christmas prayer service 25 dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC Don Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Quote: “Christmas is not as much as opening our presents as opening our hearts.” Theme: ‘It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.’ Ritual A: Live Nativity scene on the stage throughout the service. Ritual B: The Skit on ‘The Spirit of Christmas’. Event: 25 December 2011 – Christmas Day Scripture: Luke 2: Songs: What Child Is This – Ref: O Come all ye faithful Ref: Requirements: A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation: 1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements. 2. Prepare the Rituals A: The Live nativity scene Joseph, Mary and Baby on the stage Ritual B: Practice the skit with the kit earlier with Santa on the stage 3. The choir to practice earlier and sing. 4. Assign 4 readers to responsibly render their role, practice earlier to set the tone of prayerful devotion and let the prayer flow with meaningful pauses without flaw. 5. Display prominently – The Theme, Quote and the Logo. Introduction: (As the assembly gathers, Christmas carols will be played. Live Nativity Scene on the stage as a backdrop throughout the prayer service.) Leader: *Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC Mumbai) Resources


Page 1: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]


Quote: “Christmas is not as much as opening our presents as opening our hearts.” Theme: ‘It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.’ Ritual A: Live Nativity scene on the stage throughout the service. Ritual B: The Skit on ‘The Spirit of Christmas’.Event: 25 December 2011 – Christmas DayScripture: Luke 2:Songs: What Child Is This – Ref:

O Come all ye faithful Ref:

Requirements: A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation:

1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements.2. Prepare the Rituals A: The Live nativity scene Joseph, Mary and Baby on the stage

Ritual B: Practice the skit with the kit earlier with Santa on the stage 3. The choir to practice earlier and sing.4. Assign 4 readers to responsibly render their role, practice earlier to set the tone of prayerful

devotion and let the prayer flow with meaningful pauses without flaw.5. Display prominently – The Theme, Quote and the Logo.

Introduction: (As the assembly gathers, Christmas carols will be played. Live Nativity Scene on the stage as a backdrop throughout the prayer service.)


Today we are here to commemorate a sacred historical event - the birth of Jesus Christ, the saviour of mankind which took place in Israel 2 millennium years ago. Christmas is celebrated annually on December 25 by billions of people around the world as a joyful ending of the calendar year.

Christmas is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary as a fulfillment of the Old Testament's Messianic prophecy. Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to humankind. To experience Christmas joy we need personally receive God’s gift in Jesus Christ. Let us join the choir in singing ‘What Child Is This’.

Choir: What Child Is This – Ref:

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Page 2: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]



When Christ came, his birth was first announced to shepherds the outcasts of society. They were the first ones to hear the good news of Christmas and see the child. Our Lord came for the forgotten people of the earth and most of the time they are the ones who receive him with the greatest joy. Rich people often have little time for Christ, but the poor welcome him as an honored guest. Let us now listen to the scripture reading

Reader 2: Scripture Reading from the gospel of St. Luke chapter 2.

“And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!"

Reader 3:

There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries.  For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts, for the spirit of Christmas fulfils the greatest hunger of mankind.  It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.  Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love! 

Many popular customs associated with Christmas include exchange of Christmas greetings, gifts , music, decorations, church celebrations, nativity scenes in the church and homes using figurines. It is easy to miss "the reason for the season" of Christmas when its mighty founder was a child Himself, amidst the revelry and excitement of Santa at every corner. Let us put Christ into ‘X’mas in embodying the spirit of Christmas as it is unfolded in this skit.

Ritual: Skit on ‘The Spirit of Christmas’(2 Narrators N1, N2 & Roy each read their part on the mike in the background, while Santa is on stage miming his part.)( 7 Articles required - Xmas tree, Angel, Star, Candle Wreathe, Bell, Gift)

Narrator 1: One night before the Christmas Eve, Roy had a dream. Roy saw Santa Claus himself next to the Christmas tree, looking sad, disappointed and with tears in his eyes.

Roy : "Santa, what's wrong?" N 1: Roy asked, Roy: "Why are you crying?"N2: "It's the children," N 1: Santa replied sadly.

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Page 3: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]

AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCERoy: "But Santa, the children love you," N 1: Roy said.N2: "Oh, I know they love me, and they love the gifts I bring them," N1: Santa said,N2: "But the children of today seem to have somehow missed out on the true spirit of

Christmas. It's not their fault. It's just that the adults who have forgotten to teach them."Roy: "Teach them what?" N 1: Roy asked ……. Santa's kind old face became soft, gentler as he spoke softly.N 2: "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas. Teach them that the part of Christmas we

can see, hear, and touch is much more than meets the eye. Instruct them on the real meaning of symbols, customs & traditions of Christmas for what they truly are."

