chronicling americar not im rt-a 10 the sun saturday may 80 1896 presbyterian assembly cowm1ttkkto...

r Not iM rT- a 10 THE SUN SATURDAY MAY 80 1896 PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY COWM1TTKKTO DKCItinOit Til a BALE OF XtlX M19ailV IIJUllB The Report an thi tontrnl of Henlnnrle- Is Mottine 1111 IuHBlmoniitr Adopt cd ad Iko Anaembty Minna tlfi lloin- lft A UIIrtir OB InltmptrntirrB- AIUTOOA MaT lOThe IrosbyterlM den ral Astemblr 1041sT ftard upon Wlnona Ind M tbo next plc of meeting Mwlf r tor Wlthrow innounced the commit tel to conilder the propositions In reference to the ate of the mission house In New York u follow I loan I Wllhrow Chairman I nenjamln Har- l > l ion John Wanatnaker of PhlMelpIiln James A Hearer of Ienrnvlvanlo Thom Kw Ing of Htuburgb Cyrni ft MeCormaok of Chi- cago ¬ Samuel li henry of IhlUdelpliln Thomas MclKiugall Cincinnati II D8llllmanof ow York Alexander McDonald of Cincinnati and nobert 8 Wllllami of Utica N Y The Financial Committees report A rad br Franklin Sbephard of Philadelphia Tits liowd surptn In the Auembljr trtainrr of 50000 on May 1A 1890 The discussion on the theological eeralnarr control wa then resumed Judge Humphrey of Lulnleaupprlnl the report offered a itibttl- tuto for No 2 of the resolutions which upend thl orlrlleites conferred on the Aisembljr by the J compact of 1870 The substitute urged the seminaries t take sach steps as would brlnl shout the adoption of the plan of 1813 announced that committee had accepted tho substitute lu a cotnprotnlnc The eemlnarJ control report with the ubstl t lute adopted uoanlmouly The As- sembly ¬ then smut the doxology and exMod- erator ¬ Booth led the Assembly In prayer Inc Committee on Foreign Missions read n supple mental report recommending the reflection i of 1 the trustees whose terms expire this year This was agreed to They also reported that three vacancies existed In the Hoard for which tin nominations were made They announced that these racanrles bo referred buck to the Hoard on request of the Bonnl Itself for action This wa alto agreed to It was tbo nomination for ima of these vacancies of Prof Hurdlck of Co- lumbia ¬ a Presbyterian Leaguer to which ob¬ jection wa made that caused tliU action The response to the New York Presbytery recommended by the Judicial Committee In the mater of receiving itmlunt from the tnlon was rend The Assembly of iSU 3- ausweruu an overture on this subject from New York ordering the Presbytery to not receive students from seminaries under the disapproval of the Oeneral Assembly the response re- affirmed ¬ the answer of 1M15 forbidding the Presbytery to receive such student and nil I vising Presbyterians to obey the orders of the General Assembly This subject was made tho order for tomorrow Dr W II Unbbard of Auburn presented tho report of the Committee on Temperance In Itealof the usual prohibition resolution which ha always created debate In the Assembly report favors the education of tho rising generation In the true principles of Uospel tem- perance ¬ assisting In enforcing all laws that tead to restrain and control this Rftantlc sin encouraging by all proper moans the trrowth of a healthy public sentiment thereby bringing abut ucu ubantres In the I law as wilt tend to this great evil It was recommended also that each church session should appoint a per- manent committee on temperance to devise ways and means for uniting and directing the energy of the Church against Intemperance- An additional resolution was presented 1 to memorlalZ Congress to enact n law forbidding United btrttee Internal revenue stamps and licenses In prohibition Mates 1 his resolution was laid on the table after a sbnrp debate An evening Session of the Assembly was crowded In today In order to reach adjourn- ment ¬ tomorrow Dr Dried of Pittsburgh read tho report of tho Committee an Theological Seminaries since 1800 One of tbe recommendations was to re- quire ¬ of all graduates of the seminaries examin- ation ¬ In the English Bible JIB JOHNlO1 ORDXXATIV A mutation or Firemen Will Attend the Ocremonr Tbl Xlornlafc A ceremony of more than usual Interest will be performed In Orace Chapel on Eat Four- teenth ¬ street at 1 oclock this morning when James Le Baron Johnson will h ordained a deacon In the Episcopal Church Bishop Pot ter of New York The cnllnntlon will take place Immediately after the arrival of the can dldate for the dlconate from the retreat which I j j has been held at St Philips Church Uarr- lonaonthenndson wherewith the other can- didates j for ordination he has been since Thurs- day ¬ One of the features the occasion will be the attendance of a large delegation of the members of the New York Fire Department The selection of Memorial flay a the time for the ordination of Mr Johnson Instead of Trinity Sunday when tbe other candidates will be ordained In St Georges Church was made in order that the members of the congregation of Orace Chapl and of the Fire Department might chapel to themselves The ser- mon ¬ will b preached by the Her George n Johnson of New Brighton SI 1 the Arch ¬ deacon of nichmoud who I Is the fattier of the candidate The Kev Dr William It Hunting- ton rector of Grace Church will be the pre- 5entr I James L Barn Johnson has been one of the moo In the mission Held or Grace since his return from tbe West a few ago He had been for several years a reel Sears of Tacoma where he took a lively Interest In affairs While a resi- dent I ¬ of that place be assisted In the establish- ment ¬ of StAndrewaChurch tnere and In the organization of the Taroma Fire Department of which he was an active rrbr He I Is nn enthusiastic fireman and his return East broulb letters of Introduction to Chief lonner other officials In tho depart ¬ meot He Is > constant attendant at Ires a frequent visitor at tbe houses of all the tire companion and Is known per- sonally ¬ to every fireman In the city He has done much to assist the men when opportunity offered In one way or another and Is very pop ¬ ular among them It Is probable that Chief Honner and representatives from eacn corn ¬ pay house In the city will be present at the nlce A room for their accommodation be ¬ ceremony has been set and from apart there they will march Into the Mr Johnson will remain with trace parish and will continue his work with the Grace mission WOODS TAHTS SOOO DAMAGES k lie Aeeacee a Iobkeple HUB or De- tssUlMB mm Wlh Who lied Left Him PouonKirrnc Mar sn GranvIIle K Wo who I If said to be one of the best known color men In New York has sued Warren Spauldlng a wealthy resident of Pough- eepsle for 13000 damages alleging that Bpauldlnc I is detaining his wife at his home and prvntnl > er from jolnlnl him Woods- Is ead to havo Invented patented over thirty electrical applance and his picture and biography hae bn published In a num- ber ¬ of mAnes Karly this mont Mr Bpauldlng hired a Nlcre nald Busle Elizabeth I Is a comely cot pred woman about 28 years of age She told her employers thst she was married out that her husbands name was Grunvlllo K Wood an Inventor She soon began to receive letters nnd tele grains signed by Wools asking her to join Elm In New York One day V nods at Hpanldlna house and had n stormy Inter- view ¬ with his wife Hhe refused itn alay wit him whereat Woods said to Mr SpulI- nKi < demand that you discharge this woman and send her out of your houses If the woman Is your wfe all Ir- 8puldlnl you may take her If she to cannot discharge the girl as situ doe her work well Mr Spauldlna says that before V nods let the house he threatene to shoot Ilzzlu brandished a He went away anti alter several more efforts to Induce the woman to leave the papers In the dniuaue suit were served on Mr Hpuulillrs jBeorroct Ripen or Louis V HelPs Illuess- The story In TUB RUI yesterday concrnlis the Illness of Mr Louis V Dull the weUkmm u stock broker wa Incorrect Mr lIeu Is In per ¬ fect health He been on an extended tour through Europe Alia and Africa and he ar- rived ¬ here Isst the LucanU of thu Cu line The story uf his serious lllnea wns par started by some cnu unfrlon4l > tn Mr lel and TUB SUN sincerely regrets It imLll Jbceo Director Indicted Aaw- The Trend Jury flied yesterday an aildltlonal Indictment agalnat the directors of tbe Ameri- can ¬ Tobacco Company for violation nf I lime Ant trust law passed by the last lLcl lature The former Indictment was found tinder limo com- mon ¬ law and changed the illreclur with rum olrltiK io prevent CUUlpolllol In the priuuf comruodltle lu Tlio new Indict- ment ¬ Bllegei practically the aanu tliliit ROES YOUI bUb14taout0 > W 4J ii lf I i C aSlhe for jva n DR HALLETTCTI- IES AU 1 utrrl aud ntiatUlIae5ofmniua ftwua > Ie char uiil cured 4iuKiietirlctur blood poitontiiir eLse kiudiwaea l nerMMi ubtllly host vigor and unllulror tuner I 5 wrtalu bear In mind urae tics IkonIfu thousand cured > arly Uu to lie II 1brld > pttlailst S nat I uu 1 bla4k tee Writ I u 1101 0 4 DEAFNESS nnd hea I rmiin n llv rd liiiiainly dy IIIMI i m inoa Hen9 5sr I Drum help i ti tar nirdicimi fulU- nt i pi the nrorei4 of deafne concrntrat iiind- Mii 1 es to one point upon nutural drum ale I t I lit place of nttural ii Film wrnn Wholly or panltliy- ileiroyetl ins IiIie toiifiirtnbli iafe no tviru or strings to irritat I I e Pun full liifnriiiatlon i nine i i onall for 140page hook on DeiimM end Teitlniinlalt- fllEK I WIISIN Mlt DltlM ID 1 I UVIiroadwny Now York n rkct iloml tmmt lt OTII RT < 9 EAST near Uroadway targe aol small rnouu parlors i pennantntur transient board IMTIl silt k- I 1 ST m EAST Iarite cooti room toll f UN amp ci Irl every contenleiice ei- cellent t board 9 Til hT I 114 I CAT Larue and small neall fur- S nlslitd roiiin vtiih i xctllvnt tiiard hnnieliku cooking superior huusu apixiluiinent I tltti near I lAxliitfton AV refeniKo r required Jl1 I sr Ifl EAST near Uxlntton av jTand > oiua 5 > > large and stash rooms wilt or Hlthnui board couvenlences inolerale 7 Iii MT V4 tAhT Ijirne handsome room t 11 siiim or slniily tinnmer J prices I eicrllrnuuulm I r ea 51145 1 OTII ST I8 WKarrneaualled opportunity for I O teUtlcflisfl or yi ntienmiiain u ift 4 i iru w p imiiaii IIUullOe wIlt prltai fainih or iuiiil 1 luii ouly Ilh I ii ri fiuMI UHIIU neeil aipiy- rtleriucr riUlnd ail Klv n all cuiKuuloucnn- elichiMirbK I l uuniceptlonnhle 17 I III hTriii WhsrTwu new slil I legantly fur table nUhed board COOt111 rom with board rvfervned O 1 1 sr TlU4 WMTTwo larke neatly furnlhe1 I rouuii suitable for Iwo trmtltroeii ttlilimokl I rIOIIIhllroIIlo rifervUtet fainll up Illlulllltl ToT V0 VKSI I Neatlr furnliheii count s llh 21 I enllinl lablebonrdkOodniUhlorlioudiuiii liter Prier referriiev- O >I ti ST 444 WKST Neatly furnlined I r oiiii all convoulenoe lonvruUot lo tarry apiMiiul lot lit aciret traiilent AolllalI I Irojji ta- ble homncooklni cuol cbrrul umrair price 2 01 HT 456 WKHTTiro Urg neatly furulile1 O roomi suItable for two cacbi accllenl I labln I superior bOle apnolntnuuu Mlel comtnuut to tSrrll stimaiu pw jtcn Mid md QOT BT HI WI 1T rleginll furniShed suite OMI tenond floor fronti priest haiti alio larcn and 1 Olnl rooni t MferenceneiclianKe- dJuTII BTlnii UKST their lirmdiTny TanriTand OO tmall uealiy furntthid toitii tails U hole ier vie with miKloi brenkfa 4Hci lunch fiuc with wlnni dinner ro will wine I KlTlf ST inl WEHT nrar iros4wsyripilrnt- I 1 tallilmrdi honiellkneooklnd tupirlor houini appointment lelect rte TofirsT I Sit i WKST near Situ ai NewlyTiirnlheS 11 roonhl etcellent tablet appointment oal1 referen required A t1rt oIUroohlluHI- STOS sr 1U r tariiv tutu room all con V J Tenlencixt near fertlei all car routrn and bridget table board T IvTNilSTOfTiBT 08Neatly furnUheoTroom on- t t the Ilelirhls convenient I In nrldifi mini fen v sOt Coney Island roillesi I excellmt talil hoard attn roe ett House at fulerlaken Lake Haliopac I N Yi refer slice rejuired I IVINtlSToV ST TlamUomeTy furnished Jj rooms convenient In brldiiiv ferry and Cnner Island rnule i eieellent boanli home onoklnu aood- nelghburhoodi toni cheerful reference requlreil- LIVIXOSTON ST t fIS Neatly irnih oH lo I splen dldtahlei also eicellenl table board at ilk Itrnrv- STATB ST hilt near ClInton st IIRhl vtalklmj I j Inure and ferrIes I Ir ami hall room IJotnlniti room on IM nor term moderate- STATK nT l ini Neatly furnlihM rooms with e- xcIIIIbl board convenient to bruize and for rues rrrnce ff illniched 2oomj5VpnrtmentfJto et- Knml hide TRViNO NolF 14FurnUhed corner room et paniurt flooris beet location In cuts T EXiUTCN AV mien botween 40th ant List st- eJJ Elegant nelchiiorltood laririt COil nmall rom I gichl onimotlatlon terms remonabl- eTI XIMITuN AV ns cor tIll fnr ni hd front rooincontonleucii kl Jr fam- ily 1M nwner JrxiNOTON AV I4fl Irue aol small furnished t In private tanilly i itinllemen onl > O 0 TIl7r7TOH CAST catiYfUrnl l 9 Aiiltabln for phyclclanor denttit other r refen ne- eOyTit ST i ncr Tiromlnay ltooni ournt O flees 8 weekly upward convenient chln restaurant on prftnl- wJTII rT 2U2U KKST Fleaant ronnie IO to- P J 1 rentlemen ami reipecinblo couple house keenlnKt ran lentsaccommivlited- TII r hT 144 KAST Front parlor hall ant lou ible room private buuc all convenlenceii gentlemen or couple et Slid I p back ballrooms Iron beditcadi prt t1 use of balhlU Wot 4Hlhi- uool I WKST l iTiiTnewij furnl > hed root I suitable for twoi alSO other delrutiln roomil- rtferenci O I ITH ST 4fit VEMTln bout with owner i niched room all Improvement tuaie rlr OrTH ST 4S WE TThe Wilton neatly furnished I ronnie fur Kentlnmen f 2 per week upuard- OII 5 T3fl WfSTFront ant tack parlor witn- M extension all convenience other lards rita fleeting ronnie OH t ST tWESTnppoaitt Bryant rtrVLirKO J neatly furnUhud front room inlliibln fortwog reference IJJT1I ST 7S WFST larKn eomfortnHy fur I 0 nlshed alcove front room ultal le for two gn hewn withKx reference near th av appoint- ment ftolrct summer price- srpTii ST aO u tsT 1 Ijtrge coot looi iintly or- t ll en iult very rtainai 11 QTH ST 311 WESTIlal hoa n near Mnrrv 1 ingeil ant mst aiYCMltiin part of wet Harlem I lir e room initaiile for gentle- man and wife I or tao gentlemen terms moderate riferener eictianRe- drf urnislird ootns Co Xtt- ULlMnil roohlyu liriilHTS I UIr rooms furnl hel- V and unfurnuned overlooking convenient to bridge ant reference I erry CLINTON ST 213A LarijR neatly furnished for two board optional appoint- ment Ieol reference lTLTOS bt ltritNtaiIy furnlnh rooms for is gentlemen only near bridge oter bruh iitiir- Mr OHD I FAN sr Ida Two lane conneetln nat rlr nished root all convenience 1I orhood silettild toard optional nppomtnunts elect cool chierful summer prIed nIerenco re- quired IJFAllf STTo1 Lareeand mall natly furnished near bridge and ferry reference required reftonablf STATE ST 201Two l