christ cathedral parish bulletin · lent, the graced season of preparation for easter, is a...


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Page 1: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s




February 14, 2016




February 11, 2018

Page 2: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

The Gospel story this Sunday is about a man who was suffering from the

terrible disease of leprosy (Mark 1:40-45). His physical appearance was very

unattractive, yet he did not let that stop him from approaching Jesus. He

humbly knelt before Jesus and asked him to make him clean. The Gospel says

that Jesus was ?moved wi th pi ty? and he cured the man.

The man wi th leprosy did what many of us do not do, he approached Jesus

when he was not presentable. Somehow, we think God wi l l take us only i f our

house is clean or our clothes are right. The good news is that Jesus does some

of his best work when we are at our worst. His heal ing hand is not wai t ing for us to get better, i t is there to

make us better. His loving care is not wi thheld unti l we are able to love in return, i t is there helping us to love.

His forgiveness is not postponed unti l we are sure we wi l l not sin again, i t is given so that we can get a fresh

start. His strength is not depending on us to get strong, i t is there to help us be strong.

This is our commitment weekend for the annual Diocese of Orange Pastoral Services Appeal. This appeal

which raises money for the support of our diocesan ministries reminds us that the work of the Church is

about extending the heal ing hand of Jesus to each other and to the world. Most of us financial ly support the

parish on a regular basis. This campaign invi tes us to look beyond our parish to the work of the diocese

which brings the loving care of Jesus far beyond our parish boundaries.

As we have said, the theme of this year?s campaign is We Are One. It is our uni ty as a Church that brings the

presence of Jesus most powerful ly to the world. Our uni ted efforts in contributing to the

2018 Pastoral Services Appeal wi l l enable us to reach further and further in touching

l ives wi th Jesus? heal ing love.

Jesus is wai t ing to do some of his best work wi th our sometimes un representable

selves. Thank you for your generosi ty in helping that work to happen.

Together in fai th,


Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector


6:30 am: Vietnamese Arboretum8:00 am: Spanish Large Gallery8:15 am: Engl ish Arboretum12:10 pm: Vietnamese Arboretum5:30 pm: Vietnamese Arboretum5:45 pm: Engl ish Large Gal lery7:00 pm: Spanish Arboretum 8:30 pm: Tri l ingual Arboretum

Li turgy of the Word, Service for Ashes , No Mass

Thank you f or your gener osit y! Sunday Col lect ion Food Service

01/28/18 $ 31,421.91 $ 3,401

01/29/17 $ 35,410.89 N/A


Page 3: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

CATHOLIC NEWS / ANNOUNCEMENTSA LENTEN OPPORTUNITYLent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful t ime to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s adult fai th formation team is offering the program ?A Bibl ical Walk Through the Mass? by Dr. Edward Sri at two di fferent t imes:

- Wednesday evenings (Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14) from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm on the 4th floor of the Pastoral Center.

- Thursday mornings (Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15) from 9:00-11:00 am in the Tower of Hope on the 4th Floor.

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass is based on the revised translation of the Mass. This five-part program takes part icipants on an exci t ing tour of the Li turgy as i t explores the bibl ical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains thei r profound signi ficance. See, perhaps for the fi rst t ime, why we say what we say and do what we do every week at Mass. The words and gestures wi l l be seen in a new l ight, giving new l i fe to the l i turgical experience. The sessions, which are conducted in Engl ish, include input via video and small group discussion. Some ?homework? before each session is expected. To register, please leave a voice-mai l wi th Dianne at 714.971.2141 x5517 or emai l [email protected].

CHRIST CATHEDRAL HEALING MASS You?re invi ted to a Mass wi th prayers for heal ing and empowerment, including the Sacramental Ri te of Anointing of the Sick and Prayers for Heal ing after Mass, wi th Fr. Mario Juarez, Fr. Quan Tran, Fr. Christopher Pham, Deacon Frank Chavez, Deacon Cruz Plei tez and Deacon Khiet Nguyen.When: Monday, February 12, 2018

7:00 pm Praise & Worship7:30 pm Tri l ingual Heal ing Mass

Where: ArboretumFor more information, please emai l : fai [email protected] or cal l the parish office at 714-971-2141.

