child benefit statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · child benefit statistics - august 2014 however, those...

August 2014 A National Statistics Publication © Crown Copyright 2015 HM REVENUE AND CUSTOMS KAI Benefits & Credits Child Benefit Statistics Geographical analysis at Country, Region, Local Authority and Parliamentary Constituency levels

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Page 1: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

August 2014

A National Statistics Publication

© Crown Copyright 2015


Child Benefit Statistics

Geographical analysis

at Country, Region, Local Authority and

Parliamentary Constituency levels

Page 2: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014


Contact point for enquiries:-

Jeff Woodhouse

Child Benefit Statistics

HM Revenue & Customs, Room 2E/13, 100 Parliament Street

London, SW1A 2BQ

( : 03000 586281

E-mail : [email protected]

This and previous issues can be found on the HM Revenue & Customs website:

The next issue, for August 2015, will be published on 29th February 2016.


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i HM Revenue and Customs

Page 3: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014


What is Child Benefit?

Child Benefit is a payment that you can claim for your child. It is usually paid every four weeks

but in some cases can be paid weekly. The payment can be claimed by anyone who qualifies.

As of January 2013, claimants may be liable to a tax charge called the 'High Income Child

Benefit charge'. Being liable for this charge does not affect a child's entitlement but any Child

Benefit recipient is liable to repay some or all of their Child Benefit back if they or their partner

has an individual income of more than £50,000 per year. For every additional £100 over the

£50,000 threshold that an individual earns, the tax charge due increases by 1%. This means that

any recipient whose income (or partner’s income) is over £60,000 will be liable to repay their

entire Child Benefit entitlement. Alternatively, claimants affected by the High Income Child

Benefit charge have the option to opt-out of receiving Child Benefit, thereby ceasing their


Child Benefit is paid to those responsible for children (aged under 16) or qualifying young

people. The latter includes:

a) those in full-time non-advanced education or (from April 2006) on certain approved vocational

training courses and who are under 19, or are aged 19 and have been on the same course since

their 19th birthdays. (Note: those reaching 19 up to 9 April 2006 ceased to qualify on their 19th

birthdays);b) those entered for future external examinations, or are in the period between leaving education

(or exams finishing) and the week containing the first Monday in September (or similar dates

after Easter and in early January, if earlier), and are not in work (there are slight variations for


c) those aged under 18 who have moved directly from full-time education to being registered for

work or training with the Careers service or with Connexions.

You can get Child Benefit even if your child doesn't live with you. However, if they live with

someone else, you can only get Child Benefit if:

a) you pay towards the upkeep of your child

b) what you pay is at least the same as the amount of Child Benefit you get for your child

c) the person bringing up your child is not getting Child Benefit for them - if you and another

person both claim Child Benefit for the same child, only one of you can get it

You can also claim Child Benefit for a child even if you're not their parent, but you have to be

responsible for them to qualify.

Awards are also subject to residence criteria being satisfied.

There are two separate amounts, with a higher amount for your eldest (or only) child and a lower

amount for each of your other children.

For further information about who can claim please refer to the HMRC website:

Introduction HM Revenue and Customs

Page 4: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

What does this publication tell me?

This publication includes details of the number of families claiming Child Benefit as at 31st

August 2014, the number and ages of children within those families and their geographical

location. Population counts at Country and English Region level are shown, as well as by Local

Authority and Parliamentary Constituency (Westminster and Scottish) in the United Kingdom.

This publication also contains are details of the number of families that had opted out of

receiving Child Benefit as at August 2014, the number and ages of children within those families

and their geographical location. Again population counts broken down by Country and English

Region, Local Authority and Parliamentary Constituency are provided.

The statistics are as close to real-time as possible and represent the complete picture as at the

31st August, including back-dated awards pertaining to new-births. As these statistics are

classified as National Statistics the exact date of publication is pre-announced at least a month

in advance with the month published a year ahead in the previous publication.

This publication includes detailed analysis of the Child Benefit population as at 31st August

2014, as well as headline time series figures for each August back to 2003, this is because HM

Revenue & Customs took over the responsibility for Child Benefit from April 2003.

Previously and up until April 2003, Child Benefit was administered by the Department of Social

Security (now the Department for Work and Pensions), statistics for previous years are available

on the DWP website:

We also publish detailed small area statistics for Great Britain, at Lower Layer Super Out Area

(LSOA) for England and Wales, and Data Zone for Scotland. These statistics are based on the

same source data and totals for higher level geographies will match up. The statistics are

available with the National Statistics release of these statistics. Currently the small area data is

not labelled as National Statistics and appears on the HMRC website and on the Neighbourhood

Statistics website.

Further geographical statistics, down to Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) in England and

Wales, Data Zones in Scotland and Output Areas in Northern Ireland are available from the

following sites:

● Office for National Statistics: Neighbourhood Statistics

● Scottish Government: Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics

● Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA): Northern Ireland Neighbourhood

Information Service

Introduction HM Revenue and Customs

Page 5: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Who might be interested?

The statistics contained in this publication will be of interest for anyone that is looking for the

latest possible data on Child Benefit. Specifically, there are statistics on the number of children,

by age band, in each geographical area. These statistics may be of interest to academics, think

tanks as well as Local Government and might be used for comparison to comparable Tax

Credits statistics.

Although the number of families that have opted out and the children within those families are

included within this publication, we are unable to provide figures on those that have chosen not

to claim Child Benefit due to the introduction of the High income Child Benefit charge. This

means that the Child Benefit population (up to 16) may not continue to be as useful a proxy for

the child population as a whole in future years.

What do the tables contain?

At end-August 2014 there were 7.46 million families, responsible for 12.96 million children and

qualifying young people ("children"), receiving Child Benefit. The figures cover backdated

awards, and so include all awards now reckoned to have entitlement spanning that date.

Table 1 shows the high level time series for August 2003 to August 2014. It shows the number

of families in receipt of Child Benefit in each Country and English Region, as well as the number

of children.

Table 2 shows further breakdowns of these numbers by the number of children within each

family, and separately the age bands of the children within the awards.

Table 3 provides the first detailed view of August 2014 statistics. This table shows the headline

figures for the number of children in each family, as well as the number of children broken down

by age band, in each Country and English Region.

Table 4 provides a detailed breakdown of the counts of the number of children by individual

ages for each Country and English Region.

Tables 5, 6 and 6a provide the same headline figures of the number of families receiving Child

Benefit by the number of children, and the number of children broken down by age band for

each Local Authority (Table 5), Westminster Parliamentary Constituency (Table 6) and Scottish

Parliamentary Constituency (Table 6a).

Table 7 shows the number of children by individual ages for each local authority in the United

Kingdom. We previously published this data in a supplementary release which is now available

within this publication.

Please note that the above tables will also include some claimants that are subject to the High

Income Child Benefit charge and have chosen to continue receiving Child Benefit and to repay

their liability through an income tax charge, as such claimants are not separately identifiable

from unaffected claimants.

Introduction HM Revenue and Customs

Page 6: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

2014 there were 475 thousand families, responsible for 819 thousand children and qualifying

young people ("children"), that had opted out of receiving Child Benefit. The figures also cover

backdated awards, and so include all awards now reckoned to have opted out of entitlement

spanning that date.

Table 8 shows the headline figures for the number of children in each family that had opted out,

as well as the number of children broken down by age band, in each Country and English


Table 9 provides a detailed breakdown of the counts of the number of children in families that

have opted out of receiving Child Benefit by individual ages for each Country and English


Tables 10, 11 and 11a provide the same headline figures of the number of families that have

opted out of receiving Child Benefit by the number of children, and the number of children

broken down by age band for each Local Authority (Table 9), Westminster Parliamentary

Constituency (Table 10) and Scottish Parliamentary Constituency (Table 10a).

No further breakdowns for opt out figures were possible due to small figures, and some family

size categories were aggregated because of this reason.

User Engagement

Bespoke analysis of Child Benefit data is possible although there may be a charge depending on

the level of complexity and the resources required to produce. If you would like to discuss your

requirements, to comment on the current publications, or for further information about the Child

Benefit statistics please use the contact information at the beginning of this publication, or from

the HMRC website:

We are committed to improving the official statistics we publish. We want to encourage and

promote user engagement, so we can improve our statistical outputs.

We would welcome any views you have using the link to the feedback form below. We will

undertake to review user comments on a quarterly basis and use this information to influence

the development of our official statistics. We will summarise and publish user comments at

regular intervals.

National Statistics Review

We carried out a formal review of our National Statistics publications, covering both Tax Credits

(provisional and finalised) and Child Benefit in 2011.

The Child Benefit Statistics User Consultation ran from 11 July to 30 September 2011 and

covered Child Benefit National Statistics and Official Statistics using an on-line survey. A

summary of the results from the consultation have been published on the HMRC website:

Introduction HM Revenue and Customs

Page 7: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Following feedback from the consultation, we have introduced a new category in this publication

to show the number of families in receipt of CB for four children and five or more children.


The figures have been independently rounded to the nearest 5. This can lead to components as

shown not summing to totals as shown.

Age bands of data on children

For most tables in this publication, figures showing the age of children for whom CB is claimed

have been grouped into four age bands. Figures at a local authority level showing the number of

children by single year of age are available in Table 7 and replaces the Supplementary Table


Introduction HM Revenue and Customs

Page 8: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014


Overall Trends in time series of families and children

Ahead of August 2013 there had been significant growth in both the number of families in receipt

of Child Benefit and the number of children being claimed for since 2007. The increases between

August 2007 and August 2012 across each of the countries of the United Kingdom were between

1% and 7%. However, subsequent to the introduction of the High Income Child Benefit Charge in

January 2013, we have seen a decrease for the first time (since HMRC begun producing these

statistics) in the number of families in receipt of Child Benefit and the first decrease in the

number of children for whom the Child Benefit is being paid since 2004.

The decreases in the number of families and children between 2012 and 2013 and across each

of the countries of the United Kingdom are between 1% and 6%. The number of families and

children attributed to Foreign and unknown has been decreasing since August 2009 but has been

quite volatile across the years, which could be due to inaccuracies in the recorded information

and also to the net flow of migrant workers. The affects of the introduction of the High Income

Child Benefit Charge are still seen in 2014 statistics. Reductions in the number of claimant

families and children are still seen for all countries between 1% and 2%. Foreign and Unknown

again decreased by 13%.

Figure 1: The number of families and children in receipt of Child Benefit, 2003 to 2014

August 2011

August 2011

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 1)




































er o

f ch










Number of families

Number of children

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 9: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

In August 2014 there were 7.46 million families, responsible for 12.96 million children and

qualifying young people ("children"), receiving Child Benefit (CB), compared with 2013, when

there were there were 7.55 million families, responsible for 13.11 million children (Figure 1).

Under UK domestic law a claimant is eligible to receive Child Benefit if they are present and

ordinarily resident in the UK. For citizens of other countries (such as the European Economic

Area, including A2 and A8 countries) they are able to claim Child Benefit as long as they meet

the requirements of the "right to reside" test, which amongst other requirements means that they

must generally be in registered or authorised employment (as set out in Home Office transitional

regulations), in self-employment or be self-sufficient.

Figure 2: The number of families broken down by family size, 2003 to 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 2)

The number of families, regardless of family size, has decreased since August 2013. Despite this

decrease, the number of families with one child in 2014 is higher than the number of families with

one child in 2008, whereas, the number of families with more than one child in 2014 is lower than

in 2003. This is in keeping with the underlying trend of the number of families with one child

increasing each year between 2003 and 2012 and the general decline in families with more than

one child during the same period. Changes in the size of families in receipt of Child Benefits

could be due to qualifying young people staying on in education or just a reflection of the general

rise in birth rates over the same period. The number of qualifying young people (children aged 16

and over) decreased by 0.6% between 2013 and 2014 (Figure 4). The average number of

children per family in the United Kingdom for which child benefit is paid has reduced each year

between 2003 and 2013 (Figure 3). This trend ends in 2014 where the average number of

children per family increase from 1.736 in 2013 to 1.737.






























One child Two children

Three children Four children

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 10: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Figure 3: Average number of children per family broken down by country, 2003 to 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 1)

Figure 4: The number of children broken down by age of child, 2003 to 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 2)
























e n



r o

f c





United Kingdom England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
































Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 11: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

In terms of the age distribution of children, the number of children and young people aged 16 to

19 had been increasing steadily for some time and continued to do so up to 2010 but began to

decrease slightly in 2011 and 2012. There was also a decrease in this age group between 2013

and 2014 but, as the overall number of children and young people has decreased (and so the

numbers of children in the other age categories have also decreased), we cannot say whether

this decrease is continuing the trend or due to the policy change that has come into effect since

the production of the 2012 statistics- the High Income Child Benefit charge. There was a

significant increase in the number of 16-19 year olds between August 2005 and August 2006

following the extension in April 2006 of Child Benefit to qualifying 19 year olds (Figure 4).

Analysis of August 2014 Population

There are higher numbers of children in the North West, London and the South East. (Figure 5)

Figure 5: The number of families and children broken down by country and English

region, at 31st August 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 3)

Figure 6 shows the average number of children for whom Child Benefit is being claimed for, per

family. The average number of children is fairly consistent across many of the regions, where

there is an average of between 1.72 and 1.78, but the North East (1.68), Scotland (1.65) and

Northern Ireland (1.83) deviate from this.












North East North West Yorkshireand theHumber



East London South East South West Wales Scotland NorthernIreland







s / c



Country and English Region

Number of families

Number of children

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 12: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Figure 6: Average number of children per family broken down by country and English

region, at 31st August 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 3)

Children aged 16-19 are only included within Child Benefit claims if they meet the eligibility

criteria for non-advanced further education or training, therefore you can expect to see the

number of children in these categories decline sharply away from the mid-year population

projections. This is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: The number of children broken down by individual age, at 31st August 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 4 and Population Projections for UK,ONS)







1.73 1.73 1.72










North East North West Yorkshireand theHumber



East London South East South West Wales Scotland NorthernIreland







s / c



Country and English Region











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19












Age of child

Children in Child Benefit 2014 Population Projections

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 13: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Despite the number of children for whom Child Benefit was received now being lower than the

population projections for all ages due to the overall decrease in children, the distribution of

children in receipt of Child Benefit mirrors the mid-year population projections[1]. This is with the

exception of 16-19 year olds, for the above mentioned reasons, and for infants under 1 where we

know there is a delay in claiming Child Benefit. Both series show the lower volumes of children

aged 11 and 12 compared to the other age groups, and the resulting increase in birth rates since


Families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit

Within the population of claimants that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit, there are higher

numbers of children in the East, London and the South East (Figure 8).

Figure 8: The number of families that have opted out, and the children within those

families, broken down by country and region at 31st August 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 8)











North East North West Yorkshireand theHumber



East London South East South West Wales Scotland NorthernIreland







s / c



Country and English Region

Number of families

Number of children

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 14: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

The age distribution of children within families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit is

similar to the age distribution of the children for whom Child Benefit is received. The low number

of children under one is likely to be because families subject to the High Income Child Benefit

charge, whose first child was aged under one at August 2014, would have had a choice between

either registering for Child Benefit and then opting out, or not registering to begin with. These

figures suggest that, some of these families may have chosen not to register after learning about

the High Income Child Benefit charge. At the other end of the age scale, families with 19 year

olds may have been less likely to opt out before August 2014 due to the 19 year olds no longer

being in entitlement at the end of the school year anyway (Figure 9). An increase is seen

between 17 and 18 year olds following on from a population increase of 17 year olds seen at

August 2013.

Figure 9: The number of children in families that have opted out, by individual age at 31st

August 2014

(Source data: Child Benefit Statistics Table 9)

Notes1 2012 Population Projections are taken from the Office for National Statistics website:








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19













Age of child

Commentary HM Revenue and Customs

Page 15: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 1: Families and children receiving Child Benefit, in each country and English Region, 2003 to 2014


North East North West


and the





MidlandsEast London South East South West

Area Codes 2

K02000001 K03000001 K04000001 E92000001 E12000001 E12000002 E12000003 E12000004 E12000005 E12000006 E12000007 E12000008 E12000009 W92000004 S92000003 N92000002 n/a

Number of families

August 2003 7,246,335 7,000,770 6,394,870 6,037,500 318,470 861,775 619,630 517,590 663,400 653,695 876,120 956,080 570,735 357,370 605,900 225,885 19,675

August 2004 7,296,495 7,055,160 6,448,355 6,087,500 317,515 863,070 622,065 520,870 667,175 660,390 894,090 965,480 576,845 360,855 606,805 226,850 14,485

August 2005 7,315,165 7,074,665 6,470,575 6,110,190 315,855 860,660 622,475 522,195 667,565 664,155 909,045 970,225 578,015 360,385 604,085 226,800 13,705

August 2006 7,413,475 7,129,720 6,528,205 6,168,010 316,665 864,650 626,740 527,105 672,220 671,850 926,055 981,015 581,705 360,195 601,515 230,140 53,615

August 2007 7,475,035 7,212,565 6,605,270 6,241,895 318,020 869,475 631,995 535,775 678,300 683,780 937,480 995,990 591,085 363,375 607,290 230,825 31,650

August 2008 7,582,990 7,320,990 6,708,080 6,341,345 319,815 876,795 640,670 543,350 686,910 696,485 964,180 1,013,595 599,550 366,735 612,910 233,830 28,165

August 2009 7,769,880 7,485,730 6,864,935 6,492,290 324,525 892,240 653,645 554,925 701,070 713,455 1,002,815 1,038,010 611,600 372,650 620,795 238,605 45,545

August 2010 7,841,675 7,557,305 6,935,695 6,562,705 324,265 894,940 657,700 559,645 705,640 723,030 1,028,265 1,051,885 617,340 372,985 621,615 240,985 43,385

August 2011 7,884,760 7,600,115 6,979,465 6,606,285 323,155 895,670 659,240 561,885 708,325 730,180 1,044,355 1,061,870 621,605 373,180 620,650 242,310 42,335

August 2012 7,920,495 7,641,575 7,022,780 6,650,070 321,310 895,845 661,370 564,385 711,110 737,485 1,061,620 1,071,795 625,145 372,705 618,795 243,185 35,735

August 2013 7,550,265 7,279,100 6,691,985 6,328,460 311,725 868,775 643,560 545,720 692,110 690,410 996,490 979,075 600,590 363,525 587,115 239,125 32,040

August 2014 7,461,675 7,195,865 6,619,190 6,259,275 307,860 862,015 640,080 542,575 688,340 681,035 982,060 959,600 595,710 359,910 576,675 237,865 27,945

Number of children

August 2003 13,138,075 12,670,975 11,625,050 10,983,290 552,970 1,549,900 1,116,630 934,450 1,219,985 1,200,175 1,613,235 1,754,585 1,041,360 641,755 1,045,925 439,870 27,230

August 2004 13,096,760 12,635,505 11,600,380 10,960,280 544,840 1,534,595 1,109,155 930,920 1,214,695 1,200,175 1,632,425 1,752,995 1,040,475 640,100 1,035,125 435,690 25,565

August 2005 13,111,665 12,654,135 11,626,490 10,988,765 540,940 1,528,255 1,109,150 932,310 1,215,315 1,204,750 1,658,755 1,758,520 1,040,780 637,725 1,027,640 431,995 25,535

August 2006 13,233,320 12,706,365 11,685,995 11,050,975 540,980 1,529,585 1,113,190 936,980 1,219,915 1,212,530 1,686,375 1,768,965 1,042,445 635,020 1,020,370 435,485 91,475

August 2007 13,267,355 12,778,460 11,754,415 11,117,770 540,610 1,529,060 1,117,760 946,090 1,225,025 1,225,485 1,699,215 1,782,530 1,052,000 636,645 1,024,045 433,370 55,525

August 2008 13,340,565 12,857,555 11,831,255 11,194,420 539,840 1,528,890 1,124,420 951,000 1,231,190 1,235,400 1,732,120 1,795,225 1,056,340 636,835 1,026,300 434,390 48,625

August 2009 13,604,375 13,088,240 12,054,140 11,409,950 546,125 1,549,625 1,143,245 967,010 1,251,900 1,258,520 1,794,220 1,827,530 1,071,775 644,190 1,034,095 440,570 75,565

August 2010 13,685,250 13,170,155 12,138,365 11,495,395 544,775 1,551,080 1,147,440 971,690 1,257,180 1,269,870 1,831,965 1,843,465 1,077,930 642,965 1,031,795 443,110 71,985

August 2011 13,721,160 13,207,465 12,179,715 11,537,505 542,680 1,549,475 1,148,450 973,310 1,259,770 1,276,525 1,853,670 1,852,950 1,080,680 642,210 1,027,750 444,285 69,410

August 2012 13,771,635 13,267,355 12,243,960 11,602,370 540,060 1,550,880 1,153,480 976,870 1,265,765 1,284,980 1,880,560 1,865,335 1,084,435 641,590 1,023,390 445,220 59,055

August 2013 13,107,460 12,618,675 11,651,810 11,026,465 525,215 1,505,780 1,124,295 943,980 1,233,780 1,198,215 1,763,895 1,693,670 1,037,630 625,345 966,865 437,440 51,345

August 2014 12,962,175 12,482,260 11,532,980 10,913,100 520,170 1,497,345 1,121,595 938,835 1,229,210 1,181,620 1,738,575 1,656,975 1,028,775 619,885 949,280 435,055 44,860


1 Includes Foreign and not known

2 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

Wales ScotlandNorthern



and not


Number of families and children

Time SeriesUnited

Kingdom 1



England and



Table 1 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 16: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 2: Families and children receiving Child Benefit by family type and age of child, 2003 to 2014

Total 1 One child Two children





Five or


children 2

Total 1 Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

August 2003 7,246,335 3,067,495 2,907,370 946,875 13,138,075 3,306,980 4,360,335 3,875,345 1,595,415

August 2004 7,296,495 3,164,685 2,891,065 926,165 13,096,760 3,311,660 4,308,305 3,842,565 1,634,230

August 2005 7,315,165 3,187,005 2,891,425 920,760 13,111,665 3,351,660 4,256,145 3,837,840 1,666,020

August 2006 7,413,475 3,266,355 2,910,355 918,920 13,233,320 3,415,205 4,227,110 3,823,075 1,767,935

August 2007 7,475,035 3,344,655 2,903,800 909,605 13,267,355 3,511,470 4,159,715 3,747,640 1,848,535

August 2008 7,582,990 3,468,035 2,902,650 899,445 13,340,565 3,605,790 4,120,005 3,712,970 1,901,800

August 2009 7,769,880 3,606,005 2,935,970 907,535 13,604,375 3,718,155 4,173,030 3,740,050 1,973,140

August 2010 7,841,675 3,671,115 2,942,985 906,310 13,685,250 3,789,470 4,187,695 3,697,020 2,011,065

August 2011 7,884,760 3,720,160 2,940,120 902,250 236,890 85,340 13,721,160 3,846,045 4,233,490 3,647,760 1,993,865

August 2012 7,920,495 3,748,230 2,945,290 901,685 239,055 86,235 13,771,635 3,883,470 4,313,775 3,600,345 1,974,045

August 2013 7,550,265 3,615,465 2,760,290 853,760 234,045 86,700 13,107,460 3,686,230 4,197,945 3,334,055 1,889,230

August 2014 7,461,675 3,576,725 2,718,895 844,435 234,340 87,280 12,962,175 3,599,460 4,225,520 3,260,025 1,877,165


1 Includes Foreign and not known

2 New category introduced from 2011

Time Series

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age









Table 2 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 17: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 3: Families receiving Child Benefit nationally, in each country and English Region, August 2014

Total One childTwo






Five or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

United Kingdom 2

K02000001 7,461,675 3,576,725 2,718,895 844,435 234,340 87,280 12,962,175 3,599,460 4,225,520 3,260,025 1,877,165

Great Britain K03000001 7,195,865 3,456,870 2,623,025 807,645 224,100 84,230 12,482,260 3,468,420 4,072,980 3,141,000 1,799,855

England and Wales K04000001 6,619,190 3,158,745 2,417,050 751,500 211,325 80,565 11,532,980 3,208,140 3,757,380 2,889,870 1,677,590

England E92000001 6,259,275 2,984,820 2,285,595 711,145 200,820 76,900 10,913,100 3,041,065 3,558,755 2,731,765 1,581,515

North East E12000001 307,860 155,130 109,280 31,885 8,470 3,100 520,170 143,045 168,145 130,830 78,145

North West E12000002 862,015 419,470 305,735 97,315 28,260 11,235 1,497,345 413,840 486,885 374,740 221,885

Yorkshire and the Humber E12000003 640,080 305,235 230,990 73,075 22,260 8,520 1,121,595 314,740 366,005 279,185 161,660

East Midlands E12000004 542,575 259,320 201,440 59,405 16,250 6,160 938,835 260,295 304,340 237,180 137,025

West Midlands E12000005 688,340 322,325 245,445 82,995 26,210 11,365 1,229,210 342,220 400,000 308,300 178,695

East E12000006 681,035 318,400 259,590 76,980 19,720 6,340 1,181,620 327,935 383,840 297,915 171,930

London E12000007 982,060 475,500 335,145 118,900 36,210 16,305 1,738,575 495,700 581,600 423,540 237,730

South East E12000008 959,600 450,380 368,120 105,700 26,965 8,430 1,656,975 459,065 539,250 418,635 240,025

South West E12000009 595,710 279,065 229,845 64,890 16,470 5,440 1,028,775 284,225 328,690 261,440 154,420

Wales W92000004 359,910 173,925 131,455 40,355 10,510 3,670 619,885 167,075 198,625 158,105 96,075

Scotland S92000003 576,675 298,120 205,975 56,145 12,775 3,660 949,280 260,280 315,600 251,130 122,265

Northern Ireland N92000002 237,865 104,320 86,455 34,450 9,725 2,915 435,055 118,420 137,795 108,250 70,595

Foreign and not known N/A 27,945 15,535 9,415 2,345 515 135 44,860 12,620 14,745 10,775 6,715


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 Includes Foreign and not known.

Area names Area Codes 1

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 3 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 18: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 4: Number of children for whom Child Benefit is received nationally, in each country and English Region, August 2014


North East North West


and the





MidlandsEast London South East South West

Area Codes 2

K02000001 K03000001 K04000001 E92000001 E12000001 E12000002 E12000003 E12000004 E12000005 E12000006 E12000007 E12000008 E12000009 W92000004 S92000003 N92000002 n/a

All ages 12,962,175 12,482,260 11,532,980 10,913,100 520,170 1,497,345 1,121,595 938,835 1,229,210 1,181,620 1,738,575 1,656,975 1,028,775 619,885 949,280 435,055 44,860

0 658,420 634,335 586,435 555,660 26,535 76,915 58,630 47,880 63,705 59,620 87,320 82,445 52,610 30,770 47,905 22,295 1,790

1 703,850 678,070 627,470 594,805 27,925 81,430 61,770 50,860 67,910 64,085 96,345 88,720 55,770 32,660 50,605 23,295 2,480

2 742,315 715,495 662,175 628,040 29,380 84,945 64,650 53,660 70,145 67,975 103,150 95,455 58,685 34,135 53,320 24,105 2,715

3 751,180 723,875 669,560 634,555 29,735 85,580 64,730 54,355 71,020 68,570 104,485 96,910 59,165 35,005 54,315 24,440 2,865

4 743,695 716,640 662,505 628,000 29,475 84,970 64,965 53,540 69,435 67,685 104,400 95,535 57,995 34,505 54,135 24,285 2,770

5 731,840 704,965 650,395 616,475 28,695 84,075 63,520 52,655 68,860 66,600 101,705 93,455 56,905 33,925 54,570 24,160 2,710

6 738,105 711,150 656,215 621,525 29,230 84,510 63,625 53,255 69,665 67,220 102,640 94,250 57,130 34,685 54,935 24,235 2,725

7 713,605 687,655 634,520 601,105 28,175 81,845 61,280 51,165 67,430 64,660 99,410 91,465 55,680 33,415 53,135 23,430 2,520

8 693,985 669,325 617,600 584,835 28,055 80,585 60,545 50,235 65,330 62,595 95,145 88,605 53,745 32,760 51,725 22,330 2,330

9 680,580 656,195 605,080 572,660 27,275 78,905 59,115 48,955 64,810 61,550 92,745 86,140 53,165 32,420 51,115 22,135 2,250

10 667,410 643,690 593,570 562,150 26,720 76,960 57,925 48,070 63,905 61,215 89,960 85,340 52,060 31,420 50,125 21,505 2,210

11 652,355 628,870 579,650 548,525 26,115 74,785 55,870 47,120 62,030 59,160 87,590 83,820 52,025 31,125 49,220 21,360 2,130

12 634,850 611,600 563,155 532,600 25,270 73,055 54,815 45,880 60,180 57,950 83,920 81,195 50,340 30,550 48,445 21,200 2,055

13 641,895 618,290 568,420 537,035 25,695 73,795 54,855 46,415 60,520 58,850 83,255 82,510 51,145 31,385 49,870 21,365 2,240

14 654,220 630,505 579,845 547,930 26,305 75,140 55,705 48,010 62,110 59,820 84,195 83,695 52,955 31,915 50,665 21,525 2,185

15 676,705 651,735 598,805 565,675 27,440 77,965 57,940 49,760 63,460 62,135 84,580 87,410 54,980 33,130 52,935 22,800 2,170

16 683,590 657,895 604,885 570,855 28,000 78,825 58,350 50,175 64,250 62,870 84,650 87,980 55,755 34,030 53,010 23,205 2,495

17 590,745 567,210 525,570 495,115 24,510 69,525 50,625 43,095 56,420 54,395 72,345 75,315 48,880 30,455 41,640 21,630 1,905

18 482,030 461,220 438,270 413,640 20,280 58,510 42,045 35,125 46,485 44,570 63,435 63,100 40,080 24,630 22,950 19,050 1,765

19 120,800 113,535 108,870 101,910 5,360 15,020 10,640 8,625 11,540 10,095 17,300 13,630 9,700 6,960 4,665 6,710 555


1 Includes Foreign and not known

2 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.


age of child


Kingdom 1



England and




Foreign and

not knownEngland


Wales Scotland

Table 4 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 19: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 5: Families receiving Child Benefit in each local authority, August 2014

Total One childTwo






Five or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 7,461,675 3,576,725 2,718,895 844,435 234,340 87,280 12,962,175 3,599,460 4,225,520 3,260,025 1,877,165

K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 7,195,865 3,456,870 2,623,025 807,645 224,100 84,230 12,482,260 3,468,420 4,072,980 3,141,000 1,799,855

K04000001 ENGLAND AND WALES 6,619,190 3,158,745 2,417,050 751,500 211,325 80,565 11,532,980 3,208,140 3,757,380 2,889,870 1,677,590

E92000001 ENGLAND 6,259,275 2,984,820 2,285,595 711,145 200,820 76,900 10,913,100 3,041,065 3,558,755 2,731,765 1,581,515

E12000001 NORTH EAST 307,860 155,130 109,280 31,885 8,470 3,100 520,170 143,045 168,145 130,830 78,145

E06000047 County Durham UA 2

60,555 31,310 21,320 5,880 1,515 535 100,550 27,390 32,410 25,350 15,405

E06000005 Darlington UA 13,050 6,425 4,655 1,455 380 130 22,335 6,205 7,290 5,630 3,210

E06000001 Hartlepool UA 11,850 5,900 4,115 1,300 375 155 20,390 5,435 6,630 5,145 3,180

E06000002 Middlesbrough UA 18,180 8,350 6,340 2,370 805 310 33,040 9,550 10,875 7,920 4,690

E06000057 Northumberland UA 3

34,515 16,815 13,055 3,510 865 270 58,365 14,890 18,615 15,615 9,240

E06000003 Redcar and Cleveland UA 16,500 8,265 5,880 1,745 440 175 27,955 7,670 8,915 7,065 4,305

E06000004 Stockton-on-Tees UA 23,935 11,640 8,660 2,670 720 255 41,200 11,680 13,485 10,135 5,905

E11000004 Tyne and Wear (Met County) 129,280 66,420 45,260 12,950 3,370 1,275 216,340 60,230 69,930 53,965 32,215

E08000037 Gateshead 23,275 12,090 8,210 2,140 540 295 38,900 10,940 12,605 9,610 5,745

E08000021 Newcastle upon Tyne 29,735 14,460 10,270 3,530 1,075 400 52,050 15,045 16,775 12,840 7,395

E08000022 North Tyneside 24,390 12,535 8,980 2,260 465 145 39,915 11,070 13,015 9,895 5,930

E08000023 South Tyneside 17,820 9,385 6,105 1,765 445 120 29,310 8,010 9,315 7,395 4,590

E08000024 Sunderland 34,055 17,950 11,690 3,255 845 315 56,165 15,165 18,220 14,225 8,560

E12000002 NORTH WEST 862,015 419,470 305,735 97,315 28,260 11,235 1,497,345 413,840 486,885 374,740 221,885

E06000008 Blackburn with Darwen UA 20,965 9,165 6,960 3,165 1,190 485 39,960 10,830 13,100 10,155 5,875

E06000009 Blackpool UA 18,070 9,425 5,890 1,915 600 240 30,690 8,365 9,910 7,675 4,740

E06000049 Cheshire East UA 4

40,085 19,375 15,545 3,975 870 315 67,590 17,860 21,830 17,440 10,455

E06000050 Cheshire West and Chester UA 5

37,470 18,200 14,230 3,825 940 280 63,360 17,230 20,440 15,935 9,755

E06000006 Halton UA 16,545 8,085 5,950 1,835 520 160 28,410 7,810 9,275 7,050 4,275

E06000007 Warrington UA 24,865 12,395 9,270 2,460 590 155 41,495 11,180 13,360 10,750 6,210

E10000006 Cumbria 53,980 26,140 20,630 5,555 1,270 385 91,210 23,990 29,495 24,065 13,660

E07000026 Allerdale 10,535 5,105 4,050 1,065 240 75 17,755 4,615 5,655 4,785 2,700

E07000027 Barrow-in-Furness 8,325 4,255 2,965 820 205 80 13,885 3,580 4,490 3,695 2,115

E07000028 Carlisle 12,375 6,075 4,555 1,310 325 110 21,000 6,060 6,925 5,190 2,820

E07000029 Copeland 7,580 3,705 2,855 795 180 45 12,770 3,535 4,125 3,230 1,875

E07000030 Eden 5,350 2,415 2,195 580 125 40 9,240 2,225 2,965 2,580 1,470

E07000031 South Lakeland 9,825 4,590 4,010 985 200 35 16,560 3,970 5,335 4,575 2,680

E11000001 Greater Manchester (Met County) 344,215 165,710 118,525 40,810 13,170 6,005 610,985 174,165 201,190 149,230 86,400

E08000001 Bolton 37,330 17,755 12,835 4,455 1,570 715 66,970 18,445 22,150 16,690 9,685

E08000002 Bury 24,135 11,695 8,400 2,750 840 450 42,650 11,855 14,010 10,670 6,115

E08000003 Manchester 61,540 28,455 19,725 8,615 3,200 1,545 115,035 34,805 38,525 26,715 14,990

E08000004 Oldham 31,495 14,270 10,495 4,225 1,685 815 59,095 16,195 19,460 14,960 8,480

E08000005 Rochdale 28,845 13,680 9,695 3,685 1,280 505 51,970 14,495 17,130 12,675 7,670

E08000006 Salford 29,990 14,935 9,775 3,415 1,100 765 53,735 16,530 17,685 12,315 7,205

E08000007 Stockport 33,735 16,465 12,660 3,480 855 275 57,110 15,870 18,715 14,100 8,425

E08000008 Tameside 30,090 15,275 10,385 3,140 915 375 51,140 14,900 16,515 12,420 7,310

E08000009 Trafford 27,015 12,895 10,075 3,010 785 255 46,570 12,455 15,300 11,950 6,870

E08000010 Wigan 40,040 20,285 14,485 4,035 935 305 66,700 18,615 21,700 16,730 9,655

E10000017 Lancashire 139,050 67,300 50,025 15,655 4,460 1,605 240,840 65,280 78,570 61,090 35,905

E07000117 Burnley 11,745 5,740 3,920 1,415 470 200 20,795 5,875 6,950 5,025 2,945

E07000118 Chorley 12,870 6,355 4,890 1,250 275 100 21,540 6,025 7,090 5,325 3,095

E07000119 Fylde 7,560 3,870 2,765 700 165 60 12,485 3,160 3,955 3,335 2,035

E07000120 Hyndburn 10,895 5,250 3,555 1,355 495 240 19,730 5,465 6,440 4,965 2,860

E07000121 Lancaster 15,140 7,310 5,500 1,710 465 160 26,155 7,255 8,240 6,650 4,015

E07000122 Pendle 11,660 5,315 3,855 1,575 670 245 21,760 6,265 7,240 5,295 2,955

E07000123 Preston 17,295 8,100 6,085 2,215 665 235 30,820 8,915 10,215 7,415 4,275

E07000124 Ribble Valley 5,980 2,835 2,405 600 110 30 10,045 2,220 3,180 2,915 1,735

E07000125 Rossendale 8,640 4,170 3,150 990 250 80 14,855 4,100 4,850 3,735 2,170

E07000126 South Ribble 13,175 6,595 4,930 1,290 285 75 21,865 5,890 7,180 5,560 3,235

E07000127 West Lancashire 12,830 6,215 4,795 1,370 345 105 21,855 5,420 7,055 5,790 3,590

E07000128 Wyre 11,250 5,550 4,175 1,180 265 80 18,935 4,680 6,175 5,075 3,000

E11000002 Merseyside (Met County) 166,775 83,680 58,710 18,125 4,650 1,615 282,805 77,135 89,715 71,350 44,605

E08000011 Knowsley 20,490 10,360 7,120 2,220 595 190 34,685 9,300 11,055 8,790 5,540

E08000012 Liverpool 54,600 28,035 18,500 5,860 1,585 615 92,300 26,270 29,085 22,595 14,350

E08000014 Sefton 31,240 15,540 11,365 3,320 780 235 52,640 13,685 16,315 13,805 8,840

E08000013 St. Helens 22,175 11,290 7,830 2,305 570 180 37,090 10,150 11,920 9,435 5,585

E08000015 Wirral 38,275 18,450 13,890 4,415 1,120 395 66,090 17,730 21,345 16,725 10,295

E12000003 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER 640,080 305,235 230,990 73,075 22,260 8,520 1,121,595 314,740 366,005 279,185 161,660

E06000011 East Riding of Yorkshire UA 35,860 17,310 14,020 3,505 780 250 60,310 15,085 19,080 16,200 9,940

E06000010 Kingston upon Hull, City of UA 34,300 17,070 11,870 3,835 1,085 445 59,040 17,965 19,175 13,550 8,350

E06000012 North East Lincolnshire UA 19,770 9,540 7,045 2,215 700 270 34,520 9,660 11,150 8,520 5,200

E06000013 North Lincolnshire UA 19,980 9,720 7,205 2,205 640 210 34,440 9,255 11,325 8,725 5,135

E06000014 York UA 19,900 9,805 7,605 1,935 450 105 33,195 9,360 10,855 8,220 4,755

E10000023 North Yorkshire 62,990 29,895 24,680 6,605 1,430 380 106,830 27,470 34,155 28,340 16,865

E07000163 Craven 5,625 2,655 2,250 565 115 40 9,510 2,265 2,930 2,650 1,670

E07000164 Hambleton 9,090 4,240 3,580 995 230 45 15,535 3,940 4,920 4,235 2,440

E07000165 Harrogate 16,195 7,750 6,530 1,530 320 60 27,010 6,900 8,695 7,115 4,300

E07000166 Richmondshire 5,595 2,535 2,300 580 145 35 9,650 2,580 3,040 2,580 1,445

E07000167 Ryedale 5,170 2,330 2,065 620 115 40 8,995 2,310 2,890 2,380 1,410

E07000168 Scarborough 11,500 5,555 4,180 1,325 320 115 19,810 5,045 6,345 5,225 3,195

E07000169 Selby 9,815 4,830 3,770 985 180 50 16,325 4,435 5,335 4,150 2,405

E11000003 South Yorkshire (Met County) 163,165 79,470 58,400 17,790 5,265 2,240 282,915 79,380 92,155 70,165 41,215

E08000016 Barnsley 29,920 15,510 10,410 2,955 785 260 49,720 14,185 15,975 12,165 7,400

E08000017 Doncaster 37,900 18,485 13,565 4,305 1,125 420 65,290 18,275 21,355 16,185 9,475

E08000018 Rotherham 33,305 16,205 12,040 3,520 1,060 475 57,700 15,650 18,675 14,755 8,620

E08000019 Sheffield 62,045 29,270 22,385 7,015 2,290 1,085 110,205 31,275 36,145 27,060 15,725

E11000006 West Yorkshire (Met County) 284,115 132,425 100,165 34,985 11,915 4,625 510,345 146,570 168,115 125,465 70,200

E08000032 Bradford 72,175 30,560 24,125 10,880 4,650 1,955 140,630 39,590 47,490 35,025 18,525

E08000033 Calderdale 26,320 12,585 9,390 3,090 940 315 46,100 12,665 15,165 11,525 6,745

E08000034 Kirklees 53,875 24,750 19,370 6,675 2,245 840 97,005 27,135 31,955 24,295 13,625

E08000035 Leeds 89,945 43,505 32,300 10,045 2,970 1,125 156,265 47,085 50,855 37,205 21,120

E08000036 Wakefield 41,795 21,030 14,980 4,295 1,105 385 70,345 20,095 22,650 17,420 10,185

E12000004 EAST MIDLANDS 542,575 259,320 201,440 59,405 16,250 6,160 938,835 260,295 304,340 237,180 137,025

E06000015 Derby UA 32,030 14,865 11,390 3,905 1,280 595 57,735 16,880 19,170 14,155 7,535

E06000016 Leicester UA 44,685 19,985 15,160 6,130 2,265 1,140 84,125 24,160 27,930 20,440 11,600

E06000018 Nottingham UA 36,225 17,370 12,185 4,435 1,605 620 64,815 19,730 21,350 15,205 8,530

E06000017 Rutland UA 3,600 1,670 1,410 405 100 15 6,190 1,620 2,000 1,645 925

E10000007 Derbyshire 88,280 43,390 33,220 8,855 2,145 670 148,620 39,860 47,730 38,500 22,530

E07000032 Amber Valley 13,915 6,915 5,230 1,305 340 125 23,325 6,305 7,375 6,175 3,465

E07000033 Bolsover 9,415 4,705 3,415 960 255 80 15,865 4,410 5,155 4,025 2,275

E07000034 Chesterfield 12,110 6,105 4,395 1,185 315 110 20,320 5,725 6,485 5,065 3,045

E07000035 Derbyshire Dales 6,810 3,090 2,765 765 155 35 11,735 2,620 3,715 3,425 1,975

E07000036 Erewash 13,495 6,840 4,980 1,250 315 105 22,395 6,325 7,185 5,565 3,315

E07000037 High Peak 10,335 5,005 3,915 1,105 255 55 17,470 4,480 5,685 4,555 2,750

E07000038 North East Derbyshire 10,645 5,280 4,030 1,050 220 65 17,735 4,580 5,645 4,660 2,850

E07000039 South Derbyshire 11,555 5,455 4,485 1,240 290 90 19,780 5,410 6,490 5,030 2,850

E10000018 Leicestershire 73,725 34,790 29,095 7,615 1,680 550 125,490 33,135 40,385 32,850 19,120

E07000129 Blaby 11,360 5,420 4,515 1,155 200 70 19,105 5,120 6,285 4,870 2,830

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 5 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 20: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000130 Charnwood 18,160 8,640 7,045 1,870 455 150 30,980 8,570 9,950 7,955 4,510

E07000131 Harborough 9,265 4,135 3,935 945 195 55 15,930 3,745 5,165 4,435 2,590

E07000132 Hinckley and Bosworth 12,040 5,755 4,760 1,185 265 75 20,290 5,545 6,505 5,215 3,025

E07000133 Melton 5,565 2,650 2,135 615 125 40 9,485 2,505 2,990 2,440 1,550

E07000134 North West Leicestershire 10,930 5,130 4,260 1,150 285 105 18,800 4,855 6,115 5,060 2,775

E07000135 Oadby and Wigston 6,405 3,065 2,440 695 150 50 10,895 2,795 3,380 2,880 1,840

E10000019 Lincolnshire 83,115 40,255 30,950 8,820 2,285 805 142,055 38,325 44,880 36,730 22,115

E07000136 Boston 8,840 4,490 3,150 890 235 75 14,790 4,260 4,865 3,600 2,065

E07000137 East Lindsey 14,275 6,840 5,175 1,640 445 175 24,825 6,350 7,810 6,525 4,140

E07000138 Lincoln 11,315 5,695 3,960 1,210 335 115 19,200 5,895 6,190 4,510 2,605

E07000139 North Kesteven 12,545 5,920 4,995 1,270 275 85 21,280 5,430 6,665 5,780 3,400

E07000140 South Holland 10,320 5,075 3,775 1,065 295 110 17,590 4,800 5,440 4,625 2,725

E07000141 South Kesteven 15,770 7,470 6,100 1,675 385 140 26,975 7,080 8,475 7,090 4,330

E07000142 West Lindsey 10,050 4,765 3,790 1,070 315 110 17,400 4,515 5,435 4,600 2,855

E10000021 Northamptonshire 89,155 41,935 33,680 9,905 2,670 970 154,865 43,350 51,075 38,790 21,645

E07000150 Corby 9,325 4,615 3,305 1,040 255 110 15,955 4,750 5,280 3,825 2,105

E07000151 Daventry 8,690 3,970 3,465 945 240 75 15,070 3,765 4,845 4,095 2,360

E07000152 East Northamptonshire 10,075 4,590 4,020 1,070 300 95 17,550 4,535 5,770 4,635 2,615

E07000153 Kettering 12,360 5,735 4,755 1,365 370 135 21,550 6,090 7,115 5,410 2,935

E07000154 Northampton 29,195 14,115 10,395 3,320 980 385 50,855 15,295 17,055 11,925 6,580

E07000155 South Northamptonshire 9,430 4,175 3,990 1,035 185 45 16,235 3,965 5,210 4,485 2,575

E07000156 Wellingborough 10,080 4,735 3,750 1,135 335 125 17,645 4,960 5,795 4,420 2,470

E10000024 Nottinghamshire 91,760 45,060 34,350 9,325 2,225 800 154,940 43,240 49,815 38,860 23,030

E07000170 Ashfield 15,235 7,480 5,510 1,635 450 160 26,070 7,580 8,280 6,485 3,725

E07000171 Bassetlaw 13,275 6,530 4,925 1,340 335 140 22,510 6,115 7,130 5,780 3,485

E07000172 Broxtowe 12,000 5,975 4,535 1,155 240 100 19,980 5,870 6,320 4,820 2,970

E07000173 Gedling 13,315 6,635 4,965 1,320 300 95 22,255 6,065 7,205 5,655 3,330

E07000174 Mansfield 13,240 6,790 4,705 1,275 330 140 22,100 6,595 7,200 5,170 3,135

E07000175 Newark and Sherwood 13,360 6,430 4,980 1,445 385 120 22,910 6,150 7,355 5,985 3,425

E07000176 Rushcliffe 11,330 5,215 4,725 1,155 185 45 19,120 4,870 6,325 4,960 2,960

E12000005 WEST MIDLANDS 688,340 322,325 245,445 82,995 26,210 11,365 1,229,210 342,220 400,000 308,300 178,695

E06000019 Herefordshire, County of UA 19,830 9,430 7,545 2,195 515 145 33,940 8,955 10,720 8,945 5,320

E06000051 Shropshire UA 6

31,665 14,765 12,345 3,450 840 265 54,605 13,995 17,260 14,645 8,710

E06000021 Stoke-on-Trent UA 32,920 16,005 11,100 3,905 1,320 595 58,475 17,660 19,645 13,645 7,530

E06000020 Telford and Wrekin UA 21,710 10,290 7,790 2,535 790 305 38,295 10,785 12,495 9,550 5,465

E10000028 Staffordshire 95,375 47,015 35,405 9,780 2,390 780 160,915 42,645 51,860 41,260 25,155

E07000192 Cannock Chase 12,090 6,100 4,390 1,200 310 95 20,225 5,610 6,500 5,025 3,085

E07000193 East Staffordshire 13,910 6,505 5,160 1,600 465 185 24,450 6,935 7,960 6,065 3,495

E07000194 Lichfield 10,745 5,305 4,105 1,030 235 70 17,925 4,540 5,725 4,730 2,930

E07000195 Newcastle-under-Lyme 13,730 6,950 4,895 1,430 350 105 23,020 6,040 7,390 5,910 3,685

E07000196 South Staffordshire 11,105 5,595 4,230 1,025 200 65 18,250 4,540 5,665 4,875 3,165

E07000197 Stafford 13,670 6,785 5,125 1,350 325 85 22,840 6,025 7,510 5,760 3,545

E07000198 Staffordshire Moorlands 10,145 4,930 3,855 1,060 230 70 17,120 4,265 5,485 4,620 2,750

E07000199 Tamworth 9,970 4,850 3,650 1,090 280 100 17,095 4,695 5,625 4,280 2,495

E10000031 Warwickshire 61,580 29,800 23,595 6,300 1,425 460 104,075 28,510 33,585 26,560 15,425

E07000218 North Warwickshire 7,115 3,520 2,630 750 160 50 11,955 3,185 3,715 3,195 1,860

E07000219 Nuneaton and Bedworth 16,175 7,900 5,880 1,775 450 170 27,700 7,900 8,935 6,880 3,985

