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    Fake Kia Ad Gets 5 Brazilian Creatives Banned From 2012Cannes Festival

    July 22, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    Social Media Outrage at Hint of Pedophilia Prompted Closer Scrutiny of Moma Propagandas Entry

    By: Laurel Wentz,Claudia Penteado

    Published: July 21, 2011

    [+] Share |Email| Reprints| Print|

    For the first time, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is banning agency creatives

    from next years festival after stripping independent Brazilian shop Moma Propaganda of two Lions

    won at the Cannes awards for apparently fake ads for Kia Motors Brazil.

    After the June festival, a firestorm of bad publicity swept social media, criticizing the campaign for

    overtones of lust and pedophilia. Automotive News, Ad Ages sibling publication, described the two

    print and outdoor ads, intended to promote the Kia Sportages dual-zone hot-and-cold climate

    control feature, as comic strip-style scenarios with family-friendly images on one side, juxtaposed

    with racy, adult fantasies on the other, including a male teacher helping an elementary school girl.

    When Kia denied approving the ads, the festival investigated.

    "The Cannes Lions rules state clearly that if requested, proof must be provided that campaigns ran

    and were legitimately created for a fee-paying client," festival CEO Philip Thomas said in a

    statement. "Despite many conversations, Moma Propaganda have not provided the proof we require

    and therefore the Lions have been withdrawn."

    Although the Cannes festival has stripped agencies of their prizes before when ads have turned out

    to be fakes created to win awards, this is the first time the creatives responsible have been banned

    from entering future work at Cannes. The one-year ban covering the 2012 festival applies to

    individuals listed on the credits and affects five people at Moma Propaganda, a festival spokeswoman

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    The two awards rescinded by Cannes are a Silver Lion in the print category and a Bronze Lion in

    outdoor. The campaign featured two ads, "Teacher," in which a male teacher fantasizes about a little

    girl, and "Princess," juxtaposing the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale with an X-rated version.

    A Kia Motors Brazil public relations exec said the company had no comment because the marketer

    had not approved the campaign. At Moma Propaganda, a medium-size Sao Paulo agency owned by

    Rodolfo Sampaio and Fico Meirelles, neither partner returned calls, and Mr. Sampaios office said he

    was on vacation.

    Although Brazilians irresistible compulsion to create fake ads to win awards has blown up again, its

    not always an unforgivable offense in that Cannes-crazy country. Although the agency had to send

    back two Lions, in typical Brazilian fashion Kia Motors Brazilian distributor is still on Momas client

    list, along with Sherwin Williams, a shopping mall called Center Norte, Herbalife and local home

    furnishings store Camicado.

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    LAWS OF THE NATURAL UNIVERSE (in by email)July 15, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

    2 Votes

    Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with

    grease your nose will begin to itch or youll have to pee.

    Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least

    accessible corner.

    Law of probability: The probability of being watched is directly

    proportional to the stupidity of your act.

    Law of the Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.

    Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next

    morning you will have a flat


    Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you

    were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. (works

    every time)

    Bath Theorem: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

    Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with

    someone you dont want to be seen with.

    Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine

    wont work, it will.

    Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional

    to the reach.Theatre Rule: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from
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    the aisle arrive last.

    Law of Coffee: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your

    boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is


    Murphys Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker

    room, they will have adjacent lockers.

    Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly

    sandwich of landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of

    the carpet/rug.

    Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are.

    Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you dont know what

    you are talking about.

    Browns Law: If the shoe fits, its ugly.

    Olivers Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet.

    Wilsons Law: As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.

    The REAL India.July 15, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    Science and technology


    Online crisis management

    A web of support

    Jul 14th 2011, 9:54 by A.A.K. | MUMBAI
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    6:54 pm the first bomb went off at Zaveri Bazaar, a crowded marketplace in South Mumbai. In the

    next 12 minutes two more followed in different locations in the city. Even before the blasts torrential

    rain meant that roads were clogged. The attacks added to the confusion just as millions of people

    were returning home from work. With telephone lines jammed, many Mumbaikars turned to a

    familiar alternative: they posted their whereabouts, and sought those of their close ones, on social


    Facebook doubled up as a discussion forum (and sometimes got philosophical). Users on Twitter,

    meanwhile, exchanged important real-time updates. Moments after the explosions, a link to an

    editable Google Docsspreadsheet was circulated frantically on the microblogging site. It carried

    names, addresses and phone numbers of people offering their houses as a refuge to those left

    stranded. The document was created by Nitin Sagar, an IT engineer in Delhi, 1,200km (720 miles)


    "I saw that phone numbers started pouring in at about 7:30 pm, but most were getting lost in the

    Twitter timeline," Mr Sagar recalls. So he aggregated some of the names and phone numbers of

    people volunteering to help in a spreadsheet. This was re-tweeted to help funnel missed phone

    numbers from Twitter messages onto a single page, which registered more than 430 entries. How

    many people used it is unclear, but it showed that online response to a crisis can be highly


    Mr Sagars was one among many similar efforts in a country famous for its legions of computer-

    savvy citizens. Barely 30 minutes after the blastAjay Kumar, a software engineer on a vacation in his

    hometown of Lucknow, 1,200km to the north-east of Mumbai, set about creating adisaster tracker

    map (see picture). Built on a free open-source web and mobile platform called Ushahidi, it allows

    users to crowdsource crisis information, primarily from Twitter. Ushahidi was set up by a group of

    software enthusiasts with the intension of collecting eye-witness accounts of election violence in

    Kenya and place them on a map of the country. The service was also used during the earthquakes in
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    Haiti and Chile in 2010. Based on hashtags such as #here2help, #needhelp and #MumbaiBlasts, Mr

    Kumar flagged the map of Mumbai, indicating where people were stranded, or where they could seek


    Clicking on the colour-coded dots on the map opens up a page with links to useful reports and alerts

    such as traffic updates, death toll, blood donors, hospital phone numbers and the like. The biggest

    problem is telling accurate and timely information from the unverified and outdated sort. Mr Kumar

    says that, for instance, tweets sent at 9:30 pm about roadblocks and traffic jams were still being re-

    tweeted hours later. Still, he makes sure that such information does not make it on the map. All

    content tagged on the page is moderated with the hope of providing useful information. "We read

    the time stamp of the information tweeted and decide if its stale or whether it should form part of

    our page."

    Overwhelmed by insane traffic, Mr Kumar contacted other volunteers from Ushahidi, which has a

    stand-by task force with primary focus on such calamities. Soon, others were helping him sift

    through all the tweets, including ten people in America.

