christianity and slavery

Catholicism and Slavery The Superiority of Mind over Muscles cristianismo y esclavitut, christentum sklaverei, cristianesimo schiavitu, christianisme esclavage, cristianismo escravidão Dualism (slavery, war, exploitation, ...) was a Roman basic of life. When the Roman Empire disguised itself as Roman Christian Church, the Roman variant of Christianity of course allowed slavery. The catholic Encyclopedia writes about dualism : Denotes the religious or theological system which would explain the universe as the outcome of two eternally opposed and coexisting principles. Heaven and hell, good and evil, TRUE and FALSE, ... Unlike the fantasy of European Roman Catholic Church, Christian History learns that at first there were several Christianities spread all over the world. And what is more important, the crumbling Roman Empire took ethical view 'Christianity' of Paul and Peter as state religion . But it seems that the Latin translation of their common sense message as written down by St. Mark in Greek was corrupted. (and possibly made after both were crucified). Rome needed slavery and remained dualist. (people all are equal, and war is a waste of time) Rationalism provides Grip To prevent any mistakes : Especially the Protestant branch of Western Christian Church got very skilled in 'spiritual' (virtual) juggling with the labels 'good and 'evil' , and heavily encouraged slavetrade. And also delayed 'equality of women '. Because Immanuel Kant was protestant AND defender of abstract thinking. The most agressive branches were found in German Prussia, Anglican England, Calvinist Holland and especially in Southern USA. In Europe this variant of Roman Christianity got hidden, but in the shape of 'Apartheid' and more stealthy 'Liberty', Liberal and TRUE/FALSE thinking it flourished. 3 main reasons for denying the essence of modern human slavery are: Patriottism (i.e. US ), overvalueing the white race, and a fundamentalist trust in Roman Christianity. Joseph McCabe wrote in The Story Of Religious Controversy chapter 19. how Catholicism was ACTIVELY involved in slavery. He writes: ..."Pope Gregory was the greatest slave-owner in the sixth century. " Father Gregory allowed slave-owners to hand over their property to the Church as stand in for God on earth. The Papacy got IMMENSELY rich that way. Pope Gregory with this slave trade DEFENDED slavery. The Catholic Church forbade the trading of Christian slaves but in the Bull Romanus Pontifex (1454) granted Portugal a monopoly on the trade in African 'heathen slaves'. ...We [therefore] weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, ... granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit.... To prevent reading of anti-slavery tracts around 1800 the 'Sacred Congregation of the Index' of the Roman Catholic church placed many on its 'Index of Forbidden Books'. Also in Roman times freethinkers realized that slavery ('we VERSUS they' thinking; dualism) hindered being 'human'. In the first century Seneca wrote : When we abolish the slavery of half of humanity, together with the whole system of hypocrisy it implies, then the "division" of humanity will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form. STOP slavery! Page 1 of 20 christianity and slavery / catholic church and slavery / christianity anti slavery and catholi... 11/27/2009

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Page 1: Christianity and Slavery

Catholicism and Slavery The Superiority of Mind over Muscles

cristianismo y esclavitut, christentum sklaverei, cristianesimo schiavitu, christianisme esclavage, cristianismo escravidão

Dualism (slavery, war, exploitation, ...) was a Roman basic of life. When the Roman Empire disguised itself as Roman Christian Church, the Roman variant of Christianity of course allowed slavery. The catholic Encyclopedia writes about dualism: Denotes the religious or theological system which would explain the universe as the outcome of two eternally opposed and coexisting principles. Heaven and hell, good and evil, TRUE and FALSE, ... Unlike the fantasy of European Roman Catholic Church, Christian History learns that at first there were several Christianities spread all over the world. And what is more important, the crumbling Roman Empire took ethical view 'Christianity' of Paul and Peter as state religion. But it seems that the Latin translation of their common sense message as written down by St. Mark in Greek was corrupted. (and possibly made after both were crucified). Rome needed slavery and remained dualist.

