christmas: the gift that says you are not forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. or maybe you feel...

Intellectual materials are the property of Traders Point Christian Church. All rights reserved. Transcript November 26 and 27, 2016 Christmas: The Gift That Says | You Are Not Forgotten Matt Hessel | Galatians 4:4-7 Traders Point how are we? Hey, it’s good to see you guys. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. If you are a guest or you are visiting for the first time, I just want to say welcome. We’re really glad that you are here. My name is Matt. I’m one of the pastors here. What you are seeing here at the Northwest campus—this is only part of the story. As a church we are one church in multiple locations. Right now we have another campus joining us live about 20 minutes east of here on the north side of Indianapolis. That’s our North campus. So Northwest campus could we give our North campus some love right now? North campus, hope you guys are doing great. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving also. If you’re a guest there at North or here at Northwest let me invite you to stop by Connection Central on your way out. At the North campus it’s right in the middle of the lobby. You can’t miss it. Here at Northwest it’s in the right, front corner of the lobby. There are some people there who would love to introduce themselves to you and answer any questions that you might have. They’re going to be able to tell you things if you’re like, “Well, what am I supposed to ask?” Don’t worry. They’ll take care of you. They can tell you what we do around here and why we do it. And whatever your first step is or your next step to getting connected, they can help you out there. So stop by Connection Central on your way out. Are we good? Hey, go ahead and open your Bible up to Galatians, chapter 4. Galatians 4 if you brought your Bibles. It’s kind of hard to believe that we’re already at the end of November. It’s hard to believe that we are past Thanksgiving and now we’re staring right at Christmas. Now I know that some of you put up your tree like three weeks ago—bunch of sinners. And some of you started listening to Christmas music as soon as Labor Day was over. But now, since we’re past Thanksgiving, we really are at the most wonderful time of the year. It’s easy to see all of the hype that surrounds Christmas. It’s not hard to miss all of the shopping, and the sales, and the parties, and the decorations, and the food. Personally, me, I love relaxed Christmas parties. Key word: relaxed—where we’re just hanging out with a bunch of other families and friends. I love Christmas movies. I would consider myself a Christmas movie connoisseur. For me, it’s not Christmas until I watch It’s a Wonderful Life and the greatest Christmas movie of all time, which clearly we all know, Christmas Vacation, right? Yeah, you all are my people. You all are my people. We’re all about the Griswolds at my house. I love being able to give gifts. Love that. Not a fan of the shopping part. My wife will quickly tell you that. But if somebody else wants to buy them and I get to give them, I’m in. That’s awesome. But seriously, as a dad it’s pretty awesome to give gifts to my kids and watch them open them. I love this time of year and I’m sure that there are traditions that you’ve got that surround Christmas. All of that stuff is a blast. I look forward to it. But if you’re anything like me, it’s really easy to get wrapped

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Page 1: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently


Transcript November 26 and 27, 2016

Christmas: The Gift That Says | You Are Not Forgotten Matt Hessel | Galatians 4:4-7


Page 2: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 3: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 4: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 5: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 6: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 7: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 8: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 9: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 10: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

Christmas:TheGiftThatSays|YouAreNotForgotten November26and27,2016

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Page 11: Christmas: The Gift That Says You Are Not Forgotten…maybe you just feel alone. Or maybe you feel like you’re not redeemable because of whatever circumstance that you are currently

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