chimes july/aug summer 2014

C LARKSTO U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH C HIMES Date Mailed: 7/11/14 Core Values: Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission Summer Issue Join us July 25-27 for a weekend together in fellowship and mission work at Myers Lake United Methodist Campground in Byron, Michigan. We will be working on numerous projects for the campground itself, and making and delivering projects to a nearby nursing home. We also will make, package, and deliver trail mix to all the other campsites, along with a personal invitation to our Family Mission Night held on Saturday, July 26 th at the campground. On this trip we will work hard, play hard, and grow closer to campers at Myers Lake, to the Byron community, to each other, and to our amazing God! If interested in going on the trip, please contact Annette Siminski ASAP at [email protected].

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Date Mailed: 7/11/14

Core Values: Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples

Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission

Summer Issue

Join us July 25-27 for a weekend together in fellowship and mission work at Myers Lake United Methodist Campground in Byron, Michigan. We will be working on numerous projects for the campground itself, and making and delivering projects to a nearby nursing home. We also will make, package, and deliver trail mix to all the other campsites, along with a personal invitation to our Family Mission Night held on Saturday, July 26th at the campground. On this trip we will work hard, play hard, and grow closer to campers at Myers Lake, to the Byron community, to each other, and to our amazing God! If interested in going on the trip, please contact Annette Siminski ASAP at [email protected].

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I want to tell you a story but I can’t. It is not mine to tell. The only reason I even know the story is because I was a witness to it. Like most good stories it has a beginning, a middle filled with actions and emotions and an ending that has still to be completely written. It is a story about a life transformed and a future reclaimed. This story was not filmed on a movie lot or drawn from a best seller. The story was largely lived out in our community. The transformation part of the story began in our parking lot, in our entryway, in our pews. It was impacted by prayer and preaching, song and fellowship. In various rooms of this church, the drama built until one day the flood waters of tears and pain rolled out. It was quite an avalanche but in the aftermath there was a beginning of a clearing. In the days that followed, new hope began to break through old pain like new buds breaking through the ground. That story is still being written. More days are about healing than scarring and the plot being written is more about direction than being lost. There is even the experience of moments of joy. It is a good story. But it is not mine to tell. It is one of many such stories I know about in this place. As you read this, you may be aware of some. Perhaps your story has some parallel with this one. Maybe a chapter in your biography speaks of new hope, faith friends and new life. I get to know some of your stories. I get to listen, pray and witness it all the time. It is why I know I have the best job of all. It is just I can’t tell you about most of it, for they are not my story to tell. They are yours. Thank you for the ten years we have been together and for the blessing you are to me. -Pastor Rick

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Sunday Night Worship has been through a big change this summer! Our goal was to make it an engaging, family oriented service. To accomplish that, we launched what we like to call the "Scripture Scoop." Led by the combined efforts of Pastor Rick, Pastor Amy, and interns Kelsey Burns and Sam Hickey, this portion of worship is completely dedicated to diving into the scripture for children and adults alike. After the Scripture is read, one of the four leaders will give a short insight to the background and context of the Scripture, called the exegesis. The leaders will then engage in a conversation together about their thoughts on the Scripture and how it speaks to them. Finally, the congregation will split off into small groups and will get a chance to voice their thoughts on the Scripture with each other. Elementary aged children will receive a packet with activities related to the Scripture for that week and will be able to talk together in their own group during small group time. Don't worry, elements of Sunday Night Worship such as praise songs and prayer time are still a vital part of the service! As an added bonus, with every SNW service involving the "Scripture Scoop" (which will be every Sunday this summer), you are invited to stay after the service for a scoop of Cook's ice cream and fellowship! We look forward to seeing you and your family outside with us this summer, Sunday night's at 6pm, enjoying the warmth, sunshine, fellowship, worship, and ice cream with us!

Recognition and Celebration

We know the quality ministry leadership Rev. Amy Mayo-Moyle demonstrates in our congregation. Recently her skills have been recognized for her impact on the direction of the entire annual conference. Pastor Amy serves as the Chair of the Leadership Team for the Detroit Annual Conference (400+ congregations in the eastern side of the Lower Peninsula and the entire Upper Peninsula). Amy, along with her team has lead us through a process of streamlining and reorganizing to improve the efficiency and impact of ministry of the United Methodist Church in our own state and in mission to the world. At this year’s Annual Conference gathering in Adrian in May, Pastor Amy was surprised to discover she was the recipient of the John Buxton Award for Excellence in Leadership. This is an award given annually to the person who has had significant and lasting impact on leading our connectional ministry forward. It is a great recognition and honor and we are proud of Pastor Amy as one deserving of this award. Praise God for her ministry here and in the larger church.

Picture of Amy

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Thank you to all VBS Volunteers. We had an amazing week at VBS—hosting approximately 200 children! Thank you to the +100 volunteers who gave their time and talents to the children. God’s presence was certainly in this place.

Summer Sunday School continues at 10am. A one-room Summer Sunday School class continues at the 10am hour for 3-year olds through 2nd graders. All other children attend worship where they are challenged weekly with written questions about the service. A nursery for infants-2 year olds is provided at all summer worship services.

Summer Sunday school teachers are still needed. Contact Annette if you can help team teach at the 10am hour-- [email protected].

