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Checkerbloom A Journal of the San Jose City College Creative Writing Class

Cover Art: Doaa Abdelrahman



Table of Contents:

Hamog by Steven Canalez – 3

One Poem and a Short Story by Monica Avila – 4

Love Story by Viviana Bugarin – 7

The Archway by Dylan De La Cerda – 9

One Short Story and a Poem by Victoria Medina – 10

A Day in the Life of Ellie the Cat by Zoe Goddard – 17

Broken and Defeated by Andrew Ngo – 19

One Short Story and a Poem by Jonathan Tolentino -- 22




Steven Canalez

The morning fog hovers above the tree line, offering its protection wherever needed. Like

loving arms embracing a child, the fog protects the park just as it protects the rest of the


Every morning, the bay is greeted with love. Sometimes the fog stays and sometimes it

moves south. There are days when the sun shines all day. Those days are rare, but they are

a reminder that even when the rest of the year is gloomy, there are days that are full of life.

Like old friends, the bay and the fog are inseparable. Like a mother bear protects her cub,

the fog is ever watchful.

For many, the fog is a nuisance. The time of day is irrelevant as long as the sun is nowhere

to be seen. For some, the fog is a reminder of home.

There’s nothing quite like a foggy night in the city. The fog is cold as it touches your skin,

but it is refreshing. The street lamps blur and glow like fireflies.

The dark night sky is not so dark after all. Its light-grey tinge creates an atmosphere of

fantasy. The park is empty but the lamps illuminate the fields and the tall trees that

surround them.

If there is one place that spirits come to congregate, this must be the place. This is a place

that is unrivaled in its serenity.

Sometimes, the fog is still there to greet you in the morning. Some days though, it has

moved on and the sun shines.

Above all, the fog is home.



One Poem and a Short Story

Monica Avila

She flashes him a smile. He buys her a drink. She laughs at his jokes. He kisses her softly on the cheek. She plays with her hair. He gently touches her face. She pulls him in for a kiss. He says, Let’s go back to my place. They leave the crowded bar. They walk out into the street. She drives to his apartment. He’s in for a real treat. He opens the door. She steps on inside. He makes her feel ways. She can’t begin to describe. He lies down beside her. She slowly falls asleep. He wakes her up the next morning. She doesn’t use words to speak. He makes amazing blueberry pancakes. She drinks her coffee black. He never calls again. She never looks back.



It All Started When I Swiped Right He opens the door to his apartment and I step inside. It’s completely dark so I just stand off to the side and wait for him to turn on a light, any light. It’s almost 2a.m. I can’t believe I’m here. This was so not the plan. Was there really even a plan? You don’t go home with someone after the first date! Those are the rules! Good girls follow the rules. Yet here I am. He wasn’t expecting this either though. He’s just as unprepared as I am. “I forgot to take out the trash.”, he says as soon as he closes the front door behind him. It’s kind of funny to smell stinky trash in the dark. He’s embarrassed. I’m a little embarrassed for him. Oh well. What are you gonna do? It passes. I’m over it. I finally get to take off my shoes after a long, fun, exciting and just perfect first date. “I need to use the bathroom.”, I say as I walk down the hall. I don’t need to use the bathroom. I need to gather my thoughts. Am I ready for this? Why didn’t I shave my legs when I was getting ready for this date? Oh that’s right. I didn’t shave because I was going to wear jeans. I didn’t shave because I wasn’t planning on taking my pants off! I don’t even want to talk about the fact that I’m overdue for a bikini wax. Alright, mirror check. Make-up still looks good. This sink however, does not. Little tiny brown hairs all over the place. What is it about men and shaving? I swear to God. It’s like they have no idea that the little hairs fall everywhere as they glide their electric razors over their faces. Rinse them down the sink! It takes like 5 seconds! That’s not even the worst part. How does a toilet even get this dirty? It’s black inside! Eww! Seriously! I don’t have time to think about these things! I’m supposed to be in here thinking about my next move. Although I have to admit that seeing his apartment in this state is oddly comforting. He wasn’t expecting company. No one who is expecting company has an apartment that smells like trash. No one that is expecting company keeps a filthy bathroom. He wasn’t expecting me to come home with him. He wasn’t expecting anyone to come here. He doesn’t usually do this kind of thing either. He’s a gentleman, I tell myself. Or perhaps he’s just a bachelor. His apartment has all the single man necessities. Leather couch, leather recliner, big flat screen TV, huge TV and no other furniture. No coffee table, not even a dining room table. I love a single man’s apartment. It’s hilarious. No decor, no paintings, no art, not even any books, no plants, nothing. They are so simple. Ok I think I’ve been in the bathroom long enough. I’m ready to emerge. I come out, still in darkness, and head to the bedroom. No lamp, no end table, no dresser, no other furniture. His closet is well stocked and organized. I like a man with a big wardrobe. The only light in the room comes from the closet. I make my way to what will be my side of the bed. Such a cute little bed, I’m guessing it’s a full size. Again, more bachelor characteristics. I put my bag down, undress and get under the covers. Where is he? Is he in the bathroom? Did we cross paths? How did I not notice? I feel so distracted. I’m having too many thoughts all at once. I get up to turn the light off in the closet. Let’s set the mood shall we. What is the mood? I’m too drunk for this. I need darkness. I head back to the bed. The kitchen light is so bright that I can still see it from the bedroom. Fully naked, I quickly run



