threshold

The energy region above the D⎯Dthreshold at 3.73 GeV is very poorlyknown. Yet this region is rich in newphysics.• The structures and the higher vector

states (ψ(3S), ψ(4S), ψ(5S) ...) observed by the early e+e-experiments have not all been confirmed by the latest, much more accurate measurements by BES.

• This is the region where the first radial excitations of the singlet and triplet P states are expected to exist.

• It is in this region that the narrow D-states occur.

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The D wave states

• The charmonium “D states”are above the open charm threshold (3730 MeV ) but the widths of the J= 2 states

and are expected to be small:

DDD →23,1

forbidden by parity conservation*

23,1 DDD → forbidden by energy conservation



Only the ψ(3770), considered to be largely 3D1 state, has been clearlyobserved. It is a wide resonance (Γ(ψ(3770)) = 25.3 ± 2.9 MeV) decayingpredominantly to D⎯D. A recent observation by BES of the J/ψπ+π- decaymode was not confirmed by CLEO-c.

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The D wave states

• The only evidence of another D state has been observed at Fermilab by experiment E705 at an energy of 3836 MeV, in the reaction:

XJLi +→ −+πψππ /

• This evidence was not confirmed by the same experiment in the reaction and more recently by BES

XJpLi +→ −+πψπ/

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The X(3872) Discovery

New state discovered by Belle in the hadronicdecays of the B-meson:

B±→K± (J/ψπ+π-), J/ψ→µ+µ- or e+e-

M = 3872.0 ± 0.6 ± 0.5 MeVΓ< 2.3 MeV (90 % C.L.)

( )( ) .).%90(89.0

/)3872()3872( 1 LC

JXX c <


−+ ψππγχ

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The X(3872) Confirmation




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Mass of the X(3872)

Experiment Mass (MeV/c2)BaBar 3868.6 ± 1.2 ± 0.2 BaBar 3871.3 ± 0.6 ± 0.1D0 3871.8 ± 3.1 ± 3.0CDF2 3871.3 ± 0.7 ± 0.4 Belle 3872.0 ± 0.6 ± 0.5BaBar 3873.4 ± 1.4E705 3836 ±13

PDG 2006

M(X) = 3871.2 ± 0.5 MeV/c2

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Mass and Width of the X(3872)

• A new measurement of the D0 mass by CLEO

• The mass (3871.2 ± 0.5 MeV/c2) is very close to the D0⎯D*0


no longer dominated by error on no longer dominated by error on DD00 massmass.• The state is very narrow. The present limit by Belle is 2.3 MeV,

compatible with a possible interpretation as 3D2 or 1D2.With a mass of 3872 MeV/c2 both could decay to D0⎯D*0 , but the widths would still be very narrow. The 3D3 could decay to D⎯D, but its f-wave decay would be strongly suppressed.

( ) 2/6.06.000* cMeVMMMDDX ±−=+−













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X(3872) Search for a Charged Partner

If X(3872) has I=1 then B(B→KX±) ∼ 2 B(B→KX0)

B(B0→X-K+, X- → J/ψπ-π0) < 5.4 × 10-6 (90 % C.L.)B(B-→X-⎯K0, X- → J/ψπ-π0) < 22 × 10-6 (90 % C.L.)

I ≠ 1

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ππ Mass Distribution

In the J/ψπ+π- decay the π+π- mass distribution peaks at the kinematiclimit, which corresponds to the ρ mass. The decay to J/ψρ would violate isospin and should therefore be suppressed. Important to look for the π0π0 decay mode, since the ρ cannot decay in this mode.

Belle CDF

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X(3872) Decays - I

Belle and BaBar detected the γJ/ψ decay mode

( )( ) 05.014.0





JX ( )( ) 14.034.0






C=+1Belle BaBar

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X(3872) Decays - II

• The decays X(3872) → γχc1 and X(3872) → γχc2 have been unsuccessfully looked for by Belle. This makes the 3D2 and 3D3interpretations problematic.

• The decay X(3872)→J/ψη has been unsuccessfully looked for by BaBar. This is a problem for the charmonium hybrid interpretation.

• The decay X(3872) → ωJ/ψ → π+π-π0J/ψ seen by Belle.

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X(3872) Decays III:Threshold peak in B KD0D0π0 observed by Belle

M=3875.4 ± 0.7 ± 0.8 MeV

Br(B KX)Bf(X D0D0π0 )

= (1.27 ± 0.31 )x10-4

Br(X D0D0π0)Br(X π+π−J/ψ)

~ 10






Belle hep-ex/0606055 today!S. Olsen – QWG4

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Inclusive Study of B → XK+ in BaBar

B(B → x(3872)K) = (0.5 ± 1.4) × 10-4 < 3.2 × 10.4

B(B → J/ψ π+π-) > 4.3 % at 90 % C.L. too large for an isospin violating decay

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X(3872) Quantum Numbers

• Non observation in ISR (BaBar, CLEO) rules out JPC=1--.• γJ/ψ decay implies C = +1.• From ππJ/ψ decay:

– Angular correlations (Belle and CDF) rule out 0++ and 0-+.– Mass distribution rules out 1-+ and 2-+.

• D0⎯D0π0 decay mode rules out 2++.