Family Mission Trip---Join us July 25th-27th to serve together on our 3rd Annual Family Mission Trip in the Byron area, and camp at Myers Lake Campground. We will arrive Friday night and do some work at the camp; will work at the camp and in the community all day Saturday and worship together on Sunday morning at the camp. The cost is $125 per family which includes camp site fees, food, drinks, snacks and materials for work. Registration forms are due

ASAP and can be found on our website. 5th Graders (soon to be 6th Graders in the Fall) are invited to our Fuel Mission Trip! To help transition into youth group next year, all kids finishing 5th grade/entering 6th grade are encouraged to attend our Fuel (middle school) mission trip July 23-27. On the 23rd & 24th, we will have a day trip each day to work on area mission projects. On the weekend, we will camp at Myers Lake (with the Family Mission Trip) and work at the Methodist Camp Ground and surrounding Byron area. Cost is $50 for 2 days; $100 for 5 days. Parents are welcome to join us and camp at Myers Lake for an additional $25. Sunday School Volunteers are needed for 2014-15. If you would like to team teach a children’s Sunday school class (3-4 year olds, Kdg.-1st, 2nd-3rd, and/or 4th-6th grades) at 9 or 11:00am next year, please contact Annette at [email protected]. Each teacher “team teaches” with at least 1-2 other people. Each team divides the teaching Sundays up between them according to what works best with their schedules. In doing so, each team member teaches just a portion of the Sundays and is able to attend worship service the other Sundays. This ensures that teachers are being spiritually fed too!

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(Children Ministry Continued)

Sunday School Volunteer Orientation is Thursday, August 28th at 7pm in the Parlor. If you are helping with Sunday school this year, please attend this brief meeting to collect your teaching materials and annual Sunday school calendar, and enjoy some dessert with your fellow teachers.

Sunday School Registration will begin in August. Each Sunday school family will receive a letter, registration form for 2014-15, and volunteer opportunity form in the mail in late August. Please complete all forms and return to the church by September 1st. We must have these forms before you may leave your children in any Fall Sunday school class.

No Sunday School on August 31st. All children are encouraged to attend worship service. Quiet activities will be available in the Narthex.

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MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH CELEBRATE SUMMER AT CUMC Summer is in full swing. Youth ending 5th grade in June through 8th grade are welcome to join all the Fuel summer events.

July 16 – Trip to the Wave Pool in WaterfordI July 23-27: Fuel Mission Trip

July 30: Mission Trip Reunion Pool Party at Michele’s house

August 13: Cedar Point Day Trip August 21: Airtime Day Trip

Register on-line on our website at for the above events.

FUEL SUMMER MISSION TRIP: Time to Sign up! It is not too late!: JULY 23- JULY 27 Our Fuel Mission Trip is beginning to take shape. It is not too late to sign up. Choose your days to volunteer or join us for the full 5 days! Some changes in the mission projects are being made to enhance the experience. This summer our Middle School Youth, including those who will be in the 6th grade in the fall, will have the opportunity to partner with Habitat for Humanity, on Wednesday, July 23 to work on the Ferry Farms Playground in Pontiac, Michigan. Thursday we will be working with Gregg Martin from DRAW helping out in their warehouse. Friday, July 25 during the day we will be making lunches and helping out at The Power Company Kids Club in Pontiac, MI and then in the afternoon heading out to Myers Lake where the Fuel Youth will join up with the Family Mission Trip for camping and mission work throughout the campground. The cost per youth will be $100 for the entire week or $50 for two days only. Families of youth are welcome to join us for the weekend for an additional $25. Contact Michele Ettinger to sign up! It should be an awesome week of mission and fellowship!!!

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(FUEL Continued)

Fuel Can Drive for Summer Mission Trip Our Fuel can drive has begun and will continue through July 20th. We will be collecting cans to benefit our Summer Mission Trip. Please feel free to bring in your or your neighbors recyclable cans and bottles. All funds we collect will go to support our trip. As of June 30th we have raised over $100 in returnables. Thank you for your generous support! Looking forward to an exciting summer with our Youth! Michele Ettinger



Sign up for our High School & FUEL Cedar Point Trip, August 13th! Register on line at Please register and pay online. We will leave at 7am from the church parking lot. The cost is $40. DRIVERS ARE NEEDED! Contact Pastor Amy at [email protected] if you can drive.


Sunday Night Youth Group for high school begins September 7th after Sunday Night Worship. Join us for worship at 6pm and stay for High School youth group from 7-8:30pm. Meet in Fellowship Hall for some games, food, and fun!. More details to follow soon!


Confirmation Orientation is July 17 at 7pm in the fellowship hall. If you are in the 9th grade this Fall (or 10th-12th grade who has not been confirmed), please join us with your parents in Fellowship Hall on Thursday the 17th to learn about the confirmation journey for 2014-2015. Please contact Pastor Amy [email protected] or Annette Siminski [email protected] if you have any questions.


Registration for High School Youth Group will begin in August. Each High School Youth family will receive a letter, registration form for 2014-2015, and volunteer opportunity form in the mail in late August. Please complete all forms and return to the church by September 1st.

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The Worship Experience

Why do you come to worship? What experience do you expect to have? With what to you hope to leave? Is the hour an isolated one in your week or is it the necessity that fuels your life?

Upon entering the sanctuary on any given Sunday what do you notice? One Sunday recently, my senses were put on alert. I noticed the sound of the whirring of the two large fans and the sight of fire-colored ribbons briskly blowing from them. My eye then caught the brilliant colors that draped the altar: satin cloths of gold, orange, dark red and bronze, centered with large dark red pedestal candles with more ribbons blowing in the breeze. The pulpit cloths reflected the same. The church was aflame!