lance n ally f ilrnl hil room for 4 Kcntlcmen rmllln brldite and ferrle and Coney Inland Ollr prlcoi ref- erence Jl 1IACE su I near Court nt Pleasant O routes with excellent vtrd 1kln UhAbl I gInts and Apartments Co rt THE FIFTH AVENUE ioa iois lit AV cnKNiit HSTII MT Elegant apartininl ti and 111 rooms anl bath great Inducements olTen Apply to- W n HOllHTS superintendent n XH 1 moms old faihlonrd limle 4 story J house < 28 AlttWI IL t lllYN ai I a- ll I YOU KNOW your n nt monev willI toy a beau tldll I Quojt Attn hoi n at Hmtmrst L L U- intnutei from I4tli e Kerry 1 fn toda- VNP > tlVKlMNT unfurniilieiirurniihoaT- IniliKirahliiroailom I I rent S1IO to f Snno- HU >uj l HltOTIIEKs isnlrnadttay for 12th St- Y Ifcl ST HI oar Merrter Hlncle I lIst ilaritn lyt rom rout ull Improvements I low rent MIINTII ritKIlSIT cool oittsliU flat fin lnrff riHiiui tatu lianujomely I decorated 14 West 1 1lh S- tVII TOISIA FLAT II IOt Sth ana 0th avt l t1ive rooms Ant hAth low remit Janitor attendant W HoWNKs 1M ntnav- OL AV 7teApartniiite ufo anil threeroomiTn O jierfect order at ery rej rt nts 8 Tit AV hUJ th MT To loe aonmotI light airy rooms Apply Janitor on ST in WfsT r lersut tilt i nnd third lists j ttx I toO and tutu nil Improttmenu rent f 3 anil 9 lniilrf liou kii per OU rtl IT 211 I tt SMI I I IST New hoile Maparlmenu JUJU I to ftlAD I ilumb ir eiietrie l tsiI hot ir its rrr I lottninti wldostrcrtg 1 fliMir deadwiieil Ifllre In 2- 1I > THBTVI KvsT Ai effluents of titreenil- M four room i all Ili2lit r omi chntp rent Ints mid lnrtlttG1roohI1U I TIiltOD ST 1 mint A rooms sod tall I all Impmvemenli Apply at tO- sS I 11 ANt IIS MONTH Five room flats with Im 1 proicmenti new buildings U4u to V63 le haul av near Sumner av lirooKl- ynJurnifihrd lata To Sft I Ion furnltbed lisle go to headquarter over 100 to t front stir I location sin deicy Uentjt de- partment 4ju Nlh av utMien slat nIIt l > t- ilouor9i > lriltll ao Xtthll I ° iKTKiillv fnrnlshel 113 W Pith st t June to- ctiiber eOlltititi paid iooi I summfr hou- oilauor tlri ll < t to ict OllhU 4 T Arverneliy I IJ rnlhe1 OIAO toM for j t fsOn In I lost ltuntie ti ciht I I parlor illnuu roini littler ptiiry kltliti slit laM > tis it iilumtiedand iunratl Apply to ha lien I 11st 11J I Sill It AM Phil JAinO furnUtinl ei ll Kiioetshnr 1111111 I renunt i articuli nut pnter mii- nnd I a rent fit iLE ullll room I oii llenntll blllldlllK- IU 1 KNMl II CONN rent fir lb saaoit rV I onably a It Ito rI11 I noue all modirn i Im Irilcetli itt ktsbie Vi I In i acrift I 10 mlimtt from iltpot luiiutidlatH 105 KIIIII I liiiulreitf J UMIUH I IIUMIil I Ill 1 i llronnway NANTICKKIJIAHs I i tiff tla ti furuihed let Is I llroonu I uhf tennl verondu nn rl I i h allolt t iiuMerale rent LA IMAN llssuNna urt i Jlhc TO RENT AT OYoTER BAY L I A fmi ffl1 t Cit 151 tviiii t iitiipln gruiind ta Me rle i liii idlfil te Mra rlV IN s i i j Hi lu VettAJJlte ilri hrll OIH uo JEtt 31 41 I LAKE HOPATCONCK- KMIUOKTII I ITA ii- Nratlyfurnlihivl I delluhiml y imiiil tu rtntforlbn fceu ou tor fnrltitr I ptril I h tar slur KhNll WU1II I If uililiuluiiii- orn ioMu NJ 1IKKTII AMl i uV t mr nIp l wlle rtldeuco fur luiatdirt r in <sji t JiuiS I N 117 Iiheri I Ie a Ht IrMUaU fUtBKiel I II I oue lo litnt Ipper I lliiiitilulr 1 J nil urn Jittmtil l Ijik nul I 43- nilnui rrl i h IIIr1 i iiui 5 sulk I iron iiouiin I mi I ia e n inin e unpiu- irrouiidi I i ails fruit I still I Applyiu V II tITIkl1 en prenilM or li 1t tiaii ln r St lcUI tOtICi to 3Crt Country Mol NT MIINON Ne W bnaullful artlilc houa > ruolnot all unit rOseiCUIE luvaua ou Cbritnr Hill anlwuUlorO rldoIC111 Mnuo iiTti Iau rqult s1 VJItSffitiffiJtfF i L to tnl tatt at ucU- onAUCTIONSA EXTRA EXTRA I SHEEP6HEAD BAY CREATER NEW YORK I I i ItBO CLOCK riioMrr ON rnorEim Decoration Day May 30 1898 WILLIAM P RAE COMPANY AUCTIONirH WILt SELL WITIIOO r HESERVB 455 LOTS SITUATE O- NVoorhoosavJoromoAV Enst 23d to 28th st SriUtBTB MACAIAMI7rl STONY CtItll AND BIDEWALK3- SXWClm WATFll AND OAS Opposite the Manhattan 1eacb lintel I and croundft One block to the llav Naiau loclrlc l HaHroml from HrlJe lirnadnar Kerry ant Thirty ninth Street Fer- ry direct to property FARE 5 CENTS II particular front Auetloneeri WILLIAM r ruMlANY IMi Montague street Title guar anteed4fr n of cturgo by the Tile Guarantee ant JAMBTWELLS 1 Auctioneer I CRKAT AtCTlON HAIK ON TIlE QIIODND DECORATION DAY 8ATU1IDAY MAY 00 NOON 180 CHOICE LOTS Being pot of the well known MAPES ESTATE JUST EAST OJf WEST FARMS 94th Ward New York city TAKE VIST rlUM4 TUOIIKY CAn JIUCC TO THIH IKOIKIITY Every lot hlch ant dry healthy tent tepidly Inir lietttibtr000t I l nenr van Nest Station of g- Nrlcoor Harlem lOver Hranch of New llavnil 1C IL of trolley 11 It connectlnir with 8d ave elevated IL- Terms at IViuth 1 ant with Ktn are elevated at- I35tn UberaL Title ftnaranteed 1 free of cos- ts iiit CENT IIINCOCNT FOIL CASH Sate reIn or shin under tent lIpl with JUIi I WELLS Aiicllnner CO Liberty e ant at ono on the ground AGEO R READ Auctioneer wil antI at ptililli auction on Decoration Day May 30 1896 Sam absolute tn clo > o nn estate nt 1 oclock 1 M nu tho ground at Morris Irk Av aol llrnnxdalo Av near Van Nest IMtli York city 15 KINK LOTS Iielng n portion of the tints nine relate beautifully situated on high Kriiund no rock city Improveruenls Crotou watr kts smut eleotrie light oppinf Morris lark t electrIc railroad patios through the property 5 cents fare from 129th St line residential section This is New York flty proper ant wee before Ihn pat awi of the Ureater New York bill It tIes Just norm of lUrlenu In the direct linn nr the citys growth U nilnutei rile rum Harlem Itridti A grand opportunity to buy cheap loll In Now York ilr SEES TO UK AIIIIFCIATE- DTltletuiirinted Free of lint oO per cent may remain on morlKatreat fi per cent Take trolley i la Wett Farms to Morris Iark Maps and further particular with tilt II HIAn nuc- tnne r No IIlloot or No 1 Madlvm av Ant WM- li Mfl Lilt VN Attorney northwest corner of ad ar and l7tIm II Stt RATS Ott SIGN AlfTION ANNOUX IMK > T tome before 10 A M In aCilisi crowd car II C MAIKN t 10 AIITIOMEKHM- VI llbvr r ii will cell 400 NEW 1OUK ITT IOTH ANSi FIVI MV IKIUMI ON MORRIS PARK AV AND ADJOIMNQ STREETS TODAY MA Y no- ON THE IUurEIUY AT 10 A M corner Morris lark eve an 1 Uarfleld t Van Nest Park e TH WAKII NEW TOItll CITV BET LEN WEST titus ANII MORHIS IMIK- IIAfE 1llCK 20 hoUses tutu by lot timer within two vests WKST PVIIIIs ANt Wlll- UKIIMr TItOIIKT fAIC from 3d av and ivlh vt ami tin av ami ii5th it lam 1JIiCI SU V1IKIM rAKK fl- TITlXs < INll KII FKtfc KVSY TtI UMS Oh hAiL q tWO CASH I iiU mnrticnge rRIrIIJJ1l lots 1iltIi St Jeronte i ii ar ciegntit boltss is stir gas tin gritti ti > tisisy 12 I I fake Si atit pliiiutci I ii i7thi t thouttiC- ttilluluiIfl to nctnl 0 hatter 110 Wet Sslh It lrnl Cjitatr 4orntcor xchnllReo WANTED A FARM with Stock and Tools In exchange for any or all of hits following propsr ties unust INI utso then I fy hours out A ten room hoUKV and ilnbte utthfilJteel street t trontais on thrte ktrteui loated m mllei helott 1rspcct Iark- In th vntli ward of tirooklrn irln jnuuo subject to laimu at Use percent equity suuij j A handioniu I ay front houa on the Park slope Priokl bits tune full sti of Improvement price fI13uuiijbJicttiifHoiiOlvp ercent eciulty TiiiUi aOl a pretty new nitvlcrn eoitarfn lot nnxviUO fIfty nilnuteiout on NewJrie > Volrtl road price tsooo- lulijeetloiloootlteierccnt ciuH I 3hlii All gited eleuu tiroii rtlis I In line order Fur further particu- lar ii i Ii I A C ON HIT 1JJ Nassau it room U1V o Set for Suoi hlt81 1tlfp0f t LOW 111 MS iulldliiK Inntotidiiilrl < t to let 11 C3land Vi5i a to 212 t aler it Heir Hi ekmul- lHlIANIi S WIllTisti Aiiiekinan ib 111 IIDNUS mores tuftS omcei ant studios lnl let Ji I In iletlr ible location YOlSutM lilunitll1SSHTtrosdvray eor t ihst- MTd lKAsK The iiurn ant lofti f Iioivery noo3 1 I hiunei tand is III I rolll to titer or itparattlyT- IIHKNluN M t HODMAN oBI nltau aenl hi 4thaT Ff I Ii T llnl lloor 4il llmUon ii Kxl IIAhJrr I taitrantrr cur lather shop TIIUIINTOS M hOt MS roil estatn egret el l 4th av- VUTu li MONTH Ofllce In 10 ant VI Iieekman Oo it ima null ikilUht ultnhli photographer llflANIi W1I1T1S I S lIe ktimnit Utml1l1 otIfttJ O tt flew JtUty t Mitl < IAHK N J lni lrabln furnlihed cottage 11 for rent tend fr list Mil AN I KOSS Astary lArk V J T I OSil fiLiSi II viemltyTor rent di lrubl- ftrnUhed It uoitu iA very lo atlnn here I v MUIAM IANK LOIIK llranch- HniiNliiS rill IIKI Iii Kleviillnn Idil fi t fur itt ilii hom < farm Kc celid for lie lure lit llooion KJ CAHIIL llixiili NJ TlllMMt ANh liMoI cutlaxei ii real lap > amid Ji < 1011 a- MOIIitlTuWN p0 Au II ftlI s l mH3IOTT unman NJ S ottaKe modrrn lnipruvi owner J lieadett N Y- M I V titt I IS AN sijr S KIVrlL Thr limiiet in let rir 7 f nun tutu iil IriX lost I nlwl l t 3 lirirll N J ltC1iIlR Jlouotjs Co ttlttU tIHAIUI I illS iut furnliiiedant nnfiirnUhol- In I i mallt lniMltons I i rent IItun to lOut k iii II UII l 11111111111 i N llnudxay corI 1 llI- Lfor oalt or Co rt Country I i to I r orriit etc ittlsCC W t Vriwd war I i ii i Miniitniciiiii I rim il I ln mininln- U It I itV I I lIe r1 AIIIM ON Illirroi AN II I OTTAfil- ai itiii i i t r f r ii itiuir on prtm- I LI in I Nil miiu ti iictis > I I or m- lln 1 in iroiriiir liHN r lll il I 1rllfctiltt Jor J1ltloll1trlII- I as I it I s III 31 I Ii ti stttlftmi tIle- rUiitr mis ii iirittii sIin amsi- i i Iii umitisti ilk 4 I 5CftC igiiiitii uimi UII1o r light lte f l Siamohu hi I t incite hr rllil lii blln- hll e CI i lleni J slur > iioue uiuili 12 iliiit airy- i ins ruuiin walir Heau heni nmiiuil rallar- U ii l ittit mS l and stilt stirrtummtl I ItPr I reu lsi 0 Ulbulld- ll III krvillC ll the a Ill r i t liiude tunie IrII tilt Ialh St blIlrdJ iisu I RAT SACRIFICE SILT OKAVII OIMOUTI MTV POM rim fill itFY JIVYI IMU i niiici- i rrii SIi v MUimiuiA- VIII HI MILU AT A REAL UI I IV TKKUH < ALl fUUU It iU lltUU- IOUUATIUN ON > trn H tal OZ tate tin Jhlc r IH WHY uvou SI10LLD BUY LOTS AT ER PARK located In the 20th ant Hid Ward of tlrooklyn City On Ihe line of KIATIUHII NOSTIIANI NEW YO ilK ANt imOOKLYN AV8 500 and I 1000 Vs lt- 1ermlt + Its lo sdvle I yon that If you Intend mircha- lnr for home He nr Investment not to deride until you hare I en Addition No 7 lo Vanderveer Iark sIll It on such Inspection you are not tonvlnred tile property tor sale by Us U nut the hesS offered In the orealrr New York for enhancement tn valUes we will give yon a lot tree We certainly cannot give a better guarantee than the above rpeelal Queen Anne cottage near Flalbuii av with all 11 provemonts9JDUJ ffloo Iou balance same as rent- Platlmh av Xostrand av and Ntstau trolleys di- rect to our office- JUNCTION FLATnrItt ANn NOSTHAHD AV- gOEKMANIA IIKVI ESTATE CO 11ENIIT J JirTFrt 1reit ItrNitY V RFYrR e- flt52600 will bnv ems of the best tiilsos In Irooklynt 7 rertmi all Improvement conneetid newer and vat ZOO CAHli WlOiiiilintrret nionlhly MANDFMII- IsucciKorti Ull IIIA N ttinnila and 1 Van Hlclen- nvs t pen dally and undaS- pollNUt PlOT imuion CBnoI near Nostrand- av n Validerveer P k1I41uhI- IIItItW I IHISIorfat I Brooklyn T AltUflTEsstS tlilin room house 1 and 314 J storIes ant lmsemnt thoroughly good amid scm iilete I In very respect I is minute from brlditevi- KlnKiii ounty Mevated 11 It iroiklyn av station tien for in1oeiin reryInr At ply on premises or- of AiniltItlt BTCINf IITlllleanJt TAlf CIIAVCK I 11011 BlIIIII fitly a flnVlioilMi 1 in rant New York Improvement r rooms 20r- to no audit SHINS 1A Attn at tal Ustntr or s Me ong Jfilnud- B I d l 12 NINUTES 17 FROM fj m J4 FuRY 1 b 11 I I ro DirflRtflhi- TnTht1flffiTt4t a MODERM 41V1tNANNIIOtt3- ON PLOTS 50 A tOO FEET PRICE FROM 3250 TERM Z50CUHt iS MONTHLY TWILL B DEED 200 finely located lots In a beautiful New York suburb on Jnni Inland to tIe tlrst VUO iwople ansnerlnit this ml- erlUoment for simply cost n I fishing deisl 65 ouu tickets sold at our depot last yeir full particulars i i b > mall AdlrPKEH1DFNT 15S Water St New York I OVEtY IlfllUINO LOTS ltt Ii down same J monthly perbit tltleii elreu ars nl- LtWI s Northport I ThXK FARM 47tucrgnesr I long Iiland Sound 1 I17SOO 1 world f3UOU vrrrlcup I KWl srwZ lirosdwa- ror inlt oro tt on1 Jrslnnl1 JAR IIOCKAWAVIelrabli 1 cmtigre 14 rooms h all Improvement i eteifantly i furnished I Kltu- ated on llraliJ View at near liuKnpoudm lintel For particular aptly on trelmilsis or to J KAltlY Furniture amid Carpets 471 arid 475 Mil av New York city Ural tfstntr 4- orSEASHORE snit IMIOPKUTY run ALE ONE FVHNISIIIK COFTAOB 12800- DNK FfllSlMHU I CDTTAOK ISnOll- INE AriU III IAMI 2000 ONE HllXISlIEII COTTAOF FOB KENT f 00 All the above are cii tbe Highland thrive Atlanllo av Collage City 310ooklllg the < St KAN tho finest liHatlon a- tMARTHAS VINEYARD Call on or addntu F O ELHRIIX1K Cottacv City lisa or O n I III WET ISO Ilroadwav New York N nThI advertlxment will not Le Inserted again l TO BUILDERSCHO- ICE LOTS ON SOUTHERN BVARD AND FREEMAN ST LOANS OBTAINED- FOR RELIABLE PARTIES APPLY 23D WARD LAND IMPT CO 261 BWAY- 9j1tCASlt O l1lO moriuiKte or tlO monthbTelty l 5 J JJ lot ITiUti si J rume at virth lfino near elekfint hou t i water cit On ifrotind tiday IBI04 IsLe 11 avcmtuu I elrsmtr1 toKtth M I Lolble- commlsslun noniieut UUNKU 110 West Hllis- ujKral fjatatr for n1rQitj LOTS LOCATED IN THE MOST ACCESSI- BLE ¬ PART OFTHE WARDFROM 700 UP SEWER WATER GAS SOUTHERN BOULEVARD CAR PASSES THE OFFICE CORNER FREEMAN ST AND SOUTH BOULEVARD STOP THERE 23D WARD LAND IMPROVEMENT CO 261 BROAD WAY It RED BUILDING HAVE YOU A HOME Twentyfourth Ward lots for hour seekers Mil location easily reached terms rmndsrate profit abolUheil deal direct wife Agent otlumisslon HA R U t34 UroaUway after it oclock at Main m West chester 4 STO Ail B WA KKll WPSr l ngTero unA and jV thihtus i pays over IS j ir rent net cent rally locnu owner h a nthtr tmtlneas principals only ItY n lIlCKOSt Proadway J Ilai SLK lUMford rrk At a sacrifice Iltnnomo- 10room house cub blllUrd riK n and CUIIUTT tory nil uumitrnt lnents inuit boo itcn tolK I nprtH l attd corner Smitlitrn Houltvinl I OOllt 11 amid Val vutlneav Owner on preinlf- eftHtrstchwtcr Co ropcrnj4or < hit WHITE PLAINSGRAND VIEW Choice plot for homui or lQTftment KlneHt I fart nf town uround l liUh locatIon heilthy bjxxfal ad- vantaitei to SliDes biilnir mien Propertr just opemnl Trolley franchlio granted Hirlctly I nrlela 51mb urban retldenrn plots at moderate t rces Very easy terms KitMrtH prunoiineu tills property seeond to none ant predict rapid lain and early Increase I la value Title ifilaranleod Club itablK t fur ronT- eutene n revlde- nfsiicAMiviiv LAN It four A NT- Appl IMii I liS fourth An Ni w Yur- kAT lilt T S MAWllVoukers two lots corner- ant