chronicling america...poison is a man's teeth. pugilisthaley, hire from tbe effects nf a cut hand....

POISON IS A MAN'S TEETH. Pugilist Haley, Hire From tbe Effects nf a Cut Hand. Professor James Haley is a pugilist, a teacher of boxing nnd a lintel proprietor. He is now running the Long Island Hotel, on Front street, near Fulton, which Jack Dempsey used to keep. He Is a well-known light-weight fighter and defeated such men as Tom Henry and Jimmy Carroll. Saturday Bight Mrs. Haley returned home from a visit to her mother in Harlem, and a- she left the elevated road at Fulton anil Pearl streets she noticed a man following her. It was 10 o'clock at night and Mrs. Haley walked rapidly toward home, but she eonld not elude the wru ; d-be masher. He followed her to the hotel and up tin- steps endeavoring to get her into conversation. Professor Haley was sitting in the oft talking to some of the guests w ben-he heart his wife calling to him. He ran nut ami elia«esi the intruder downstairs and up to Beekraan street. Haley let drive his ri^lit and knocked out two of the mnii's front teeth. The fellow afterward said lie would get even and claimed to lie a Custom-hous- Inspector. Nothing has beeu heard of him since. Late that night Haley's arm began to pain him, but he. thought nothing of it. He had cut his knuckles on the man's teeth, but that was nothing. Next morn- ing his arm was much swollen and disco!- ored, and extremely painful. Haley's first impression was that be bad rheumatism. but the discoloration of the arm con- vinced him that something else was tin- matter. He sent for Dr. Hemingway, and tin* physician immediately declared it a cas." of blood-poisoning. Haley grew worse, and since Wednesday has been unconscious about half the time.— Jf. Y. World. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. The late Major Bund v was a groomsman at Chaumey M. Depew's wedding. Mr. Navarre) firmly and distinctly protests against being constantly allude 1 to as Mary Anderson's father-in-law. lie dislikes the n'tloi'ted glory. There i.« not one scintilla of truth In the rumor that Mrs. Kendal's oldest daughter is' burning with a desire to lollow in lie. mother's footsteps. Mrs. McKee very sensibly observes that there has been altogether ton much of the Baby McKeo talk in the newspapers, an i that she is heartily tired of it all. It is one of Mr. Blame's peculiarities tha; he has always preferred to speak onto' doors. lie would rathe* talk among the pine trees than in any hall in the world. Captain Mary Miller, the woman win managed a steamboat on the Mississippi seven years, and subsequently sectir.-d a pile t's license, has applied for the place of light-house keeper on the Gulf Coast. John Archibald is one of the Standard Oi magnates. Ho started as an oflice-boy at Titusvillo a few years agn. speculated su-- cessfully as soon as he got hold of a liito money, and is to-day worth 515.000.000. General Taylor of the Boston Globe i- back from his European trip fullof inter- esting tales of his experiences, but slraug to relate he still clings to the absurd notice that Boston is about the finest city there is Meissonier's studio, with its exquisite works of art and dizzy bric-a-brac, ha- been offered to the French Government In. 5400.000, a price at which any pnvatu col- lector would jump like a trout at a teuiptiiij. fly. IfWilliam Waldorf Astor carries nut his present plan of making a permanent horn in London there will come an end to the un- seemly discussion here as to who is the Mr- Aster, and the Postmaster's duties will b correspondingly lessened. At IJie marriage of Professor .laser* daughter, the brido wore a veil made o wool of wonderful fineness and delicacy o texture, and her wedding-robe was in itsell a practical lesson on the possibilities of woo and a tribute to her father's pet theory nt normal clothing. The King of l'onnianla Is in quite a fro! because the recently published picture ol the Queen, Carmen Silva, represents lin with Mile. Vacnresco leaning her head upon the shoulder of her Majesty. He has grabbed the negatives of the picture and is now buy- ing up all the copies he can find. Chief Arthur of the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Engineers, looks about GO years old. is about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about 150 pounds. His hair is gray and the care- fully trimmed Prince of Wales beaid which adorns his florid face Is almost white. His upper lip is clean shaven and his thin lip- hate a habit of coming together ."after each sentence in a very determined and positive way. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1891-EIGHT PAGES. 5 OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS, OAKLAND KKAL ESWTK. AKLANDAGENCY—ADVERTISEMENTS AND subscriptions received at the Oakland Branca Offlce of Tire IHorsin-ci Uai.i, 902 Broadway. THIS ISJUST A "TEASER"; ARE Villi BROKE? Will take anything worth $150 (a shotgun, flog. grineistones, scrap - Iron or precious Noses) us first payment on lot 1101165 feet near Piedmont cable; high ground; price $600: don't can before 7a. St., but avoid the rush, If possible. L.L. SALS- BURY. sole agent, 468 Ninthst.. Oakland. wSg 7t "I] A LARGE LOTS IN THE MACY IKAC?, ON' A 11/ line of Oakland and Haywards electric road: terms, $200 each; one-quarter cash, balance on easy terms. THE BUENAVENTURA TRACT. - Yt On the same line, and In the same vicinity, and on tho same terms. HO BETTER OPPORTUNITY EYEK OFFERED To secure a home ou easy payments; 50 per cer.t cheaper than the adjoining property; streets graded: water mains laid and public school near by: climate, soil and scencrv perfect. Apply to CAPTAIN D. HO WELL, 964 Washington st . Oak- in'id. se'26 fo-l tf t\_ 1 ')r-.r_ COTTAOEOFS ROOMS; LoT50xll)0: •S>La.4)XJ. bargain. W. E. BARNARD A BOS, 483 Ninth ft, Oakland. stsl~ 7t C*')r.n $350 AND $150 EACH. x!i>A.oxj. 3 lots at Golden Gate Station, near Pablo aye. and the local train (formerly railed Kliuknervlllc): well located and a bargain: terms '".» : Call at once. E. W. WOODWARD A CO., 902 Broadway. Oakland. mm7t <!£ 1 F;nTOs4oo-CHoICKLOTSIN FIRUITVALE: XiV A OXJ terms to suit: Oakland ticket good Ic. H-ultTale. J. M. McAKTHUK. Fruitvalc Station tf piIOICE LOTS IN OAKLAND ON INSTALL- XJ ments or exchange for outside town lots or arre- age. G. W. A.. I'.i.i. Office. Oakland. se'2s 7t $'lE|\ TO $375 KAUH—ONLY M LOTS LEFT; xST aaOU Iciicle in Lorln. near railroad station: new electric road In full operation: 18 minutes to City Hall: 35 minutes to San Francisco: 9*23 cash, $10 per month: selling fast. Call formaps and full particulars, A. 11. BREED A CO., 100 Ninth sL, Oakland. se'24 tf SPECIAL BARGAINS ON FRUITVALE AYE. 75x150 feeL \u0084.$'225) Hoi160 feet JOoo BOx 1 25 feet, within 3 blocks of station 175 > 711x200 feet 14011 1 DOT feet 1200 JOHN A. JONES. 900 Broadway. Oakland. 23 7* I OOK I I.OOK!-A KINK HOUSE OK « ROOMS. J J bath, etc.: lot 28:6x90 ft.; on sunny side of street: In central part of city: street-cars within half-block on two sides: only $600 down and bal- ance $20 monthly; price $2350; don't miss this bargain. A. J.HENRY. 465NlnthsL. Oakland.2o 16t ©OK?) EACH—IOO BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN *a mm'JII South Berkeley, near electric roau : best bargain ever otfered; prices sure to advance: prop- erty will dou'ele berore tho Inst payment lias been made: only $15 down abet $5 per month: our prlcu ls CO per cent less than any of the adjoining proper- ties are ottered lor aale. lor particulars app'y to CLOUGH A- BAKEK. 480 Ninth St.. Oakland. si '20 tf % 1ftft LOT; ' AT FRUITVALE:2 CAU . INK.4: iTIV^.JIO cash, balance *7 50 monthly. II B. PINNEY. owner, 907 Broadway, Oakla".d.»:)t) If <*!J(lftTO '?SOU - STILL A FEW OF THE op-is'l' cholc-st lots left In th» beautiful MrK" 'Iract. Oakland, at Adeline Station; Berk le. Branch Railroad; half-hourly trips to Sau Fran- cisco; electric roael runs through tbe tract: juit the place for a home for persons doing business In San Fraucisco: early and late trains; time. M minutes; bouses built un the tract to suit after your own plans and specifications and sold on terms or from $300 to $502 cash, balance $'5 monthly ; lor $2500 you can get your Choi of lots and a beautiful cottage on above easy Terms; this offer 1) lor a short time only, and Is made simply to get good Improvements on the lioK«( Tract; don't neglect this golden opportunity. Send tor maps and particulars to WILLIAM J. DINGER. 460 and 462 Eighth at, Oakland. solB lin Ql ftftft HEBE YOU HAVE IT; IMxIOO; M.- -sPIUUI f. egant corner: South Berkeley. '2c. blocks from new electric road; just think, less than $7 50 per front foot for a choice corner; terms $250 cash, baiauce to suit purchaser. CLOUGH A BAKER, 460 Ninth St.. Oakland. SQ'.'O tf flcjor AND $150 PER I.OI—ONLY »To \j *—*" cash and $5 per month if desired; choice lots, beautifully located at Berkeley-, with railroad station on the tract and electric line adjoining same; 200 lots sold and 50 left forsale. Call early for a bargain. E. VV. WOODWARD & CO.. 902 Broadway, Oakland. scl'2 Ira I.KAOTIFUL BUILDINGLOTS D INTHECELF.BRATED STANFORD TRACT. OAKLAND. Are now being offered for sale. SITUATED ON Till: PIEDMONT CABLE-ROAD. about I*2 minutes' ride from Broadway station, an 1 commanding a inagulllcent view. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. DECIDEDLY THE CHEAPEST property In this rapidly advancing portion of Oakland: magnificent and costiv resiliences being built on all hides. THIS IS I 'HE ONLY TRACT IN WHICHALL THK STREET WORK HAS BEEN DONE, Including grading, curolng and macadamizlug: water ami sewer pipes and cement sidewalks laid, mating the best residence property now offered for sale in Alameda County: values willdoable wlibln a yoar Ono lot will make you rich. Terms, only one- fifth casb, balance monthly or yearly parmeuts. Dou't delay a minute, but send at once for maps and particulars to WILLIAM J. DINIiIK. 563 tf 460 aad 462 Eighth St.. and._ CjOnrt A LOT— NEW PLAT ON' FRUITVALS (JOl/U street railroad; very desirable property : call early to secure th^se choice lots: carriage -\u25a0•: office. RUSSELL \u25a0* PROSSER. 23d aye. stall. 5 tt T DDK!!! LOOK!!! $100 LOIS AT Hli'l r. J. vale; bigbargain. IL B. PINNEY. ow.ier. 907 Broadway. Oakland. an 3o tt \'OTICE-$3OO TO $460: LOTS AT KRUirTALK xs station, opposite the depot, now ottered for pale at the most reasonable terms as follows: one-fourth Saab, balance in 6. 12, IS ami 21 months, cr lv monthly installments'! i oin $10 upward: mass lots are the most accessible to railroad con- veniences of any lots In F-ast Oakland. Applyto JEIFRESS4 NOBLE, cr Tweiity-thir.l-av*. i.iii Co.. Twcnth-thlrd-ave. station. Kaetoakl md. rart-,2. rj'HE EVENING BULLETIN, PRICK llfAsluigib 1 to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any part or the city: the Bulletin Is the lest, oldest and largest evening paper published on tho coast; orders by postal-card or otherwise will reoelvs prompt attention. Office 622 Montgomery st. . I BOA HI) IMi AM) BOOHS. lIQ TURK-FINE ROOMS, PRIVATE BOARD- J- J U Ingor light housekeeping; reasonable. 29 2* n))l OaK-FFrNISHED ROOMS.WITH GOo*!k —2 board and bath, with Christian reliable family: same preferred. se29 3t« ('AO HYDE ST.-LARGE SUNNY ROOMS.WITH XJXJU good board. «e24 7t* AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 321 Saiesoine St., San Francisco: board and room $1, $1 26 and $1 50 per day: free coach. \u25a0..-- jyiltt MOMOoStERY BROS., proprietors. ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; firstmau a every respect : terms reasonable. . lalOit BROOKLYN HOTEL, BUSH ST., BET. MONT- gomery and Sansome, under the management ot CHAS. MONTGOMERY: hrst-class familyand mer- cantile hotel; home comforts; conducted on Ameri- can and European plan; board and room $1 25, $1 60, $1 76 and $2 per day; rooms 50 cents to 51; free coach to and from botel. fe7 12m ONTUOMERY'3 TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 227 and 2*29 Second st—Single meals 25c; hoardand room per day, 75c to $1 by the wee* $4 to «5: irsa ccach to and from the bocel- an'2 l CIIILDKUN UOAItIIKD. .. L~^Ti_leY*~^"isiTKS TO TAKE A CH_S~TO board: no objection to age 917 Sacramento st. bet, Stockton and Powell, rear. se'29 7t» RESPECTABLE WIDOW. WITH SUNNY, pleasant home, like I or 2 littlegirls from 3 to 13 years, to board : terms reasonable. Address, one week, .Mother, 108, Call Branch Office, se'27 3t» ,'OMAN TO BOARD BABY; (10 MONTH. 14 xx Cleveland St., off Seventh. ae'27 3t« It'IDOW WITH PLEASANT HOME: WOULD xx board 1 or 2 children. 1806 Market St.. near Van Ness aye. >e'-'0 if SUMAI Kit lIKSOKTS. JNUI^SiTS"^! 1 LAKE~COUNTY-THE proprietor of this famous and celebrated resort wishes to announce to her friends and the publio that arrangements have bean made with the South- ern Pacific Company and Win. Spier's stage line for the sale of through tickets to the springs: from San Francisco and Oakland $6: round trip $9 50: through tickets c.iv also bo obtained at Sacramento and Sun Jose. The advantages of our hot and cold sulphur and Iron baths, natural steam baths, are unequaled; take 7:30 a. m. ferry from San Fran- cisco for Callsioga. For further particulars ad- dress . I. ANDERSON, Anderson Springs. Middle- town, Lake County, Cal. my3l tt ESOitTS. SI-KINGS AND HOTELS OF THE Pacific (''east, Willi rates, location, etc.. pub- lished in tho Hotel Guide, 118 panes Forsale by newsdealers, or send 25c In stamps to W. M.PAT- TEBSON, publisher, 310 Post «., .-, 1. mrl 'Tb LEASE— MOUNTAIN SANITARIUM AND 1report: fully equipped: only four hours from San Francisco. Address X. Box 71. this office. 21 if :-V_\ BTOSKa TO HIT. 2A_\.) SMALL BTORE. S LIVING ROOMS, i^ I—, suitable for barber, shoe or fruit store. SW. Twenty-third and Hampshire sts. .!______ fflelC STORE TO LET: 3 ROOMS BACK. 3010 •3 1 x). Sixteenth St., bet. Valencia and Guer- rero. se'29 3t» l) VERY NICE STOKES .WITH 4 ROOMS; FINE At show-windows. Apply cor. i'oik and Gr,.ve,'29 3t 1 (U\-Jl POST— LARGE STOKE ; Ll VINOROOM; I UU--- yard; rent $18. selile _ f TORE, BASEMEN! ANI) 3 LIVING ROOMS, •262 First St.: key at fruit-store. -,2.l 2t» CI D STORE WITH '.'\u25a0 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR tDls"), housekeeping: good place for barber. Cor. Pierce and O'Farrell sts. m-'-'o 61 cod Tl STORE FIXTURES. GAS, WATER AND 2 I '1. rooms. 202 Twenty-third at. s«-27 7t» OKFit'iiS TO LKT. LIGHT. AIRY OFFICE ON GROUND FLOOR. J. with show-window (space to suit teuanti. by W. 11. I'lll.M A CO.. 118 Montgomery st. e.'eitf tf STAMLES TO LIT. BLh~FOR~3' HORSES AND~V» A_GONS. Sllverst., off Third, near Brjant. se24 7t* QTABLE TO RENT: GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS 0 for any number of horses up to 50 or 60 bead; reaeouable rent; suitable for express or carriage company. Apply to Superintendent Suiter-street Railway Co., Folk and Suiter sts. seld tf _________ PROPOSALS. I~"SRo7osTi__sT-oirFl^^ SIR AW A Headquarters Department of Arizona. Oflice or tiie Chief Quartermaster. Los Angeles. Cal..Septem- ber 1, le-ji. sealed proposals win be received at this office, and at the offices of the Quartermasters at each of tbo stations below named, until 11 o'clock a. sr.. on Te'inrs.