MAGNIFICAT PRAYER BREAKFASTMagni ficat welcomes Louise Al lard, a woman of great courage, missionary, human rights advocate and RN. Through her yes, the Lord brought forth the most unexpected and amazing grace. Breakfast and her presentation wi l l take place on Saturday, February 17, 2018, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm at the Embassy Sui tes in Anaheim. More information can be found on the Magni ficat websi te: www.magni

Adul t Lent en Ret r eat: GIFTS OF LIGHT AND LIFE IN WORD AND SONGWednesday March 21, Cultural Center, 3rd Floor, beginning at 6:30 pm wi th pot-luck dinner, 7:00 pm, program.Reflection on the Gospels for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent, using words and music. We wi l l accompany Jesus as he meets a Samari tan woman at a wel l , gives sight to a man born bl ind and cal ls his friend Lazarus from the tomb. Come and see how the gi fts of l ight and l i fe continue to bless us today.

"24 Hour s f or t he Lor d"Friday & Saturday, March, 9 & 10, Bishop Vann invi tes al l communi t ies in the Diocese of Orange to part icipate in the worldwide ini t iat ive ?24 Hours for the Lord? cal led for by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. He invi tes al l people to receive the mercy of God through Eucharist ic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconci l iat ion. It wi l l be held at the Christ Cathedral campus on March 9 and 10. Schedule of events to fol low.


Page 4: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

La historia del Evangel io de este domingo es sobre un hombre que estaba sufriendo la terrible enfermedad de la lepra (Marcos 1:40-45). Su apariencia física no era muy atractiva, pero eso no lo detuvo de acercarse a Jesús. Humi ldemente él se arrodi l lo ante Jesús y le pidió que lo sanara. El Evangel io nos dice que Jesús se ?conmovió de lastima? y lo sano.

El hombre leproso hizo lo que muchos de nosotros no hacemos, él se acercó a Jesús cuando no estaba presentable. De alguna manera pensamos que Dios nos aceptara únicamente si nuestra casa está l impia o si estamos bien vestidos. La buena noticia es que Jesús hace el mejor trabajo cuando nos

encontramos en los peores momentos. Su mano sanadora no nos está esperando a que mejoremos sino que viene a mejorarnos. El no detiene su amor por nosotros hasta que seamos capaces de regresarle el mismo amor, su amor está al l í para ayudarnos a amar. Su perdón no lo pospone hasta que estemos seguros de no pecar nuevamente, nos perdona para poder empezar de nuevo. Su fuerza no depende de nosotros sino que es para ayudarnos a ser fuertes.

Este es nuestro fin de semana de compromiso para la Apelación anual a los Servicios Pastorales de la Diócesis de Orange.Esta apelación que recauda dinero para la ayuda de nuestros ministerios diocesanos nos recuerda que el trabajo de la Iglesia es de extender la mano sanadora de Jesús entre sí y al mundo.La mayoría de nosotros regularmente apoyamos financieramente a la parroquia.Esta campaña nos invi ta a mirar más al lá de nuestra parroquia a la labor de la diócesis que l leva el cariño de Jesús más al lá de los l ími tes de nuestra parroquia.

Como lo hemos dicho, el tema de la campaña de este año es Somos Uno. Es nuestra unidad como Iglesia que trae poderosamente más la presencia de Jesús al mundo.Nuestros esfuerzos Unidos para contribui r a la apelación de los Servicios Pastorales del 2018 nos permi t i rá l legar a más y más en tocar vidas con el amor sanador de Jesús.

Jesús está esperando hacer su mejor trabajo con nosotros mismos aunque a veces no estemos presentables. Gracias por su generosidad en ayudar para que se haga el trabajo.

Unidos en la fe,


Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Miér col es de Ceniza: 14 de Febr er o

6:30 am: Vietnamita Arboretum8:00 am: Español Large Gal lery8:15 am: Ingles Arboretum12:10 pm: Vietnamita Arboretum5:30 pm: Vietnamita Arboretum5:45 pm: Inglés Large Gallery7:00 pm: Español Arboretum8:30 pm: Tri l ingüe Arboretum

Li turgia de la Palabra. Servicio de la ceniza. No Misa.

