check list of mosses

A Checklist of the Mosses

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A Checklist of the Mosses

A Checklist of the MossesMarshall R. Crosby Robert E. Magill Bruce Allen Si He

Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis

Authors addresses: postal:

Missouri Botanical Garden P. O. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166-0299 U.S.A.

email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

This version released: December 20, 1999 Previous version released: July 30, 1999

1999 Missouri Botanical Garden All rights reserved

Table of Contents Introduction, 1 Alphabetical List of Families and Genera, 7 A Checklist of The Mosses, 17 Bibliography, 266


Introduction This Checklist was begun to answer the question, how many species of mosses are there? Or, how many of the 47,600 validly published species names for mosses (29,100 originally published as new species, the remaining 18,500 as recombinations of these and other names) represent species that are recognized in the literature today? Counting the species recognized in Index Muscorum, completed 37 years ago, at the end of 1962, yields 17,281. Going back another 37 years, to the completion of the treatment of mosses in Engler and Prantls Die Natrlichen Pflanzenfamilien in 1925, about 17,000 species were recognized. About 5,250 more were described from 1925 until the close of Index Muscorum. And since then just over 4,100 new species have been described. This Checklist recognizes 12,754 species. Although new species of mosses continue to be described, the number being recognized appears to be declining, because of increased synonymy. Index Muscorum was used as a starting point for this list. Species recognized in Index Muscorum have been maintained on our list, unless they have been placed in synonymy since; and species placed in synonymy in Index Muscorum have remained there, unless they have subsequently been resurrected. The new names that have appeared at the species level since Index Muscorum and that have not been subsequently placed in synonymy (about 2,640 or 64%) are also maintained on this Checklist. The Ranking System Most checklists of plants are simply lists of the names of plants known from a given area. In some, occurrence is supported by citing specimens and/or earlier literature; in others, no references are given. Synonyms may be appended to the main checklist, or they may be cited with the accepted names. But in any case, checklists do not indicate explicitly the level or quality of knowledge of the plants listed, though when references are given to vouch for occurrence, something about the level of knowledge may be implied from the references. Annotations may indicate which species are poorly known for one reason or another. We have departed from this practice and assigned an indication of how well we believe each of the species included in this Checklist is known. The scale is short, ranging from one to four stars ( to ), with four stars being the highest rank; it is subjective; and it is not all together continuous, but we hope that users will find ranking species in this way useful. For example, applying our rankings to a floristic list should give an indication about the overall knowledge of the flora. One looking for a genus to revise should look for genera with many poorly known species, not one full of well known species. Our ranking system is: species thoroughly treated with descriptions, illustrations, and discussions since the end of 1962, the closing date for Index Muscorum. Species published since 1962 in a monograph or revision or in a descriptive flora are ranked . By using the reference or references cited, one should be able to identify the species, learn about its relationships and geographical distribution, and place it in some sort of scheme of classification. For many species more than one reference is listed. Citing more than one reference may increase the chances of the users having access to a reference, provide different interpretations of the same species, and give an



indication of the speciess geographical distribution. If a species is treated in a monograph or revision and it has been treated in a descriptive flora, the monograph or revision is given preference, though the flora may also be cited. Not all the species treated in a given flora are cited in our list, rather those cited were selected because they are otherwise not treated or treated only a few times. species that have been used in a key, illustrated, or discussed, but not fully described in a publication since 1962. The references cited provide whatever information is available about the species. the ranking scheme becomes discontinuous here; species have been described separately from a revision or descriptive flora since 1962, and they not subsequently placed in taxonomic synonymy, treated in a descriptive flora, or treated in a revision, which would make them . Since post-1962 species have only about a 60% chance of appearing on our list, i.e., about 40% of the new species published since 1962 have already fallen into synonymy, we have ranked them below those treated in keys, etc. The references cited refer to the publication containing the protologue and in some cases later combinations of the original epithet. species for which, to our knowledge, no new information has been published since the closing date for inclusion in Index Muscorum. In some cases, no new information has been published since the original description of the species, which may date well into the nineteenth century. Mosses ranked are the only ones for which we may provide no references, though in many cases a reference or references are cited, to wit: The species was cited as insufficiently known in a revision, flora, or other critical work that provides information that may assist in furthering the study of the species. For example, Touw (1971: 344) treats Mniodendron nanum under Insufficiently known species, providing collection information about the type, listing a herbarium where the type collection is not found, and discussing five specimens that might be type material. Species that have been treated in this way are generally listed as cited by [author, date] as insufficiently known, although the authors(s) may not have used the exact wording insufficiently known. Or, the species was listed in a post-Index Muscorum, literature-based geographical checklist that cited earlier publications treating the species in some way. While such checklists provide useful summaries of the moss floras of many areas and entres to the literature about them, they provide no new information about the species: we know nothing more about the nature of the species after the publication of the checklist than before its publication. Pursell (1973: 489) provides four references to reports of Callicostella scabriseta from Venezuela, ranging in date from 1818 to 1936, but no new information is provided: the species remains insufficiently known, but Pursell (1973) is given as a reference, since it 1) provides a lead to the older literature about the species, and 2) vouches for the fact that no modern information has been published about it. Similarly, Yano (1981: 351) provides nineteen references about Orthostichidium subpendulum, published from 18761958, but no new information. Some checklists provide no supporting documentation for the occurrence of a species in an area. These are not cited. The 1990 checklist of North American mosses and a 1996 checklist of Brazilian mosses are examples, and these lists are not cited. In some cases foot- or endnotes in these checklists provide useful information, and these are used, e.g. the European checklist by



Corley, Crundwell, Dll, & Smith (1981). Since we indicate the year of publication of all names, post-1962 names that are ranked rather than or even may appear incorrectly ranked. New combinations and new substitute names published after Index Muscorum are ranked , if they were made purely as matters of nomenclatural expedience, with no new information about the species: the names may be modern, but our knowledge about the plants is not. Examples include the many new combinations in Schoenobryum by Manuel in 1977. Because no new information about the species was provided, this publication by Manuel does not appear in the bibliography. We have not made expedient new combinations or names and as a result some names are stranded in genera that are not useable nomenclaturally or no longer recognized taxonomically. Eriopus is an example of the former, and several pottiaceous genera, Pottia, among them, treated by Zander (1993) as a synonym, are examples of the latter. Species explicitly excluded from a genus but not placed in another, as sometimes happens as a result of a revisionary study. Noguchi (1976) excluded Barbella phyllogonioides from Barbella but provided no alternative placement. More briefly stated: species treated in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora. species treated in a key or discussion or illustrated, but not fully treated as in . species published as a new since 1962; new species described in monographs, revisions, or descriptive floras are . species for which no new information has been found in the post-1962 literature. species excluded from the genus but not placed in another. The Checklist is literature-based and includes citations seen up to December 1, 1999. Publications used fall into several categories, which include, among others: Literature-based checklists. These cannot produce , , , or but they can point to other literature that gives those levels. For example see Streimann and Curnows massive catalog for Australia. Revisions, monographs, and descriptive floras. These produce , , . New species described in these are treated as , not . Reviews. Produce , , , , not . They contain keys, discussions, lists of specimens but not descriptions, except, usually, for new species. This Checklist includes: 5,717 , 939 , 674 , 5,359 , and 65 , a total of 12,754 species. The July 1999 version included 5,697 , 947 , 672 , 5,420 , and 64 , a total of 12,800 species. Format The Checklist is arranged alphabetically by genus and alphabetically by species within genera. Genera are cited in bold-face, followed by the author(s), year of publication, a summary of the



numbers of species in each ranking class, and total number of species in the genus. Family placement is indicated on a separate line: Breutelia (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 {54/13/2/24/0=93} BARTRAMIACEAE Thus, Breutelia is based on an infragenus named by Phillip Bruch and Wilhelm Phillip Schimper and raised to generic rank by Schimper in 1856. The are 54 , 13 , 2 , 24 , and no species, for a total of 93 species. The genus is placed in the Bartramiaceae. A few synonymous genera are listed, if they contain species that have not been transferred to the accepted genus or if there is not a useable name in the accepted genus. See, for example, Anictangium. Otherwise synonymous genera are not on the list. Family placement follows, except for Splachnobryum, a draft of Morphology and classification of mosses, William R. Buck and Bernard Goffinet, in A. J. Shaw & B. Goffinet (eds.), The Biology of Bryophytes, Cambridge University Press, in press. In a few cases we recognize genera that Buck and Goffinet do not, but our splits are placed in the family in which Buck and Goffinet synonyms are placed. Conversely, Buck and Goffinet recognize genera that we do not, and our lumps are placed in the family of their splits. Species are cited with the fully spelled-out generic name and specific epithet in italic, author(s), year of publication, and reference(s): Breutelia azorica (Mitten in Godman) Cardot, 1897 Breutelia baeuerlenii (C. Mller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Breutelia dominicensis E. B. Bartram, 1955 [Griffin, D., III, 1984c] Breutelia microdonta (Mitten) Brotherus, 1895 [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Virtanen, V., 1997] Breutelia ryvardenii Bizot, 1976 [Bizot, M., 1976]

Breutelia azorica was published in another combination by William Mitten in a work of Frederick Godman and placed in Breutelia by Jules Cardot in 1897. We have found no information published about the species since 1962. Breutelia baeuerlenii has a similar nomenclatural and recent taxonomic history, but Streimann and Curnow cite earlier literature about it in their catalog of Australian mosses. Breutelia dominicensis was described in 1955 by Edwin Bunting Bartram and briefly discussed by Griffin in a 1984 paper on Breutelia in Brazil and the New World. Breutelia microdonta was described and illustrated in the 1984 paper by Griffin. In her 1997 paper on Breutelia in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean, Virtanen also thoroughly treated the species, discussing several papers that treated it after 1984. Breutelia ryvardenii was described in a 1976 enumeration of new mosses by Maurice Bizot and has not been reduced to synonymy since. Missing names and synonyms



