check lists user manual · 2016. 12. 28. · check lists is a functionality, which provides you the...

Check Lists User Manual Version 1.0.0

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Page 1: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management

Check Lists User Manual

Version 1.0.0

Page 2: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management



Solution description ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Creating and configuring of Check Lists Templates ............................................................................................... 4

1.1. Creating Lead Steps Templates .................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Editing and Deleting Lead Steps Templates ................................................................................................. 6 1.3. Creating new dropdown items directly from Lead Steps Templates RecordView ....................................... 6

2. Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates ...................................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Creating Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates .............................................................................................. 8 2.2. Editing and Deleting Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates ........................................................................... 9

3. Leads and their Check Lists .................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1. Creating Check List ..................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2. Processing the Check List ........................................................................................................................... 11

4. Notifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 14

4.1. Additional Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 14 4.2. Out of office ............................................................................................................................................... 15

5. Recommended Reports and Dashlets ................................................................................................................. 15

6. Mobile Version .................................................................................................................................................... 16

Page 3: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


Solution description

Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management via Check List templates:

- Create different types of Check List templates and provide a common approaches of Leads processing, according to your best practices

- Automatically decide what kind of Check List to use for particular Lead - Do reporting and controlling easily

Before use the solution in your Lead management process you need first to:

- define the types of your Lead management processes - define each of your Lead management processes in stages and steps

After stages and steps for each of your Lead Management processes type are defined you should configure them in Sugar by following way:

- create the set of Lead Steps Templates entries for the process - create the set of Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates – if you want to specify sequence

dependency between your process steps - Process your Leads, according automatically created Check Lists

All details are described in further sections of this document.

Page 4: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


1. Creating and configuring of Check Lists Templates

Check Lists templates are created in the module Leads Steps Templates.

By creating of entries step-be-step, you are setting rules, according to which correspondent type of Leads will be proceed.

Leads Steps Templates Module fields:

Field Description

Name Name of the Lead Steps Template

Lead Template Type (dropdown) of Template. Defines for which Leads it will be applied

Lead Stage Defines to which Stage Steps Template belongs

Step Type (dropdown) of Step characteristic

Order number Defines displaying order of Steps, created according to this Step Template in the Check Lists

Required Defines if Steps, created according to this Step Template are required to be completed

Step Deadline Defines how many days Steps, created according to this Template should be processed

How To Describes how to perform Steps created according to this Step Template

Description Description or comments to the Step Template

Assigned to Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user as a default.

Teams Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user’s Team as a default.

Date Created Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s creation

Date Modified Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s modification

1.1. Creating Lead Steps Templates

Initiate creating of new entry in module Lead Steps Templates.

In Create form of the Lead Steps Templates enter the following settings:

- Lead Template. In this dropdown field, select Lead characteristic, for which you want Lead Steps Template entry to be applied.

Page 5: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


In case you want to create a new Lead Template value – new Lead characteristic, please use new functionality of adding/editing/deleting dropdown items directly from Lead Steps Templates Record View

- Lead Stage. In this dropdown field, select the stage – the interval of the Check List, to which the current Lead Steps Template entry belongs.

In case you want to create a new Lead Stage item – the new interval of the Check List, please use new functionality of adding/editing/deleting dropdown items directly from Lead Steps Templates Record View

- Step. In this dropdown field, select the step – the type of step, to which current Lead Steps Template entry is applicable.

In case you want to create a new Step item – the new type of step, please use new functionality of adding/editing/deleting dropdown items directly from Lead Steps Templates Record View

- Order Number. In this field set the number value – the order number, according to which the step of the Check List will be displayed.

- Required. If you want steps of this template to be obligatory performed – set the “true” value in this checkbox.

- Step Deadline. In this field you can set the number value – the timeframe in days, during which the steps of this template have to be processed.

- Assigned to, Teams – standard Sugar fields, which are set by a current user and user’s team by default.

- How to. If you want to provide instructions for end users with the description of how to perform steps of this template in details, you can either make short descriptions or provide the URL to your Instructions library.

After you have saved the Lead Steps Templates entry, if necessary, you can set the strict order condition, i.e. users will not be able to process the steps of this Template until a particular step

Page 6: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


of the other template has not been processed. For more details please refer to Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates.

Please, repeat the procedure of creating Lead Steps Templates for each step of your process.

1.2. Editing and Deleting Lead Steps Templates

In the module Lead Steps Templates, you can select all steps of a particular process in the following way:

- Create a new filter in Lead Steps Templates module with the value indicated in Template search parameter

You cannot modify selected entries using Sugar’s Mass Update functionality.

Thus, in order to make modification in certain Lead Steps Templates entry, please use standard EditView or QuickEdit in ListView entries.

