choose kind today and every day presentation for students

Choose Kind Today and Every day Presentation for

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Choose KindToday and Every dayPresentation for Students



2What do we know?Antisocial behavior occurs at LenapeThere are no good reasons to treat people badlyNo one likes to be at the receiving end of bad behaviorBullying is preventableEveryone plays in a role in Lenapes social climate

3What is bullying?When one person/group uses their power to control/harm someone else.In personOnline

POWERWhat is bullying?

It is someone trying to use their power to control or harm another person.

It can be in person or online both forms are just as hurtful.

It is all about power. ~physical or social power4What did you tell us in the survey?Most of you told us that you had little to no direct experiences which resulted from bullyingThere are some occasions when students at Lenape are not nice

Name callingExclusionYou confirmed what the teachers suspected name calling and exclusion are the two most prominent concerns for this community.

Of course, we have small numbers of students reporting incidents of occasional threats, damage to property and intentionally doing physical harm to others. Please know that we take EVERY ONE of those events seriously, and, the adults in this community are very interested in knowing about ANY incident like that. However, the vast majority of reports on the survey dealt with issues of name calling and exclusion.5What did you tell us?There are some locations in our school where we can improve our pro-social behaviors

You told us that there are places where the antisocial behaviors are more likely to occur. In particular, you mentioned the Cafeteria, Hallway, Buses. These are not too surprising less structured, less monitored.

We did find it surprising, though, that the classroom was mentioned as a place where name calling and exclusion occurred more often than the less structured environments. In addition, property damage, according to the survey, happens as often in the classrooms as in the cafeteria.

We would like to explore that more. If you can share information about that, we would appreciate it. Please share that info with any of the faculty/administration in this building and we will discuss that information and try to stop that from happening.6Hurtful namesWhat do you know about the impact of hurtful names?

What does name calling say about the sender? Maybe he/she is ..

Where does it happen?

Mostly in the hallway , 2nd to cafeteria

What do you know about the impact of hurtful names?They hurtComes from a place Not likely to have anything to do with the target

What does name calling say about the sender? Maybe he/she is ..

Maybe someone calls others names because they are jealous, insecure, etc.

7Exclusion one likes to be left out.

What do you think it feels like to be left out on purpose?

You said that this happens the most in classrooms.

Do you have any suggestions on how to prevent exclusion in class?

What can you do to include others?

8Cyber-bullyingAlmost 40% of you said that you have been called names or made fun of electronically at least once

18% of you said that youve been threatened online at least once

Of those of you who said youve been a target, 31% said you believe the perpetrator was making fun of the way you look

9Choosing Kind OnlineIf you wouldn't speak to the person that way face to face, then don't do it online.It doesn't matter whether or not you delete the message or text. If you've published it, it's traceable.It's never a good idea to post something when you're emotional.

10If you are being cyber bullied

11Damaging/Stealing PropertyWhere does it happen?How are we impacted by theft or vandalism?Why do you think people steal or damage things?

Where does it happen?

33% of kids said it happened to them once or twice- thats a lot!Happens in the classroom and 2nd in the hallway

How are we impacted by theft or vandalism?

Who pays for replacements or repairs?How does it make us feel when someone steals or damages something of ours?When you visit places and see trash and graffiti what conclusion might you jump to about the people who live there? (that they dont have pride of care about where they live)Do we want people to think we dont care about our school and our classmates?

Why do you think people steal or damage things?

How might they feel inside?Is it possible they dont have something they need? (maybe)How might kids get what they need without stealing?12What did you tell us in the survey?78% of those who witnessed someone being called a name tried to stop it or notified an adult.71% of those who witnessed someone being excluded, stood up for the victim. Cyber-bullying71.5%of students who observed someone being made fun of online intervened on behalf of that person.78%of students who observed someone being threatened online intervened on behalf of the victim. Name callingSocial exclusionMOST students reported that they either tried to stop it or got an adult involved when they witnessed someone else being called names. (78% of students who witnessed an incident)

The numbers drop a little but still constitute a majority when we talk about standing up for people who are being ignored. (71% of people who have witnessed an incident)

The percentage of people intervening (telling an adult/trying to stop it) on behalf or a classmate when they witness online bullying remains high.

The question for us as a community is:

How do we inspire/empower the other 20%? Because we believe that every person in our community deserves to feel accepted despite whatever characteristics makes them unique. In fact, this community only gets stronger as we embrace each others differences.

These percentages that I showed you are high, but Lenape does not have a reputation for accepting good enough. We are a community that excels. We pride ourselves on that. And what we want is 100% of our community to feel safe, and a 0% tolerance policy on bullying.

In order for that to happen, we need everyone to participate in being an upstander.13Threats/Hurting people intentionallyWhere do they happen?

What do you know about the impact of threats?

Why do people make threats / hurt others?

Where do they happen?

Mostly in the hallway and the classroom, thankfully not very often

What do you know about the impact of threats?Sometimes people feel afraidRumors can start and people over-reactPeople might get physically hurt

Why do people make threats?

Do you think they are angry?Do you think they might have some other negative emotions they havent learned to manage or asked for help?

14Threatening / hurting someoneParent conferenceDisciplinary actionMental health evaluationInvolve the police

There are board policies dealing with threats

Adults decide the appropriate course of actionConsequences can be serious

There are laws that deal with threats

Threats are taken very seriously as it is not okay and the just kidding wont get anyone out of it15How can you be an upstander?When a person has negative emotions and sometimes anti-social behavior . . . What should the person do?Where can they go for help?How can you keep things from getting worse?How can you help?

When a person has negative emotions and sometimes anti-social behavior . . .

What should the person do?Talk to someoneWhere can they go for help?Parents, guidance, teacher, friend

How can you keep things from getting worse?Report itInterveneSupport the victim

How can you help?Set an example of kindnessDont give the anti-social behavior any reward16