adjoining nOilun will alt reasonable J LI IIKNVKKSON 3Hl W4rlh e- mI I iilTHK inrixMns all Improvement lawns shale 11 inn Ion lid minutes by Harlem ltailroa1 I IJoi- roali lutlanc I ea y monthly payment or will rent fur fUO mouttlr- Ollisoy It Weit Houston st owner ttnl Cotatf for ialtJm tUtll NUTLEY N J J- Molel cottage hear ilnpnt mi large Inti hldli and tic c d IUI trul view a I 10 roiiiii detorated COlIIll lo ftuultary plumMne chain light au4utery molern- liuprotenieut priie 4 i3t0 on easy terms ClrLUlurs and fullpartleulurN IAJIIIU11 MM Sant 1 IJUUSM N J EIght toni and haiti cottage Just J > comdeI nlS7 W i > iH3lh s1- htiNisIl mu AV O IWvTonne NJ O WN YotltnWN lluMK Sill l mouthlj without Inierebt will buy coIr lot in Ma > onne Illy on troll 7 din I IarlleuIarX lAIIKK Jr Irtoilway- KNA tlvrNTl llanilininv villa plots for sale I H WrAlIKKIIV It IO ilralwisy for salt or eo 3Jrt JUw 3frarij- 10 r lt t Ut u Hurrlnuton r irk ll rten county N I TIII ii m sHir II It onlv I I IH null from Ne u rk clii et il e large liraiitlful I tInt In tie yule Mitiii I p iiiri iii h liwat d hull iroun- df led llrei Uird red Hltll mnple emil l elms cc e nut no1 Iruwuur I liiiltti ant I d lolIhUul l ell male I hreei > dats t toot nightie almoAt fne r rot it oftiulin1 r ulroad pot nn thiS kroiuid eommu tulle l ih km I tills I rIle Aliln I s r MtilAS- IIAltlliiT or ur I IN I iroa l iiy room 1 New York Ural tfstatr for Salr Louutriu 4 I ill Ysti r A tIlil AToiti I Ar yet a hum ft MMleM Of course you want t make money Why then dnnt > oii ii Vest in ehoire laud near runiailiirda I Iheino t pronrrMKi town lu Morldat- Unlik and larui prunl aoured Chine or a lite time lufeiilKatun uiltt t hlltltu CKJI at Iark place TO CLOSE AN ESTATE A until ANii Hiri i IATIII- Nldlh IN Hllll Illlt N IOS NTH tH tlLNtTIM OlT- liirici nut < IHII nit IAMY MONTH A M OU AIMJJg MM HprV 11 I N- M xxttv UTU ar woK 4- rF 1 LI U JropountiQ- oxxisaioinwa or TUB RINKISO roan ia a I TO coxTiucTona Proposals for furnishing materials and porformlai work required rot the furnishings sad alteMtloni fI In the Criminal iourt Jill < Inc tin the lilook imund- e I l hy Centre Franklin I and WhIms streets I ulhorltd pursuant to Chanter DTI Laws of iNS soil M hy the commissioner of time Sinking und at meeting held June lIt tMOC December 131 IhtO mufl and February 11 IHUA For moon aora carpenter work Iron nnd lUst workpmmblnir work nmnillnu workiuarble wnrt f Stale work tiling work heating stud ventilating work electrical work gas and electrlo light fixture 1 i palntlmtand other work specified l KKA1EU KSTl3i Ails Ir this ustiovis work sntorse4 i with the shove title also with Ihe name of Ihn per- son or persons niaklnic the same and the late of t presentation win I tie received at the omee of the t Comptroller lloomi Nte 14 anti It Finance Depart i I went Stewart llulldliiK No mo llrodway In Ihe City of I New York mull rj oclock M l Thnr di Junn 4 Irwd at which plO and 1 hour the hits will hr nib llcly opened hy and In the present of IheComnrs I slener of the SInkIng I Mind I ant reed ant Ihn award I f or the contract It aivanled will be made In the low esl astiractleahle t tildder wIlts adeiiuate security at soon thereafter J1 The eron or persons ui whom the cnmraeV mar I be awarded will Ie reIustd to atutid at thin ome af the Department of Ililillu Works with the sureties I olTfred hy him or them and vxreuto the roulrct within rive days from the date of the rvicn of a f notIce to Ut Ilecti enllrl case nf failure or neelioi to do cut nr they Ie conllerrd as havtn- abandone t It and M In tlefaiilt lo the Corporation I and thereupon the shall l ic readverilted I anu reich ant s on ntiIOo contract le arvepte and executed The writS to commence at OIIPh nine as IheCommlMloner Ptihtlo Works maydeclinate N Kltfrmlstloit with I J ilIrJar rtranalot any hIt No nhIrlli Ix ii cetitjil from or contract awardeil any person who 4 is in elrentolh Corporation upon debtor contract or who I Is a defaulter as uretv or othervl upon any olillnatton to ihi tnrnoratlon For the nature ami ej tent of the work tnhedone I 1 bidder are reterre1 I to the drawIngs and the specifi- cation ¬ Tb drawing may Ix etn at the ornceof the architect I hubert M aynicke Koom 10 to IH twelfth storvl New York riiminerrlal llillldlnt Nos 7 Sand 7 V7 Ilroadwa In the cIty of New York Tim entire work to I lw eomnleUd vHIIll I MNKTV flAys after the notice to commence work ha hoeD given hy Commissioner of Iulillc Work The amount of security rII cured Is snSoo lAnk form of estimate and further Information t deiired can beohtnlned on application at the Compo troller timer Ni 3SOIIroidvay TOe torn of aiireement including the specifications i for the work can lie obtained at oftlceof the Comp troller NO willroadnav I I WILLIAM I 8TIIONO MaYor I JOlts W OOI i k- Ifcordert 1 ABHUFI P KITCII Commlsiloners M lplroUr of the J i AN80N O MCOOK sinking Fund Chamberlain i CI1alrrnlI I H i K OUorT I nn Pinanr- Hiurd i nf 1 iilprnian NEW TOIIK May 21 I iHUtl t 1 TOO4 DEAZFitM ornrr IOMI I ISLAND STATE UOSIITAL I ROOM luT AltllUCKIK llfllDINn IlKOOKlANf Sealed h proposal I will lit recelTn at this omce until 3 oclock I M on Wedaetday June 101C98 for fur nlshitng coat as follows llrnuklyu D partinenl to IM delIvered nt iho Hospital on Clarkson St llOOO tons more or less of No 1 lluckwheat anthracite coal ant ei 0 tOns morn or leu of stove cuaL- lnr 1 Kings Isrk Departmentlo delivered along ildedock at Kings Iark l U L 14 000 tons mOte or I lest of No I lluckuheat anthracite coat and 90u tons imore or I less of stove coal Title coal I In tol t ie of the I hwI quality cleaned ant freshly rained subject j to the approval of the Hoard of Managers or their representative Iri leads must provide for the delivery at such Inn i aOl In such quantities as may tie re- quired by the rdbldr Managers or their rep renentatlin I Kaoh must be enclosed In an envelope addressed to the Hoard or Uanaicers t Long Iilnnd Statu Honpltal rein 107 Arbuckl- Ilullillni Ilnmkljn N Y and eudorxxl 1ropoiils for Coal ant be acciirnnanlfd by a bond of two sure- ties t residents of the state of New York each to Ju- llfy J In the sam of 5 000 Said lurches are loguaran5- 1W that the bidder will uecutn a contract It It Is L awarded to then and will perform Uie name faith fully The risht Is reserved by the hoard of Managers to reject any or nil tIde and after a contract la entered Into to ileelam sail contract forfeited whenever la their Juiiitment It Is not belim performed for the bess < I Interests of Ibe Slate JOHN O DOnilEBT 0 Fcc Pearl of Managers j COFATF PROPOSALS be received by the Board I of Comnilsjloner for the Park Avenue Improv- inent above Kwth street on or before 12 oclock n H n on Monday the 1st day of June thll for Asphalt Mastic to be plnced tin troufthsnf the Via l clImeS Mructnrnon Iark Avenue between 110th Street and the south line of Harlem Itlver In accordance with plans and stiecltlcitlous COPIeS of which may hue now obtaltUHl on application at the offices of the 1 J Hoard No 101 fifth Avenue J A JVITtnC HIT A IA WrEn The jnarrel Arcee Over tIe Eiesspe of a Client tram n Coninhle- FA ii ItorKAAV I t ls May tHA few days nno Michael J 1 Cannnn n contractor anti two of his emulo > ees were arrestexl on complaint of Hnmuel r Iturtun of this lace for taking xivcrnl tart loads nf ruth from property ownnl by Horton Thn men were arraigned twfuro Jnstlco Hinltli They erero defended by Lawyer Frederick Ulllierl Justice Smith die rharuttl 1 Cannons two emplojees and flood Cannon tO Ijnjcr Gilbert said 1 ho wonld appeal tIme case but ai It was within five min- utes ¬ of tho time for n train to leave for LTB Islam City whltbor he was anxious to to- Jtmro Pinlth ronsoDkil 1 to hold Cannon until nvpnliiK in order I tIt thin lawyer mlxht have tliua lo prtluxri his tiatxirs After Lawyer lllllxrt had slepisrteslglie 1 pris- oner ¬ risked Justice Smith If tin could not l IJ iy his line suit end the matter The Jnstlco told l hut he maul tin so but thought he hail better t en Ills lawyer first Cntinon Insisted on pay hut tin linn and requested the Justice to allow Constable WitmrrlKtit to accompany him to his hume so Unit hi could Itt tho necessary amount of munev Tile Justice dish ft ar 1 n n short Unit the ron thle returned without Cannon saying that the latter had taken ad vntitn ii of him ansi escaped I Tho following night the lawyer and Cannon entered 1 Justice Smiths oftlro and served him with a notice of appeal The Justice told Can- non ¬ that hu might havt uotten the contable Into serious trouble by escaping and rrltlclvK- lCnnon > action > ecrely Lawyer Ullliert- reiionstrated with the Justice anti worth that followed resulted in the Justice striking Oil hurst In Ihe faro with hits lIt Justice Mmlth admitted 1 Inday that he struck the lawyer but ruild his action titus duo to tho lawyers insult Inn manner Officer Valnwrlcht wn present at the time piU tin Justice nnd I h can vouch for my basing sumclent frovojallon for the act Justice Smith denied a retorted assertion of the lawyers that he threw time notice of appeal on the Moor anti Juuipetl on It llIArlIS Atl JVl7VCrOVi- Taitle Pryor Wont Help For rth Htrct Keep IHCABtor The temporary Injunction which the congre gation Kol Israel Anshe Poland of FortytU street obtained restraining Isoao llcrlands formerly chiunii or cantor of that conureRa- tlon from giving his services elsewhere was dissolved yesterday by Justice Iryor In an opinion hlch takes a wide scope In regard to ecclesiastical ofllcos llerlands got a better place with the Clmnrl Zedelc congregation of Henry street He began to sing In Henry street but was stopped by the Injunction In dissolving the Injunction Justice Pryor said that the contract with the Forsyth street congregation wits not established on the motion and suite The services are not so unique and extraor ¬ dinary as to admit of no substitution Irrpe arable Injury will ensue to thuplnjntltl from the absence of an Injunction ana tall the equi- ties ¬ mire positively denied Hero Is an Indecent altercation between religious communities over tbe employment of n cantor Those congrega- tions ¬ j are organized for spiritual purposes only antI nro not rivals In trade or business or In any secular enterprise Ni object of material gain Is supposed to be contemplated by then and their controversy Involves no right of property It Is to protect property rights only that the courts ever Is uo their Injunctive mandate If It IH said that lbs plaintiff has a property In the services of the defendant time answer Is that those services are fur spiritual edifica- tion ¬ anti not for pecuniary profit An Injunc ¬ tion to prevent a preacher from occutiylmr the pulpit of a rival church would bean anomaly Indeed without support in principle and with- out precedent In tho whole rango of jurispru- dence ¬ The dispute between these parties should be accommodated in their own ecclesi- astical ¬ councils and by the prevalent Influence of that fraternal affection which they profess as the principle of their own conduct The sacred Interests they are constituted to promote can but suffer from tIme scandal of an acri- monious ¬ litigation MIC nATEitJtunrSIIIL- nm UYD1J1FIM Lawyer says the Supplementary Pro- ceeding ¬ Are Prolonged to Annoy Him James M Waterbury was examined again yesterday In supplementary proceedings ns to his ability to pay n judgment obtained ii alnst him and his partner Chauncey Marat nil for 131000 by Daring Mngoun AT Co Tho Judg- ment ¬ repre ents money loaned by the bonltera- as representatives of Baring Brothers of Lon ¬ don on Cordage tock Mr Waterbury did not produce the books of L Wntcrbury t Co is he had been directed to do by Hofcreu Marks lBs counsel raid there was no objection to nn Inspection of the books t o far as Mr Waterbury was concerned but that 05 the books were cor- porate ¬ property It ivmi a question whether they should lm turned over for examination It was arranged that Mr Marks should ex- amine ¬ the books before the next hearing Mr Wnterburv admitted that he was a number of a tol In which C Veaer Toper James It Ki cne Chaunrny Marshall and others were Interested Tills pool held the National Cardage Trti t stock He saUl he had a onefifth Intcnt In the pool IMirlnc the examination 1 r Wnterbury remarked to Mr Marks Vimr clIent meaning Daring Mneniin V Co entered Into nn nirrcernent with our creditors and nlth us for the transfer of the assets nf l L Wnlerbury V Co to Water hurt > A i Mnrshnll by which we thought nil our dlflicultles could l lit straightened out but our client didnt stick to thoU agreement Lawjor Mullally for Mr oterbury con- tended ¬ that tho eximlnatlnn should lie closenl He raid that at tin time thin ludgmint was en- tered ¬ by Justice Freedman there was an un- derstanding ¬ that lid further proceedings would bo taken against Mr VaterMiry He declared that the examination wns being pro- tracted for this purpose of annoying Mr Wn ¬ terbury Justice Truax adjourned the ex- nmtnatlon until June l 1J with the express un- derstanding that It should lm cloed then CAPT COXIIOXS QUEKK ACCOtrTS The rip IJourd lBVPtll tlnic ThemHbef field KeslKliii an Treamirer The Fire Commissioners yesterday began their Investigation of Capt K OM Condons matiAgcmentof the Department Ituiluhing antI Hipalrs Commlssloner Siliflltthul who has been at work on tim matter presented the re- sult ¬ of his work and crossquestloned Capt Con ¬ don yearly nit the work done by Capt Con ¬ dons department Is shone under the rule that nllows contracts for less than 41000 to be given without advertising for bids Commissioner Shellleld found that Contrac- tors ¬ Hughes Ilyrnes Carroll HIggins and Walsh were the only ones who bad obtained contracts for carpenter work since Condon took charge Condors admitted that he had never risked any minI otter carpenters to send In esti- mates ¬ In looking through the blue the Com- missioner ¬ found what he termed some curious coincidences that lookout like collusion In live cases out of twentyseven contracts awarded I the bidders had all neglected to put any date ou their estimates antI In two Instance mill five bidders had written time month April antI omitted tn state tile day Cant Condon In titus report the Hoard nf tIle tTtentyPiven contracts referred to concerning an expenditure of nearly JUOOO gave a itsscrip tion nf tin Hnrk done and the hi tile nt which it as uolnRUnniid 1 Unshed In no dnele Item did his itmitee tally with those supplied to Commis- sioner ¬ Miellcld br the Captains of tho fire licnie Tho hi urine 111 be continued on Wed nesda The Hoard was surprised by the presentation of a I letter I from Commissioner Miellleld I In- wlilch he resigned thn ollice of Treniurer to the Hoard The C mmls loncr