E07000220 Rugby 12,390 6,045 4,680 1,290 275 100 20,905 5,965 6,830 5,195 2,915

E07000221 Stratford-on-Avon 11,995 5,620 4,865 1,195 255 60 20,280 4,910 6,595 5,530 3,245

E07000222 Warwick 13,905 6,715 5,540 1,285 280 85 23,235 6,545 7,510 5,755 3,425

E11000005 West Midlands (Met County) 360,920 164,175 123,100 48,070 17,305 8,270 669,220 189,975 219,075 165,695 94,475

E08000025 Birmingham 144,310 62,420 46,555 21,465 8,980 4,890 282,915 80,380 93,905 69,605 39,020

E08000026 Coventry 41,425 19,280 14,570 5,270 1,635 675 74,420 21,655 24,705 18,050 10,005

E08000027 Dudley 38,305 18,360 13,955 4,220 1,270 500 66,735 18,755 21,135 16,865 9,980

E08000028 Sandwell 44,480 20,845 15,135 5,730 1,955 815 80,565 23,450 26,445 19,425 11,245

E08000029 Solihull 23,645 10,990 9,215 2,630 625 190 40,820 10,585 12,795 10,855 6,585

E08000030 Walsall 35,425 16,200 12,205 4,720 1,615 685 64,930 18,310 21,100 16,425 9,100

E08000031 Wolverhampton 33,325 16,080 11,465 4,035 1,230 520 58,845 16,850 18,990 14,475 8,530

E10000034 Worcestershire 64,340 30,850 24,565 6,760 1,625 540 109,680 29,695 35,360 28,005 16,625

E07000234 Bromsgrove 10,090 4,800 4,070 960 195 60 16,935 4,280 5,430 4,430 2,800

E07000235 Malvern Hills 7,300 3,430 2,815 820 170 60 12,525 3,000 3,960 3,425 2,140

E07000236 Redditch 10,935 5,275 3,990 1,230 340 105 18,855 5,515 6,220 4,460 2,660

E07000237 Worcester 12,275 5,900 4,575 1,335 335 130 21,090 6,215 6,820 5,130 2,925

E07000238 Wychavon 12,635 6,070 4,965 1,235 285 80 21,300 5,405 6,900 5,700 3,295

E07000239 Wyre Forest 11,100 5,375 4,150 1,180 290 110 18,970 5,280 6,025 4,855 2,805

E12000006 EAST 681,035 318,400 259,590 76,980 19,720 6,340 1,181,620 327,935 383,840 297,915 171,930

E06000055 Bedford UA 7

20,320 9,520 7,470 2,405 685 235 35,700 10,020 11,605 8,885 5,190

E06000056 Central Bedfordshire UA 8

31,120 14,465 12,360 3,290 755 245 53,395 15,150 17,365 13,365 7,515

E06000032 Luton UA 29,290 12,705 9,635 4,385 1,835 730 56,415 16,100 19,110 13,755 7,455

E06000031 Peterborough UA 27,945 13,260 9,565 3,470 1,140 505 50,130 15,440 16,510 11,660 6,520

E06000033 Southend-on-Sea UA 20,800 9,945 7,680 2,320 640 215 35,995 10,115 11,575 8,955 5,355

E06000034 Thurrock UA 22,620 10,495 8,475 2,730 715 205 39,585 11,585 13,410 9,470 5,115

E10000003 Cambridgeshire 67,125 31,495 26,255 7,185 1,670 525 115,055 32,630 37,280 28,730 16,410

E07000008 Cambridge 10,175 5,055 3,660 1,095 275 95 17,255 5,395 5,695 3,900 2,265

E07000009 East Cambridgeshire 9,565 4,390 3,890 1,030 190 65 16,365 4,800 5,435 3,940 2,195

E07000010 Fenland 11,850 5,780 4,320 1,280 350 115 20,305 5,670 6,390 5,185 3,055

E07000011 Huntingdonshire 19,625 9,145 7,850 2,005 485 140 33,565 9,260 10,680 8,670 4,960

E07000012 South Cambridgeshire 15,905 7,120 6,535 1,775 365 110 27,565 7,510 9,080 7,035 3,940

E10000012 Essex 159,065 74,460 61,530 17,550 4,295 1,225 273,965 73,555 88,505 70,705 41,200

E07000066 Basildon 22,250 10,230 8,475 2,585 715 245 39,120 11,025 12,880 9,770 5,450

E07000067 Braintree 17,180 7,875 6,840 1,875 455 135 29,735 7,990 9,735 7,610 4,395

E07000068 Brentwood 7,175 3,440 2,840 720 140 35 12,010 2,975 3,760 3,285 1,990

E07000069 Castle Point 9,505 4,480 3,685 1,030 250 65 16,265 4,010 5,040 4,495 2,720

E07000070 Chelmsford 17,715 8,270 6,990 1,935 425 95 30,270 8,005 9,820 7,890 4,555

E07000071 Colchester 20,640 9,955 7,825 2,175 510 175 35,125 10,240 11,340 8,490 5,055

E07000072 Epping Forest 14,115 6,825 5,420 1,460 335 75 23,790 6,285 7,740 6,175 3,590

E07000073 Harlow 12,090 5,660 4,565 1,390 365 105 20,995 6,250 7,040 4,920 2,785

E07000074 Maldon 6,400 2,935 2,560 700 170 35 11,005 2,630 3,465 3,110 1,800

E07000075 Rochford 8,630 3,965 3,520 920 165 50 14,720 3,580 4,670 4,025 2,440

E07000076 Tendring 14,940 7,015 5,340 1,820 575 185 26,485 6,850 8,310 7,065 4,260

E07000077 Uttlesford 8,425 3,805 3,465 940 190 25 14,445 3,710 4,705 3,860 2,165

E10000015 Hertfordshire 129,185 60,365 50,600 14,300 3,045 880 221,320 61,300 72,065 55,905 32,050

E07000095 Broxbourne 12,375 5,925 4,770 1,345 280 60 20,910 5,810 6,715 5,365 3,020

E07000096 Dacorum 16,540 7,725 6,440 1,865 385 120 28,410 7,995 9,080 7,135 4,195

E07000242 East Hertfordshire 14,830 6,875 6,115 1,510 265 65 25,030 6,610 7,960 6,630 3,830

E07000098 Hertsmere 11,780 5,520 4,625 1,295 255 80 20,115 5,400 6,670 5,100 2,945

E07000099 North Hertfordshire 14,370 6,690 5,680 1,595 310 85 24,555 6,890 7,895 6,205 3,570

E07000240 St Albans 13,945 6,225 5,585 1,695 350 95 24,360 6,205 8,275 6,290 3,590

E07000243 Stevenage 11,180 5,300 4,155 1,250 350 120 19,420 5,760 6,240 4,725 2,695

E07000102 Three Rivers 9,825 4,520 4,010 1,035 210 50 16,765 4,300 5,520 4,390 2,555

E07000103 Watford 12,090 5,835 4,500 1,300 340 110 20,700 6,330 6,780 4,855 2,735

E07000241 Welwyn Hatfield 12,250 5,740 4,715 1,405 300 90 21,050 6,000 6,930 5,210 2,910

E10000020 Norfolk 93,765 44,850 35,135 10,225 2,695 860 161,250 44,645 51,575 40,915 24,115

E07000143 Breckland 14,640 6,950 5,485 1,615 440 155 25,385 7,015 8,090 6,465 3,815

E07000144 Broadland 13,300 6,210 5,435 1,335 265 55 22,430 5,510 7,125 6,180 3,620

E07000145 Great Yarmouth 11,650 5,780 4,030 1,350 340 155 20,085 5,420 6,330 5,180 3,150

E07000146 King’s Lynn and West Norfolk 16,610 7,895 6,255 1,820 500 145 28,630 7,910 9,170 7,260 4,290

E07000147 North Norfolk 9,225 4,385 3,430 1,025 305 80 15,970 4,115 5,100 4,180 2,570

E07000148 Norwich 14,875 7,440 5,090 1,645 510 185 25,600 8,345 8,545 5,585 3,130

E07000149 South Norfolk 13,465 6,195 5,405 1,440 335 85 23,155 6,335 7,220 6,065 3,535

E10000029 Suffolk 79,800 36,840 30,885 9,125 2,240 715 138,805 37,390 44,840 35,570 21,005

E07000200 Babergh 9,200 4,145 3,720 1,045 225 60 15,950 3,790 5,200 4,415 2,540

E07000201 Forest Heath 6,140 3,095 2,235 630 145 35 10,240 3,305 3,230 2,390 1,310

E07000202 Ipswich 17,220 8,095 6,325 2,035 570 195 30,190 9,160 9,945 6,960 4,125

E07000203 Mid Suffolk 10,210 4,475 4,225 1,175 250 80 17,900 4,530 5,640 4,875 2,850

E07000204 St Edmundsbury 11,930 5,545 4,605 1,385 310 85 20,605 5,495 6,715 5,280 3,115

Table 5 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 21: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000205 Suffolk Coastal 12,405 5,585 5,005 1,415 315 90 21,595 5,140 7,045 5,885 3,520

E07000206 Waveney 12,695 5,900 4,770 1,435 420 170 22,330 5,970 7,060 5,760 3,540

E12000007 LONDON 982,060 475,500 335,145 118,900 36,210 16,305 1,738,575 495,700 581,600 423,540 237,730

E13000001 Inner London 346,410 170,205 110,345 43,535 15,030 7,295 622,995 178,765 209,180 151,960 83,095

N/A Inner London – West 84,900 42,330 27,695 10,280 3,200 1,400 149,040 40,265 50,925 37,780 20,070

E09000007 Camden 17,530 8,390 5,685 2,310 785 355 31,775 8,290 10,845 8,295 4,345

E09000001 City of London 355 200 120 35 - - 550 150 180 150 70

E09000013 Hammersmith and Fulham 15,065 7,635 4,805 1,775 575 275 26,395 7,110 9,075 6,700 3,510

E09000020 Kensington and Chelsea 9,765 5,090 3,215 1,080 280 95 16,415 3,905 5,730 4,455 2,320

E09000032 Wandsworth 26,670 13,400 8,780 3,075 945 470 46,585 13,960 15,640 11,010 5,970

E09000033 Westminster 15,515 7,610 5,090 2,005 610 200 27,320 6,855 9,450 7,165 3,855

N/A Inner London – East 261,510 127,880 82,650 33,255 11,830 5,900 473,960 138,500 158,260 114,180 63,025

E09000012 Hackney 31,215 14,690 9,530 4,035 1,530 1,430 60,980 18,230 20,305 14,505 7,935

E09000014 Haringey 31,550 16,020 10,150 3,475 1,130 770 55,775 15,625 18,470 13,920 7,760

E09000019 Islington 19,690 10,100 6,285 2,195 755 355 34,250 9,945 11,280 8,335 4,690

E09000022 Lambeth 33,505 17,665 10,445 3,715 1,195 490 57,190 16,195 19,150 14,245 7,600

E09000023 Lewisham 37,645 19,295 12,455 4,305 1,175 415 64,075 19,500 21,405 14,825 8,345

E09000025 Newham 45,215 21,010 14,270 6,460 2,425 1,050 84,355 24,430 28,215 20,475 11,230

E09000028 Southwark 33,290 17,025 10,545 4,015 1,270 430 57,590 16,830 19,455 13,640 7,665

E09000030 Tower Hamlets 29,400 12,075 8,970 5,055 2,350 955 59,750 17,740 19,975 14,230 7,800

E13000002 Outer London 635,650 305,295 224,800 75,365 21,180 9,010 1,115,575 316,940 372,420 271,580 154,635

N/A Outer London – East and North East 244,330 114,710 86,030 31,205 8,970 3,415 434,990 123,860 145,330 105,880 59,920

E09000002 Barking and Dagenham 32,350 14,280 11,255 4,810 1,485 520 60,000 17,970 21,035 13,530 7,465

E09000004 Bexley 29,615 13,760 11,165 3,595 855 240 51,575 14,045 16,715 13,260 7,560

E09000010 Enfield 45,630 21,320 16,220 5,665 1,675 750 81,640 22,710 27,465 19,925 11,540

E09000011 Greenwich 33,465 16,190 11,210 4,295 1,265 505 59,335 17,695 20,130 13,785 7,725

E09000016 Havering 29,135 13,845 10,930 3,330 785 240 50,125 13,690 16,215 12,720 7,500

E09000026 Redbridge 37,290 16,815 13,345 5,070 1,515 555 67,790 18,235 22,240 17,480 9,835

E09000031 Waltham Forest 36,840 18,500 11,905 4,435 1,395 605 64,525 19,520 21,525 15,180 8,300

N/A Outer London – South 149,700 73,505 54,535 16,420 3,930 1,310 254,660 71,930 84,435 62,275 36,020

E09000006 Bromley 35,440 17,240 13,565 3,610 795 230 59,615 16,315 19,555 15,155 8,600

E09000008 Croydon 49,695 24,780 16,895 5,830 1,585 605 85,735 24,415 28,295 20,870 12,155

E09000021 Kingston upon Thames 16,565 7,970 6,315 1,805 365 110 28,050 7,735 9,520 6,855 3,940

E09000024 Merton 23,395 11,590 8,325 2,590 660 230 39,905 11,725 13,495 9,365 5,315

E09000029 Sutton 24,605 11,920 9,435 2,590 525 130 41,355 11,740 13,570 10,030 6,015

N/A Outer London – West and North West 241,620 117,080 84,235 27,740 8,275 4,290 425,925 121,150 142,655 103,425 58,695

E09000003 Barnet 41,655 20,245 14,355 4,695 1,480 885 73,970 20,715 24,735 18,085 10,435

E09000005 Brent 41,095 20,115 13,390 4,885 1,725 975 73,960 20,855 24,750 18,200 10,155

E09000009 Ealing 42,540 20,530 14,700 5,015 1,505 790 75,425 21,350 25,505 18,260 10,310

E09000015 Harrow 29,135 13,830 10,465 3,410 930 495 51,485 14,325 16,830 12,675 7,655

E09000017 Hillingdon 37,055 17,380 13,530 4,365 1,225 560 65,535 19,035 21,855 15,730 8,915

E09000018 Hounslow 33,415 16,715 11,310 3,745 1,125 515 57,925 17,250 19,510 13,465 7,695

E09000027 Richmond upon Thames 16,730 8,265 6,485 1,625 285 70 27,630 7,615 9,465 7,015 3,535

E12000008 SOUTH EAST 959,600 450,380 368,120 105,700 26,965 8,430 1,656,975 459,065 539,250 418,635 240,025

E06000036 Bracknell Forest UA 13,570 6,485 5,345 1,360 320 60 22,855 6,555 7,670 5,465 3,165

E06000043 Brighton and Hove UA 27,985 14,375 10,290 2,540 600 180 45,940 12,975 15,130 11,370 6,470

E06000046 Isle of Wight UA 14,950 7,450 5,375 1,600 420 110 25,255 6,480 7,795 6,640 4,340

E06000035 Medway UA 35,000 16,600 12,935 4,075 1,090 300 60,700 17,090 19,570 15,285 8,760

E06000042 Milton Keynes UA 34,475 15,970 12,675 4,175 1,200 455 61,110 17,765 20,410 14,905 8,035

E06000044 Portsmouth UA 24,020 11,910 8,370 2,685 785 275 41,335 12,615 13,500 9,655 5,570

E06000038 Reading UA 18,805 9,205 6,675 2,055 660 210 32,490 10,325 10,830 7,360 3,975

E06000039 Slough UA 21,260 9,680 7,345 2,890 955 390 38,985 11,840 13,365 8,975 4,805

E06000045 Southampton UA 27,555 13,320 9,730 3,235 915 355 48,075 15,225 15,735 10,880 6,230

E06000037 West Berkshire UA 16,625 7,540 6,710 1,815 425 130 28,805 7,775 9,375 7,530 4,125

E06000040 Windsor and Maidenhead UA 13,725 6,490 5,295 1,480 360 100 23,485 6,195 7,730 6,190 3,370

E06000041 Wokingham UA 15,670 7,025 6,595 1,620 335 90 26,900 7,175 8,725 7,020 3,975

E10000002 Buckinghamshire 54,225 24,520 21,315 6,165 1,700 520 95,205 25,460 31,005 24,815 13,930

E07000004 Aylesbury Vale 20,380 9,275 8,020 2,250 635 200 35,665 10,050 11,610 8,970 5,030

E07000005 Chiltern 8,735 3,815 3,640 995 230 55 15,315 3,545 4,885 4,370 2,520

E07000006 South Bucks 6,260 2,895 2,485 675 160 40 10,740 2,700 3,525 2,855 1,660

E07000007 Wycombe 18,850 8,535 7,170 2,245 675 220 33,485 9,165 10,980 8,620 4,720

E10000011 East Sussex 56,765 26,795 21,435 6,335 1,675 525 98,175 25,785 31,245 25,645 15,500

E07000061 Eastbourne 11,345 5,480 4,110 1,285 360 110 19,580 5,565 6,265 4,785 2,965

E07000062 Hastings 11,390 5,640 3,960 1,250 380 155 19,685 5,545 6,330 4,835 2,970

E07000063 Lewes 10,430 4,905 4,070 1,140 235 75 17,810 4,645 5,690 4,750 2,725

E07000064 Rother 8,625 4,055 3,225 965 295 85 15,040 3,645 4,670 4,070 2,660

E07000065 Wealden 14,970 6,710 6,070 1,695 400 100 26,055 6,385 8,285 7,205 4,175

E10000014 Hampshire 142,990 66,560 56,565 15,125 3,635 1,105 245,580 66,815 79,025 63,100 36,640

E07000084 Basingstoke and Deane 19,610 9,240 7,635 2,045 550 145 33,610 9,710 10,690 8,420 4,790

E07000085 East Hampshire 11,695 5,260 4,750 1,310 305 80 20,310 5,065 6,485 5,470 3,290

E07000086 Eastleigh 14,560 6,800 5,905 1,460 305 100 24,720 7,140 7,970 6,090 3,520

E07000087 Fareham 11,685 5,530 4,745 1,115 230 65 19,645 5,115 6,250 5,235 3,040

E07000088 Gosport 9,840 4,620 3,675 1,110 325 110 17,200 4,850 5,615 4,290 2,450

E07000089 Hart 9,220 4,150 3,910 905 215 40 15,755 4,095 5,170 4,180 2,305

E07000090 Havant 13,260 6,135 4,915 1,585 425 200 23,520 6,405 7,495 6,020 3,600

E07000091 New Forest 17,365 8,060 6,985 1,795 395 130 29,700 7,515 9,450 8,005 4,725

E07000092 Rushmoor 12,220 5,965 4,675 1,220 285 75 20,525 6,235 6,660 4,840 2,790

E07000093 Test Valley 12,745 5,950 5,030 1,360 315 90 21,845 5,860 7,080 5,640 3,265

E07000094 Winchester 10,780 4,850 4,355 1,210 290 70 18,750 4,820 6,155 4,915 2,860

E10000016 Kent 170,250 79,535 64,875 19,220 4,995 1,625 295,680 80,990 95,245 75,335 44,105

E07000105 Ashford 15,065 6,895 5,865 1,720 440 145 26,335 7,040 8,505 6,940 3,855

E07000106 Canterbury 14,835 6,815 5,705 1,695 470 145 25,975 6,740 8,350 6,830 4,055

E07000107 Dartford 13,015 6,290 4,955 1,385 310 75 21,990 6,680 7,135 5,180 2,995

E07000108 Dover 12,645 5,970 4,775 1,400 345 155 21,935 5,905 6,990 5,615 3,430

E07000109 Gravesham 13,170 6,125 4,885 1,635 395 130 23,075 6,640 7,530 5,605 3,300

E07000110 Maidstone 18,325 8,735 7,090 1,890 495 120 31,200 9,145 9,885 7,805 4,365

E07000111 Sevenoaks 11,445 5,130 4,540 1,365 325 80 20,045 5,230 6,515 5,310 2,985

E07000112 Shepway 11,980 5,660 4,415 1,355 390 160 20,990 5,565 6,680 5,420 3,325

E07000113 Swale 17,505 8,280 6,410 2,015 570 230 30,650 8,580 9,860 7,720 4,490

E07000114 Thanet 16,960 8,230 5,990 1,910 605 230 29,610 8,070 9,505 7,475 4,560

E07000115 Tonbridge and Malling 13,745 6,170 5,620 1,520 345 80 23,800 6,200 7,695 6,285 3,620

E07000116 Tunbridge Wells 11,560 5,240 4,615 1,330 300 75 20,080 5,200 6,595 5,160 3,120

E10000025 Oxfordshire 70,320 32,535 27,320 7,815 1,965 685 122,145 34,660 40,560 30,500 16,420

E07000177 Cherwell 16,975 7,850 6,635 1,850 480 160 29,445 8,300 9,890 7,275 3,980

E07000178 Oxford 14,450 6,865 5,020 1,790 540 230 25,720 7,900 8,775 5,965 3,080

E07000179 South Oxfordshire 13,915 6,370 5,650 1,470 325 95 23,880 6,395 7,765 6,295 3,425

E07000180 Vale of White Horse 13,125 5,985 5,295 1,380 350 115 22,710 6,325 7,505 5,765 3,115

E07000181 West Oxfordshire 11,850 5,465 4,720 1,320 265 85 20,385 5,740 6,625 5,200 2,825

E10000030 Surrey 113,050 52,985 44,795 11,975 2,585 710 192,655 52,045 63,190 49,420 28,000

E07000207 Elmbridge 12,495 5,880 5,140 1,200 210 65 20,940 5,640 6,975 5,360 2,965

E07000208 Epsom and Ewell 7,710 3,580 3,155 795 140 35 13,035 3,475 4,200 3,405 1,955

E07000209 Guildford 12,620 5,885 5,015 1,350 280 90 21,570 5,870 7,055 5,525 3,125

E07000210 Mole Valley 7,785 3,575 3,150 825 190 45 13,340 3,240 4,250 3,660 2,185

E07000211 Reigate and Banstead 14,815 6,880 5,840 1,665 325 105 25,410 7,245 8,395 6,290 3,480

E07000212 Runnymede 8,000 3,935 3,050 760 190 65 13,405 3,775 4,380 3,395 1,850

E07000213 Spelthorne 11,025 5,505 4,105 1,075 250 85 18,420 5,255 6,065 4,540 2,555

E07000214 Surrey Heath 8,725 4,080 3,500 890 210 40 14,805 3,840 4,775 3,910 2,280

E07000215 Tandridge 8,535 3,915 3,400 975 200 50 14,695 3,710 4,875 3,855 2,255

E07000216 Waverley 11,010 4,920 4,485 1,285 270 55 19,115 4,780 6,290 5,120 2,925

E07000217 Woking 10,335 4,825 3,950 1,150 315 90 17,920 5,210 5,930 4,355 2,425

E10000032 West Sussex 88,360 41,395 34,475 9,545 2,345 600 151,590 41,290 49,145 38,550 22,610

E07000223 Adur 7,140 3,430 2,750 735 180 50 12,115 3,600 3,860 2,975 1,685

E07000224 Arun 16,185 7,945 6,065 1,635 425 110 27,295 7,420 8,690 6,975 4,210

E07000225 Chichester 10,955 5,020 4,290 1,260 310 85 19,050 4,850 6,195 4,975 3,025

E07000226 Crawley 14,475 6,825 5,320 1,700 480 155 25,300 7,660 8,275 5,985 3,380

Table 5 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000227 Horsham 13,105 5,870 5,475 1,395 310 60 22,545 5,675 7,325 6,080 3,465

E07000228 Mid Sussex 14,460 6,575 5,960 1,530 320 75 24,760 6,515 8,005 6,460 3,780

E07000229 Worthing 12,040 5,730 4,625 1,290 325 70 20,525 5,570 6,790 5,100 3,070

E12000009 SOUTH WEST 595,710 279,065 229,845 64,890 16,470 5,440 1,028,775 284,225 328,690 261,440 154,420

E06000022 Bath and North East Somerset UA 17,710 8,110 7,145 1,955 400 95 30,385 8,200 9,690 7,835 4,660

E06000028 Bournemouth UA 19,655 10,330 6,905 1,865 415 140 32,210 10,165 10,300 7,440 4,305

E06000023 Bristol, City of UA 49,805 23,435 18,145 5,660 1,735 835 88,260 28,655 28,825 19,865 10,910

E06000052 Cornwall UA 9

60,040 28,325 22,800 6,645 1,725 545 103,695 27,730 32,605 26,985 16,370

E06000053 Isles of Scilly UA 10

220 90 105 25 - - 380 95 125 100 60

E06000024 North Somerset UA 23,580 10,875 9,485 2,480 545 190 40,475 10,950 13,045 10,440 6,040

E06000026 Plymouth UA 30,755 14,960 11,275 3,320 870 330 52,740 15,530 17,060 12,690 7,460

E06000029 Poole UA 16,335 7,895 6,220 1,630 455 135 27,810 7,865 9,050 6,935 3,955

E06000025 South Gloucestershire UA 31,560 14,355 13,040 3,240 730 195 54,110 14,965 17,450 13,460 8,230

E06000030 Swindon UA 27,895 13,470 10,490 2,905 780 255 47,645 14,005 15,480 11,440 6,720

E06000027 Torbay UA 15,380 7,550 5,525 1,700 445 165 26,370 7,225 8,315 6,630 4,200

E06000054 Wiltshire UA 11

53,320 24,500 21,125 5,905 1,400 390 92,120 25,005 29,245 23,710 14,160

E10000008 Devon 80,510 37,235 31,495 8,940 2,160 675 139,325 36,365 43,955 36,835 22,170

E07000040 East Devon 13,260 6,075 5,270 1,505 310 105 22,910 5,775 7,125 6,195 3,815

E07000041 Exeter 12,520 6,135 4,735 1,230 315 110 21,135 6,315 6,855 5,000 2,960

E07000042 Mid Devon 9,070 3,930 3,655 1,100 285 100 16,210 4,235 5,165 4,280 2,530

E07000043 North Devon 10,660 4,840 4,210 1,210 315 85 18,610 4,875 5,900 4,850 2,985

E07000044 South Hams 8,680 4,040 3,440 930 215 60 14,870 3,490 4,595 4,215 2,575

E07000045 Teignbridge 13,895 6,590 5,385 1,465 360 100 23,720 6,020 7,440 6,405 3,860

E07000046 Torridge 7,045 3,240 2,675 850 210 70 12,370 3,285 3,815 3,340 1,935

E07000047 West Devon 5,375 2,390 2,125 655 155 50 9,495 2,375 3,060 2,555 1,510

E10000009 Dorset 41,860 19,300 16,535 4,580 1,120 325 72,325 17,990 23,085 19,530 11,720

E07000048 Christchurch 4,785 2,250 1,925 470 105 35 8,110 1,980 2,580 2,240 1,310

E07000049 East Dorset 8,030 3,690 3,270 845 170 55 13,745 3,230 4,330 3,880 2,310

E07000050 North Dorset 7,255 3,235 2,900 855 210 55 12,720 3,375 4,250 3,250 1,845

E07000051 Purbeck 4,670 2,135 1,860 505 120 45 8,100 2,035 2,615 2,145 1,310

E07000052 West Dorset 9,725 4,395 3,860 1,120 290 65 16,985 4,005 5,290 4,795 2,890

E07000053 Weymouth and Portland 7,390 3,590 2,720 785 220 75 12,660 3,370 4,025 3,220 2,050

E10000013 Gloucestershire 66,985 31,140 26,110 7,275 1,880 580 115,850 31,435 37,020 30,180 17,215

E07000078 Cheltenham 11,840 5,685 4,570 1,190 300 95 20,130 5,990 6,350 4,960 2,835

E07000079 Cotswold 7,935 3,700 3,120 865 195 55 13,610 3,210 4,250 3,910 2,235

E07000080 Forest of Dean 9,005 4,155 3,490 1,040 245 75 15,640 3,920 4,945 4,235 2,540

E07000081 Gloucester 16,395 7,610 6,180 1,830 565 205 28,835 8,495 9,350 7,035 3,955

E07000082 Stroud 12,375 5,635 4,985 1,345 325 85 21,385 5,300 6,880 5,870 3,340

E07000083 Tewkesbury 9,435 4,355 3,765 1,000 245 70 16,250 4,525 5,245 4,175 2,305

E10000027 Somerset 60,100 27,495 23,445 6,770 1,810 585 105,085 28,040 33,430 27,365 16,250

E07000187 Mendip 12,485 5,765 4,835 1,420 365 100 21,685 5,515 6,915 5,760 3,490

E07000188 Sedgemoor 13,600 6,210 5,235 1,550 455 150 23,975 6,520 7,505 6,170 3,785

E07000189 South Somerset 18,200 8,260 7,130 2,070 555 185 31,930 8,550 10,270 8,310 4,795

E07000190 Taunton Deane 12,720 5,805 5,115 1,340 340 115 22,055 6,065 7,065 5,645 3,280

E07000191 West Somerset 3,100 1,450 1,125 395 95 35 5,440 1,390 1,675 1,480 895

W92000004 WALES 359,910 173,925 131,455 40,355 10,510 3,670 619,885 167,075 198,625 158,105 96,075

W06000001 Isle of Anglesey / Ynys Môn 7,735 3,610 2,825 950 260 90 13,655 3,820 4,310 3,470 2,055

W06000002 Gwynedd / Gwynedd 12,615 5,625 4,680 1,710 455 150 22,745 6,100 7,275 5,910 3,460

W06000003 Conwy / Conwy 12,495 6,015 4,480 1,450 410 135 21,710 5,625 6,765 5,695 3,625

W06000004 Denbighshire / Sir Ddinbych 11,135 5,210 4,060 1,345 370 150 19,685 5,200 6,175 5,125 3,185

W06000005 Flintshire / Sir y Fflint 18,420 8,815 6,995 1,985 450 175 31,495 8,165 10,210 8,135 4,985

W06000006 Wrexham / Wrecsam 17,020 8,335 6,320 1,745 450 165 28,935 8,145 9,480 7,225 4,085

W06000023 Powys / Powys 13,900 6,300 5,395 1,695 385 125 24,390 5,955 7,695 6,675 4,060

W06000008 Ceredigion / Ceredigion 6,855 3,145 2,540 885 225 60 12,115 3,185 3,740 3,260 1,935

W06000009 Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro 13,430 6,175 4,935 1,725 465 130 23,785 6,130 7,565 6,220 3,875

W06000010 Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin 20,965 9,965 7,745 2,435 610 205 36,340 9,460 11,675 9,545 5,655

W06000011 Swansea / Abertawe 27,015 13,110 9,935 2,980 745 245 46,200 12,400 14,790 11,910 7,105

W06000012 Neath Port Talbot / Castell-nedd Port Talbot 16,955 8,510 6,135 1,730 445 140 28,500 7,545 9,235 7,155 4,565

W06000013 Bridgend / Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 17,210 8,600 6,215 1,800 445 150 29,030 7,835 9,190 7,485 4,520

W06000014 The Vale of Glamorgan / Bro Morgannwg 14,735 7,055 5,525 1,645 395 110 25,210 6,650 8,015 6,490 4,055

W06000015 Cardiff / Caerdydd 39,700 18,795 13,990 4,745 1,500 675 70,760 20,875 23,145 16,855 9,880

W06000016 Rhondda Cynon Taf / Rhondda Cynon Taf 30,185 15,095 10,990 3,130 755 215 50,645 13,940 16,330 12,675 7,700

W06000024 Merthyr Tydfil / Merthyr Tudful 7,825 4,085 2,720 765 190 65 12,930 3,550 4,145 3,230 2,000

W06000018 Caerphilly / Caerffili 23,075 11,500 8,420 2,380 575 195 38,835 10,360 12,490 9,890 6,095

W06000019 Blaenau Gwent / Blaenau Gwent 8,680 4,570 2,990 820 220 80 14,325 3,875 4,535 3,610 2,310

W06000020 Torfaen / Tor-faen 11,565 5,815 4,120 1,200 330 100 19,515 5,295 6,255 4,850 3,120

W06000021 Monmouthshire / Sir Fynwy 9,365 4,420 3,675 980 225 70 15,970 3,820 5,035 4,365 2,750

W06000022 Newport / Casnewydd 19,030 9,180 6,770 2,240 605 230 33,110 9,155 10,570 8,325 5,065

S92000003 SCOTLAND 576,675 298,120 205,975 56,145 12,775 3,660 949,280 260,280 315,600 251,130 122,265

S12000033 Aberdeen City 18,780 10,485 6,430 1,475 315 80 29,435 9,105 9,980 7,255 3,095

S12000034 Aberdeenshire 24,865 12,020 9,650 2,515 550 130 41,765 11,300 14,085 11,480 4,895

S12000041 Angus 12,355 6,085 4,605 1,295 300 75 20,770 5,265 6,855 5,765 2,885

S12000035 Argyll & Bute 8,625 4,200 3,245 935 195 55 14,550 3,655 4,720 4,110 2,070

S12000005 Clackmannanshire 6,085 3,120 2,160 615 155 35 10,085 2,760 3,390 2,705 1,235

S12000006 Dumfries & Galloway 15,675 7,495 5,985 1,695 390 110 26,695 6,820 8,960 7,215 3,695

S12000042 Dundee City 16,135 8,810 5,295 1,470 440 125 26,240 7,590 8,735 6,575 3,340

S12000008 East Ayrshire 14,455 7,705 5,025 1,350 285 95 23,450 6,330 7,705 6,200 3,220

S12000045 East Dunbartonshire 10,870 5,410 4,170 1,065 185 40 17,880 4,415 5,810 5,110 2,545

S12000010 East Lothian 11,575 5,705 4,440 1,120 260 50 19,260 5,180 6,625 5,045 2,415

S12000011 East Renfrewshire 9,885 4,610 3,940 1,045 235 55 16,860 4,100 5,525 4,775 2,455

S12000036 Edinburgh, City of 44,185 23,955 15,375 3,855 785 215 70,545 22,125 23,020 17,145 8,260

S12000013 Eilean Siar 12

2,645 1,250 975 320 75 25 4,600 1,115 1,520 1,315 650

S12000014 Falkirk 18,310 9,590 6,615 1,620 380 105 29,765 8,195 10,310 7,680 3,580

S12000015 Fife 41,330 20,865 14,860 4,285 1,020 300 69,125 19,015 23,310 18,050 8,750

S12000046 Glasgow City 65,510 36,155 20,745 6,315 1,715 580 106,590 31,730 34,825 26,650 13,385

S12000017 Highland 24,545 11,960 9,090 2,650 655 185 41,740 10,815 13,840 11,535 5,550

S12000018 Inverclyde 9,185 5,020 3,150 820 150 45 14,625 3,730 4,825 3,975 2,095

S12000019 Midlothian 10,430 5,300 3,825 965 245 95 17,330 5,005 5,700 4,590 2,035

S12000020 Moray 9,660 4,760 3,620 990 235 60 16,230 4,365 5,360 4,370 2,135

S12000021 North Ayrshire 15,905 8,400 5,470 1,520 405 110 26,090 6,760 8,600 7,060 3,665

S12000044 North Lanarkshire 42,695 22,270 14,990 4,240 910 280 70,110 18,555 23,540 18,860 9,150

S12000023 Orkney Islands 2,050 935 780 250 70 15 3,605 930 1,215 975 485

S12000024 Perth & Kinross 15,095 7,485 5,630 1,575 335 70 25,205 6,495 8,285 7,010 3,420

S12000038 Renfrewshire 20,215 10,800 7,120 1,825 365 105 32,545 8,835 10,685 8,660 4,365

S12000026 Scottish Borders 11,890 5,600 4,625 1,370 230 65 20,230 5,055 6,680 5,650 2,840

S12000027 Shetland Islands 2,385 1,055 910 325 75 20 4,250 1,140 1,420 1,170 520

S12000028 South Ayrshire 11,670 6,045 4,280 1,085 205 55 18,970 4,880 6,160 5,130 2,800

S12000029 South Lanarkshire 37,125 19,405 13,395 3,415 695 215 60,380 16,200 20,145 16,315 7,720

S12000030 Stirling 9,125 4,515 3,490 875 185 55 15,165 3,815 5,025 4,260 2,060

S12000039 West Dunbartonshire 11,150 5,930 3,855 1,065 235 65 18,120 4,995 6,080 4,660 2,385

S12000040 West Lothian 22,270 11,185 8,235 2,200 500 150 37,060 10,000 12,660 9,840 4,560

N92000002 NORTHERN IRELAND 237,865 104,320 86,455 34,450 9,725 2,915 435,055 118,420 137,795 108,250 70,595

95A Antrim 7,305 3,085 2,775 1,055 295 90 13,495 3,570 4,370 3,425 2,130

95B Ards 9,590 4,260 3,710 1,240 295 85 17,025 4,295 5,515 4,415 2,795

95C Armagh 8,090 3,230 2,875 1,405 455 125 15,675 4,290 4,920 3,955 2,510

95D Ballymena 8,110 3,610 3,005 1,110 290 95 14,600 3,830 4,685 3,795 2,290

95E Ballymoney 4,055 1,680 1,580 570 175 55 7,535 2,005 2,360 1,960 1,205

95F Banbridge 6,475 2,610 2,525 985 290 70 12,150 3,335 3,960 3,010 1,850

95G Belfast 35,190 17,315 11,915 4,340 1,235 390 61,215 18,045 19,075 14,310 9,780

95H Carrickfergus 4,930 2,260 1,965 560 110 35 8,495 2,070 2,690 2,280 1,455

95I Castlereagh 8,310 3,890 3,140 1,030 195 50 14,320 3,840 4,475 3,650 2,355

95J Coleraine 7,090 3,185 2,585 990 250 75 12,740 3,315 3,930 3,325 2,165

95K Cookstown 5,070 2,055 1,750 890 290 85 9,850 2,850 3,125 2,365 1,510

95L Craigavon 13,590 5,820 5,100 2,030 490 150 24,850 7,220 8,150 5,770 3,710

95M Derry 13

15,845 7,195 5,615 2,245 605 180 28,550 7,495 8,695 7,225 5,140

95N Down 9,325 3,950 3,425 1,420 400 125 17,345 4,645 5,450 4,335 2,915

95O Dungannon 8,410 3,520 2,895 1,380 480 125 16,055 4,540 5,200 3,975 2,335

95P Fermanagh 7,580 3,050 2,635 1,320 425 150 14,775 3,885 4,615 3,820 2,450

95Q Larne 3,975 1,885 1,475 455 125 35 6,875 1,760 2,120 1,825 1,170

Table 5 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 23: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

95R Limavady 4,515 1,930 1,675 665 185 60 8,335 2,195 2,600 2,105 1,430

95S Lisburn 16,420 7,175 6,210 2,305 550 185 29,685 8,155 9,635 7,155 4,740

95T Magherafelt 5,980 2,275 2,075 1,085 400 150 12,060 3,355 3,850 2,995 1,860

95U Moyle 2,060 850 745 330 110 25 3,910 1,010 1,240 995 665

95V Newry and Mourne 13,510 5,360 4,640 2,490 780 240 26,520 7,165 8,385 6,670 4,305

95W Newtownabbey 11,160 5,040 4,310 1,380 340 85 19,635 5,310 6,405 4,855 3,065

95X North Down 9,260 4,285 3,595 1,085 240 55 15,990 4,350 5,125 3,940 2,575

95Y Omagh 6,575 2,535 2,240 1,230 450 120 13,150 3,360 4,130 3,410 2,250

95Z Strabane 5,440 2,275 1,990 840 255 75 10,215 2,530 3,085 2,675 1,925

FOREIGN AND NOT KNOWN 27,945 15,535 9,415 2,345 515 135 44,860 12,620 14,745 10,775 6,715


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 County Durham UA comprises the former Durham county.

3 Northumberland UA comprises the former Northumberland county.

4 Cheshire East UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Congleton, Crewe and Nantwich and Macclesfield districts).

5 Cheshire West and Chester UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Chester, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal districts).

6 Shropshire UA comprises the former Shropshire county.

7 Bedford UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Bedford district).

8 Central Bedfordshire UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Mid Bedfordshire and South Bedfordshire districts).

9 Cornwall UA comprises the former Cornwall and Isles of Scilly county excluding Isles of Scilly district.

10 The Isles of Scilly were recoded on 1 April 2009. They are separately administered by an Isles of Scilly council and do not form part of Cornwall UA but, for the purposes of the presentation of statistical data, they may be combined with Cornwall UA.

11 Wiltshire UA comprises the former Wiltshire county.

12 Formerly known as the Western Isles.

13 NISRA have confirmed the term 'Derry' should be used in preference to Derry City.

Table 5 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 24: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 6: Families receiving Child Benefit in each Westminster Parliamentary Constituency, August 2014

Total One childTwo






Five or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 7,461,675 3,576,725 2,718,895 844,435 234,340 87,280 12,962,175 3,599,460 4,225,520 3,260,025 1,877,165

K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 7,195,865 3,456,870 2,623,025 807,645 224,100 84,230 12,482,260 3,468,420 4,072,980 3,141,000 1,799,855

K04000001 ENGLAND AND WALES 6,619,190 3,158,745 2,417,050 751,500 211,325 80,565 11,532,980 3,208,140 3,757,380 2,889,870 1,677,590

E92000001 ENGLAND 6,259,275 2,984,820 2,285,595 711,145 200,820 76,900 10,913,100 3,041,065 3,558,755 2,731,765 1,581,515

E12000001 NORTH EAST 307,860 155,130 109,280 31,885 8,470 3,100 520,170 143,045 168,145 130,830 78,145

E14000554 Berwick-upon-Tweed 7,510 3,575 2,860 815 200 65 12,870 3,175 4,075 3,505 2,115

E14000569 Bishop Auckland 10,390 5,325 3,640 1,065 255 105 17,400 4,670 5,600 4,460 2,670

E14000574 Blaydon 10,195 5,285 3,770 890 195 55 16,575 4,485 5,365 4,170 2,555

E14000575 Blyth Valley 10,060 5,010 3,750 945 265 85 16,895 4,550 5,425 4,395 2,520

E14000641 City of Durham 9,095 4,655 3,330 850 195 60 14,985 4,095 4,825 3,820 2,245

E14000658 Darlington 11,485 5,700 4,015 1,305 335 125 19,670 5,535 6,385 4,900 2,845

E14000677 Easington 10,780 5,700 3,610 1,060 315 95 17,895 4,955 5,690 4,510 2,740

E14000709 Gateshead 10,970 5,710 3,645 1,090 295 230 18,900 5,535 6,145 4,555 2,665

E14000733 Hartlepool 11,850 5,900 4,115 1,300 375 155 20,390 5,435 6,630 5,145 3,180

E14000746 Hexham 7,240 3,380 2,930 745 145 35 12,255 2,795 3,945 3,530 1,990

E14000754 Houghton and Sunderland South 11,080 5,845 3,905 1,010 245 70 18,060 4,780 5,840 4,655 2,790

E14000765 Jarrow 10,155 5,285 3,660 920 225 65 16,610 4,520 5,320 4,195 2,575

E14000819 Middlesbrough 12,505 5,655 4,270 1,710 625 250 23,170 6,840 7,670 5,470 3,185

E14000820 Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland 11,220 5,355 4,135 1,285 325 125 19,425 5,270 6,330 4,870 2,960

E14000831 Newcastle upon Tyne Central 11,145 5,075 3,685 1,600 550 235 20,730 6,100 6,855 4,980 2,795

E14000832 Newcastle upon Tyne East 8,000 4,095 2,715 835 275 85 13,580 3,905 4,255 3,415 2,005

E14000833 Newcastle upon Tyne North 10,590 5,295 3,875 1,095 250 75 17,740 5,040 5,660 4,445 2,595

E14000840 North Durham 10,655 5,555 3,785 980 230 95 17,515 4,855 5,635 4,330 2,690

E14000853 North Tyneside 12,740 6,740 4,485 1,180 260 75 20,700 5,955 6,770 4,970 3,005

E14000856 North West Durham 11,040 5,720 3,940 1,040 255 80 18,190 4,905 5,915 4,590 2,780

E14000891 Redcar 10,955 5,605 3,820 1,125 295 110 18,400 5,110 5,790 4,650 2,850

E14000915 Sedgefield 10,165 5,080 3,650 1,035 305 100 17,240 4,580 5,650 4,360 2,645

E14000944 South Shields 9,780 5,195 3,245 1,005 265 70 16,125 4,415 5,090 4,080 2,540

E14000970 Stockton North 11,630 5,790 3,990 1,320 385 145 20,045 5,845 6,580 4,750 2,865

E14000971 Stockton South 12,310 5,845 4,670 1,350 335 105 21,160 5,835 6,905 5,385 3,040

E14000982 Sunderland Central 11,275 5,975 3,760 1,085 300 150 18,775 5,140 6,040 4,725 2,870

E14001006 Tynemouth 11,650 5,800 4,495 1,080 205 70 19,215 5,115 6,250 4,930 2,925

E14001014 Wansbeck 9,705 4,855 3,510 1,005 255 80 16,345 4,375 5,170 4,185 2,615

E14001020 Washington and Sunderland West 11,700 6,130 4,025 1,155 295 90 19,330 5,240 6,340 4,845 2,900

E12000002 NORTH WEST 862,015 419,470 305,735 97,315 28,260 11,235 1,497,345 413,840 486,885 374,740 221,885

E14000532 Altrincham and Sale West 10,535 4,955 4,140 1,140 235 65 17,945 4,580 5,840 4,795 2,730

E14000537 Ashton-under-Lyne 12,740 6,485 4,340 1,330 400 190 21,770 6,445 6,950 5,255 3,115

E14000543 Barrow and Furness 10,205 5,135 3,730 1,020 240 85 17,060 4,360 5,530 4,575 2,590

E14000559 Birkenhead 11,845 5,840 3,975 1,465 405 160 20,690 5,990 6,775 4,995 2,935

E14000570 Blackburn 15,865 6,605 5,135 2,635 1,050 440 31,380 8,595 10,340 7,865 4,585

E14000571 Blackley and Broughton 16,645 7,140 5,125 2,515 1,065 800 33,995 10,420 11,430 7,835 4,315

E14000572 Blackpool North and Cleveleys 9,855 5,090 3,375 990 290 105 16,580 4,320 5,240 4,330 2,690

E14000573 Blackpool South 10,575 5,595 3,355 1,135 345 145 17,900 4,965 5,835 4,395 2,705

E14000578 Bolton North East 12,720 6,075 4,345 1,520 530 260 22,845 6,380 7,600 5,655 3,215

E14000579 Bolton South East 14,840 6,750 4,895 2,030 785 380 27,835 7,860 9,240 6,810 3,925

E14000580 Bolton West 11,670 5,925 4,205 1,130 310 95 19,500 5,180 6,335 5,000 2,985

E14000581 Bootle 13,135 6,670 4,555 1,410 375 130 22,220 6,270 6,825 5,545 3,585

E14000609 Burnley 11,745 5,740 3,920 1,415 470 200 20,795 5,875 6,950 5,025 2,945

E14000611 Bury North 11,345 5,555 4,005 1,275 370 140 19,610 5,415 6,295 5,060 2,840

E14000612 Bury South 12,790 6,140 4,390 1,475 470 310 23,040 6,440 7,715 5,610 3,275

E14000620 Carlisle 10,170 5,095 3,705 1,020 255 95 17,090 5,180 5,615 4,090 2,205

E14000627 Cheadle 9,740 4,520 3,930 1,030 195 60 16,570 4,110 5,375 4,425 2,665

E14000637 Chorley 11,705 5,800 4,400 1,155 255 100 19,625 5,580 6,470 4,800 2,770

E14000640 City of Chester 9,980 5,065 3,645 975 220 75 16,565 4,795 5,375 3,970 2,420

E14000646 Congleton 9,840 4,695 3,945 940 195 65 16,530 4,210 5,310 4,405 2,605

E14000647 Copeland 8,415 4,085 3,200 885 190 55 14,200 3,820 4,595 3,645 2,140

E14000653 Crewe and Nantwich 13,185 6,425 4,870 1,385 350 160 22,575 6,355 7,355 5,570 3,290

E14000661 Denton and Reddish 11,520 6,025 4,000 1,145 270 85 18,985 5,535 6,065 4,600 2,780

E14000686 Eddisbury 9,340 4,255 3,690 1,050 255 90 16,290 4,125 5,340 4,295 2,530

E14000688 Ellesmere Port and Neston 10,580 5,160 3,995 1,085 275 65 17,850 4,855 5,700 4,500 2,795

E14000706 Fylde 8,325 4,205 3,100 780 180 60 13,800 3,495 4,365 3,675 2,265

E14000708 Garston and Halewood 12,225 6,210 4,310 1,295 300 110 20,510 5,555 6,535 5,125 3,295

E14000725 Halton 12,430 6,185 4,435 1,325 370 120 21,140 5,915 6,820 5,225 3,175

E14000738 Hazel Grove 8,885 4,300 3,445 890 190 60 14,940 3,780 4,985 3,870 2,310

E14000747 Heywood and Middleton 13,670 6,875 4,720 1,545 395 135 23,250 6,575 7,600 5,555 3,515

E14000758 Hyndburn 12,450 6,025 4,050 1,555 555 265 22,450 6,255 7,305 5,615 3,275

E14000775 Knowsley 14,785 7,495 5,115 1,605 430 135 25,000 6,820 7,900 6,265 4,020

E14000776 Lancaster and Fleetwood 8,435 4,065 2,990 1,045 265 65 14,590 3,930 4,820 3,715 2,130

E14000785 Leigh 13,050 6,590 4,715 1,350 290 100 21,775 6,145 7,185 5,340 3,110

E14000793 Liverpool, Riverside 9,340 4,995 2,900 985 310 150 15,805 4,770 4,975 3,730 2,330