Unidos en Fe. Unidos en Amor . Unidos en Ser vicio. Somos un Cuer po.

Page 5: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s


Cat edr al DE cr ist o MISA DE SANACIÓNEstán invi tados a la Misa de Sanación el lunes 12 de febrero del 2018. Con el Padre Mario Juarez, Padre Quan Tran, Padre Christopher Pham, Diacono Frank Chavez, Diacono Cruz Plei tez y Diacono Khiet Nguyen. Comenzaremos a las 7:00 pm con cantos y alabanzas y la Misa Tri l ingüe dará inicio a las 7:30 pm en el Arboretum. Para más información puede mandar un correo electrónico fai [email protected] o l lamar a la oficina (714) 971-2141.

Desayuno en Or ación del Magnif icatMagni ficat le da la bienvenida a Louise Al lard, una mujer de gran valentía, misionera, activa en los derechos humanos y enfermera RN. Por medio del si que el la dio, el Señor la a bendecido con una inesperada e increíble gracia. Su presentación en inglés y el desayuno será el sábado, 17 de febrero del 2018, de 9:30 am a 12:30 pm en el Embassy Sui tes de Anaheim. Para mayor información, visi te la página de internet: www.magni

Ret ir o de Cuar esma par a Adul t os: Regal os de Luz y Vida en Pal abr as y Cant oEl miércoles, 21 de marzo en el tercer piso del Centro Cultural (Cultural Center), comenzando a las 6:30 pm con cena esti lo potluck y el programa a las 7:00 pm. El programa consiste en una reflexión sobre los Evangel ios para el tercer, cuarto y quinto domingo de Cuaresma, junto con las palabras y música. Acompañaremos a Jesús cuando conoce a la mujer Samari tana en el pozo de agua, cuando le da vista a un hombre que nació siego, y también cuando le l lama a su amigo Lázaro a que salga de la tumba. Ven a ver como los regalos de luz y vida continúan en ser bendiciones en nuestras vidas diarias. Presentado por el Padre Christopher Smith y Daniel Nahmod, Cantautor de ?Gi fts of Light and Li fe in Word and Song.? El ret i ro será en inglés.

?24 Hor as par a el Señor ?Viernes y sábado 9 y 10 de marzo, el Obispo Vann invi ta a todas las comunidades de la Diócesis de Orange a part icipar en el iniciat ivo mundial de ?24 Horas para el Señor? que fue invocado por el Santo Padre, Papa Francisco. El invi ta a toda persona a que reciba la misericordia de Dios por medio de la Adoracion de la Eucaristía y el Sacramento de Reconci l iación. Se l levará a cabo aquí en la Catedral de Cristo el 9 y 10 de marzo. La l ista de eventos y horarios para estos días se les dará próximamente.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FEEsta semana recordamos a san Valentín, obispo y márti r. En los Estados Unidos se conmemora el amor de parejas, novios y esposos. Según la tradición, san Valentín, en el año 270, contradi jo al emperador y casó a varias parejas después de que el emperador hubiese prohibido el matrimonio para mandar los hombres al ejérci to. Valentín fue encarcelado y al l í se enamoró de la hi ja ciega del carcelero (en aquel t iempo los obispos y los sacerdotes se podían casar). El santo le dio la vista a la muchacha y se hicieron novios. Llegado el día de su marti r io Valentín le dejó una carta de despedida con el carcelero. La fi rmó ?De tu Valentín?.En algunos países lat inoamericanos el 14 de febrero es la celebración del amor y la amistad. Los novios son importantes, pero la persona no puede vivi r sólo con el amor de pareja. Los humanos estamos hechos para varios t ipos de amor. Estamos hechos para el amor que nos trasciende a nosotros mismos. Este es el amor crist iano, el que no se l imi ta a fami l ia, amigos. El que es val iente, como lo signi fica Valentín, ama a todos aun a la persona que es di ferente a uno. (San Valentín no está hoy día ni en el Santoral ni en el Misal Romano.)? Fray Gi lberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Unidos en Fe. Unidos en Amor . Unidos en Ser vicio. Somos un Cuer po.

Page 6: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

Tin M? ng Chúa Nh?t này tr?n thu?t câu chuy?n m?t ng? ?i m?c ch? ng b?nh kh?ng khi?p là phong h?i (Marcô 1:40-45). V? bên ngoài c?a anh ta trông th?t ?áng s?, nh? ng ?i?u ?ó không ng?n c?n anh ??n g?n Chúa Giêsu. Anh h? mình qu? xu?ng tr? ?c m?t Chúa Giêsu, xin Ng? ?i ch? a anh ?? ?c s?ch. Tin M? ng thu?t l?i Chúa Giêsu ?ã ?ch?nh lòng th? ?ng? và ch? a anh ta kh?i b?nh.

Ng? ?i b?nh phong này làm ?? ?c m?t vi?c mà nhi?u ng? ?i chúng ta không làm ?? ?c, là ??n g?n Chúa Giêsu dù th?y mình không x? ng h?p. M?t cách nào ?ó chúng ta ngh? Chúa ch? ?oái ??n n?u nhà c? a mình s?ch s? ho?c ?n m?c x? ng ?áng. ? áng m? ng là Chúa Giêsu th? c hi?n ?i?u t?t nh?t cho chúng ta lúc ?ang lâm c?nh t?i t? nh?t. Bàn tay ch? a lành c?a Ng? ?i không ch? lúc chúng ta ?ã kh? quan h?n, mà là làm cho chúng ta ?? ?c khá h?n lên. Ng? ?i không gi? kh? kh? tình yêu ch?m sóc c?a mình ?? ch? ??n khi nào chúng ta có th? ?áp l?i Ng? ?i b?ng tình yêu. Ng? ?i không trì hoãn vi?c tha th? , ch? ??n khi nào chúng ta qu? quy?t mình không ph?m t?i n? a, mà c? ban s? tha th? ?? chúng ta có th? b?t ??u l?i . S? c m?nh c?a Ng? ?i không l? thu?c vi?c chúng ta có ?? ?c m?nh m? ch? a, mà là giúp chúng ta ?? ?c nên m?nh m?.

Hôm nay là Chúa Nh?t cam k?t ?óng góp cho cu?c Quyên góp H? tr? Ho?t ??ng M?c v? H?ng n?m (The Pastoral Services Appeal) c?a Giáo ph?n Orange. Cu?c quyên góp nh?m h? tr? các ho?t ??ng th? c thi s? v? này c?a Giáo ph?n nh?c chúng ta nh? ho?t ??ng c?a Giáo h?i là nh?m giang r?ng bàn tay ch? a lành c?a Chúa Giêsu ??n v?i nhau và ??n v?i th? gi?i . H?u h?t chúng ta v?n ??u ??n giúp ?? tài chính cho giáo x? . Cu?c quyên góp này m?i g?i chúng ta ?? a t?m nhìn ra ngoài giáo x? ?? th?y ho?t ??ng c?a giáo ph?n ?ang ?em tình yêu th? ?ng ch?m sóc c?a Chúa Giêsu v? ?n xa h?n các ranh gi?i giáo x? chúng ta.

Nh? chúng tôi ?ã nói , ch? ?? cu?c quyên góp n?m nay làChúng Ta Hi?p Nh?t V?i Nhau. ? ó là s? hi?p nh?t khi Giáo H?i chúng ta mang s? hi?n di?n c?a Chúa Giêsu ??n v?i th? gi?i m?t cách h? u hi?u nh?t. Nh? ng n? l? c hi?p nh?t c?a chúng ta, qua vi?c ?óng góp vào cu?c Quyên góp H? tr? Ho?t ??ng M?c v? 2018, giúp chúng ta ngày càng ?em tình th? ?ng yêu ch?m sóc c?a Chúa Giêsu ??n?? ?c v?i nhi?u c?nh ??i h?n n? a.

Chúa Giêsu ?ang ch? th? c hi?n vi?c t?t ??p nh?t c?a Ng? ?i qua nh? ng vi?c có khi ch? a t? ?ng x? ng c?a chúng ta. Xin c?m ?n anh ch? em ?ang qu?ng ??i giúp cho công vi?c này ?? ?c thành t? u.

