christs chronicles no 74

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  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    The ChristsChronicles8th Ap ril Last day of spring Term

    9th25th Ap ril Easte r b reak

    26th Ap ril First day of Summe r te rm

    29th Ap ril Bank HolidayRoyal Wedding, school closed

    3rd Ma y Yea r 7 Parents c onsultat ion , 3.30pm-6.30pm

    4th Ma y Spanish trip departs (Years 8-10)

    11th Ma y HPV injec tions (Year 8 g irls) 9am -11am

    13th Ma y Yea r 11 stud y lea ve beg ins

    19th Ma y Sc ience mo dules

    20th Ma y Humanities Day 2

    25th Ma y Sc ience Modules

    26th Ma y Lea dership Tea m d rop-in session, 3.30-6pm

    27th Ma y Sc ience Modules

    28th-5th June Ha lf te rm break

    Future events for your dia ry

    Special points of





    Sports News




    Inside this issue:

    PTA Quiz Night 2

    Red Nose Day 3

    Army Eng inee ring 3

    Ma ths Problem 4

    BBC Sc hool Rep ort 4/5

    Jack Petc hey 5

    Music Review 6

    Christs Drama 7

    New Build ing 8

    Frenc h Trip/ ASDAN 9

    Sports New s 10/11

    Ruths Message 12

    Ma y Fa ir/ Ama zon 13

    Advertising 14/5

    March/ April 2011 Issue 74

    Welcome to the latest issue of Christs Schools newsletter

    Please c hec k the sc hoo l spo rts boa rd for up to d at e w eekly fixtures

    You c an also c hec k the sc hool events c alenda r,

    which is upd at ed reg ula rly for more d iary da tes on our we bsite a t

    www .christs.richm ond .sc
  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Pag e 2 The Christs Chronicles

    The evening was a sell out

    atte nde d by staff, parents and

    go vernors of the sc hoo l.

    The the me for the night w as

    India and it included a delicious

    mea l, bea utiful de c orations and

    a spec ial round d ed ica ted to a ll

    things Ind ian. Mr Burkes shirt

    helpe d to set t he Asian sc ene !

    The winners table was called The

    Governors (but not a c tually our

    governo rs!) The w inners were

    Hugo and Jude Tugm an, Chris

    and Fiona Imb er-Coxhea d , Ben

    Fenton, Kate Fletcher, Joanne

    and Ron Percival. Well done!

    The Quiz Night ra ised 2,227.66,

    which will go towards the extras

    for new sc hoo l b uilding.

    The PTA would like to thank

    me mb ers, sta ff, pa rents and those

    that c ontributed to the fabulous

    raffle prizes for their support.

    Ra ffle Prizes inc luded ;

    Sha llop tripSteven


    Bottle of Champ ag ne-Anne


    Free ba r service + box of

    a les & b ott le of fizz-Adna ms

    2 La rge ga rden baskets-LilaGupta

    Beauty Products-Molton

    Brown, Richm ond

    50 mea l vouc her-Naked


    30 mea l vouc herSop hita

    Tha i Resta urant

    Coffee/ tea for 2 with

    pastries-Ca f el Fresc o

    Lovely food and excellent

    service -The Curry G arden

    A huge thank you

    The Governors

    Quiz winne rs.

    Well done!


    PTA Quiz Night - Frida y, 11th March

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 3

    A g roup of year 9 Sc ientist w ent t o York House to p a rticipa te in the

    REBP and Army Eng ineering Cha lleng e d ay.

    All the c om prehensive sc hoo ls in the Boroug h took p a rt. There w ere 11

    students from Christ's so we d ivided up into 3 tea ms. Eac h te am wa s

    given the sam e e quipme nt (6 whe els of d ifferent sizes, two piec es of

    c op per wire, a m oto r, rubbe r bands, a shee t of a luminium et c .) from

    which they had to p lan, design a nd the n build a wo rking b udd y. Eac h

    piec e of equipme nt had a c ost, so de pe nding on wha t you used ,

    de termined the c ost of your b ugg y.