(people all are equal, and war is a waste of time)

Rationalism provides Grip

To prevent any mistakes: Especially the Protestant branch of Western Christian Church got very skilled in 'spiritual' (virtual) juggling with the labels 'good and 'evil', and heavily encouraged slavetrade. And also delayed 'equality of women'. Because Immanuel Kant was protestant AND defender of abstract thinking. The most agressive branches were found in German Prussia, Anglican England, Calvinist Holland and especially in Southern USA. In Europe this variant of Roman Christianity got hidden, but in the shape of 'Apartheid' and more stealthy 'Liberty', Liberal and TRUE/FALSE thinking it flourished. 3 main reasons for denying the essence of modern human slavery are: Patriottism (i.e. US), overvalueing the white race, and a fundamentalist trust in Roman Christianity. Joseph McCabe wrote in The Story Of Religious Controversy chapter 19. how Catholicism was ACTIVELY involved in slavery. He writes: ..."Pope Gregory was the greatest slave-owner in the sixth century. " Father Gregory allowed slave-owners to hand over their property to the Church as stand in for God on earth. The Papacy got IMMENSELY rich that way. Pope Gregory with this slave trade DEFENDED slavery. The Catholic Church forbade the trading of Christian slaves but in the Bull Romanus Pontifex (1454) granted Portugal a monopoly on the trade in African 'heathen slaves'. ...We [therefore] weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, ... granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit.... To prevent reading of anti-slavery tracts around 1800 the 'Sacred Congregation of the Index' of the Roman Catholic church placed many on its 'Index of Forbidden Books'.

Also in Roman times freethinkers realized that slavery ('we VERSUS they' thinking; dualism) hindered being 'human'. In the first century Seneca wrote : When we abolish the slavery of half of humanity, together with the whole system of hypocrisy it implies, then the "division" of humanity will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form.

STOP slavery!

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After the Dark Middle Ages during which Roman Catholicism could not get grip on the masses it took the doctrine 'rationalism' (invented by Descartes) as way of thinking. Particularly after blessing by the 'fundamentalist' protestant Immanuel Kant use of rational logic did the trick, now a period of industrialism started AND Roman Catholicism was accepted as leading religion. The leaders in the Roman Empire unconsciously changed World History by immunizung the message of original Christianity. Because Christianity started as a revolutionary new political movement. It threatened the Roman way of life, with NOT AT ALL religious message: STOP SLAVERY.

Anyway, the split between church and politics or mind-body split is a Roman Catholic myth. And this way of thinking later allowed European powers to export slavery all over the world, under the guidance of the pope. It caused slavery Roman style in the America's, and through the English and Dutch invaders in South Africa (Apartheid). But in the end the Roman Catholic doctrine (the heavenly brotherhood of men) became clever, and hided slavery by using difficult rational terms. Some influential men of this brotherhood in the Vatican value their 'brotherhood' higher than common sense rules, and have no problem at all with Nazism, a handfull of other genocides of non catholics, capitalism and destroying environment. For them in their virtual 'heaven on earth' slavery of inferior humans is all

in their 'male supremacy' game. The modern name for slaves became 'laborers', and for their masters 'managers'. Dependend labor for nobles as found in feudal societies was banned. The egoistic middle class that destroyed nobility (not in terms of authority) had no problem at all with slavery. In fact slaves in ancient Islam (before Mohammedanism as Roman Christianity in Koran fit) had more rights than often modern laborers. [The Joker: The English spelling 'slave', dates from 1538. MAYBE result of keeping such unpaid workers in greedy middle class.]

At least 4 original Christianities The original message of Jesus was spread mainly his 3 of his 12 disciples and by St Paul (Saul) and St Mark. This Mark was a closely related friend, able to read and write. I think Paul could read, but was no master in writing. Remember that all of the disciples were illiterate men, say of level fishermen (no offense). But preaching Christianity meant discovery like travels and speaking with people from totally different cultures. And that in a time of walking and horse travel in which traveling more than 50 km was considered a long journey. That process took something like 2 ages, but was initiated by his first group of disciples.