? ?ng hành trong ni?m tin,

Lm. Christopher Smith, Vi?n Tr? ?ng

TH? T? l ? TRO: NGÀY 14 THÁNG 2, 2018

6:30 am: Ti?ng Vi?t Arboretum8:00 am: Ti?ng M? Large Gal lery8:15 am: Ti?ng M? Arboretum12:10 pm: Ti?ng Vi?t Arboretum5:30 pm: Ti?ng Vi?t Arboretum5:45 pm: Ti?ng M? Large Gal lery7:00 pm: Ti?ng M? Arboretum 8:30 pm: Ba Ngôn Ng? Arboretum

Ch? có Nghi Th? c X? c Tro. Không có Thánh L?

t r ong m? T ?? C TIN. TRONG M? T ?? C M?N. t r ong cùng PH? V? . CHÚNG TA hI?P NH? T V? I NHAU.

Rector?s ColumnCHÚA NH? T ?ÓNG GÓP CHO NH? NG HO? T ?? NG M? C V?

Page 7: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo M?T C? H? I H? C H? I THÁNH KINH TI?NG M? TRONG MÙA CHAYMùa Chay là mùa chu?n b? m? ng l? Ph?c Sinh, c?ng là d?p thu?n t i?n ?? chúng ta h?c h?i thêm v? Thánh l?. Nhóm ph? trách Giáo lý Ng? ?i l?n t? ch? c khóa tìm hi?u ?Thánh k inh ?? ?c dùng trong Thánh L?? do Ti?n s? Edward Sri trình bày, g?m hai th?i khóa bi?u:

- Các bu?i t?i Th? T? (21 tháng Hai , 28 tháng Hai , 7 tháng Ba và 14 tháng Ba) t? 7:00 pm-9:00 pm t?i t?ng 4 Pastoral Center.

- Các bu?i sáng Th? N?m (22 tháng Hai , 1 tháng Ba, 8 tháng Ba, 15 tháng Ba) t? 9:00 am-11:00 am t?i Large Gal lery.

Thánh k inh ?? ?c dùng trong Thánh L? d? a trên b?n d?ch sách l? ?ã ?? ?c hi?u ?ính. Khóa tìm hi?u g?m n?m bu?i s? giúp các tham d? viên khám phá nh? ng l?i ??c và c? ch? trong Ph?ng v? có ngu?n g?c trong Thánh k inh khi chúng ta c? hành Thánh l? và gi?i thích ý ngh?a c?a nh? ng l?i ??c và c? ch? này. H?n ?ây là l?n ??u t iên chúng ta tìm hi?u vì sao chúng ta ??c nh? ng l?i ?y và th? c hi?n nh? ng c? ch? ?y trong m?i Thánh l?. Chúng ta s? khám phá ánh sáng m?i n?i nh? ng l?i và các c? ch?, giúp chúng ta c? hành ph?ng v? v?i m?t ý ngh?a m?i . Các bu?i h?c ?? ?c trình bày b?ng t i?ng Anh, có video minh h?a và th?o lu?n nhóm. C?ng s? có ?bài làm ? nhà? tr? ?c m?i bu?i h?c. ? ? ghi danh, xin ?? l?i l?i nh?n cho Dianne qua s? ?i?n tho?i 714.971.2141 x5517 ho?c emai l [email protected].

MAGNIFICAT C? U NGUY?N VÀ B? A ? N SÁNGMagni ficat chào ?ón Louise Al lard, m?t ng? ?i ph? n? r?t can ??m, truy?n giáo, ng? ?i bênh v? c nhân quy?n và RN. Qua cô ?y, Chúa ?ã mang ??n ân s?ng b?t ng? và tuy?t v?i nh?t. B? a ?n sáng và bu?i trình bày c?a cô s? vào th? B?y ngày 17 tháng 2 n?m 2018 lúc 9 gi? 30 phút sáng t?i 12 gi? 30 tr? a t?i khách s?n Embassy Sui tes ? Anaheim. Qúi V? có th? tìm thêm thông t in trên trang web Magni ficat: www.magni ho?c l?y ??n ghi danh t?i bàn cu?i nhà th?.