    Less than an hour after the blasts, aWikipedia entry giving a detailed account of the incident was

    also up. Replete with references, links and quotes, including reactions from international leaders, the

    page caused a stir when it claimed that the blast coincided with the birthday of Ajmal Kasab, the

    only Pakistani terrorist to be caught during the Mumbai attacks of 2008. Bloggers and users of social

    media set about trying to ascertain the veracity of this information. An eager Twitter user posted a

    copy of the enquiry form of Indias Anti-Terrorist Squad which allegedly mentions Mr Kasabs date of

    birth as 13th July 2011. Early on July 14th, Indian Express, a national newspaper confirmed thatthis

    was a hoax. (Ironically, the same newspaper had claimed otherwise in an article a day before.) But

    the online furore illustrates that people are prepared to go to great lengths collectively to ensure

    that information available via social media is reliable.

    This flies in the face of Mark Twains fear that a lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is

    putting on its shoes, a problem that, one might think, is only exacerbated by the likes of Twitter.

    Instead, it appears, responsible netizens co-operate to stop rumours in their tracks. And, besides the

    odd vituperative tweet that Indian politicians should be shot for allowing such a dastardly act of

    terrorism to take place, most users were content to keep their opinions to themselves, focusing

    instead on re-tweeting important information. As the tragedy unfolded, social platforms have shown

    just how much good can be achieved, often in less than 140 characters, when people use them

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    Hello? Moon speaking?July 8, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    The picture is of the Apollo16 Lunar Module

    The current generation of iPhones and Android phones have processors that are about 500 times

    faster than the computer onboard the Apollo Lunar Module (with the added benefit of not weighing

    70 pounds).

    Whats in a logo?April 17, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    Slates article on the hoohaa over US presidential candidate Mitt Romneys logo throws up the

    interesting information that the shape of the Aquafresh logo is called a nurdle.
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    What on earth is a nurdle?

    The Double-Tongued Dictionary offers us an explanation:


    n. a grain, pellet, granule, or other small piece of a material, especially as part of a large quantity

    (such as foam kernels used as packing material); (in pronunciation-based spellings) a nodule; a

    quantity of a gel or semi-solid; a thing of unknown name (doodad, thingamajig, etc.).

    Also nerdle. Subjects:English,Colloquial

    Editorial Note: The use ofnurdle to describe the amount of toothpaste one should put on a

    toothbrush was probably popularized as part of an organized campaign by the American Dental

    Association. A nurdle is also a play in the game of tiddlywinks and a type of batting in cricket. There

    are also, apparently, at least two ridiculous British games called nurdling, both which can only be

    explained after beers.

    Which reminded me of the fact that the correct, technical moniker inside Coca-Cola for the round

    logo is: roundel.
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    The gsk logo is, I believe, known as the plectrum, I suppose because it resembles the plectrum

    usually employed to pluck at guitar strings.

    Lest I digress, there is the matter of President Barack Obamas campaign logo supposedly

    resembling the Pepsi logo, and the fact that the Pepsi logo changed after the successful presidential

    campaign. Slates article directs you to this delightful little flickr post:

    Ayn Rand called industrial trademarks the modern coats of arms. As the presidential gladiators ride

    out to battle for the most important kingdom in the world, it is interesting to see what they want you

    to see when you see their coats of arms.
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    An idli by any other name .April 13, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    I direct your attention to Shaziya Khans wonderful post, featured inCampaign India. I know Shaziya

    from many years, from way back at HTA. To turn a phrase she is the quintessential idli: pure, white,

    pristine and flawless. Now that I am old and Shaziya is wiser, I am free to admit that I have always

    had a soft spot for Shaziya, but then I am South Indian and am defenceless against all idlis, so you

    are justified in saying that this is a moot point.

    But this is not about Shaziya, it is about Madras Cafe.

    I am a South Indian from Matunga, and very territorial about Madras Cafe. Being a student of Don

    Bosco, a mere 10 minute walk from Madras Cafe, I have been a Madras Cafe connoisseur for the last

    45 years, so in sheer agreement with Shazias blog about brands being bought, not sold, here are

    two personal stories to tell.

    1. But a couple of months ago, I picked up a good friend, Samta Lalan, as she flew in from

    Shanghai. And what does the very idli grade Samta want to do, and immediately? She wants to go

    straight to Madras Cafe and eat idlis. So we drive to Matunga from Sahar, where Samtas mum is

    waiting for us at the door of Madras Cafe. (Samta lives in the lane opposite to Madras Cafe). We get

    a seat immediately, we order the idlis, the waiter, a senior gentleman, is unimpressed with the fact

    that I order in Tulu. But he has a broad smile for Samtas mum. He knows her. When the bill arrives,

    I reach for it. He withdraws the bill, and shoots a glance at Samtas mum. Samtas mum says no,

    she plans to treat us. I take matters into my hands and yank the bill from the waiters hand. The

    waiter has an expression so severe and disapproving, youd think I yanked the bill from Samtas

    mums hand. All going to prove that Madras Cafe is a brand in the classic sense of the word: down to

    the minutest personal interaction, it is a relationship.

    2. On the way back from the BMW X Series launch, ensconced in Parvez Damanias S Class

    Mercedes, Pervez has a bright idea. Now I love Parvezs bright ideas: the man is a incorrigible

    connoisseur of the finest things in life. And what is Pervezs bright idea? Lets have filter coffee at

    Madras Cafe. So we glide over, and the coffee is served to us in little plastic cups, and I sip at

    perfect South Indian coffee, telling myself that sipping Madras Cafe filter coffee from a little plastic

    cup in the back seat of a top-of-the-line Mercedes is a experience that is difficult to describe

    adequately. I got myself a filter coffee maker from Madras Cafe, Pervez tells me, with all the pride

    with which he usually tells me about some fabulous new thing he has acquired. And there we are, a

    Dadar Parsi Colony boy and a Don Bosco Matunga boy . and the coffee that is a world of meaning

    beyond its immaculate taste.,shaziya-khans-blog-brands-are-bought-not-sold.aspx?eid=29&edate=20110413&utm_source=20110413&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=daily_newsletter,shaziya-khans-blog-brands-are-bought-not-sold.aspx?eid=29&edate=20110413&utm_source=20110413&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=daily_newsletter
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    The point I want to make is, at no time have I ever experienced the smothering, saccharine service

    that one expects from a great restaurant brand. The waiters at Madras Cafe are borderline surly,

    never one for conversation, dont give a damn about who you are, but will bring the food on time,

    and the bills with even more punctuality. Madras Cafe is for connoisseurs who want Madras Cafe, not

    service. The service is there to give you want you want and leave you alone. If I ever hear a Madras

    cafe waiter shimmy up to me and ask that horrible question: Is everything to your satisfaction,

    Sir? Id complain.