The list includes only names that we accept for good species and that we interpret as validly and legitimately published under the Tokyo Code. A few names applied to species in the current literature are invalid or illegitimate, and these are not included. There are a few hundred names, mostly later homonyms, that have not been reduced to synonymy and for which there appear to be no correct names, and these are also not included. Most of these names represent species, most of which will be synonymized if ever studied, and we see no reason to bring them to attention at this time. Most of the 33,000 names that we treat as synonyms are not included. A few appear in the list under our accepted name, because they were used in a publication for the name we have adopted. But, of course, these names are hard to find. Where is Phascum cuspidatum? See Tortula acaulon. The entire database, MOST, from which this Checklist was derived is available in searchable form at, where Checklist names for most of those species not listed may be found: a few names treated as synonyms remain to be coded to their correct Checklist-names. The Bibliography The bibliography contains 1,875 entries that support the acceptance of the species listed in the Checklist. Entries by a single author are arranged alphabetically by the authors family name and then chronologically by year, with multiple entries for the same year lettered with a lower-case letter. Entries with more than one author are arranged similarly, with entries by two authors preceding entries with three, preceding entries with four, and so on. If the year is followed by a square-bracketed year, the bracketed year is the one of actual publication. Treatments in A. J. Sharps monumental Moss Flora of Mexico (Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 2 parts, 1994) are cited individually by the author(s) of the taxon, usually a genus. The Pottiaceae represents about 10% of mosses. We follow Zanders Genera (1993) for the genera and species of this huge family, except for a few post-1993 publications that include new synonymy, new taxa, or other new information. Unpublished doctoral dissertations, many of which are available through University Microfilms, have been used as sources of treatments for species, usually , and synonymy but not for new taxa, combinations, and names, since these are not validly published. Maintenance and development of the Checklist We keep the Checklist up-to-date by adding new information new taxa, combinations, names, synonymy, references as it becomes available. This happens almost daily, so that todays list may differ markedly from yesterdays. Overlooked information will also be added, as it comes to our attention. At some point the steadily receding start-date for cited publications, 1963, will have to be re-evaluated and, perhaps, moved forward. Alternatively, a system employing more stars or other glyphs might be developed. For example, a system based on the date of the most recent revisionary study of a species and the judged quality of the study. It might be useful to add digitized copies of the protologues of the names or their basionyms to the web site. Having the information from the protologues, especially that concerning types,



easily available would, we hope, encourage the re-evaluation of these thousands of names. At the beginning of the project, we recorded geographical distributions, using a system of 52 regions for the world, versus 19 for Index Muscorum, but it was abandoned for several reasons. The addition of this information to , , and perhaps , might be useful, if tied to references. Adding other than protologue-based distribution to species would probably be counter-productive, since inevitably it would be used to draw (ill-founded) bryogeograpical conclusions. The current version of the Checklist is available on the web at: Xerographic copies, about 300 pages, strip-bound, may be obtained, at cost plus shipping (about $20.00), from the authors. Contact: Marshall R. Crosby, [email protected]. Assistance and thanks The following taxa were contributed or reviewed by those listed. We thank them for their help, but because of errors in transcription or last minute additions, our listings may not exactly match theirs. Andreaeaceae, Barbara M. Murray. Calymperaceae sensu stricto, William D. Reese. Dicranaceae subfamily Campylopodoideae, Jan-Peter Frahm. Ephemeraceae, reviewed by Virginia Bryan. Fissidens, Ronald A. Pursell, Zen Iwatsuki, and Ida Bruggeman-Nannenga. Grimmia, reviewed by Jess Muoz. Leucoloma, Catharine LaFarge-England reviewed an early list. Orthotrichum, Jette Lewinski-Haapasaari. Pottiaceae, reviewed by Richard Zander. Racopilaceae, reviewed by Ben O. van Zanten. Schistidium, reviewed by Jess Muoz. Barb Mack assisted with data input, data checking, and in many other ways, and we thank her. Susan Caine suggested the title page layout. Bill Buck engaged us in useful discussion, mostly via email, and graciously allowed us to use the list of generic dispositions into families. We thank him heartily. Steve Churchill bantered the senior author for months to get the first version finished. Thanks, Steve.


Alphabetical List of Families and GeneraADELOTHECIACEAE Adelothecium, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryobrothera, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Amblystegium, 1853 {2/0/0/16/0=18} Donrichardsia, 1979 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gradsteinia, 1990 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Hygroamblystegium, 1903 {4/0/1/12/0=17} Hypnobartlettia, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Koponenia, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Leptodictyum, 1906 {4/0/0/4/0=8} Limbella, 1933 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ochyraea, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Orthotheciella, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Platylomella, 1950 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciaromiella, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciaromiopsis, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sinocalliergon, 1949 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Vittia, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBUCHANANIACEAE Ambuchanania, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANDREAEACEAE Andreaea, 1801 {36/4/2/53/0=95} ANDREAEOBRYACEAE Andreaeobryum, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE Anomodon, 1818 {16/0/0/2/0=18} Bryonorrisia, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chileobryon, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Curviramea, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Haplohymenium, 1846 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Herpetineuron, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Schwetschkeopsis, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} ARCHIDIACEAE Archidium, 1827 {28/0/4/2/0=34} AULACOMNIACEAE Aulacomnium, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} BARTRAMIACEAE Anacolia, 1876 {5/1/0/1/0=7} Bartramia, 1801 {24/1/3/43/0=71} Bartramidula, 1846 {7/0/0/9/0=16} Breutelia, 1856 {54/13/2/24/0=93} Conostomum, 1804 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Fleischerobryum, 1910 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Flowersia, 1989 {1/1/0/2/0=4} Leiomela, 1904 {5/2/1/5/0=13} Philonotis, 1827 {49/9/2/109/0=169} Plagiopus, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Quathlamba, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE Aerobryum, 1851 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Aerolindigia, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bestia, 1906 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Brachytheciella, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachythecium, 1853 {98/6/5/69/0=178} Bryhnia, 1892 {8/0/1/3/0=12} Bryoandersonia, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryostreimannia, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Camptothecium, 1853 =Homalothecium {0/0/0/1/2=3} Cirriphyllum, 1898 {3/0/0/6/0=9} Clasmatodon, 1842 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cratoneurella, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eriodon, 1845 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Eurhynchiella, 1923 {0/0/0/5/0=5} Eurhynchium, 1854 {26/5/1/22/0=54} Flabellidium, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Homalotheciella, 1908 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Homalothecium, 1851 {8/0/0/0/6=14} Isothecium, 1827 {8/1/0/9/0=18} Juratzkaeella, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Kindbergia, 1982 =Eurhynchium {0/1/0/0/0=1} Lindigia, 1861 [1862] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Mandoniella, 1916 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Meteoridium, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Myuroclada, 1893 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Nobregaea, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Oxyrrhynchium, 1905 =Cirriphyllum {1/0/0/6/0=7} Palamocladium, 1896 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Platyhypnidium, 1923 {4/1/0/6/0=11} Pseudopleuropus, 1955 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Pseudoscleropodium, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Puiggariopsis, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhynchostegiella, 1896 {20/2/2/24/0=48} Rhynchostegium, 1852 {31/9/2/88/1=131} Rozea, 1872 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Schimperella, 1926 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Scleropodiopsis, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Scleropodium, 1853 {5/0/2/2/0=9} Scorpiurium, 1876 {1/1/1/2/0=5} Squamidium, 1906 {7/0/2/1/0=10} Steerecleus, 1987 {2/2/0/0/0=4} Stenocarpidiopsis, 1925 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Trachybryum, 1968 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Unclejackia, 1999 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Zelometeorium, 1977 [1978] {5/0/0/0/0=5} BRUCHIACEAE Bruchia, 1824 {17/0/0/2/1=20}

8Cladophascum, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pringleella, 1909 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Trematodon, 1803 {22/5/5/51/0=83}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERAEobruchia, 1979 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Straminergon, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tomentypnum, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Warnstorfia, 1907 {8/2/0/0/0=10} CATAGONIACEAE Catagonium, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} CATOSCOPIACEAE Catoscopium, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CINCLIDOTACEAE Cinclidotus, 1804 {4/1/1/3/0=9} CLIMACIACEAE Climacium, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} CRATONEURACEAE Cratoneuron, 1867 {3/0/1/2/0=6} Sasaokaea, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE Cryphaea, 1814 [1813] {28/5/1/23/0=57} Cryphidium, 1877 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyptodontopsis, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyptodon, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Dendroalsia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dendrocryphaea, 1905 {3/3/0/0/0=6} Dendropogonella, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pilotrichopsis, 1899 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Schoenobryum, 1848 {3/6/0/7/0=16} Sphaerotheciella, 1914 {3/0/0/0/0=3} CYRTOPODACEAE Bescherellia, 1873 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrtopodendron, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrtopus, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DALTONIACEAE Calyptrochaeta, 1825 {15/3/3/4/0=25} Crosbya, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Daltonia, 1818 {23/8/1/28/0=60} Distichophyllidium, 1908 {0/2/1/2/0=5} Distichophyllum, 1846 {49/1/8/45/0=103} Ephemeropsis, 1892 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leskeodontopsis, 1964 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Leskeodon, 1907 {12/0/2/6/0=20} Metadistichophyllum, 1972 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICNEMONACEAE Dicnemon, 1826 {12/1/0/0/0=13} Eucamptodon, 1845 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Synodontia, 1901 =Dicnemon {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICRANACEAE Anisothecium, 1869 {16/2/0/22/0=40} Aongstroemia, 1846 {4/0/0/3/0=7} Aongstroemiopsis, 1904 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Arctoa, 1846 {3/0/0/1/0=4}

