chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours when...

Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may provide treatment. One of these is by chemotherapy. This is the use of cytotoxic (anti-cancer) drugs to destroy tumour cells by disturbing their growth. Chemotherapy may be used on its own, or it may be used with or after surgery or radiotherapy. In this fact sheet: What is chemotherapy? Why is chemotherapy given? How is chemotherapy given? What side-effects might I have? Answers to some commonly asked questions you may have about chemotherapy © The Brain Tumour Charity 2018. Registered Charity no 1150054 (England and Wales) SC045081 (Scotland)

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Page 1: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may

Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours

When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may provide treatment. One of these is by chemotherapy.

This is the use of cytotoxic (anti-cancer) drugs to destroy tumour cells by disturbing their growth.

Chemotherapy may be used on its own, or it may be used with or after surgery or radiotherapy.

In this fact sheet: What is


Why is



How is



What side-effects

might I have?

Answers to some

commonly asked

questions you may

have about


© The Brain Tumour Charity 2018. Registered Charity no 1150054 (England and Wales) SC045081 (Scotland)

Page 2: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


What is chemotherapy? Our bodies are made up of cells, which divide as part of their natural

cycle. Tumours occur when cells divide at a faster rate than normal.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs that affect the growth of tumour

cells by interfering with the way they divide and create copies of


Chemotherapy acts on all dividing cells, including healthy cells.

However, healthy cells are able to repair themselves better than

tumour cells, so fewer of them die after treatment.

This fact sheet is relevant to chemotherapy in adults. There will be significant

differences for children receiving chemotherapy. For more information, see our

Chemotherapy for children with brain tumours fact sheet.

Abnormal cell division, leading to tumour formation

Page 3: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Why is chemotherapy given?

Your health team will carefully consider the best course of treatment

for you. This will depend on:

the type of tumour you have and whether it has spread within

the brain

your general health and fitness

your age.

You should feel free to ask your health team as many questions as

you wish.

Chemotherapy may be given:

during or after surgery to control cells that haven’t been removed

- this reduces the chance of, or delays, the tumour returning

with or after radiotherapy, to reduce the risk of tumour regrowth

to treat a tumour that has returned

to shrink or control a tumour that cannot be operated on

to prevent or slow further growth of a tumour.

How is chemotherapy given? You’ll be given chemotherapy in a series of treatments separated by

rest periods. A treatment session and rest period is called a ‘cycle’,

and cycles make up the ‘course’ of treatment.

Page 4: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


There are a number of ways chemotherapy can be given:


Some chemotherapy drugs can be taken in tablet or capsule form like

any other tablet. They’re absorbed and carried around your body in

the bloodstream to reach the tumour cells.

You’ll be able to take the tablets at home, but you should take care

not to touch them and should wash your hands straight afterwards.

If possible, wear disposable medical gloves when handling the tablets.

You should not crush them to take them, unless you’re advised to.

There can also be an after-taste to these drugs - chewing flavoured

gum afterwards can help to disguise this taste.

Injection or drip

Chemotherapy drugs can be injected into a vein (intravenously) or

into the spinal fluid (intrathecally). When given intravenously, they

may be given via a drip to the veins over half an hour to a few hours.

As with tablets, the drugs are absorbed and carried around your body

in the bloodstream to reach the tumour cells.

As with all medication, tablets should be kept out of the

reach of children.

Page 5: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may



Chemotherapy drugs are sometimes put inside a polymer wafer and

inserted into the brain during surgery.

Whether this is suitable for your tumour will depend partly on where

the tumour is in your brain.

Also, at the moment, the use of these wafers is subject to NICE

recommendations. (NICE is the National Institute for Health and

Care Excellence.)

As such, they’re only licensed for people with high grade gliomas, or

with glioblastomas (GBM) that have returned after treatment.

The surgeon must also be confident that at least 90% of the tumour

has been removed before they can be used.

For information about brain tumour types, see our What is a brain

tumour? webpage and fact sheet.