I Inslmed nn immedi- ate I ¬ action hilt the letter was referred for future action fMOaooo Apiece for Three Vnn Ales lieorgu I L Hives has been appointed guardian ail turIn nf James Laurens Sarah Stewart and Mary children of lattice J Van Alen of New port In an action brmight by James Hoosevelt- Itiiosivelt Henry II Ely and Douglas Hobln Soil truktceH under the will of tho late William Astor for n kettliinenl of their acinunts an- trii teosnf three trust units created for till benefit of the cliidrrn b > their kTHiiilfathr t fie I iet tor who let turin ellOuuuu ench I lite rliildren have mil rnnUed any nf t r t thu I income front tb > trtlal estate incn the doith of Mr- Aktur and t tie amount I las now readied SliiijI- KUl I In each rust The I trustees tick hid this inonvy bo turiiwl over to the Unullclnrlet alter judicial eltlenirlit llruoklr New Iroperlv Clerk Charles I ItlutUifurd has been appointed Property Clerk of the Jolico Department In llrnoklyn by Committlnnur Wee In place of Irorirr Peely ilvreaseil lie Is a Sutenlh ward I tIll iii usuti and rains wllh I the ad iii i tile I ret Ion faction lie lulls hem a clerk In Cnuut Iteglt car llnrmaiimifllcu urn j cur flit salary Is 3 UIID it ji tsr SAYS SHES MRS BEKWIND- UID i ants itiTKND in An Anof nun nor nAnrr like Left Him with Another Ilahr Nurse When Arrested rlhti ClaImed Aevunlni- nnee with Dr > epew and Ot IVIIaivn- J K n rnlnd llenlee Her Wifely Claims A woman weighing at least 200 pounds who wore a gray silk dress and a hatdecornted with a large bunch of violets walked through Bryant Park yesterday morning carrying n baby Among the crowd of curses with babies In car- riages ¬ In the park was Nellie Harris who Is em- ployed ¬ by Mrs Smith of am West Fortyflrst street When the woman with the child came opposite Nellie Harris she put the baby Into the carriage saying to hiss nurse Just mind this child until I come back will you r- Then she walked quickly away Before the astonished cuno recortrsd from her surprise the woman was almost out of sight In the direc ¬ tion of Fifth avene The nurse fearful of haying a child left on her hands rushed up to Sergeant Fltzpatrlck of the Park police anti told him what had hap¬ pened The Fergrant took charge of the baby and Park Policeman Kngan started In pursuit of the large woman with the violets on her hat He overtook hrr at Fifth avenue and Thirty ninth street When the woman found that sIte was under arrest she became very much excited and saul This Is an outracc How dare yon arrest me I am i us respectable woman IfChaunccy Drpew or some of mv other friends knew of tilt you would lie made to stiller Policeman Itngan was not nlarmed at the threat of Mr Dcpews wrath and tIme woman was taken to tho station house and afterward to Juflerson Market ouch Sits said trmt slit was Mrs cello C Horwlnd j wife of John K Berwlnd Vlco1reMdent of the IlerwlndWhlte roal Mining Company of f- tItroadway who lives nt 1SYJ East Ihtrtynlnth street Mhp had not lived with her biubiitul she snld brcauto hits family was opposed to her tntll two weeks auo site nail liveit l at 6 Wtst Thirtyninth street From there she went to the Hotel OrNwold In West Fortyecnnd street Mie had hail trouble at the lintel anti hail been lucked nut Her nurse list gone away anti she Imd left thn child In the park whllo she went in search nf a baby carriage I wouldnt abandon my child I love hint more than life saul the wonan In apparent deen emotion and she reached out for the in funt who niii reotlng on tho cxiiantUo bosom of Policeman Knpin the child wits given tn her and she hugged him until he gusued fur breath Ho was burn In Long Branch eleven months ago she said and 1 coil him John after tilt tether Everybody In Long Branch will tell you tbat I am a respectable unman If > on dcint believe mo ask Cliauncny I Iiepow or Dllrkt At- torney ¬ Fellows or Magistrate Flnmmer or Ed- ward ¬ SI Stokes They are all friend t f mine she rattled off half a dozen more names of wellknown persons who were tier friends until Magistrate Slmms told her to stop Ill hold you In 1OOU ball for examination on Sunday morning saul he Vou dont mean to lock me up shouted theprl oner 1 am a rcsp ctable woman It Is a disgrace to arrest me The policeman ought to be broke for It As tho woman was led to the court prison she crlelOh If Sol Sayles were only herol He would ball me out 1 know be would Later she meakot one of the tonday women In the Jefferson Market prlion to gn for Chaun cry Depew as she withed him to ball her out Mr ilerwlna saul yesterday afternoon that the woman was not bis wife At his resilience at- JO East lhlrtyninth street It was suit that the woman haul called there on various occasions and hud claimed to bo thu wife of Mr Herwlnd TUB OKEOOX HtlROVrMEXT CO Home Detntla oTthe Plan for the ICeorKm- nllAtlon of tha Company The Oregon Improvement Reorganization Committee consisting of John I Waterbury T Jefferson Coolidge Jr E Rollins Mor > e Edwin B Hooley anti Jules S Hache have prepared a plan of reorganization which was submitted to the security holders esterday It provides for the Issue of tile following new securities Five million dollars of first mortgage 6 per cent flftyyear gold bonds 35000000 of 4 per- cent noncumulative preferred stock and V 0 000000 of common stock First mortgage bondholders receive In cash the amount of the coupon on their bonds maturing Juno 1 1800 namely 30 per bond and 110 per cent In new 5 per cent bonds bearing Interest from June 1 1SOO The new first mortgage bonds not set aside for the present firsts are to be Usued at no greater rate than 100000 per annum anti only fur the purchnenf now hteam ships and other needed property hlch Is to to- adued to this security for such bond- Holders of consolidated mortgage tiomls who tins 12HJ Per cent or 1I per bond receive ivjlj per centIn new preferred stork aud 7o torrent in new common stock Holders of preferred stock who pay rHi per cent or Si oil pr share receive HAt Per cent In nun preferred stuck and Ti per cent In new common truck Holders of common stock who pay 10 por cent or S10 per sitar receive 10 per cent In new preferred stock and uU per cent in new common stock Holders of the tlrst mortcago bond will recel o In cash upon depositing them the Interest ma- turing ¬ June 1 IMiil or SIO on touch bond 1 be plan hiss beer accepted by the holders nf a large amount of all clas esof bunds unil stock It tins been approved by President HnNton of the Farmers Loan anti Trust Company the trustee of both mortgages who nIso recom- mends ¬ the security holders tn accept It It has also been approved by Mr F P Olcott haIr man of the tlrst mortgage bonttholdors pro ¬ tective committee All securities must be deposited with tbe Manhattan Trust Company In tliU city or w ith tbikOld Colony Trust Company of lioaton on or before July 1 next The Port Hnjrnl and Anemia Gen Same Thomas and Thomas F Ityan have bought thin majority the first mortgage bands of the Port Royal anti Augusta Railroad and will reorganize the company The property ban been In the hand of a receiver since April Vil 111153 arid Interest on this first and hecond mort- gage ¬ bonds has been liidrfuultslnce 11SIH 373O for IIU Ilnnchleri heath A jury In the Supreme Court In Brooklyn 1ms given Andrew Werner a verdict of S1730 In his suit against tile Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company for the death nf hit eightyearold daughter Franclka Whllo the girl seas walk ¬ ing in Crescent street under the elevated tied road structure on June 10 Ihli nn ion way from Sunday school sonic live crisis dropped from the locomotive and sit tire to her doming and she died of the burns received UU FlUpRlrlck Tot H1OOOO The suit of Sarah Fttzpatrlck against Joseph Stewart for 10000 damages for alleged breach of promise of marriage will bo tried nn Monday In the Supreme Court In Brooklyn Miss lItllnt rIck haul a fancy goods store In Mnith Street which she sold recently as sill says In antlclim- tlon of her marriage to Mr Htuwart who repu- diates ¬ tho alleged engagement n gubltc JlJ- IOST Iotrc- I OFFICE NOTICE bbould bo red DAILY by all Interested as changes meal occur at any time Foreign mall for the week ending ilay SO will close IlloMITLY In all cstoi at this office as follows TRANSATLANTIC MAILS BATfRPAYAt lUiHO A M for FUANCE SWIT7- IRLANI 1TA1V SlAIN IOHTCtlAU TUHKF- YfOUT and imiTIMIl INDIA per steamshIp Ia llretasne via ltavre at can A M forliFIlUANYI- KNMAKK SWKllKN NOHVVAV Chrl llanlat- aiit C ttSi per sleamolilp Aller via llramen- lottrrs fr olfcr parts of KnropM vii Sniilhami ton iiiiini Ix illrecteil per AIITi at A ail A M fur IltittiP tr slesmsnlp Uintirla via tjui ftn tnotm ililtors for Herman IVnniarlc hwtshn- Norvsv l Clirl < tlsnla and Russia must tic direct iI rtinlirla at 7 A M for NKMIFIILANn- idlrtnt l ° r slitni nlp Veendaiu vii Iloltnnlani titters iimt t iliriet4Hl i er Veendam at 1 A M i for irsin per meunshlp Tulla ilnten iiuit I illrntfd tr I tulcla at 10AM for itt iTii 4 I i direct I IHT st am < hli Fthlnpla Yil UlsijoHr iettmmu > tl be directed per Ethiopia lRINTEI JHTTFlt cflerntsn steamers sailing on Tu sitays ThurR tar and Saturdays tA- k1rlnted Matter Ac for iernian > and bptMully- AJilru iuxl Prlnlt Matter Ae fur other parts of- I urol V Mto Mir iteslners on WtHnosda take bnililly Atlrsaut rr1nte vtallcr Xi1 for Ku cia i unartl iiteainers on Saturda take IrlntM Mailer Ae for Great llrltaln and Ireland and 1t- 1J specially Aildreswil Prlntod Matter Sc for other parts or Kurnp American and French UD steamers take 1rlnted Matter Ac for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mitt Afler the clotdng nf the Stipplementary Transatlaa tie MsIM nsmeit above aifdltlonal iiipplemeota- ryare art opened on the piers ur the American anil Herman steamers and rtmaln open until wtUila ten mIDUUs of the tour of lalllnu of steamer MAILS > OH SOlTII ANt CENTRAL AMKIUCA- WKST INDIES Sc SATntDAY 7 A M for SANTIAOO TIB CCIU- n r stiiuehip llahana iftten for Venezuela anti r hla mulct IM dlrtctml per ltabattahi at 1 1 I r M foupjilementary 1 SO P Mi for ST DO ilNuut an I TIKKH 1SIASD txr itramihlu New York at he3lI I M for hT IIKIlllKMlyUKLON steamier from North Sydnev at 10 A M for rtr 1HIACOINTKIFH I per alcalnshir Marld- aMONIHYAt 19 M for LA PLATA COONTlUtU dls reel icr steamship Merlda- TUFMlAV At 1 I M for HBMERAIIA direct PeS steamship TJonio Mail for Newfoundland by rail tn Halifax and thence by steamer clown at this offlci dally at8tiu- V M Sails for Mliuelon hy tail tn Hmtnn and tlience lv uteamer close at this ortlee dally at H8O 1 M Mill fur Culm co < at thIs ofllce dally as 7 in A M for fi ruirdlnr by sievners sailing Olonday and Thurdat from Iort Tampa Fla- Mnlls for Mevlro overland linteu specially A- lreed for despatch lv steamer cloe at this ortlce lilly at 7 on A M I JUjulireJ luau Closet at B 1 31 previous dny- TIliNSIACIFIC MAIIt lailt for ihe Iouiety Islands per 51110 tallIes fretflm- acil Ilraiioluticln lueruitsilt liii to 3lay 25 as 41 lit i 31 SInus for tbttts cmii Japan specially ailrssut ouly ir stesilushim Fttt Item of hull lfru Valit It Cer cli bert daily ii p In Slay I at II Si I II lsits fir lhiuii miiud Japan Icrs- leulmutili iturla nun 1 iotita Close here daily tI to May 121 at ChIll I > Stalls for thins tupaui alit iiuwnti tr sbeufllsip irtm front Sati- Ilrtinls iiae 11cr icily tilt ti lii U i 1 51 mI- I it Mils for ifawuil icr aiearusIull AustralIa lfrin isami Ilrslmelscuicluuaelier iali > Ut iuijmln to lit ii 30 I M Mails fur Auitr4tls ezelut the for iVest ttmtrslla shicli turu furwtsrutci via imirpei New eitaui iisvuil liii ant einnin hunt Icr siesiusip Ale uttuda I rrohi afl Frauttiwuml QIOS lure iisliy uij p Juin hJO Mt 7 81 A N I I A 1- 1Diii It 11 I N or is ucrrlai at New York o- siettTllSlilh tuilris with ilrltlsh tiusile for AUS trails SIpus for Aistrthl i 1crept uVtit AU- Irsil hliwali Ill lalammia st eulaliy ad- ul rtiut oh I r Mtuuwera front stu- mvir siei tier isiiy after lube 20 mini up to- Jun 523 SI Ii ttl I it Trios Iaelflc mcii Ar rnrwarte1 to port of saIlIng ilnliy alit I it a ti i imtu hr clsl or srrangnh 0u the ttreaitiutiumm StIr tlnlnterrult uuerhn I- t rerislt I Ii Cl natl eles at Ii I N prevltts- ilsr Ill lltVi 1 II st rsu instnastrI- uist imce Nets Strit N Y tay VII iMut J tnnt lottrr Ta bprcltti > rw of ito Supmnet belles i INiU To intftof I in theCoumy Cuurt I fi oust la tie tyof NM ork on hits I 11th dIa > of Mui IMC- iIrvM nt I HOII I Iredirtck smi tn J Cute I in mite must Or nf the application if U Ullum It test art Up nard hlivturi und TliomatJ lushly lihinHandwr as truittuns under itt last stIll eel lnuuilumtl of Jul llhliii Under deora d fur an ordf tlie artln r err tain mortis ges now m piMrliu T rttord a lien on I tin prfinl 5 WH It liii Iii etc fi Nw V rk iltv tIll rfaUtiitf aud filing Ui pfllton nf 4 lillam JU SIts art Iiistiert attvs ri amid I I Itoinai iskiry Jthiniland u iriul cc mtiutr t the lest i 5 HI not I u iii fluent I of Juili HluiM haul r tcuu d daicd liv I liitit day nf April istutI prajln frmi eli r fwilrlfllf i ai- tcritns ittierestei In th 5 I tIC s I hy i rIOtS Ihuorifalles imun 15 Jiurien Tic cli auth Miur Karei 1 IrIJiu lila is IIY 5 ItMI > iuiir titd July I I Ml tumit rorlel tu I llwisl rs 0e to r tile oil > rnunty tlt I M id1 w irk on tinUt thy f Janntr tHil in < ftm f nturt iet 4- PIUV tt3 and tit ih r MUttM liv ijU iUTsfin I 11 u- li 3 and iIui caret flrt 5 vlr In t tlllttin JHUrr- ilfi rased H irdien uf r r SushI cd ilrvn nf John Mliur inri in I l lh mil t mord d I lu lhni lii lleg5strt I ull tulti r sin f lri in iho Khdiy f laitntir > IS H In hook N A ji nf- inorfKirf Htptrf l lU iMirn of ittl muri atfi l lnt upon Hnati41 m dm City rnunt slut stale C f Ni w Vr kxMld nit If ilseluiivsl of rrconli- an i upon mot m of Mtvir ittlu5i 4 iteiieliCf CoOn sri fur sell I 11 tuimi r It I ii hero > orderp1 pursuant tt statuS Thai all I float Int raited show esuiss at a Special Trm of itiU tiurt 1trt nt tnirtfuf to U held a- tIlt runl > o rl 5lusua in tIle city or New York o- thi I IUh ty of Juttf l sWbi at elivn oclock In it farriiMtn of huh day or a Sii to t tlHrtafKT as Connie ran IM hear 55 hy th n urlg sti situ each of th9u j slcitiil not I iliiv hurtr d if rr ord And U is In riiii furthtr iru rs and directed ttal huh order I Is putMlicd I tn ihv ins Vork Iw Juurua ap WSl4ttar pnMUhil In Slur cull slit rounty of Nvr- i rk alui In The snii a vvp lr puUlthed la th- rii > ttud onniv of Si u rk for thrro weutiC inn 4Slssl3 oniH In rteli Hrtu and that on or Ifora- Ir d late nf the flrss puMU 01 tin rrof a copv of lull order t s eveI t > Ual y p n tr Mr rick Hlllrr I la the blat of New stk emit t airTin M heir itl5 ll- u the slate of Sew York or Ml lieu Clam New 4 eels ZoluYbJLU r