BRYACEAE Acidodontium, 1827 {11/0/0/3/0=14} Anomobryum, 1860 {22/2/5/18/0=47} Brachymenium, 1824 {59/4/9/30/0=102} Bryum, 1801 {173/11/16/243/3=446} Mniobryoides, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Mniobryum, 1892 =Pohlia {0/0/1/10/0=11} Orthodontopsis, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Perssonia, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Plagiobryum, 1863 {7/0/1/1/0=9} Pleurophascum, 1875 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Rhodobryum, 1892 {24/0/1/9/0=34} Rosulabryum, 1996 {10/0/1/0/0=11} Webera, 1801 =Pohlia {0/0/0/11/0=11} BRYOBARTRAMIACEAE Bryobartramia, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRYOXIPHIACEAE Bryoxiphium, 1869 {2/1/0/0/0=3} BUXBAUMIACEAE Buxbaumia, 1801 {7/1/4/0/0=12} CALOMNIACEAE Calomnion, 1854 {9/0/0/0/0=9} CALYMPERACEAE Arthrocormus, 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calymperes, 1814 [1813] {35/0/3/15/0=53} Calymperopsis, 1913 =Syrrhopodon {0/0/1/0/0=1} Exodictyon, 1899 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Exostratum, 1985 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Leucophanes, 1827 {12/0/0/3/0=15} Mitthyridium, 1975 {18/2/0/0/0=20} Octoblepharum, 1801 {7/0/3/6/0=16} Syrrhopodon, 1824 {66/11/12/9/1=99} Thyridium, 1868 =Mitthyridium {0/0/1/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE Anacamptodon, 1819 [1818] {5/5/1/1/0=12} Callialaria, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calliergon, 1894 {6/0/0/0/1=7} Campyliadelphus, 1975 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Campylium, 1869 {11/2/1/14/0=28} Conardia, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cratoneuropsis, 1923 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Drepanocladus, 1899 {8/0/0/12/1=21} Hamatocaulis, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Hygrohypnum, 1872 {24/1/0/2/6=33} Loeskypnum, 1918 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pictus, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Pseudocalliergon, 1907 {4/0/1/0/0=5} Sanionia, 1907 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Scorpidium, 1899 {3/0/0/1/0=4}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERAAtractylocarpus, 1869 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Brothera, 1900 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brotherobryum, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Bryohumbertia, 1940 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Bryotestua, 1938 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Camptodontium, 1905 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Campylopodiella, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Campylopodium, 1873 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Campylopus, 1819 [1818] {124/9/4/25/0=162} Cecalyphum, 1804 =Dicranum {0/0/0/1/0=1} Chorisodontium, 1924 {9/0/1/0/0=10} Cnestrum, 1915 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Cryptodicranum, 1938 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cynodontium, 1856 {11/0/0/4/0=15} Dichodontium, 1856 {3/0/0/2/0=5} Dicnemoloma, 1901 =Sclerodontium {0/0/0/0/1=1} Dicranella, 1856 {37/10/1/114/0=162} Dicranodontium, 1847 {9/0/0/2/4=15} Dicranoloma, 1901 {22/13/4/51/0=90} Dicranum, 1801 {58/2/3/31/0=94} Eucamptodontopsis, 1924 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Holomitriopsis, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Holomitrium, 1826 {16/1/3/29/0=49} Hygrodicranum, 1911 {0/0/0/3/0=3} Kiaeria, 1915 {5/1/0/0/0=6} Kingiobryum, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leucoloma, 1829 {39/2/1/58/1=101} Macrodictyum, 1978 [1979] {2/0/0/0/0=2} Mesotus, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Microcampylopus, 1904 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Microdus, 1872 {6/0/1/4/0=11} Mitrobryum, 1968 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Muscoherzogia, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Oncophorus, 1826 {6/0/0/0/1=7} Oreas, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Oreoweisia, 1869 {8/3/0/4/0=15} Paraleucobryum, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Parisia, 1906 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Pilopogon, 1826 {8/0/0/0/0=8} Platyneuron, 1924 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Pocsiella, 1980 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Polymerodon, 1909 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pseudephemerum, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudochorisodontium, 1999 {6/0/0/0/0=6} Schliephackea, 1875 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Sclerodontium, 1824 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Sphaerothecium, 1865 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Steyermarkiella, 1965 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Symblepharis, 1837 {4/1/0/7/0=12} Thysanomitrion, 1823 =Campylopus {0/0/0/3/0=3} DIPHYSCIACEAE Diphyscium, 1803 {12/3/1/2/0=18} Muscoflorschuetzia, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Theriotia, 1904 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DISCELIACEAE Discelium, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Braunfelsia, 1894 {4/0/0/4/0=8} DITRICHACEAE Astomiopsis, 1882 {5/0/1/0/0=6} Austrophilibertiella, 1996 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Bryomanginia, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Ceratodon, 1826 {3/0/0/1/1=5} Cheilothela, 1901 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Chrysoblastella, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cladastomum, 1898 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Cleistocarpidium, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Crumuscus, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Cygniella, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Distichium, 1846 {5/0/0/9/0=14} Ditrichopsis, 1924 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ditrichum, 1867 {46/1/0/22/0=69} Eccremidium, 1846 {6/0/0/0/0=6} Garckea, 1845 {1/0/0/4/0=5} Kleioweisiopsis, 1920 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pleuridium, 1848 {16/3/3/9/0=31} Rhamphidium, 1869 {3/1/0/13/0=17} Saelania, 1878 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Skottsbergia, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Strombulidens, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichodon, 1856 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Tristichium, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Wilsoniella, 1881 {3/1/0/6/0=10} DRUMMONDIACEAE Drummondia, 1828 {6/0/0/1/0=7} ECHINODIACEAE Echinodium, 1866 {6/0/0/0/0=6} ENCALYPTACEAE Bryobrittonia, 1901 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Encalypta, 1801 {21/0/3/10/0=34} ENTODONTACEAE Entodon, 1845 {56/9/3/49/0=117} Erythrodontium, 1870 {3/0/0/12/0=15} Mesonodon, 1865 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Pylaisiobryum, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EPHEMERACEAE Ephemerum, 1837 {18/0/1/9/0=28} Micromitrium, 1870 {5/1/0/3/0=9} Nanomitriopsis, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ERPODIACEAE Aulacopilum, 1848 {5/1/1/0/0=7} Erpodium, 1827 {10/6/0/0/0=16} Venturiella, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Wildia, 1891 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EUSTICHIACEAE Eustichia, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FABRONIACEAE



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERAFabronia, 1808 {11/4/5/41/0=61} HEDWIGIACEAE Braunia, 1846 {8/4/2/9/0=23} Hedwigia, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Hedwigidium, 1846 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pseudobraunia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELICOPHYLLACEAE Helicophyllum, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELODIACEAE Actinothuidium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryochenea, 1982 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Helodium, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Palustriella, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HOOKERIACEAE Achrophyllum, 1972 {7/1/0/0/0=8} Chaetophora, 1819 [1818] =Calyptrochaeta {0/0/0/1/0=1} Cyathophorella, 1908 {11/0/0/5/0=16} Cyathophorum, 1804 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Dendrocyathophorum, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Eriopus, 1827 =Calyptrochaeta {1/0/0/7/0=8} Hookeria, 1808 {2/0/0/8/0=10} Pterygophyllum, 1819 [1818] =Hookeria {0/0/0/5/0=5} Schimperobryum, 1959 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYDROPOGONACEAE Hydropogonella, 1895 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hydropogon, 1826 [1827] {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE Hylocomiastrum, 1925 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Hylocomium, 1852 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Leptocladiella, 1923 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Leptohymenium, 1828 {3/0/0/5/0=8} Loeskeobryum, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Macrothamnium, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Neodolichomitra, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orontobryum, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pleurozium, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhytidiadelphus, 1906 {4/0/0/1/0=5} Rhytidiopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE Andoa, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bardunovia, 1995 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Breidleria, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryocrumia, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryosedgwickia, 1912 =Platygyriella {0/0/0/1/0=1} Callicladium, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calliergonella, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Campylophyllum, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Caribaeohypnum, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chryso-hypnum, 1870 {5/2/0/5/0=12} Crepidophyllum, 1926 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Ctenidiadelphus, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2}

Dimerodontium, 1869 {1/0/0/9/0=10} Ischyrodon, 1875 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Levierella, 1897 {2/0/1/1/0=4} Rhizofabronia, 1923 {2/0/0/0/0=2} FISSIDENTACEAE Conomitrium, 1837 =Fissidens {0/0/0/1/0=1} Fissidens, 1801 {232/32/44/135/0=443} Moenkemeyera, 1886 =Fissidens {0/0/0/3/0=3} FONTINALACEAE Brachelyma, 1892 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dichelyma, 1833 {5/0/0/1/0=6} Fontinalis, 1801 {16/0/2/2/0=20} FUNARIACEAE Aphanorrhegma, 1848 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachymeniopsis, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryobeckettia, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Corynotheca, 1990 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Cygnicollum, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Entosthodon, 1823 {44/3/0/36/0=83} Funaria, 1801 {17/1/0/68/0=86} Funariella, 1988 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Goniomitrium, 1846 {3/0/1/1/0=5} Loiseaubryum, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Nanomitriella, 1954 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Physcomitrella, 1849 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Physcomitrellopsis, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Physcomitrium, 1827 {22/3/2/41/0=68} Pyramidula, 1819 [1818] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Steppomitra, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GAROVAGLIACEAE Endotrichellopsis, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Euptychium, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Garovaglia, 1836 {19/0/0/0/0=19} GIGASPERMACEAE Chamaebryum, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Costesia, 1917 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gigaspermum, 1865 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Lorentziella, 1879 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Neosharpiella, 1973 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Oedipodiella, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE Aligrimmia, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Coscinodontella, 1927 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Coscinodon, 1804 {8/0/0/1/0=9} Dryptodon, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Grimmia, 1801 {70/0/7/43/3=123} Indusiella, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Jaffueliobryum, 1928 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Leucoperichaetium, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Racomitrium, 1819 [1818] {56/1/7/14/0=78} Schistidium, 1845 {35/1/9/12/0=57} Trigonodictyon, 1928 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERACtenidium, 1869 {21/0/0/2/0=23} Cyathothecium, 1938 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Dolichotheca, 1874 =Herzogiella {0/0/1/0/0=1} Ectropotheciella, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Ectropotheciopsis, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Ectropothecium, 1868 {23/7/6/166/1=203} Elharveya, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Elmeriobryum, 1925 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Entodontella, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eurohypnum, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Fallaciella, 1991 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Giraldiella, 1898 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Glossadelphus, 1923 =Phyllodon {14/0/1/9/0=24} Gollania, 1908 {16/0/2/0/1=19} Herzogiella, 1925 {7/1/0/1/0=9} Homomallium, 1907 {9/0/3/1/0=13} Hondaella, 1938 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Horridohypnum, 1980 [1981] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hyocomium, 1852 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hypnum, 1801 {39/1/4/36/0=80} Irelandia, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Isopterygiopsis, 1970 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Isopterygium, 1869 {18/2/0/130/0=150} Leiodontium, 1929 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Macrothamniella, 1923 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Mahua, 1983 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Microctenidium, 1923 {0/1/0/1/0=2} Microthamnium, 1869 =Mittenothamnium {0/0/0/4/0=4} Mittenothamnium, 1902 {14/6/1/58/0=79} Nanothecium, 1930 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthothecium, 1852 {6/0/1/4/0=11} Phyllodon, 1851 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Plagiotheciopsis, 1913 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Platydictya, 1863 {6/0/0/1/0=7} Platygyriella, 1910 {2/4/0/0/0=6} Platygyrium, 1851 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Podperaea, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudotaxiphyllum, 1987 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Ptilium, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pylaisia, 1860 =Pylaisiella {1/0/0/6/1=8} Pylaisiella, 1896 {8/1/3/4/0=16} Rhacopilopsis, 1900 {1/4/0/0/0=5} Rhizohypnella, 1923 {0/0/1/1/0=2} Sclerohypnum, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stenotheciopsis, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stereodontopsis, 1914 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Stereodon, 1859 =Hypnum {0/0/0/5/0=5} Syringothecium, 1869 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Taxiphyllopsis, 1987 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Taxiphyllum, 1923 {13/4/2/12/0=31} Tripterocladium, 1880 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Vesicularia, 1896 {13/3/1/99/0=116} Wijkiella, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNODENDRACEAE Hypnodendron, 1873 {25/0/0/1/0=26} Mniodendron, 1866 [1865] =Hypnodendron {0/0/0/1/0=1} Dimorphella, 1905 =Rhacopilopsis {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE Canalohypopterygium, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Catharomnion, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hypopterygium, 1827 {19/3/2/30/1=55} Lopidium, 1854 {6/0/0/10/0=16} INCERTAE SEDIS Entosthymenium, 1826 {0/0/0/1/0=1} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE Acrocladium, 1869 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Camptochaete, 1870 {10/0/0/2/0=12} Fifea, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lembophyllum, 1872 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Neobarbella, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthostichella, 1897 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Pilotrichella, 1872 {9/0/0/41/0=50} Weymouthia, 1906 {2/0/0/0/0=2} LEPTODONTACEAE Alsia, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Forsstroemia, 1863 {12/1/0/0/0=13} Leptodon, 1803 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Taiwanobryum, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPTOSTOMATACEAE Leptostomum, 1811 {7/0/1/1/1=10} LEPYRODONTACEAE Dichelodontium, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lepyrodon, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} LESKEACEAE Claopodium, 1893 {8/0/1/0/2=11} Fabronidium, 1899 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Haplocladium, 1899 {9/2/2/4/0=17} Hylocomiopsis, 1913 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leptocladium, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptopterigynandrum, 1897 {5/1/2/2/0=10} Lescuraea, 1851 {5/0/0/4/0=9} Leskeadelphus, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leskea, 1801 {7/0/0/17/0=24} Leskeella, 1903 {3/0/0/2/0=5} Lindbergia, 1897 {10/0/1/6/0=17} Mamillariella, 1934 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Miyabea, 1905 {3/0/1/0/0=4} Okamuraea, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Orthoamblystegium, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudoleskea, 1852 {5/0/0/26/0=31} Pseudoleskeella, 1897 {5/0/0/3/0=8} Pseudoleskeopsis, 1907 {2/1/0/5/0=8} Ptychodium, 1860 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rigodiadelphus, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Schwetschkea, 1875 {1/0/0/17/0=18} LEUCOBRYACEAE Cladopodanthus, 1846 {3/0/0/0/0=3}