E14000794 Liverpool, Walton 12,440 6,415 4,180 1,360 350 135 20,985 5,800 6,585 5,215 3,390

E14000795 Liverpool, Wavertree 10,625 5,400 3,650 1,125 320 125 18,050 5,300 5,675 4,380 2,700

E14000796 Liverpool, West Derby 12,725 6,405 4,465 1,370 360 115 21,525 5,980 6,795 5,365 3,385

E14000802 Macclesfield 9,695 4,790 3,800 900 155 55 16,005 4,225 5,050 4,160 2,575

E14000805 Makerfield 12,370 6,245 4,590 1,190 265 80 20,480 5,535 6,695 5,245 3,000

E14000807 Manchester Central 14,395 6,740 4,420 2,040 775 420 27,135 8,350 9,200 6,085 3,500

E14000808 Manchester, Gorton 13,750 5,920 4,275 2,175 925 460 27,195 7,905 9,270 6,420 3,595

E14000809 Manchester, Withington 9,305 4,485 3,170 1,130 375 145 16,495 4,790 5,415 4,040 2,255

E14000825 Morecambe and Lunesdale 10,800 5,205 3,920 1,210 335 135 18,740 5,205 5,835 4,790 2,910

E14000870 Oldham East and Saddleworth 14,070 6,455 4,835 1,800 660 320 25,895 7,285 8,475 6,480 3,655

E14000871 Oldham West and Royton 14,670 6,330 4,710 2,180 975 475 28,760 7,720 9,595 7,325 4,120

E14000875 Pendle 11,660 5,315 3,855 1,575 670 245 21,760 6,265 7,240 5,295 2,955

E14000877 Penrith and The Border 8,425 3,800 3,400 955 210 65 14,645 3,455 4,715 4,130 2,345

E14000885 Preston 12,285 5,810 4,050 1,680 545 205 22,210 6,885 7,420 5,075 2,825

E14000894 Ribble Valley 10,725 5,260 4,170 1,045 205 50 17,805 4,375 5,750 4,895 2,785

E14000897 Rochdale 15,175 6,805 4,975 2,140 885 370 28,720 7,920 9,530 7,120 4,155

E14000902 Rossendale and Darwen 12,180 5,950 4,485 1,315 335 100 20,715 5,545 6,750 5,380 3,045

E14000911 Salford and Eccles 12,405 6,510 4,030 1,330 380 160 20,945 6,590 6,840 4,660 2,855

E14000916 Sefton Central 8,195 3,940 3,205 860 145 40 13,725 3,045 4,295 3,875 2,510

E14000943 South Ribble 11,315 5,545 4,345 1,105 250 75 18,930 4,820 6,170 4,905 3,035

E14000958 Southport 9,910 4,925 3,610 1,050 260 65 16,700 4,370 5,195 4,390 2,740

E14000967 Stalybridge and Hyde 12,420 6,250 4,365 1,255 395 150 21,150 6,045 6,905 5,195 3,005

E14000962 St Helens North 12,160 6,170 4,300 1,275 325 95 20,385 5,595 6,680 5,075 3,035

E14000963 St Helens South and Whiston 12,970 6,595 4,530 1,370 355 115 21,815 5,905 6,920 5,665 3,320

E14000969 Stockport 11,275 5,645 3,925 1,205 375 125 19,275 6,035 6,345 4,330 2,570

E14000979 Stretford and Urmston 12,905 6,135 4,570 1,540 480 180 22,780 6,160 7,540 5,755 3,325

E14000987 Tatton 8,450 4,070 3,295 835 210 45 14,235 3,700 4,625 3,645 2,265

E14001010 Wallasey 11,445 5,565 4,040 1,335 375 130 19,875 5,430 6,395 4,905 3,145

E14001017 Warrington North 11,875 6,065 4,270 1,150 295 95 19,755 5,435 6,340 5,035 2,950

E14001018 Warrington South 12,990 6,330 4,995 1,310 295 60 21,740 5,745 7,020 5,715 3,260

E14001024 Weaver Vale 10,595 5,020 4,060 1,130 305 80 18,175 4,715 5,970 4,655 2,830

E14001033 West Lancashire 11,110 5,400 4,105 1,210 305 90 18,945 4,780 6,115 4,985 3,065

E14001037 Westmorland and Lonsdale 7,940 3,715 3,245 785 165 30 13,385 3,190 4,295 3,700 2,200

E14001039 Wigan 12,715 6,455 4,565 1,275 320 105 21,235 5,960 6,795 5,375 3,105

E14001043 Wirral South 7,810 3,625 3,095 870 175 50 13,380 3,400 4,265 3,585 2,130

E14001044 Wirral West 7,165 3,420 2,785 750 160 55 12,145 2,910 3,910 3,235 2,085

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14001053 Workington 8,820 4,310 3,355 885 210 60 14,835 3,985 4,745 3,925 2,180

E14001054 Worsley and Eccles South 13,770 6,915 4,715 1,555 415 170 23,600 7,100 7,710 5,585 3,205

E14001057 Wyre and Preston North 9,045 4,285 3,625 890 195 50 15,265 3,580 4,980 4,175 2,530

E14001059 Wythenshawe and Sale East 14,830 7,485 5,130 1,615 435 170 25,245 7,895 8,265 5,800 3,285

E12000003 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER 640,080 305,235 230,990 73,075 22,260 8,520 1,121,595 314,740 366,005 279,185 161,660

E14000541 Barnsley Central 11,145 5,950 3,805 1,010 295 85 18,220 5,310 5,835 4,355 2,720

E14000542 Barnsley East 11,995 6,165 4,095 1,280 325 130 20,185 5,845 6,400 4,965 2,980

E14000548 Batley and Spen 14,580 6,665 5,135 1,870 665 245 26,540 7,565 8,745 6,610 3,620

E14000556 Beverley and Holderness 10,515 5,045 4,105 1,045 245 75 17,745 4,250 5,570 4,880 3,045

E14000587 Bradford East 17,750 7,025 5,600 2,975 1,515 640 36,625 10,380 12,620 9,110 4,510

E14000588 Bradford South 15,135 6,840 5,185 2,085 730 290 27,985 8,055 9,590 6,760 3,585

E14000589 Bradford West 16,755 6,330 5,090 3,110 1,530 700 35,730 9,995 11,965 9,065 4,710

E14000596 Brigg and Goole 10,000 4,970 3,690 995 270 75 16,815 4,405 5,385 4,370 2,650

E14000614 Calder Valley 12,400 6,190 4,635 1,215 270 85 20,660 5,325 6,790 5,370 3,180

E14000643 Cleethorpes 10,540 5,100 3,885 1,140 295 115 18,105 4,640 5,875 4,730 2,860

E14000645 Colne Valley 13,235 6,240 5,025 1,415 430 120 22,905 6,200 7,525 5,800 3,380

E14000666 Dewsbury 14,180 6,155 5,115 1,925 700 290 26,510 7,085 8,880 6,815 3,735

E14000667 Don Valley 11,575 5,535 4,275 1,360 300 105 19,925 5,300 6,530 5,095 3,000

E14000668 Doncaster Central 13,505 6,720 4,760 1,470 400 155 23,105 6,750 7,500 5,615 3,240

E14000669 Doncaster North 12,815 6,230 4,525 1,475 425 160 22,260 6,225 7,325 5,475 3,235

E14000683 East Yorkshire 10,610 5,060 4,055 1,115 275 100 18,175 4,640 5,730 4,820 2,985

E14000689 Elmet and Rothwell 10,715 5,130 4,270 1,055 210 50 17,960 4,600 5,860 4,765 2,740

E14000716 Great Grimsby 11,715 5,645 4,080 1,355 465 175 20,660 6,145 6,660 4,880 2,970

E14000723 Halifax 13,925 6,395 4,755 1,875 670 230 25,435 7,345 8,375 6,155 3,560

E14000724 Haltemprice and Howden 9,010 4,295 3,730 820 135 30 14,900 3,510 4,805 4,070 2,520

E14000730 Harrogate and Knaresborough 10,665 5,295 4,195 950 190 35 17,475 4,615 5,570 4,465 2,825

E14000740 Hemsworth 11,915 5,965 4,285 1,260 295 105 20,055 5,620 6,325 5,080 3,030

E14000756 Huddersfield 11,885 5,690 4,100 1,465 450 180 21,050 6,280 6,810 5,070 2,885

E14000766 Keighley 11,640 5,105 4,100 1,565 615 255 21,835 6,035 7,230 5,545 3,030

E14000771 Kingston upon Hull East 12,530 6,180 4,465 1,385 370 125 21,430 6,430 6,920 5,000 3,085

E14000772 Kingston upon Hull North 12,435 6,085 4,285 1,435 440 190 21,750 6,470 7,180 5,055 3,045

E14000773 Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle 11,060 5,690 3,780 1,155 305 135 18,660 5,790 5,935 4,260 2,680

E14000777 Leeds Central 15,725 7,660 4,910 2,050 775 335 28,535 9,730 9,390 6,065 3,345

E14000778 Leeds East 14,135 6,390 4,820 1,900 710 320 26,305 7,790 8,630 6,480 3,395

E14000779 Leeds North East 10,885 5,185 3,970 1,220 360 150 19,045 5,565 6,050 4,590 2,840

E14000780 Leeds North West 6,860 3,310 2,635 720 155 40 11,570 3,235 3,745 2,910 1,680

E14000781 Leeds West 12,175 6,235 4,045 1,330 400 165 20,820 6,670 6,770 4,705 2,675

E14000826 Morley and Outwood 12,350 6,370 4,725 1,015 200 40 19,865 5,635 6,325 4,990 2,915

E14000836 Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford 14,110 7,135 5,020 1,465 370 115 23,680 6,980 7,785 5,615 3,305

E14000876 Penistone and Stocksbridge 9,815 4,810 3,920 880 155 50 16,195 4,035 5,320 4,290 2,550

E14000886 Pudsey 10,780 5,145 4,355 1,030 215 40 18,010 5,395 5,850 4,290 2,480

E14000895 Richmond (Yorks) 11,135 5,135 4,470 1,190 285 60 19,090 4,975 6,015 5,155 2,945

E14000903 Rother Valley 11,730 5,745 4,465 1,120 290 105 19,780 5,300 6,315 5,080 3,090

E14000904 Rotherham 12,065 5,725 4,050 1,475 530 280 21,920 6,040 7,100 5,585 3,195

E14000913 Scarborough and Whitby 10,420 5,010 3,810 1,210 290 95 17,955 4,605 5,775 4,715 2,860

E14000914 Scunthorpe 11,500 5,565 4,060 1,320 405 150 20,075 5,690 6,670 4,925 2,790

E14000917 Selby and Ainsty 10,915 5,320 4,265 1,090 190 50 18,160 4,860 5,900 4,680 2,725

E14000919 Sheffield Central 8,395 4,090 2,720 1,015 420 155 15,100 4,715 4,825 3,510 2,045

E14000920 Sheffield South East 11,860 5,620 4,200 1,370 460 210 21,110 5,815 6,775 5,360 3,155

E14000921 Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough 15,705 7,015 5,210 2,095 855 530 30,105 8,850 10,305 7,035 3,915

E14000922 Sheffield, Hallam 8,215 3,755 3,525 775 135 25 13,805 3,495 4,465 3,660 2,185

E14000923 Sheffield, Heeley 11,710 5,800 4,280 1,190 315 120 19,835 5,875 6,375 4,750 2,835

E14000925 Shipley 10,890 5,255 4,150 1,150 265 70 18,455 5,130 6,085 4,550 2,690

E14000928 Skipton and Ripon 10,055 4,620 4,095 1,040 235 65 17,205 4,125 5,485 4,770 2,825

E14000993 Thirsk and Malton 9,805 4,515 3,850 1,120 240 75 16,945 4,295 5,405 4,555 2,685

E14001009 Wakefield 12,095 6,005 4,245 1,295 390 155 20,765 5,955 6,775 5,135 2,895

E14001028 Wentworth and Dearne 12,635 6,310 4,560 1,275 360 125 21,375 5,830 7,090 5,395 3,060

E14001061 York Central 10,460 5,310 3,735 1,065 275 75 17,505 5,470 5,730 4,020 2,280

E14001062 York Outer 9,435 4,495 3,870 865 175 30 15,690 3,890 5,125 4,200 2,475

E12000004 EAST MIDLANDS 542,575 259,320 201,440 59,405 16,250 6,160 938,835 260,295 304,340 237,180 137,025

E14000533 Amber Valley 10,325 5,190 3,790 970 270 105 17,330 4,845 5,495 4,510 2,480

E14000535 Ashfield 12,675 6,260 4,475 1,420 375 145 21,745 6,310 6,900 5,415 3,120

E14000546 Bassetlaw 12,365 6,085 4,595 1,245 310 135 20,980 5,755 6,660 5,335 3,230

E14000577 Bolsover 11,530 5,770 4,170 1,190 300 100 19,420 5,430 6,310 4,905 2,780

E14000582 Boston and Skegness 13,050 6,580 4,580 1,380 370 140 22,120 6,175 7,160 5,495 3,285

E14000583 Bosworth 11,295 5,390 4,455 1,120 250 75 19,060 5,225 6,120 4,870 2,845

E14000607 Broxtowe 10,350 5,140 3,975 965 195 75 17,160 5,010 5,410 4,160 2,585

E14000625 Charnwood 10,915 5,150 4,420 1,090 190 70 18,370 4,905 5,810 4,800 2,855

E14000632 Chesterfield 10,820 5,475 3,950 1,020 280 95 18,085 5,115 5,775 4,490 2,705

E14000648 Corby 14,550 6,950 5,450 1,600 400 150 25,065 6,935 8,245 6,305 3,580

E14000660 Daventry 10,310 4,700 4,105 1,140 280 85 17,895 4,430 5,760 4,890 2,815

E14000662 Derby North 11,780 5,740 4,205 1,300 380 155 20,435 5,905 6,730 5,080 2,720

E14000663 Derby South 15,840 6,950 5,425 2,230 825 410 30,020 9,030 10,115 7,155 3,720

E14000664 Derbyshire Dales 7,425 3,355 3,035 825 170 35 12,780 2,845 4,045 3,730 2,155

E14000695 Erewash 11,655 5,970 4,210 1,090 290 95 19,345 5,570 6,210 4,725 2,840

E14000707 Gainsborough 10,310 4,885 3,885 1,105 330 110 17,885 4,640 5,585 4,725 2,935

E14000710 Gedling 11,225 5,630 4,135 1,120 260 80 18,750 5,145 6,065 4,740 2,800

E14000714 Grantham and Stamford 12,635 6,035 4,815 1,350 310 125 21,620 5,835 6,760 5,575 3,445

E14000728 Harborough 11,350 5,300 4,515 1,200 245 90 19,390 4,925 6,125 5,175 3,160

E14000748 High Peak 10,335 5,005 3,915 1,105 255 55 17,470 4,480 5,685 4,555 2,750

E14000769 Kettering 12,360 5,735 4,755 1,365 370 135 21,550 6,090 7,115 5,410 2,935

E14000782 Leicester East 15,865 7,075 5,640 2,075 760 310 29,355 7,840 9,645 7,450 4,420

E14000783 Leicester South 13,945 5,955 4,570 2,120 815 485 27,470 7,585 9,195 6,825 3,865

E14000784 Leicester West 14,875 6,955 4,950 1,940 695 340 27,300 8,735 9,090 6,160 3,315

E14000792 Lincoln 12,875 6,465 4,595 1,335 360 115 21,725 6,610 6,945 5,160 3,010

E14000797 Loughborough 10,280 4,885 3,900 1,080 315 100 17,735 4,915 5,825 4,560 2,435

E14000798 Louth and Horncastle 9,800 4,630 3,655 1,115 295 105 17,015 4,305 5,370 4,500 2,840

E14000810 Mansfield 13,240 6,790 4,705 1,275 330 140 22,100 6,595 7,200 5,170 3,135

E14000814 Mid Derbyshire 9,230 4,500 3,700 810 160 60 15,275 3,930 4,850 4,115 2,375

E14000829 Newark 10,870 5,180 4,150 1,190 265 85 18,565 4,930 6,060 4,850 2,725

E14000843 North East Derbyshire 9,815 4,840 3,720 985 205 65 16,415 4,165 5,200 4,355 2,690

E14000858 North West Leicestershire 10,930 5,130 4,260 1,150 285 105 18,800 4,855 6,115 5,060 2,775

E14000861 Northampton North 11,365 5,370 4,040 1,360 450 145 20,115 5,780 6,785 4,860 2,695

E14000862 Northampton South 13,250 6,600 4,525 1,495 420 205 22,910 7,385 7,630 5,070 2,820

E14000865 Nottingham East 11,400 5,675 3,605 1,370 525 225 20,315 6,515 6,635 4,590 2,575

E14000866 Nottingham North 15,125 7,110 5,175 1,930 660 250 27,225 8,145 9,120 6,405 3,555

E14000867 Nottingham South 9,700 4,590 3,410 1,135 420 145 17,275 5,070 5,595 4,210 2,400

E14000908 Rushcliffe 9,610 4,425 4,000 980 165 40 16,240 4,135 5,345 4,230 2,525

E14000909 Rutland and Melton 10,430 4,860 4,105 1,150 255 65 17,875 4,600 5,665 4,710 2,895

E14000924 Sherwood 11,420 5,555 4,315 1,130 320 95 19,405 5,360 6,185 4,960 2,905

E14000929 Sleaford and North Hykeham 12,595 5,850 5,035 1,320 295 90 21,555 5,315 6,840 5,940 3,465

E14000935 South Derbyshire 11,555 5,455 4,485 1,240 290 90 19,780 5,410 6,490 5,030 2,850

E14000939 South Holland and The Deepings 11,845 5,810 4,385 1,215 325 115 20,140 5,445 6,220 5,330 3,145

E14000940 South Leicestershire 12,130 5,745 4,855 1,230 235 65 20,450 5,325 6,730 5,320 3,075

E14000942 South Northamptonshire 13,115 5,920 5,465 1,390 270 70 22,480 5,715 7,355 6,015 3,395

E14001025 Wellingborough 14,210 6,660 5,345 1,560 475 175 24,845 7,020 8,180 6,240 3,405

E12000005 WEST MIDLANDS 688,340 322,325 245,445 82,995 26,210 11,365 1,229,210 342,220 400,000 308,300 178,695

E14000531 Aldridge-Brownhills 8,730 4,230 3,285 935 220 60 14,815 3,750 4,720 4,010 2,340

E14000560 Birmingham, Edgbaston 10,455 5,065 3,575 1,265 390 160 18,445 5,580 6,000 4,345 2,520

E14000561 Birmingham, Erdington 14,140 6,760 4,505 1,925 635 315 25,815 7,695 8,495 6,160 3,470

E14000562 Birmingham, Hall Green 15,995 5,935 4,925 2,875 1,425 835 34,710 9,295 11,575 8,870 4,970

E14000563 Birmingham, Hodge Hill 20,105 7,165 5,680 3,875 2,055 1,330 45,825 12,680 15,530 11,610 6,000

E14000564 Birmingham, Ladywood 16,820 7,005 4,850 2,715 1,420 830 35,135 10,490 11,845 8,300 4,495

E14000565 Birmingham, Northfield 14,200 6,815 4,795 1,770 570 250 25,350 7,445 8,320 5,995 3,590

E14000566 Birmingham, Perry Barr 15,245 6,690 4,965 2,245 915 425 29,385 8,015 9,730 7,440 4,200

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000567 Birmingham, Selly Oak 11,640 5,525 4,080 1,425 430 180 20,670 6,050 6,735 4,890 2,995

E14000568 Birmingham, Yardley 15,750 6,665 5,195 2,415 960 520 30,980 8,935 10,325 7,565 4,150

E14000605 Bromsgrove 10,090 4,800 4,070 960 195 60 16,935 4,280 5,430 4,430 2,800

E14000610 Burton 12,910 6,060 4,730 1,500 445 180 22,735 6,575 7,410 5,570 3,185

E14000618 Cannock Chase 12,090 6,100 4,390 1,200 310 95 20,225 5,610 6,500 5,025 3,085

E14000649 Coventry North East 16,970 7,770 5,760 2,315 780 345 31,255 9,245 10,515 7,415 4,075

E14000650 Coventry North West 12,960 6,160 4,710 1,535 420 135 22,585 6,530 7,375 5,560 3,125

E14000651 Coventry South 11,495 5,345 4,100 1,425 430 190 20,580 5,885 6,815 5,075 2,805

E14000671 Dudley North 10,730 5,125 3,825 1,205 410 170 18,945 5,480 5,985 4,735 2,745

E14000672 Dudley South 9,750 4,720 3,525 1,065 335 100 16,865 4,750 5,330 4,300 2,485

E14000722 Halesowen and Rowley Regis 10,940 5,230 3,935 1,235 375 165 19,195 5,390 6,165 4,755 2,890

E14000743 Hereford and South Herefordshire 11,145 5,390 4,160 1,225 290 75 18,965 5,335 5,950 4,830 2,850

E14000767 Kenilworth and Southam 7,920 3,635 3,325 765 155 40 13,420 3,260 4,290 3,650 2,220

E14000791 Lichfield 9,990 4,875 3,865 970 210 75 16,735 4,205 5,330 4,435 2,760

E14000799 Ludlow 7,985 3,710 3,135 875 195 65 13,740 3,320 4,260 3,795 2,365

E14000812 Meriden 12,965 6,030 4,920 1,505 370 135 22,600 6,045 7,225 5,885 3,445

E14000818 Mid Worcestershire 10,585 5,135 4,120 1,025 240 70 17,785 4,600 5,745 4,745 2,695

E14000834 Newcastle-under-Lyme 9,920 5,055 3,525 1,005 265 75 16,580 4,455 5,355 4,160 2,610

E14000847 North Herefordshire 8,685 4,040 3,385 970 220 70 14,975 3,620 4,770 4,115 2,470

E14000849 North Shropshire 11,205 5,150 4,380 1,245 330 100 19,500 5,035 6,205 5,255 3,005

E14000854 North Warwickshire 10,905 5,390 4,020 1,145 260 85 18,365 5,095 5,820 4,705 2,745

E14000868 Nuneaton 11,855 5,795 4,270 1,325 335 130 20,355 5,735 6,535 5,115 2,970

E14000892 Redditch 11,390 5,470 4,185 1,280 345 110 19,630 5,670 6,465 4,690 2,805

E14000905 Rugby 12,020 5,880 4,520 1,255 275 95 20,290 5,850 6,645 5,005 2,785

E14000926 Shrewsbury and Atcham 11,000 5,210 4,245 1,180 285 90 18,860 4,995 6,015 4,935 2,920

E14000931 Solihull 10,680 4,960 4,295 1,120 255 55 18,215 4,540 5,570 4,965 3,140

E14000945 South Staffordshire 9,715 4,925 3,665 895 175 55 15,935 4,020 4,955 4,210 2,745

E14000965 Stafford 10,390 5,175 3,905 1,010 225 75 17,315 4,645 5,675 4,330 2,660

E14000966 Staffordshire Moorlands 8,045 3,890 3,085 820 185 55 13,585 3,390 4,405 3,630 2,160

E14000972 Stoke-on-Trent Central 10,465 5,120 3,435 1,285 430 195 18,660 5,725 6,245 4,310 2,385

E14000973 Stoke-on-Trent North 13,125 6,300 4,515 1,565 515 225 23,310 7,070 7,735 5,470 3,030

E14000974 Stoke-on-Trent South 11,725 5,770 4,020 1,310 430 195 20,535 5,930 6,930 4,900 2,770

E14000975 Stone 8,190 4,025 3,055 865 195 50 13,780 3,290 4,385 3,790 2,315

E14000976 Stourbridge 10,465 4,995 3,870 1,155 320 120 18,145 5,025 5,735 4,585 2,805

E14000977 Stratford-on-Avon 8,600 4,055 3,455 865 180 45 14,525 3,490 4,740 4,005 2,285

E14000985 Sutton Coldfield 9,960 4,790 3,980 960 185 45 16,600 4,190 5,355 4,430 2,625

E14000986 Tamworth 11,730 5,725 4,320 1,255 325 105 20,000 5,385 6,570 5,065 2,975

E14000989 Telford 12,575 5,985 4,425 1,470 480 215 22,325 6,590 7,330 5,355 3,055

E14000992 The Wrekin 10,610 5,000 3,945 1,220 345 100 18,470 4,835 5,950 4,855 2,830

E14001011 Walsall North 13,170 6,135 4,415 1,745 610 260 24,065 7,150 7,845 5,875 3,195

E14001012 Walsall South 13,525 5,840 4,505 2,035 785 360 26,050 7,410 8,535 6,540 3,570

E14001016 Warley 13,690 6,205 4,605 1,900 665 310 25,480 7,340 8,340 6,170 3,630

E14001019 Warwick and Leamington 10,280 5,050 4,005 940 215 65 17,120 5,075 5,550 4,075 2,420

E14001029 West Bromwich East 12,255 5,725 4,255 1,565 530 180 22,025 6,240 7,250 5,425 3,110

E14001030 West Bromwich West 13,340 6,400 4,530 1,625 535 250 23,850 7,160 7,875 5,635 3,175

E14001035 West Worcestershire 8,900 4,170 3,470 980 215 65 15,265 3,645 4,875 4,150 2,595

E14001049 Wolverhampton North East 12,440 6,070 4,215 1,490 465 200 21,930 6,345 7,145 5,325 3,115

E14001050 Wolverhampton South East 12,650 6,095 4,275 1,585 490 205 22,470 6,490 7,260 5,530 3,190

E14001051 Wolverhampton South West 9,855 4,720 3,520 1,155 330 130 17,240 4,835 5,495 4,295 2,615

E14001052 Worcester 12,275 5,900 4,575 1,335 335 130 21,090 6,215 6,820 5,130 2,925

E14001058 Wyre Forest 11,100 5,375 4,150 1,180 290 110 18,970 5,280 6,025 4,855 2,805

E12000006 EAST 681,035 318,400 259,590 76,980 19,720 6,340 1,181,620 327,935 383,840 297,915 171,930

E14000544 Basildon and Billericay 11,340 5,190 4,290 1,365 370 125 20,015 5,625 6,650 4,990 2,750

E14000552 Bedford 13,485 6,440 4,740 1,650 480 170 23,725 6,915 7,800 5,725 3,285

E14000590 Braintree 11,585 5,330 4,580 1,260 325 90 20,055 5,295 6,515 5,225 3,025

E14000594 Brentwood and Ongar 9,305 4,405 3,680 975 195 50 15,735 3,900 4,965 4,310 2,560

E14000603 Broadland 10,235 4,770 4,125 1,050 235 55 17,410 4,280 5,530 4,785 2,815

E14000606 Broxbourne 12,790 6,090 4,955 1,400 290 60 21,655 5,975 6,950 5,575 3,160

E14000613 Bury St Edmunds 12,235 5,610 4,890 1,345 295 90 21,090 5,735 6,720 5,370 3,265

E14000617 Cambridge 9,470 4,745 3,380 1,010 250 85 15,995 5,095 5,275 3,595 2,030

E14000622 Castle Point 9,505 4,480 3,685 1,030 250 65 16,265 4,010 5,040 4,495 2,720

E14000624 Central Suffolk and North Ipswich 10,725 4,560 4,425 1,345 305 90 19,155 4,630 6,125 5,330 3,070

E14000628 Chelmsford 11,655 5,555 4,470 1,265 290 75 19,840 5,505 6,510 4,940 2,885

E14000642 Clacton 9,055 4,300 3,115 1,135 380 130 16,155 4,270 5,050 4,215 2,620

E14000644 Colchester 14,365 7,085 5,280 1,490 380 130 24,330 7,760 7,825 5,455 3,295

E14000693 Epping Forest 10,915 5,360 4,150 1,110 245 50 18,235 4,885 5,910 4,700 2,740

E14000717 Great Yarmouth 11,650 5,780 4,030 1,350 340 155 20,085 5,420 6,330 5,180 3,150

E14000729 Harlow 13,160 6,165 4,995 1,490 400 115 22,820 6,720 7,665 5,375 3,065

E14000734 Harwich and North Essex 9,410 4,360 3,605 1,090 270 85 16,395 3,960 5,265 4,550 2,620

E14000739 Hemel Hempstead 12,335 5,855 4,665 1,400 310 105 21,195 6,235 6,785 5,135 3,045

E14000744 Hertford and Stortford 11,695 5,505 4,795 1,130 210 55 19,620 5,355 6,210 5,085 2,965

E14000745 Hertsmere 11,780 5,520 4,625 1,295 255 80 20,115 5,400 6,670 5,100 2,945

E14000749 Hitchin and Harpenden 10,040 4,445 4,175 1,130 225 60 17,420 4,560 5,910 4,425 2,530

E14000757 Huntingdon 13,165 6,225 5,170 1,345 325 100 22,435 6,450 7,180 5,590 3,210

E14000761 Ipswich 14,050 6,725 5,120 1,605 440 160 24,395 7,515 8,070 5,550 3,260

E14000800 Luton North 14,530 6,070 4,820 2,375 900 360 28,400 7,630 9,620 7,215 3,935

E14000801 Luton South 15,355 6,900 5,045 2,090 945 375 29,050 8,735 9,835 6,820 3,665

E14000806 Maldon 9,070 4,140 3,700 980 210 45 15,550 3,700 4,865 4,430 2,555

E14000813 Mid Bedfordshire 11,605 5,355 4,705 1,175 270 95 19,900 5,215 6,310 5,270 3,105

E14000816 Mid Norfolk 10,905 5,035 4,250 1,205 305 110 19,000 5,065 5,890 5,060 2,985

E14000841 North East Bedfordshire 12,600 5,760 5,060 1,360 335 85 21,745 6,100 7,060 5,475 3,110

E14000842 North East Cambridgeshire 13,905 6,735 5,125 1,510 410 130 23,850 6,715 7,550 6,060 3,525

E14000845 North East Hertfordshire 10,745 4,905 4,275 1,260 240 60 18,525 4,895 5,890 4,950 2,790

E14000848 North Norfolk 7,470 3,530 2,805 840 235 60 12,920 3,265 4,135 3,410 2,115

E14000855 North West Cambridgeshire 16,470 7,770 6,335 1,735 465 160 28,415 8,295 9,120 7,070 3,930

E14000859 North West Norfolk 10,935 5,295 4,050 1,170 335 90 18,705 5,145 6,030 4,705 2,820

E14000863 Norwich North 10,440 5,105 3,800 1,115 320 105 17,890 5,485 5,810 4,230 2,365

E14000864 Norwich South 9,675 4,810 3,430 1,035 300 100 16,520 5,125 5,520 3,705 2,175

E14000878 Peterborough 17,940 8,415 5,905 2,395 835 390 32,845 9,950 10,890 7,670 4,335

E14000888 Rayleigh and Wickford 10,460 4,745 4,405 1,065 195 45 17,785 4,510 5,690 4,810 2,780

E14000899 Rochford and Southend East 12,740 6,200 4,510 1,440 430 160 22,130 6,370 7,045 5,410 3,310

E14000910 Saffron Walden 10,595 4,765 4,360 1,195 245 35 18,220 4,675 5,945 4,875 2,725

E14000933 South Basildon and East Thurrock 12,130 5,620 4,580 1,405 385 140 21,285 5,770 6,915 5,445 3,160

E14000934 South Cambridgeshire 11,455 5,055 4,750 1,280 285 85 19,990 5,400 6,660 5,040 2,890

E14000937 South East Cambridgeshire 12,665 5,810 5,150 1,380 240 80 21,655 6,165 7,120 5,365 3,005

E14000941 South Norfolk 10,690 4,955 4,265 1,150 260 65 18,335 5,120 5,750 4,710 2,755

E14000946 South Suffolk 9,535 4,295 3,850 1,090 235 65 16,540 3,900 5,390 4,605 2,645

E14000949 South West Bedfordshire 13,155 6,160 5,095 1,430 340 130 22,690 6,675 7,460 5,500 3,060

E14000951 South West Hertfordshire 10,780 4,905 4,445 1,175 205 55 18,435 4,600 6,035 4,955 2,840

E14000952 South West Norfolk 11,760 5,580 4,380 1,315 370 115 20,390 5,740 6,585 5,125 2,940

E14000957 Southend West 9,850 4,600 3,840 1,075 265 75 16,955 4,560 5,500 4,325 2,570

E14000960 St Albans 10,150 4,680 3,915 1,225 255 70 17,585 4,665 5,890 4,445 2,585

E14000968 Stevenage 12,140 5,760 4,555 1,345 355 120 20,985 6,195 6,705 5,140 2,950

E14000981 Suffolk Coastal 9,490 4,395 3,675 1,070 275 75 16,455 4,045 5,330 4,385 2,695

E14000995 Thurrock 17,775 8,280 6,525 2,210 595 170 31,250 9,480 10,735 7,240 3,795

E14001021 Watford 14,895 7,120 5,665 1,590 405 120 25,475 7,585 8,325 6,095 3,470

E14001022 Waveney 11,610 5,385 4,375 1,320 375 155 20,440 5,490 6,500 5,230 3,220

E14001027 Welwyn Hatfield 11,835 5,580 4,525 1,350 290 90 20,305 5,840 6,695 5,000 2,775

E14001034 West Suffolk 12,160 5,865 4,545 1,355 315 85 20,730 6,075 6,700 5,105 2,850

E14001045 Witham 9,565 4,325 3,915 1,030 230 65 16,520 4,265 5,400 4,350 2,510

E12000007 LONDON 982,060 475,500 335,145 118,900 36,210 16,305 1,738,575 495,700 581,600 423,540 237,730

E14000540 Barking 22,015 9,645 7,690 3,280 1,030 370 41,005 12,465 14,370 9,215 4,960

E14000549 Battersea 8,215 4,190 2,715 885 270 155 14,235 4,190 4,890 3,350 1,800

E14000551 Beckenham 9,065 4,325 3,640 885 175 40 15,170 3,715 4,840 4,225 2,390

E14000553 Bermondsey and Old Southwark 13,115 6,760 4,110 1,605 490 150 22,570 6,685 7,575 5,340 2,970

E14000555 Bethnal Green and Bow 13,645 5,575 4,195 2,345 1,090 440 27,745 8,165 9,190 6,745 3,640

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 27: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000558 Bexleyheath and Crayford 11,250 5,165 4,250 1,390 340 100 19,745 5,265 6,395 5,130 2,955

E14000591 Brent Central 19,225 9,390 5,975 2,335 900 620 35,495 10,075 11,935 8,590 4,895

E14000592 Brent North 17,275 8,420 5,860 2,020 690 280 30,505 8,515 10,000 7,670 4,320

E14000593 Brentford and Isleworth 14,705 7,620 4,970 1,515 425 175 24,765 7,490 8,365 5,710 3,200

E14000604 Bromley and Chislehurst 10,730 5,245 4,045 1,110 260 70 18,085 5,125 6,000 4,470 2,490

E14000615 Camberwell and Peckham 16,585 8,480 5,145 2,020 690 255 28,975 8,430 9,780 6,830 3,930

E14000621 Carshalton and Wallington 13,105 6,255 4,945 1,465 345 100 22,430 6,195 7,490 5,480 3,265

E14000629 Chelsea and Fulham 6,680 3,390 2,245 770 205 65 11,385 2,850 4,070 3,000 1,470

E14000634 Chingford and Woodford Green 10,865 5,495 3,810 1,125 305 130 18,420 4,720 5,970 4,790 2,940

E14000636 Chipping Barnet 12,940 6,300 4,940 1,285 310 100 21,835 5,665 7,230 5,645 3,290

E14000639 Cities of London and Westminster 5,945 3,065 1,990 685 160 45 9,965 2,510 3,535 2,580 1,340

E14000654 Croydon Central 15,745 7,725 5,290 1,940 575 210 27,565 7,745 9,135 6,790 3,895

E14000655 Croydon North 21,090 10,780 6,765 2,520 725 295 36,435 10,730 12,190 8,545 4,970

E14000656 Croydon South 12,865 6,270 4,840 1,375 285 95 21,735 5,940 6,970 5,535 3,290

E14000657 Dagenham and Rainham 15,415 6,955 5,515 2,140 600 200 27,900 7,955 9,540 6,590 3,810

E14000673 Dulwich and West Norwood 13,225 6,820 4,375 1,425 450 160 22,505 6,510 7,595 5,495 2,905

E14000674 Ealing Central and Acton 11,480 5,905 3,810 1,225 365 180 19,665 5,860 6,585 4,630 2,590

E14000675 Ealing North 17,965 8,680 6,225 2,135 630 290 31,710 8,895 10,845 7,640 4,325

E14000676 Ealing, Southall 13,090 5,945 4,665 1,650 510 320 24,055 6,595 8,075 5,990 3,395

E14000679 East Ham 22,570 9,925 7,355 3,440 1,295 550 43,150 12,385 14,575 10,515 5,675

E14000687 Edmonton 18,560 8,275 6,380 2,625 860 425 34,720 9,645 11,820 8,415 4,840

E14000690 Eltham 10,970 5,410 3,800 1,275 365 120 18,940 5,205 6,200 4,765 2,770

E14000691 Enfield North 16,075 7,430 5,855 2,005 580 215 28,650 7,905 9,650 7,025 4,065

E14000692 Enfield, Southgate 10,995 5,620 3,985 1,040 235 110 18,270 5,155 6,000 4,480 2,635

E14000696 Erith and Thamesmead 17,120 7,800 5,965 2,445 665 245 31,055 9,050 10,730 7,315 3,960

E14000701 Feltham and Heston 18,710 9,100 6,340 2,230 700 340 33,160 9,760 11,145 7,755 4,495

E14000703 Finchley and Golders Green 12,155 6,015 3,965 1,325 460 385 22,025 6,240 7,490 5,330 2,965

E14000718 Greenwich and Woolwich 14,040 6,920 4,525 1,800 555 240 24,915 7,940 8,475 5,435 3,065

E14000720 Hackney North and Stoke Newington 16,540 7,535 4,900 2,035 895 1,180 34,655 10,890 11,425 8,045 4,300

E14000721 Hackney South and Shoreditch 14,675 7,155 4,630 2,000 635 250 26,320 7,340 8,885 6,460 3,635

E14000726 Hammersmith 10,500 5,365 3,280 1,205 430 220 18,475 5,060 6,250 4,660 2,505

E14000727 Hampstead and Kilburn 10,665 5,370 3,550 1,230 350 170 18,480 5,070 6,625 4,545 2,240

E14000731 Harrow East 13,055 6,140 4,590 1,555 490 285 23,520 6,605 7,670 5,720 3,525

E14000732 Harrow West 13,055 6,300 4,690 1,510 370 185 22,725 6,405 7,430 5,555 3,335

E14000737 Hayes and Harlington 17,675 8,130 6,085 2,350 730 385 32,375 9,695 10,995 7,530 4,150

E14000741 Hendon 16,565 7,925 5,445 2,080 710 400 30,110 8,810 10,020 7,105 4,175

E14000750 Holborn and St Pancras 11,460 5,325 3,690 1,610 575 260 21,255 5,480 7,040 5,685 3,045

E14000751 Hornchurch and Upminster 11,780 5,520 4,420 1,380 360 100 20,475 5,255 6,600 5,410 3,210

E14000752 Hornsey and Wood Green 12,515 6,575 4,295 1,215 305 130 20,730 5,670 6,730 5,345 2,980

E14000759 Ilford North 13,750 6,445 5,120 1,665 405 110 23,900 5,950 7,675 6,605 3,670

E14000760 Ilford South 19,450 8,315 6,715 2,990 1,010 425 37,085 10,410 12,365 9,180 5,135

E14000763 Islington North 10,525 5,355 3,355 1,195 410 210 18,470 5,485 6,115 4,430 2,445

E14000764 Islington South and Finsbury 9,160 4,745 2,930 1,000 345 140 15,775 4,460 5,165 3,905 2,245

E14000768 Kensington 7,650 3,975 2,495 880 220 85 12,945 3,105 4,485 3,500 1,855

E14000770 Kingston and Surbiton 12,420 6,050 4,660 1,335 280 90 20,980 5,935 7,020 5,035 2,990

E14000787 Lewisham East 14,280 7,240 4,810 1,655 435 145 24,360 7,045 8,195 5,815 3,305

E14000788 Lewisham West and Penge 14,785 7,770 4,955 1,540 395 130 24,550 7,725 8,215 5,550 3,060

E14000789 Lewisham, Deptford 14,575 7,550 4,715 1,660 465 185 24,825 7,930 8,180 5,550 3,165

E14000790 Leyton and Wanstead 13,085 6,680 4,140 1,575 500 195 22,745 7,170 7,495 5,245 2,835

E14000823 Mitcham and Morden 15,340 7,635 5,225 1,805 485 190 26,465 7,810 8,910 6,155 3,590

E14000869 Old Bexley and Sidcup 9,705 4,660 3,835 975 195 40 16,250 4,280 5,045 4,400 2,530

E14000872 Orpington 9,655 4,415 3,855 1,060 250 75 16,705 4,270 5,525 4,370 2,540

E14000882 Poplar and Limehouse 15,755 6,500 4,775 2,710 1,260 510 32,005 9,575 10,785 7,485 4,155

E14000887 Putney 8,480 4,150 2,825 1,045 320 140 14,985 4,400 5,100 3,570 1,910

E14000896 Richmond Park 9,990 4,905 3,800 1,050 195 40 16,665 4,320 5,885 4,265 2,190

E14000900 Romford 12,275 6,010 4,560 1,340 280 90 20,745 5,980 6,745 5,035 2,990

E14000906 Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner 9,515 4,470 3,775 995 205 65 16,200 4,215 5,275 4,215 2,495

E14000978 Streatham 12,700 6,650 4,075 1,375 410 190 21,620 6,405 7,255 5,150 2,805

E14000984 Sutton and Cheam 11,500 5,665 4,495 1,125 180 35 18,925 5,545 6,080 4,550 2,745

E14000998 Tooting 9,975 5,060 3,240 1,145 355 175 17,365 5,365 5,650 4,090 2,260

E14001002 Tottenham 19,030 9,445 5,855 2,260 830 640 35,045 9,955 11,740 8,570 4,775

E14001005 Twickenham 10,885 5,285 4,335 1,045 170 50 18,035 5,090 6,080 4,570 2,295

E14001007 Uxbridge and South Ruislip 12,890 6,170 4,855 1,370 360 135 22,200 6,440 7,310 5,380 3,065

E14001008 Vauxhall 11,165 5,980 3,285 1,300 435 170 19,110 4,990 6,395 5,070 2,655

E14001013 Walthamstow 16,980 8,380 5,460 2,150 690 300 30,160 9,505 10,260 6,840 3,550

E14001032 West Ham 22,650 11,085 6,915 3,020 1,130 500 41,205 12,045 13,640 9,960 5,555

E14001036 Westminster North 9,930 4,740 3,215 1,355 455 160 17,910 4,495 6,090 4,740 2,585

E14001040 Wimbledon 8,055 3,955 3,100 785 175 40 13,440 3,920 4,585 3,210 1,725

E12000008 SOUTH EAST 959,600 450,380 368,120 105,700 26,965 8,430 1,656,975 459,065 539,250 418,635 240,025

E14000530 Aldershot 13,315 6,420 5,150 1,355 315 80 22,480 6,715 7,310 5,385 3,065

E14000534 Arundel and South Downs 9,365 4,200 3,905 1,005 205 50 16,110 3,860 5,220 4,415 2,615

E14000536 Ashford 14,590 6,695 5,670 1,660 420 145 25,505 6,870 8,220 6,690 3,725

E14000538 Aylesbury 13,480 6,200 5,200 1,440 480 160 23,690 7,110 7,665 5,785 3,135

E14000539 Banbury 14,425 6,615 5,630 1,610 435 135 25,160 7,025 8,570 6,210 3,360

E14000545 Basingstoke 13,865 6,660 5,270 1,410 415 110 23,680 7,205 7,475 5,725 3,275

E14000550 Beaconsfield 9,365 4,325 3,735 1,025 220 60 16,060 4,045 5,340 4,235 2,440

E14000557 Bexhill and Battle 9,805 4,525 3,755 1,130 310 90 17,125 4,055 5,295 4,785 2,995

E14000576 Bognor Regis and Littlehampton 11,575 5,810 4,185 1,175 320 85 19,450 5,610 6,220 4,745 2,875

E14000586 Bracknell 12,465 5,845 4,925 1,325 310 65 21,240 6,060 7,120 5,115 2,945

E14000597 Brighton, Kemptown 9,555 4,825 3,320 1,035 280 95 16,185 4,320 5,250 4,195 2,425

E14000598 Brighton, Pavilion 10,015 5,140 3,795 850 180 50 16,265 4,675 5,320 4,040 2,230

E14000608 Buckingham 9,730 4,310 4,030 1,100 220 65 16,890 4,090 5,515 4,600 2,685

E14000619 Canterbury 9,895 4,550 3,815 1,130 300 100 17,295 4,495 5,640 4,445 2,715

E14000626 Chatham and Aylesford 13,555 6,350 5,010 1,620 440 140 23,745 6,925 7,810 5,745 3,260

E14000631 Chesham and Amersham 8,735 3,815 3,640 995 230 55 15,315 3,545 4,885 4,370 2,520

E14000633 Chichester 10,125 4,660 3,950 1,150 290 80 17,580 4,525 5,730 4,545 2,780

E14000652 Crawley 14,475 6,825 5,320 1,700 480 155 25,300 7,660 8,275 5,985 3,380

E14000659 Dartford 13,465 6,480 5,135 1,440 330 80 22,800 6,850 7,385 5,420 3,145

E14000670 Dover 11,325 5,365 4,250 1,260 310 140 19,650 5,405 6,250 4,950 3,045

E14000680 East Hampshire 9,655 4,315 3,930 1,100 245 65 16,805 4,210 5,380 4,500 2,710

E14000681 East Surrey 11,190 5,245 4,370 1,240 270 65 19,135 5,095 6,390 4,830 2,825

E14000682 East Worthing and Shoreham 11,365 5,390 4,425 1,185 295 75 19,360 5,360 6,275 4,880 2,840

E14000684 Eastbourne 11,985 5,775 4,375 1,340 380 115 20,680 5,810 6,595 5,100 3,175

E14000685 Eastleigh 12,510 5,895 5,010 1,255 260 90 21,210 6,265 6,825 5,150 2,970

E14000694 Epsom and Ewell 10,425 4,745 4,350 1,085 195 50 17,745 4,665 5,725 4,660 2,695

E14000697 Esher and Walton 10,750 5,055 4,390 1,055 190 60 18,075 4,860 6,000 4,650 2,565

E14000699 Fareham 10,440 4,935 4,250 985 205 65 17,570 4,635 5,635 4,645 2,660

E14000700 Faversham and Mid Kent 10,760 4,955 4,205 1,195 320 90 18,700 5,145 6,100 4,765 2,690

E14000704 Folkestone and Hythe 12,450 5,860 4,610 1,410 410 160 21,825 5,735 6,965 5,670 3,455

E14000711 Gillingham and Rainham 12,525 5,880 4,750 1,420 375 100 21,685 5,930 6,800 5,610 3,340

E14000713 Gosport 11,080 5,215 4,165 1,240 345 110 19,275 5,330 6,230 4,880 2,830

E14000715 Gravesham 13,170 6,125 4,885 1,635 395 130 23,075 6,640 7,530 5,605 3,300

E14000719 Guildford 9,415 4,480 3,640 1,010 220 60 16,000 4,310 5,210 4,130 2,350

E14000735 Hastings and Rye 13,005 6,430 4,565 1,405 440 165 22,445 6,190 7,195 5,575 3,485

E14000736 Havant 10,260 4,720 3,770 1,260 340 170 18,320 5,055 5,835 4,685 2,750

E14000742 Henley 9,165 4,085 3,815 1,000 205 55 15,815 3,890 5,130 4,365 2,425

E14000753 Horsham 10,575 4,730 4,405 1,140 255 45 18,220 4,575 5,880 4,970 2,795

E14000755 Hove 10,970 5,670 4,125 915 205 50 17,760 5,195 5,905 4,235 2,425

E14000762 Isle of Wight 14,950 7,450 5,375 1,600 420 110 25,255 6,480 7,795 6,640 4,340

E14000786 Lewes 8,945 4,145 3,535 1,000 195 70 15,350 3,930 4,930 4,110 2,375

E14000803 Maidenhead 9,715 4,445 3,875 1,050 260 85 16,835 4,430 5,500 4,500 2,410

E14000804 Maidstone and The Weald 11,660 5,655 4,475 1,165 290 70 19,660 5,825 6,035 4,955 2,850

E14000811 Meon Valley 9,185 4,210 3,660 970 275 70 15,925 4,010 5,090 4,270 2,560

E14000817 Mid Sussex 11,105 5,070 4,560 1,170 245 60 19,015 5,110 6,175 4,895 2,830

E14000821 Milton Keynes North 16,500 7,655 6,015 2,000 610 220 29,320 8,735 9,830 6,980 3,775

E14000822 Milton Keynes South 17,975 8,315 6,660 2,175 595 235 31,790 9,030 10,580 7,925 4,260

E14000824 Mole Valley 8,505 3,880 3,445 930 200 45 14,615 3,440 4,680 4,070 2,425

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 28: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000827 New Forest East 9,830 4,540 3,965 1,025 225 80 16,840 4,410 5,465 4,400 2,565

E14000828 New Forest West 7,540 3,525 3,020 775 170 50 12,855 3,105 3,985 3,600 2,160

