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Perceived Risk and Self-Efficacy Regarding Internet Security in a Marginalized Community

Abstract As part of the ongoing CRISP project (Communicating Risk in Internet Security and Privacy), we conducted a user study in a marginalized community to better understand community members’ interactions with computers and the Internet in terms of security and privacy. We used the Health Belief Model to understand what factors affect members’ behavior when a potential attack is present. In particular, we focused on two factors, perceived risk and self-efficacy, and interviewed 44 participants about them. In this paper, we report our preliminary quantitative and qualitative findings.

Author Keywords Urban Computing; Marginalized Community; Marginalized Population; Underserved Community; Usable Security; Browser Add-On; Qualitative Methods; Quantitative Methods; Mixed Methods

ACM Classification Keywords K.4.m Computers and Society: Miscellaneous

Introduction The CRISP project at the University of San Francisco aspires to find a better way of communicating potential risks on the Internet to users at every proficiency level. As part of the project, we worked with a non-profit agency that runs a public computer lab in a low-income

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). CHI'15 Extended Abstracts, Apr 18-23, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea ACM 978-1-4503-3146-3/15/04.

Eunjin (EJ) Jung Dept. of Computer Science University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton St. San Francisco, CA 94117 USA [email protected] Evelyn Y. Ho Dept. of Communication Studies University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton St. San Francisco, CA 94117 USA [email protected]

Hyewon Chung Dept. of Education Chungnam National University 99 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 305-764, Korea [email protected] Mark Sinclair University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton St. San Francisco, CA 94117 USA [email protected]

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neighborhood of San Francisco. The community members have low computer proficiency and have limited access to computers and the Internet. We adopted the Health Belief Model (HBM) from the health/risk communication literature to understand what factors affect members’ behavior regarding Internet security, and asked community members about their self-efficacy and the risks they perceive. We found that despite low proficiency, members were aware of potential risks on the Internet and many employed behavioral strategies to protect themselves. However, they had low self-efficacy and believed that they would be vulnerable to the attacks on the Internet due to their low self-efficacy. They viewed the attacks on the Internet as a threat to their privacy. Even though they had high confidence in our software, low self-efficacy and perceived barriers impeded adoption.

Why a Marginalized Community? The CRISP project aims to understand the challenges in designing the user interfaces of security software for users at any proficiency level and across the digital divide, including people with low-proficiency, limited access to computers and the Internet, and with socio-economic hardship.

Community Members The lab offers walk-in hours for anyone to use computers and the Internet, and classes on basic and intermediate computer skills. The lab also has offered a basic Internet security class intermittently. According to the director of the lab, most community members live on social security. They use email and Facebook to stay connected and may visit YouTube and video game websites for fun. They may use the Internet to find

resources, such as applying for social security and finding jobs.

Why Use the Health Belief Model (HBM)? Internet security behavior and health prevention behavior have important similarities. Security experts want users to avert security incidents by practicing rather inconvenient strategies, such as running Anti-Virus software even though it would impact the performance of their computers, and health promotion experts want people to avoid fatty foods even though they are often delicious, cheap, and easily accessible.

Research in health promotion has long recognized the importance of theory-based planning for identifying the variables for targeting particular behaviors, even if the application in actual program planning may be difficult [3]. While numerous theories exist and overlap, in the CRISP project, the Health Belief Model [2,6] had the best fit. According to the HBM, a target population’s likelihood to change their behavior is based on: perceived susceptibility (perception of risk), perceived severity (seriousness of threat), perceived benefits (effectiveness of actions to reduce threat), perceived barriers (negative actions or costs of behavior), cues to action (stimuli to trigger action), and self-efficacy (perceived competence in being able to act) [2,7].

Using the HBM in a study of email attachments, Ng et al. [4] found that perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy affected a person’s security behavior. Because the study was of relatively tech-savvy users, Ng et al. conclude that perceived barriers may not have been as relevant. Like previous health behavior studies that have found weaker effects, perceived severity was not strongly

Demographic Information of the Participants

Gender: In our sample of 44 members, 31 (70%) were male, 10 (23%) were female, and 3 did not share their gender information.

Ethnicity: Participants were quite diverse. Among 44 participants, 18 reported Caucasian, 13 Black or African-American, 8 of Hispanic or Latino origin, and 4 Asian, and 5 of them also had American Indian or Alaska Native heritage. Participants could choose multiple ethnicities with 4 of them identifying as multicultural.

Education: 18 (41%) completed high school, 10 (23%) received some college education, 3 (7%) completed a 2-year college degree, 8 (18%) completed a 4-year college degree, and 3 (7%) had a graduate degree. Only 2 participants did not complete high school.

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correlated [2] and at least these particular cues to action tested were also not significant [4].

While HBM has been widely used in health intervention research, critiques have been laid on the HBM’s ability to account for community/cultural norms and structural barriers [1]. In this paper, we also pay attention to these aspects of users’ behaviors by inductively coding the qualitative interviews for examples of any norms or barriers that might also affect behavior.

User study We recruited participants by posting advertisements at the public lab. The interview was conducted in a corner of the lab and ran for 30-45 minutes in general. We interviewed 44 participants asking questions about perceived risk (susceptibility) and self-efficacy, and then showed them 8 websites: 2 financial services, 1 professional association, 1 personal blog, 2 game websites, and 2 video viewing websites. For each website, we asked them to make a guess whether this website is safe or malicious and what criteria they used to make the decision. Malicious websites were defined as any websites that can steal their personal information or harm the computer they were using.

In Part 3, we introduced PopJART. This part of the interview was designed so that the participants would be exposed to recent types of attacks and to a countermeasure against these attacks. Malicious JavaScript is used in 3 types of attacks (#1, #3, #8) among the 10 most critical web application security risks in 2013 [5]. We explained how malicious JavaScript code in recent attacks is invisible to users and introduced PopJART as an example countermeasure, which would assist them in identifying

malicious websites. We showed the 8 websites again, this time with PopJART. 5 out of 8 websites had specially designed JavaScript code similar to attack code and PopJART showed warnings. When the participant saw the warning, he or she could 1) “Play Safe” and disable the potentially malicious JavaScript code and interact with the rest of the website, 2) “Take Risk” and interact with the website while executing the malicious code, or 3) “Learn More Information.” After revisiting 8 websites, we asked the participants if they would use PopJART in the future.

Preliminary Findings We categorized our preliminary findings in three factors: perceived risk (perceived susceptibility), self-efficacy, and what affected the users’ adoption of security software PopJART.

Perceived Risk Even though most participants had low computer proficiency, they cared deeply about privacy and security. One said: “This stuff, you put your information in these pages, I think some other people can see it. That's why I don't like to give any information.” They were aware that a breach in Internet security could result in losing control over their private information.

There was an atmosphere of general mistrust towards the Internet. One said: “I have a friend that repairs computers and he is convinced that these antivirus programs have worms built into them so they can continue business and create more business for them. He is usually right about things.”

PopJART (Pop-up for JavaScript Analysis Research Tool)

PopJART is a Firefox browser add-on developed by a team of USF researchers including Prof. Jung. Its backend is a JavaScript classifier based on Statistical Language Model and text-based features that identifies malicious JavaScript code with high probability. As part of the CRISP project, we are in the process of designing the front-end user interface to enhance perception of risk and self-efficacy.

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Figure 1 Perceived exposure to malicious websites

As shown in Figure 1, 15 participants (34%) said they had no idea how often they visit malicious websites. Nine participants (20%) answered “Once a day”, but many were uncertain in their answers. For example, one said, “I come here 3 times a week, so 3 times a week!” meaning that they believe they visit malicious websites every time they use the Internet. One said: “I’m extremely confident that I don’t know [how often I visit malicious websites].” This served as another indicator of low self-efficacy.

Thirty-one participants (70%) believed that just visiting malicious websites without interacting could cause harm. However, most could not explain what can actually happen. When we showed them websites, most relied on brand familiarity (“Western Union must be safe”, “I trust YouTube. Yeah, I’ve been on YouTube since 2006”) or on whether the website asks for sensitive information such as social security number or credit card number (“It has something like information and they don't ask you for any password”).

Self-efficacy As expected, participants reported low perceived self-efficacy. Figure 2 shows that 26 participants (59%) did not think that they could identify malicious websites, and 15 participants (41%) believed they could.

Figure 2 Self-efficacy in detecting (and thus protecting themselves against) malicious websites

Figure 3 Self-efficacy in differentiating between safe and malicious websites just by the look of websites. If the participant were to guess whether a given website is safe or malicious just based on the look of website, how many guesses out of 8 does he or she think would be correct?

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Figure 3 shows 14 (32%) said that they would be able to identify at most 1 out of 8 websites1. Twenty two (50%) believed that they could detect at least half accurately. Average was 3.3.

The correlation between having a security and privacy problem on the Internet and self-efficacy in differentiating safe and malicious websites was not statistically significant (r=.-127, p=.495), and similarly between having heard of anyone who had one and self-efficacy (r= .037, p=.842). Interestingly, Table 1 shows that the same group of people was slightly more confident with the help of PopJART.

Figure 4 shows how well the participants could identify malicious websites. The correlation between reported self-efficacy and actual performance in differentiating between safe and malicious websites just by the look of websites was not statistically significant (r=.157, p=.361). This indicates that their self-efficacy is not a good indicator of their actual proficiency in security.

Security Software Adoption PopJART was given as an example of software to help differentiate between safe and malicious websites. While participants reported high confidence in PopJART’s accuracy (average 4.16 out of 5) and the majority said they would install PopJART (31 out of 44 rated 4 or above), the correlation between the confidence level and the adoption of PopJART was not statistically significant (r=.239, p=.119).

