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ALEXANDER CHERNEV Curriculum Vitae Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University 2001 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208 Phone: (847) 467-4095, Fax: (847) 491-2498 e-mail: [email protected] Academic Positions Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2012 – present Associate Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 – 2012 Assistant Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1998 – 2001 Visiting Assistant Professor: Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1997 – 1998 Education Ph.D. Marketing, Duke University, 1997 Ph.D. Psychology, Sofia University, 1990 B.A. Psychology, Sofia University, 1986 Honors & Awards Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP93), 2014 Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP92), 2014 Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute, 2014 Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP89), 2013 Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP88), 2013 The High-Impact Article for 2011, Journal of Consumer Psychology Faculty Impact Award. Given by students to faculty demonstrating “true excellence in interactions with students,” 2009 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research, 2008 Early Career Contribution Award, Society for Consumer Psychology/ American Psychological Association, 2005. Given annually to the most productive researcher in the field of consumer behavior who has been a faculty member for less than ten years.

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Curriculum Vitae Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

2001 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208 Phone: (847) 467-4095, Fax: (847) 491-2498

e-mail: [email protected]

Academic Positions

Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2012 – present

Associate Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 – 2012

Assistant Professor Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1998 – 2001

Visiting Assistant Professor: Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1997 – 1998

Education Ph.D. Marketing, Duke University, 1997 Ph.D. Psychology, Sofia University, 1990 B.A. Psychology, Sofia University, 1986

Honors & Awards

Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP93), 2014

Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by graduating EMBA students (EMP92), 2014

Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute, 2014 Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by

graduating EMBA students (EMP89), 2013 Top Professor, Kellogg Executive MBA Program. Elected by

graduating EMBA students (EMP88), 2013 The High-Impact Article for 2011, Journal of Consumer Psychology Faculty Impact Award. Given by students to faculty demonstrating

“true excellence in interactions with students,” 2009 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research, 2008 Early Career Contribution Award, Society for Consumer Psychology/

American Psychological Association, 2005. Given annually to the most productive researcher in the field of consumer behavior who has been a faculty member for less than ten years.

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Fellow, Young Scholars Program, Marketing Science Institute, 2005 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research, 2003 Chair’s Core Course Teaching Award, Kellogg School of Management,

2002 – 2003 McManus Research Chair, Kellogg School of Management, 1998 –

1999, 2001 – 2002 Kraft Research Chair, Kellogg School of Management, 2000 – 2001 Fellow, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, 1996 Honorable Mention, Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

Competition, 1995


Focus Decision Behavior & Choice

Research Articles (Peer Reviewed)

1. Alexander Chernev and Sean Blair (2015), “Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill.“ Journal of Consumer Research (conditionally accepted). Featured as a Marketing Science Institute report.

2. Chernev, Alexander, Ulf Böckenholt, and Joseph Goodman (2015), “When Product Assortment Leads to Choice Overload: A Conceptual Review and Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Consumer Psychology (forthcoming).

3. Kahn, Barbara, Alexander Chernev, Ulf Böckenholt, Kate Bundorf, Michaela Draganska, Ryan Hamilton, Robert Meyer, and Klaus Wertenbroch (2014), “Consumer and Managerial Goals in Assortment Choice and Design,” Marketing Letters.

4. Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2013), “Low Prices are Just the Beginning: Price Image in Retail Management,” Journal of Marketing. Lead article.

5. Brough, Aaron and Alexander Chernev (2012), “When Opposites Detract: Categorical Reasoning and Subtractive Valuations of Product Combinations,” Journal of Consumer Research. Featured in Harvard Business Review.

6. Chernev, Alexander (2012), “Product Assortment and Consumer Choice: An Interdisciplinary Review,” Foundations and Trends in Marketing.

7. Chernev, Alexander, Ryan Hamilton, and David Gal (2011), “Competing for Consumer Identity: Limits to Self-Expression and the Perils of Lifestyle Branding,” Journal of Marketing (May).

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Featured as a Marketing Science Institute report, in Advertising Age and Forbes.