E14000830 Newbury 11,615 5,380 4,615 1,240 285 95 19,980 5,535 6,535 5,105 2,810

E14000844 North East Hampshire 9,500 4,305 4,005 940 205 40 16,170 4,190 5,305 4,290 2,390

E14000852 North Thanet 11,450 5,390 4,220 1,310 395 135 20,060 5,405 6,295 5,250 3,110

E14000857 North West Hampshire 11,290 5,255 4,435 1,200 310 90 19,460 5,320 6,320 4,975 2,845

E14000873 Oxford East 12,395 5,875 4,245 1,560 490 220 22,230 6,955 7,575 5,090 2,610

E14000874 Oxford West and Abingdon 10,100 4,840 3,935 1,010 235 75 17,095 4,845 5,595 4,260 2,395

E14000883 Portsmouth North 13,055 6,200 4,715 1,540 440 155 22,855 6,560 7,495 5,560 3,235

E14000884 Portsmouth South 10,965 5,705 3,650 1,145 340 120 18,485 6,055 6,000 4,095 2,330

E14000889 Reading East 11,250 5,410 4,170 1,230 330 110 19,345 5,905 6,460 4,470 2,510

E14000890 Reading West 13,515 6,440 4,930 1,520 480 145 23,570 7,180 7,645 5,695 3,045

E14000893 Reigate 10,665 4,905 4,215 1,245 225 80 18,380 5,145 6,050 4,655 2,530

E14000898 Rochester and Strood 13,635 6,590 5,045 1,535 375 90 23,285 6,505 7,520 5,945 3,315

E14000901 Romsey and Southampton North 8,230 3,780 3,250 915 215 70 14,270 3,750 4,555 3,775 2,185

E14000907 Runnymede and Weybridge 9,745 4,760 3,800 905 210 70 16,270 4,560 5,350 4,105 2,250

E14000918 Sevenoaks 9,400 4,225 3,730 1,130 250 65 16,420 4,255 5,365 4,365 2,435

E14000927 Sittingbourne and Sheppey 14,335 6,785 5,200 1,675 480 195 25,175 7,130 8,105 6,295 3,645

E14000930 Slough 20,315 9,205 6,995 2,805 925 385 37,410 11,275 12,815 8,680 4,640

E14000948 South Thanet 11,770 5,705 4,185 1,305 415 160 20,515 5,405 6,655 5,275 3,175

E14000953 South West Surrey 9,415 4,190 3,865 1,090 230 50 16,365 4,175 5,385 4,335 2,465

E14000955 Southampton, Itchen 12,580 6,170 4,460 1,465 370 115 21,605 6,960 6,980 4,840 2,825

E14000956 Southampton, Test 12,575 6,040 4,400 1,490 450 195 22,145 6,990 7,390 4,970 2,795

E14000959 Spelthorne 11,025 5,505 4,105 1,075 250 85 18,420 5,255 6,065 4,540 2,555

E14000983 Surrey Heath 10,905 5,100 4,385 1,105 260 55 18,525 4,960 5,980 4,810 2,775

E14000997 Tonbridge and Malling 10,620 4,660 4,390 1,200 305 65 18,605 4,730 6,035 4,970 2,870

E14001004 Tunbridge Wells 10,635 4,860 4,240 1,195 275 65 18,395 4,825 6,105 4,670 2,795

E14001015 Wantage 12,390 5,660 4,970 1,310 330 115 21,455 6,210 7,065 5,375 2,810

E14001023 Wealden 10,470 4,655 4,255 1,200 290 70 18,305 4,590 5,880 4,975 2,855

E14001041 Winchester 8,690 3,905 3,550 980 205 50 15,045 3,890 4,980 3,890 2,285

E14001042 Windsor 10,080 4,865 3,985 970 220 35 16,810 4,490 5,635 4,275 2,410

E14001046 Witney 11,850 5,465 4,720 1,320 265 85 20,385 5,740 6,625 5,200 2,825

E14001047 Woking 11,005 5,115 4,230 1,235 335 95 19,125 5,580 6,355 4,625 2,565

E14001048 Wokingham 10,700 4,835 4,475 1,085 240 65 18,330 4,990 5,985 4,700 2,650

E14001055 Worthing West 9,775 4,710 3,730 1,025 255 55 16,555 4,580 5,365 4,115 2,495

E14001056 Wycombe 12,915 5,870 4,710 1,610 545 180 23,250 6,675 7,600 5,830 3,145

E12000009 SOUTH WEST 595,710 279,065 229,845 64,890 16,470 5,440 1,028,775 284,225 328,690 261,440 154,420

E14000547 Bath 7,945 3,875 3,025 835 170 35 13,320 3,700 4,290 3,340 1,990

E14000584 Bournemouth East 11,870 6,240 4,250 1,085 215 80 19,315 6,055 6,240 4,435 2,580

E14000585 Bournemouth West 9,875 5,085 3,410 1,010 280 90 16,560 5,215 5,225 3,905 2,215

E14000595 Bridgwater and West Somerset 12,215 5,645 4,545 1,430 435 155 21,620 6,030 6,790 5,430 3,375

E14000599 Bristol East 12,530 6,090 4,595 1,260 415 170 21,665 7,125 6,860 4,950 2,730

E14000600 Bristol North West 12,190 5,495 4,630 1,470 430 165 21,770 6,630 7,210 5,100 2,830

E14000601 Bristol South 14,360 6,610 5,335 1,750 470 195 25,475 8,235 8,265 5,830 3,145

E14000602 Bristol West 10,725 5,240 3,585 1,175 420 305 19,350 6,665 6,495 3,985 2,205

E14000616 Camborne and Redruth 10,145 4,780 3,800 1,140 320 105 17,630 4,990 5,570 4,435 2,635

E14000623 Central Devon 9,825 4,360 3,915 1,185 280 85 17,330 4,345 5,510 4,755 2,715

E14000630 Cheltenham 10,710 5,140 4,115 1,085 275 90 18,240 5,410 5,760 4,530 2,540

E14000635 Chippenham 11,385 5,250 4,585 1,210 265 75 19,515 5,195 6,160 5,015 3,140

E14000638 Christchurch 7,465 3,530 2,980 730 165 60 12,660 3,050 3,985 3,520 2,105

E14000665 Devizes 11,080 4,950 4,455 1,290 305 85 19,390 5,635 6,205 4,775 2,775

E14000678 East Devon 9,915 4,570 3,985 1,050 225 85 17,040 4,410 5,375 4,525 2,735

E14000698 Exeter 11,095 5,475 4,160 1,085 285 95 18,690 5,595 6,045 4,405 2,645

E14000702 Filton and Bradley Stoke 11,645 5,470 4,750 1,105 260 65 19,670 5,810 6,400 4,620 2,845

E14000705 Forest of Dean 9,390 4,315 3,640 1,090 260 80 16,340 4,060 5,190 4,420 2,670

E14000712 Gloucester 15,385 7,145 5,770 1,730 540 200 27,115 8,045 8,800 6,580 3,690

E14000774 Kingswood 10,720 4,865 4,450 1,095 245 65 18,360 5,170 6,020 4,495 2,675

E14000815 Mid Dorset and North Poole 8,690 3,975 3,605 860 195 55 14,840 3,510 4,775 4,060 2,495

E14000835 Newton Abbot 9,625 4,665 3,660 980 255 70 16,325 4,270 5,075 4,300 2,680

E14000837 North Cornwall 9,855 4,510 3,770 1,125 330 115 17,380 4,710 5,550 4,480 2,640

E14000838 North Devon 10,660 4,840 4,210 1,210 315 85 18,610 4,875 5,900 4,850 2,985

E14000839 North Dorset 10,050 4,485 4,060 1,165 265 70 17,540 4,535 5,785 4,615 2,610

E14000846 North East Somerset 9,765 4,240 4,120 1,120 230 55 17,065 4,500 5,400 4,500 2,665

E14000850 North Somerset 10,675 4,765 4,600 1,060 205 45 18,200 4,785 5,860 4,790 2,770

E14000851 North Swindon 14,735 6,980 5,730 1,520 390 115 25,175 7,505 8,255 6,080 3,335

E14000860 North Wiltshire 9,525 4,365 3,835 1,020 240 65 16,400 4,160 5,210 4,410 2,620

E14000879 Plymouth, Moor View 12,275 5,715 4,525 1,465 405 170 21,700 6,280 7,155 5,260 3,005

E14000880 Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport 12,005 6,225 4,095 1,220 330 135 20,120 6,380 6,395 4,575 2,775

E14000881 Poole 10,505 5,190 3,895 1,050 285 85 17,750 5,250 5,820 4,285 2,400

E14000912 Salisbury 9,955 4,640 3,890 1,125 235 65 17,075 4,690 5,480 4,300 2,605

E14000932 Somerton and Frome 11,395 5,110 4,485 1,335 365 100 20,070 5,000 6,450 5,490 3,130

E14000936 South Dorset 10,075 4,805 3,770 1,090 310 100 17,390 4,605 5,540 4,460 2,785

E14000938 South East Cornwall 9,455 4,375 3,700 1,025 270 85 16,395 4,030 5,185 4,400 2,780

E14000947 South Swindon 13,160 6,485 4,760 1,385 385 140 22,470 6,500 7,225 5,360 3,385

E14000950 South West Devon 10,240 4,755 4,215 1,005 225 40 17,315 4,420 5,505 4,630 2,760

E14000954 South West Wiltshire 11,370 5,295 4,360 1,265 355 95 19,740 5,320 6,195 5,210 3,015

E14000961 St Austell and Newquay 12,050 5,760 4,530 1,325 340 95 20,660 5,670 6,505 5,260 3,225

E14000964 St Ives 9,200 4,425 3,440 1,010 255 70 15,730 4,020 4,975 4,200 2,535

E14000980 Stroud 11,105 5,115 4,435 1,185 300 70 19,110 4,825 6,145 5,190 2,945

E14000988 Taunton Deane 12,720 5,805 5,115 1,340 340 115 22,055 6,065 7,065 5,645 3,280

E14000990 Tewkesbury 11,195 5,205 4,480 1,160 280 75 19,155 5,410 6,140 4,870 2,735

E14000991 The Cotswolds 9,205 4,220 3,670 1,025 225 65 15,885 3,685 4,985 4,590 2,630

E14000994 Thornbury and Yate 9,195 4,025 3,840 1,040 225 70 16,075 3,990 5,030 4,350 2,710

E14000996 Tiverton and Honiton 10,535 4,690 4,180 1,280 295 95 18,565 4,820 5,850 4,940 2,955

E14000999 Torbay 11,650 5,785 4,165 1,255 325 120 19,825 5,615 6,265 4,880 3,065

E14001000 Torridge and West Devon 10,170 4,605 3,950 1,220 295 100 17,890 4,560 5,610 4,845 2,880

E14001001 Totnes 8,645 4,065 3,245 1,000 245 90 15,015 3,545 4,650 4,185 2,630

E14001003 Truro and Falmouth 9,555 4,565 3,660 1,045 215 75 16,270 4,405 4,945 4,305 2,615

E14001026 Wells 11,130 5,110 4,390 1,250 300 80 19,275 4,785 5,995 5,260 3,230

E14001031 West Dorset 9,320 4,205 3,695 1,080 280 60 16,285 3,800 5,070 4,625 2,790

E14001038 Weston-Super-Mare 12,905 6,115 4,885 1,420 340 145 22,275 6,165 7,190 5,650 3,270

E14001060 Yeovil 12,645 5,820 4,910 1,415 365 135 22,060 6,160 7,130 5,545 3,230

W92000004 WALES 359,910 173,925 131,455 40,355 10,510 3,670 619,885 167,075 198,625 158,105 96,075

W07000049 Aberavon 8,185 4,145 2,835 890 230 80 13,850 3,805 4,515 3,345 2,180

W07000058 Aberconwy 6,015 2,935 2,175 670 175 60 10,310 2,680 3,190 2,670 1,770

W07000043 Alyn and Deeside 10,280 5,065 3,835 1,035 250 95 17,345 4,575 5,670 4,420 2,675

W07000057 Arfon 6,695 3,035 2,505 865 225 65 11,895 3,245 3,825 3,080 1,745

W07000072 Blaenau Gwent 8,680 4,570 2,990 820 220 80 14,325 3,875 4,535 3,610 2,310

W07000068 Brecon and Radnorshire 6,985 3,230 2,690 835 190 40 12,075 3,015 3,700 3,315 2,040

W07000073 Bridgend 9,615 4,785 3,570 980 205 75 16,095 4,365 5,085 4,065 2,585

W07000076 Caerphilly 11,455 5,615 4,220 1,230 290 95 19,430 5,315 6,260 4,850 3,005

W07000050 Cardiff Central 7,455 3,530 2,585 895 305 140 13,375 3,995 4,320 3,215 1,840

W07000051 Cardiff North 9,755 4,740 3,735 1,000 220 55 16,395 4,560 5,255 4,025 2,555

W07000080 Cardiff South and Penarth 13,780 6,435 4,680 1,735 605 325 25,255 7,480 8,365 6,030 3,380

W07000079 Cardiff West 11,680 5,495 4,170 1,420 425 175 20,755 6,100 6,825 4,900 2,930

W07000067 Carmarthen East and Dinefwr 7,685 3,585 2,900 900 240 55 13,365 3,310 4,245 3,615 2,190

W07000066 Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire 8,120 3,750 3,035 1,010 255 75 14,260 3,615 4,595 3,750 2,300

W07000064 Ceredigion 6,855 3,145 2,540 885 225 60 12,115 3,185 3,740 3,260 1,935

W07000062 Clwyd South 9,050 4,375 3,365 975 250 85 15,500 4,370 5,065 3,875 2,190

W07000059 Clwyd West 8,020 3,790 2,905 960 280 90 14,075 3,600 4,425 3,750 2,305

W07000070 Cynon Valley 9,275 4,695 3,275 990 250 65 15,555 4,235 4,980 3,875 2,460

W07000042 Delyn 8,140 3,750 3,160 950 200 80 14,150 3,585 4,540 3,715 2,310

W07000061 Dwyfor Meirionnydd 5,920 2,590 2,170 840 230 85 10,850 2,855 3,450 2,830 1,715

W07000046 Gower 8,845 4,195 3,435 960 205 55 15,025 3,750 4,825 4,045 2,410

W07000077 Islwyn 9,475 4,760 3,465 950 230 70 15,840 4,090 5,105 4,120 2,520

W07000045 Llanelli 9,980 4,850 3,590 1,130 290 120 17,235 4,655 5,540 4,455 2,590

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 29: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

W07000071 Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney 9,965 5,205 3,455 970 245 95 16,495 4,505 5,270 4,150 2,570

W07000054 Monmouth 8,280 3,965 3,215 855 190 60 14,035 3,355 4,385 3,825 2,470

W07000063 Montgomeryshire 6,915 3,070 2,705 855 195 85 12,315 2,940 3,995 3,360 2,020

W07000069 Neath 8,770 4,360 3,295 840 215 60 14,650 3,740 4,720 3,805 2,385

W07000055 Newport East 10,315 4,935 3,655 1,240 350 135 18,070 4,970 5,690 4,610 2,800

W07000056 Newport West 10,840 5,245 3,965 1,205 310 115 18,655 5,055 6,000 4,745 2,850

W07000074 Ogmore 9,810 4,980 3,430 1,025 285 90 16,535 4,555 5,290 4,260 2,435

W07000075 Pontypridd 9,810 4,845 3,720 960 210 75 16,390 4,515 5,370 4,140 2,370

W07000065 Preseli Pembrokeshire 8,610 3,950 3,155 1,120 295 85 15,270 4,010 4,860 3,945 2,450

W07000052 Rhondda 8,890 4,390 3,210 980 250 65 15,100 4,110 4,795 3,825 2,375

W07000048 Swansea East 10,755 5,255 3,830 1,200 355 120 18,565 5,225 6,000 4,645 2,690

W07000047 Swansea West 7,420 3,665 2,670 825 190 70 12,610 3,425 3,965 3,220 2,005

W07000053 Torfaen 10,525 5,270 3,735 1,120 310 95 17,840 4,890 5,780 4,355 2,810

W07000060 Vale of Clwyd 8,825 4,125 3,170 1,090 305 130 15,705 4,180 4,945 4,040 2,545

W07000078 Vale of Glamorgan 11,765 5,650 4,345 1,340 340 90 20,190 5,390 6,400 5,180 3,220

W07000044 Wrexham 8,740 4,340 3,245 850 220 90 14,740 4,140 4,805 3,710 2,085

W07000041 Ynys Môn 7,735 3,610 2,825 950 260 90 13,655 3,820 4,310 3,470 2,055

S92000003 SCOTLAND 576,675 298,120 205,975 56,145 12,775 3,660 949,280 260,280 315,600 251,130 122,265

S14000001 Aberdeen North 9,490 5,330 3,175 755 175 50 14,915 4,930 5,110 3,475 1,395

S14000002 Aberdeen South 6,745 3,750 2,330 540 110 20 10,570 3,100 3,535 2,705 1,230

S14000003 Airdrie and Shotts 10,960 5,695 3,815 1,110 260 80 18,115 4,860 6,080 4,905 2,270

S14000004 Angus 9,140 4,590 3,285 960 235 70 15,355 4,035 5,005 4,220 2,095

S14000005 Argyll and Bute 8,625 4,200 3,245 935 195 55 14,550 3,655 4,720 4,110 2,070

S14000006 Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock 10,135 5,370 3,555 965 185 60 16,460 4,225 5,320 4,460 2,455

S14000007 Banff and Buchan 9,545 4,745 3,510 975 250 65 16,055 4,420 5,375 4,385 1,870

S14000008 Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk 9,850 4,665 3,805 1,135 185 60 16,735 4,240 5,490 4,645 2,365

S14000009 Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross 6,190 2,955 2,260 710 190 70 10,760 2,765 3,560 2,960 1,475

S14000010 Central Ayrshire 9,995 5,290 3,550 890 210 55 16,205 4,320 5,330 4,250 2,310

S14000011 Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill 12,330 6,510 4,325 1,220 215 60 19,990 5,380 6,710 5,300 2,600

S14000012 Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East 10,465 5,275 3,785 1,090 235 80 17,480 4,330 5,870 4,825 2,455

S14000013 Dumfries and Galloway 10,120 4,860 3,850 1,085 255 70 17,215 4,460 5,825 4,620 2,310

S14000014 Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale 8,910 4,180 3,465 1,000 210 55 15,245 3,740 5,065 4,260 2,180

S14000015 Dundee East 10,285 5,250 3,730 985 270 45 17,010 4,470 5,760 4,495 2,280

S14000016 Dundee West 9,070 5,055 2,880 820 230 85 14,645 4,350 4,825 3,625 1,845

S14000017 Dunfermline and West Fife 11,835 5,960 4,340 1,190 265 85 19,710 5,505 6,795 5,045 2,365

S14000018 East Dunbartonshire 8,070 4,005 3,120 805 120 20 13,245 3,155 4,290 3,865 1,935

S14000019 East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow 11,585 5,945 4,235 1,110 225 65 19,025 4,745 6,305 5,325 2,650

S14000020 East Lothian 11,575 5,705 4,440 1,120 260 50 19,260 5,180 6,625 5,045 2,415

S14000021 East Renfrewshire 9,885 4,610 3,940 1,045 235 55 16,860 4,100 5,525 4,775 2,455

S14000022 Edinburgh East 8,460 4,780 2,790 715 145 35 13,265 4,345 4,230 3,195 1,490

S14000023 Edinburgh North and Leith 9,310 5,485 2,985 665 135 40 14,205 5,075 4,525 3,140 1,465

S14000024 Edinburgh South 7,520 3,795 2,770 760 160 40 12,465 3,495 4,200 3,190 1,580

S14000025 Edinburgh South West 9,200 4,885 3,220 840 195 60 14,930 4,605 4,910 3,650 1,765

S14000026 Edinburgh West 9,690 5,010 3,610 875 150 40 15,680 4,600 5,155 3,970 1,955

S14000027 Na h-Eileanan an Iar 2,645 1,250 975 320 75 25 4,600 1,115 1,520 1,315 650

S14000028 Falkirk 12,770 6,705 4,635 1,110 255 70 20,670 5,600 7,140 5,375 2,555

S14000029 Glasgow Central 7,660 4,035 2,275 900 315 140 13,285 4,400 4,430 3,015 1,445

S14000030 Glasgow East 11,510 6,560 3,625 1,010 235 80 18,210 5,210 5,880 4,725 2,395

S14000031 Glasgow North 5,870 3,325 1,875 520 120 25 9,270 2,915 3,000 2,225 1,120

S14000032 Glasgow North East 10,030 5,740 3,085 870 245 95 15,995 4,715 5,195 4,045 2,040

S14000033 Glasgow North West 9,585 5,280 3,100 915 235 55 15,470 4,435 5,075 3,935 2,030

S14000034 Glasgow South 9,655 5,190 3,180 950 250 85 15,840 4,850 5,085 3,920 1,990

S14000035 Glasgow South West 11,295 6,065 3,645 1,160 325 100 18,685 5,240 6,225 4,825 2,390

S14000036 Glenrothes 11,015 5,585 3,865 1,150 295 120 18,585 4,995 6,150 4,950 2,485

S14000037 Gordon 9,420 4,665 3,675 880 165 35 15,500 4,320 5,200 4,225 1,755

S14000038 Inverclyde 9,185 5,020 3,150 820 150 45 14,625 3,730 4,825 3,975 2,095

S14000039 Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey 11,390 5,730 4,165 1,165 265 65 18,965 5,160 6,340 5,075 2,390

S14000040 Kilmarnock and Loudon 11,330 6,005 3,990 1,045 220 70 18,375 5,030 6,050 4,810 2,490

S14000041 Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath 11,595 5,880 4,120 1,220 305 70 19,355 5,685 6,580 4,865 2,225

S14000042 Lanark and Hamilton East 10,890 5,710 3,945 975 200 60 17,645 4,715 5,855 4,860 2,210

S14000043 Linlithgow and East Falkirk 13,775 7,035 5,090 1,300 265 85 22,620 6,530 7,920 5,630 2,535

S14000044 Livingston 14,040 7,035 5,130 1,410 365 105 23,535 6,065 7,910 6,510 3,050

S14000045 Midlothian 10,430 5,300 3,825 965 245 95 17,330 5,005 5,700 4,590 2,035

S14000046 Moray 9,660 4,760 3,620 990 235 60 16,230 4,365 5,360 4,370 2,135

S14000047 Motherwell and Wishaw 11,645 6,160 4,070 1,070 260 80 18,995 5,205 6,340 5,035 2,415

S14000048 North Ayrshire and Arran 10,565 5,490 3,680 1,055 275 65 17,470 4,400 5,765 4,875 2,430

S14000049 North East Fife 6,885 3,440 2,530 725 155 30 11,470 2,830 3,785 3,185 1,670

S14000050 Ochil and South Perthshire 10,995 5,425 4,110 1,145 260 55 18,425 4,685 6,110 5,165 2,465

S14000051 Orkney and Shetland 4,430 1,985 1,690 575 140 35 7,855 2,070 2,635 2,145 1,005

S14000052 Paisley and Renfrewshire North 10,475 5,455 3,765 990 205 60 17,115 4,495 5,740 4,610 2,270

S14000053 Paisley and Renfrewshire South 9,735 5,345 3,355 835 160 45 15,425 4,340 4,945 4,050 2,095

S14000054 Perth and North Perthshire 10,180 5,175 3,680 1,050 225 50 16,865 4,570 5,565 4,545 2,190

S14000055 Ross, Skye and Lochaber 6,965 3,275 2,660 775 200 55 12,015 2,890 3,940 3,500 1,685

S14000056 Rutherglen and Hamilton West 13,335 7,140 4,705 1,170 235 80 21,435 6,175 7,245 5,470 2,545

S14000057 Stirling 9,125 4,515 3,490 875 185 55 15,165 3,815 5,025 4,260 2,060

S14000058 West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine 8,450 4,020 3,390 840 165 35 14,160 3,640 4,840 3,940 1,735

S14000059 West Dunbartonshire 11,150 5,930 3,855 1,065 235 65 18,120 4,995 6,080 4,660 2,385

N92000002 NORTHERN IRELAND 237,865 104,320 86,455 34,450 9,725 2,915 435,055 118,420 137,795 108,250 70,595

N06000001 Belfast East 11,440 5,655 4,140 1,280 280 85 19,340 5,680 6,135 4,510 3,010

N06000002 Belfast North 14,450 6,935 4,890 1,865 575 185 25,635 7,360 8,195 6,070 4,010

N06000003 Belfast South 10,885 5,330 3,785 1,330 335 100 18,790 5,650 5,795 4,470 2,870

N06000004 Belfast West 14,780 6,940 5,050 2,045 560 185 26,430 7,235 8,100 6,385 4,705

N06000005 East Antrim 11,085 5,045 4,320 1,325 305 90 19,340 4,740 6,110 5,200 3,295

N06000006 East Londonderry 12,555 5,460 4,605 1,840 500 150 22,995 5,970 7,105 5,955 3,960

N06000007 Fermanagh and South Tyrone 13,425 5,535 4,675 2,245 735 235 25,810 7,090 8,165 6,535 4,015

N06000008 Foyle 14,890 6,850 5,275 2,060 545 165 26,630 7,035 8,120 6,700 4,775

N06000009 Lagan Valley 12,875 5,645 5,015 1,720 395 100 22,940 6,385 7,495 5,575 3,485

N06000010 Mid Ulster 13,615 5,360 4,680 2,440 865 270 26,930 7,540 8,630 6,620 4,140

N06000011 Newry and Armagh 15,435 6,245 5,355 2,675 895 265 29,970 8,285 9,410 7,495 4,785

N06000012 North Antrim 13,765 5,970 5,155 1,925 545 170 25,130 6,650 7,980 6,510 3,990

N06000013 North Down 10,475 4,810 4,095 1,230 270 70 18,150 4,895 5,860 4,495 2,900

N06000014 South Antrim 13,570 5,760 5,340 1,840 490 140 24,675 6,575 8,065 6,200 3,840

N06000015 South Down 14,625 5,755 5,250 2,615 765 240 28,455 7,625 9,065 7,155 4,610

N06000016 Strangford 11,080 4,975 4,205 1,460 355 85 19,630 4,925 6,250 5,105 3,345

N06000017 Upper Bann 16,895 7,235 6,385 2,485 610 180 30,845 8,890 10,095 7,185 4,680

N06000018 West Tyrone 12,015 4,810 4,235 2,070 705 195 23,365 5,890 7,215 6,080 4,175

FOREIGN AND NOT KNOWN 27,945 15,535 9,415 2,345 515 135 44,860 12,620 14,745 10,775 6,715


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 Westminster Parliamentary Constituency codes operative from 6 May 2010.

Table 6 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 30: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 6a: Families receiving Child Benefit in each Scottish parliamentary constituency, August 2014

Total One childTwo






Five or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

S15000001 SCOTLAND 576,675 298,120 205,975 56,145 12,775 3,660 949,280 260,280 315,600 251,130 122,265

S17000009 CENTRAL SCOTLAND 80,365 42,005 28,600 7,610 1,660 490 131,280 35,015 44,475 35,020 16,770

S16000079 Airdrie and Shotts 8,930 4,665 3,105 890 205 70 14,730 3,890 4,940 4,030 1,870

S16000091 Coatbridge and Chryston 9,135 4,795 3,230 900 165 40 14,840 4,085 4,990 3,895 1,870

S16000093 Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 7,850 3,970 2,800 850 175 60 13,135 3,155 4,450 3,645 1,885

S16000101 East Kilbride 8,680 4,525 3,135 815 155 45 14,115 3,580 4,700 3,855 1,985

S16000112 Falkirk East 9,045 4,700 3,315 785 195 50 14,740 3,995 5,105 3,880 1,765

S16000113 Falkirk West 9,230 4,870 3,290 835 185 55 14,965 4,175 5,195 3,785 1,810

S16000124 Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 9,115 4,770 3,295 815 185 50 14,800 4,080 5,005 3,990 1,725

S16000133 Motherwell and Wishaw 9,235 4,900 3,275 805 200 60 14,970 4,185 4,970 3,935 1,885

S16000146 Uddingston and Bellshill 9,145 4,815 3,160 920 195 60 14,990 3,880 5,130 4,010 1,975

S17000010 GLASGOW 74,825 41,220 23,965 7,130 1,870 640 121,490 36,010 39,770 30,515 15,195

S16000115 Glasgow Anniesland 8,815 4,800 2,865 860 230 55 14,330 4,065 4,750 3,660 1,860

S16000116 Glasgow Cathcart 8,450 4,585 2,820 790 195 65 13,700 4,165 4,400 3,410 1,725

S16000117 Glasgow Kelvin 4,265 2,495 1,290 365 85 25 6,665 2,295 2,090 1,495 785

S16000118 Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 8,585 4,925 2,665 740 190 60 13,570 4,040 4,435 3,405 1,690

S16000119 Glasgow Pollok 10,655 5,685 3,500 1,085 300 90 17,630 4,905 5,900 4,565 2,265

S16000120 Glasgow Provan 9,205 5,150 2,895 850 225 80 14,825 4,340 4,840 3,745 1,900

S16000121 Glasgow Shettleston 8,355 4,910 2,580 665 140 55 12,930 3,815 4,095 3,315 1,705

S16000122 Glasgow Southside 6,860 3,445 2,015 915 345 145 12,370 3,965 4,135 2,895 1,370

S16000141 Rutherglen 9,640 5,220 3,335 855 170 60 15,470 4,425 5,130 4,025 1,895

S17000011 HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS 45,900 22,275 17,055 5,055 1,185 330 78,080 20,245 25,820 21,565 10,445

S16000083 Argyll and Bute 6,115 3,035 2,240 675 125 35 10,225 2,555 3,315 2,900 1,455

S16000086 Caithness, Sutherland and Ross 7,060 3,380 2,580 815 210 75 12,240 3,085 4,015 3,435 1,705

S16000110 Na h-Eileanan an lar 2,640 1,245 970 320 70 25 4,590 1,110 1,520 1,310 650

S16000125 Inverness and Nairn 9,780 4,950 3,560 985 225 60 16,245 4,510 5,460 4,285 1,990

S16000132 Moray 8,275 4,095 3,100 840 190 50 13,855 3,750 4,565 3,725 1,810

S16000135 Orkney Islands 2,040 930 775 250 65 15 3,590 930 1,210 970 480

S16000142 Shetland Islands 2,365 1,045 905 325 75 20 4,220 1,130 1,410 1,165 520

S16000143 Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 7,625 3,590 2,920 840 220 50 13,115 3,175 4,330 3,780 1,830

S17000012 LOTHIANS 75,780 39,980 27,005 6,890 1,485 425 122,870 36,550 40,730 30,955 14,640

S16000080 Almond Valley 11,020 5,460 4,060 1,115 295 90 18,600 4,685 6,240 5,260 2,420

S16000104 Edinburgh Central 4,050 2,445 1,275 285 35 10 6,040 2,095 1,865 1,375 705

S16000105 Edinburgh Eastern 9,365 5,050 3,155 900 200 55 15,165 4,660 4,950 3,760 1,800

S16000106 Edinburgh Northern and Leith 8,425 5,030 2,635 590 130 40 12,800 4,665 4,055 2,780 1,300

S16000107 Edinburgh Pentlands 8,180 4,130 2,980 815 200 55 13,620 3,920 4,495 3,530 1,675

S16000108 Edinburgh Southern 5,510 2,885 2,030 495 85 15 8,855 2,690 2,990 2,115 1,060

S16000109 Edinburgh Western 8,430 4,290 3,225 745 130 40 13,705 3,980 4,555 3,490 1,680

S16000128 Linlithgow 11,200 5,700 4,160 1,080 205 55 18,380 5,285 6,395 4,565 2,130

S16000130 Midlothian North and Musselburgh 9,605 4,990 3,480 860 210 60 15,710 4,575 5,185 4,080 1,865

S17000013 MID SCOTLAND AND FIFE 71,495 35,915 26,080 7,345 1,690 460 119,355 32,025 39,940 31,965 15,425

S16000088 Clackmannanshire and Dunblane 7,390 3,700 2,720 765 170 35 12,300 3,225 4,130 3,365 1,580

S16000092 Cowdenbeath 8,765 4,430 3,100 930 220 80 14,715 4,140 4,970 3,825 1,785

S16000100 Dunfermline 8,665 4,350 3,225 860 185 40 14,360 4,000 4,990 3,685 1,690

S16000127 Kirkcaldy 9,375 4,790 3,280 965 270 75 15,710 4,670 5,295 3,885 1,865

S16000129 Mid Fife and Glenrothes 8,195 4,165 2,920 840 195 75 13,715 3,585 4,545 3,695 1,885

S16000134 North East Fife 6,300 3,110 2,320 685 150 30 10,575 2,605 3,500 2,950 1,520

S16000137 Perthshire North 6,740 3,345 2,500 700 155 40 11,290 2,995 3,725 3,075 1,490

S16000138 Perthshire South and Kinross-shire 8,290 4,105 3,105 870 180 30 13,810 3,475 4,520 3,905 1,905

S16000144 Stirling 7,775 3,915 2,910 730 165 55 12,875 3,330 4,260 3,580 1,705

S17000014 NORTH EAST SCOTLAND 73,295 37,945 26,415 6,880 1,640 415 120,200 33,760 40,335 31,620 14,485

S16000074 Aberdeen Central 5,135 3,100 1,595 355 80 10 7,710 2,790 2,595 1,620 705

S16000075 Aberdeen Donside 8,335 4,505 2,955 680 145 50 13,290 3,920 4,550 3,415 1,405

S16000076 Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 6,650 3,560 2,415 545 110 25 10,570 3,025 3,565 2,755 1,225

S16000077 Aberdeenshire East 7,485 3,600 2,960 730 165 35 12,550 3,475 4,180 3,480 1,415

S16000078 Aberdeenshire West 6,780 3,060 2,805 740 135 35 11,640 2,985 3,985 3,250 1,420

S16000081 Angus North and Mearns 6,960 3,425 2,565 760 170 40 11,725 3,080 3,910 3,225 1,510

S16000082 Angus South 7,885 3,875 2,980 805 185 40 13,215 3,245 4,370 3,730 1,870

S16000085 Banffshire and Buchan Coast 7,945 4,020 2,850 800 215 60 13,295 3,660 4,460 3,575 1,600

S16000098 Dundee City East 8,415 4,625 2,750 745 240 55 13,625 3,925 4,460 3,475 1,760

S16000099 Dundee City West 7,700 4,175 2,540 720 195 70 12,570 3,655 4,255 3,085 1,570

S17000015 SOUTH OF SCOTLAND 73,875 36,740 27,635 7,495 1,555 450 123,140 32,040 40,855 33,395 16,850

S16000084 Ayr 7,735 4,080 2,790 705 130 30 12,475 3,230 4,100 3,345 1,795

S16000087 Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 8,665 4,550 3,060 820 170 60 14,150 3,665 4,550 3,835 2,105

S16000090 Clydesdale 7,985 3,970 3,020 795 155 50 13,275 3,435 4,325 3,750 1,765

S16000097 Dumfriesshire 7,955 3,860 3,050 830 170 45 13,380 3,390 4,470 3,615 1,900

S16000102 East Lothian 8,630 4,120 3,385 885 200 40 14,565 3,845 5,040 3,860 1,820

S16000111 Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 6,910 3,295 2,630 810 135 40 11,750 2,965 3,840 3,235 1,715

S16000114 Galloway and West Dumfries 7,685 3,620 2,920 865 220 60 13,255 3,405 4,475 3,585 1,785

S16000126 Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley 9,665 5,095 3,430 900 190 50 15,690 4,300 5,175 4,110 2,105

S16000131 Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 8,645 4,155 3,350 890 185 65 14,610 3,815 4,880 4,060 1,860

S17000016 WEST OF SCOTLAND 79,420 41,175 28,600 7,575 1,635 435 129,965 33,785 42,780 35,325 18,075

S16000089 Clydebank and Milngavie 8,100 4,190 2,930 790 150 40 13,225 3,390 4,365 3,605 1,865

S16000094 Cunninghame North 7,525 3,955 2,610 745 180 40 12,335 3,050 4,070 3,450 1,765

S16000095 Cunninghame South 8,340 4,420 2,850 775 225 65 13,700 3,685 4,515 3,605 1,895

S16000096 Dumbarton 8,010 4,055 2,935 785 185 50 13,295 3,635 4,450 3,480 1,730

S16000103 Eastwood 7,030 3,130 2,885 805 165 40 12,205 2,935 4,000 3,525 1,745

S16000123 Greenock and Inverclyde 8,755 4,810 2,980 775 145 45 13,905 3,570 4,575 3,770 1,995

S16000136 Paisley 8,165 4,520 2,750 710 140 40 12,940 3,665 4,250 3,330 1,705

S16000139 Renfrewshire North and West 7,280 3,735 2,700 675 130 40 11,905 3,080 3,955 3,245 1,625

S16000140 Renfrewshire South 7,975 4,185 2,865 715 170 35 12,940 3,380 4,220 3,505 1,835

S16000145 Strathkelvin and Bearsden 8,245 4,180 3,085 800 145 35 13,515 3,395 4,380 3,815 1,920

NOT KNOWN 1,725 870 620 165 55 15 2,900 850 905 770 375


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 6a HM Revenue and Customs

Page 31: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 7: Number of children at 31st August 2014 for whom Child Benefit is received in each local authority by their single year of age

Total 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 12,962,175 658,420 703,850 742,315 751,180 743,695 731,840 738,105 713,605 693,985 680,580 667,410 652,355 634,850 641,895 654,220 676,705 683,590 590,745 482,030 120,800

K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 12,482,260 634,335 678,070 715,495 723,875 716,640 704,965 711,150 687,655 669,325 656,195 643,690 628,870 611,600 618,290 630,505 651,735 657,895 567,210 461,220 113,535

K04000001 ENGLAND AND WALES 11,532,980 586,435 627,470 662,175 669,560 662,505 650,395 656,215 634,520 617,600 605,080 593,570 579,650 563,155 568,420 579,845 598,805 604,885 525,570 438,270 108,870

E92000001 ENGLAND 10,913,100 555,660 594,805 628,040 634,555 628,000 616,475 621,525 601,105 584,835 572,660 562,150 548,525 532,600 537,035 547,930 565,675 570,855 495,115 413,640 101,910

E12000001 NORTH EAST 520,170 26,535 27,925 29,380 29,735 29,475 28,695 29,230 28,175 28,055 27,275 26,720 26,115 25,270 25,695 26,305 27,440 28,000 24,510 20,280 5,360

E06000047 County Durham UA 2

100,550 5,070 5,390 5,550 5,710 5,670 5,400 5,615 5,415 5,390 5,355 5,235 5,005 4,885 4,935 5,145 5,380 5,550 4,900 4,000 955

E06000005 Darlington UA 22,335 1,140 1,210 1,290 1,255 1,315 1,285 1,235 1,175 1,235 1,195 1,165 1,175 1,090 1,055 1,115 1,190 1,195 980 835 205

E06000001 Hartlepool UA 20,390 1,005 1,005 1,130 1,175 1,120 1,145 1,140 1,125 1,120 1,070 1,030 1,005 1,015 975 1,065 1,085 1,100 990 815 275

E06000002 Middlesbrough UA 33,040 1,805 1,895 1,935 1,990 1,925 1,850 1,865 1,845 1,800 1,750 1,765 1,585 1,550 1,580 1,660 1,550 1,680 1,425 1,200 390

E06000057 Northumberland UA 3

58,365 2,670 2,880 3,175 3,075 3,090 3,040 3,225 3,045 3,115 3,055 3,135 3,025 3,050 3,095 3,070 3,380 3,330 2,970 2,380 560

E06000003 Redcar and Cleveland UA 27,955 1,410 1,485 1,605 1,620 1,550 1,450 1,510 1,500 1,555 1,430 1,465 1,360 1,340 1,425 1,420 1,520 1,505 1,325 1,125 350

E06000004 Stockton-on-Tees UA 41,200 2,130 2,295 2,395 2,425 2,440 2,310 2,380 2,280 2,265 2,190 2,055 2,090 1,930 1,940 1,985 2,190 2,060 1,845 1,555 445

E11000004 Tyne and Wear (Met County) 216,340 11,300 11,770 12,305 12,485 12,365 12,215 12,260 11,780 11,575 11,230 10,865 10,875 10,415 10,690 10,840 11,150 11,580 10,080 8,375 2,180

E08000037 Gateshead 38,900 2,105 2,145 2,210 2,290 2,185 2,265 2,165 2,115 2,045 2,035 1,980 1,890 1,885 1,915 1,920 2,005 2,090 1,815 1,460 375

E08000021 Newcastle upon Tyne 52,050 2,800 2,990 3,050 3,105 3,095 3,030 2,975 2,820 2,755 2,615 2,580 2,620 2,510 2,515 2,625 2,570 2,625 2,335 1,900 535

E08000022 North Tyneside 39,915 2,110 2,165 2,215 2,300 2,280 2,190 2,320 2,130 2,230 2,190 1,960 2,020 1,930 1,970 1,935 2,045 2,155 1,830 1,585 360

E08000023 South Tyneside 29,310 1,510 1,545 1,660 1,625 1,665 1,640 1,585 1,585 1,520 1,495 1,495 1,500 1,400 1,445 1,485 1,560 1,650 1,425 1,205 305

E08000024 Sunderland 56,165 2,770 2,920 3,170 3,160 3,140 3,090 3,215 3,135 3,025 2,895 2,855 2,840 2,690 2,845 2,880 2,970 3,055 2,680 2,225 600

E12000002 NORTH WEST 1,497,345 76,915 81,430 84,945 85,580 84,970 84,075 84,510 81,845 80,585 78,905 76,960 74,785 73,055 73,795 75,140 77,965 78,825 69,525 58,510 15,020

E06000008 Blackburn with Darwen UA 39,960 2,000 2,170 2,255 2,240 2,160 2,315 2,190 2,220 2,135 2,200 2,045 2,070 2,045 2,000 2,020 2,020 2,025 1,800 1,555 495

E06000009 Blackpool UA 30,690 1,685 1,610 1,710 1,655 1,710 1,620 1,720 1,670 1,560 1,665 1,680 1,450 1,515 1,470 1,580 1,665 1,670 1,580 1,215 270

E06000049 Cheshire East UA 4

67,590 3,215 3,325 3,775 3,785 3,760 3,735 3,800 3,620 3,610 3,585 3,475 3,460 3,295 3,355 3,580 3,750 3,705 3,360 2,845 550

E06000050 Cheshire West and Chester UA 5

63,360 3,155 3,360 3,495 3,620 3,600 3,430 3,595 3,485 3,355 3,310 3,265 3,155 3,140 3,160 3,175 3,305 3,500 3,070 2,585 605

E06000006 Halton UA 28,410 1,410 1,565 1,610 1,550 1,680 1,500 1,640 1,505 1,645 1,520 1,460 1,360 1,360 1,445 1,410 1,475 1,520 1,360 1,070 320

E06000007 Warrington UA 41,495 1,995 2,185 2,305 2,360 2,335 2,285 2,345 2,255 2,130 2,180 2,170 2,050 2,200 2,070 2,165 2,265 2,230 1,950 1,675 355

E10000006 Cumbria 91,210 4,430 4,760 4,850 4,975 4,975 5,050 5,020 4,955 4,865 4,785 4,825 4,785 4,610 4,730 4,885 5,050 5,185 4,335 3,455 690

E07000026 Allerdale 17,755 815 900 890 995 1,020 1,000 1,000 955 915 910 875 915 935 910 965 1,060 1,025 845 675 150

E07000027 Barrow-in-Furness 13,885 690 715 740 705 730 775 735 795 705 755 730 705 710 765 755 755 795 650 525 145

E07000028 Carlisle 21,000 1,180 1,155 1,225 1,260 1,245 1,230 1,200 1,115 1,155 1,115 1,110 1,080 980 1,055 1,045 1,030 1,085 915 695 120

E07000029 Copeland 12,770 635 745 740 730 690 675 700 705 740 620 685 655 620 630 645 685 725 590 460 100

E07000030 Eden 9,240 390 490 430 455 460 475 495 490 505 480 525 505 465 500 570 540 590 450 375 55

E07000031 South Lakeland 16,560 720 755 825 835 830 895 895 895 850 905 900 920 905 870 900 980 965 880 715 120

E11000001 Greater Manchester (Met County) 610,985 32,470 34,380 35,585 35,960 35,770 35,320 35,045 33,945 33,345 32,185 31,345 30,165 29,405 29,340 29,740 30,580 30,925 26,970 22,520 5,985

E08000001 Bolton 66,970 3,405 3,605 3,875 3,770 3,790 3,925 3,780 3,715 3,700 3,540 3,495 3,350 3,290 3,300 3,315 3,435 3,450 3,070 2,500 665

E08000002 Bury 42,650 2,170 2,330 2,425 2,490 2,440 2,445 2,415 2,340 2,305 2,295 2,215 2,200 2,125 2,100 2,100 2,145 2,245 1,890 1,615 365

E08000003 Manchester 115,035 6,600 7,015 7,030 7,135 7,030 6,885 6,695 6,625 6,465 6,085 5,765 5,590 5,300 5,200 5,215 5,410 5,320 4,545 3,825 1,300

E08000004 Oldham 59,095 3,100 3,260 3,185 3,330 3,320 3,355 3,350 3,240 3,260 3,180 3,080 3,040 2,995 2,980 2,950 2,990 2,965 2,655 2,185 675

E08000005 Rochdale 51,970 2,685 2,910 2,975 2,960 2,965 3,015 2,950 2,935 2,780 2,715 2,735 2,545 2,485 2,505 2,515 2,630 2,725 2,335 2,070 545

E08000006 Salford 53,735 3,125 3,295 3,380 3,380 3,350 3,180 3,175 3,040 2,895 2,770 2,630 2,480 2,455 2,415 2,455 2,505 2,615 2,270 1,805 515

E08000007 Stockport 57,110 2,960 3,085 3,310 3,290 3,230 3,220 3,290 3,175 3,060 3,015 2,960 2,725 2,745 2,820 2,945 2,860 3,095 2,645 2,170 515

E08000008 Tameside 51,140 2,775 2,925 3,075 2,985 3,135 2,905 2,950 2,770 2,715 2,580 2,595 2,480 2,455 2,390 2,470 2,625 2,635 2,300 1,930 440

E08000009 Trafford 46,570 2,180 2,320 2,610 2,685 2,660 2,645 2,645 2,550 2,560 2,435 2,455 2,405 2,360 2,280 2,395 2,510 2,430 2,155 1,900 385

E08000010 Wigan 66,700 3,470 3,640 3,720 3,930 3,855 3,750 3,800 3,560 3,615 3,560 3,420 3,340 3,190 3,355 3,380 3,470 3,445 3,105 2,525 580

E10000017 Lancashire 240,840 12,080 12,910 13,215 13,585 13,490 13,470 13,615 13,175 12,950 12,965 12,395 12,130 11,705 12,235 12,200 12,820 12,900 11,205 9,700 2,100

E07000117 Burnley 20,795 1,130 1,155 1,210 1,150 1,230 1,200 1,220 1,210 1,105 1,140 1,070 1,000 1,015 1,000 940 1,075 1,080 900 740 225

E07000118 Chorley 21,540 1,075 1,200 1,235 1,300 1,215 1,235 1,185 1,220 1,180 1,105 1,170 1,030 1,045 1,080 1,060 1,115 1,145 945 865 145

E07000119 Fylde 12,485 530 615 665 705 650 630 705 640 630 725 630 635 615 695 665 725 715 685 540 90

E07000120 Hyndburn 19,730 1,035 1,110 1,090 1,145 1,085 1,160 1,050 1,060 1,055 1,080 1,030 1,030 960 985 1,005 985 1,045 840 765 210

E07000121 Lancaster 26,155 1,335 1,425 1,490 1,525 1,480 1,400 1,465 1,405 1,325 1,360 1,275 1,345 1,160 1,350 1,365 1,425 1,415 1,250 1,090 260

E07000122 Pendle 21,760 1,155 1,245 1,240 1,320 1,305 1,305 1,290 1,195 1,185 1,160 1,100 1,045 1,060 1,090 1,035 1,065 1,070 900 765 225

E07000123 Preston 30,820 1,765 1,780 1,735 1,800 1,835 1,825 1,780 1,675 1,745 1,650 1,535 1,510 1,440 1,485 1,450 1,530 1,570 1,365 1,140 200

E07000124 Ribble Valley 10,045 370 435 460 420 535 505 535 535 525 545 530 570 515 585 620 620 635 515 510 75

E07000125 Rossendale 14,855 775 785 840 840 860 805 880 820 840 795 710 740 735 725 760 780 770 685 585 130

E07000126 South Ribble 21,865 1,100 1,155 1,190 1,285 1,160 1,250 1,235 1,185 1,175 1,165 1,170 1,105 1,085 1,095 1,075 1,200 1,150 1,050 895 140

E07000127 West Lancashire 21,855 950 1,080 1,095 1,125 1,165 1,130 1,235 1,185 1,160 1,190 1,155 1,110 1,145 1,135 1,160 1,240 1,230 1,120 995 240

E07000128 Wyre 18,935 855 920 960 980 965 1,020 1,030 1,040 1,030 1,045 1,010 1,005 930 1,000 1,070 1,065 1,080 940 815 165

Area Codes 1 Area names

Age of child

Table 7 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E11000002 Merseyside (Met County) 282,805 14,480 15,165 16,140 15,855 15,490 15,355 15,540 15,020 14,985 14,520 14,290 14,165 13,780 13,990 14,380 15,035 15,165 13,895 11,900 3,650

