chipley banner. (chipley, florida) 1898-06-11 [p...

nbrr 1 1Y- I L r- 4t rTtI I I 11 r s 9 LlghtLonio Keeper How far off from the rest some parts- of the United States are was Illustrated pointedly a fortnight ago when Cap lain Milan keeper of the Mount Desert Rook Light off the Maine coast paid his first visit of the winter to the mainland and there first learned of the destruction of tho Maino Ho bought- all tho papers ho could find giving an account of the catastrophe to take to the small community of his home Boston Transcript Public Clocks Few great cities of America are adequately provided with I ib1 In clocks of ouch a size and prominentloeallnnatolndicstethe time BO Ifla over high time to check ROel bladder com ¬ plaint manifested tothen1rrerbyinaotlvlty- nt the orKBuaalTectcil Hostatteri Hitters remedies ItS It does drpe sl rheumatism constipation blilousnvis and nervousness A magnetic inrvey Is to be made of Prussia- on whose coast regions maznetlo miBMir ments have been carried out by the Imperial naval authorities the stations will be SI miles apart and tho coat 812000 To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets AH Druggists refund money If ItlUalls cure 33- Cwho a Micccsful writer of fiction the die gets 01t the weather report easily tances nil competitors neautr Is flood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it CagcareU Candy Cathar- tic clean your blood and itclean by stirring up the lazy liver and arivmgall purities from the to pimples boils blotches blackheads- and that bilious complexion by taking Cascarets for ten cents All drug- gist satisfaction guaranteed 100250606 church hKM been completed JeIestemeta cost of 303000 Sent Irvr Klondike Map From Gold Commissions official survey Ad- dress Garduer Co Springs Colo STVITUS DANCE SPASMS and all ncrv ousdlcenrespermanently cured by the use of Dr Kline mat Restorer Send for FllKK 100 trial bottle and treatise to Dr It II Ltd 01 Arch Street Phlla Pa- L The coils composing the epidermis are 149UO of an Inch In diameter What You Get Whon You Buy Modiolno Is a Mat- ter ¬ of Croat Importance Do you get that which has the power to eradicate front your blood all poisonous taints and thus remove the cause of dis- ease ¬ Do you buy HOODS Garsaparllla and only Hoods If you do you may take iJ it with the utmost confidence that It will do you good Bemember Hoods Sarsaparilla Is Americas Hoods Pills cure biliousness Indigestion A Lead Pipe Cinch r Tho expression a lead pipe cinch originated In Brooklyn N y ex ¬ plained a wellknown turfman Though It is very frequently used by sporting people it is not over twenty five years old and I doubt if it Is that old It Indicates a sure thing or at least that is thought to be dead sure There are several explanations of its origin but I am satisfied that Brooklyn was its home It was coined In this way Some years ago a fellow entered a plumbing shop and stole a piece of lead pipe He wanted to take it over to New York and to keep it from be ¬ ing seen he wrapped the pipe around I his body and then put his clothes on over it A cinch in turf language means a girth or saddle band or any- thing ¬ I that is used to keep a saddle on- t I a horse or mule tight Cinching up means therefore tightening up and is of Spanish origin As the fellow with the lead pipe around his body jumped I to catch the ferryboat he fell over ¬ board and of course the weight of the lead carried him down A horseman- In explaining the occurrence said the thief had a lead pipe cinch and he had and it drowned him Washing ¬ ton Star AN OPERATION AVOIDED I Mrs Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs a Plnkham About She Says DEus Mm PISEOLSI I tako pleas- ure in writing you a few lines to in- form ¬ you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done me I cannot thank you enough for what your mcdi clue has done for me it has indeed helped me wonderfully- For years I was trou- bled ¬ with an ovariantumor- eaehyeargrow ¬ ing worse tin til at last I was compelled- to consult with I a physician a Ho said- aothingcould 4 be done for l me but to go under an operation- In speaking with a friend of mine l about it she recommended Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound say- ing ¬ she kncwit would cure me I then sent for your medicine and after tak- ing ¬ three bottles of it the tumor dis- appeared ¬ Ohl you do not know how much good your medicine has done me I shall recommend It to all suffer ¬ ing women Mrs ROSA GAUM 720 Wall St Los Angeles CaL The great and unvarying success of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com ¬ pound In relieving every derangement of the female organs demonstrates it to be tho modern safeguard of wo mans happiness and bodily strength More than a million women have been benefited by it v Every woman who needs advice t about her health is invited to write tc it Mrs Plnkham at Lynn Mass TXriUTE1 FCTTON AMr nests Tex yon bars moray dun you la Tuts or South i r PISO S CURE FOR All U5 i AILS lnetUonfh8rrnp Tum Oooo Cwl- In t tin Pold br flrotcliu r j I r r k SCENES RICHJCAMAUGL IMPOSING SCENE WHEN GEN FRED GRANT TOOK THE OATS OBLIGATED BY EXCONFEDERATE Gen Grant Highly Grutlflcd Over tho Ilenmnt lullournentlluchFrm ¬ ternal Hnmlihnklne A Chickamauga dispatch says Gen- eral ¬ Fred D Grant took the oath Wed- nesday ¬ as brigadier general and tho ceremony was one of intense interest Tbe oath was administered by Judge George A Harris of Rome Ga an exconfederate and tits ceremony was witnessed by a large concourse of peo- ple ¬ exconfederato and exfederal sol- diers ¬ General Grant expressed great satis- faction ¬ that he should have the privi ¬ lege of assuming the obligations of his office from so distinguished a confed- erate ¬ and when the ceremony was over n great shout went up the first man to shake hands with and congrat- ulate ¬ tho distinguished officer being Major George L Gillespie who was with General Leo when he surrendered at Appomattox The scene was one unique in the his- tory ¬ of tho country and tho incident created the greatest enthusiasm which broke into cheers that almost shook Missionary Ridge when General Grant said Shake bands now not over a bloody chasm but on the soil of a country one in its loyalty to tho one flagThere are probably 200 soldiers in the various regiments who are sick at division hospitals in view of which the Chattanooga branch of the