childreach tanzania - 5 year report 2009-2014

A Five Year Progress Report 2009-2014

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Celebrating the achievements of Childreach Tanzania in the last five years.


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A Five Year Progress Report 2009-2014

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About Childreach Tanzania

Childreach Tanzania is a locally registered charity based in Moshi, Kilimanjaro.

We work in partnership with government primary schools and local communities to implement sustainable, community-led initiatives aimed at changing the lives of children. We are guided by the underlying principle of community-based development and our work is built around long term goals in the areas of health, education, child rights and child protection.

Childreach Tanzania believes that all children have the right to unlock their full potential in life and we place this at the heart of everything we do. We work to break down barriers that stop children from living freely, providing thousands of children every year with a chance to transform their lives. We do this by pioneering grassroots projects that focus on improving children’s access to health, education, child rights and child protection. Childreach Tanzania works to improve schools by making them brighter, more child-friendly and overall a healthier environment for children.

We empower children to advocate for their rights by creating child rights clubs in schools and conducting workshops that put students at the centre of the learning process. Furthermore we initiate sustainable projects like helping schools to provide lunches from their farms and light up family homes. Our Deaf Education and Development Programme encourages the enrolment of deaf children into schools and provides sign language training to improve communication between deaf children, teachers and parents.

Our VisionA world where all children have the opportunity to unlock their potential in life.

Our MissionTo improve children’s access to healthcare and education, and to restore children’s rights, empowering resilient children to create positive change through community based solutions.

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Table of ContentsLetter from the Chairman

Timeline of Childreach Tanzania

Firoz Patel and the Story of Childreach Tanzania

Our Impact

Staff Profile: Sheila Makindara, Country Director

Supporting Deaf Children and Youth

Programme Overview: Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf

Student Profile: Maria, Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf

Staff Profile: Jonathan Livingstone Mosha, Project Assistant

Creating Safe, Healthy, and Child-Friendly Homes and Schools

Programme Overview: School Improvement: School Profile: Benjamin William Mkapa School

Programme Overview: My School My Voice

Teacher Profile: Theresia Joseph Msoka, My School My Voice Twinning Programme – UK Exchange

Programme Overview: School Farming and Gardening

Staff Profile: Emmanuel Ringo, Programme Officer

Giving Families a Litre of Light


UN-World Food Programme

Partnership for Health and Development in Africa

White Orange Youth

Local Government: Mr. Jeshi Lupembe, District Education Officer – Moshi Municipal

Financial Review

Childreach Tanzania Donors and Partners
























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There have been many obstacles; from a tough fundraising climate to difficult economic times all around the world. Nevertheless staff, volunteers, and trustees have worked hard to continue to implement programmes for the most vulnerable children in our society.

As this report shows, Childreach Tanzania has grown, learning from and building on their successes. The organisation has continued to grow rapidly and has successfully secured funds to implement bigger and better programmes. The most recent Maisha Bora programme, which is a 5-year multi-stakeholder food security programme in Arusha and Manyara regions, is an excellent example as it highlights the tenacity and ambitious nature of the staff, and the organisation. Childreach Tanzania is specifically focusing on improving the nutrition of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five by providing them with more diversified food, access to clean water, and increased awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention.

Childreach Tanzania relies on the hard work and commitment of the staff and volunteers without whom this work would not have been possible. I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to put Childreach Tanzania where it is today. Their work is an inspiration and ensures that Childreach Tanzania is able to continue fulfilling its goals and continue changing the lives of thousands of children.

As we look to the next five years, I am proud of what Childreach Tanzania has achieved so far and excited about a future where children in Tanzania will continue to be given the opportunity to unlock their full potential.


Boniface MarikiChairman, Board of TrusteesChildreach Tanzania

Letter from the Chairman

Over the past five years I have had the pleasure of watching Childreach Tanzania raise the bar for ourselves and the children we work with. This five-year progress report highlights these changes and how Childreach Tanzania’s work has developed and reached more and more communities in the Kilimanjaro, Shinyanga and Manyara regions.

I am aware that the external environment for non-profit organisations remains a very challenging one. However, Childreach Tanzania and our partners have pulled together and shown remarkable resilience, determination, and sense of purpose. We have truly worked as a united voice for change.

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Children35,050 children have benefitted from Childreach Tanzania’s programmes in 95 schools

8,140 children have benefited from renovated or newly constructed school buildings, including classrooms, toilets, kitchens and dining halls

7,250 children have learned about their rights through My School My Voice clubs in 24 primary schools

959 students now enjoy the right to play with new sports equipment

500 children have benefited from the Family Energy Project

245 students were trained in sign language

245 deaf children have been enrolled in schools

48 students have received training at Ghona Vocational Centre for the Deaf

Our Impact

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Childreach Tanzania was founded and became an affiliate of Childreach International under the leadership of Anita Chilunda

23 School Improvement projects were initiated in 11 schools

15 groups of university students from the UK traveled to Tanzania to visit Childreach Tanzania’s projects and climb Mount Kilimanjaro

100 trees were planted in schools as part of the Carbon Offsetting Project

15 School Improvement projects were carried out in 4 schools

Carbon Offsetting Project expanded and more trees were planted at schools

School Feeding project started at schools in Manyara Region

School Twinning project started between schools in Tanzania and the UK

Began supporting Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf in partnership with Signal (previously Woodford Foundation)

Sheila Makindara became Childreach Tanzania’s second Country Director

School Farming and Gardening Programme was initiated with the goal of developing sustainable school feeding programmes