-lay. October 1. 1891. and opened immediately thereafter In the presence of bidders, Tor the furnishing and delivery of Image at military stations in the Department of Arizona, as follows; Forts Apache. Bowie:. Grant. Illiachu a and Thomas and Sau Carlos and Whipple Barracks, Ariz.: los Angeles and Sau Diego Barracks. Oni., and Forts Bayard. Wlngate and Stanton. N. Mex., and fuel, forage and straw at Albuquerque, N. Mcx. Preiereieee given to articles of domestic production anil manufacture, conditions of price and quality being evua. anil such preference given to articles or American production and manufacture produced on the pacific Ccast to the extent of the consump- tion required by the public service there. Pro- posals for either class of the supplies mentioned or lor quantities less than the whole icqulred, or for delivery or tbe supplies a: points other than those above name will be entertained. Specifications, general instructions to bidders and blank forms of proposal win be furnished on application to this ollice. or to the Quartermaster* lit any of the sta- 'ecu- named above. A.s. KIMBALL. Quartermas- ter. U. S. Army. Ciller! 41 se-jii jt CAN IRANCISCO, CAL., SEPTEMBER 28, 0 IS9l—Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be rece ved here, until 12 o'clock, St., October 28. 1891. and then opened, for docking and repairing the steamer "General McDowell." and for hire of suitable steamer as substitute therefor. Govern- ment reserves the right to rejoct any or all bids. Preference given to articles of domestic produc- tion ami nianufacture. conditions of price and quality bring equal. AHinformation furnished ou application to .I.G. CHANDLER, Deputy Qnarter- inaster-Geueral, U. S. A. \u25a0 se'2* 4t oc-25 2t Any:. using. TF~VOt.' ' WISH TO ADVERTISE AN YTII INO 1anywhere at any tuns writeto OEO. I. ROWELL A CO.. 10 Spruce St.. New York. aul9 ly EVERY ONE IN NEED OP INFORMATION ON the subject of advertising will do well to obtain a copy of "Book for Advertisers," 363 pages, price $1; mailed, postage paid, on receipt of prece; con- tains a careful compilation from th') American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals: gives the circulation rating of every- one, and a good deal ofinformation uoout rates and other waiters pertaining to the business of adver- tising. Address Kiev,ELL'S ADVERTISING BU- KEAfflospruce sL. New York. an! 9 Iy " S'IOIISIIK. ~~ SurKNITUKETMERt'HANDISF, I'IANOs7~*ETa" f stored at reasonable rates. R. F. OSIIORN A CO.. 751-53 Market st., bet. Third and ipLRNITURE. TRUNKS. PIANOS. ETC.. TAKEN a care of and stored at reasonable rates: advances made. LIEBES Pioneer Storage Company, suc- cessors to 11. « ENDEL, 310 Stockton St. jy3 l!__ THIRST - CLASS STORAGE; UPPER FLOORS; A 042-6 li Mission st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. jv3 tt PHYSICIANS. f-pHEOHEAT MAGNETICHEALER TREATS ALL A cases of nearsightedness and diphtheria success- fully. ofTieri hours 3t05 r. H. ; visits $3. Room 43, 931 Marketst. se'2s I in DR. OBF.RG, CHRONIC DISEASES HEART and lungs. 1122 Market: residence Lorin. 23 3m 'I' HE EVENING BULLETIN, PRICE REDUCED i to 16 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any part of tne city; the Bulletin Is the best, oldest and largest evening paper published on the coast; orders by postal-card or otherwise will receive attention, Office 6*22 Montgomery St. MMEDA ADVERTISEMENT! ALAHKII V ItKAL KSTATB. 700 ' , ***^-' HO(JS_T~r— JOMsT^HALF $2100—Cottage; 5 rooms and bath, etc.; lot 41i 100; $300 cash aud balance $25 a montb. including interest. *.; . ' l> -New cottage; 5 rooms: lot 69x125: this is a line business corner; plenty of room for store. $1800 -cut 5 renins; lot 31x100: half casb. Two furnished bouses in fine location; rent rea- sonable. Houses or all sizes to let unfurnished: any loca- tion desired; 2 extra good bargains; 8 acre* band- some foothill property, near electric road; im- proved: very reasonable. Apply to the pioneer firm. THOMAS A. SMITH A- Co., idol Park St.. Alameda; take broau-gauge ferry. se'27 7t ON VKRDrST.; HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS : LOT50x 170; deep well, wind-mill and tank; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. House . rooms: lot .10x110: price $1600: $200 down, balance $25 per month: monthlypsymeot to Include principal and Interest: Interest 8 per cent. Two lots on Benton St.. 150 feet N. or Santa Clara aye: a fine snap: call and get price. THOMAS D. POOLE. 2405 Kncinal are,. Park Hotel. se27 tt dfeQAAIN CASH. $20 PEK MONTH BUYS A xi\i handsome cottage onmacadamized stroet near station: 5 rooms and bath. $250 cash, $20 per month, buys a tine house on Pacific aye., near station ; 6 rooms and bath. $-200 cash. $13 per month, buys a cosy coita;o of - -4 rooms and bath near station. Houses built to order nnd finished In CO days prompt; plans and estimates furnished free. Houses for rent. Open Sundays. MARCUSE * P.EMMELL, The largest contracting firm In Alameda Coucty. Office— Alameda. Hay-st. Station and Hlgh-sL St tion: San Francisco, 628 Market St., opposite Palace Hotel. sea" 7t C I'Jflft FINE MODERN - S-ROOM - HOUSE** «ffl*J.Jl"f. coruer lot, 50x140: street work fln- isbecl: sidewalks all laid: fine street. SO feet wide: $SOO cash, balance $50 per. month, interest 8 per cent on deferred incuts. Apply to THOMAS A. SMI 1 11 A CO., 1601 Park st., Alameda: take broad- gauge ferry. se'2o 71 Tl OUSES AND LOTS ON EASY TERMS FROM II $100 to $500 down: Installments from $15 to $25 a month, Interest Included. Wanted A place la Alameda to exchange for a beautiful home in Vklab. Several fine ranches to exchange for Oakland, San Francisco or Alameda property. For bargains in real estate call at MRS. I. 11. CHANDLER * CO.'S, 1329 Park St., new Masonic Building,Alameda. so-20tf _ r 7-\f\ CHEAP LOT: A BARGAIN; 50x125: qp I tlyi. near station: good location : call at onco for particulars. A. H. BREED itCO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland sel3 tf I DO, HANLEY * CO.. 1351 PARK ST., WILL build, sell or reut you any kind of a bouse any- where In Alameda on the most reasonable terms. au'26 tt Bk.KKKI.IiY HKAI. KSTATK. TO LET, NOV. 23, FOR 6 MONTHS OR 1 1year: beautllul 8 rooms and bath; elegantly fur- niahed. See CAPTAIN MORRISON. N. Berkeley. FOR SALE-NICE H ROOMS AND HATH: LOT 40x138: near Berkeley station: near university; Choice location. Sen CAPTAIN MORRISON. LOR SALE—CHOICEST PROPERTY IN BF;RKE- -1 ley lots to suit; no gift enterprise, bat good val- ues for your money; don't expect to get something for nothing. Speak to CAPTAIN MORRISON about IL \u25a0 se'27 St« THE EVENINO BULLETIN, PRICE REDUCED A to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any part of the city; the Bulletin la the best, oldest and largest evening paper published ou th* coast, orders by postal-card or otberwlso will receive ; prompt attention. Pftl-e 622 Montgomery ___. LOKIN KKALKSTATH. LOTS 25x135, GREAT BARGAIN IN A FINE J raucli. $200: lots 40x132:6. $250, $300. $326, $350, $375. $400; lots 50x135. $100; lets 40x180. $500 each. $'25 down. $5 and $10 a month. I - Houses built to order on the Installment plan; $50 or $100 down; balance easy monthly payments. - Cottage for salo otx tho Installment plan, or to rent, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire of W. O. i MORAN. Lorin.or IIUSIMHIKY A WIRTS. 467 Ninth St.. Oakland. Tako Berkeley train or new electric car, which passes door; Sunuay engage- ments. *u26 27 29 30 ocl 5t FLATS TO HT-UONTISPEn. \u25a0 FLAT 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; YARD AND cellar; $13. 312 Hickory are., near Octavla Street. \u25a0 -~_ ss27 31* L'LAT; 5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH; RENT MOD- A crate. . 22 Lapldge St., ur. Eighteenth. se27 3t« \!KW UPPER FLATS; 6 ROOMS; MODERN L> improvements; $20. 135 Fair Pax, ur. 230.27 3* IQI O PINE-MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED J-OlOflat In city: 5 minutes from Kearuyand Cala.: 7 minutes from Market, O'Farrell or Jones by Cala-st. cars; 6 rooms; $22 60. MADISON A BURKE. 828 Market St. Be'J6 st* 1(x OCTAVIA— ELEGANT UPPER FLAT; 7 IXJ rooms; bath; $30. , MADISON A BURKE. 628 Market st. . se'26 6t« 9 1 '-!9 BUSH, COR. SCOTT-MIDDLE FLAT; 6 aAXOAmI rooms; bath; $32 50. se'J6 7t* ffljO!\ FLAT 6 ROOMS: BATH: ALLMODERN 0 improvements and.basement. 2612 Sutter street . se'JO 7t* ICE SUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS AND BATH. AX 403 Ninth st. . se24 tf IHINE EASTLAKE FLATS. 911 TO 929 LOM- X bard St.; $20, $22 60 and $25; water free. In- quire 2210 Leave uworihst. se247t* FLATS ROOMS. BATH; SUN ALL ROUND; reasonable. Key at 12 Klslliig St., off Eleventh, bet. Howard and Folsom. se23 7t* TVICEFLAT6 ROOMS, BATH, CELLAR; 257 i-v Clementina St. Apply 636 Washington. se'JS 7t* UPPF:n SUNNY FLAT; <JOR. WEBSTER St. I and Ivy aye.; 6 rooms: bath: rent ________ tf 1*\l\7 STEINER, NR. SUTTER—NEW SUNNY -LOUI upper: 8 rooms, bath; Inepruvem'ls.seJ'J tt © 1 Q ANDS2O: 2 LOVELY SUNNY FLATS; UP- <? 1 per and lower: 4 and 5 rooms; modern im- provements. 13 and 16 Pond St., off Sixteenth, half block from Market; key drugstore. Sixteenth and Market. \u25a0 s-22 7t 2 NEW SUNNY FLATS: 6 AND 8 ROOMS. 1153 aa Golden liato aye., cor, Webster st. se6 tf HOUSKKKKPINO LOOMS. C Ift MINN A— FURNISHED ROOMS FOE sJIU housekeeping. se24 tf \u0084Q RIN'CON PLACE (RIN'CON HILL). OFF O Harrison St., net. F.rst aud Second— 2 house- keeping rooms. se'J'J 3t» 3 PLAINLY furnished SUNNY ROOMS: rent low. 1124 Nineteenth at., l'/ 3 blocks K. of Castre^ se'J9 2t» 70rtl OCTAVIA, NR. MCALLISTER— 2 UNFUR- * A.XJ-. uisticu rooms light housekeeping. se'J!) 3t* _*\ LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM; FINK «->• view. 16 Devisadero: Halght-st. cable. 29 2* Sir a LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; I*l. housekeeping: others. 44 V Thlrd.'JJ 5* QOA HOWARD SLNNY FRONT HOUSE- tJOA keeping rooms: alsu double ami single. 29 2* \TIOELY FURNISHED ROOMS FT)R HOUSE- XX keeping; $10 a month. 619 V, Mission. se29 2* 1 IIA TENTH FLOOR OF 3 ROOMS FUR- -1 M-XJ uisheel for housekeeping. sc29 tf 11 I(l SUTTER— 3 FURNISHED HOUSKKKKP- II li/ lng rooms; parlor sufto; also furnished rooms. ___JLi ae'29 2t* 711 IFOLSOM-2 FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE- IoT keeping. sei9 3l* 99^'MINNA— FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR; mmmmO also light housekeeping room. tce'Jtf 2t* AO(l FIFTH-2FURNISHED ROOMS SCI ABLE TOc7 Tor housekeeping. -\u25a0- ... ' aeJB 2t* 4-e- FIFTH— 3 FIitMSHKD ROOMS COM" » J I plete for housct'scepiceg. se-28 2t* LA MOSS ST.. OFF HOWARD. BET. SIXTHAND t/ Seventh Sunny front and back housekeeping rooms; gas; bath: rent cheap; also single. se'JS 31* 9] A GROVE-'.' FINELY FURNISHED SUNNY amlxJ -teelrs lor housekeeping. se2B 31* 69" BO— TWO SUNNY ROOMS FUR- x) htehed complete for honsekeeplng. se'JS 2t* AS.R CLEMENTINA, NEAR SIXTH—I OR '2 X'txJ rooms, tarnished housekeeping: choap.2B 2* FOLSOM-2 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR OA O housekeeping. se'JS 21* A'jq VALENCIA— 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR OOP housekeeping; cable; warm belt, se'27 31* i.* V RNIBHED' ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING: " rent $16. Apply 140 aSacramento st., near l.eavi'uwurth. se'27 3t* 17 1 9 POLK, NEAR CLAY-3 LARGE COM- -1 I 1., pietely furnished housekeeping rooms, to grown-up people. se'J7 3t* COO HOWARD ST. -HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; XJAm.j also single. se'J7 3t* CT-JC BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— FRONT BED- _____ room: kitchen; rurnisbed; cheap. se27 61* 'Ji-}Q THIRD ST.—UNFURNISHED OK FUR- xJ— O nlshed housekeeping rooms: rent loa-. '27 3t 3 NICE SUNNY ROOMS WITH BATH; COM- -0 plete for housekeeping. 1433 Stelner st.. near Kills. se'JO tf HI TURK-HOUSEKEEPING AND SUNNY X trout rooms: reasonable. se2s st* r,t\) WASHINGTON—SUNNY UNFURNISHED tlU— housekeeping rooms: running water. 24 7t* 1 A I GROVE. COB, I'OIK PLEASANT SUNNY -lv^j; rooms, en suite or single; newly furnished: also rooms for housekeeping. se23 7t* 7<)X O'FARRELL— NICELY FURNISHED SUN- I OO ny housekeeping rooms. seJl lot* 3.)*: LAKKIN - 2 COMFORTABLE. HOUSE- maO kecpiug rooms; reasonable; suitable for couple. se'Jl tf THE ABBOTSF'ORD.N'W. COX. LARKINST. AND Broadway; llnest and best family apartment house la the city; furnished or unfurnished rooms, en suite or single, suitable for housekeeping; strictest attention paid to the comfort and conven- ience of patrons; terms very reasonable. 51. J. MEKTENS. Lessee. MS lm . _,' ROOMS TO LET. JO' GEARY— SUNNY DOUBLE FRONT riOO room, neatly furnished. se-9 5t 99/1 EDDY -SINN ALCOVE CHEAP DOUBLE Am-aaXJ an, 1single ruonis: housekeeping. lt* <71 li BUSH, NX. POWELL-SUITE: HANDSOME UJ. U parlors: housekeeping If required. s-29 st* ('OX. JESSIE. BET. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH— xjxjxj 1 or 2 nice sunny furnished rooms; bath: closets; suitable for 0110 or two; rent $8 and $10. 1* 77777" THIRD— 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKKKP- O.i'X ingrooms: in rear: $7. «2Ptf 010 HAVES— NEW HOUSE: FURNISHED AND OHO unfurnished rooms: reasonable. se'J9 st* 11 1 cccI.LINGWOOD-SCNNY FRONT FUR- I I 1 nlshed rooms; 1 block from Castro-st cable cars. se293t* 9 1 «_) JONES— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; Ail -J also housekeeping rooms. se29 2t* Hn O'FABBEU. FRONT SUNNY SINGLE aud suites and houskeeplng. se'JO lit* 191 Q M CALLISTER SPLENDID SUNNY I*^lo double parlors; furnished or unfurnished.* .)- It SUITER. COR. GRANT—NICE FRONT £Ox) room; $2 60 week. lt* C" NEW MON'Tc.OMKKY-NICE NEW FUR- -00 nlshed single rooms; cheap. It* •Ti./' MINNA SUNNY FRONT ROOM. Q99 POST— ANT BACKROOMS FOR Ommma housekeeping. aegg tf I X FRANKLIN-LARGE ROOM, FURNISHED 1O or unfurnished, with or without board. 1* 11 A NINTH-SI I'll LADY HAS SEVERAL ll'' nice ronin . well furnished; tap flat. se'JO 3t* 09r.l GEARY-BAY-WINDOW DIN INS-BOOM, •'; fyrnlsbed or not; table full; boarders wish to remain ; boar 1taken In exchange tor rent. 20 tf 911 "7 CLAY'— LOWER PART OF HOUSE. 