choose your ideal niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy Choose Your Ideal Niche Table of Contents 02 Niche Foundation 03 Step 1 » Choose the Urgent Problem You Want to Help Solve 05 Step 2 » Choose Your Group of People 06 Step 3 » Finalize Your Niche 08 After You’ve Chosen Your Niche FAQ’s 09 Self-Rating Tool

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Page 1: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy

Choose Your Ideal NicheTable of Contents

02 Niche Foundation

03 Step 1 » Choose the Urgent Problem You Want to Help Solve

05 Step 2 » Choose Your Group of People

06 Step 3 » Finalize Your Niche

08 After You’ve Chosen Your Niche FAQ’s

09 Self-Rating Tool

Page 2: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 2

Niche Foundation

What Is a Niche? Your niche is the urgent problem you solve and the group of people you solve it for.

How Will Choosing a Niche Help You?

1. It will be easier to find your people. When you know who your people are, it’s much easier to know where to find them. And, you become a magnet to the people you are focused on serving.

2. Your “What Do You Do” Statement will be more compelling. Your people have a distinct way of describing their problems. When you use their words in your “What Do You Do” Statement they will intuitively feel that since you intimately know their problems you must be able to help them solve them. They’ll say “yes” much more quickly with far fewer concerns.

3. You will be seen as an expert. People assume that you are an expert in an area you’ve specialized in.

4. You will get more referrals. Your people have friends with similar problems and will send them your way.

5. You can charge more money. People pay people who have specialized skills (like heart surgeons) more money than people who have more general skills (like pediatricians).

6. You’ll be ready to leverage yourself. When you know your niche, it’s easier to see beyond working one-on-one. Ideas for workshops, programs, books, and home study courses flow naturally.

What If You Can Help Anyone With Any Problem? There are about 7 Billion people on this planet, and you can only work with a very small percentage of them. So, rather than trying to make yourself available to all 7 Billion which doesn’t attract any of them, it’s ideal to choose a niche so that you can make it as easy as possible for your people to find you and say yes to you. Trust that there are enough of your people and that you will find them (and they will find you). Can You Still Work With Someone Who Is Not in Your Niche? Your niche is where you focus your time, energy, and marketing dollars. But, if someone outside of your niche wants to work with you privately, go for it! Can You Have Two or More Niches? If you choose to work with two or more groups of people, you are creating a LOT more work for yourself, because it means running two businesses. We recommend mastering one business before you start another one. Once you’re making a ton of money and have a lot of free time, you may consider expand-ing your niche.

At the same time, it’s fine to help one group of people solve more than one problem.

Page 3: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 3

Step 1 » Choose the Urgent Problem You Want to Help Solve Go through each column and put check marks in the boxes that apply.

RELATIONSHIPS I’ve personally struggled with this problem

I am 2 steps (or more) ahead of my potential clients in this area

I would ENJOY helping my people resolve this problem

I’d love to be thanked profusely for my expertise in this area

Struggling to Find a Lover

Unhappy Relationship

Unhappy Sex Life

Getting a Divorce

MONEY I’ve personally struggled with this problem

I am 2 steps (or more) ahead of my potential clients in this area

I would ENJOY helping my people resolve this problem

I’d love to be thanked profusely for my expertise in this area

Hate their job

Can’t find a job

Not making enough money

Successful but empty

BEAUTY I’ve personally struggled with this problem

I am 2 steps (or more) ahead of my potential clients in this area

I would ENJOY helping my people resolve this problem

I’d love to be thanked profusely for my expertise in this area

Weight Issues

Skin Issues

Aging Issues

Page 4: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 4

HEALTH I’ve personally struggled with this problem

I am 2 steps (or more) ahead of my potential clients in this area

I would ENJOY helping my people resolve this problem

I’d love to be thanked profusely for my expertise in this area


Pain: (Neck, Back)

Digestive Issues

Sleep Issues


Menopause Issues

Fertility Issues

Pregnancy Issues

Addiction: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Sex

Disease: (Cancer)

Eating Issues

ANOTHER URGENT PROBLEM*: (Be more specific than trauma, stress, transition, blocks)

I’ve personally struggled with this problem

I am 2 steps (or more) ahead of my potential clients in this area

I would ENJOY helping my people resolve this problem

I’d love to be thanked profusely for my expertise in this area

The Urgent Problems with the most checked boxes often have the most potential.

