chicks spring magazine 2015

C H I C K S Making Memories... ...Giving Hope CHICKS Magazine Spring 2015 Introducing Daleside Retreat

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Page 1: CHICKS Spring Magazine 2015

CHICKSMaking Memories...

...Giving Hope

CHICKS Magazine Spring 2015

Introducing Daleside Retreat

Page 2: CHICKS Spring Magazine 2015

What’s Inside?

Contact our Head Office


[email protected]


CHICKS Moorland Retreat, Brentor,Devon, PL19 0LX

01822 811020






WelcomeSpring Magazine 2015


Message from the Chair

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

About Daleside / The Potential

The Challenge

Recent Memories from CHICKS

The People that make CHICKS Possible

WWW. .ORG.UKCHICKSMaking Memories...

...Giving Hope


CHICKS is a national children’s charity that provides respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK.

Since its inception in 1992, CHICKS has provided over 12,000 breaks for disadvantaged children at its retreats in Devon and Cornwall.

The children CHICKS supports come from a range of backgrounds including children living in poverty, those who have suffered from neglect or abuse and children caring for sick or disabled relatives. Whatever their background, they all desperately need a break from their challenges and will have no other break away without CHICKS.


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‘‘When I think back to when I first got involved with CHICKS, I am amazed at how far we have come and how much has changed. One thing that hasn’t changed is the charity’s vision to give every disadvantaged child the opportunity to feel valued. In 2000 the trustees set out a plan to make this vision a reality and created the strategy of owning two CHICKS retreats by 2010 and a further two by 2020. We achieved the first stage by 2006 and are close to opening a third retreat which will enable us to support a further 600 children each year.

This means 600 more children will get the opportunity to experience what is special about CHICKS. So what is special?

Well, our high adult-to-child ratio, the ability for children to return year after year, plus our commitment to keeping in touch with the children after their break is what makes CHICKS special.

Knowing we are always there for these children, however unstable, chaotic and frightening their lives are, provides reassurance that someone cares and gives them the confidence they lack.

Our dream to open a third retreat, so that many more disadvantaged children have the opportunity to feel valued, is within touching distance. I hope that you will share this vision with us and help us to make it a reality.’’

Marion Luckhurst, Chair of Trustees and Board Member since 1998

Message from the Chair

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

About Daleside / The Potential

The Challenge

Recent Memories from CHICKS

The People that make CHICKS Possible

Message from the Chair


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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

We chat to former CHICKS child, Josie, whilst she is volunteering at our Coastal Retreat in Cornwall.

‘‘When I was younger I saw my mum almost die in hospital. It traumatised me.’’

Home could be a stressful, worrying place for Josie growing up. Her mum suffers from ME and can barely walk. This left Josie and her sister to care for her – doing housework, dressing her and offering emotional support. Josie’s dad wanted to help, but was diagnosed with cancer and facing his own battle.

‘‘We’ve had quite a lot of bad luck in the family. I was really stressed as a child and on top of everything at home, I was worried about my GCSEs. I did well at school but it was hard to concentrate because I was always thinking of my mum and what might happen to her.’’

With both parents seriously ill, simple activities like going to the park or swimming were almost impossible.

In Josie’s own words, ‘‘When CHICKS came around I actually found the light at the end of the tunnel…it just changed my life completely.

‘‘I came to CHICKS twice when I was in my early teens. The volunteers and staff gave me positivity and encouragement and made me believe I could achieve anything.

‘‘I still remember all of their names…Louis, Kelly, Jason…’’ She manages to list every single volunteer and staff member from her two breaks.

‘‘I still have the pictures and the letters they sent me.’’Josie volunteering on a break

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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Her time at CHICKS was also packed full of first time experiences. ‘‘I’d never been to an adventure park before. I remember it was Halloween and we all dressed up as zombies.

‘‘It was also my first time horse riding and it was amazing. I was scared, but the volunteers encouraged me and I loved it.

‘‘I’d only been swimming once or twice before so I couldn’t really swim but the volunteers showed me how. Doing all these things allowed me to explore and do things I never got to do at home.’’

It is clear just how much her time at CHICKS meant to Josie and what a huge impact it’s had on her life. She is now 19 years old and has returned to CHICKS, this time as a volunteer – one of a growing number of former CHICKS children who do so.

She says, ‘‘After what CHICKS gave me, I just wanted to give something back. I love looking after children so I thought I’d give these children what CHICKS gave me by volunteering.

‘‘I’ve seen huge changes in the children over the week. Each and every one of them has grown in confidence.

‘‘I’ll definitely come back again as a volunteer. I love engaging with the children and I’m learning just as much as they are.’’