national relief committee has authorized tho statement that it is now ready to re- ceive ¬ any contributions that WRY be sent from the various states for the re- lief ¬ and sustenance of the sick Sup- plies ¬ may be sent to Dr W J Trim ¬ ble president of the branch or to George W Ochs exmayor of the city secretary who will see that everything reaches its proper destination This branch of the committee has the in ¬ dorsement of tho authorities and relieves the hospital department from the care and distribution of such sup ¬ plies- A 0 Post of company N fifth Il ¬ linois of Canton Ill died Tuesday night and the remains were shipped to bis family Wednesday He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and a large detachment from that or ¬ der of the local lodges accompanied- the remains to tho depot Private E L Thompson of com ¬ pany L fifth Maryland son of Captain Thompson of company 0 of the same regiment was drowned Wednesday afternoon while bathing in Chicka- mauga creek Major Shiba of the Japanese army who has been at Chickamauga watch the organization of the volunteer army loft for Tampa Major Shiba when asked what ho thought of the army said It is simply marvelous He will ask to accompany the army of invasion- to be sent to Cuba In accordance with orders issued the First District of Columbia One Hundred and Fiftyseventh Indiana Second New York and First Ohio in antry regiments left Wednesday morn ¬ ing for Tampa Orders from the war department to all regiments to fill up their rolls to the full strength of 1307 men were issued during the day and the details- For recruiting are being made up as rapidly as possible HOSPITAL DONATED Mrs Leiter of Chicago Founds Home For Sick Soldiers A Chicago dispatch says The United states government will bo richer by a hospital Chickamauga park within a few days through the generosity of Mrs L Z Leiter Tho illness among rho troops there was brought to her notice some time ago and she at once began a correspondence with Assist ¬ ant Surgeon General Bonn to see what might be done Mrs Loiter was told that a perma ¬ nent hospital to supply mora comforts than the ordinary field shelter was what was chiefly needed and the Chick aiaauRa park hotel upon the grounds- near Crawfish springs was thought to be most suitable This building Mrs Leiter has purchased for the govern- ment ¬ The hospital will supply accommo ¬ dations for between GOO and 700 THIRTY DAYS RATIONS neluc Prepared For General Las Troop at Jacksonville The war department is massing ra- tions ¬ for thirty days for the troops that are assembling at Jacksonville under General Lee The authorities decline say how many men are to be concentrated there or whether they will stay at that place for the full thirty days for which the rations are provided CALIFORNIANS DISSATISFIED They enter Protest Against flaw Treaty With France The reciprocity proclamation of tho president which admits fruits brandies and spirits at 8120 a gallon has great- ly ¬ excited the California dealers who say their industry will be ruined An agreement has been sent to Senator Perkins by a committee of wino grow- ers ¬ asking him to enter an immediate protest against the provisions rn OMAHAS DIG SHOWOPENED PRESIDENT MKINLEY STARTS THE WHEELS MOVING DELIVERS ADDRESS BY TELEPHONE- An Imposing Civic 1nrado Tliroo Mlles Long a Feature or the Day In the Nebraska City Amid the music of a hundred bands the cheers of a hundred thousand peo- ple the blasts of many whistles and the waving of innumerable lings the transMississippi and International ex position was dedicated at Omaba Neb Wednesday Everything contributed to the smoothness of the final preparations- and nothing occurred to mar the occa sionThe civic parade was tlKeo miles long consisting of the officers and guests of the exposition in carriages the semimilitary organizations and nil the secret societies of Nebraska and adjacent states Rev Dr Samuels of St Louis opened the exercises at tho grounds with an appeal to IHe who dooth all things well to shower His blessings on the enterprise and the people or the transMississippi region especially President Wattles Hon J L Weber of Omaha and Hon John L Baldwin- of Council Bluffs eulogized the occa sion President McKinley addressed the assembled multitude by a longdis tance telephone and touched the elec- tric button in the blue room of the white house at Washington Ho spoke as follows Hon George Wattles president TransMississippi and International Exposition Omaha NebThe cor- diality of the invitation extended me to bo present at the opening of your exposition is deeply appreciated and I more deeply regret that public duties prevent me from leaving the capital at this time The events of a memorable half cen- tury which the transMississippi and International exposition commemo- rates ¬ are interwoven with the history- of the whole nation and are of sur- passing ¬ importance The mighty west affords most striking evidence of the splendid achievements add possibili- ties ¬ of our people It is a matchless tribute to the energy and endurance of the pioneer while in vast agricul ¬ tural development its progress in manufactures its advancement in the arts and sciences and in all depart ¬ ments of endeavor has been estimable contributions to the civilization and wealth of the world Nowhere have tho unconquerable determination self reliant strength anti sturdy manhood- of our citizenship been more forcibly illustrated In peace or war the men and women of the west have ever been in tho vanguard VI congratulate tho management- upon its magnificent enterprise and assure all who participate in this un- dertaking ¬ of the deep interest which the government has in its success WILLIAM MoKiNLEY Tho ceremony at the Washington- end was brief and was conducted with little formality The members of the Nebraska delegation in congress ac ¬ companied by the ladies of their fami- lies assembled at the white house and were presented to the president A clear wire to Omaha was secured- at 150 oclock and the president stepping to the instrument pressed the button which set in motion the ex- position machinery about 1500 miles away After thanking the president- for his courtesy the party withdrew nnd joined in the following congratu- latory telegram to the president of the exposition Nebraska delegation assembled in executive mansion extend their con gratulatious upon tho auspicious be ¬ ginning of so vast an enterprise as the ransMississippi and International ex- position and regret their inability to- be present and personally participate- in its achievements Tho Public Debt The monthly statement of the pub- lic ¬ debt shows that at the close of bus ness May 31 1898 the public debt- less cash in the treasury amounted to 1037773760 an increase over last month of 19341108 ANXIOUS FOR PEACE Spain Instructs Ambassador to France to- Ad For Intervention The Madrid correspondent of The London Morning Post says Senor Leon y Castillo the Spanish ambassador to France at his recent conferences with the queen regent and Senor Sagasta was officially charged to ask the powers to intervene to ob- tain peace on such terms would pro ¬ tect the amour propre of Spain The ambassador will urge as a reason for such intervention the dan ¬ ger of a loss of trade to the powers themselves in the event of tho contin- uance ¬ of the war Political and diplo- matic ¬ circles in Madrid believe that Castillo will succeed LAND ATTACK NOT MADE Report That Insurgents Swooped Down on Santiago la Dented The published report of an attack upon the city of Santiago de Cuba Thursday by the insurgents is not con ¬ firmed and appears to be without foun- dation ¬ Reports of the dreadful destitution- of the inhabitants of the city how- ever ¬ are verified It is said now that even the officials are unable to procure a normal supply of food r They Ctmftnd tftttf Why cant women be natural growled Bumply according to the Da trolt Free Press They make nit think of a lot ot blue jays with their clatter and their pluming and their otTortu to improve on nature They cat think out more crazy plans nazi levoloped more unmitigated nonsense than so many inspired imps Look at your hair Mrs Bumply plaited and twisted and fluted and banged till It looks no more like what it does in Ib normal state than a junk pile looks like any of its original elements And thoso sleeves and those three story heels and that ctlCnecked1 collar Honestly if men compelled you to rig up in that barbarous fashion youd inveigh against them as brutal sav agesOh I dont know said Mrs Bump ¬ ly who is very matter of fact con template your own hair Looks asil it was laundered down on top and molded over putt combs on the side Tho shoulders of your coat aro built up ns though you were trying to palm yourself off for a prizefighter and tho way that your mustache is twisted up at tho ends makes me think ot o French dancing on a reception night Then Bumply grew very distant in hiD manner arranged to go down town at once told his wife not to sit up for him and said that If she had one fault above another it lay in her Irrepres- sible disposition to grow personal whenever she entered into debate Revival oi Medieval Art > A delightful revival of medieval art Is crochet work in gold and sliver thread Besides beauty and brilliancy- It possesses great durability A collar- or an edging a small triangular piece for the colt will last the owner a life- time ¬ It gives the finest effect when applied to black or dark colored vel- vet ¬ No matter how fashion may go It never loses its popularity altogether Now York Mall and Express New South Wales has 000000 acres of wheat How Relief Came from Cola County Democrat Jtftrton Oily Mo When Is grippe visited this section about seven years ago Herman II Evoler of 811 W Halo St Jefferson Mo was one of the victim and has slate been troubled with the aftereffects ol the disease He is a wollluown contractor and builder a bust new requiring muah mental and physical work A year ago his health to tall alarmingly and that ho lives today is al ¬ most a miracle He says I was troubled with shortness of breath palpitation of tho heart and a general de back alto pained ma severely I tried one doctor after another and numerous remedies suggested by my friends but without apparent benefit and began to give up Lope c LJ Then I sax f Dr Williams Pink Fills tor Pale People- extolled In a St Louis paper and lifter Inrestl gallon de- cided ¬ to give 1 them a trial After us- ing ¬ the first- A Contractors JHffltuUy box I felt Wonderfully relieved and was satisfied that the pllU were putting me on the road- to recovery I bought two more boxes and continued taking them After taking tour boxes of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People I am restored to Rood health and feel like A new man I am now capable of transacting my business with increased ambition- Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are a wonderful medicine and anyone that Is amloted with shortness of breath pal ¬ pitation ot the heart nervous prostration- and general debility will and that tnese pills are the specific HcnxAit II Evxxru Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public this 24 th 1897 mix PODTSZONO Notary Public Mr Eveler will gladly answer any In- quiry ¬ regarding this If stamp is enclosed Dr Williams Pink Pins cure people troubled with tho aftereffects of the grippe because they act directly on the Impure blood They are also a specUla for ehronla erysipelas catarrh rheumatism- and all due to Impure or Impor Wished blood Her Secret Spinal Nervous housewives whose husbands frequently bring home company to din ¬ ner without preliminary warning of ¬ ten worry in their secret hearts to sup- ply ¬ the unexpected guests A matron living in one of the prettiest suburban residences in West Philadelphia whose husband persists in bringing home guests at the most inopportune times baa hit upon a happy expedient to meet possible emergencies In passing any dish at the table of which there may be a limited supply- the hostess makes a point to mention the enigmatical letters F H B in such a manner as not to attract the at- tention ¬ of the guests around the board Immediately the members of the family- are aware of the circumstances and discreetly partake gery lightly if at all of the viands in question The secret of the three letters wa solved- a few days ago and the hostess after ¬ wards laughingly confessed her little scheme F H B in this instance stands for family hold backBoston Traveler Kdaeata Tour Bowels With Cascareta Candy we 29o if a COfalldruggtsurefundmoney- Brooklyn is to have the worlds biggest tn gar refinery Mm WinslowSoothingSyrup children softens the pms rednoesinflamma- lion allays pain cures wind colic S5o bottle Lion dcCoVPlck Lear tnoklncTolaeeo stands unilTalled