to turn it off. Oh wow, it’s really dark now. I carefully make my way back to the bedroom in pitch darkness. Dear God, please don’t let me crash into anything. After successfully reaching the bed, I dive back under the covers. It’s so warm and comfy here. This is the first chance I’ve had to really relax after such a long day. I feel so snug and toasty. Like love. Or lust. Or tequila. He’s so cute and adorable and we just had the best time. That was probably the longest first date I have ever had. Well over eight hours. Happy hour drinks at 4 turned into dinner at 6. After dinner drinks turned into drinks at the bar down the street. San Pedro Square Market Bar to O’Flaherty’s to The Caravan to last call. It feels so good to lie down and unwind. I stretch out and make myself cozy. “Whoa.”, I hear him say as the bathroom door opens and he heads into the bedroom. It’s obviously too dark for him. I can’t help but laugh to myself. He moves awkwardly through the darkness and climbs into bed. I eagerly fold my arms around him as he lifts the covers up and slides in alongside me. “Where were you? What were you doing?”, I say as we’re face to face. “I was brushing my teeth.”, he says gently tucking my hair behind my ears. “Oh, nice and fresh.”, I reply. His kisses are soft and minty. As I roll over onto my back and close my eyes, he rolls right on top of me. No other thoughts. No more questions. No more voice in my head. With my arms stretched over his shoulders, I wrap my legs around him and embrace this perfect moment. Everything else just fades away.



Love Story

Viviana Bugarin

We have a mutual understanding

It’s the small details that count

Like when you make my coffee and when I hold your hand

Our relationship is divine.

Nothing can burn out this flame. Our love is alive

The grandeur of your charisma radiates and captivates me

Your love hypnotizes me and leaves me in a trance

A state seemingly between sleep and wake

I am completely absorbed in your presence

I am living in ecstasy, an exalted state of mind

I see my future in the rim of your eyes.

I love you on a Summer’s day

Underneath the fig tree

Where our heart’s like clay

Mold together



And now a part of me lives in you

And a part of you lives in me



The Archway

Dylan De La Cerda

Looking through an archway you’d think there’s nothing special.

However, upon closer examining and with an open mind,

One finds that the archway, much like a lens on a camera,

Is able to reveal almost anything it could ever find.

For instance, one can choose a side, pick an angle, and see

A teapot with a poodle on top of its lid, the teapot covered in fancy.

Shown as a thing of beauty, one might think that it is content,

But it could be in the look on its face, young and curious-driven antsy.

Adjusting our viewing approach, we now find three young women, riding

A polar bear and two Pyrenean Ibexes total, full of uncertainty and fear.

With each step they take, they grow ever closer as company,

Each becoming an adventurer with great courage, not mere.

Now on to the other side, let us see what we can find.

Picking one line of sight, one can see a simplistic necklace of sorts.

So simple yet so original, with its shell-like ornaments,

The hands of the ones, the giver, soft and free of warts.

Angling our view to the right, a strange site welcomes us.

Two women trying to withdraw from a troubled world,

Conch shells being their shelter but unable to completely fit.

