check your nonprofit pulse - np collaborative · message to board members • you are the...

Check Your Nonprofit Pulse Check Your Nonprofit Pulse

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Page 1: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Check Your Nonprofit PulseCheck Your Nonprofit Pulse

Page 2: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Our MembersOur Members

Ron SmedleyPatrick Guzman

Page 3: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

WHO WE AREWHO WE AREThe Nonprofit Collaborative of Southern California is a network of professionals and consultants serving nonprofit organizations.Our shared passion, ethics and commitment to value allow us to 

th fit it d f th tserve the nonprofit community and cross‐refer one another to clients with confidence while continuing to grow and learn from one another. For the nonprofit community, we provide a diverse array of services and products critical to organizational stability and success.

Page 4: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

T i i O iTraining OverviewThursday, March 19, 2015, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thursday, April 16, 2015, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

People, Liability and the Law

Human Resources, Insurance and Legal Considerations

Advancing the Mission

Evaluation, Fundraising, Grants and Marketing

Speakers: Leah Ersoylu, Joan McBride, Joan Speakers: Ron Smedley, Lillian Romero‐Gomez and Casey Hale

p y , ,Hansen and  Barbara Kimler

Thursday, May 21, 2015, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.Location: Brown & Streza LLC y, y , ,Finances and Technology

Accounting, Finance and Information Technology

Speakers: Patrick Guzman, Janet Fohrman

Location:   Brown & Streza, LLC40 Pacifica ‐ 15th Floor, Irvine, CA 92618


Page 5: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate


Day 2 Joan McBride Joan Hansen Advancing the Joan Hansen

Barbara KimlerAdvancing the

MissionDr. Leah Ersoylu

Page 6: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate


Page 7: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What are the essential elements for f d i i ?fundraising success?

A lid i i• A solid mission

• Donors and potential donorsp

• Staff and volunteer leadership

Page 8: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What else is critical to a program’s f d i i i f t t ? • A case for support

fundraising infrastructure?

• A strategic plan for the organization • A database • Staff leadership who can facilitate the fundraising effort based on an

approved fund development plan • Volunteer leadership who understand fundraising and who can play a role

in identifying, cultivating, soliciting or recognizing donors

Page 9: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Developing a Comprehensive F d i i PFundraising Program• First-time gifts• Annual gifts• Special Events• Major gifts (including grants)• Planned gifts

Page 10: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What is Your Nonprofit Pulse for F d i i ? Leadership:


• Does the board of directors see the value of fundraising?

• Does the board of directors support the budget required for fundraising?Does the board of directors support the budget required for fundraising?

• Is the Executive Director supportive of the fundraising program?

• Does Executive Director actively seek the resources needed (i.e. budget and staffing) to support fundraising?

Page 11: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What is Your Nonprofit Pulse for F d i i ? Staffing:


• Does the organization rely on both internal and external fundraising expertise?

• Does the organization have the skills needed to conduct a fundraising program?g g p g

• Does the organization have sufficient access to fundraising training opportunities for key staff?

• Is there a sufficient commitment to excellence and best practices in fundraising?

Page 12: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What is Your Nonprofit Pulse for F d i i ? Integration:

Fundraising? g

• Does staff receive education and regular updates about fundraising?

I th ffi i t i ti b t th ( ) ibl• Is there sufficient communication between the person(s) responsible for fundraising and other departments?

Page 13: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Grant Proposals


Page 14: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

G t P lGrant Proposals

h h ll ?What are they, really?

Page 15: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Message to Board MembersMessage to Board Members• You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light.

• Build Relationships with Corporate & Foundation Friends. The Money Follows the Relationship.

B illi L G F d R d h B d’ illi• Be willing to Learn…Grant Funders Respond to the Board’s willingness to build skills to become a better team.

• Schedule Board Development into your yearly plan— Annenberg Alchemy p y y y p g yTraining or Check out Opportunities through One OC.

Page 16: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Message to Development Directors, Grant ManagersGrant Managers• Prepare for reporting when the award is approved.• Educate all departments and staff on grant funding and how

their role could impact its success or failure.• Assign one person as the contact name and email on all

grants. • Consider asking for STUFF vs STAFFConsider asking for STUFF vs STAFF.

