child birth report

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  • 7/28/2019 Child Birth Report


    Child birth report:

    This report is created only after 7 days of the childs birth.. this is as per our

    Shastras, we believe that God starts writing the humans fate only on the 7 th day of

    their birth.

    This is a prelim report that talks about the placement of planets at the time of birth

    & indicates any immediate remedies that might have to be done. ( if the child was

    born under planet Mars or saturns effects )

    This is an extensive insightful analysis of the childs unique qualities and potentials. Ahelpful gift for new parents.

    Horoscope making

    The natal chart is calculated as per the placement of 9 planets in 12 houses at the time of birth of an

    individual. This can be called as the Map of a persons life cycle.. This chart or map is called a horoscope.

    it is a very detailed report that covers every important aspect of life - health, finance, family, career,romance, marriage and also provides an analytical study of every individual house in an individuals chart,and its influence on the particular aspect of life that it signifies.

    The report starts with a general discussion on the planetary positions in your chart, highlights the auspiciousformations and dwells on the individual strength of the planets, houses and signs.

    It then describes your personality, physical structure, status, wealth, land, property, siblings, education,children, mind, intelligence, diseases, enemies, obstacles, legal hassles, marriage, spouse, longevity,challenges, fortune, prosperity, inheritance, spiritualism, profession, career, income, expenditure and losses.

    The advent and outcome of different events is controlled by the dasha system that divides life into periodsand sub periods. The report then dwells on the general trends of fortunes and misfortunes that can beexpected, and the relative intensity of experiences that you may undergo depending on the natal andtransitory positions of the planets.

    The Life Time report ends with some guidance on Vedic astrology based remedial measures in the form ofgemstones to wear, pujas to perform, mantras to recite or donations to be made for planetary appeasement.

    Compatibility Report

    This report is based on the astrology technique of S which compares the horoscopes oftwo people and interprets potentialrelations between them. It reveals areas of harmonyand compatibility as well as areas of potential tension and conflict. We suggest that the

    recipient of this and other reports could benefit greatly from a supple- mentary liveconsultation because human relationships are complex and contradictions can show inthe interpretation.

    This report gives a precise analysis of the areas of harmony and conflict in inter personal relationshipsbased on the unique Vedic astrological ' Koota' system expressing the degree of compatibility in the form ofa score or 'koota' meaning points. Traditionally, the position of the Moon is considered the most importantfactor, and a scoring system based on the Moon has become very popular in India. This comparison takes

  • 7/28/2019 Child Birth Report


    into consideration the respective planetary positions of both the partners and indicates the compatibilityrating based on their birth constellations.

    Our couple analysis report covers the following:Basic horoscope details of both the partners including:

    a. Sunsignb. Moonsignc. Ascendantd. Nakshatrae. Strength and Placement of Planetsf. Other significant observationsg. AshtaKoota Compatibility Report with scoreh. Mangala/Nadi/Bhakoota Doshai. Recommendations

    and predictions for

    a. Natureb. Careerc. Financed. Healthe. Childrenf. Relationship

    The Couple Analysis Report ends with some guidance on Vedic astrology based remedial measures in theform of gemstones to wear, pujas to perform, mantras to recite or donations to be made for planetaryappeasement to improve your interpersonal relationships.

    Career report

    Transiting planets have a strong influence on the career graph and our revered astrologers will give you aninsight into your career prospects, and help you select the career most suitable for your temperament.

    The report will give answers to the following for the year in question

    a. Career Prospect: General overview and Present trendb. Promotion & New Assignmentsc. Work related overseas traveld. Relationship with your Bosse. Relationship with your Colleagues

    The Career report ends with some guidance on Vedic astrology based remedial measures in the form ofgemstones to wear, pujas to perform, mantras to recite or donations to be made for planetary appeasement,to improve and enhance career prospects.

    His more than 15 years practice of Bhakti Yoga, the path of devotional love, gives him a wholesome view of

    personality. Rather than rejecting personality as a cause of pain and frustration, he advocates entering a sacred,

    mystical experience of ones higher self that allows oneto transcend the limits of ones lower nature.

    Vedic astrology gives him an in-depth understanding of your life experience and how it creates your relation to the

    world. It offers him a map of your potential and also helps you identify the attitudes that create obstacles to your

    progress. Seeing yourself through the eyes of your Vedic chart is a transformative experience that gently fosters

  • 7/28/2019 Child Birth Report


    healing and growth processes. Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava is a careful empathetic listener whose counsel helps you

    examine you


    CONSULTATION sessions with Aacharya Sandeep Bhargava can cover a wide range of issues and concerns

    depending on the needs and interests of the client. You have the option of a one-off consultation, ongoing coaching

    or periodic sessions. In addition to the counselling described above different themes of consultations include: LifeCycles: Explore periods of time in your life that are themed by different qualities of experience. Knowing in advance

    when these cycles occur and understanding their influence helps you get the most from your life, empowering you to

    successfully meet any challenge.

    Nature & Nurture Understanding Your Child Traditionally this is one of the best uses of Vedic astrology as it gives a

    parent foresight into the latent character and potential of their child. This helps the parent nurture the child

    according to his or her genuine nature creating a solid basis for the childs future. Relationships The four aspects of

    love Care, Responsibility, Respect and Knowledge are by-products of an empathetic concern for the welfare of the

    one you love. Dr Geary helps you and your partner achieve a deeper empathy and understanding of each other that

    fosters balanced, progressive relationships. Care, Responsibility, Respect and Knowledge are by-products of an

    empathetic concern for the welfare of the one you love. Once you have aligned to your higher self and core values,

    Dr. Geary is there to help you set realistic goals. He coaches you to create your own new, empowering life-scripts

    that affirm and strenghen your whole being. He teaches you the easy use of proven methods and simple daily

    practices that help you move forward in your life with enthusiasm and confidence. He offers ongoing feedback thathelps keep you on track and aligned to your objectives.pproach to life and what is important to you.

    What is Astrology:

    Astrology simply means "the Science of the Stars". It contains both the idea of a

    systematic body of knowledge of the Universe; along with the way the stars speak to us,

    or give meaning to our lives. A person who practices astrology is called an astrologer. A

    very ancient, but still integral discipline, astrology seeks the meaning and application of

    the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial prodigy in our lives.

    Exploring us, our relationships and our place within the world, astrology has found that

    the symbolic relationships between the heavenly bodies are significant, and can be seen

    as a map to human destiny. This is expressed in the hermetic maxim: As Above, So


    Astrology can give us insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the

    professional and from the most intimate to the most mundane (worldly). Because

    astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world, we can see that there is a spiritual

    connection between all things, even the planets, Nakshatras, stars and ourselves.What is horoscope:

    The horoscope is a map orpicture of the planets that appears as a two dimensional chart showing theposition of the Sun, the Moon, and planets at the precise moment of your birth (first complete breath). it is

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    based on your place, date, and time of birth. It is a table of 12 houses. Horoscope simplymeans 'hour scope' There is also a transit chart which is made from the day to day or futurepositions of the planets The basic birth chart is subjected to these angles of the planets tellingfuture events for the person. The moon stays in each sign for 2 & a half days and is the

    foundation of transit astrology During its stay it reflects the qualities of a sign in moods andbehaviors in everyday life.