Yet one elder woman, already safe, watches the scene unfold.

Our final stop on our viewing trip sums up all views found.

A woman and a falcon melded as one, the bird standing guard while she mused.

A peculiar sight to behold, yet this beauty has a moral inside.

No matter how different we all are we will become one someday, fused.



One Short Story and a Poem

Victoria Medina


*Author’s note: I came across the countdown to the soulmate idea on tumblr. It said, “If a

clock could countdown to the moment you met your soulmate would you want to know.” via

the tumblr user vickified. I liked the question and decided to create a story based off of it.*

The serum was created so long ago that no one could remember exactly what year it was

created or who had invented it. Only three things were known:

1. Every person MUST get injected on their 18th birthday,

2. Its purpose is to count down to the precise time a person meets their soulmate

3. Once injected with the serum a countdown is evident on your wrist.

I remember the slight pressure of the needle piercing my skin, it was the only indicator that

I had been injected at all. It was over quickly, I remember looking down at the glistening

droplet of blood before the nurse wiped it away with a cotton ball. I was nervous, I’ve

heard that the countdown doesn’t work for some people. I look around the room in an

attempt to distract myself. The nurse looks at her computer screen and mumbles, “You’re

almost done sweetie, just one more thing.” In a slight panic I quickly glance at my wrist. I

feel dizzy, my heart is pounding loudly in my ears as I look at my countdown screen. I take

a deep breath and try to control myself.

I looked around the room and notice the nurse typing something on the computer, must be

the activation code. I lean back and decide to count ceiling tiles. The nurse makes me lose

count once she says, “Okay, you are going to feel a slight shock, don’t worry it doesn't hurt,

it indicates your countdown has officially started.” I nod and close my eyes. The shock is



brief and I feel my finger twitch but I still don’t open my eyes. If the countdown screen had

made me dizzy, the time would make me faint for sure. I contemplate opening my eyes but

before I can the nurse places something over my wrist.

I look down, a bandage now covers my screen. I can feel the tension leaving my body with

every breath I take. I look up at the nurse, “Thank you.”

She shrugs, “You’re welcome. It gets easier over time, one day you’ll be used to it seeing it.”

She glances at her own wrist and I happen to notice that her time is frozen at 2 years, 5

days, 3 hours & 2 seconds. She looks at me briefly before quickly looking away and

prepares for the next patient. I feel sad for her, a frozen countdown means your soul mate

has died before you could meet. Before I could offer her my condolences a doctor strolls in

and peels back my bandage. He briefly glances at my screen before announcing that all is

well and that I can go.

*6 years later*

I wake with a start, I haven’t dreamt about my injection day in years. I scramble out of bed

and start getting ready for my day but questions keep popping into my mind. Why did I

dream about my injection? Did my time freeze or is today the day? I am briefly tempted to

remove my bandage and check the screen but decide against it. It’s not something I need to

concern myself with now. All I need to worry about now is getting to work.

Yet as I drive my mind continues to run in circles. Maybe I should just check...if today is the

day wouldn’t I want to know? Yes I would...but would I really? The only reason I wear a

bandage over my screen is so that I can be surprised. But what if I already met my soulmate

and missed it because my screen was covered? No, no that’s not possible maybe you just

know when you’ve met the right person.

I pull into Anna’s driveway and honk twice. I take a sip of my coffee and wait for her to

come outside. Anna has been my best friend since our freshman year of high school. I



consider asking her to look at my countdown for me but quickly decide against it. If I do

that she might get too excited and tell me my time or if it’s frozen she’ll treat me like a baby.

I am so wrapped up in my thoughts at this moment I don’t notice Anna walking up to the

car. She taps on the passenger window and I unlock the car.

Anna slides in, “Hey Nat--what’s wrong?

How does she know that something is wrong just by looking at me?? I shrug, “Nothing. Just

tired. How’s Cole?” Cole is Anna’s soulmate and usually once I mention him all attention is

diverted away from me, but today just isn’t my lucky day. “He’s fine. But really what’s

wrong with you?”

“Nothing really it’s just I had the dream again.” I carefully avoid her eyes and back out of

the driveway.