The service began with a striking video, simple and pointed, of Acts 2: 1-4, enhanced with compelling music and images of fire and wind.

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

As this Scripture was then read, two other readers were simultaneously speaking the Word in Spanish and French. It was a powerful image of how confusing that time must have been. But the disciples took that God-moment, that spark, and birthed the church of Jesus Christ. Pastor Rick’s sermon, “When the Spirit Comes,” spoke to us of what can happen when we allow the spark of a fire to inflame our spirits, for the Holy Spirit to touch our lives, our church, our world.

The music? Come, Holy Spirit, Like the Wind; Breathe on Me, Breath of God; Holy Spirit, Wind and Flame; The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve.

Again and again, the theme was repeated. Samantha Hickey, our Worship Intern this summer, was instrumental in designing this service. The intention was that you leave this worship experience touched by the Holy Spirit with a deep sense of this profound message, open to reflection and transformation. I pray each service is this for you.

Brenda DuPree Lay Leader

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New to the church library Parenting Your Powerful Child by Dr. Kevin Leman, 2013. Whether you are a new parent or an older grandparent, struggles can surface. We all have days when things just aren’t going like we want them to and our behavior is probably not the best. Children are just like us. It is not unusual for them to go through a difficult phase, such as the terrible twos or teen defiance, but when these phases take control of the household, as a parent there is a need to help transform the difficulty into positivity that will benefit everyone, especially your child. Dr. Leman give a number of antidotes describing various types of “powerful” (read unacceptable) behaviors of children and how parents can learn to respond to the situation. Reviewed by Nancy Hanna These books are located in the Carousel down the hallway toward the Parlor: I Never Found that Rocking Chair by Richard L. Morgan—God’s call at

Retirement. Parenting Your Powerful Child by Dr. Kevin Leman—Bringing on End to

the Everyday Battles. I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye by Pamela Blair and Brook Noel—

Surviving, coping and healing after the sudden death of a loved one. Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson—Promoting peace through

education in Afghanistan & Pakistan. The Case for God by Karen Armstrong—Reflects shifts occuring in the

religious community. Summer by Karen Kingsbury—A test of faith, a season of hope, and endless

days of longing. Left to Tell, Ilibagiza—Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, A Memoir by Anna Quindlen Eat , Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert—One Woman’s Search for Everything. All In by Mark Batterson—You are one decision away from a totally different

life. Saved by Her Enemy by Don Teague and Rafraf Barrak—An Iraqui

Woman’s journey from the heart of war to the heartland of America. These books are located in the Library Come Thirsty by Max Lucado—No Heart too dry for His Touch. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd—Hope, daring, the quest for


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The music department would like to thank all the talented people that have given freely of their talents and time to provide music for this summer’s services. 2014 Summer Music Schedule

Music Rehearsals will begin again in September. Please mark your calendar. We are looking forward to another great year of praising God with Bells and Voice. Jubiliate Bells 7:30–9:00pm Music Room Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 (High School through Adult)

Chancel Choir 7:30–9:00pm Choir Room Thursday September 4th, 2014 (Adults) Angelus Bells 4:30-5:15PM Music Room Wednesday September 10th, 2014 (2nd – 5th grade)

Cherub Choir 5:15–6:00pm Sunday School Rooms Wednesday September 10th, 2014 (4yr - 1st grade)

Wesley Choir 5:15-6:00pm Choir Room Wednesday September 10th, 2014 (2nd – 5th grade)

Youth Choir 6:00–6:45pm Choir Room Wednesday September 10th, 2014 (6th – 12th grade)

Celebration Ringers 6:45-7:30pm Music Room Wednesday September 10th, 2014 (6th – 12 grade)

Date Soloist / Ensemble

6/22 Brenda DuPree – Piano

6/29 Chuck Story

7/6 Jay Bleim and Carla Mitcham

7/13 Steve Thomas

7/20 George Moore and Anne Chesley

8/3 Neal Wright and Samantha Hickey

8/10 Mary Gladstone-Highland

8/17 Jay Bleim and Carla Mitcham

8/24 Women’s Ensemble

8/31 Wayne Wills and Kim Bishop

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As you have probably heard by now, Clarkston UMC rose to the challenge and collected over $17,000 between monetary donations and food items for our food pantry during the months of March and April! We promptly reported our success to the Feinstein Foundation and are awaiting our matching funds. This is a huge jump in the operating budget for our food pantry so, of course, big changes are on their way. What you may not have heard yet is that on July 28th, Clarkston UMC will offer a new Client-Choice Food Pantry with the help of our committed church volunteers. This store-format food pantry will be open once a month for families to come and “shop” for their food. Our hope is that this model will allow families to leave with food that best matches their family’s needs and wants while also honoring their dignity by resembling, as closely as possible, what it is like to shop in commercial grocery stores. Over the past few weeks we have made the community aware of the change and have asked individuals and families to begin to sign-up for the new pantry and make their appointments to shop. We will be looking during the upcoming weeks for church members who would like to volunteer to act as personal shoppers. These volunteers will walk through the store with the families with the goal of offering the hospitality of CUMC and the love of Christ with those who enter our doors. We hope that this new format will help us to connect on a deeper level with those in our community who utilize this program. Blessings, Mary B. Gladstone-Highland Community Outreach Director & Church and Community Worker Clarkston United Methodist Church

