china economy 2010

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  • 8/6/2019 China Economy 2010


    Chinese Post War Economic Growth

    By Kreston Thomas

    Asian Politics Hemstock

    June 18, 2010

    Fayetteville State University

  • 8/6/2019 China Economy 2010


    Chinese Post War Economic Growth

    Chinas economic growth faced a rocky road after the effects of War World II. In the

    1920's Mao Zedong organized a revolution with the formation of peasants, strategic combat, and

    eventually as campaigned to become a political leader. In October 1949, Mao established the

    People's Republic ofChina as he becomes leader of PRC (

    He set out to increase the economic order and establish a better political system, modeled after

    Soviet Union's recent communist success. He coined this term Maoism in which he mixed views

    of Marxism, Stalin, and Lenin, into a new communist vision (Nicholas D. Kristof).

    The people ofChina have been plagued with war, social conflict, and high inflation in the

    past 50 years. In 1950, China began its reconstruction as new leaders lobbied for restoring the

    economy and rebuilding industries. Inflation was a top priority as the war damaged. Mao

    Zedong becomes President of the PRC and launches a 5-year plan for instant industrialization of

    China. This is called the Great Leap Forward which Mao campaigned for change as the leader of

    the communist party. The Great Leap Forward started a new economic program to raise

    agriculture manufacturing and industrial production (Yan Jiaqi). Rural farmers worked hard to

    support the new plan by being innovative and creative with the little resources they owned. The

    spirit of a hardworking society became prevalent to peasants, once forgot in the booming

    industries in metropolitan areas in EastC

    hina. Workers displayed patriotism, shouting slogans

    while working, displaying flag for high visibility, and created new communes with long work

    hours in different industries. The idea of competing with the United States in steel

    manufacturing, the country could become successful. The steel industry grew tremendously, yet

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    the quality of the goods were noted to be fragile and weak version of steel. Rural location used

    backyard furnaces to process the materials and even giving up their own possession for the sake

    of Maos revolutionary plan. The farming industries began to crash as each eager commune

    inflated projected production outputs (, 2010). Each commune would compete in

    honor of Mao's vision to increase production. Some peasants starved as communes gave all the

    produced grain to keep figures high. Over 30 million people died of famine and farms became

    vacated as workers decreased and resources were scarce. Mao became a prestige figure and the

    loyalty caused a communication gap where no one dared to speak out against the Chairman.

    This first campaign for change had led to 20-40 million starving citizens and the Great

    Leap Forward was established to combat this and other economic issues, currently hurting the

    country. He encourages anyone to challenge the government, although this led to weeding out of

    dissidents and punishment for the opposition Others in the political party questioned, yet

    fearfully kept commentary away from Mao or general public. In the 1960, Maos critics began

    to gain power, including Liu Shaoqui, Deng Xiaoping, and Peng Dehuai. Peng was removed

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    from his duties as Mao accused him of being against the views of the country. He was later

    replaced by his good friend, Lin Biao, a peasant and military veteran. Liu and Deng began to

    retreat some ideas of collectivism and tried to reverse some of the negative impact from Maos

    previous failures.

    Mao began a Socialist Education Movement in 1962, with hopes of gaining more control

    and respect as a national icon. Mao Zedong aimed to educate children on Maoist ideology via

    literature and at different venues such as communes and factories. An ongoing power struggle

    and political opposition occurred in a subtle manner. In 1965, Maos fourth wife and socialite,

    Jiang Qing, joined Maos direction and publicly started attacking performing art pieces that were

    derogatory to her husband (MacFarquhar, Roderick and Schoenhals, Michael). Mao directed his

    propaganda toward high level officials who did not show respect for all people and Liu Shaoqi

    shared ideas of helping rid the delinquency of peasants.

    In 1966, Mao launched a crucial campaign when his hopes and dreams crumble before

    him, called the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution began a series of attacks on artist

    and educators who seem threatening to the new plan. Lin Biao publicly promoted Maos

    personality and gave much respect to the Chairman (Gao Yuan ). Mao created security and

    military forces to help propel the political parities agenda, using high school and college

    students, known as red guards. These students were encouraged to defend Maos plan and travel

    to meet other young activists, gaining control over multiple regions. He encouraged youth

    migration to Beijing with all expenses paid by the government. The red guards who were

    ordered to destroy old Buddhist literature, Christian paraphernalia, religious temples, and

    anything that was deemed threatening in starting Mao's revolution. The red guards publicly

    destroyed items. Mao created a red book to describe the practices and views of his positions. It

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    was published in 39 languages and over 3.5 billion copies, which amounted to 5 copies per

    person, including infants (, 2010). These were available everywhere to boost

    propaganda. The book included an outline of Mao's revolution and was carried and read

    everywhere people went. Mao brought leader, Peng Dehuai, to Beijing for public humiliation of

    his policies.