8. Chernev, Alexander (2011), “The Dieter’s Paradox,” Journal of Consumer Psychology (April). Featured in Scientific American, Time Magazine, Chicago Tribute, Los Angeles Times, Prevention, Self, ABC, CBS, and others. Selected as the high-impact article for 2011 by the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

9. Chernev, Alexander (2011), “Semantic Anchoring in Sequential Evaluations of Vices and Virtues,” Journal of Consumer Research (February). Featured in Scientific American and New York Times.

10. Chernev, Alexander, Ulf Bockenholt and Joseph Goodman (2010), “Choice Overload: Is There Anything to It?,” Journal of Consumer Research (October)

11. Chernev, Alexander and David Gal (2010), “Categorization Effects in Value Judgments: Averaging Bias in Evaluating Combinations of Vices and Virtues,” Journal of Marketing Research (August), Featured in New York Times

12. Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2010), “The Impact of Product Line Extensions and Consumer Goals on the Formation of Price Image,” Journal of Marketing Research. Featured as a Marketing Science Institute report

13. Chernev, Alexander and Ryan Hamilton (2009), “Assortment Size and Option Attractiveness in Consumer Choice among Retailers,” Journal of Marketing Research. Featured in Kellogg Insight

14. Chernev, Alexander (2009) “Choosing versus Rejecting: The Impact of Goal-Task Compatibility on Decision Confidence,” Social Cognition 27 (2)

15. Chernev, Alexander (2008), “The Role of Purchase Quantity in Assortment Choice: The Quantity-Matching Heuristic,” Journal of Marketing Research (April)

16. Hamilton, Ryan, Jiewen Hong, and Alexander Chernev (2007), “Perceptual Focus Effects in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (August)

17. Chernev, Alexander (2007), “Jack of All Trades or Master of One? Product Differentiation and Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (March). Featured in New York Times, Forbes, Chicago Tribune, and Kellogg Insight.

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18. Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Articulation Compatibility in Eliciting Price Bids,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (December)

19. Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Differentiation and Parity in Assortment Pricing,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (September). Featured in U.S. News & World Report and Kellogg Insight

20. Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Decision Focus and Consumer Choice among Assortments,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (June)

21. Chernev, Alexander (2005), “Context Effects without a Context: Attribute Balance as a Reason for Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (September)

22. Chernev, Alexander (2005), “Feature Complementarity and Assortment in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (March)

23. Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Goal Orientation and Consumer Preference for the Status Quo,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (December)

24. Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Extremeness Aversion and Attribute-Balance Effects in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (September)

25. Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Goal-Attribute Compatibility in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14 (1&2)

26. Chernev, Alexander (2003), “When More is Less and Less is More: The Role of Ideal Point Availability and Assortment in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (September)

27. Chernev, Alexander (2003), “Product Assortment and Individual Decision Processes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85 (June). Featured in Monitor on Psychology

28. Chernev, Alexander (2003), “Reverse Pricing and Online Price Elicitation Strategies in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology 13 (1&2)

29. Chernev, Alexander and Gregory Carpenter (2001), “The Role of Market Efficiency Intuitions in Consumer Choice: A Case of Compensatory Inferences,” Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (August)

30. Chernev, Alexander (2001), “The Impact of Common Features on Consumer Preferences: A Case of Confirmatory Reasoning,” Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (March)

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31. Chernev, Alexander (1997), “The Effect of Common Features on Brand Choice: Moderating Role of Attribute Importance,” Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (March)

Research Articles, Books & Book


32. Chernev, Alexander (2011), “When More Is Less and Less Is More: The Psychology of Managing Product Assortments,” Marketing Intelligence Review (May)

33. Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2010), “Managing Product Assortments: Insights from Consumer Psychology,” in Kellogg on Marketing, 2nd ed. (Editors Alice Tybout and Bobby Calder). New York, NY: Wiley.