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Items needed for the Lighthouse include kid friendly foods. School is out and therefore over 1500 Clarkston students no longer have access to free or reduce lunches or the weekend food program. Needs are fruit snacks,granola bars, instant oatmeal, jelly, canned pasta & kleenex. The Lighthouse annual “Back to School - Backpack Program” helps over 300 local children, providing them with the necessary supplies to start school off on the right foot and have a successful year. With Lighthouse, CUMC is asking YOU to bring a Backpack filled with “School Supplies” to the church on Sunday August 10th, 2014. If you’re short on time donations will be accepted as CUMC will be purchasing and filling backpacks with donation money. Please write Backpack 2014 in the memo line of checks. Thank you for sharing your blessings and contributing toward CUMC goal of 75 backpacks!!! Thanks, Joyce Bleim 248 625-0875

Back to School Donation Suggestions: (all items must be new) *These items are always in short supply

Backpacks & Lunch Bags Coloring supplies: crayons & markers Pens (red, black & blue) * Colored Pencils Pencils (mechanical & wood) Erasers Pencil Pouch/Box Rulers *1 ½” 3 Ring Binders with dividers Spiral Notebook Pack of loose leaf paper Scissors *Mead Composition Notebooks Duo Tang folders & plastic folders Highlighters Calculators Glue sticks Dry Erase Markers 3X5 Index Cards 8 Tab dividers * Gift Cards ($20, $25, $30) Meijer, Kohl’s, Payless, Target, Kmart, or Wal-Mart

Volunteers are needed to help sort & pack the backpacks prior to distribution, please call the Lighthouse 248 620-6116 if you are interested.

(Missions continued after calendar page)

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SUNDAY 8:30—9:00am Worship Service 10:00—11:00am Worship Service 10:00—11:00am Sunday School 6:00—7:00pm Worship Service (SNW)

MONDAY 10:00-1:00pm Line Dancing 1:00—2:30pm Knitting from the Heart 4-5:30pm Gentle Yoga 6:00—7:00pm Tai Chi 7:00—9:00pm SNW Band Practice 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting

TUESDAY 7:00—9:00pm Boy Scout Troop Meeting

WEDNESDAY 7:00—8:30am Optimist Club 9:00—11:30am Covenant Group 7:30-8:30pm Bridges Out of Poverty Class (Par)

THURSDAY 7:30—9:00am Clarkston Coffee Club 6:45-8:30pm DivorceCare (Par) 6:30—7:30pm Men’s Bible Study

FRIDAY 7:00—8:00am Men’s Bible Study 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting


Sunday Morning Worship: 8:30am & 10am

Sunday Night Worship: 6pm

Children’s Sunday School will be offered at 10am for children

4 years old - entering 2nd grade.

Child Care for infants - 3 years old will be available at all three services.

For the most recent version of our calendar, please visit our website:

Sunday Monday Tuesday

July 14

7pm Trustee Mtg. (Par)

15 7pm Making Sense

20 21 7:00—9:00pm

Farkle Club( FH) 7-9pm SPRC (Par)


27 FUEL & Family

Mission Trip (offsite)



3 50 & Over Retreat


4 Hospitality Meeting



10 9th CUMC Fun Car Show (Parking Lot)

11 7pm Trustee Mtg.


12 Cedar Point FUEL &

9-10 Memorial Cmt

17 18 7:00—9:00pm

Farkle Club( FH) 7-9pm SPRC (Par)


Missions Mtg. (Youth

24 31

25 26

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For the most recent version of our calendar, please visit our website:

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

15 7pm Making Sense

of the Bible (Par)


3pm RM Funday (OS)

5-7:30pm Design Cmt (Brd Rm)

17 7-8pm Confirmation

18 19 1-4pm Bridal Shower

22 23 FUEL & Family

Mission Trip (offsite)

24 FUEL & Family

Mission Trip (offsite)

25 FUEL & Family

Mission Trip (offsite)

26 FUEL & Family

Mission Trip (offsite)

3pm Wedding

29 30 12-3pm FUEL Pool

Party (Offsite)

6-7pm HS Bonfire (OS)

31 Red Cross

Blood Drive 1-7pm (FH)

Aug 1 50 & Over Retreat


2 50 & Over Retreat

(OS) 1:30-4:30pm Baby

Shower (FH)


SPRC Meeting 7pm

6 5-7:30pm

Design Cmt (Brd Rm)

7 8 9 10:30-12:30

Wedding (Sanc)

12 Cedar Point FUEL &

HS (OS) 9-10 Memorial Cmt




15 16

19 7:00—9:00pm

Missions Mtg. (Youth Classroom)


5-7:30pm Design Cmt (Brd Rm)

21 22 4-9pm Rehearsal and

Dinner (FH)

23 3-5pm Wedding


26 27

8:30-11am UMW Meeting (Par)

3-4pm HS Pool Party (OS)

5-7pm FUEL Airtime in Troy



7-8:30pm Sunday Sch Orientation


29 30

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HHHH Update

PURCHASE TICKETS NOW – Helping Hearts Helping Hands 5th Annual Golf Outing

Saturday, August 16, 2014 - Shot gun start at 9:00 a.m. at Fountains Golf Course featuring special guest, golf pro Todd Keirstead. Followed by a 2pm dinner, anyone is welcome!

