cheat sheet: email how to navigate outlook, create contact groups and folders

Cheat Sheet: EMAIL How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders.

Upload: julian-stephens

Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Cheat Sheet: EMAIL How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders

Cheat Sheet: EMAIL

How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders.

Page 2: Cheat Sheet: EMAIL How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders

Cheat Sheet: Email---Online TutorialsTutorial for Outlook (Lovely British Man will show you the basics in 4:25 minutes) Tutorial for Outlook- The older version of Outlook Web App(Older version—good when the network is slow, and some days it will be. This guy is insane and takes

about 12 minutes but if you are starting from square one, he has good information. He uses a PC in the video.) How to install Entourage (Mac people who like this program)(I think this guy is Scottish, or it might be a York accent, watch and tell me what you think! 3 minutes) Tutorial for Outlook to “Create Folders”(American guy, one minute later you know how to set up folders!) Tutorials for Outlook to “Create Group Contacts”(Another American in 1.5 minutes)

You are smart people, these videos will help you if you get stuck.

Page 3: Cheat Sheet: EMAIL How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders

Cheat Sheet: Email--- Folders Helpful Folders to have…..

“2014-2015 Emails” --- You will want to keep some emails from year to year, organize them now for easy storage“MISD New Teacher”--- Put all of your emails concerning meetings, mentors, tips and tricks here for quick reference.“Paystubs/Insurance”—Keep the emails with your paystubs (if you get direct deposit) also any reimbursement or

money anything can go here. Keep Insurance announcements, too! “Personal”—For that cute email from Granny or that funny photo of you at New Teacher Orientation lost in H-hall.“Borrowed”—My department borrows and lends quite a few things. If it is the same for you go ahead and have a folder

of who belongs to what. Check it periodically to make sure you have returned what you borrowed or your resources have been returned.

“PDAS”—Anything that comes in from your PDAS principal goes here.“A-Day Students” & “B-Day Students”—These are usually for parent communication, discipline placement emails from

the office and/or communication you have had directly with a student via email. KEEP THESE! Better safe than sorry. They also serve as documentation! I suggest a broad category here, schedules change and moving all documentation for a kid is a pain. Less folders, less clutter.

“SPED/LEP A-Day” & “SPED/LEP B-Day”--- Again these are to track parent communication, discipline placement emails and communication you have with individual students. KEEP THESE!! They are also documentation. You will look through these folders often.

“Not My Kids”—These are for those random sweeties that aren’t your students but are somehow your kids. This is where you put the email from that mama that is trying to explain that her little boy scout that you wrote up for making out in the hall was just trying to help that young lady find her earring.

“How to…” --- This is where you put all those emails you get on how to do things. Like when the Help Desk (7777) sends you a step by step on how to make that annoying keychain symbol disappear. (ps. Forward that to me!)

“Forms”--- All of those cool things that you stayed up late creating. Store them here, too! “Assignments” --- This is a first cousin to Forms. I put lesson plans, quizzes, original worksheets and the like here for

quick retrieval. Sometimes working from home, it is easier to email them to yourself to print the next morning. You might also eventually make an individual folder for that kid that you get a ton of emails on. This allows for quick


These are the folders I suggest; you know your own needs and how your brain works. Take what you like and leave the rest!

Page 4: Cheat Sheet: EMAIL How to navigate Outlook, create contact groups and folders

Cheat Sheet: Email– Linking Your PhonePersonally I do NOT recommend this. You have precious little time in your day not dedicated to

your students. Keep as much “school stuff” out of your “real life” as possible. Yes, that question about little Sally’s homework is important. However, it should not interrupt dinner with your family.

Let School be School and Home be Home

However, if you insist, here is a tutorial on how to link your school email and your phone.

For Android (Indian gentleman, about 3 minutes)

For iPhone (American guy named Skylar, about 2 minutes)

Using Sync2 to link Calendars, Contacts, Email, etc. (Siri’s evil twin about 2 minutes)