3 aal 1 xJ rooms furnished. se'29 st* IMIO TURK Furnished ROOMS WITH AaXJO hrst-class board: nice location. se'2'.' sl* <J UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON SHIPLEY ST; 0 key at 1139 Folsom. se2B Ot* 1 Ift MASON— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS 1 1 KJ from *8 up. se'JS gt* 7 1 A FOLSOM-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; I 1 " private family ; $0 a month. se2B 21* 1ft 1 ft JACKSON—NICELY FURNISHED SUN- .IxJ l U ny rooms in Spanish family, with use of piano: rent reasonable. se'J 7 3t* 1 Ills 1 MISSION-FRONT PARLOR FOR. 1 OB IUDI2 sous. se'J7 51* rjTl 9 NINETEENTH, NR. HOWARD LOWER ____ furnished flat ot 3 rooms; $13. se'J 7St *_ I'A A SACRAMENTO 2 NICE UNFURNISHED X) 1 1 rooms; also furnished rooms. se'J7 3t* |*l/ll CAPP. COR. NINETEENTH —2 LARGE 'lolij uufurnished suuuy corner rooms: large Lay-window. se27 31* >91 GEAKY FURNISHED ROOM FOR R& ilaal spectable youug lady, withprivilege of par- lor and kltcheu; rent reasonable. sc37 31* Pin KIDDY-NICE SUITE OF PARLORS, OIU nlshed or unfurnished, suitable for 1 or 2 ' geiitlciuen: piano ifdesired. se'J7 31* .11)1 SHOT WELL— FLAT OF 3 ROOMS; RENT XAaX $10. seJ7 St* 1 nnn MISSION— NICELYFURNISHED BOOHS J t/I IUto tent; en suite or single; all sunny; private family. " \u25a0\u25a0 so'J7 31* or/ GROVE— 2 NICELY FURNISMED ROOMS . )»HI complete for housekeeping: bath and gas: rent $15. ' sc'J7 at* 890 LARKIN, NEAR GEARY-NICE SUNNY —«> turn shed rooms; $0, $8, $10, $12: gas and bath. 5027 3t* ft] 11 GEARY— NEATLY FURNISHED AND Ol'li line sunny rooms. so'JO 71* ,IPI MISSION— FURNISHED SINN V —Oa suite: also double front room. se'J66t* AQ SOUTH PARK -NICE SUNNY ROOMS; Xxj terms reasouable*. gentlemen only. sc'Jo 7t / 1 1 HARD HOUSE, 142 SEVENTH— FURNISHED x. 1 rooms, light and airy: also 2 extra large hand- some corner rooms, eu suite; light housekeeping If desired. se'JS st* SUNNY BAY-WINDOW SUITE: ALSO SINGLE. 133 McAllister St.. opp. New City Hall. se'J s 7t« tin l FIFTH— NEATLY I I'KNISHED FRONT AAXj . rooms, en suite or slnglo,by day, week or month: 110 objection to children. se'22 tf HC SIXTH—THE PIEDMONT; NEW HOUSE; 11*) elegautly furnished rooms; suits and sin- gle. \u25a0 se'J3 tt 1 A f PINE 3 FURNISHED OR unfur- laOU nlshed for housekeeping: also single. 23 7* 7Q>J MARKET HANDSOMELY FURNISHED i Os_J cheap rooms : slugle aud double. se23 I m n TAYLOR— LIGHT SUNNY FRONT AND side rooms: nicely furnished. se'22 15t 9ft'-{ POWELL-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; A.\l)) single and suites; new house. «e2O lot_ 89ni''DL80M-FUUNISUED ROOMS, $1 AND AAA) upward. selOtt 1«1 ELLIS TRANSIENT; SUITES, SINGLE; AAU day. week or mouth. ALE. GRANT, sclolin ti.) TOST FURNISHED ROOMS". SINGLE AA-. and In suites: new management. selO _____ 1917 FILBERT— NEATLY FURNISHED AL- -1 1 I cure room and small back room: line view bay; half block from the Uyde-st. cable; $12. all) tt 171 A POLK—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS a I X*r en snlte or single: terms reasonable. 18 14t 29 FIFTH - NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; .^very reasonable; splendid locality. se!6 151* riIAILOKS' WORK- ROOMS GOOD LIGHT, J. every convenience: man of correct habits ouly. Apply at 621) Washington St. Room 5. sels tf 9QJ LINDEN AYE., NEAR GOUGH-3 NICE _______X sunny unfurnished rooms ; planked yard.l 3 tf 777 MARKET SUNNY WELL- FURNISHED II rooms: suites and single: also paces. setf lm m O'FARRELL -II OR 3 UNFURNISHED laal rooms for honsekeeplng. \u25a0 - ana tf . 7Q'J MARKET. - COR. FOURTH (THE ALTA S 100 House)— Newly furnished rooms; chcap.a'Jtl VDSI..MIIE HOUSE 1045 MARKET ST. BET.. 1 Slxthatid Seventh :3sc to sl per night; per week, - $1 50 to $5; single and en suite: families, mrl tf En - WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL OxJ for four mouths to any Part of the United Statu, KsnftxcMMeaearaicewaiNMtat&mfeseHxdMsffeA^ CITY REAL ESTATE. ' (TIHE HEYMAN TRACT*! THE FINEST AND BEST LOCATED SUBDIVISIONS PLACED ON THE MARKET SINCE FORTY YEARS. This property has been locked up for all this time. At last was fortunate to purchase it from the mill- ionaire MOSES HOPKINS, ESQ. There is from $2000 TO $3000 PROFIT Insight on each lot within three years, as this Is the only tract so favorably located close to Market-st. extension, which is to be opened up within ninety days. Besides lt Is situated In the very center of the city, on 22d and Douglass sts. Dou't delay and purchase at ouce, as Ibis property Is selling fast. Take c.tstro-st. cable-cars to 23d St. to inspect this property, which ls only two blocks distant. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance to suit purchaser. For prices and circular call at tbe oflice of JACOB HEYMAN, 630 Market Street, Owner of the tract. N. B—Free carriage at Castro and 2:td sts. Oflice open Wednesday aud Saturday evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock. se'22 tt fflj'l I )l\ EACH; $5 MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS; «I)iIIU no interest: near Baden Electric Road : 30 minutes' rule. W. PARKISH, PEARSALLA CO., 628 Market St. aultt DO YOU WANT PROPERTY, CITYOR CO UN- try, lv the prettiest valley of the State? Apply 10 Napa Land Co., Napa, Cal., lor list of proper- lies, se2B tf flgftftrt CORNER LOT; 90x100, WITH CREEK, sj UUU. in Berkeley: $10 monthly. *'J75-l.ot 40x126. on railway: $5 monthly. $550— Lot 80x120, with creek; $10 monthly, *3l)o— Lot 40x100; $25 cash, $5 monthly. »'450-Corner 80x100: $25 cash. $10 monthly. Send for maps: 1000 lols: I offer only what I own. CHAS. A. BAILEY, owner. 20 Montgomery st. 15 tf DON'T BUY INBERKELEY WITHOUT SEEING the Scenic Park Tract, adjoining the Univer- sity: prices lower and terms easier than any other properly. FRANK M. WILSON, owner, 415 Mont- gomery st., San Francisco, or HEWITT A RICH- ARDS, opposite Berkeley Station. au3o lm EVENINGBULLETIN, - REDUCED 1 to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any I art of the city; tbe Bulletin Is the best, oldest and largest evening paper published on the coast; iriiers by postal-card or otherwise will receive \u25a0Idoniut attention, Office 622 Montgomery St. < OU.NTKY KKAL I ST A 11.. CHICKEN RANCH AND SMALL FARMS, 4. I 5. 6, 3. 10, 14 and 15 acre pieces; 1 mile from center of town; partly Improved In table and wine grapes; an level; lain cutting up a large ranch; can sell In pieces to suit small buyers: a nice prop- erty fronting on Broadway; $120. $125 and $150 per acre. I). 11. TWIN'G. Sonoma City. Cal. se'Jl) 5t A N SO-ACKE MOUNTAIN HOME. 40 OF ax which are nearly level; 6 large springs will Ir- rigate several acres ; water piped to house aud yard ; 5 acres In grapes, 40 fruit trees, 15 acres cleared, 30 more prime fruit land when cleared, all the bal- ance lv prime olive land: small house and barn: 5 miles from Sonoma, half a mile 10 school: ISO acres Government laced adjoining, good lor stock, all for $2250. 1). 11. T WING. Sonoma City.Ca1.29 5t 1 A SHARES LA ESTREI.LA RAISIN VINE- J' ' yard, located 4 miles from Fresno, forsale at a discount; JSO paid In per share. Apply to C. S. CAPP A- CO.. 415 Montgomery st. se!9 lm I.C'lt SALE OB KENT—SU) ACRES LANDAD- A joiningcounty road, opd. Home of i'eace Ceme- tery (Emmanuel Station); bouse, stable for 10 horses; wlitd-mtll ami tank: water piped all over; rbtcken-houso for 800 chickens: garden, fruit trees, etc, I rice $10,100. Address B. GosT. Coliua p. 0.. \u25a0 . ; 1 Mateo County. - se'J7 151* I A ACBEB OF i'HE FINEST FRUIT LAND IN 1" the Stat.-: only $150; payable «10 cash: bal- ance In monthly pay men's and no interest; nothing Use it ever offered. WESTERN LAND COMPANY, 630 Market st. ss'JO tf IyARE CHANCE FOR PRACTICAL FARMER— i I For rent or run on shares, one the 11 nest ranches in State. 50 miles from Sau Francisco, containing 1350 acres; place Is well uclapl-e] for rasing vege- tables, grain, hugs or poultry, and dairying; good orchards, houses, barn.-, dairies, and well equipped withwagons, farming and dairying utensils; plenty water and limber 011 place. Address, with refer- eicees, P. O. Kox 2133. segg 14t bi'Anft FARM OF 10 acres FOR sale sfIUUUU.In san Bernardino County. 2 miles fiom railroad station, wel.t 550 orange and 50 lemon trees 7 years old. 100 fruit trees and 3000 muscat raislu grapes, which will yield this year not less than $1000 worth or grapes; there is a com- fortable cottage of 7 rooms and bath. liarel-fttilshed and with Inside shutters: a barn 36x30; chicken- house and driving-, heel; a brick cistern, cement In, eel. lor domestic water: connecting Iron pipes to bouaft. barn and corral; water for Irrigation, piped to tbe highest point lv cement p pcs; is covered by 10 shares (paid un) of stock tv the Ktiwanda Water Company, which is worth $100 per share; this goes with the place: unimproved land is selling at $200 per acre; distance to school three-quarters of a mile. For further Information and photographs apply st this office: principals only. )y3tfdAw SCHOOL LANDS. $750 TO. S3 A.V ACRE-. ON 0 very easy terms; sold by the State lv tracts to suit; no residence or Improvements required: all kinds of lauds, In many different counties; send stamp for list: open day aud evenings. F. W. LAKE, li Flood Building. 1.1 tt SOMJMA LAND—SEND FOR LIST. ANDREW PRICK. Heal.lsbunr. Cal. au!6 tf HOUSES TO LKT. Tie LET— THOSE VERY DKSIR \lll.l HOtISEsI 118 Erie st. ami 209 Thirteenth; rent very cheap. K. MiELROY,Phelan liiiioi ng. s»W 3t ESQ SEVENTEENTH ST.-b ROOMS; MODERN; O.IQ stable: root cheap. sej_ St* HOUSE OK 3 SUNNY ROOMS. YARD AND wood shed and stable. 258 Perry st.. near Fifth. se'JS 31* 71 " ELLIS. 2-STORY HOUSE, 8 ROOMS. ALL 1 1 x) modern Improvement!, s-js 3t* _rXI HOUSE OF 10 LARGE ROOMS; IN O'".'. fine order: 37 .Minna sl.. bet. First and Second. T. P. RIORDAN. 632 Market St. su'J7 3t OAR HOWARD, NEAR SIXTH— SUNNY OAy) rooms: hue lodging-house. ApplyaS Third street. seJ7 3t* SIXTEENTH ST.-RE.NTAL AGENCY HOUSES; 0 tiats aud cottages. By G. A. CHRIS IE SEN ft CO., Sixteenth St., near Mission. se'J7 3t*_ Ql'>' 11 ROOMS AND BATH. APPLY 436 4_x^lO. Bneienan st. seJ7 7t» ffl;9r SUNNY HOUSE 5 ROOMS: BATH; ij »J. yard. 1617 Laguna. near Suitor. sh'J7 3t« Q_ J 4 FLOORS ROOMS; 301 GRKEN ST., COB. ijpla .Montgomery: splendid view of city and bay; sun all day; healthiest part of city. BOW, PARRISII. se'27 tf HOUSE 8 ROOMS WITH MODERN IMPROVE. meicts: 10 Lundy aye.. opp. Twenty-ninth, 5 minutes' walk from Misslou cars; inquire next dour. 8026 lot* 7 ROOMS, BATH, WITH ALL MODERN IM- provements, $30. 1933 Geary st. se23 7t* T^W. COB. SIXTEEN! AND GUERRERO ST& IN Upper flat, 6 rooms and bath; beautiful sunny corner: large corner store: small store and 2 back rooms: dwelling. 6 rooms, cheap; 3-ronmed dwelling, cheap: all newly fitted up. sell) if 1 90 CUMBKRLAND-»30; 9 LARGE SUNNY 1 AmU rooms and bath; stable and large yard. Ap- ply 605 Doti res st., near Twentieth. se!7 /soil'AGE. 5 ROOMS AND RATH. SE. COIL XJ Eighteenth and Colllugwood sts. at 13 tf TO RENT OR TO LEASE. $15 AND $20-T\VO copartinents. 6 and 8 rooms; Day aud Dolores Sis. GEORGE D. SHADBURN E JR., 429 Mont- coiiierv st. au'JH tf I'X'It.NISIIEO houses. VOW IS Yol'R OP*PORTlj]<fl^Tl*eOvin_,Y^^ Ax ny s-rnotneet modern flat to rent and furniture forsale: bouse full; rent more tbau free Irooms for self: must sell. Address H. .1., Box 88, Call ' cmii' omce. se-J7 7t* COTTAOKB TO Ll I. S~UNNY COTTAGE, 4 LARUE ROOMS: PLANKED 0 basement, yard. Cor. Dolores and 15th. 29 7t* POTTAGE 6 ROOMS; ALL IMPROVEMENTS; \J rent cheap. Apply2428 Geary st. se'JO 3t» COTTAGE," 4 ROOMS AND BATH; 121 CHAT- tanooga St.. bet, 22d and S3d. se'27 31* d»n COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; WATER. COR. Qi7. Thirtieth and Noe sts. se'J7 31* FLATS TO LET. 3 NICE, FURNISHED. SUNNY ROOMS.SI 4. 18 I.ewlsgt.. off Taylor, near Post. se'JO 3t* Cjlt UPPER FLAT » ROOMS AND BATH; x_MO. Bush-st. place, bet. Powell and Mason; key at 720 Bush st. se'JS 3t YTERY HANDSOME FLAT, 8 ROOMS, IN FINE V order. Apply cor. I'oik and Grove sts.: rent $27 60. segg 31 -ITF.RV NICK FLAT, 4 ROOMS; RENT $14. AP- J ply143 Thirdst. segg St UPPER CORNER FLAT, 0 ROOMS. BATH. XJ O'Fsrrell anil Scott sts. se'Jfl at* 'Xl ft FINK FLAT; 5 ROOMS: MODERN IM- tjpit). proveinents. SW. cor. Twenty-third and Hampshire sts. se2o 3t» VKNIKNT FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND BATH. I 1137 Pacific sL. near .tones. segg 31* mO 1.l I UPPER FLAT, NE. COR. HOWARD J and Twenty-third sts. : 6 rooms ami bath. For particulars apply lo Sll AINW ALD, BUCKBEK A CO., 407-409 Montgomery St. se'J9 7t UPPER FLAT; 6 ROOMS, BATH, ;i.A0 V. < 8 Metcalfe place; key 418 Geary st., between Mason and Taylor. se'29 21* ©19 I AND& ROOMS. HATH. 420 VALLEY; tjTlw.key 418. Apply315 Minna sL se'JS 31* 4 SUNNY BASEMENT ROOMS: $12. INCLUDING water. 1113 Leavenworth St., nr. California. 28 3* \\ 11110 l r QUESTION THE ' fl FINEST FLATS, ELEGANT AND DESIRABLE, CLAY ST.. BETWEEN I.KAVKNWOKITI AND HYDE; Rents for $65; water free; upper and middle flats havo 8 rooms and bath and the lower flats 7 rooms ami bath with exclusive use or a garcDn plat of 20x25 feet; the ler»:e airy basement ls divided Into rooms, one allotted to each tenant; incest of them command magnificent marine views; seir-clcs- ing door opener: unsurpassed cable-car accnmin'oela- tlons. O'FARRELL A LANO.UMontgomery St.1 4 tf © 1 t_ LOWER FLAT. 4 BOOMS; ALL MOD- Vi) JO. em Improvements: furniture therein, new and ready for housekeeping, lor sale at very low price and easy terms; 2 blocks from cable cars. J. F. PLPMBE. agent, 1402 Valencia st. _ se'J7 at ©9n FINE FJASTLAKE FLAT, 5 ROOMS, x^AaXJ, bath, wood mantel, glass doors, eta; nice garden; grand view. 1149 Twenty-fourth st., near Fair oaks, -j blocks from Valencia. ; se'i* 31* AT ICE FLAT OF 4 ROOMS: YARD; ALLCON- J.S veniences: adulta only. 880 Seventeenth St., near Sanchez. ...,\u25a0\u25a0_. je27 at* fflj 1 9 FLAT, 4 ROOMS, TO SMALLFAMILY. «]P I— . 27 earl St., bet. Market and Ridley,Valen- claand Guerrero. . \u25a0 se27 3t* vent $20; LOWER flat 8 rooms, base- -II ment, withstable Inrear, suitable for 3 horses: 1128 Harrison st.; also flat, set-imd story, 4 rooms. liiiltilro upstairs. - se273t* _ I i.) LOWER FLAT. 4 ROOMS. FLORIDA VP I .a. St., near Twenty-fourth. se'27 31* _-\ n FLAT, 4 BOOMS. 638 LINDEN AYE., <ffl I XJ. Hayes Valley. se'J7 3t» CORNER FLAT, 6 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH. / 2836 Sutler st. se'J7 3t* ICIR VAN NESS AYE.—SUNNY UPPER FLAT, I UU 6 spacious rooms. se27 3t* 6a£* OAk7«" ROOMS AND BATH; ALMOST OX) new; rent low. se'J7 31* <_jr_r SUNNY FLAT. 6 ROOMS; BATH. 489 <Jl l I . Saucbex it., cor. Eighteenth. se'J 7 3t* SUNNY FLAT, 4 ROOMS; BATH. 25 HILL ST.,' above Valencia. »e'J7 21* ; LiLEGANT FLAT, 7 SUNNY ROOMS: BATH. Xj 27 Heaver St., bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth, near Market. _se'J7;tr_ i 9ftzll HABBUON ST.. OPP. EIGHTEENTH- A.XJX I Flat 4 rooms; rent $12 60. - se'27 31* : UPPER FLAT: ' CENTRAL LOCATION: « xJ large rooms and bath. 72Hj O'Farrell. 27 31* "1.-LAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH; ALL MODERN 151- -1 pruvemeiils. 709 Oak st. \u25a0..\u25a0../\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 se'J7 31* 91 (V FRANKLIN NEARLY NEW: UPPER 1 >' Mat; 7 rooms: bath: enameled bath-tub: all moderu improvements; $30. MADISON A P.l RKK. 626 Market st. ac2S 51* X\'44l4A,tt\mfmntMAQ___________}t__\_____MM aMMM^M^rXy .