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Page 1: Chronicling Americar Not iM rT-a 10 THE SUN SATURDAY MAY 80 1896 PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY COWM1TTKKTO DKCItinOit Til a BALE OF XtlX M19ailV IIJUllB The Report an thi tontrnl of Henlnnrle-Is

r Not

iM rT-






The Report an thi tontrnl of Henlnnrle-Is Mottine 1111 IuHBlmoniitr Adoptcd ad Iko Anaembty Minna tlfi lloin-lft A UIIrtir OB InltmptrntirrB-

AIUTOOA MaT lOThe IrosbyterlM denral Astemblr 1041sT ftard upon Wlnona Ind

M tbo next plc of meetingMwlf r tor Wlthrow innounced the commit

tel to conilder the propositions In reference tothe ate of the mission house In New York ufollow I

loan I Wllhrow ChairmanI nenjamln Har-l


lion John Wanatnaker of PhlMelpIilnJames A Hearer of Ienrnvlvanlo Thom KwIng of Htuburgb Cyrni ft MeCormaok of Chi-cago


Samuel li henry of IhlUdelpliln ThomasMclKiugall Cincinnati II D8llllmanof owYork Alexander McDonald of Cincinnati andnobert 8 Wllllami of Utica N Y

The Financial Committees report Aradbr Franklin Sbephard of Philadelphia Titsliowd surptn In the Auembljr trtainrr of50000 on May 1A 1890The discussion on the theological eeralnarr

control wa then resumed Judge Humphrey ofLulnleaupprlnl the report

offered a itibttl-tuto for No 2 of the resolutions which upendthlorlrlleites conferred on the Aisembljr by the

J compact of 1870 The substitute urged theseminaries t take sach steps as would brlnlshout the adoption of the plan of 1813announced that committee had accepted thosubstitute lu a cotnprotnlnc

The eemlnarJcontrol report with the ubstltlute adopted uoanlmouly The As-sembly

¬then smut the doxology and exMod-


Booth led the Assembly In prayer IncCommittee on Foreign Missions read n supplemental report recommending the reflectioni of

1 the trustees whose terms expire this year Thiswas agreed to They also reported that threevacancies existed In the Hoard for which tinnominations were made They announced thatthese racanrles bo referred buck to the Hoardon request of the Bonnl Itself for action Thiswa alto agreed to It was tbo nomination forima of these vacancies of Prof Hurdlck of Co-lumbia


a Presbyterian Leaguer to which ob¬jection wa made that caused tliU action

The response to the New York Presbyteryrecommended by the Judicial Committee In themater of receiving itmlunt from the tnlon

was rend The Assembly of iSU 3-

ausweruu an overture on this subject from NewYork ordering the Presbytery to not receivestudents from seminaries under the disapprovalof the Oeneral Assembly the response re-affirmed


the answer of 1M15 forbidding thePresbytery to receive such student and nil

I vising Presbyterians to obey the orders of theGeneral Assembly This subject was made thoorder for tomorrowDr W II Unbbard of Auburn presented thoreport of the Committee on Temperance InItealof the usual prohibition resolution whichhaalways created debate In the Assembly

report favors the education of tho risinggeneration In the true principles of Uospel tem-perance


assisting In enforcing all laws thattead to restrain and control this Rftantlc sinencouraging by all proper moans the trrowthof a healthy public sentiment thereby bringingabut ucu ubantres In the Ilaw as wilt tend to

this great evil It was recommended alsothat each church session should appoint a per-manent committee on temperance to deviseways and means for uniting and directing theenergy of the Church against Intemperance-

An additional resolution was presented1 tomemorlalZ Congress to enact n law forbidding

United btrttee Internal revenuestamps and licenses In prohibition Mates 1 hisresolution was laid on the table after a sbnrpdebate

An evening Session of the Assembly wascrowded In today In order to reach adjourn-ment


tomorrowDr Dried of Pittsburgh read tho report of tho

Committee an Theological Seminaries since1800 One of tbe recommendations was to re-quire


of all graduates of the seminaries examin-ation


In the English Bible

JIB JOHNlO1 ORDXXATIVA mutation or Firemen Will Attend the

Ocremonr Tbl XlornlafcA ceremony of more than usual Interest will

be performed In Orace Chapel on Eat Four-teenth


street at 1 oclock this morning whenJames Le Baron Johnson will hordained adeacon In the Episcopal Church Bishop Potter of New York The cnllnntlon will takeplace Immediately after the arrival of the candldate for the dlconate from the retreat whichI

jj has been held at St Philips Church Uarr-lonaonthenndson wherewith the other can-

didatesj for ordination he has been since Thurs-day


One of the features the occasion willbe the attendance of a large delegation of themembers of the New York Fire Department

The selection of Memorial flay a the timefor the ordination of Mr Johnson Instead ofTrinity Sunday when tbe other candidates willbe ordained In St Georges Church was madein order that the members of the congregationof Orace Chapl and of the Fire Departmentmight chapel to themselves The ser-mon


will bpreached by the Her George nJohnson of New Brighton SI1 the Arch ¬

deacon of nichmoud who IIs the fattier of thecandidate The Kev Dr William It Hunting-ton rector of Grace Church will be the pre-5entr


James LBarn Johnson has been one of themoo In the mission Held or Grace

since his return from tbe West a fewago He had been for several years a reelSearsof Tacoma where he took a lively Interest

In affairs While a resi-dent

I ¬

of that place be assisted In the establish-ment


of StAndrewaChurch tnere and In theorganization of the Taroma Fire Departmentof which he was an active rrbr He IIs nnenthusiastic fireman and his returnEast broulb letters of Introduction to Chieflonner other officials In tho depart ¬

meot He Is > constant attendant at Iresa frequent visitor at tbe houses

of all the tire companion and Is known per-sonally


to every fireman In the city He hasdone much to assist the men when opportunityoffered In one way or another and Is very pop ¬

ular among them It Is probable that ChiefHonner and representatives from eacn corn ¬

pay house In the city will be present at thenlce A room for their accommodation be ¬

ceremony has been set and fromapartthere they will march Into theMr Johnson will remain with trace parish

and will continue his work with the Gracemission

WOODS TAHTS SOOO DAMAGESk lie Aeeacee a Iobkeple HUB or De-

tssUlMB mm Wlh Who lied Left HimPouonKirrnc Mar sn GranvIIle K

Wo who IIf said to be one of the best known

color men In New York has sued WarrenSpauldlng a wealthy resident of Pough-

eepsle for 13000 damages alleging thatBpauldlnc Iis detaining his wife at his homeand prvntnl > er from jolnlnl him Woods-Is ead to havo Invented patented overthirty electrical applance and his pictureand biography hae bn published In a num-


of mAnes Karly this mont MrBpauldlng hired a Nlcre naldBusle Elizabeth IIs a comely cotpred woman about 28 years of age She toldher employers thst she was married out thather husbands name was Grunvlllo K Woodan Inventor

She soon began to receive letters nnd telegrains signed by Wools asking her to joinElm In New York One day V nodsat Hpanldlna house and had n stormy Inter-view


with his wife Hhe refused itn alaywit him whereat Woods said to Mr SpulI-nKi

<demand that you discharge this woman

and send her out of your housesIf the woman Is your wfe all Ir-

8puldlnl you may take her If she tocannot discharge the girl as situ

doe her work wellMr Spauldlna says that before V nods letthe house he threatene to shoot Ilzzlu

brandished a He went away antialter several more efforts to Induce the womanto leave the papers In the dniuaue suit wereserved on Mr Hpuulillrs

jBeorroct Ripen or Louis V HelPs Illuess-The story In TUB RUI yesterday concrnlis

the Illness of Mr Louis V Dull the weUkmm ustock broker wa Incorrect Mr lIeu Is In per ¬

fect health He been on an extended tourthrough Europe Alia and Africa and he ar-rived


here Isst the LucanU of thu Culine The story uf his serious lllnea wnspar started by some cnu unfrlon4l > tn Mr

lel and TUB SUN sincerely regrets It imLll

Jbceo Director Indicted Aaw-The Trend Jury flied yesterday an aildltlonal

Indictment agalnat the directors of tbe Ameri-can


Tobacco Company for violation nf Ilime Anttrust law passed by the last lLcl lature Theformer Indictment was found tinder limo com-mon


law and changed the illreclur with rumolrltiK io prevent CUUlpolllol In the priuufcomruodltle lu Tlio new Indict-ment


Bllegei practically the aanu tliliit

ROES YOUI bUb14taout0>

W 4J ii lf

Ii CaSlhe for jva


DR HALLETTCTI-IES AU1 utrrl aud ntiatUlIae5ofmniuaftwua > Ie char uiil cured 4iuKiietirlcturblood poitontiiir eLse kiudiwaealnerMMi ubtllly host vigor and unllulrortuner I 5 wrtalu bear In mind uraetics IkonIfu thousand cured > arly Uu tolie II 1brld > pttlailst S nat

I uu 1 bla4k tee Writ Iu1101



DEAFNESSnnd heaI rmiin n llv rd liiiiainly dy IIIMI i minoa Hen9 5sr IDrum helpi ti tar nirdicimi fulU-nt ipi the nrorei4 of deafne concrntrat iiind-Mii


e s to one point upon nutural drum aleI tI lit place of nttural ii Film wrnn Wholly or panltliy-ileiroyetl ins IiIie toiifiirtnbli iafe no tviru orstrings to irritatI I e Pun full liifnriiiatloni ninei i onallfor 140page hook on DeiimM end Teitlniinlalt-fllEK

IWIISIN Mlt DltlM ID1 IUVIiroadwny Now York

nrkct ilomltmmt lt

OTII RT < 9 EAST near Uroadway targe aol smallrnouu parlors ipennantntur transient board

IMTIlsilt k-

II1 ST m EAST Iarite cooti room toll f UNamp ciIrl every contenleiice ei-cellent tboard

9 Til hT I114I CAT Larue and small neall fur-S nlslitd roiiin vtiih i xctllvnt tiiard hnnieliku

cooking superior huusu apixiluiinentI tltti nearIlAxliitfton AV refeniKo rrequiredJl1I sr Ifl EAST near Uxlntton av jTand > oiua

5 > > large and stash rooms wilt or Hlthnui boardcouvenlences inolerale7 Iii MT V4 tAhT Ijirne handsome roomt 11 siiim or slniily tinnmer JpricesI eicrllrnuuulmI r

ea 51145

1 OTII ST I8 WKarrneaualled opportunity forI O teUtlcflisfl or yi ntienmiiain u ift 4i iru w p

imiiaii IIUullOe wIlt prltai fainih or iuiiil1

luii oulyIlh I ii ri fiuMI UHIIU neeil aipiy-rtleriucr riUlnd ail Klv n all cuiKuuloucnn-elichiMirbK


l uuniceptlonnhle

17I III hTriii WhsrTwu new slilI legantly furtable

nUhedboard COOt111 rom with board rvfervned

O 11 sr TlU4 WMTTwo larke neatly furnlhe1I rouuii suitable for Iwo trmtltroeii ttlilimoklI

rIOIIIhllroIIlorifervUtet fainll up

IlllulllltlToT V0 VKSI I Neatlr furnliheii count s llh21I enllinl lablebonrdkOodniUhlorlioudiuiiiliter Prier referriiev-O > Iti ST 444 WKST Neatly furnlinedI r oiiii all

convoulenoe lonvruUot lo tarry apiMiiullot lit aciret traiilent AolllalI I Irojji ta-ble homncooklni cuol cbrrul umrair price

2 01 HT 456 WKHTTiro Urg neatly furulile1O roomi suItable for two cacbi accllenlI lablnIsuperior bOle apnolntnuuu Mlel comtnuut totSrrll stimaiu pw



QOT BT HI WI 1T rleginll furniShed suiteOMI tenond floor fronti priest haiti alio larcn and1

Olnl rooni t MferenceneiclianKe-dJuTII BTlnii UKST their lirmdiTny TanriTandOO tmall uealiy furntthid toitii tails U hole iervie with miKloi brenkfa 4Hci lunch fiuc withwlnni dinner ro will wine

IKlTlf ST inl WEHT nrar iros4wsyripilrnt-I 1 tallilmrdi honiellkneooklnd tupirlor houini

appointment lelect rteTofirsTI Siti WKST near Situ ai NewlyTiirnlheS11 roonhl etcellent tablet appointment oal1referen required

At1rt oIUroohlluHI-

STOS sr 1U r tariiv tutu room all conV J Tenlencixt near fertlei all car routrn and bridgettable boardT IvTNilSTOfTiBT 08Neatly furnUheoTroom on-t t the Ilelirhls convenient IIn nrldifi mini fen v sOt

Coney Island roillesiI excellmt talil hoard attn roeett House at fulerlaken Lake HaliopacI N Yi referslice rejuiredI IVINtlSToV ST TlamUomeTy furnishedJj rooms convenient In brldiiiv ferry and CnnerIsland rnule i eieellent boanli home onoklnu aood-nelghburhoodi toni cheerful reference requlreil-

LIVIXOSTON ST tfIS Neatly irnih oHlo I splen

dldtahlei also eicellenl table board at ilk Itrnrv-

STATB ST hilt near ClInton st IIRhl vtalklmj Ij

Inure and ferrIes IIr ami hallroom IJotnlniti room on IM nor term moderate-

STATK nT lini Neatly furnlihM rooms with e-xcIIIIbl board convenient to bruize and for

rues rrrnce

ff illniched 2oomj5VpnrtmentfJto et-

Knml hide

TRViNO NolF 14FurnUhed corner room etpaniurt flooris beet location IncutsT EXiUTCN AV mien botween 40th ant List st-eJJ Elegant nelchiiorltood laririt COil nmall rom Igichl onimotlatlon terms remonabl-eTI XIMITuN AV ns cor tIll fnr

ni hd front rooincontonleucii kl Jrfam-ily 1M nwner

JrxiNOTON AV I4fl Irue aol small furnishedt In private tanillyi itinllemen onl >

O 0 TIl7r7TOH CAST catiYfUrnll9 Aiiltabln for phyclclanor denttit otherrrefen ne-

eOyTit ST i ncr Tiromlnay ltooni ourntO flees 8 weekly upward convenientchln restaurant on prftnl-wJTII rT 2U2U KKST Fleaant ronnie IO to-

PJ 1 rentlemen ami reipecinblo couple housekeenlnKt ran lentsaccommivlited-

TIIr hT 144 KAST Front parlor hall ant louible room private buuc all convenlenceii

gentlemen or couple

et Slid

I p back ballrooms Iron beditcadi prtt1 use of balhlU Wot 4Hlhi-uoolI WKST l iTiiTnewij furnl > hed rootI suitable for twoi alSO other delrutiln roomil-rtferenciO IITH ST 4fit VEMTln bout with owner

i niched room all Improvement tuaie rlrOrTH ST 4S WE TThe Wilton neatly furnished

I ronnie fur Kentlnmen f 2 per week upuard-OII5 T3fl WfSTFront ant tack parlor witn-M extension all convenience other lards ritafleeting ronnieOHt ST tWESTnppoaitt Bryant rtrVLirKOJ neatly furnUhud front room inlliibln fortwog

referenceIJJT1I ST 7S WFST larKn eomfortnHy furI 0 nlshed alcove front room ultal le for two gn

hewn withKx reference near th av appoint-ment ftolrct summer price-srpTii ST aO u tsT 1Ijtrge cootlooi iintly or-t ll en iult very rtainai11 QTH ST 311 WESTIlal hoa n near Mnrrv

1 ingeil ant mst aiYCMltiinpart of wet Harlem Ilir e room initaiile for gentle-man and wifeI or tao gentlemen terms moderateriferener eictianRe-

drf urnislird ootns Co Xtt-


liriilHTS I UIr rooms furnl hel-V and unfurnuned overlooking convenient tobridge ant reference IerryCLINTON ST 213A LarijR neatly furnished

for two board optional appoint-ment Ieol referencelTLTOS bt ltritNtaiIy furnlnh rooms foris gentlemen only near bridge oter bruh iitiir-