If you had to choose 1 Urgent Problem now (or you’d lose $100,000) it would be:

Page 5: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 5

Step 2 » Choose Your Group of PeopleIt’s ideal to narrow your group as much as possible. As long as you have at least 10,000 Potential Clients, you’re good. You can always broaden your niche if you run out of people.

What Are the 2 Best Ways to Choose Your Demographics? 1. Choose demographics that represent a former version of you. Mentoring this group can be very fulfilling because, it’s like mentoring a younger version of yourself.


2. Choose the demographics of people you love spending time with.

Circle the categories below that would make your work feel fulfilling and fun. You do NOT have to check a category in each demographic…. checking 1-3 categories is sufficient.

Demographic Category Category Category

Gender Men Women Transgender

Age Young Adults Mature Adults Senior Citizens

Relationship Status

Single In Relationship

Parental Status Dad Mom No Kids

Sexual Preference

Straight Gay Bisexual

Career/ Profession

Entrepreneur Employed Your Profession:

Financial Status Wealthy / Successful

Gifted but Struggling

Race Your race:

Religion Your religion:

If you had to choose one (or more) demographics now (or you’d lose $100,000) it would be:

Page 6: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 6

Step 3 » Finalize Your Niche Before you finalize your niche, it might be helpful to read these FAQ’s.

What If You Get Bored With Your Niche? If you’re always working with the same people on the same problems, will that get boring? Not necessarily.

» Same people. Your people are endlessly fascinating and unique. Use curiosity to keep yourself engaged. Thrive’s niche is Coaches and Holistic Practitioners, and the beauty and variety of our community is astounding. Some people have called this community the United Nations of Thrive.

» Same problem. When you are doing your business as a hobby, you look for shiny objects to keep you interested. When you do your business as a form of mastery, you find yourself going deeper and deeper into the problem. You become fascinated with the question: “How do I help my cli-ents get faster results that last longer?” This question unleashes creativity and genius that simply staying at the hobby level won’t touch.

Can You Choose a Niche You Are Not a Master in Yet?There is an expression that goes like this: Every master was once a disaster. All you have to be is two steps ahead of your people. And... if you study something for 100 hours, you become an expert on that topic. Study it for 1,000 hours and you become a master on that topic. Study it for 10,000 hours and you become a world renown authority. Studying can be reading, researching, and working with clients in your niche. If you study your niche for 2 hours per day, you’ll be an expert in 50 days.

What If You Currently Struggle With the Problem You Help Your Clients Through? If you dedicate your life to a niche like money, relationships, health or beauty, you can count on getting major lessons in this area. Your struggles give you compassion for your people. Your struggles make you hungry for better solutions that you will soon give to your clients. Imagine that the Universe is handing you these struggles so you can be of the greatest service to your clients. Your life becomes a hero’s journey that is dedicated to the benefit of all your clients. And… You don’t have to be perfect, just two steps in front of your people.

What If You Choose the Wrong Niche?The “wrong” niche is better than no niche.

» The wrong niche will lead you to the right niche. Choosing the “wrong” niche will give you way more information than trying to figure out your niche in your head. By discovering that a group of people or an urgent problem is not a good match for you, you will learn so much more about who you want to serve and what problem you want to help solve.

» It’s okay to be a niche switcher. Sage Lavine, a Thrive client, was a self-proclaimed niche switcher. She went through 4 niches before she found her true calling. Each time she got closer to her true calling, she attracted more clients. Now, she has a million dollar per year business. It’s worth going on the niche journey.

» Choose your favorite flavor. Just like at an ice cream shop, you have lots of great flavors to choose from, but you simply choose your favorite one. If you don’t like the flavor, you can always come back for a new flavor (aka switch your niche).

Page 7: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 7

» There is no perfect niche. Just like there are no perfect soulmates who will bring you only happiness, there are no perfect niches that will bring you only happiness. Every niche comes with what Elizabeth Gilbert calls a “shit sandwich.” Do you love your niche enough to put up with the shit sandwich?

» Get out of the parking lot. Imagine you’re in a big parking lot and your GPS says make a left on Main street. But you don’t remember which street is Main street. What do you do? Drive out of the parking lot, make a left at the first street you see, and if it’s not Main Street, your GPS will kick in to tell you where to go.

» You have an inner GPS that will guide you to your true niche… but you have to be willing to get out of the parking lot and choose something.

What If You’re Still Not 100% Sure About Your Niche? » Nobody is 100% sure about their niche. Allow yourself to be uncertain and trust that you’re

making the best decision you can possibly make with the information you have.