Through the School Improvement Programme 10 schools were renovated

Tree planting continued to preserve the environment in target communities

Support of the Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf continued

School Twinning project expanded with 8 new links between schools in Tanzania and the UK

Childreach Tanzania partnered with Partnership for Health and Development in Africa ( PHEDA) to build capacity of health education in schools (2012-13)

Childreach Tanzania partnered with Kilimanjaro Women Information Exchange and Consultancy Organisation (KWIECO) to promote a large-scale campaign for child rights awareness in 28 schools in Kilimanjaro region (2012-13)

In partnership with White Orange Youth, Childreach Tanzania provided children in Moshi rural with access to better protection by improving child protection systems and structures (2012-13)

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Timeline of Childreach Tanzania

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In partnership with ACE Africa, Childreach Tanzania improved the well-being of children by increasing their knowledge of children’s rights and HIV prevention while improving access to nutritious food and community-based psychosocial support (programmed ended in 2013)

Childreach Tanzania continued running programmes at Ghona Vocational Centre for the Deaf

School Twinning Programme was improved and renamed ‘My School My Voice’ and was implemented in 21 schools

Family Energy Project – Litre of Light Programme began as an expansion of the Carbon Offsetting Project

Through the School Improvement Programme 4 schools were renovated

Childreach Tanzania initiated a partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP) and started implementing projects together

Support of the Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf continued

Family Energy Project – Litre of Light Programme continued

As part of the My School My Voice Programme, Childreach Tanzania helped 14 Tanzanian teachers visit the UK, funded by the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms programme

An all-female climbing team summited Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness about girls’ education and the importance of school meals. The climbing team was was comprised of 10 women from Nepal, South Africa and Tanzania. After summiting Mount Kilimanjaro the climbing team visited schools supported by Childreach Tanzania and the World Food Programme (WFP) to inspire girls to achieve their educational goals

Through a partnership with Deaf Child Worldwide, Childreach Tanzania started the Deaf Education and Development Programme (scheduled to end in 2017)

As part of the school gardening project, Childreach Tanzania collaborated on a project with the World Food Programme to reduce hunger and malnutrition among school children and improve academic performance and attendance rates in Simanjiro District

Developed partnership with GIZ, a German organisation dedicated to international cooperation for sustainable development

Through the School Improvement Programme 5 schools were renovated

Support of the Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf continued

Childreach Tanzania received the Stars Impact Award for Education in Africa Middle-East

A documentary, “Holding Up the Sky,” which documented the all-female climb up Mount Kilimanjaro premiered at the Arusha Film Festival and won the category of Best Documentary of the Year

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Childreach Tanzania was registered in 2009. But our story began six years earlier when the Chief Executive of Childreach International, Firoz Patel, then an International Development student from the University of East London, visited the Kilimanjaro region for the first time.

The people Firoz met and things he learned inspired him to find a way to create real change for the children of the region. When he returned to London, he founded a voluntary organisation with other ambitious students who shared his vision.

Since Firoz secured a small grant from the university in 2005, he has established a model of grassroots development based on empowering young leaders, building trust with communities and approaching everything we do with the patience and humility needed to form the relationships that are essential for long term change.

Focusing initially on school improvement programmes, Childreach Tanzania opened an office in Moshi in the Kilimanjaro region in 2009. Under the leadership of Sheila Makindara, Childreach Tanzania was the first Childreach office to become an independent locally registered organisation in 2012.

This evolution of the relationship between Childreach International and Childreach Tanzania has been key to the successes of the last five years. While Childreach Tanzania continues to receive training, capacity building, funding, and organisational support from Childreach International, our Tanzania team is now able to design, implement and find funding for its own programmes like the ones you will read about in this report.

Firoz Patel and the story of Childreach Tanzania

“I’ve been privileged to watch the Childreach Tanzania team grow and develop. They are not afraid of a challenge and love solving problems. What drives them is that they can’t accept that children grow up in poverty or face abuse and discrimination. Childreach Tanzania have proved – as this report shows - that with humility and hard work we can lift the weights that are preventing children from fulfilling their potential.

What the last five years have taught me is that our people and relationships are our biggest strength. I don’t just mean between our staff members in Tanzania and internationally. Real change only happens when children, parents, teachers and community leaders are the agents of change in partnership with the local government. We are all capable of amazing things. But we’re capable of more - together. We empower people because it works.”

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Sheila is truly a leader of Childreach Tanzania and has significantly contributed to the organisation’s success and growth. Sheila began her career at Childreach Tanzania in November 2010 filling the role of Operations Manager. When Anita Chilunda, the previous Country Director, left the organisation it soon became clear that Sheila was the right person to take Childreach Tanzania forward. Due to her commitment to the organisation’s values and undeniable leadership ability, Sheila was promoted to Country Director in 2012.

In addition to becoming the Country Director in 2012, Sheila received a Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management from the University of Dar es Salaam. During her time at Childreach Tanzania she has been able to translate theory into practice to best support the Childreach Tanzania team and target communities, and she is driven by her strong belief that “a person can transform their life through education more than anything else.”

Sheila works directly with Childreach International’s UK team and other affiliate offices around the world. Over the past four years Sheila has been able to develop an organisational culture centered on respect, dedication, and teamwork. Sheila describes the Childreach team as, “young, energetic, vibrant, passionate about what they do, independent, rational, interested in development, and most of all they care about children and the community.” Sheila’s leadership and the dedication of the Childreach Tanzania team have been at the heart of the success of the last five years.