I FAN sr Ida Two lane conneetln nat rlrnished root all convenience 1Iorhood silettild toard optional nppomtnuntselect cool chierful summer prIed nIerenco re-quired

IJFAllf STTo1 Lareeand mall natly furnishednear bridge and ferry reference required

reftonablfSTATE ST 201Two llance n ally f ilrnl hil room

for 4 Kcntlcmen rmllln brldite andferrle and Coney Inland Ollr prlcoi ref-erenceJl 1IACE suI near Court nt PleasantO routes with excellent vtrd 1kln UhAbl

I gInts and Apartments Co rt


Elegant apartininl ti and 111 rooms anl bath greatInducements olTen Apply to-

W n HOllHTS superintendentn XH 1 moms old faihlonrd limle 4 story

J house < 28 AlttWI IL t lllYN ai I a-

llI YOU KNOW your n nt monev willI toy a beautldllI Quojt Attn hoi n at Hmtmrst L L U-

intnutei from I4tli e Kerry 1 fn toda-VNP


tlVKlMNT unfurniilieiirurniihoaT-IniliKirahliiroailomI I rent S1IO to f Snno-

HU >uj l HltOTIIEKs isnlrnadttay for 12th St-

YIfcl ST HI oar Merrter HlncleI lIst ilaritnlyt rom rout ull Improvements Ilow rent

MIINTII ritKIlSIT cool oittsliU flat finlnrff riHiiui tatu lianujomelyI decorated 14 West11lh S-

tVII TOISIA FLAT IIIOt Sth ana0th avt lt1ive rooms Ant hAth lowremit Janitor attendant W HoWNKs 1M ntnav-OL AV 7teApartniiite ufo anil threeroomiTnO jierfect order at ery rej rt nts

8Tit AV hUJ th MT To loe aonmotI lightairy rooms Apply Janitoron ST in WfsT r lersut tilti nnd third lists j

ttxI toO and tutu nil Improttmenu rentf 3 anil 9 lniilrf liou kii perOU rtl IT 211I tt SMII IIST New hoileMaparlmenu JUJUI to ftlADI ilumb ireiietrie ltsiI hot ir its rrr Ilottninti wldostrcrtg1

fliMir deadwiieil Ifllre In 2-1I > THBTVI KvsT Ai effluents of titreenil-

M four room i all Ili2lit r omi chntp rent

Ints mid lnrtlttG1roohI1UI TIiltOD ST

1 mint A rooms sod tallI all ImpmvemenliApply at tO-

sS I11 ANt IIS MONTH Five room flats with Im1proicmenti new buildings U4u to V63 lehaul av near Sumner av lirooKl-

ynJurnifihrd lata To SftIIon furnltbed lisle go to headquarter over 100 to

t front stir Ilocation sin deicy Uentjt de-partment 4ju Nlh av utMien slat nIItl > t-



lriltll ao XtthllI

° iKTKiillv fnrnlshel 113 W Pith stt June to-ctiiber eOlltititi paid iooiI summfr hou-

oilauortlri ll < tto ict OllhU4 T ArverneliyI IJ rnlhe1 OIAO toM forj t fsOn In Ilost ltuntie ti cihtI I parlor

illnuu roini littler ptiiry kltliti slit laM >

tis it iilumtiedand iunratl Apply to ha lien I11st

11JI Sill It

AM Phil JAinO furnUtinl ei ll Kiioetshnr1111111I renunt i articuli nut pnter mii-

nndI a rent fit iLE ullll room I oiillenntll blllldlllK-

IU1 KNMl II CONN rent fir lb saaoit rVI onably a It Ito rI11 I noue all modirni ImIrilcetli itt ktsbie Vi IIni acrift I10 mlimtt fromiltpot luiiutidlatH 105 KIIIII Iliiiulreitf

J UMIUH IIIUMIil IIll1 i llronnwayNANTICKKIJIAHsI i tiff tla ti furuihed letIs IllroonuI

uhf tennl verondu nn rlI i h allolttiiuMerale rent LA IMAN llssuNna urti JlhcTO RENT AT OYoTER BAY L I

A fmi ffl1t Cit 151 tviiiit iitiipln gruiind taMe rle i liii idlfil te

Mra rlV IN s i i j Hi lu VettAJJlte

ilri hrll OIH uo JEtt 31 41I



delluhiml y imiiil tu rtntforlbnfceu ou tor fnrltitr IptrilIh tar slurKhNll WU1II IIf uililiuluiiii-

orn ioMu NJ1IKKTII AMl iuV t mr nIpl wlle rtldeucofur luiatdirt r in <sjit

JiuiSI N 117 Iiheri I Iea Ht IrMUaU fUtBKielIIII oue lo litnt IpperI lliiiitilulr 1 J nil urn Jittmtil lIjik nulI 43-

nilnui rrl i h IIIr1 i iiui 5 sulkI ironiiouiin I mi I ia e n inin e unpiu-irrouiidiI i ails fruitI stillI Applyiu V II tITIkl1en prenilM or li 1 t tiaii ln r St

lcUI tOtICi to 3Crt Country

Mol NT MIINON Ne W bnaullful artlilc houa >

ruolnot all unit rOseiCUIE luvaua ou CbritnrHill anlwuUlorO rldoIC111 Mnuo iiTtiIau rqult s1 VJItSffitiffiJtfF

iL to

tnl tatt at ucU-




I iItBO CLOCK riioMrr ON rnorEim

Decoration Day May 30 1898




NVoorhoosavJoromoAV Enst 23d to 28th stSriUtBTB MACAIAMI7rl STONY


Opposite the Manhattan 1eacb lintelI and croundftOne block to the llav Naiau loclrlcl HaHroml fromHrlJe lirnadnar Kerry ant Thirty ninth Street Fer-ry direct to property

FARE 5 CENTSII particular front Auetloneeri WILLIAM r

ruMlANY IMi Montague street Title guaranteed4fr n of cturgo by the Tile Guarantee ant

JAMBTWELLS1 Auctioneer I



180 CHOICE LOTSBeing pot of the well known


WEST FARMS94th Ward New York city


Every lot hlch ant dry healthy tent tepidlyInir lietttibtr000tI l nenr van Nest Station of


Nrlcoor Harlem lOver Hranch of New llavnil 1C ILof trolley 11 It connectlnir with 8d ave



at IViuth 1ant with Ktn are elevated at-I35tn

UberaL Title ftnaranteed1 free of cos-ts iiit CENT IIINCOCNT FOIL CASH

Sate reIn or shin under tentlIpl with JUIi I WELLS Aiicllnner CO Liberty

e ant at ono on the ground

AGEO R READ Auctioneerwil antI at ptililli auction

on Decoration Day May 30 1896Sam absolute tn clo > o nn estate

nt 1 oclock 1 M nu tho groundat Morris Irk Av aol llrnnxdalo Av near Van NestIMtli York city

15 KINK LOTSIielng n portion of the tints nine relate

beautifully situated on high Kriiund no rock cityImproveruenls Crotou watr kts smut eleotrie lightoppinf Morris lark t electrIc railroad patios throughthe property

5 cents fare from 129th Stline residential section This is New York flty properant wee before Ihn pat awi of the Ureater New Yorkbill It tIes Just norm of lUrlenu In the direct linn nrthe citys growth U nilnutei rile rum HarlemItridti A grand opportunity to buy cheap loll InNow York ilr SEES TO UK AIIIIFCIATE-

DTltletuiirinted Free of lintoO per cent may remain on morlKatreat fi per cent

Take trolley i la Wett Farms to Morris Iark Mapsand further particular with tilt II HIAn nuc-tnne r No IIlloot or No 1 Madlvm av Ant WM-li Mfl Lilt VN Attorney northwest corner of ad arand l7tIm II Stt RATS Ott SIGN

AlfTION ANNOUX IMK > Ttome before 10 A M In aCilisi crowd carII C MAIKN t 10 AIITIOMEKHM-

VI llbvr r ii will cell400




ON THE IUurEIUY AT 10 A Mcorner Morris lark eve an 1 Uarfleld t


IIAfE 1llCK20 hoUses tutu by lot timer within two vests

WKST PVIIIIs ANt Wlll-UKIIMr TItOIIKT fAICfrom 3d av and ivlh vt ami tin av ami ii5th it

lam 1JIiCISU V1IKIM rAKK fl-


INll KII FKtfc KVSY TtIUMS Oh hAiLqtWO CASHI iiU mnrticnge rRIrIIJJ1llots 1iltIi St Jeronte iii ar ciegntit boltss is stir gas tin gritti ti > tisisy12 I I fake Si atit pliiiutciI ii i7thi t thouttiC-

ttilluluiIfl to nctnl 0hatter 110 Wet Sslh It

lrnl Cjitatr 4orntcor xchnllReo


with Stock and ToolsIn exchange for any or all of hits following propsrties unust IINI utso then I fy hours out A ten roomhoUKV and ilnbte utthfilJteel streett trontais onthrte ktrteui loated m mllei helott 1rspcct Iark-In th vntli ward of tirooklrn irln jnuuo subjectto laimu at Use percent equity suuijj

A handioniu I ay front houa on the Park slopePriokl bits tune full sti of Improvement pricefI13uuiijbJicttiifHoiiOlvp ercent eciulty TiiiUiaOl a pretty new nitvlcrn eoitarfn lot nnxviUO fIftynilnuteiout on NewJrie > Volrtl road price tsooo-lulijeetloiloootlteierccnt ciuHI 3hlii All gitedeleuu tiroii rtlis IIn line order Fur further particu-lar iii Ii I A C ON HIT 1JJ Nassau it room U1V

o Set for Suoihlt81 1tlfp0ft LOW 111 MS iulldliiK Inntotidiiilrl< t to let

11 C3land Vi5i a to 212 t aler it Heir Hi ekmul-lHlIANIi S WIllTisti Aiiiekinan ib

111 IIDNUS mores tuftS omcei ant studios lnlletJi I In iletlr ible location

YOlSutM lilunitll1SSHTtrosdvray eor t ihst-MTd lKAsK The iiurn ant lofti f Iioivery noo3

1 Ihiunei tand is IIII rolll to titer or itparattlyT-IIHKNluN Mt HODMAN oBI nltau aenl hi 4thaTFf IIi T llnl lloor 4il llmUon ii Kxl IIAhJrrI taitrantrr cur lather shop TIIUIINTOS M hOt

MS roil estatn egret ell 4th av-

VUTu li MONTH Ofllce In 10 ant VIIieekmanOo it ima null ikilUht ultnhli photographer

llflANIi W1I1T1S I S lIe ktimnit

Utml1l1 otIfttJ O tt flew JtUtyt Mitl < IAHK N J lni lrabln furnlihed cottage

11 for rent tend fr listMil AN IKOSS Astary lArk V J

T I OSil fiLiSi II viemltyTor rent di lrubl-ftrnUhedIt uoitu iA very lo atlnn here I


HniiNliiS rill IIKI Iii Kleviillnn Idil fi t furitt ilii hom < farm Kc celid for lie

lure lit llooion KJ CAHIIL llixiili NJTlllMMt ANh liMo I cutlaxei ii real lap > amidJi <1011 a-


p0 AuII ftlI s l mH3IOTT unman NJ

S ottaKe modrrn lnipruviowner J lieadett N Y-

MI V tittI IS

AN sijr S KIVrlL Thr limiiet in let rir 7f nun tutu iil IriX lost I nlwl l t 3 lirirll N J

ltC1iIlR Jlouotjs Co ttlttUtIHAIUII illS iut furnliiiedant nnfiirnUhol-InI i mallt lniMltonsI i rent IItun to lOut

k iiiII UIIl 11111111111 iN llnudxay corI1 llI-Lfor oalt or Co rt Country

I i to Ir orriit etc ittlsCC W t Vriwd warI i ii i MiniitniciiiiiI rim il Iln mininln-

UIt I itV I I lIe r1

AIIIM ON Illirroi AN II I OTTAfil-ai itiii i i t r f r ii itiuir on prtm-II LI in I Nil miiu ti iictis > I I or m-lln


in iroiriiir liHN r lll



1rllfctiltt Jor J1ltloll1trlII-Ias I it I sIII

31 I Ii ti stttlftmi tIle-rUiitr mis ii iirittii sIin amsi-


Iii umitisti ilk 4 I 5CftC igiiiitii uimi UII1o r lightlte f l Siamohu hi I t incite hr rllil lii blln-hll e CI i lleni J slur > iioue uiuili 12 iliiit airy-

i ins ruuiin walir Heau heni nmiiuil rallar-Uii littit mSl and stilt stirrtummtl IItPr I reu lsi 0 Ulbulld-ll III krvillC ll the a Illr i t liiude tunieIrII

tilt Ialh St blIlrdJ iisu I


rim fill itFY JIVYI IMU i niiici-i rrii SIi v MUimiuiA-VIII HI MILU AT A REAL UIIIV TKKUH < ALl fUUU It iU lltUU-IOUUATIUN ON

> trn H

tal OZ tate tin Jhlc r IH

WHY uvou SI10LLD



located In the 20th ant Hid Ward of tlrooklyn CityOn Ihe line of KIATIUHII NOSTIIANI NEW


500 and I1000 Vs lt-1ermlt

+Its lo sdvleI yon that If you Intend mircha-

lnr for home He nr Investment not to deride untilyou hare I en Addition No 7 lo Vanderveer IarksIll It on such Inspection you are not tonvlnredtile property tor sale by Us U nut the hesS offered Inthe orealrr New York for enhancement tn valUes wewill give yon a lot tree We certainly cannot give abetter guarantee than the above

rpeelal Queen Anne cottage near Flalbuii avwith all 11 provemonts9JDUJ ffloo Iou balancesame as rent-

Platlmh av Xostrand av and Ntstau trolleys di-rect to our office-



11ENIIT J JirTFrt 1reitItrNitY V RFYrR e-

flt52600will bnv ems of the best tiilsos In Irooklynt 7 rertmiall Improvement conneetid newer and vat ZOOCAHli WlOiiiilintrret nionlhly MANDFMII-IsucciKorti Ull IIIA N ttinnila and1 Van Hlclen-nvs t pen dally and undaS-pollNUt PlOT imuion CBnoI near Nostrand-

avn Validerveer P k1I41uhI-IIItItW IIHISIorfatI Brooklyn

T AltUflTEsstS tlilin room house 1 and 314J storIes ant lmsemnt thoroughly good amid scm

iileteI In very respect Iis minute from brlditevi-KlnKiii ounty Mevated 11 It iroiklyn av stationtien for in1oeiin reryInr At ply on premises or-of AiniltItlt BTCINf IITlllleanJtTAlf CIIAVCKI 11011 BlIIIII fitly a flnVlioilMi1 in rant New York Improvement r rooms 20r-to no audit SHINS 1A Attn at

tal Ustntr or sMe ong Jfilnud-

BI d l12 NINUTES17 FROMfj m J4 FuRY1b 11 I I

ro DirflRtflhi-TnTht1flffiTt4t




TWILLB DEED 200finely located lots In a beautiful New York suburb onJnni Inland to tIe tlrst VUO iwople ansnerlnit this ml-

erlUoment for simply cost n I fishing deisl 65 ouutickets sold at our depot last yeir full particularsi i

b > mall AdlrPKEH1DFNT 15S Water St New York

I OVEtY IlfllUINO LOTS ltt Ii down sameJ monthly perbit tltleii elreu ars nl-

LtWI s Northport I

ThXK FARM 47tucrgnesr Ilong Iiland Sound1 I17SOO1 world f3UOU vrrrlcup

IKWl srwZ lirosdwa-

ror inlt oro tt on1 Jrslnnl1JAR IIOCKAWAVIelrabli1 cmtigre 14 rooms

h all Improvementi eteifantlyi furnishedI Kltu-ated on llraliJ View at near liuKnpoudm lintelFor particular aptly on trelmilsis or to J KAltlYFurniture amid Carpets 471 arid 475 Mil av NewYork city

Ural tfstntr 4-orSEASHORE



ONE HllXISlIEII COTTAOF FOB KENT f 00All the above are cii tbe Highland thrive Atlanlloav Collage City 310ooklllg the < St KAN

tho finest liHatlon a-

tMARTHAS VINEYARDCall on or addntu F O ELHRIIX1K Cottacv City

lisa orO nI III WET ISO Ilroadwav New York

N nThI advertlxment will not Le Inserted againl



9j1tCASltO l1lO moriuiKte or tlO monthbTeltyl5J JJ lot ITiUti si J rume at virth lfinonear elekfint hou t i water cit On ifrotind tidayIBI04 IsLe 11 avcmtuuI elrsmtr1 toKtth M ILolble-commlsslun noniieut UUNKU 110 West Hllis-

ujKral fjatatr for n1rQitjLOTS LOCATED IN THE MOST ACCESSI-



HAVE YOU A HOMETwentyfourth Ward lots for hour seekers Mil

location easily reached terms rmndsrate profitabolUheil deal direct wife Agent otlumisslonHA R U t34 UroaUway after it oclock at Main m Westchester

