china shale gas 2014

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  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures AppendixAll rights reserved. Standard Chartered Bank 2013

    l Equity Research l China l Oil & Gas l 30 September 2013

    China shale gas

    Potential unearthed

    China shale gas, emulating the US success: We have assessed Chinas shale gas development against the US blueprint.

    We see uncanny similarities in policies being implemented from fiscal incentives to gas price deregulation and the start of

    the privatisation of pipeline infrastructure. Our extensive on-the-ground checks also show China is successfully overcoming

    key challenges that had threatened its shale gas outlook. This leads us to believe the Chinese government sees shale as

    Chinas major source of gas supply in the long term and is determined to unearth its vast potential.

    From scepticism to belief: Like consensus, we were sceptical about Chinas shale gas prospects and the National

    Development and Reform Commissions production target of 60-100bn cm by 2020. However, our proprietary model based

    on our in-depth study of the US experience and analysis of Chinas challenges and advantages indicates output could

    indeed reach 61bn cm in 2020E, 2.5x the consensus estimate. To support this shale gas upsurge, we expect gas producers

    to accelerate investment in shale projects. In our base case, we estimate shale gas investment will grow 62% p.a. in 2013-20

    and reach USD 21bn in 2020, equivalent to c.50% of PetroChina and Sinopecs total onshore E&P capex in 2012.

    Positive for producers and economic stability: Chinas shale story has had a positive impact on valuations in the gas

    services sector. We argue a case for producers, which have not enjoyed a similar boost. We expect shale gas production to

    start in 2014 and turn profitable from 2018. We forecast a normalised shale gas IRR of 16%, above the new project hurdle

    rate of c.13% for the Chinese NOCs. We forecast double-digit production growth until 2030, when we expect shale gas to

    represent 30% of gas supply, significantly reducing Chinas reliance on imported gas (from 40% to c.25%).

    Sinopec and PetroChina likely to benefit: Among the producers, we believe Sinopec will be the main beneficiary of the

    shale story. We estimate recognising shale reserves would boost its oil and gas reserves volume by 158%/218% (base/bull

    case) and add 7%/11% to its NPV. Shale gas could increase PetroChinas upstream reserves volume 35%/54%, add 4%/6%

    to its NPV in our base/bull case, and enable it to reduce imports, which would lower this national service burden.

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  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 2


    Summary 6

    Learning from the US 18

    China: Mapping the US path 25

    Chinas challenges 38

    Chinas advantages 44

    Case study: Tight gas versus CBM 48

    Our proprietary China shale gas model 53

    China shale supply-demand impact 63

    Analysing impact on gas producers 66

    PetroChina (Outperform, PT HKD 11.00) 70

    Sinopec (Outperform, PT HKD 7.20) 76

    CNOOC (Outperform, PT HKD 18.00) 81

    Appendix I: From Barnett to a nationwide phenomenon the US success story 86

    Appendix II: Other factors supporting the US shale success 88

    Appendix III: Horizontal drilling 89

    Appendix IV: Hydraulic fracturing 90

    Appendix V: Chinas LNG re-gas capacity 91

    SCout is Standard Chartereds premium researchproduct that offersStrategic,Collaborative,Originalideas onUniversal andThematic opportunities

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014






    Figure 1: Chinas MLR estimates Chinas shale gas recoverable potential at 25.08tn cm, 32% larger than the US reserves

    Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research




    1.46Tarim Basin









    0.26Nan Panjiang

    6.44Sichuan Basin





    0.35Mid and







    0.53 Guizhong

    1.34BohaiBay Basin


    1.07Lower Yangtze


    0.01 Xichang

    0.04 Chuxiong

    0.26 QianZhonglong







    Recoverable resources



  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014






    Figure 2: History of the US shale gas boom

    Source: EIA, Standard Chartered Research







    1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




    US Shale Gas Production

    1978: Department ofEnergy took overunconventional natural

    gas researchprogramme

    Late 1980s: Horizontaldrilling achievedcommercial viability,however MitchellEnergy does notcapitalise on thistechnology

    1985 & 1992: FERC Orders No.436 and No. 636 issued toderegulate the pipeline marketand unbundle natural gas andtransportation costs intoseparate products

    1978: Natural Gas PolicyAct passed to deregulatethe natural gas marketand remove ceilings onnatural gas prices

    1992: MitchellEnergy acquired itsfirst 3-D seismicData Set in NorthTexas

    1997: Mitchellengineers beganexperimenting withnew approach tofracturing slickwater fracturing

    2002: Devon Energypurchased Mitchell Energyfor USD 3.5bn; starteddrilling horizontal wells ona larger scale

    2002 onwards: Prospectof high profit marginsattracted firms; newentrants invest heavily inexisting and new plays

    Early 2000s: 3-D seismicsurveys became widespreadapplication

    1981: First Barnettwell drilled by MitchellEnergy

    1994: Mitchellreduced cost offracturing byimproving hydraulicfracturing methods

    1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

    1999: New reserveevaluation in Barnettincreased gas-in-place estimate by afactor of 2.5-3x

    US shale gas production

    Growth phasePrecursor phase

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014






    Figure 3: Chinas shale gas story, a mirror image of the US blueprint

    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates









    2002 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2020E 2030E 2040E




    China's shale gas production


    Precursor phase Growth phase

    2010: China set upnation's first shale gasR&D centre at CNPC

    2012: China's MLR held two rounds of shale gasauctions open to diversified investors inlcudingstate-owned companies and private companiesEarly 2000s: China

    started closelyobserving shale gas

    development in theUS, in hopes ofrepulicating thesuccess

    2008/09:Government offiicalsstarted voicingChina's shale gaspotential, drawinggreat public interest

    2011: CNOOCobtained first shale gasblock in Anhiui throughnegotiations with MLR

    2012: Sinopec drilled its first high-yield shale gas

    well, Jiaoye-1HF, in Sichuan Basin

    End-2013: Sinopec Chairman Fu Chengyu said in August2013 that Sinopec is likely to announce China's first large-scale shale gas project by end-2013

    2013: NEA approved set-up of China's shale gastechnology standardization committeed at CNPC

    2013/14: China's third shale gas auction expected

    China: Mapping

    the US shale story;On track towards ashale boom

    2011: Ministry of LandResources (MLR)categorised shale gasas an independentmineral resource

    2010: PetroChinadrilled China's firstshale gas well, Wei-201, in SichuanBasin

    2012: National Energy Administration (NEA) and theMinistry of Finance announced a production subsidy;NEA announced 12th Five-Year Plan for shale gas

    2011: ShanxiYangchang Petroleumdrilled first shale gaswell in Ordos Basin

    20092002 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

    2013: PetroChina opened up pipeline investment toexternal investors and the NDRC issued rules to diversifyinvestment in natural gas infrastructure projects

    2013: China announced plans to start deregulating gasprices with an intial15%-25% increase in wellhead gasprices

    2012: International oilfield service companies includingSchlumberger and Halliburton started formingpartnerships with Chinese private firms like Anton Oilfieldand SPT Energy

    Early 2000s: IOCsincluding Shell and Totalstarted forming

    partnerships with ChineseNOCs for tight gasdevelopment

    2010: IOCs includingShell, Chevron andConocoPhillips startedforming parntershipswith Chinese NOCs forshale gas exploration

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 6

    SummaryOver the past few years, the biggest story in the energy markets has been the surge

    of cheap shale gas in the US, and the ensuing impact on national economies and

    individual companies. Now that the euphoria surrounding the US has calmed, the

    focus is shifting to China. According to the US Energy Information Administration

    (EIA), China has the worlds largest shale gas reserves, exceeding even the US

    reserves. Can China be the next US in shale gas terms, or even outdo the shale


    To arrive at an informed opinion of our own, we carried out exhaustive research on

    the topic to get a clearer sense of Chinas shale outlook. We conducted on-the-

    ground checks with key government regulators, key domestic players including China

    National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec),

    CNOOC and Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (non-listed). We also talked to foreign

    partners including Royal Dutch Shell (Shell), Total S.A. (Total), Chevron and BP, as

    well as oilfield services companies Anton Oilfield Services (Anton), SPT Energy,

    Termbray Petro-King Oilfield Services and Schlumberger.

    Our conclusion is that Chinas shale gas output will increase significantly. We expect

    production to rise to 61bn cubic metres (cm) in 2020, meeting the lower end of the

    National Development and Reform Commissions (NDRC) target range, and

    significantly exceeding consensus estimates, driven by increasing E&P investment.