Sheila was selected as a 2015 Mandela Washington Fellow, a flagship programme of President Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative, and spent seven weeks in the United States of America learning about Civic Leadership. She was based at Arizona State University and had an opportunity to learn, share and network with leaders in America, other young African leaders from across the African continent and attended a town hall meeting with President Obama in Washington DC.

“Helping children across Tanzania to access education gives me great joy and a sense of certainty that I am in the right place in life. It highly motivates me and gives me the energy to continue the work that we do. I especially want to motivate girls and young women to acquire education as that is one of the best ways to find independence, and to have an improved socioeconomic status.” – Sheila

Staff ProfileSheila Makindara, Country Director

Shela Makindara Country Director Childreach Tanzania, receives the 2014 Stars Impact Award for Education in Africa Middle-East from former US President Bill Clinton and Stars Foundation Founding Chairman He Amr-Al Dabbagh

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Our Impact

Teachers98 teachers were trained in sign language

87 teachers were trained in participatory teaching methods

55 teachers were trained in psychosocial support and counselling methods

50 education coordinators from the local government were trained on the importance of positive parenting for deaf children

22 Tanzanian teachers, who are part of My School My Voice, visited the UK with Connecting Classrooms programme

10 offices were renovated in different schools in Kilimanjaro and 1 administration block was built at one school in Manyara region

8 toilets for teachers were built and 3 were renovated

1 house for teachers was built and 2 were renovated at 3 schools

Food and Nutrition85,000 kilograms of maize have been harvested

6,000 eggs are produced each month as part of the poultry project at the Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf. A total of 88,956 eggs were produced between May 2014 and May 2015

5,912 children now enjoy hot, healthy lunches through the School Gardening and Farming Programme

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Programme Overview:Deaf Education and Development Programme

In June 2014 Childreach Tanzania partnered with Deaf Child Worldwide and began the Deaf Education and Development Programme to work more closely with deaf children and youth, a population that is often forgotten and marginalised in Tanzania.

The objective is to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of 398 deaf children and young people, as well as 200 parents and caregivers in the Kilimanjaro region.

We focus on improving access to education for deaf students and providing sign language training to young people, teachers, and parents to improve their communication. The students also receive vocational training so that they can set up their own small businesses and be economically independent after completing school.

After one year, Childreach Tanzania has built relationships with schools, local government officials, and community members as well as collaborated with local media and other like-minded organisations to advocate for better training, education and services for deaf children and youth. Specific examples of how Childreach Tanzania has advocated for deaf children and youth include:

Met with district officials who are responsible for budgeting and planned to increase the budget for schools catering to deaf students

Sensitised government officials on the needs and rights of deaf people, and emphasised the importance of supporting deaf children and youth

Held workshops with hospitals, churches, mosques, and courts so that they can best serve deaf children and youth

Encouraged local business men and women to offer internships for deaf youth

Some of the major successes of the Deaf Education Development Programme include the formation of two parent groups to support the programme, and schools that cater to deaf students have been strengthened through the provision of materials such as books, sports equipment, and sewing machines, for both formal classes as well as vocational training.

Childreach Tanzania has provided sign language training to 245 students, 98 teachers, and 7 school staff members in the Kilimanjaro Region.

Life skills workshops were conducted for 21 deaf youth in their final year of school to prepare them for the social and economic challenges they will face when they finish their education.

Supporting Deaf Children and Youth

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Programme Overview: Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf

In 1995 there was only one school in Tanzania’s northern zone that catered to deaf children and over 150 deaf children were on the waiting list to enroll. This inadequate provision of education for deaf children in the Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Manyara and Tanga regions led to the formation of the UWAVIKA, the Association of Parents with Deaf Children in the Northern Zone.

This tenacious group of parents went on to successfully persuade the government to invest in deaf education and there are now 12 primary schools in the northern zone with programmes for deaf children.

Having managed to significantly increase the number of primary schools, UWAVIKA met again in 2004 to find ways of addressing the severe shortage of secondary schools with the capacity to support deaf students and lack of teachers with knowledge of sign language. The parents dreamed of being able to establish a vocational training centre where deaf youth could acquire knowledge and skills that would enable them to be independent and support themselves and their families.

In 2009, UWAVIKA’s vision became a reality when the Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf (VTCD) was built, with support from Signal (previously Woodford Foundation). Ghona is now the only vocational training centre in Tanzania catering solely to deaf students. The centre’s mission is to ensure deaf children and youth have equal access to education, skills development and employment. Since opening, 14 students have graduated. Today 34 students are currently attending the centre which offers a range of courses covering carpentry, tailoring, entrepreneurship, life skills, mathematics, English, civics education, engineering, science, and technical drawing. Over the past five years, Childreach Tanzania has overseen all programmes at Ghona and has been instrumental

in the centre’s growth, attracting students from different regions of the country, and offering more diverse programmes to students.

Three income generating activities have been established at the Ghona Centre, which include a poultry project, a livestock project and a vegetable garden. These projects generate funds for the centre and provide hands-on entrepreneurship training for the students. A number of students have participated in the poultry project and are responsible for caring for the chickens.

The poultry project has been very successful and 75,920 eggs were produced during the second half of 2014 alone.

The money raised from selling the eggs, either directly to customers or through 20 local businesses, has been used to cover the costs of student transport to the hospital and student meals. These income generating activities provide students with valuable skills that have improved the learning environment at the Ghona Centre. Many students have returned to their homes and started their own vegetable gardens as a way for their families to generate income and also to improve their diets.

Childreach Tanzania, with funding support from Signal has also facilitated a number of school improvement projects at the Ghona Centre. One of these projects was connecting six buildings to a water harvest system, which allowed the centre to access approximately 180,000 litres of water annually. Before the new system was introduced, students were using borehole water, which is not safe or cost effective.

