christ the servant community ·...

Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council The mission of the Community Council is to empower and enable parishioners to discern and respond to their baptismal call by serving, collaborating , and mutually supporting those ministries already occurring, to encourage new ministries to form, and to ensure the communication necessary for a shared vision and responsibility in serving the physical, spiritual, social, and educational needs of parishioners and members of our neighborhood community.The following is a summary of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) on love in the family as provided from the Vatican on April 8, 2016. Over the coming weeks we continue to present the summary. Today we begin with the Introduction and Chapter One. Within the entire document our Holy Father frequently cites final reports, documents and teachings of his predecessors, and his own numerous catechesis on the family. As in previous magisterial documents, the Pope also makes use of the contributions of various Episcopal Conferences around the world (Kenya, Australia, Argentina...) and cites significant figures such as Martin Luther King and Erich Fromm. The Pope even quotes the film Babettes Feast to illustrate the concept of gratuity. Introduction (1-7) The Apostolic Exhortations 325 paragraphs are distributed over nine chapters. The seven introductory paragraphs plainly set out the complexity of a topic in urgent need of thorough study. The interventions of the Synod Fathers make up [form] a multifaceted gema precious polyhedron, whose value must be preserved. But the Pope cautions that not all discussions of doctrinal, moral or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium.Indeed, for some questions, each country or region can seek solutions better suited to its culture and sensitive to its traditions and local needs. For cultures are in fact quite diverse and every general principle needs to be inculturated, if it is to be respected and applied.This principle of inculturation applies to how problems are formulated and addressed and, apart from the dogmatic issues that have been well defined by the Churchs magisterium, none of this approach can be globalized.At the end of the 2015 Synod, the Pope said very clearly: What seems normal for a bishop on one continent, is considered strange and almost scandalous – almost! – for a bishop from another; what is considered a violation of a right in one society is an evident and inviolable rule in another; what for some is freedom of conscience is for others simply confusion. The Pope clearly states that we need above all to avoid a sterile juxtaposition of demands for change and the general application of abstract norms. He writes: The debates carried on in the media, in certain publications and even among the Churchs ministers, range from an immoderate desire for total change without sufficient reflection or grounding, to an attitude that would solve everything by applying general rules or deriving undue conclusions from particular theological considerations. Chapter One: In the light of the Word” (8-30) The Pope begins his reflections with the Holy Scriptures, which unfolds as a meditation on Psalm 128 (which appears in the Jewish wedding liturgy as well as that of Christian marriages). The Bible is full of families, births, love stories and family crises. This impels us to meditate on how the family is not an abstract ideal but rather like a practical trade,which is carried out with tenderness, but which has also been confronted with sin from the beginning, when the relationship of love turned into domination. Hence, the Word of God is not a series of abstract ideas but rather a source of comfort and companionship for every family that experiences difficulties or suffering. For it shows them the goal of their journey... ”.

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Page 1: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH

Christ the Servant Community Council

“The mission of the Community Council is to empower and enable parishioners to discern and respond to their baptismal call by serving, collaborating , and mutually supporting those ministries already occurring, to encourage new ministries to form, and to ensure the communication necessary for a shared vision and

responsibility in serving the physical, spiritual, social, and educational needs of parishioners and members of our neighborhood community.”