Golf Outing & Dinner Tickets: $110 per Golfer, $400 per Foursome.

Golf Outing includes 18 hole scramble, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, dinner (at 2pm), prizes, auction and more! Format: Four Person Scramble

Dinner Only Tickets: $30 per person. Please arrive at 2pm to enjoy this wonderful dinner and more!

Mail to: 6250 Chinn Court, Holly, Michigan 48442 - Please make all checks payable to Helping Hearts Helping Hands or you may purchase tickets online or by phone.

Hole in One Prizes include: NEW 2014 Ford Escape SE, Las Vegas Trip, Tree Tops Golf Trip, and Tour Exotic Fairway Wood. All prizes generously sponsored by Szott Ford. Last year, Clarence Dorey WON the car....this could be YOU!

Prizes: 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, 50/50 skins, 50/50 raffle, closest to pin & longest drive AWARDS!

5th Annual Golf Outing Sponsorships

Hole Sponsor $50.00 (or 3 holes for $100) -Sign with name/logo of your company or family name at hole and listed in program that is given to each golfer

Breakfast Sponsor $300.00 -Sign with name/logo on breakfast table, listed in program that is given to each golfer, and fliers or business cards to each golfer

Lunch Sponsor $500.00 -2 Signs with name/logo of your company or family name at the Clubhouse, listed in program that is given to each golfer, fliers or business cards to each golfer, and recognition in the Awards Ceremony

Event Sponsor $1,600.00 -3 foursomes, sign with name/logo on 1st hole & banner in Clubhouse, listed in program that is given to each golfer, fliers or business cards to each golfer, and recognition in the Awards Ceremony. Contact or R.S.V.P. to: Erica or Nancy Cale at (248) 980-5090 or (248) 830-6871,Email: [email protected] Website:

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I’d like to express my deepest appreciation to my CUMC family for your prayers, love, cards, food drop off and general all around support after my surgery. My only problem now is my family is use to having fabulous meals each night. Seriously, I am so blessed to be part of such a loving church family. Thank you, Cheryl Kelly

THANK YOU to all the volunteers who worked on tasks and projects in the Baldwin Center Clothes Closet, Youth Center, Soup Kitchen, grounds, and gardens. We appreciate all the resources, planning, preparation, and hard work that you put into the mission week. Thanks to the CUMC ARM, the Baldwin Center is significantly more prepared for serving our clients this summer and many seasons to come. It was apparent to everyone who came into contact with your group that you are a generous and caring church that labors in the spirit of love. We are overwhelmed by the improvements you made and the tasks you performed even under less than ideal conditions. The Baldwin Center is blessed to have you as faithful partners in our mission to feed, clothe, educate, and empower the Pontiac community. Thank you for your generosity, diligence, creativity, patience, graciousness, and love. You are AWESOME and AMAZING. Becky Rebecca Stewart Volunteers Coordinator

The ARM Team thanks you for all your support! The week went very well and you made this possible. You have made a huge impact on the lives of many, and we thank you for your generosity and commitment. This year, the theme of our daily devotionals was "life's stories". New stories were written this past week. And we are sure you will hear many. Among them, will be the stories of a kind and generous people, who are willing to give of themselves. Blessed by your kindness, Your Adult Righteous Mission Coordinating Team

UMW wishes to thank all who purchased flowers and plants from Wojo’s Greenhouse in Ortonville on May 21st and 30th.

UMW’s 20th Annual Rummage Sale on May 31st was a big success. Thank you to all who donated, worked and shopped. Please keep next years sale in mind as we need more help during the week with setup. All who work at least 4 hours can shop early before all the good stuff is gone. :)

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Staff Parish Relations Committee

Retirement of Rev. Christine Wyatt We have been privileged to be led in ministry by Rev. Christine Wyatt for 13 years. She has served as Minister of Adult Education since 2003. During that time the number of classes and opportunities have multiplied as has the number those participating. She has also helped in many other areas of ministry such as Hospitality and Congregational Care. Rev. Wyatt has offered her letter requesting retirement status with the Detroit Annual Conference effective December 31, 2014. In that letter she wrote in part, “I have served the wonderful congregation of Clarkston UMC and have been blessed to work with wonderful professional staff and laity in calling and equipping persons to be effective disciples of Jesus Christ in the world. I am looking forward to the new areas God is calling me to in this next season of life.” We will announce a celebration of Christine’s ministry at a future time. For now, we give thanks for her leadership and life as she has and continues to share them with us. Thank you, Christine.

Angie Scheu -Worship Coordinator We are blessed to announce that Angie Scheu has begun her position as Worship Coordinator. This is a new half time staff position for our church. In her role, Angie will coordinate all aspects of the worship experience to assist in creating relevant and meaningful worship that makes a difference to you, our congregation, and all we serve. Angie will work in unison with the Pastoral Staff and Program Staff to coordinate all worship arts ministries. She will also be the director of our childrens and youth choirs beginning this fall. As many of you know, Angie worked for CUMC for nearly ten years before her husband’s job relocated the family to China. We are very pleased that the Scheu family has returned to Clarkson and equally as pleased that Angie is once again back on staff at CUMC!