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERASchistomitrium, 1846 {4/0/1/0/0=5} Schizymenium, 1840 {12/14/1/23/0=50} Synthetodontium, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MITTENIACEAE Mittenia, 1863 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MNIACEAE Cinclidium, 1803 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Cyrtomnium, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Epipterygium, 1862 {6/0/3/3/0=12} Leucolepis, 1868 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Mnium, 1801 {12/0/1/5/1=19} Orthomnion, 1857 {9/0/1/0/0=10} Plagiomnium, 1968 {25/0/0/0/0=25} Pohlia, 1801 {46/8/5/68/0=127} Pseudobryum, 1968 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Rhizomnium, 1968 {13/0/0/0/0=13} Roellia, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trachycystis, 1868 {3/0/0/0/0=3} MYRINIACEAE Austinia, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Helicodontium, 1878 {7/2/0/12/0=21} Macgregorella, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Merrilliobryum, 1908 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Myrinia, 1860 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Nematocladia, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYURIACEAE Eumyurium, 1947 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Myurium, 1860 {2/2/0/1/0=5} Oedicladium, 1868 [1869] {9/0/0/0/0=9} Palisadula, 1937 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Piloecium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE Baldwiniella, 1906 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Bissetia, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryolawtonia, 1990 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Caduciella, 1991 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Crassiphyllum, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryptoleptodon, 1899 {0/3/0/1/0=4} Curvicladium, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dixonia, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dolichomitra, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Handeliobryum, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Himantocladium, 1908 {8/0/0/0/0=8} Homaliadelphus, 1932 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Homalia, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} Homaliodendron, 1906 {15/0/1/11/0=27} Hydrocryphaea, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Isodrepanium, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Metaneckera, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Neckera, 1801 {38/4/2/29/0=73} Neckeropsis, 1870 {24/0/4/2/0=30} Neomacounia, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Noguchiodendron, 1981 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Pendulothecium, 1991 {3/0/0/0/0=3}

Leucobryum, 1839 {29/1/0/53/0=83} Ochrobryum, 1869 {5/0/0/2/0=7} LEUCODONTACEAE Antitrichia, 1819 [1818] {3/0/0/0/0=3} Dozya, 1866 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eoleucodon, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Felipponea, 1912 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Leucodon, 1816 {28/0/2/8/0=38} Pterogonium, 1801 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Scabridens, 1935 {0/1/0/0/0=1} LEUCOMIACEAE Leucomium, 1868 {2/0/0/3/0=5} Philophyllum, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhynchostegiopsis, 1897 {3/1/1/1/0=6} MEESIACEAE Amblyodon, 1804 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptobryum, 1855 {1/1/0/4/0=6} Meesia, 1801 {3/1/0/6/0=10} Neomeesia, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Paludella, 1817 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE Aerobryidium, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Aerobryopsis, 1905 {9/0/0/5/0=14} Ancistrodes, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Barbella, 1906 {10/0/0/7/1=18} Barbellopsis, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryowijkia, 1973 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Chrysocladium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryphaeophilum, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryptopapillaria, 1992 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Diaphanodon, 1895 {1/0/1/1/0=3} Dolichomitriopsis, 1911 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Duthiella, 1908 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Floribundaria, 1905 {8/1/1/6/2=18} Lepyrodontopsis, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meteoriopsis, 1906 {4/0/2/4/0=10} Meteorium, 1848 {21/1/5/10/0=37} Neodicladiella, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Neonoguchia, 1988 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Papillaria, 1864 =Meteorium {13/1/1/31/0=46} Pseudobarbella, 1947 =Pseudotrachypus {6/0/1/1/0=8} Pseudospiridentopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudotrachypus, 1940 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Sinskea, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Toloxis, 1994 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Trachycladiella, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Trachypodopsis, 1906 {2/0/1/3/0=6} Trachypus, 1829 {2/1/0/2/0=5} MICROTHECIELLACEAE Microtheciella, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE Haplodontium, 1865 =Mielichhoferia {0/0/0/7/0=7} Mielichhoferia, 1831 {12/3/2/73/0=90} Pseudopohlia, 1917 {1/1/0/0/0=2}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERAPinnatella, 1906 {15/0/0/1/0=16} Porothamnium, 1908 {5/0/2/20/0=27} Porotrichum, 1863 {16/1/1/22/0=40} Thamnium, 1852 =Thamnobryum {0/0/0/2/0=2} Thamnobryum, 1917 {23/6/1/11/0=41} Touwia, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} OEDIPODIACEAE Oedipodium, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHODONTIACEAE Orthodontium, 1827 {5/1/1/7/0=14} ORTHORRHYNCHIACEAE Orthorrhynchium, 1868 {2/0/0/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE Bryomaltaea, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cardotiella, 1981 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Ceuthotheca, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Codonoblepharon, 1824 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Desmotheca, 1873 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Florschuetziella, 1979 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Groutiella, 1950 {8/2/0/3/0=13} Leiomitrium, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontiopsis, 1910 {1/0/0/3/0=4} Leratia, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Macrocoma, 1944 {10/0/0/0/0=10} Macromitrium, 1819 [1818] {128/18/14/208/0=368} Matteria, 1998 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Muelleriella, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Orthomitrium, 1996 {0/0/2/0/0=2} Orthotrichum, 1801 {117/2/13/13/0=145} Pentastichella, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Pleurorthotrichum, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Schlotheimia, 1812 {44/0/0/77/0=121} Sehnemobryum, 1998 [1999] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stoneobryum, 1981 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Ulota, 1806 {21/5/2/29/0=57} Zygodon, 1818 {25/13/3/51/0=92} PHYLLODREPANIACEAE Mniomalia, 1874 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Phyllodrepanium, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PHYLLOGONIACEAE Phyllogonium, 1827 {3/0/0/0/0=3} PILOTRICHACEAE Actinodontium, 1826 {6/1/0/2/0=9} Amblytropis, 1907 {0/4/0/0/0=4} Beeveria, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brymela, 1985 {6/1/1/2/0=10} Callicostella, 1859 {22/4/1/70/0=97} Callicostellopsis, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Crossomitrium, 1874 {6/0/0/4/0=10} Cyclodictyon, 1863 {28/13/1/48/0=90} Diploneuron, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Helicoblepharum, 1907 {1/0/0/3/0=4} Porotrichodendron, 1908 {2/3/0/7/0=12} Porotrichopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hemiragis, 1876 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hookeriopsis, 1877 {15/4/5/28/0=52} Hypnella, 1877 {4/1/2/2/0=9} Lepidopilidium, 1907 {9/4/0/18/0=31} Lepidopilum, 1827 {35/3/0/22/1=61} Pilotrichidium, 1876 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pilotrichum, 1804 {20/0/0/0/2=22} Sauloma, 1859 {1/0/0/3/0=4} Schizomitrium, 1851 =Callicostella {0/0/0/1/0=1} Stenodesmus, 1877 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Stenodictyon, 1877 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Tetrastichium, 1908 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Thamniopsis, 1908 {11/0/0/3/0=14} Trachyxiphium, 1987 {8/2/0/1/0=11} Vesiculariopsis, 1908 {0/1/0/0/0=1} PLAGIOTHECIACEAE Plagiothecium, 1852 {22/1/2/25/2=52} PLEUROZIOPSACEAE Pleuroziopsis, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE Alophosia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Atrichopsis, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Atrichum, 1804 {16/0/1/3/0=20} Bartramiopsis, 1894 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dawsonia, 1811 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Dendroligotrichum, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Hebantia, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Itatiella, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lyellia, 1819 {2/1/0/1/0=4} Meiotrichum, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Notoligotrichum, 1971 {5/1/0/3/0=9} Oligotrichum, 1805 {15/2/4/7/0=28} Pogonatum, 1804 {53/0/0/4/0=57} Polytrichadelphus, 1859 {4/7/0/14/0=25} Polytrichastrum, 1971 {10/0/3/0/0=13} Polytrichum, 1801 {7/1/1/30/0=39} Psilopilum, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} Steereobryon, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE Acaulon, 1847 {11/1/4/4/0=20} Aloina, 1882 {9/0/1/2/0=12} Aloinella, 1909 {5/0/1/1/0=7} Anictangium, 1801 =Anoectangium {0/0/0/1/0=1} Anoectangium, 1811 {8/16/3/22/0=49} Aschisma, 1878 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Astomum, 1837 =Weissia {0/0/1/4/0=5} Barbula, 1801 {28/22/6/116/0=172} Bellibarbula, 1941 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Bryoceuthospora, 1959 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Bryoerythrophyllum, 1941 {17/6/4/1/0=28} Calymperastrum, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calyptopogon, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chenia, 1989 {1/2/0/0/0=3}



