christian attitudes to infertility treatments

DO IT NOW … Look carefully at the title of this book... Why do you think some Christians are ashamed that they cannot naturally have children? Think Pair Share

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Page 1: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

DO IT NOW …Look carefully at the title of

this book...

Why do you think some Christians are ashamed

that they cannot naturally have children?

Think Pair Share

Page 2: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

Term 2: Religion: Rights & Responsibilities1. Forms Of Pollution & Their Possible Solutions

2. Scarcity Of Natural

Resources3. Christian &

Muslim Teachings On Stewardship

4. The Nature & Importance

of Medical Treatments For


5. Different Attitudes To

Infertility Treatments Among


6. Different Attitudes to Transplant Surgery In


9. The United

Nations & World Peace

8. Assessment

7. Revision

10. Why Wars Occur

Page 3: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

Title: Different Attitudes to Infertility Treatments Among Christians1 May 2023

Developing: Christian arguments both for and against fertility treatments and sort Biblical quotes relating to this issue (E/D Grade)Secure: how some Christian couple may respond to not being able to have children and the meaning of Biblical quotes relating to infertility (C/B Grade)Excelling: give an opinion on Christian attitudes to infertility treatments (A/A*)

1. Choose an objective2. Decide on your target grade3. Copy the correct definitions into

your lesson template4. Give examples of each

Page 4: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

So many Christians believe it is their

religious duty to start a family. For many the sole purpose of sex is to reproduce and fulfil God’s commandment.

“ fruitful and multiply and fill the earth...” (The book of


Christians who find themselves unable to have

children often feel ashamed and disappointed as they are

unable to fulfil this commandment.

What did God command human

beings to do?

Why might this cause problems for infertile


Page 5: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

Imagine Monica and Chandler are a

Christian couple who have just received

this news...

Explain how they may respond and why.

What might they do next and why?


Page 6: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

Many Christians believe having children (procreation) should only result from a sexual act. The child is viewed as a gift from God.

What are the issues arise from the case of Diane Blood?

Page 7: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

CHRISTIAN RESPONSES... Use these picture clues to help you

Page 8: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

So Christian couples may respond in a variety of ways...

- Some may accept that it is God’s choice for them not to have

children – it is part of His plan.- Some may find other ways to direct

their parental skills, such as school, charity work and church work.

- Some may choose to adopt, giving unwanted and orphaned children a

loving home- Some may choose to conceive a

child through fertility treatment.

This last response relating to fertility treatments

causes conflict amongst Christians – Some AGREE with them while others

believe they are WRONG and completely



Page 9: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

Christian responses to infertility treatments fall into 3 categories....


Very few Christians would say that people should NOT have ANY

form of infertility treatment.


Some Christians accept the use of medicine and surgery. They do not

accept assisted fertility.

Some Christians accept any sort of

infertility treatment.


What do YOU think? Can you give a reason WHY for each of these views ?

Think about what you have learnt already and what you know about Christians and their beliefs.

Write a response for each (in turn) on your mini whiteboards.

Page 10: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments


FOR – Most fertility treatments are acceptable.

Attitude of the Roman Catholic Church... Attitude of the Church of England...

Sort the arguments in the middle of your sheet into the correct column.

What type of fertility treatment would each allow?

Use the textbook to help you.

AGAINST – Assisted reproduction treatment is not acceptable (only medicine and surgery is


Page 11: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments


Read the Biblical

quotes you have been


Decide if they are FOR or AGAINST

the use of infertility treatments.

Can you give a reason WHY you have categorised

them either FOR or AGAINST?

Page 12: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

WHAT IF...?Even though some Christians agree with some fertility

treatments for many it would still depend upon the situation of the couple as to whether they believed it to be RIGHT.

How do you think a Christian would respond to the following?...

1. A same-sex couple wanting to use fertility treatments to start a family.

2. A married couple wanting to use fertility treatments to have more children.

3. An unmarried couple wanting to use fertility treatments to start a family.


Page 13: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments


(d) ‘All Christians should raise a family.’ Do you agree? Give

reasons for your opinion. (3) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3) In

your answer, you should refer to Christianity.

Page 14: Christian Attitudes To Infertility Treatments

One thing I have learnt today is...

One thing that has surprised me this lesson is...

One thing I would like to know more about is...