E08000011 Knowsley 34,685 1,725 1,835 1,960 1,935 1,840 1,870 1,880 1,800 1,930 1,845 1,730 1,750 1,680 1,705 1,765 1,890 1,890 1,680 1,460 510

E08000012 Liverpool 92,300 5,025 5,245 5,550 5,335 5,115 5,055 5,165 4,900 4,810 4,650 4,495 4,475 4,385 4,470 4,530 4,735 4,765 4,460 3,715 1,410

E08000014 Sefton 52,640 2,575 2,715 2,735 2,835 2,830 2,755 2,750 2,705 2,745 2,645 2,710 2,725 2,655 2,710 2,810 2,905 3,030 2,780 2,385 640

E08000013 St. Helens 37,090 1,865 2,000 2,115 2,085 2,085 2,045 2,120 1,970 1,980 1,915 1,890 1,865 1,825 1,805 1,935 2,000 1,965 1,780 1,505 330

E08000015 Wirral 66,090 3,290 3,365 3,780 3,665 3,625 3,625 3,620 3,645 3,515 3,465 3,465 3,350 3,235 3,300 3,335 3,505 3,510 3,195 2,835 755

E12000003 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER 1,121,595 58,630 61,770 64,650 64,730 64,965 63,520 63,625 61,280 60,545 59,115 57,925 55,870 54,815 54,855 55,705 57,940 58,350 50,625 42,045 10,640

E06000011 East Riding of Yorkshire UA 60,310 2,725 2,915 3,160 3,085 3,200 3,140 3,275 3,235 3,070 3,200 3,160 3,065 3,190 3,205 3,220 3,520 3,575 3,070 2,600 695

E06000010 Kingston upon Hull, City of UA 59,040 3,395 3,610 3,840 3,610 3,515 3,405 3,400 3,235 3,145 3,025 2,965 2,750 2,620 2,730 2,675 2,775 3,010 2,550 2,040 750

E06000012 North East Lincolnshire UA 34,520 1,800 1,920 1,955 2,005 1,980 1,935 1,900 1,875 1,860 1,855 1,720 1,695 1,640 1,645 1,655 1,880 1,795 1,610 1,360 435

E06000013 North Lincolnshire UA 34,440 1,660 1,845 1,915 1,935 1,900 1,985 1,915 1,905 1,870 1,860 1,785 1,675 1,690 1,785 1,805 1,770 1,810 1,630 1,310 385

E06000014 York UA 33,195 1,780 1,835 1,910 1,920 1,915 1,885 1,885 1,840 1,820 1,760 1,665 1,615 1,600 1,645 1,625 1,735 1,715 1,535 1,235 270

E10000023 North Yorkshire 106,830 5,060 5,210 5,655 5,805 5,740 5,705 5,915 5,530 5,670 5,660 5,675 5,560 5,540 5,510 5,715 6,015 6,135 5,325 4,590 820

E07000163 Craven 9,510 395 435 495 455 490 505 485 450 515 465 505 480 500 545 550 575 615 520 460 75

E07000164 Hambleton 15,535 735 745 860 785 815 815 880 790 805 810 820 850 780 825 865 920 895 730 690 125

E07000165 Harrogate 27,010 1,225 1,275 1,415 1,500 1,485 1,415 1,520 1,390 1,425 1,490 1,455 1,390 1,435 1,365 1,450 1,475 1,520 1,390 1,215 170

E07000166 Richmondshire 9,650 495 500 535 555 495 510 490 495 490 515 535 500 515 505 500 565 515 465 390 80

E07000167 Ryedale 8,995 455 405 465 500 485 475 500 460 495 480 485 465 455 465 470 525 535 455 375 45

E07000168 Scarborough 19,810 935 1,000 995 1,080 1,030 1,090 1,100 1,030 1,040 1,060 1,020 1,050 1,015 980 1,095 1,090 1,140 1,005 850 195

E07000169 Selby 16,325 820 855 895 920 945 895 940 910 905 830 850 830 840 825 790 865 905 760 615 125

E11000003 South Yorkshire (Met County) 282,915 14,650 15,770 16,295 16,350 16,310 16,005 16,050 15,565 15,145 14,805 14,585 14,100 13,685 13,730 14,145 14,505 14,925 12,990 10,555 2,745

E08000016 Barnsley 49,720 2,575 2,805 2,935 2,955 2,910 2,725 2,755 2,730 2,675 2,560 2,525 2,440 2,380 2,360 2,425 2,555 2,675 2,345 1,860 515

E08000017 Doncaster 65,290 3,365 3,705 3,650 3,845 3,710 3,735 3,740 3,545 3,525 3,460 3,355 3,265 3,120 3,185 3,215 3,400 3,460 2,970 2,450 595

E08000018 Rotherham 57,700 2,905 3,060 3,205 3,165 3,310 3,255 3,285 3,150 3,070 2,975 2,940 2,945 2,870 2,805 3,070 3,065 3,115 2,780 2,205 520

E08000019 Sheffield 110,205 5,805 6,200 6,505 6,385 6,380 6,295 6,270 6,140 5,870 5,805 5,765 5,450 5,310 5,380 5,435 5,485 5,675 4,895 4,040 1,110

E11000006 West Yorkshire (Met County) 510,345 27,550 28,670 29,920 30,025 30,400 29,460 29,285 28,090 27,965 26,945 26,370 25,410 24,855 24,600 24,860 25,735 25,380 21,910 18,365 4,540

E08000032 Bradford 140,630 7,390 7,670 8,020 8,165 8,345 8,290 8,230 7,945 7,980 7,705 7,340 7,255 7,070 6,880 6,895 6,925 6,735 5,710 4,710 1,370

E08000033 Calderdale 46,100 2,330 2,460 2,595 2,570 2,710 2,590 2,595 2,485 2,565 2,505 2,425 2,305 2,215 2,260 2,355 2,390 2,425 2,080 1,810 430

E08000034 Kirklees 97,005 5,090 5,305 5,515 5,680 5,545 5,465 5,600 5,325 5,280 5,135 5,145 5,000 4,815 4,820 4,755 4,900 4,960 4,230 3,610 825

E08000035 Leeds 156,265 8,940 9,275 9,705 9,505 9,655 9,155 8,880 8,575 8,405 8,010 7,830 7,465 7,415 7,270 7,290 7,770 7,675 6,610 5,575 1,260

E08000036 Wakefield 70,345 3,805 3,960 4,085 4,100 4,145 3,960 3,980 3,760 3,735 3,590 3,625 3,385 3,340 3,370 3,565 3,755 3,590 3,285 2,655 655

E12000004 EAST MIDLANDS 938,835 47,880 50,860 53,660 54,355 53,540 52,655 53,255 51,165 50,235 48,955 48,070 47,120 45,880 46,415 48,010 49,760 50,175 43,095 35,125 8,625

E06000015 Derby UA 57,735 3,075 3,350 3,555 3,430 3,470 3,430 3,410 3,215 3,110 3,005 3,005 2,825 2,775 2,825 2,800 2,930 2,885 2,395 1,815 440

E06000016 Leicester UA 84,125 4,565 4,755 4,880 5,070 4,890 4,885 4,900 4,710 4,585 4,495 4,350 4,190 4,175 3,900 4,130 4,045 4,135 3,585 2,940 940

E06000018 Nottingham UA 64,815 3,745 3,930 4,040 4,060 3,950 3,945 3,770 3,615 3,480 3,300 3,240 3,120 2,965 3,005 2,990 3,120 3,130 2,645 2,045 710

E06000017 Rutland UA 6,190 305 305 340 340 330 310 355 340 340 350 310 330 315 315 345 340 340 305 240 40

E10000007 Derbyshire 148,620 7,320 7,735 8,195 8,380 8,230 8,110 8,360 7,925 7,910 7,855 7,570 7,485 7,370 7,510 7,860 8,275 8,470 7,010 5,705 1,340

E07000032 Amber Valley 23,325 1,130 1,235 1,250 1,335 1,355 1,210 1,290 1,275 1,220 1,210 1,165 1,175 1,200 1,205 1,225 1,365 1,320 1,125 855 170

E07000033 Bolsover 15,865 810 910 895 930 865 845 960 835 915 840 760 780 735 800 845 860 835 715 555 170

E07000034 Chesterfield 20,320 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,165 1,160 1,140 1,190 1,085 1,005 1,050 1,015 965 935 960 1,075 1,130 1,120 945 795 190

E07000035 Derbyshire Dales 11,735 455 490 535 565 575 600 620 565 650 615 665 680 630 645 715 750 770 590 515 100

E07000036 Erewash 22,395 1,220 1,230 1,330 1,290 1,255 1,265 1,235 1,145 1,180 1,175 1,185 1,070 1,100 1,105 1,135 1,160 1,245 1,025 825 220

E07000037 High Peak 17,470 805 855 950 965 910 990 965 990 915 950 875 875 870 890 950 975 1,025 875 710 135

E07000038 North East Derbyshire 17,735 830 860 920 985 985 920 975 935 945 935 935 925 925 935 905 975 1,080 845 740 190

E07000039 South Derbyshire 19,780 970 1,055 1,115 1,145 1,120 1,145 1,120 1,090 1,085 1,080 970 1,015 975 970 1,010 1,060 1,075 890 715 170

E10000018 Leicestershire 125,490 5,855 6,485 6,910 7,010 6,875 6,770 6,855 6,865 6,675 6,525 6,695 6,575 6,235 6,485 6,635 6,920 6,970 5,970 5,120 1,060

E07000129 Blaby 19,105 945 1,020 1,040 1,090 1,025 1,060 1,060 1,050 1,065 990 1,060 940 915 995 930 1,090 1,015 920 715 185

E07000130 Charnwood 30,980 1,470 1,680 1,780 1,835 1,805 1,705 1,735 1,720 1,575 1,585 1,630 1,610 1,530 1,585 1,590 1,640 1,640 1,400 1,220 255

E07000131 Harborough 15,930 670 695 750 770 855 825 885 905 860 805 880 905 865 860 880 925 930 790 745 125

E07000132 Hinckley and Bosworth 20,290 990 1,095 1,165 1,175 1,110 1,085 1,065 1,090 1,090 1,085 1,095 1,040 980 1,035 1,070 1,095 1,145 895 800 190

E07000133 Melton 9,485 435 495 565 515 500 510 505 500 490 480 500 470 485 475 505 510 570 490 405 80

E07000134 North West Leicestershire 18,800 845 935 995 1,060 1,020 1,020 1,040 1,010 1,025 1,000 1,015 1,045 940 990 1,045 1,040 1,045 915 695 120

E07000135 Oadby and Wigston 10,895 495 560 610 565 560 570 565 585 565 585 515 570 520 550 615 625 630 560 540 110

E10000019 Lincolnshire 142,055 7,195 7,385 7,885 7,935 7,920 7,710 7,975 7,460 7,350 7,260 7,120 7,165 6,950 7,205 7,535 7,880 7,945 6,985 5,815 1,370

E07000136 Boston 14,790 795 825 895 885 860 875 870 835 765 805 715 725 680 680 750 760 755 645 540 125

E07000137 East Lindsey 24,825 1,140 1,235 1,290 1,290 1,395 1,305 1,410 1,225 1,310 1,285 1,275 1,245 1,200 1,270 1,350 1,455 1,535 1,260 1,035 305

E07000138 Lincoln 19,200 1,165 1,175 1,235 1,205 1,120 1,150 1,120 1,050 980 995 895 935 870 860 915 930 935 815 660 195

E07000139 North Kesteven 21,280 985 1,040 1,130 1,170 1,105 1,165 1,155 1,040 1,125 1,100 1,080 1,165 1,040 1,135 1,210 1,230 1,245 1,110 890 155

E07000140 South Holland 17,590 935 940 980 960 980 945 990 895 905 855 845 855 905 940 930 995 985 900 680 155

E07000141 South Kesteven 26,975 1,325 1,305 1,430 1,480 1,540 1,375 1,505 1,495 1,370 1,325 1,400 1,360 1,390 1,395 1,450 1,490 1,515 1,355 1,210 250

E07000142 West Lindsey 17,400 850 870 925 945 925 890 925 920 895 890 910 875 860 920 930 1,015 975 895 800 185

E10000021 Northamptonshire 154,865 7,835 8,480 8,920 9,090 9,025 8,900 9,015 8,590 8,495 8,230 7,845 7,745 7,610 7,590 7,900 7,945 7,955 6,940 5,530 1,215

E07000150 Corby 15,955 880 910 960 1,035 955 960 965 920 845 800 795 730 765 750 775 805 780 675 515 135

E07000151 Daventry 15,070 665 720 775 810 795 810 840 785 830 835 745 810 795 815 845 830 880 755 605 125

E07000152 East Northamptonshire 17,550 775 905 925 950 975 930 1,005 950 970 965 950 910 895 880 995 960 980 865 640 135

Table 7 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 33: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000153 Kettering 21,550 1,100 1,190 1,255 1,255 1,290 1,220 1,220 1,210 1,185 1,170 1,105 1,095 1,090 1,070 1,080 1,075 1,030 955 790 160

E07000154 Northampton 50,855 2,860 3,040 3,100 3,120 3,175 3,120 3,050 2,880 2,850 2,685 2,470 2,435 2,345 2,375 2,350 2,420 2,435 2,075 1,675 400

E07000155 South Northamptonshire 16,235 685 745 855 850 830 875 890 860 850 880 855 865 890 865 930 930 960 835 670 110

E07000156 Wellingborough 17,645 875 965 1,050 1,070 1,005 985 1,040 985 965 890 930 900 830 840 925 925 900 780 645 145

E10000024 Nottinghamshire 154,940 7,980 8,435 8,940 9,040 8,845 8,600 8,610 8,445 8,295 7,940 7,930 7,690 7,485 7,570 7,820 8,300 8,340 7,260 5,915 1,510

E07000170 Ashfield 26,070 1,450 1,475 1,560 1,570 1,520 1,465 1,420 1,350 1,395 1,340 1,315 1,320 1,260 1,245 1,290 1,365 1,390 1,175 930 225

E07000171 Bassetlaw 22,510 1,110 1,200 1,285 1,260 1,260 1,185 1,235 1,225 1,185 1,150 1,150 1,145 1,125 1,075 1,190 1,250 1,290 1,080 875 235

E07000172 Broxtowe 19,980 1,070 1,180 1,255 1,205 1,155 1,105 1,150 1,070 1,050 965 985 955 950 925 975 1,015 1,065 945 765 195

E07000173 Gedling 22,255 1,145 1,180 1,240 1,280 1,220 1,235 1,220 1,255 1,205 1,175 1,115 1,115 1,075 1,120 1,115 1,230 1,195 1,025 885 225

E07000174 Mansfield 22,100 1,240 1,285 1,350 1,375 1,345 1,270 1,295 1,235 1,145 1,125 1,130 1,010 1,005 1,045 1,020 1,090 1,115 995 790 240

E07000175 Newark and Sherwood 22,910 1,110 1,215 1,265 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,220 1,230 1,250 1,170 1,205 1,155 1,130 1,195 1,215 1,290 1,235 1,100 865 225

E07000176 Rushcliffe 19,120 855 895 985 1,070 1,060 1,065 1,070 1,080 1,060 1,020 1,035 985 945 970 1,010 1,050 1,050 945 805 160

E12000005 WEST MIDLANDS 1,229,210 63,705 67,910 70,145 71,020 69,435 68,860 69,665 67,430 65,330 64,810 63,905 62,030 60,180 60,520 62,110 63,460 64,250 56,420 46,485 11,540

E06000019 Herefordshire, County of UA 33,940 1,605 1,800 1,800 1,885 1,860 1,790 1,845 1,800 1,740 1,765 1,775 1,760 1,680 1,725 1,845 1,940 1,970 1,650 1,405 295

E06000051 Shropshire UA 6

54,605 2,590 2,745 2,890 2,890 2,880 2,870 2,970 2,880 2,775 2,955 2,810 2,930 2,855 2,805 3,015 3,040 3,160 2,775 2,295 485

E06000021 Stoke-on-Trent UA 58,475 3,460 3,510 3,510 3,685 3,495 3,465 3,625 3,340 3,080 3,175 2,960 2,815 2,645 2,690 2,715 2,775 2,765 2,475 1,745 545

E06000020 Telford and Wrekin UA 38,295 1,970 2,170 2,170 2,285 2,190 2,210 2,130 2,155 2,035 2,015 1,950 1,880 1,930 1,780 1,970 1,990 1,990 1,790 1,380 305

E10000028 Staffordshire 160,915 7,915 8,405 8,720 8,865 8,745 8,690 8,955 8,695 8,455 8,460 8,600 8,130 7,985 8,130 8,395 8,620 8,970 8,115 6,540 1,530

E07000192 Cannock Chase 20,225 1,090 1,140 1,120 1,135 1,125 1,090 1,145 1,100 1,090 1,000 1,070 985 995 970 1,025 1,050 1,115 1,005 785 190

E07000193 East Staffordshire 24,450 1,305 1,365 1,430 1,400 1,435 1,425 1,375 1,315 1,285 1,250 1,310 1,180 1,240 1,230 1,190 1,220 1,265 1,075 910 240

E07000194 Lichfield 17,925 805 895 900 1,015 925 915 930 1,005 975 940 960 975 890 920 955 990 1,005 1,000 750 180

E07000195 Newcastle-under-Lyme 23,020 1,175 1,170 1,265 1,255 1,180 1,245 1,240 1,230 1,165 1,275 1,235 1,205 1,095 1,140 1,265 1,205 1,360 1,160 935 230

E07000196 South Staffordshire 18,250 835 885 960 925 940 860 915 980 970 970 965 895 955 955 1,020 1,050 1,145 1,000 855 165

E07000197 Stafford 22,840 1,110 1,195 1,205 1,275 1,240 1,260 1,345 1,265 1,235 1,220 1,180 1,160 1,080 1,150 1,135 1,230 1,220 1,140 970 215

E07000198 Staffordshire Moorlands 17,120 755 825 880 905 900 925 950 900 865 920 930 890 900 905 935 990 965 890 740 155

E07000199 Tamworth 17,095 840 930 960 960 1,005 970 1,055 900 865 885 945 840 830 860 870 880 895 850 590 160

E10000031 Warwickshire 104,075 5,230 5,680 5,815 5,975 5,810 5,720 5,850 5,675 5,465 5,435 5,440 5,140 5,150 5,270 5,455 5,545 5,620 4,865 4,015 925

E07000218 North Warwickshire 11,955 575 645 675 665 615 630 635 600 600 645 605 620 615 635 645 680 685 580 485 110

E07000219 Nuneaton and Bedworth 27,700 1,465 1,595 1,535 1,655 1,655 1,495 1,595 1,545 1,475 1,395 1,430 1,350 1,310 1,415 1,390 1,420 1,460 1,260 995 270

E07000220 Rugby 20,905 1,165 1,150 1,215 1,265 1,175 1,230 1,165 1,175 1,105 1,100 1,055 1,010 975 1,055 1,050 1,105 1,045 920 770 180

E07000221 Stratford-on-Avon 20,280 850 980 1,005 1,065 1,005 1,050 1,140 1,115 1,085 1,050 1,155 1,045 1,070 1,095 1,155 1,165 1,180 1,040 865 160

E07000222 Warwick 23,235 1,175 1,305 1,385 1,325 1,355 1,315 1,315 1,240 1,205 1,240 1,195 1,115 1,180 1,065 1,215 1,175 1,255 1,065 900 210

E11000005 West Midlands (Met County) 669,220 35,570 37,710 38,985 39,365 38,350 38,150 38,355 36,785 36,010 35,165 34,610 33,815 32,515 32,645 32,995 33,725 33,785 29,495 24,670 6,525

E08000025 Birmingham 282,915 14,995 16,040 16,440 16,710 16,195 16,435 16,350 15,955 15,315 14,980 14,870 14,350 13,805 13,710 13,675 14,075 13,875 12,030 10,160 2,955

E08000026 Coventry 74,420 3,975 4,210 4,425 4,510 4,540 4,350 4,400 4,185 4,035 3,865 3,870 3,715 3,530 3,585 3,585 3,630 3,600 3,175 2,580 650

E08000027 Dudley 66,735 3,610 3,790 3,880 3,730 3,745 3,600 3,690 3,470 3,485 3,495 3,395 3,370 3,320 3,375 3,380 3,410 3,525 3,155 2,695 605

E08000028 Sandwell 80,565 4,300 4,805 4,855 4,830 4,655 4,680 4,780 4,330 4,385 4,210 4,065 3,965 3,830 3,795 3,920 3,915 4,055 3,525 2,845 825

E08000029 Solihull 40,820 1,905 2,020 2,255 2,225 2,185 2,170 2,155 2,150 2,115 2,130 2,075 2,135 2,020 2,175 2,220 2,300 2,335 2,060 1,855 335

E08000030 Walsall 64,930 3,585 3,590 3,695 3,795 3,645 3,665 3,625 3,500 3,595 3,395 3,320 3,350 3,215 3,200 3,340 3,320 3,335 2,850 2,300 615

E08000031 Wolverhampton 58,845 3,200 3,265 3,430 3,565 3,390 3,260 3,355 3,195 3,085 3,090 3,010 2,925 2,795 2,805 2,875 3,070 3,055 2,695 2,235 545

E10000034 Worcestershire 109,680 5,365 5,890 6,255 6,075 6,110 5,955 5,940 6,095 5,770 5,840 5,755 5,560 5,415 5,480 5,720 5,830 6,000 5,255 4,440 925

E07000234 Bromsgrove 16,935 725 815 945 865 935 870 895 940 890 890 945 880 830 890 910 915 960 885 810 140

E07000235 Malvern Hills 12,525 520 580 640 620 635 665 640 665 625 680 690 655 670 645 730 720 805 650 560 130

E07000236 Redditch 18,855 1,055 1,040 1,200 1,135 1,085 1,055 1,060 1,100 1,020 1,000 990 855 875 900 910 920 920 875 690 175

E07000237 Worcester 21,090 1,130 1,290 1,265 1,280 1,250 1,230 1,165 1,145 1,125 1,100 1,060 1,035 1,025 1,010 1,035 1,030 1,065 945 730 180

E07000238 Wychavon 21,300 935 1,095 1,130 1,130 1,110 1,135 1,150 1,145 1,150 1,185 1,135 1,165 1,070 1,105 1,145 1,220 1,200 1,015 920 165

E07000239 Wyre Forest 18,970 1,000 1,070 1,075 1,045 1,095 1,005 1,035 1,100 965 985 940 970 945 920 995 1,025 1,045 885 730 140

E12000006 EAST 1,181,620 59,620 64,085 67,975 68,570 67,685 66,600 67,220 64,660 62,595 61,550 61,215 59,160 57,950 58,850 59,820 62,135 62,870 54,395 44,570 10,095

E06000055 Bedford UA 7

35,700 1,905 1,895 2,080 2,025 2,120 2,125 2,030 1,885 1,905 1,845 1,825 1,760 1,755 1,750 1,785 1,830 1,870 1,625 1,375 325

E06000056 Central Bedfordshire UA 8

53,395 2,765 2,970 3,095 3,180 3,135 3,010 3,115 2,855 2,900 2,800 2,685 2,695 2,575 2,680 2,640 2,770 2,685 2,410 1,980 435

E06000032 Luton UA 56,415 3,025 3,170 3,290 3,350 3,260 3,290 3,430 3,260 3,050 3,075 3,000 2,880 2,870 2,665 2,655 2,685 2,710 2,265 1,990 485

E06000031 Peterborough UA 50,130 2,860 3,095 3,220 3,120 3,145 3,040 2,980 2,825 2,625 2,530 2,510 2,340 2,310 2,290 2,345 2,380 2,315 2,000 1,665 540

E06000033 Southend-on-Sea UA 35,995 1,900 1,980 2,040 2,100 2,095 2,055 2,060 1,960 1,880 1,820 1,800 1,725 1,765 1,795 1,795 1,870 1,925 1,710 1,420 295

E06000034 Thurrock UA 39,585 2,105 2,285 2,410 2,425 2,355 2,390 2,320 2,350 2,125 2,145 2,080 1,915 1,875 1,775 1,900 2,010 1,890 1,675 1,260 290

E10000003 Cambridgeshire 115,055 5,900 6,405 6,815 6,900 6,610 6,625 6,535 6,385 5,965 5,925 5,850 5,735 5,600 5,725 5,710 5,965 6,095 5,145 4,270 900

E07000008 Cambridge 17,255 990 1,030 1,170 1,085 1,115 1,035 1,040 1,010 865 865 875 775 740 790 805 785 870 675 605 115

E07000009 East Cambridgeshire 16,365 810 950 995 1,085 960 985 965 915 880 845 850 835 795 735 740 835 840 685 575 90

E07000010 Fenland 20,305 1,065 1,145 1,185 1,140 1,135 1,135 1,105 1,100 1,050 1,005 995 1,005 1,010 1,020 1,050 1,105 1,160 955 720 220

E07000011 Huntingdonshire 33,565 1,725 1,810 1,940 1,935 1,850 1,885 1,835 1,820 1,680 1,730 1,720 1,685 1,650 1,775 1,730 1,825 1,795 1,595 1,290 280

E07000012 South Cambridgeshire 27,565 1,305 1,470 1,525 1,660 1,550 1,585 1,585 1,535 1,490 1,480 1,410 1,435 1,400 1,405 1,380 1,415 1,435 1,230 1,075 195

E10000012 Essex 273,965 13,275 14,340 15,175 15,400 15,360 15,140 15,205 14,930 14,575 14,245 14,410 13,945 13,645 13,940 14,255 14,925 15,265 12,950 10,715 2,275

E07000066 Basildon 39,120 2,065 2,205 2,305 2,230 2,220 2,245 2,240 2,190 2,175 1,995 2,030 1,940 1,895 1,870 1,995 2,070 2,060 1,695 1,365 330

E07000067 Braintree 29,735 1,395 1,530 1,630 1,690 1,745 1,685 1,665 1,680 1,545 1,580 1,580 1,515 1,455 1,530 1,550 1,560 1,645 1,410 1,105 240

E07000068 Brentwood 12,010 525 600 625 615 605 595 630 635 615 630 660 655 620 645 675 685 745 605 535 100

E07000069 Castle Point 16,265 755 775 805 845 835 805 895 790 865 815 865 845 820 910 875 1,050 975 885 720 140

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000070 Chelmsford 30,270 1,410 1,505 1,645 1,725 1,720 1,635 1,730 1,585 1,635 1,635 1,600 1,605 1,555 1,545 1,545 1,635 1,630 1,470 1,195 255

E07000071 Colchester 35,125 1,925 2,030 2,150 2,065 2,070 1,980 1,960 1,915 1,885 1,785 1,815 1,725 1,625 1,705 1,680 1,760 1,850 1,565 1,335 305

E07000072 Epping Forest 23,790 1,030 1,250 1,330 1,365 1,310 1,335 1,310 1,335 1,250 1,250 1,255 1,235 1,205 1,215 1,265 1,255 1,380 1,070 975 165

E07000073 Harlow 20,995 1,135 1,280 1,270 1,305 1,260 1,280 1,295 1,195 1,115 1,095 1,065 980 970 1,010 950 1,010 1,025 860 725 175

E07000074 Maldon 11,005 455 520 530 565 560 565 575 560 575 645 545 635 570 600 615 695 670 585 475 70

E07000075 Rochford 14,720 665 645 690 765 815 780 760 780 780 780 785 765 760 795 860 845 920 800 615 110

E07000076 Tendring 26,485 1,290 1,290 1,425 1,430 1,415 1,440 1,390 1,435 1,345 1,280 1,425 1,325 1,355 1,350 1,480 1,560 1,585 1,315 1,100 265

E07000077 Uttlesford 14,445 625 705 770 805 805 795 760 825 785 755 785 715 800 765 775 800 775 695 570 125

E10000015 Hertfordshire 221,320 10,730 11,740 12,800 13,100 12,925 12,525 12,710 12,055 11,825 11,480 11,475 11,180 10,840 11,240 11,205 11,440 11,655 10,060 8,680 1,660

E07000095 Broxbourne 20,910 1,045 1,155 1,185 1,230 1,200 1,160 1,175 1,120 1,160 1,045 1,055 1,065 1,085 1,070 1,095 1,055 1,115 950 785 170

E07000096 Dacorum 28,410 1,430 1,550 1,640 1,700 1,680 1,690 1,605 1,520 1,440 1,425 1,400 1,370 1,410 1,480 1,415 1,455 1,535 1,325 1,100 235

E07000242 East Hertfordshire 25,030 1,130 1,240 1,390 1,435 1,415 1,315 1,375 1,325 1,330 1,335 1,285 1,315 1,290 1,290 1,345 1,390 1,350 1,175 1,115 185

E07000098 Hertsmere 20,115 995 950 1,135 1,160 1,155 1,130 1,165 1,155 1,080 1,050 1,095 1,035 960 1,035 995 1,075 1,065 915 815 155

E07000099 North Hertfordshire 24,555 1,215 1,345 1,475 1,420 1,435 1,410 1,355 1,305 1,250 1,290 1,280 1,225 1,180 1,280 1,185 1,330 1,265 1,135 995 175

E07000240 St Albans 24,360 960 1,145 1,350 1,380 1,365 1,365 1,515 1,335 1,375 1,320 1,365 1,290 1,210 1,250 1,240 1,295 1,275 1,130 1,020 165

E07000243 Stevenage 19,420 1,060 1,100 1,195 1,200 1,205 1,100 1,090 1,100 985 975 990 975 920 900 1,015 915 950 850 710 180

E07000102 Three Rivers 16,765 715 790 890 970 930 945 925 910 905 925 910 845 785 930 900 925 980 795 680 100

E07000103 Watford 20,700 1,115 1,290 1,320 1,335 1,270 1,185 1,250 1,125 1,120 1,035 1,065 1,025 980 965 965 925 1,015 870 715 135

E07000241 Welwyn Hatfield 21,050 1,070 1,175 1,225 1,265 1,265 1,225 1,260 1,155 1,180 1,080 1,030 1,030 1,015 1,040 1,045 1,075 1,100 910 740 160

E10000020 Norfolk 161,250 8,205 8,915 9,280 9,195 9,050 8,795 9,115 8,745 8,395 8,300 8,225 8,020 7,865 8,165 8,230 8,640 8,890 7,740 5,980 1,505

E07000143 Breckland 25,385 1,295 1,390 1,435 1,465 1,440 1,390 1,465 1,350 1,350 1,260 1,275 1,245 1,270 1,275 1,330 1,345 1,415 1,215 945 235

E07000144 Broadland 22,430 930 1,125 1,145 1,165 1,145 1,195 1,170 1,220 1,115 1,225 1,200 1,230 1,160 1,265 1,210 1,320 1,370 1,155 930 165

E07000145 Great Yarmouth 20,085 1,005 1,055 1,115 1,105 1,140 1,065 1,130 1,110 985 1,005 1,040 995 1,005 1,025 1,040 1,115 1,110 1,020 740 280

E07000146 King’s Lynn and West Norfolk 28,630 1,500 1,610 1,620 1,585 1,595 1,505 1,650 1,545 1,540 1,470 1,460 1,435 1,375 1,480 1,470 1,505 1,620 1,330 1,065 270

E07000147 North Norfolk 15,970 755 805 830 870 855 815 895 845 830 875 835 840 820 810 835 875 965 815 660 130

E07000148 Norwich 25,600 1,590 1,680 1,785 1,680 1,610 1,570 1,550 1,475 1,410 1,315 1,220 1,130 1,095 1,115 1,075 1,170 1,165 1,015 735 220

E07000149 South Norfolk 23,155 1,135 1,250 1,360 1,325 1,270 1,250 1,250 1,200 1,170 1,150 1,195 1,145 1,135 1,200 1,270 1,310 1,245 1,185 900 200

E10000029 Suffolk 138,805 6,940 7,285 7,765 7,775 7,625 7,605 7,725 7,415 7,345 7,385 7,360 6,970 6,860 6,820 7,295 7,620 7,570 6,820 5,235 1,385

E07000200 Babergh 15,950 695 700 775 810 805 805 860 885 835 900 915 870 830 850 905 960 920 850 625 145

E07000201 Forest Heath 10,240 610 675 695 700 630 610 570 520 500 520 510 490 450 490 470 490 505 435 290 80

E07000202 Ipswich 30,190 1,710 1,835 1,910 1,865 1,840 1,785 1,755 1,650 1,655 1,585 1,515 1,415 1,365 1,305 1,425 1,450 1,415 1,325 1,050 335

E07000203 Mid Suffolk 17,900 855 855 940 935 940 905 935 920 945 955 975 900 965 950 1,000 1,055 1,050 890 755 160

E07000204 St Edmundsbury 20,605 970 1,080 1,125 1,175 1,145 1,085 1,190 1,150 1,085 1,095 1,110 1,045 1,025 1,010 1,055 1,140 1,115 1,050 765 185

E07000205 Suffolk Coastal 21,595 960 975 1,060 1,055 1,095 1,160 1,200 1,090 1,190 1,195 1,210 1,095 1,105 1,100 1,230 1,355 1,315 1,130 885 195

E07000206 Waveney 22,330 1,140 1,165 1,260 1,230 1,170 1,260 1,215 1,195 1,135 1,135 1,125 1,155 1,115 1,105 1,215 1,170 1,250 1,140 865 285

E12000007 LONDON 1,738,575 87,320 96,345 103,150 104,485 104,400 101,705 102,640 99,410 95,145 92,745 89,960 87,590 83,920 83,255 84,195 84,580 84,650 72,345 63,435 17,300

E13000001 Inner London 622,995 32,175 34,685 36,935 37,500 37,470 36,145 36,625 35,820 34,440 33,525 32,625 31,860 30,455 29,965 30,000 29,680 29,420 25,040 21,980 6,650

N/A Inner London – West 149,040 6,570 7,440 8,465 8,840 8,945 8,750 8,715 8,825 8,345 8,110 8,170 7,840 7,610 7,540 7,470 7,320 7,185 5,960 5,470 1,460

E09000007 Camden 31,775 1,355 1,555 1,710 1,855 1,815 1,815 1,840 1,865 1,755 1,800 1,775 1,765 1,635 1,675 1,650 1,570 1,530 1,245 1,200 370

E09000001 City of London 550 25 30 30 35 35 35 30 30 25 30 25 35 30 40 20 20 25 25 20 5

E09000013 Hammersmith and Fulham 26,395 1,190 1,315 1,485 1,530 1,590 1,555 1,505 1,535 1,535 1,475 1,470 1,365 1,330 1,325 1,365 1,320 1,265 1,050 960 235

E09000020 Kensington and Chelsea 16,415 580 645 780 905 995 930 955 1,035 930 900 985 940 915 870 875 860 875 645 630 170

E09000032 Wandsworth 46,585 2,380 2,635 3,030 2,935 2,985 2,850 2,780 2,775 2,510 2,365 2,365 2,295 2,235 2,170 2,120 2,190 2,090 1,820 1,650 410

E09000033 Westminster 27,320 1,040 1,265 1,435 1,585 1,530 1,575 1,605 1,585 1,595 1,540 1,550 1,440 1,465 1,460 1,440 1,360 1,395 1,175 1,010 270

N/A Inner London – East 473,960 25,610 27,245 28,465 28,655 28,525 27,395 27,910 26,995 26,090 25,415 24,450 24,020 22,845 22,425 22,530 22,360 22,235 19,080 16,510 5,190

E09000012 Hackney 60,980 3,405 3,655 3,700 3,640 3,830 3,490 3,590 3,430 3,400 3,255 3,135 3,055 2,875 2,900 2,845 2,830 2,825 2,360 2,035 715

E09000014 Haringey 55,775 2,905 3,085 3,160 3,195 3,275 3,170 3,215 3,145 3,005 2,995 2,940 2,920 2,750 2,720 2,765 2,765 2,735 2,280 2,080 665

E09000019 Islington 34,250 1,800 1,935 2,055 2,090 2,060 2,015 1,970 1,970 1,830 1,770 1,725 1,710 1,605 1,675 1,665 1,675 1,670 1,425 1,180 410

E09000022 Lambeth 57,190 2,960 3,170 3,310 3,390 3,360 3,275 3,325 3,275 3,225 3,055 3,000 3,020 2,810 2,835 2,795 2,785 2,750 2,305 1,990 560

E09000023 Lewisham 64,075 3,535 3,875 4,035 4,050 4,005 3,735 3,845 3,600 3,570 3,400 3,255 3,060 2,995 2,850 3,035 2,885 2,970 2,625 2,155 600

E09000025 Newham 84,355 4,590 4,825 4,955 5,110 4,955 4,885 5,020 4,820 4,595 4,570 4,330 4,295 4,095 4,010 3,985 4,090 3,925 3,370 3,080 860

E09000028 Southwark 57,590 3,075 3,190 3,480 3,640 3,445 3,360 3,460 3,405 3,145 3,190 2,890 2,850 2,715 2,665 2,725 2,690 2,680 2,350 2,005 630

E09000030 Tower Hamlets 59,750 3,330 3,510 3,770 3,540 3,590 3,460 3,490 3,350 3,325 3,180 3,170 3,115 3,000 2,765 2,710 2,640 2,685 2,375 1,990 755

E13000002 Outer London 1,115,575 55,145 61,660 66,215 66,990 66,930 65,560 66,015 63,590 60,705 59,215 57,335 55,730 53,465 53,290 54,190 54,905 55,230 47,305 41,455 10,645

N/A Outer London – East and North East 434,990 21,720 24,380 25,930 26,000 25,835 25,415 25,655 24,925 23,830 23,075 22,430 21,835 20,955 20,730 21,070 21,285 21,265 18,505 15,945 4,210

E09000002 Barking and Dagenham 60,000 3,035 3,615 3,785 3,750 3,785 3,780 3,800 3,650 3,425 3,320 3,060 2,865 2,750 2,650 2,655 2,610 2,700 2,280 1,940 545

E09000004 Bexley 51,575 2,460 2,680 2,870 3,030 3,000 2,825 3,025 2,835 2,715 2,690 2,625 2,630 2,555 2,610 2,690 2,775 2,740 2,345 2,075 400

E09000010 Enfield 81,640 3,970 4,395 4,790 4,760 4,800 4,765 4,900 4,710 4,545 4,345 4,205 4,080 3,990 3,905 3,930 4,020 3,975 3,530 3,090 950

E09000011 Greenwich 59,335 3,100 3,540 3,660 3,725 3,675 3,555 3,620 3,485 3,275 3,210 2,980 2,880 2,740 2,645 2,745 2,770 2,845 2,330 1,990 560

E09000016 Havering 50,125 2,505 2,720 2,830 2,850 2,775 2,845 2,765 2,775 2,615 2,625 2,595 2,540 2,410 2,485 2,565 2,720 2,690 2,400 1,975 435

E09000026 Redbridge 67,790 3,130 3,540 3,855 3,855 3,855 3,740 3,755 3,805 3,725 3,555 3,660 3,660 3,485 3,425 3,435 3,480 3,395 3,070 2,695 670

E09000031 Waltham Forest 64,525 3,515 3,890 4,135 4,030 3,950 3,905 3,790 3,660 3,525 3,335 3,305 3,175 3,030 3,015 3,045 2,915 2,925 2,550 2,180 645

N/A Outer London – South 254,660 12,530 13,905 15,045 15,230 15,220 14,875 14,915 14,445 13,495 13,480 13,220 12,615 12,130 12,350 12,450 12,730 12,885 11,140 9,710 2,285

E09000006 Bromley 59,615 2,770 3,025 3,420 3,490 3,605 3,405 3,380 3,335 3,175 3,130 3,130 3,125 2,940 3,035 2,940 3,110 3,030 2,770 2,370 430

E09000008 Croydon 85,735 4,375 4,780 5,090 5,120 5,050 4,910 5,100 4,815 4,520 4,535 4,415 4,185 4,025 4,070 4,330 4,260 4,315 3,725 3,250 860

E09000021 Kingston upon Thames 28,050 1,300 1,500 1,625 1,655 1,650 1,670 1,660 1,590 1,500 1,570 1,530 1,380 1,350 1,385 1,325 1,415 1,475 1,165 1,050 255

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E09000024 Merton 39,905 2,025 2,275 2,430 2,530 2,465 2,415 2,390 2,380 2,135 2,135 2,040 1,900 1,870 1,900 1,815 1,885 1,915 1,600 1,410 390

E09000029 Sutton 41,355 2,055 2,320 2,480 2,435 2,445 2,475 2,390 2,325 2,165 2,110 2,105 2,030 1,945 1,960 2,035 2,060 2,155 1,875 1,635 350

N/A Outer London – West and North West 425,925 20,895 23,380 25,240 25,760 25,880 25,270 25,445 24,220 23,380 22,660 21,685 21,285 20,380 20,205 20,675 20,885 21,080 17,660 15,805 4,150

E09000003 Barnet 73,970 3,540 3,895 4,405 4,465 4,410 4,385 4,415 4,170 4,070 3,985 3,715 3,665 3,570 3,490 3,700 3,660 3,705 3,160 2,830 735

E09000005 Brent 73,960 3,705 4,035 4,355 4,350 4,405 4,360 4,285 4,215 4,060 3,975 3,860 3,835 3,555 3,550 3,705 3,550 3,655 2,965 2,665 870

E09000009 Ealing 75,425 3,705 4,100 4,370 4,580 4,590 4,460 4,625 4,315 4,170 4,080 3,850 3,790 3,630 3,640 3,575 3,625 3,645 3,025 2,850 785

E09000015 Harrow 51,485 2,415 2,830 2,970 2,980 3,125 2,915 2,880 2,895 2,795 2,675 2,665 2,600 2,510 2,440 2,520 2,605 2,670 2,335 2,145 505

E09000017 Hillingdon 65,535 3,415 3,755 3,875 4,060 3,930 3,995 3,955 3,675 3,555 3,435 3,240 3,265 3,035 3,085 3,140 3,205 3,295 2,680 2,375 565

E09000018 Hounslow 57,925 3,010 3,380 3,610 3,640 3,615 3,470 3,580 3,305 3,210 3,035 2,915 2,670 2,735 2,655 2,640 2,760 2,725 2,430 2,015 520

E09000027 Richmond upon Thames 27,630 1,100 1,380 1,655 1,680 1,800 1,690 1,705 1,640 1,515 1,470 1,445 1,455 1,345 1,340 1,400 1,475 1,380 1,065 920 170

E12000008 SOUTH EAST 1,656,975 82,445 88,720 95,455 96,910 95,535 93,455 94,250 91,465 88,605 86,140 85,340 83,820 81,195 82,510 83,695 87,410 87,980 75,315 63,100 13,630

E06000036 Bracknell Forest UA 22,855 1,170 1,290 1,380 1,315 1,400 1,355 1,380 1,300 1,210 1,260 1,170 1,135 995 1,145 1,085 1,100 1,230 950 805 180

E06000043 Brighton and Hove UA 45,940 2,360 2,550 2,645 2,705 2,720 2,630 2,700 2,595 2,495 2,355 2,350 2,315 2,245 2,320 2,185 2,305 2,340 2,000 1,670 460

E06000046 Isle of Wight UA 25,255 1,210 1,285 1,335 1,320 1,330 1,250 1,290 1,325 1,345 1,320 1,270 1,250 1,200 1,345 1,380 1,465 1,480 1,360 1,160 340

E06000035 Medway UA 60,700 3,190 3,320 3,540 3,565 3,475 3,475 3,350 3,260 3,285 3,065 3,135 3,040 2,975 3,000 3,020 3,245 3,125 2,835 2,250 555

E06000042 Milton Keynes UA 61,110 3,100 3,545 3,640 3,805 3,675 3,680 3,560 3,440 3,305 3,190 3,230 3,070 2,935 2,950 2,885 3,060 2,975 2,460 2,105 495

E06000044 Portsmouth UA 41,335 2,420 2,620 2,545 2,495 2,540 2,440 2,380 2,350 2,160 2,120 2,050 1,930 1,950 1,865 1,960 1,945 2,000 1,700 1,420 450

E06000038 Reading UA 32,490 1,955 2,125 2,130 2,030 2,080 2,000 2,015 1,865 1,730 1,640 1,575 1,535 1,405 1,460 1,495 1,470 1,445 1,240 1,030 265

E06000039 Slough UA 38,985 2,105 2,295 2,440 2,500 2,500 2,460 2,400 2,325 2,190 2,045 1,950 1,890 1,815 1,815 1,745 1,705 1,720 1,525 1,210 345

E06000045 Southampton UA 48,075 2,875 2,980 3,115 3,240 3,015 2,875 2,960 2,645 2,555 2,410 2,295 2,215 2,180 2,075 2,240 2,170 2,215 1,985 1,540 490

E06000037 West Berkshire UA 28,805 1,370 1,465 1,585 1,720 1,635 1,615 1,710 1,545 1,550 1,455 1,500 1,490 1,420 1,450 1,570 1,595 1,525 1,340 1,075 190

E06000040 Windsor and Maidenhead UA 23,485 980 1,140 1,355 1,335 1,385 1,330 1,360 1,295 1,295 1,215 1,240 1,250 1,220 1,220 1,190 1,310 1,285 1,105 835 150

E06000041 Wokingham UA 26,900 1,175 1,350 1,560 1,535 1,555 1,470 1,525 1,475 1,395 1,385 1,480 1,415 1,370 1,385 1,360 1,495 1,470 1,235 1,100 175

E10000002 Buckinghamshire 95,205 4,395 4,860 5,300 5,475 5,430 5,255 5,335 5,260 5,085 4,955 5,110 4,965 4,805 4,905 4,935 5,205 5,170 4,290 3,895 575

E07000004 Aylesbury Vale 35,665 1,840 1,895 2,125 2,145 2,055 1,970 2,005 1,975 1,920 1,875 1,860 1,790 1,745 1,760 1,810 1,865 1,875 1,585 1,375 200

E07000005 Chiltern 15,315 560 620 730 795 840 825 810 835 790 780 850 915 795 865 845 945 960 755 700 105

E07000006 South Bucks 10,740 435 520 560 565 615 595 595 615 565 565 590 530 575 555 580 620 590 520 495 50

E07000007 Wycombe 33,485 1,565 1,825 1,885 1,970 1,920 1,860 1,925 1,835 1,805 1,740 1,810 1,730 1,695 1,725 1,700 1,775 1,745 1,435 1,325 220

E10000011 East Sussex 98,175 4,645 5,015 5,240 5,500 5,385 5,285 5,360 5,305 5,230 4,985 5,080 4,985 4,980 5,045 5,195 5,440 5,545 4,940 3,935 1,085

E07000061 Eastbourne 19,580 1,015 1,115 1,135 1,165 1,130 1,110 1,075 1,070 1,045 940 1,020 940 955 970 935 990 1,050 950 715 250

E07000062 Hastings 19,685 1,030 1,160 1,110 1,175 1,070 1,075 1,115 1,090 1,070 985 995 915 930 955 965 1,065 1,020 935 745 275

E07000063 Lewes 17,810 800 850 1,000 960 1,035 955 955 960 900 950 970 935 905 940 1,005 965 985 885 705 155

E07000064 Rother 15,040 645 690 710 810 795 785 790 805 770 765 755 780 780 775 860 870 920 860 690 190

E07000065 Wealden 26,055 1,155 1,200 1,285 1,390 1,355 1,355 1,420 1,385 1,445 1,350 1,335 1,415 1,410 1,400 1,430 1,555 1,570 1,305 1,080 220

E10000014 Hampshire 245,580 12,035 12,925 13,915 14,160 13,780 13,595 13,550 13,315 12,995 13,015 12,555 12,445 12,085 12,460 12,525 13,585 13,420 11,440 9,810 1,965

E07000084 Basingstoke and Deane 33,610 1,695 1,905 2,085 2,075 1,950 1,845 1,855 1,870 1,785 1,710 1,630 1,630 1,655 1,590 1,675 1,870 1,740 1,475 1,280 295

E07000085 East Hampshire 20,310 875 970 1,085 1,075 1,060 1,045 1,085 1,125 1,055 1,100 1,075 1,025 1,125 1,070 1,085 1,165 1,230 1,010 895 150

E07000086 Eastleigh 24,720 1,395 1,385 1,390 1,530 1,445 1,460 1,335 1,330 1,335 1,285 1,225 1,220 1,180 1,150 1,225 1,315 1,285 1,115 950 170

E07000087 Fareham 19,645 910 950 1,100 1,085 1,070 1,035 1,095 1,060 990 1,055 1,020 1,025 950 1,090 1,050 1,125 1,105 1,000 780 160

E07000088 Gosport 17,200 865 960 1,000 985 1,040 955 1,030 940 935 865 890 865 780 840 880 925 885 750 615 200

E07000089 Hart 15,755 730 735 880 865 885 865 860 845 860 905 835 840 825 855 780 880 865 725 635 85

E07000090 Havant 23,520 1,195 1,220 1,305 1,400 1,285 1,310 1,300 1,220 1,235 1,235 1,195 1,160 1,125 1,220 1,200 1,315 1,300 1,120 945 235

E07000091 New Forest 29,700 1,335 1,455 1,545 1,595 1,590 1,615 1,590 1,605 1,520 1,550 1,570 1,570 1,540 1,595 1,520 1,775 1,745 1,440 1,280 260

E07000092 Rushmoor 20,525 1,150 1,260 1,280 1,290 1,260 1,210 1,115 1,150 1,100 1,085 1,005 965 875 955 985 1,055 1,050 845 760 135

E07000093 Test Valley 21,845 1,040 1,150 1,215 1,260 1,195 1,240 1,230 1,150 1,180 1,155 1,125 1,135 1,100 1,100 1,150 1,155 1,175 1,040 890 160