N 1: Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR TREE and placed it on the mantle. N 2: The pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round, depicting the

everlasting hope of mankind. All the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward heaven.

N 1: Santa reached into his bag and pulled out an ANGEL N 2: "It was the angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang

‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to persons of good will’N 1: He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. N 2: The star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the

world and the star was the sign of fulfillment of that promise. N 1: He then reached into the bag and pulled out a CANDLE.N 2: The candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world and when we see this great

light we are reminded of Jesus who displaces the darkness. N 1: He reached into his bag and then removed a WREATH and placed it on the tree. N 2: The wreath symbolizes the eternal nature of love. Real love never ceases. Love is one

unbroken round of affection. N 1: Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound and from his bag he pulled out a BELL. N 2: Teach the Children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of a bell, it should bring

people to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return. N 1: He reached in again and pulled out a HOLLY LEAF. N 2: The holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our

Savior. The red holly berries represent blood shed by Him. N 1: Next he pulled out a GIFT from the bag and said,N 2: "Teach the Children that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. N 1: He then pulled out from his bag an ornament of HIMSELF. N 2: Santa Claus symbolizes the generosity and good will we feel during the month of

December. "Teach these things to the children."N 1: Roy asked, Roy: "But where does that leave you, Santa?"N 1: The tears gone, a smile broke over Santa's face.N 2: "Why bless you, my dear," N 1: Santa laughed, N 2: "I'm only a symbol myself. I represent the spirit of family fun and the joy of giving and

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Page 4: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]

AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCEreceiving. If the children are taught these other things, there is no danger that I'll ever be forgotten."

Roy: "I think I'm beginning to understand."N 2: "That's why I came," N 1: said Santa. N 2: "You're an adult. If you don't teach the children these things, then who will?"

‘May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!’ N 1: Santa looked pleased for the twinkle was back in his eyes. He said, "Remember, the true

meaning of Christmas, and do not to put me in the centre, for I am but a humble servant of the ONE WHO IS. I bow down and worship Him our Lord and God."

(After a brief pause ….)


Prayer:O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it. Grant we pray, that we may share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Reader 4: Christmas is the day that holds all time together. Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day. This is the heart of Christmas. The baby in Bethlehem's manger was a gift, a present from a loving heavenly father to his lost and hurting children. Think of it this way: He didn’t send a committee. He didn’t write a book. He didn’t send a substitute. No, when God got ready to save the world, he offered the best that he had - his one and only Son. And in sending Jesus, he was really sending himself. This is the stupendous truth of Christmas—Emmanuel—God with us. Let us express our devotion as we join the choir in singing ‘O Come all ye faithful ‘

Choir: O Come all ye faithful Ref:

May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love to spread from home to home, from heart to heart, from one place to another. All the songs of Christmas have a universal appeal. Let us sing the song ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas' to bring a smile on the face of those who listen.


Prayer Song 1: What Child Is This – Ref:

1. What Child is this who, laid to rest / On Mary's lap is sleeping?Whom Angels greet with anthems sweet,/ While shepherds watch are keeping?

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Page 5: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]

AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCEChorus: This, this is Christ the King,/ Whom shepherds guard and Angels sing; Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,/ The Babe, the Son of Mary.

2. Why lies He in such mean estate,/ Where ox and ass are feeding?Good Christians, fear, for sinners here / The silent Word is pleading. (Chorus)

3. Nails, spear shall pierce Him through,/ The cross be borne for me, for you.Hail, hail the Word made flesh,/ The Babe, the Son of Mary. (Chorus)

4. So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh,/ Come peasant, king to own Him;The King of kings salvation brings,/ Let loving hearts enthrone Him. (Chorus)

5. Raise, raise a song on high,/ The virgin sings her lullaby.Joy, joy for Christ ïs born,/ The Babe, the Son of Mary. (Chorus)

Prayer Song 2: O Come all ye faithful Ref:

O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.

O Sing, choirs of angels,Sing in exultation,Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word.Give to our Father glory in the Highest;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.

All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,Born this happy morning,O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord. 

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Page 6: Christmas Prayer Service 25 Dec 10-11-12

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVECDon Bosco Youth Services – Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: [email protected]

AVEC PRAYER SERVICE RESOURCEPrayer Song 3: We wish you a Merry Christmas; Refr:

We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good tidings we bring to you and your kin; Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC