chemtrails hearing eu parliament

SKYGUARDS at the EU Parliament ~ Brussels, 9 April 2013 CLANDESTINE AERIAL SPRAYING the health effects of the toxic sky war on humans, animals and plants Désirée L. Röver medical research journalist, author, radio host text & photography Désirée L. Röver 2013

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Health effects on humans, flora and fauna of toxic clandestine aerial sprayings


SKYGUARDS at the EU Parliament ~ Brussels, 9 April 2013

CLANDESTINE AERIAL SPRAYINGthe health effects of the toxic sky war on humans, animals and plants

Désirée L. Rövermedical research journalist,

author, radio text & photography Désirée L. Röver Ⓒ2013

Clandestine aerosol spraying, a.k.a

• persistent jet contrails

• stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering

• solar radiation management

• global dimming

• terra forming

• weather modification

• space shades

• albedo technologies

• cloud seeding

• climate remediation

• ecological bioterrorism

• chemtrails

• air crap



lightis a conditio sine qua nonfor ALL LIFE on planet Earth

sunlight isan essential

macro nutrient


Sunlight enters into our biological systems in 2 different ways

1. by way of our eyes

15% of the sunlight goes to visus

85% of the light goes to the hypothalamus

2. by way of our food

photosynthesis: translation of biophotons

When we eat these plantswe feed ourselves with


the Netherlands, October 31, 2012

Deficient foodwill create

deficient peopleWeston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 1939

NO biophotons

NO photosynthesis

NO nutrition

NO vitamin D3

No immune system


Vitamin D3 (hormone)

• calcium absorption ↑

• bone growth, density and strength

• osteoporosis, rickets

• modulates cell growth, maturation and proliferation

• stops abnormal cell growth

• immune T-cells ↑

• insulin production ↑

• risk diabetes type 1 & 2 ↓

• helps prevent - osteoporosis - osteoarthritis - depression - cancer of colon, prostrate, breast

• preserves muscle strength after exercise

Government officials and politicians

are as vulnerable to these health threats

as we ALL are!


Metallic salts (oxides)

• aluminium (nano particles)

• nano aluminium-coated fiberglass (CHAFF)

• barium

• cadmium

• chromium

• titanium

• strontium

• lithium

• zinc

• nickel

• uranium

the air is no longer neutralfor these particles

are electromagnetically charged

Humans are electric beings

•all body cells are molecules generating electromagnetic frequencies according to their subatomic vibration

•these frequencies are an important part of the cell-to-cell communication

anything interfering with these frequencies may result in dis-ease in the body

ALUMINIUM & the human body

• makes proteins fold differently (3D) ⇒ different substances: different effects

• damages the central nervous system

• weakens the cell membranes

• passes the blood brain barrier

• oxidizes the suppressor oncogene P53, causing a mutation

• aluminium in combination with toxins deplete and deactivate enzymes

electro active substance(deodorants, cookware, vaccines, medication)

NANOPARTICLES ~ Isis Report ~ 10/10/05

• Nanoparticles in the lungs are translocated to the circulatory system and from there throughout the body, accumulating in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

• Nanoparticles inhaled through the nose and air passages are translocated to the brain through the olfactory nerves, and accumulate in the brain.

ALUMINIUM nanoparticles Russell L. Blaylock, MD

neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental effects

• easily penetrate the brain via the blood and olfactory neural tracts

• infinitely more reactive ⇒ inflammation

• Alzheimer’s, A.L.S., Parkinson’s

• inflammatory reaction in the lungs

• pulmonary diseases, asthma

on SAGsnanoparticles are worse than asbestos


• impaired ion regulation at the gill

• less oxygenation

• fish mortality ↑

• growth ↓

• reproductive potential ↓

• altered food availability

ALUMINIUM & increased soil acidity

• death of intermicroreselis of lichen and fungi

• aluminium will clog up root structures of trees and plants

• forests turning into tinder: today’s forest fires blazing hells


aluminium oxide nanoparticles in groundwater(within 7 days) inhibit the root growth of:

• corn

• cucumber

• cabbage

• carrots

• soybeans

the smaller the nanoparticle, the greater the effectDaniel Watts, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Cotton root growth restricted by aluminium