THÁNH L? CH? A LÀNHHi?p thông cùng Giáo H?i Hoàn v? trong d?p ngày Qu?c T? C?u Nguy?n cho B?nh Nhân, giáo x? chính tòa Chúa Ki tô k ính m?i c?ng ?oàn tham d? Thánh L? ch? a lành ba ngôn ng? ?? c?u nguy?n ??c bi?t cho các b?nh nhân, nh? ng ng? ?i ph?c v? b?nh nhân, các y bác s? và gia ?ình Qúy V?.Vào Th? Hai ngày 12 tháng 2, 2018 v?i Linh m?c Christopher Smith; Linh m?c Quân Tr?n, Linh m?c Mario Juarez, Linh m?c Christopher Tu?n Ph?m, ba Th?y Phó T?: Nguy?n Khi?t, Frank Chavez and Cruz Plei tez.7:00PM Ca Ng?i Chúa và 7:30PM Thánh L? Ch? a Lành trong nhà th? L?n (Arboretum)Sau Thánh L? s? c? hành Bí Tích S? c D?u B?nh Nhân và ??t tay c?u nguy?n.M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c Ông Ch? T?ch Ph?m Ry t?i 714-264-3124 ho?c v?n phòng giáo x? qua emai l :Fai [email protected] ho?c ?i?n th?ai 714-971-2141.

T?NH TÂM MÙA CHAY ? T?NH TÂM TI?NG VI?T NAMKính m?i c?ng ?òan tham d? t?nh tâm mùa chay ch? ??:Con ? ??ng nào Chúa ? ã ? i Qua? v?i Linh m?c Tr?nh ? ? c Hòa vào các t?i th? 2, 3, và 4 ngày 26, 27 & 28 tháng 2 trong nhà th? L?n.Th? Hai : ? ? ?ng vào hoang ??a; th? Ba: ? ? ?ng ra pháp tr? ?ng; th? T? : ? ? ?ng ??n vinh quang.

6:15PM ? n t?i ** 6:40PM Kinh chi?u7:00PM Gi?ng T?nh Tâm và Thánh L?

M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c Ông Ch? T?ch Nguy?n Ry t?i 714-264-3124 ho?c v?n phòng giáo x? t?i 714-971-2141

"24 GI? I DÀNH CHO CHÚA" Th? Sáu & Th? B?y, ngày 9 & 10 tháng Ba.

? ? c Giám M?c Vann m?i c?ng ??ng trong Giáo ph?n Orange tham d? ?24 gi? dành cho Chúa? v?i sáng k i?n c?a ? ? c Thánh Cha Phanxicô kêu g?i tòan th? gi?i tham d? . ? ? c Thánh Cha m?i g?i t?t c? m?i ng? ?i tham d? ?? ?ón nh?n Lòng Chúa Th? ?ng Xót qua Ch?uThánh Th? và bí t ích hòa gi?i .S? ?? ?c t? ch? c t? inhà th? chính tòa Chúa Ki tôvào ngày 9 và 10 tháng 3.

t r ong m? T ?? C TIN. TRONG M? T ?? C M?N. t r ong CÙNG PH? V? . CHÚNG TA hI?P NH? T V? I NHAU.

Page 8: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s


PRAY FOR RELATIVES & FRIENDSMaria HernandezYolanda de LeonAdonya GarciaLi l ia Emma RojasTi ffany Huizar & Fami lySaul SanchezKevin GoeckeRichard MindrumSebastian SanchezVictor Manuel GodoyLorena AguayoAntonio Amezqui taEsther Amezqui taDave WellsTherese KortesmakiAlfredo AmezcuaLi l GraceSalvador AguayoAurel ia Tel les Sanchez Raymond De LeonMiguel Angel MendozaArturo MendozaMartin Sosa

Nancy ShanafeltEl izabeth NewmeyerBobbie JumperThinh VuAgui lera Fami lyVal ladares Fami lyJuan Jose Delgado Fenandez and Fami lyJorge MarquezLeo MontanoKevin MontanoDella WellsStan SavageCarmen MendezNorah NicholsMerida HughesFel ici tas LopezOfel ia BanuelosCarlos GuzmanAdeline Garcia




Febr uar y 16, 2018Lakshey Jaggi & Yahira Gutierrez

Mar ch 3, 2018Angel Armando Ocampo & Diana Karen Bahena Peña

Alfredo Lopez & Jessica RodriguezJake Yasuo Akers & Krist ina Rochel le Fai rlee Hess

Dail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Engl ish (Monday - Thursday)

6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Engl ish (Fridays only)5:30 p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30 p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month) 6:30 p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00 p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00 a.m. Engl ish

5:00 p.m. Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30 p.m. L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish 9:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass) Ti?ng Vi?t 6:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español 7:45 a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) 10:30 a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 12 6:30 am Kich Mau Tran ?