The polymer wafers are made from a biodegradable material. This

means they’ll break down in the body.

They look a bit like a large white disc, about the size of a two pence

piece. They’re placed in the brain where the tumour started, after

the surgeon has removed 90% or more of the tumour and before the

skull is closed up.

The wafer gradually dissolves over 2-3 weeks, releasing the

chemotherapy drug directly into the brain. The drug normally used

is called carmustine.

The wafers are used to target any cells which couldn’t be removed

by surgery.

You may also hear them referred to as Gliadel® wafers.

Page 6: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Ommaya reservoir / Ventricular access device (VAD)

This is a dome-shaped device that sits underneath the scalp and

delivers chemotherapy directly into the cerebrospinal fluid. Also

called CSF, this is the clear fluid within the brain and spinal cord.

By doing this, chemotherapy is delivered directly to the brain, which

increases its effectiveness.

However, delivering chemotherapy in this way can be complicated

and difficult. It doesn’t, therefore, form part of routine treatment for

most patients.

How long will I have to have chemotherapy? Individual treatment plans vary and yours will be carefully planned for

you specifically. Typically though, a course of treatment may last 6-12

months, consisting of 6-12 cycles. You may have chemotherapy on a

few days every few weeks.

You’ll usually be scanned every three months during the treatment.

For more information about scans, see our Scans for adults with

brain tumours webpage and fact sheet.

Do I need to stay in hospital during the chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is generally given as an outpatient treatment, which

means that you don’t have to stay in hospital overnight, but in certain

circumstances you may need to. A member of your healthcare team

will talk to you about this before you start your treatment.

If you’re taking tablets, you can take these at home.

Page 7: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


If you’re having chemotherapy by injection, you would usually have

this in a chemotherapy clinic. You may be in the clinic for up to a few

hours, as you’ll need to have blood tests before the treatment and

wait for the results to check it’s safe for you to have the injection.

If you have chemotherapy by drip, this will generally happen in

the hospital.

What side-effects might I have? Chemotherapy acts on rapidly or frequently dividing cells. Any

cells in the body that divide frequently are therefore vulnerable to

chemotherapy. These include skin and hair cells and those lining the

digestive system. This is why these parts of the body are often

affected by chemotherapy.

Side-effects vary from person to person and from drug to drug. As

chemotherapy (temporarily) acts on healthy cells as well as tumour

cells though, it may cause some unpleasant short-term side-effects.

These commonly include:

Lowered immunity

Chemotherapy can temporarily lower the number of white blood

cells in your body. White blood cells play a vital role in fighting

infection, so you may be more susceptible to infections during

this time.

The most common type of white blood cell is called a neutrophil,

so you may hear this called neutropenia.

Your health team will monitor you and give you antibiotics to help

fight infection if necessary.

If you have a temperature over 38 degrees or are feeling unwell,

always seek advice from your healthcare team.

Page 8: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Increased risk of bleeding/bruising

Some chemotherapy drugs can cause a reduction in the number of

platelets in the blood. This is known as thrombocytopenia and is

a common occurrence with the chemotherapy drugs temozolomide

and PCV.

See the section Names of chemotherapy drugs further on in this


Platelets are tiny cells that help the blood to clot. This is important in

repairing damaged blood vessels, e.g. if you cut yourself. A low

platelet count (level) can therefore increase the risk of bleeding.

Signs of a low platelet count include:


bleeding gums

heavy periods


tiny blood spots in the skin, known as petechiae.

Page 9: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


You should tell your healthcare team straight away if you have any of

these symptoms.

Platelets can also be lowered by some blood thinning treatments that

may be given after surgery. These are given when people are prone to

potentially harmful blood clotting, due to their lack of activity. If

you’re given these, you’ll need to be monitored carefully.


Many people who have chemotherapy experience tiredness and low

energy (fatigue). This can be frustrating if you’ve been an active

person up until now.