4 STO Ail B W A KKllWPSr l ngTero unA andjV thihtus i pays over IS jir rent net cent rallylocnu owner h a nthtr tmtlneas principals onlyItY n lIlCKOSt Proadway

JIlai SLK lUMford rrk At a sacrifice Iltnnomo-10room house cub blllUrd riK n and CUIIUTTtory nil uumitrnt lnents inuit boo itcn tolKI nprtH l

attd corner Smitlitrn Houltvinl I OOllt 11 amid Valvutlneav Owner on preinlf-

eftHtrstchwtcr Co ropcrnj4or <hitWHITE PLAINSGRAND VIEWChoice plot for homui or lQTftment KlneHtI fart nftown uround lliUh locatIon heilthy bjxxfal ad-vantaitei to SliDes biilnir mien Propertr just opemnlTrolley franchlio granted HirlctlyI nrlela 51mburban retldenrn plots at moderate t rces Very easyterms KitMrtH prunoiineu tills property seeond tonone ant predict rapid lain and early Increase Ilavalue Title ifilaranleod Club itablKt fur ronT-eutene n revlde-nfsiicAMiviiv LAN It four A NT-

Appl IMii I liS fourth An Ni w Yur-kAT lilt T S MAWllVoukers two lots corner-

ant adjoining nOilun will alt reasonableJ LI IIKNVKKSON 3Hl W4rlh e-

mI I iilTHK inrixMns all Improvement lawns shale11 inn Ion lid minutes by Harlem ltailroa1I IJoi-

roali lutlancI ea y monthly payment or will rentfur fUO mouttlr-Ollisoy It Weit Houston st owner

ttnl Cotatf for ialtJm tUtllNUTLEY N JJ-

Molel cottage hear ilnpnt mi large Inti hldli andtic c d IUI trul view a I10 roiiiii detorated COlIIll loftuultary plumMne chain light au4utery molern-liuprotenieut priie 4 i3t0 on easy terms ClrLUlursand fullpartleulurN IAJIIIU11 MM Sant1IJUUSM N J EIght toni and haiti cottage JustJ > comdeI nlS7 W i > iH3lh s1-

htiNisIl mu AV O IWvTonne NJO WN YotltnWN lluMK Silll mouthlj without

Inierebt will buy coIr lot in Ma > onne Illy ontroll 7 dinI IarlleuIarX lAIIKK Jr Irtoilway-

KNA tlvrNTl llanilininv villa plots for saleI H WrAlIKKIIV It IO ilralwisy

for salt or eo 3Jrt JUw 3frarij-

10 rlt t Ut u Hurrlnuton r irk ll rten county NI TIII ii m sHir II It onlvI IIH null from

Ne u rk clii et il e large liraiitlful ItInt In tieyule Mitiii Ip iiiri iii h liwat d hull iroun-df led llrei Uird red Hltll mnple emill elms cc

e nut no1 Iruwuur Iliiiltti antI dlolIhUull ellmale Ihreei > datst toot nightie almoAt fne r rotit oftiulin1 r ulroad pot nn thiS kroiuid eommutullel ih km I tills I rIle Aliln Is r MtilAS-IIAltlliiT or ur I INI iroa l iiy room 1 NewYork

Ural tfstatr for Salr Louutriu4 Iill Ystir A tIlil AToiti I Ar yet a humft MMleM Of course you want t make money

Why then dnnt > oii iiVest in ehoire laud nearruniailiirda IIheino t pronrrMKi town lu Morldat-Unlik and larui prunl aoured Chine or a litetime lufeiilKatun uiltt t hlltltu CKJI at Iarkplace


until ANii Hiri i IATIII-Nldlh IN Hllll Illlt N IOSNTH tH tlLNtTIM OlT-liirici nut < IHII nit IAMY MONTHA M OU AIMJJg MMHprV 11 I N-

M xxttv UTU ar woK 4-

rF 1 LI



oxxisaioinwa or TUB RINKISO roania a


TO coxTiucTonaProposals for furnishing materials and porformlai

work required rot the furnishings sad alteMtloni fIIn the Criminal iourt Jill < Inc tin the lilook imund-e Il hy Centre FranklinI and WhIms streetsI

ulhorltdpursuant to Chanter DTI Laws of iNS soil M

hy the commissioner of time Sinkingund at meeting held June lIt tMOC December 131IhtO mufl and February 11 IHUAFor moonaora carpenter work Iron nnd lUst

workpmmblnir work nmnillnu workiuarble wnrt fStale work tiling work heating stud ventilatingwork electrical work gas and electrlo light fixture 1 i

palntlmtand other work specifiedl

KKA1EU KSTl3i Ails Ir this ustiovis work sntorse4 i

with the shove title also with Ihe name of Ihn per-son or persons niaklnic the same and the late of tpresentation win Itie received at the omee of the tComptroller lloomi Nte 14 anti It Finance Depart iIwent Stewart llulldliiK No mo llrodway In IheCity ofI New York mull rj oclock Ml Thnr di Junn4 Irwd at which plO and1 hour the hits will hr nibllcly opened hy and In the present of IheComnrs I

slener of the SInkIngI MindI ant reed ant Ihn award Ifor the contract It aivanled will be made In the loweslastiractleahle

t tildder wIlts adeiiuate security at soon thereafter J1The eron or persons ui whom the cnmraeV mar Ibe awarded will Ie reIustd to atutid at thin ome afthe Department of Ililillu Works with the suretiesI

olTfred hy him or them and vxreuto the roulrctwithin rive days from the date of the rvicn of a fnotIce to Ut Ilecti enllrlcase nf failure or neelioito do cut nr they Ie conllerrd as havtn-abandone tIt and M In tlefaiilt lo the Corporation Iand thereupon the shall lic readveriltedI anureich ant s on ntiIOo contract le arvepte andexecuted The writS to commence at OIIPh nine asIheCommlMloner Ptihtlo Works maydeclinate

N Kltfrmlstloit withI JilIrJarrtranalot any hIt NonhIrlli Ix iicetitjil from or contract awardeil any person who 4is in elrentolh Corporation upon debtor contractor who IIs a defaulter as uretv or othervl uponany olillnatton to ihi tnrnoratlon

For the nature ami ej tent of the work tnhedoneI 1bidder are reterre1 Ito the drawIngs and the specifi-cation


Tb drawing may Ix etn at the ornceofthe architect Ihubert M aynicke Koom 10 to IHtwelfth storvl New York riiminerrlal llillldlnt Nos7 Sand 7 V7 Ilroadwa In the cIty of New York

Tim entire work to Ilw eomnleUd vHIIllI MNKTVflAys after the notice to commence work ha hoeDgiven hy Commissioner of Iulillc Work

The amount of security rII cured Is snSoolAnk form of estimate and further Information tdeiired can beohtnlned on application at the Compotroller timer Ni 3SOIIroidvay

TOe torn of aiireement including the specifications ifor the work can lie obtained at oftlceof the Comptroller NO willroadnavI I


JOlts W OOI ik-


ABHUFI P KITCII Commlsiloners MlplroUr of the JiAN80N O MCOOK sinking FundChamberlain iCI1alrrnlII H iK OUorT

I nn Pinanr-Hiurd inf 1 iilprnian

NEW TOIIK May 21I iHUtlt


Sealed h proposalI will llit recelTn at this omce until3 oclock I M on Wedaetday June 101C98 for furnlshitng coat as follows llrnuklyu D partinenl to IMdelIvered nt iho Hospital on Clarkson St llOOO tonsmore or less of No 1 lluckwheatanthracite coalant ei 0 tOns morn or leu of stove cuaL-


Kings Isrk Departmentlo delivered alongildedock at Kings Iarkl U L 14 000 tons mOte orIlest of No I lluckuheat anthracite coat and 90utons imore or Iless of stove coal

Title coal IIn toltie of the IhwI quality cleaned antfreshly rained subjectj to the approval of theHoard of Managers or their representative Irileads must provide for the delivery at suchInn i aOl In such quantities as may tie re-quired by the rdbldr Managers or their reprenentatlinI Kaoh must be enclosed Inan envelope addressed to the Hoard or Uanaicers tLong Iilnnd Statu Honpltal rein 107 Arbuckl-Ilullillni Ilnmkljn N Y and eudorxxl 1ropoiilsfor Coal ant be acciirnnanlfd by a bond of two sure-ties

tresidents of the state of New York each to Ju-

llfy JIn the sam of 5000 Said lurches are loguaran5-1W that the bidder will uecutn a contract It It Is L

awarded to then and will perform Uie name faithfullyThe risht Is reserved by the hoard of Managers to

reject any or nil tIde and after a contract la enteredInto to ileelam sail contract forfeited whenever latheir Juiiitment It Is not belim performed for the bess < IInterests of Ibe Slate

JOHN O DOnilEBT 0Fcc Pearl of Managers

jCOFATF PROPOSALS be received by the BoardI of Comnilsjloner for the Park Avenue Improv-inent above Kwth street on or before 12 oclockn H n on Monday the 1st day of June thll forAsphalt Mastic to be plnced tin troufthsnf the Via lclImeS Mructnrnon Iark Avenue between 110th Streetand the south line of Harlem Itlver In accordancewith plans and stiecltlcitlous COPIeS of which may huenow obtaltUHl on application at the offices of the 1JHoard No 101 fifth Avenue J

A JVITtnC HIT A IA WrEnThe jnarrel Arcee Over tIe Eiesspe of a

Client tram n Coninhle-FA ii ItorKAAV I tls May tHA few days

nno Michael J1 Cannnn n contractor anti twoof his emulo > ees were arrestexl on complaintof Hnmuel r Iturtun of this lace for takingxivcrnl tart loads nf ruth from propertyownnl by Horton Thn men were arraignedtwfuro Jnstlco Hinltli They erero defended byLawyer Frederick Ulllierl Justice Smith dierharuttl1 Cannons two emplojees and floodCannon tO Ijnjcr Gilbert said1 ho wonldappeal tIme case but ai It was within five min-utes


of tho time for n train to leave for LTBIslam City whltbor he was anxious to to-

Jtmro Pinlth ronsoDkil 1 to hold Cannon untilnvpnliiK in order ItIt thin lawyer mlxht havetliua lo prtluxri his tiatxirs

After Lawyer lllllxrt had slepisrteslglie1 pris-oner


risked Justice Smith If tin could not lIJ iyhis line suit end the matter The Jnstlco toldlhut he maul tin so but thought he hail bettert en Ills lawyer first Cntinon Insisted on payhut tin linn and requested the Justice to allowConstable WitmrrlKtit to accompany him tohis hume so Unit hi could Itt tho necessaryamount of munev Tile Justice dish ft ar 1 nn short Unit the ron thle returned withoutCannon saying that the latter had taken ad

vntitn ii of him ansi escaped I

Tho following night the lawyer and Cannonentered1 Justice Smiths oftlro and served himwith a notice of appeal The Justice told Can-non


that hu might havt uotten the contableInto serious trouble by escaping and rrltlclvK-lCnnon > action > ecrely Lawyer Ullliert-reiionstrated with the Justice anti worth thatfollowed resulted in the Justice striking Oilhurst In Ihe faro with hits lIt Justice Mmlthadmitted1 Inday that he struck the lawyer butruild his action titus duo to tho lawyers insultInn manner

Officer Valnwrlcht wn present at thetime piU tin Justice nnd Ih can vouch formy basing sumclent frovojallon for the act

Justice Smith denied a retorted assertion ofthe lawyers that he threw time notice of appealon the Moor anti Juuipetl on It

llIArlIS Atl JVl7VCrOVi-

Taitle Pryor Wont Help For rth HtrctKeep IHCABtor

The temporary Injunction which the congregation Kol Israel Anshe Poland of FortytUstreet obtained restraining Isoao llcrlandsformerly chiunii or cantor of that conureRa-tlon from giving his services elsewhere wasdissolved yesterday by Justice Iryor In anopinion hlch takes a wide scope In regard toecclesiastical ofllcos llerlands got a betterplace with the Clmnrl Zedelc congregation ofHenry street He began to sing In Henry streetbut was stopped by the Injunction

In dissolving the Injunction Justice Pryorsaid that the contract with the Forsyth streetcongregation wits not established on the motionand suite

The services are not so unique and extraor ¬dinary as to admit of no substitution Irrpearable Injury will ensue to thuplnjntltl fromthe absence of an Injunction ana tall the equi-ties


mire positively denied Hero Is an Indecentaltercation between religious communities overtbe employment of n cantor Those congrega-tions


j are organized for spiritual purposes onlyantI nro not rivals In trade or business or In anysecular enterprise Ni object of material gainIs supposed to be contemplated by then andtheir controversy Involves no right of propertyIt Is to protect property rights only that thecourts ever Is uo their Injunctive mandate IfIt IH said that lbs plaintiff has a propertyIn the services of the defendant time answerIs that those services are fur spiritual edifica-tion


anti not for pecuniary profit An Injunc ¬

tion to prevent a preacher from occutiylmr thepulpit of a rival church would bean anomalyIndeed without support in principle and with-out precedent In tho whole rango of jurispru-dence


The dispute between these partiesshould be accommodated in their own ecclesi-astical


councils and by the prevalent Influenceof that fraternal affection which they professas the principle of their own conduct Thesacred Interests they are constituted to promotecan but suffer from tIme scandal of an acri-monious




UYD1J1FIMLawyer says the Supplementary Pro-


Are Prolonged to Annoy HimJames M Waterbury was examined again

yesterday In supplementary proceedings ns tohis ability to pay n judgment obtained ii alnsthim and his partner Chauncey Marat nil for

131000 by Daring Mngoun AT Co Tho Judg-ment


repre ents money loaned by the bonltera-as representatives of Baring Brothers of Lon ¬

don on Cordage tock Mr Waterbury didnot produce the books of L Wntcrbury t Co

is he had been directed to do by Hofcreu MarkslBs counsel raid there was no objection to nnInspection of the books t o far as Mr Waterburywas concerned but that 05 the books were cor-porate


property It ivmi a question whetherthey should lm turned over for examinationIt was arranged that Mr Marks should ex-amine


the books before the next hearingMr Wnterburv admitted that he was a

number of a tol In which C Veaer ToperJames It Ki cne Chaunrny Marshall andothers were Interested Tills pool held theNational Cardage Trti t stock He saUl hehad a onefifth Intcnt In the pool IMirlncthe examination 1 r Wnterbury remarked toMr Marks Vimr clIent meaning DaringMneniin V Co entered Into nn nirrcernentwith our creditors and nlth us for the transferof the assets nf lL Wnlerbury V Co to Waterhurt> Ai Mnrshnll by which we thought nilour dlflicultles could llit straightened out but

our client didnt stick to thoU agreementLawjor Mullally for Mr oterbury con-


that tho eximlnatlnn should lie closenlHe raid that at tin time thin ludgmint was en-


by Justice Freedman there was an un-derstanding


that lid further proceedingswould bo taken against Mr VaterMiry Hedeclared that the examination wns being pro-tracted for this purpose of annoying Mr Wn ¬

terbury Justice Truax adjourned the ex-nmtnatlon until June l1J with the express un-derstanding that It should lm cloed then


The rip IJourd lBVPtll tlnic ThemHbeffield KeslKliii an Treamirer

The Fire Commissioners yesterday begantheir Investigation of Capt K OM CondonsmatiAgcmentof the Department Ituiluhing antIHipalrs Commlssloner Siliflltthul who has beenat work on tim matter presented the re-


of his work and crossquestloned Capt Con ¬

don yearly nit the work done by Capt Con ¬

dons department Is shone under the rule thatnllows contracts for less than 41000 to be givenwithout advertising for bids

Commissioner Shellleld found that Contrac-tors


Hughes Ilyrnes Carroll HIggins andWalsh were the only ones who bad obtainedcontracts for carpenter work since Condon tookcharge Condors admitted that he had neverrisked any minI otter carpenters to send In esti-mates


In looking through the blue the Com-missioner


found what he termed some curiouscoincidences that lookout like collusion In livecases out of twentyseven contracts awarded Ithebidders had all neglected to put any date outheir estimates antI In two Instance mill fivebidders had written time month April antIomitted tn state tile day

Cant Condon In titus report the Hoard nf tIletTtentyPiven contracts referred to concerningan expenditure of nearly JUOOO gave a itsscription nf tin Hnrk done and the hi tile nt which itas uolnRUnniid1 Unshed In no dnele Item didhis itmitee tally with those supplied to Commis-sioner


Miellcld br the Captains of tho firelicnie Tho hi urine 111 be continued on Wednesda

The Hoard was surprised by the presentationof a IletterI from Commissioner Miellleld IIn-wlilch he resigned thn ollice of Treniurer to theHoard The C mmls loncr IInslmed nn immedi-ate