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The puzzle for Jesus was, how to spread his message worldwide. He must have realized that he was quite different from other people. But he also must have realized having as disciples illiterate man. That's why as apostles he took men with a mix of being brave (the brothers Peter and Andrew, Thomas and John) and being educated (Paul and especially Mark)

A plausible fantasy (1)

Europe: Roman Catholic Christianity inspired by St Paul and St. Peter

Paul preaches Christianity in Greece. 62 AD: Paul is executed in Rome . 64 AD: Peter is crucified in Rome. Some way Christianity in Rome came to difference most from the original message of Jesus. The essence of the Latin translation of his gospel can the be seen as the split mind and body doctrine, a way of thinking promoted by the Hellenist Greek (the followers of Greek wizard Aristotle, the mental coach of Macedonian dictator Alexander the Terrible). Most clear is saying this is a way of thinking that does NOT contradict slavery. No surprise because Rome was full of slaves in those days.

India: Syrian Christianity inspired by St. Judas Thomas

Every disciple created his own version of Christianity. The biggest difference exists between the Latin version of the gospel Paul and that of Mark in West-Africa. Paul got influenced by Greek thoughts and didn't recognize that the Latin translation of his gospel (written down in Greek by Mark) was corrupted in Rome to a reshaped Christianity and indirect in all of Christian Europe. By the way, both Paul and Peter were killed by the Romans in power. The apostles of Jesus didn't start from scratch, but Egyptian Zoroastrian circles accepted Jesus as a kind of new 'buddha'. The visit of 3 Zoroastrian scientists might not be a myth, but evidence that Jesus was recognized in Zoroastrian circles in Egypt. The Roman Empire considered Zoroastrianism as 'pagan' ('strange' or outlaw), maybe reason of the brutal killing of 2 representatives of Jesus. Only in the Gospel of Mark Jesus often is called Son of Man and 'son of Mary', stressing the fact that he is human.

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This former carpenter and original disciple brought the gospel to India. Later European powers converted practically all of the Christians to Roman Catholic Christianity. After Catholic influences Syrian Christianity was the inspiration fo Mohammad to write the 'Quran' and create 'Muhammedan Islam'. Also St John is said to have preached in Asia (Artemis)

Ukraine: Ukranian Christianity inspired by St. Andrew St. Andrew did missionairy work in Ukraine. Later European powers converted practically all of those Christians to Orthodox (Roman Catholic) Christianity

West Africa: Zoroastrian Christianity stimulated by St. Mark Mark seems to have remained closest to the original message of Jesus. He brought Christianity to amongst others Egypt and Ethiopia. In Ethiopia at his time probably already for 5 ages was an older shape of Christianity, even older than Buddhism (Zoroastrianism is mother of Christianity, and heavily influenced Chinese Cha'n Buddhism.). Arrived some years after 515 BC in Ethiopia from Persia, through migrating Jewish people originating from Judah after being set free to leave Babylon (See World History). Mark is also said to have been in Rome and to have written the gospel of Paul in Greek. Than the translation into Latin must have been corrupted. The essence of Mark's view of the message of Jesus is unity of body and mind, resulting in loving/respecting every being. And TOTALLY OPPOSING slavery. End of brutal forms of slavery was the very cause of the extreme attraction of the message of Jesus. Mark was not 1 of the 12 original disciples (though closely related), but a very respected early Christian The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is heavily influenced by fugitive Syrian monks in the 4th century, who rejected the dual nature of Christ as proclaimed in the Council of Chalcedon. And thus ESSENTIALLY different from Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches

A plausible fantasy (2)

The message of Jesus MUST have been very simple, to survive being spread by others after years of travel

In his time without present scientific insights of mutancy in the brain and about the tremendous speed of associative brain processes, Jesus could only explain his explosion of creative thoughts as something like 'holy spirit' or 'God'. But the God of the Hebrew Bible was a half pagan agressive and jealous ghost. My guess of the message of Jesus: - There is only 1 god (in his view he called his extremely strong intuition "my father") - My father makes me 'see' (Jesus doesn't 'think' and presume 'understanding', but is lead by his intuition) - The common sense message of 'my father': Love thy neigbour as a brother or sister (trust your intuition) In Europe even this simple message got corrupted