for and flavor Made from the purest ripest and sweetest Tobacco H will you fry It For Whootilne COUlhl PisosCure Is n euc cesstnl remedy Di Tn 67 Throop Ave N Y Nov It 18SH A V Priest Druggist Sbelbjrllle Ind Catarrh Cure gives the best of satisfaction Can get plenty of testimonials asltoareaeveryoni who takes It Druggists sell t 5o has only 183 per cent of the railroad mileage too country To Can Constipation Voravwt Take OUcarela CaoarCatnarlle 100 or lie It a 0 0 to cure r tuna money Undulating better for the growth of cropathan a level lion ti t I i- l i 1 2 1 i i 0- i 0 zit o- t 4 le t l t- 1L1 I L1 1 1i1 f hk i Among people where the practice of economy Is a necessity the buying of soap is an important yearly item i The grocer who has an eye to larger profits may not suggest Ivory Soap He will recommend nothing else- if he is conscientious Ivory Soap is a pure soap all through That makes it the most economical and best- A 1 perfect soap for the toilet FLOATS and laundry- IT WORD OF WARNING Thtre art many white soaps acb riprtstnUi to be Jut u good at th Ivory IShey ARE NOT but Ilk all counterfeits tick the peceferand- rimsrlubhquallauof th gtnulne Ask for Ivory Soip and insist upon get egIt caatUNynrSO tatvar 44fifei Greatest Ilfht la the World The greatest light In tho world a lantern which has an illuminating pow- er ¬ equal to 00000000 candles thrown in a beam nine feet in diameter Is soon to bo erected upon the Highlands just above Sandy Hook to show mariA ¬ ers where they can find the entrance to the harbor of ew York It will stand 240 feet above tide water and at that distance will be visible about 30 miles- If it could be elevated three times that height it could be seen 100 miles dli taut This II the same light that stood upon the southwest corner of the manu- facturers ¬ building at the Worlds Fair whero it was exhibited Henry Lo paute of Paris France and was pur- chased ¬ for 10000 by the light house board Tho lenses are nine feet in di- ameter ¬ and are composed of a central dtsk two prismatic rims and 100 pris ¬ matic segments all of carefully ground and polished optical glass There are three lamps with Interchangeable car ¬ bone one inch in diameter fed by n current of 55 volts The generator and engine which were used at Chicago were not purchased as it is believed that we make bettor ones in America T lamp weighs 20 tons and floats in mercury in a holow steel cylinder Bo slight is the friction that it may bu moved by a childs finger It Is a question whether this lamp may not be made useful in case of war by rig- ging ¬ it as a search light to sweep the approaches to the harbor of New York and thus disclose the presence of a hostile fleet Chicago Record Purely n local Disease Eczema li a local disease and needs local treatment The Irritated diseased skin must soothed and smoothed and healed No use to dose yourself and ruin your stomach Just be ¬ cause of an eruption Tetterlne la the only simple safe and certain cure for Totter Eczema Ringworm and other skin troubles- At druggists or b mall f orW cents In stamos- J T Bhuptrine Savannah Oa Missouri has more chickens than any other state in the union DostTobacco Spit sad Snots Your Lift Away To quit tobacco easily and forever be mag- netic fun of life nerve and vigor take NoTo Dso the wonderworker that makes weak men strong All drufglats COo or IL Cure guaran- teed Booklet and simple free Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York There Is talk of establishing a school of mines In Johannesburg Fits permanently cured No fits or nervous- ness ¬ afUrflnt use of Dr Klines Great Nerve Restorer ti trialbnttleandtrentitefree DR 11 H KLINE Ltd 931 Arch St Phlla Pa All of the beggars la Italy must be duly licensed 2eToBao for nifty C nU Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes week men atroag blood pure too H All druggists Natals wool production decreased In 189730 per cent fttle L JSCIIOLAnS- HIP ACTUAL BUSINESS TAUGHT Railroad Fare raid fOSITlOSS QUA RAX TEED Open all year to Doth Sexes Oeorgla Alabama Uuslnesi College U CON OtORQU Sour Stomach After I wes Induced to try CASCA RET I will nererbe without them In the home Mr liver was In a very bad shape and mj head aobed and I bad stomach trouble Now slate Uk log C scaret > I feel line Mr wits has alto used thorn with beneficial results for sour stomach Joe KaiauNQ mi Congress St St Louis Mo CANDY CATHARTIC TRAO5 MAlta to rtwro Pleasant Palatable Taite Good Da Goo Merer Sicken V eaten Gripe lOc SOcWc CURB CONSTIPATION 5- ilrtlf IIM4 CaIIp iir Cllwr Mutrttl tee TM tf- tNOTOIAC QUgwdCiJMETowc- couabitgCOMPLETE OilandF tiffl- iteiiMILL OUTFITS Gin Press Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits Building Bridge Faetorr Furnace Castings and Railroad Railroad ltll M < blnlale and Factory Supplies J Belting Packing Injectors Pipe Fittings Saws Files Oilers Etc CaTCa every day work ISO hand LOMBARD IRON WORKSSUPPLYCQI ssi AUGUSTA OA Good All the Year Round ST ANDREWS COLD TEA For the Liver COLEMANS TOBACCO OIL LINIMEN It the Best Liniment la the World Per Rbssmetlzmiardji BukMfc TMtliuh Cn SUIT Jottaeer L roli > ui BIUI m M Lamok f ltneaad ill mtlmtiu rtiulriD ti send r m t tntlctw tMd fof b terra eubeeripnoe t Konthiro Fun- Veoetgiaeiihwti IU > fer II u br ruder r br BJU poitpild ap a pile BUnpi t > n H O COLEMAK KEDIOIHB CO D7K8AM H Matt NEWROMeCUSEPtlileti1 OPIUM Dettdss Ire WtR Qursatn < DR PURDY iestHiTtis j MENTION THIS PAPER u AMJ u EXPOSURE to WETCOLD proven disastrous to many women l NAB feet and damp clothing chill the It t system the delicate female are at once effected Painful Profuse Suppressed or Obstructed Menses tl Whites Womb or some other Jr healthdestroying disease is almost certain- to follow such exposure unless proper pre- cautions ¬ are When of ¬ eases appear women should begin the use of 1 GERSTLES t S Female Panacea l TfluG F paass- i I It will regulate the menses cure all forms of 1 female disease and give health and strength 1 It is used in the of the home Ho con imitations No humiliating examinations If there is any to constipation or J indigestion take mild doses t Regulator MY DAUGHTER SUFFER INTENSELY female Irrtrularitlei arid had tried phnicUni and but c- n retie je wt had d Np red 0 erecovery ether remedies tdto Fema a panacaa and her life A J ACE Jamestown Tens For Sale at Drug Stores W OO per BottU L QERSTLB ee CO Preps Chattanooga Tent 1