Also, there is a possibility to delete Lead Steps Templates entry.

1.3. Creating new dropdown items directly from Lead Steps Templates RecordView

To make creating/editing of Check List templates more easy and usable we have implement the possibility to manage dropdowns Template, Stage and Step directly from the RecordView of the Lead Steps Templates module.

If you want to add or modify items of Template, Stage or Step dropdown click on the special symbol near dropdown field in edit view of the Lead Steps Templates RecordView:

Page 7: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


This action will open the drawer, where you can add, edit or delete dropdowns items:

2. Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates

Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates is the addition to rules, which configure the Lead Steps Templates.

Entries of this module configure the order dependency between two Lead Steps Templates (i.e., one step cannot be completed until another one has been uncompleted).

Leads Steps Templates is the module, entries of which describe the set of rules for processing correspondent type of Leads.

Module fields:

Field Description

Name Pre-Required Lead Steps Template

Main Lead Step Template Link to the Step Template, Step instances of which will be restricted to processing.

Pre-Required Lead Step Template Link to the Step Template, Step instances of which block the completion of Main Lead Steps Template instance

Description Description or comments to the Pre-Required Lead Steps Template

Assigned to Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user as a default.

Teams Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user’s Team as a default.

Date Created Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s creation

Page 8: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


Field Description

Date Modified Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s modification

2.1. Creating Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates

It is recommended to create new Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates from the context of Lead Steps Templates entry (subpanel “Pre-Required Steps” in Record View of the Lead Steps Templates entry).

In Create form of the Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates fill the following data:

- Main Lead Steps Template. In this field set the link with the Step Template, Step instances of which will be restricted to processing.

Field is set as a default by the link with Lead Steps Templates entry in case you have initiated the creation of new Pre-Required Lead Steps Template entry from the context of Lead Steps Template Record View.

- Pre-Required Lead Steps Template. In this filed, set the link with the Step Template, instances of which block the completion of Main Lead Steps Template instance.

- Assigned to, Teams – standard Sugar fields, which are set by current user and user’s team by default.

Page 9: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


2.2. Editing and Deleting Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates

To make modification in certain Pre-Required Lead Steps Templates entry, please use standard EditView.

Also there is a possibility to delete Lead Steps Templates entry.

3. Leads and their Check Lists

Once you have created and configured Lead Steps Templates, it will be automatically applied to your Leads.

Besides this, your Leads module gets additional characteristics:

Field Description

Template New characteristic of the Lead (dropdown).

Defines type of Steps instances, which have to be created according to Steps Templates

Stage Defines current stage of the Check List processing progress

Days in current stage, days Defines how many days Lead is processing in current Stage

Current Step Defines on which Step the Lead is processing currently

Days in current stage without activities Defines – number of days during of which there were no activities (including days, registered in Out Of Office module, for more details see - Out of office module description)

Page 10: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


Check List is contained with Leads Steps entries, which have following fields:

Field Description

Name Name of the Lead Step

Lead Lead Step link to correspondent Lead

Lead Stage Defines to which Stage the Step belongs

Step Type (dropdown) of Step characteristic

Order number Defines displaying order of the Step in the Check Lists

Completed Defines if Step is completed

Not needed Defines if Step was not needed in Lead processing

Required Defines if Step is required to be completed

Step Deadline Defines timeframe in days, during which the steps of this template have to be processed.

How To Describes how to perform the Step

Description Description or comments to the Step

Assigned to Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user as a default.

Teams Standard Sugar field. Set by a current user’s Team as a default.

Date Created Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s creation

Date Modified Standard Sugar field. Date of entry’s modification

3.1. Creating Check List

In order to provide the construction of the Check List for your new Lead all you need is to set the value into new characteristic of the Lead – Template.

Page 11: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


After the Leads entry has been saved, it automatically receives the list of Steps recommended or required to be done – see Steps subpanel.

In order to automatize setting of the value to Template field of the Lead, you can use Workflows by defining which Template should be set in which cases.

Entry of the subpanel consists of steps instances, created according to the correspondent template.

3.2. Processing the Check List

Having a set of Steps, which are obligatory or recommended to complete, a responsible person

has the possibility to perform the following actions on each Step of the Check List:

take the step into process - click In Process checkbox.

Page 12: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


This action is allowed if:

- Step does not have uncompleted Pre-Required Step.

Additionally, the action is logged in Steps History (see Steps History subpanel in Leads

Record View)

complete the Step - click Complete checkbox or button Complete Step.

This action is allowed if:

- Step does not have uncompleted Pre-Required Step.