-'\u25a0"-• CITY RKAI kstatk. _^ Mcafee. BALDWIN * HAMMOND, beal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, members of the S. V. Real Estate Exchange. 10 Montgomery st, $7500-Spleudld buildinglot: sunny aide Wash- ington St.. adjoining cor. Lyon; size 60x102 :b; grand vlow; excellent surroundings. $5500-Kent $510 per year: Austin St., near Van Ness aye. ; 2-story house: 2 Hats. 5 aud 6 rooms each; lot 25x60; fine renting locality. $6500 -Lombard st. near Leavenworth; 2-story Kastlako house; 2 nice flats containing 6 and 6 rooms and all latest conveniences; rent $570 per year; 10t 27:6x137:6. SOOOO-Mlnna St., near 3d: lot 40x80: 2 front- ages; trame Improvements; renting tor *72 50. $6750— A splendid corner, commanding an un- excelled view; Stanyan and Sullivan sts.; 60x83:1. $4500— Good Income property on Jessie St.. near 6th; 2-story house 11 rooms: reut $480 per year. $3100— A very cheap lot on Green St., near Hydo- st. cable: 61:7x66: street work done. $4250-Flne lot commanding superb marine view on Washington sl, near Walnut; note the size, 35x l'J7:BV4; street work complete. $25,000— Elegant modern residence on Hayesst. near Webster; 12 spacious rooms, bath and all latest conveniences : extra large lot, 62x137:6. $1750— A very cheap lot on the widest street In the Mission: Dolores St.. bet. Day tui'l 30th; size 251 100: street sewered and macadamized. $10.250— Valencia St., near lath: 2-story dwell- ing: 7 rooms, bath, etc.: lot 25x100; house should be raised and store built under It. $7500 each— 2 grant! lots on Pacific- aye., bot. Van Ness aye. and Franklin at. : eacn 37:6x122:6; street accepted by city; splendid view: neighborhood un- excelled; these lots are well worth $9000 each. $2500— cottage of 4 rooms; Merritt st.. near llattie; close to Castro and Market; lot 25x88. $550 each— Easy terms: 2 level loti; 32d aye., near Point Lobos; each $'Jsxi*Jt). $40,000- Kent $3888 ncr year; a good Invest- ment: on Post St., near Jones: extra large lot, 67:6 x 137:6: 2 frontages; good frame improvements. $3380— Extra deep lot on N. side Point Lobos aye.. near ritb; 25x120: street work all done. $8800—Modern 2-story bay-window residence on sunny side or Hayesst., near Brouerlck; 9 rooms, bath and all latest conveniences: lot 25x137:6; street paved with bituminous rock. $16.750— A fine pleco of prospective business property; Page St.. within a few steps ot Market; good 2-story building; 2 modern flats; also rear house: rent $864 per annum; lot 27:6x120 to roar street. $16,000- McAllister st., near Stelner: handsome new 3-story building: 3 modern flats; 8 and 7 reeoms: baths and all Litest conveniences; routed low at $105; lot JOx 112:6. $70,000— Price reduced: an offer wanted; grand collier on Hayes St., only 1 block from City Hall and Market st: extra large lot, OUxloOt good frame Im- provements. Call at our omce for printed list of property for sale in all parte, ot the city. McAFEE, BALDWIN ,v HAMMOND, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 10 Montgomery st. $50,000. «-™lJjj»»«« ***">"\u25a0 Pays 8 per cent clear of everything! first-class downtown corner: 4-story buildlug: built only 3 years; 3 frontages; shires and lodging-house; Hrst-class tenants; 5 years' lease; no better Income property In the city; call quick. McaFEk. Bald- WIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. se'J7Sul'uTU T^OP. SALE BY JONES A ALLEN, REAL-ESTATE OWNERS, 631 MARKET STREET. OPPOSITE PALACE HOTEL. LOOK AT YOUR MAT. BLOCKS 965, 992. 1150 1151. ADR BOULEVARD LOTS ARE THE BEST YOU CAN BUY SOUTH OF THE TARK. ONLY A FEW LEFT. JONES A- ALLEN. 634 Market Street. *S9"flft HAVES ST.; NICE LEVEL LOT; 4£AjOx)xJ. street woret done: no cheaper lot In the neighborhood; 25x100: near Baker. JONES A ALLEN. 634 Jlarket St. £.•).- ATO *375; FOUR LOTS ON ST., FKW sir OOU feet iroin the boulevard : 38x11)0; feueed and grade.!: $10 monthly. JONES A ALLEN, owners, 634 Market St. Qyrft LOOK AT THIS; ill LOTS ON .171!! sjn DO'J. aye. ; 25x120; the cheapest lots near 1 lie great highway that you can bur ou $10 monthly. \u25a0 JONES A ALLEN. 634 Marketst- QOSft W. LINEOF 47T11 AYE: JSil'JOt 81 K- -^>Ot)\J. vcycu and nicely situated; cream of that locality. JONES A ALLEN, 634 Mar.Ct St. cfT-ft 10 LOTS IN BLOC? 1150: OPPOSITE •J" ' x)\J . these 50 lots leava been sold to one buyer at $100 each: Just think, we sell for $10 mouthly. JONES A ALLEN, 634 Markot St. _•)-. .i lf I LOOK AT THIS: 7-KOOM COTTAGE ij»)c)l/u, tn Sail Mateo, only -J blocks {com depot: bath-room, laundry. Spring Valley water: lawn, llujvcrs and shrubbery :lot 75x110; part cub. JONES A ALLEN. 634 Market .t. se'J? SuTul'H I/I ftftft 24TH-ST. BUSINESS CORNER: »r"'IU.UUU. new bay-window Improvement): 2 stores and flat above; rent $60: part ollot vacant; 50x60. 86200— Fillmore st., near Halght-st. cable; new bar-window lint*: 6 rooms, bath, etc., each; electric bells. wooden mantels, etc. ; rout $55; lot 25x30; must be sold. Castro-st business corner; partially Im- proved; rant $45: lot 30x89. with L55 feet. $4750— Claysf. (Western Addition - residence: 7 rooms, bath, basement, etc.: electric bell, wooden mantels, sleeiio sidewalk, etc.] ;lot 25x103; cheap; half block from cable. $3000— 20th 4J.. 1 block from cars: new bay-win- dow cottage; 5 rooms, bath and basement; all mod- ern Improvement*; lot -25x30. 83300— Cog. «' ami 17t!i aye: 112x107:6. L. OESTERI'.EICHER. 503 California. 8C27 3t SuTuTh ©$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ 36 MIiREDITH A DRY. 634 MARKET ST., OPP. THE PALACE Sl Rf\ EACH—3 FINE LOTS NEAR METRO- sjp I DU polltan Electric road: a snap, aud going mis week. MEREDITH AHENDRY. Oft 9 ft EACH-Lots IN**CHOICE BLOCkS tj. ' A' only one block from electric road; $J5 cash, $10 per mouth these lots will surclv double before six months. MBit ED 11 A HENDRY. •_) -T X EACH— 3 FINK LOTS N. OF GOLDEN tlr*J IO Gate Park: $5. mouthly payments. MEREDITH A HENDRY. se37 "jjuTuTh o'>ftft MISSION ST.: LOTS 26x100. IN EX- do", celslor Homestead, three blocks from county road: otie-baif cash, balance ftlOper month. XX. 11. CBIM A CO.. 118 Mont.'oniery.6 SuTuTbSatt S7"7flft FOB SALE— ELEGANT ROW I. l'll/, or bouses Just completed on the K. side of Masonic aye., 1 block S. of Haight St.: each house contains salon parlors, large sunny dining- room. 4 chambers, finished basement, plate and ait glass windows, electric bens and gas lighting; extra large yard: the cheapest houses In tbe city; make your own terms. For particulars Inquire ou premises. aultt) tf SuTuTh TP. RIORDAN. REAL ESTATK AGENT. 632 . Market St.. opp. Palace Hotel, Rooms 2.') and 26. .-11.. -""] \u25a0_\u25a0:,. it , W. s. of Mason, near Geary; fine location to build: full pa ticulars at office. $16,000-122:8195 ft.. N W. of 24ih and Harrison sts.; Howard-st. cable cars; fine Investments. $5000-25x100 fL, W. line of Lyon St., near Geary, with splendid new cottage of 6 rooms, bath and basement; brick foundation; all modern. $3300 -20:8x114 It.. Army St., bet. Cburcb and Sanchez, with fine new collage Just built: this Is a lovely home; part cash. 1 have also several flue bargains Inbusiness prop- erty; full Information to be had at mv office. T. P. KIOBDAN, 833 Market st. se27 SuTu 21 {."'OR SALE-IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS EO.UAL I to rent; elegant 2 story houses and comfortable cottages; near cable lines. For particulars apply to L. LANDLER. 18 Montgomery st. anil tfSuTuThSa DO YOU KNOW AJ WHERE I'D BUY BEST AND CHEAPEST _ PAIlk LOTS T If you wish to buy a few lots for the very lowest prices— cash— a block or pari of a block, do not fall to call at 644 Market St., offlce of inei Sonthslde Land Company, for It Is conceded by all that park lots will make more money by 50 per cent than In- vestments In any other part or the city. There you willlinel just 4 lots for sale at $175 cash, 25 per cent less than actual value, at 644 Market st. We have Just a few very choice corners for sale; a tew very choice lots fronting on the electric road, a few lots fronting on the b»ach-. which can bo had by making a small cash payment, balance on easy In- stallments. . A few extra choice bargains can be bad. se'J7 tf lIAIKIAINS INREAL ESTATE. II $2650— Half-block level garden land, bet. Mis- sion st. and San Bruno road: 200x240: 18 lots. $275 only— corner, 69x100. at Lake View; north double. $1400— For 10 cholco lots In Paul Tract, 1 block to street-cars, on San Bruno road. $2550—Cheapest lot on Devisadero St.; 25x125; beautllul locution; grand view. $10,500-3 lints, on lot 26x187:6, on Haight St.; rents $80. $,l,.ecii) Elegant flats; just finished ; with all late improvements; 6 and 7 rooms; routs $76; choice block on Devisadero st. $16,500— Market-st. property: double house and lot; Market to 16th St.; 32:10x120; flue invest- ment. $26,500— Gaove corner on Market St.: 1)3x118. $20,000— Cor. Oak and Stelner: 120x82:6, with good residence 8 rooms. ROTHEKMEL A CO.. 18 Montgomery st. \u25a0 se27 3t SECURE AHOME SITE ON EASY TERMS IN A locality certain to Increase lv value; we have a few or the choicest lots In the Lakevlew Tract, which we will sell on tne most favorable terms; they are located In the most desirable portion or the tract, commanding a fine view; the streets are graded and the lots ready tor building; no sand-hill property: no dust; no smoke MARSH UTZ A CO.. removed to i' 2 '. ' \u25a0- Montgomery St., near California, Sale Deposit Building. se'Jl tt fl***" ifV' ftn/*r"ji__77uSE ANDLOT, 707 BUSH ST. sjpIU.UUU. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery. 26 7t» ci- 1 nnn 3 «-room COTTAGES in BERK. •7 1 UUU. (ley; 1 block from station; 8250 cash, $20 a month. \u25a0 - 81700— New 5-room: $150 cash, $15 monthly. $1800-New6-room: $200 cash, $20 monthly. $12t;0—5-rooin; $260 cash, $16 monthly. . $450— Lot 105x133, near station; $10 monthly. CALDWELL BROS.. 12 Montgomery st se'JO tf ITOR SALK CHEAP—NEW EASTLAKE COT- a tage; 5 rooms: bath: bay-windows: basement: on cable road: splendid marine view; 6 minutes from California and Kearny: an opportunity to obtain a lovely home at aaacrlflce: rauge, gas-fixtures and furniture if desired. O'FARRELL A LANG.11' Montgomery St. or 438 California. . se'27 Bt* \u25a0 oi;,- $10: $15: MONTHLY PAYMENTS; GOOD" XS)O. titles or no sale; Golden Gate Park lots cheap:' easy payments; well located. Before pur- . chasing see J. T. I: ARRIS. 628 Market. 137 SuTu 2 ~XtVU'A\fi PINK 2-SToRY \u25a0 RESIDENCE: 113. sJPUIHIU. Scott St.. 100 8. of Haight: 7 rooms, bath; modern Improvements; easy payments. Ap- ply on premises 1 to 4 r. m. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. se26 7t* CITY REAL ESTATE. . 1 X H. UMBSEN * CO.. 'T. _ REALESTATE AGENTS AMI HOUSE BROKERS. Members or S. F. Real Estate Excbauge, 14 Montgomery st. Q 9 f\r\(\ 3 BAY-WINDOW HOUSES ON x£)Oaa.XJU\J. FMdv St.. c»titalu(ii« 8 rooms and li'Uti each; brick foundations; rents $150 net per modtb; lot 67:3x03. G. H. UMBSEN a CO. 14 Montgomery st. S(l AAA GOOD INVESTMENT ON WASH- C""'""«Hilton St.. mar Powell: 2 fiats of 6 and S rooms and batn each: 2 rear houses of 6 rooms and bath each; rents $85 per mouth; bay- windows; brick foundations; street accepted by the city; large lot. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. -. \u25a0' > "Si 1 n rjlll2 HOUSES ON GREENWICH ST., tjj IxJ.OUxJ. near Taylor, containing 7 rooms and bath each; ingood order; houses can ue put up on rear street and Immediately rented; lot 40x 120 to rearatreet: routs 'fbU per month: this Is an excellent opportunity to purchase a good piece of property at a very low price. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO M Montgomery st. - qj*-r.Jiil 2-STORY BAY-WIN DOW HOUSEON <P IUUU. Pine St.. near Taylor, containing 8 rooms and hath; bay-windows; cement walks; Street paved with bituminous pavement: mortgage of $3760 can remaiu on the property. G. 11. UMB- SEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. SJ-Vnn LOT AMD improvements on «I>tl:—Ul/« Harrison st., near sth ; lias been occu- pied as a wttOMhop at a monthly rental of $35; ot 25xH5. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery. (J-O'AA HOUSE IN - TENEMENTS OF 5 xS)aaOx.)xJ. rooms each on Frederick St., near 2d: rents tor $24 per moutn; lot 25x70. G. 11. UMBSEN d CO.. 1 4 Montgomery st. '- •_ ' Cj I 7 \l\il IMPROVEMENTS AMD LOT ON A «J-1 I .OXJXJ. corner on Pacific st.: rents $101 per month: lot 4ti:Uxl37:H. G. U. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. \u25a0ft J On_fi HOUSE IN 3 TENEMENTS ON san «JpnUUU. Carlos aye. (formerly Jessie St.), bet. lSth and 19th: brick foundations, etc.; rents $3S per niontii. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgom- ery .st. t&^inn COTTAGE ON GLOVER ST., NEAR .*?_ **'*'• Leavenworth: lot 23x00: rents $16 per mi'lill'. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgom- ery st. d£lo r\(]f\ RESIDENCE ON HAIGHT ST., O lAi.tli'lf. containing o rooms and bath; bay- Wlndows; brick teoadatlOOS: cc.neut walks: all modern conveniences; house nearly new: lot 27:0 x 137:6. G. U.i MBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery St. CJOOAA NEW COITAtiE HOUSE ON 5'!>, x&4Jia.\J\J . nr. Sanchez and Noe: contains 5 rooms and bath; hay windows; brick foundations: on easy terms; part cash if desired; lot 25x114. G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery sL SI Q(i A - FLATS CONTAINING 4 AN'lVo "iOi'U. rooms on Eluahcta at., nr. Sanchez; bay -windows; brick Xouudatlous: rents $36 per month; lot 25x114. G. U. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. ' QQAAA MUST BE SEEN TO BK APPRECI- COUUI'. atc-i; an elegant new bay-window res- idence of 7 rooms and bath; brick tonndaUons; »tone walks; fine lawn; grand murine view; Octa. via St., 'ear Pacific aye.; lot 25x137:6: part cash. G. H. UMBSEN ACQ., 14 Montgomery st. Vl 1 /inn MISSION ANDI6TH STS.; BUM- %T* 1 "UU. ness property; 3 lots. 88 :3~x8? and 20x60: old buildings? tbls is a good location for a business block. G. U. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Mont- gomery st. V ijljjn A BARGAIN: CORNER ON LOM- tjJ'IUUU. bard si.-, lot 26x70, and 2-story house of 10 rooms and bath. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery St. f&l "1 AA EACH-$lOO CASH, BALANCE ON IN- O AA.\ IxJ stallments; lots cor. of 23d st., near Diamond; -a\-~>; also lots. 25x115. on Diamond St.. near 23.L G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgom- ery st. ufc-JT^n LOT NEAR 16TH AND CASTRO; «J)ie I OX), size 70x90. G. H. DMBSEN .V CO.. 14 Montgomery st se'JO TuTb 1) A. DOLAN * CO., . ILEAL ESTATE AND HOUSE BROKERS. 630 Market St.. opposite Palace Hotel; Branch oflice. Seventh aye. and I st., near Olym- pic Club grounds. SOBURBaX PROrKRTY A SPECIALTY. S')f\f\ WE HAVE FOR SALE SOME 300 LOTS. A-\J\.f . 