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERACrumia, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dialytrichia, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tetracoscinodon, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tetrapterum, 1869 {2/2/0/4/0=8} Timmiella, 1888 {4/5/1/3/0=13} Tortella, 1888 {14/13/3/18/0=48} Tortula, 1801 {30/27/8/79/0=144} Trachycarpidium, 1901 {3/2/0/0/0=5} Trachyodontium, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichostomopsis, 1909 =Didymodon {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichostomum, 1801 {19/35/4/57/0=115} Triquetrella, 1897 {2/4/0/3/0=9} Tuerckheimia, 1910 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Uleobryum, 1906 {1/1/1/0/0=3} Weisiopsis, 1921 {4/1/1/1/0=7} Weissia, 1801 {35/22/4/29/0=90} Weissiodicranum, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Willia, 1890 {2/1/0/0/0=3} PRIONODONTACEAE Prionodon, 1844 {4/2/0/3/0=9} PSEUDODITRICHACEAE Pseudoditrichum, 1974 {0/0/1/0/0=1} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE Habrodon, 1860 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Heterocladium, 1852 {6/0/1/1/0=8} Iwatsukiella, 1978 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Myurella, 1853 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Pterigynandrum, 1801 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Trachyphyllum, 1901 {7/0/0/1/0=8} PTEROBRYACEAE Calyptothecium, 1868 {14/2/4/10/0=30} Cryptogonium, 1881 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Henicodium, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hildebrandtiella, 1876 {2/3/0/0/0=5} Horikawaea, 1937 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Jaegerina, 1876 {4/4/1/0/0=9} Jaegerinopsis, 1906 =Jaegerina {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meteoriella, 1915 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Micralsopsis, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Muellerobryum, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Neolindbergia, 1908 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Orthorrhynchidium, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthostichidium, 1895 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Orthostichopsis, 1906 {8/1/0/8/0=17} Osterwaldiella, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Penzigiella, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pireella, 1913 {11/0/0/0/1=12} Pseudopterobryum, 1929 {0/1/0/1/0=2} Pterobryidium, 1918 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pterobryon, 1840 {4/0/0/4/0=8} Pterobryopsis, 1905 {12/1/2/14/0=29} Pulchrinodus, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Renauldia, 1891 {2/2/2/3/0=9} Rhabdodontium, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Spiridentopsis, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

Chionoloma, 1922 {0/3/0/0/0=3} Crossidium, 1882 {11/0/1/0/0=12} Didymodon, 1801 {37/30/8/46/0=121} Dolotortula, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Erythrophyllastrum, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Erythrophyllopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eucladium, 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Ganguleea, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gertrudiella, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Globulinella, 1946 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Gymnostomiella, 1904 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Gymnostomum, 1823 {6/2/4/8/1=21} Gyroweisia, 1876 {3/1/0/3/0=7} Hennediella, 1896 {8/11/3/0/0=22} Hilpertia, 1989 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Husnotiella, 1909 =Didymodon {0/0/0/1/0=1} Hydrogonium, 1880 =Barbula {1/0/4/1/0=6} Hymenostomum, 1819 =Weissia {0/0/0/14/0=14} Hymenostyliella, 1939 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Hymenostylium, 1827 {2/7/1/6/0=16} Hyophiladelphus, 1995 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hyophila, 1827 {13/7/0/52/0=72} Hypodontium, 1899 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leptobarbula, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontiella, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontium, 1865 {25/2/0/8/1=36} Luisierella, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Merceya, 1876 =Scopelophila {0/0/0/1/0=1} Microbryum, 1860 {8/4/1/0/0=13} Mironia, 1993 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Molendoa, 1878 {6/2/1/6/0=15} Neophoenix, 1999 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Oxystegus, 1933 =Trichostomum {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pachyneuropsis, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Phascopsis, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Phascum, 1801 =Tortula {5/0/1/3/0=9} Plaubelia, 1826 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pleurochaete, 1864 {1/1/0/2/0=4} Pottia, 1829 =Tortula {4/0/1/22/0=27} Pottiopsis, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudocrossidium, 1915 {6/11/0/0/0=17} Pseudosymblepharis, 1924 {3/7/0/0/0=10} Pterygoneurum, 1882 {5/0/4/2/0=11} Quaesticula, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Reimersia, 1941 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhexophyllum, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sagenotortula, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Saitobryum, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sarconeurum, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Scopelophila, 1872 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Semibarbula, 1933 =Barbula {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stegonia, 1883 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Stonea, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Streblotrichum, 1804 =Barbula {0/0/1/0/0=1} Streptocalypta, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Streptopogon, 1851 {5/5/0/3/0=13} Streptotrichum, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Syntrichia, 1801 {45/29/1/3/0=78} Teniolophora, 1962 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERASymphysodontella, 1906 {9/0/0/2/0=11} Symphysodon, 1844 {3/0/3/4/0=10} PTEROBRYELLACEAE Pterobryella, 1877 {1/3/0/2/0=6} PTYCHOMITRIACEAE Campylostelium, 1846 {2/0/0/2/0=4} Glyphomitrium, 1819 [1818] {4/0/1/5/0=10} Ptychomitriopsis, 1931 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ptychomitrium, 1829 {36/0/0/20/0=56} PTYCHOMNIACEAE Cladomnion, 1854 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cladomniopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Glyphothecium, 1860 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Hampeella, 1881 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Ptychomnion, 1869 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Tetraphidopsis, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RACOPILACEAE Powellia, 1868 [1869] {6/0/1/1/0=8} Racopilum, 1805 {10/9/1/33/0=53} REGMATODONTACEAE Regmatodon, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} RHABDOWEISIACEAE Amphidium, 1856 {4/1/0/6/0=11} Rhabdoweisia, 1846 {7/1/0/1/0=9} RHACHITHECIACEAE Hypnodontopsis, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Jonesiobryum, 1991 {0/0/3/0/0=3} Rhachitheciopsis, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhachithecium, 1895 {2/2/0/0/0=4} Tisserantiella, 1941 {0/2/0/1/0=3} Uleastrum, 1985 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Ulea, 1897 =Uleastrum {0/0/0/1/0=1} Zanderia, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHACOCARPACEAE Pararhacocarpus, 1996 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Rhacocarpus, 1863 {3/4/0/1/0=8} RHIZOGONIACEAE Cryptopodium, 1827 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Goniobryum, 1865 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Hymenodontopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hymenodon, 1844 {3/1/1/0/0=5} Leptotheca, 1824 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Mesochaete, 1870 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pyrrhobryum, 1868 {9/2/0/1/0=12} Rhizogonium, 1827 {6/0/1/1/0=8} RHYTIDIACEAE Rhytidium, 1882 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RIGODIACEAE Rigodium, 1844 [1845] {7/0/0/0/0=7} RUTENBERGIACEAE Neorutenbergia, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudocryphaea, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rutenbergia, 1880 {0/5/0/0/0=5} SCHISTOSTEGACEAE Schistostega, 1803 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SCOULERIACEAE Scouleria, 1829 [1830] {3/0/0/0/0=3} Tridontium, 1840 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SELIGERIACEAE Blindia, 1846 {16/0/1/1/7=25} Brachydontium, 1827 {5/0/3/0/0=8} Dicranoweisia, 1869 {9/1/0/11/0=21} Hymenolomopsis, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudohyophila, 1933 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Seligeria, 1846 {19/0/1/1/0=21} Trochobryum, 1885 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Verrucidens, 1908 {1/2/0/0/0=3} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acanthocladium, 1883 =Wijkia {0/0/0/1/0=1} Acanthorrhynchium, 1919 {1/0/0/6/0=7} Acritodon, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Acroporium, 1868 {29/4/5/30/0=68} Allioniellopsis, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Aptychella, 1916 {6/0/0/1/0=7} Aptychopsis, 1923 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Brotherella, 1914 {18/0/0/10/0=28} Chionostomum, 1869 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Clastobryella, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Clastobryophilum, 1923 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Clastobryopsis, 1923 =Aptychella {3/2/0/0/0=5} Clastobryum, 1846 {9/4/0/0/0=13} Colobodontium, 1951 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Donnellia, 1880 {3/0/1/3/0=7} Foreauella, 1927 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Gammiella, 1908 {3/1/1/0/0=5} Hageniella, 1910 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Heterophyllium, 1894 {1/0/1/13/0=15} Isocladiella, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptoischyrodon, 1932 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Macrohymenium, 1847 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Mastopoma, 1901 {0/1/3/12/0=16} Meiotheciella, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meiotheciopsis, 1908 =Donnellia {2/0/0/0/0=2} Meiothecium, 1868 {8/1/2/22/0=33} Papillidiopsis, 1989 [1990] {6/0/2/2/0=10} Paranapiacabaea, 1992 {0/0/2/0/0=2} Potamium, 1869 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pseudohypnella, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pterogonidium, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Pterogoniella, 1897 =Meiothecium {0/0/0/1/0=1}



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERARadulina, 1989 [1990] {1/1/0/3/0=5} Juratzkaea, 1866 {2/1/0/0/1=4} Pilosium, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciuroleskea, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Stenocarpidium, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stereophyllum, 1859 {3/0/0/18/2=23} SYMPHYODONTACEAE Chaetomitriopsis, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chaetomitrium, 1846 {3/23/2/39/0=67} Dimorphocladon, 1922 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Symphyodon, 1841 {14/0/1/1/1=17} Trachythecium, 1923 {0/0/0/9/0=9} TAKAKIACEAE Takakia, 1958 {2/0/0/0/0=2} TETRAPHIDACEAE Tetraphis, 1801 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Tetrodontium, 1824 {2/1/0/0/0=3} THELIACEAE Thelia, 1856 {3/0/0/0/0=3} THUIDIACEAE Abietinella, 1896 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Boulaya, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrto-hypnum, 1869 {34/2/2/1/0=39} Fauriella, 1893 {3/0/2/0/0=5} Inouethuidium, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pelekium, 1868 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Rauiella, 1937 {5/3/0/0/0=8} Thuidiopsis, 1923 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Thuidium, 1852 {52/2/5/14/0=73} TIMMIACEAE Timmia, 1801 {4/0/0/1/0=5} TRACHYLOMATACEAE Braithwaitea, 1872 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trachyloma, 1827 {5/0/0/1/1=7} VIRIDIVELLERACEAE Viridivellus, 1976 {0/0/1/0/0=1} WARDIACEAE Wardia, 1837 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