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Page 1: Chipley Banner. (Chipley, Florida) 1898-06-11 [p ] · nbrr 1 1Y- L I r- 4t rTtI I r I 11 s 9 LlghtLonio Keeper How far off from

nbrr 1 1Y-

IL r-

4trTtI I

I 11r s 9

LlghtLonio Keeper

How far off from the rest some parts-

of the United States are was Illustratedpointedly a fortnight ago when Caplain Milan keeper of the MountDesert Rook Light off the Maine coastpaid his first visit of the winter to themainland and there first learned of thedestruction of tho Maino Ho bought-

all tho papers ho could find giving anaccount of the catastrophe to take to

the small community of his homeBoston Transcript

Public ClocksFew great cities of America are adequately

provided with I ib1 In clocks of ouch a size andprominentloeallnnatolndicstethe timeBO Iflaover

high time to check ROel bladder com ¬

plaint manifested tothen1rrerbyinaotlvlty-nt the orKBuaalTectcil HostatteriHitters remedies ItS It does drpe sl

rheumatism constipation blilousnvis andnervousness

A magnetic inrvey Is to be made of Prussia-on whose coast regions maznetlo miBMirments have been carried out by the Imperialnaval authorities the stations will be SI

miles apart and tho coat 812000

To Cure a Cold In One DayTake Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets AH

Druggists refund money If ItlUalls cure 33-

Cwho a Micccsful writer of fiction the diegets 01t the weather report easilytances nil competitors

neautr Is flood DeepClean blood means a clean skin No

beauty without it CagcareU Candy Cathar-tic clean your blood and itclean bystirring up the lazy liver and arivmgallpurities from the to

pimples boils blotches blackheads-and that bilious complexion by takingCascarets for ten cents All drug-gist satisfaction guaranteed 100250606

church hKM been completedJeIestemeta cost of 303000

Sent Irvr Klondike MapFrom Gold Commissions official survey Ad-

dress Garduer Co Springs Colo

STVITUS DANCE SPASMS and all ncrvousdlcenrespermanently cured by the use ofDr Kline mat Restorer Send forFllKK 100 trial bottle and treatise to DrIt II Ltd 01 Arch Street Phlla Pa-

L The coils composing the epidermis are149UO of an Inch In diameter

What You GetWhon You Buy Modiolno Is a Mat-


of Croat ImportanceDo you get that which has the power to

eradicate front your blood all poisonoustaints and thus remove the cause of dis-


Do you buy HOODS Garsaparlllaand only Hoods If you do you may take

iJ it with the utmost confidence that It willdo you good Bemember

Hoods SarsaparillaIs Americas

Hoods Pills cure biliousness Indigestion

A Lead Pipe Cinch

r Tho expression a lead pipe cinchoriginated In Brooklyn N y ex¬

plained a wellknown turfmanThough It is very frequently used by

sporting people it is not over twentyfive years old and I doubt if it Is thatold It Indicates a sure thing or atleast that is thought to be dead sureThere are several explanations of itsorigin but I am satisfied that Brooklynwas its home It was coined In thisway Some years ago a fellow entereda plumbing shop and stole a piece oflead pipe He wanted to take it overto New York and to keep it from be ¬

ing seen he wrapped the pipe aroundI his body and then put his clothes on

over it A cinch in turf languagemeans a girth or saddle band or any-


I that is used to keep a saddle on-t I a horse or mule tight Cinching up

means therefore tightening up and isof Spanish origin As the fellow withthe lead pipe around his body jumped

I to catch the ferryboat he fell over ¬

board and of course the weight of thelead carried him down A horseman-In explaining the occurrence said thethief had a lead pipe cinch and hehad and it drowned him Washing ¬

ton Star


I Mrs Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrsa Plnkham About She Says

DEus Mm PISEOLSI I tako pleas-ure in writing you a few lines to in-


you of the good your VegetableCompound has done me I cannotthank you enough for what your mcdiclue has done for me it has indeedhelped me wonderfully-For years I was trou-bled


with anovariantumor-eaehyeargrow ¬

ing worse tintil at last Iwas compelled-to consult with

I a physiciana Ho said-


be done forl me but to go under an operation-

In speaking with a friend of mine

l about it she recommended Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound say-ing


she kncwit would cure me I thensent for your medicine and after tak-ing


three bottles of it the tumor dis-


Ohl you do not know howmuch good your medicine has doneme I shall recommend It to all suffer ¬

ing women Mrs ROSA GAUM 720Wall St Los Angeles CaL

The great and unvarying success ofLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com ¬

pound In relieving every derangementof the female organs demonstratesit to be tho modern safeguard of womans happiness and bodily strengthMore than a million women have beenbenefited by itv Every woman who needs advice

t about her health is invited to write tcit Mrs Plnkham at Lynn Mass

TXriUTE1 FCTTON AMr nests Texyon bars moray dun you la Tuts or South


r PISO S CURE FORAll U5 i AILSlnetUonfh8rrnp Tum Oooo Cwl-

Int tin Pold br flrotcliur








Gen Grant Highly Grutlflcd Over thoIlenmnt lullournentlluchFrm ¬

ternal Hnmlihnklne

A Chickamauga dispatch says Gen-



Fred D Grant took the oath Wed-



as brigadier general and thoceremony was one of intense interest

Tbe oath was administered by JudgeGeorge A Harris of Rome Ga anexconfederate and tits ceremony waswitnessed by a large concourse of peo-


exconfederato and exfederal sol-


General Grant expressed great satis-faction


that he should have the privi ¬

lege of assuming the obligations of hisoffice from so distinguished a confed-erate


and when the ceremony wasover n great shout went up the firstman to shake hands with and congrat-ulate


tho distinguished officer beingMajor George L Gillespie who waswith General Leo when he surrenderedat Appomattox