She slowly raises her eyebrow, “Oh...are you okay?” She knows as well as I do that the

stress that surrounded my injection had once caused many nightmares.

I gesture toward my bandaged wrist, “Yeah I’m just wondering if it’s worth it.”

Her eyes lit up, “Well you could always take off the bandage. Knowing isn’t as bad as you

think it is Natalie. Oh, I remember watching my time run out before looking up and seeing

Cole and….”

Then, I successfully tune her out as I drive to work. But my mind is still reeling with

questions. Hearing the beginning of Anna’s story has reminded me that once a person

meets their soulmate the serum dissolves and the countdown screen disappears. I wonder

if mine has disappeared also. My fingers absentmindedly stroke my wrist, hmmm maybe

mine vanished years ago. Or maybe it’s frozen. If it is would I show it like the nurse that

injected me had or would I hide it with my bandage? Why had she shown it anyways? Did it

serve as a reminder of what she lost? Or was it like her wakeup call that her intended was



gone and that she could still make it through life? Would I be able to do the same if my time

was frozen?

I look up, when did I end up in the office? I really need to pay more attention to what I’m

doing today. Anna waves from her office and an email pops up on my laptop screen.

Anna: Lunch in 20?

I quickly type back: Of course I’m starved.

I check my other emails, when Anna responds: Hey stop thinking about it you’re only

stressing yourself out.

I glance up and see her frowning at me. I smile and type: Okay will do. Get back to work!!

Twenty minutes later Anna and I are walking out of the building, heading to our favorite

cafe. We order our food and take our tray as we glance around and spot an empty table to

our right. We start walking over there but I suddenly get the urge to go left. I stop and look

around and spot a table by the window. I tell Anna we should sit by the window and she

shrugs before agreeing. We sit down and talk but, I’m distracted and keep looking around.

Why, do I feel so anxious? I see nothing out of the ordinary but, I get a strange urge to go

back to the counter. I tell Anna, “I’ll be right back” as I head over to the food counter.

I pay for a water bottle and start to weave my way through the crowd. I feel my heart

pound and I glance around the room once again. “This is it” I realize with certainty. I look at

my wrist and pull off the bandage my countdown is ticking slowly but it’s number is so low.

I’m in the last minute. I glance around thinking of how these people should move out of my

way. Don’t they understand how important this moment is? I’m meeting my soulmate for

crying out loud.

I stare at my wrist and wish we were meeting somewhere more romantic.



30 seconds- My legs are shaking. There is no way I can do this.

Can I leave? No, I feel the same pull making me stay in place.

15 seconds-My palms are sweating!

14 seconds-I wipe my hands against my dress.

13 seconds-I’m so nervous!

12 seconds-My heart is racing!

11 seconds-My breathing quickens!

10 seconds-Oh my God, I REALLY can’t do this!

I glance around looking for someone who looks equally as nervous as me. The faces around

me blur together.

5 seconds-Holy crap I feel like fainting.

4 seconds-My stomach drops away from me.

3- I take a deep breath and try to calm myself...

2- ...oh who am I kidding? I feel like throwing up.

1- I close my eyes and feel a slight shock, my finger twitches.

I open my eyes and glance down at my wrist my countdown fades at the same moment

someone taps my shoulder, I turn around and look into his hazel eyes. He offers me his

outstretched hand to greet me, “Hello I’m Justin. And you are?” I look at his wrist and see

his countdown has faded.

I shake his hand and introduce myself, "Nice to meet you Justin. I’m Natalie. And you must

be my soulmate.”




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

For some it’s the amount of makeup that a person wears, if they have pretty clothes and

perfect hair or what their weight reads on a scale.

For me it was your untamed hair, your calloused hands and your crooked smile. I found

beauty in the way your eyes shined with excitement and love when you discussed

something you were passionate about.

It was music to my ears when you were so eager to tell me about something that the words

just tumbled out of your mouth. The words came out so breathless and rushed that they

often seemed to crash into each other, it was so hard to understand you but seeing how

ecstatic you were was beautiful to me.

I was allured by the way you sang off key and smirked like you had always hit the highest of

notes. The way you looked while you read and the way you crinkled your brow when you

concentrated on something.



I also found beauty in the way your eyes glistened with tears. Or the way you ran your

hands through your hair when you were upset about something. The ways your muscles

tensed when you were anxious and the way your jaw clenched when you were angry.