    The communist and authorative approach also began to kill many who opposed the new

    perspective plan for the nation, leaving educators and anti-government critics dead. Mao ordered

    military not to interfere with the destructive tactics of the red guards. This led to over 700,000

    dead to eliminate opposition against their future plans in controlling China. Also, the invasion of

    Tibet caused the Buddhism spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and 100, 000 of his followers to flee

    to India, while China and Soviets began disagreeing on political issues. Local governments

    stopped functioning as Mao encouraged employees to oppose or be charged with being against

    his policies. In 1970, Mao ordered red guards to move to the rural areas, called the Down to the

    Countryside Movement. This movement would cause less social disruption and more order to

    inner cities. After a long period of time, these young persons were allowed to return to inner city

    living. Maos successor, Lin Biao, became overly asserted in gaining more power. The removal

    of another leader, Chen Boda, served as a warning to Lin as Mao becomes suspicious of the

    intentions of growing party members (Jin, Qiu). The increased fame of Lin Biao and desire to

    become Vice President made Mao worry about his own safety, as Lin would inherit control of


    In 1971, Lin Biao dies in a plane crash with his wife and son, under unknown

    circumstances. The death signifies more power for Maos wife, Jiang Qing. She began to take

    control over communication networks, such as, media broadcast and print industries. Jing aimed

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    attacks at other political leaders, notably, Zhou Enlai. Zhou later died and received a flood of

    supporters at the funeral concessions. Jing was fearful the support could change the peoples

    perspective on current policies and issues. She launches media attacks against Deng. Mao later

    died the same year causing an emotional impact on Chinese citizens. Hua Geofeng was next in

    power after a scribed note left by Mao legitimized his position. Maos wife and three other

    associates coined the Gang of Four, are arrested. Deng Xiaoping is reinstated and gains more

    power as Hua is pressured to allow him into central government (Deng, Rong). Deng continues

    to push issues of Mao by using the help of his protg, Hu Yaobang. Hu writes an article that

    creatively describes Dengs ideology in parallel to Maos most cherished values. Political parties

    began to criticize one another and openly discuss issues and Deng introduces Beijing Spring

    for formal debates(, 2010). He becomes more popular with great policies and

    visiting the United States for open relations in hopes of recovering the Chinese economy. Deng

    pushed for more foreign trade and for students to study abroad in modernized nations.

    China began to produce more agriculture and supply the world as Japan and Europe

    competed in higher end products or markets. Deng help to push reform for farmers and by 1984,

    98% of farm households were under a responsibility system (Deng, Rong). Incentives spread

    across the agriculture industry and communes were vanishing. Poverty had decreased from 53%

    in Mao Era, to 19% in 1985. The new pricing system as well as diminishing state control in

    resource allocation became a key focus in the economic reform of the late 1980s (Gittings,

    John). The Chinese were allowed to choose their jobs as reforms pushed for higher wages and

    employer benefits. The country adopted practices of capitalist societies and integrated more

    technology in everyday business functions.

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    Students became active and protested policies as well. Many demonstrations took place

    which ultimately led to the resignation of Hu Yaobang as CCP General Secretary in January

    1987. Li Peng and Zhao Ziyang were reinstated as leaders in the reform plan. Student

    movements grew fierce when inflation grew at an alarming rate (Michael Schoenhals). They

    pushed for more economic control and strict regulation against foreign influence in business

    industries. Hu Yaobang died in April 1989 and sparked a massive protest movement from

    citizens of urban areas. Some students camped out at Tiananmen Square to honor Hus death

    and protest those against the reform. This protest was marked by many casualties and fatalities

    after government officials stepped in. The event lasted for the next seven weeks and was not

    fully cleared until June 4. Deng decides to resign and step down as Central Military Commission


    The next decade included more planning of banking and capital markets established

    throughout the country. Deng makes a great tour acrossChina, making a political campaign for

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    new reformist views. He decides to retire completely from the political scene in 1992, yet was

    hailed a hero by many Chinese citizens. This was considered to be the Deng Era, although he

    formally retired. Most communist cadres only retired upon their death and did not believe of

    giving up their position merely because of old age. Deng Later died in 1997, marking the end of

    his Era and many others wary about the direction of the other leaders. Current trends indicate

    growth in technology as the company picks up automaker flaws in American manufacturing.

    They have been active in trade shows that have potential to help generate a healthier economy.

    Current GDP of 1952 2009 is listed below:

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    Jin, Qiu. The Culture of Power: The Lin Biao Incident in the Cultural Revolution. Stanford:

    Stanford University Press, 1999.

    Yan Jiaqi. History of theChinese cultural revolution. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i

    Press, 1990.

    Gittings, John. The Changing Face ofChina: From Mao to Market. Oxford; New York: Oxford

    University Press, 2005.

    Lin, Jing. The Red Guards' path to violence: political, educational, and psychological factors.

    New York: Praeger, 1991.

    Maomao (Deng, Rong). Deng Xiaoping and the Cultural Revolution: a daughter recalls the

    critical years. (trans. Shapiro, Sidney). 1st American edition. New York :C. Bertelsmann, 2005.

    Gao Yuan. Born red: a chronicle of the cultural revolution. Stanford, CA: Stanford University

    Press, 1987.

    A Tale of Red Guards and Cannibals by Nicholas D. Kristof. The New York Times, January 6,


    Michael Schoenhals, ed., China's Cultural Revolution, 1966-1969: Not a Dinner Party (Armonk,

    N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1996. An East Gate Reader). xix, 400p

    MacFarquhar, Roderick and Schoenhals, Michael. Mao's Last Revolution. Harvard University

    Press, 2006

    Deng, Peng "Chinese Economy in the 1990s, The". Journal of Third World Studies. 18 Jun, 2010.

    Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (2004, July 22). FL: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved

    June 15, 2010, from

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    Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (2004, July 22). FL: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved

    June 16, 2010, from

    Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (2004, July 22). FL: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved

    June 16, 2010,