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- There is only 1 god (male) - There are his representatives on earth (divine beings like the pope and by him chosen kings and cardinals) - Divine beings should be worshipped by all humans The message of St Mark in West-Africa was near to original (resulting in Coptic Christianity) - Every person has only 1 god (his/her intuition) - Very rarely a chosen human becomes a seeer (extremely strong intuition is very rare) - All that matters is love and respect The Roman Empire as Catholic Church annihilated 2 other apostolic versions of Christianity. The Romans murdered 2 apostles: Paul and Peter. But they didn't succeed fully in destroying Zoroastrian Christianity. The Catholic Church very easily spoke about other view on life as 'satanic' doctrines. The assistants of 'The Lord' molded the Catholic Church by defending 'The Truth' and wiping away other views.

A plausible fantasy (End)

In present day science terms Brain mutancies happen all the time, but very rarely an essential brain mutancy occurs in 1 individual human. Because of the exellerating speed of the human brain in associating this person soon exels in creativity. After that his/her communicative powers and persistance are decisive if this rare happening will turn into a paradigm shift (cultural shock resulting in cultural revolution). In the case of Jesus the attraction of his message and the persistance of his disciples did the trick. All but 1 of the thus created mini cultures of Christianity got converted to Roman Catholic Christianity. The Zoroastrian branch Coptic Christianity survived in original shape in Ethiopia A challenge for 'science' is to find ways to evoke strong intuition.

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A very generalized summary

Christianity of Slavery versus Christianity of

Freedom . Ashtonishing enough in 1919 Ethiopia was banned from membership into the League of Nations because of a wide practice of slavery. But that depended on the definition of dependent labor and the rules of money

economies. Nevertheless in 1923 slave trade in Ethiopia was abolished and existing slaves emancipated. Though it was more still a cultural system in feudal stage. The most famous recent representative of a quite uninfluenced shape of Coptic Christianity was Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (1892-1975). He inspired world famous peace-minded people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. I'm no religious Christian, but this really made me think. Selassie himself spoke about Ethopian Coptic Christianity as a sleeping beauty. Haile Selassie became the prophet behind Rastafarian belief in Jamaica, after a visit in 1966. He caused the name 'Rasta' music, that is because his nickname was Rasta Tafari

I'll use the following thought steps: (menu also on right-click, if windows menu in

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the way just click on another place) 0. Haile Selassie (1892-1975) 1. Quotes of Haile Selassie I about goverment 2. Spiritual Quotes of Haile Selassie I 3. Selassie Quotes about Human Values I 4. Quotes of Haile Selassie I about Human Values II 5. Education Quotes of Haile Selassie I 6. Leadership Quotes I by Selassie 7. Leadership Quotes II of Haile Selassie I 8. History Ethiopia I (source BBC) 9. History Ethiopia II (source BBC) 10. History Ethiopia III (source BBC) 11. History Ethiopia IV (source BBC) 11. History Ethiopia V (source BBC) 12. Amhara People Profile I (the sleeping beauty) 13. Amhara People Profile II (the sleeping beauty) 14. Reburial Haile Selassie

Haile Selassie (1892-1975) - Born as Tafari Makonnen in Ethiopia in 1892. - Married Wayzaro Menen in 1911, daughter of Emperor Menelik II. - Becoming in 1917 the progresseve prince (Ras), Tafari, heir to the throne - Crowned Emperor as Haile Selassie in 1930 as the 111th emperor in the succession of King Solomon. - 1890's Britain and Italy agreed that Ethiopia should fall under Italian influence. - But Ethiopia remained sovereign under Menelik - Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922 - Ethiopian Eritrea conflict caused by Eritrea being Italian territory - In 1936 Italy occupied Ethiopia - 1966 Haile Selassie visits Jamaica, becomes inspiration of "Movimiento Rasta" (Rastafarian Church) and Rasta Music. Selassie (or Rasta) was treated in Jamaica like a god, although denying the existence of gods. But

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just like Jesus he was a partially extremely gifted human, and deserved 'every inch' of shown love and respect. Curious coincidence?: Marcus Garvey lived in the same period as Selassie and was a Jamaican-born Black Nationalist leader whose Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was the most prominent Black Power organization of the 1920s. Although himself a Roman Catholic, Garvey encouraged his followers to imagine Jesus as Black and to organize their own church.