    We expect Chinas shale gas development to require capex of USD 21bn in 2020,

    implying a 50% addition to PetroChina and Sinopecs 2012 onshore E&P capex, and

    forecast a growth rate of 62% p.a. in shale gas investment between 2013 and 2020.

    By 2030, we believe shale gas could contribute the majority of Chinas gas supply.

    This could help reduce import dependence from a peak of c.40% of supply in 2016-

    18E to c.25%, helping China maintain economic stability.

    We believe Chinese upstream producers, namely Sinopec and PetroChina, would be

    the leading beneficiaries of the shale gas success we forecast in this report. We also

    see oilfield services companies and gas distributors as key beneficiaries. In the

    longer term, Chinas petrochemical industry could also benefit from the availability of

    cheap gas feedstock. However, coal producers could see risk from lower demand as

    consumers switch to gas as a cleaner source of energy.

    Figure 4: Chinas long-term gas supply versus demand

    Source: Bloomberg, CEIC, Wood Mackenzie, Standard Chartered Research estimates









    2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E 2029E 2030E




    Conventional gas Shale gas Tight gas CBM CTG LNG Import Pipeline imports Consumption

    Incremental consumption fromstronger government pushes andpotential gas-based petrochemicalplants

    Extensive on-the-ground check s

    with m ajor pol icy m akers and

    operators suggest China is making

    signi f icant progress in shale

    We expect Chin a shale gas

    succ ess to require USD 21bn of

    capex in 2020, c.50% of total on -

    shore upst ream capex in 2012

    By 2030, we believe shale gas will

    be the largest compon ent of

    Chinas domesticgas supply , at30%

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 7

    China shale gas the next big thingWe expect meaningful contributions from shale gas in China in 2018, and believe the

    success of the shale story will bring dramatic changes to Chinas natural gas

    landscape as it has in the US. Our gas supply model indicates shale gas productionwill account for 15% of Chinas total gas supply in 2020E and 30% in 2030E.

    Shale gas likely to reduce Chinas reliance on imports

    Chinas shale gas success would impact the global gas market by reducing Chinas

    reliance on external gas supplies such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas

    supplied via cross-border pipelines. Imports currently meet c.25% of Chinas natural

    gas demand, and we estimate the ratio will peak at c.40% in 2016-18. As a result of

    the shale gas success, we expect imports to decline to c.25% of demand by 2030.

    We believe Chinas natural gas producers and importers, namely PetroChina and

    Sinopec, will benefit in two ways. Firstly, through a substantial increase in reserves

    recognition and production growth as shale gas becomes economical. This will be

    accretive in terms of both asset valuation and earnings. Secondly, as both companies

    are now importing expensive LNG and/or pipeline gas, they could potentially see this

    state-mandated burden decline, either in absolute volume or as a proportion of

    overall supply. We analyse both the quantitative and qualitative effects of these

    changes in this report.

    Figure 5: We expect Chinas reliance on imported gas to decline when shale gas

    takes off in 2017-30E

    We forec ast a 2015-30 shale gas

    produc tion CAGR of c.30%, easing

    dependence on imported gas

    Source: Bloomberg, CEIC, Wood Mackenzie, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    On the other hand, Chinas reduced imports would be negative for the worlds major

    LNG suppliers, especially those in Southeast Asia, Australia and the Middle East,

    whose delivery contracts with Chinese buyers mostly lapse around 2030-36.

    Figure 6: Most of Chinas current gas import contracts lapse between 2030-36

    Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research estimates







    2008 2010 2012 2014E 2016E 2018E 2020E 2022E 2024E 2026E 2028E 2030E

    shale gas contribution to total gas supply dependency on import

    2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 2041

    LNG - Australia

    LNG Papua N. Guinea

    LNG - Qatar

    LNG - Yemen

    LNG - Malaysia

    LNG - Indonesia

    LNG - Others


    Increased shale gas output would

    reduce reliance on import s,

    benefiting PetroChina and Sinopec

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 8

    US the shale gas pioneer, and lessons learnedContrary to general perception, the US shale gas story has not been a revolution but

    a drawn-out evolution. While resources and favourable geology are vital, the recent

    boom in shale gas would not have been possible without the support or will of thegovernment and private sector. Our detailed study of the US experience shows that

    the foundations for shale gas success were laid by the government and the private

    sector almost 40 years ago.

    Industry deregulation triggered intense company involvement

    In our view, the US shale gas evolution began in 1978 with the passage of the

    Natural Gas Policy Act, which effectively deregulated gas prices. This was followed

    by the deregulation of pipeline assets and the introduction of fiscal incentives for

    unconventional gas development in the 1980s.

    This encouraged small but agile private companies like Mitchell Energy (Mitchell) to

    pursue shale gas development starting in 1981. This commitment paid dividends

    after US O&G giant Devon Energy acquired Mitchell Energy in 2002. From that

    moment, shale gas development began on a large scale in the US.

    Figure 7: Key factors underpinning the US shale success story

    Driven by government/industry Natural

    Technology development Abundant resource

    Favourable gas pricing Water availability

    Adequate and open pipeline infrastructure Favourable geology

    Access to land Topography

    Well-developed road network

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

    US shale gas production grew 19% p.a. in 2002-05, rising from 2% of overall gas

    supply to 4%. US shale gas output is now c.265bn cm, implying 43% p.a. growth

    since 2005, and shale gas represents 39% of overall gas supply.

    Figure 8: US shale gas production reached critical mass in less than five years

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research








    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    US shale gas poduction (bcm)

    Pricing and pipeline reform s and

    fiscal incentives encouraged the

    industry to develop the vast

    resource base

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 9

    China: The protgAccording to the EIA and Chinas Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), China

    possesses even larger shale gas resources than the US. The EIA estimates China

    shale gas reserves at 32tn cm, 68% more than the US, while the MLR, taking a moreconservative stance, estimates reserves in place at 25tn cm, still 32% above US


    So why is the street so sceptical about Chinas prospects of developing shale gas?

    Figure 9: Chinas shale gas resources exceed US resources

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research

    The challenges most commonly cited as reasons China will not be able to replicate

    the US success are: (1) higher production costs, because resources are deeperunderground; (2) Chinas more complex topography and higher population density,

    which limit the scope of drilling; (3) the regulated nature of Chinas natural gas sector;

    (4) the lack of technological expertise; and last but not least (5) insufficient water


    Figure 10: We think China will be able to overcome the key challenges to shale gas development

    Key challenges Solutions

    Reserve depth Shale gas in China is 1-2km deeper than in theUS.

    China aims to increase the use of local equipment and technology toreduce costs associated with more complex well drilling.

    Topography Topography is unfavourable, with mountainous

    terrain in some regions.

    Designing innovative drilling equipment to suit China's particular

    topography.Pricing Historical pricing regulations reduce economic

    benefits of developing unconventional gases.Deregulation of prices for unconventional gases in 2011 and industry-widegas pricing reforms in July 2013 boost prospects of developing shale gas.

    Technology China is behind the US in key drillingtechnologies and expertise.

    China is catching up through: (1) proprietary R&D; (2) partnerships withIOCs; and (3) international acquisitions of major unconventional players.

    ater Per capita water resources are much lower thanin the US.

    Our findings show shale gas drilling will require

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 10

    China emulating US shale gas roadmap

    In this report, we examine Chinas key challenges in developing shale gas. First and

    foremost, we note that the government was by no means oblivious to these

    challenges when it set the production target at 60-100bn cm in 2020. In fact, what we

    have seen over the past year suggests China is not only utilising the technology

    developed by the US, but is also emulating the US policy roadmap we point to the

    fiscal incentives for shale gas, allowing onshore foreign investment in the sector, and

    the lifting/deregulation of gas prices. Given the US path, we think the deregulation of

    the pipeline sector will also be on the agenda in China.

    Figure 11: China tries to emulates the US shale gas roadmap

    Key policy incentives Plans announced by Chinese government

    Price deregulationDeregulated pricing for unconventional gases in 2011; prices of conventional gases raised further through pricereforms announced in July 2013.

    Pipeline deregulationTook the first step in pipeline deregulation in 2013 by allowing diversified investment in gas infrastructure


    Fiscal incentivesAnnounced production subsidy for shale gas in 2012, and the market expects the government to announce a VATrebate policy once large-scale production commences.