Most likely assignment is JMost likely assignment is JPCPC=1=1++++..

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What is the X(3872) ?• If X(3872) is a charmonium state, the most natural hypotheses are

the 13D2 and 13D3 states. In this case the non-observation of the expected radiative transitions is a potential problem, but the present experimental limits are still compatible with these hypotheses.

• The charmonium hybrid (c⎯cg) interpretation has been proposed by Close and Godfrey. However present calculations indicate higher mass values (around 4100 MeV/c2) for the ground state. Absence of J/ψη mode a potential problem.

• A tetraquark.• A glueball.• Due to its closeness to the D0⎯D*0 threshold the X(3872) could be a

D0⎯D*0 molecule. In this case decay modes such as D0⎯D0π0 might be enhanced. Most likely interpretation ?

Further experimental evidence needed: search for charged partners,search for further decay modes, in particular the radiative decay modes.

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New state observed by Belle in γγ→γγ→ Z(3931) Z(3931) →→ DD⎯⎯DD

41± 11 evts (5.5σ) M=3929 ± 5 ± 2 MeV/c2

Γ=29 ± 10 ± 2 MeV

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What is the Z(3931) ?

sin4θ (J=2)J=2 favored

Matches well expectations for χc2(2P).

Issues:•Z → DD* Crucial to observe this decay mode.•χc2(2P) < χc1(2P) (if one of the 3940s).•χc2(2P) → ψ(2S)γ.

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e+ e- → J/ψ + X (double⎯cc)

( )( )( ) )%90(%26/














ηc(3S) candidate. Check γγ→D⎯D*

Width too large ?

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M=3943 ± 11 ± 13 MeV/c2

Γ= 87 ± 22 MeV

New state observed by Belle in B → Kω J/ψ

• Different production and decay modes from X(3940).

• Not seen in D⎯D or DD*.• B(ωJ/ψ) > 17%.• B(B→KY) B(Y→ωJ/ψ)=5(9)(16)x10-5,

converts into a partial width > 7 MeV !!!What can the X(3940) be ?• charmonium (χc1(2P)).• threshold enhancement.• charmonium hybrid.• ...

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Y(4260) Discovery

New state discovered by BaBar in ISR events:

e+e-→ γISRπ+π-J/ψ

Assuming single resonance:









( ) ( )pbJYYee 1251/, ±=→→ −+−+ ψππσ

( )eVJYBYee +

−−+ ±=→×Γ ψππ

JPC = 1--

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Search for other decay modes in BaBar


No signal observed in Φπ+π- or in⎯pp

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Y(4260) confirmed by CLEO ...

13.3 fb-1ISRϒ(1S)-ϒ(4S)

13.3 fb-1









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... and by CLEO III

Also observed in π+π-ψ (0.39) and K+K-J/ψ (0.15).B. Heltsley – QWG4

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Y(4260) at Belle


Select e+e- π+π− ℓ+ℓ- +X; Nchg=4Mℓ+ℓ-=MJ/ψ±30MeV; pJ/y>2 GeV; Mππ>0.4GeV

| data•



M=4295 ± 10 +11 MeV

Γ = 133 ± 26 +13 MeV-6




For ψ’ π+π−J/ψ in the same data:

M(ψ’) = 3685.3 ± 0.1 MeV(PDG: M(ψ’)=3686.09 ± 0.04)

S. Olsen – QWG4

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Properties of Y(4260)

Local minimum in e+e- → hadrons cross section.

∼2.5σ discrepancy between BaBar and Belle mass measurements.

No available vector state slot in charmonium spectrumNo available vector state slot in charmonium spectrum

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New Structure at 4320 in BaBar ISR data

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Cross Section of e+e- → ψ(2S)π+π-

S. Ye – QWG4

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Y(4260) Single Resonance S-wave 3-body phase space

Incompatible with Y(4260), ψ(4415) or phase space.

Assuming single resonance:


33172/244324 2


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• All 8 states below threshold have been observed, but only 7 of them of them are supported by strong experimental evidence. The study of the hc remains a very high priority in charmonium physics.

• The agreement between the various measurements of the ηc mass and width is not satisfactory. New, high-precision measurments are needed. The large value of the total width needs to be understood.

• The study of the η′c has just started. Small splitting from the ψ′ must be understood. Width and decay modes must be measured.

• The angular distributions in the radiative decay of the triplet P states must be measured with higher accuracy.

• The entire region above open charm threshold must be explored in great detail, in particular the missing D states must be found.

• Decay modes of all charmonium states must be studied in greater detail: new modes must be found, existing puzzles must be solved(e.g. ρ-π), radiative decays must be measured with higher precision.

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The Future

• For the near future, new results in charmonium spectroscopy will come from existing e+e- machines:– BES at BEPC in Beijing will collect data at the ψ(3770) resonance– CLEO-c at Cornell will run for at least 5 years at the ψ′ and especially

above threshold.– BaBar and Belle at the existing B-factories will continue to provide first

rate results in charmonium spectroscopy.• For the future beyond 2010 it will be again the turn of ⎯pp

annihilation to take the lead in charmonium physics: the PANDAexperiment at the FAIR facility in GSI will take data with a rich program of hadron spectroscopy, of which the study of charmoniumwill be a major part.