34. Chernev, Alexander and Pierre Chandon (2010), "Calorie Estimation Biases in Consumer Choice," in Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications (Editors: Rajeev Batra, Punam Keller, Victor Strecher), M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, NY

35. Chernev, Alexander and Ryan Hamilton (2008), “Compensatory Reasoning in Choice,” The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, Frontiers of Social Psychology (Editors: Arie Kruglanski & Joseph Forgas). New York, NY: Psychology Press

36. Chernev, Alexander, Michal Herzenstein, and Shailendra Jain (2009), Advances in Consumer Psychology, v. 1, Potsdam, NY: Society for Consumer Psychology.

Working Papers


37. Alexander Chernev and Andrea Bonezzi (2014), “When Small Steps Become Big Leaps: Goal-Consistency Judgments and the Illusion of Goal Progress”

38. Bonezzi, Andrea, Alexander Chernev, and Aaron Brough (2014), “Polarization and Compromise in Unrestricted Choice”

39. Ma, Jingjing, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev (2013), “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Freedom of Speech on Brand Preferences”

Conference Articles


40. Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2009), “The Moderating Role of Browsing and Buying Goals in Consumers’ Formation of Retailer Price Images,” Advances in Consumer Psychology, v. 1

41. Brough, Aaron and Alexander Chernev (2009), “Satisficing and Maximizing Strategies in Consumer Choice,” Advances in Consumer Psychology, v. 1

42. Chernev, Alexander (2009), “Self-Expression and Brand Identity in Consumer Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 36

43. Chernev, Alexander (2009), “To Indulge or Not to Indulge? Self-

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Regulation and Overconsumption,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 36

44. Brough, Aaron, Mathew Isaac, and Alexander Chernev (2008), “The “Sticky Choice” Bias in Sequential Decision-Making,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 35

45. Chernev, Alexander and Ryan Hamilton (2007), “Variety, Expectations and Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 34

46. Chernev, Alexander and Ran Kivetz (2005), “Goals and Mindframes in Consumer Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 32

47. Chernev, Alexander and Leigh McAlister (2005), “Assortment and Variety-Seeking in Consumer Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 32

48. Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Context Effects in Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 31

49. Chernev, Alexander and Christian Wheeler (2003), “The Role of Reference Points in Evaluating Price Information,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 30

50. Chernev, Alexander (2002) “Generating Options in Consumer Choice,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 29

51. Brown, Christina and Alexander Chernev (1997), “Decision Biases in Evaluating Ambiguous Information,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 24

52. Chernev, Alexander and Ziv Carmon (1996), “New Perspectives on Brand Differentiation,” Advances in Consumer Research, v. 23

Research Presentations

1. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Research Seminar, Center for Decision Research, University of Chicago, 2014.

2. “Lifestyle Branding: The New Frontier in Competitive Differentiation,” Brands in Balance Conference: Marketing Science Institute, Charleston, SC, 2014

3. “Self-Expression and Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Distinguished Visitors Program—Corona Chair lecture series, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 2013

4. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Camp, Rice University, Huston, TX 2013.

5. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013.

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6. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013.

7. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Hebrew University, Israel, 2012.

8. “When Two is Better than One: Polarization and Compromise in Unrestricted Choice,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, 2012

9. “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Freedom of Speech on Brand Preferences,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, 2012

10. “Lifestyle Branding and the Competition for a Consumer’s Identity,” Marketing Seminar Series, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2012

11. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Miami, FL, 2012.

12. “Lifestyle Branding and the Competition for a Consumer’s Identity,” Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 2011.

13. “Lifestyle Branding and Limits to Self-Expression,” Consumer Strategies for Sustained Growth Conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, 2011.

14. “Lifestyle Branding and Limits to Self-Expression,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2011.

15. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Melbourne Business School, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.

16. “Competing for Consumer Identity,” Marketing Seminar Series, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.

17. “Competing for Consumer Identity,” Marketing Brownbag Seminar, Bond University, Queensland, Australia, 2011

18. “Lifestyle Branding and Limits to Self-Expression,” University Seminar Series, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2011.

19. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Brownbag Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2011.

20. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,

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21. “Categorical Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Research Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011.

22. “Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 2011

23. “Lifestyle Branding and the Competition for a Consumer’s Identity,” Research Seminar, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011.

24. “Managing Lifestyle Brands,” The Customer Insights Conference, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT, 2010

25. “Identity Saturation and Brand Preferences in Consumer Choice,” Academy of Marketing 6th International Conference on Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, 2010

26. “The Finite Self, Identity Saturation, and Brand Preferences,” Research Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2010

27. “Decision Biases in Value Judgments,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2010

28. “Calorie Estimation Biases in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Bond University, Queensland, Australia, 2010

29. “Customization and Decision Biases in Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009

30. “Decision Biases in Value Judgments,” Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 2009

31. “The Role of Consumer Goals in the Formation of Price Image,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego, CA, 2009

32. “Find and Keep or Keep Looking and Weep: Satisficing and Maximizing Strategies in Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego, CA, 2009

33. “Qualitative Reasoning and Value Construction in Consumer Decision Making,” University of California San Diego /Marketing Science Institute conference Mind the Gap: New Approaches to Understanding Consumer Decision-Making, San Diego, CA, 2009

34. “Categorization and Value Construction in Consumer Decision

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Making,” London Business School, London, UK, 2008

35. “Qualitative Reasoning and Construction of Value in Sequential Judgments,” HEC, Paris, France, 2008

36. “Boundaries of Self-Expression: Identity Overload and Brand Saturation Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Francisco, CA, 2008

37. “When Virtues and Vices Collide: Stereotyping and Calorie Estimation in Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Francisco, CA, 2008

38. “Qualitative Reasoning and Construction of Value in Sequential Judgments,” Kellogg Marketing Camp, Evanston, IL, 2008

39. “Boundaries of Self-Expression: Identity Overload and Brand Saturation Consumer Choice,” INSEAD Marketing Camp, Fontainebleau, 2008

40. “Brand Saturation Effects in Consumer Choice,” Research Seminar, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2008

41. “Brand Saturation Effects in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2008

42. “The ‘Sticky Choice’ Bias in Sequential Decision-Making,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Nashville, TN, 2007

43. “Price Image Formation and Point-of-Purchase Consumer Decision Making,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Nashville, TN, 2007

44. “Jack of All Trades or Master of One,” Tilburg Marketing Camp, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2006

45. “Jack of All Trades or Master of One,” Marketing Seminar Series, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2006

46. “Too Much of a Good Thing? Option Attractiveness and Assortment Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Orlando, FL, 2006

47. “Too Much of a Good Thing? Option Attractiveness and Assortment Choice,” Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, Canada, 2005

48. “Perceptual Focus Effects in Choice,” Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, Canada, 2005

49. “Visual Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of

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the Society for Consumer Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2005

50. “Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2005

51. “Feature Complementarity and Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2005

52. “Decision Focus and Consumer Choice Among Assortments,” Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, 2005

53. “Decision Focus and Consumer Choice Among Assortments,” MSI Young Scholars Program, Park City, UT, 2005

54. “Differentiation and Parity in Assortment Pricing,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Portland, OR, 2005

55. “Decision Focus and Consumer Choice Among Assortments,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Portland, OR, 2004

56. “The Price of Choice: The Benefits of Price Parity in Product Differentiation,” Biennial Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference, Durham, NC, 2004

57. “Feature Complementarity and Assortment in Choice,” Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology, San Francisco, CA, 2004

58. “Product Assortment and Individual Decision Processes,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Toronto, Canada, 2003

59. “Feature Complementarity, Assortment, and Choice,” Research Seminar Series, UCSD, San Diego, CA, 2003

60. “Extremeness Aversion and Attribute-Balance Effects in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2003

61. “Context Effects without a Context: Scale Equivalence and Attribute Balance as Reasons for Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Toronto, Canada, 2003

62. “Feature Complementarity, Assortment, and Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2003

63. “Price Elicitation Strategies in Consumer Choice,” Annual

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Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA, 2002