    The b ugg ies were rac ed along a trac k and the fa stest a nd be st b uiltbug gy wo n! One of bug gies we nt ba ckwa rds, one w ent round in

    c irc les but one d id ma ke it to the end of the t rac k! This tea m (Jame s

    Upt on, Ahma d Sa lha , Emm a Brow n a nd Ronja Boe hme r) a lso w on the

    pric e for the b est ec onom ic al bug gy. Well do ne to all.

    Geo rgina Young

    Army Enginee ring Cha llenge Day

    Red Nose Day - Friday, 18th March

    Students supported Comic Reliefs Red Nose Day on Friday, 18th

    Ma rc h by ma king a nd selling c akes, orga nizing a spo t the ball c onte st,

    throwing jelly at staff and other fund raising activities.

    Ca sey Alves and Hanna h Stevenson o f 8B, fund ra ised in their loc a l

    a rea by wa shing c a rs etc . and ra ised ove r 130 on their ow n.

    Stud ents a lso b roug ht in 1 c oin do na tions for the 1 coin tub e c ollec -

    tion in rece p tion. If they raised ove r 400 then they w ould b e g iven

    permission to have a mufti day, and not wea r school uniform. This

    inc entive raised 509 for Comic Relief a nd they w ore their ow n c lothe s

    that Friday.

    Well done !

    Winners of the best and

    most economica l buggy

    The winning b ugg y

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 5

    de velop ed their ability to wo rk in tea ms, to mee t

    de ad lines and imp rove their com munica tion skills.

    Participating in the BBC School Report gave me an

    insight into what its like to be a journalist. I en joyedlooking at the new s stories a t the sta rt o f the day,

    c hoo sing a story and late r see ing the finished

    product. (Sam)

    It was fun and a good experience for the future. I

    rea lly enjoyed the sc rip t w riting and ed iting . (Yvette)

    It taught me how to think about news stories and to

    ap p ly my know led ge whe n asking interview q uestions

    and ed iting the sto ry. I a lso used my persua sive skills

    whe n finding interview ees. (Toby)

    Ove r 30,000 stud ents ac ross the UK took p a rt in sc hoo l

    rep ort, which not o nly ga ve them valuable experienc e

    of the me dia, but a lso g ave viewe rs a unique insight

    into the news from the p oint of view o f a ge neration of

    young peop le in the UK.

    Claire Lorenz

    A group of 25 yea r 10s too k pa rt in the one da y Spea k Out Cha llengesponsored b y the Jac k Petc hey Found a tion.

    The d ay w as grea t fun and very interac tive, with plenty of spea king g ame s and

    c ha llenges. The p upils lea rnt ho w to spe ak in front of a group with mo re

    c onfide nce and enjoyment. They had to think on their feet w hen g iven

    improvisational tasks and learnt the basics for any public speaking situation.

    The first ta sk wa s to ta lk briefly (ab out a minute in length) on a subjec t b ased on

    a pe rsona l expe rienc e suc h as a holida y, an ac hievem ent or a mem orable

    event. The final c ha llenge wa s to deliver a slight ly longer spe ec h on any

    subjec t. It c ould b e a n issue o r topic tha t they feel strongly ab out, som ething

    they w ish to c hange or ab out som eone w ho insp ires them or who ha s bee n

    influential in the ir life. The pup ils involved a ll worked very hard b ut ho pefully

    c ame awa y from the da y with som e useful skills.

    From the day there w ere four w inners, two of w hom , Fahris Ma nsour and Alex

    Ma rc h, went o n to rep resent the sc hoo l a t the reg iona l fina l a t Ric c a rds Lod ge


    On tha t eve ning a bo ut 18 pup ils from ac ross the b oroughs of Richmond and

    Merton g ave spe ec hes a nd a lthough ne ither Fahris nor Alex won , they had

    some high p raise from the o rga niser who tho ught they ha d bo th had go od

    na tura l styles of d elivery, and grea t to p ics.

    As a lwa ys, we a re ve ry grateful for the supp ort we g et from Jac k Petc hey.