1 The scale was given from 1 to 8, and 3 participants wrote in 0.

Figure 4 Actual performance in differentiating safe and malicious websites just by the look of the websites

Further investigation, however, revealed that those who said that they would absolutely install the software (n=22) strongly felt that with PopJART, they could accurately differentiate between safe and malicious websites (16 out of 22).

Surprisingly, those who would not install the software at all (n=6) also strongly felt that with PopJART, they could tell the difference between safe and malicious website (5 out of 6). This indicates that the confidence in PopJART’s accuracy does not necessarily lead to the adoption of PopJART. In those cases, participants listed reasons along the lines of “I don’t know how to use it” and “Just because I don’t like, like anti-virus and those kinds of software’s because they use up a lot…they make things run slower” (perceived barrier). Unlike the tech-savvy users in [4], perceived barriers may play a more important role in the low-proficiency group.

In [5], higher perception of risk and higher self-efficacy led to a better security behavior. 77% of those who

Accurate identification with


(5 Likert scale) 1 2 3 4 5

Had S&P problem

Yes 0 0 4 3 11

No 1 1 4 5 14

Heard of S&P problem

Yes 0 0 6 5 14

No 1 0 1 1 3

Table 1. Those who have had a security or privacy problem over the Internet or have heard of anyone who had one are slightly more confident that they can accurately differentiate between safe and malicious websites with the help of PopJART. 61% (11 out of 18) of those who had a problem were absolutely confident to install PopJART while 56% (14 out of 25) of those who did not have a problem were absolutely confident. (5 Likert scale: 1 = not at all confident to 5 = absolutely confident)

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thought malicious websites could cause harm just by visiting said they would adopt PopJART, while 60% of those who did not think so said they would. Similarly, 80% of those who thought they could differentiate safe and malicious websites said they would adopt PopJART, while 65% of those who did not think said they would.

Table 2 shows that those who have had a security or privacy problem over the Internet or heard anyone who had one are more likely to install PopJART. Direct and indirect exposure to security and privacy problems may have increased their perception of risk and encouraged security software adoption.

Discussions and Implications As the HBM model predicted, low self-efficacy impedes security software adoption. However, low self-efficacy also seemed to increased uncertainty regarding perceived risk, so the correlation between perceived risk and adoption was not straightforward. This may be partially explained by participants’ varied understandings of security risk. This suggests that user experience designers for security services may focus more on increasing self-efficacy than communicating potential risk (especially when the risk itself is not well defined). Also, gaining users’ trust in the software is more important than convincing users of its high performance.

Conclusion and Future Work The CRISP project aims to illuminate the challenges in designing user interfaces of security software for users at any proficiency level and across the digital divide. We plan to conduct an additional user study with college students and compare their willingness to adopt the security software. We will continue to investigate

how to effectively change culturally diverse users’ security behavior in an inclusive manner. Acknowledgements We thank all the interview participants and all the volunteers and staff members at the lab who allowed us to use their lab for the interviews. We are grateful for the student interviewers who conducted interviews and the research assistant Victor Valle for his work. Finally, authors Profs. Jung and Ho gratefully acknowledge the Innovation Award from the USF Provost office, and Prof. Chung gratefully acknowledges a CNU research grant.

References [1] Dutta-Bergman, M.J. Theory and practice in health communication campaigns: A critical interrogation. Health Communication, 18(2) (2005), 103-122.

[2] Janz, N. K. and Becker, M. H. The Health Belief Model: A Decade Later. Health Education & Behavior, 11(1) (1984), 1-47.

[3] Langlois, M. A. and Hallam, J. S. Integrating Multiple Health Behavior Theories Into Program Planning: The PER Worksheet. Health Promotion Practice, 11(2) (2010), 282-288.

[4] Ng, B.-Y., Kankanhalli, A. and Xu, Y. Studying users' computer security behavior: A health belief perspective. Decis. Support Syst., 46(4) (2009), 815-825. doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2008.11.010

[5] Open Web Application Security Project. OWASP Top Ten Project for 2013. (2013)

[6] Rosenstock, I. M. Historical origins of the health belief model. Health Education Monographs, 2 (1974), 328-335.

[7] Rosenstock, I. M., Strecher, V. J. and Becker, M. H. Social learning theory and the Health Belief Model. Health Education Quarterly, 15(2) (1988), 175-183.

Will install on

personal computer

(5 Likert scale) 1 2 3 4 5

Had S&P problem

Yes 2 0 2 1 13

No 4 2 3 7 10

Heard of S&P problem

Yes 3 0 3 6 13

No 1 1 2 0 2

Table 2. Those who have had a security or privacy problem over the Internet or heard of anyone who had one are more likely to install PopJART on their own computer, if they had one. 72% (13 out of 18) of those who had a problem were absolutely confident to install PopJART while 56% (10 out of 26) of those who did not have a problem were absolutely confident. (5 Likert scale: 1 = will not install at all to 5 = will absolutely install)