Quotes of Haile Selassie I about government

Democracy, Republic: What do these words signify? What have they changed in the world? Have men become better, more loyal, kinder? Are the people happier? All goes on as before, as always. Illusions, illusions. (The Joker: Illusions are like bubbles that explode outside the water)

When a whole nation accepts and maintains a government in exile, it means that the nation recognizes that government. .

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One should consider the interests of a nation before subverting it with words. Democracy is necessary in some cases and we believe some African peoples might adopt it. But in other cases it is a handful, a mistake.

We Africans will fight if necessary, and we know we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.

Spiritual Quotes of Haile Selassie I

The only way to face the arduous tests posed by life is to be spiritually prepared for them.

Discipline of the mind is a basic ingredient of genuine morality, and therefore of spiritual strength.

Whenever conflict arises between material and spiritual values, the conscience plays an important role, and anyone who suffers from a guilty conscience is never free from this problem until he makes peace with his conscience.

Man, who is by nature selfish, must learn that only in serving others can he reach the full stature or attain the noble destinies for which God created him.

Knowing that material and spiritual progress are essential to man, we must ceaselessly work for the equal attainment of both. Only then shall we be able to acquire that absolute inner calm so necessary to our well being.







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Quotes of Haile Selassie I about Human Values I

Happiness shared with many creates a source of permanent affection and understanding, but private happiness is a temporary matter.

To develop oneself, one has to develop ones own initiative and perseverance, one has to strive in order to grow.

Laziness is the sole breeder of sin, poverty, and discontent Independence means more than the granting of national flags and anthems. Without real and effective freedom in economic and political spheres, Liberty becomes a mere catch-phrase devoid of content.

Because peace cannot reign in an atmosphere reeking with poverty and hunger, we must explore and strengthen the means of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and enlightening the illiterate.

Justice is the fundamental axiom for the survival of freedom and government.

Selassie Quotes about Human Values II

If the wealth of a person cannot be for the general welfare, what would he gain for himself but grudge and hatred?

The fruit of ones sweat and mental labor are always rewarding, not only to oneself, but also to ones succeeding generations.









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The ultimate resource of a nation is its people.

Unless man becomes independent in his knowledge and capacity, what help he gets from others is little, but if he is self-dependent, he may be able to extend help to others.

Humanity by nature is gifted to think freely, but in order that his free thought should lead him to the goal of liberty and independence, his way of thinking must be shaped by the process of education. It is understood that the independence of the mind created individually will have as a result an independently minded nation.

Let us take pride in the fact that as free men, we attack and abhor racial discrimination on principle, where ever it is found and in what ever guise.

Education Quotes of Haile Selassie I

Education and the quest for knowledge stops only at the grave.

From the universities must come men, ideas, knowledge, experience, and technical skills, and the deep humane understanding vital to fruitful relations among nations... from the universities, too, must come that ability which is the most valuable attribute of civilized men everywhere: the ability to transcend narrow passions and to engage in honest conversation, for civilization is by nature "the victory of persuasion over force." Unity is strength.

An honest and persistent quest for truth is essential to the attainment of higher learning.

That education which ignores mans intrinsic nature, and neglects his intellect, cannot be considered true education.

Knowledge is power. If it is not applied properly to create, let there be no doubt, it will destroy.









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Leadership Quotes I by Selassie

In order to lead, one must be willing to follow.

Leadership does not mean domination.

The leader is marked by his individual craftsmanship, his sensibility and insight, his initiative and energy.

Leaders are people who raise the standards by which they judge themselves ,and by which they are willing to be judged.

A love of high quality, we must remember, is essential in a leader.

Leadership Quotes II of Haile Selassie I

To be dependable is to be willing to accept responsibility, and to carry it out faithfully.

One mark of a great leader is that he feels sufficiently secure to devote his thought.