    Sarah Brown

    Jac k Petchey Speak out Challenge


  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Pag e 6 The Christs Chronicles

    It has been a busy term in the m usic dep artment. It ha s been go od to see the inc rea sing

    involveme nt o f visiting sta ff in the d ep artme nt, and Ca th Fish, our singing tea c her,

    hosted an excellent "at home " in the m usic dep artme nt, fea turing solos and ensemb les

    from a ll her stud ents. The standard wa s high and the p iec es a ll thoroug hly p rep ared ,

    and the eve ning w as enjoyed by all who a ttended : pup ils, pa rents and friend s. This wa s

    the sec ond in a series of "at ho mes" whose a im is to g ive stud ents the op portunity toperform in a mo re informa l atm osphere tha n our ma jor sc hoo l co ncerts; the first was a

    Yea r 7 & 8 soloists' evening, equa lly a suc c ess. Aga in, this wa s very well attended , and it

    is enc ourag ing to hear so many good young music ians.

    Just a fter half-term, the sc hoo l invited Raul d'Oliveira for a who le da y of Samb awo rkshop s, which rea lly go t the p up ils going! At the end of the d ay, the m em bers of the

    Yea r 10 wo rkshop performed the result of their wo rk to a ll Yea r 7 and 8 pup ils.

    Right now , the foc us of the dep artme nt has be en w ith the Yea r 11 students rec ording

    the ir performa nc es and c om positions. These rep resent a wide variety of styles, and it isgo od to see students ma king increa sing use o f the g rea t music tec hnolog y fac ilites we

    have: in pa rticular more students a re using Cub ase and Sibe lius softw are to p rod uc e

    high quality rec ordings and sc ores.

    Now a request: Mr. Wilson w ould very muc h like to know if any parents or friends of thesc hoo l wo uld be interested in forming a c ommunity choir which would rehea rse one

    evening in the music de partment: if there were suffic ient num bers we c ould work

    towa rds a performa nc e o f som ething like Orff's Ca rmina Burana . Please e ma il Mr. Wilson

    to express an interest!!

    Philip Wilsonpwilson@c hrists.richmond .sc

    Sam ba Workshop

    Music Review

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 7

    On Tuesday the 29th of Marc h, Christ's stud ents performed the ir

    GCSE drama p iec es to a n aud ienc e o f pa rents, friend s and

    tea chers. There were three fa nta stic performa nc es whichinc lude d singing and danc ing as well as insp iring ac ting. All

    three plays touc hed on d ifferent top ic s that w e c an relate to in

    our own lives and na tura listic thea tre wa s used mo st o f the time.

    We witnessed some inc red ib ly em otiona l performa nces,

    c onveying how pe op le de al with rea l-life p rob lems.

    The night wa s a grea t succ ess and pa rents we re p roud , you

    c ould sense the friend ly atmo sphere, with polite c hat terbetwe en p arents, and a little nervousness from the stud ents who were performing. The

    evening ended on a high no te w ith p resents given out to the d rama tea c her, Miss

    Med wa y, whe n she m ade her ow n speec h ab out the students, and wa s a lmo st in tea rs. The

    spe ec h move d the c rowd too, so much so tha t some p eop le c ried . It wa s a ve ry happy


    Now the rea lity o f GCSE d rama ha s rea lly kic ked in for yea r 10 stud ents like me... the

    pressure is mo unting, b ut, by see ing the c ompetition, it is undoub ted ly a n insp ira tion to do


    Sop hie Jubeh

    Christ's Does Dram a

    Gua rd ian Young Journal ists

    Two yea r 10 stud ents, Wend y Barnes and Sop hie Jubeh, a re c ontinuing to mee t the

    dea d lines and ha ve their a rticles pub lished for the Gua rd ian Young Journalist sc hem e. Their

    ta sk is to w rite one artic le p er month on a loc a l story, ove r a period of 8 months, and to

    ma ke sure that it is c hec ked and up loa de d o nto the Gua rdian website by the end of eac h


    As we ll as ga ining fantastic expe rience of w riting for the med ia , they a re b uild ing up a

    portfolio o f wo rk, "I enjoy do ing e xtra resea rch and finding o ut about stories in my loc al

    c om munity" c om me nted Wendy. "I've imp roved my Eng lish writing skills and m et a ll thedea d lines. This has bee n a rea l c ha lleng e but I've ga ined a sense of sa tisfac tion

    from upload ing ea c h artic le on time," ad ded Sop hie.