Balance this with some gentle exercise, such as short walks. Ask

friends and family for help around the house to save your energy.

The tiredness will wear off once your course of treatment has

finished, but it may take a few months for your energy levels to return

to normal.


Anaemia is a relatively common side-effect of chemotherapy. This is

because chemotherapy can temporarily lower the number of your red

blood cells. These carry oxygen around the body in a substance called

haemoglobin (Hb).

Symptoms of anaemia include extreme tiredness, shortness of breath

and an irregular heartbeat.

It’s important to be patient with yourself and rest as much

as you need to.

Page 10: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


If you have any of these symptoms, tell your healthcare team as soon

as possible. You may need to have a blood transfusion to increase the

number of red blood cells, or take a medicine that can help your body

into producing more red blood cells.

Iron is needed to produce the haemoglobin, which carries the oxygen

around the body, so eating a diet high in iron can help to maintain the

level of haemoglobin in your blood.

Foods high in iron include dark green leafy vegetables (such as

broccoli and watercress), beans, nuts, meat and dried fruits (such as

apricots and raisins).


Some people may have nausea (feel sick) or actually vomit (be sick)

after treatment. Not all chemotherapy drugs cause this and some

people experience no sickness at all.

Your healthcare team can give you some anti-sickness tablets if

you’re affected by nausea, or if the particular chemotherapy drugs

you’re having are known to cause it.

Hair loss

Not all chemotherapy causes hair loss, it really depends on which

drug or combination of drugs you have. Some drugs result in no hair

loss at all, or only a very small amount. Most chemotherapy drugs

used for brain tumours don’t cause complete alopecia (hair loss), but

may thin hair.

Generally, any hair loss (thinning) will start within a few weeks of

treatment beginning.

Once treatment has finished, hair should begin to grow back over the

next few months, but it may be different to how it was previously, e.g.

a different texture or colour.

Page 11: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


However, if you’re also having radiotherapy, this may be the main

cause of your hair loss, rather than the chemotherapy. As such,

the loss in the areas affected by the radiotherapy beam may be

more permanent.

For more information, see our Radiotherapy for adults with brain

tumours webpage and fact sheet.

For information about where to find wigs or headwear, please see

the Resources section further on in this fact sheet.

Sore mouth (oral mucositis)

Oral mucositis (inflammation of the inside of the mouth) is a possible

side-effect of chemotherapy that’s more likely with high doses.

Some people say it feels like burning your mouth from eating or

drinking something too hot.

Symptoms of mucositis usually begin 7-10 days after you start

chemotherapy, but will usually clear up on their own within a few

weeks after treatment has ended.

If you experience oral mucositis, you may also suffer from ulcers in

your mouth or on your tongue and lips.

This can be very unpleasant. It’s possible for ulcers to bleed and

become infected, particularly as your immunity may also be lowered

from the chemotherapy. This can make it difficult to eat, drink and


Sucking on ice cubes or ice lollies can help to relieve

discomfort, and there are a number of medicines

which can relieve the symptoms.

Page 12: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


It’s also common to get oral thrush related to the treatment and to

steroids. This usually appears as a white or discoloured coating on

your tongue and the insides of your cheeks, and food often seems to

taste differently.

If this occurs, or you’re concerned about oral mucositis, it’s important

to seek medical advice from your healthcare team.

Taste, appetite and digestion

Sometimes, chemotherapy causes changes to taste and appetite.

It can also cause diarrhoea or constipation.

It’s important to try and eat healthily and drink plenty of fluids, even

if you don’t feel like it, particularly if you have diarrhoea. Try small,

more frequent meals and sipping drinks through a straw.

Speak to your healthcare team, who can recommend suitable

medicines to help relieve the symptoms.

Effects on skin and nails

It’s possible that your skin may become dry and sore, particularly

on your hands and feet. Your nails may also become dry and brittle.

Some chemotherapy drugs can cause your skin to become more

sensitive to sunlight (and to chlorine), both during chemotherapy

and for some time afterwards.