The scene was one unique in the his-


of tho country and tho incidentcreated the greatest enthusiasm whichbroke into cheers that almost shookMissionary Ridge when General Grantsaid

Shake bands now not over abloody chasm but on the soil of a

country one in its loyalty to tho one

flagThereare probably 200 soldiers in

the various regiments who are sick atdivision hospitals in view of whichthe Chattanooga branch of the nationalrelief committee has authorized thostatement that it is now ready to re-


any contributions that WRY besent from the various states for the re-


and sustenance of the sick Sup-plies


may be sent to Dr W J Trim ¬

ble president of the branch or toGeorge W Ochs exmayor of the citysecretary who will see that everythingreaches its proper destination Thisbranch of the committee has the in¬

dorsement of tho authorities andrelieves the hospital department fromthe care and distribution of such sup ¬

plies-A 0 Post of company N fifth Il ¬

linois of Canton Ill died Tuesdaynight and the remains were shipped tobis family Wednesday He was amember of the Knights of Pythiasand a large detachment from that or ¬

der of the local lodges accompanied-the remains to tho depot

Private E L Thompson of com ¬

pany L fifth Maryland son of CaptainThompson of company 0 of the sameregiment was drowned Wednesdayafternoon while bathing in Chicka-mauga creek

Major Shiba of the Japanese armywho has been at Chickamauga watchthe organization of the volunteerarmy loft for Tampa Major Shibawhen asked what ho thought of thearmy said

It is simply marvelous He willask to accompany the army of invasion-to be sent to Cuba

In accordance with orders issuedthe First District of Columbia OneHundred and Fiftyseventh IndianaSecond New York and First Ohio inantry regiments left Wednesday morn ¬

ing for TampaOrders from the war department to

all regiments to fill up their rolls tothe full strength of 1307 men wereissued during the day and the details-For recruiting are being made up asrapidly as possible


Mrs Leiter of Chicago Founds Home ForSick Soldiers

A Chicago dispatch says The Unitedstates government will bo richer by ahospital Chickamauga park within afew days through the generosity ofMrs L Z Leiter Tho illness amongrho troops there was brought to hernotice some time ago and she at oncebegan a correspondence with Assist ¬

ant Surgeon General Bonn to see whatmight be done

Mrs Loiter was told that a perma ¬

nent hospital to supply mora comfortsthan the ordinary field shelter waswhat was chiefly needed and the ChickaiaauRa park hotel upon the grounds-near Crawfish springs was thought tobe most suitable This building MrsLeiter has purchased for the govern-ment


The hospital will supply accommo ¬

dations for between GOO and 700


neluc Prepared For General Las Troopat Jacksonville

The war department is massing ra-tions


for thirty days for the troopsthat are assembling at Jacksonvilleunder General Lee The authoritiesdecline say how many men are tobe concentrated there or whether theywill stay at that place for the fullthirty days for which the rations areprovided


They enter Protest Against flaw TreatyWith France

The reciprocity proclamation of thopresident which admits fruits brandiesand spirits at 8120 a gallon has great-ly


excited the California dealers whosay their industry will be ruined Anagreement has been sent to SenatorPerkins by a committee of wino grow-ers


asking him to enter an immediateprotest against the provisions






An Imposing Civic 1nrado Tliroo Mlles

Long a Feature or the Day Inthe Nebraska City

Amid the music of a hundred bands

the cheers of a hundred thousand peo-

ple the blasts of many whistles and

the waving of innumerable lings thetransMississippi and International exposition was dedicated at Omaba NebWednesday

Everything contributed to thesmoothness of the final preparations-and nothing occurred to mar the occa

sionThe civic parade was tlKeo mileslong consisting of the officers andguests of the exposition in carriagesthe semimilitary organizations and nilthe secret societies of Nebraska andadjacent states

Rev Dr Samuels of St Louisopened the exercises at tho groundswith an appeal to IHe who dooth allthings well to shower His blessingson the enterprise and the people or

the transMississippi region especiallyPresident Wattles Hon J L Weberof Omaha and Hon John L Baldwin-of Council Bluffs eulogized the occasion

President McKinley addressed theassembled multitude by a longdistance telephone and touched the elec-

tric button in the blue room of thewhite house at Washington Ho spokeas follows

Hon George Wattles presidentTransMississippi and InternationalExposition Omaha NebThe cor-

diality of the invitation extendedme to bo present at the opening ofyour exposition is deeply appreciatedand I more deeply regret that publicduties prevent me from leaving thecapital at this time

The events of a memorable half cen-

tury which the transMississippi andInternational exposition commemo-rates


are interwoven with the history-of the whole nation and are of sur-passing


importance The mighty westaffords most striking evidence of thesplendid achievements add possibili-ties


of our people It is a matchlesstribute to the energy and enduranceof the pioneer while in vast agricul ¬

tural development its progress inmanufactures its advancement in thearts and sciences and in all depart ¬

ments of endeavor has been estimablecontributions to the civilization andwealth of the world Nowhere havetho unconquerable determination selfreliant strength anti sturdy manhood-of our citizenship been more forciblyillustrated In peace or war the menand women of the west have ever beenin tho vanguard

VI congratulate tho management-upon its magnificent enterprise andassure all who participate in this un-


of the deep interest whichthe government has in its success

WILLIAM MoKiNLEYTho ceremony at the Washington-

end was brief and was conducted withlittle formality The members of theNebraska delegation in congress ac ¬

companied by the ladies of their fami-lies assembled at the white house andwere presented to the president

A clear wire to Omaha was secured-at 150 oclock and the presidentstepping to the instrument pressedthe button which set in motion the ex-

position machinery about 1500 milesaway After thanking the president-for his courtesy the party withdrewnnd joined in the following congratu-latory telegram to the president of theexposition