» Recognize that there are benefits to not getting clear about your niche. You’ll have a great reason to not step out of your comfort zone and have HeartsellingTM Conversations. But the truth is, even if you choose to help anyone with any problem, we still want you to go out and have HeartsellingTM Conversations.

» Squeeze every part of your body tightly as you “try really hard” to not make a mistake. Now, let go. What comes to you now?

» If you are having trouble getting narrow, start very general with the intention of getting more specific.

» Step the left, step to the right exercise. This is a powerful exercise if you are deciding between two possible niches. Step diagonal left into one niche and feel how it feels in your body. Then, step back into neutral, the place of all possibilities. Then, step diagonal right into another possible niche. Feel what your body feels like. Then, choose one niche or the other niche.

Okay… Here We Go. If You Knew You Would Lose $100,000 If You Didn’t Choose a Niche Today, What Niche Would You Choose?

Urgent Problem: Group of People:

Page 8: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 8

After You’ve Chosen Your Niche FAQ’s What Should You Do Immediately After You Claim Your Niche? Celebrate your decision to help a group of people you love with a problem that drives them crazy. And look for evidence that it was a great decision.

What Should You Do If You Feel Doubtful About Your Niche? It is very normal to question whether you chose the right niche. Sometimes, that doubt gets mirrored by a friend, family member, or coach, who questions your decision. These doubts are simply feedback. You can listen to feedback without immediately reacting to it. Get as much feedback as you possibly can, so that you’re not just letting one or two or three people’s feedback impact you tremendously. The most important feedback you can get is from Potential Clients, potential referral partners and coaches you trust.

How Long Should You Commit to Your Niche Before Switching It? We recommend staying with your niche for at least 30 days so that you can really test out how it feels. If it just feels terrible before the 30 days, you can switch earlier. But if you switch your niche too many times in a row, it’s easy for your clients or referral partners to get confused and not know who to send you. So… switch niches with discernment.

When Should You Start Using Your Niche for Your “What Do You Do” Statement? Right away. It’s ideal that you share your niched “What Do You Do” Statement with at least 20 people before you decide whether it’s going to work for you or not. Getting one piece of questionable feedback does not mean that you should drop your niche. :)

What Do You Do If You’re Talking With Someone Who Is Not in Your Niche?It can be tempting to abandon your niche to “try to get a client.” If you do this from a place of scarcity, this niche abandonment probably won’t work anyway. Our recommendation is that you stand strong in your niche. One of two great things can happen:

1) They say: “Wow, I know someone who could really use your work.”2) They say: “It sounds like you help people with problem. Can

you help me with problem?” When Is It Ideal to Let Your Friends/Family/Email List Know About Your New Niche? Once you’ve been in your niche at least 30 days and feel really solid that this is your long-term niche.

When Do You Invest in a Website/Business Card/Marketing Materials for Your New Niche? Once you’ve been in your niche at least 90 days and feel really solid that this is your long-term niche.

Page 9: Choose Your Ideal Niche

THRIVE ACADEMY 630 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 // 800-632-2944 // [email protected] // @thriveacademy 9

Self-Rating Tool

Why Did We Create This Self-Rating Tool?So you can see exactly what it will take to master this template (and track your progress toward mastery).

Should You Use This Tool to Beat Yourself Up? Hell no! Be gentle with yourself. Mastery takes time. And love. And tenacity. Be truthful. If your score is low, get support. You will be better able to reach your people when you master this.

Keys to Mastery Score 1-low, 10-high

1. How urgent is the problem?

2. How specific is the group of people?

Total Score =

Acknowledge Yourself Here: Divide Your Score By 2 =

How Close Are You to Mastery?1–3 “I’m on My Way”. Get support from your Thrive Business Coach to raise your score.

4–6 Good. Better than 90% of entrepreneurs. Time to use this template with potential clients!

5–7 Great! You should see great results when you use this template!

8–10 AMAZING! You have attained mastery that will make you magnetic to clients.

Where Can You Get Support? 1. Your Thrive Business Coach. 2. Check out the Get Your Value - Nail Your Niche module of Client Attraction Mastery 2.0. To get there, go

to the Bonus section of the Member HUB, and click the link under Client Attraction Mastery Bonuses.

3. Thrive Membership Facebook Group. 4. Group Mentoring Q&A Call. We’re on your team, and we want you to win. When Are You Ready to Use This Template With Potential Clients?Many Thrivers are making 6 and 7-Figures because they had the audacity to use templates before they felt ready. If you scored 1-3, get support. If you scored 4+, you are ready enough. Start now, and watch yourself soar. You are unstoppable.