    They are now over half wa y through the sc heme and have met every de ad line so

    fa r. Providing they keep this up , they will rec eive a p rofessiona l letter of rec og nition to a dd

    to their CVs.

    Claire Lorenz

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Pag e 8 The Christs Chronicles

    On Thursday 10th March a n exc iting milestone, almost lite rally, was reac hed in the New Build ing

    projec t: the laying do wn o f the founda tions. In atte nda nc e w ere Hea dte ac her Mr Burke, de puty

    hea d Ms Walsh, Ms Brown w ho is c oo rd ina ting the build ing projec t on b eha lf of sc hoo l and Ruth-

    the C ha p lin with seve ra l very kee n Yea r 7 stud ents, a ll the re to w itne ss the c erem ony. Anenormous a mo unt of p rep aration wo rk has go ne in to ge t to this sta ge .

    First, there wa s the dem olishing o f the existing roo ms on b oth the first a nd sec ond floors of the

    build ing . The rooms nea r the front o f the b uild ing w ere c om p letely destroyed and the loc kers in

    the c orrido rs had to b e remo ved to ma ke wa y for temp orary sc reening. Luckily som e of the do ors

    left in plac e ha ve sma ll windo ws in so a ll the p upils c an keep an eye o n the b uilding site a nd how

    it c hang es ea c h da y. The next stag e w as to exca vate the g round in p rep aration for the

    found at ions with the b uild ing w ork force c hipp ing out old fo unda tions - very noisy - and c rea ting

    huge holes rea dy for the c onc rete and steel fram es which a re ne ed ed to streng then a nd supp ort

    the c olumns.

    Follow ing the fo unda tion ceremo ny, the stee l frame s we re p ut in plac e on the 15th Ma rc h. The

    ma c hines used to assist this we re a 30 tonne c ity c rane a nd two c herry p ickers. This job w as

    finished on Friday, 18th Ma rc h a nd it is wo nderful now to see the ac tua l structure of our newbuilding. The builders started their work in January and since then the students of Christs have

    had to c op e w ith ma ny change s to their da ily routines. The w orst a spe c t is p rob ab ly the no ise.

    How ever, the b uilders a re on sc hed ule a nd there have b ee n no a c c idents or mista kes and it is

    now great to see so m uc h p rogress. Stud ents fee l it will be w orth it whe n the b uild ing is finally


    Wend y Barnes

    Students at Found ation Cerem ony

    Start of a new build ing

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 9

    ASDAN Yea r 10 group w ere d elighted

    to be g iven the on-going opp ortunity

    of a ssessing the deve lop me nt o f the

    new building extension.

    Every Tuesday d uring lessons we mee t

    with Ma rk the site Ma nger to d isc uss

    and view the d evelopm ent of theextension.

    The g roup were te rribly excited a t the

    prospe c t of g oing on the sc affolding

    and looking a t ea c h floor now that

    the c onc rete floor has be en laid and

    the floors are really starting to come


    The g roup had a hea lth and safe ty

    talk and were m ad e to wea r all the

    build ing site gea r that is nec essary for

    when wa lking a round the site.We wo uld like to take this op portunity to tha nk Mark for his time a nd effo rts with the group

    and look forwa rd to o ur we ekly visits.

    Ca therine Harris

    Asda n Aimimg High

    Yea r 7 Frenc h Trip Yea r 7 stud ents trave lled to Franc e on Frida y, 1st Ap ril to sta y at the Kingswoo d C ha tea u

    nea r Diep pe. Here are some o f their c om ments:This yea r the Frenc h stud ents we nt o n a Frenc h trip to Diep pe. During this ama zing trip we

    visited a b rilliant aquarium w ith load s of exotic fish which we go t to touc h.