Pterogoniopsis, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pylaisiadelpha, 1912 {5/0/2/0/0=7} Rhaphidorrhynchium, 1923 =Sematophyllum {2/0/2/52/0=56} Rhaphidostegium, 1867 =Sematophyllum {0/0/0/19/0=19} Rhaphidostichum, 1923 {4/1/2/19/0=26} Schroeterella, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Sematophyllum, 1864 {31/20/11/106/0=168} Struckia, 1893 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Taxitheliella, 1935 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Taxithelium, 1869 {14/1/2/91/0=108} Timotimius, 1999 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Trichosteleum, 1868 {18/6/17/89/0=130} Trismegistia, 1908 {2/3/0/14/0=19} Trolliella, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Warburgiella, 1900 {2/4/1/20/0=27} Wijkia, 1971 {14/2/6/26/0=48} SERPOTORTELLACEAE Serpotortella, 1942 {2/0/0/0/0=2} SORAPILLACEAE Sorapilla, 1869 {1/1/0/0/0=2} SPHAGNACEAE Sphagnum, 1753 {119/18/95/56/0=288} SPIRIDENTACEAE Franciella, 1910 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Spiridens, 1823 {1/0/0/10/0=11} SPLACHNACEAE Aplodon, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachymitrion, 1846 {4/1/1/0/0=6} Moseniella, 1918 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Splachnum, 1801 {8/1/0/2/0=11} Tayloria, 1816 {24/10/3/3/0=40} Tetraplodon, 1844 {8/0/0/1/0=9} Voitia, 1818 {2/0/1/0/0=3} SPLACHNOBRYACEAE Splachnobryum, 1869 {12/0/2/11/1=26} STEREOPHYLLACEAE Catagoniopsis, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Entodontopsis, 1907 {11/6/0/0/0=17} Eulacophyllum, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1}


A Checklist of The MossesAbietinella C. Mller, 1896 {2/0/0/0/0=2} THUIDIACEAE Abietinella abietina (Hedwig) Fleischer, 1923 [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Thuidium abietinum] Abietinella histricosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 [Watanabe, R., 1972; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Thuidium histricosum] Acanthocladium Mitten, 1883 =Wijkia {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acanthocladium tanytrichoides Baumgartner & J. Frhlich, 1953 Acanthorrhynchium Fleischer, 1919 {1/0/0/6/0=7} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acanthorrhynchium altisetulum Fleischer, 1923 Acanthorrhynchium grosso-papillatum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acanthorrhynchium microcarpum (Thriot) Brotherus, 1925 [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acanthorrhynchium monostictum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acanthorrhynchium papillatum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1923 [O'Shea, B. J., 1997] Acanthorrhynchium subintegrum (Brotherus & Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 Acanthorrhynchium substigmosum (C. Mller) Fleischer, 1923 [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acaulon C. Mller, 1847 {11/1/4/4/0=20} POTTIACEAE Acaulon capense C. Mller, 1856 [cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known] Acaulon casasianum Brugus & H. Crum, 1984 [Brugus, M. & H. Crum, 1984] Acaulon chrysacanthum Stone, 1976 [Stone, I. G., 1976c; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon crassinervium C. Mller, 1902 [Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon dertosense C. Casas et al., 1986 [Casas, C., C. Srgio, R. M. Cros & M. Brugus, 1986] Acaulon eremicola Stone, 1979 [Stone, I. G., 1979; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon fontiquerianum C. Casas & Srgio, 1990 [Casas, C. & C. Srgio, 1990] Acaulon granulosum Stone, 1988 [Stone, I. G., 1988; Stone, I. G., 1989b] Acaulon integrifolium C. Mller, 1855 [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon leucochaete Stone, 1976 [Stone, I. G., 1976c; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon longifolium Herrnstadt & Heyn, 1999 [Herrnstadt, I. & C. C. Heyn, 1999] Acaulon muticum (Schreber ex Hedwig) C. Mller, 1847 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993] Acaulon nanum C. Mller, 1888 [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Yano, O., 1981] Acaulon recurvatum Magill, 1981 [1982] [Magill, R. E., 1981] Acaulon robustum Brotherus ex G. Roth, 1913 [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acaulon schimperianum Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993] Acaulon sphaericum J. Shaw, 1878 [cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known] Acaulon triquetrum (Spruce) C. Mller, 1847 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondrek, 1975; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Stone, I. G., 1989b] Acaulon uleanum C. Mller, 1888 [Stone, I. G., 1988; Zander, R. H., 1993] Acaulon vesiculosum C. Mller, 1888 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Achrophyllum Vitt & Crosby, 1972 {7/1/0/0/0=8} HOOKERIACEAE Achrophyllum anomalum (Schwgrichen) H. Robinson, 1974 [Robinson, H., 1975] Achrophyllum crassirete (Matteri) Matteri, 1979 [Matteri, C. M., 1972, as Pterygophyllum crassirete] Achrophyllum dentatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Vitt & Crosby, 1972 [Robinson, H., 1975; Streimann, H., 1997] Achrophyllum haesselianum (Matteri) Matteri, 1979 [Robinson, H., 1975] Achrophyllum javense (Dixon ex J. Frhlich) Iwatsuki, B. C. Tan & Touw in Touw, 1978 [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990] Achrophyllum magellanicum (Bescherelle) Matteri, 1979 [Matteri, C. M., 1972, as Pterygophyllum magellanicum] Achrophyllum quadrifarium (Smith) Vitt & Crosby, 1972 [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Achrophyllum tenuinerve (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1974 [Robinson, H., 1975] Acidodontium Schwgrichen, 1827 {11/0/0/3/0=14} BRYACEAE Acidodontium exaltatum (Spruce ex Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium heteroneuron (Spruce ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium integrifolium Brotherus & Thriot in Thriot, 1929


A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESB. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium consanguineum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 Acroporium convolutifolium Dixon, 1935 [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Acroporium convolutum (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium denticulatum Dixon, 1924 [cited by Tan, B. C., 1994a as insufficiently known] Acroporium depressum Thriot, 1926 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Acroporium dicranoides Fleischer, 1923 Acroporium diminutum (Bridel) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium dixonii Tixier, 1966 [Tixier, P., 1966] Acroporium downii (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium eburense Bizot, 1976 [Bizot, M., 1976] Acroporium erythropodium (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 Acroporium estrellae (C. Mller) W. R. Buck & Schfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993] [Magill, R., 1994d; Buck, W. R. & A. Schfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Acroporium exiguum (Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Schfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993] [Buck, W. R. & A. Schfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]] Acroporium flexisetum (Thriot) Brotherus, 1925 [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acroporium fuscoflavum (Paris) Brotherus, 1925 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acroporium gracilescens (Brotherus ex Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 Acroporium gracillimum (Thriot) Brotherus, 1925 [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acroporium hermaphroditum (C. Mller) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium joannis-winkleri Brotherus, 1928 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium laevifolium (Renauld) Brotherus, 1925 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Acroporium lamprophyllum Mitten, 1868 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium laosianum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 [Tixier, P., 1988] Acroporium letestui Potier de la Varde, 1926 Acroporium longicaule (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium longirostre (Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1983 [Magill, R., 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Acroporium macro-turgidum Dixon, 1935 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium megasporum (Duby) Fleischer, 1923 [Buck, W. R., 1993] Acroporium microcladum (Dozy & Molkenboer) B. C. Tan in B. C. Tan, A. C. Church & Windadri, 1997 [Tan, B. C., A. C. Church & F. I. Windadri, 1997]

Acidodontium lanceolatifolium Ochi, 1980 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium lonchotrachylon (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1903 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium longifolium (W. P. Schimper ex Paris) Brotherus, 1903 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium megalocarpum (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Renauld & Cardot, 1893 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium pallidum Herzog, 1916 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium ramicola (Spruce ex Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium rhamphostegium (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known] Acidodontium seminerve J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium sprucei (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium subrotundum (Taylor) J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 [Ochi, H., 1980] Acidodontium trachyticola (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1903 Acritodon H. Robinson, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acritodon nephophilus H. Robinson, 1964 [Crum, H., 1994t] Acrocladium Mitten, 1869 {2/0/0/1/0=3} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE Acrocladium auriculatum (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 [Karczmarz, K., 1966] Acrocladium chlamydophyllum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Mller & Brotherus, 1900 [Karczmarz, K., 1966; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Acrocladium trichocladium Boswell, 1892 Acroporium Mitten, 1868 {29/4/5/30/0=68} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acroporium aciphyllum Dixon, 1924 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium adspersum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium affine Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Acroporium angustum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 Acroporium baviense (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Acroporium brevicuspidatum Mitten, 1868 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acroporium brevisetulum (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1925 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acroporium caespitosum (Hedwig) W. R. Buck, 1983 [Buck, W. R., 1983d; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Acroporium cataractarum Baumgartner & J. Frhlich, 1955 Acroporium catharinense Sehnem, 1978 [Sehnem, A., 1978] Acroporium ceylonense Dixon, 1930 Acroporium condensatum E. B. Bartram, 1939 [Tan,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESAcroporium microthecium (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Acroporium nietnerianum (C. Mller) Brotherus, Acroporium perserratum E. B. Bartram, 1936 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Acroporium plicatum E. B. Bartram, 1942 Acroporium pocsii Bizot, 1973 [Bizot, M., 1973] Acroporium praelongum Dixon, 1935 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium prionophylax W. R. Buck, 1993 [Buck, W. R., 1993] Acroporium procerum (C. Mller) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium procumbens (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acroporium pungens (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1925 [Magill, R., 1994d; Sehnem, A., 1978; Florschtz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Acroporium ramicola (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium ramuligerum Dixon, 1935 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium rhaphidostegioides Dixon, 1934 Acroporium ridleyi Dixon, 1924 Acroporium rigens (Brotherus ex Dixon) Dixon, 1924 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium rufum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium savesianum Tixier, 1986 [Tixier, P., 1986] Acroporium secundum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium serricalyx (Brotherus & Watts) Brotherus, 1925 Acroporium sigmatodontium (C. Mller) Fleischer, 1923 [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Tan, B. C., 1994a] Acroporium smallii (R. S. Williams) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1960 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Acroporium stellatum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Acroporium stramineum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Montagne) B. C. Tan in Touw, 1992 [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Acroporium subluxurians (Dixon & Thriot) O'Shea, 1998 [O'Shea, B. J., 1998] Acroporium vincensianum (Thriot) Brotherus, 1925 [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Acroporium warburgii (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Actinodontium Schwgrichen, 1826 {6/1/0/2/0=9} PILOTRICHACEAE Actinodontium adscendens Schwgrichen, 1826 [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]


