chinese tea introduction

Introduction to CHINESE TEA Joanne Chen 2015

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Page 1: Chinese tea introduction

Introduction to CHINESE TEA

Joanne Chen2015

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History of Chinese Tea

Legend 1: Shennong 神农 found tea accidently. He was boiling water while some leaves dropped into the water, and he drank some and found it very refreshing.

Shennong found tea when he was boiling water.

Chinese people are believed to have enjoyed tea drinking for more than 4,000 years.

Legend 2: Yan Di 炎帝 tasted all kinds of herbs to find medical cures. One day, as he was being poisoned by some herb he had ingested; a drop of water from a tea tree dripped into his mouth and he was saved.

For a long time, tea was used as an herbal medicine.

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Lu Yu 陆羽 (pinyin: Lù Yǔ) 733-804 A.D.

Lu Yu is respected as the Sage of Tea for his contribution to Chinese tea culture. He is best known for his monumental book The Classic of Tea 茶经 chá jīng , the first definitive work on cultivating, making and drinking tea.

In The Classic of Tea, Lu Yu recorded a detailed account of ways to cultivate and prepare tea, tea drinking customs, the best water for tea brewing and different classifications of tea.

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Brief History of Tea Drinking• Ever since Shennong's discovery, tea has been grown and enjoyed

throughout China.• Tea became a popular drink in Buddhist monasteries during Tang

Dynasty (7th-9th Century, A. D.), also in between all social classes.• Tea was used as an herbal medicine for a long time since is was

found.• Tea was also a religious offering during early age of drinking tea.

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Preparing Tea drinking in the Garden

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Preparing Tea in the Buddhist temple

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Major Tea Producing Regions

Southern China ( 华南茶区)Southwest China ( 西南茶区)

South of Yangtze River (江南茶区 )Main Tea Producing Area Of China

North of Yangtze River (江北茶区)

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Main Varieties of Chinese Tea

•Green Tea•Black Tea•Wulong Tea•White Tea•Yellow Tea •Reprocessed tea

•Flower Tea

Green TeaBlack Tea

Wulong TeaWhite Tea

Yellow Tea Jasmin Tea

Chrysanthemum tea

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Tea of Different levels of oxidization

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Making Wulong Tea (semi-oxidized)

1. Harvest

2. Moisture removal

3. Toss and shake

4. Wrap and Tumble

5. Stop the oxidation.

6. Roll leaves and packaging

Tea leaves indeed begin to wilt and oxidize as soon as they are picked, and this process is stopped by heating.

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

•Weight Management•Removal of harmful free radicals•Tea functions as an antioxidant •Healthy skin and younger looking•Healthy bones•Controls diabetes•Anti-cancer properties•Stress management•Mental performance and health

Caution: Oolong Tea in high in Caffeine

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Art of Tea 茶道•Tea aroma 茶香•Tea color 茶色•Tea Tasting 品茶•Tea pot 茶壺•Floral Arrangement •花藝•Music 音樂

The art of tea including the tea ceremony, the technique of brewing tea, the process of tasting tea, tea set, tea paintings, etc.

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Tea leaf Aroma Smelling

Tea Pot and Tea Cups Tea Color

Drinking Tea Smelling Tea

Chá 茶

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Drinking Tea


Tea Drinking Culture

Tea drinking is not only to get out of thirst, but also to enjoy the pleasure, to reflect upon oneself, to think about life. All lead to the peace in mind.

Chinese tea culture emphasizes the harmony with nature, soul and mind.

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Tea Pots and Tea Cups

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Traditional three-piece Qing dynasty court style tea cup




Smell tea

Tea color

View tea leaves

蓋碗杯Gàiwǎn bēi

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Oolong Tea Recommend Brewing Guide:

• Water : 17oz / 500ml 203 / 95℉ ℃•Use 1 Tablespoon / 8 Grams Tea•1 - 5 mins•Teapot may be your choice

•Water : 3oz / 85ml •203 / 95℉ ℃•Use 7 Grams Tea•7 steeps - rinse,15s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s, 80s• Gaiwan or small clay teapot

Chinese Gongfu Cha

Western Method

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Tea in daily life.1

Wedding Ceremony結婚儀式 Serving Tea to the parents給長輩敬茶

Serving Tea to the guest給貴賓敬茶

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Tea in daily life.2

On the road side

To the Teachers To Mom

Serving Tea to OthersTo show respect and thankfulness

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Tea in daily life.3Tea is the national drink for Chinese.茶為中國人之國飲

With Friends and Family

Ice Boba Tea

Tea at leisure time

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Recipe Chinese Tea Egg

In a large saucepan, combine eggs and 1 teaspoon salt; cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and cool. When cool, tap eggs with the back of a spoon to crack shells (do not remove shells).

In a large saucepan, combine 3 cups water, soy sauce, black soy sauce, salt, tea leaves, star anise, cinnamon stick, and tangerine zest. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 3 hours. Remove from heat, add eggs, and let steep for at least 8 hours.

Step 1:

Step 2:

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7 Things a Chinese family need daily開門七件事 : 柴米油鹽醬醋茶kāi mén qī jiàn shì:

cái mǐ yóu yán jiàng cù chá

Wood/Fuel Salt Rice


Vinegar Oil Tea