chennai plastic surgery

Reversing Receding Hairlines

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• Main cause: For most men suffering from hair loss, the cause is hereditary androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as ‘male pattern baldness’. The presence of the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), in a genetically susceptible man, is responsible for this problem.

• Less Common Causes: Other causes, which are reversible with treatment, include thyroid disease, iron deficiency, high fever, surgery or general anaesthesia, crash diets, childbirth, and side effects of certain medications.

• Skin related Causes: There are also certain dermatological scalp disorders that can result in temporary or permanent hair loss, such as lupus and lichen planopilaris (autoimmune diseases causing skin inflammation and tissue damage), and alopecia areata (patchy baldness).

What causes scalp hair loss?There are many causes for hair loss in men or women.

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• Hair restoration surgery provides a permanent solution to lost scalp hair.

• Effective medical treatments now come in the form of a pill (biotin complexes, finasteride) and a topical liquid (peptide serums, minoxidil).

• Cosmetic enhancers include coloured creams, sprays and powders which when applied to the thinning scalp help to camouflage thinning areas as long as there is still some hair present in the area. They do not treat the hair loss process.

• Hairpieces are a non-surgical way to restore hair by covering bald areas of the scalp. Among the large variety of means available to attach these, the most common are glue adhesives, “weave” attachments and clips.

People with thinning hair now have more optionsavailable to them than ever before.

• Hair loss is NOT caused by poor circulation, clogged hair follicles, frequent shampooing, the wearing of hats and helmets, or the presence of mites.

• It is important to remember that most adults lose approximately 75-125 hairs from their scalps every day due to the natural process. As long as the process remains balanced, the number of hairs on the scalp remains constant.

• Stress is thought to accelerate already genetically programmed hair loss. However, it probably does not cause hair loss by itself without the necessary genes and hormones.

Tackling the myths of hair loss

Solutions formale patternbaldness

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Hair transplantsurgeries

Modern techniques of surgical hair transplantation can very effectively restore lost hair andreplace or reshape your hairline with your own natural, growing hair, which needs no more care than the ordinary washing, styling and trimming you have always done.

Hair transplant procedures can take from 3–8 hours and are usually performed using local anaesthesia on an out-patient basis, often with some supplemental oral or IV medication for sedation. There is typically little discomfort during the surgical procedure.

Follicularunit transfer

Popularly known as the strip method, it involves the removal of a strip of skin from the back of the head. The hair follicular units are individually separated from the skin and processed. Thegrafts are then implanted in the recipient area. The donor areas, where the grafts have been harvested, are usually closed with sutures leaving a thin line.

The recipient sites, where the grafts are placed, are essentially small, superficial needle holes in the skin of the scalp. Virtually, no scar will be visible. Normally there will not be any dressing after the surgery.

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• There will be minimal bleeding after surgery in the donor as well as recipient areas. It can be stopped by minimal compression.

• Antibiotics and analgesics will be given for 5 days.

Popularly known as the FUE or the scar-less method, it involves the extraction of individual units using a punch from the back of the scalp - the follicular units are processed and individually transplanted in the recipient sites. At the conclusion of the procedure the surgeon usually checks the final placement of the grafts.

• Patients are usually advised to take mild shampoo bath from 5th day.

• Sutures will be removed on 14th day.

• Medical management will be started by our dermatologist after a month.

• Within 24 hours small crusts will form on each graft, which will then shed off in approximately 4–14 days.

• The grafted hair will often start to grow by 10 –16 weeks after the procedure and will continue to grow.

Follicular unit extraction and transfer

After surgery instructions

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When should I start treatment?

As soon as the problem has been identified, most doctors advise starting medical treatment. The first line of treatment usually consists of multivitamin supplements containing Biotin, and serum containing concentrated growth factors and Peptides. If the candidate does not show desired results, then medicines such as finasteride and minoxidil are started for men with hair loss to help preserve or partially reverse thinning hair. These medicines may have mild side effects in the long run.

Even if a patient decides to proceed with surgical hair restoration, medical treatment will be needed to slow or prevent additional hair loss in the future. Patients may have hair restoration surgery at any age after the early 20s, but the optimum age for surgery differs from patient to patient depending on various factors. Most patients have their first procedure while they are not yet completely bald, so that they can use existing hair to help camouflage the procedure. However, as hair loss tends to be both gradual and progressive, it is often unwise to start surgical treatment in a patient who is too young.

Hair transplants can be used to fill in the front hairline and thicken the front half of the scalp, and medical treatments can be used to maintain hair behind the transplants and to possibly enhance the long-term results of surgery. Your hair restoration surgeon will work with you to design an individualized plan to fulfil your specific needs.

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• The patient’s general state of health

• The hair’s texture— fine or coarse

• The contrast between the patient’s hair colour and skin colour

• The density i.e. the number of hair follicles per square inch of the hair in the donor area

The elements that a doctor assesses to determine whether a candidateis a good subject for surgical hair restoration include the following:

• The size of the area to be covered

• The size of the donor area

• Whether or not previous grafting procedures have been done

• The patient’s goals and expectations

Making an accurate diagnosis and making treatment recommendations require a thorough examination by a doctor and a frank discussion of the pros and cons between the patient and the doctor.

The patient must understand that transplantation redistributes existing hair follicles and cannotcreate new hair follicles.

Chennai Plastic Surgery (A unit of Cosmoglitz International Pvt Ltd)New No.12, Old No.10, McNichols Road 4th Lane, Chetpet, Chennai 600031. Ph: 94440 35171, 8939781777

E mail: [email protected], Website:

How do I know if I am a goodcandidate for hair restoration surgery?