A leader must possess initiative, which is the creative ability to think in new ways, and to do new









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things. The leader has to always stay ahead. He cannot afford to set up a procedure and then fold his hands and linger lazily watching it work. lie cannot be content merely to see new trends and take advantage of them. He must keep his imagination vividly alive. so as to originate ideas and start trends.

A good leader is devoted to his work and will willingly forgo even the demands of sleep to see its accomplishment. This does not mean that he is impetuous. On the other hand, he maintains a balance between emotional drive and sound thinking.

The art of leadership consists of the ability to make people want to work for you, when they are under no obligation to do so.

History Ethiopia I (source BBC) A Chronology of key events 2nd Century AD - Semitic people from the Arabian peninsula establish the kingdom of Aksum. 4th Century - Coptic Christianity introduced from Egypt. 1530-31 - Muslim leader Ahmad Gran conquers much of Ethiopia. Foreign Interference 1818-68 - Lij Kasa conquers Amhara, Gojjam, Tigray and Shoa. 1855 - Kasa becomes Emperor Tewodros II. 1868 - Tewodros defeated by a British expeditionary force and commits suicide to avoid capture. 1872 - Tigrayan chieftain becomes Yohannes IV. 1889 - Yohannes IV killed while fighting Mahdist forces and is succeeded by the king of Shoa, who becomes Emperor Menelik II. 1889 - Menelik signs a bilateral friendship treaty with Italy at Wuchale which Italy interprets as giving it a protectorate over Ethiopia. 1889 - Addis Ababa becomes Ethiopia's capital. 1895 - Italy invades Ethiopia. 1896 - Italian forces defeated by the Ethiopians at Adwa; treaty of Wuchale annulled; Italy recognises Ethiopia's independence but retains control over Eritrea. 1913 - Menelik dies and is succeeded by his grandson, Lij Iyasu. 1916 - Lij Iyasu deposed and is succeeded by Menelik's daughter, Zawditu, who rules through a regent, Ras Tafari Makonnen.



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History Ethiopia II (source BBC) 1930 - Zawditu dies and is succeeded by Ras Tafari Makonnen, who becomes Emperor Haile Selassie I. 1935 - Italy invades Ethiopia. 1936 - Italians capture Addis Ababa, Haile Selassie flees, king of Italy made emperor of Ethiopia; Ethiopia combined with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland to become Italian East Africa. Haile Selassie's reign 1941 - British and Commonwealth troops, greatly aided by the Ethiopian resistance-the arbegnoch-defeat the Italians, and restore Haile Selassie to his throne. 1952 - United Nations federates Eritrea with Ethiopia. 1962 - Haile Selassie annexes Eritrea, which becomes an Ethiopian province. 1963 - First conference of the Organisation of African Unity held in Addis Ababa. Red Terror 1973-74 - An estimated 200,000 people die in Wallo province as a result of famine. 1974 - Haile Selassie deposed in Marxist coup led by Teferi Benti. 1975 - Haile Selassie dies in mysterious circumstances while in custody.

On internet I found following text under Wikepedia: "Under Haile Selassie, corruption was rife and poverty rampant. However, after his overthrow, corruption was lessened". Clearly a mistake, based on paper research. Selassie was deposed in 1974 in a marxist military coup under rebel leader General Teferi Benti (who killed the first leader general Aman Andom). Benti probably was well meaning, but should have fought bureaucracy. Because Haile Selassie in the last say 20 years of his reign was a respected ruler, hindered by law and 'mountains' of bureaucratic prescriptions. Of course there had been poverty and corruption, but not because of Selassie being leader. Without any doubt people respected Haile Selassie. Both Selassie and Benti were liquidated by Mengistu.

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History Ethiopia III (source BBC) Mengistu Haile Mariam Mengistu: Led a reign of terror 1977 - Benti killed and replaced by Mengistu Haile Mariam. 1977-79 - Thousands of government opponents die in Red Terror orchestrated by Mengistu; collectivisation of agriculture begins; Tigrayan People's Liberation Front launches war for regional autonomy. 1977 - Somalia invades Ethiopia's Ogaden region. 1978 - Somali forces defeated with massive help from the Soviet Union and Cuba.