25x120 each, belonging to the late Sen- ator Hearst's estate, on l:ua. lltli, 15th, 10th and 17th ares., in Sunset Heights: call and get one of oar maps: lots and blocks surveyed and fenced; voting people, this is the opportunity of your life to make yourself independent; free carriages to show property. P. A. OOIAN A CO., 630 .Market st. GjOiiALOTS; 25x120; DIRECTLY OPPOSITE *_ *> "' strawhery Hill, south of the park and In the {""ras-*;electric road pisses; yon can build now and save rent: only 5 minutes' walk rrom cars, now running; the Halgnt and Oak-st. cable companies will nave their cars running to these lots In less than 6 months: title absolutely perfect: Insured by the Title Insurance Co. ; don't let this great oppor- tunity pass willguarantee to double la value inone year; owner is positively compelled to sacrifice; call at our branch olhee. 7th aye., near Olympic Club grounds, ou suuday: hot 10 minutes' walk from those lots. P. A DOLAN A CO., 638 Market street. „___ P A. DOLAN A CO. TO THE FRONT— OCR FIRM 1 has secured th« entire large front oflice at 630 Market St., opposite the Palace Hotel, as ou account of our rapidly Increasing business we were com- pelled to tiave more room. Wo wish to establish ourselves Inthe hearts as well as lv the minds of the public, whom we try In every manner to satisfy, and hope* In the future as in the past to merit the confidence of both buyer and seller alike. We can refer to thousands who have done business through our office and not one Instance can be found where we have not given satisfaction. Wo publish the Sen Francisco Globe, a weekly real estate and Im- pro en paper, where you can find a complete list of some of the finest offerings in the city, as well as Information in regard to prospective loca- tions where an advance can be guaranteed In the near future. Ton ran bave it sent tree to your ad- dress by leaving same at our onice. We also dis- tribute gratis a map of the cltv and county. Hop- ing that you will give us a trial either by placing your property in our hands for sale, or by investi- gating our offerings, we remaiu respectfully, P. A. DOLAN A- CO.. 630 Market sL »e'J7 SuTuTh Sl'. MIDDLETON .v CO.. O. Real estate Agents and Auctioneers, Bents Collected anil Houses Rented. 22 Montgomery street. $50 per front foot—3oo feet on Douglass St.. S. of Caselil; size to suit. 9600— -28x100 each; 2 lots InRailroad Homestead Association. $700— 20x105 each; 2 lots in Railroad Homestead Association. fTOO-rFairmonnt Tract; lot on Mateo at.. W. from Cheuery; Mil 12. $760—10 lots in Gift Map No. 4; make us an offer. $1500—75x100: Coruer London and China ares., making J lots, Jiil ea.-h. $2400-25x100. on Pierre St., S. of Green. 99500— Valley St., E. of Dolores; 25x114; with good improvements. $700 each—6 lots on I.4th are., 8. of Clement St., 25x120 each: on easy terms. $600—25x120, on 'J Ist are., N. of A st.; on easy terms. $1100-50x120, on 10th aye.. N. of list.; on easy terms. $850—25x120, on 12th aye.. N. of A St.: on easy terms. JGOOO-Isis st., S. of 12th; 48x75; Improvements; rents for $58. $6000—SW. cor. or lolsom st. and Grant place; 25x07:6; reuts about $45. $6500— Eighth St., near Bryant; 50x60, with old Improvements: rents $19. $6600—22:6x85: Filbert, near Mason: 3-story building; store and 2 flats: rents $65; a safe buy. $7500— Sacramento st., near Fillmore: 25x128; 2 flats of I and 5 rooms and bath; always rented. 910,600— Sixth st, near Harrison; 25x00, with good improvements; rents $65. $27,300-2(1 st., near Mission: 30x77:6. with Im- provements; rents $100: good investment. TO LET. New Rat or 7 rooms and hath, Larkln st., bet. O'Farrell and Kills; ail modern Improvements; $45 and water extra. Two new flats. 6 and 7 rooms end batb. on Green St.. bet. Octavlaand Lacuna; $25 and $27 60; all modern Improvements. Flat of 8 rooms on Chestnut st., near Dupout; $22 50. Flat on Sacramento St., near Fillmore; 5 rooms and bath; $25. New store, with 4 rooms and bath, on Larkln St.. near EjlU; reut $55; also good basement for $15. sc27 at SuTuTh - LLANDLF.R. BUILDER AND OWNER, 18 > Montgomery st. FOR SALE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS EQUAL TO RENT. New cottages or 5 anil 6 rooms, and elegant 2- story houses ofHand 10 rooms. In Mission aud Western Addition, and near Goldeu Gate Park: all on principal cables. _- ._,-.... If yon desire I will build you a house on your own plan on a lot of your own selection on the same oasy payments. YOU CAN HAVE THIS ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Elegaut 2-story house. No. 107 Broderlctt St.. bet. Haight and Waller; on the sunny side; magnificent view: contains salon parlors, elegant dining-room^ and four chambers: electric and gas appliances throughout house aud all the latest improvements. ONLY ONE LEFT OUT OF EIGHT. Mono™ cottage; Grooms: */_• block W. of Castro st. ; cable-cars on Coil 1 ujfwood St., bet. 18tb and 19th. Also cosy cottage on Hartford St.. bet. 18th and 20th, V"block east of Castro at. Applyou promises. ST to owner and builder, L, LANDLER. 18 Mont- gomery st. se'29 tf TuTbSaSu FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS- VERY V sunny cottage of 6 rooms and DatD; brick foun- dation; highrough basement: lot 25:8x102:6 on lineof new Sacramento-st. cable and 1 block from Callfornla-st. cable; neighborhood Al; NE. cor. Raker and Sacramento sts. For particulars apply to C. 8. CAPP A CO., House Brokers. 415 Mont- gomery st. acJi), Oct 1, 3 31* dMI'AA FOLSOM ST.. NEAR BTH-LOT 25x igluOXJxJ. 160 feet, to Clementina st.: street ac- cepted by the city: 2-story bouse of 8 room- and bath on Clementina st. ; this ls a reel bargain; will sell either frontage. $8500— 16th St., near Valencia; lot 30x110; good Improvements: see this at once. 94000— Noe st., south or 18th: 2-story house; 9 rooms and batb: lot 25x125: rents $31 per month; 1 block from Castro St. $1750 each -choice lots, 26x125, on Park road; fine view; close to Haight st. We have several large pieces at the Mission (nd Western Addition tbat can be bought cheap. Tor Investments. Apply to DANIEL 4 LOUIS JONES. 112 Mont- gomery St., Real Estate Agents; appraisements made. se'JS TuTb 2t VOX SALE—PRICE $3250; $500 ~ CASH. BAL- A Ain-e small monthly installments; 2 large 5-room cottages on sunny sine 25th St., stone block, east of Castro, with stone sidewalk, brick bulkhead, planked basement, unfinished attic, large lot, wall built up neighborhood and all street work complete. F. \u25a0NELSON, builder, 1520 26th St.. mar Ca»tro.aeB9 tf BUILDING LOT WANTED; $300 TO $600. H., > liox 155. Cali. Branch Office. se29 31 « QfJr\(\f\ FINE LOT, 25x125; POINT LOBOS, tS>-Q\JxJ. nr. Wood. CHAPIN. 12 Monty. 29 ffiJQl fin each-10 NEW MODERN BAY-WIN- tJpO-L XJXJ flow cottages of 6 rooms and batb each : planked basement; wooden mantles: cement walks; lot 25x100; all street work done; small cash payments; Twenty-first and Florida sts. 26 7t» $1 HO ONLY-LOVELYLEVEL LOTS; 25x100 IUU each: Alameda County 40 minutes' ride from tbs city; 8 trains a day; no dust: no fogs, perfect climate; buy 1or 2 now; you can't make »' mistake: lerms $30 cash, balance $6 monthly. Par- ticulars or WM. B. MARSH UTZ A CO., 324% Montgomery st. se'J? 7t a lie ii ii ci cine'' 1 VfifflßTTff I wHBMHI.ITiHhTiWn iiimi \u25a0 nil LODGING-HOUSES FOR BALE. Cl* "1 Z(\ FLAT. 4 NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS V 1 i.«-'U. for housekeeping: Geary st, ; great sacrl- flee. CULVER. 1032 Marketst. se29 At* SA ~\(\ HOUSE OF 9 NICELY FURNISHED -IOU. rooms: all rented: paying bouse: big bargain. CULVER A CO.. 1032 Market st. se29 4i« i i i / bargains7pricessioo TO $10,000 1 \t\* 21 rooms, must sell, only 500 35 rooms onMarket st 1,300 24 rooms, thai transient 1.600 16 rooms, new furniture, cost $4000 1.400 10 Hats, from $200 to 600 8 boardlni-nonses. From $300 to 10,000 20 houses to exchange real estate. $500 to.. 6.000 1000 lots. 2000 ranches, prices $600 to.. ... 60.000 For sale by 11. C. DECKER. 006 Market st. It* CL'l 'J.t\f\ »0 ROOMS NICKFUKN'ED: CLEARS Q-tOUU. .on mo. EICHENLACB. 753 Mkt. 3* *> "" M FIM: HOUSE 12 ROOMS: on HOW- <Jclt)U. aid st FLETCHER. 1004 Market st. It* lODGINQ-HOUSE 10"ROOMS; FURNISHED; J reasouable. 121 Sixth St. se'J9 7t» ijjj.)- WILL BOX A LODGING-HOUSE OF 7 x&lmmO rooms, bringing 935 net above rent. In- quire Scanclia Tea-store*. 1222 Howard st. teHO Bt* 8 ROOMS; IKMMIKD; MUST BE SOLD THIS 0 week: all rooms rented; uo reasonable offer re- fused. SG4 14 Mission si. 8020 3t« UOl EIGHTH—FLAT BROOMS; 6FURNISHKD; xlma-. pay- $2j month over rem; must se'l account sickness. Ca I bet. 11 and 4. se'J9 7t* HO SIXTH-NICE HOUSE, 16 ROOMS: CHEAP I*l *J for cash. If 1 m, HOI SKS THIS WEEK AT AUCTION' * * prices— 4o moms, Al corner, selling account sickness. #'-'ucic); 15 rooms. Market acid Sixth, $000; 12 rooms. Maritet and Fourth, $603; all bargains. W. i- iIKALY. 1148 Market st. 2t» ©QCfl ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM Xa'OOXJ. boose; perfect home; sunny side. Ad- dress :,.. Box 41). this office. se27 3t* ROOMING-HOUSE, SIS ROOMS; HALF PRICE. 338 Third at. se*J7 3t VEWI.V FURNISHED SUNNY CORNER HOUSE. * i is rooms; no agents. Inquire 6 "JI Post. Jv'JS tf ILIIMTI'IIK r»»Il sale. Flat of rooms, r^cßNisiiKT^ ( rooms all rented to stride gentleman. 357 1 -:, Minna St. se29 71* " / 'HEAP LOT OF GOOD FURNITCUE. 82JTLa7 xj gnna st, se29 2t* [".-ROOM FLAT; COMPLETE; HOUSEKEEPING; *) almost i civ ; cheap. Call from 9to 1 and sto 7, 911 MinnaSt.. off Tenth. se'J7 ot" TjiCRNIiCRE 9 ROOMS AND BATH. 504 NA- " toma st. se24 7t* DING- BEDS 923 50: RKD-LOL'NGES. 915: 1 parlor sets, $10 to 9150; mirrors, pictnres.stoves. or anything relative to a homo: call and cet our prices and terms; open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1017 and 1023 Mission St., ah v.* Sixth. seg lm /10MPL~CTE~!T~~~~r OP 7 VIECKS, $13 50. AT XJ NEWMAN 8R05.,117 Sixth St. Jy2» 12m GOOD CILANCE—YOCRHOUSE FURNISHED complete with fniurure. carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures ami mirrors at cash prices, on easy Installmenu; small deposit. M. FRIED- MAN a t'o.'s, largest lustallmeut bouse on the Coast, 228-230 Stockton. 237 Post »L; open even- Ings; pronipt attention paid lo country orders, lsttf ASPhCIAL NOTICE— I [LAVE REMO VED.' TO large, new stores, 126 Fourths'..: prices reduced to bed rock all round: par. or suite, 925 to $70; ranges. $6 up: 500 second-hand carpets: chamber sets* $15 tos7s: cash or Installments ;goods shipped rree. T. H. Ni.LSON, 126 Fourth apl It V EW CHAMBER Milsup 7 PIECES, *15 CASH, a.> cr ins; WII.I.VV BROS. 931 Mission, tf 1 a .rs. YEW AND SECONDHAND C S?CTS FOR Li half the orhjtnai prices; laid same day as or- dered; open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1017-1023 Mission st. aeg lvi /IARPETS-SMITH'S BRUSSKLS, 65c A YARD; \J installment price elsewhere 91 a yd. M. FRIED* MAN A CO.. -228-230 Stockton, and 237 Post _ JtJf_ BRUSSELS CARPETS. 60c. LAID; WINDOW clot .1 -.'jc. S. W.SiIIHKK.1234 Stick ton. m'Jtf CAItPKT n.K.ANING. /CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVE YOUR '. carpets cleaned and relald. JONES' perfect Carpet-clean Ins and Ren ivatlog Works, 35 and 27 Eighth st. ; telephone 342 se6 ly * IARPET CLEANING 3 CENTS A YAR M. MlT- xj CHELL'S, 236 Fourteenth St. myl3 tf CARPETS CLEANED: LAID. ALEX. W. WHSL- DEN,'2400 Geary -.:.\u25a0 r el phone 1093 j;,'3 tf (HT\ STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND RENO- X ' rating works: dying and cleaning; 24 and 23 Eighth sl O. H. STEVENS, proprietor mrl 10m QPAULDIXO-S PIONEER CAHTET^BEATINtJ 0 Works do the best work. 353 to 357 Tehama st.; telephone 3010. mrio CYARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT Cheating: refittingcarpets a specialty. CONKLIN BROS.. 333 Golden Gate are. . telephone 2126. 13 if OAKPETS CLEANED: 3 AND 5 CENTS PER * yard. 453 Stevenson: Tf*. 3228: S.STR ATTAN PIANOS. VIOI.rNS AM) SIIKKT MUSIC. RARE BAROAIN—A CON OVER BROS. 1 UP- lx right piano, as good as new. F. W. SPENCE a CO.. 723 Market at.. History Building, second floo^ ; se29 if |>YRON MAUZY. AGENT SOHMER, CHASE 1) Pros.. Newby a Evans. 308 Poet <. my' 22 tf STEINWAY. UPRIGHT: LITTLEUSED: MUST ._ lie sold. 635Halgbtst. se27 \u25a0\u25a0'.* _ LEOANT NET? UPRIGHT PIANO; CHEAP. Palace \u25a0:»•!. third floor. Room 695. as'J6 tf IV ANTKD-GOODUPRIGHT PIANOCHEAP. A., *' Box 106. Call Branch Office. sc-J5 7t* USICAL ins; HUM* NTS op ALLKINDS FOR -»H cash, or on easy terms, J. NOONAN, 1017 to 1023 Mission st. scs lm A LOI OP SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS; Sue condition; at a sacrifice. KOHLER A CHASE. 28 o'larreil st. jv2.itf KOHLER 4 CHASE, 28. 28 AND30 O'FARRKLL st.; Icadirg pianos and organs; oldest moslo- house: largest stock : easy terms; low prices. s**p2,i tt Cg \u25a0 . )C STEINTf AY * SONS i.- 5 ; YOUNG C- *-'• maker: new pianos at factory prices: easy terms. Fay's Piano Factory, 1729 u.lOtt I'HE FINEST LOT 01 SECOND-HAND PIANOS ever offered, ranging from $75 up; organs from $50 np; ever) thing guaranteed. F. W. SPENCER A Co., 723 Market st., History Building, second floor. angg tt ALLET A DAVIS ANDKIMBALL PIANO AND HALLET4 DAVIS AND KIMHALL PIANO AND Organ Agency. W. G. BADGER. 725 Market, tt 01 K. HARDMAN. POSE AND S 1 KRI.ING v . pianos sold on 910 monthly Instalments. BENJ. CCKTAZ -v SON, bole agents, 20 o' Parrel! St. au7 tf dfco7& PIKK RAIiY GRAND, LIKE NEW, -_^AmIO. $200: $125 organ, $70. FAY'S Piano Factory. 1730 Mission: bargains In new pianos. tf STEINWAY. GABLER AND PEASE PIANOS, organs and all musical lostromeuts: call and sob cur new rooms and stock. MATTHIAS GRAY A CO.. 206 and 208 Post m . Stelnway Hail. ja7 tf THEEVENING BULLETIN. PRICE REDUCED to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any part of tne city; tbe Bulletin is tue best, oldost and largest eveuinz paper published on the coast: orders by postal-card or otherwise will receive attention, oaii-^ 6'J'J Montgomery^ HORSES. MODEL HOK.iK; EN ! LE, F^*?f*PsUIT -ll Iftly; cheap. D., 518 Geary st. se29 3t* USEFUL YOUNG TEAM: CHEAP. OR HIRE. U JOHN'S, cor. Taylor and Geary sts. se'29 3t* FOE SALE—YOUNG, GENTLE HOUSE: SUIT- X able for light wagon. 576 Howard st. 28 31* H ORSK. WAGON. HARNESS, CHEAP: SUITA- bIe peddler. 404 25th it., cor. Alabama. 27 :\u25a0,* T?OR BALE— A GOOD SULKY. APPLY AT 42 J O'Farrell St., basement. se27 St GOOD HORSE FOR BUTCHER - STAND: \J sound in every particular. 1409 Scott. 80*34 at* fOR SALE—HANDSOME LARGE BAY MARK, T about lb hand;*: perfectly gentle ; must be sold on account of owner's departure. Apply 1514 Howard st. selß tf EXPRESS WAGON. DOUBLE TEAM AND small business waaon. 1237 York st. anl Itf \u25a0 mmm ____ mmmm-mj-s-tssm^mixm l^ —^ l^—^—^ll— .^—^^ IYAOONS AND CAKKIAGKS. Ol.l'iNli HAM) WA'IONS I'OK SALE CHKAP. 1114 Harrison St.. near Seventh. ne'iA tf 1 tilt SACK— >:iSI... 1.. .NI..IUS. lVE LL ti:aim:ii waii.ii .si'AMEli XT ami 6po!nter pnps. I'M';, Fourth St. se2t> 3t* rxßEAtr w.ooe-aAU WATER task. no. 1 ' /' wind-mill, pump. etc. Apply 1408 Cailforuift at.. near Hyde. seas 7t» JERSEY COW AND CALP. $65: 5 GALLONS Uillkguaranteed per day. 727 Sixteenth. kit 31* AND-SAW. PLANER, BHAraat, ETC., FOR sale. 