UMW UNITED METHODIST WOMEN LOCAL TREASURER – Our current United Methodist Women Treasurer, Denise Rusnell, who has been our Treasurer for over eighteen years, is stepping down from this position. Effective September 1, 2014, our new Treasurer will be Pat Edwards. A BIG THANK YOU to Denise for her many years of service on our Executive Board and WELCOME to Pat as a member of our United Methodist Women Executive Team.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN READING PROGRAM – The deadline for the 2013-2014 Reading Program is fast approaching – but you still have time to complete the requirements for a Level I, Level II, Level III, or Level lV reader. Please submit your Reading Program information to Paula Acton by August 15,

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(UMW Continued)


2014 Mission u – Lake Huron Retreat Center - August 14 – 16, 2014.

Mission u 2014 One Day School – Sampler - August 14, 2014. Register by August 1, 2014; $25.00; after deadline - $30.00.

H.O.M.E. - (Hands on Mission Experience) – Lake Huron Retreat Center - August 14, 2014. There are several Mission areas you can choose from for the day. Register by August 1, 2014 – no charge for H.O.M.E.

Mission u Study by the Lake – August 15 and 16, 2014 Our studies this year are: “How is it with your Soul?” – Study Leader – Rev. Dr. Tara Renee Sutton. “The Roma of Europe” – Study Leader – Wayne Bank “The Church and People with Disabilities” – Study Leader – Mary McCully There are several options for accommodations available for Mission u depending on which sessions you select. Registration deadline is August 1, 2014. Also, there are several children and youth programs available. Childcare is available if needed. (I have attended both the H.O.M.E. and the 2-day Mission u Study by the Lake and have found them very rewarding. – Suzanne Tinka) A DAY IN MISSION – Crossroads District UMW Mystery Mission Trip – Thursday, September 4, 2014. Join Crossroads District United Methodist Women for our annual one-day mission trip. We are making it more exciting this year and not disclosing our mission visits in advance. However, we guarantee it will be a rewarding and fun day for everyone. We will enjoy a nice lunch together which is included in the price. Trip Price Includes: Round trip transportation on deluxe highway coach, at least three mission tours, lunch (including tax & gratuity), escort, great day of Christian fellowship! Cost Per Person: $25.00. You are responsible for your own replacement after August 4 if you find you are unable to attend.

“CREATED IN HIS IMAGE – MINISTRY WITH AND FOR THE “DISABLED” - Crossroads District United Methodist Women Annual Meeting and Leadership Development Training will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014, at Fenton United Methodist Church. Guest Speaker will be Mrs. Coleen Wilsdon, Former Chairperson of the Detroit Conference Committee on Disability Concerns. Registration Deadline is Friday, October 3, 2014. Cost: $12.00 (after October 4, 2014 - $15.00). Cost for guests who will not be attending lunch is $4.00 for training supplies. In-Gathering Project: Adult Incontinence Products. Special Offering: GCMHS – Children’s Activities Fund.

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(UMW Continued)

“TO EXPERIENCE FREEDOM AS WHOLE PERSONS” – 41th Annual Celebration and Meeting of the Detroit Conference United Methodist Women – Saturday, October 25, 2014. Owosso First United Methodist Church. Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey will be the keynote speaker. ‘Early Bird” Registration Cost is $16.00—Deadline Oct 15. Registration postmarked after October 15 and walk-in cost is $20.00. Seating for lunch is limited The In-Gathering Project will benefit the local Salvation Army. Please bring new socks for women, men, boys, and girls in all sizes and colors. For more detailed information on the above events or for registration forms, please check the United Methodist Women Bulletin Board in the main hallway or contact Suzanne Tinka at (248) 625-3405 or E-mail: [email protected]. United Methodist Women Circles Susanna Wesley – Susanna Wesley Circle: We will meet at Pat Edwards’ house on August 6 at 9:00 AM. Please let Paula Acton or Suzanne Tinka know if you are coming. Visitors are welcome!

Whobody – We will resume in September. Please join us on September 11, 2013 at 7:00pm.


CUMC Men's Bible Study Thursday Evening Study, 6:30-7:30pm - Library (Jeff Smolek, Dave Kanous) Friday Morning Study, 7:00am-8:00am - Parlor (Bill Anderson)

We are looking for a new CUMC Men’s Monthly Offsite Coordinator We are in search of a new CUMC Men's Off Site COORDINATOR to lead the men of the church on either the 1st Tuesday of the Month at 7PM at Big Boy's or the 1st Saturday of the Month at 8AM at Big Boy's. It could be a Bible Study group that meets for 1 hour or it could just be fellowship time. Can YOU lead these Men - call Jay Bleim at 248 625-0875 or 248 875-4112 - cell - or [email protected] - Thanks! The Fall 2014 Men's Meeting Schedule, (2nd Tuesday) @ 7:00pm in the Parlor - Sept 16 - Oct 14 - Nov 11 The Fall 2014 Men's Breakfast Schedule, (3rd Sunday) @ 7:30am in Fellowship Hall; Sept 21 - Eddie Phillips, Evangelist & Free Methodist Pastor (Flushing UMC) Oct 19 - Matt Packer, Christian Song Artist (Swartz Creek) Nov 16 - Stronghold Quartet, Christian Song Group (Howell)


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Aug 10th, 2014 (Sunday) - CUMC 9th Annual FUN CAR SHOW! The CUMC Men will host our 9th Annual CUMC Fun Car Show on Sunday August 10th from 8:00am to 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall parking lot area. The Fun Car Show is open to all cars. Registration will begin at 7:30am with cars in place by 8am so people attending the 8:30am worship service can see them and vote for their favorite. Friends or family members with a Fun Car can participate . Each entry will receive a dash plaque and trophies will be awarded for the 'Pastor's pick' and 'Congregational pick'. Award selection will take place between services. A $10 donation is requested for each vehicle entered For more information or to pre-register contact Arsey Miller at 248 613-0213 or [email protected]. We look forward to a full parking lot of fun, classic, muscle, exotic and any other type of car this year!


