choreography ;

Choreograp hy More than know

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Post on 22-Dec-2014




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More than know

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Narrative Element

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“I’m taking steps to” walking on a wall to show superheroes

linking to lyrics as it is a generic factor in

music videos.

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Circling actors to show that they are

powerful due to their poses and

introducing the audiences.

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Click fingers to signify showing


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•Hiding in forest, jumping out from behind trees.

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Walking in different angles to focus on

the heroes.

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Jumping off the wall to show heroes going


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Running up pickpocketing to further show the

heroes turning evil.

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Signing a photo to show their


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Villains shaking heroes shoulders to

show that they are in conflict.

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Hero and villain running together to show that they join


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Climbing to show that’s they are

searching for them selves in an

ambiguous fashion.

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Making a plan to show that they are

debating something bad that also fits

with the lyrics in a generic fashion.

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Circling actors to show that they are

powerful due to their poses and

introducing the audiences.

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Leaning on trees to connect with nature.

And links to song lyrics as trees are

constructively distorted like to


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Running away as if running from problems.

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Dropping mask as if to signify defeat.

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Performance Element

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Walking up lane or in forest, which is a link to

the lyrics. Links to narrative as well, as

the superheroes/villains are often seen walking

or running.

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Look or turn towards superheroes/villains to

show that he has recognized they are


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Sitting on top of a high wall, to show importance of

artist/lead singer.

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Leaning on trees, this again links to the superheroes as

they do similar things. However; the artist does not need to hide because he has nothing to hide from unlike

the superheroes turned villains and the original


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Look right into the camera – direct mode of address – so that they

audience feels involved in the action and like the

artist is talking directly to them, warning them that they’re ‘out of control’.

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