64. “Reverse Pricing and Price Elicitation Strategies in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2002

65. “Generating Options in Consumer Choice,” Special Session, Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Austin, TX, 2001

66. “Preference Articulation in Consumer Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Austin, TX, 2001

67. “When More is Less and Less is More: Product Assortment and Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 2001

68. “The Impact of Ideal Point Availability and Product Assortment on Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Dartmouth University, Dartmouth, NH, 2001

69. “Product Assortment and Individual Decision Processes,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2001

70. “Market Efficiency Inferences in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2000

71. “The Role of Marketplace Efficiency Intuitions in Consumer Choice: A Case of Compensatory Inferences,” Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Los Angeles, CA, 1999

72. “The Role of Common Features in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, London Business School, London, UK, 1997

73. “The Role of Common Features in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, 1997

74. “The Impact of Shared Product Features on Consumer Brand Preferences,” Marketing Science Conference, Berkeley, CA, 1997

75. “The Role of Common Features in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1996

76. “The Role of Common Features in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1996

77. “The Role of Common Features in Choice,” Marketing Seminar Series, University of Washington, St. Louis, MO,1996

78. “The Impact of Unfamiliar Product Features on Brand Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research,

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Tucson, AZ, 1996

79. “Differentiation through Similarity: The Effect of Attribute Similarity on Brand Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Minneapolis, MN, 1995

80. “Searching for Dominance: The Effects of Similarity and Attractiveness on Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Minneapolis, MN, 1995

81. “Consumer Pricing Preferences: The Role of Individual Factors,” Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, 1995

82. “Consumer Response to Similar Price Discounts: Implications for Brand Choice,” MSI Conference on Behavioral Perspectives on Pricing, Boston, MA, 1995

83. “Evaluation of Non-Common Attributes in Consumer Decision Process: Asymmetrical Overweighing of Unique Features in Choice,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Boston, MA, 1994

Research Grants

1. “Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill,” MSI Research Grant, 2011 (principal investigator)

2. “Managing Choice Overload,” Filene Research Institute Grant (principal investigator), 2011.

3. “Raise Price or Downsize? Unit Bias and The Asymmetric Nature of consumer response to changes in Price versus Quantity,” MSI Research Grant, 2009 (principal investigator)

4. “When Brand Fortunes Collide: Brand Saturation Effects in Consumer Choice,” MSI Research Grant, 2008 (principal investigator)

5. “Managing Price Image through Vertical Product Line Extensions,” MSI Research Grant, 2007



1. Marketing Management (MBA core course) 2. Consumer Decision Behavior (PhD) 3. Marketing Strategy (Executive MBA) 4. Product Management (Executive MBA) 5. Marketing Research (Executive MBA) 6. Strategic Marketing Management (MS)

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Non-degree Programs

1. Executive Development Program, Kellogg School of Management

2. Business Management Program, Kellogg School of Management

3. Custom company programs

Managerial Books & Chapters


1. Chernev, Alexander (2014), Strategic Marketing Management, 8th edition

2. Chernev, Alexander (2014), The Marketing Plan Handbook, 4th edition

3. Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2010), "Managing Product Assortments: Insights from Consumer Psychology" in Kellogg on Marketing, 2nd edition

4. Chernev, Alexander (2004), "Strategic Customer Management" in Next Generation Business Handbook

Cases (Selected)

1. Chernev, Alexander and Eyal Maoz (2008), DuraMax: The Product Improvement Nobody Wanted

2. Chernev, Alexander (2007), Gillette Fusion: Building a $1Billion Brand

3. Chernev, Alexander (2007), Universal Press Pricing Dilemma

4. Chernev, Alexander (2007), DryClean Express: Managing Dissatisfied Customers

5. Chernev, Alexander (2007), Calyx Flowers: Managing Profitable Growth

6. Chernev, Alexander (2007), Datril: Pioneering the Acetaminophen Market

7. Chernev, Alexander (2001), Iridium Satellite Phone: When the Pioneer Fails


Area Editor Journal of Marketing (Area Editor: 2011 – present)