2014 Men's Retreat @ CUMC in FH is Friday and Saturday September 5th and 6th. It will be a great weekend for reflecting on your own faith journey, as well as connecting with other men of the church. The cost is only $50. The retreat will go for from 5:30pm til 9:30pm on Friday and from 9:00am til noon on Saturday. If you would like to attend call by August 15th to add your name to the roster (Jay Bleim at 248 625-0875 or Tim Sherrow 248 881-3273) Give Carole Meyers a $50 check made out to CUMC with 2014 Men's Retreat in the Memo Line, thx! Pastor Rick Dake will be our Facilitator & Spiritual Leader!

2014 CUMC SLEEPING BAGS FOR THE HOMELESS (SBFTH) It’s Summer but consider donating New or Slightly Used SLEEPING BAGS for the Homeless this year. Our goal is to hand out 150 sleeping bags to the homeless and now is a good time to get the off season bargains. Also collecting Winter Coats (Adult and kids size), Boots, Socks, Hats and $5 McDonald Gift Cards. Items can be dropped off at the Missions Closet, thx! Can't shop? Then please consider making a monetary love donation and we’ll do the shopping for you! Please make checks payable to CUMC with Sleeping Bags in the Memo line. SAVE THE DATE!!! Saturday Nov 15th, the CUMC SBFTH Team will deliver all of these precious donated items to Father Blasko's North End Soup Kitchen in Flint. Father Blasko’s North End Soup Kitchen 735 E. Stewart Ave. Flint. 48501 For more information or if you would like to be on the delivery team please contact Jay & Joyce Bleim (248) 625-0875 or Jeff Smolek 248 625-4784 or Bob Hoff 248 391-4712 or Eileen Bullen 248 922-0122 or Sue Hickey 248 625-7262. Thank You from the SBFTH Ministry Team!

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Neither Parents Circle or Transitioning Aging Parents will be meeting in July or August. Stay tuned for Sept dates. 50 and OVER is a vibrant group that enjoys the fun and fellowship of monthly mid-day social gatherings. We meet for potluck lunches, programs and field trips. You are heartily welcomed and encouraged to attend any time! We usually meet on the third Friday of the month. Watch the Bulletin for detailed information and sign up on the 50 and Over bulletin board in the hallway. Contact for questions: Lou and Brenda DuPree, [email protected], 248-625- 5141.

August 1-3 Annual Adult Retreat “Trees & Trails” at Lake Louise Camp/ Retreat Center, Boyne City. Sign up by Pastor Amy’s office. Trees and Trails: 50 & Over Retreat—August 1-3 Get excited for a weekend of fun and fellowship! We will be staying at the beautiful Lake Louise United Methodist Retreat Center in Boyne Falls, MI. It is the perfect place to spend time in His word, relax, enjoy the water, bask in the sun and shade, take walks, and experience true Christian community. The theme of the weekend is Parables, and we will spend our sessions unpacking and digging deeper into those parts of scripture that sometimes can be the most confusing.

The Yoga Summer Session (10 weeks) begins Monday, June 30th in the parlor from 4:00-5:30pm. Our instructor is Steve Guth from Yoga Oasis. Cost is $75 for 10 sessions or $9 per session for drop in. We work on gentle stretching, balance and flexibility. All you need is a beach towel or mat! Sign up on Adult Bulletin board or see Christine Wyatt at [email protected] for more information.

Blood Drive: Thursday, July 31st from 1PM to 6:45PM in Fellowship Hall. Schedule an appointment go to, or call Phyllis Choops @ 248-496-1473.

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Beth Moore Bible Study / September 11th - November 20th / Thursday mornings 9:15am - 11:30 am BELOVED DISCIPLE: Explore with Beth Moore, the life of the apostle John. Having been with Jesus all the years of His ministry, John witnessed miracles, saw displays of power, and experienced more love than he could fathom. In his three letters, John left a legacy of divine love to ignite the passion of future believers. And while exiled on Patmos, John recorded His risen Lord's glorious revelation of victory and hope. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board on August 1st. Facilitators: Jill Cascone-Wisser, Sherry Snudden & Darlene Borowski

Childcare Volunteers Needed: We have many openings during the summer months for volunteers in the Infant and Toddler Rooms. If you would like to help, contact Michele at [email protected].

SAVE THE DATE On the evening of September 9 we have another exciting opportunity to learn of our Methodist missionary connection! Rachel and Daniel Gabler, missionaries of various countries and, currently, of the Congo will be speaking to us of their aviation and educational work for God.

To the LADIES THAT SING! This is a invitation to join the Women's Choir that will sing on 8/24 for both services. Rehearsals will be in the choir room at 11:00 AM (right after the 2nd service), and will be held on 7/13, 7/27, 8/10 and 8/17. Please join us. Carla Mitcham is organizing this group, please contact her or Kim Bishop if you’re interested. Lets fill up the choir loft! August MIA Day Come and join us on August 9th at 10am as we renovate and decorate our new apartment for Homework Club. Bridgewater apartments has allowed us to stay and provide this awesome ministry for the children living in our community, however they have asked us to change apartments. Please come and help us set-up the new apartment so that we can continue to offer this life-changing program. Meet us on Saturday August 9th at Bridgewater apartments. Check the Clarkston UMC website for more details.