So it’s important to make sure that your skin is protected from the

sun. You should :

use a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays,

at least SPF (sun protection factor) 30-50

keep covered up

avoid going out in the sun in the hottest part of the day


Page 13: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Numbness or tingling hands or feet

This is caused by the chemotherapy drug affecting the nerves and is

called peripheral neuropathy. You may also find fiddly tasks, such as

fastening buttons, difficult.

Occasionally this effect can be permanent. Let your healthcare team

know if you get these symptoms - they may need to lower the dose.

Reaction with alcohol and foods

Some chemotherapy drugs, such as procarbazine, can react with

alcohol (and non-alcoholic beers and wine), causing sickness, dizziness

or breathlessness.

When you’re taking these drugs, and for about 2 weeks afterwards,

it’s best to avoid these types of drink.

Some chemotherapy medication, particularly procarbazine, can cause

an allergic reaction rash when taken with alcohol or some foods. You

should avoid foods such as mature cheeses, salami, and yeast or beef

extracts (Oxo®, Bovril® and Marmite®).

This reaction can occur while you’re taking the tablets or after you’ve

stopped taking them.

Less common side-effects

Less common side-effects can occur that affect other organs, such as

the lungs, liver or kidneys.

Some of these cause symptoms, but others can only be detected by

blood tests, which you’ll have during your treatment. Your oncologist

will go through these possibilities with you.

If you get a reaction, it’s important that you stop taking the

tablets and contact your healthcare team.

Page 14: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Side-effects tend to gradually disappear over time once the

treatment is complete, but if you’re concerned about any of your

side-effects, please remember to speak to your healthcare team.

What happens after treatment has finished? You’ll have check-up appointments following treatment, which will

sometimes include scans. These appointments may continue for a

number of years after your chemotherapy has finished.

How will I know if chemotherapy has worked? At the end of treatment, or sometimes throughout the process,

you’ll be monitored for any changes to the tumour. This can be

through the use of scans (Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI

and Computerised Tomography or CT), to see whether the tumour

has stabilised or is shrinking.

For more information, see the Scans for adults with brain tumours

webpage and fact sheet.

Why are treatment periods followed by rest periods? Rest periods between treatment sessions allow your body to

recover from any side-effects and give healthy cells a chance to

repair themselves.

Having chemotherapy in a series of cycles also enhances its

effectiveness. This is because chemotherapy only destroys cells

that are in the process of dividing.

Page 15: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


Tumour cells are not dividing all the time, so there’ll be times when

they’re resting.

The first time you have chemotherapy, it won’t work on the cells that

are resting. During the second treatment session, the cells that were

resting the first time may now be dividing, increasing the chance that

the chemotherapy will affect them.

Is there a maximum number of times I can have chemotherapy? This depends on the type of chemotherapy drug. With each dose of a

drug, there can be increased side-effects that affect the body’s

functions. This is called cumulative toxicity. A limit is therefore set to

prevent these side-effects becoming too severe.

You may be stopped from having other chemotherapy drugs either

because they’re not working, or an individual unacceptable toxicity

(level of harmfulness) occurs, or you can no longer tolerate the drug.

These effects may be picked up by the results of blood tests, not by

how you’re feeling.

Names of common chemotherapy drugs

There are around 50 different types of chemotherapy drug. Names of

common chemotherapy drugs used to treat primary brain tumours


lomustine (CCNU)


carmustine (Gliadel®)


temozolomide (Temodal®).

Page 16: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


You may be given just one, or you may have a mixture - this is called

combination therapy. The most common combination of drugs used

to treat brain tumours is known as PCV. It’s a combination of

procarbazine, lomustine (CCNU) and vincristine.

What are chemotherapy drugs made from? There are many different types of chemotherapy drugs, which are

made from different sources and work in slightly different ways to

destroy tumour cells. Drugs are made in a laboratory, but many of

them are derived from natural plant extracts.