• breathing difficulties

• blood pressure ↑

• heart rythm changes

• stomach irritation

• muscle weakness

• changes in nerve reflexes

• swelling of the brain

• swelling of the liver

• kidney and heart damage

• neurodegredation, MS


• turns off the body’s T-cells (immune system)

• depletes potassium from the human organism ➡ muscle weakness, heart defribillation

• makes magnesium bind to aluminium ➡ blood clotting

• barium’s frequency (380 nm) interferes with self healing mechanism of cells

• manipulates / stalls the jetstream

• makes human bodies more vulnerable to X-band radar (8 - 12 GHz)

barium and aluminium work togetherin diffusing and strengthening an electrical charge

Aluminium & barium

• HAARP runs on ELF (High-frequency Active Aurora Research Project)

• X-band radar scans organisms for barium

• the aluminium in your system turns you into an ANTENNA



• aluminium enhances effects of HAARP (High-frequency Active Aurora Research Project)

• HAARP 20-30HZ (ELF) emissions alter thoughts and emotions:

• anxiety

• inability to concentrate

• depression

electro active substance


• diarrhea, stomach pains, severe vomiting

• bone fractures

• reproductive failure, possibly infertility

• damage to central nervous system

• damage to immune system

• DNA damage

• cancer development


• chance of development of cancer in lung, nose, larynx, prostate ↑

• lung embolism

• respiratory failure

• birth defects

• asthma and bronchitis

• allergic reactions

• heart disorders


• skin rashes

• upset stomach and ulcers

• respiratory problems

• weakened immune system

• alteration genetic material

• lung cancer

• death


• radio active

• bone cancer

• lethal in massive amounts


Non-metallic substances

• fluoride

• infectuous pathogens

• sedatives

• dessicated blood, plasma

• mold spores

• virally mutated fungi

• yellow fungal mycotoxins

• exotic strains of bacteria

• parasitic nematode eggs

• ethylene bromide

• nano particulates

• polymer /polyethylene silicon fibers

• crystalline substances

• self-replicating nanomachines


• accumulative poison +++

• IQ: 10-15 points ↓

• damage to hippocampus

• accumulation in pineal gland

• thyroid function ↓

• bone fractures ↑

• inhibits antibody formation

• inhibits movement white bloodcells

• inactivates/inhibits enzymes

• collagen damage (ageing)

• uptake of aluminium ↑

• tumor & cancer rates ↑

Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

(toothpaste, Prozac, Teflon cookware)


• estrogenic effects

• carcinogenicity

• mutagenicity

• teratogenicity

Aspergillus Penicillium Fusarium

mind control

toxic syndromes in mammals

Abstract Morgellons disease is an emerging multisystem illness characterized by unexplained dermopathy and unusual skin-associated filament production. We present relevant clinical observations combined with chemical and light microscopic studies of material collected from three patients with Morgellons disease.

Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study Marianne J. Middelveen¹, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen², Douglas G. Kahn³ and Raphael B. Stricker¹*  ¹ International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, Bethesda, MD ² College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY ³ Department of Pathology, Olive View ­ UCLA Medical Center, Sylmar, California


Middelveen et al., Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study, J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2012, 3:1

Our study demonstrates that 

Morgellons disease is NOT DELUSIONAL and that skin lesions with unusual fibers are NOT SELF-INFLICTED OR PSYCHOGENIC.

Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study Marianne J. Middelveen¹, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen², Douglas G. Kahn³ and Raphael B. Stricker¹*  ¹ International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, Bethesda, MD ² College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY ³ Department of Pathology, Olive View ­ UCLA Medical Center, Sylmar, California

“We provide chemical, light-microscopic and immunohistological evidence

that filaments associated with this condition originate from human epithelial cells

supporting the hypothesis that the fibers are composed of keratin

and are products of keratinocytes.”

Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study Marianne J. Middelveen¹, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen², Douglas G. Kahn³ and Raphael B. Stricker¹*  ¹ International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, Bethesda, MD ² College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY ³ Department of Pathology, Olive View ­ UCLA Medical Center, Sylmar, California





was not !uorescent nor was normal skin. Color intensity and hue of the red and blue "laments was in!uenced by the color spectrum of the illuminating light. #is property and the presence of iridescence suggests that a structural component is involved in the unusual colors seen in Morgellons "bers.