    When w e a rrived a t the C hateau we all chose rooms and had an e xc iting night. Most of us

    ate too many sweets and couldnt get to sleep.

    The follow ing d ay w e w ent to the market.

    Most of the bo ys bo ught a kilog ram of

    sweets. When we got ba c k to the c hatea u

    we go t to know some Frenc h kids tha t later

    stayed in our roo m that night . Soon a fterwe w ent to the be ac h with our new

    Frenc h friend s.

    We went to the Cider Farm the next da y.

    We touched o ld fashioned eq uipm ent

    that they used to make c ide r with.

    The d isc o was fun, and I b roke my finge rs

    break danc ing!

    A g reat time was had by all.

    Review s by: Ben Chin, Ben King, Aida n Mc Millan a nd Ellie Mc Lay.

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Page 10 The Christs Chronicles


    Emily Mayer and Deryn Este rhuyse o n Frida y, 4th Marc h to ok p art in the

    North Lond on Nationa l Junior Indoo r Row ing Cha mp i-

    onships. The g irls took p art in 5 m inute row ing p iec es to

    do the ma ximum a mount of m eter coverage. Deryn

    c ame 2nd out o f 100 girls in her division and Emily ca me


    Congratulations girls!


    Overa ll results for yea r 7 and 8 as follows: Yea r 7 wo n 4 out of 6 ma tc hes.Yea r 8 won 4 matc hes, drew 1 and lost 1. The e fforts

    within the g irls netb all tea m ha ve b een outstand ing this



    Yea r 8/9 basketball tea m on the 21st Ma rc h played the Borough final

    against Waldergrave sc hoo l and w on 24-18 and are

    now Borough Cha mp ions. Well done !

    Yea r 8 boys a re a lso Boroug h Basketb a ll Cha mpions with a w in on the

    15th Feb ruary aga inst Twickenha m Ac adem y . In thefinal they won 22-2. Exce llent job boys!

    Bad luc k to the yea r 9 boys who lost out on the Borough Cha mp ionship

    title a ga inst Hampton Boys Sc hoo l on the 31st Ma rc h.

    Rugby League:

    Yea r 9 girls a re Boroug h Champions. On Thursday, 31st Marc h they

    played Greyc ourt, Walde rgrave, Twickenham Ac ad e-

    my and Ham pton Ac ad emy and won in the final

    ag ainst Twickenham Ac ad emy, 2 tries to 1 and ma de it

    throug h to the Reg iona l Tournament o n the 5th May.Good luc k g irls!

    Sp o rts Ne w s

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 11

    On Wednesda y, 6th Ap ril Nicky Worsley our Sc hool sports c oo rdinator

    held the first Prima ry junior foo tb a ll orga nisers to urnam ent for our loc a l

    cluster primary schools to include St Elizabeths, Holy Trinity a nd Marsh-gate yea r 3 stud en ts. Our JFOs and GC SE PE stud ents tra ined the Year

    3s on the day with a warm-up session, skills session, refereed 4 matches,

    a sem i and a fina l. Congratula tions to M arshga te w ho to ok 1st and 2nd

    pa lc e a nd p layed ea c h other in the finals. A big tha nk you to M ic k

    greenwood who helped organize the Christs students for the training

    on the d ay. An exc ellent d ay ha d b y all!



    Well done C onnor for hisfantastic efforts.

    Richmo nd Girls to ta l from 4

    rac es = 310 p ts, Harrow =


    Richm ond Boys to ta l from 4

    rac es = 511p ts, Barnet =

    378p ts, Harrow = 561pts

    Overall: Richm ond = 821pts,Harrow = 1166p ts - only tw o

    Boroug hs c losed full teams of 6athletes.

    Nic ola Worsley


    Connor Patte rson who ranked

    32 / 64 in U15 c a tegory of the

    Midd lesex Co unty C rossCo untry finals a t Harrow

    Sc hoo l on a freezing, we t a ndwindy day of Tuesda y 15th


    Connor put a grea t run in up

    and d ow n the hilly grounds of

    Harrow Independ ent sc hoo l a

    hard c ourse known to ma ny!