I was fascinated by the way you do the simplest things yet still look lovely until I realized

you were at your best when you thought that no one paying attention. I have seen beauty

and it is you.



A Day in the Life of Ellie the Cat

Zoe Goddard

A day in the life of Ellie that cat.

The human has graced me with the name Ellie. Do I look like an Ellie? I don’t believe

so. I always wanted a fancier name than Ellie. What about Cordelia or even Rose would do.

But Ellie… If I only I could tell this poor human how I feel.

I try to communicate but it always ends up something like:

Me meowing: Hello human. How are you today?

The human meowing: Taxes

Me: No. I asked about your day.

Human: Ham Sandwich

Me:Every damn time, human.

The poor human’s speech skills are horrible. Just terrible.

The human didn’t wake up early like usual. I should wake her now or I will starve! I

shall bite those extra body parts at the end of her deformed paws. That should wake her.

….She hit my head for trying to help her get up on time. Rude. However I will

continue to stay by her side until she is a mature cat pet. That’s right. You thought I was the

humans pet? You are sadly mistaken. Obviously I am the owner. I just let her pick my name

because I didn’t know what choose.

Finally she is putting food in my bo- Hey. No! Come back. You only filled the bowl

halfway! I’m going to STARVE human. Does that mean nothing to you? I have kittens to

feed. You think I can just feed them once? Uh-Uh Those little angels need to be fed every

two hours!

The human has left. The kittens have been fed. Now I must nap on my cat bed. Yes, I

know it’s big but that’s because I allow my human to sleep on it. Poor thing shouldn’t sleep

on the floor.



A name? For my human? I call her Food Giver. Sometimes Head Scratcher. Depends

on my mood. I shall wait for my human to come home then I can make her attend to my

every need.

It shall be a good and glorious day.



Broken and Defeated

Andrew Ngo

Broken and defeated, he stumbles home. Pebble encrusted paw having traveled long and

far only to return home empty handed. The weary cat stumbles in after a long night. His fur

is dusty. "what the... where did these rocks come from?" said the boy, the boss cat and

young Master.


But it all started earlier that day...

There a grey cat stood politely. Wagging his raccoon-striped tail. Waiting patiently for the

young master to come home. That was about the only thing he did gracefully for sleeping

and eating and pooping and cleaning were different matters. The young Master always let

him out. He didn't have to beg and he never made the young master worry but he was

sometimes annoying. Meowing here and meowing there. The master always seemed to

understand him, that's why he's the boss cat. Today like every day, like every second of the

little grey tabby's life, he wanted to go outside. Even more than dinner, even more than

treats. The master pets him like he's running his fingers through a little boy's head. He

pushes back up. He loves human touch, any human touch, but only human touch. Belly rubs

were his favorite. Too trusting his master would often say. The young Master tells him to

wait. Fills his bowl with kibbles and water. The grey cat looks and sniffs but moves to the

center of the room and falls with a thud, waiting. Bennett wasn't an outdoor cat, but Master

always let him out, said he was a free spirit. Said, if you were a cat imagine what if all your

life amounted to staying indoors and eating the same food for the next billion years.

Imagine the discoveries, the scientific and technological advances that come and go and

you would never get to experience an ounce of the world. The young master finished his

rounds and finally lets the lazy cat out and out the front door he bolted.







This went on for hours.

Bennett laid there on the concrete steps in front of the door, tail wagging. Taking in as

much of the cold of the floor as possible before heading back in. He moves about the yard,

to the lawn, then to the sidewalk, then back up the edge of the lawn then back to where he

started. Just laying there. Scouting. Scanning. You didn't even need to understand cats to

know that the chirping was throwing Bennett's cat signals haywire. His ears twitched, his

whiskers twitched, his nose twitched, but his tail was going crazy now. He looked back,

with Master nowhere in sight, he was on the hunt. He really didn't know what he was

looking for, but the chirp made him think of a red canary. High pitch and rhythmic. And it

echoed through the streets. All he knew was the bird wasn't here and off he galloped down

the path, around the bushes and across the street. He pauses half way through, looked back

as if he were striking posing for a photo shoot. He was actually a pretty large cat, not sure