    Shaziya describes it all, and I could never do better. Here is a direct quote:

    Stoic, simple, no fuss, down-to-earth. In a word authentic to the last. And people

    queue up early, even on Sunday mornings for this . The waiting is on the road, no special

    treatment, no sweet nothings exchanged to make the wait pleasant. A brusque nod, a

    quick note of the numbers. They call you in when they can and do not entertain any


    The whole take-it-or-leave-it attitude underscores their unique promise. Cafe Madras

    GETS its own brand. It does not dilute its Caf-Madras-ness. And its bought. With joy.

    Discomforts of heat, crowds, hard seats, brusque and brisk service are not only

    overlooked, they are elevated as a unique experience!

    That sense of identity determines whether a brand is bought or sold.

    The question to ask is are we creating an idli brand that goes about being true to itself

    in an in-your- face, undeniable way? Or are we building an idle brand that needs to be

    hard sold? That universal and unisex directive of standing tall and strong for your values

    Cmon, be a man has a branding equivalent, Cmon be an idli!

    Salaam, Shaziya. Ill buy you a kapi at Madras Cafe anytime.

    Our cup runneth over.April 4, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    Dency Alannah Serrao of SIES has just uploaded this

    charming picture of a themed rickshaw running around in Bandra.

    It just occurred to me that we are about to be deluged with a tsunami of cupping in Indian

    advertising and marketing.

    It may be late enough for my brain to be addled enough, but I cant resist: a Indian bra brand

    should quickly go global with a impossible-to-deny brand line: There arent too many with two world


    Jokes aside, Dhoni just gifted Pepsi a desperately needed shot in the arm. Given that Coke takes the

    all things bright, beautiful and true note, the clean, brilliant and all-too-real triumph of the World

    Cup is squarely in Dhonis . and Pepsis hands.

    India passed judgement on India.April 3, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    I am not a cricket fanatic. A hell of an admission to make at a time like this, on Indian soil that too,

    but there it is. Just about everyone I know is the diehard fanatic. I have nothing against the game, I

    can sit and watch hypnotised for hours and I get as boisterously excited as anyone else when Indiawins anything cricket. But, you could put it down to a personal thing, i am not your cracker-bursting

    dance-in-the-streets kind of fan.

    So yesterday, I watched the World Cup finals from the first moment to the last with a particularly

    different fascination. I watched as an outsider, my friend Krishnan providing explanations and

    commentary (Like Ram did, patiently, for the semis)

    Yesterday, what I watched was India. And I watched as India passed judgement on India.
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    India is awesome. India is world-class. India can make your jaw drop right to the floor. India is

    much more than exotic or East or software, India can whup your little gloating, greedy ass

    (SriLanka when the first two wickets went down) from here till the end of the boundary and just so

    you dont forget, India has the sprezzatura to finish the match with a soaring six, 1 billion two

    hundred million people in India alone craning their neck to watch the arc of the ball burn our name

    into the inky night sky.

    The real India, the India that can effortlessly take its place in any global council, appeared proudly to

    take its rightful place at the head of the global cricket council. It was astounding to see our doughty

    band of players, broadsided by a potentially catastrophic loss of key wickets, stabilise themselves,

    collect their forces, and, run by glorious run, give the world a run for its money.

    This is India at it best, an India that arrives at the finals summarily dispatching Pakistan, and taking

    on SriLanka. It was ever so satisfying to see that this World Cups final matches were fought in

    this part of the world, and I dont mean the stadiums, I mean that not one of the 3 teams were er

    white. No goras running around on the pitch as if to subliminally insinuate that a real reckoning

    would be bereft of authenticity if white skin wasnt showing. Did you see our coach gambolling about

    on the field in true Indian style? Bhaisaab, pichle janam mein yeh Bharatiya tha!

    Yesterday we saw a clean India, a sporting India, an India that sticks its chin out at a challenge and

    has the intelligence and strength and gumption to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Yesterday we

    saw the fibre of an India that no other nation on Earth can find fault with and every other nation on

    Earth can feel an envious admiration for. Yesterday we saw a First World India has been the real

    reason why despite the encrusted barnacles of unprincipled leaders, India the country has its place

    in the world today. Yesterday we saw an India that is so shining, so pristine, so glorious that you

    would never be able find the faintest trace of scams, politics and dishonesty. Yesterday we saw an

    India that shamed the India we have been forced to see for many months now. The winning,

    cheering, fighting, exultant India sent out a powerful message to the men and their minions who

    have blackened our headlines for months now, and that message was loud and clear: this is who we

    Indians really are, and YOU are the cancer.

    Crap Detection 101March 28, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

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    I first came across this concept somewhere in early 2000 at McCann when Santosh Desai was

    briefing us on the insight into the target audience for Sprite: teens who didnt care for the cola hoo-

    haa and trusted their inbuilt bullshit detector. Now, through B L Ochmans brilliant post (see March

    27 post below) I found Howard Rheingolds brilliant article. Rheingolds links at the end of his post
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    make for a delightful look at the variety of devices available to us on the web to ascertain the belief-

    worthiness of what our searches throw up.

    Crap Detection 101

    Every man should have a built-in automatic crapdetector operating inside him.Ernest Hemingway, 1954

    The answer to almost any question is available within seconds, courtesy of the invention that has

    altered how we discover knowledge the search engine. Materializing answers from the air turns out

    to be the easy part the part a machine can do. The real difficulty kicks in when you click down into

    your search results. At that point, its up to you to sort the accurate bits from the misinfo, disinfo,

    spam, scams, urban legends, and hoaxes. Crap detection, as Hemingway called it half a centuryago, is more important than ever before, now that the automation of crapcasting has generated its

    own word: spamming.

    Unless a great many people learn the basics of online crap detection and begin applying their critical

    faculties en masse and very soon, I fear for the future of the Internet as a useful source of credible

    news, medical advice, financial information, educational resources, scholarly and scientific research.

    Some critics argue that a tsunami of hogwash has already rendered the Web useless. I disagree. We

    are indeed inundated by online noise pollution, but the problem is soluble. The good stuff is out

    there if you know how to find and verify it. Basic information literacy, widely distributed, is the bestprotection for the knowledge commons: A sufficient portion of critical consumers among the online

    population can become a strong defense against the noise-death of the Internet.

    The first thing we all need to know about information online is how to detect crap, a technical term I

    use for information tainted by ignorance, inept communication, or deliberate deception. Learning to

    be a critical consumer of Webinfo is not rocket science. Its not even algebra. Becoming acquainted

    with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. The

    hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles.