'I oy factory. 16th st., nr. Harrison. 27 lm* Hei:-!: AND PHAETON: CHEAP; SUITABLE for lady lo drive. Inquire jo.i Powell BL s«2 If CAFE, SCALE, LETTKR-PRKSS, - I TRUCK O and money-till: ___ 102 Clay sL au7 tf SECOND-HAND BOILERS. ENGINES, MI'S, shafting, pulleys, belling, water pipes, etc. del tf McINTOSH A noi.i'MAN, 137 Beale st. HEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER^TaTH eT SBEPARU'S I- (cot AM) POWER I.ATHKS planers, drill-presses. 667 Mission st. nc'A7 _,! _ AITOKN r. kt>-AT-LAV. ]7~L_ JENkTiNS^ a I roi:*. KT-AT-LAW, 73 XJ. Eciiirll) St. ; advice free on all legal matters. 8* Ti" UK MATTHEW^ ATTORNEYr33I MONT- " ' gomery St., Loom 1; probating estat- and fore- closing me cii an ics'_l lens ; •\u25a0\u25a0' laities: advico. aulO ADVICE FREE. read AD. personals. G.W. HOWE * CO . attorneys-at-law. 850 Market, tf ADVICE FREE; MARRIAGES SPEEDILY AH- A\ nulled secretly; collections, etc.; experienced attorneys; French aud German spoken. Pacific Law Exchange. 'AS Kearny st. aus 6ui KA. CROTHERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 80 J . I cay .su .__ no3tt WW. DAVIDSON. ATIORNEIf-AT-LAW, 11l . California sL. Rooms 11-15: advice ir-s. 43." rTi7"JcAT.IONAI„ C PR ECH- IN 'IEIIHICHT lIII.DKK.S-TIIE O practical use ol German taught in 4 months: 2 or 3 lessons per week, according to Professor Bergman's natural and easy methods; pictures used to Illustrate the meaning of words; classes in conversation and reading formed for advanced mnclenis: the publicis cordially Invited to Inspect the method. Office hours dally Itoo r. St. at Pro- fessor carrel's Dancing Academy, 507 Sutter at., beL Powell and Mason. se'J9 7t* IJROF. DE FILIPPE'S SIMPLIFIED PRACTICAL method or French. Spanish, $1 60. Bancroft Co. A 'Cecal, CLASSES MONDAYS 8 P. M. ; DRA- V malic classes Wednesday 8 v. m. :private lessons. MKS. MELVILLE SNYDER, i:« McAl- listers!. tc-AS 7t* IJHOF.JK. DIETZ .FROM PHILADELPHIA. c.IVES . luatructton lie piano, all grades; beglnneis guided by pieces to memorize. AdJress 11 16 Turk st. lm* 7> W. KIM HALL. TEACHER OF PIANO. 2912 JT . Howard at. : terms moderate. - se2 lm MP.S. . .1. L. CONNER: STUDIO. DO3DBOK Building. 1170 Market st. Lessons given In portrait > specialty; water-colors, crayon, Indian Ink and oil; outdoor sketching, landscape and dec- orative art: classes now forming. au29 tf SINGING LESSONS, VOICE CULTURE. APPLY O daily 605 Powell. Prof. J. K. c niILVIF.. aillll3a PACIFC ENGINEERING SCHOOL- ENUI.NKKuT ing, architecture, surveying. 121 Post, te'2o lyr SCHOOL CIVIL, MINING. MECHANICAL KM- O glueerlng, surveying, architecture, drawing, as- _________ 1861. A.Van derNalilen.723Mkt.2ltt HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST. Double-entry book-keeping, penmanship, short- hand, type- writing, telegraphy, etc.. all Included la iiisilies. course under one fee of $75. Ic.iO tf PACirioTuisiNEss college. 3OT POST Xt. ____________ ___ clay ana eveninv. ociq;C ' '\u25a0 TO I.HASK. \u25a0 O^TET^IT^EAiiE^SpCPPEK H.OOKS OP building SW. cor. Washington and Battery sts. Applyat 433 Bailey ft. sei U I , i.eieiMiiMCni \u25a0\u0084 \u25a0 ,c en TIT^TtTi '\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 KCSTNI'SS en ancfs. ~, , FIRST-CLASS TEAMING BUSINESS: ixJV. line double team: work for wholesale house: has had It tor '-•:'\u25a0 years; makes $125 to $150 .very month work seemed: trial; most sell en ac- count of old age: made a competency, wants to re- tire. bargain. GE». I EWART, 136 Kearny, It iE» -lift PARTNER WANTED 18 MANUFACT- . 'I l.i-,:. mercantile business; employs sto 8 bauds; clearing to each 9100 per mouth: has full value In stock, inacliiuery. tools and material on hand: with plenty of >rders: Is suitable tor auy active. Industrious, steady inan willing to work and mako Himself generally useful; can be Largely In- creased withhelp of good man; uo better oppor- 'utility la this city: full -investigation and fair trial t'cfore buying. GEO. STEWART. 135 Kearny, It 11. OCT YOUR BUSINESS GO TO I. D. 1BARNARD. 32* Kearny St. : established 1859.1* QjlKflfl A*" L V OROCERY (no li.AKi; Ll- -0 'A. quorssold by bottle and measure: new tres h poods: ftns paying trade; choice corner loe-a- tioii. I.P. BARNARD. 22* Kearny at. it" QMnnn LIVERY STABLE; HALF inter- s' lv'V'l'. est; best-paying ilverv nil 1 boarding Mabto In town. 1. D. BARNARD, 224 Kearny st. l - **.'''>~ttl GRiCKRY AND BAR: ONE OF THE O—— *)xj. olclest aud best corner stands north of Marketst.: a solvent, legitimate paying business. 1. D. BARNARD, 284 Kearny St. lt* cj(;:a dance hall and bar! fine 10ca- ... i). HI. tlon: beat in the city; making money. 1. 1). BARNARD. 224 Kearny St. It* \u25a0 v -. •\u25a0-, BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY*- -. .i^<>. store; line paying trade: rent only $18: - living rooms: sale includes furulture: real bar- gain. I.D. BARNARD. 224 Kearny at. li« .\u25a0-jc/. PARTNER MANUFACTURING BOSI- -'?')W. ness. ''.'Mi mo. CULVER. 103 J M'kt.4* iSOfin CORNER GROCERY AND BAR: FULL 4l*Q\.)xj. value. CULVER, 1032 MarkeL se'29 41* ~Al',Hl) BALOON; PIANO AND*""""^H^LiviNG- t. UUU. rooms; in good locatiou; must he sold; owner going away: will take part cash: this ls a grand bargain if taken at ouce. CULVER A Co., lU.i'J Market st. se'J9 4 <\u25a0)( on RESTAURANT AND OYSTER %a ' Xix I . house: first class in every respect; N. .of an,! nr. Markets:.: cheap rent; long lease: aver- age daily receipts $70t sens over 100 people; grand largaiu. CI'I.VKK. 1032 Market St. seJ6 4t» <it_>7r. PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON •„ olOi and boarding-house; clearing to each from $100 to $!)0u monti: : prefers partner to hired l.eip: good location. MORGAN. 838 Ke.ii m St* VldlHl PARTNER WANTED IN MAN 11 Al'- C"' 1 "\u25a0' \u25a0 is auc I niercautlle business. MoR- I.AN A CO., 238 Kearny st. se'JS 21* CfcOnn FUIST-CLASS CORNER SALOON^ 2 •A OVIyl. entrances and In splendid location. Morgan a- Co.. •Ai-i Kea ruy st, Sf.'s '-'t- O'l^jl BRANCH BAKER) AND SODA POCN- v, mm ''X I. tain ci i Market st.; a bar. am this day. 1 -LETCHER A CO., 1004 Market st. It* , RAND BUSINESS OPENING FOR PARTY \u25a0 ' with small capital. Address Business, 87 .-t i 3 Market st„ Room 2. se'JO 71* SIONERY AND VARIETY STORE. APPLY O 1302 Powell St.. BeL - and 6 p. m. se2B St* PHYSICIAN'S SPECIALTY PRACTICE. PAY- Ing $10,000 year, for sale on account sickness. Address M. P. . Be 1 144. rut, Branch. se'JO 7t* COAL- YARD: Vi INTEREST OLD ESTAB- Ilafceil: doing good business. 115 Turk. •••a:' .'.* v•' ' / l sal; on FOR SALE. fixtures, BllC s^ O"\J. Hard table, stock; sickness cause. Apply Immediately 119 Kdrtyst. -.\u25a0\u25a0.". , st* I>ABTNERIN PAYING SALOON; CHEAP RENT; good location. 651 -Mission SL se'JO 4t- fOE SALE—HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST IN A saloon. 124 Fourth «t. se'J9 lit* CHOKMAKER'S SHOP hi'!'. SALE: l.s l \': isi Usliecl ever 13 years. 259 Firsl st. se29 "I* Isixe CORNER SALOON: SPLENDID Bt'Sl" X ness: selliug on account or other business. Call Stock Brewery. se'^o 3l* LOR -FINE SALOON; GOOD LOCATION; X cheap rent; bargain. 156 F'lrst at. se'JO 2t* VINF CHANCE IN SALOON. A! FLY AT ONCE 1ar873l '\u25a0• Market st., Room '.'. seJ-' It' (J; •,•)' LADIES. ATTENTION— BRANCHBA&- -»_ aaO. eiy. caudy and coffee rooms st Miss. on. (all to-day W. F. HEALY, 1148 Market st. 2t» VVHII GROCERY AND BAB; 1 LIVING 'm ''v. rooms: lull value lb stock and ft positive bargain. W. P. HEALY. 1148 Marketst. 2t* l&Qnn CORNER SALOON; BCSINESS $1:10 s^t/UU. per i cii. clearing $1. per mouth: 3 rooi-s: lease. W. F. IIKALY, 1148 Market st.'Jt* (> I CA EXPKKSS BUSINESS; STEADY WORK: Co' 1 \u25a0 owner going away; must sell at once. Apple MR. FURLONG. 1221 Market st. It* e-./ POULTRY-STAND IN CENT ALLY LO- VT OXJ. catcd market. XX. H. CRIM A CO.. US Montgomery st. se'J2 TuTnSu 6t Q-lfiil WKLL-ESTABLISHED STORE; %T*xUl- . stock, fixtures, tools, etc.: no better oar- galn In the city for a man with ft little money. J. w. COLEMAN. ___ < \u25a0- Montgomery st. se'JO Ih_ ©OSfl SALOON ON THE CITY FRONT: AN '_ —cil'. old stand: doing ft fine business: with 2 rooms. Full particulars of J. B. MIHAN, 622 Clay s:., Rooms 1 and - se'Jri It* ' 0>;|)fl GROCERY AND NOTION SIORE FOB a_\. —Vl\; fixtures and entire stock; good loca- tion and low rent; rea-son. owner must go East this month. A J. TAIT. 1504 Seventh st.. Oakland. 7 /"colt. SALOON, CHEAP IF SOLI) IMMEI ATELV: Xj proprietor is going to leave city, inquire KHij Kear: St., grocery nore. se'JS 3t* TOP. SAL FINE COR. GROCKRY: NO REA- X ______ offer refnsod. 534 Q'FarrelL se2s St* QOAA BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY C'Joo. store with '. rooms attach! I: cheap rent: a sacrlSce. McFADDEN a- cc>..siiji , Mar- k(-t St. - ' 28 7t* It IiI PAYING AND WELL-ESTABLISHED XI cigar store for sale, lies; of reasons selling. Call early at 3",8 Fourth st. se'JS 3t* OESTACRAXT OPPOSITE RAILROADDKPOT ; i I a bargain. 210 'lowusend st. seJS 2t* ifO LET— SALOO!*] 642 SECOND ST^ bet. Brannan and Townsend. se'JS 7t* !. AHBKK'S SHOP FOX SALE. LARKIN ST., * ne^er Broadway. seHS 31* O.>- ; - FINK "RANCH BAKERY. CANDY- "J 1 xJ. store: doing good business : 2 rooms: on 1 oartii St., near Market. Apply to JONAS A c)., 7Z~ Market St. se'J7 St* PAPER EtII'TEFOR BALE ON THK CHRONT- A cle: fine route: locate l In the Western Addition, inquire at 212 Vicksburg St., bet. Twenty-third and '1 wenty-fourth. se'.'7 71* Sots use CORNER branch bakery V— ' '-'• at.d notion store, with fine living room s; doing a good trade: on account of other business. ApplyCall Branca Other. se'J7 29 'if Q./'li MARKET-ST. CIGAR-STOKE: CLEAR. V —»-'". Ing $'i 0 a ncieietli; 1 living-room at- L.t-teccl: ttie best investment ever offered. B. WHITE. 765 MarketSL s?J7 4t* 01.11 ESTABLISHED cigar BUSINESS: no __o__n - 206 I bird St. . ,se'J7 :it* <i I l\t\ FKCIT STORE: .nil) BUSINESS; »*7 1 UU. owner departs. ggjjjfr Powell. se'J7 QALOON FOR SALE—CITY FRONT. APPLY ' i J CallBranch \u25a0 ace. s^'jtt 7t* V"ifl_.l FRIIT >" VEGETABLES STAND: iZ'OxJxJ. receipts *S0 to $7"a S73W Market street. 8*25 7t* OT. AAA FOR SALE—RARE OPPORTUNITY: J'.J' 'Ul/. paint and decorative business; large and new sloe.-, prominent location, low rent: a great bargain: good reasou for sellings Address i;n 65. tnls office. segS7t* I"IRST-CLASSSALOON DOINGFINE BUSINESS 1 centrally located. year?' loase with privilege; rally located. X yftftrs 1 loase with privilege; or will sell halt Interest: If you want money mak- lug business cheap look this up; $2500. A. C, Box 85, Call Branch Office. se2s 7t* I RANCH BAKERY; (ANDY, CIGARS AND xi notions; full seek: fine fixtures; cheap rent. Apply Call Branch office, 710 Market st. se-^i 7t* ]> RANCH - BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY. SODA. i> Ice-cream: good 1 nainesa. Apply thisoffice. 23 7* •LOR SALE—CORNER BRANCH BAKERY AND J candy-store. 1035 Kolsom St. se23 7t» _ 7^Lo77ITFoirSALE-MUST~S£LL THISWEF.K. 0 Inquire 328 Fourth st. se23 7t* /'HEAP - RESTAURANT IN WHOLESALE XJ rait of city. cay st. se23 71* (_iAZ.(t F<)K SALE - A BARGAIN: GOOD •i, I »l'". saloon connected with boarding and lodglog house; JO rooms: all occupied with good luen among factories and foundries; rent low. In- tire c. POSI'EL A CO., Wholesale Liquor-dealers, 14 Eilia .: se!7 141* I IVlNci FOR GOOD MAN ROUTE FOR SALE 1 j on morning paper; pays $16 per week. Apply tnls CIS' au6 tf GOOD GROCERY AND BAR FOR SALE. Al'- >i ' ply10 BIEBEBROS. A PLAGEMANN. seS tf C A CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL Ox.' lor lour months to any part of the United Hate; 1 . IIKMTIMS. I ii;. DCCKETT.997 MARKET COR. SIXTH, U ejtracts or fills teeth without p*ln. sel liin (J. 7 A SET hOB TEETH; WARRANTED A3 -V1 good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist. 930 Market st.. next Baldwin Theater.ocltt lilt. BJ :.1 923 MARKET. EXT. TEETH 50c: U with gas $1; fillingslow; open eYftolngs. my'J tt '• - SET: Xi I'AIi: IN' I $1: FILLINGJl;E\r>. C ' painless. SOc, DIL C.A. PERRY, 8 Mason. mstr_ 7 '7>LTl"l*NDENTAL ASSOC I ATION,806 MARKET \J st. I'.eelan Building), positively extract teeth without pain with '-Coitou Gas": also perform all operations in ileutlstry. _________ D1.1 ' 111i.1t. 7 tt ALL NEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES IN them stating tbat the Insane asvlucns are fullof people who took gas only once for palniesHtooth ex- tinction and went crazy. Mysecret painless method is wonderful. By Its use any dental operation may be done painlegs-y. VViii forfeit $100 for any tooth that I cannot extract without sleep or gas, even ibongb a dozen dentists have failed to extract it. All operations done better than elsewhere, since I have seven first prizes for beautiful linings, plats and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists. Offlce open till9:30 r. m.: Sundays till 3 r. St. UK. GEORGE W. I.EEK. 8 O'Farrell St. oc9 tf _ 1,1. '.. Ll Hi. lMHILL. .44.1 MARKETST., NEAR 1) Eleventh: no charge for extracting when platee are made: old plates made over use new; teeth Don. $8 per set: extracting one: gas given. 4tf . FULL SET OF TEETH HIP. $7; FILLINU AT 'J\ lowest prices: work warranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 841 Marketst. opp, Baldwin. J?!!^ 118. (7*l. WILSON. DENTIST,! 823 MARKET XJ st.. bet. Firth and Sixth, opp. Mason. ____\ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLY C. in. In wrapper, ready lor neactl"- FINANCIAL. A small sums LOANED: payable back J\ .In Installments. 20 Ellis, Room 19, »e2 »m OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT—SEND your old gold and silver by mall to the old and reliable house of A. COLEMAN, 41 Third St., San Francisco: I will send by return mall the cash: It amount Is not satisfactory will return the gold. "Jy SAN FRANCISCO COLLATERALLOAN BANK, £88 Kearny St., the only corporation that lends money on diamonds, watches: low Interest. oc4tf < ciNTRAt TOKS AND Itl II.i.HW. . AKPENTBB WORK :FITTINGUP STOKES A x.j specialty; reasonable 1140 Howard c,t.jyi4 3m J~~Y. LA WREN OE.CABP ENTER AND BUILDER . «14 Sacramento St.; cabinet workand fitting up offices promptly attended: teleuboue HOP. inlCitf PAINTERS. le'' A. JENNINGS A CO., GENERAL CON- I .tractors, painting, paper-banging, whitening, plastering, carpeuter wots, etc., 862 Mlssieeii St., 4 doors .st of Fifth,S. F. se'J7 3iu _ CIGNS. PAINTING, WHITENING, l'Ai'EK- i) banging, .tlntirg and decorating; wholesale and retail dealers In faints, oils, glass, brushes, rar- nisti.s. Mc RAF. A PLANE. 205.207 _____ 24 «m MONK TO LOAN. '_ M()V^""I()ANED FROM »1 UPWARD AT Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St., nr. Mason; pilvate entrance 7 Turk. N.J. FRANKLIN ftCO.Oin I*HOil $.10 UPWARD; INTEREST ACCORDING security, a. K. c., Box 81, Call Branch. JeS tf