Journal of Marketing (Guest editor)

Marketing Science (Guest area editor) Editorial Board Journal of Consumer Research (2002 – present)

Journal of Marketing Research (2007 – present)

Journal of Marketing (2007 – present)

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Journal of Consumer Psychology (2001 – present)

International Journal of Research in Marketing (2006 – 2012)

Journal of Marketing Behavior (2013 – present)

Marketing Letters (2008 – present)

Journal of the Academy or Marketing Science (2010 – present) Reviewer Marketing Science

Management Science

Journal of Retailing

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Journal of Public Policy and Marketing

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

Journal of Economic Psychology

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Social Psychology

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Cognition and Emotion

The International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research

Psychological Science

Journal of Interactive Marketing

Swiss Journal of Psychology

Association for Consumer Research

Society for Consumer Psychology

Society for Judgment and Decision Making

Marketing Science Institute

European Marketing Association

National Science Foundation

Israel Science Foundation Research

Initiatives Program Committee, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2015

Faculty, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, Evanston, IL, 2014

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Co-Chair, 9th Triennial Choice Symposium workshop, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2013

Faculty, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, Seattle, WA, 2012

Program Committee, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Florence, Italy, 2012

Faculty, Society for Consumer Psychology Doctoral Consortium, Las Vegas, NV, 2012

Steering Committee, Consumer Strategies for Sustained Growth Conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, 2011, 2012

Program Committee, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2011

Faculty, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, Fort Worth, TX, 2010

Program Committee, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2010

Co-Chair, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2009

Co-Chair, Society for Consumer Psychology Doctoral Consortium, San Diego, CA, 2009

Co-Editor, Advances in Consumer Psychology (inaugural issue)

Faculty, Society for Consumer Psychology Doctoral Consortium, San Diego, CA, 2009

Program Committee, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2008

Faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium, San Francisco, CA, 2008

Co-Chair, Marketing Science Institute – Journal of Consumer Psychology Research Competition on Product Assortment and Variety-Seeking Behavior 2003 – 2004

Chair, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference special sessions 1996, 1997, 2001 – 2006, 2008

Chair, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference special sessions 2004, 2005

Roundtable, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference 2004

Industry Speaker, Argyle CMO Forum, Chicago, 2014

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Initiatives Contributor, Business Week, Forbes, Chicago Tribune Doctoral

Committees Ryan Hamilton (Chair), Northwestern University (Emory University)

Aaron Brough (Chair), Northwestern University (Pepperdine University)

Mathew Isaac (Member), Northwestern University (Seattle University)

Andrea Bonezzi (Member), Northwestern University (NYU)

Kristoff Geskens (Member), Gent University

Sean Blair (Chair), Northwestern University

Jingjing Ma (Member), Northwestern University University

Service Faculty recruiting committee (chair) 2013

Northwestern University graduate faculty (member) 2000 – present

Faculty orientation (presenter) 2005, 2009, 2011

Kellogg Marketing Conference (speaker) 2012

Faculty Insight speaker series (presenter) 2008, 2010, 2012

Kellogg marketing case competition (judge) 2003 – 2011

Marketing Ph.D. Program (coordinator) 2005 – 2008

Kellogg Doctoral Committee (member) 2005 – 2008

Kellogg Research Computing Committee (member) 2001 – 2009

Faculty Recruiting Committee (coordinator-behavioral area) 2003

Haring Consortium (faculty representative) 2003

Kellogg Personnel Committee (observer) 2001 – 2002 Marketing department seminar series (coordinator) 2000 – 2001

Professional Affiliations

American Marketing Association | Association for Consumer Research

Society for Judgment and Decision Making | Society for Consumer Research

Outside Activities

Consulting engagements involve litigation support and consulting firms. Recent speaking engagements include Oakley, Ultradent, Microsoft, and FS. Founder of Cerebellum Press and Brightstar Media|Group specializing in content management.