    The issue of info pollution has been on my mind since at least 1994, when I wroteThe Tragedy of

    the Electronic Commonsabout the infamous Canter and Siegel the first Internet spammers. A few

    years later, I personally confronted the importance of teaching information literacy to 14 year olds

    when I watched my daughter come of age at the same time online search engines became available.

    I sat down in front of the circa-1999 computer with my daughter and explained that most of the

    books she could get from the library could be counted on to be factually accurate. But when you

    enter words into a search engine, there is no guarantee that your search will lead you to accurate

    information. You have to do some investigation before you accept anything you find online, I

    warned her.
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    Ask a few questions and use available tools to see if you can find answers, is what I told her when

    she asked me how to go about investigating.

    Today, just as it was back then, Who is the author? is the root question. If you dont find one, turn

    your skepticism meter to the top of the dial. And use to find out who owns the site if

    there is no author listed. If the author provides a way to ask questions, communicate, or add

    comments, turn up the credibility meter and dial back the skepticism. When you identify an author,

    search on the authors name in order to evaluate what others think of the author and dont turn off

    your critical stance when you assess reputation. Who are these other people whose opinions you are

    trusting? Is the site a .gov or .edu? If so, turn up the credibility a notch. If it helps, envision actual

    meters and dials in your minds eye or a thermometer or speedometer. Take the websites design

    into account professional design should not be seen as a certain indicator of accurate content, but

    visibly amateurish design is sometimes an indicator that the Institute of Such-and-Such might be

    an obsessive loner.

    More good questions to use as credibility probes: Does the author provide sources for factual claims,

    and what happens when you search on the names of the authors of those sources? Have others

    linked to this page, and if so, who are they (use the search term link: http:// and Google shows

    you every link to a specified page). See if the source has been bookmarked on a social bookmarking

    service likeDelicious or Diigo; although it shouldnt be treated as a completely trustworthy

    measurement, the number of people who bookmark a source can furnish clues to its credibility. All

    the mechanics of doing this kind of checking take only a few seconds of clicking, copying and

    pasting, searching, and judging for yourself. Again, the part that requires the most work is learning

    to do your own judging.

    You arent paranoid if you suspect that some sites might even deliberately try to deceive you. Some

    sites insidiously cloak their real bias, for example. I use as an example with my

    students today its not owned by admirers of the late civil rights leader, but you wouldnt know

    that at first glance. Another, less sinister but equally sobering teaching story: The parody

    site Gatt.orgonce duped the Center for International Legal Studies into believing it was the Web site

    of the World Trade Organization. Accordingly, a few years ago, the association arranged for someone

    from the parody site to speak at its annual conference. The speaker an imposter from an activist

    group known as the Yes Men offended several attendees with racist remarks. A staged pie-

    throwing incident followed the presentation, and the fiasco later culminated in the faked death of the

    speaker/imposter. A good question to ask yourself, particularly when a website asks you to

    download something to your own computer, is might somebody be trying to put one over on me?

    When I began teaching my daughter how to evaluate the credibility of web pages, I started

    collecting rules of thumb, strategies, tools especially free and easy to use ones for sorting the

    goodinfo from the badinfo. Fortunately, tools are far more powerful today than they were a decade

    ago; the bad news is that too many people dont know about them. In recent years, as so many

    more people have started to rely on the web for such vitally important forms of information as news,
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    medical information, scholarly research, investment advice, the lack of general education in critical

    consumption of information found online is turning into a public danger. No, Bill Gates wont send

    you $5 for forwarding this chain e-mail, the medical advice you get in a chat room isnt necessarily

    better than what your doctor tells you, and the widow of the deceased African dictator is definitely

    not going to transfer millions of dollars to your bank account. That scurrilous rumor about the

    political candidate that never makes the mainstream media but circulates as email and blog posts

    probably isnt true. The data you are pasting into your memo or term paper may well be totally


    Use the following methods and tools to protect yourself from toxic badinfo. Use them, pass them

    along to others. Promote the notion that more info-literacy is a practical answer to growing info-


    Although the Web undermines authority, the usefulness of authority as another clue to credibility

    hasnt entirely disappeared. I would add credibility points if a source is a verified professor at a

    known institution of higher learning, an authentic M.D. or Ph.D., but I wouldnt subtract points from

    uncredentialed people whose expertise seems authentic. Nor would I stop at simply verifying that

    the claim to be a professor is valid. The next step: use thescholarly productivity indexthat derives a

    score from the scholars publications, citations by other scholars, grants, honors, and awards. If you

    want to get even more serious, download a free copy ofPublish or Perish software, which analyzes

    scientific citations from Google Scholar according to multiple criteria. Again, dont trust just one

    source. Triangulate.

    I got good strategy advice from John McManus, author ofDetecting Bull: How to Identify Bias and

    Junk Journalism in Print, Broadcast and on the Wild Web, who told me you have think like a

    detective. Think of tools like search engines, the productivity index, hoax debunking sites

    like, and others I will mention later as forensic instruments, like Sherlock Holmes

    magnifying glass or the crime scene investigators fingerprint kit. The tools are only useful as the

    means to sleuthing out a mystery. In the case of people who stake their health on online medical

    information from a virtual community, their economic well-being on online financial information,

    their political liberty on the news they get from Twitter, blogs, or YouTube, the stakes in this

    detective game are high. Triangulation is what detectives do try to find three different ways to test

    a sources credibility. For example, you could Google the authors name, enter the authors name in

    the scholarly productivity index, and use the literacy resources to triangulate a

    source. (Factchecked.orgs sister site, researches claims from all political factions.)

    Know how to use online filters. As more people get their news online, and more people at the site of

    newsworthy events have Web-linked cameras and video cameras, well see more situations like the

    250,000 tweets per hour that passed through Twitter during the Iranian political demonstrations of

    June, 2009. Before Twitter came on the scene, online services like Flickr and YouTube enabled users

    to tag photographs and video with key words, making it possible to search for images tagged with

    those key words, revealing all the still images and videos coming in from amateur chroniclers during
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    an event. The San Diego Union-Tribune called publicly for citizen reporters to use the same tags for

    their images of the 2007 wildfire. Using the search facility on Flickr or YouTube enables you to see a

    stream of images or videos, and automatically subscribing to that search throughRSSmeans you

    can continue to see visual reports stream in as others upload them in real time. At the height of

    the Iran demonstrations,CNN was displaying videos posted to YouTube, alerted via Twitter. Quite

    properly, CNN introduced the images with the disclaimer that they were as-yet unverified. As Clay

    Shirky has noted, were in the age of publish, then filter.