Nebraska delegation assembled inexecutive mansion extend their congratulatious upon tho auspicious be ¬

ginning of so vast an enterprise as theransMississippi and International ex-

position and regret their inability to-

be present and personally participate-in its achievements

Tho Public DebtThe monthly statement of the pub-


debt shows that at the close of busness May 31 1898 the public debt-

less cash in the treasury amounted to1037773760 an increase over last

month of 19341108ANXIOUS FOR PEACE

Spain Instructs Ambassador to France to-

Ad For InterventionThe Madrid correspondent of The

London Morning Post saysSenor Leon y Castillo the Spanish

ambassador to France at his recentconferences with the queen regent andSenor Sagasta was officially chargedto ask the powers to intervene to ob-

tain peace on such terms would pro ¬

tect the amour propre of SpainThe ambassador will urge as a

reason for such intervention the dan ¬

ger of a loss of trade to the powersthemselves in the event of tho contin-uance


of the war Political and diplo-matic


circles in Madrid believe thatCastillo will succeed


Report That Insurgents Swooped Downon Santiago la Dented

The published report of an attackupon the city of Santiago de CubaThursday by the insurgents is not con ¬

firmed and appears to be without foun-dation


Reports of the dreadful destitution-of the inhabitants of the city how-ever


are verified It is said now thateven the officials are unable to procurea normal supply of food


They Ctmftnd tftttfWhy cant women be natural

growled Bumply according to the Datrolt Free Press They make nitthink of a lot ot blue jays with theirclatter and their pluming and theirotTortu to improve on nature Theycat think out more crazy plans nazilevoloped more unmitigated nonsensethan so many inspired imps Look atyour hair Mrs Bumply plaited andtwisted and fluted and banged till Itlooks no more like what it does in Ibnormal state than a junk pile lookslike any of its original elements Andthoso sleeves and those three storyheels and that ctlCnecked1 collarHonestly if men compelled you to rigup in that barbarous fashion youdinveigh against them as brutal sav

agesOhI dont know said Mrs Bump ¬

ly who is very matter of fact contemplate your own hair Looks asilit was laundered down on top andmolded over putt combs on the sideTho shoulders of your coat aro builtup ns though you were trying to palmyourself off for a prizefighter and thoway that your mustache is twisted upat tho ends makes me think ot o

French dancing on a reception nightThen Bumply grew very distant in

hiD manner arranged to go down townat once told his wife not to sit up forhim and said that If she had one faultabove another it lay in her Irrepres-sible disposition to grow personalwhenever she entered into debate

Revival oi Medieval Art >

A delightful revival of medieval artIs crochet work in gold and sliverthread Besides beauty and brilliancy-It possesses great durability A collar-or an edging a small triangular piecefor the colt will last the owner a life-time


It gives the finest effect whenapplied to black or dark colored vel-vet


No matter how fashion may goIt never loses its popularity altogether

Now York Mall and Express

New South Wales has 000000 acresof wheat

How Relief Came

from Cola County Democrat JtftrtonOily Mo

When Is grippe visited this section aboutseven years ago Herman II Evoler of 811W Halo St Jefferson Mo was one of thevictim and has slate been troubled withthe aftereffects ol the disease He is awollluown contractor and builder a bustnew requiring muah mental and physicalwork A year ago his health to tallalarmingly and that ho lives today is al ¬

most a miracle He saysI was troubled with shortness of breath

palpitation of tho heart and a general deback alto pained ma severely

I tried one doctor after another andnumerous remedies suggested by myfriends but without apparent benefit and

began to giveup Lopec LJ Then I sax

f Dr WilliamsPink Fills torPale People-extolled In aSt Louispaper andlifter Inrestlgallon de-cided


to give1 them a trial

After us-ing


the first-A Contractors JHffltuUy box I felt

Wonderfully relieved and was satisfiedthat the pllU were putting me on the road-to recovery I bought two more boxes andcontinued taking them

After taking tour boxes of Dr WilliamsPink Pills for Pale People I am restored toRood health and feel like A new manI am now capable of transacting mybusiness with increased ambition-

Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peopleare a wonderful medicine and anyone thatIs amloted with shortness of breath pal ¬

pitation ot the heart nervous prostration-and general debility will and that tnesepills are the specific HcnxAit II Evxxru

Subscribed and sworn to before me aNotary Public this 24 th 1897

mix PODTSZONO Notary PublicMr Eveler will gladly answer any In-


regarding this If stamp is enclosedDr Williams Pink Pins cure people

troubled with tho aftereffects of thegrippe because they act directly on theImpure blood They are also a specUla forehronla erysipelas catarrh rheumatism-and all due to Impure or ImporWished blood

Her Secret Spinal

Nervous housewives whose husbandsfrequently bring home company to din ¬

ner without preliminary warning of ¬

ten worry in their secret hearts to sup-


the unexpected guests A matronliving in one of the prettiest suburbanresidences in West Philadelphia whosehusband persists in bringing homeguests at the most inopportune timesbaa hit upon a happy expedient to meetpossible emergencies

In passing any dish at the table ofwhich there may be a limited supply-the hostess makes a point to mentionthe enigmatical letters F H B insuch a manner as not to attract the at-


of the guests around the boardImmediately the members of the family-are aware of the circumstances anddiscreetly partake gery lightly if atall of the viands in question Thesecret of the three letters wa solved-a few days ago and the hostess after ¬

wards laughingly confessed her littlescheme F H B in this instancestands for family hold backBostonTraveler

Kdaeata Tour Bowels With CascaretaCandy

we 29o if a COfalldruggtsurefundmoney-

Brooklyn is to have the worlds biggest tngar refineryMm WinslowSoothingSyrup children

softens the pms rednoesinflamma-lion allays pain cures wind colic S5o bottleLion dcCoVPlck Lear tnoklncTolaeeostands unilTalled for and flavor Madefrom the purest ripest and sweetest TobaccoH will you fry It

For Whootilne COUlhl PisosCure Is n euccesstnl remedy Di Tn 67 ThroopAve N Y Nov It 18SH