    Diverse investment Aims to introduce diverse investment in shale gas development through public auctioning of blocks.

    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates

    China shows entrepreneurial drive to tackle key challenges

    China has also shown entrepreneurial instincts to tackle the challenges that are

    unique to the country. On the cost issue arising from harsh terrain, for example, we

    found that costs can be reduced by as much as 50% if operators maximise the use of

    local equipment, technology and engineers. Topography has also stimulated

    innovations such as the foldable water tanks invented by an oil services company.

    Figure 12: China can reduce well costs significantly by using local content, RMB mn

    Source: China National Petroleum Corporation, Standard Chartered Research

    While acknowledging the challenges, we think China also possesses relative

    advantages, including: (1) the existence of national oil companies (NOCs) that will

    provide sustained financial backing; (2) huge reserves surpassing even the US; (3)

    faster demand growth to facilitate wider expansion in shale gas supply; and (4) the

    US example, which will help shorten the development timeframe.













    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

    per-well cost with intense foreign partnership

    drilling design

    drilling rig mobilization

    admin costsformation testing

    finance costs

    pre-drilling infrastructure

    well cementing

    well logging


    oil production test


    well drilling




    China has unique advant ages in

    developing shale gas such as NOC

    support, vast reserves and robust


  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 11

    Case study: Tight gass shows the wayWe point to the spectacular increase in tight gas output as the key example

    supporting our view that China can and will beat expectations on shale gas

    development given the combination of challenges, advantages and lessons learnedoutlined above.

    Tight gas: From negligible to 30% of national output in six years

    China classifies tight gas as conventional gas, so it does not enjoy the same

    preferential policy treatment as coal-bed methane (CBM) and shale gas. Despite the

    lack of policy boosts, the development of tight gas has grown exponentially in recent

    years, particularly since 2006-07 when development accelerated in the Ordos basin

    in northern China. Tight gas production jumped from 4.8bn cm in 2006 to 32bn cm in

    2012, making China the worlds second-largest tight gas producer after the US.

    Figure 13: Shale gas is closer to tight gas in both formation and drilling techniques applied

    The tight gas success offers a benchmark for shale gas potential in China

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

    PetroChina led the development of Chinas tight gas sector by leveraging its large

    acreage and the expertise of its international oil company (IOC) partners such as

    Shell and Total. Most active drilling for the gas type has been in the Ordos and

    Sichuan basins.

    Tight gasis natural gas producedfrom reservoir rocks with such low

    permeabil ity that massive hydraulic

    fractur ing is necessary to produce

    at econom ic rates

    Shale gas is natural gas trapped in

    shale formations, wit h even lower

    permeabil ity th an tight gas; CBM is

    gas trapped in coal seams

    Conventional gas


    Shale gas (drilling) Coal-bed methane(production)

    Drilling techniques:

    horizontal drilling andmultistagefracking

    Top seal

    Gas migration overgeological times

    Coal seam

    Shale formations with remaining

    gas not migrated

    Tight reservoir

    Conventionalpermeable reservoir

    Tight gas


  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 12

    Figure 14: Staggering 100% CAGR in Ordos drove six-fold increase in Chinas tight gas output in 2006-12Tight gas production from Ordos grew from almost nothing in 2006 to 20bn cubic metres in 2012

    Source: Wood Mackenzie, CEIC, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Figure 15: Tight gas has risen from 8% of Chinas total gas output in 2006 to


    Source: Wood Mackenzie, CEIC, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Effective drilling proved critical to tight gas take-off in China

    PetroChina started research into developing tight gas in the early 1990s, but

    production was flat at about 30mn cubic feet per day until the mid-2000s, when Shell

    and Total stepped in.

    Tight gas production has picked up significantly since then. We attribute the rapid

    volume ramp-up to the application of effective drilling techniques such as horizontal

    drilling and multistage fracturing brought by the experienced IOCs.

    The technological advancements, coupled with the drilling techniques optimised over

    five years, have almost halved the duration of well drilling, to about 120 days, and

    doubled per-well daily gas flow to about 1.2mn cm.

    Tight gas example indicates shale prospects in China

    In our view, the development of the tight gas sector illustrates how the combination of

    lessons learned from the US, measures to tackle challenges and Chinas keyadvantages, can and will enable China to expand the success into shale gas.

    75% 84%

    28%15% 15% 18% 16%
















    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013E




    Sichuan - LHS Sulige (Ordos) - LHS Changbei (Ordos) - LHS Growth, Sichuan

    Growth, Sulige (Ordos) Growth, Changbei (Ordos) Growth, Total



    19%23% 24%



















    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013E




    Tight gas production

    Other natural gas production

    Tight gas output as % of nation's total natural gas output (RHS)

    Effective techniques such as

    horizontal dril l ing and multi-stage

    frackin g have been key to tight gas

    success in China

    New dri l l ing solut ions helped halve

    dri l l ing t ime and double

    per-wel l production in Ord os tight


  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 13

    Proprietary model suggests 61bn cm of output in 2020Based on these lessons, information drawn from the US experience, and on-the-

    ground checks, we have formulated a propriety shale gas supply model that forecasts

    shale gas production to 2040 and estimates the returns shale gas producers couldachieve from the early investment cycle through to the production and mature phase

    of projects.

    Our model suggests China could produce 61bn cm of shale gas in 2020, slightly

    above the low end of the official target and c.2.5x the consensus estimate.

    Our model uses estimates and assumptions for key inputs such as prospective shale

    basins and acreage, typical well production profile and drilling rates, which we detail

    in the report. It also estimates possible constraints such as capital spending and

    water usage.

    Our shale gas production estimate is above consensus

    Our model indicates a 2016-20 shale gas output CAGR of 85%. We expect the

    growth rate to moderate thereafter, and forecast a 21% CAGR over 2021-25 and 6%

    CAGR over 2026-30. We expect shale gas production to continue to grow c.3% p.a.

    through 2040.

    Figure 16: Shale gas production projection comparisons

    Source: Bloomberg, National Development and Reform Commission, Standard Chartered Research estimates
















    2015E 2020E




    Market consensus (LHS) NDRC target (LHS) SCR estimate (LHS)

    Our 2020 output estim ate is 2.5x

    the consensus expectation

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 14

    Identifying the winners and losersGas versus coal

    Chinas government is pushing the use of natural gas in a wide range of applications

    due to environmental concerns, and the contribution of more polluting fuels to Chinasenergy mix will decline over the long term. The NDRC has set a target of reducing

    the contributions of coal and oil to 63%/17% in 2015 from the current 68%/19%. Our

    discussions with government policy advisors and key energy producers suggest coal

    is likely to fall to 60% of the energy mix in 2020, while the combined share of natural

    gas and non-fossil fuels should rise to 24% from c.15% currently. While experience

    has shown there might be certain execution issues associated with achieving the

    target, the trend is obviously towards greater consumption of cleaner energy.

    The beneficiaries of Chinas long-term energy strategy are likely to be companies

    along the cleaner energy value chain, i.e. natural gas companies and producers of

    renewable energy like wind and solar, while producers and distributors of more

    polluting energy, especially coal, will be negatively impacted on lower demand and

    reduced margins, in our view.

    Figure 17: China aims to increase the use of natural gas and renewable energy to reduce reliance on oil and coal

    Source: CEIC, National Development and Reform Commission, China National Petroleum Corporation, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Impact on the natural gas value chain

    We expect a broadly positive impact on companies with exposure to the natural gas

    business, given our view that demand for the cleaner burning fuel will be robust in

    coming years. Upstream producers, led by PetroChina and Sinopec, will benefit from

    the eventual full deregulation of gas prices amid resilient demand, and appreciationof their reserve valuations, while the service names will see more orders rise as E&P

    capex rises. Downstream consumers should also benefit over a longer-term horizon,

    with costs coming down as supply increases towards the second half of our forecast

    period (2020-30).

    Impact on upstream producers

    We expect shale gas projects to be profitable from 2018 onwards as production

    exceeds the profitability threshold. In the long term, our model forecasts an IRR of

    16% for shale gas projects, above the 13% IRR for projects by Chinese NOCs.

    PetroChina and Sinopec hold c.75% of Chinas shale gas acreage and will have 75%

    of production in the long term. Based on our production projections, we estimate

    shale gas would add 7% to Sinopecs valuation in our base case and 11% in our bull

    case and 4%/6% to PetroChinas valuation in our base/bull case. In this SCout report,

    we focus on analysing the impact on upstream producers.