1985 - Worst famine in a decade strikes; Western food aid sent; thousands forcibly resettled from Eritrea and Tigre.

1987 - Mengistu elected president under a new constitution. 1988 - Ethiopia and Somalia sign a peace treaty.

History Ethiopia IV (source BBC) Ethiopia after Mengistu 1991 - Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front captures Addis Ababa, forcing Mengistu

Flying Menu I'll use these steps: 0. Roman Christianity and Slavery (6 pages) 1. Haile Selassie (1892-1975) 2. Quotes of Haile Selassie (7 pages) 3. History Ethiopia (5 pages) 4. The sleeping beauty (2 pages) 5. Reburial Haile Selassie

Last scroll back

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to flee the country; Eritrea establishes its own provisional government pending a referendum on independence. 1992 - Haile Selassie's remains discovered under a palace toilet. 1993 - Eritrea becomes independent following referendum. 1994 - New constitution divides Ethiopia into ethnically-based regions. 1995 - Negasso Gidada becomes titular president; Meles Zenawi assumes post of prime minister. 1998 - Ethiopian-Eritrean border dispute erupts into armed clashes. 1999 - Ethiopian-Eritrean border clashes turn into a full-scale war. 2000 April - More than eight million Ethiopians face starvation after three successive years of poor rain and failed harvests. 2000 May - Ethiopia captures the strategic Eritrean town of Barentu. 2000 June - Ethiopia and Eritrea sign a cease-fire agreement which provides for a United Nations observer force to monitor the cease-fire and supervise the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Eritrean territory.

History Ethiopia V (source BBC) Haile Salessie's funeral Haile Selassie: Reburied in 2000 2000 November - Haile Selassie buried in Addis Ababa's Trinity Cathedral. 2000 December - Ethiopia and Eritrea sign a peace agreement in Algeria, formally ending two years of conflict. The agreement establishes commissions to delineate the disputed border and provides for the exchange of prisoners and the return of displaced people. 2001 24 February - Ethiopia announces it has completed its troop withdrawal from Eritrea in accordance with a United Nations-sponsored agreement to end the border war. 2001 March - Meles Zenawi says he has thwarted an attempt to cause political upheaval by a dissident group in the dominant Tigre People's Liberation Front. 2001 April - Thousands of demonstrators clash with police in Addis Ababa in protest against police brutality and in support of calls for political and academic freedom. 2001 12 May - Intelligence and security chief Kinfe Gebre-Medhin-a key ally of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi-assassinated as he entered an armed forces officers' club in Addis Ababa. 2001 21 May - Ethiopia and Eritrea agree on a UN-proposed mediator to try to demarcate the disputed border

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Amhara People Profile I Religion: Ethiopian Coptic Christianity. Population: 15,000,000 Location: The Amhara (am-HAH-ruh), mostly farmers in the north central highlands of Ethiopia. The Amhara are a Semitic people whose ancestors probably originate both directly from King Solomon of Judah and from the Jews released from captivaty in ancient Babylon. Addis Abeba, the capital of Ethiopia and of the previous Amhara Abyssinian Empire, is home for many Amhara. History: They trace their roots to Menelik I, child of the queen of Sheba and King Solomon (Ethiopian legend Kebra Negest). The Sabaean (Sheban) people are thought beginning to settle on the west coast of the Red Sea, from their home in southern Arabia, about 1000 BC (that was the time of the reign of King Solomon). (so 1600 years older than Muhammedan Islam, and probably closer to original Zoroastrianism. Menelik I started the Solomonic line of rulers of Ethiopia that ended only with the deposing of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974. Except for a few notable exceptions, the Amhara have been the dominant people group in Ethiopia history. The strength of their culture is shown in this influence though they number only 15 million of the estimated 53 million population of modern Ethiopia. Jealousy of the influential role of the Amhara peope is wide spread in Ethiopia.

Identity: The Amhara claim close ties with the Jews, having adopted many cultural values and religious beliefs from them. (The One: in my opinion that indeed is with the Judah Jews of King Solomon, NOT with the later Hellenistic/Romanized Israel Jews. Because for 70 years Persia deported the Judah Jews 500 km away to Persia (Babylon). 'Babylon' is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bab-ilû,or Bab-Eili, meaning "Gateway of the god(s)", translating Sumerian Kadingirra), an ancient city in Mesopotamia (modern Al Hillah, Iraq). the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BC. In the Old Testament, the name appears as ??? (Babel), interpreted by Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion", from the verb balal, "to confuse". The

Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Around 550 BC Zoroastrianism spread from Persia westwards across Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Caucasus up to the borders of Greece. And south to the Arabian peninsula and North Africa including Egypt and Ethiopia. After being used as part of an international workforce in Babylon, the Jews were allowed to go home and rebuild Jerusalem. That's why between 538 B.C. and around 340 BC Palestine was under the Zoroastrian Persian protection. But some Jews must have preferred going by boat to Ethiopia. To join their far 'relatives', and to found the Empire of Aksum. In the meantime rebuilding Jerusalem was opposed by Israel (their former rival tribe the Samaritans). ).

My calculated guess is that the Amharans MAINLY decend from Persian Judah Jews who left Babylon. That still would nicely explain that the language of the Amhara is Semitic. And that myths say that the Empire of Aksum was founded by semitic

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people coming from the Arabian peninsula. The Amhara features are similar to the southern Arabs, olive to brown skin, with Caucasian features and dark circles around the eyes. The Judah Jews were later practically annihilated by the Hebrews of the Kingdom of Israel.

Language: Amharic, the language of the Amhara, shows its Semitic origin both in its alphabet and words shared with Hebrew and Arabic. Amharic is the language of

culture and education, spoken by millions of other Ethiopians and Eritreans as a second language.

Amhara People Profile II

Political Situation: The monarchy of Haile Selassie was slowly bringing change when it was overthrown by the radical and criminal Communist dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1974. Eighteen years of economic stagnation and civil war ended in 1991. At present

the gross national product of the country is $120 per capita, and real income is less than that, making Ethiopia one of the poorest nations in the world. For the Amhara people, the average life expectancy is around 46, compared to 75 years in the U.S.A. For the Amhara people, there is one doctor per 28,000 patients and one nurse per 8,400 patients. For every 1,000 live births among the Amhara, 135 children die in infancy; Among the Amhara people, only about 20% of adults can read.

Customs: Life in the Amhara farming society is hard. Most marriages are negotiated by the two families, with a civil ceremony sealing the contract. Divorce is allowed and must also be negotiated. There is also a "temporary marriage," by oral contract before witnesses. Religion: The Amhara culture focuses on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Because of its isolation, the EOC remained quite original and was almost not influenced by the European Roman Church. The Amhara are very proud of their culture and religion. Because this belief bases much of its beliefs and practices on tradition and not on fashionable Scripture, faith in Jesus Christ is not considered enough to be christian. Millions of the Amhara (luckily) have never heard the Roman Church Gospel, and remained amazingly original. The first contact with western Roman influenced Christianity was in the 1500s when two successive emperors converted under a Jesuit teacher. Emperor Susneyos had to abdicate after the

people resisted his efforts to force them to become Roman Catholics. His son immediately expelled the Jesuits in 1632.

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In the 1800s, ties with Europe led to Italian and British missionaries. Without much succes. There is the cultural belief that to be Amhara is to be Christian and to be Christian is to be Orthodox (Coptic Christian). The state of Sheba mentioned in the Old Testament is sometimes believed to have been in Ethiopia. According to the Kebra Negest (Ethiopian legend) the Queen of Sheba was tricked by King Solomon into sleeping with him, resulting in a child, named Ebn Melek (later Emperor Menelik I). When he was of age, Menelik returned to Israel to see his father. The legend that the biblical Queen of Sheba was a ruler of Ethiopia who visited King Solomon in Jerusalem in ancient Israel is supported by the 1st century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who identified Solomon's visitor

as a queen of Egypt and Ethiopia.

Reburial Haile Selassie

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Zarah II Page last modified 12 November 2009 Paradigm Shift Zarah II Return to Common Sense

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