Josie will be attending university next year and is planning on becoming a social worker. Before she leaves to rejoin the rest of the group, I ask her to describe CHICKS in one word. Without any hesitation, she replies, ‘‘inspiring.’’

Josie as a child at CHICKS...

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Daleside Retreat, Fenny Bentley, Derbyshire

Moorland Retreat,Brentor, Devon

Coastal Retreat,Tywardreath, Cornwall

About Daleside

Our new retreat, Daleside, is based in the Peak District, just three miles north west of Ashbourne in Derbyshire. The property was originally built in the 1600s and was a working farm but has more recently been used as a B&B farmhouse business.

The building is large enough to accommodate 16 children, six adult volunteers and the CHICKS staff that make up each break. Once renovated, it will have a cosy family feel which is essential to the CHICKS ethos. It is in a secluded location outside a small village called Fenny Bentley and has simply stunning views for the children to enjoy.

Set in peaceful picturesque countryside, it is surrounded by rolling dales and has everything that we need for the children: barns we can convert into an undercover play area; ample space to create a family kitchen and dining room; and fields to make into football pitches and use for team games, BBQs and picnics.

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Daleside Retreat, Fenny Bentley, Derbyshire

Coastal Retreat,Tywardreath, Cornwall

Once up and running, Daleside Retreat will help us to accommodate a further 600 disadvantaged children who desperately need our support. Due to its location, we also hope to reach out to more communities in the Midlands and the north of England where the demand for our service is great.

The Potential

Noran Flynn, Director of the ‘Place Of Dreams’ in Birmingham

Noran Flynn is one of our valuable Referral Agents who act as a vital link between CHICKS and families, helping us reach out to the hundreds of children who desperately need our help.

Noran works in an area of Birmingham where 50% of children live in poverty. Since 2009, she has referred 180 children she works with to CHICKS, with another 48 coming this summer.

Noran says: “With high levels of unemployment, parents have not got the financial means to take their children on holiday. We offer CHICKS breaks to those most in need as we know it gives a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience.

“CHICKS gives our children the opportunity to take part in new and exciting activities, and to

mix together which facilitates celebrating diversity. Spending time by the coast or in the countryside is a stark contrast to their inner-city environment.

‘‘The smiling faces of our children on their return and their excited reminiscing of their holiday adventure make everything worthwhile.

‘‘We are all very excited about the new Daleside Retreat as it will give us more opportunities to offer an amazing holiday to our children in a venue that is not too far away. We are already considering our most vulnerable children who would be able to take advantage of this more local experience.’’

About Daleside


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The Challenge We’re delighted to have officially purchased the new retreat, having received substantial funding from the St James’s Place Foundation amongst other generous funders. However, there is still so much to be done to transform this charming building into a safe, exciting and fun place for the children.

This old barn will become an indoor play area for the children filled with games like table tennis, snooker and air hockey. It will be a place where they can simply play and relax with their friends.

A huge renovation project will have to take place before we can open the doors to the first children. The current barns are in need of refurbishment and will require new flooring, insulation and lighting, as well as sports equipment and trampolines, before we can start using it as an all weather sports area for the children.

Walls will have to be knocked down, bathrooms built and various other structural changes made to create suitable living areas for the children, volunteers and staff, not to mention the installation of a new kitchen and dining room which will become the heart of the CHICKS retreat.

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The Challenge On top of all of this, new equipment will have to be purchased for the entire site including new minibuses to take the children on their trips and to their activities, play equipment, outdoor clothing and much more.

We still need an estimated £400,000 to completely refurbish and equip the newretreat.

With so much more to be done and thousands of pounds needed to do it, we’ll need our supporters more than ever to help us bring this exciting project to fruition and to make Daleside the beautiful retreat we know it can be.

This old barn will become an indoor play area for the children filled with games like table tennis, snooker and air hockey. It will be a place where they can simply play and relax with their friends.

This basic looking room will become one of the most important parts of the retreat - the CHICKS kitchen. Here our cooks will prepare delicious home-cooked meals for the children to enjoy.


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Recent Memories


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Thank you for giving me a good time. I still have all the photos on my bunk bed...After I went to CHICKS my life was never the same again. I could never be sad when I look at the photos. The best birthday gift ever is a letter from you. I really hope the other children there are having as much as fun as I did. You are my idols and I would like to be just like you when I’m older...

From Ellie

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Working Together for Mutual BenefitCornish Mutual is a South West based insurance company and huge supporter of CHICKS since 2001.

Alan Goddard, Managing Director of Cornish Mutual said: “I met Elanor Hoskin, CEO of CHICKS, during a business course and it became clear that we as a company had a lot to offer the organisation. Since then we have provided knowledge and expertise to help with their behavioural style of management, volunteered at their coastal retreat and most recently voted them as the main charity that we will be fundraising for in 2015.