The following is a summary of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) on love in the family as provided from the Vatican on April 8, 2016. Over the coming weeks we continue to present the summary. Today we begin with the Introduction and Chapter One. Within the entire document our Holy Father frequently cites final reports, documents and teachings of his predecessors, and his own numerous catechesis on the family. As in previous magisterial documents, the Pope also makes use of the contributions of various Episcopal Conferences around the world (Kenya, Australia, Argentina...) and cites significant figures such as Martin Luther King and Erich Fromm. The Pope even quotes the film Babette’s Feast to illustrate the concept of gratuity. Introduction (1-7) The Apostolic Exhortation’s 325 paragraphs are distributed over nine chapters. The seven introductory paragraphs plainly set out the complexity of a topic in urgent need of thorough study. The interventions of the Synod Fathers make up [form] a “multifaceted gem” a precious polyhedron, whose value must be preserved. But the Pope cautions that “not all discussions of doctrinal, moral or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium.” Indeed, for some questions, “each country or region … can seek solutions better suited to its culture and sensitive to its traditions and local needs. For ‘cultures are in fact quite diverse and every general principle … needs to be inculturated, if it is to be respected and applied.” This principle of inculturation applies to how problems are formulated and addressed and, apart from the dogmatic issues that have been well defined by the Church’s magisterium, none of this approach can be “globalized.” At the end of the 2015 Synod, the Pope said very clearly: “What seems normal for a bishop on one continent, is considered strange and almost scandalous – almost! – for a bishop from another; what is considered a violation of a right in one society is an evident and inviolable rule in another; what for some is freedom of conscience is for others simply confusion.” The Pope clearly states that we need above all to avoid a sterile juxtaposition of demands for change and the general application of abstract norms. He writes: “The debates carried on in the media, in certain publications and even among the Church’s ministers, range from an immoderate desire for total change without sufficient reflection or grounding, to an attitude that would solve everything by applying general rules or deriving undue conclusions from particular theological considerations.” Chapter One: “In the light of the Word” (8-30) The Pope begins his reflections with the Holy Scriptures, which unfolds as a meditation on Psalm 128 (which appears in the Jewish wedding liturgy as well as that of Christian marriages). The Bible “is full of families, births, love stories and family crises.” This impels us to meditate on how the family is not an abstract ideal but rather like a practical “trade,” which is carried out with tenderness, but which has also been confronted with sin from the beginning, when the relationship of love turned into domination. Hence, the Word of God “is not a series of abstract ideas but rather a source of comfort and companionship for every family that experiences difficulties or suffering. For it shows them the goal of their journey...”.

Page 2: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

Mass Intentions Tuesday May 17 9:00 a.m. Barbara & Fabian Kessler by Daughter Jean & Grandchildren Wednesday May 18 9:00 a.m. Viola Spera by Family Thursday May 19 9:00 a.m. Anthony Lanza by Dick & Anita Foutz Mary Martha Ess by Allison Kemp Friday May 20 9:00 a.m. Andy & Mary Stefanak by Margaret Fete Saturday May 14 4:30 p.m. Virginia Lanzi by Robert Lanzi Mary Jane Campbell by Family & Friends

Sunday May 15 9:00 a.m Jack Looney by Barbara McCaffrey 11:00 a.m. Cel Aman by John & Marlene Admonius Albert & Dorothy Hastings 6:30 p.m. Living and Deceased Members of Christ the Servant Parish

Readings First Reading: ACTS 2: 1-11 Second Reading: 1 COR 12: 3B-7, 12-13 Gospel: JN 20:19-23

Third Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Lent March 13, 2016 Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016

Liturgy “As Servants of Christ, through the various Liturgical Ministries, we offer our gifts to one another with the mutual kindness and respect, providing and enhancing opportunities for prayerful worship and celebration.”

Liturgy Pastoral Secretary: Chr is Thomas [email protected]

Pastoral Leadership Core Team is comprised of the Pastor , the Core Pastoral team (Pastoral leaders), and the four Pastoral Area Secretaries. This group meets to discuss the overall vision and implementation of ministry within the parish and to ensure collaboration among the Four Pastoral Areas, especially for parish wide events. Peter Schafer pshafer Hank Kappel [email protected] John Cihon [email protected] Msgr. Lew Gaetano [email protected] Pastoral Area Secretaries - Pastoral Area Secretaries ensure collaboration and communication among facilitators within their Pastoral Area and with the Secretaries of other Pastoral Areas. Their main goal is to empower and support the facilitators of the various ministries with their ministry or program needs and objectives. Liturgy Secretary Chris Thomas [email protected] Social Concern Secretary John Cihon [email protected] Education Secretary Jean Defazio [email protected] Parish Life Secretary Lynne Dragomier [email protected] Ministry and Program Facilitators Are listed in each Ministry Area for your convenience.