E07000094 Winchester 18,750 840 940 1,030 1,005 1,000 1,020 1,055 1,030 1,005 1,065 980 1,010 925 1,000 975 1,005 1,050 915 785 115

E10000016 Kent 295,680 14,790 15,655 16,945 16,750 16,850 16,565 16,430 16,205 15,635 15,300 15,115 15,035 14,760 14,855 15,145 15,545 16,110 14,045 11,465 2,485

E07000105 Ashford 26,335 1,275 1,360 1,490 1,435 1,475 1,510 1,500 1,435 1,330 1,350 1,380 1,420 1,380 1,380 1,335 1,425 1,430 1,200 1,000 225

E07000106 Canterbury 25,975 1,235 1,265 1,375 1,460 1,410 1,435 1,425 1,350 1,415 1,390 1,330 1,405 1,330 1,335 1,315 1,450 1,410 1,290 1,105 255

E07000107 Dartford 21,990 1,250 1,330 1,400 1,380 1,315 1,300 1,250 1,195 1,135 1,165 1,090 1,100 1,020 1,005 1,005 1,050 1,050 980 790 175

E07000108 Dover 21,935 1,055 1,155 1,300 1,175 1,215 1,245 1,135 1,250 1,140 1,145 1,080 1,110 1,095 1,110 1,125 1,175 1,205 1,125 900 205

E07000109 Gravesham 23,075 1,280 1,285 1,400 1,330 1,345 1,315 1,285 1,315 1,255 1,225 1,135 1,080 1,115 1,085 1,180 1,145 1,210 1,060 860 175

E07000110 Maidstone 31,200 1,710 1,785 1,945 1,890 1,815 1,710 1,725 1,715 1,600 1,560 1,580 1,545 1,520 1,555 1,595 1,590 1,615 1,375 1,170 210

E07000111 Sevenoaks 20,045 865 955 1,105 1,120 1,185 1,060 1,115 1,140 1,065 1,050 1,085 1,065 1,010 1,065 1,045 1,125 1,140 930 785 135

E07000112 Shepway 20,990 1,000 1,090 1,115 1,195 1,170 1,175 1,200 1,115 1,095 1,055 1,045 1,060 1,040 1,055 1,130 1,130 1,180 1,095 825 225

E07000113 Swale 30,650 1,615 1,675 1,785 1,660 1,850 1,685 1,720 1,660 1,635 1,615 1,545 1,505 1,540 1,495 1,580 1,595 1,645 1,465 1,110 270

E07000114 Thanet 29,610 1,500 1,575 1,700 1,645 1,645 1,665 1,665 1,575 1,595 1,480 1,525 1,420 1,465 1,475 1,575 1,535 1,670 1,450 1,135 300

E07000115 Tonbridge and Malling 23,800 1,145 1,225 1,245 1,275 1,305 1,350 1,280 1,330 1,265 1,230 1,250 1,285 1,245 1,245 1,240 1,270 1,345 1,150 955 170

E07000116 Tunbridge Wells 20,080 860 955 1,085 1,180 1,115 1,120 1,135 1,130 1,105 1,035 1,070 1,035 1,005 1,045 1,020 1,055 1,210 925 835 150

E10000025 Oxfordshire 122,145 6,235 6,635 7,150 7,500 7,140 6,860 7,250 6,895 6,700 6,520 6,340 6,230 5,900 5,985 6,085 6,300 6,305 5,215 4,080 820

E07000177 Cherwell 29,445 1,480 1,615 1,680 1,805 1,720 1,700 1,775 1,715 1,605 1,605 1,490 1,490 1,390 1,400 1,465 1,530 1,525 1,260 980 215

E07000178 Oxford 25,720 1,495 1,510 1,610 1,705 1,580 1,515 1,610 1,445 1,465 1,410 1,335 1,275 1,160 1,175 1,145 1,205 1,185 980 745 170

E07000179 South Oxfordshire 23,880 1,150 1,180 1,325 1,395 1,345 1,250 1,400 1,285 1,325 1,245 1,255 1,260 1,230 1,255 1,230 1,320 1,315 1,075 885 150

E07000180 Vale of White Horse 22,710 1,115 1,220 1,330 1,365 1,300 1,250 1,335 1,280 1,225 1,230 1,185 1,120 1,140 1,110 1,220 1,175 1,160 1,015 790 155

E07000181 West Oxfordshire 20,385 1,000 1,115 1,200 1,230 1,195 1,145 1,125 1,170 1,080 1,025 1,075 1,090 975 1,040 1,025 1,065 1,120 890 685 130

E10000030 Surrey 192,655 8,975 9,765 11,040 11,265 11,000 10,790 11,075 10,820 10,355 10,095 10,050 9,920 9,560 9,630 9,875 10,430 10,405 8,660 7,725 1,210

E07000207 Elmbridge 20,940 895 980 1,240 1,255 1,265 1,185 1,245 1,175 1,140 1,140 1,090 1,025 1,120 1,050 1,070 1,095 1,130 865 860 115

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000208 Epsom and Ewell 13,035 595 655 755 730 745 735 740 680 690 710 650 660 640 695 645 765 680 640 545 90

E07000209 Guildford 21,570 1,080 1,085 1,265 1,265 1,175 1,145 1,215 1,190 1,205 1,115 1,180 1,175 1,030 1,040 1,145 1,135 1,175 945 865 140

E07000210 Mole Valley 13,340 525 625 650 695 750 705 715 725 690 730 685 715 705 680 750 805 800 715 590 80

E07000211 Reigate and Banstead 25,410 1,290 1,345 1,500 1,590 1,520 1,440 1,525 1,475 1,330 1,280 1,345 1,325 1,215 1,175 1,245 1,330 1,245 1,105 975 160

E07000212 Runnymede 13,405 655 675 875 790 780 815 780 740 720 635 690 705 625 675 655 735 695 605 470 80

E07000213 Spelthorne 18,420 970 1,070 1,045 1,115 1,055 1,070 1,015 1,085 995 945 955 945 865 900 910 925 1,005 720 690 140

E07000214 Surrey Heath 14,805 675 725 815 850 780 805 825 795 775 800 775 780 750 740 810 825 865 735 595 85

E07000215 Tandridge 14,695 650 715 770 820 755 830 855 860 800 780 750 745 775 740 780 810 815 695 640 105

E07000216 Waverley 19,115 745 895 1,015 1,055 1,075 1,050 1,065 1,050 1,025 1,050 1,050 970 990 1,035 1,025 1,100 1,090 935 810 95

E07000217 Woking 17,920 890 995 1,110 1,105 1,105 1,015 1,095 1,040 975 920 885 870 850 895 840 900 910 705 685 125

E10000032 West Sussex 151,590 7,450 7,890 8,595 8,700 8,650 8,530 8,615 8,245 8,105 7,810 7,845 7,705 7,400 7,600 7,820 8,025 8,220 6,995 5,995 1,400

E07000223 Adur 12,115 640 695 760 750 755 690 700 630 655 610 575 600 580 550 605 630 620 535 425 105

E07000224 Arun 27,295 1,305 1,485 1,635 1,525 1,470 1,515 1,500 1,445 1,430 1,375 1,420 1,380 1,345 1,365 1,405 1,480 1,485 1,325 1,065 330

E07000225 Chichester 19,050 900 925 1,005 1,035 985 1,045 1,105 1,035 1,030 1,005 980 970 990 980 980 1,050 1,105 925 815 180

E07000226 Crawley 25,300 1,445 1,455 1,565 1,570 1,625 1,500 1,425 1,415 1,375 1,265 1,290 1,235 1,145 1,210 1,250 1,145 1,265 1,040 860 215

E07000227 Horsham 22,545 970 1,060 1,215 1,195 1,235 1,285 1,210 1,250 1,210 1,190 1,180 1,200 1,110 1,195 1,275 1,305 1,280 1,070 975 145

E07000228 Mid Sussex 24,760 1,160 1,200 1,310 1,425 1,415 1,335 1,435 1,345 1,295 1,285 1,310 1,300 1,245 1,290 1,240 1,380 1,365 1,155 1,060 195

E07000229 Worthing 20,525 1,030 1,070 1,105 1,200 1,165 1,155 1,240 1,120 1,105 1,075 1,090 1,010 985 1,015 1,060 1,035 1,100 945 795 225

E12000009 SOUTH WEST 1,028,775 52,610 55,770 58,685 59,165 57,995 56,905 57,130 55,680 53,745 53,165 52,060 52,025 50,340 51,145 52,955 54,980 55,755 48,880 40,080 9,700

E06000022 Bath and North East Somerset UA 30,385 1,485 1,620 1,700 1,730 1,660 1,650 1,620 1,740 1,565 1,585 1,530 1,520 1,585 1,530 1,560 1,640 1,695 1,485 1,245 235

E06000028 Bournemouth UA 32,210 1,955 2,065 2,080 2,105 1,960 1,990 1,930 1,740 1,600 1,570 1,470 1,535 1,405 1,450 1,500 1,545 1,625 1,360 1,060 265

E06000023 Bristol, City of UA 88,260 5,520 5,845 5,970 5,740 5,580 5,265 5,250 4,940 4,610 4,495 4,275 4,205 3,910 3,895 3,895 3,960 4,010 3,420 2,725 750

E06000052 Cornwall UA 9

103,695 5,095 5,530 5,675 5,860 5,570 5,595 5,445 5,530 5,470 5,380 5,185 5,220 5,215 5,340 5,515 5,695 5,805 5,135 4,295 1,135

E06000053 Isles of Scilly UA 10

380 25 20 15 20 15 20 15 35 15 20 25 20 15 20 20 20 25 15 20 -

E06000024 North Somerset UA 40,475 1,940 2,120 2,225 2,360 2,310 2,280 2,250 2,250 2,115 2,065 2,085 2,070 2,050 2,020 2,125 2,170 2,150 1,840 1,650 400

E06000026 Plymouth UA 52,740 2,955 3,090 3,210 3,220 3,055 3,040 2,990 2,935 2,785 2,680 2,630 2,535 2,520 2,430 2,555 2,650 2,715 2,360 1,875 510

E06000029 Poole UA 27,810 1,400 1,460 1,680 1,630 1,700 1,525 1,610 1,530 1,475 1,480 1,425 1,380 1,365 1,320 1,430 1,445 1,420 1,295 1,025 210

E06000025 South Gloucestershire UA 54,110 2,765 2,910 3,150 3,080 3,060 3,040 3,140 2,910 2,810 2,840 2,715 2,695 2,555 2,630 2,770 2,815 2,985 2,630 2,160 455

E06000030 Swindon UA 47,645 2,620 2,755 2,965 2,880 2,785 2,730 2,765 2,685 2,485 2,445 2,370 2,295 2,290 2,255 2,260 2,345 2,395 2,080 1,695 545

E06000027 Torbay UA 26,370 1,415 1,435 1,445 1,500 1,425 1,440 1,435 1,420 1,280 1,415 1,325 1,330 1,280 1,160 1,380 1,475 1,490 1,270 1,090 345

E06000054 Wiltshire UA 11

92,120 4,595 4,770 5,115 5,340 5,190 5,000 5,035 4,865 4,805 4,790 4,750 4,660 4,505 4,670 4,775 5,095 5,110 4,570 3,670 810

E10000008 Devon 139,325 6,720 7,045 7,575 7,540 7,485 7,455 7,400 7,330 7,330 7,295 7,145 7,190 7,010 7,350 7,490 7,800 7,850 7,055 5,835 1,425

E07000040 East Devon 22,910 1,080 1,115 1,190 1,220 1,170 1,200 1,185 1,195 1,155 1,175 1,215 1,165 1,190 1,220 1,325 1,295 1,350 1,240 1,030 195

E07000041 Exeter 21,135 1,250 1,220 1,305 1,300 1,240 1,305 1,240 1,065 1,115 1,120 1,015 1,015 955 1,005 1,015 1,010 1,075 960 705 220

E07000042 Mid Devon 16,210 760 835 915 875 850 900 835 905 905 840 780 875 790 870 830 910 890 790 690 160

E07000043 North Devon 18,610 920 915 985 1,050 1,000 1,010 970 970 975 1,010 970 925 940 940 990 1,060 1,045 920 775 245

E07000044 South Hams 14,870 630 625 735 755 745 695 770 790 775 795 770 865 795 850 815 890 900 795 730 150

E07000045 Teignbridge 23,720 1,060 1,220 1,260 1,205 1,275 1,210 1,230 1,220 1,280 1,245 1,255 1,220 1,215 1,275 1,325 1,375 1,365 1,235 1,025 235

E07000046 Torridge 12,370 580 645 700 665 695 650 630 630 655 610 635 645 635 675 690 695 695 610 490 135

E07000047 West Devon 9,495 440 470 490 470 505 490 535 550 470 500 510 480 495 515 500 565 530 500 395 85

E10000009 Dorset 72,325 3,185 3,505 3,660 3,805 3,835 3,825 3,965 3,930 3,765 3,810 3,800 3,845 3,765 3,790 4,030 4,095 4,315 3,715 3,055 635

E07000048 Christchurch 8,110 340 390 420 420 410 400 420 440 400 455 470 445 430 430 470 460 495 395 350 70

E07000049 East Dorset 13,745 545 615 665 705 700 730 745 735 705 735 675 785 700 770 790 830 855 730 610 115

E07000050 North Dorset 12,720 585 690 695 705 700 725 710 745 680 705 685 650 630 610 680 680 700 595 480 75

E07000051 Purbeck 8,100 370 410 390 455 415 440 475 430 430 385 460 435 405 425 430 450 500 425 305 75

E07000052 West Dorset 16,985 700 765 820 850 875 845 900 910 885 890 865 900 970 905 1,010 1,005 1,040 935 770 150

E07000053 Weymouth and Portland 12,660 645 640 670 675 735 685 715 675 660 645 645 625 625 645 650 670 720 635 540 155

E10000013 Gloucestershire 115,850 5,740 6,200 6,495 6,470 6,530 6,405 6,460 6,275 6,055 5,865 5,955 6,035 5,735 5,970 6,035 6,410 6,205 5,490 4,550 970

E07000078 Cheltenham 20,130 1,140 1,195 1,240 1,190 1,225 1,130 1,130 1,120 1,000 960 1,015 1,060 980 950 965 1,000 985 935 760 155

E07000079 Cotswold 13,610 570 610 650 675 705 705 705 750 675 720 695 755 720 790 795 850 840 705 600 95

E07000080 Forest of Dean 15,640 700 765 790 820 845 825 815 820 820 810 855 845 785 835 865 905 895 850 640 155

E07000081 Gloucester 28,835 1,575 1,755 1,785 1,715 1,665 1,710 1,675 1,570 1,495 1,465 1,430 1,375 1,410 1,360 1,380 1,510 1,465 1,230 1,020 240

E07000082 Stroud 21,385 910 1,010 1,105 1,100 1,170 1,110 1,215 1,160 1,195 1,080 1,115 1,155 1,065 1,230 1,165 1,250 1,175 1,045 935 185

E07000083 Tewkesbury 16,250 845 865 930 965 920 925 915 855 870 835 845 845 770 800 865 895 845 725 595 140

E10000027 Somerset 105,085 5,195 5,400 5,725 5,880 5,840 5,655 5,810 5,565 5,585 5,435 5,380 5,485 5,130 5,320 5,610 5,820 5,965 5,155 4,130 1,000

E07000187 Mendip 21,685 980 1,035 1,135 1,185 1,175 1,115 1,205 1,140 1,170 1,150 1,135 1,165 1,105 1,090 1,190 1,210 1,315 1,100 890 190

E07000188 Sedgemoor 23,975 1,215 1,280 1,295 1,360 1,375 1,290 1,315 1,255 1,230 1,205 1,210 1,250 1,110 1,250 1,275 1,285 1,335 1,205 945 305

E07000189 South Somerset 31,930 1,565 1,710 1,710 1,815 1,755 1,740 1,810 1,720 1,690 1,685 1,620 1,645 1,545 1,635 1,740 1,740 1,850 1,505 1,170 265

E07000190 Taunton Deane 22,055 1,155 1,120 1,280 1,250 1,260 1,215 1,200 1,180 1,205 1,120 1,150 1,140 1,090 1,070 1,120 1,225 1,155 1,060 890 180

E07000191 West Somerset 5,440 280 255 305 275 270 290 280 270 290 280 260 285 275 275 285 360 310 285 235 60

W92000004 WALES 619,885 30,770 32,660 34,135 35,005 34,505 33,925 34,685 33,415 32,760 32,420 31,420 31,125 30,550 31,385 31,915 33,130 34,030 30,455 24,630 6,960

W06000001 Isle of Anglesey / Ynys Môn 13,655 705 760 785 785 785 755 755 730 680 680 715 675 695 680 675 745 710 690 535 125

W06000002 Gwynedd / Gwynedd 22,745 1,070 1,205 1,305 1,220 1,295 1,220 1,215 1,255 1,270 1,185 1,125 1,150 1,115 1,205 1,205 1,235 1,260 1,115 865 225

W06000003 Conwy / Conwy 21,710 1,005 1,110 1,160 1,160 1,195 1,115 1,130 1,135 1,175 1,110 1,100 1,070 1,080 1,180 1,180 1,185 1,260 1,160 925 285

W06000004 Denbighshire / Sir Ddinbych 19,685 980 1,060 990 1,100 1,070 1,050 1,105 1,040 985 1,010 980 950 990 1,050 990 1,145 1,140 970 810 270

W06000005 Flintshire / Sir y Fflint 31,495 1,500 1,580 1,670 1,715 1,695 1,760 1,760 1,735 1,645 1,650 1,660 1,540 1,625 1,640 1,630 1,705 1,725 1,565 1,295 405

W06000006 Wrexham / Wrecsam 28,935 1,505 1,610 1,660 1,695 1,675 1,645 1,695 1,565 1,585 1,535 1,455 1,415 1,355 1,455 1,505 1,495 1,500 1,250 1,015 315

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

W06000023 Powys / Powys 24,390 1,130 1,150 1,195 1,275 1,210 1,240 1,340 1,255 1,275 1,310 1,275 1,285 1,315 1,255 1,325 1,495 1,460 1,315 1,080 205

W06000008 Ceredigion / Ceredigion 12,115 560 615 650 645 715 580 630 665 585 635 645 635 630 635 675 685 700 615 490 130

W06000009 Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro 23,785 1,125 1,135 1,295 1,290 1,285 1,260 1,270 1,270 1,275 1,250 1,245 1,200 1,170 1,220 1,265 1,365 1,380 1,265 980 250

W06000010 Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin 36,340 1,700 1,830 1,930 2,035 1,965 1,905 2,065 1,985 1,965 1,890 1,870 1,915 1,890 1,905 1,890 1,940 1,960 1,795 1,505 395

W06000011 Swansea / Abertawe 46,200 2,260 2,350 2,630 2,650 2,510 2,470 2,655 2,475 2,455 2,340 2,395 2,385 2,325 2,360 2,445 2,390 2,505 2,250 1,810 540

W06000012 Neath Port Talbot / Castell-nedd Port Talbot 28,500 1,395 1,445 1,525 1,620 1,560 1,560 1,540 1,535 1,545 1,595 1,455 1,390 1,390 1,440 1,430 1,505 1,640 1,385 1,160 380

W06000013 Bridgend / Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 29,030 1,355 1,520 1,645 1,680 1,640 1,550 1,585 1,565 1,510 1,520 1,465 1,455 1,430 1,560 1,460 1,580 1,620 1,490 1,115 295

W06000014 The Vale of Glamorgan / Bro Morgannwg 25,210 1,145 1,275 1,350 1,410 1,475 1,405 1,425 1,380 1,265 1,320 1,225 1,315 1,195 1,225 1,335 1,420 1,440 1,255 1,075 280

W06000015 Cardiff / Caerdydd 70,760 3,990 4,080 4,315 4,295 4,195 4,175 4,155 3,975 3,775 3,685 3,380 3,430 3,250 3,390 3,350 3,435 3,595 2,975 2,620 690

W06000016 Rhondda Cynon Taf / Rhondda Cynon Taf 50,645 2,585 2,730 2,795 2,985 2,845 2,855 2,765 2,710 2,710 2,740 2,550 2,650 2,395 2,455 2,520 2,655 2,685 2,515 1,945 555

W06000024 Merthyr Tydfil / Merthyr Tudful 12,930 690 710 740 740 670 720 750 690 670 685 635 635 610 625 680 680 670 640 510 180

W06000018 Caerphilly / Caerffili 38,835 1,965 2,045 2,065 2,180 2,100 2,140 2,185 2,060 2,055 1,995 2,050 1,975 1,935 1,950 2,005 2,025 2,120 2,010 1,545 420

W06000019 Blaenau Gwent / Blaenau Gwent 14,325 760 800 745 780 790 775 795 725 790 690 760 670 675 720 755 790 815 675 610 205

W06000020 Torfaen / Tor-faen 19,515 995 1,080 1,040 1,070 1,110 1,065 1,070 1,055 1,065 1,055 945 890 965 995 965 1,030 1,100 1,025 745 250

W06000021 Monmouthshire / Sir Fynwy 15,970 635 760 815 800 810 835 850 850 805 840 850 870 825 845 890 935 905 920 750 180

W06000022 Newport / Casnewydd 33,110 1,720 1,810 1,825 1,880 1,920 1,845 1,945 1,760 1,675 1,710 1,640 1,635 1,685 1,590 1,730 1,685 1,850 1,580 1,255 375

S92000003 SCOTLAND 949,280 47,905 50,605 53,320 54,315 54,135 54,570 54,935 53,135 51,725 51,115 50,125 49,220 48,445 49,870 50,665 52,935 53,010 41,640 22,950 4,665

S12000033 Aberdeen City 29,435 1,675 1,745 1,890 1,915 1,875 1,790 1,785 1,775 1,640 1,540 1,450 1,440 1,425 1,415 1,480 1,495 1,485 1,000 520 90

S12000034 Aberdeenshire 41,765 1,950 2,100 2,405 2,355 2,490 2,435 2,460 2,365 2,320 2,320 2,190 2,210 2,240 2,235 2,305 2,495 2,300 1,580 870 145

S12000041 Angus 20,770 945 1,055 1,065 1,090 1,110 1,160 1,195 1,145 1,095 1,145 1,120 1,155 1,085 1,205 1,150 1,170 1,255 975 540 115

S12000035 Argyll & Bute 14,550 650 710 740 770 785 820 775 760 775 780 810 755 805 810 810 925 895 715 405 50

S12000005 Clackmannanshire 10,085 485 575 595 540 565 580 630 560 550 555 515 515 515 560 545 575 550 415 220 45

S12000006 Dumfries & Galloway 26,695 1,230 1,330 1,365 1,420 1,470 1,465 1,475 1,535 1,525 1,545 1,415 1,440 1,375 1,435 1,425 1,535 1,605 1,220 710 165

S12000042 Dundee City 26,240 1,390 1,490 1,575 1,615 1,520 1,570 1,585 1,435 1,360 1,440 1,345 1,320 1,300 1,280 1,335 1,340 1,455 1,075 650 155

S12000008 East Ayrshire 23,450 1,155 1,260 1,345 1,315 1,250 1,335 1,280 1,290 1,260 1,300 1,245 1,225 1,190 1,235 1,265 1,290 1,340 1,105 590 180

S12000045 East Dunbartonshire 17,880 750 855 865 995 955 975 1,005 915 990 955 965 985 980 1,025 1,015 1,105 1,095 925 475 50

S12000010 East Lothian 19,260 905 985 1,085 1,100 1,100 1,125 1,170 1,080 1,095 1,085 1,075 935 1,005 990 1,050 1,060 1,065 810 475 65

S12000011 East Renfrewshire 16,860 695 745 855 890 915 925 910 885 890 930 980 935 915 990 940 1,000 1,070 895 450 45

S12000036 Edinburgh, City of 70,545 4,325 4,415 4,535 4,495 4,350 4,330 4,330 3,840 3,685 3,485 3,355 3,425 3,380 3,335 3,465 3,540 3,555 2,775 1,625 300

S12000013 Eilean Siar 12

4,600 190 220 235 235 235 240 240 265 260 255 255 265 255 235 265 290 260 245 120 20

S12000014 Falkirk 29,765 1,490 1,545 1,700 1,700 1,760 1,780 1,820 1,775 1,640 1,660 1,630 1,550 1,460 1,520 1,535 1,615 1,630 1,200 650 100

S12000015 Fife 69,125 3,475 3,630 3,810 4,090 4,010 4,110 4,085 3,870 3,855 3,755 3,635 3,570 3,530 3,590 3,580 3,780 3,765 2,965 1,645 375

S12000046 Glasgow City 106,590 6,145 6,300 6,465 6,480 6,340 6,205 6,140 5,925 5,650 5,510 5,395 5,225 5,070 5,345 5,460 5,550 5,725 4,510 2,510 645

S12000017 Highland 41,740 1,935 2,105 2,280 2,240 2,260 2,375 2,415 2,270 2,270 2,260 2,250 2,220 2,215 2,305 2,310 2,485 2,515 1,825 1,035 175

S12000018 Inverclyde 14,625 715 715 735 795 765 785 810 820 790 820 795 780 725 805 800 865 815 745 430 105

S12000019 Midlothian 17,330 940 970 1,070 980 1,040 975 955 965 960 935 905 905 860 905 960 965 955 680 340 60

S12000020 Moray 16,230 805 885 855 935 880 925 955 945 830 875 830 805 830 850 905 980 955 745 385 50

S12000021 North Ayrshire 26,090 1,205 1,305 1,380 1,440 1,430 1,465 1,425 1,485 1,430 1,385 1,410 1,390 1,385 1,435 1,395 1,460 1,480 1,265 710 215

S12000044 North Lanarkshire 70,110 3,370 3,610 3,805 3,810 3,955 4,030 4,000 4,020 3,800 3,820 3,875 3,765 3,640 3,705 3,740 4,010 3,965 3,120 1,695 370

S12000023 Orkney Islands 3,605 150 185 185 200 210 190 220 190 220 200 190 185 190 190 180 230 195 175 100 10

S12000024 Perth & Kinross 25,205 1,175 1,215 1,320 1,375 1,410 1,425 1,420 1,405 1,325 1,375 1,345 1,370 1,330 1,430 1,395 1,480 1,445 1,180 675 115

S12000038 Renfrewshire 32,545 1,620 1,735 1,820 1,800 1,855 1,750 1,890 1,775 1,770 1,735 1,760 1,670 1,635 1,700 1,820 1,835 1,825 1,560 830 155

S12000026 Scottish Borders 20,230 935 1,000 985 1,065 1,075 1,085 1,115 1,105 1,145 1,125 1,105 1,140 1,050 1,135 1,200 1,125 1,170 985 565 120

S12000027 Shetland Islands 4,250 180 230 245 235 245 265 225 240 250 210 225 235 230 210 245 250 245 190 75 15

S12000028 South Ayrshire 18,970 875 935 935 1,085 1,050 1,040 1,040 1,075 975 1,020 1,005 955 1,000 1,005 1,080 1,090 1,200 905 570 130

S12000029 South Lanarkshire 60,380 3,005 3,100 3,315 3,430 3,355 3,370 3,460 3,370 3,425 3,260 3,260 3,135 3,185 3,260 3,270 3,465 3,295 2,770 1,365 285

S12000030 Stirling 15,165 750 735 780 785 770 855 790 845 850 865 825 855 815 845 855 900 920 715 370 60

S12000039 West Dunbartonshire 18,120 935 960 1,060 1,010 1,030 1,030 1,070 1,060 985 970 960 920 895 930 960 955 1,040 800 455 90

S12000040 West Lothian 37,060 1,855 1,950 2,000 2,135 2,060 2,150 2,260 2,140 2,115 2,000 2,000 1,945 1,925 1,945 1,935 2,090 1,955 1,555 885 170

N92000002 NORTHERN IRELAND 435,055 22,295 23,295 24,105 24,440 24,285 24,160 24,235 23,430 22,330 22,135 21,505 21,360 21,200 21,365 21,525 22,800 23,205 21,630 19,050 6,710

95A Antrim 13,495 675 655 755 725 755 745 800 730 685 710 695 665 680 685 660 735 705 660 595 165

95B Ards 17,025 805 830 885 905 865 900 960 970 915 935 840 900 825 825 930 930 970 810 740 280

95C Armagh 15,675 820 785 900 900 880 850 850 850 795 820 760 785 765 805 730 865 805 775 695 240

95D Ballymena 14,600 740 750 735 815 790 780 795 775 795 780 760 740 770 730 740 820 765 700 640 185

95E Ballymoney 7,535 380 405 385 405 435 380 430 380 375 415 380 400 360 410 390 400 400 390 305 110

95F Banbridge 12,150 595 675 680 675 705 685 665 685 655 650 615 605 570 615 580 640 630 575 480 165

95G Belfast 61,215 3,430 3,675 3,780 3,645 3,515 3,510 3,385 3,300 3,000 2,945 2,935 2,800 2,850 2,780 2,905 2,975 3,185 2,955 2,605 1,035

95H Carrickfergus 8,495 370 390 440 430 445 455 450 420 465 460 435 455 410 450 470 490 490 425 395 145

95I Castlereagh 14,320 690 760 775 825 785 780 840 750 710 705 685 730 665 695 765 790 700 795 645 215

95J Coleraine 12,740 665 665 655 700 625 660 715 645 630 625 660 640 655 665 655 715 715 675 590 190

95K Cookstown 9,850 560 570 530 595 595 560 520 515 500 515 510 470 490 440 475 490 515 435 435 120

95L Craigavon 24,850 1,345 1,400 1,500 1,480 1,495 1,435 1,450 1,425 1,380 1,290 1,175 1,120 1,150 1,155 1,125 1,215 1,205 1,160 980 370

95M Derry 13

28,550 1,440 1,485 1,560 1,500 1,510 1,530 1,495 1,465 1,415 1,440 1,350 1,420 1,455 1,375 1,460 1,515 1,640 1,500 1,420 580

95N Down 17,345 875 945 980 890 960 980 935 960 865 850 860 860 850 880 845 900 980 885 745 305

95O Dungannon 16,055 880 915 930 870 940 915 885 895 830 845 830 735 845 770 765 860 800 725 645 165

95P Fermanagh 14,775 735 775 775 805 795 795 820 780 790 720 710 775 765 735 795 755 790 730 680 255

95Q Larne 6,875 345 355 345 355 365 325 365 355 365 375 335 375 330 365 345 410 380 380 325 85

95R Limavady 8,335 405 415 445 490 440 440 465 470 415 380 430 415 410 425 400 455 445 455 395 135

95S Lisburn 29,685 1,500 1,590 1,685 1,705 1,675 1,755 1,715 1,685 1,535 1,460 1,475 1,365 1,415 1,440 1,400 1,530 1,570 1,430 1,310 435

95T Magherafelt 12,060 605 685 640 715 715 690 685 630 630 620 595 600 585 585 605 620 620 580 505 155

95U Moyle 3,910 195 210 190 205 210 205 220 215 190 215 195 185 190 210 200 215 215 235 160 55

95V Newry and Mourne 26,520 1,400 1,415 1,400 1,475 1,475 1,475 1,505 1,385 1,335 1,340 1,345 1,305 1,315 1,355 1,330 1,365 1,475 1,275 1,155 400

Table 7 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

95W Newtownabbey 19,635 970 1,025 1,085 1,105 1,120 1,105 1,155 1,080 1,060 1,020 985 1,005 945 970 950 980 1,025 975 795 270

95X North Down 15,990 770 855 845 960 920 910 935 865 800 810 810 815 745 775 780 820 855 805 705 205

95Y Omagh 13,150 640 605 675 720 725 725 670 700 675 715 650 660 645 690 700 715 715 675 620 235

95Z Strabane 10,215 460 465 525 535 545 565 525 505 525 490 475 530 500 530 525 580 615 625 485 205

FOREIGN AND NOT KNOWN 44,860 1,790 2,480 2,715 2,865 2,770 2,710 2,725 2,520 2,330 2,250 2,210 2,130 2,055 2,240 2,185 2,170 2,495 1,905 1,765 555


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 County Durham UA comprises the former Durham county.

3 Northumberland UA comprises the former Northumberland county.

4 Cheshire East UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Congleton, Crewe and Nantwich and Macclesfield districts).

5 Cheshire West and Chester UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Chester, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal districts).

6 Shropshire UA comprises the former Shropshire county.

7 Bedford UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Bedford district).

8 Central Bedfordshire UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Mid Bedfordshire and South Bedfordshire districts).

9 Cornwall UA comprises the former Cornwall and Isles of Scilly county excluding Isles of Scilly district.

10 The Isles of Scilly were recoded on 1 April 2009. They are separately administered by an Isles of Scilly council and do not form part of Cornwall UA but, for the purposes of the presentation of statistical data, they may be combined with Cornwall UA.

11 Wiltshire UA comprises the former Wiltshire county.

12 Formerly known as the Western Isles.

13 NISRA have confirmed the term 'Derry' should be used in preference to Derry City.

Table 7 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 8: Families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit nationally, in each country and English Region, August 2014

Total One childTwo






Five or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-1516 and


United Kingdom 2

K02000001 475,740 200,070 216,075 52,070 6,740 780 819,470 158,500 300,865 245,345 114,760

Great Britain K03000001 467,850 197,030 212,890 50,740 6,465 730 804,590 155,800 295,685 240,885 112,225

England and Wales K04000001 432,310 181,705 197,115 46,875 5,940 670 743,735 144,555 273,355 221,265 104,565

England E92000001 421,715 177,175 192,375 45,745 5,775 645 725,545 141,825 266,980 215,320 101,420

North East E12000001 10,515 4,745 4,655 975 130 15 17,560 2,810 6,215 5,675 2,860

North West E12000002 34,330 14,955 15,280 3,605 430 55 58,330 9,525 20,835 18,635 9,330

Yorkshire and the Humber E12000003 24,705 10,445 11,320 2,575 325 35 42,305 7,075 15,185 13,280 6,765

East Midlands E12000004 25,620 10,725 11,945 2,575 345 30 43,850 6,815 15,595 14,375 7,065

West Midlands E12000005 27,615 11,760 12,660 2,850 310 35 47,050 7,420 16,545 15,430 7,655

East E12000006 61,820 25,255 28,795 6,830 840 95 107,185 20,240 39,400 32,300 15,245

London E12000007 89,190 40,615 38,015 9,240 1,160 155 149,820 40,760 57,595 36,490 14,975

South East E12000008 115,545 45,875 54,590 13,195 1,710 175 202,380 38,190 75,445 60,640 28,100

South West E12000009 32,380 12,795 15,115 3,900 525 50 57,065 8,995 20,160 18,490 9,425

Wales W92000004 10,595 4,535 4,740 1,130 165 25 18,190 2,730 6,370 5,945 3,140

Scotland S92000003 35,545 15,325 15,775 3,865 525 60 60,855 11,245 22,330 19,620 7,660

Northern Ireland N92000002 5,970 2,120 2,405 1,150 250 50 11,635 1,965 4,065 3,635 1,970

Foreign and not known N/A 1,915 925 780 185 25 5 3,245 735 1,120 825 565


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 Includes Foreign and not known.

Area names Area Codes 1

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 8 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 9: Number of children in families that have opted out of receiving Child benefit nationally, in each country and English Region, August 2014



EastNorth West


and the





MidlandsEast London South East South West

Area Codes 2

K02000001 K03000001 K04000001 E92000001 E12000001 E12000002 E12000003 E12000004 E12000005 E12000006 E12000007 E12000008 E12000009 W92000004 S92000003 N92000002 N/A

All ages 819,470 804,590 743,735 725,545 17,560 58,330 42,305 43,850 47,050 107,185 149,820 202,380 57,065 18,190 60,855 11,635 3,245

0 8,185 8,060 7,375 7,195 170 480 420 395 415 1,010 2,130 1,685 490 180 685 90 35

1 18,065 17,715 16,415 16,100 360 1,075 890 815 895 2,300 4,740 4,000 1,030 315 1,295 245 110

2 40,795 40,150 37,370 36,720 680 2,355 1,735 1,665 1,890 5,155 11,340 9,770 2,135 650 2,780 485 165

3 44,715 43,925 40,800 40,055 795 2,775 1,910 1,870 2,095 5,750 11,395 10,955 2,515 745 3,120 560 230

4 46,735 45,955 42,590 41,755 805 2,840 2,125 2,070 2,130 6,030 11,155 11,780 2,825 835 3,365 585 200

5 48,540 47,715 44,250 43,335 915 3,045 2,355 2,315 2,435 6,425 10,665 12,215 2,965 915 3,460 630 195

6 50,405 49,505 45,815 44,755 975 3,340 2,385 2,465 2,555 6,515 10,475 12,790 3,265 1,060 3,685 690 210

7 51,150 50,290 46,475 45,480 1,005 3,515 2,620 2,625 2,720 6,735 9,970 12,960 3,330 995 3,815 665 195

8 50,475 49,625 45,910 44,755 1,085 3,505 2,605 2,650 2,940 6,615 9,285 12,525 3,535 1,150 3,715 685 165

9 50,000 49,125 45,360 44,310 1,135 3,650 2,640 2,775 2,935 6,540 8,770 12,390 3,470 1,050 3,765 695 180

10 50,300 49,430 45,545 44,345 1,105 3,780 2,580 2,765 2,965 6,565 8,430 12,565 3,590 1,200 3,885 700 175

11 49,715 48,835 45,010 43,875 1,075 3,675 2,625 2,810 2,950 6,635 8,025 12,415 3,670 1,135 3,825 710 170

12 47,770 46,940 43,125 41,990 1,175 3,610 2,530 2,695 2,995 6,280 7,280 11,915 3,505 1,135 3,815 675 155

13 48,230 47,345 43,520 42,305 1,065 3,630 2,625 2,880 3,070 6,385 7,185 11,870 3,595 1,220 3,825 725 160

14 49,330 48,375 44,350 43,180 1,160 3,825 2,690 2,895 3,115 6,465 7,095 12,165 3,770 1,175 4,025 785 165

15 50,305 49,385 45,255 43,970 1,200 3,900 2,810 3,095 3,300 6,540 6,900 12,280 3,950 1,290 4,130 745 175

16 51,230 50,185 45,945 44,595 1,230 3,965 2,935 3,065 3,290 6,745 6,835 12,450 4,080 1,350 4,240 800 240

17 22,315 21,760 20,165 19,595 550 1,805 1,285 1,430 1,455 2,950 2,790 5,465 1,870 570 1,595 460 95

18 40,365 39,565 37,765 36,575 1,060 3,480 2,500 2,520 2,850 5,440 5,295 10,040 3,395 1,195 1,800 575 225

19 850 715 690 660 25 80 50 55 60 110 55 150 80 30 25 130 5


1 Includes Foreign and not known

2 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.


age of child


Kingdom 1



England and





and not




Wales Scotland

Table 9 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 10: Families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit in each local authority, August 2014

Total One childTwo


Three or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 475,740 200,070 216,075 59,590 819,470 158,500 300,865 245,345 114,760

K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 467,850 197,030 212,890 57,930 804,590 155,800 295,685 240,885 112,225

K04000001 ENGLAND AND WALES 432,310 181,705 197,115 53,485 743,735 144,555 273,355 221,265 104,565

E92000001 ENGLAND 421,715 177,175 192,375 52,170 725,545 141,825 266,980 215,320 101,420

E12000001 NORTH EAST 10,515 4,745 4,655 1,115 17,560 2,810 6,215 5,675 2,860

E06000047 County Durham UA 2

1,765 830 765 170 2,900 400 990 990 520

E06000005 Darlington UA 495 225 220 50 820 125 310 275 115

E06000001 Hartlepool UA 310 155 125 30 500 75 165 185 80

E06000002 Middlesbrough UA 400 175 185 40 675 120 235 210 110

E06000057 Northumberland UA 3

1,715 670 795 250 3,040 410 1,035 1,050 545

E06000003 Redcar and Cleveland UA 510 235 230 50 845 145 280 285 135

E06000004 Stockton-on-Tees UA 1,085 505 480 100 1,775 285 675 530 290

E11000004 Tyne and Wear (Met County) 4,235 1,950 1,855 430 7,000 1,255 2,525 2,155 1,065

E08000037 Gateshead 600 270 275 55 985 185 340 305 155

E08000021 Newcastle upon Tyne 1,470 635 655 185 2,520 485 905 755 380

E08000022 North Tyneside 950 415 445 95 1,595 285 605 485 220

E08000023 South Tyneside 480 245 195 35 755 140 275 230 110

E08000024 Sunderland 735 385 290 60 1,145 160 400 385 205

E12000002 NORTH WEST 34,330 14,955 15,280 4,090 58,330 9,525 20,835 18,635 9,330

E06000008 Blackburn with Darwen UA 345 170 130 45 565 110 185 175 95

E06000009 Blackpool UA 165 75 70 20 270 40 90 85 50

E06000049 Cheshire East UA 4

4,380 1,780 2,070 530 7,570 1,255 2,710 2,420 1,190

E06000050 Cheshire West and Chester UA 5

3,045 1,300 1,380 365 5,205 765 1,805 1,730 900

E06000006 Halton UA 480 215 215 50 795 140 290 250 115

E06000007 Warrington UA 2,060 890 955 215 3,470 610 1,325 1,060 475

E10000006 Cumbria 1,915 860 840 215 3,220 390 1,045 1,155 630

E07000026 Allerdale 420 170 190 60 735 85 255 260 130

E07000027 Barrow-in-Furness 205 110 80 15 315 40 95 115 65

E07000028 Carlisle 275 120 125 30 470 65 160 150 95

E07000029 Copeland 365 185 150 30 585 80 180 215 110

E07000030 Eden 195 80 85 25 335 40 115 110 70

E07000031 South Lakeland 460 200 210 50 780 80 235 305 160

E11000001 Greater Manchester (Met County) 11,725 5,170 5,165 1,390 19,855 3,625 7,355 5,920 2,955

E08000001 Bolton 1,050 515 435 100 1,690 270 600 555 265

E08000002 Bury 920 405 390 125 1,595 250 565 505 275

E08000003 Manchester 1,195 560 485 150 2,010 505 815 480 210

E08000004 Oldham 575 265 240 70 970 140 330 320 180

E08000005 Rochdale 575 235 285 55 975 145 315 330 185

E08000006 Salford 695 325 305 70 1,150 245 415 330 160

E08000007 Stockport 2,410 1,020 1,100 290 4,130 765 1,520 1,180 665

E08000008 Tameside 495 270 185 45 780 135 275 230 140

E08000009 Trafford 2,795 1,100 1,305 385 4,915 960 1,930 1,405 620

E08000010 Wigan 1,010 480 430 100 1,650 220 585 580 265

E10000017 Lancashire 5,350 2,405 2,340 605 8,980 1,245 3,115 3,085 1,530

E07000117 Burnley 145 70 65 10 230 30 75 90 35

E07000118 Chorley 695 305 325 70 1,165 175 420 390 185

E07000119 Fylde 515 240 230 45 850 110 295 295 150

E07000120 Hyndburn 135 70 50 10 210 20 70 85 35

E07000121 Lancaster 590 270 245 70 990 150 315 345 185

E07000122 Pendle 200 90 70 40 350 60 125 115 45

E07000123 Preston 550 245 245 65 930 140 350 300 140

E07000124 Ribble Valley 555 230 240 85 970 105 305 365 195

E07000125 Rossendale 340 155 150 35 560 85 195 190 90

E07000126 South Ribble 510 240 225 45 830 110 295 280 150

E07000127 West Lancashire 695 295 315 90 1,200 175 450 385 190

E07000128 Wyre 420 195 185 40 695 95 220 245 130

E11000002 Merseyside (Met County) 4,870 2,090 2,120 655 8,405 1,355 2,915 2,760 1,375

E08000011 Knowsley 275 150 95 35 450 70 170 135 75

E08000012 Liverpool 1,105 485 480 140 1,885 370 680 565 270

E08000014 Sefton 1,235 540 525 175 2,125 285 735 730 380

E08000013 St. Helens 590 255 275 60 985 150 360 325 150

E08000015 Wirral 1,665 665 750 250 2,955 480 970 1,005 500

E12000003 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER 24,705 10,445 11,320 2,940 42,305 7,075 15,185 13,280 6,765

E06000011 East Riding of Yorkshire UA 2,090 900 940 250 3,565 515 1,265 1,175 605

E06000010 Kingston upon Hull, City of UA 260 130 105 25 415 90 160 105 65

E06000012 North East Lincolnshire UA 490 230 210 50 810 100 275 285 150

E06000013 North Lincolnshire UA 595 270 255 75 1,010 150 340 320 195

E06000014 York UA 1,440 615 660 170 2,465 420 865 785 395

E10000023 North Yorkshire 4,820 1,905 2,245 670 8,505 1,315 2,955 2,800 1,440

E07000163 Craven 375 150 165 60 675 70 225 250 130

E07000164 Hambleton 835 325 395 115 1,475 225 505 480 270

E07000165 Harrogate 2,005 745 955 305 3,605 590 1,315 1,150 550

E07000166 Richmondshire 285 125 120 35 485 55 140 200 90

E07000167 Ryedale 275 110 130 40 495 65 155 175 100

E07000168 Scarborough 260 115 120 30 445 70 145 140 90

E07000169 Selby 780 330 360 90 1,330 235 475 410 210

E11000003 South Yorkshire (Met County) 4,590 1,960 2,100 535 7,835 1,270 2,760 2,490 1,315

E08000016 Barnsley 645 295 285 60 1,050 160 385 330 175

E08000017 Doncaster 825 370 380 80 1,375 210 480 435 245

E08000018 Rotherham 710 310 325 75 1,200 175 375 420 230

E08000019 Sheffield 2,410 985 1,110 320 4,210 725 1,515 1,300 665

E11000006 West Yorkshire (Met County) 10,410 4,440 4,805 1,165 17,705 3,210 6,570 5,325 2,600

E08000032 Bradford 1,815 740 850 225 3,140 460 1,120 1,050 510

E08000033 Calderdale 1,030 455 465 105 1,725 290 615 540 275

E08000034 Kirklees 1,935 790 920 225 3,340 515 1,260 1,055 510

E08000035 Leeds 4,445 1,910 2,030 505 7,550 1,655 2,900 2,025 970

E08000036 Wakefield 1,190 545 545 100 1,950 290 675 655 330

E12000004 EAST MIDLANDS 25,620 10,725 11,945 2,950 43,850 6,815 15,595 14,375 7,065

E06000015 Derby UA 1,015 450 465 105 1,700 285 595 570 255

E06000016 Leicester UA 575 255 235 80 985 195 365 285 135

E06000018 Nottingham UA 565 240 270 55 960 190 350 285 140

E06000017 Rutland UA 485 200 220 70 840 120 300 285 135

E10000007 Derbyshire 4,090 1,720 1,920 450 6,970 1,035 2,470 2,345 1,125

E07000032 Amber Valley 690 285 315 90 1,185 150 390 425 220

E07000033 Bolsover 190 95 85 15 305 40 110 110 45

E07000034 Chesterfield 330 150 155 25 540 95 200 175 70

E07000035 Derbyshire Dales 670 265 315 90 1,175 150 410 415 200

E07000036 Erewash 435 195 205 30 715 110 260 220 120

E07000037 High Peak 565 240 265 60 965 145 330 335 155

E07000038 North East Derbyshire 410 165 200 45 720 120 245 240 115

E07000039 South Derbyshire 800 330 375 90 1,370 225 530 425 195

E10000018 Leicestershire 4,990 2,030 2,355 600 8,635 1,350 3,120 2,815 1,350

E07000129 Blaby 540 230 260 50 910 145 345 270 150

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 10 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000130 Charnwood 1,000 400 495 110 1,720 290 620 540 270