    Connor and his tea m ma tes

    ga ined the m ost points ove ra llfo r TEAM RICHMOND and

    be c am e the reigning Borough

    These w ill be held on the 18th Ap ril.

    Go od luc k to 14 of our 14 year 11

    bo ys that ha ve be en selec ted t otake p art.

    Connor Patterson

    Prima ry School Links

    The London Rugby Lea gue

    talented athlete trials

    A Big thank to Nick

    Graham whohelped c oac h the

    Christs students

    footba ll teams this


  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Page 12 The Christs Chronicles

    In my last letter I me ntioned the link we we re b eg inning to b uild with

    Strathmore Sc hoo l for ch ildren w ith severe lea rning d iffic ulties. This te rm we w elcom ed

    a number of Strathmore stud ents and the ir Lea rning Support Assista nts to two o f our

    Yea r 7 Art c lasses. The stud ents were working with c lay and the joint experienc e w as

    very positive. We hop e to we lc om e mo re students to som e of our summ er Textiles

    c lasses for felt-making . Ivan Pryc e, the Hea d Tea c her from Strathmore spoke a t one o four Whole Sc hool Assem b lies to exp lain the simila rities and d ifferenc es between the

    students of b oth sc hoo ls. During tha t a ssembly he ta ught our pup ils the a lphabet in

    sign langua ge . They w ere rea lly enthusiastic a nd we hop e tha t when Strathmore

    stud ents me et with ours in future lessons, releva nt sign language words will be sent up

    in a dva nce so tha t those w ho a re interested c an lea rn mo re.

    During this term Ive been meeting local youth workers and, with their he lp, we will be

    op ening a n After Sc hool Caf Club o ne a fternoon a week from 3pm5pm. This will

    simp ly be a plac e fo r the stude nts to c ome a t the e nd of the sc hool da y to soc ialise

    with the ir friends. Adults will be p resent . I will let you know more once were up and


    The plans for Emlyns Garden are now completed and Year10 vo luntee rs will have a

    c oup le o f Sa turda ys a t the b eg inning o f next term p lanting up the g a rde n, before

    orga nising and running a spec ia l event to officially op en it.

    At the time o f writing a 1-2 me tre d iam eter wire a nd pa pe r

    ma c h c rown of thorns has a lmost be en c ompleted by DT

    stud ents for the Easter servic e. A number of stud ents havewritten about subjects that are thorns in the flesh of

    huma nity today. Their p iec es will form a n impo rta nt p art o f

    the servic e, and theyll add a thorn to the crown after theyve read their contribution.

    Textiles stud ents will then transform the c rown of thorns with ga rland s of ma terial

    flowers that have been m ad e in the de pa rtment. One o f the sc hool ba nds will be

    accompanying some of the singing and well also be using well-know n hits tha tcapture the themes were exploring.

    The stud ents ra ised over 500 for Red Nose Da y which was fabulous. Stud ent Counc il

    p ic ked two c harities for our Lent fund -ra isingFive Talents and Ma ke a Wish. Coming

    a t the same time a s Red Nose Da y the e nthusiasm to raise m oney has wa ned and

    weve not done very well for these charities. Im keen that our students enjoy raising

    money for c harity, and dont experience it as a pressure, so if you ha ve a ny idea s

    abo ut how we c an enco urag e them in this area, please let me know.

    I hop e everyone ha s a grea t ho liday and tha t those c elebra ting Passove r, Easter, orthe ma ny spec ial Hindu days will find b lessing in these festivals.

    Kind reg ards,



    A message from our Chaplain, Ruth Scott

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 13

    Thank you for the wo nderful offe rs of he lp tha t a re rolling in

    keep them c oming please!

    Were getting some fantastic prizes: a weeks family member-

    ship to the Riverside Hea lth & Rac quets Club ; 4 tic kets to Ken-

    wo od Summe r Pic nic; Roya l Court Thea tre tickets; Nintendo Wiifitness boa rd and dum bbells; a bea utiful p lanted d isp lay; a free

    haircut; etc please keep asking at work and in your local

    shop s and businesses. We have a letter of introd uc tion you c an

    use so plea se g et in touc h.