    69% 68% 68% 70% 70% 71% 71% 71% 70% 70% 68% 68% 63% 60%

    22% 22% 22% 21% 21% 20% 19% 19% 18% 18% 19% 19%17%


    2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% 5%8%


    6% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 8% 8% 9% 8% 11% 14%











    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2015E 2020E

    Coal Oil Gas Non-fossil fuel

    Chinas clean energy strategyis

    positiv e for produc ers of cleanerenergies, including natural gas

    We forecast an IRR of 16% for

    shale gas projects, abov e the 13%

    average project IRR for ChinasNOCs

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014


    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 15

    Impact on oilfield service names

    Increased capex on upstream E&P related to shale gas will also drive orders for

    oilfield service companies. We expect international service companies such as

    Schlumberger and Halliburton to be heavily involved in the initial stage over the next

    two to three years as China seeks foreign partnerships to overcome technologicalbarriers. However, we also expect increasing demand for domestic oil service and

    equipment companies like Hilong (equipment), Anton Oilfield Services (oil services)

    and SPT Energy (oil services). This is because: (1) their lower service charges and

    operational flexibility give domestic names a competitive advantage as explorers

    seek to reduce costs; (2) the greater involvement of companies without oil and gas

    exploration experience will increase demand for external services; (3) the explorers

    ambitious production targets will force NOCs to outsource the service work; and (4)

    the private companies previous service track records should give them an edge in

    gaining additional orders.

    Figure 18: Sinopecs 2020E shale gas output could be

    equivalent to c.60-90% of 2015E gas sales

    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Figure 19: PetroChinas 2020E shale gas output could be

    equivalent to c.15-25% of 2015E gas sales

    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Figure 20: Shale gas could add 7-11% to our valuation for


    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Figure 21: Shale gas could add 4-6% to our valuation for


    Source: Standard Chartered Research estimates










    Base case Bull case








    Upside to 2015E gas sales Upside to 2015E oil and gas sales












    Base case Bull case








    Upside to 2015E gas sales Upside to 2015E oil and gas sales







    Base case Bull case















    Base case Bull case










    Private oilfield service com panies

    should be long-term benefic iaries

    of Chinas shale gas story

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 16

    Impact on midstream distributors

    Although the discounted pass-through of upstream prices (well-head prices) may hurt

    margins at gas distributors in the short term, we believe the governments eventual

    goal of achieving free market pricing for natural gas will gradually lead to stabilised

    profitability at distributors. Double-digit growth in gas demand and additional sources

    of gas supply, particularly the potential shale gas take-off, will accelerate volume

    growth in the expanded gas distribution network. Strong volume expansion should be

    another long-term catalyst for distributors with the capacity to expand operations and

    penetrate underdeveloped markets.

    Impact on downstream petrochemical plants

    There are other less obvious implications for the downstream petrochemical market.

    As in the US, Chinas petrochemical producers will have access to cheaper gas; over

    the long term this could replace oil (naphtha) as the key petrochemical feedstock. We

    could see petrochemical plants with set ups similar to PTT Global Chemical in

    Thailand or Petronas Chemical in Malaysia being constructed in China. We see

    hidden value in Sinopec in this respect due to its large exposure to the downstream

    refining business and its early preparations for such a potential shift.

    In June 2013, Sinopec asked Chinas environmental authorities to review its plan for

    building Chinas first gas-based ethylene plant (USD 3bn, with an annual capacity of

    1mn tonnes) in Qingdao, Shandong province. We view the move as part of the

    companys long-term strategy to take advantage of the potential shale gas boom in

    China. While a detailed discussion of the downstream segment is outside the scope

    of this report, the downstream impact of shale gas is a likely reality should Chinas

    shale gas market evolve as we expect.

    Downstream petrochemical plants

    with integrated capacity would

    benefit from a shift to gas

    feedstock, which costs less than oi l

    Sinopec plans Chinas first gas-based ethylene plant

    Gas distributor s will benefit from

    strong volum e growth, dr iven by

    diversified gas supply

    particularly shale gas

  • 7/27/2019 China Shale Gas 2014






    Figure 22: Shale gas value chain in China

    Field services and equipment companiesChinaCNPC Great Wall DrillingCNPC Xibu Drilling EngineeringCNPC Chuanqing Drilling EngineeringCNPC Bohai Drilling EngineeringCNPC Daqing Drilling EngineeringSinopec Oilfield Service Corp

    Anton Oilfield Services Group (3337.HK)SPT Energy (1251.HK)Honghua Group (196.HK)Hilong Holding (1623.HK)Petro-king (2178.HK)Greka Drilling (GDL.LN)GI Technologies (300309.CH)Haimo Technologies (300084.CH)Kingdream Public Ltd (000852.CH)LandOcean Energy Services (300157.CH)Renzhi Oilfield Technology Services (002629.CH)


    Schlumberger (SLB.US)

    Halliburton (HAL.US)Baker Hughes (BHI.US)CGG Group (CGG.FP)

    Upstream producersNOCsPetroChina (857.HK)China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec, 386.HK)CNOOC (883.HK)Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum


    Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA.LN)ConocoPhillips (COP.US)Eni (ENI.IM)Chevron (CVX.US)BP (BP/.LN)Exxon Mobil (XOM.US)Total (FP.FP)

    Chinese non-oil companiesHunan Huasheng Energy Investment (600156.CH)Henan Provincial Coal Seam GasChina Coal Geology EngineeringHuaying Shanxi Energy InvestmentBeijing Taitan Tongyuan Natural Gas TechnologyTongchuan City Energy Investment

    Chongqing City Energy InvestmentChongqing Mineral Resources DevelopmentState Development and InvestmentShenhua Geological ExplorationHuadian Coal Industry GroupChina Huadian EngineeringHunan Provincial Shale Gas DevelopmentHudian Hubei Power GenerationJiangxi Natural Gas Holdings

    Anhui Provincial Energy InvestmentHenan Yukuang Geological Exploration Investment

    Midstream distributorsKunlun Energy (135.HK)ENN Energy Holdings (2688.HK)Beijing Enterprises Holdings (392.HK)Guanghui Energy (600256.CH)China Resources Gas (1193.HK)Hong Kong & China Gas (3.HK)

    China Gas Holdings (384.HK)

    China Oil and Gas (603.HK)

    NewOcean Energy (342.HK)Zhongyu Gas (3633.HK)Henan Tian Lun Gas (1600.HK)Tianjin Jinran Public Utilities (1265.HK)Binhai Investment (8035.HK)Towngas China (1083.HK)

    Downstream consumersChina Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec, 386.HK)China Bluechemical (3983.HK)China XLX Fertiliser (1866.HK)Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical (338.HK)Sinopec Yizheng Petrochemical (1033.HK)Sinofert Holdings (297.HK)NewOcean Energy (342.HK)Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (579.HK)GCL Poly Energy Holdings (3800.HK)CNOOC Gas & Power GroupShenzhen Energy (000027.CH)

    Note: Companies without exchange tickers are not publicly listed.Source: Standard Chartered Research

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 18

    Learning from the US Shale gas exploration and development has been a major success in the US, with

    shale gas rising from 2% of total gas output in 2000 to 39% in 2012.

    While the US has abundant resources and favourable topology, the government

    and private sectors commitment also played a key role in the sectors


    We chart the course of the shale gas story, starting with the US government policy

    reforms in the late 1970s, to the endeavours of Mitchell Energy in the Barnett shale

    basin and the output boom in the 2000s with the development of other players.

    The US shale gas phenomenon can be divided in two distinct phases: (1) a slow

    precursory phase from 1978 to 2002; and (2) the industry take off after 2002. Figure

    2 illustrates the US shale gas timeline.

    Much has been made of the take-off phase, with shale gas rising from 1.6% of total

    US natural gas production in 2000 to 39% in 2012. Since 2005, US shale gas

    production has grown at a CAGR of 43%. However, it was the visionary groundwork

    laid by the government and the private sector during the precursory phase that made

    the recent boom possible.

    Figure 23: Key factors that underpinned the US shale success story

    Driven by government/industry Natural

    Technology development Abundant resource

    Favourable gas pricing Water availability

    Adequate and open pipeline infrastructure Favourable geology

    Access to land Topography

    Well developed road network

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

    In this section, we analyse the extraordinary shale gas boom in the US and

    determine the reasons behind the emergence of the shale gas industry there. This is

    crucial to our analysis and understanding of the current shale gas situation in China.