Page 17: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Build Trust

Build Respect


“Send the Money”Core Support 



Page 18: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Join, Attend and Sign up!J , g p• Join Association of Fundraising Professionals and get connected.

• Check out classes at ONE OC, AFP, Foundation Center and Long Beach Non Profit.• Recently “A One Person Development Office”• Storytelling for Change makers • Today “How to Raise $250 000 through diversified funding plan”• Today How to Raise $250,000 through diversified funding plan

• Attend Meet and Greets or Meet the Funders.

• Get on Distribution Lists where you are notified for learning and funding opportunities.

• Share your organization’s journey with the Grant Writer, they need inspiration. The funder will see your energy.

Page 19: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

K F t f th F d ti C t Key Facts from the Foundation Center % Of Dollars Going To:% Of Dollars Going To:

Program Support 52%

Core or General Operating 23%Core or General Operating 23%(Weingart 60%)

Research 15%

Capital Support 10%

Page 20: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Checking Your Marketing and Public Marketing and Public

Relations Pulse



Page 21: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Marketing is the messages and/or Marketing is the messages and/or actions that cause messages and/or actionsactions.


Page 22: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Check the Pulse of Your Nonprofit

• What exactly is your mission and do you have a well-developed mission t t t?statement?

• Do you have a marketing plan? Is it up to date? Do you follow it?• How will you organize your efforts and resources to implement yourHow will you organize your efforts and resources to implement your

plan? • How will you deliver your messaging in ways that are positively noticed

and supported?and supported?• How will you measure its success?

Page 23: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

The Challenge for Nonprofits

• Marketing is an external focus and many nonprofits are internallyf d d ith i l ti lit j t dfocused, concerned with implementing quality projects and programs.

• The external environment is increasingly complex, competitive, and demanding about accountability and responsiveness.

• Organizations that are more attentive and responsive will successfully compete for our constituencies and resources.

• Implementing an effective marketing and public relations campaign• Implementing an effective marketing and public relations campaign takes time and money!

Page 24: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

So, what can you do?

• Hire staff members with marketing expertise (maybe a part timer)• Hire specialty consultants• Seek pro bono services from larger marketing or PR agencies• Utilize board members or their in-house marketing professionals• Create a volunteer marketing committee that engages industry experts• Attend training seminars and/or seek a mentor through nonprofit• Attend training seminars and/or seek a mentor through nonprofit

associations such as AFP, OneOC, PRSA or AMA

Page 25: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What exactly can PR do?

• Generate visibility and awareness of your brand • Tell your story objectively • Position your organization as an industry leader and/or expert• Generate new clientele, supporters, board members,

volunteers, event attendees, etc.f• Validate your cause for existing clientele, supporters, board

members, volunteers, event attendees, etc.

Page 26: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

What are the opportunities?

• Print, radio, TV, social and online media • Calendar event listings/announcements• Local news • Feature articles or profiles• Bylined articles or op-ed pieces• Special nonprofit sections for news and events

Page 27: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Is your news newsworthy?

• Major change in your organization, launch of a new program, major anniversary (25, 50 or 100)100)

• Special events or fundraisers

• Tie into a current trend or existing breaking news story

• Do you have an important new staff member, board member, donor, celebrity spokesperson

• Share a compelling human interest story

• Seasonal tie-ins (Christmas Thanksgiving Back-to-school Mother/Father’s Day etc )• Seasonal tie-ins (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Back-to-school, Mother/Father s Day, etc.)

• Monthly awareness campaigns

Page 28: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Give them what they want!

• Research media outlets and get to know the reporters and their deadlines• Press release 101:

• Write a short, compelling (attention grabbing) headline• Include the six w’s (who, what, where, when, why, wow) in first paragraph• Quote from key leader (no more than two)• Quote from key leader (no more than two)• End with backgrounder paragraph (boiler plate)• Pay attention to the subject line in your e-mail message

• Don’t forget photos (1 + 1 = 3)• Don t forget photos (1 + 1 = 3)• Grammar matters… a lot!

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So your story is published, hnow what?

• Utilize Google Alerts, search tools or a clippings service to find coverage • Send a thank you note to the reporter• Post links of media coverage online, via social media and send via e-mail

to your supportersto your supporters• Add copies of coverage to your presentation folders and include in your

press kit • Past media coverage gives you credibility for future media interviews• Stay connected to media contacts that are interested in your cause!