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  • POISON IS A MAN'S TEETH.Pugilist Haley, Hire From tbe Effects

    nf a Cut Hand.Professor James Haley is a pugilist, a

    teacher of boxing nnd a lintel proprietor. Heis now running the Long Island Hotel, onFront street, near Fulton, which JackDempsey used to keep.

    HeIs a well-known light-weight fighteranddefeated such men as Tom Henry and JimmyCarroll.

    Saturday Bight Mrs. Haley returned homefrom a visit to her mother in Harlem, and a-she left the elevated road at Fulton anilPearl streets she noticed a man followingher. Itwas 10 o'clock at night and Mrs.Haley walked rapidly toward home, but sheeonld not elude the wru;d-be masher. Hefollowed her to the hotel and up tin- stepsendeavoring to get her into conversation.

    Professor Haley was sitting in the ofttalking to some of the guests wben-he hearthis wife calling to him. He ran nut amielia«esi the intruder downstairs and up toBeekraan street. Haley let drive his ri^litand knocked out two of the mnii's frontteeth. The fellow afterward said lie wouldget even and claimed to lie a Custom-hous-Inspector. Nothing has beeu heard of himsince.

    Late that night Haley's arm began topain him, but he. thought nothing of it.He had cut his knuckles on the man'steeth, but that was nothing. Next morn-ing his arm was much swollen and disco!-ored, and extremely painful. Haley's firstimpression was that be bad rheumatism.but the discoloration of the arm con-vinced him that something else was tin-matter.

    He sent for Dr. Hemingway, and tin*physician immediately declared it a cas." ofblood-poisoning. Haley grew worse, andsince Wednesday has been unconsciousabout half the time.— Jf. Y. World.


    The late Major Bund v was a groomsmanat Chaumey M.Depew's wedding.

    Mr.Navarre) firmlyand distinctly protestsagainst being constantly allude 1 to as MaryAnderson's father-in-law. lie dislikes then'tloi'ted glory.

    There i.« not one scintilla of truth In therumor that Mrs. Kendal's oldest daughteris' burning with a desire to lollow in lie.mother's footsteps.

    Mrs. McKee very sensibly observes thatthere has been altogether ton much of theBaby McKeo talk in the newspapers, an ithat she is heartily tired of it all.

    Itis one of Mr. Blame's peculiarities tha;he has always preferred to speak onto'doors. lie would rathe* talk among thepine trees than in any hall in the world.

    Captain Mary Miller, the woman winmanaged a steamboat on the Mississippiseven years, and subsequently sectir.-d apile t's license, has applied for the place oflight-house keeper on the Gulf Coast.

    John Archibald is one of the Standard Oimagnates. Ho started as an oflice-boy atTitusvillo a few years agn. speculated su--cessfully as soon as he got hold of a liitomoney, and is to-day worth 515.000.000.

    General Taylor of the Boston Globe i-back from his European tripfullof inter-esting tales of his experiences, but slraugto relate he still clings to the absurd noticethat Boston is about the finest city there is

    Meissonier's studio, with its exquisiteworks of art and dizzy bric-a-brac, ha-been offered to the French Government In.5400.000, a price at which any pnvatu col-lector would jump like a trout at a Waldorf Astor carries nut his

    present plan of making a permanent hornin London there willcome an end to the un-seemly discussion here as to who is the Mr-Aster, and the Postmaster's duties will bcorrespondingly lessened.

    At IJie marriage of Professor .laser*daughter, the brido wore a veil made owool of wonderful fineness and delicacy otexture, and her wedding-robe was in itsella practical lesson on the possibilities of wooand a tribute to her father's pet theory ntnormal clothing.

    The King of l'onnianla Is in quite a fro!because the recently published picture olthe Queen, Carmen Silva, represents linwith Mile. Vacnresco leaning her head uponthe shoulder of her Majesty. He has grabbedthe negatives of the picture and is now buy-ingup all the copies he can find.

    Chief Arthur of the Brotherhood of Loco-motive Engineers, looks about GO years about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about150 pounds. His hair is gray and the care-fully trimmed Prince of Wales beaid whichadorns his florid face Is almost white. Hisupper lip is clean shaven and his thin lip-hate a habit of coming together ."after eachsentence ina very determined and positiveway.



    AKLANDAGENCY—ADVERTISEMENTS ANDsubscriptions received at the Oakland Branca

    Offlce of Tire IHorsin-ci Uai.i, 902 Broadway.