E07000131 Harborough 1,225 470 585 170 2,175 315 795 755 310

E07000132 Hinckley and Bosworth 735 335 310 90 1,235 205 425 420 180

E07000133 Melton 445 175 215 55 780 130 290 225 130

E07000134 North West Leicestershire 720 295 335 95 1,255 185 450 415 210

E07000135 Oadby and Wigston 320 130 155 35 560 80 185 190 100

E10000019 Lincolnshire 3,355 1,435 1,535 385 5,715 785 1,830 1,995 1,105

E07000136 Boston 135 65 60 10 215 35 55 70 50

E07000137 East Lindsey 370 165 175 30 615 85 175 235 115

E07000138 Lincoln 180 90 70 20 295 55 90 90 55

E07000139 North Kesteven 705 305 320 80 1,195 160 370 435 225

E07000140 South Holland 255 105 120 30 440 45 145 175 70

E07000141 South Kesteven 1,210 500 550 160 2,105 300 725 675 405

E07000142 West Lindsey 505 215 235 55 860 100 265 315 175

E10000021 Northamptonshire 5,605 2,315 2,595 695 9,680 1,515 3,550 3,150 1,470

E07000150 Corby 165 75 65 25 275 45 95 95 40

E07000151 Daventry 980 365 465 150 1,765 250 635 615 270

E07000152 East Northamptonshire 785 315 360 115 1,385 230 530 415 210

E07000153 Kettering 650 260 305 80 1,130 180 445 355 150

E07000154 Northampton 1,180 525 540 115 1,965 345 720 625 275

E07000155 South Northamptonshire 1,440 580 685 175 2,495 370 915 820 385

E07000156 Wellingborough 410 190 175 40 670 90 215 230 130

E10000024 Nottinghamshire 4,940 2,080 2,350 510 8,360 1,340 3,015 2,645 1,355

E07000170 Ashfield 330 150 150 30 550 80 195 180 95

E07000171 Bassetlaw 475 210 215 50 800 100 290 265 145

E07000172 Broxtowe 635 285 290 60 1,050 190 335 340 185

E07000173 Gedling 580 270 265 45 930 155 320 285 170

E07000174 Mansfield 275 130 130 20 440 65 165 125 85

E07000175 Newark and Sherwood 780 325 370 85 1,325 175 470 465 210

E07000176 Rushcliffe 1,865 710 935 220 3,265 575 1,240 985 465

E12000005 WEST MIDLANDS 27,615 11,760 12,660 3,195 47,050 7,420 16,545 15,430 7,655

E06000019 Herefordshire, County of UA 955 385 425 145 1,685 220 565 565 335

E06000051 Shropshire UA 6

1,740 730 775 235 3,010 415 1,070 1,035 490

E06000021 Stoke-on-Trent UA 370 180 160 35 605 95 235 185 90

E06000020 Telford and Wrekin UA 690 290 320 85 1,185 150 395 435 210

E10000028 Staffordshire 4,845 2,130 2,230 485 8,090 1,195 2,825 2,670 1,395

E07000192 Cannock Chase 275 125 135 15 445 55 145 155 90

E07000193 East Staffordshire 695 285 315 95 1,215 170 410 425 215

E07000194 Lichfield 1,000 440 470 90 1,660 305 590 510 255

E07000195 Newcastle-under-Lyme 515 240 230 45 840 120 305 275 135

E07000196 South Staffordshire 700 310 315 75 1,165 170 365 405 225

E07000197 Stafford 980 450 435 95 1,615 220 590 515 290

E07000198 Staffordshire Moorlands 380 165 175 40 640 90 230 220 100

E07000199 Tamworth 300 120 155 25 510 65 190 165 85

E10000031 Warwickshire 5,310 2,235 2,475 595 9,055 1,540 3,255 2,875 1,390

E07000218 North Warwickshire 305 140 140 25 495 65 160 165 105

E07000219 Nuneaton and Bedworth 425 205 185 35 695 95 225 225 150

E07000220 Rugby 925 420 410 100 1,545 260 535 500 250

E07000221 Stratford-on-Avon 1,745 725 810 215 3,015 455 1,075 1,025 460

E07000222 Warwick 1,905 750 935 220 3,305 665 1,255 960 425

E11000005 West Midlands (Met County) 9,420 4,040 4,260 1,120 16,060 2,735 5,645 5,160 2,525

E08000025 Birmingham 3,465 1,440 1,570 460 6,015 1,075 2,225 1,845 870

E08000026 Coventry 995 440 445 110 1,665 280 560 550 270

E08000027 Dudley 945 425 430 90 1,560 225 490 560 285

E08000028 Sandwell 340 160 140 40 565 115 195 175 80

E08000029 Solihull 2,530 1,075 1,165 290 4,315 730 1,500 1,380 700

E08000030 Walsall 680 295 300 85 1,165 185 420 385 170

E08000031 Wolverhampton 465 205 215 45 780 120 250 265 145

E10000034 Worcestershire 4,290 1,775 2,015 500 7,365 1,070 2,560 2,510 1,225

E07000234 Bromsgrove 1,140 430 565 140 2,005 335 715 655 300

E07000235 Malvern Hills 670 285 285 95 1,155 135 390 400 230

E07000236 Redditch 355 190 135 30 555 80 180 195 100

E07000237 Worcester 515 200 270 45 885 135 325 295 130

E07000238 Wychavon 1,175 480 560 135 2,020 265 695 730 335

E07000239 Wyre Forest 440 185 200 50 750 120 255 240 130

E12000006 EAST 61,820 25,255 28,795 7,770 107,185 20,240 39,400 32,300 15,245

E06000055 Bedford UA 7

1,565 685 690 190 2,655 420 900 860 475

E06000056 Central Bedfordshire UA 8

3,000 1,255 1,405 340 5,125 915 1,865 1,575 770

E06000032 Luton UA 595 265 245 85 1,025 195 380 295 155

E06000031 Peterborough UA 885 395 400 90 1,480 235 570 455 220

E06000033 Southend-on-Sea UA 1,605 670 735 200 2,760 625 1,070 730 335

E06000034 Thurrock UA 1,000 440 455 100 1,665 290 625 505 250

E10000003 Cambridgeshire 7,140 2,830 3,310 1,000 12,615 2,190 4,645 3,920 1,860

E07000008 Cambridge 1,365 560 615 185 2,375 480 915 685 300

E07000009 East Cambridgeshire 910 375 405 125 1,590 275 590 505 215

E07000010 Fenland 270 125 115 30 440 60 155 150 80

E07000011 Huntingdonshire 1,700 690 790 220 2,970 495 1,005 955 515

E07000012 South Cambridgeshire 2,905 1,080 1,385 440 5,235 880 1,980 1,625 750

E10000012 Essex 16,990 7,010 7,965 2,020 29,275 5,700 10,790 8,730 4,060

E07000066 Basildon 1,910 785 930 195 3,245 685 1,180 975 410

E07000067 Braintree 1,595 650 745 205 2,780 475 1,040 885 375

E07000068 Brentwood 1,710 730 780 205 2,915 630 1,095 810 380

E07000069 Castle Point 745 315 360 70 1,255 225 405 420 205

E07000070 Chelmsford 2,820 1,155 1,330 335 4,865 955 1,875 1,420 615

E07000071 Colchester 1,670 705 755 210 2,870 525 1,040 875 435

E07000072 Epping Forest 1,985 890 885 210 3,330 860 1,275 835 365

E07000073 Harlow 360 160 170 35 605 135 215 175 80

E07000074 Maldon 745 295 360 90 1,300 195 460 445 200

E07000075 Rochford 1,125 425 575 125 1,965 360 670 625 310

E07000076 Tendring 470 205 200 65 815 130 295 260 140

E07000077 Uttlesford 1,860 705 875 280 3,330 530 1,240 1,010 545

E10000015 Hertfordshire 20,520 8,185 9,745 2,590 35,730 7,535 13,495 10,145 4,550

E07000095 Broxbourne 835 360 375 100 1,420 300 520 400 195

E07000096 Dacorum 2,590 1,065 1,215 310 4,450 965 1,730 1,215 540

E07000242 East Hertfordshire 3,135 1,270 1,490 375 5,415 1,040 1,960 1,640 775

E07000098 Hertsmere 1,875 735 875 270 3,330 630 1,270 970 460

E07000099 North Hertfordshire 2,205 880 1,040 285 3,865 785 1,505 1,065 510

E07000240 St Albans 5,120 1,915 2,530 675 9,070 2,230 3,515 2,370 955

E07000243 Stevenage 465 210 210 45 775 150 275 240 110

E07000102 Three Rivers 1,850 745 860 245 3,220 645 1,155 970 450

E07000103 Watford 980 410 455 115 1,675 350 620 500 205

E07000241 Welwyn Hatfield 1,465 600 700 165 2,510 445 945 770 355

E10000020 Norfolk 3,870 1,655 1,720 490 6,655 1,010 2,235 2,245 1,160

E07000143 Breckland 470 195 210 65 820 125 295 245 155

E07000144 Broadland 760 305 350 100 1,325 185 470 440 230

E07000145 Great Yarmouth 375 175 155 45 625 95 195 240 95

E07000146 King’s Lynn and West Norfolk 455 205 205 50 770 100 225 280 165

E07000147 North Norfolk 280 115 115 45 490 55 150 190 90

E07000148 Norwich 445 195 185 60 760 145 270 230 115

E07000149 South Norfolk 1,085 460 495 130 1,865 305 630 615 315

E10000029 Suffolk 4,655 1,865 2,125 665 8,200 1,130 2,825 2,835 1,410

E07000200 Babergh 785 295 370 125 1,410 185 510 475 240

E07000201 Forest Heath 175 90 65 20 285 45 90 95 55

E07000202 Ipswich 520 195 260 60 910 160 345 280 125

E07000203 Mid Suffolk 820 305 400 120 1,470 155 535 520 260

E07000204 St Edmundsbury 790 310 355 125 1,420 215 510 480 215

Table 10 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000205 Suffolk Coastal 1,090 440 485 165 1,920 225 585 740 375

E07000206 Waveney 475 230 190 55 780 140 250 250 140

E12000007 LONDON 89,190 40,615 38,015 10,560 149,820 40,760 57,595 36,490 14,975

E13000001 Inner London 31,685 15,075 12,630 3,980 52,805 16,820 20,550 11,305 4,130

N/A Inner London – West 16,235 7,390 6,545 2,300 27,720 8,510 10,985 6,060 2,165

E09000007 Camden 2,620 1,240 1,060 320 4,365 1,260 1,720 995 390

E09000001 City of London 120 65 45 10 185 55 75 35 20

E09000013 Hammersmith and Fulham 2,885 1,200 1,210 475 5,125 1,470 2,125 1,145 385

E09000020 Kensington and Chelsea 2,065 870 850 350 3,675 890 1,475 965 345

E09000032 Wandsworth 6,625 3,025 2,655 945 11,285 3,835 4,395 2,255 800

E09000033 Westminster 1,920 990 720 210 3,085 1,005 1,195 665 220

N/A Inner London – East 15,450 7,685 6,085 1,680 25,085 8,305 9,565 5,245 1,970

E09000012 Hackney 1,410 715 535 160 2,290 775 880 465 170

E09000014 Haringey 2,730 1,160 1,235 335 4,675 1,250 1,825 1,160 440

E09000019 Islington 2,070 1,025 825 220 3,360 1,125 1,260 715 260

E09000022 Lambeth 2,855 1,370 1,140 345 4,725 1,555 1,835 955 380

E09000023 Lewisham 2,275 1,140 920 215 3,655 1,185 1,435 760 275

E09000025 Newham 475 255 160 60 760 240 300 155 65

E09000028 Southwark 2,635 1,370 975 290 4,225 1,475 1,570 855 325

E09000030 Tower Hamlets 1,000 650 300 50 1,400 700 465 185 50

E13000002 Outer London 57,505 25,540 25,385 6,580 97,010 23,940 37,045 25,185 10,845

N/A Outer London – East and North East 13,560 6,345 5,820 1,395 22,385 5,470 8,370 5,900 2,640

E09000002 Barking and Dagenham 345 180 130 35 560 130 185 160 85

E09000004 Bexley 2,180 975 995 215 3,635 735 1,385 1,060 455

E09000010 Enfield 2,445 1,125 1,050 275 4,080 955 1,515 1,085 525

E09000011 Greenwich 2,115 1,090 825 195 3,365 1,055 1,285 715 305

E09000016 Havering 2,270 1,000 1,025 250 3,825 790 1,380 1,130 525

E09000026 Redbridge 2,885 1,350 1,235 305 4,775 1,225 1,825 1,230 495

E09000031 Waltham Forest 1,315 630 560 125 2,140 575 795 520 250

N/A Outer London – South 18,900 8,320 8,500 2,080 31,820 8,045 12,135 8,005 3,635

E09000006 Bromley 6,450 2,755 2,970 725 10,945 2,635 4,200 2,810 1,300

E09000008 Croydon 3,100 1,495 1,275 330 5,080 1,195 1,820 1,395 665

E09000021 Kingston upon Thames 3,420 1,450 1,595 375 5,800 1,520 2,310 1,400 570

E09000024 Merton 3,475 1,525 1,555 390 5,865 1,785 2,310 1,250 520

E09000029 Sutton 2,460 1,095 1,100 265 4,125 915 1,490 1,145 575

N/A Outer London – West and North West 25,040 10,870 11,070 3,100 42,810 10,425 16,535 11,275 4,570

E09000003 Barnet 5,460 2,175 2,390 895 9,870 2,265 3,780 2,755 1,070

E09000005 Brent 1,770 830 740 200 2,930 770 1,140 740 275

E09000009 Ealing 3,590 1,625 1,555 405 6,015 1,565 2,255 1,530 660

E09000015 Harrow 2,775 1,260 1,255 260 4,585 980 1,745 1,325 540

E09000017 Hillingdon 2,495 1,155 1,080 260 4,135 950 1,530 1,125 530

E09000018 Hounslow 2,245 1,035 940 275 3,765 945 1,520 945 355

E09000027 Richmond upon Thames 6,710 2,795 3,110 805 11,505 2,950 4,565 2,855 1,135

E12000008 SOUTH EAST 115,545 45,875 54,590 15,080 202,380 38,190 75,445 60,640 28,100

E06000036 Bracknell Forest UA 1,845 770 860 215 3,155 660 1,145 905 445

E06000043 Brighton and Hove UA 2,440 1,040 1,115 285 4,165 925 1,645 1,165 425

E06000046 Isle of Wight UA 365 160 170 35 615 85 225 215 90

E06000035 Medway UA 1,395 600 635 160 2,380 420 860 735 365

E06000042 Milton Keynes UA 2,490 1,120 1,115 250 4,145 770 1,540 1,255 580

E06000044 Portsmouth UA 740 340 315 80 1,230 220 415 385 205

E06000038 Reading UA 1,655 760 700 195 2,785 705 1,070 685 325

E06000039 Slough UA 700 305 305 90 1,205 265 485 330 120

E06000045 Southampton UA 735 355 300 80 1,205 270 440 345 150

E06000037 West Berkshire UA 3,040 1,175 1,485 380 5,350 1,055 2,035 1,570 685

E06000040 Windsor and Maidenhead UA 3,720 1,510 1,775 435 6,410 1,440 2,480 1,720 770

E06000041 Wokingham UA 4,430 1,775 2,145 510 7,655 1,590 2,870 2,180 1,015

E10000002 Buckinghamshire 10,690 4,050 5,150 1,490 19,020 3,390 7,130 5,885 2,615

E07000004 Aylesbury Vale 2,915 1,140 1,390 380 5,115 815 1,895 1,670 735

E07000005 Chiltern 2,900 1,025 1,430 445 5,280 930 1,990 1,650 705

E07000006 South Bucks 1,680 635 780 270 3,035 595 1,170 885 380

E07000007 Wycombe 3,195 1,245 1,550 395 5,590 1,050 2,075 1,680 790

E10000011 East Sussex 3,690 1,495 1,630 565 6,555 940 2,310 2,180 1,125

E07000061 Eastbourne 365 155 155 55 635 95 210 215 115

E07000062 Hastings 195 95 75 25 325 55 100 105 65

E07000063 Lewes 835 330 365 140 1,500 210 535 520 235

E07000064 Rother 535 225 235 70 930 125 315 315 175

E07000065 Wealden 1,765 690 800 275 3,165 450 1,155 1,020 535

E10000014 Hampshire 17,695 7,045 8,345 2,305 30,970 5,245 11,315 9,685 4,730

E07000084 Basingstoke and Deane 2,770 1,140 1,280 350 4,795 945 1,820 1,395 635

E07000085 East Hampshire 2,095 800 975 320 3,735 550 1,360 1,220 605

E07000086 Eastleigh 1,320 540 630 150 2,275 430 815 685 350

E07000087 Fareham 1,230 510 600 120 2,090 315 700 715 355

E07000088 Gosport 350 160 145 45 590 75 205 205 105

E07000089 Hart 2,570 1,010 1,255 305 4,480 795 1,735 1,310 640

E07000090 Havant 625 265 280 85 1,085 135 365 380 200

E07000091 New Forest 1,575 630 725 220 2,775 445 960 915 460

E07000092 Rushmoor 755 335 355 65 1,255 230 480 355 185

E07000093 Test Valley 1,745 665 850 230 3,095 465 1,105 1,020 505

E07000094 Winchester 2,655 990 1,250 415 4,800 860 1,765 1,480 695

E10000016 Kent 14,895 5,735 7,040 2,115 26,490 4,645 9,930 8,190 3,725

E07000105 Ashford 1,210 485 555 170 2,135 340 795 690 310

E07000106 Canterbury 940 380 420 140 1,670 265 600 530 275

E07000107 Dartford 865 375 395 95 1,465 285 570 435 175

E07000108 Dover 410 145 205 60 755 95 275 260 120

E07000109 Gravesham 680 295 315 70 1,140 175 410 395 165

E07000110 Maidstone 1,705 675 825 200 2,960 445 1,085 985 450

E07000111 Sevenoaks 2,760 975 1,330 455 5,055 1,050 1,995 1,430 585

E07000112 Shepway 540 250 220 65 900 120 315 300 160

E07000113 Swale 755 300 340 110 1,340 200 480 425 235

E07000114 Thanet 375 155 165 60 665 85 235 225 125

E07000115 Tonbridge and Malling 2,135 815 1,035 290 3,795 725 1,450 1,140 475

E07000116 Tunbridge Wells 2,525 885 1,235 405 4,615 855 1,730 1,375 650

E10000025 Oxfordshire 8,700 3,305 4,195 1,200 15,475 2,680 5,660 4,900 2,235

E07000177 Cherwell 1,520 600 735 185 2,660 495 990 815 365

E07000178 Oxford 1,230 510 560 160 2,135 390 765 655 320

E07000179 South Oxfordshire 2,810 1,010 1,385 415 5,095 920 1,910 1,585 685

E07000180 Vale of White Horse 1,825 710 850 265 3,245 485 1,180 1,080 500

E07000181 West Oxfordshire 1,310 475 670 170 2,335 390 815 765 365

E10000030 Surrey 27,420 10,840 13,115 3,465 47,890 10,280 18,195 13,370 6,045

E07000207 Elmbridge 4,880 1,880 2,370 625 8,565 2,140 3,390 2,145 890

E07000208 Epsom and Ewell 1,870 765 890 215 3,215 695 1,205 920 390

E07000209 Guildford 3,195 1,265 1,495 435 5,615 1,170 2,145 1,550 750

E07000210 Mole Valley 2,170 805 1,055 310 3,885 730 1,360 1,210 590

E07000211 Reigate and Banstead 3,140 1,265 1,515 365 5,425 1,280 2,030 1,475 640

E07000212 Runnymede 1,275 575 580 120 2,105 470 820 575 240

E07000213 Spelthorne 1,155 560 495 100 1,865 415 685 530 240

E07000214 Surrey Heath 2,025 800 985 235 3,515 575 1,285 1,140 520

E07000215 Tandridge 1,775 725 800 250 3,115 645 1,070 925 475

E07000216 Waverley 3,550 1,210 1,800 545 6,500 1,215 2,605 1,865 815

E07000217 Woking 2,390 990 1,130 265 4,080 955 1,600 1,030 495

E10000032 West Sussex 8,890 3,485 4,185 1,220 15,675 2,605 5,690 4,930 2,450

E07000223 Adur 330 150 150 35 550 95 205 170 80

E07000224 Arun 795 310 365 115 1,410 190 525 475 220

E07000225 Chichester 1,365 495 665 205 2,470 375 870 810 410

E07000226 Crawley 690 310 300 80 1,160 235 430 330 170

Table 10 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E07000227 Horsham 2,305 910 1,080 310 4,050 600 1,425 1,370 655

E07000228 Mid Sussex 2,780 1,035 1,350 395 4,965 925 1,855 1,450 740

E07000229 Worthing 625 275 275 75 1,070 185 370 330 180

E12000009 SOUTH WEST 32,380 12,795 15,115 4,475 57,065 8,995 20,160 18,490 9,425

E06000022 Bath and North East Somerset UA 1,745 640 860 245 3,120 510 1,085 1,025 500

E06000028 Bournemouth UA 850 365 395 85 1,435 300 575 360 200

E06000023 Bristol, City of UA 2,650 1,050 1,255 350 4,635 1,090 1,765 1,225 560

E06000052 Cornwall UA 9

1,615 650 730 235 2,850 420 985 945 500

E06000053 Isles of Scilly UA 10

5 - - - 5 - - - -

E06000024 North Somerset UA 1,675 655 795 225 2,950 510 1,100 880 460

E06000026 Plymouth UA 615 285 280 55 1,015 190 320 305 200

E06000029 Poole UA 945 365 470 115 1,650 315 615 490 230

E06000025 South Gloucestershire UA 2,055 855 955 245 3,540 535 1,235 1,170 600

E06000030 Swindon UA 1,545 685 715 145 2,565 465 965 770 365

E06000027 Torbay UA 275 120 115 40 470 70 165 145 90

E06000054 Wiltshire UA 11

5,030 1,845 2,420 765 9,080 1,255 3,210 3,125 1,490

E10000008 Devon 3,315 1,300 1,490 530 5,955 810 2,035 2,060 1,055

E07000040 East Devon 675 260 290 125 1,235 165 415 455 200

E07000041 Exeter 425 180 185 55 735 120 260 240 115

E07000042 Mid Devon 345 120 165 60 640 70 215 250 100

E07000043 North Devon 290 115 120 55 525 85 190 155 95

E07000044 South Hams 520 200 245 75 935 125 305 340 165

E07000045 Teignbridge 600 245 270 85 1,055 150 370 330 205

E07000046 Torridge 120 45 55 20 215 20 70 80 45

E07000047 West Devon 345 135 150 55 615 75 205 210 125

E10000009 Dorset 2,445 975 1,125 345 4,310 580 1,385 1,490 850

E07000048 Christchurch 290 115 150 25 500 95 170 140 95

E07000049 East Dorset 855 335 405 115 1,495 220 485 500 295

E07000050 North Dorset 385 150 180 60 695 70 230 265 135

E07000051 Purbeck 200 75 95 25 350 40 110 135 65

E07000052 West Dorset 570 225 245 95 1,025 130 320 365 210

E07000053 Weymouth and Portland 145 70 55 20 240 25 70 90 55

E10000013 Gloucestershire 4,900 1,960 2,265 675 8,600 1,375 3,050 2,780 1,395

E07000078 Cheltenham 1,110 445 520 145 1,935 325 735 585 285

E07000079 Cotswold 1,120 440 520 165 1,990 345 710 640 295

E07000080 Forest of Dean 385 165 165 55 670 90 215 225 145

E07000081 Gloucester 495 225 210 60 840 120 280 285 155

E07000082 Stroud 1,080 395 515 170 1,945 310 695 625 315

E07000083 Tewkesbury 710 295 340 80 1,220 185 415 420 200

E10000027 Somerset 2,710 1,035 1,245 425 4,880 570 1,660 1,730 920

E07000187 Mendip 645 245 295 105 1,160 125 415 400 220

E07000188 Sedgemoor 590 240 265 85 1,045 130 355 365 195

E07000189 South Somerset 755 275 355 120 1,370 145 450 510 265

E07000190 Taunton Deane 650 255 295 100 1,165 160 395 395 215

E07000191 West Somerset 75 25 35 15 145 10 50 55 25

W92000004 WALES 10,595 4,535 4,740 1,320 18,190 2,730 6,370 5,945 3,140

W06000001 Isle of Anglesey / Ynys Môn 200 90 80 25 340 55 120 110 55

W06000002 Gwynedd / Gwynedd 200 90 80 30 345 55 120 120 45

W06000003 Conwy / Conwy 330 140 145 40 565 60 200 195 110

W06000004 Denbighshire / Sir Ddinbych 295 115 135 45 525 70 175 185 90

W06000005 Flintshire / Sir y Fflint 640 275 295 70 1,085 175 375 365 170

W06000006 Wrexham / Wrecsam 505 215 240 50 860 95 300 305 160

W06000023 Powys / Powys 310 130 120 60 565 65 215 175 110

W06000008 Ceredigion / Ceredigion 145 65 65 15 245 30 80 90 50

W06000009 Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro 395 165 175 55 690 75 230 240 140

W06000010 Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin 410 180 180 50 700 95 235 220 145

W06000011 Swansea / Abertawe 775 295 370 110 1,385 200 495 435 250

W06000012 Neath Port Talbot / Castell-nedd Port Talbot 280 130 135 15 445 70 160 150 65

W06000013 Bridgend / Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 475 205 210 60 820 115 250 300 160

W06000014 The Vale of Glamorgan / Bro Morgannwg 950 365 455 125 1,675 245 605 555 275

W06000015 Cardiff / Caerdydd 2,135 940 940 250 3,615 710 1,330 1,050 525

W06000016 Rhondda Cynon Taf / Rhondda Cynon Taf 500 225 220 55 830 125 315 275 115

W06000024 Merthyr Tydfil / Merthyr Tudful 70 35 25 5 110 10 35 40 25

W06000018 Caerphilly / Caerffili 370 175 150 45 620 100 205 205 115

W06000019 Blaenau Gwent / Blaenau Gwent 50 20 20 5 85 10 25 35 15

W06000020 Torfaen / Tor-faen 180 80 85 15 300 35 95 105 65

W06000021 Monmouthshire / Sir Fynwy 820 345 360 115 1,435 185 510 475 260

W06000022 Newport / Casnewydd 560 250 245 65 945 135 305 315 185

S92000003 SCOTLAND 35,545 15,325 15,775 4,445 60,855 11,245 22,330 19,620 7,660

S12000033 Aberdeen City 2,785 1,290 1,220 275 4,595 1,040 1,615 1,360 580

S12000034 Aberdeenshire 5,155 2,215 2,340 600 8,780 2,005 3,215 2,615 945

S12000041 Angus 750 310 345 95 1,300 230 485 435 150

S12000035 Argyll & Bute 385 165 160 60 675 110 220 255 95

S12000005 Clackmannanshire 260 110 115 35 445 60 170 150 65

S12000006 Dumfries & Galloway 330 135 135 60 600 90 230 195 85

S12000042 Dundee City 415 185 185 50 705 120 270 215 100

S12000008 East Ayrshire 415 185 190 40 695 110 245 240 100

S12000045 East Dunbartonshire 1,315 550 595 170 2,280 395 820 775 295

S12000010 East Lothian 880 370 375 130 1,540 250 625 490 175

S12000011 East Renfrewshire 1,360 535 600 225 2,450 425 900 815 315

S12000036 Edinburgh, City of 4,780 2,010 2,175 595 8,205 1,630 3,115 2,485 975

S12000013 Eilean Siar 12

115 50 45 20 205 40 80 60 25

S12000014 Falkirk 1,045 475 470 100 1,730 330 630 575 195

S12000015 Fife 1,780 755 800 225 3,065 490 1,155 1,030 390

S12000046 Glasgow City 1,730 795 750 185 2,875 710 1,065 800 300

S12000017 Highland 1,155 480 475 195 2,055 375 755 630 300

S12000018 Inverclyde 355 150 160 45 610 85 225 215 85

S12000019 Midlothian 470 205 215 45 780 145 295 245 100

S12000020 Moray 785 335 360 90 1,330 255 430 460 180

S12000021 North Ayrshire 495 230 200 65 835 120 285 300 135

S12000044 North Lanarkshire 1,185 565 505 120 1,940 330 690 660 260

S12000023 Orkney Islands 70 30 35 10 125 25 50 25 20

S12000024 Perth & Kinross 1,090 450 480 165 1,925 225 650 720 325

S12000038 Renfrewshire 900 400 400 100 1,520 205 555 560 200

S12000026 Scottish Borders 625 240 290 95 1,130 150 405 405 170

S12000027 Shetland Islands 175 60 65 45 340 55 130 115 40

S12000028 South Ayrshire 665 280 290 90 1,160 165 435 390 170

S12000029 South Lanarkshire 1,745 790 745 210 2,940 495 1,120 980 345

S12000030 Stirling 970 395 425 150 1,720 245 610 630 235

S12000039 West Dunbartonshire 210 105 80 20 335 35 120 130 55

S12000040 West Lothian 1,145 470 540 130 1,960 305 735 665 255

N92000002 NORTHERN IRELAND 5,970 2,120 2,405 1,450 11,635 1,965 4,065 3,635 1,970

95A Antrim 215 80 85 50 410 75 150 130 50

95B Ards 275 100 130 45 500 55 170 170 105

95C Armagh 125 30 50 45 275 40 105 90 40

95D Ballymena 235 90 90 55 440 75 140 145 80

95E Ballymoney 60 25 25 10 110 10 45 35 20

95F Banbridge 200 55 95 50 415 65 155 135 60

95G Belfast 1,055 350 415 295 2,145 415 750 630 355

95H Carrickfergus 125 55 55 15 220 30 75 70 45

95I Castlereagh 435 175 185 75 785 145 245 235 155

95J Coleraine 175 65 70 40 335 45 105 115 65

95K Cookstown 60 15 25 25 130 35 50 30 20

95L Craigavon 230 85 90 55 445 85 180 110 70

95M Derry 13

240 80 95 60 480 65 160 170 80

95N Down 190 75 70 50 365 55 115 130 70

95O Dungannon 115 35 40 40 245 50 95 60 35

95P Fermanagh 125 35 45 45 270 50 100 80 40

95Q Larne 80 35 30 10 130 10 40 55 25

Table 10 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

95R Limavady 60 20 25 15 125 15 35 50 25

95S Lisburn 655 240 275 135 1,230 230 405 375 220

95T Magherafelt 100 30 30 35 215 35 80 65 30

95U Moyle 35 10 15 10 75 10 25 25 15

95V Newry and Mourne 220 70 70 80 475 70 175 155 75

95W Newtownabbey 325 130 145 55 585 100 225 165 90

95X North Down 480 170 205 105 910 145 330 300 135

95Y Omagh 110 35 30 40 240 40 75 85 40

95Z Strabane 40 15 10 15 80 10 35 20 15

FOREIGN AND NOT KNOWN 1,915 925 780 210 3,245 735 1,120 825 565


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 County Durham UA comprises the former Durham county.

3 Northumberland UA comprises the former Northumberland county.

4 Cheshire East UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Congleton, Crewe and Nantwich and Macclesfield districts).

5 Cheshire West and Chester UA comprises part of the former Cheshire county (Chester, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal districts).

6 Shropshire UA comprises the former Shropshire county.

7 Bedford UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Bedford district).

8 Central Bedfordshire UA comprises part of the former Bedfordshire county (Mid Bedfordshire and South Bedfordshire districts).

9 Cornwall UA comprises the former Cornwall and Isles of Scilly county excluding Isles of Scilly district.

10 The Isles of Scilly were recoded on 1 April 2009. They are separately administered by an Isles of Scilly council and do not form part of Cornwall UA but, for the purposes of the presentation of

statistical data, they may be combined with Cornwall UA.

11 Wiltshire UA comprises the former Wiltshire county.

12 Formerly known as the Western Isles.

13 NISRA have confirmed the term 'Derry' should be used in preference to Derry City.

Table 10 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 11: Families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit in each Westminster Parliamentary Constituency, August 2014

Total One childTwo


Three or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

K02000001 UNITED KINGDOM 475,740 200,070 216,075 59,590 819,470 158,500 300,865 245,345 114,760

K03000001 GREAT BRITAIN 467,850 197,030 212,890 57,930 804,590 155,800 295,685 240,885 112,225

K04000001 ENGLAND AND WALES 432,310 181,705 197,115 53,485 743,735 144,555 273,355 221,265 104,565

E92000001 ENGLAND 421,715 177,175 192,375 52,170 725,545 141,825 266,980 215,320 101,420

E12000001 NORTH EAST 10,515 4,745 4,655 1,115 17,560 2,810 6,215 5,675 2,860

E14000554 Berwick-upon-Tweed 305 140 130 35 510 60 170 185 100

E14000569 Bishop Auckland 275 130 110 35 460 55 150 160 95

E14000574 Blaydon 350 160 155 30 575 95 185 190 100

E14000575 Blyth Valley 215 75 115 25 385 65 140 120 60

E14000641 City of Durham 495 215 235 45 830 120 280 270 155

E14000658 Darlington 350 150 165 35 590 90 230 200 70

E14000677 Easington 170 95 70 10 265 45 105 80 35

E14000709 Gateshead 225 95 105 20 375 80 140 100 50

E14000733 Hartlepool 310 155 125 30 500 75 165 185 80

E14000746 Hexham 845 295 400 150 1,570 205 540 540 280

E14000754 Houghton and Sunderland South 240 125 95 20 375 45 140 125 65

E14000765 Jarrow 290 150 120 20 450 70 170 150 60

E14000819 Middlesbrough 145 60 65 20 255 45 85 85 40

E14000820 Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland 470 210 215 45 775 140 275 235 125

E14000831 Newcastle upon Tyne Central 415 170 185 60 730 130 265 220 120

E14000832 Newcastle upon Tyne East 420 190 180 50 700 130 215 225 125

E14000833 Newcastle upon Tyne North 635 275 290 75 1,090 220 425 310 135

E14000840 North Durham 300 140 135 25 480 65 165 160 90

E14000853 North Tyneside 240 100 120 20 400 65 150 125 60

E14000856 North West Durham 315 150 130 35 510 75 160 195 80

E14000891 Redcar 300 135 135 25 490 80 155 175 80

E14000915 Sedgefield 355 175 140 40 585 80 205 200 100

E14000944 South Shields 215 115 85 20 340 75 120 95 50

E14000970 Stockton North 340 165 145 30 555 85 220 150 95

E14000971 Stockton South 740 340 335 70 1,225 195 455 375 195

E14000982 Sunderland Central 270 130 110 30 440 65 140 150 85

E14001006 Tynemouth 710 315 325 75 1,195 225 455 360 160

E14001014 Wansbeck 345 155 150 40 575 80 185 205 105

E14001020 Washington and Sunderland West 225 130 85 10 335 45 125 110 55

E12000002 NORTH WEST 34,330 14,955 15,280 4,090 58,330 9,525 20,835 18,635 9,330

E14000532 Altrincham and Sale West 1,970 765 920 285 3,490 660 1,370 1,010 450

E14000537 Ashton-under-Lyne 160 80 65 15 260 45 75 95 45

E14000543 Barrow and Furness 325 160 140 25 520 55 165 200 100

E14000559 Birkenhead 260 95 125 40 470 80 150 170 75

E14000570 Blackburn 150 75 50 25 255 50 85 75 45

E14000571 Blackley and Broughton 90 35 30 20 170 30 50 60 25

E14000572 Blackpool North and Cleveleys 130 70 50 10 205 35 70 55 50

E14000573 Blackpool South 90 35 45 10 150 20 55 55 25

E14000578 Bolton North East 285 130 125 30 475 90 170 140 75

E14000579 Bolton South East 145 75 50 15 235 45 90 70 25

E14000580 Bolton West 630 315 265 50 1,005 135 345 360 165

E14000581 Bootle 170 70 75 25 295 40 100 90 65

E14000609 Burnley 145 70 65 10 230 30 75 90 35

E14000611 Bury North 460 200 210 55 790 115 285 270 120

E14000612 Bury South 460 205 180 75 800 135 280 235 155

E14000620 Carlisle 180 80 80 20 305 35 115 95 60

E14000627 Cheadle 1,280 520 595 165 2,220 395 815 645 365

E14000637 Chorley 595 270 270 55 975 145 345 330 155

E14000640 City of Chester 795 325 380 90 1,370 270 485 410 210

E14000646 Congleton 945 385 460 95 1,605 230 530 570 275

E14000647 Copeland 440 210 185 45 715 90 230 265 130

E14000653 Crewe and Nantwich 670 305 285 80 1,130 175 405 375 180

E14000661 Denton and Reddish 165 100 55 10 245 40 90 65 50

E14000686 Eddisbury 1,025 415 460 150 1,795 255 625 580 330

E14000688 Ellesmere Port and Neston 535 245 230 55 885 100 270 340 170

E14000706 Fylde 565 260 250 55 935 120 325 320 165

E14000708 Garston and Halewood 385 155 170 60 685 135 260 195 95

E14000725 Halton 330 155 145 35 545 105 185 175 80

E14000738 Hazel Grove 545 230 260 55 930 155 335 270 170

E14000747 Heywood and Middleton 345 140 175 30 590 95 190 190 115

E14000758 Hyndburn 170 80 70 20 285 30 90 115 45

E14000775 Knowsley 155 90 40 20 240 30 90 75 45

E14000776 Lancaster and Fleetwood 310 140 130 40 535 80 160 195 100

E14000785 Leigh 360 165 165 30 590 65 210 215 95

E14000793 Liverpool, Riverside 225 105 90 25 370 95 130 100 40

E14000794 Liverpool, Walton 65 35 30 5 105 25 30 30 15

E14000795 Liverpool, Wavertree 345 155 145 45 585 110 215 175 85

E14000796 Liverpool, West Derby 165 70 75 15 280 40 90 100 45

E14000802 Macclesfield 1,145 435 565 145 2,010 295 735 650 330

E14000805 Makerfield 310 140 140 30 510 85 195 165 70

E14000807 Manchester Central 55 30 20 5 85 25 30 15 15

E14000808 Manchester, Gorton 135 55 55 25 240 55 110 50 25

E14000809 Manchester, Withington 870 410 355 100 1,440 370 575 355 145

E14000825 Morecambe and Lunesdale 345 155 145 40 575 80 185 200 110

E14000870 Oldham East and Saddleworth 375 175 155 45 625 90 215 200 125

E14000871 Oldham West and Royton 145 65 60 20 245 30 90 80 45

E14000875 Pendle 200 90 70 40 350 60 125 115 45

E14000877 Penrith and The Border 320 130 145 45 560 70 190 185 120

E14000885 Preston 85 35 35 10 145 20 55 50 20

E14000894 Ribble Valley 725 315 310 100 1,250 135 410 470 230

E14000897 Rochdale 230 100 110 20 385 50 125 140 70

E14000902 Rossendale and Darwen 495 240 210 45 800 135 280 255 135

E14000911 Salford and Eccles 210 90 100 20 355 85 130 95 45

E14000916 Sefton Central 640 280 270 85 1,095 160 385 370 175

E14000943 South Ribble 555 255 250 55 925 125 330 295 175

E14000958 Southport 430 190 175 60 740 90 250 265 140

E14000967 Stalybridge and Hyde 285 145 110 35 470 85 180 130 75

E14000962 St Helens North 300 120 150 30 510 80 195 165 70

E14000963 St Helens South and Whiston 330 155 140 35 545 80 195 180 95

E14000969 Stockport 525 235 225 65 880 195 330 245 115

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 47: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000979 Stretford and Urmston 370 155 170 45 635 110 230 210 85

E14000987 Tatton 1,570 645 735 195 2,715 535 1,000 780 395

E14001010 Wallasey 185 90 75 20 300 50 100 105 45

E14001017 Warrington North 535 245 245 50 885 125 335 300 125

E14001018 Warrington South 1,525 650 710 165 2,585 485 990 760 355

E14001024 Weaver Vale 890 385 405 100 1,510 195 560 520 240

E14001033 West Lancashire 580 230 270 80 1,015 150 380 325 160

E14001037 Westmorland and Lonsdale 340 145 150 40 575 60 170 220 125

E14001039 Wigan 325 165 125 40 525 70 170 185 100

E14001043 Wirral South 585 215 275 95 1,060 175 355 355 175

E14001044 Wirral West 635 260 280 95 1,125 175 370 375 205

E14001053 Workington 315 130 140 40 540 70 180 190 95

E14001054 Worsley and Eccles South 435 210 190 35 695 145 260 195 100

E14001057 Wyre and Preston North 715 325 315 75 1,190 170 420 400 195

E14001059 Wythenshawe and Sale East 555 230 255 70 955 220 405 225 100

E12000003 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER 24,705 10,445 11,320 2,940 42,305 7,075 15,185 13,280 6,765

E14000541 Barnsley Central 170 85 65 15 270 40 85 90 55

E14000542 Barnsley East 140 60 70 10 230 35 95 75 30

E14000548 Batley and Spen 360 155 155 50 625 115 220 195 95

E14000556 Beverley and Holderness 590 255 260 80 1,015 155 355 330 175

E14000587 Bradford East 140 55 65 20 240 35 100 70 35

E14000588 Bradford South 140 65 65 10 235 30 75 85 40

E14000589 Bradford West 120 50 45 20 210 30 75 75 30

E14000596 Brigg and Goole 405 180 180 45 680 95 230 235 120

E14000614 Calder Valley 700 305 320 75 1,180 195 435 365 185

E14000643 Cleethorpes 455 225 185 50 745 95 235 270 145

E14000645 Colne Valley 730 285 375 70 1,255 185 490 395 185

E14000666 Dewsbury 565 225 265 70 985 140 370 330 140

E14000667 Don Valley 360 160 165 35 600 95 215 190 100

E14000668 Doncaster Central 255 105 125 25 435 70 140 150 80

E14000669 Doncaster North 210 105 95 15 340 50 125 100 65

E14000683 East Yorkshire 460 190 210 65 805 95 270 290 150

E14000689 Elmet and Rothwell 1,155 480 535 140 1,990 395 790 565 240

E14000716 Great Grimsby 155 70 65 20 260 35 95 85 50

E14000723 Halifax 330 150 150 30 540 95 185 175 90

E14000724 Haltemprice and Howden 835 360 395 85 1,410 215 535 430 230

E14000730 Harrogate and Knaresborough 1,305 485 640 180 2,325 430 835 705 355

E14000740 Hemsworth 355 155 170 30 585 70 195 225 95

E14000756 Huddersfield 280 125 125 30 475 75 175 135 90

E14000766 Keighley 675 265 325 85 1,170 165 430 390 190

E14000771 Kingston upon Hull East 105 55 40 10 165 30 65 40 30

E14000772 Kingston upon Hull North 115 55 50 10 180 45 65 45 30

E14000773 Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle 135 70 50 15 220 45 75 70 30

E14000777 Leeds Central 60 25 25 10 105 30 45 20 10

E14000778 Leeds East 150 75 60 15 240 45 80 65 45

E14000779 Leeds North East 1,030 445 470 120 1,755 450 695 395 215

E14000780 Leeds North West 700 285 325 85 1,200 230 425 365 185

E14000781 Leeds West 125 70 45 10 185 50 70 45 20

E14000826 Morley and Outwood 525 235 250 35 855 150 295 285 120

E14000836 Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford 290 135 125 30 480 75 165 155 85

E14000876 Penistone and Stocksbridge 520 245 225 50 855 155 300 260 145

E14000886 Pudsey 865 360 410 100 1,495 350 585 370 180

E14000895 Richmond (Yorks) 760 315 355 90 1,305 195 390 470 250

E14000903 Rother Valley 400 175 180 50 685 100 210 255 125

E14000904 Rotherham 125 60 55 10 205 30 65 70 40

E14000913 Scarborough and Whitby 250 110 115 25 425 70 140 130 85

E14000914 Scunthorpe 180 75 80 25 310 50 115 80 65

E14000917 Selby and Ainsty 1,080 455 490 135 1,855 310 685 570 295

E14000919 Sheffield Central 360 130 175 55 650 120 245 195 90

E14000920 Sheffield South East 220 110 85 25 355 70 115 115 60

E14000921 Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough 70 40 30 5 115 20 35 40 15

E14000922 Sheffield, Hallam 1,380 535 650 200 2,460 395 890 775 395

E14000923 Sheffield, Heeley 170 70 80 15 290 45 120 75 45

E14000925 Shipley 745 300 350 90 1,285 200 445 425 215

E14000928 Skipton and Ripon 780 290 355 135 1,425 160 495 530 245

E14000993 Thirsk and Malton 650 255 295 100 1,165 155 410 390 210

E14001009 Wakefield 385 185 165 30 615 105 220 185 105

E14001028 Wentworth and Dearne 205 85 105 20 350 55 120 105 70

E14001061 York Central 470 215 195 55 785 160 285 235 110

E14001062 York Outer 975 395 465 115 1,675 260 580 550 285

E12000004 EAST MIDLANDS 25,620 10,725 11,945 2,950 43,850 6,815 15,595 14,375 7,065

E14000533 Amber Valley 280 130 115 30 455 75 150 150 80

E14000535 Ashfield 255 130 105 20 405 55 145 135 70

E14000546 Bassetlaw 410 185 185 40 675 90 255 210 125

E14000577 Bolsover 230 115 100 15 370 45 125 135 60

E14000582 Boston and Skegness 180 85 80 15 290 45 80 100 65

E14000583 Bosworth 685 310 290 85 1,145 190 400 395 165

E14000607 Broxtowe 610 270 280 60 1,005 175 315 330 185

E14000625 Charnwood 650 270 310 70 1,105 185 410 325 185

E14000632 Chesterfield 310 140 140 25 505 85 180 170 70

E14000648 Corby 725 295 330 100 1,270 210 470 390 195

E14000660 Daventry 1,195 460 570 165 2,125 295 755 740 330

E14000662 Derby North 445 190 200 55 755 130 275 240 110

E14000663 Derby South 270 125 120 25 445 70 145 165 60

E14000664 Derbyshire Dales 770 305 360 110 1,355 165 465 495 225

E14000695 Erewash 295 135 140 25 490 90 180 145 80

E14000707 Gainsborough 515 220 240 55 875 105 270 320 180

E14000710 Gedling 375 175 165 30 600 85 210 195 110

E14000714 Grantham and Stamford 865 365 395 105 1,485 225 510 475 275

E14000728 Harborough 935 365 460 115 1,645 260 590 545 250

E14000748 High Peak 565 240 265 60 965 145 330 335 155

E14000769 Kettering 650 260 305 80 1,130 180 445 355 150

E14000782 Leicester East 130 60 60 10 215 45 90 60 25

E14000783 Leicester South 330 140 135 55 585 110 210 175 85

E14000784 Leicester West 110 55 40 15 185 40 70 50 25

E14000792 Lincoln 250 120 105 25 415 75 135 135 70

E14000797 Loughborough 585 230 295 60 1,010 175 345 330 160

E14000798 Louth and Horncastle 310 140 145 30 525 75 150 205 100

E14000810 Mansfield 275 130 130 20 440 65 165 125 85

E14000814 Mid Derbyshire 745 305 365 75 1,270 160 440 430 240

E14000829 Newark 875 355 415 105 1,510 205 540 530 235

E14000843 North East Derbyshire 390 150 195 45 690 120 245 215 105

E14000858 North West Leicestershire 720 295 335 95 1,255 185 450 415 210

E14000861 Northampton North 280 125 120 35 475 95 190 130 60

E14000862 Northampton South 315 145 145 30 525 95 175 175 80

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 48: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000865 Nottingham East 180 80 80 15 300 60 105 90 50

E14000866 Nottingham North 65 30 35 5 110 25 45 30 10

E14000867 Nottingham South 320 130 155 35 550 105 195 170 80

E14000908 Rushcliffe 1,635 615 830 190 2,875 510 1,095 860 405

E14000909 Rutland and Melton 1,150 450 540 160 2,030 295 745 665 325

E14000924 Sherwood 510 220 245 45 845 150 290 260 145

E14000929 Sleaford and North Hykeham 860 355 395 110 1,490 195 470 525 300

E14000935 South Derbyshire 800 330 375 90 1,370 225 530 425 195

E14000939 South Holland and The Deepings 370 155 170 50 640 70 215 240 115

E14000940 South Leicestershire 750 320 350 85 1,280 180 475 430 195

E14000942 South Northamptonshire 1,890 785 890 215 3,240 495 1,190 1,060 495

E14001025 Wellingborough 545 245 235 70 925 140 325 300 160

E12000005 WEST MIDLANDS 27,615 11,760 12,660 3,195 47,050 7,420 16,545 15,430 7,655

E14000531 Aldridge-Brownhills 355 160 160 40 600 90 215 195 100

E14000560 Birmingham, Edgbaston 745 320 340 85 1,265 230 500 375 165

E14000561 Birmingham, Erdington 85 40 35 10 140 25 45 60 15

E14000562 Birmingham, Hall Green 420 155 210 60 760 155 265 225 120

E14000563 Birmingham, Hodge Hill 65 20 20 25 140 35 60 35 15

E14000564 Birmingham, Ladywood 65 35 20 5 95 30 40 15 10

E14000565 Birmingham, Northfield 235 100 105 35 410 60 165 120 70

E14000566 Birmingham, Perry Barr 75 30 35 10 135 15 50 55 15

E14000567 Birmingham, Selly Oak 425 180 180 65 740 140 270 210 115

E14000568 Birmingham, Yardley 100 45 40 15 180 30 65 60 30

E14000605 Bromsgrove 1,140 430 565 140 2,005 335 715 655 300

E14000610 Burton 505 215 220 70 875 130 290 305 150

E14000618 Cannock Chase 275 125 135 15 445 55 145 155 90

E14000649 Coventry North East 185 75 90 20 320 65 110 105 40

E14000650 Coventry North West 275 120 125 25 455 90 155 145 65

E14000651 Coventry South 535 240 230 65 890 125 295 305 165

E14000671 Dudley North 155 65 70 15 260 40 90 85 45

E14000672 Dudley South 200 95 95 15 325 35 90 130 70

E14000722 Halesowen and Rowley Regis 240 120 100 15 380 55 100 145 75

E14000743 Hereford and South Herefordshire 435 185 190 65 765 90 250 265 160

E14000767 Kenilworth and Southam 1,415 590 660 170 2,435 360 850 825 395

E14000791 Lichfield 980 410 470 100 1,660 290 585 525 260

E14000799 Ludlow 425 175 185 65 745 85 255 265 140

E14000812 Meriden 1,380 580 645 155 2,360 390 820 770 385

E14000818 Mid Worcestershire 885 350 435 105 1,540 205 525 560 245

E14000834 Newcastle-under-Lyme 350 175 155 20 550 80 215 170 85

E14000847 North Herefordshire 515 200 235 80 915 130 315 300 175

E14000849 North Shropshire 590 265 260 70 1,000 135 375 335 150

E14000854 North Warwickshire 360 165 165 25 580 80 185 185 130

E14000868 Nuneaton 350 165 155 35 580 70 195 190 120

E14000892 Redditch 455 240 175 40 715 100 240 250 130

E14000905 Rugby 765 355 335 80 1,260 215 445 410 195

E14000926 Shrewsbury and Atcham 625 245 290 90 1,105 165 385 390 165

E14000931 Solihull 1,150 495 520 135 1,950 345 680 610 315

E14000945 South Staffordshire 585 265 260 60 975 135 310 330 195

E14000965 Stafford 535 235 245 55 900 135 315 290 160

E14000966 Staffordshire Moorlands 305 140 135 30 505 85 180 175 70

E14000972 Stoke-on-Trent Central 85 40 35 10 135 20 60 35 20

E14000973 Stoke-on-Trent North 140 70 55 15 230 45 75 80 30

E14000974 Stoke-on-Trent South 190 90 85 15 305 45 120 95 50

E14000975 Stone 750 325 340 85 1,265 155 440 425 240

E14000976 Stourbridge 385 165 180 40 650 105 225 215 110

E14000977 Stratford-on-Avon 1,245 505 585 155 2,165 340 765 725 340

E14000985 Sutton Coldfield 1,245 515 585 145 2,145 360 770 690 325

E14000986 Tamworth 510 220 250 40 845 120 315 270 145

E14000989 Telford 240 95 115 30 420 70 135 145 70

E14000992 The Wrekin 550 245 245 65 925 105 315 335 170

E14001011 Walsall North 100 45 45 10 170 25 65 60 20

E14001012 Walsall South 225 90 95 35 395 70 145 130 50

E14001016 Warley 120 60 45 15 195 40 65 65 25

E14001019 Warwick and Leamington 1,175 460 585 130 2,040 470 815 540 215

E14001029 West Bromwich East 100 45 45 10 170 35 60 45 30

E14001030 West Bromwich West 75 30 30 15 130 25 50 40 15

E14001035 West Worcestershire 855 365 370 120 1,475 175 500 510 285

E14001049 Wolverhampton North East 90 45 35 5 140 20 50 50 20

E14001050 Wolverhampton South East 65 25 30 10 115 20 40 45 15

E14001051 Wolverhampton South West 320 135 150 30 540 85 165 175 115

E14001052 Worcester 515 200 270 45 885 135 325 295 130

E14001058 Wyre Forest 440 185 200 50 750 120 255 240 130

E12000006 EAST 61,820 25,255 28,795 7,770 107,185 20,240 39,400 32,300 15,245

E14000544 Basildon and Billericay 1,275 535 615 125 2,160 485 770 620 285

E14000552 Bedford 605 260 270 70 1,025 185 315 330 195

E14000590 Braintree 960 385 455 120 1,675 250 610 565 250

E14000594 Brentwood and Ongar 1,985 855 910 225 3,360 745 1,260 915 440

E14000603 Broadland 595 240 270 85 1,045 125 360 365 195

E14000606 Broxbourne 970 415 440 120 1,660 335 600 490 230

E14000613 Bury St Edmunds 840 305 410 125 1,520 220 560 530 215

E14000617 Cambridge 1,150 475 520 155 2,000 425 765 570 240

E14000622 Castle Point 745 315 360 70 1,255 225 405 420 205

E14000624 Central Suffolk and North Ipswich 935 365 435 130 1,650 155 530 640 330