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PRAYER REQUESTS If you or someone you know could benefit from the caring support of the church,

please contact Rev. Richard Dake in the church office. Prayer Requests for church bulletin and/or Prayer Chain:

Use pew card, contact Suzanne Tinka at 625-3405, or email to [email protected].

Your prayers are requested for:

Congregation and their Family Members

Todd Arcane, Mary Bannasch, Doris & Bob Beattie, Brian Barthelmes, Blaze Beeson & Family, Yvonne Brown, Diana Bullen, Erica & Trevor Cale, Anne Chen, The Cobb Family, Cameron Corder, Jenny DuPree, Judy & Larry Ettinger, Cameron Fortinberry, Marian Gettel, Bob Greene, Bernadette Hanlin, Michelle Henry, Victor Ison, Patricia Kerrick, Lynne Kristi, Jan Lucich, Kelley Martin, Kelsey Merz, Jim Morrison, Ed Nagel, Pat Ouellette, Becky Owens, Dallas Peterman, JD Powell, Heather Robinson, Bill Samson, Donna Schultz, Sandra Schwartz, Sally Simmons, Yvonne Sleight, Matt Smolek, Steve Stadler, Armen Tamakian, Jameson Timberlake, Justin Van Hooser, John Weber, Maynard White, Noah Wills & family, Shawna Wisser, David Wood and Bill Zorka.

Friends of the Congregation

Jan Altermatt, Kathy Bacon, Baby Collin, Baby Maya. Lisa Ballinger, Sandy Balone, Paul Bemman, Marilyn Campbell, Jim Carpenter & Family, Betty Cole, Colin, Dan, Bernita Hawes, Abigail Herrmann, Abby Hixson, Joyce Lewis, Tom Lowell, Jim MacDonald, Wilma Mayes, Joe Morales, Larry Moceri, Jeanne Nitz, Rev. Barbara Nolin, Rebekah Oman, Michael Opalko, Marcia Outlaw, Jean Pachuta, Maretta Petroskey, Rachel Rea, Alicia Riegel, Fred Rohrbach, Russ, Peggy Schroeder, Shawn & Jon Schwarts, Matt & Kathleen Shipley, Larry Sholtey, Wendy Sylvain, Jim Walker, Robert Ward, Sr., Brian & Lezley Wells and Wendy Wisniewski

In Care Facilities

Golda Cecil, Rev. Jon Clapp, Peggy Dryer, Marilyn Guzzo, Freda Meyland, and Robert Wickell.

At Home

Jim & Kay Coates, Jean Macklem, Bernice McCarrick, and Bob Morse

Serving Our Country

Maggie Adams, Robert Baird, Aron Bland, Joe Bondy, Madeline Bondy, Josh Brewer, Scott Brewer, Becky Bucar, John Burbank, Christopher Carbone, Sean Coppinger, Cameron Corder, Shawn Flanigan, Charlie Fulton, Michael Galbraith, Jim Goerss, Joshua Goerss, Ansel Gruenberg, Ariel Gruenberg, Luke Harris, Gentry Herring, Courtney Koskela, Greg LeClaire, Tommy Lewis, Matt Murphy, John Nickerson, Lisa Pasternak, Alex Rogers, Beau Rose, Ben Tartell, John Wawruck, Nicholas White, Dennis Wisser, Justin Wisser, and Gabriel Zapata

Our Christian Sympathy Extends to

Friends and Family of Rev. Frank Cozadd, retired pastor formerly of CUMC who passed on June 28th, 2014. Cards can be sent to : Mrs. Fay Cozadd, 2450 S Ridgewood #10, Edgewater, FL 32141

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Submission deadlines Mail date

September Issue/ Fri, Aug 16 Fri, Aug 23

October Issue/ Fri, Sept 20 Fri, Sept 27

November Issue / Fri, Oct 18 Fri, Oct 25

Church Staff

Main Number: 248-625-1611 Email: [email protected] Website:

Richard Dake, Senior Pastor ext. 223 Amy Mayo-Moyle, Associate Pastor ext. 224 Christine Wyatt, Minister of Adult Education ext. 226

Kim Bishop, Choral Director ext. 228 Jeremy Dean, Director of Facilities/Caretaker ext. 227 Michele Ettinger, Children & FUEL Coordinator ext. 235 Mary Gladstone-Highland, Community Outreach Director ext. 222 Collen Godfrey, Executive Director of Ministries ext. 250 Cheryl Kelly, Administrative Assistant ext. 220 Jack McCarrick, Evening Caretaker ext. 252 Judy Mellen, Handbell Choirs Director ext. 253 Chris Thornton, Sunday Morning Audio Visual Tech Carole Meyers, Finance Manager ext. 221 Michele Poirier, Childcare Coordinator ext. 232 Stephanie Polonkey, Cherub Choir Director ext. 251 Annette Siminski, Director of Family Ministries ext. 233 Holly Stowers, Office Volunteer ext. 220 Kathy Waechter, Finance Assistant ext. 221 Leslie Wills, Principal Organist ext. 229 Neal Wright, Sunday Night Worship Music Leader ext. 255

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