how that happened, it seemed like he never ate and his young master never fed him but in

the night with the world as the background and the spirit of adventure ahead of him, he

looked miniature and full of life. The street was rocky, rockier then the sidewalk and it was

painful. Each step was like stepping on a Lego. You know those plastic pieces from hell. But

phew, he made it with nothing less than some skin off his paws. And as he wandered down

the sidewalk perpendicular of the street he crossed, he noticed a large fence far too large to

climb up. So with his curious nose, he began to search and sniff and scuttle around until he

found a small hold under the fence. In that yard, the edge was lined with bamboo. There

was a pool and grass (the two things he hated) and a dog (the other thing he hated). He was

leashed and so the cat kept walking fearlessly. The dog was tired out, probably from

hosting the house for the group of humans Bennett saw arrive from across the street

earlier that day. He hopped up onto a stack of cinderblocks and got up on the fence. Still

never forgetting the real reason for getting lost tonight. he looked up into the sky. It was a

weird mix of streetlights and stars, but nothing shined brighter than the moon that night.

Looking up into the sky, he got lost in the infinite darkness. Looking up into the sky he saw

his next destination. The grand daddy of redwood trees shooting right up into pitch black,

and if he was determined to find that bird, this was his best chance.



When traveling by fences always avoid cats, Bennett knows this. But there's this irresistible

urge to attack other cats. He never could stand other animals. You'd know if you were a cat.

But tonight especially, the moon was out and he was a cat on a mission and along the top of

the fence the graceful cat galloped until he heard a different sound. A different vibe. He

stood poised like one of those hound dogs with their feet planted and nose in the air. his

body completely still as if any movement from him would scare off whatever he sensed. His

ears twitched like little satellite dishes moving in 360 degrees. A whine? A whirl? A gasp? A

gust? A shiver? A sniffle? A little girl? As he turns, he sees her. Alone in her backyard,

sitting in a lawn chair, crying. He stands there, staring at her. Oh if there was any human he

disliked it was the little ones that cried. So loud and rough, and just because he sticks his

tail up doesn't mean he wants it to be grabbed. But there he sat, on the fence, staring at the

girl's long blond streaks. She looks cold. Maybe she could use a jacket. Pfft why are you

asking Bennett, it's not like he's going to run home and grab a jacket for her. So he leaped

down onto the soft, thin-bladed grass and stood. And stared. A girl crying, he must have

wondered. And it might of been 20 minutes or it might of been an hour but the cat just

stood there and the girl just cried. And then she looked up, and saw that cat, sitting there

politely. Just waiting patiently. And the girl stopped and made some noise for him to come

over. And he did, and she reached out her hand and ran her fingers through his fur like a

little boy's head. He comes up and uninvited and he leaps up onto her lap. And sits, for a

while. She stops crying, just looking down at him and petting him along his back in

rhythmic motion. And him curls up into her lap. And they stayed silently for a long time.

And he probably would of stayed there even longer if she hadn't move to pick him up. And

put him on the floor, and give him a hug. And she didn't say anything but she walked away

with, looking broken and defeated.

Bennett decided his late night adventure has been going long enough. He dashes home,

pass the stars and streetlights, and the redwood tree, and the dog, and the Lego minefield.

Back home. Back to Master. Master would always tell him what a good cat he was, how he

was the smartest cat in the world and oh the secrets Bennett would share if he could talk.

But Bennett did know. He was a smart cat. And he knew that feeling all too well. He could

sense it from a mile, that feeling of losing your family. He looked back one last time and

entered the house.



One Short Story and a Poem

Jonathan Tolentino

The Imp

I wake up to an unpleasant cackling. A laughter which is akin to that of a chain-

smoker suffering from emphysema; it’s a pain on my ears. I look around my ramshackle

room, filled with empty beer bottles and other unsorted miscellaneous junk, in search of

the accursed sound’s source. I should probably clean up this dump, but I’m not in the mood

for it. I’ve had a terrible few days. Terrible few weeks, actually.