8:00 am Liza Sion ? Tue. Feb. 13 6:30 am Leonora T. Victorio ?

8:00 am Valentina S. Nieves *

Wed. Feb. 14 ASH WEDNESDAYThu. Feb. 15 6:30 am Net Ministries - Team #5 *

8:00 am B-Jay Abalon * Fri . Feb. 16 6:30 am Sr. Francesca Tuoi Tran *

8:15 am Rosa & Adam Ni les & Fami ly * 6:30 pm Oscar Soriano ?

Sat. Feb. 17 8:00 am Giuse Tran An Buong ? 5:00 pm Giuse Tran Van Thuan & Maria Tran ?

Sun. Feb. 18 7:45 am Eloisa Garcia ?9:30 am Maira Bui Then & Giuse Van Tran ?

11:15 am Luis Armando Rodriguez ?; Jose Molina Magdalena Rangel ?; Mik i Ahara ?; Florentino Frias ?; Jose Cardenas ?; Pedro Bustamante ?; Ranferi Munoz ?; Maria Loreto Cardoso Zavala ?; Jesus Ruvalcaba ?; Beatriz Vega ?; Micaela Moreno ?; Maria Edi th Enciso ?; Graciela Martinez *; Irma Gonzalez Soto *; Emi l ia Sandoval *; Rigoberto Gonzalez *; Hector Lopez *

2:30 pm Xit lal l i Salgado *

5:30 pm Maria Bui Then & Giuse Van Tran ?

7:00 pm Ramona Marquez & Rafael Muñoz ?

? Deceased * Living

Page 9: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s




Chr ist Cat hedr al Par ish Mission Stat ement

We, the people of Christ Cathedral Parish are a

faith-filled community who gather to worship our Lord

Jesus Christ.

Through the celebration of the Eucharist, we unite as

one family. 

As a community, we share our love of Jesus through

prayer, education, evangelization and service to

one another.

ConfessionsLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:30 am ? 9:30 am

engl ish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:00 am

Engl ish Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:00 pm

Viet namese Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 pm (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Spanish Divine Mer cy Gr oupLocation: Large Gallery C When: 7:30 pm

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: Grocery Distribution at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and again from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message. A representative will contact you.Hot meals served at 4:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

cHINESE MassOrange County Chinese Catholic Association (OCCCA)Location: Large GalleryWhen: 10:30 am

Spanish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:45 am, 11:15 am, 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Viet namese Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:15 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Engl ish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 9:30 am & 5:30 pm

t r il ingual heal ing massLocation: Arboretum When: 7:00 pm

ash Wednesday schedul e Febr uar y 14, 2018

6:30 am: Vietnamese (Arboretum)

8:00 am: Spanish (Large Gallery)

8:15 am: English (Arboretum)     

12:10 pm: Vietnamese (Arboretum)

5:30 pm: Vietnamese (Arboretum)

5:45 pm: English (Large Gallery)

7:00 pm: Spanish (Arboretum)

8:30 pm: Trilingual Liturgy of the Word. Service for Ashes, No Mass (Arboretum)

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:15 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

confessionsLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 7:15 pm ? 8:15 pm

Spanish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:00 pm

j ovenes par a cr ist oLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 7:30 pm ? 10:00 pm

Stat ions of t he Cr ossLocation: Arboretum1:00 pm - Academy5:00 pm - Vietnamese6:15 pm - English7:45 pm - Spanish

Teen Angel sLocation: Large Gallery - CWhen: 6:00 pm

Al l Day Bl essed Sacr amentLocation: Arboretum

Page 10: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Lent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful time to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s

General Emai l : [email protected]