chia seed flour a food science revolution

Company LOGO Chia Seed Flour – Low fat A Food Science Revolution: Nuchia Foods Corporation Takes Chia Seeds From Novelty to Main Street With Alternative Flour That May Also Fight Disease Presented April 7, 2010 Drexel University, Goodwin College, Philadelphia, PA By Homer L. Hartage, CEO, Nuchia Foods Corporation, Orlando, Florida

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Chia Seed Flour a Food Science Revolution. Presented at Drexel University Goodwin College April, 7, 2010


Page 1: Chia Seed Flour a Food Science Revolution

Chia Seed Flour – Low fat

A Food Science Revolution: Nuchia Foods Corporation Takes Chia Seeds From Novelty to

Main Street With Alternative Flour That May Also Fight Disease

Chia Seed Flour – Low fat

A Food Science Revolution: Nuchia Foods Corporation Takes Chia Seeds From Novelty to

Main Street With Alternative Flour That May Also Fight Disease

Presented April 7, 2010

Drexel University, Goodwin College, Philadelphia, PA

By Homer L. Hartage, CEO, Nuchia Foods Corporation, Orlando, Florida

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Nuchia Foods Corporation is a foods company, supplying Gluten free health foods, to grocery stores and health food stores.


5603 Commerce Drive. Orlando, Fl 32839

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Control the supply of raw materials through our farm brokerage company,

Flavie Internationale, S. A. Located in Haiti

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Nuchia Foods Corporation

The Company

The Company has been in business for 3 years.

It was incorporated October 15, 2007. It is located in Orlando, Florida, just south of downtown Orlando, Florida.

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Nuchia Foods CorporationNuchia Foods Corporation

• Forbes, • Washington Post, • AOL Money & Finance, • Inns Magazine, • International Business Times, • BNP Brief, • Food Business News, • Milling News, • Grainnet: Breaking News, • The Bond Report - Cyprus

and more.

Press coverage of our company has appeared in these prestigious news sources:

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This news proclaims the country’s first gluten-free baking flour that match consumer expectations of ease of use, taste and texture normally associated only with wheat flours.

The prevailing thought had been that for millions of people who are intolerant to gluten or wheat would use what was in the market regardless of how it taste, accepting the fact that there would in many cases be a great taste difference. They just ate it …

We changed that!

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In addition to the interest of Drexel University, Nuchia Foods products are being studied by:

Brigham Young University – Their product development division has selected our 100% Chia Seed flour as one of the products they are testing as a way to add protein to a dry beverage mix. Chia seed flour has 30 grams of protein per 100 gram sample.

Massey University in Singapore Polytechnic campus A student is researching the characterization of hydrocolloid of the seeds when they are soaked in water. Chia seed form a gelatin like substance when placed in a liquid. We are supplying the seeds for this study.

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Chia is Gluten Free Chia is Gluten Free

All our products are Gluten Free, free of the gluten protein found in wheat, barley and rye.

Nuchia products are sold in more than 300 health food retail stores nationwide.

Products are also offered in bulk sizes to bakeries and food ingredient companies where the opportunities exist to become a key nutritional ingredient in many commonly eaten foods.

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The History of Chia Grain

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a summer annual belonging to the mint family. Chia seeds were a core element of the diet of pre-Columbian civilizations, mainly the Aztecs. *The species originated in mountainous areas extending from West Central Mexico to Northern Guatemala. These ancient peoples were obviously aware of the beneficial effects of Chia seeds, as its name comes from the Mayan word meaning ‘something that makes you strong’.

Chia grain is the healthiest of all grain products. It is the super food of the Aztecs.

Chia was one of the main dietary components of not only the Aztecs, but also of another great Pre-Columbian civilization that developed in Mesoamerica, the Mayans.

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The History of Chia Grain

There is evidence that Chia seeds were first used as a food as early as 3500 B.C., and served as a cash crop in central Mexico between 1500 and 900 B.C.

Chia seeds were eaten as a grain alone or mixed with other seed crops, drunk as a beverage when dissolved in water, ground into flour, included in medicines, and pressed for oil and used as a base for face and body paints.

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The History of Chia Grain

Historically, Chia seeds were roasted and grounded to form a meal called ‘pinole’, then mixed with water to form a porridge or made into cakes.

The Aztecs also used Chia in the preparation of a popular beverage called “Chia Fresca”, where the seeds are soaked in water and then flavored with fruit juice and consumed as a cooling drink. This practice is continued today.

) ™

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The History of Chia Grain

The Aztec diet 500, years ago when it was derived from thesefour grains; Maize, Chia, Beans, and Amaranth, meets today’s dietary requirements as set by the Food and Agriculture Organization - World Health organization, (FAO-WHO).

These civilizations used this species as a raw material in making several medicinal and nutritional compounds, and even paints.

*Anderson, A.J.O. and Dibble, C.E., “An Ethno biography of The Nahuatl”, The Florentine Codex, (translation of the work by Fr. Bernardino Sahagun), Books 10-11, From the Period 1558-1569.

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The History of Chia Grain

Although Chia was an important grain during the pre-Columbian age, its’ cultivation decreased following the discovery of America and subsequent Christianization. Prior to re-discovery, the growth of Chia was limited to a few hectares.

Toxicological Information Chia has no know toxic effects in human consummation. Overall, the results of blood analysis have indicated that there were no significant negative health related effects associated with even consumption of high levels of the Chia.

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Nuchia Foods Corporation

Chia grain is the healthiest of all grain products.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration regards Chia as having an established history of safe consumption as a food.

The plant species Salvia hispanica L. has a long history of plant-human interaction. *

*JOSEPH P. CAHILL, HUMAN SELECTION AND DOMESTICATION OF CHIA (SALVIA HISPANICA L.) Journal of Ethno biology 25(2):155-174. 2005, doi: 10.2993/0278-0771(2005)25[155:HSADOC]2.0.CO;2, University of California

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Chia Has a History of Safe Use as a Food and Nutritional Supplement

Chia Has a History of Safe Use as a Food and Nutritional Supplement

Chia Supports Healthy Response

Diabetes ObesityCardio-vascular Disease

Colon and Prostate


Omega-3 and Chia offers healthy heart support, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, promotes healthy bones, supports healthy inflammation response, supports brain function, supports better strength and endurance.

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Chia Supports Good Health Chia Supports Good Health

Highest natural source of Omega-3, Omega-3 is proven to supports healthy heart and cardiovascular disease prevention

Benefits disease prevention and malnutrition

It’s an anti-inflammatory – effects inflammatory illnesses

Diabetes support – Chia Seeds have been proven to slow digestion and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, which can be helpful in preventing and controlling diabetes. Best results with Type-2 Diabetes

Obesity control – Chia Seeds are known to have natural satieties properties (this makes you feel full most of the day), they have a natural mucilage quality or gel which create the feeling of fullness and is believed helps controls diets and weight.

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Chia Supports Good Health Chia Supports Good Health

Supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels

Supports proper cell growth for breast, colon and prostate health

Supports brain function memory

Builds strength and endurance

Chia has a neutral swell and taste

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Chia Seeds

• Chia is recognized by the FDA as a whole grain food

• No Dietary Restrictions• No Rancidity and stability issues• No taste and shelf life issues• Used as a food• The most stable powder form of

Omega-3 • ORAC Value 11,100• 10% more Omega-3 than Flax


• Flax is not recognized by FDA as a whole grain food

• Has Dietary Restrictions• Rancidity and stability issues• Major taste and shelf life issues• Un-milled hard to digest• ORAC value not available

* Chía resembles flax in that the seed oil of both contains high levels of triglyceride rich in α linolenic acid, an essential (omega-3) fatty acid. Chía contains none of the anti-nutritional cyanogenic, glucosides or linatine (vitamin B6 antagonist) of flax which have undoubtedly limited the use of flax as a food staple.

• * Bhatty, R. S., in “Flaxseed in Human Nutrition”, edited by S.C. Cunnane and L.V. Thompson, AOCS Press, Champaign, IL pp 35-39, (1995)

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Chia Seed Flour is made from the Chia Seed, the super food of the Aztec warriors, and is the most nutritious grain available today.

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The Chia Seed Flour StoryThe Chia Seed Flour Story

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What is Chia Seed FlourWhat is Chia Seed Flour

Chia Seed Flour is Low-Fat flour made from defatted chia seeds.

The flour is made using a Super Critical CO2 process, which removes some of the oil from the Chia seeds leaving a course grain powder and Chia seed oil.

The resulting grain is called *ChiaMax ™ a defatted raw whole Chia grain . It is the best and most stable vegetable source of Omega-3 (Alpha linolenictic Acid (ALA))

ChiaMax™ alone is not suitable for cooking.

* ChiaMax is the registered trade mark of Valansa international

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How is Chia Seed Flour MadeHow is Chia Seed Flour Made

Nuchia Foods Corporation developed a proprietary formulation using various grades of the grain in the proper balance to create an all-purpose baking flour and food ingredient.

The product is the only product of its’ type in the country.

Original Chia Seed Flour - Ingredients: Organic brown rice flour and ChiaMax™ (Salvia Hispanica L)

Nuchia 100% Chia Seed Flour – Ingredient: ChiaMax™ (Salvia Hispanica L)

* ChiaMax is the registered trade mark of Valansa international

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Chia Seed Flour is Low Fat - Compare -

Chia Seed Flour is Low Fat - Compare -

Chia Seeds 55 Calories

Oatmeal105 Calories

Flax Seeds80 Calories

Whey Protein Powder 120 Calories

Soy Flour Defatted 82 Calories

Chia Seed FlourDefatted35 Calories

* Recommended Serving size used™

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Commercial Potential of Chia Seed Flour

A variety of enriched food products can be formulated for human consumption using Chía grain as a vehicle to deliver nutrients.

Commercial Potential of Chia Seed Flour

A variety of enriched food products can be formulated for human consumption using Chía grain as a vehicle to deliver nutrients.

* Chía is a food ingredient whose commercial potential remains untapped.

Chía grain has pleasant characteristics, and is a natural form by which commercially shelf stable omega-3 fatty acids can be delivered to consumers.

• The Chía grain is high in dietary fiber (+30%), • A good source of a high quality protein (+19%), • A botanical source rich in omega-3 fatty acids (200mg/gm), • Contains natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

* James H. Brown, unpublished

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Low Concentrations Required To Deliver Big Punch

Chia Seed Flour can be used to enhance other products when used as an ingredient

Low Concentrations Required To Deliver Big Punch

Chia Seed Flour can be used to enhance other products when used as an ingredient

Nutrient in Dry Blend 5.85%




Omega-3 100 mg 50 mg 25 mg

Protein 600 mg 300 mg 150 mg

Fiber 900 mg 450 mg 225 mg

Potassium 250 mg 125 mg 64.5 mg

Calcium 200 mg 100 mg 50 mg

Magnesium 150 mg 150 mg 75 mg

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More Nutrients Than Other Cereal Grain

More Nutrients Than Other Cereal Grain


Essential Minerals




Chia Seed and Chia Seed Flour, provides multiple nutrients in one

all natural product

Chia Seed and Chia Seed Flour, provides multiple nutrients in one

all natural product

Simplifies Ingredient Label

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*Chia Delivers Powerful Antioxidants!

*Chia Delivers Powerful Antioxidants!

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560

More nutritionally dense than Flax or any other natural grain product

*Nuchia Certificate of Analysis

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*Nutrition Dense With Essential Minerals!

*Nutrition Dense With Essential Minerals!

• Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g

• Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560

Nutrition DenseWith Essential


Nutrition DenseWith Essential


More nutritionally dense than Flax or any other natural grain product

* Nuchia Foods Certificate of Analysis

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*Chia Delivers it all!*Chia Delivers it all!

• Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g

• Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin

• Chlorogenic Acid• Caffeic Acid• Quercetin• Myricetin


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560


Flour ORAC- Value 11,100Total Phenolic Value 560

Nutrition DenseWith Essential


Nutrition DenseWith Essential


Omega-3 Fiber


Omega-3 Fiber


• 6% ALA Omega-3 • 50% Fiber (85% is


• 30% Protein

• (Chia Seeds are 63% ALA Omega-3)

• 6% ALA Omega-3 • 50% Fiber (85% is


• 30% Protein

• (Chia Seeds are 63% ALA Omega-3)

More nutritionally dense than Flax or any other natural grain product

*Nuchia Foods Certificate of Analysis

Page 30: Chia Seed Flour a Food Science Revolution

Chia Seed FlourChia Seed Flour• Hot new buzz product• Gluten free• Available in a course or find grade• Low cost + excellent nutrition• Neutral taste and smell• Great for dry mix blending• Defatted Chia flour is the only stable powder

form of Omega-3 • Long shelf life• Minimal increase in caloric count• Excellent source of fiber, proteins, omega-3,

minerals• Provides healthy support for the three leading

causes of illnesses in America – Obesity, Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes

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Flour is Low-Fat, Less Fat than Oat Meal 10% more Omega 3 than Flax Gluten Free, Neutral Smell and Taste Great Taste Use Chia Flours for Baking No Grinding of Seeds Required Substitute Chia Seed Flours for Wheat Flour 1 for 1 Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Supports a Health Heart and Healthy Inflammation Response Helps Support Proper Cell Growth for Breast, Colon and Prostate Health Antioxidants - ORAC Value for Flour is an amazing 11,100

“Chia is the worlds best and most stable vegetable source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid (ALA)”

Introducing Nuchia Brand Chia Seed Products

Original Chia Seed Flour W / Organic Brown Rice Flour16 oz

100 % Chia Seed Flour7 oz

Chia Seeds(Salvia Hispanica L)16 oz

Chia Seed Mini Pack(Salvia Hispanica L)3.75 oz

Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g- PER SERVING -

Sodium 0.02 mg/g• Barium 12.8 mcg/g • Boron 11.5 mcg/g• Cadmium 0.021 mcg/g• Potassium 9.1 mg/g• Calcium 8.1 mg/g• Iron 0.04 mg/g• Phosphorus 11 mg/g• Magnesium 5.1 mg/g• Zinc 0.06 mg/g• Selenium 0.0008 mg/g• Copper 0.02 mg/g• Manganese 0.02 mg/g- PER SERVING -

Most Nutrient Dense

Cereal Grain

Most Nutrient Dense

Cereal Grain

• Chia Seed Flour - 6% ALA Omega-3

• Chia Seeds - 63% ALA Omega-3 • 50% Fiber (85% of it is Insoluble)• 30% Protein

• Chia Seed Flour - 6% ALA Omega-3

• Chia Seeds - 63% ALA Omega-3 • 50% Fiber (85% of it is Insoluble)• 30% Protein

Omega-3 Fiber


Omega-3 Fiber


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Nuchia Foods Corporation5603 Commerce Drive, Unit 1

Orlando, Florida 32839


Flavie Internationale S.A.

Contact: Homer L. Hartage, President and CEO

[email protected]

Phone: 407-857-2320 ext 101

World-Wide: 888-449-0737



• Product Line for the Food Industry: Bulk Orders

– Original Chia Seed flour,

Ingredients: Chia Seed flour and brown rice flour (Available as an all purpose flour . A self rising variety will be available 2nd quarter 2010)

_ Smart Flour ™ Whole Wheat and Chia Seed Flour (available 2nd qt 2010)

– 100% Chia Seed Flour Ingredients: Chia Seed Flour

– Chia Seeds – Black– Chia Seeds – White

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Mission: To promote healthy eating for people


Chia Plant Grown in Haiti