chase of the evil darkness by sydney

Chase of the Evil darkness… By Sydney Osborne

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Chase of the Evil darkness…

By Sydney Osborne

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Chapter 1 : The attack

Suddenly , a dark figure came from the woods ; its red eyes burned the people. Just then , Adan ran out with a sword that glistened in the sunlight , as he looked in his direction of her she had gone! “AHHH!” a scream came from the tribes hut , Adan raced with his sword held high. Elter the princess had been stabbed. The village was being attacked, Adan told the guards to help Elter , as they did he ran to stop this evil darkness. This had happened before ; it was happening again. Of course , the village – the land was destroyed , she was finally gone.

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“Adan a moment please,” The king Yazifar asked Adan as the people walked across the cold floor with precious memories scattered . Adan approached the king with confusion in his eyes . “This can’t happen again Adan,” The king Yazifar told him . “We have to be ready next time king Yazifar or we will never win this fight,” Adan replied , the king put his hand on Adan’s shoulder and looked at him . “I have set up a quest for you , you will go across the land to kill the evil darkness and capture the darkness and return it here,” the king told him . Adan was confused more than ever! “How will I capture the darkness?” Adan asked . The king clicked his fingers , guards came marching with a box in their hands ; it had a jewel at the front and it was silver – it was beautiful ! The king held the box out towards Adan it was sitting their in his cold hands . “When you have killed it , open this box and the darkness will shoot out of Elmar (the spirit) and go into the box you must close it once it is in the box. Then the jewel will glow and thunder will go through the land then return it to Nicisea and it will all be over,” the king could have been clearer . “I accept,” Adan agreed to the challenge.

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Although Adan may not come back alive , he knew he had to at least try and save Nicisea . Finally , he had just finished packing , he picked up the box and put it in the side of his armour so it was there when he needed it . The new armour was comfortable . He had took 5 hours sharpening his sword so he had a better chance of killing Elmar . Adan was all ready so he set off into the forbidden forest , not knowing what was awaiting him …

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Chapter 2 : The forest

Looking at the dark spooky forest , Adan was not sure if he could do this could he? Could he enter the mysterious forest ? Stopping in a damp muddy path , he started to think that he had to at least try and save the land . But thinking about the consequences was a lot more scary than he thought ! Coming to a decision , he decided to go through .

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Walking through the large creepy forest , he could see trees covering the daylight that was trying to enter the forest but the trees were forcing it to push back . Bang ! What was that ?! Scared from the bang he ran as fast as his legs could carry him ! Running as fast as his legs could carry him , he got to these big hard stones . Suddenly , he could hear a weird voice . Adan immediately grabbed hold of one of the big stones and dragged himself upon the rocks . Tired of running , a strange looking tall green things began turning around to look at him . Eye’s popping out of his head , Adan threw himself off the rock and sprinted down the path (hoping he was going in the correct direction) . The creatures were behind him but he was losing them , finally he had lost them .

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Stopping at a cross road to catch his breath , he realised he had to make a decision on weather to go North or South .

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Chapter 3 SouthMinutes later , Adan decided to go South . Slowly walking through , following the path , he could see something dark in the distance . Something came to his mind … “Elmar?” (the evil darkness). Rushing over to the dark thing , he thought it was Elmar – the evil darkness . Finally , he had got to the dark thing it wasn’t the darkness it was a cave . No wonder the path was cold : the entrance to the cave was freezing cold ! Ice was covering the top of it also it was snowing ! Heart pounding – he entered the cave .

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It was pitch black . Adan looked around . Suddenly , he heard bats flapping . It was coming closer and closer … Jut then , bats wacked in his face as he walked by ! In the distance , he heard goblins moaning and snakes hissing in the darkness . He could not fight these creatures by himself by himself ; he just had to get out of the horrifying cave ! Adan looked up ; he could see something shining in the wall ; he approached it . Walking over to it , he used all his strength to pull it out of the stone solid wall . Finally , he pulled it out of the wall he know knew he had the power to defeat the evil darkness . In the distance , he saw a light he raced towards it it was an exit he ran out …

Chapter 4 : the darkness

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Chapter 3 NorthMinutes later , Adan decided to go North’s path , his arms grew cold goose bumps . The path was very hot ; it was steaming . The bushes were on fire . Finally , coming to the end of the path , horror was awaiting him . It was a lava river with no bridge ! All there was , was a rope hung onto a tree branch , you had to swing across to the other side of the river . Breathing in and out , Adan approached the rope . Jumping onto the rope , Adan took a deep breath and swung . Adan felt like he was flying . Seconds later , the rope snapped ! Adan grabbed hold of the tree on the other side of the river and swung himself round the branch . At that moment he saw a sword stuck in the thick tree , he ripped it out with all his strength and jumped off the tree and continued on his journey .

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : the darknessIn the distance , he could see a large building . Just then he realised what that building was it was the castle ! The castle where the evil darkness lived , where Adan would kill her and take her darkness from her . Adan raced over to the castle he was finally about to achieve this quest and this would all be over . Looking at the castle , Adan entered not knowing how it would end . Suddenly , Adan could see the guards standing in front of a red curtain , Adan approached the two men dressed in silver armour . “I wish to see the evil darkness ,” Adan told the men , they nodded their heads and stood aside and opened the curtain slowly … Adan entered the room ; it was a small room with a mirror wall . It was no small wall – it was floor to ceiling . There was no way in the mirror because behind it was a evil world where Elmar lived she had her own dark world behind that mirror . Adan hated to even think about it . Seconds later , Adan stuck his sword in the mirror so now he could see Elamr glaring at him from the other side of the mirror . Whatever Adan did he couldn’t get her to come out of the mirror and fight .

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Looking around , Adan thought of a way to get the evil darkness to come out of the mirror . “Your just scared ill beat you , you act out like your so tough but really inside your scared , your pathetic ,” Adan was trying to be brave. “You know that I have more power than you I could get rid of you in the click of my fingers !” Elmar was so angry at Adan . “Then why aren’t you fighting me?” Adan asked . Suddenly , the darkness came out of the mirror …

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Adan pulled out his sword and guarded himself with it . Moments later , Adan plunged the sword into her evil heart . Elmar fell to the floor Adan immanently reached for the box he opened it and the darkness shot out of Elamr and went into the box . Adan closed the box once all the darkness was in , the mirror disappeared and the room was stone . In a flash he was back in Nicisea .

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Chapter 5Adan raced to the king and told him that he had the darkness and he killed Elmar . Suddenly , thunder went through out the land . Now Adan knew that it was all over and that Nicisea could now live in peace and not worry about Elmar returning . Adan was told to put the box in a special room and he did . Adan checked on it every day and he could always remember the day he solved the quest and helped the land live in peace once again ! One day after 12.00 pm , Adan checked again on the box . Devastated , Adan raced over to the box and revealed that it was open – the darkness had gone ! …