Wigs and other headwear

There are many different styles of wig to choose from, including

synthetic (monofibre) and human hair wigs. You can also buy

headscarves and other headwear.

You can get free synthetic wigs on the NHS if:

you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland

(via free prescriptions)

you live in England and:

you're under 16, or under 19 and in full-time education

you're a hospital inpatient

your weekly income is low

you apply to the NHS Low Income Scheme and receive an HC2

certificate for full help with health costs

you have a valid NHS tax exemption certificate

you're a war pensioner, the wig is for your accepted

disablement and you have a valid war pension exemption


Page 17: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


People in England who are receiving treatment for cancer, the

effects of cancer, or the effects of current or previous cancer

treatment now get free prescriptions. This includes a prescription

for a synthetic wig.

Disclaimer: The Brain Tumour Charity provides the details of other organisations

for information only. Inclusion in this fact sheet doesn’t constitute a

recommendation or endorsement. The following list is not exhaustive.


This is an online retailer selling wigs, extensions and other hairpieces. or 0161 870 2387


Selection of headwear that can be ordered online or by phone. or 01297 553747

Bohemia Fashions

Headwear for men, women and children with hair loss, including sleep

caps and padded headscarves. or 01582 750083

Chemotherapy Headwear

Sells hats and headscarves for people experiencing hair loss. or 01483 901403

Direct Wigs

Online seller of both men and women’s wigs, hair pieces and scarves. or 01793 632152


Large selection of wigs, hats and other accessories. Approved by the

NHS for prescription wigs. or 0845 713017

Page 18: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may


My New Hair

Charity that provides support and advice for medical hair loss, plus

a network of salons providing wig styling.

Little Princess Trust

Provides free real-hair wigs to young adults (male and female) up to

the age of 24, who have lost their own hair through cancer

treatment. or 01432 760060

Hero by LPT

Part of the Little Princess Trust, this service was set up in response

to some boys not being comfortable receiving a wig from a charity

called Little Princess Trust. It provides free real-hair wigs to boys

and young men up to the age of 24, who have lost their hair through

treatment for cancer. or 01432 760060


Offers free real-hair wigs and a salon styling experience for young

people aged 13-24 (male and female) nationwide. Set up by Teenage

Cancer Trust.

or 0207 612 0370


A network of wig banks around the UK that offer new and donated

wigs for sale. People donate wigs they no longer need. The wigs are

washed, disinfected, conditioned and sold from £20, with £5 going to

a cancer charity of the buyer’s choice. or 0131 336 5100

Page 19: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may



Provides a personal service for women to try on wigs in her private

studio. Can offer evening and weekend appointments. or 01785 823531

The Institute of Trichologists

Gives information about hair grafts. or 0845 604 4657

Page 20: Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours · Chemotherapy for adults with brain tumours When you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour, there are several ways your healthcare team may

What if I have further questions or need other support? You can contact our Information and

Support Team in the following ways:

Disclaimer: This resource contains information and general advice. It should not be used as a substitute for personalised advice from a qualified specialist professional. We strive to make sure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, but information can change over time. Patients must seek advice from their medical teams before beginning or refraining from taking any medication or treatment. The Brain Tumour Charity does not accept any liability to any person arising from the use of this resource.

About this information resource The Brain Tumour Charity is proud to

have been certified as a provider of

high quality health and social care

information by The Information

Standard - an NHS standard that

allows the public to identify reliable

and trustworthy sources of information.

Written and edited by our Information

and Support Team, the accuracy of

medical information in this resource

has been verified by leading health

professionals specialising in neuro-


Our information resources have been

produced with the assistance of patient

and carer representatives and up-to-

date, reliable sources of evidence.

We hope that this information will

complement the medical advice you’ve

already been given. Please do continue

to talk to your medical team if you’re

worried about any medical issues.

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Your notes:

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Your notes:

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Your notes:

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© The Brain Tumour Charity.

Version 6.0 June 2018

Review date: June 2021