    Figure 24: Shale gas now forms over 30% of total US gas output

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research










    1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





    Nonassociated onshore Associated with oil Coalbed methane Nonassociated offshore Alaska Tight gas Shale gas

    The seeds of shale gas

    developm ent were sown in 1978,

    but the industry only took off after2002

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 19

    Nature has to be on your sideAbundant gas

    The most basic factor for shale gas success is the availability of the resource itself.

    According to the latest EIA estimates, the US has the fourth largest shale gasresource base in the world at 19tn cm, equivalent to 18% of total US oil and gas

    resources. The abundance of shale gas in the US made the rapid production growth

    since 2000 possible, with annual (dry) shale gas output jumping 30x over 2000-12.

    Figure 25: US ranks fourth in terms of global shale gas


    Figure 26: Shale gas forms 18% of total recoverable oil

    and gas resources in the US

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research

    Water resources

    Hydraulic fracturing (required to produce shale gas) involves the pumping of largeamounts of water mixed with additives into shale reservoirs to create fractures that

    improve the flow of gas. Data from the major shale gas producing basins such as

    Barnett and Marcellus show that a typical well uses 3-4mn gallons of water. In good

    shale formations deeper horizontal wells can use up to 6mn gallons.

    The major sources of water include surface water from rivers, lakes etc., discharge

    from wastewater treatment plants, re-use of fracturing water and underground water.

    While water shortages in some areas of the US are a growing concern, the water

    needed for fracturing has generally been available. US per capita renewable water

    resources are much higher than the global average.

    Figure 27: A typical shale gas well uses 3-4mn gallons of


    Figure 28: The US has a relative abundance of water


    Source: Accenture Consulting Source: UN database


    2320 19

    16 1512 11

    8 7

















    Technically recoverable shale gas resource



    Share of recoverable resource in US

    Oil Gas Shale Gas Other Gas








    Barnett Fayetteville Haynesville Marcellus





    Drilling Fracking Total









    US World average




    Total renewable water resources per capita

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 20

    Favourable geology

    The geology of a shale gas basin, including the depth of the shale, its thickness,

    porosity and quantity of organic content, is a key determinant of the ease and cost of

    extraction, and ultimately profitability. As shown in Figure 29, the major shale gas

    basins in the US, such as Barnett and Marcellus, have geological conditions that are

    conducive to commercial gas production.

    Figure 29: Geological characteristics of US shale gas plays with optimal values

    Characteristic Optimal Barnett Marcellus Fayetteville Haynesville

    Depth (m) 1,000-4,500 2,290 2,060 1,220 3,660

    Thickness (m) >50 90 40 30 80

    Porosity >5% 5% 8% 5% 9%

    Total organic content (TOC) >2% 4% 12% 7% 2%

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Advanced Resources International


    The topography of most of the shale basins in the US is favourable, characterised by

    relatively low-lying areas. This has helped lower costs and the time required for tasks

    such as site preparation and drilling.

    Figure 30: Much of the shale gas development in the US has been in relatively

    low-lying areas

    Source: US Geological Survey, Standard Chartered Research

    But human endeavour was equally importantShale gas was not produced commercially before 1978 despite the knowledge of its

    existence. The difficulty of extracting gas from low-permeability geological plays

    made it economically unviable. In addition, the natural gas industry was heavily

    regulated, which discouraged companies from exploring and developing new sources

    of gas.

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 21

    The precursor phase; laying the foundationsRole of government in promoting shale gas development

    The US government had policies in place to regulate the natural monopolies

    dominating the natural gas industry, including price ceilings to prevent monopoliesfrom charging excessively high prices. The result was a disincentive for companies to

    explore and develop new gas reserves.

    However, the oil crisis in the late 1970s focused government attention on exploring

    unconventional fuels to cool the energy markets. Recognising the shortage in natural

    gas, the government eventually adopted several policies to stimulate supply. At the

    peak of the oil crisis in 1978, the Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA) was passed with the

    following intentions: (1) creating a single national natural gas market; (2) equalising

    supply and demand; and (3) allowing market forces to establish the wellhead price of

    natural gas.

    Price deregulation

    The NGPA heralded the deregulation of natural gas prices in the US. The act

    required the phased removal of wellhead price controls and provided higher pricing

    for developing new gas, such as from unconventional sources.

    Pipeline deregulation

    Another key regulatory step was the change in how pipeline companies sold natural

    gas to customers. In the past, pipeline companies bought natural gas from producers

    and sold the gas as a bundle with the transportation service. The cost incurred by the

    end-consumer was high, and caused a significant number of industrial customers to

    switch from natural gas to other forms of energy.

    In 1985, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order No. 436 changed

    how interstate pipelines were regulated, allowing pipeline companies to sell the

    transportation service and natural gas separately. Although this was voluntary, the

    major pipeline systems eventually took part.

    In 1992, FERC order No. 636 mandated that pipeline services and transportation had

    to be sold separately. Customers could now select the most efficient method of

    obtaining their gas. These policies also allowed open access to interstate natural gas

    pipelines and natural gas storage facilities.

    We conclude that the unbundling of the transportation service and the sale of naturalgas contributed to an increase in demand for natural gas, and a more efficient

    production and transportation ecosystem.

    Fiscal incentives

    To promote the development of unconventional gas, the US government introduced

    several financial incentives to encourage activity in relatively higher cost natural gas.

    Section 107 of the NGPA provided for incentive pricing for unconventional gas. This

    early deregulation of unconventional gas resulted in deregulated gas selling at more

    than twice the price of regulated natural gas in the 1980s.

    In 1980, the Energy Research and Development Administration initiated the Crude

    Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act, which provided tax credits for producing unconventional

    fuels. Unconventional gas wells developed between January 1980 and end-1992

    were eligible for tax credits. These tax credits were as much as 30% of the realised

    price for unconventional gas.

    Starting in 1985, the US unbundled

    transportat ion and marketing

    services for pipelines

    The US also provided inc entives

    including higher prices and tax

    credits for unc onventional gas


    The Natural Gas Policy A ct of 1978

    required the phased removal of

    well-head gas price controls

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 22

    Contribution to R&D

    Simultaneously, the Department of Energy initiated an unconventional natural gas

    research programme, which analysed and tested technologies important to shale gas

    development. Federal spending on energy research more than doubled between

    1973 and 1976.

    Other initiatives include the Gas Research Institute, which planned, managed and

    financed R&D programmes in the industry, including research assessing shale play

    volume and distribution, and the testing of sophisticated logging and completion


    In our view, the steps taken by the US government to deregulate the natural gas

    markets and increase interest in unconventional gas were the catalysts for the

    development of shale. The rise in natural gas prices following deregulation meant

    increasing profitability for natural gas producers.

    Role of private industry: Mitchell Energy and the Barnett shale

    The deregulation of the natural gas industry meant that companies had more

    incentives to develop and explore new sources of energy. Mitchell Energys private

    entrepreneurship in the Barnett shale was the next major catalyst in developing the

    natural gas market. Between 1981 and 1997, Mitchell Energy invested about USD

    250mn in the Barnett play.

    Before Mitchell Energys involvement, there was limited knowledge of the shale

    resources in the Barnett region. The initial incentive for Mitchell to develop Barnett

    was the idea that a new source of natural gas was available in the region. This was

    driven by Mitchells obligations to fulfil its long-term contractual obligations to the

    Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (NGPL) and to feed a large gas plant and

    gas-gathering system. As a listed company and the largest gas producer in Texas,

    Mitchell Energy was also in a financial position to invest in risky operations.

    Technological developments in the Barnett shale

    With the help of government-financed R&D projects, Mitchell Energy stimulated early

    Barnett exploratory wells with various types of foam fracturing. Foam fracturing had

    been used to stimulate wells in the Devonian shale in the eastern United States and

    was thought to be applicable to the Barnett shale.

    In 1984, Mitchell started using gelled water fractures, a mixture of water and a cross-

    linked gel, improving cost efficiency. In 1997, Mitchell engineers developed the slick

    water fracturing technique, which reduced the cost of stimulation by about 50% while

    maintaining production rates.

    In 1992, Mitchell acquired its first 3-D seismic data set and used it to evaluate Barnett

    in 1994. These 3-D seismic evaluation techniques enabled companies to gain a

    greater understanding of shale regions.