    Again, its up to the consumer of the information to decide which images, videos, tweets are

    authentic. As always happens when there is a high demand for separating signal from noise, people

    began to put together filters for doing that and human tools for sorting the more trustworthy

    information. After the terrorist attacks in Mumbai provided both noteworthy on-the-scene reports

    and outright rumors, some experts started talking aboutcrowdsourcing the filterby growing

    populations of trusted editors who would collectively identify the good stuff. Although they did not

    start as a filter for fast-breaking news, American Public MediasPublic Insight Network is moving in

    the direction of a crowdsourced filter.

    When the Iran demonstrations happened, people in Iran and around the world used the Twitter

    equivalent of a Flickr or YouTube tag, a now-famous hashtag #iranelection and for a few days

    flooded the world with riveting images that will probably win Pulitzers, along with shocking and

    politically inflammatory videos, torrents of contradictory reports, bogus rumors, apparent

    disinformation, both informed and ignorant political arguments and, as always, spam, porn, and porn

    spam. As the Iran events unfolded, Marc Ambinder wrote an astute article in The,Follow the developments in Iran like a CIA analyst. Just as thinking like a detective is

    a strategy for trying to determine the credibility of webinfo, thinking like an intelligence analyst is a

    strategy for trying to gauge the credibility of online reports about breaking news events. Ambinder

    recommends watching for disinformation, looking for patterns in the geographic location of sources

    (but warns against assuming that everything that resembles a pattern really is one), examining your

    assumptions and looking for sources that contradict them.

    Twitter Journalism (Where News and Tweets Converge), published a series ofsteps to take to

    verify a tweet, including, among many other tips, checking the history of past tweets by a person to

    see what context you might find before the claim about a news event was tweeted, checking the bio

    of twitterer who makes a claim, being wary of news tweets from someone with very few previous

    tweets or who joined very recently, use Twitters reply feature to engage the twitterer directly. Ive

    been collecting links for journalism students who want to understand the journalistic requirements of

    good Twitter practice from the production side.

    The biases of trusted sources like newspapers and television need to be examined critically, as well

    as those that come in from what are increasingly called social media.Questioning Video is all about

    understanding the vocabulary of visual deception that can be used to distort television

    news. Newstrust is trying to crowdsource the filter for mainstream as well as alternative news
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    sources by growing a bipartisan virtual community of critical news filterers who use the same set of

    criteria for evaluating whether a news story exhibits bias, makes factual claims that can or cannot be

    verified, presents more than one interpretation of events. Fairspins community votes on stories in

    order for the communitys aggregate judgements to identify opinion disguised as fact and reflect the

    degree of political bias detected in stories from both the left and right. And on the cutting edge of

    community-based filtering tools, Intel labsDispute Finder Firefox Extension highlights disputed

    claims on web pages you browse and shows you evidence for alternative points of view.

    The good news about the pace of medical research is also the bad news few medical specialists can

    keep up with the rate of new discoveries. That means that its possible for the collective intelligence

    of a committed community and there is nothing as committed as people who are suffering from a

    disease to stay ahead of all but those most dedicated individual specialists. However, along with

    the latest word on cutting-edge drug trials are unsubstantiated claims, rumors, outright quackery.

    When it comes to medical information, just as when it comes to information that affects political

    liberty, believing or forwarding badinfo can be unhealthy or fatal. Again, the critical consumer of

    online medical advice has a number of triangulation tools at hand. For scientific articles, Science

    Directhas guest access. TheHealth on the Net Foundation has been a steady source of finding

    reliable/credible health information online. They even have a browser plug-inthat enables you to

    check health information on any website against HONs database. An astute medical student wrote

    a guide to how to check quality of medical information online. How much work is it to check three

    links before believing or passing along health information you find online? Simply Googling the name

    of the Dr. who tried to sell do-it-yourself eye surgery kits, for example, immediatelyraises

    questions for those who are considering aiming lasers at their own retinas.

    To me, the issue of information literacy could be even more important than the health or education

    of some individuals. Fundamental aspects of democracy, economic production, the discovery and use

    of knowledge might be at stake. Some of the biggest problems facing the world today seem to be far

    beyond the ability of any individual or community, or even the whole human race, to tackle. But the

    noise death of the Internet is something we can take on and win. Although large forces are at work,

    when it comes to the shape of online media, I believe that what people know and how many

    people know matters. Digital media and networked publics are only the infrastructure for

    participation the cables and chips do no good unless people know how to use them. The collision of

    newly participative populations with authoritarian control is taking place every day in Teheran and

    Beijing, Berlin and Washington, D.C. Nobody knows how this clash will play out, but the one cost-

    effective measure that the participative have in their contest with central control is know-how. And

    the lack of know-how among the population is an asset to those who seek to put the lid back on

    their our power of expression.


    (Please suggest resources in comments, and I will add them below as I receive, find, and vet them)

    Teachable moment: Crap Detecting

    Assessing the Credibility of Online Sources
  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    The CRAP Test

    Urban Legends

    Check quality of backlinks (links TO a site)

    Newstrust guide to finding good journalism online

    Museum of Hoaxes

    Urban Legends (

    Carl Sagans Baloney Detection Kit

    Read more:

    Why humans are not physically created to eat meatMarch 25, 2011 by Alvin Saldanha

    Rate This

    Although some historians and anthropologists say that man is historically omnivorous, our

    anatomical equipment teeth, jaws, and digestive system favors a fleshless diet. The American

    Dietetic Association notes that "most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian

    or near-vegetarian diets."

    And much of the world still lives that way. Even on most industrialized countries, the love affair with

    meat is less than a hundred years old. It started with the refrigerator car and the twentieth-century

    consumer society. But even with the twentieth century, mans body hasnt adapted to eating meat.

    The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, "Mans structure, external and internal,

    compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his

    natural food." The chart below compares the anatomy of man with that of carnivorous and

    herbivorous animals.

    When you look at the comparison between herbivores and humans, we compare much more closely

    to herbivores than meat eating animals. Humans are clearly not designed to digest and ingest meat.

    Meat-eaters: have claws

    Herbivores: no claws

    Humans: no claws

    Meat-eaters: have no skin pores and perspire through the tongue

    Herbivores: perspire through skin pores
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    Humans: perspire through skin pores

    Meat-eaters: have sharp front teeth for tearing, with no flat molar teeth for grinding

    Herbivores: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding

    Humans: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding

    Meat-eaters: have intestinal tract that is only 3 times their body length so that rapidly decaying

    meat can pass through quickly

    Herbivores: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.

    Humans: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.

    Meat-eaters: have strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat

    Herbivores: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater

    Humans: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater

    Meat-eaters: salivary glands in mouth not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.