“Heh, so you’re finally awake” says a voice that made my skin crawl. I turn to face its

owner, a grinning dark-skinned monster with blazing red eyes and bat-like wings

protruding from its back. It was a short but lanky creature, half the size of a man and all

skin and bones. A vile and otherworldly being that I’ve become all too familiar with. Yes,

this creature was the amalgamation of my current state of misery. It introduced itself as an

Imp, a bringer of misfortune, when I first encountered it two weeks ago; a title which it

most certainly has lived up to. I’ve had nothing but rotten luck since this hateful creature

entered my life.

“Dammit, you’re still here. Why don’t you go torment someone else?” I retort

grumpily. It’s hard to start the day on a good note with the source of my misfortune

hovering above my head.

“Oh, but you’re a favorite of mine” my devilish tormentor responds gleefully. I don’t

take any comfort in knowing that. Conversely, this nuisance is amongst my least favorite

things. From its grotesque skeletal appearance to its inhuman voice, I loath this creature.

Well, regardless, I should get out and at least try to do something productive today. Sitting

around and seething about this little demon’s existence won’t accomplish anything.

I go to take a shower; the water runs cold quickly. Typical. I should have expected as

much. I dry myself, and throw together the best outfit I can in a rush. As I leave my

apartment, my eyes wander towards a box filled with objects that don’t belong to me.

That’s right, she’s stopping by later to pick up the rest of her stuff. Just another reminder of

my misfortune. She better take this crap today, or I’m going just going to throw it all out. I

just don’t care anymore.

As I walk to my car, I come across the apartment manager. “Hey, remember that the

rent is due in two days. I don’t want to wait until half-way through the month to receive it

again, alright” he says. Geez, is money the only thing he cares about? I nod my head


The imp hovers over my shoulder throughout the whole exchange, not that the

apartment manager sees it. No one sees it, except me. Perhaps this is one of the ‘perks’ of



being its favorite. Who knows, maybe it’s just a hallucination. I haven’t mentioned it to

anyone, they’d probably lock me in the looney bin if I did. But if it doesn’t exist, then why

have I had nothing but bad luck ever since I started seeing it?

Before I enter my car, I examine the crater-like dent in front. My memory is foggy on

how that dent got there, but I’m sure the winged nuisance had something to do with it. I get

into my car, turn on the engine, and start driving to the office. The imp perches itself in the

passenger-side seat even though it wasn’t invited.

“Going to the newspaper? Are you sure they want you there?” it cackled. “What about that

little mishap you’re involved in?”

“Shut up” I retort. Of course it would rub my problems in my face. I thought I had a

really solid scoop on an alleged sex affair a local politician was having, cheating on his wife

and all. I was so eager to get an article in it printed that I hadn’t properly checked my

newsmaker’s background. Turns out she was just a fraud, and we had to print a formal

apology for the article, but the politician is still sour for the damage to his reputation that

“our slander”, his words, had caused him. He’s gone out of his way to attack the newspaper,

so much that it has caused a dip in our sales. There were probably people at work who are

less than pleased at me.

Sure enough, as soon as I enter the office, I get some odd looks. I brush them aside

and go to one of the head editor’s office, Becky. I know her pretty well.

“Nathan, what are you doing here?” she inquires. The sound of her voice implied

that I really shouldn’t be here.

“Well, y’know, I kind of work here” I respond.

“Yeah, well you are also kind of suspended” she says curtly.

“What?!” I yell. This is the first I’ve heard about this. The imp laughs as it hovers

over my shoulder, but I ignore it.

“Yeah, the higher ups decided to suspend you for unethical practices. They’re pretty

upset about the whole situation” she tells me bluntly.

“Unethical practices? It was a damn mistake, they happen!” I yell back.

“Don’t yell at me!” she retorts. “You should have checked your sources; this is your

own fault. You went and made an enemy of a rather popular politician with incorrect

information, did you think there wouldn’t be any consequences?”

“Well, can’t you put in a good word for me? I mean, we know each other pretty well,

don’t we?” I plead with her.

“Look” she says, getting quite irritated “I don’t have any say in the matter. Also, we

know each other well? No. That was one night, and it was a mistake. Don’t try to hold that

over my head. Now, would you leave, I have work to do and you’re not supposed to be


“Fine” I mutter as I turn to leave. “Cold bitch” I add as I exit, but I don’t think she

heard that.



After I return to my car, I let out my frustration punching the steering wheel. The

horn blares out with every impact.