    The take-off phase; reaping the benefitsMerger of Mitchell Energy and Devon Energy

    Shale gas plays differ greatly in terms of geology and, consequently, profitability.

    Mitchells Barnett acreage was one of the most geologically favourable shale

    formations in the US. Mitchell Energy raised awareness of the Barnett shale byleasing more land, drilling additional wells and expanding gathering and processing

    facilities. This paid off in 2002 when Devon Energy purchased Mitchell Energy for

    USD 3.5bn and accelerated the development of Barnett. Subsequently, other shale

    basins such as Fayetteville, Marcellus and Haynesville were also developed.

    Mitchell Energy was instrum ental in

    proving the commerciali ty of shale

    gas in th e Barnett play

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    30 September 2013 23

    Favourable gas pricing

    The high natural gas prices in the 2000s made production of shale gas profitable and

    contributed to the output boom. In 2003-08, US natural gas prices were mostly above

    USD 5/mmbtu, above the break-even price of USD 3.6-4.9/mmbtu for the major shale

    gas plays. Even currently, with US gas prices hovering around USD 4/mmbtu, we

    estimate plays such as Fayetteville and Marcellus are still profitable.

    A major reason for the high natural gas prices in 2003-08 was the declining

    production of conventional natural gas and robust economic growth. However, the

    seeds of high natural gas prices were sown in the 1970s and 80s when the US

    government deregulated gas prices.

    The NGPA required the phased removal of wellhead price controls and provided

    higher pricing for developing new gas, such as from unconventional sources.

    Complete deregulation of wellhead prices was implemented thorough the Natural

    Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act. Thus, all price regulations were removed as early as 1

    January 1993, allowing the market to completely determine the price of natural gas at

    the wellhead.

    Figure 31: US gas prices were above USD 5/mmbtu for

    most of 2003-08...

    Figure 32: ...Encouraging higher shale gas output due to

    favourable economics

    Source: Bloomberg Source: Wood Mackenzie, Standard Chartered Research

    Adequate and open pipeline infrastructure

    The United States already had an extensive network of pipelines to transport gas

    from the shale basins before the boom in shale output in the early 2000s. More

    importantly, the US employed the policy of open access to interstate natural gas

    pipelines (as well as natural gas storage facilities) as a result of FERC orders in the

    1980s (Order No. 436) and early 1990s (Order No. 636).

    As per these orders, all pipeline customers had a choice in selecting their gas sales

    and transportation services from any provider, in any quantity. Essentially, this meant

    the unbundling of gas transportation and merchant sales. The production and

    marketing arms of interstate pipeline companies were required to be restructured as

    arms-length affiliates, and these affiliates could not have any advantage over other

    potential users of the pipeline.

    This open-access policy helped create a more competitive wholesale natural gas

    market. All natural gas sellers were placed on an equal footing in gaining access to

    end-users, while customers could choose the most efficient source of gas.







    Jan-00 Mar-02 May-04 Jul-06 Sep-08 Nov-10 Jan-13



    Henry Hub spot price









    Fayetteville Marcellus Barnett Haynesville



    Breakeven gas price

    For most of t he 2000s, natural gas

    prices in the US remained above

    break-even for the key sh ale gas


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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 24

    Figure 33: US gas pipeline network in 2002 (before the shale gas boom) and

    major shale plays

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research

    Continued technological development

    Due to its low permeability, shale has lower gas-flow rates than conventional gas-

    bearing rocks such as sandstone, carbonates and siltstone. As a result, to obtain

    commercial volumes of gas from these reservoirs, techniques such as horizontal

    fracturing and hydraulic fracturing are needed to tap large parts of the gas-bearing

    rock and increase flow rates (please see Appendices III and IV for details). Thesetechnologies were first used on a commercial scale in the Barnett shale basin by

    Mitchell Energy.

    The technological learning curve in Barnett paved the way for the more rapid

    commercial exploitation of shale gas reserves in other US basins. For instance, while

    it took over 25 years for output in Barnett to cross 2bcf/d (57mmcm/d), Fayetteville

    shale output reached the same level in just seven years.

    Figure 34: Technological developments accelerated shale gas development

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research










    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26






    Barnett Fayetteville

    Technological advancements

    meant th at Fayettevil le achieved

    the same output as Barnett in less

    than one-third the time

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 25

    China: Mapping the US path Both Chinas MLR and the US EIA estimate China has the worlds largest shale

    gas deposits.

    The Chinese government is seeking to duplicate the US shale success in China

    by: (1) deregulating pricing for shale gas (2011) and raising the costs of competing

    sources through the reforms announced in July 2013; (2) allowing diversified

    investment in gas pipeline construction aimed at a freer market; (3) introducing

    fiscal incentives including a production subsidy double that for CBM; and (4)

    encouraging diversified investment in the sector.

    Our discussions with Chinas shale gas reserve assessment centre (under the

    MLR), major explorers including PetroChina, Sinopec and Shell, and key oilfield

    services players including Schlumberger, Anton and SPT, suggest China is making

    progress in shale gas development that is likely to surprise the market.

    We expectChinas shale gasdevelopment to exceed consensus


    On-the-ground checks with Chinasofficial shale gas office and key

    players support o ur findings

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 26

    Chinas own assessment of its shale gas potentialMotivated by the profound change brought by the development of shale gas in the

    US, China started closely observing and researching the sectors development in the

    early 2000s in the hope of replicating the success.

    Chinas MLR began preparative work assessing Chinas shale gas resources in

    2005, following a study of the US profile. The initial assessment in 2008-09 showed

    that China potentially held the worlds largest shale gas resources, and government

    officials from the NDRC and MLR have since indicated their intention to support shale

    gas development in China, attracting immense public attention.

    The initial estimate was confirmed in March 2012 when the MLR announced its

    official findings that China had 25.08tn cm of recoverable shale gas resources. In

    June 2013, the EIA estimated China had 31.6tn cm of recoverable shale resources.

    To put this in context, the EIA estimated US shale gas recoverable reserves at 19tn

    cm, 40% below its estimate for China.

    Figure 35: The MLR estimates Chinas shale gas recoverable potential at 25.08tn cm

    Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research


    1.00Junggar Basin

    1.46Tarim Basin

    0.56Qaidam Basin







    0.26Nan Panjiang

    6.44Sichuan Basin




    0.03Jiuquan Basin

    0.35Mid andSmall




    0.53 Guizhong

    1.34Bohai Bay Basin


    1.07Lower Yangtze


    0.01 Xichang

    0.04 Chuxiong

    0.26 QianZhonglong






    Recoverable resources


    Chinas MLR began assessingshale reserves in 2005

    The USEIA estimates Chinasshale gas resources are

    significant ly greater than those in

    the US

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 27

    Large reserve base boosts market sentiment

    Reassured by the resource potential, companies started showing intense interest in

    shale gas after 2009, and the government began rolling out policy incentives in order

    to create an environment similar to the early years of US shale gas development.

    To facilitate diverse investment, in 2011 the MLR categorised shale gas as a mineral

    resource independent from conventional oil and gas. In 2012, the ministry held two

    rounds of shale gas auctions to allow competition among various investors. It is

    preparing for a third round that is likely to take place in 2H13 or early 2014.

    Figure 36: Chinas shale gas production estimates

    Source: Bloomberg, National Development and Reform Commission, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    In November 2012, Chinas National Energy Administration (NEA) and the Ministry of

    Finance (MoF) announced a production subsidy of RMB 0.4/cm for shale gas

    development through 2015. We think the subsidy will likely be extended for at least

    another two to three years and believe the authorities could be studying additional

    incentives including a potential rebate on the value-added tax and the exemption

    from royalty payments.

    The governments shale gas development plan, released in March 2012, sets the

    goal of producing 6.5bn cm of shale gas in 2015 and 60-100bn cm in 2020.

    Progress made exceeds consensus estimates

    Although most of our peers consider Chinas official target excessively aggressive

    given the technical and geological challenges, we are encouraged by recent

    developments following our discussions with officials from the MLRs China

    Geological Survey, CNPC, Sinopec, Shell, Total, Chevron, Schlumberger and the

    National Energy Shale Gas R&D (Experiment) Centre.