If this action is blocked, you’ll see the message

In case Required Step (Step, which has Required = Yes) is completed, the value of

Lead's field Current Step will be changed to the next Required Step of the Check List.

This action is logged in Steps History (see Steps History subpanel in Leads Record


In case completed Step was the last Required Step in the current Stage - the value of

the Current Stage field will be changed to the next Stage.

And this action is logged in Stage History (see Stage History subpanel in Leads

Record View)

mark the Step as not needed - click Not Needed checkbox.

This action is allowed if:

- Step is NOT Required

If this action is blocked, you’ll see the message

Page 13: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


This action is logged in Steps History (see Steps History subpanel in Leads Record


complete all steps of the Stage - click Complete Stage

This action is allowed if:

- Stage to be closed is a current Stage of the Lead (see field Current Stage)

- All Required Steps of the previous Stage are completed

- There are no incomplete Pre-Required Steps in this Stage

If this action is blocked, you’ll see the message

This action is logged in Stage History (see Stage History subpanel in Leads Record


Leave the Feedback to the Step - click the button Leave Feedback.

After the button is clicked a user will see the form to enter the feedback text, after

submitting of which the new standard Note will be created with the link to the

correspondent Lead Steps Template. The note will be assigned to the person responsible

for the Step Template.

Review the How to - click ? button.

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In case the Step has the How To value user will see the button, which opens the form

with the text, set by the person who set this value in correspondent Lead Steps


4. Notifications

In case the entry of the Leads has no activities (i.e., no Check List processing, no emails or calls or meetings), the System starts to count no-activities days for the Lead. (in case there are no Out Of Office days, for more details please refer to Out of office).

After the amount of such days exceeds the deadline of the current step (see Step Deadline

field of Leads entry) the System sends the first notification to an assigned user and exceeds

Lead’s Notification Level by 1 (see Notification level field of Leads entry).

If during amount of days, which were set in Additional Settings (Days Before Notification

value in Additional Settings, for more details please refer to Additional Settings) Leads entry

was still not updated by activities, System will send the Notification to the manager of an

assigned user (see Reports to field in user's profile) and update its Notification Level

(increment by 1). The Notifications sending will continue until System sends the email to the

email address of user, who does not have Reports To OR email was sent to the address set

in Last User for Notification of the Additional Settings (for more details please refer to

Additional Settings).

4.1. Additional Settings

In this admin module, you can customize some features of the customization:

- Days Before Notification – you can set here the amount of days, after exceeding of which

System will send repeat Notification to the manager of Lead’s assigned user.

- Out of Office Email for Notification – corporate email address for notifying about new Out

Of Office (for more details please refer to Out of office)

- Last User for Notification – you can set here the email address after sending mail to which

the Notification procedure will stop notifications about no activities in Leads entry.

Page 15: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


4.2. Out of office

As the absence of activities leads to sending of notifications, there is a possibility to set the

period of time (for vacation, sick leave, etc.) during which the system will not push

notifications about absence of activities in Leads entry.

To do this, create the entry in Out of Office module.

There is a possibility to create one from:

- a user's profile

- directly from Out of Office module

Open the Create form of the Out of Office module and set the following data:

- Start Date - the date of vacation start

- End Date - the date of vacation end

- Assigned to - user no-activities-Leads of whom will not been notified about

So in further, the period set in Out of Office entries will be excluded from days, displayed in

"Days in current stage of period without activities" of all Leads, assigned to user of which

are assigned to user of out of office and that means that notifications will not be sent during

this period.

5. Recommended Reports and Dashlets

After you set up your Check Lists we recommend to Summation Reports with charts and use them in your Dashboards.

As example:

1. Lead Processing Pipeline, where are


Lead > Stage and Leads > Current Step


Lead > Stage, Leads > Current Step, Leads > Count

2. Lead Structure Portfolio


Lead > Stage and Leads > Current Step


Lead > Stage, Leads > Current Step, Leads > Count

As a result you’ll have a possibility to complete your dashboard with essential data charts:

Page 16: Check Lists User Manual · 2016. 12. 28. · Check Lists is a functionality, which provides you the possibility to implement and share in Sugar your best practices of Lead Management


Additionally, you can create ListView dashlets in due to control urgent information:

Create dashlet for Idle Leads - to see which Leads are not processed

Create dashlet for Last Feedbacks - to see last leaved Feedbacks to Check Lists

As a result you’ll have a possibility to complete your dashboard with essential data:

6. Mobile Version

Mobile version provides the possibility to process Leads according to their Check List too.

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Just open Lead mobile Record View and use Steps subpanel, where you can set processing tickboxes: Complete, In Process and Not Needed. Wherein, the set of system verifications are working in the same manner as in Web version.