Due to this project there has been a 70% reduction in waterborne disease amongst the Ghona Centre students.

Students have access to safe water and in turn have better hygiene. Childreach Tanzania have also overseen the construction of a carpentry workshop, a sewing workshop, a new kitchen and dining hall, which can accommodate up to 150

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people. Before these improvements the students were learning and eating outside where it is sunny and dusty. Now the students have a clean and comfortable place to congregate for learning and for meals.

The new kitchen is fitted with an energy saving stove, which has decreased the centre’s firewood usage by 70%.

Childreach Tanzania has also increased the centre’s energy efficiency by installing solar power in the dormitories and classrooms so that the students can study at night. This has improved the students’ academic performances and decreased the amount of money being spent on kerosene.

The students at Ghona receive a quality education tailored to their individual needs.

In 2013 and 2014 the students finished with some of the top test scores in the Kilimanjaro region from schools for both hearing and deaf students.

The success of Ghona’s students can be attributed to the students’ drive to learn, as well as the dedication of their teachers. Childreach Tanzania has worked with the highly motivated team of teachers and school staff to train them in sign language and learner-centered teaching methods. Furthermore, sign language courses are frequently held for parents so they can communicate better with their children.

“I like this Centre. I like the skills I get in carpentry. It will help me get a job. I might come back and be a teacher here. I want to be a carpentry teacher and teach other deaf students.”

– Flori, Student at Ghona Centre

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“My name is Maria (age 22), I am from the northern part of Tanzania and I gained a place at the [Ghona] Centre in 2012. When I first arrived most of the school’s infrastructures were not complete and we lived and studied with no electricity, no workshop and insufficient working tools in the tailoring and carpentry sections. There was one small room for tailoring practices and the boys had to work under a tree with fixed wood benches for carpentry. It was very hard for us to learn and work for long periods at a time, the place was hot and sunny and during rainy season students could not attend practical sessions.

We thank Childreach Tanzania and Signal for helping us by constructing the workshop and supplying tools. Now we have a place to work and practice. The workshop has helped us improve our skills in tailoring; we really thank you very much.

The workshop has improved our academic performance and practical skills. Now we can learn and make things like uniforms for primary school students and furniture. The place is comfortable, and now we know we can make it in life because we learn practical things in a comfortable place.”

Student Profile: MariaGhona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf

The changes to Ghona, including the construction of the new workshop have had a huge impact on the quality of education the students receive.

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Staff Profile: Jonathan Livingstone Mosha, Project Assistant

Jonathan is one of the committed individuals who makes Childreach Tanzania’s Deaf Education and Development Programme a success. His main responsibilities include teaching sign language to children, teachers, and parents; working with the teachers and students at Ghona Vocational Training Centre for the Deaf; and enthusiastically supporting the organisation’s Deaf Education and Development Programme.

Jonathan joined Childreach Tanzania in 2014 but his journey as an advocate for deaf children and youth began in 1996 when he was working as an electrician in Mwanza. While working on a job building a hall of worship, Jonathan met a young man who was deaf. The young man and Jonathan began attending the same church and Jonathan started writing everything down for the young man so that he could understand. After a year of writing sermons every Sunday, Jonathan asked the young man if there was another way that they could communicate with one another. This is when Jonathan learned about the Tanzania Association for the Deaf and his life changed forever.

Jonathan began taking sign language classes and eventually became an interpreter. Since then, Jonathan has facilitated trainings for the Tanzania Association for the Deaf and has worked with many teachers and parents of deaf children. He has also worked at the national level, advocating for sign language to be included in the Tanzanian Constitution. In 2001 he was chosen to review the constitution and ensure that the deaf community was represented fairly.

Every staff member and volunteer at Childreach Tanzania now enjoys attending Jonathan’s weekly sign language courses. In mid 2015 Jonathan was very excited to begin teaching sign language to 25 staff members of the Moshi Municipal Council. With new skills, the municipal staff will be able to better communicate with deaf people.

“I help deaf children because people don’t think that deaf children can learn. Parents make their deaf children work hard, others hide their children because families don’t want people to see them. Most deaf people in Tanzania struggle because they cannot communicate with people in their communities and very few deaf people have the opportunity to attend school past primary school, but Childreach Tanzania is changing all of this.”

- Jonathan

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Renovation of two classrooms

Construction of three


Construction of dining hall

Construction of modern toilet block with 22 holes/cubic

Painting of entire school

Construction of veranda outside of


Construction of one water well with a pump

Construction of a modern kitchen with

energy saving stove

Built playground with swings, a football pitch,

and netball and volleyball courts



Programme Overview: School Improvement

The School Improvement Programme has been implemented in 53 schools in Tanzania. Together with volunteers from the UK, both university students and corporate partners, Childreach Tanzania has built and renovated 75 classrooms, constructed 196 toilets, built 6 playgrounds, constructed 17 environmentally friendly kitchens with energy saving stoves, and installed 10 water systems at schools. This programme aims to improve the comfort of the schools and help create a safe space where children can learn.

Creating Safe, Healthy, and Child-Friendly Homes and Schools

School Profile: Benjamin William Mkapa SchoolOutline of Construction Projects at Benjamin William Mkapa School

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“I am very thankful for the new kitchen. Now I am healthy and do not get sick from inhaling too much smoke. I am thankful to Childreach Tanzania” – School Cook

“Now the boys and girls have their own toilets so the girls feel more comfortable. Girls come to school more now because they have better and private toilets to use. Before there was no water, but now there is. The girls feel happier at school.” - 13 year old female student in Standard 7

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The Benjamin William Mkapa Primary School is located just outside of Moshi town in Mabogini village.