    China has drilled c.50 evaluation wells and c.90 exploration wells (of which about a

    third are horizontal and two thirds vertical) since work started in 2009. Most of the

    wells are in Sichuan, Chinas largest shale gas reserve, and about one third have

    been tested with gas flows. The most promising wells are able to produce c.150k cm

    of gas per day, according to the operators we spoke to. In Sichuan, PetroChina has

    started building a 93-km pipeline to transport gas from its shale reserves in the

    Changqing block as it is confident of the commerciality of developing the resources.
















    2015E 2020E




    Market consensus (LHS) NDRC target (LHS) SCR estimate (LHS)

    The MLR wants to encourage

    diversified investm ent in shale gas


    In November 2012, China

    announced a shale gas produc tion

    subsidy dou ble that for CBM

    China announced sh ale gas

    produc tion targets in 2012

    Actual shale gas dril l ing prog ress

    has been encouragin g

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 28

    Figure 37: Shale gas wells drilled as of end-March 2013 are mainly located in Sichuan, Chongqing and Shaanxi

    Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research

    We base our China shale gas production analysis on the most recent data provided

    by the MLR and EIA. Our findings show China should be able to produce 2.8bn cm of

    shale gas in 2015 (in line with consensus) and 62bn cm in 2020 (versus consensus

    of 25bn cm).

    Recent developments in Chinas natural gas industry have convinced us that China is

    on the right track to unlocking its vast shale gas resources. We see Sichuan, Tarim

    and Ordos as the most promising regions.

    Songliao Basin


    Tuha Basin


    Tarim Basin

    Qaidam Basin






    Hohhot Beijing

    Qinshui BasinJinan


    South Huabei Basin

    Hefei NanjingShanghai

    Pingle Depression






    Nanxiang Basin

    Hong KongNanning

    Nanpanjiang Basin

    Guiyang Basin


    ChengduSichuan Basin

    Chuxiong Basin







    Shale gas exploration well

    Bohai Bay Basin


    Our proprietary prod uction m odel

    sugg ests China w ill be able to meet

    its 2020 shale gas target

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    Equity ResearchlChina shale gas

    30 September 2013 29

    Mirroring the US growthWe further benchmark the current stage of Chinas shale gas development against

    the US history and conclude that China is moving towards a US shale roadmap with

    its abundant resource, deregulated pricing, increased competition in pipelineoperations, adequate water availability, fiscal incentives and a focus on technological


    Abundant resource

    Working with major oil companies, petroleum universities and geological survey

    providers, the MLR finished the initial evaluation of shale gas potential in March

    2012, putting Chinas recoverable resources at 25.08tn cm and total resources in

    place at 134.42tn cm. This implies a recovery rate of 19% and makes China the

    holder of the worlds largest shale gas reserves.

    The MLR divides the prospective areas into four broad zones: (1) the Upper Yangtze

    and Yunnan-Guizhou region (46% of total recoverable potential, Sichuan basin

    inclusive); (2) the Mid-Lower Yangtze and Southeast region (19%, Greater Subei

    inclusive); (3) the Northwest region (15%, major basins including Tarim, Junggar and

    Qaidam); and (4) North China and the Northeast region (20%, major basins including

    Songliao and Ordos).

    Figure 38: Chinas estimates of shale gas Figure 39: Chinas estimate of recoverable shale gas

    resources, bn cm

    Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research

    In June 2013, the US EIA estimated China sits on 31.6tn cm of recoverable shale gas

    resources (13% below its previous estimate), due to a reduction in prospective area

    in the Qiongzhushui formation in the Sichuan Basin (from 56,875 sq miles to 6,500 sq

    miles) and the Lower Cambrian shales in the Tarim Basin (from 53,560 sq miles in

    2011 to 6,520 sq miles). This is still 26% above Chinas own estimate of 25.08tn cm.

    The EIA groups Chinas shale gas potential into seven prospective basins. The

    largest technically recoverable reserves are in Sichuan (17.7tn cm), followed by

    Tarim (6.1tn cm), Junggar (1.0tn cm) and Songliao (0.5tn cm). The rest is buried in

    the smaller, structurally more complex Yangtze Platform, and the Jianghan and Subei


    Upper Yangtze& Yunnan-

    Guizhou (62.6bcm)46%

    Mid-LowerYangtze &Southeast(25.2 bcm)


    Northwest(19.9 bcm)


    North Chinaand Northeast

    (26.8 bcm)



    18% 19%
















    Upper Yangtze &Yunnan-Guizhou

    Mid-LowerYangtze &Southeast

    Northwest Nouth China andNortheast

    Recoverable Recovery ratio

    Chinas MLRdividesChinas shalegas reserves into four regions

    The EIA c ut its estim ate ofChinasshale gas resources in June 2013,

    but China remainsthe worldslargest holder

    Most shale gas resources in the

    EIAs assessment overlap theMLRs evaluated acreage

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    Figure 40: EIAs assessment of shale resources in China

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

    Both the MLR and EIA identify Sichuan as the largest holder of recoverable shale gas

    resources. The most obvious difference between the two estimates is that the EIA

    excludes the Ordos basin. According to our discussions with the head of the shale

    gas office under the MLRs resources evaluation centre and other leading industry

    experts this is because the EIA lacks the data and experience to assess Ordos

    Lacustrian reserves.

    The EIA excludes Ord os from its

    shale gas assessm ent due to its

    Lacustrian nature

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    Figure 41: EIA estimates of Chinas major shale gas formations

    Basin Shale gas blockGas in place,

    tn cm


    reserves, tn cmRecovery


    Prospectivearea, sq


    SichuanQiongzhusi 14.2 3.5 25% 6,500Longmaxi 32.5 8.1 25% 10,070

    Permian 20.3 6.1 30% 20,900

    YangtzeL. Cambrian 5.1 1.3 25% 3,250

    L. Silurian 11.8 2.9 25% 5,035


    Niutitang/Shuijintuo 1.3 0.3 24% 1,280

    Longmaxi 0.8 0.2 25% 1,900

    Qixia/Maokou 1.1 0.3 25% 3,830


    Mufushan 0.8 0.2 24% 2,040

    Wufeng/Gaobiajian 4.1 1.0 25% 10,970

    U. Permian 0.2 0.1 25% 1,640


    L. Cambrian 5.0 1.2 25% 6,520

    L. Ordovician 10.7 2.7 25% 19,420

    M.-U. Ordovician 7.5 1.7 23% 21,380

    Ketuer 4.6 0.5 10% 15,920

    JunggarPingdiquan/Lucaogou 4.9 0.5 10% 7,400

    Triassic 5.3 0.5 10% 8,600

    Songliao Qingshankou 4.4 0.5 10% 6,900

    Total 134.4 31.6 23% 153,555

    Source: Energy Information Administration, Standard Chartered Research

    Price deregulation

    Starting in 2011, China has deregulated the pricing of unconventional gases (shale

    gas, coal-bed methane and coal-to-gas) to encourage upstream development by

    allowing producers to pass through higher costs. Suppliers have since been able tonegotiate selling prices with consumers, while prices of conventional gases are still

    capped at the city-gate level.

    In July 2013, partially to increase the competitiveness of more expensive

    unconventional gas, China raised city-gate natural gas prices c.15% on average and

    promised to move prices towards international parity by end-2015, implying a c.60%

    rise from current levels. This marks a shift in Chinas natural gas pricing mechanism

    from the previous cost-plus method to nationwide net-back pricing, which bases the

    selling prices of gas on oil-linked substitutes like fuel oil and LPG. More importantly,

    the changes are only the start of long-term reforms that will eventually lead to full

    deregulation of the natural gas market regardless of gas source, according to theNDRC.

    As in the US in the 1960s, when gas prices were regulated under a cost-plus pricing,

    the artificially low prices in China have discouraged upstream production and

    subsidised wasteful consumption of natural gas, leading to a nationwide gas shortage

    over the past few years.

    We believe higher prices will help facilitate the healthy development of Chinas

    natural gas industry and further boost consumption of the fuel, because: (1) higher

    margins will incentivise supply of gas, including unconventionals, unlocking pent-up

    demand; and (2) higher natural gas prices after the adjustments will keep the fuel

    competitive against substitutes like LPG, diesel and electricity. We expect faster

    development of unconventional gases due to the clearer margin visibility at fields and

    resilient demand expansion.

    China deregulated pricing of

    unc onvent ional gases in 2011

    In July 2013, China announced

    natural gas pricing reform aimed at

    eventual free market pricing

    Higher gas prices will facil i tate

    Chinas shale gas exploration anddevelopment

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    30 September 2013 32

    Figure 42: Chinas gas price reforms incentivise unconventional development

    Source: Wood Mackenzie, National Development and Reform Commission, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    Figure 43: Estimated gas prices after 2015 deregulation would still keep natural

    gas competitive (all prices in RMB/cm)

    Note: Alternative fuel prices are converted to gas equivalent prices in RMB/cm based on their heat values.Source: ENN Energy, National Development and Reform Commission, Wind, Bloomberg, C1 Energy, Standard CharteredResearch estimates

    Pipeline deregulation

    Pipeline deregulation the separation of gas sales and pipeline transportation

    services was conducive to the fast growth of the natural gas industry in the US.

    Although PetroChina still monopolises Chinas natural gas pipeline network with a

    c.80% market share, we are seeing diversified investment in the sector as the central

    government encourages market competition.

    The NDRCs 10 July 2013 natural gas pricing reforms also moved the control of

    prices from the well-head point to city-gate levels. In our view, this establishes the

    framework for a deregulated pipeline market as gas sources and pipeline

    construction increase going forward.
















    Sichuan shale Ordos tight Qinshui CBM Conventional gas (Tarim)



    Breakeven gas price 2015E well-head price












    LPG Fuel oil Industrialelectricity

    Coal Naphtha Diesel Gasoline

    Alternative fuel price Average end-user gas price: residential

    Average end-user gas price: industrial Average end-user gas price: CNG vehicular

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    30 September 2013 34

    Most pipeline facilities are linked to the major gas fields in Tarim, Ordos and Sichuan

    (see map above), where we expect significant shale gas production due to the larger

    recoverable reserves. In regions where there is currently no pipeline access, the

    alternative means of transporting future shale gas production is LNG plants and trucktransports, which already supply c.4% of China s natural gas consumption. The

    construction of LNG plants in China will continue to rise due to the limited access to

    pipelines, offering a medium-term solution for shale gas production without pipeline

    access, in our view.

    We expect faster growth in vehicular LNG consumption, which will continue to drive

    local LNG production as the government pushes for increased use of vehicles fuelled

    by natural gas (which we estimate will still be c.40% cheaper than gasoline and

    diesel after the expected price increases through 2015).

    Figure 45: Chinas LNG plant capacity in major gas producing regions

    Source: C1 Energy, Standard Chartered Research

    Fiscal incentives

    The Chinese government has been aggressive in introducing financial incentives to

    boost the development of unconventional gases. Besides the full market pricing

    allowed for shale gas and other unconventional gases in 2011, shale gas developers

    enjoy a subsidy of RMB 0.4/cm for shale gas produced between 2012-15. This is

    double the CBM production subsidy, and we think the financial aid is likely to be

    extended for at least two to three years beyond 2015.

    Our discussions with market participants suggest the government is also still

    debating whether and when to introduce extra policy incentives for shale gas;

    potential benefits include the exemption from a royalty payment (5-10%) and a full

    rebate on the production VAT (13%).

    Figure 46: Comparison of major policy support, CBM versus shale gas

    CBM Shale gas

    VAT (13%) Full refund. Likely to enjoy full refund uponcommercial production.

    Sales subsidy Power generation - RMB0.25/kWh; household use:RMB 0.2/cm.

    RMB 0.4/cm.

    Depreciation method allowed Double declining balance orsum of the years digits.


    Source: Government documents, Standard Chartered Research estimates

    81% 75%























    North China




    East China South China Northeast

    LNG plant capacity, in mcm/yr Avg LNG plant utilization (RHS)

    Gas liquefaction plants would

    provid e an alternative in areas

    wh ere pipelines are not y et


    Vehicular gas consumption wil l

    drive Chinas LNG demand

    Shale gas current ly has the highest

    production subsidy among

    competing sources CBM andtight gas

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    Diversify investment to boost shale prospects

    Although we believe NOCs will play the critical role in developing Chinas shale gas

    resources, the increased involvement of IOCs and non-oil domestic operators will

    also help boost upstream prospects by introducing high-end technologies and

    increasing competition to drive efficiency in the market. In the next section we take a

    look at the major non-NOC players.


    International oil companies including Shell, ConocoPhillips and Eni have shown

    immense interest in seizing the shale opportunities in China, with Shell being the

    most aggressive, in our view. Foreign companies are currently not allowed to directly

    enter the upstream exploration space, and must form an alliance with an NOC in the

    form of joint production sharing meaning IOCs carry out the risky exploration at the

    initial stage and once there is commercial output the NOCs have the right to take

    51%. Recent examples include the Ministry of Commerces March 2013 approval of

    the production sharing contract (PSC) between Shell and CNPC in the Fushun-

    Yongchuan block in Sichuan. This was the first shale PSC in China, a key milestone

    for foreign investors seeking a foothold in Chinas unconventional gas industry.

    Figure 47: Timeline of major IOC agreements in China shale gas

    Source: Companies, Standard Chartered Research

    Chinese non-oil companies

    The Chinese authorities, led by the MLR, believe an open market has been key to the

    shale success in the US. The ministry has tried to introduce increased competition by

    auctioning blocks especially through the second round of bidding, which was open

    to all companies.

    Bidders in the second-round shale gas block auction included coal companies, power

    companies and privately-owned project developers (detailed below). Thesecompanies, having little upstream exploration expertise, would likely hire either the

    oilfield service subsidiaries of NOCs or privately-owned field service providers (like

    Anton and SPT) to help them with the actual drilling.

    Shell and CNPC signJSA for Fushun-Yongchuan, Nov.


    Chevron andSinopec signs JSAfor Longli block in

    Qiannan block, April


    Shell and CNPC signPSC for Fushun-

    Yongchuan, subjectto government

    approvals, March2012

    ConocoPhillips andCNPC sign JSA for

    Neijiang-Dazu block,Sichuan, Feb. 2013

    ConocoPhillips andSinopec sign JSA for

    Qijiang block,Sichuan, Dec. 2012

    Eni and CNPC signJSA for Rongchang

    block, Sichuan,March 2013




































    Chinas MLRis trying to dupl icatethe US shale gas success by

    encouraging diversi f ied investm ent

    in the sector

    Major IOCs in Chinas shale gas

    partnership project s include Shell,

    Conoc oPhil l ips, Chevron and Eni

    Chinese non-oil com panies have

    enteredChinas shale gas businessthrough shale block auctions

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    In May 2013, for example, a China Shenhua Group (Shenhua) subsidiary hired

    Sinopecs oilfield service unit to conduct the 2-D seismic survey for the block it was

    awarded (the Baojing block in Hunan province). Shenhua budgeted RMB 874.5mn to

    explore the block, and the initial 2-D seismic study will cost RMB 29.1mn.

    We expect exploration and development by non-oil companies to be limited

    compared to that by NOCs, due to the large capex requirements and the lower-

    quality blocks they obtained through the public bidding process. However, their

    presence will enhance market efficiency by increasing competition, in our view.

    First round of shale auctions

    The Chinese governments first shale gas auction in June 2012 offered four blocks

    near Chongqing in southwestern China. The auction was by invitation and conducted

    in a closed-door format. It received nine bids from the following companies: (1)

    PetroChina; (2) Sinopec; (3) China United Coalbed Methane (CUCBM); (4) Shaanxi

    Yanchang Petroleum; and (5) Henan Provincial Coal Seam Gas Development and

    Utilization (Henan Provincial Coal). Sinopec and Henan Provincial Coal won the

    three-year exploration rights of the Nanchuan (Sinopec) and Xiushan (Henan

    Provincial Coal) blocks, as they proposed the highest number of wells drilled with the

    largest spending pledge. The other two blocks failed to attract sufficient interest from

    the companies and were not sold.

    Figure 48: Major blocks auctioned through the first shale gas auction

    Nanchuan Block: 2,197.94 sq km; exploration rights validor three years

    BidderSpending pledge,

    RMB mnNo. of exploration

    wells proposed

    Sinopec 591.10 11

    China United Coalbed Methane 218.84 5

    PetroChina 150.00 11

    Xiushan Block: 2,038.87 sq km; exploration rights validor three years

    Henan Provincial Coal Seam Gas 247.56 10

    China United Coalbed Methane 164.92 6

    Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum 192.85 5

    Source: Ministry of Land and Resources, Standard Chartered Research

    Second round

    The second round was held in September 2012, and the MLR demonstrated more