Ministry and Program Facilitators Please contact Chris

Thomas [email protected] if you would like to serve in any of the following programs/ministries for Liturgy. Music Ministry: Mary Modena, Bob Roden Sacramental Preparation: Lynn Adamski Training of Servers: Msgr. Lew Lectors: Ed McDonnell, Mary Jo Bowersox

Eucharistic Ministers: Sherry Bossart Scheduling Liturgical Ministers: Sherry Bossart, Danny Bossart Liturgy Environment: Linda Friedman Liturgy Committee: Msgr. Lew RCIA: Peter Schafer Ushers: Danny Bossart

Page 3: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

Social Concerns “As servants of Christ, we will strive to be the presence of Christ to our parish and the wider community, providing counsel, assistance, and hope as we live the Gospel of God through our practice of the Corporal Works of Mercy. We offer our gifts with kindness and respect, enhanc-ing opportunities for fellowship and mutual support, led by Christ’s example of hospitality, diver-sity and inclusiveness.” Social Concerns Pastoral Secretary: John Cihon [email protected]

Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016

Ministry and Program Facilitators Please contact John Cihon [email protected] if you would like to serve in any of the following programs/ministries. Sick, Homebound, & Nursing Homes: Rosemarie Houser, Ron Lenzer, Diane Wissuchek Angel Tree: Scott & Jane Adkins Giving Tree: Barb Menegay, and others Right to Life: Tom and Kathy Baker Baby Bottle (Coins) Collection: Tom and Kathy Baker Hispanic /Migrant Ministry: Msgr. Lew Homeless/Hunger Ministry: Rosemary Norton Hope and Opportunities (Mental Health & Counseling): Teresa Golden-McClelland Home Repair Assistance: John Cihon Prison Ministry: Dan Toussant, Teresa Golden-McClelland, Cindy Zurbrugg-Heighway

Congratulations to our 2016 First Communion Group

Page 4: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

General Parish and School Activities 50/50

Every Monday a winner will be drawn the winner will be posted in the following weeks bulletin. Put a dollar in the envelope to participate. The envelopes are found in your Stewardship Packets. -5/1/2016 #61610 was drawn and did not play and would have won $906.00

Sponsor for the Week Rossi Funeral Home

Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016

Parish Life Parish Life Pastoral Area Mission Statement As servants of Christ, through the various Parish Life ministries, we offer our gifts to one an-

other with mutual kindness and respect, providing and enhancing diverse opportunities for fel-lowship, mutual support and ministry to our Parish community, led by Christ’s example of hos-pitality and inclusiveness.”

Parish Life Pastoral Secretary: Lynne Dragomier [email protected]

Christ the Servant Parish Stewardship

5/07/16 & 5/08/16 $12,004.00 Ascension $1,712.00

Total $13,716.00

Pennies for Patients Help the Our Lady of Peace school children reach their goal of $1,000.00 to help The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Collection boxes will be in the back of the church.

Ministry and Program Facilitators Please contact Lynne Dragomier [email protected] if you would like to serve in any of the following programs/ministries. Men’s Club: Brian Harbert Seniors Group: Jane Wheeler Ladies Guild: Rosemarie Houser Stewardship: Msgr. Lew Buildings and Grounds: Danny Bossart, Frank Grisez Stuffing Envelopes/Mailings: Office Staff and Volunteers Bereavement/ Funeral Planning: Judy Bogdan Marriage Preparation: Bill and Cindy Charles

Email Prayer Chain: Scott and Laura Berkley Sunday Fellowship (Coffee and Donuts): Ralph and Nancy Dublikar Garden Club: Carole Fasano, Lenora Krueger Knitting Club: Rosemarie Houser Welcoming New Parishioners: Diane Russ Greeters: Diane Russ (Pre-school) Stories and Scripture: Elise Schafer Mom’s Group (Women’s Ministry): Elise Schafer Water & Wine: Miguel Chavez Singles Outreach Ministry: Maryanne Chevraux

Food Collection We had another good week for our food collection. Our total is 397 lbs. of food and clothing. Catholic Charities will be very happy when we deliver to them tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for your continued support and dedi-cation.

Page 5: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

Homebound Eucharistic Ministry The parish is in need of Eucharistic Ministers who are willing to take the Eucharist to the homebound. If you would like to become a volunteer to visit our parish nursing homes Bethany, Stone Crossing and Canton Christian Home) or the hospitals, please call the parish office at 330.492.0757 or Rosemarie 330.492.0716. If you are or know of someone who is homebound , hospitalized or in a nursing home and would like someone to bring the Eucharist or visit with once in a while, please call 330-492-0757.

Email Prayer Chain

Our parish has an email prayer chain. The emails will be sent to those who sign up, periodically. If interested in receiving these emails, sign up at [email protected] or call the parish office at 330-492-0757.