The school’s motto Elimu ni Ukombozi (meaning Education is Liberty) can be seen throughout the brightly painted classrooms and on the newly constructed playground. The school employs 14 teachers for 917 students attending pre-primary through Standard 7 classes.

Childreach Tanzania initiated the School Improvement Programme at Benjamin William Mkapa Primary School in 2010 and has since implemented other programmes at the school. The community has worked in close partnership with Childreach Tanzania from the beginning. Childreach Tanzania initiated meetings with school committees at all levels of project implementation, participated in community meetings, and the community members donated their time to help with the construction process and at times worked as security guards to ensure the safety of the project supplies.

A key part of the success of the School Improvement Programme has been the partnerships with international businesses and universities. Through Childreach International’s Futurebuild and Big Build programmes, corporations and university students in the UK raise funds and travel to Tanzania for the sole purpose of volunteering their time and labour to contribute to community development. The teams camp at the schools and work with Childreach Tanzania, school management, and the community to participate in building school infrastructure.

Before Childreach Tanzania began working at Benjamin William Mkapa Primary School in 2010 the school was lacking basic facilities and the classrooms could not accommodate the number of students attending the school. There were only four toilet cubicles for over 400 students and the school did not have running water or a playground. The school’s cooks had to prepare meals outside as there was no kitchen, and there was no dining room or chairs where children could eat their lunch, so they had to sit outside under trees and in the dust to eat their meals.


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2009 - 2014Since Childreach Tanzania began working with Benjamin William Mkapa School, the school and its students have flourished. In 2010 and 2011 Childreach Tanzania built 3 new classrooms, a toilet block, and a kitchen with an energy saving stove. In 2013 a garden and the My School My Voice programme was initiated.

Over the last five years the number of toilet holes has increased from 4 to 22; there are now 11 classrooms, a kitchen, a dining hall where the students eat lunch every school day, a playground, and a water well where children have access to running water while at school.

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The physical improvements to the school have had a huge impact on the students’ academic performance and lives. The Head Teacher has observed that the number of students playing on the school grounds has increased, truancy rates have decreased and examination scores have improved. The number of girls attending the school has increased from 364 to 497 and now there are more female students enrolled in the school than male students. When Childreach Tanzania began working with the Benjamin William Mkapa School there were 100 students studying in each classroom. However, due to the increased number of classrooms, there are fewer children in one classroom (between 60 and 70 students) so it is easier for students to concentrate and receive personal attention from their teachers.

“We no longer have to learn in shifts, before 2010 we learned either in the morning or the afternoon. There were not enough desks for all of us and our teachers did not have working desks. The blackboard was not good and the floor had holes on it. The toilets were in bad shape and at break time we would have to wait in line for a very long time, it was not clean due to congestion and scarcity of water. Now things have changed. We now have enough classrooms and don’t have to study in shifts. I am happy about the changes. Before, there were no trees but now there is shade to sit under during break hours. Before, not all of my friends came to school, but now more children attend school and we behave better.”

- 12 year old student in Standard 6

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“It is important for the children to know their rights. It allows them to build their confidence, which enables them to express themselves and build their aspirations about what they want in life. I encourage them to express their ideas through drama, drawing, and to be creative and share their ideas. Now my students are learning more, I can teach in a way they like the lesson and they are having fun and are more engaged.”

– Kibo Primary School Teacher

Programme Overview: My school, My voice

My school, My voice29 clubs at 24 schools

725 children and teachers reached

7,250 community members reached

339 children’s rights workshops held

142 teachers trained in practical professional development

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Childreach Tanzania started the My School My Voice programme in 2010 and it is now being implemented in 24 schools.

The programme delivers interactive workshops within schools and communities, with the aim of increasing knowledge of child rights, providing teachers with professional development opportunities, and building the capacity of community and duty bearers to identify and respond to child rights violations. The programme also provides children with platforms to make their voices heard and encourages them to be child rights advocates within their schools and the wider community. Children in the My School My Voice clubs participate in a range of activities, which include using art and drama for self-expression, learning about children’s rights and responsibilities, participating in sports and life skills education, and learning about the mechanisms in place to report cases of child abuse in their communities. Many of the students involved in the clubs teach their friends about children’s rights and responsibilities outside of school. My School My Voice also creates linkages between children in Tanzanian schools with those in the UK for mutual learning and sharing and for raising global awareness.

Each year the programme has expanded its reach and in 2014 there were a total of 29 My School My Voice clubs at 24 schools in four districts of the Kilimanjaro region. The programme has directly reached 725 children and teachers and, indirectly, 7,250 people in the surrounding communities. In three years Childreach Tanzania has conducted 339 children’s rights workshops in schools and four child rights committees are now established in the communities.

Teachers from the schools where My School My Voice clubs are active have received practical professional development training, 87 teachers were trained in participatory teaching methodologies and 55 teachers were trained in psychosocial counseling. The participatory teaching methodologies training encourages teachers to transition from using teacher-centered facilitation to learner-centered pedagogy, which engages students in the learning process and encourages interactive learning. The psychosocial counseling training focused on methods of providing emotional support to marginalised children.