CHICKS’ values are in line with those here at Cornish Mutual, their community spirit, friendly approach and openness to provide much needed support to young people all over the country is inspirational and we’re very proud to support them.”

The Strand Quilters

The People who make CHICKS Possible!

The Strand QuiltersCHICKS has been the quilting group’s chosen charity for the past 3 years. During this time they’ve made Memory Bags and special Christmas hats for the children, held tea parties and other events, raising thousands of pounds for CHICKS.

Chairperson, Angela Moon, said: ‘‘Most of our members are retired and are able to raise funds over a period of time, rather than something like a

Volunteers from Cornish Mutual enjoying a well-earned break

sponsored race or swim. We have time to help in practical ways too, according to our capabilities. Over the past 20 years the group has raised thousands of pounds for both national and local charities…we will continue to help CHICKS when and wherever we can.’’

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Valuable VolunteersAlex Bearne is one of our many brilliant Respite Break Volunteers who give up a week of their time to support the children on their breaks. This year, he will be volunteering on his 12th break.

He said: ‘‘I first went to CHICKS in 2010 because I had some time to spare between terms at University and I wanted to do something different, fun and worthwhile.

Alex volunteering on a break

CHICKS fulfilled all of that and more. Whilst on a break the staff get you involved, the volunteers have a laugh and the children eat up every second of entertainment. I’ve come back time and time again because of that amazing experience but most of all, I’ve seen the difference a week at CHICKS can make to a child. For anyone on a break, one week leads to memories for years to come.’’

The People who make CHICKS Possible!


Memory MakersDavid is one of our amazing regular donors who we like to call, ‘Memory Makers.’ He is a long-standing supporter, first giving to CHICKS in 2003.

David says he first heard about CHICKS after seeing the logo on the back of a Ginsters Cornish Pasty. He’d already decided he wanted to support a charity that supports children and was impressed and inspired by what CHICKS does. Memory Maker, David

He said: ‘‘I’d read about a lot of charities that help terminally ill or disabled children but CHICKS was special in that it helps children who are disadvantaged in some way. All children are vulnerable so I’m pleased to support a charity that provides much needed relief and support to them.’’

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Challengers Christina Keating is one of our fantastic fundraisers who last year took part in the expedition to reach the summit of Mount Toubkal, the highest peak in North Africa. Along with 11 other participants, Christina flew to Marrakech, Morocco, to take on the 4-day challenge.

Christina said:‘‘I had wanted to do something for charity in memory of my aunt Mary who left a big gap in our lives and I thought this would be a good opportunity to do a challenge...’’

Christina and the team in Morocco

The trek was tough going but Christina said: ‘‘There was so much spirit and camaraderie in this newly formed group that getting to the camp became a group effort and being able to lean on this support was energising.’’ Although the group were unable to reach the summit due to unusually early snow fall, a genuine feeling of achievement at having pushed themselves physically and mentally was felt by everyone. All of the hard work was worth it because Christina personally raised an incredible £949.25 from the trek, contributing to the final group total of £14,225!

‘‘I wish I could close my eyes and go back to the beginning again.’’CHICKS Child

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12th JulyBRITISH 10K LONDON RUNTake part in one of the world’s greatest road races. Starting at Picadilly, you’ll run through the heart of central London, passing many of the city’s historical landmarks along the way.


Get Involved

For more information or to register for one of our events

call us on 01822 811020, email [email protected] or visit

CHICKSMaking Memories...

...Giving Hope

6th - 7th JuneTREKFEST, BRECON BEACONSDecide how far you want to push yourself by choosing from the 13, 27 or 54 mile routes. This challenge can be as tough as you want it to be!

19th JuneGOLF DAY, CORNWALLJoin us for a great day of golf, excellent prizes (including the chance to win £10,000 for a hole in one) and delicious food. Entry fee is just £40 per person so sign up now!

5th-6th SeptemberTREKFEST, PEAK DISTRICTTake part in this exciting trekking challenge in one of Britain’s most inspiring National Parks. The Peaks TrekFest challenge routes encompass an impressive network of footpaths and bridle ways, beginning and ending in the beautiful Hope Valley.

21st NovemberCHICKS SNOWBALLCome along to this year’s glamorous SnowBall at the Holiday Inn, Plymouth.

5th & 6th DecemberSANTA RUNS, LONDON AND CORNWALLGet your jingle on and kick off the festive season in style. Santa suit included, bring your own festive cheer.

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What our Patron Jennifer Saunders

‘‘A new retreat will benefit hundreds more children every year, who will be able to enjoy the safety, comfort and opportunities that CHICKS offers...’’

says about Daleside Retreat...

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Help us create more memories this year...