I ¬

action hilt the letter was referred for futureaction

fMOaooo Apiece for Three Vnn Aleslieorgu IL Hives has been appointed guardian

ail turIn nf James Laurens Sarah Stewart andMary children of lattice J Van Alen of Newport In an action brmight by James Hoosevelt-Itiiosivelt Henry II Ely and Douglas HoblnSoil truktceH under the will of tho late WilliamAstor for n kettliinenl of their acinunts an-trii teosnf three trust units created for tillbenefit of the cliidrrn b > their kTHiiilfathrtfie Iiet tor who let turin ellOuuuu ench Iliterliildren have mil rnnUed any nft r tthu Iincomefront tb > trtlal estate incn the doith of Mr-Aktur and t tie amountI las now readied SliiijI-KUl

IIn each rust TheI trustees tick hid this

inonvy bo turiiwl over to the Unullclnrlet alterjudicial eltlenirlit

llruoklr New Iroperlv ClerkCharles I ItlutUifurd has been appointed

Property Clerk of the Jolico Department Inllrnoklyn by Committlnnur Wee In place ofIrorirr Peely ilvreaseil lie Is a Sutenlh wardI tIll iii usuti and rains wllhI the ad iii i tile I ret Ionfaction lie lulls hem a clerk In Cnuut Itegltcar llnrmaiimifllcu urn j cur flit salary Is3 UIID it ji tsr



ants itiTKND in An Anofnun nor nAnrrlike Left Him with Another Ilahr Nurse

When Arrested rlhti ClaImed Aevunlni-nnee with Dr > epew and Ot IVIIaivn-J K n rnlnd llenlee Her Wifely Claims

A woman weighing at least 200 pounds whowore a gray silk dress and a hatdecornted witha large bunch of violets walked through BryantPark yesterday morning carrying n babyAmong the crowd of curses with babies In car-riages


In the park was Nellie Harris who Is em-


by Mrs Smith of am West Fortyflrststreet When the woman with the child cameopposite Nellie Harris she put the baby Into thecarriage saying to hiss nurse

Just mind this child until I come back willyou r-

Then she walked quickly away Before theastonished cuno recortrsd from her surprisethe woman was almost out of sight In the direc ¬

tion of Fifth aveneThe nurse fearful of haying a child left on

her hands rushed up to Sergeant Fltzpatrlck ofthe Park police anti told him what had hap¬

pened The Fergrant took charge of the babyand Park Policeman Kngan started In pursuitof the large woman with the violets on her hatHe overtook hrr at Fifth avenue and Thirtyninth street When the woman found that sItewas under arrest she became very much excitedand saul

This Is an outracc How dare yon arrestme I am ius respectable woman IfChaunccyDrpew or some of mv other friends knew oftilt you would lie made to stiller

Policeman Itngan was not nlarmed at thethreat of Mr Dcpews wrath and tIme womanwas taken to tho station house and afterwardto Juflerson Market ouch

Sits said trmt slit was Mrs cello C Horwlnd j

wife of John K Berwlnd Vlco1reMdent of theIlerwlndWhlte roal Mining Company of f-

tItroadway who lives nt 1SYJ East Ihtrtynlnthstreet Mhp had not lived with her biubiitulshe snld brcauto hits family was opposed to hertntll two weeks auo site nail liveitl at 6 WtstThirtyninth street From there she went tothe Hotel OrNwold In West Fortyecnnd streetMie had hail trouble at the lintel anti hail beenlucked nut Her nurse list gone away anti sheImd left thn child In the park whllo she went insearch nf a baby carriage

I wouldnt abandon my child I love hintmore than life saul the wonan In apparentdeen emotion and she reached out for the infunt who niii reotlng on tho cxiiantUo bosomof Policeman Knpin

the child wits given tn her and she huggedhim until he gusued fur breath

Ho was burn In Long Branch eleven monthsago she said and 1 coil him John after tilttether Everybody In Long Branch will tell youtbat I am a respectable unman If > on dcintbelieve mo ask Cliauncny IIiepow or Dllrkt At-torney


Fellows or Magistrate Flnmmer or Ed-


SI Stokes They are all friend t f mineshe rattled off half a dozen more names of

wellknown persons who were tier friends untilMagistrate Slmms told her to stop

Ill hold you In 1OOU ball for examinationon Sunday morning saul he

Vou dont mean to lock me up shoutedtheprl oner 1 am a rcsp ctable woman ItIs a disgrace to arrest me The policeman oughtto be broke for It

As tho woman was led to the court prison shecrlelOh If Sol Sayles were only herol He wouldball me out 1 know be would

Later she meakot one of the tonday womenIn the Jefferson Market prlion to gn for Chauncry Depew as she withed him to ball her out

Mr ilerwlna saul yesterday afternoon thatthe woman was not bis wife At his resilience at-JO East lhlrtyninth street It was suit that thewoman haul called there on various occasionsand hud claimed to bo thu wife of Mr Herwlnd


Home Detntla oTthe Plan for the ICeorKm-nllAtlon of tha Company

The Oregon Improvement ReorganizationCommittee consisting of John I Waterbury TJefferson Coolidge Jr E Rollins Mor > e EdwinB Hooley anti Jules S Hache have prepared aplan of reorganization which was submitted tothe security holders esterday It provides forthe Issue of tile following new securities

Five million dollars of first mortgage 6 percent flftyyear gold bonds 35000000 of 4 per-

cent noncumulative preferred stock and V0

000000 of common stockFirst mortgage bondholders receive In cash the

amount of the coupon on their bonds maturingJuno 1 1800 namely 30 per bond and 110 percent In new 5 per cent bonds bearing Interestfrom June 1 1SOO The new first mortgagebonds not set aside for the present firsts are tobe Usued at no greater rate than 100000 perannum anti only fur the purchnenf now hteamships and other needed property hlch Is to to-adued to this security for such bond-

Holders of consolidated mortgage tiomls whotins 12HJ Per cent or 1I per bond receive ivjljper centIn new preferred stork aud 7o torrentin new common stock Holders of preferredstock who pay rHi per cent or Si oil pr sharereceive HAt Per cent In nun preferred stuckand Ti per cent In new common truck Holdersof common stock who pay 10 por cent or S10per sitar receive 10 per cent In new preferredstock and uU per cent in new common stockHolders of the tlrst mortcago bond will recel oIn cash upon depositing them the Interest ma-turing


June 1 IMiil or SIO on touch bond1 be plan hiss beer accepted by the holders nf

a large amount of all clas esof bunds unil stockIt tins been approved by President HnNton ofthe Farmers Loan anti Trust Company thetrustee of both mortgages who nIso recom-mends


the security holders tn accept It It hasalso been approved by Mr F P Olcott haIrman of the tlrst mortgage bonttholdors pro ¬

tective committeeAll securities must be deposited with tbe

Manhattan Trust Company In tliU city or w ithtbikOld Colony Trust Company of lioaton on orbefore July 1 next

The Port Hnjrnl and AnemiaGen Same Thomas and Thomas F Ityan have

bought thin majority the first mortgage bandsof the Port Royal anti Augusta Railroad andwill reorganize the company The property banbeen In the hand of a receiver since April Vil111153 arid Interest on this first and hecond mort-gage


bonds has been liidrfuultslnce 11SIH

373O for IIU Ilnnchleri heathA jury In the Supreme Court In Brooklyn 1ms

given Andrew Werner a verdict of S1730 Inhis suit against tile Brooklyn Elevated RailroadCompany for the death nf hit eightyearolddaughter Franclka Whllo the girl seas walk ¬

ing in Crescent street under the elevated tiedroad structure on June 10 Ihli nn ion wayfrom Sunday school sonic live crisis droppedfrom the locomotive and sit tire to her domingand she died of the burns received

UU FlUpRlrlck Tot H1OOOOThe suit of Sarah Fttzpatrlck against Joseph

Stewart for 10000 damages for alleged breachof promise of marriage will bo tried nn MondayIn the Supreme Court In Brooklyn Miss lItllntrIck haul a fancy goods store In Mnith Streetwhich she sold recently as sill says In antlclim-tlon of her marriage to Mr Htuwart who repu-diates


tho alleged engagementn

gubltc JlJ-




bbould bo red DAILY by all Interested as changesmeal occur at any time

Foreign mall for the week ending ilay SO will closeIlloMITLY In all cstoi at this office as follows


BATfRPAYAt lUiHO A M for FUANCE SWIT7-IRLANI 1TA1V SlAIN IOHTCtlAU TUHKF-YfOUT and imiTIMIl INDIA per steamshIp Iallretasne via ltavre at can A M forliFIlUANYI-KNMAKK SWKllKN NOHVVAV Chrl llanlat-aiit

CttSi per sleamolilp Aller via llramen-lottrrs fr olfcr parts of KnropM vii Sniilhami

ton iiiiini Ix illrecteil per AIITi at A ail A Mfur IltittiP tr slesmsnlp Uintirla via tjui ftntnotm ililtors for Herman IVnniarlc hwtshn-Norvsv

lClirl < tlsnla and Russia must tic direct

iI rtinlirla at 7 A M for NKMIFIILANn-idlrtnt l° r slitni nlp Veendaiu vii Iloltnnlanititters iimt t iliriet4Hl i er Veendam at 1A Mi for irsin per meunshlp Tulla ilnteniiuit I illrntfd trI tulcla at 10AM foritt iTii 4 I i directI IHT st am < hli Fthlnpla YilUlsijoHr iettmmu > tlbe directed per Ethiopia

lRINTEI JHTTFlt cflerntsn steamers sailingon Tu sitays ThurR tar and Saturdays tA-k1rlnted Matter Ac for iernian > and bptMully-AJilru iuxl Prlnlt Matter Ae fur other parts of-I urol V Mto Mir iteslners on WtHnosda takebnililly Atlrsaut rr1nte vtallcr Xi1 for Kucia i unartl iiteainers on Saturda take IrlntMMailer Ae for Great llrltaln and Ireland and 1t-

1Jspecially Aildreswil Prlntod Matter Sc for otherparts or Kurnp American and French UD

steamers take 1rlnted Matter Ac for all countriesfor which they are advertised to carry mitt

Afler the clotdng nf the Stipplementary Transatlaatie MsIM nsmeit above aifdltlonal iiipplemeota-ryare art opened on the piers ur the American anilHerman steamers and rtmaln open until wtUilaten mIDUUs of the tour of lalllnu of steamer


SATntDAY 7 A M for SANTIAOO TIB CCIU-n r stiiuehip llahana iftten for Venezuela anti

r hla mulct IM dlrtctml per ltabattahi at 1

1 Ir M foupjilementary 1 SO P Mi for ST DOilNuut an I TIKKH 1SIASD txr itramihlu New

York at he3lI I M for hT IIKIlllKMlyUKLONsteamier from North Sydnev at 10 A M forrtr 1HIACOINTKIFHI per alcalnshir Marld-

aMONIHYAt 19 M for LA PLATA COONTlUtU dlsreel icr steamship Merlda-

TUFMlAV At 1 I M for HBMERAIIA direct PeSsteamship TJonio

Mail for Newfoundland by rail tn Halifax andthence by steamer clown at this offlci dally at8tiu-V M Sails for Mliuelon hy tail tn Hmtnn andtlience lv uteamer close at this ortlee dally at H8O1 M Mill fur Culm co < at thIs ofllce dally as7 in A M for fi ruirdlnr by sievners sailingOlonday and Thurdat from Iort Tampa Fla-Mnlls for Mevlro overland linteu specially A-

lreed for despatch lv steamer cloe at thisortlce lilly at 7 on A M I JUjulireJ luau Closetat B 1 31 previous dny-

TIliNSIACIFIC MAIItlailt for ihe Iouiety Islands per 51110 tallIes fretflm-

acil Ilraiioluticln lueruitsilt liii to 3lay 25 as41 lit i 31 SInus for tbttts cmii Japan speciallyailrssut ouly ir stesilushim Fttt Item of hulllfru Valit It Cer cli bert daily ii p In Slay Iat II Si I II lsits fir lhiuii miiud Japan Icrs-leulmutili iturla nun 1 iotita Close heredaily tI to May 121 at ChIll I > Stalls for thinstupaui alit iiuwnti tr sbeufllsip irtm front Sati-Ilrtinls iiae 11cr icily tilt ti lii U i 1 51 mI-

I it Mils for ifawuil icr aiearusIull AustralIalfrin isami Ilrslmelscuicluuaelier iali > Ut iuijmln tolit ii 30 I M Mails fur Auitr4tls ezelut the foriVest ttmtrslla shicli turu furwtsrutci via imirpeiNew eitaui iisvuil liii ant einnin huntIcr siesiusip Ale uttuda I rrohi afl Frauttiwuml QIOS

lure iisliy uij p Juin hJO Mt 7 81 A N I I A 1-1Diii It 11 I N or is ucrrlai at New York o-

siettTllSlilh tuilris with ilrltlsh tiusile for AUStrails SIpus for Aistrthl i 1crept uVtit AU-

Irsil hliwali Ill lalammia st eulaliy ad-ul rtiut oh I r Mtuuwera front stu-

mvir siei tier isiiy after lube 20 mini up to-Jun 523 SI Ii ttl I it

Trios Iaelflc mcii Ar rnrwarte1 to port of saIlIngilnliy alit I it a ti i imtu hr clsl or srrangnh 0uthe ttreaitiutiumm StIr tlnlnterrult uuerhn I-

tt rerislt I Ii Cl natl eles at Ii I N prevltts-ilsr Ill lltVi 1 II st rsu instnastrI-

uist imce Nets Strit N Y tay VII iMutJ

tnnt lottrrT a bprcltti > rw of ito Supmnet belles

i INiU To intftof Iin theCoumy Cuurt Ifi oust latie tyof NM ork on hits I11th dIa > of Mui IMC-iIrvM nt IHOII IIredirtck smi tn J Cute Iin mite mustOr nf the application if U Ullum It test art Upnard hlivturi und TliomatJ lushly lihinHandwr astruittuns under itt last stIll eel lnuuilumtl of Julllhliii Under deora d fur an ordf tlie artln r errtain mortis ges now m piMrliu T rttord a lien onItin prfinl 5 WH It liii Iii etc fi Nw Vrk iltv

tIll rfaUtiitf aud filing Ui pfllton nf 4 lillam JUSIts art Iiistiert attvs ri amidI IItoinai iskiryJthiniland u iriul cc mtiutrt the lesti 5 HI notI u iiifluentI of Juili HluiM haul r tcuu d daicd liv Iliititday nf April istutI prajln frmi eli r fwilrlfllfi ai-

tcritns ittierestei In th 5 I tIC s Ihy i rIOtSIhuorifalles imun 15 Jiurien Tic cli auth MiurKarei 1 IrIJiu lila is IIY 5 ItMI > iuiir titd JulyI I Ml tumit rorlel tu I llwisl rs 0 e to r tileoil > rnunty tlt I M id1 w irk on tinUt thy

f Janntr tHil in < ftm f nturt iet 4-

PIUV tt3 and tit ih r MUttM liv ijU iUTsfin I11 u-

li3 and iIui caret flrt 5 vlr In t tlllttin JHUrr-ilfi rased H irdien uf r r SushI cd ilrvn nf JohnMliur inri in I l lh milt mord dI lu lhnilii lleg5strt I ull tulti r sin f lriin iho Khdiy f laitntir > I S H In hook N A ji nf-inorfKirf Htptrf l lU iMirn of ittl muri atfi l lntupon Hnati41 m dm City rnunt slut staleC f Ni w Vr kxMld nit If ilseluiivsl of rrconli-an

iupon mot m of Mtvir ittlu5i 4 iteiieliCf CoOn

sri fur sell I11 tuimi r It Iii hero > orderp1 pursuanttt statuS

Thai all I float Int raited show esuiss at a SpecialTrm of itiU tiurt 1trt nt tnirtfuf to U held a-

tIlt runl > o rl 5lusua in tIle city or New York o-

thi IIUh ty of Juttf l sWbi at elivn oclock In itfarriiMtn of huh day or a Sii to ttlHrtafKT as Connieran IM hear 55 hy th nurlg sti situ each of th9u jslcitiil not I iliiv hurtr d if rr ord

And U is In riiii furthtr iru rs and directed ttalhuh order IIs putMlicd Itn ihv ins Vork Iw Juuruaa p WSl4ttar pnMUhil In Slur cull slit rounty of Nvr-

i rk alui In The snii a vvp lr puUlthed la th-

rii > ttud onniv of Si u rk for thrro weutiC inn4Slssl3 oniH In rteli Hrtu and that on or Ifora-Ir dlate nf the flrss puMU 01 tin rrof a copv of lullorder t s eveIt > Ual y p n tr Mr rick Hlllrr Ilathe blat of New stk emit t airTin M heir itl5 ll-

u the slate of Sew York or Ml lieu Clam New 4eels ZoluYbJLU