Students and teachers at Singachini Primary School in Kibosho have recognised that their school has changed for the better in response to the implementation of Childreach Tanzania’s My School My Voice programme, which was started at the school in 2012. The club has completed a number of projects including planting fruit trees and a garden, which benefits the entire school. Students have observed a shift in the way in which their teachers are delivering lessons and remarked that students are more engaged in the learning process and have more opportunities to ask questions. Singachini students say that through the programme they have found their voices, they are able to help each other stand up for their rights and learn from on another. Add: Furthermore, through My School My Voice the safeguarding of children has been strengthened. Children indicate knowing where to report abuse and now recognise when their rights are being violated.

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Teacher Profile: Theresia Joseph Msoka, My School My Voice Twinning Programme – UK Exchange

Part of the My School My Voice programme is connecting students and teachers in Tanzania with peers in the UK. These students and teachers have the opportunity to communicate, share experiences, engage in mutual learning regarding child rights and culture, and are introduced to a community of global citizens. In 2014, a number of projects were supported in Tanzania by schools in the UK. These projects include:

School kitchen construction

Toilet renovation

Water connection

The provision of school supplies such as books, sports equipment, and desks

The funds necessary to conduct a community-based child rights training.

Through My School My Voice school linkages programme teachers from both Tanzania and the UK secured Connecting Classrooms grants from the British Council to visit each other’s classrooms. Teachers from the schools in Tanzania have hosted a number of teachers from the UK and Childreach Tanzania has helped 22 Tanzanian teachers prepare for trips to the UK. Childreach Tanzania plays an indispensable role in helping Tanzanian teachers with all of the logistics and preparing them for the culture shock that they may experience in the UK. The teachers who have embarked on these exchanges have greatly benefited, gaining understanding about other education systems, learning about how to teach global issues, and building their personal teaching skills.

In 2012 Theresia Joseph Msoka became involved with Childreach Tanzania through My School My Voice club at Majengo Primary School. Theresia has been a primary school teacher in Kilimanjaro for 26 years and has been a teacher at Majengo Primary School located in Moshi Urban for the past 13 years. In an interview with Theresia, she explained that she became a teacher because she thought it is a respected profession, “I am proud to

know that I can help children know what is going on. Wherever you are you can always educate others, always have knowledge to share.”

Theresia is proud of her students and their dedication to the My School My Voice club in their school. She believes that the programme is having a positive impact on her students, their school and even their communities. Theresia stated, “Children are sharing what they learn about child rights with their communities, families, and friends.”

As a teacher involved in the My School My Voice programme, Theresia has participated in a number of teacher training programmes centered on participatory, child-friendly learning. Through these trainings Theresia has become a better teacher and feels she is making a bigger impact on her students. She has learned how to engage her students by having them participate in group work rather than always employing the lecture method. She also now uses teaching aids such as posters, drawings and plays games with her students in order to keep them actively engaged.

In 2013 Theresia had the opportunity to travel to the UK and visit a school for one week as part of the Twinning Programme. Childreach Tanzania helped Theresia prepare for her trip, including helping her with the visa application process. Since returning to Tanzania, Theresia has tried to implement new teaching strategies that she observed in the UK.

“Thank you Childreach Tanzania. I have learned a lot of things and I know I will still learn many things from Childreach. I want to congratulate the Childreach staff for doing a great job.” – Theresia

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Childreach Tanzania began implementing the School Farming and Gardening Programme in 2011 in response to the lack of school lunches available to children in northern Tanzania. Over the course of four years the programme has directly benefitted 29 primary schools, and a total of 12,029 children. The programme has been implemented at schools in the districts of Moshi Rural, Hai and Mwanga in Kilimanjaro region, as well as Simanjiro district in Manyara region in conjunction with the local government, surrounding communities, and school leadership committees. By improving their health and nutrition and reducing hunger through sustainable farming in schools, the programme has improved students’ academic performance.

Through the school gardening programme children receive a nutritious lunch at least three times a week, comprised of vegetables and maize straight from the garden. At some schools, prior to partnering with Childreach Tanzania, parents were required to contribute food for their children’s school lunches. For many of these parents this was a financial burden that they were unable to commit to and may have prevented children from coming to school. But since this programme was introduced parents only have to contribute their time to help the schools take care of their gardens and farms.

The programme has been very successful, having a positive impact on both the health of students as well as their academic performance. Before the programme started the average attendance rate at the selected schools was 80%, however after four years school attendance has increased to 92%. Our research shows that this increase can be attributed to the provision of school lunches. Students are also doing better on their national examinations. In 2011 the average score on the Standard 7 national examination was 45%, by 2014 the average increased to 73%.

“We are very thankful to Childreach Tanzania because the project has helped our children, the project has helped improving their health and acquired education to take back to home. They have now started some gardens and have at least given them some form of self-reliance.” – Teacher, Kahe Ward

Programme Overview: School Farming and Gardening

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Staff Profile: Emmanuel Ringo, Programme OfficerEmmanuel Ringo began working at Childreach Tanzania in 2011 and since joining the team he has seen the organisation grow and expand its reach to more children and communities in northern Tanzania. Emmanuel is responsible for Childreach Tanzania’s School Farming and School Gardening programmes where he teaches students, teachers, and communities about basic farming and gardening techniques, nutrition, and how to develop small agricultural activities.

Emmanuel is proud of the work that he has contributed to at Childreach Tanzania, especially being part of an organisation that has reached over 30,000 children.

Emmanuel’s family is from the Kilimanjaro region and he attended high school in Moshi. During his final year of high school Emmanuel attended a training facilitated by the Tanzania National Parks Association to become a guide for people climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. During this training he learned about community participation and the relationship that local people have with the mountain. In turn, when he graduated from high school he was determined to continue his studies in a field that explored the relationship between people and their environment. He attended Sokoine University of Agriculture where he received a BA in Rural Development.