    Herbivores: well-developed salivary glands which are necessary to pre-digest grains and fruits

    Humans: well-developed salivary glands, which are necessary to pre-digest, grains and fruits

    Meat-eaters: have acid saliva with no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains

    Herbivores: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains

    Humans: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains

    Based on a chart by A.D. Andrews, Fit Food for Men, (Chicago: American Hygiene Society, 1970)

    Clearly if humans were meant to eat meat we wouldnt have so many crucial ingestive/digestive

    similarities with animals that are herbivores.

    Many people ask me, "If we werent supposed to eat meat than why do we?". It is because we are

    conditioned to eat meat. Also, the ADA (American Dietetic Association) tells us that "most of

    mankind for most of human history has lived on a vegetarian or Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

    A popular statement that meat eaters say is; "In the wild, animals kill other animals for food. Its

    nature." First of all, we are not in the wild. Secondly, we can easily live without eating meat and

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    killing, not to mention wed be healthier. And finally, as I have already shown, we werent meant to

    eat meat. Meat and seafood putrefies within 4 hours after consumption and the remnants cling to

    the walls of the stomach and intestines for 3-4 days or longer than if a person is constipated.

    Furthermore, the reaction of saliva in humans is more alkaline, whereas in the case of flesh-eating

    or preying animals, it is clearly acidic. The alkaline saliva does not act properly on meat.

    The final point I would like to make on how we as humans were not meant to eat meat is this. All

    omnivorous and carnivorous animals eat their meat raw. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it

    tears right into the stomach area to eat the organs that are filled with blood (nutrients). While eating

    the stomach, liver, intestine, etc., the lion laps the blood in the process of eating the dead animals

    flesh. Even bears that are omnivores eat salmon raw. However, eating raw or bloody meat disgust

    us as humans. Therefore, we must cook it and season it to buffer the taste of flesh.

    If a deer is burned in a forest fire, a carnivorous animal will NOT eat its flesh. Even circus lions have

    to be feed raw meat so that they will not starve to death. If humans were truly meant to eat meat,

    then we would eat all of our meat raw and bloody. The thought of eating such meat makes ones

    stomach turn. This is my point on how we as humans are conditioned to believe that animal flesh is

    good for us and that we were meant to consume it for survival and health purposes. If we are true

    carnivores or omnivores, cooking our meat and seasoning it with salt, ketchup, or tabasco sauce

    would disguise and we as humans would refuse to eat our meat in this form.

    Overall advantages ofvegetarianism

    You can indeed reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of

    the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people

    decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment.

    However, the main reason why people go on vegetarian diet is because of health benefits.

    Meat is not good for you as it clogs your thinking. This is especially true if you eat red meat; white

    meat has less fat compared to red meat. Excessive intake of fats into your body can result in having

    a high level of cholesterol. If you think that not eating meat is going to make you look scrawny or

    unhealthy please think again. Just imagine that cows, goats, gorillas, elephants, rhinoceroses and so

    on are all vegetarians (herbivores) but look at how tough these animals are, not to mention their life

    span which is longer compared to the carnivores (meat eating animals).

    If you look at the chicken and vulture (carnivores), these animals eat just about everything and

    notice how unhealthy these animals look. The Chinese believe that the chi or life force in your body

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    is less when you consume meat and so do the Indians with their ancient yogic principles, their life

    force was called prana.

    The great Tai Chi masters of China were adept at preserving their chi, even if some of the masters

    were not vegetarians, they still had a balanced diet. It has now been scientifically proven that a

    balanced vegetarian diet is better compared to a diet that is taken with meat.

    There are a lot of misconceptions about being a vegetarian; protein is one of the main topics of

    debate as a lot of people think that you can only get protein from meat. Vegetarians get a lot of

    protein, if they eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. What vegetarians dont get is

    the excess protein of traditional American diet, excess that leads to kidney overload and mineral

    deficiency diseases.

    A lot of people also think that a vegetarian diet is not a balanced diet. Vegetarian diets have aproportion of three macronutrients, which are complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Vegetarian

    food sources (plants) tend to be higher sources of most micronutrients. Another myth that needs to

    be clarified is the so-called lack of calcium among vegetarians. Many vegetables, especially green,

    leafy ones, have a good supply of calcium. The truth is that vegetarians suffer less from osteoporosis

    (a deficiency of calcium that leads to weak bones).

    It is not my intention to force people to become vegetarians. However, vegetarianism is my answer

    to complete health and wholeness. The three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism are:

    spiritual, mental, and physical (nutritional).

    The spiritually aspiring person attempts to work on his/her self. The purpose of spiritual growth is to

    move away from the animal nature into the more human nature that God intended for us to have.

    Meat eating inhibits this. Again, the same science that sometimes attempts to ignore the existence

    of a force higher than man also has proved, in the laboratory, that aggression levels are much

    higher in meat eaters than non-meat eaters! The animal instincts become more powerful every time

    you eat meat. Another spiritual aspect of being a meat eater is when one must question the

    necessity and the method as well as the karma of killing animals. However, everyone has their own

    mores which they must determine for themselves. It is not the purpose of my dissertation to force aspecific moral behavior on anyone. Most spiritual people believe auras. Kirilian photography shows

    us that a force field remains around dead or amputated tissue. You adopt that animal aura when you

    eat a dead animal. Fruits and vegetables have a higher vibrational aura than animal products. Is it

    not personal evolution that the spiritual candidate is interested in? If so, meat eating is urgently


    You are what you eat, is a slogan that I love to use to show the mental aspect of vegetarianism.

    When animals are slaughtered, fear and aggression enzymes are shot into their cells from their

    glands and other organs, just as in humans, and are part of the dead carcass that goes on to thefood store. They remain in the meat until the consumer ingests those same enzymes, which are

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    molecularly very similar to those found in humans. Fruits and vegetables do not have emotions;

    therefore, when they are picked they do not release any emotions cells prior to digestion. The

    enzymes within fruits and vegetables supply the body with sufficient nutrients that will always

    uphold a healthy state of mind.

    Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients; the very thing the body needs to live a long disease and

    pain free life. The same cannot be said for meat. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of

    humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances, the greatest of which is meat.

    Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and the putrefaction in the colon of

    the remains of meat. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. Many meat eaters

    believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that

    little of it can ever be utilized by humans because it is incomplete and lacks the correct combination

    of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Studies show that the average American gets five

    times the amount of protein needed. It is a common medical fact that excess protein is dangerous,

    the prime danger being that uric acid (the waste product produced in the process of digesting

    protein) attacks the kidneys, breaking down the kidney cells called nephrons. This condition is called

    nephritis; the prime cause of it is overburdening the kidneys. More usable protein is found in one

    tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than the average serving of meat!

    Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of meat that stays in the sun for three days? Meat can

    stay in the warmth of the intestine for at least four days until it is digested. It does nothing but wait

    for passage. Often, it usually stays there for much longer, traces remaining for up to several

    months. Colonic therapists always see meat passing through in people who have been vegetarians

    for several years, thus indicating that meat remains undigested there for a long time. Occasionally

    this has been documented in twenty-year vegetarians!

    Some vegetarians claim they are more satisfied after they eat. The reason for this is that there are

    fewer ketones (protein-digestive substances) formed when vegetable protein is digested. For many,

    ketones cause a trace amount of nausea which one normally interprets as a decreased desire for

    food due to this uncomfortable and slight degree of queasiness. Although the body calls for more

    food, the taste buds tolerate less. This is the danger of the popular high-protein diet substances on

    the market. This abnormally high level of ketones is called ketosis and refers to the state of

    starvation that the body incurs due to the inability of the appetite to call for nutrition. Most

    Americans who eat the wrong type of carbohydrates never recognize the high amount of complex

    carbohydrates required to overthrow this condition. Also, when the blood ketone level is too high, it

    results in abnormally acidic blood, called acidosis.

    Tigers or lions who eat meat and grow strong on it have acid-based digestive systems. Our

    Hydrochloric Acid isnt strong enough to fully digest meat. Also, their intestines are in a straight run

    of about five feet long, not twisted and turned, layer over layer, compacted into a small area like the

    human intestine, which is twenty feet long.

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    Meats are frozen for a long period of times. Some meat (especially poultry) is frozen up to two

    years. Cold temperatures do not kill all species of bacteria. Worse than this, as it is shipped and

    stored, most frozen meat is thawed and refrozen many times. This is almost unavoidable.

    Meat eaters suffer more frequently from various types of food poisoning than vegetarian eaters, so

    much so that statistics show that every American has had food poisoning on at least one occasion.

    When youve felt ill, out-of-sorts, had diarrhea, or were just a little sick to your stomach, no doubt

    you had not the slightest idea that you had been poisoned by scavengers living off the dead carcass

    you just ate.

    Meat is costly and it is the most wasteful source of resources. When one removes meat from his or

    her diet, a whole new world of eating opens up. Cooking and preparing vegetarian style is no more

    time consuming than cooking meat. It costs less than half as much to eat vegetarian as it does to

    eat meat. There are excellent, nutritious, and easy to prepare vegetarian dishes that are Italian,

    Chinese, Indian, Mid-Eastern, French, Spanish, etc.

    Additionally, one can enjoy many other foods that he has never tasted because of the meat craze.

    Most consumers have eaten no more than five or six varieties of beans and legumes less than

    10% of what is available and grains, including different appetizing types of wheat, nuts, and seeds.

    And they can be prepared very creatively!

    In my opinion, there are far more benefits to becoming a vegetarian then there are becoming or

    staying a meat eater. Due to the fact that I was raised on meat, I have the wonderful experiencesfrom both worlds. As a meat eater, I was constantly sick, tired, and overweight. As a vegetarian, I

    am healthy, full of energy, and maintaining a perfect weight. I love being a vegetarian and it shows.

    Because I wish the best for myself, its just second nature to want the best for others. From my past

    experience and research, going vegetarian is the best thing anyone can do for their mind, body and


    Windows Live writer to the rescue!!!August 20, 2010 by Alvin Saldanha

    Rate This

    Thanks to Lifehacker I realised that Windows Live Writer does a great job of helping me post to my

    blog. And insert pics from my computer into my blog, something Scribefire wont do in Safari and

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    Children Are Quick


    1. TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .

    MARIA: Here it is.

    TEACHER: Correct. Now cl-ass, who discovered America ?

    cl-ass: Maria.


    2.TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?

    JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.


    3. TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'

    GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L'

    TEACHER: No, that's wrong

    GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.


    4. TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?

    DONALD: H I J K L M N O.

    TEACHER: What are you talking about?DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.


    5. TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we

    didn't have ten years ago.

    WINNIE: Me!


    6. TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?

    GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.


    7. TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
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    MILLIE: I is..

    TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'

    MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'


    8. TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father'scherry tree, but also admitted it.

    Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?

    LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand....


    9. TEACHER: Now, Simon , tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?

    SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.


    9. TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same

    as your brother's.. Did you copy his?

    CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.


    10.TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking

    when people are no longer interested?

    HAROLD: A teacher


    Fake Kia Ad Gets 5 Brazilian Creatives Banned From 2012 CanneFestivalAlvin Saldanha | July 22, 2011 at 4:56 PM | Categories:Advertising | URL:

    Social Media Outrage at Hint of Pedophilia Prompted Closer Scrutiny of Moma Propaganda's Entry

    By: Laurel Wentz,Claudia Penteado

    Published:July 21, 2011

    [+] Share | Email|Reprints|Print|

    For the first time, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is banning agency creatives from

    next year's festival after stripping independent Brazilian shop Moma Propaganda of two Lions won at

    the Cannes awards for apparently fake ads for Kia Motors Brazil.

    After the June festival, a firestorm of bad publicity swept social media, criticizing the campaign for

    overtones of lust and pedophilia. Automotive News, Ad Age's sibling publication, described the two print

    and outdoor ads, intended to promote the Kia Sportage's dual-zone hot-and-cold climate control feature,
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    as comic strip-style scenarios with family-friendly images on one side, juxtaposed with racy, adult

    fantasies on the other, including a male teacher helping an elementary school girl.

    When Kia denied approving the ads, the festival investigated.

    "The Cannes Lions rules state clearly that if requested, proof must be provided that campaigns ran and

    were legitimately created for a fee-paying client," festival CEO Philip Thomas said in a statement.

    "Despite many conversations, Moma Propaganda have not provided the proof we require and therefore

    the Lions have been withdrawn."

    Although the Cannes festival has stripped agencies of their prizes before when ads have turned out to

    be fakes created to win awards, this is the first time the creatives responsible have been banned from

    entering future work at Cannes. The one-year ban covering the 2012 festival applies to individuals listed

    on the credits and affects five people at Moma Propaganda, a festival spokeswoman said.

    The two awards rescinded by Cannes are a Silver Lion in the print category and a Bronze Lion in

    outdoor. The campaign featured two ads, "Teacher," in which a male teacher fantasizes about a little

    girl, and "Princess," juxtaposing the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale with an X-rated version.

    A Kia Motors Brazil public relations exec said the company had no comment because the marketer had

    not approved the campaign. At Moma Propaganda, a medium-size Sao Paulo agency owned by

    Rodolfo Sampaio and Fico Meirelles, neither partner returned calls, and Mr. Sampaio's office said he

    was on vacation.