“I like that girl. She’s very direct” the imp says gleefully as I wallow.

“Shut the hell up, you goddamn pest!” I yell. I rip off the bobble-head I have as a

decoration on my dashboard and throw it at the hateful creature. It misses and hits the

window, breaking in the process.

“Ha, have to work on your aim there” the imp taunts.

I’ve had just about enough of this. I’m going to the nearest pub, and I’m going to

drink all my sorrows away. It’s still a bit early in the day, but I don’t give a damn.

After a few too many drinks, I remember my ex is supposed to go over to my

apartment and pick up the rest of her crap. I walk to the car, probably with more trouble

than I’m willing to admit to myself. I drive back to my apartment without getting into an

accident, quite remarkable given my lack of sobriety and the fact that I have a demon of

misfortune following me. However, life’s not that good. As I park my car, I accelerate a bit

too much and hit the wall of my apartment building. I get out to observe the damage, and I

see that my car has yet another dent. Somehow this all feels familiar.

My ex is waiting at the door of my apartment. “Jesus, how long were you going to

have me wait, Nathan? Huh, are you drunk? Unreliable.”

“Yeah, I’ve been drinking lately. Since you left. Who could blame me huh?” I tell her

in a drunken stupor.

“Oh, so are you implying that it’s my fault you have a drinking problem? No, you

don’t get to blame that on me. You drank too much even when we were together” she

shoots back.

“See, this is why things went bad between us” I say “cuz you’re so insensitive. I’m

havin’ trouble at work and all, and here you are jus’ rubbing it in.”

“I not rubbing anything in. Hell, I don’t even know what’s going on at your work. And

things went bad because you decided to sleep with one of your co-workers, remember that.

That’s the extent of what I know about what’s going on at your work. Now, just open the

door so I can get my things and finally be done with you” she says heatedly.

I open the door and let her get her belongings. We don’t waste anymore words on

one another.

Soon after she leaves, I go to my refrigerator and open another beer. All I want to do

now is pass out drunk. “What a shitty day” I say to myself before I guzzle down the beer.

“Yes, yes. Just keep on drinking, that’ll make the problems go away” I hear the imp

say. The wretched thing, I don’t want to hear that from it.

“Screw you! You’re the reason I’m so miserable, you’re the cause of all this!” I yell

and throw the beer bottle at it. It misses and shatters against the wall.

“Ha, this is why you’re my favorite, Nathan. You’re so obstinately blind to your own

actions. It’s always someone else’s fault. An unreliable source, an ex-girlfriend, a mythical



creature you can’t even prove exists. Never your own fault. It makes you so amusing to


“Shut the hell up!” I roar and charge at my hellish tormentor. I’m going to kill it, I’m

going to take back control of my life. My head slams against the wall as I run into it at full

force; the imp somehow evading me. It’s hellish cackling rings out as everything fades to


I wake up on the floor of my apartment, pain throbbing in my head. I look around,

the place is a shamble. At least the box of my ex-girlfriend’s belongings isn’t here anymore.

Got rid of that eye sore.

“Ha, so you’re still alive. How delightful” I hear an inhuman voice from behind me.

Oh, great. The imp’s still here.

Whatever, I don’t have the energy to deal with it right now. I scan the room looking

for nothing in particular, until my gaze reaches the refrigerator. I walk up to it and grab a

beer from inside. I probably shouldn’t be drinking first thing in the morning, but I really

just don’t give a damn. Hell, it’s not like I have anything better to do. The imp laughs as I

pop open the bottle and take a sip.



How to Move Out on Your Own

1.) Begin packing all your belongings in a timely and orderly fashion

2.) Secure means of transporting your belongings to your new residence

3.) Leave on good terms with the people you have previously lived with, especially if they

are family or people you need to associate with regularly

4.) Get to know the people living around your new home; know who to associate with and

who to avoid

5.) Make sure your locks are secure

6.) Find a steady source of income if you do not already have one. Do it quickly, the rent

won't wait

7.) Keep regular contact with your landlord; you will need to complain about the various

problems with the facility

8.) Ask relatives for financial support whenever necessary. Hopefully you have maintained

a good relationship with them

9.) Seek out roommate when you realize you can't live alone on your meager salary