After graduating from university, Emmanuel returned to Moshi and began working for Childreach Tanzania. Working as a Programme Officer has allowed him to translate the theory he learned in university into practice and support communities to be self-sufficient. Since 2011 Emmanuel has grown both as a member of the Childreach Tanzania team and a young professional. He has developed strong public speaking, leadership, and writing skills.

“When I was growing up we never had good classrooms, so what Childreach has given to these children and the investments the organisation has made is great, we have done something amazing for the children of Tanzania.” – Emmanuel

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Giving Families a Litre of Light Many of the houses in Moshi rural are dark during the day due to a lack of windows. In order for people to do housework or for students to study inside some source of light is required. In response to this need for light, Childreach Tanzania adopted the Litre of Light technology as part of the organisation’s Family Energy Project pilot. The project consists of installing an innovative low-cost technology that is reliant on sunlight, which provides an ecologically sustainable source of interior light at no cost. This technology can be installed in homes with thin tin roofs that have small or no windows. The technology is simple – it is a one and half litre plastic recycled water bottle, which is refilled with water and a minimal amount of bleach to inhibit algae growth, and then fitted through the tin roof of a house. During the day the water inside the bottle refracts sunlight, delivering approximately as much light as a 40 to 60 watt bulb to the interior. If properly installed, the Litre of Light can last up to five years.

The Family Energy Project ran from 2012 to 2014 in Lotima Village located in Moshi Rural district. Before the Litre of Light technology was installed the local government and Childreach Tanzania identified the houses that best fit the required criteria. In order to qualify for the programme the household needed to have children and/or students living in the house and the house had to have a tin roof. The project was a great success and 100 households benefited from the project, which directly impacted 500 children.

The Litre of Light only provided a solution to energy issues during the day so 196 solar torches were provided to families involved in the project. In turn, families no longer have to purchase as much kerosene and batteries and are saving money, as the torches charge themselves during the day using sunlight. The solar torches have allowed the community to water their farms and/or gardens at night, which is preferable due to the climate in the area. Before the distribution of solar torches it was not safe to go out at night and work on their farms, but now that they have the torches they feel much safer and can work when it is dark.

The Family Energy Project has greatly benefited students. One mother remarked that in the past it was very difficult for her children to get ready for school because the house was so dark, but now it is easier and her children get to school on time. She has now seen her children’s academic performances improve due to the fact that with their Litre of Light they can study after school. A Form 3 female secondary school student has also seen her academic performance improve. Before the project started she was unable to study at home because she could not afford to buy kerosene, but now she can study in her house during the day and at night. Since Litre of Light was installed at her house her examination scores have improved and she feels more confident in school. Community members enrolled in the project now feel safer as having solar torches at night gives them a sense of security.

“Thank you Childreach Tanzania for giving my family light. It has improved my education. I really like school and one day I want to be an accountant. Now I can study and do well.”

– Form 3 Female Secondary School Student

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PartnershipsUN-World Food Programme

Due the early successes of School Farming Programme in 2012 Childreach Tanzania began receiving funding from the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). Over the past three years Childreach Tanzania and WFP have built a strong working relationship. Representatives from WFP say that they continue to collaborate with Childreach Tanzania because the organisation is a dedicated partner with strong relationships with local government and schools and most of all the Childreach Tanzania team is comprised of young ambitious dedicated professionals.

In 2014 WFP and Childreach Tanzania embarked on a pilot project in ten schools, for 4,527 children in Simanjiro district. The immediate goal of the project is to reduce hunger and malnutrition among primary school children and, over time, improve the children’s academic performance as well as increase enrollment. The project also aims to increase awareness about nutrition and train school committees and communities about the importance of a varied diet. Students are encouraged to take their new knowledge of gardening back to their families to promote behaviour change and a shift in attitudes towards eating healthy.

In 2015 Childreach Tanzania is collaborating with the World Food Programme on a food security project that will impact 9,000 households in 15 villages in Longido and Simanjiro districts in Arusha and Manyara regions. The programme will support pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under the age of five and ensure that these populations are receiving nutritious food. A large portion of the project is dedicated to behaviour change regarding nutrition for these populations. Community groups will be formed to raise awareness about the importance of eating nutritious food and change their peers’ attitudes in an effort to increase healthy living and reduce stunting.

Partnership for Health and Development in Africa

In 2012 Childreach Tanzania and Partnership for Health and Development in Africa (PHEDA) came together to strengthen school health programmes and enhance access to school health programmes in four schools in the Kilimanjaro region. The partnership with PHEDA had a positive influence on the health of almost 1,400 children. The project established school health clubs in four schools, which improved access to health services for 711 students. The clubs’ curriculum focused on health education classes on hygiene, sanitation and HIV/AIDS. PHEDA provided four schools with seven hand washing and seven drinking water facilities. The clubs used a peer to peer education model where children trained their friends, families and communities. PHEDA provided the clubs with exercise books, first aid materials, and a safe space for the children to practice first aid.

Two health teachers from each of the four schools where the clubs were formed, attended trainings in health education, which included managing school health programmes and the basics of writing project funding proposals. Head teachers at the schools were trained in basic first aid and how to document first aid services given to their students. With the Red Cross PHEDA trained 153 students in first aid.

White Orange Youth In 2012 White Orange Youth received a grant from Childreach Tanzania to provide 100 children with access to improved local child protection structures and systems. White Orange Youth aims to empower youth by giving them the knowledge to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and make healthy choices in their lives. The organisation also provides psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth in Moshi Urban district.