E14000628 Chelmsford 1,690 705 800 190 2,890 645 1,125 795 325

E14000642 Clacton 165 70 75 20 290 25 100 105 60

E14000644 Colchester 830 375 370 85 1,375 265 505 405 200

E14000693 Epping Forest 1,540 685 695 160 2,595 685 990 645 275

E14000717 Great Yarmouth 375 175 155 45 625 95 195 240 95

E14000729 Harlow 530 235 230 65 895 195 335 260 110

E14000734 Harwich and North Essex 845 340 375 130 1,500 275 535 465 225

E14000739 Hemel Hempstead 1,100 475 490 135 1,870 385 720 535 225

E14000744 Hertford and Stortford 2,415 990 1,140 285 4,155 845 1,530 1,225 555

E14000745 Hertsmere 1,875 735 875 270 3,330 630 1,270 970 460

E14000749 Hitchin and Harpenden 3,185 1,140 1,605 440 5,720 1,245 2,285 1,520 665

E14000757 Huntingdon 1,185 475 555 155 2,075 365 725 650 335

E14000761 Ipswich 475 180 240 55 835 150 325 245 115

E14000800 Luton North 345 145 155 45 605 110 230 185 80

E14000801 Luton South 315 145 125 45 530 105 195 145 85

E14000806 Maldon 1,245 500 590 155 2,170 330 780 730 330

E14000813 Mid Bedfordshire 1,585 635 770 185 2,745 440 985 875 440

E14000816 Mid Norfolk 510 215 225 65 875 135 295 275 170

E14000841 North East Bedfordshire 1,520 685 660 175 2,560 455 935 770 400

E14000842 North East Cambridgeshire 375 160 175 45 640 85 235 210 110

E14000845 North East Hertfordshire 1,620 650 770 200 2,830 520 1,030 855 420

E14000848 North Norfolk 235 100 100 35 410 50 120 165 75

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 49: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000855 North West Cambridgeshire 1,070 440 510 125 1,850 275 680 585 310

E14000859 North West Norfolk 270 125 120 30 450 55 135 160 100

E14000863 Norwich North 260 100 125 30 450 90 185 125 50

E14000864 Norwich South 400 175 170 55 690 125 240 215 110

E14000878 Peterborough 330 170 130 30 520 85 175 170 90

E14000888 Rayleigh and Wickford 1,380 515 705 160 2,420 440 855 780 340

E14000899 Rochford and Southend East 600 255 280 65 1,020 210 385 265 155

E14000910 Saffron Walden 2,245 860 1,060 330 4,010 645 1,515 1,215 640

E14000933 South Basildon and East Thurrock 575 260 255 60 955 160 330 295 170

E14000934 South Cambridgeshire 2,365 880 1,120 365 4,275 715 1,610 1,345 605

E14000937 South East Cambridgeshire 1,555 630 710 215 2,730 470 1,025 845 395

E14000941 South Norfolk 895 380 410 105 1,535 260 530 500 250

E14000946 South Suffolk 835 310 390 130 1,500 195 550 495 260

E14000949 South West Bedfordshire 790 340 360 90 1,340 235 485 420 200

E14000951 South West Hertfordshire 2,920 1,160 1,395 365 5,080 1,085 1,905 1,425 665

E14000952 South West Norfolk 335 140 150 45 580 80 180 205 115

E14000957 Southend West 1,090 450 505 135 1,890 440 735 510 205

E14000960 St Albans 3,070 1,220 1,450 395 5,355 1,385 2,030 1,395 545

E14000968 Stevenage 705 305 330 70 1,190 235 420 350 180

E14000981 Suffolk Coastal 605 260 255 90 1,050 140 305 390 215

E14000995 Thurrock 710 305 335 70 1,195 220 465 360 150

E14001021 Watford 1,330 555 620 160 2,280 465 840 695 285

E14001022 Waveney 420 205 165 50 690 130 220 220 120

E14001027 Welwyn Hatfield 1,325 545 635 145 2,270 410 860 680 320

E14001034 West Suffolk 550 235 225 85 960 140 345 315 160

E14001045 Witham 1,175 485 540 150 2,045 365 785 615 275

E12000007 LONDON 89,190 40,615 38,015 10,560 149,820 40,760 57,595 36,490 14,975

E14000540 Barking 220 115 85 20 355 85 110 105 50

E14000549 Battersea 2,330 1,100 880 350 3,945 1,410 1,595 720 215

E14000551 Beckenham 2,190 890 1,050 250 3,770 830 1,435 1,005 505

E14000553 Bermondsey and Old Southwark 555 385 150 20 750 375 260 90 30

E14000555 Bethnal Green and Bow 335 195 120 25 505 220 180 90 15

E14000558 Bexleyheath and Crayford 775 330 375 75 1,305 280 515 365 150

E14000591 Brent Central 540 250 240 50 890 230 365 215 80

E14000592 Brent North 615 295 250 75 1,025 230 375 290 125

E14000593 Brentford and Isleworth 1,850 850 765 240 3,110 815 1,270 750 275

E14000604 Bromley and Chislehurst 1,885 835 850 205 3,165 790 1,250 805 315

E14000615 Camberwell and Peckham 825 445 300 80 1,300 505 485 230 85

E14000621 Carshalton and Wallington 995 425 460 115 1,695 355 600 490 255

E14000629 Chelsea and Fulham 2,020 835 860 325 3,590 975 1,470 865 285

E14000634 Chingford and Woodford Green 1,295 580 585 125 2,145 485 815 575 270

E14000636 Chipping Barnet 1,880 780 880 225 3,230 705 1,230 925 365

E14000639 Cities of London and Westminster 1,000 510 380 105 1,610 490 615 365 140

E14000654 Croydon Central 715 385 265 70 1,125 270 415 290 150

E14000655 Croydon North 480 270 155 55 755 190 265 200 100

E14000656 Croydon South 1,900 835 855 205 3,195 730 1,140 900 420

E14000657 Dagenham and Rainham 305 150 125 30 495 100 175 140 80

E14000673 Dulwich and West Norwood 2,135 950 900 285 3,630 1,060 1,410 840 320

E14000674 Ealing Central and Acton 2,040 950 855 235 3,400 930 1,220 885 365

E14000675 Ealing North 780 340 345 95 1,325 270 505 360 190

E14000676 Ealing, Southall 765 330 355 75 1,285 365 530 285 105

E14000679 East Ham 240 130 80 30 385 125 165 70 25

E14000687 Edmonton 265 135 100 25 425 75 160 110 80

E14000690 Eltham 890 420 370 100 1,480 375 545 385 180

E14000691 Enfield North 685 305 310 70 1,135 290 425 285 135

E14000692 Enfield, Southgate 1,500 685 640 180 2,520 595 930 690 305

E14000696 Erith and Thamesmead 350 170 145 30 565 115 215 170 65

E14000701 Feltham and Heston 395 185 175 35 655 130 250 195 80

E14000703 Finchley and Golders Green 2,220 870 950 400 4,090 960 1,590 1,120 420

E14000718 Greenwich and Woolwich 1,140 625 430 85 1,755 650 690 300 115

E14000720 Hackney North and Stoke Newington 865 435 340 95 1,415 450 525 315 125

E14000721 Hackney South and Shoreditch 545 285 195 65 875 325 355 150 45

E14000726 Hammersmith 1,470 625 605 240 2,590 750 1,065 570 205

E14000727 Hampstead and Kilburn 2,130 1,025 870 235 3,510 1,090 1,385 770 265

E14000731 Harrow East 895 400 405 95 1,500 345 535 420 200

E14000732 Harrow West 1,050 500 455 90 1,690 370 665 475 180

E14000737 Hayes and Harlington 305 145 125 30 490 105 195 135 55

E14000741 Hendon 1,355 520 565 270 2,550 600 955 710 285

E14000750 Holborn and St Pancras 1,100 505 440 155 1,875 475 740 465 195

E14000751 Hornchurch and Upminster 1,225 530 565 130 2,075 420 745 615 290

E14000752 Hornsey and Wood Green 2,435 1,000 1,115 320 4,220 1,075 1,655 1,075 410

E14000759 Ilford North 935 445 400 90 1,530 395 565 405 165

E14000760 Ilford South 700 325 290 85 1,180 285 470 320 110

E14000763 Islington North 1,245 580 520 145 2,070 680 795 450 150

E14000764 Islington South and Finsbury 825 445 305 80 1,290 445 465 265 110

E14000768 Kensington 1,460 605 595 260 2,615 635 1,065 675 240

E14000770 Kingston and Surbiton 2,020 895 920 210 3,380 955 1,345 770 315

E14000787 Lewisham East 905 425 390 95 1,495 440 600 335 120

E14000788 Lewisham West and Penge 1,200 600 470 125 1,935 615 760 400 160

E14000789 Lewisham, Deptford 775 410 305 65 1,220 450 470 220 75

E14000790 Leyton and Wanstead 865 410 365 90 1,425 430 510 335 155

E14000823 Mitcham and Morden 405 205 160 40 655 205 230 140 75

E14000869 Old Bexley and Sidcup 1,140 520 500 115 1,895 375 705 560 255

E14000872 Orpington 1,765 740 825 200 3,020 700 1,120 800 400

E14000882 Poplar and Limehouse 665 460 180 25 895 480 285 95 35

E14000887 Putney 1,965 865 840 260 3,360 1,050 1,275 745 295

E14000896 Richmond Park 4,235 1,735 1,945 555 7,345 1,865 2,875 1,860 750

E14000900 Romford 865 385 380 105 1,465 310 540 425 190

E14000906 Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner 2,050 910 935 205 3,425 720 1,280 980 445

E14000978 Streatham 1,340 600 570 170 2,260 760 890 445 170

E14000984 Sutton and Cheam 1,460 670 645 150 2,430 560 890 655 325

E14000998 Tooting 2,330 1,060 940 330 3,980 1,375 1,525 785 295

E14001002 Tottenham 295 160 120 15 455 175 170 85 25

E14001005 Twickenham 3,870 1,610 1,840 415 6,580 1,650 2,660 1,630 640

E14001007 Uxbridge and South Ruislip 975 455 410 110 1,615 390 595 440 190

E14001008 Vauxhall 640 360 200 80 1,005 335 360 210 100

E14001013 Walthamstow 405 215 155 35 635 205 260 120 50

E14001032 West Ham 235 125 80 30 375 115 135 90 40

E14001036 Westminster North 1,040 545 385 110 1,660 570 655 335 100

E14001040 Wimbledon 3,070 1,320 1,395 350 5,210 1,575 2,080 1,110 450

E12000008 SOUTH EAST 115,545 45,875 54,590 15,080 202,380 38,190 75,445 60,640 28,100

E14000530 Aldershot 865 380 410 75 1,440 260 555 410 215

E14000534 Arundel and South Downs 1,445 550 700 195 2,565 385 910 880 390

E14000536 Ashford 1,135 455 520 160 2,010 320 740 660 290

E14000538 Aylesbury 1,435 580 685 170 2,485 450 955 740 335

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000539 Banbury 1,255 495 615 145 2,185 400 805 670 310

E14000545 Basingstoke 1,380 625 605 150 2,300 530 855 650 265

E14000550 Beaconsfield 2,520 955 1,205 360 4,500 910 1,745 1,260 585

E14000557 Bexhill and Battle 705 300 310 100 1,235 160 425 430 220

E14000576 Bognor Regis and Littlehampton 340 135 145 60 610 85 220 195 115

E14000586 Bracknell 1,695 700 790 200 2,910 560 1,050 860 440

E14000597 Brighton, Kemptown 375 170 165 35 620 120 235 190 75

E14000598 Brighton, Pavilion 1,020 440 450 130 1,760 370 705 500 185

E14000608 Buckingham 2,255 850 1,080 320 4,010 600 1,425 1,370 620

E14000619 Canterbury 745 300 335 110 1,325 210 475 415 220

E14000626 Chatham and Aylesford 475 220 205 50 785 140 270 250 125

E14000631 Chesham and Amersham 2,900 1,025 1,430 445 5,280 930 1,990 1,650 705

E14000633 Chichester 1,235 440 610 180 2,235 350 790 735 360

E14000652 Crawley 690 310 300 80 1,160 235 430 330 170

E14000659 Dartford 980 425 445 105 1,655 305 640 510 200

E14000670 Dover 270 100 130 40 500 80 190 155 80

E14000680 East Hampshire 1,820 675 845 300 3,285 475 1,200 1,080 525

E14000681 East Surrey 2,060 845 935 280 3,595 770 1,245 1,045 540

E14000682 East Worthing and Shoreham 565 245 255 60 955 180 340 295 145

E14000684 Eastbourne 390 170 165 60 680 100 220 240 125

E14000685 Eastleigh 915 390 430 90 1,540 295 560 455 235

E14000694 Epsom and Ewell 2,795 1,130 1,345 320 4,830 1,045 1,790 1,390 610

E14000697 Esher and Walton 3,935 1,535 1,900 500 6,895 1,740 2,735 1,705 710

E14000699 Fareham 1,080 450 530 100 1,825 280 620 615 310

E14000700 Faversham and Mid Kent 1,030 390 500 135 1,820 270 670 585 290

E14000704 Folkestone and Hythe 610 285 255 75 1,025 145 370 330 180

E14000711 Gillingham and Rainham 550 220 260 65 955 180 350 275 145

E14000713 Gosport 505 225 215 65 855 110 285 310 150

E14000715 Gravesham 680 295 315 70 1,140 175 410 395 165

E14000719 Guildford 2,445 930 1,150 360 4,365 935 1,665 1,185 580

E14000735 Hastings and Rye 255 120 100 30 420 70 125 140 85

E14000736 Havant 475 195 215 70 835 110 285 290 150

E14000742 Henley 2,345 835 1,165 350 4,260 765 1,590 1,335 570

E14000753 Horsham 2,010 785 945 280 3,555 545 1,270 1,165 575

E14000755 Hove 1,110 460 525 125 1,910 455 755 515 185

E14000762 Isle of Wight 365 160 170 35 615 85 225 215 90

E14000786 Lewes 840 340 365 135 1,500 220 530 515 240

E14000803 Maidenhead 2,875 1,150 1,405 325 4,965 1,100 1,925 1,335 605

E14000804 Maidstone and The Weald 1,080 425 520 140 1,905 265 680 655 300

E14000811 Meon Valley 1,260 495 610 160 2,220 325 775 735 385

E14000817 Mid Sussex 2,070 780 995 295 3,685 690 1,390 1,055 550

E14000821 Milton Keynes North 1,085 500 460 130 1,820 355 680 535 250

E14000822 Milton Keynes South 1,405 625 660 125 2,325 415 860 720 330

E14000824 Mole Valley 2,450 925 1,155 370 4,395 785 1,570 1,355 685

E14000827 New Forest East 790 335 355 100 1,365 215 475 445 225

E14000828 New Forest West 780 295 370 120 1,415 230 485 470 230

E14000830 Newbury 2,150 810 1,050 290 3,825 725 1,480 1,135 485

E14000844 North East Hampshire 2,920 1,135 1,420 360 5,110 910 1,970 1,505 725

E14000852 North Thanet 335 140 150 45 585 75 195 210 105

E14000857 North West Hampshire 1,560 590 740 230 2,795 430 1,050 875 440

E14000873 Oxford East 630 270 280 80 1,080 230 380 310 160

E14000874 Oxford West and Abingdon 1,455 595 665 195 2,540 400 930 835 380

E14000883 Portsmouth North 370 170 160 45 625 95 200 210 115

E14000884 Portsmouth South 365 175 155 40 605 120 215 175 90

E14000889 Reading East 1,515 670 670 175 2,570 615 955 675 330

E14000890 Reading West 945 435 410 95 1,560 385 570 410 195

E14000893 Reigate 2,495 990 1,205 295 4,325 1,010 1,640 1,185 490

E14000898 Rochester and Strood 635 285 280 70 1,065 180 375 345 165

E14000901 Romsey and Southampton North 1,265 490 625 145 2,210 355 795 715 345

E14000907 Runnymede and Weybridge 2,220 920 1,050 245 3,780 870 1,475 1,015 420

E14000918 Sevenoaks 2,295 790 1,135 370 4,220 920 1,670 1,160 475

E14000927 Sittingbourne and Sheppey 515 220 230 65 880 125 320 285 150

E14000930 Slough 680 300 295 90 1,170 260 475 320 115

E14000948 South Thanet 375 140 170 60 680 85 250 230 115

E14000953 South West Surrey 3,105 1,065 1,590 450 5,655 1,080 2,290 1,600 685

E14000955 Southampton, Itchen 230 125 85 20 360 85 135 100 40

E14000956 Southampton, Test 360 165 145 50 605 130 225 175 75

E14000959 Spelthorne 1,155 560 495 100 1,865 415 685 530 240

E14000983 Surrey Heath 2,235 885 1,095 250 3,870 635 1,410 1,255 565

E14000997 Tonbridge and Malling 2,225 825 1,070 335 4,010 755 1,565 1,195 490

E14001004 Tunbridge Wells 2,360 825 1,155 380 4,315 835 1,625 1,260 595

E14001015 Wantage 1,700 635 800 265 3,070 495 1,140 980 455

E14001023 Wealden 1,430 540 660 230 2,590 375 960 815 440

E14001041 Winchester 2,225 840 1,040 350 4,015 770 1,485 1,205 550

E14001042 Windsor 2,660 1,055 1,285 325 4,625 985 1,760 1,290 590

E14001046 Witney 1,310 475 670 170 2,335 390 815 765 365

E14001047 Woking 2,530 1,055 1,185 290 4,320 1,000 1,690 1,100 530

E14001048 Wokingham 2,870 1,175 1,360 335 4,940 1,090 1,870 1,370 610

E14001055 Worthing West 540 240 230 65 910 135 345 280 150

E14001056 Wycombe 1,580 640 750 195 2,750 500 1,015 865 365

E12000009 SOUTH WEST 32,380 12,795 15,115 4,475 57,065 8,995 20,160 18,490 9,425

E14000547 Bath 955 355 480 120 1,695 300 620 540 235

E14000584 Bournemouth East 575 240 270 60 975 195 400 245 135

E14000585 Bournemouth West 315 145 140 30 520 125 190 135 70

E14000595 Bridgwater and West Somerset 340 140 155 50 605 80 210 215 105

E14000599 Bristol East 200 95 85 20 325 90 130 80 25

E14000600 Bristol North West 1,085 405 535 145 1,925 420 740 520 250

E14000601 Bristol South 255 120 110 25 425 135 180 80 30

E14000602 Bristol West 1,110 430 520 160 1,965 445 715 545 260

E14000616 Camborne and Redruth 195 75 95 25 345 50 125 105 65

E14000623 Central Devon 505 195 230 80 915 125 310 320 155

E14000630 Cheltenham 1,025 410 480 140 1,800 300 690 550 260

E14000635 Chippenham 965 360 485 120 1,705 265 590 575 275

E14000638 Christchurch 565 230 275 60 965 170 325 285 190

E14000665 Devizes 1,135 375 575 190 2,100 315 755 720 305

E14000678 East Devon 530 205 230 95 960 135 335 345 150

E14000698 Exeter 345 150 150 45 595 95 205 195 95

E14000702 Filton and Bradley Stoke 725 315 335 70 1,215 205 460 370 180

E14000705 Forest of Dean 425 175 185 60 740 95 240 255 150

E14000712 Gloucester 450 205 190 55 760 110 250 255 140

E14000774 Kingswood 525 235 235 60 885 140 300 295 150

E14000815 Mid Dorset and North Poole 620 235 305 80 1,090 140 330 390 230

E14000835 Newton Abbot 335 150 145 40 570 75 195 180 115

E14000837 North Cornwall 215 85 95 35 385 60 130 125 70

E14000838 North Devon 290 115 120 55 525 85 190 155 95

E14000839 North Dorset 745 285 350 110 1,335 155 445 495 235

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

E14000846 North East Somerset 790 290 380 125 1,425 210 465 485 270

E14000850 North Somerset 1,260 490 605 160 2,215 415 820 655 325

E14000851 North Swindon 810 360 380 75 1,345 250 515 400 180

E14000860 North Wiltshire 1,335 495 655 180 2,385 330 870 790 395

E14000879 Plymouth, Moor View 170 90 65 15 265 65 90 70 45

E14000880 Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport 240 110 110 20 390 70 125 120 80

E14000881 Poole 620 235 310 75 1,085 240 440 280 125

E14000912 Salisbury 970 380 425 165 1,750 215 595 630 305

E14000932 Somerton and Frome 705 260 330 115 1,285 110 445 475 260

E14000936 South Dorset 255 115 105 35 430 50 130 155 95

E14000938 South East Cornwall 290 120 125 45 505 55 165 180 105

E14000947 South Swindon 730 325 330 75 1,220 215 450 370 190

E14000950 South West Devon 475 185 230 60 830 105 260 295 175

E14000954 South West Wiltshire 625 235 280 110 1,145 130 400 410 210

E14000961 St Austell and Newquay 185 75 85 25 330 50 105 115 60

E14000964 St Ives 225 95 95 35 390 60 130 135 70

E14000980 Stroud 895 340 415 140 1,605 240 575 520 265

E14000988 Taunton Deane 650 255 295 100 1,165 160 395 395 215

E14000990 Tewkesbury 805 340 375 90 1,370 220 465 455 230

E14000991 The Cotswolds 1,300 495 615 190 2,330 415 825 745 345

E14000994 Thornbury and Yate 805 305 385 115 1,440 190 475 505 270

E14000996 Tiverton and Honiton 420 150 200 70 765 100 260 285 120

E14000999 Torbay 215 95 90 30 370 55 135 115 65

E14001000 Torridge and West Devon 375 140 165 70 690 70 235 235 150

E14001001 Totnes 315 125 145 45 560 85 190 190 95

E14001003 Truro and Falmouth 510 200 235 75 905 155 330 285 135

E14001026 Wells 630 240 290 100 1,130 125 390 400 215

E14001031 West Dorset 550 220 240 95 995 125 315 355 200

E14001038 Weston-Super-Mare 415 165 190 60 735 100 280 225 135

E14001060 Yeovil 385 145 180 65 700 95 225 245 130

W92000004 WALES 10,595 4,535 4,740 1,320 18,190 2,730 6,370 5,945 3,140

W07000049 Aberavon 100 40 55 5 170 30 70 55 15

W07000058 Aberconwy 155 70 70 15 260 30 85 95 50

W07000043 Alyn and Deeside 335 150 150 35 555 95 190 185 85

W07000057 Arfon 145 65 60 20 245 35 85 90 30

W07000072 Blaenau Gwent 50 20 20 5 85 10 25 35 15

W07000068 Brecon and Radnorshire 170 65 60 40 325 30 120 110 60

W07000073 Bridgend 365 160 155 45 620 85 195 220 120

W07000076 Caerphilly 220 100 95 25 375 60 125 125 65

W07000050 Cardiff Central 485 210 210 60 830 165 295 245 125

W07000051 Cardiff North 895 385 400 110 1,525 295 575 440 215

W07000080 Cardiff South and Penarth 455 195 200 65 790 140 325 210 110

W07000079 Cardiff West 665 290 310 70 1,130 215 400 340 170

W07000067 Carmarthen East and Dinefwr 180 80 75 25 305 40 100 90 70

W07000066 Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire 235 90 105 40 435 45 145 150 95

W07000064 Ceredigion 145 65 65 15 245 30 80 90 50

W07000062 Clwyd South 215 85 105 25 370 40 120 130 75

W07000059 Clwyd West 270 100 125 40 475 50 170 165 90

W07000070 Cynon Valley 95 45 40 10 155 15 45 65 30

W07000042 Delyn 310 125 145 35 530 80 185 180 85

W07000061 Dwyfor Meirionnydd 60 25 25 10 100 20 35 30 20

W07000046 Gower 435 155 210 70 790 115 280 250 145

W07000077 Islwyn 145 70 55 20 235 35 80 70 50

W07000045 Llanelli 155 70 65 15 250 30 85 85 50

W07000071 Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney 80 40 30 5 120 10 35 50 30

W07000054 Monmouth 740 305 330 105 1,285 170 455 425 230

W07000063 Montgomeryshire 140 65 55 20 240 35 95 70 45

W07000069 Neath 180 90 80 10 275 40 90 95 50

W07000055 Newport East 260 130 105 25 430 55 135 145 95

W07000056 Newport West 415 175 185 55 715 105 240 240 135

W07000074 Ogmore 160 65 70 20 275 50 80 95 50

W07000075 Pontypridd 305 130 140 35 520 85 220 160 55

W07000065 Preseli Pembrokeshire 240 105 110 25 400 55 135 135 75

W07000052 Rhondda 50 30 20 5 80 5 25 30 20

W07000048 Swansea East 95 40 50 5 155 25 65 40 25

W07000047 Swansea West 250 105 110 35 435 60 145 145 80

W07000053 Torfaen 150 65 70 15 250 30 75 90 50

W07000060 Vale of Clwyd 170 70 75 25 300 45 100 105 50

W07000078 Vale of Glamorgan 580 225 285 70 1,015 135 340 370 175

W07000044 Wrexham 320 140 145 35 540 60 195 190 95

W07000041 Ynys Môn 200 90 80 25 340 55 120 110 55

S92000003 SCOTLAND 35,545 15,325 15,775 4,445 60,855 11,245 22,330 19,620 7,660

S14000001 Aberdeen North 710 330 305 70 1,165 300 435 305 125

S14000002 Aberdeen South 1,650 745 720 185 2,775 590 960 855 370

S14000003 Airdrie and Shotts 230 120 85 25 370 65 125 130 55

S14000004 Angus 515 220 225 70 890 160 320 305 105

S14000005 Argyll and Bute 385 165 160 60 675 110 220 255 95

S14000006 Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock 400 185 165 55 690 95 260 235 100

S14000007 Banff and Buchan 1,045 455 470 120 1,785 425 625 550 185

S14000008 Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk 350 145 150 60 640 95 225 220 100

S14000009 Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross 365 175 135 60 630 130 235 185 85

S14000010 Central Ayrshire 405 165 190 50 705 100 255 250 105

S14000011 Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill 330 160 135 40 545 105 205 170 65

S14000012 Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East 410 195 175 35 665 110 230 235 90

S14000013 Dumfries and Galloway 195 85 75 30 345 55 125 115 50

S14000014 Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale 480 180 230 75 875 110 335 310 125

S14000015 Dundee East 415 175 190 50 700 125 285 210 85

S14000016 Dundee West 240 100 115 25 415 65 150 135 65

S14000017 Dunfermline and West Fife 665 275 310 75 1,135 195 450 360 125

S14000018 East Dunbartonshire 1,205 500 550 155 2,090 350 750 705 280

S14000019 East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow 600 265 260 75 1,020 165 345 365 140

S14000020 East Lothian 880 370 375 130 1,540 250 625 490 175

S14000021 East Renfrewshire 1,360 535 600 225 2,450 425 900 815 315

S14000022 Edinburgh East 405 180 180 45 680 150 280 175 75

S14000023 Edinburgh North and Leith 925 435 405 80 1,500 385 550 410 160

S14000024 Edinburgh South 1,300 485 625 195 2,335 410 885 735 300

S14000025 Edinburgh South West 860 365 390 105 1,465 245 545 480 195

S14000026 Edinburgh West 1,290 540 575 170 2,220 435 855 690 245

S14000027 Na h-Eileanan an Iar 115 50 45 20 205 40 80 60 25

S14000028 Falkirk 720 325 330 65 1,195 220 430 395 150

S14000029 Glasgow Central 155 75 60 20 255 80 105 50 15

S14000030 Glasgow East 140 70 55 15 220 40 75 70 35

S14000031 Glasgow North 335 165 145 25 535 155 195 135 50

S14000032 Glasgow North East 50 25 20 - 70 25 25 15 5

S14000033 Glasgow North West 495 205 235 55 850 205 310 250 85

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

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Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

S14000034 Glasgow South 470 215 195 60 785 165 295 235 90

S14000035 Glasgow South West 110 50 50 10 180 40 75 50 20

S14000036 Glenrothes 210 105 85 25 345 60 125 115 45

S14000037 Gordon 2,000 905 905 195 3,315 805 1,260 935 315

S14000038 Inverclyde 355 150 160 45 610 85 225 215 85

S14000039 Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey 500 205 210 80 890 150 330 280 130

S14000040 Kilmarnock and Loudon 375 170 170 35 625 110 215 210 90

S14000041 Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath 425 175 195 55 740 135 275 245 85

S14000042 Lanark and Hamilton East 600 275 260 70 1,010 145 400 345 120

S14000043 Linlithgow and East Falkirk 895 380 410 105 1,525 285 565 510 165

S14000044 Livingston 570 245 270 55 970 125 370 335 135

S14000045 Midlothian 470 205 215 45 780 145 295 245 100

S14000046 Moray 785 335 360 90 1,330 255 430 460 180

S14000047 Motherwell and Wishaw 310 135 150 30 525 90 185 185 65

S14000048 North Ayrshire and Arran 390 180 155 60 675 95 230 235 110

S14000049 North East Fife 480 200 210 70 845 100 300 310 135

S14000050 Ochil and South Perthshire 770 320 335 120 1,365 150 480 510 225

S14000051 Orkney and Shetland 245 90 100 55 465 85 180 140 60

S14000052 Paisley and Renfrewshire North 535 245 225 65 900 130 330 330 115

S14000053 Paisley and Renfrewshire South 365 150 175 35 620 75 230 230 85

S14000054 Perth and North Perthshire 580 240 260 80 1,010 140 340 360 170

S14000055 Ross, Skye and Lochaber 290 105 130 55 535 95 190 165 85

S14000056 Rutherglen and Hamilton West 470 220 195 55 780 165 330 220 65

S14000057 Stirling 970 395 425 150 1,720 245 610 630 235

S14000058 West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine 2,530 1,070 1,155 305 4,335 930 1,550 1,335 525

S14000059 West Dunbartonshire 210 105 80 20 335 35 120 130 55

N92000002 NORTHERN IRELAND 5,970 2,120 2,405 1,450 11,635 1,965 4,065 3,635 1,970

N06000001 Belfast East 410 145 175 90 770 185 265 195 125

N06000002 Belfast North 150 50 60 40 305 60 105 90 55

N06000003 Belfast South 910 320 360 230 1,795 320 610 555 310

N06000004 Belfast West 70 25 25 20 135 20 35 50 30

N06000005 East Antrim 340 140 145 55 600 75 215 200 115

N06000006 East Londonderry 250 85 105 60 485 65 155 175 95

N06000007 Fermanagh and South Tyrone 205 65 70 70 440 80 165 125 70

N06000008 Foyle 225 80 90 60 450 65 150 160 80

N06000009 Lagan Valley 655 230 290 140 1,245 230 435 380 205

N06000010 Mid Ulster 195 55 70 70 420 95 160 110 55

N06000011 Newry and Armagh 215 55 80 75 470 75 180 140 70

N06000012 North Antrim 320 125 125 75 605 95 205 195 110

N06000013 North Down 510 180 220 110 975 150 350 320 150

N06000014 South Antrim 410 155 170 85 775 140 285 240 110

N06000015 South Down 300 110 100 85 600 80 190 220 105

N06000016 Strangford 330 120 150 60 605 75 195 205 125

N06000017 Upper Bann 330 115 135 80 640 110 250 175 105

N06000018 West Tyrone 150 55 40 55 320 55 110 105 55

FOREIGN AND NOT KNOWN 1,915 925 780 210 3,245 735 1,120 825 565


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

2 Westminster Parliamentary Constituency codes operative from 6 May 2010.

Table 11 HM Revenue and Customs

Page 53: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Table 11a: Families that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit in each Scottish parliamentary constituency, August 2014

Total One childTwo


Three or



Total Under 5 5-10 11-15 16 and over

S15000001 SCOTLAND 35,545 15,325 15,775 4,445 60,855 11,245 22,330 19,620 7,660

S17000009 CENTRAL SCOTLAND 3,165 1,450 1,380 330 5,240 900 1,960 1,755 625

S16000079 Airdrie and Shotts 210 110 75 25 340 60 115 120 50

S16000091 Coatbridge and Chryston 265 125 110 30 440 90 175 130 45

S16000093 Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 305 145 135 25 495 70 170 175 80

S16000101 East Kilbride 410 190 175 45 680 105 250 240 80

S16000112 Falkirk East 520 245 225 45 840 165 295 285 95

S16000113 Falkirk West 525 230 245 55 885 165 330 290 100

S16000124 Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 330 140 145 40 565 85 250 175 55

S16000133 Motherwell and Wishaw 260 115 125 25 440 80 150 155 50

S16000146 Uddingston and Bellshill 335 150 150 35 555 85 220 180 65

S17000010 GLASGOW 2,040 955 875 215 3,370 820 1,255 945 350

S16000115 Glasgow Anniesland 445 165 225 55 785 185 285 240 75

S16000116 Glasgow Cathcart 330 150 130 50 560 125 215 165 60

S16000117 Glasgow Kelvin 310 170 120 20 470 155 170 100 45

S16000118 Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 130 60 55 10 210 50 80 60 20

S16000119 Glasgow Pollok 110 50 50 10 180 40 70 50 20

S16000120 Glasgow Provan 50 25 20 5 75 25 25 15 10

S16000121 Glasgow Shettleston 115 60 45 10 185 30 60 60 30

S16000122 Glasgow Southside 240 110 100 25 390 95 150 100 45

S16000141 Rutherglen 320 160 125 35 515 115 200 155 50

S17000011 HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS 2,225 920 945 365 3,955 725 1,410 1,265 555

S16000083 Argyll and Bute 145 55 70 20 265 50 85 95 35

S16000086 Caithness, Sutherland and Ross 400 185 150 65 690 135 255 205 95

S16000110 Na h-Eileanan an lar 115 50 45 20 205 40 80 55 25

S16000125 Inverness and Nairn 425 175 185 65 755 140 275 225 115

S16000132 Moray 570 245 255 70 975 180 310 345 135

S16000135 Orkney Islands 70 30 35 10 125 25 50 25 20

S16000142 Shetland Islands 170 60 65 45 340 55 130 115 40

S16000143 Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 325 120 145 65 605 100 225 195 90

S17000012 LOTHIANS 6,345 2,690 2,895 760 10,840 2,070 4,120 3,350 1,305

S16000080 Almond Valley 455 200 210 45 770 100 290 270 105

S16000104 Edinburgh Central 715 340 300 75 1,170 265 425 350 130

S16000105 Edinburgh Eastern 395 180 175 40 650 135 265 175 75

S16000106 Edinburgh Northern and Leith 500 235 215 50 815 220 310 215 70

S16000107 Edinburgh Pentlands 775 290 390 100 1,370 215 510 460 185

S16000108 Edinburgh Southern 1,300 520 585 190 2,295 420 870 705 295

S16000109 Edinburgh Western 1,080 435 505 140 1,875 365 725 570 215

S16000128 Linlithgow 685 270 330 85 1,190 200 440 395 150

S16000130 Midlothian North and Musselburgh 440 220 180 40 705 145 280 205 75

S17000013 MID SCOTLAND AND FIFE 4,095 1,700 1,820 575 7,145 1,020 2,585 2,525 1,015

S16000088 Clackmannanshire and Dunblane 615 255 260 100 1,095 140 395 395 165

S16000092 Cowdenbeath 290 135 115 40 485 85 170 170 65

S16000100 Dunfermline 590 235 285 70 1,025 175 410 330 110

S16000127 Kirkcaldy 245 100 120 25 420 80 165 125 45

S16000129 Mid Fife and Glenrothes 205 90 85 25 345 60 135 115 40

S16000134 North East Fife 450 190 195 65 785 90 275 295 125

S16000137 Perthshire North 425 170 190 65 760 100 280 260 125

S16000138 Perthshire South and Kinross-shire 660 280 285 95 1,160 130 375 455 200

S16000144 Stirling 605 245 275 85 1,065 165 385 385 135

S17000014 NORTH EAST SCOTLAND 9,295 4,080 4,175 1,035 15,685 3,465 5,690 4,720 1,805

S16000074 Aberdeen Central 865 395 380 90 1,440 330 520 400 190

S16000075 Aberdeen Donside 815 395 370 55 1,300 320 465 375 135

S16000076 Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 1,465 675 620 170 2,450 530 820 775 325

S16000077 Aberdeenshire East 1,550 680 700 170 2,615 635 990 750 240

S16000078 Aberdeenshire West 1,945 795 910 240 3,350 715 1,225 1,010 400

S16000081 Angus North and Mearns 925 400 410 120 1,585 345 620 460 160

S16000082 Angus South 480 200 225 55 820 135 300 285 100

S16000085 Banffshire and Buchan Coast 830 360 385 90 1,415 335 490 445 150

S16000098 Dundee City East 230 100 105 25 385 70 150 115 50

S16000099 Dundee City West 190 85 80 25 325 55 120 105 50

S17000015 SOUTH OF SCOTLAND 3,420 1,405 1,520 495 6,030 900 2,215 2,070 845

S16000084 Ayr 515 210 235 65 900 120 340 305 135

S16000087 Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 215 95 85 35 375 55 135 130 55

S16000090 Clydesdale 485 210 210 65 835 135 270 310 125

S16000097 Dumfriesshire 205 80 85 40 380 60 150 120 50

S16000102 East Lothian 775 305 345 125 1,385 225 565 440 155

S16000111 Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 210 80 90 40 390 50 140 135 60

S16000114 Galloway and West Dumfries 125 55 50 20 225 30 85 75 35

S16000126 Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley 345 155 155 35 575 100 200 190 80

S16000131 Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 540 205 265 70 965 125 330 360 145

S17000016 WEST OF SCOTLAND 4,870 2,085 2,125 660 8,430 1,320 3,030 2,940 1,140

S16000089 Clydebank and Milngavie 655 245 325 85 1,155 185 425 400 145

S16000094 Cunninghame North 330 145 135 50 580 80 190 215 95

S16000095 Cunninghame South 165 85 65 15 255 45 90 85 40

S16000096 Dumbarton 380 190 135 50 625 85 200 240 105

S16000103 Eastwood 1,275 490 570 215 2,320 410 850 765 295

S16000123 Greenock and Inverclyde 225 100 105 20 375 50 130 140 55

S16000136 Paisley 275 120 130 25 455 65 170 155 65

S16000139 Renfrewshire North and West 520 225 225 75 900 125 330 330 110

S16000140 Renfrewshire South 310 145 130 35 520 60 195 190 75

S16000145 Strathkelvin and Bearsden 730 330 310 95 1,245 220 445 425 160

NOT KNOWN 90 35 40 15 160 25 60 55 25


1 Area codes implemented from 1 January 2011; in line with the new GSS Coding and Naming policy.

Area Codes 1 Area names

Number of families, by size Number of children in these families, by age

Table 11a HM Revenue and Customs

Page 54: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Appendix A: Background Information

Administrative Data

The data refers to the number of families receiving Child Benefit (CB) (and their eligible

dependents) and is derived from two 100% scans from the Child Benefit Computer System


The August 2014 data represents a snapshot at a point in time of all claimants and eligible

dependents in the United Kingdom present on the CBCS at 31st August 2014 plus awards

for new families and children made by 30th November 2014 and backdated (CB awards

can be backdated for up to 3 months). It excludes a small number of cases that are held


As well as family counts, the number of children in the family and the age of the children

are also given. Counts are provided for Countries, English Regions and Local Authorities


Although the information is collected for administrative purposes, the data is used for a

variety of statistical purposes for example, child population estimations, by HM Revenue

and Customs (HMRC), other government departments and relevant stakeholders.

Further information on Child Benefit

Child Benefit (CB) was introduced in 1977. It replaced Family Allowance, which was a

benefit payable to families with 2 or more children whereas CB includes all families with 1

child or more.

CB is designed to help with the extra costs of bringing up a child. It is benefit payable to all

qualifying parents/guardians in the United Kingdom. From January 2013, if a claimant of

CB or their partner has an individual income of more than £50,000 per year, they will be

liable to repay some or all of their Child Benefit due to the introduction of the High Income

Child Benefit charge. Claimants affected by the High Income Child Benefit charge have

the option to opt-out of receiving Child Benefit.

CB is payable to one parent or guardian of all children under 16 years of age other than

children in local authority care, and subject to residence conditions. Detailed current

eligibility conditions and rules for claiming CB are available from the HMRC website. There

is a higher payment for the eldest child and a lower rate for each subsequent child. From

2006-07 new eligibility rules were introduced for families claiming in respect of young

persons aged 16 to 19.

A further addition, Child Benefit (Lone Parent), was paid for the eldest or only child of a

lone parent up until 1998. Since then, new lone parents are not entitled to this extra

benefit. However, those who were in receipt of the Child Benefit (Lone Parent) before this

time may continue to receive it.

Appendix A HM Revenue and Customs

Page 55: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

CB is administered by HMRC (formerly Inland Revenue). Prior to April 2003 CB in England

and Wales was administered by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

Data are believed to be of a high standard as they are based on a scan of the computer

systems used to administer and pay CB. If anyone attempts to wilfully supply false

information, they may be liable to prosecution.


Child Benefit is paid to those responsible for children (aged under 16) or qualifying young

people. The latter includes: a) those in full-time non-advanced education or (from April 2006) on certain approved

vocational training courses and who are under 19, or are aged 19 and have been on the

same course since their 19th birthdays. (Note: those reaching 19 up to 9 April 2006

ceased to qualify on their 19th birthdays); b) those entered for future external examinations, or are in the period between leaving

education (or exams finishing) and the week containing the first Monday in September (or

similar dates after Easter and in early January, if earlier), and are not in work (there are

slight variations for Scotland);

c) those aged under 18 who have moved directly from full-time education to being

registered for work or training with the Careers service or with Connexions.

Full-time non-advanced education: Full-time education is more than 12 hours supervised

study a week in normal term-time, not counting breaks for meals and homework.

Non-advanced is not above the Advanced Level of the General Certificate of Education

(GCE A-Level) or the Advanced Higher Grade and Higher Grade of the Scottish Certificate

of Education (SCE Advanced Highers/ Highers) or SCOTVEC National Certificate/Diploma

(ONC/OND) or GNVQ level 3 or equivalent.

Validation and quality assurance processes

Child Benefit data is extracted directly from the Child Benefit Computer System (CBCS)

and sent securely and electronically to HMRC. Throughout the transfer process

accompanying header and footer records ensure that no records go missing during the

extraction process.

When the data is loaded into HMRC's computer environment additional checks are put in

place to ensure duplicate records are removed. A further suite of quality assurance takes

place to ensure consistent numbers of claimants and children are in receipt of Child

Benefit compared with previous data.

Finally the data is cross checked against other administrative sources, notably

registrations of newborn children and population estimates compiled by the Office for

National Statistics. Quality assurance is carried out at the UK, country, region and local

authority level.

Appendix A HM Revenue and Customs

Page 56: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Coverage and compilation of the figures

The tables are based on an extract from the Child Benefit Computer System taken on 31st

August 2014 and supplemented with additional cases as identified from a further extract

on 30th November 2014. This identifies new claims that started between 31st August and

30th November 2014 but are in relation to a child born prior to 31st August 2014.

Geographical allocation

For August 2014, we have remained with the process introduced for August 2007. In

publications prior to August 2007 the postcode on the Child Benefit computer system was

used wherever possible and, where missing or invalid, was supplemented with postcodes

from the previous year.

Due to the increasing demand for low level geographical analysis, greater scrutiny is

required when comparing information across different administrative systems. In respect of

Child Benefit, as a significant proportion of CB claimants also claim tax credits, it is

essential that everything is done to ensure that a family is treated equally within both

systems and both sets of small area statistics. From August 2007 we have individually

matched the Child Benefit and tax credits data together and in the event that there is a

discrepancy we have used the postcode as recorded on the tax credits system in the first

instance, and then the postcode as recorded on the Child Benefit system.

At national level this does not have a huge effect, and even down to Local Authority or

Parliamentary Constituency level the effect is minimal, but with the increasing demand for

very small area statistics, such as Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA) and Data Zone

(the Scottish equivalent of LSOA), we have done everything we can to ensure that where a

family appears in both systems, for the statistics we will be assigning them the same

geographical details.

Once the postcode had been identified, the geographical details were obtained from the

National Statistics Postcode Look-up (NSPL). This includes the Scottish Parliamentary

Constituencies that came into effect in May 2011. England and Wales data represents

geographical boundaries derived from Census 2011 data and has been taken from the

August 2014 NSPL. Northern Ireland data represents geographical boundaries derived

from Census 2001 data, which is still the latest available, and has also been taken from

the August 2014 NSPL. Scotland are yet to derive new geographical boundaries based on

Census 2011 data, therefore the information for Scotland has been taken from the August

2012 NSPL and represents the latest version of the Census 2001 geographical

Further information on the National Statistics Postcode Look-up can be found on the ONS



Appendix A HM Revenue and Customs

Page 57: Child Benefit Statistics · 2015. 2. 26. · Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014 However, those that have opted out of receiving Child Benefit can be identified. At end-August

Child Benefit Statistics - August 2014

Appendix B: Rates of Child Benefit, 1992 to 2014

£ per week

Eldest Subsequent Lone

child children parent 1

April 1992 9.65 7.80 15.50

April 1993 10.00 8.10 16.05

April 1994 10.20 8.25 16.35

April 1995 10.40 8.45 16.70

April 1996 10.80 8.80 17.10

April 1997 11.05 9.00 17.10

April 1998 11.45 9.30 17.10

April 1999 14.40 9.60 17.10

April 2000 15.00 10.00 17.55

April 2001 15.50 10.35 17.55

April 2002 15.75 10.55 17.55

April 2003 16.05 10.75 17.55

April 2004 16.50 11.05 17.55

April 2005 17.00 11.40 17.55

April 2006 17.45 11.70 17.55

April 2007 18.10 12.10 -

April 2008 18.80 12.55 -

January 2009 20.00 13.20 -

April 2010 20.30 13.40 -

April 2011 20.30 13.40 -

April 2012 20.30 13.40 -

April 2013 20.30 13.40 -

April 2014 20.50 13.55 -


1. This was payable instead of the standard eldest child rate to most people bringing up

children on their own until 6 July 1998. From that date it has continued to be payable to

recipients at that date. It is also payable to lone parents who were receiving the lone

parent rate of family premium in Income Support or Jobseekers' Allowance and move into

work; and lone parents ceasing to receive a "specified" benefit (Child's Special Allowance

for the eldest dependent child; the higher rate of Industrial Death Benefit for the child; or

an increase for the eldest dependent child with either Widowed Mother's Allowance, War

Widow's Pension, Retirement Pension, Industrial Disablement Pension - which includes

Unemployability Supplement - or Invalid Care Allowance). In April 2007, this transitionally

protected rate of Child Benefit for lone parents was extingushed when the standard rate

for the first eldest child increased to £18.10 per week.

Appendix B HM Revenue and Customs