Case 2: Microscopic examination of scab material revealed scab detritus imbedded with long "laments of various colors (Figures 3A-3D). Hyaline, red, blue, and light purple "bers were observed (10-40 µm diameter) (Figure 3A, Figure 3B). One sample revealed "bers tangled around a hair and these "bers may have been associated with the hair follicle (Figure 3C). Smaller, pale purple "bers (10 µm diameter) appeared to form a mesh around the follicle. Some samples revealed "bers that lay beneath or penetrated dermal tissue Figure 3D.

Case 3: Microscopic examination was performed with particular attention to hair follicles, as the patient had reported unusual

"lament formation associated with the follicles. Microscopy revealed abnormalities of the follicular bulbs and the hair associated with these follicles that indicated abnormal functioning of follicular keratinocytes (Figures 4A-4D). Many follicles contained malformed bulbs with distorted shapes, and some follicles had two or more hairs branching from a single inner root sheath (Figure 4A). Filaments stemming from the bulb end were found in some follicles and these appeared as root-like growths (Figure 4B). Transparent "laments were observed that stemmed from cells within the inner root sheath (Figure 4C). On some hairs red or blue colored "laments branched from the sha$ (Figure 4D). Many hairs were !attened or tape-like on cross-section rather than concentric. #ese hairs were similar in appearance to Morgellons "laments.

BDD Microscopic observationsBiopsies from late proliferative stage BDD lesions were examined

microscopically for comparison (Figures 5A-5D). Although the scale of "laments was much larger, the BDD "laments (roughly ten times

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was not !uorescent nor was normal skin. Color intensity and hue of the red and blue "laments was in!uenced by the color spectrum of the illuminating light. #is property and the presence of iridescence suggests that a structural component is involved in the unusual colors seen in Morgellons "bers.

Case 2: Microscopic examination of scab material revealed scab detritus imbedded with long "laments of various colors (Figures 3A-3D). Hyaline, red, blue, and light purple "bers were observed (10-40 µm diameter) (Figure 3A, Figure 3B). One sample revealed "bers tangled around a hair and these "bers may have been associated with the hair follicle (Figure 3C). Smaller, pale purple "bers (10 µm diameter) appeared to form a mesh around the follicle. Some samples revealed "bers that lay beneath or penetrated dermal tissue Figure 3D.

Case 3: Microscopic examination was performed with particular attention to hair follicles, as the patient had reported unusual

"lament formation associated with the follicles. Microscopy revealed abnormalities of the follicular bulbs and the hair associated with these follicles that indicated abnormal functioning of follicular keratinocytes (Figures 4A-4D). Many follicles contained malformed bulbs with distorted shapes, and some follicles had two or more hairs branching from a single inner root sheath (Figure 4A). Filaments stemming from the bulb end were found in some follicles and these appeared as root-like growths (Figure 4B). Transparent "laments were observed that stemmed from cells within the inner root sheath (Figure 4C). On some hairs red or blue colored "laments branched from the sha$ (Figure 4D). Many hairs were !attened or tape-like on cross-section rather than concentric. #ese hairs were similar in appearance to Morgellons "laments.

BDD Microscopic observationsBiopsies from late proliferative stage BDD lesions were examined

microscopically for comparison (Figures 5A-5D). Although the scale of "laments was much larger, the BDD "laments (roughly ten times

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larger) were similar in appearance compared to the specimens observed in Case 1 (Figure 5A, Figure 5B). Filaments were macroscopic, opaque and dirty white in color, ranging in size from less than 0.5 mm in diameter to about 1 mm in diameter. In cross section !laments appeared to originate beneath the stratum corneum (Figure 5C). Longer !laments were close to 1 mm in length. "e BDD !laments demonstrated #uorescence under UV light (Figure 5D).