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With the support of Childreach Tanzania, White Orange Youth worked with 100 children to participate in children’s rights education clubs at their schools. The clubs aimed to build the children’s self-esteem and ambition, as well as to help them discover their future goals. White Orange Youth also worked with the children’s parents and held monthly meetings with them where they introduced the importance of psychosocial support and children’s rights. Trainings were held for teachers about reporting child abuse and getting children the necessary support.

Local GovernmentMr. Jeshi Lupembe, District Education Officer

Mr. Lupembe stepped into the role of District Education Officer (DEO) of Moshi Municipal in 2015 with extensive experience working in the education sector in Tanzania. Before becoming the DEO, Mr. Lupembe was the District Academic Officer in Mwanga for three years and during this time had the opportunity to work with Childreach Tanzania and watch the organisation grow. Reflecting on his experience collaborating with Childreach Tanzania, Mr. Lupembe said,

“When I was in Mwanga we worked together. They helped improve the infrastructure of some schools and we worked together throughout the entire project, they collaborated with the government. I am motivated to work with Childreach Tanzania because of their ability to work with the government, at the beginning of a project they seek our advice, we make decisions together, we supervise together, and we evaluate the project together. Most importantly I am motivated to work with the Childreach staff, they have team spirit, which is so important. The organisation also plays a role in providing children in Tanzania with a quality education. Without education the country cannot develop and in order for quality education to happen the children need to study in a nice environment and the teachers need to receive training and support. Childreach Tanzania is doing both, they are improving the environment for delivering education and training teachers, which means improving quality of education for children.”

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Financial Review









34% School Improvement Programme

2% My School My Voice

6% School Gardening Programme

3% School Farming Programme

14% Deaf Education and Development Programme and Ghona VTCD

12% Other Projects

Other 8%Other 34%

ChildreachInternational 92%

ChildreachInternational 66%

29% Operations

Activities Expenditure 2009 - 2014

Childreach Tanzania Funding 2009

Childreach Tanzania Funding 2014

Between 2009 and 2014 Childreach Tanzania’s budget increased over 40%. The organisation’s budget was highest in 2011, but only slightly dropped in the following years.

Childreach Tanzania’s dependence on Childreach International for funding has decreased as they have expanded their programs and improved their capacity to be increasingly financially independent. Starting in 2013 Childreach International prioritized funding Childreach Tanzania’s operational costs, rather than project funding. Since 2013 Childreach Tanzania has received funding from a diverse group of donors funding various programmes and activities to support the organisation’s growth.

Childreach Tanzania Annual Budget 2009 - 2014GBP

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Adventure Travel Company (UK)

Canadian Universities

Childreach International (UK)

Deaf Child Worldwide (UK)

Eaga Trust (UK)

Evan Cornish Foundation (UK)

Future Build Individual Participants

Guernsey Overseas Aid Commission (UK)

Melanie Lindsay-Brisbin (US)

Philip Henman Trust (UK)

Sarah Groves Foundation (UK)

Signal Charity (UK)

Stars Foundation (UK)

Summit for Sinai Gives Back (Canada)

Tanzanite One (TZ)

UK Universities

UN-World Food Programme (Tanzania)

USA Universities

Wiles Greenworld (UK)

World First

Childreach Tanzania Donors and Collaborators

Childreach Tanzania’s remarkable growth and success would not have been possible without the dedicated support of our donors and partners. Thank you!


Accounting for International Development (AFID)

ACE Africa (TZ)

Africa Inland Church of Tanzania (AICT)

British Council (Tanzania)

Chama cha Viziwi Tanzania (CHAVITA)

Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) (TZ)

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT)

FT Kilimanjaro (TZ)

Kilimanjaro Women Information Exchange and Consultancy Organisation (KWIECO) (TZ)

Opportunity Education Foundation

Partnership for Health and Development in Africa (PHEDA) (TZ)

Sikika (TZ)

Starkey Foundation (TZ)

Tanzania League of the Blind (TZ)

The Government of Tanzania

Umoja wa Wazazi wenye Watoto Viziwi Kanda ya Kaskazini (UWAVIKA)

Vocational Education and Training Authority (TZ)

Wazo Pevu (TZ)

White Orange Youth (TZ)

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Childreach Tanzania Staff

Sheila Makindara | Country Director

Terry Samson | Finance Manager

Mary Marandu | Programme Manager

Giusy Mbolile | Public Relations Manager

Charles Mushi | Logistics Officer

Victor Materu | Project Officer | Ghona VTCD

Goodluck Chanyika | Programme Officer | DEDP

Nathan Mosha | Programme Assistant (Sign Language Trainer) | DEDP

Zerida Lumole | Project Officer (Nutrition) | Maisha Bora Project

Mercy Tarimo | Project Manager | Maisha Bora Project

Emmanuel Ringo | Project Officer (Agriculture) | Maisha Bora Project

Graides Katabaro | Finance Officer | Maisha Bora Project

Sekeyi Masanja | Project Officer | School Farming and MSMV

Florence Lyimo | Project Assistant | Fit for School

Lilian Tarimo | Office Attendant

Blanca George | Cook and Cleaner

Gilbert Lyatuu | Driver

Eromini Miremi | Driver

Lemoyani Melubo | Security Guard

Interns and VolunteersStephanie Costa | Communications Volunteer

Aretha Alicia | Operations Intern

Ramadhan Ahmed | Logistics Intern

Grace Filbert | MSMV Intern

Kelvin Mboya | Finance Intern

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Childreach TanzaniaP.O. Box 2139Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

+255 272 753682 [email protected]


Childreach Tanzania

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