    THIS ISJUST A "TEASER"; ARE VilliBROKE?Will take anything worth $150 (a shotgun, flog.grineistones, scrap - Iron or precious Noses) usfirst payment on lot 1101165 feet near Piedmontcable; high ground; price $600: don't can before7a. St., but avoid the rush, Ifpossible. L.L.SALS-BURY.sole agent, 468 Ninthst.. Oakland. wSg 7t"I]A LARGE LOTS INTHE MACY IKAC?, ON'A 11/ line of Oakland and Haywards electric road:terms, $200 each; one-quarter cash, balance on easyterms.

    THE BUENAVENTURA TRACT. - YtOn the same line, and In the same vicinity,and ontho same terms.HO BETTER OPPORTUNITY EYEK OFFEREDTo secure a home ou easy payments; 50 per cer.tcheaper than the adjoining property; streetsgraded: water mains laid and public school nearby: climate, soil and scencrv perfect. Apply toCAPTAIN D. HO WELL,964 Washington st. Oak-in'id. se'26 fo-l tft\_1')r-.r_ COTTAOEOFS ROOMS; LoT50xll)0:•S>La.4)XJ. bargain. W. E. BARNARD A BOS,483 Ninth ft,Oakland. stsl~ 7tC*')r.n $350 AND $150 EACH.x!i>A.oxj. 3 lots at Golden Gate Station, near S.inPablo aye. and the local train (formerly railedKliuknervlllc):well located and a bargain: terms'".» :Call at once. E. W. WOODWARD A CO.,902 Broadway. Oakland. mm7t

    $'lE|\ TO $375 KAUH—ONLY M LOTS LEFT;xSTaaOU Iciicle in Lorln. near railroad station:new electric road In full operation: 18 minutes toCityHall: 35 minutes to San Francisco: 9*23 cash,$10 per month: selling fast. Call formaps and fullparticulars, A. 11. BREED A CO., 100 Ninth sL,Oakland. se'24 tf

    SPECIAL BARGAINS ON FRUITVALE AYE.75x150 feeL \u0084.$'225)Hoi160 feet JOooBOx125 feet, within 3blocks of station 175 >711x200 feet 140111DOT feet 1200

    JOHN A.JONES. 900 Broadway. Oakland. 23 7*IOOKII.OOK!-A KINK HOUSE OK «ROOMS.JJ bath, etc.: lot 28:6x90 ft.; on sunny side ofstreet: Incentral part of city: street-cars withinhalf-block on two sides: only $600 down and bal-ance $20 monthly; price $2350; don't miss thisbargain. A. J.HENRY. 465NlnthsL. Oakland.2o 16t©OK?) EACH—IOO BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN*a mm'JII South Berkeley, near electric roau:bestbargain ever otfered; prices sure to advance: prop-erty willdou'ele berore tho Inst payment lias beenmade: only $15 down abet $5 per month: our prlculs CO per cent less than any of the adjoining proper-ties are ottered loraale. lor particulars app'y toCLOUGH A- BAKEK.480 Ninth St.. Oakland. si '20 tf

    %1ftft LOT;'ATFRUITVALE:2 CAU. INK.4:iTIV^.JIO cash, balance *7 50 monthly. II

    B.PINNEY. owner, 907 Broadway, Oakla".d.»:)t) Ife'-'0 if


    JNUI^SiTS"^!1 LAKE~COUNTY-THEproprietor of this famous and celebrated resort

    wishes to announce to her friends and the publiothat arrangements have bean made with the South-ern Pacific Company and Win. Spier's stage line forthe sale of through tickets to the springs: fromSan Francisco and Oakland $6: round trip $9 50:through tickets c.iv also bo obtained at Sacramentoand Sun Jose. The advantages of our hot and coldsulphur and Iron baths, natural steam baths, areunequaled; take 7:30 a. m. ferry from San Fran-cisco for Callsioga. For further particulars ad-dress .I. ANDERSON, Anderson Springs. Middle-town, Lake County, Cal. my3l tt

    ESOitTS. SI-KINGS AND HOTELS OF THEPacific (''east, Willi rates, location, etc.. pub-

    lished in tho Hotel Guide, 118 panes Forsale bynewsdealers, or send 25c In stamps to W. M.PAT-TEBSON, publisher, 310 Post «., .-, 1. mrl'Tb LEASE— MOUNTAIN SANITARIUM AND1report: fully equipped: only four hours from

    San Francisco. Address X. Box 71. this office. 21if

    :-V_\BTOSKa TO HIT.2A_\.) SMALL BTORE. S LIVING ROOMS,i^I—,suitable for barber, shoe or fruit store.SW. Twenty-third and Hampshire sts. .!______fflelC STORE TO LET: 3 ROOMS BACK. 3010•3 1 x). Sixteenth St., bet. Valencia and Guer-rero. se'29 3t»l)VERY NICE STOKES .WITH 4 ROOMS; FINEAt show-windows. Apply cor. i'oik and Gr,.ve,'29 3t

    1(U\-Jl POST— LARGESTOKE ;LlVINOROOM;IUU--- yard; rent $18. selile _fTORE, BASEMEN! ANI) 3 LIVING ROOMS,•262 First St.: key at fruit-store. -,2.l 2t»

    CID STORE WITH'.'\u25a0 ROOMS SUITABLE FORtDls"), housekeeping: good place for barber. Cor.Pierce and O'Farrell sts. m-'-'o 61 cod

    Tl STORE FIXTURES. GAS, WATER AND 2I'1. rooms. 202 Twenty-third at. s«-27 7t»OKFit'iiS TO LKT.

    LIGHT. AIRY OFFICE ON GROUND FLOOR.J. withshow-window (space to suit teuanti. by W.11. I'lll.M A CO.. 118 Montgomery st. e.'eitf tf


    BLh~FOR~3' HORSES AND~V» A_GONS.Sllverst., off Third,near Brjant. se24 7t*

    QTABLE TO RENT: GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS0 for any number of horses up to 50 or 60 bead;reaeouable rent; suitable for express or carriagecompany. Apply to Superintendent Suiter-streetRailway Co., Folk and Suiter sts. seld tf_________


    I~"SRo7osTi__sT-oirFl^^ SIR AWA —Headquarters Department of Arizona. Oflice ortiie Chief Quartermaster. Los Angeles. Cal..Septem-ber 1, le-ji. sealed proposals win be received atthis office, and at the offices of the Quartermastersat each of tbo stations below named, until 11o'clock a. sr.. on Te'inrs.-lay. October 1. 1891. andopened immediately thereafter In the presence ofbidders, Tor the furnishing and delivery of Imageat militarystations in the Department of Arizona,as follows; Forts Apache. Bowie:. Grant. Illiachu aand Thomas and Sau Carlos and Whipple Barracks,Ariz.: los Angeles and Sau Diego Barracks. Oni.,and Forts Bayard. Wlngate and Stanton. N. Mex.,and fuel, forage and straw at Albuquerque, N. Mcx.Preiereieee given to articles of domestic productionanilmanufacture, conditions of price and qualitybeing evua. anil such preference given to articlesor American production and manufacture producedon the pacific Ccast to the extent of the consump-tion required by the public service there. Pro-posals for either class of the supplies mentioned orlor quantities less than the whole icqulred, or fordelivery or tbe supplies a: points other than thoseabove name will be entertained. Specifications,general instructions to bidders and blank forms ofproposal win be furnished on application to thisollice. or to the Quartermaster* lit any of the sta-

    'ecu- named above. A.s. KIMBALL.Quartermas-ter. U. S. Army. Ciller! 41 se-jii jt

    CAN IRANCISCO, CAL., SEPTEMBER 28,0 IS9l—Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will berece ved here, until 12 o'clock, St., October 28.1891. and then opened, for docking and repairingthe steamer "General McDowell." and for hire ofsuitable steamer as substitute therefor. Govern-ment reserves the right to rejoct any or all bids.Preference given to articles of domestic produc-tion ami nianufacture. conditions of price andquality bringequal. AHinformation furnished ouapplication to .I.G. CHANDLER,Deputy Qnarter-inaster-Geueral, U. S. A. \u25a0 se'2* 4t oc-25 2t

    Any:. using.


    1anywhere at any tuns writeto OEO. I.ROWELLA CO.. 10 Spruce St.. New York. aul9 ly

    EVERY ONE IN NEED OP INFORMATIONONthe subject ofadvertising will do well to obtaina copy of "Book forAdvertisers," 363 pages, price$1; mailed, postage paid, on receipt of prece; con-tains a careful compilation from th') AmericanNewspaper Directory of all the best papers andclass journals: gives the circulation rating of every-one, and a good deal ofinformation uoout rates andother waiters pertaining to the business of adver-tising. Address Kiev,ELL'S ADVERTISING BU-KEAfflospruce sL. New York. an!9Iy"



    SurKNITUKETMERt'HANDISF, I'IANOs7~*ETa"fstored at reasonable rates. R. F. OSIIORN ACO.. 751-53 Market st., bet. Third and TRUNKS. PIANOS. ETC.. TAKENa care of and stored at reasonable rates: advances

    made. LIEBES Pioneer Storage Company, suc-cessors to 11. « ENDEL, 310 Stockton St. jy3l!__THIRST


    A 042-6 liMission st. CHAS. L. TAYLOR. jv3tt

    PHYSICIANS.f-pHEOHEAT MAGNETICHEALER TREATS ALLA cases of nearsightedness and diphtheria success-

    fully. ofTieri hours 3t05 r.H.;visits $3. Room 43,931 Marketst. se'2s Iin

    DR. OBF.RG, CHRONIC DISEASES HEARTand lungs. 1122 Market: residence Lorin.23 3m'I' HE EVENING BULLETIN,PRICE REDUCEDito 16 cents per week, delivered by carrier to anypart of tne city; the Bulletin Is the best, oldestand largest evening paper published on the coast;orders by postal-card or otherwise willreceive

    attention, Office 6*22 Montgomery St.


    700',***^-'HO(JS_T~r— JOMsT^HALF

    $2100—Cottage; 5 rooms and bath, etc.; lot 41i100; $300 cash aud balance $25 a montb. includinginterest.

    *.;. 'l> -New cottage; 5 rooms: lot69x125: this isa line business corner; plenty of room for store.

    $1800 -cut 5 renins; lot31x100: half casb.Two furnished bouses in fine location; rent rea-

    sonable.Houses or all sizes to let unfurnished: any loca-

    tion desired; 2 extra good bargains; 8 acre* band-some foothill property, near electric road; im-proved: very reasonable.

    Applyto the pioneer firm. THOMAS A. SMITHA- Co., idol Park St.. Alameda; take broau-gaugeferry. se'27 7t

    ON VKRDrST.; HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS:LOT50x170; deep well, wind-milland tank; $1000 cash,balance easy terms.

    House . rooms: lot .10x110: price $1600: $200down, balance $25 per month: monthlypsymeot toInclude principal and Interest: Interest 8 per cent.

    Twolots on Benton St.. 150 feet N. or Santa Claraaye: a fine snap: call and get price. THOMAS D.POOLE. 2405 Kncinal are,. Park Hotel. se27 ttdfeQAAIN CASH. $20 PEK MONTH BUYS A— xi\ihandsome cottage onmacadamized stroet

    near station: 5rooms and bath.$250 cash, $20 per month, buys a tine house on

    Pacific aye., near station ;6rooms and bath.$-200 cash. $13 per month, buys a cosy coita;o of

    --4 rooms and bath near station.

    Houses built to order nnd finished In CO daysprompt; plans and estimates furnished free.

    Houses for rent. Open Sundays.MARCUSE

    *P.EMMELL,The largest contracting firm In Alameda Coucty.Office— Alameda. Hay-st. Station and Hlgh-sL St

    tion: San Francisco, 628 Market St., oppositePalace Hotel. sea" 7t

    C I'Jflft FINE MODERN-


    HOUSE**«ffl*J.Jl"f.coruer lot, 50x140: street work fln-isbecl: sidewalks alllaid: fine street. SO feet wide:$SOO cash, balance $50 per. month, interest 8 percent on deferred incuts. Applyto THOMAS A.SMI111 A CO., 1601 Park st., Alameda: take broad-gauge ferry. se'2o 71TlOUSES AND LOTS ON EASY TERMS FROMII$100 to $500 down: Installments from $15 to$25 a month,Interest Included.


    A place la Alameda to exchange forabeautiful home in Vklab.

    Several fine ranches to exchange for Oakland,San Francisco or Alameda property.

    For bargains in real estate call at MRS. I.11.CHANDLER * CO.'S, 1329 Park St., new MasonicBuilding,Alameda. so-20tf_r7-\f\ CHEAP LOT: A BARGAIN; 50x125:qp Itlyi.near station: good location :call at oncofor particulars. A. H. BREED itCO., 460 Ninth St.,Oakland sel3 tfIDO, HANLEY *CO.. 1351 PARK ST., WILLbuild, sell or reut you any kindof a bouse any-

    where In Alameda on the most reasonableterms. au'26 tt


    TO LET, NOV. 23, FOR 6 MONTHS OR 11year: beautllul 8 rooms and bath; elegantly fur-niahed. See CAPTAIN MORRISON. N.Berkeley.

    FOR SALE-NICE H ROOMS AND HATH: LOT40x138: near Berkeley station: near university;Choice location. Sen CAPTAIN MORRISON.

    LOR SALE—CHOICEST PROPERTY INBF;RKE--1 ley lots to suit; nogift enterprise, bat good val-ues for your money; don't expect to get somethingfor nothing. Speak to CAPTAIN MORRISONabout IL \u25a0 se'27 St«

    THE EVENINO BULLETIN, PRICE REDUCEDA to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to anypart of the city; the Bulletin la the best, oldestand largest evening paper published ou th* coast,orders by postal-card or otberwlso will receive ;prompt attention. Pftl-e 622 Montgomery ___.


    LOTS 25x135, GREAT BARGAIN IN A FINEJ raucli. $200: lots 40x132:6. $250, $300. $326,$350, $375. $400; lots 50x135. $100; lets 40x180.$500 each. $'25 down. $5 and $10 amonth. I-

    Houses built to order on the Installment plan; $50or $100 down; balance easy monthly payments.-

    Cottage for salo otx tho Installment plan, or torent, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire of W. O. iMORAN.Lorin.or IIUSIMHIKY A WIRTS. 467Ninth St.. Oakland. Tako Berkeley train or newelectric car, which passes door; Sunuay engage-ments. *u2627 29 30 ocl 5t


    FLAT 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; YARD ANDcellar; $13. 312 Hickory are., near OctavlaStreet. \u25a0 -~_ ss27 31*L'LAT;5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH;RENT MOD-A crate. . 22 Lapldge St., ur.Eighteenth. se27 3t«\!KW UPPER FLATS; 6 ROOMS; MODERNL>improvements; $20. 135 Fair Pax, ur. 230.27 3*IQIO PINE-MOST CENTRALLY LOCATEDJ-OlOflat Incity: 5 minutes from KearuyandCala.: 7 minutes from Market, O'Farrell or Jonesby Cala-st. cars; 6 rooms; $22 60. MADISON ABURKE. 828 Market St. Be'J6 st*1(x OCTAVIA—ELEGANT UPPER FLAT; 7IXJ rooms; bath; $30. , MADISON A BURKE. 628Market st. . se'26 6t«91'-!9 BUSH, COR. SCOTT-MIDDLE FLAT; 6aAXOAmI rooms; bath; $32 50. se'J6 7t*ffljO!\ FLAT 6 ROOMS: BATH: ALLMODERN0

    —improvements and.basement. 2612 Sutter

    street . se'JO 7t*ICE SUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS AND BATH.

    AX 403 Ninthst. . se24 tfIHINE EASTLAKE FLATS. 911 TO 929 LOM-X bard St.; $20, $22 60 and $25; water free. In-quire 2210 Leave uworihst. se247t*

    FLATS ROOMS. BATH; SUN ALL ROUND;reasonable. Keyat 12 KlslliigSt., off Eleventh,bet. Howard and Folsom. se23 7t*

    TVICEFLAT6 ROOMS, BATH, CELLAR; 257i-v Clementina St. Apply 636 Washington. se'JS 7t*