A V Priest Druggist Sbelbjrllle IndCatarrh Cure gives the best ofsatisfaction Can get plenty of testimonials

asltoareaeveryoni who takes It Druggistssell t 5o

has only 183 per cent of therailroad mileage too country

To Can Constipation VoravwtTake OUcarela CaoarCatnarlle 100 or lie

It a00 to cure r tuna money

Undulating better for the growth ofcropathan a level lion

ti t

I i-




2 1 i i0-

i 0 zit o-


tl t-


L1 1 1i1

f hkiAmong people where the practice of economy Is a

necessity the buying of soap is an important yearly item

i The grocer who has an eye to larger profits may notsuggest Ivory Soap He will recommend nothing else-

if he is conscientious Ivory Soap is a pure soap all

through That makes it the most economical and best-

A1 perfect soap for the toilet


and laundry-

ITWORD OF WARNING Thtre art many white soaps acb riprtstnUi to be Jut

u good at th Ivory IShey ARE NOT but Ilk all counterfeits tick the peceferand-rimsrlubhquallauof th gtnulne Ask for Ivory Soip and insist upon get egIt

caatUNynrSO tatvar 44fifei

Greatest Ilfht la the World

The greatest light In tho world alantern which has an illuminating pow-


equal to 00000000 candles thrownin a beam nine feet in diameter Issoon to bo erected upon the Highlandsjust above Sandy Hook to show mariA ¬

ers where they can find the entranceto the harbor of ew York It will stand240 feet above tide water and at thatdistance will be visible about 30 miles-If it could be elevated three times thatheight it could be seen 100 miles dlitaut This II the same light that stoodupon the southwest corner of the manu-


building at the Worlds Fairwhero it was exhibited Henry Lopaute of Paris France and was pur-


for 10000 by the light houseboard Tho lenses are nine feet in di-


and are composed of a centraldtsk two prismatic rims and 100 pris¬

matic segments all of carefully groundand polished optical glass There arethree lamps with Interchangeable car ¬

bone one inch in diameter fed by ncurrent of 55 volts The generator andengine which were used at Chicagowere not purchased as it is believedthat we make bettor ones in AmericaT lamp weighs 20 tons and floats inmercury in a holow steel cylinder Bo

slight is the friction that it may bumoved by a childs finger It Is aquestion whether this lamp may notbe made useful in case of war by rig-ging


it as a search light to sweep theapproaches to the harbor of New Yorkand thus disclose the presence of ahostile fleet Chicago Record

Purely n local DiseaseEczema li a local disease and needs local

treatment The Irritated diseased skin mustsoothed and smoothed and healed No use todose yourself and ruin your stomach Just be¬

cause of an eruption Tetterlne la theonly simple safe and certain cure for TotterEczema Ringworm and other skin troubles-At druggists or b mall f orW cents In stamos-J T Bhuptrine Savannah Oa

Missouri has more chickens than any otherstate in the union

DostTobacco Spit sad Snots Your Lift Away

To quit tobacco easily and forever be mag-netic fun of life nerve and vigor take NoToDso the wonderworker that makes weak menstrong All drufglats COo or IL Cure guaran-teed Booklet and simple free AddressSterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York

There Is talk of establishing a school ofmines In Johannesburg

Fits permanently cured No fits or nervous-ness


afUrflnt use of Dr Klines GreatNerve Restorer ti trialbnttleandtrentitefreeDR 11 H KLINE Ltd 931 Arch St Phlla Pa

All of the beggars la Italy must be dulylicensed

2eToBao for nifty C nUGuaranteed tobacco habit cure makes week

men atroag blood pure too H All druggists

Natals wool production decreased In 189730per cent



TEED Open all year to Doth SexesOeorgla Alabama Uuslnesi College


Sour StomachAfter I wes Induced to try CASCA

RET I will nererbe without them In the homeMr liver was In a very bad shape and mj headaobed and I bad stomach trouble Now slate Uklog C scaret> I feel line Mr wits has alto usedthorn with beneficial results for sour stomach

Joe KaiauNQ mi Congress St St Louis Mo


TRAO5 MAlta to rtwro

Pleasant Palatable Taite Good DaGoo Merer Sicken V eaten Gripe lOc SOcWc


ilrtlf IIM4 CaIIp iir Cllwr Mutrttl tee TM tf-


couabitgCOMPLETE OilandFtiffl-iteiiMILL OUTFITS

Gin Press Cane Mill and Shingle OutfitsBuilding Bridge

Faetorr Furnace Castingsand RailroadRailroad ltll M < blnlale and Factory Supplies J

Belting Packing Injectors Pipe FittingsSaws Files Oilers Etc



Good All the Year Round



It the Best Liniment la the World

Per Rbssmetlzmiardji BukMfc TMtliuh CnSUIT Jottaeer L roli > ui BIUI m M Lamokf ltneaad ill mtlmtiu rtiulriD ti send r m

t tntlctw tMd fof b terra eubeeripnoe t Konthiro Fun-

Veoetgiaeiihwti IU > fer II u br ruderr br BJU poitpild ap apile BUnpi t> n


Matt NEWROMeCUSEPtlileti1

OPIUM Dettdss Ire WtR Qursatn<



EXPOSURE to WETCOLDproven disastrous to many women

l NAB feet and damp clothing chill theIt t system the delicate female

are at once effected PainfulProfuse Suppressed or Obstructed Menses

tl Whites Womb or some otherJr healthdestroying disease is almost certain-

to follow such exposure unless proper pre-cautions


are When of ¬

eases appear women should begin the use of


S Female Panaceal TfluG F paass-

i I It will regulate the menses cure all forms of1 female disease and give health and strength

1 It isused in the of the home Ho conimitations No humiliating examinationsIf there is any to constipation or J

indigestion take mild doses tRegulator

MY DAUGHTER SUFFER INTENSELYfemale Irrtrularitlei arid had tried phnicUni and butc-n retie je wt had dNp red 0 erecovery ether remediestdtoFema a panacaa and her life

A J ACE Jamestown TensFor Sale at Drug Stores W OO per BottU

L QERSTLB ee CO Preps Chattanooga Tent