    More news after Easter have a great holiday!

    Pauline Ronksley 07769 700028 paulineronksley@gma Ma rie Hawtho rne 07905 824452 ma-

    rie.haw thorne@imgworld .com

    Claire-Louise Frenc h 020 8878 6582 c lfrenc h@blueyond er.c

    I wo uld like to tha nk all the p a rents who have p urc hased bo oks for us

    from our Ama zon Wish List.

    This is an on g oing p rojec t a nd we a re reg ularly ad d ing to the w ish list

    and any p arent who w ould like to buy a b ook for the sc hool needs

    only follow the instruct ions below .

    To a c c ess the w ish lists, go to the Ama zon we bsite, click on Wish

    List (tab in top right ha nd c orner), then put Christs School into the

    sea rc h bo x that a utoma tic ally co mes up.

    When you ha ve selecte d the b ook you wish to p urc hase a dd it to your

    ba sket a nd p roc eed to c hec k out. You w ill be a sked to log in with

    your own Ama zon ac co unt and then you ca n choo se to have the

    bo ok de livered to sc hool.

    If you are ha ving any prob lem s p lea se e -ma il me :

    [email protected]



    Christs School stall at the Richmond May Fair

    Saturday 14th May 10am 5pm

    Am azon Wish list

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Page 14 The Christs Chronicles

    Advert is ing

    Sixth form provisionsurvey of students and pa rents

    In Dec em ber 2010, the Councils Cabinet affirmed its commitment to undertaking a

    feasibility study regarding the establishment of sixth forms in the boroughs eight sec-ond a ry sc hoo ls and ac adem ies. As part of tha t fea sib ility, the Co unc il is running a

    survey from Mo nday 28 Marc h until Friday 29 April to ob ta in the view s of sec ond ary

    sc hoo l and c olleg e stud ents and of p aren ts of students a t a ll phases.

    The survey c an b e a c c essed a t

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Issue 74Pag e 15

    Z U M BA T OM IC (Zumba for children 4-12yrs)

    Monday & Wednesday

    8-9pmFulbrook Sports Centre, New Haw,

    KT15 3HW

    Tuesday 7.30-8.30pmGumley School for girls,

    Isleworth, TW7 6XF

    Thursdays from


    Isleworth Recreation Centre,

    Twickenham Road, TW7 7EU

    Isleworth Recreation centre, Twickenham Road, TW7 7EU

    12, 13, 14 April 12.00-16.15

    Ages 5-13 yrs

    25.00 per child

    Please contact Kate to book a place or for further information

    If you would like to a dve rtise your

    business or servic es in our newsletter

    please contac t: Mrs J Ralph at

    jralp h@c

  • 8/7/2019 Christs Chronicles No 74


    Page 16 The Christs Chronicles

    Add itional information:

    To c onta c t Sta ff b y e-ma il p lea se use the ir first initia l

    and then surnam e w ritten a s one word followe d by

    generic end ing: @c hrists.richm

    There is a lso a quick link via sc hool website.Christ's Sc ho ol

    Que en 's Roa d



    TW10 6HW

    Phone : 020 8940 6982

    Fax: 020 8332 6085

    E-ma il: [email protected]

    Timetab le for school day

    All stud ents to a rrive a t

    sc hool and b e rea dy for

    reg istra tion a t 08.30

    Morning break 10.40-10.55

    Lunc h break 12.55-13.40

    End of sc hoo l 15.00

    Summe r uniform required :

    b lazer, white shirt and sc hoo l

    tie o r summe r polo shirt

    To o rder uniform go to our

    website: http://

    c hrists.richmond .sc



    Summer Term

    26th April20 July at 1pm

    Pub lic Holiday, Frida y, 29th Ap ril 2011 - sc ho ol c losed

    Bank Holiday Mond ay, 2nd Ma y 2011 - sc hool c losed

    Half Term

    30 Ma y3 June

    Have a restful Easter break