1925 Acroporium novae-guineae E. B. Bartram, 1961 Actinodontium dusenii Brotherus, 1897 Actinodontium integrifolium (Brotherus in Urban) Churchill in W. R. Buck, 1998 [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Churchill, S. P., 1988, as Lepidopilum integrifolium] Actinodontium portoricense H. Crum & Steere, 1956 [Welch, W. H., 1976] Actinodontium pygmaeum W. R. Buck, 1998 [Buck, W. R., 1998b] Actinodontium rhaphidostegum (C. Mller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990] Actinodontium sprucei (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 [Welch, W. H., 1976] Actinodontium standleyi E. B. Bartram, 1946 [Bowers, F. D., 1994k] Actinodontium streptopogoneum Brotherus, 1897 Actinothuidium Brotherus, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELODIACEAE Actinothuidium hookeri (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983] Adelothecium Mitten, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ADELOTHECIACEAE Adelothecium bogotense (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 [Ochyra, R., H. Bednarek-Ochyra, T. Pcs & M. R. Crosby, 1992; Bowers, F. D., 1994d] Aerobryidium Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} METEORIACEAE Aerobryidium aureonitens (W. J. Hooker ex Schwgrichen) Brotherus, 1906 [Noguchi, A., 1976] Aerobryidium crispifolium (Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b] Aerobryidium filamentosum (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Aerobryidium fuscescens E. B. Bartram, 1953 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b] Aerobryopsis Fleischer, 1905 {9/0/0/5/0=14} METEORIACEAE Aerobryopsis capensis (C. Mller) Fleischer, 1905 [Argent, G. C. A., 1969; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Aerobryopsis cirrifolia (Schwgrichen) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 [Yano, O., 1981] Aerobryopsis cochlearifolia Dixon, 1937 [Noguchi, A., 1976] Aerobryopsis deflexa Brotherus & Paris, 1911 [Noguchi, A., 1976] Aerobryopsis leptosigmata (C. Mller ex Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer, 1905 [Noguchi, A., 1976] Aerobryopsis longissima (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1905 [Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Aerobryopsis membranacea (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Aerobryopsis parisii (Cardot) Brotherus, 1906


A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESAerobryopsis striatula (Mitten in Seemann) Brotherus, 1906 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Aloina roseae (R. S. Williams) Delgadillo M., 1973 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloina sedifolia (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known] Aloinella Cardot, 1909 {5/0/1/1/0=7} POTTIACEAE Aloinella andina Delgadillo M., 1973 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975] Aloinella boliviana Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloinella catenula Cardot, 1909 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloinella cucullatifolia (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloinella cucullifera (Mitten) Steere, 1948 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloinella galeata (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known] Aloinella venezuelana Griffin, 1975 [Griffin, D., III, 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Alophosia Cardot, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE Alophosia azorica (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1905 [Smith, G. L., 1971] Alsia Sullivant, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPTODONTACEAE Alsia californica (W. J. Hooker & Arnott) Sullivant, 1855 [Manuel, M. G., 1974 [1975]; Lawton, E., 1971] Amblyodon Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MEESIACEAE Amblyodon dealbatus (Swartz ex Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1841 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Amblystegium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 {2/0/0/16/0=18} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Amblystegium arvernense Thriot in Tourret, 1913 [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Dll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known] Amblystegium austrohygrophilum Brotherus, 1916 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Amblystegium camisassae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 [Kis, G., 1985] Amblystegium campyliopsis Dixon, 1933 [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Amblystegium chalaropelma C. Mller ex Renauld, 1909 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Amblystegium cuspidarioides (C. Mller) Brotherus ex Levier, 1906 Amblystegium glaziovii Brotherus, 1926 [Yano, O., 1981] Amblystegium novae-valesiae Brotherus & Watts, 1912 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Amblystegium patenti-flexuosum Dixon in

[Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Aerobryopsis pulchricoma Fleischer, 1922 Aerobryopsis spurio-convolvens Brotherus, 1906 Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Aerobryopsis subleptostigmata Brotherus & Paris, 1911 [Noguchi, A., 1976] Aerobryopsis vitiana (Sullivant) Fleischer, 1905 Aerobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE Aerobryum speciosum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Aerolindigia Menzel, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE Aerolindigia capillacea (Hornschuch in Martius) Menzel, 1991 [Menzel, M., 1991; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Aligrimmia R. S. Williams, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE Aligrimmia peruviana R. S. Williams, 1903 [Murray, B. M., 1984; Deguchi, H., 1987b] Allioniellopsis Ochyra, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Allioniellopsis cryphaeoides (Brotherus) Ochyra, 1982 [Ochyra, R., 1982] Aloina Kindberg, 1882 {9/0/1/2/0=12} POTTIACEAE Aloina aloides (J. Koch ex F. Schultz) Kindberg, 1883 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Aloina apiculata (E. B. Bartram) Delgadillo M., 1973 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975] Aloina bifrons (De Notaris) Delgadillo M., 1973 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981] Aloina brevirostris (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Kindberg, 1883 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971] Aloina catillum (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975] Aloina cornifolia Delgadillo M., 1975 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975] Aloina hamulus (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Aloina humilis M. T. Gallego, Cano & Ros in M. T. Gallego et al., 1998 [Gallego, M. T., M. J. Cano, R. M. Ros, J. Guerra & G. M. Dirkse], 1998] Aloina recurvipatula (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known] Aloina rigida (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1888 [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Agnew, S. & M. Vondrek, 1975]

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESChristophersen, 1960 Amblystegium rishiriense Kanda, 1975 [1976] [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]] Amblystegium serpens (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in Amblystegium sparsifolium (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986] Amblystegium sparsile (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 Amblystegium speirophyllum Kindberg, 1889 Amblystegium stricto-serpens Dixon in Christophersen, 1960 Amblystegium subtrifarium Brotherus in B. Fedchenko, 1902 Amblystegium subulatum Cardot, 1913 Amblystegium tenuifolium Kindberg, 1890 Amblytropis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 {0/4/0/0/0=4} PILOTRICHACEAE Amblytropis gemmacea (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982] Amblytropis hispidula (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982] Amblytropis ovata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982] Amblytropis setosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982] Ambuchanania Seppelt & H. Crum in H. Crum & Seppelt, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBUCHANANIACEAE Ambuchanania leucobryoides (Yamaguchi, Seppelt & Iwatsuki in Yamaguchi et al.) Seppelt & H. Crum in H. Crum & Seppelt, 1999 [Crum, H. & R. D. Seppelt, 1999; Yamaguchi, T., R. D. Seppelt, Z. Iwatsuki & A. M. Buchanan, 1990, as Sphagnum leucobryoides] Amphidium W. P. Schimper, 1856 {4/1/0/6/0=11} RHABDOWEISIACEAE Amphidium aloysii-sabaudiae Negri, 1908 [Kis, G., 1985] Amphidium brevifolium Brotherus, 1913 Amphidium californicum (Hampe ex C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [Lawton, E., 1971] Amphidium clastophyllum Cardot, 1908 Amphidium curvipes (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 Amphidium lapponicum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Amphidium le-testui Thriot & Potier de la Varde, 1931 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1973] Amphidium mougeotii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Amphidium papillosum E. B. Bartram, 1939 [cited by Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.] as insufficiently known] Amphidium remotidens (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1902 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Amphidium tortuosum (Hornschuch) Cufodontis, 1951 [Robinson, H., 1975; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998; Vitt, D.


B.S.G., 1853 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b] H., 1994, as Amphidium cyathicarpum] Anacamptodon Bridel, 1819 [1818] {5/5/1/1/0=12} CAMPYLIACEAE Anacamptodon africanus Potier de la Varde, 1928 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b] Anacamptodon amblystegioides Cardot, 1911 [Taoda, H., 1980] Anacamptodon compactus (Thriot) W. R. Buck, 1980 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b, as Anacamptodon mexicanus] Anacamptodon cubensis (Sullivant) Mitten, 1869 [Buck, W. R., 1998b] Anacamptodon fortunei Mitten, 1864 [Taoda, H., 1980] Anacamptodon latidens (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b; Taoda, H., 1980] Anacamptodon marginatus (Dixon in Dixon & H. A. Wager) W. R. Buck, 1980 [Buck, W. R., 1980b] Anacamptodon minimus W. R. Buck, 1980 [Buck, W. R., 1980b] Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froelich ex Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982] Anacamptodon subulatus Brotherus, 1929 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b] Anacamptodon validinervis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b] Anacamptodon wattsii Brotherus, 1916 [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b] Anacolia W. P. Schimper, 1876 {5/1/0/1/0=7} BARTRAMIACEAE Anacolia aurescens (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1969 [Iwatsuki, I., 1969] Anacolia breutelii (W. P. Schimper ex C. Mller) Magill, 1987 [Magill, R. E., 1987] Anacolia cameruniae Dixon, 1933 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975c] Anacolia laevisphaera (Taylor) Flowers in Grout, 1935 [Robinson, H., 1975; Sloover, J. L. de, 1975c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1994a] Anacolia menziesii (Turner) Paris, 1894 [Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Griffin, D., III, 1994a] Anacolia scioana (Brizi) Brotherus, 1924 Anacolia webbii (Montagne) W. P. Schimper, 1876 [Agnew, S. & M. Vondrek, 1975] Ancistrodes Hampe, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE Ancistrodes genuflexa (C. Mller) Crosby, 1976 [Ku, M., 1996a] Andoa Ochyra, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE Andoa berthelotiana (Montagne in Webb & Berthelot) Ochyra, 1982 [Ando, H., 1973a, as Allorgea


A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESWilson, 1859 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea acutifolia J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 [Vitt, D. V., 1980a; Vitt, D. H. & W. J. Hoe, 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] 1986] Andreaea frigida Hbener, 1834 [Murray, B. M., 1988; Murray, B. M., 1987a] Andreaea fuegiana (Cardot) S. W. Greene, 1972 [1973] [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea gainii Cardot, 1911 [Ochyra, R., 1998a] Andreaea gibbosa R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea hartmanii Thedenius, 1849 [Bardunov, L. V., 1969] Andreaea heinemannii Hampe & C. Mller, 1846 [Murray, B. M., 1987c] Andreaea huttonii R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea indica Mitten, 1859 [Gangulee, H. C., 1969] Andreaea javanica J. Frhlich, 1955 Andreaea julicaulis C. Mller, 1898 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Andreaea karsteniana C. Mller, 1874 Andreaea kilimandscharica Paris, 1894 [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pcs, 1993] Andreaea latinervis E. B. Bartram in Roivainen, 1937 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea laxifolia J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 [Vitt, D. V., 1980a] Andreaea leiophylla Cardot ex G. Roth, 1913 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea lorentziana C. Mller, 1879 [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea marginata J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 [Vitt, D. V., 1980a] Andreaea megistospora B. M. Murray, 1987 [Murray, B. M., 1987a; Murray, B. M., 1987a; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea microphylla C. Mller, 1898 [Yano, O., 1981] Andreaea microvaginata C. Mller, 1898 Andreaea mildbraedii Brotherus, 1910 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea mitchellii Brotherus & Dixon, 1912 Andreaea morrisonensis Noguchi, 1936 [Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a] Andreaea mutabilis J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 [Vitt, D. V., 1980a; Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea nitida J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Magill, R. E., 1981; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Andreaea nivalis W. J. Hooker, 1811 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea novae-zealandiae R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea obovata Thedenius, 1849 [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]

berthelotiana; Ochyra, R., 1982] Andreaea Hedwig, 1801 {36/4/2/53/0=95} ANDREAEACEAE Andreaea acuminata Mitten in J. D. Hooker & Andreaea alpestris (Thedenius) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 [Allen, B., 1994a; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea alpina Hedwig, 1801 [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Robinson, H., 1975; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea amblyophylla C. Mller ex Brotherus, 1895 Andreaea angustifolia Brotherus, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea apiculata R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea appendiculata W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea arachnoidea C. Mller, 1879 [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea asperula Mitten, 1859 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Andreaea atlantica Dixon in Christophersen, 1960 Andreaea australis F. Mller ex Mitten, 1856 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Andreaea barbuloides Brotherus, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea bistratosa Magill, 1981 [1982] [Magill, R. E., 1981] Andreaea blyttii W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea borbonica Bescherelle, 1880 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea brevipes Spruce, 1861 [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] Andreaea camerunensis Richards, 1952 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea cockaynei R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea crassinervia Bruch, 1832 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Murray, B. M., 1987b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea cucullata Dixon in Herzog, 1935 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea densifolia Mitten, 1859 [Gangulee, H. C., 1969] Andreaea depressinervis Cardot, 1900 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Ochyra, R., 1998a] Andreaea dissitifolia Brotherus, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea erubescens C. Mller, 1898 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Andreaea erythrodictyon Herzog, 1909 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea firma C. Mller, 1888 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea flabellata C. Mller, 1883 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea flexuosa R. Brown ter, 1893 Andreaea fragilis C. Mller, 1879 [Greene, D. M.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESAndreaea opaca Cardot ex G. Roth, 1911 Andreaea pachyphylla (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1901 [Matteri, C. M. & R. M. Farias, 1999] Andreaea parallela C. Mller, 1883 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea patagonica Dusn, 1903 [Greene, D. M., Andreaea planinervia Lindberg ex G. Roth, 1911 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970] Andreaea pseudomutabilis Dusn, 1903 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea pseudosubulata C. Mller, 1864 Andreaea regularis C. Mller in Neumayer, 1890 [Ochyra, R., 1998a] Andreaea remotifolia Dusn, 1903 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea rigida Wilson in Mitten, 1859 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Gangulee, H. C., 1969] Andreaea robusta Brotherus, 1912 [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea rothii Weber & D. Mohr, 1807 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea rupestris Hedwig, 1801 [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea schofieldiana B. M. Murray, 1987 [Murray, B. M., 1987a] Andreaea semisquarrosa C. Mller, 1879 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea seriata G. Roth, 1911 Andreaea sinuosa B. M. Murray, 1986 [1987] [Murray, B. M., 1986 [1987]; Murray, B. M., 1988] Andreaea spurioalpina C. Mller, 1898 [Yano, O., 1981] Andreaea squarrosofiliformis C. Mller, 1898 [Yano, O., 1981] Andreaea striata Mitten, 1869 [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981] Andreaea subremotifolia Dixon, 1920 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea subulata Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1840 [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Allen, B., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Magill, R. E., 1981] Andreaea taiwanensis Chiang Tzen-yuh, 1998 [Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a] Andreaea tasmanica Rodway, 1916 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Andreaea tsaratananae Thriot, 1926 [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b] Andreaea tunariensis Brotherus, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea turgescens W. P. Schimper ex C. Mller, 1851 [Bowers, F. D., 1970] Andreaea urophylla H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Lojtnant, 1977 [Robinson, H., 1977]


1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea peruviana Brotherus, 1920 [Menzel, M., 1992] Andreaea pilifera Herzog ex Thriot, 1937 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea vaginalis Herzog in Donat, 1935 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Andreaea vilocensis Brotherus, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Andreaea viridis C. Mller in Neumayer, 1890 Andreaea vulcanica Lorentz, 1864 Andreaea wangiana Chen Pan-chieh in Chen Pan-chieh & Wan, T.-l., 1958 [Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a] Andreaea willii C. Mller in Neumayer, 1890 Andreaea wilsonii J. D. Hooker, 1844 [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Acroschisma wilsonii; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Acroschisma wilsonii] Andreaeobryum Steere & B. M. Murray, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANDREAEOBRYACEAE Andreaeobryum macrosporum Steere & B. M. Murray, 1976 [Murray, B. M., 1987b] Anictangium Hedwig, 1801 =Anoectangium {0/0/0/1/0=1} POTTIACEAE Anictangium orthotrichoides Gillies ex Greville, 1830 Anisothecium Mitten, 1869 {16/2/0/22/0=40} DICRANACEAE Anisothecium brachyangium (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella brachyangia] Anisothecium brachydontium H. Crum & Steere, 1956 Anisothecium campylophyllum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anisothecium capituligerum (C. Mller) Thriot, 1935 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Anisothecium clathratum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1924 [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Dicranella clathrata] Anisothecium convolutum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Dicranella convoluta] Anisothecium cyrtodontum (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 Anisothecium elegans (Duby) Thriot, 1935 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Anisothecium globuligerum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella globuligera] Anisothecium gracillimum C. Mller in Beckett, 1894 [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Dicranella gracillima] Anisothecium grevilleanum (Bridel) H. Arnell & C. E. O. Jensen, 1896 [Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella


A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSESDicranella hookeri; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Dicranella hookeri; Newton, M. E., 1977, as Dicranella hookeri] Anisothecium horridum Potier de la Varde, 1935 Anisothecium humile (Ruthe) Lindberg, 1887 Anisothecium javanicum (Fleischer) Brotherus, 1924 Anisothecium laxirete Brotherus, 1924 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] [Kis, G., 1985] Anisothecium vaginatum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 [Allen, B., 1994a] Anisothecium varium (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 [Agnew, S. & M. Vondrek, 1975; Allen, B., 1994a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella varia; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella varia; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella varia; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1977, as Dicranella varia; Crum, H., 1994e, as Dicranella varia; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella varia] Anisothecium yezoanum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella yezoana] Anoectangium Schwgrichen, 1811 {7/16/3/24/0=50} POTTIACEAE Anoectangium abyssinicum Hampe ex Geheeb, 1899 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium aestivum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994o; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1977; Lawton, E., 1971; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Agnew, S. & M. Vondrek, 1975; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]] Anoectangium afrocompactum C. Mller ex Dusn, 1896 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium bellii Brotherus ex Dixon, 1926 [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Anoectangium bicolor Renauld & Cardot, 1905 [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium borbonense Bescherelle, 1880 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium brachyphyllum Brotherus in Herzog, 1920 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anoectangium brotherusii Kis, 1984 [Kis, G., 1985] Anoectangium clarum Mitten, 1859 [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium contortum Brotherus, 1916 Anoectangium crassinervium Mitten, 1859 [Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1997] Anoectangium eukilimandscharicum Dixon, 1937 [Zander, R. H., 1993]

grevilleana; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella grevilleana; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella grevilleana] Anisothecium hioramii Thriot, 1939 [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1995, as Dicranella hioramii; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997, as Dicranella hioramii] Anisothecium hookeri (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Anisothecium lorentzii (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Anisothecium macrostomum (C. Mller) Brotherus, 1924 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anisothecium madagassum Thriot, 1930 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Anisothecium molliculum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 [Takaki, N., 1968, as Dicranella mollicula; Gangulee, H. C., 1971] Anisothecium nicholsii (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1924 Anisothecium palustre (Dickson) I. Hagen, 1915 [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella palustris; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella palustris; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella palustris] Anisothecium planinervium (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 Anisothecium pseudorufescens (Cardot & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1924 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Anisothecium pycnoglossum Brotherus, 1890 [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Dicranella pycnoglossa] Anisothecium recurvimarginatum (S. Okamura) Iishiba, 1929 Anisothecium rotundatum Brotherus, 1929 [Takaki, N., 1968, as Dicranella rotundata; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella rotundata] Anisothecium rufescens (Withering) Lindberg, 1879 [Allen, B., 1994a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella rufescens; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella rufescens; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella rufescens] Anisothecium rufipes (C. Mller) Dusn, 1903 [Greene, D. M., 1986] Anisothecium ruttneri Froelich, 1955 Anisothecium schreberianum (Hedwig) Dixon, 1934 [Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella schreberiana; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella schreberiana; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella schreberiana; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella schreberiana] Anisothecium skottsbergii (Cardot & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1924 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Anisothecium spirale (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 [Gangulee, H. C., 1971, as Dicranella spiralis] Anisothecium staphylinum (H. Whitehouse) Sipman, Rubers & Riemann, 1972 [Whitehouse, H. L. K., 1979, as Dicranella staphylina; Sipman, H., W. V. Rubers & B. Riemann, 1972; Whitehouse, H. L. K., 1979, as Dicranella staphylina] Anisothecium submacrostomum (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anisothecium ugandae Potier de la Varde, 1955

Anoectangium flexuosum Negri, 1908 [Kis, G., 1985] Anoectangium fuscum Negri, 1908 [Kis, G., 1985] Anoectangium haleakalae (C. Mller) Paris, 1900 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Anoectangium hanningtonii Mitten, 1888 [Kis, G.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES1985] Anoectangium harttiae E. B. Bartram, 1939 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Anoectangium herzogii Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anoectangium hobsonii Mitten, 1887 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium humblotii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium hymenodontoides (C. Mller) Jaeger, Anoectangium madagassum Renauld & Paris, 1909 [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Anoectangium mafatense Renauld & Cardot, 1890 [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium magnirete E. B. Bartram, 1945 [Zander, R. H., 1993] Anoectangium microphyllum Cardot, 1907 Anoectangium nigerianum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 Anoectangium pallidicaule Dixon, 1942 Anoectangium papuanum Fleischer, 1917 [cited by Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 as insufficiently known] Anoectangium patagonicum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Anoectangium pflanzii Brotherus, 1912 [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Anoectangium pleuroweisioides J. Frhlich, 1964 [Frhlich, J., 1964] Anoectangium rha