Hospital and Prolonged Illness Prayer List

Our Hospital and Prolonged Illness List is extremely important, however , as it grows we must at times renew and update the list. We have removed most names in order to update our list at this time. If there is someone who has been removed or someone you would like added, we ask that you would call the parish office or email us: [email protected]. Thank you.

Josephine Cobett Emil Soehnlen Ann Sibilia Jim Vertolli Cheryl Schott Molly Samsa Daniel Phillips Christina Beckett Baby Nora Arick Baby Nathan Impagliozza Linda Abbott Arthur Conn Sr. Andrew Eberhardt Ray Gooding Shelly & Nicole Blankenship Barb Fausnight Brenda Meyers Linda Drescher Mary Nicodemo Rosie Frustaci Joseph White Catherine Leopold Chuck & Pat Muzi Lucille Wilson Sharon Harris Marlene Ceroli Charles & Mary Marchino

Mary Castellaneta Terry Gladish Marty Harris Maryna Steiner Charlene Watson Peg Sigler John Mazzarella Bradley Reifsnyder Elizabeth Schen Jim Grywalski Judy Fischel Carmela Morris Rose Reeda

Parish Events for the Week Ahead

Sunday May 15

New Beginners Alcoholic Anonymous meeting in the Gathering Room 7:00-8:00pm

Monday May 16

Ladies Guild/Seniors Group Luncheon 12:00 noon Gathering Rm.

Parish Men’s Basketball 7:00-9:00pm in the gym

Tuesday May 17

Parish Adult Volleyball 8:00-10:00p.m. Gym

Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016

Please join us for our donut Sunday, May 22, 2016, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Singles Dance Update Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Singles Dance that was scheduled for May 21 must be postponed. New Plans will be announced as soon as possible. Any parishioner who is interested in helping to plan gatherings for singles, please email Lynne Dragomier [email protected] The events are hosted by the Parish Life Pastoral Area of Christ the Servant Parish Council.

Job Opportunity The House of Loreto, owned and managed by Sisters of the Con-gregation of the Divine Spirit, is seeking a few nurses and STNAs to complete our team. All shifts, full or part time, work-ing in a faith based, caring environment. Contact us: [email protected] or 330-453-8137.

Page 6: Christ the Servant Community · 2017-06-08 · Christ The Servant Parish Canton, OH Christ the Servant Community Council

Child Protection classes July 20th at Christ the Servant Parish from 6:30-8:30 PM .For further information, call Lynn Adamski at the parish office. 330.492.0757

Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016

Education “As servants of Christ, our mission is for the educational outreach of all through the development of mind, body and spirit. Our ministry embraces the comprehensive education and formation of children, youth, and adults within our parish , including those most underserved within our neighboring community.” Education Pastoral Secretary: Jean DeFazio [email protected]

Location: The Timken High School Auditorium 521 West Tuscarawas 44702 Canton , OH

VOCI Celebrates Gospel The Kent State Gospel Choir, under the direction of Linda Walker, joins VOCI in a jubilant celebration of gospel music. Soprano Pat Harris also guest stars in this production.

Adults: $20 Students: $12 Purchase your tickets online or call the VOCI Box Office to order your tickets over the phone: 330-452-4098

WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY There will be no Bible Study class on Wed. May 18th, we will resume classes on May 25th. We are discussing the Psalms

Ministry and Program Facilitators Please contact Jean DeFazio [email protected] if you would like to serve in any of the following programs/ministries Parish School: Msgr. Lew, Rick Hull - Principal, Colette Hunter – Parental Involvement

Parish School of Religion: Lynn Adamski After School Enrichment: Ashley VanHorn Vacation Bible School: Rachel Joy Scripture Study: Jim Naegeli Italian Classes: Lena Falcone Adult Education: Jim Naegeli Technology: Alicia Chiappini, Ray Chiappini

Thank You From Catholic Relief Services After the earthquake in Ecuador our parish responded by donating a generous gift of $3,093.00. Catholic relief services thanks you for your generosity. If you would like to learn more about how your donation will help those living in constant need, please visit the Catholic Relief Services website at

2016 Graduates Please call the parish office at 330.492.0757 or email [email protected] to let us know of any parishioner that is graduating and would like to have their name published in the bulletin.