Page 30: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Evaluation: Move from Intent to Impact


Page 31: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

Evaluation is…“Evaluation is the process of determining the merit worth and value of things and evaluations are the

Program evaluation measures inputs (resources), outputs (program activities d ti i ti ) d t t h ll th l t

“Evaluation is the process of determining the merit, worth, and value of things, and evaluations are the products of that process.” -Michael Scriven

and participation), and program outcomes to see how well these elements align with each other and program goals.

It is a critical precursor to: Fundraising, Grantwriting, Marketing

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E l ti A th tiEvaluation Answers these questions…• What have we done?• How well have we done it?• Whom have we done it to?• How much have we done?• How effective has our program been?• Wh t ld d b tt diff tl ?• What could we do better or differently?

Page 33: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

ExampleThis is where many 

folks get stuck!






Resources Changes/BenefitsParticipants Benefits

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Why Evaluate?Why Evaluate?• Document program progress: successes and challenges• Identify areas for improvement• Support program planning efforts• Communicate program value• Communicate program value• Build community capacity and engage communities• Ensure funding and sustainability• Strengthen accountability • Others:

Page 35: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

S h ’t ll d i it? So why aren’t we all doing it?

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Page 37: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate
Page 38: Check Your Nonprofit Pulse - NP Collaborative · Message to Board Members • You are the Lighthouse… attract the grant community to the light. • Build Relationships with Corporate

The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle (SSIN)The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle (SSIN)

A vicious cycle is leaving nonprofits so hungry for decent infrastructure that they can barely function as organizations—let alone serve their beneficiaries. The cycle starts with funders’ unrealistic expectations about how much running a nonprofit costs, and results in nonprofits’ misrepresenting their costs while skimping on vital systems—acts that feed funders’ skewed beliefs.

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“[They] do good work in our community, often filling the gap that government or the private sector doesn’t fill we need to think about nonprofits as service providers not as charities ” This subtledoesn t fill… we need to think about nonprofits as service providers, not as charities. This subtle, but important shift supports the growing understanding that to be effective and efficient nonprofits must invest in their infrastructures and a solid base from which to operate.

“Donors say we want our money to go to programs, we don’t want to spend anything on overhead. As a donor you can’t do that — you can’t give somebody a lot of money and tell them they can’t pay for somebody to administer it. Or deposit the check. Or pay for an office or pay for utilities. All of those things people don’t think about.”p y g p p

For more information: 2 reports from the National Council of Nonprofits, Toward Common Sense Contracting; What Taxpayers Deserve (2014) and Investing for Impact: Indirect Costs are Essential for Success (2013)for Success (2013).

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Wh t NP l d dWhat NP leaders can doCommit to understanding your ‘real’ overhead costs.Share these findings with your Board so that they can support you.You must attempt to educate their donors. “Donors don’t want to pay for an organization’s rent or phone bill or stamps ” notes Paul “but those areorganization s rent, or phone bill, or stamps, notes Paul, but those are essential components of everyday work. You can’t run a high-performing organization from your car. And there are many ways to explain these types of expenses to donors.”

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A t Assessment Tool

Key Components:

This tool is designed to help you think about

• Organizational Staffing• Organizational Leadershipto help you think about

the current status of Evaluation within your agency. Please

Organizational Leadership• Culture of Integration

g yrespond to each of the following questions in the three areas: Staffing, Leadership, and Integration.

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St ffi L d hiStaffing Leadership• Do employees use data, information &

evidence in decision making?• Does the Board of Directors demonstrate

commitment to evaluation?evidence in decision-making?

• Are employees excited about data?

• Do employees have sufficient evaluation and data management skills?

commitment to evaluation?

• Does the ED demonstrate commitment to evaluation & building staff capacity to do so?

and data management skills?

• Do you rely on staff or outside consultants for data & evaluation progress?

• Are ongoing resources dedicated to evaluation or is it simply an add-on to grant proposals?

p g

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C lt f D t I t tiCulture of Data Integration• Do departments share information regularly? • Do employees have a venue to share learning with others?• Has evaluation data been used to save the organization

money? How do you know? • Has evaluation data been used to secure additional funding?

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Please follow us at www.npcollaborative.orgOur handouts and presentations will be there 

for your convenience. f y

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Thank you to our Sponsors!Thank you to our Sponsors!

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