Chemical ExperimentsSamples of normal hair, colored !laments and dermal material from

Cases 1 and 2, and BDD !bers were subjected to immersion in caustic agents. Duplicate experiments with each caustic agent were performed on each sample. Results of the experiments are shown in (Table 1) Normal hair and patient !laments began to fray a$er incubation for 1 minute, and the patient !laments had completely disintegrated a$er incubation for 120 minutes in 12% sodium hypochlorite. Normal hair

was still visible at this timepoint. In contrast, patient !laments began to fray at 1 minute in 10% sodium hydroxide but were still visible a$er 120 minutes, similar to normal hair. "e hair and patient !laments were more resistant to 10% potassium hydroxide, with visible fraying beginning at 10 minutes and !bers still visible at 120 minutes. Although the larger BDD !bers appeared to be more resistant to the chemicals, fraying and shape change similar to the human samples was evident at 120 minutes with each caustic agent.

Keratin immunostaining"e results of keratin immunostaining experiments are shown

in Figure 6. "e MD !laments from Case 1 stained strongly with the “pankeratin” antibody AE1/AE3 directed against cytokeratin 1/3. In contrast, the !laments stained weakly with the more restrictive antibody AE5/AE6 directed against cytokeratin 5/6. Staining with AE1/AE3 was seen over the length of the !ber, while staining with AE5/

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larger) were similar in appearance compared to the specimens observed in Case 1 (Figure 5A, Figure 5B). Filaments were macroscopic, opaque and dirty white in color, ranging in size from less than 0.5 mm in diameter to about 1 mm in diameter. In cross section !laments appeared to originate beneath the stratum corneum (Figure 5C). Longer !laments were close to 1 mm in length. "e BDD !laments demonstrated #uorescence under UV light (Figure 5D).

Chemical ExperimentsSamples of normal hair, colored !laments and dermal material from

Cases 1 and 2, and BDD !bers were subjected to immersion in caustic agents. Duplicate experiments with each caustic agent were performed on each sample. Results of the experiments are shown in (Table 1) Normal hair and patient !laments began to fray a$er incubation for 1 minute, and the patient !laments had completely disintegrated a$er incubation for 120 minutes in 12% sodium hypochlorite. Normal hair

was still visible at this timepoint. In contrast, patient !laments began to fray at 1 minute in 10% sodium hydroxide but were still visible a$er 120 minutes, similar to normal hair. "e hair and patient !laments were more resistant to 10% potassium hydroxide, with visible fraying beginning at 10 minutes and !bers still visible at 120 minutes. Although the larger BDD !bers appeared to be more resistant to the chemicals, fraying and shape change similar to the human samples was evident at 120 minutes with each caustic agent.

Keratin immunostaining"e results of keratin immunostaining experiments are shown

in Figure 6. "e MD !laments from Case 1 stained strongly with the “pankeratin” antibody AE1/AE3 directed against cytokeratin 1/3. In contrast, the !laments stained weakly with the more restrictive antibody AE5/AE6 directed against cytokeratin 5/6. Staining with AE1/AE3 was seen over the length of the !ber, while staining with AE5/

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A 440 Hz, pop musicHollywood

MSM, televisionvaccines

Western medicinedentistry

pharmaceuticals chemotherapy


GM food crops


industrial pollution

food processingfood additives

Codex Alimentariustoxic food packagingfood irradiation

microwaveTeflon cookware

water fluoridationcovert aerosol spraying


airport body scansDNA rupture

Chernobyl, Fukushima,

‘depleted’ uranium

electro smogcomputers cell phoneslight bulbs

HAARPpower lines, ELF, ULFS-quad, smart meters

Health adverse effects

always are:


Whatever we want to callthese toxic trails,


What happened toINFORMED CONSENT?







Politicianshave you ever considered

what these clandestine toxic sprayingsare doing to nature, humanity, flora and fauna?

And if you already did realize,― or are overstanding just now ―

what will you do to STOP this willful demise of our planet?

Dutch citizens are DOING SOMETHINGagainst clandestine aerial spraying:

Stop C........s Nu!

Belgian citizens are DOING SOMETHINGagainst clandestine aerial spraying:

What are local, national and EU politicians



Politicians,you’d better start acting NOW

Your own lives and your own families

are on the line too!SICK, STUPID