    Although Brazilians' irresistible compulsion to create fake ads to win awards has blown up again, it's not

    always an unforgivable offense in that Cannes-crazy country. Although the agency had to send back

    two Lions, in typical Brazilian fashion Kia Motors' Brazilian distributor is still on Moma's client list, along

    with Sherwin Williams, a shopping mall called Center Norte, Herbalife and local home furnishings store


    Does gender really play a role in the way consumers view

    online ads?

    We all know the old saying, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, but are the two sexesreally that far apart when it comes to what online advertisements they both view?

    Surprisingly, with only a few differentials, both sexes look at various online ads in the same manner,according to EyeTrackShop, creators of the worlds first eye tracking technology.

    In a recent study conducted in Norway, EyeTrackShop enlisted 100 participants, over 2 days, using testads from the H&M website, Reebok and Saab in hopes of finally answering, does gender play asignificant role in the way consumers look at ads, packages and other stimuli.

    Below, find EyeTrackShops visual attention patterns and visual fixation order for the H&M website test.

    You can draw your own conclusions.

  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    Keralite Or Malayalis Or Malabaris !!

    Name the wonly part of the werld where Malayalis don't werk hard?


    Why is industrial productivity so low in Kerala?

    @Because 86% of the shift time is spent on lifting, folding and re-tying the lungi.

    Why did the Malayali buy an air-ticket?

    @To go to Thoobai, to meet his ungle in the Gelff.

    Why do Malayali's go to the Gelff?

    @To yearn menney.

    What did the Malayali do when the plane caught fire?

    @He zimbly jembd out of the vindow.

    What is a Malayali management graduate called?

    @Yem Bee Yay.

  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    Why did his wife divorce him?

    @Because he was louwing another yuman (woman).

    Who found out that?

    @His andy.

    What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?

    @He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.

    What does a Malayali use to commute to office everyday?

    @An Oto.

    Who is Malayali's fyamous yeactor end yaectress?

    @Moghan lal, Mammooti, Geedha, Revadhi, Zilgsmidha end Ambiga.

    Why is Kerala the most highly literate state in India?@Its easily giving Degree to get rid of the peaples from Kerala.

    Why are Arab countries looking for only Keralites?

    @They are ready to do yennything for menney.


    Please don't delete this after reading, You should atleast send this mail to:

    10 Malayalis & you will receive cokknut oil,

    20 Malayalis and you will receive bennena chips,

    40 Malayalis you will receive appams,

    Send this to 100 Malayalis and you will get free

    land near the rice field behind the lungi factory

    with additional incentive of a whole month's

    supply of cokknut oil and bennena chips free.

    Cheers !

    Universal law:

    Love can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can can obly be transferred from

    one girlfriend to another girlfriend with some loss of money.

    first law:

    a boy in love with a girl, continue to be in love with her and a girlin love with a boy, continue to be in love with him, until on unless

  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    any external agent(brother or father of the gal) comes into play and

    break the legs of the boy.

    second law:

    the rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is

    directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and

    the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the

    bank balance.

    third law:

    the force applied while proposing a girl by a boy is equal and oppositeto the force applied by the girl while using her sandals

    AQ Working in an ad agencyAlvin Saldanha | July 8, 2011 at 5:51 PM | Categories:Aha! | URL:

    eric forsyth's posting place

    June 1, 2011

    So you want to work in an ad agency?

    I sometimes get notes and phone calls from BYU kids that heard from someone that I work at CP+B. I

    was on a role and just wrote this latest kid a novella, since I can't sleep tonight anyway. Thought it might

    make for a blog post if you're having trouble sleeping too.

    WARNING: if this doesn't make you go to sleep then you may need to go into advertising.

    **Note: This post and blog is my own personal thingamabob. Not CP+B official communication of anysorts. Of course. Moving on.**

    On 06/01/11 3:31 PM, XXXXX XXXXXX wrote:

    Dove ruins kittys nap. From Yahoo videos.Alvin Saldanha | July 8, 2011 at 6:16 PM | Categories:Aha! | URL:
  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    At the dojo I went to in college, the master said I must practise each judo throw 1,000 times, so that thebody no longer asked the brain how to do it. The body must do Ippon Sio Nage (Stomach Throw) asnaturally as it breathed.

    By a strange quirk of fate, the enfant terrible of Indian modern art, Francis Newton Souza, happened tospend his last Christmas evening at my home in Colaba, Mumbai.

    I cant draw badly even if I wanted to, Kiran...drawing is now part of mymetabolism.


    Ken Wilber, probably the greatest living spiritual interpreter, explains the differencebetween scientism and science to dogmatic scientists (my interpretation), What do you findunscientific about spiritual practice? To become a physicist you have to study objects for 25 years...tobecome a seer you have to study your self for the same number of years.

    In one case you use electron microscopes, in another you use your own awareness.

    Stands to reason, no?

    10, 000 hours.


    The four-letter-word everybody wants to transcend and/or leap over/bypass and/or wish awayin life and in business.

    The faster our lives get, the more desperate our search for miracles (described as a surprising andwelcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the

    work of a divine agency).

    The great Indian middle-class wants to follow Babas, perform kapalbhaati or praanaayaam in front ofthe TV and get rid of its diabetes/cancer/asthma... overnight (Miracle!).

    Ditto the business world: we want our businesses to become brands, hold IPOs and makemegabucks...overnight (Miracle!).

    (This impatience includes human beings attempting to become brands, but that ridiculous andlaughable notion we will deal with some other time.)

    Oh come on, Khalap, you old fogey...maan, you are so out of sync, I can hear the young readers say,

    maan, look at the brands you dig (Absolut, Harley Davidson) versus the brands we dig (Apple, Zara,Diesel).

    Ours are not brands that took too many years...both life and business are changing...time is no longeran ingredient of success.


    Absolut. Born 1879. First advertised 1981.

    Harley Davidson. Born 1903.

    Apple. Born 1976. Overtook Microsoft in market cap in 2010. That is, if you wish to define success inmarket cap (35 years after birth.)

  • 8/2/2019 Children Are Quick


    Zara. Born 1975. In Spain. In 2011, all around the world, including Delhi, India (36 years after birth).

    Diesel. Born 1978. In Italy, In 2011, in 80 countries, 200 stores, including India.(33 years after birth.)

    I guess that is more than twice the number of average years of its target audience.

    A journalist called Matt Haig wrote two books called Brand Success and Brand Failures in 2004; its newIndian editions are out in 2011.

    Since he is not a brand specialist, we will forgive him his confused understanding of brands per se: heregularly mistakes Cause and Effect.

    For instance, Trust in brands is an effect, not a cause.

    Of what,